Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3
TTLE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, AFRIL 28, 1006. J c STATE RESTS GRAIN CASE crewe escaped by Jumping from their en-glnea. r. n Another Deep Cut of Prices III LADIES' SPRING TAILORED Suits, Jackets and Skirts For Saturday, April 28 In order to clean out all spring merchandise and make room for our magnificent showing of wash and Silk Suits for summer. Other stores can afford to wait for their price on Suits and carry them over, as they have the floor space, but we cannot, as being an exclusive establishment, the public expects of us a clean stock each and every sea son, - and furthermore, we have only limited space to show our merchandise and we need room in order to place on display all the latest creations in summer wear ing apparel. This we will do next week, consequently, tomorow (Saturday), we will offer Suits at such LOW PRICES that will sell every Spring Suit we have in stock. WE MERELY MENTION A FEW OF THE BARBAINS HERE BELOW: THREE OR FOUR $75.00 SUITS- QQ A FEW $50.00 SUITS- jjj A FEW $45.00 SUITS-(Coral) for , A FEW $35.00 SUITS-r (Coral) fori. One WitDAM Heard Friday Koniintc and Prosecution Announce! End. DEFENDANTS REQUEST FURTHER TIME A FEW $15.00 SUITS- for. -$15.00- NOVELTY BOX COATS now COVERT JACKETS-$15.00 and $20.00- now. . I SKIRTS All colors and styles $8.00 and $10.00 now '. 17.98 14.98 .4.98 .4.98 .9.98 3.98 SILK PETTICOATS $7.50 T Qfl now ; JJ'J NO ALTERATIONS.- S. Fredrick & CO. 1 v. ierger r Authorities on Style The Hew Cloak Shop 1517 Farnam Street Matters May Referee 01 Be Sabsaltted a the 1 Testlmeay Wit- tka Stat. Oratorical (ntil at Belle-rwe. BELLEVUE. Neb.. April 17.--(Special. )- Laat erenlng at I o'clock. In the First Presbyterian church, occurred the decla mation con teat between the freshman and sophomore classes of oratory. There wera eight chosen contestants. Mr. Hembltn. '0, took first place with Henry's "Liberty." Mlsa Tolles carried off second honors for the sophomores. Unusual interest was taken In the contest and clasa spirit was high. The freshmen are exultant over their victory, while the sophomores . take their defeat gracefully. (From a Staff Correspondent.) . LINCOLN. April 77. (Special.) After J. W. Holmqulst had testified In the (rain case thla morning Attorney General Brown for the state rested. Counsel for the de- Beatrle Refna-eea Arrive BEA TRICK, Neb., April I7.-Bpec.lal Tel egram.) Quy Ltddtoott and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mum ford, refugees of the San Fran- phra itliuuiter. reached home tAnls-ht fmm fendants asked for time in wnicn to consult h wnicn plape th .niv, tmm and leclde whether to introauoe any exi- th. tod. Ther lost evervthln. the dence, and this was granted. Should the the great fire and were glad to defendants aeclue not to introduce evidence egcap, wlth their nv. They nare many the cae will oe arguea on tne eviaence in. thrln, stories to tell concernlnsr the aw This hearing has been devoted to the ques- fu, deBtructlon wrought by the earthquake tlon 01 reoaiee, wnue mere is aireaay """land fire. fore the coust considerable evidence to substantiate the attorney general's allega- .rnlverslty Maslelaas Please, tlon of a conspiracy. CENTRAL CITY, Neb., April tf.MSpecial Mr. Holmqulst testified that he had not Telegram.) The University Olea and Man received any money for loading grain onto dolln cluba have come and gone, but In tha cars, but ha understood a terminal charge I short time they wera here they gave tha paid In Chicago. . I beat entertainment Central City has ever I have terminal elevators," ha said, "and had the pleasure of listening to. Despite If I get any fee for loading cars or If I am the heavy rain a 80 house assembled to paid a higher price for grain because of an hear tha Cornhuskers and there wera none elevator fee, I have been unconacloua of but went away with the satisfaction that the fact" they had never got ao muoh for their money The attorney general started out to es- beor. tabllsh that favored shippers received a I rebate In the nature of a charge paid for loading cars, and that other shippers did not receive thts fee. A number of hla wit nesses this morning who do not own term-1 Inal elevators testified they received no fee Bltvea Not, Killed. DAKOTA C1TT, Neb.. April (Special.) The report circulated that A. H. Bllven, wife and two daughters had met their death In the San Francisco earthquake for loading cars even though they owned wa today contradicted by Mrs. Bliven'a elevntors at towns where there Is competl tlon In transportation. The evidence was along the same lines aa Introduced yester day. James S. Ewart of Lincoln testified that his company owned seventeen elevators along the line of the Burlington and that the road did not allow him a cent for load daughter, Mrs. S. A. Bridenbaugh, receiv ing word that they were safe and well. Heavy Hal a at Beatrice. BEATRICE. Neb., April 27.-(8peclal Tel e gram.) A cloudburst visited this section thla afternoon, flooding tha streets and causing small streams to overflow their hinVl fnnal it A ra hi Ji hall a rrnn r.K V. & . .1 TT. .1 V,. .M u.v. ...w tne pumisnea larin rates, ai iinaicoii, no 1 1 FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Partly Cloady and Warmer la Wast- trs Nebraska Ttar Showars ' aad Coaler la East Fertloa. "WASHINGTON, April . Forecast - of tha weather for Baturday and Sunday: For Nebraska Partly cloudy and warmer In western; showers and cooler In eastern portion Saturday. Sunday, probably fair. For Iowa Showers and cooler Saturday; Sunday, fair. For .South Dakota Showers Saturday; Sunday, fair. For Kansas Partly cloudy Saturd warmer In western portion; Sunday, fair. For Missouri Showers Baturday, cooler In east and south portions; Sunday, fair. For Colorada Fair Saturday, warmer In east and south portions; Sunday, local rains. For Wyoming Fair Saturday except showers In tha northwest portion, warmer . In tha southeast portion; Sunday, local rains. For Montana Rain and cooler Saturday; Sunday, fair. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA. April 27. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with 1 the corresponding day of the last three years: 190. 1906. 1904. IM. Maximum temperature ., 7J 73 67 68 Minimum temperature ... 60 49 38 . 55 Mean temperature , til 61 t2 61 Precipitation (. 2 T .00 T Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal at Omaha since March 1, and comparisons with tha last two years: Normal temperature (6 Kxcess for the day M 6 Total excess since March 1 ....127 Normal precipitation .12 Inch Kxcess for the day .17 Inch Total rainfall since March 1.-... 8. "8 Inches Deficiency since March 1 JA Inch Deficiency for cor. period In 1906.. .16 Inch Kxcess for cor. period in 1DU4 26 inch BARTON. JURY DISAGREES Mistrial la Casa of Maa Aeensed of '' Perjury la Chaaabcrlala 0 Case. TECUMSEH, Neb., April 27. (Special Tel egram.) Altar being out since Wednesday afternoon, at 1:30 the Jury tn tha casa of the State of Nebraska against W. R. Bar ton, on perjury charge in the district court here, returned at noon today without a ver dict and waa dismissed by Judge J. B. Raper. . Pay Money, bat Got Ho Jobs. FREMONT. NeU, April 27. (Special.) Twelve colored men who claimed to have been victimized by the Union PaclSo Rail road and Employment agency of Omaha, applied for lodging at the police station last night. They had cards showing that they had been hired by the agency to coma to Fremont to work on a paving contract. Foreman Jackson, who is looking after the Fifth street paving, refused to take them aa he already had all tha men he wanted. The cards called for wages of S3 per day, while Contractor Ford la paying; common labor only J1.7B. Tha men stated they paid tha agency H each and wera also out their car fare to Fremont. They started out to rustle up other Jobs and several succeeded. Contractor Ford has had all tha men needed and hla foreman emphatically denies that ha authorised tha agency to aend him men. Id, the Burlington waa in competition with the St. Joseph t Grand Island. E. N. Mitchell of Lincoln, an officer In the Jones Grain company, said his com pany owned no terminal elevators and re ceived no fee for loading cars for shipment. Crowell Gets the Loading; Fee, C. C. Crowell of Omaha testified ha re ceived 14 cents for loading cars from his terminals. He said this chsrge of ISi cents went directly or Indirectly to the producer. The charge is only paid once and it it ia not paid at Omaha it la paid at Chicago or wherever the grain la shipped. He was positive that no one got any advantage because of this transfer charge. "Well," interrupted Referee Pemberton, If no one geta any advantage why don't the railroads cut out tha charge alto gather T" "Well tha railroads would then rear range their tariff ratea and would charge higher rates' Whil afreot wnuM It have an ths stats 1 crops. IHHiAliUViv A one of the attorneys for the defendants, "It would wipe out the terminals and materially Injure Nebraska, aa tha eur rounding atatea get the transfer' fee, 'But the fact is" Interrupted Attorney General Brown, "the other atatea don't get thla transfer fee." "The railroads pay thla fee and tha farmers get the benefit of It," said Crowell. Well suppose tha farmer Ioada a car of grain with hla scoop shoveL" aaked Judge Sullivan, "and it la ahipped to Chi cago, does tha railroad company pay 1, centa a hundred for doing thatT" 'The money la paid to tha man who buys tha rain In Chicago," answered Crowell. He gets paid then for unloading his own grain into his own elevator, from the railroad car. Is that It 7" "Yes air," answered Crowell. "The rail. roads pay for handling tha grain. "Do you know of any railroad that pays the shipper or the buyers for loading any other commodity except grain." asked Judge Sullivan. 1 Rala Helps Oat. WAYNE, Neb., April 17. (Special Tele gram.) A fine rain la falling thla even ing and vegetation la making rapid strides. Hews of Nebraska. PAPILLION One hundred and flftv dol- lara was rained in Pa pillion yesterday for the Ban Francisco sufferers. SEWARD On account of the rise in the price of corn, farmers are hauling great quantities of this grain to the elevators. PLATTSMOUTH H. K. Dunbar, who formerly conducted the Hotel Riley In this city, has leased the Eno hotel In Fremont and will take possession May L PLATTSMOUTH Rev. A. F. Ploeta de parted today for his new home In Lexing ton. Neb., where he becomes pastor of the First German Presbyterian church. BEATRICE Judae J. A. Calllsnn. for tha last eighteen years police judge of this city, is critically 111 of heart trouble and rheumatism and his recovery is doubtful. GIBBON A One rain Is falling here thts morning. Small grain and grass are boom ing. The ground is In fine condition and farmers are well pMeaaed with prospect for at T P. M. Reports froaa Statloas Station and State of Weather. Bismarck, cloudy Cheyenne, part cloudy Chicago, part cloudy ., Davenport, part cloud Denver, part cloudy .. Havre, clear ........... Helena, cloudy ........ Huron, cloudy , Kansas City, raining -. North Platte, raining Omaha, cloudy Rapid City, cloudy .... HU lxuis, clear St. Paul, clear Salt Lake City, clear Valentine, cloudy .... WUilaton, cloudy ..... T indicates trace of precipitation. L A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Temp. Max. Ratn I p. m. Temp. fall. U 63 .00 46 .00 48 M .00 y .. "i " .00 4s M .16 ,... 14 68 .00 , 63-68 .00 60 60 T 68 ft! .62 .... 44 44 .46 63 73 .29 66 f8 .00 74 80 T 70 73 .00 60 64 .00 ..... 60 60 .01 60 62 .00 Womaa Iajarea la Ranaway. WATNE, Neb., April 27. (Special Tele gram.) Mrs. D. Meyer, who resides four miles southeast of here, met with a serious accident while on her way to Wayne. Just south of the city, in crossing a bridge over the Logan creek, the team became frightened at Iron and ateel material near by for a new bridge to be erected, and, turning around, auddonly ran away, throw ing Mrs. Meyera from tha buggy with tha result that she sustained a fracture of tha right arm and a severe cut In the face. Her feet caught In the lines and she waa dragged aome distance. Dra. Blair and Wlghtman were at once summoned. It la thought she will recover. Heavy Rala at Oeaeva. GENEVA, Neb.. April IT. (Special Tel egram.) Tha heaviest rain of tha aeaaon fell thla afternoon, two Inches in less than thirty minutes. Some hall fell but did little damage. Fruit trees are In full bloom and may have been Injured. Gnhm concert ticket sale opens today. If You Want to Travel , don't go in an Ox Cart but go In a Pullman. If You Want to Buy a GOOD HAT Don't go to a Hardware Store. We are Sole Agents for DUNLAPS and JOHN B. STETSON'S SPECIAL, EMM ffl Successor to C. II. Frederick Co. 150 FARNAM ST.. . . OMAHA If this ehnrs-e waa cut out." InterruDted E1LA A iuvj-a large numner or ureea if this charge waa cut out, tnterrupteo UDorel., pa,se1 through the city last even ing en route to Valley to work on the main line of tha Union Pacific aa section nana a KUBHVILLB-THl weather here is verv favorable for good crops, and most of the email grain is in. Prospects never looked Detter. ihe weather Is fine and everyone is ousy. TEKAMAH The relatives and friends of Roy W. Hinsdale were very much relieved yesterday when they received a telegram from him at San Francisco saylnar ha waa an ngm. BEATRICE W. S3. Debler Of Omaha has been appointed chief clerk in the office of District Foreman Llnahaa of the Union Pacific at this Dolnt. to succeed Georae r oster, reaignea. . TEKAMAH C Selvert. a red SO. died at the home of his daughter. Mrs. John Peck. in Arizona precinct. Tne xunerai will be held at the house today. Interment In Xekamah cemetery. HUMBOLDT Mr. Herman Stuthelt and Miss Katie Bodman were united in mar riage at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon at tne ivutneraa cnurcn northweat 01 the city, tne pastor omciating. PLATTSMOUTH The emDloves m the local Burlington blacksmith and carpenter shops are only working eight hours a day this week and those In the brass foundry The witness did not know, but Attorney are taking a temporary layoff. Hall broke In to say that It waa hla Ira prebsion the railroads always paid for loading the curs. The witness then endeavored to make It plain that when bids were made by eastern firms for the grain, tha blda were always made with the elevation charges in view. If the buyer waa to get the fee he maintained tha aeller waa paid a higher SEWARD The 2-vear-old child of V. Springer, near Seward, caught her hand in tne cogs or the cream separator Batur day and the hand was horribly mashed. in Done 01 tne nuaaie nnger was broken BEATRICE A good soaking rain, ac companied by heavy thunder and lightning, visited this section at an early hour thia morning, rne moisture was needed sadlv and will be of great benefit to growing crops. PLATTSMOUTH V. I Strickland of price ror me grain. Geneva, a graduate of the t7nlv.vlv nf George 8. Hayes of Lincoln testified that I Nebraska, will be the DrinciDal of the his company had no terminal elevator Plattsmouth High school neat year, to suc .rM riM ot r.,iv. . t,..f.P f caed Mlsa Olive Cass, who has held that " - . - 1 mm it ton ror tn vna.rg. Berce CaadldAte far Ooveriar. I WACO Waco went Ucni and for the In an.edltorlai published in th. Inde- P"1 'TZ ?2lot" penaeni mis wee a 11 is statea ueorge w. meeting of the town board a license Berge will be a candidate for governor I granted and Waco, for the first time in H th .,. ,K. i. many years, will have a saloon. . 1 BEATRICB-Testerday at 10:30 o'clock at . iuir:K 11 uu uuiu ui juu vi aivurney th. German Lutheran church, ten miles general will not work. The editorial tells I northwest of Beatrice, Rev. C. Bronner of the work done by Mr. Berge durin the 0j(ncll"'n ao'emnised the marriage of Tha guesta numbered about 160, and after the ceremony at the church the mariiace waa celebrated at tne Drioee noma with last campaign and calls attention to the vote ha received as an evidence of tha de sire of the people to endorse tha principles which he advocated. Agrrlealtaral College Comaaeaeemeat. Tha fourth annual commencement ax- erctaee of the .State Agricultural college was held tonight in Memorial hall with a splendid crowd In attendance. The address waa delivered by K. L. Butterfleld of the Rhode Island Agricultural college. rony students ars candidates for cer tificates Mark Tolles Ankeny, William BUN STROKE Does Hot Cosao If One's Ifervoas lys tons Is Wall rod. I must ten you how food changed my condition. "Seven years ago I had a aun stroke and was confined to bed 1 months, I was in bad condition to resist the shock James Armstrong, Warren Holder Blanch- at tha time, as my nervous system had been poisoned from chronlo constipation. My ard. Frank C. Boyd, Otto Henry Brock- man, cart Alexander wroderun, Arba Daniel Colvln, Roy Klden CottiiU Ollln Lotls Davis, Ralph Ward Dawson, Howard Walter Douglas. -Robert .Theodore Erlck- son. Otis Bikes Field. Floyd Frederick For ward. John James Gibb. James Irwin Grant, Glenn Andrew Harvery, Thomas Patrick Hoye, David Wesley Jacobs. Mulr Tease Jenkins, Fred Hayward Matteaon, Floyd Joseph Meuham, James A. Gurtleld Mlddleton, Paul Amos Nickey, Ullch Ted- rett, Frederick Ferdinand Peterson Plato Pickens. George Lyon Porter, Georre Syl vester Prentice, James A. Held, Frank J. Klst. Carl Fred Sjorgren, Clayton Newton son Btrawn. Herman Christian Stein. Wit- People that they could do nothing for me, nerves wera ahattered by the stroke, kidney trouble followed, and my 'Stomach became so weak that everything I ate, particularly everything containing starch, seemed to to turn at onoa to gaa In my atomach. causing palpitation of tha heart and aink- Ing spells from pressure on that organ. My head waa packed In rubber Ice bags constantly for five months to reduce the temperature which sometimes ran aa high aa 108. Tha doctora frankly told my lie Detlef Stelck, John VanBosktrk. Wil liam Rlghter Wood. Lee Andrew Young. Six students ars candidates for commis sions Otto Henry Brockman. Carl Alex ander Broderick, Otis Hikes Field, Floyd Frederick Forward, Jisaies A. Garfield Middleton, George Sylvester Prentice. Mickey Talks at Kaasaa City. Governor Mickey returned this morning from Kansas City, where be addressed the Knife and Fork club last night, The governor apoke on the "Demands of the Hour." He waa met at tha station by a committee from the club and taken to the Coatea house, where a luncheon was given, at which covers wera , laid for twenty. Mayor Beardsley was among those present. The governor reported a delightful trip and a cordial reception. Governor Mickey received thla morning from Clatouia for tha relief of the San Francisco sufferers and from the cltl-l sens of II alia ra an additional KK. Trala Goes Tkr..(k Oooa twite, BEATRICE. Neb., April 27. (Special Tel egram. Burlington freight No. Ct, east- bound, ran into an open switch in the west end of the yards at Wymore last night, wrecking seven cars loaded with grain which stood on the sidetrack, and reducing tha ewltrh angina to scrap iron. Tha train waa running about twenty miles an hour when tha accident occurred acd. lbs anginal "Tha Road to WallviUe." U pkss. to be prepared for my death at any mo ment. "While In thla condition, helpless and hopeless, a friend one day called , my attention to an advertisement of Grape, Nuts food, which he had found. In a magazine, and advised me to try It. did so, and the effect was salutary from the beginning. I found that I could digest Grape-Nuts and cream without distress, and my improvement tha very first week I used It was so encouraging that I pre silted, steadily growing better. till at last I was entirely recovered nerves, heart, stomach, all resumed their normal tone, the poison symptoms en tlrely disappeared, and I gained IS lba, This was mora than a years ago. I waa soon enable to take up my regular duties. 1 need not aay that I Continue to aat Grape-Nuts food, and that It la an Important part of each meal to all of us. It has made of my eleven year old aon who before waa a nervoue alckly child, as rosy, robust and healthy a boy as you would care to eee, and haa relieved my other children from itomach and bowel troubles. it,.u which they formerly suffered. Name given by Postum Co, Battle Craeg. Mich. There's a reason. Read the little book. CORRECT DRESS FOR MEN ANO BOYS if ' LilIiwA Copyright 1904 P. Kuppenheimee A CO, Chicago Correct and Seasonable . Clothes Men's Spring Suits Single and double breasted, fine grayj wor steds, tweeds, cheviots, cassimeres, blue serges and black C I A 4 C Z C thibets..............vpIU 10 Men's Spring Rain Coats remarkable variety, in all styles and ma- ..'...$10 to $25 Fancy Worsted Trousers In new gray stripes, sewn with silk, all sizes 29 to 50 waist and 29 to 37 lengths spe- .!rir.d........ .$3. and $5 e Boys' Spring Styles Boys' Knee Pants c PA i CIA Suits-age 3 to 17.vpI.aU 10 $IU Fine grade Youths' College and Varsity Suits ages 15 to 20 decidedly new and smart $5, $7.50, $10 to $18 Correct Hats for. Men Fresh shipment of tho Berg-Swanson special soft and stiff hats just received, styles are cor rect in all details and the finish superb. The colors are gray, pearl, black and brown. These are the best hats in the world at our AA price ofaali 3 John B. Stetson Hats-$5.00, $4.50, T CA $4.00 and Sole Omaha agents for the celebrated You man's Stiff and Soft Hats 5 QO Correct Haberdashery E. & W. Shirts $2.50 and $3.50 Manhattan Shirts J $1.50 to $3.00 Star Shirts.......... ......... $1.50 to $3.50 Berg-Swanson Special Shirts. .,$1.00 to $2.00 Elgin Shirts ....$1.00 Princely Shirts 50c and 75o Underwear, a garment 25c to $5.00 Spring Neckwear. ; 25c to $1.50 I Spring Half Hose, a pair 10c to $2.00 a sumptuous dinner and a general good? time. SEWARD While driving over his wheat field, Sunday, Joseph Silvers found a little. half-clad, shivering coiia. ne iwa u ..hknr1. horn and It waa found to be the child of people three and a half miles away, who were away, ioo vmm badly chilled. HUMBOLDT Mrs. B. R. Gist of this city has received word from her parents. Judge and Mrs. K. A, Tucker of Los Angeles, to the effect that their eon. Dr. George Tucker, who waa thought to bo a victim of tho Ban Francisco aisasier, uau mvi home safely. PUITTS MOUTH The base Dan enthusi asts of tills county met in L num. ana formed a league with the following offlcera: President, Ora Copes oi Avoca; Kcrtuij, C. L,. Graves of Union. Arrangements are now being mane tor some goou same, w Cass county. TuOTTMHErH The remains of Mrs. Kaipn Varney, who died at a hospital in Lincoln Wednesday, reached Tecumseh this after noon and wera taken to Mount Zlon church, northeast of here, where the funeral was held at I O oioca, oonauciea vj nvr. r. Smith of Sterling. BEATRICE The marriage of Mr. Sher man Van Nesa of thla city and Miss Mar tha Peterson of Fairbury was solemnised at the bride a home at r airoury veuiie oay afternoon. The young couple will make their home on a farm nve nuies northeast of the city. bhwarD-Articles of incorporation nave been filed for tho forming of the Farmers' Elevator company OI ee, ixeo., wus county. The authorised capital sicca oi said corporation Is $,000, in shares of 130 each, to be subscribed and paid aa required by the board of directors. RF. A TRICE Charles Franca Miller aieo yesterday morning at the noma of his mother, Mrs. Dr. Boswell, in this city after a lingering Illness of tuberculosis. aged 27 years. The funeral was held this afternoon at s.iu, ana imeuueub we iu Evergreen Home cemetery. TORK Benedict, the first town norm, filled one-half a car with flour, potatoes and provisions and today the car is tn xora ana oeing miea uy me wi mur mlttee with dry goods, clothing, groceries. potatoes and drugs. Ths car will be sent over the Burlington to ban Francisco. Mrfom, In tho death of Mra Ruth Ann Smith- south York county loses a nloneer settler and one who was lovea and respected by all. The funeral ser vices were neia ei me Lumuin cnurc.i In McCool and tha remalna taken to Pleasant Ridge cemetery southeast of McCool Junction. GIBBON The Odd Fellows celebrated their eighty-sixth anniversary here last night with a nice program. Music was furnished by the Gibbon Mandolin club, assisted by other home talent. Cream and cake were served afterward. A large crowd was in attendance despite the threatening weather. BEATRICE. Beatrice Central Labor union held a largely attended meeting last evening, at which plans were made to fur ther the work along union lines tn Bea trice. An investigation shows that there are MA union men employed in this city. Two new union organisations are soon to be perfected in Beatrice. DAKOTA CITY Henry W. Wood of this place has sold to Henry Ley, a banker of Wayne, Neb,, a live-acre tract of land along the south shore of Crystal like, lying Just west of the Pmnerty boatyard, upon which Mr. Lay will erect a summer oottaxe, work to be commenced immediately. Ibe purchase price was (100 per acre. TECUMSEH The will case of Frederick Broderlck is now being tried. Mr. Broder ick waa a bachelor and for years made Ills home in the Craney family in this county. When be died he willed his property, valued at from S3.0uu to S5,0uu, to Margaret Craney, who was not a relative. John Tlerney of Otoe county, a nephew, la endeavoring to break the wilL TECUMSEH Contractor E. M. Atter berry of Tecumseh has secured the con tract for the erection of a tourists' hotel for the Burlington at Toluca. Mont., the Jt'notlon point from the main Una to Cody, Wyo. Tha building will be frame and will be commodious, having twenty rooms or mora Mr. Atterberry and men will Leave ill $100 Reward in Gold To any person that can substantiate that we do' not make, ourselves, every Go-Cart that we sell or offer for sale nt our' store. This Is to compel tho truth from some of the big department stores, that have falsified to thfir trade about us, in their claims that we purchase from eastern factories tha Carta we sell so cheap. It la a mean way they take to beat us out of salos that are legitimately ours. They cannot comnete with um anv other way. We ao not selj meat, nor coai, uor doming, nor naraware, nor wet goods, groceries, dry goods etc., etc. We sell but the one line Baby Carriages and Reed Furniture and every artiola that we sell we make ourselves. We are entitled to the trade on these goods for these specific ressnns: First We sell Go-Carts and every other article at from 20 per cent to 60 per cent. cheaper than can be sold for elsewhere in Omaha. Second Every article offered for sale Is better made and ot better material than Is offered elnewhere. Third We guarantee every artlele we Bell, repairing or furnishing anew any broken or disordered part that may occur within a year of the purchxae ot the Fourth We are the only factory making these goods In the west and the only fac tory In America which Bells Its entire output directly to the people. We do no Jobbing business. Our skilled workmen are all Omaha people and liy in Omaha. , Does this not entitle us to Omaha trade? If you want to see the latest, the greatest variety and the best and cheapest In Go-Carts or other' Reed or Rattan Furniture come and see us first. THE OMAHA REED AND RATTAN WORKS, 1512 Howard St. HOT A DOLLAR I TO PAY UNTIL CURED OUR E3EOT GUARANTEE!; OTHERS MAY TREAT, BUT WE CURB. I Til EN 510.50. V mym Until May lit t Continued on Sixth, Page J in Mil i DR. SBA.RLQ5 A 5BARLES. By the Old Reliable DR. SEARLES 0 SE ARILS Established in Omaha for IS years. The many tho. ands of cases cured by us makes ua the most expert, enced Specialists In the West. In all diseases and all. mems of men. We know Just what will our you-, and curs quickly. , WE CURE YOU, THEN YOU PAY US' CUR FEE. We make no misleading ar falsa statements, or offer you cheap, worthless treatment. Our reputation and name are too favorably known, ervery case we treat, our reputation is at stake. Your health, life and hap. plness Is too serious a matter to place in ths hands of a "NAMELEHH" DOCTOR Honest doctors of ability use their OWN NAME I N THEIR BU8INJL8. Wa can eftect for everyone a life-long CURgJ for Weak, Nervous Men, Varicocele troubles. Nervous Debility, Blood Poison, Prostatic troubles. Kidney, Bladder. WASTING WKAKNE&S, Hydrocele. Chronlo Die, eass. Contracted Diseases, Stsmaoh and Skin Disease. FFIfTrT examination and consultation. Writ fug s itUU Bymptem Blank tor home treatment. 14th and Douftta 5traU. Oaaba Nebraaks ISEASES OF UU, 37 a VfeM ..t We ar specialist for disease of me a aad men only. Th moat atnbbora aad compltot4 case yield quickly to our scientific treatment. OUR FEE 07.50 Remember our charge ar reaacmabl and In reach of any worklngman. The beat la nana too good for any maa who 1 a aufferer from any of these dlaeaaea below mentioned, to which w hav devoted xclualTelT th beat year of our life. We cure Karroo Debility, Enlarged Vein. Rapture, Bore and Blood Poteon. Swollen Glands Kidney, Bladder and Rectal Dlaeaaea, and all dlaeaaea of men, du to lahaiitano, x haustion or th raaolt of specific diaeaaa. Established B-4 Years. NORTHWESTERN MEDICAL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE Northwest Corner 1 8th and FaruMo, Entrance on 18 th Street.