Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 16, Image 16
Iff THE OMAIIA DAILY BEEi SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1906. atew' Another Great Rug Sale Monday, Watch Sunday Prices. Don't Mtssthe Great Sale of Silk Shirt Waist Suits, Saturday. JL THE RELIABLE STflJRE I New York Millinery Stock Dovgtit from It. SamncU, Broadway, New York ON 6flLE SATURDAY- ?5(L$li.,$10 " Stunning spring modeli at -h-j-yiu All II. Samuels' Best $2 JO and $3-50 (T CA will go in Basement at SEE MIXLnfERY AD ON PAGE FIVE. RIBBON SALE IN THE ANNEX : Til biggest sale Of high .class new 611k Rlbhona erer held In Omaha. These floe ribbons are up to 6 Inches wide and are the high est Quality, of All Bilk ' Taffetas. Pretty new floral patterns, Per sian patterns, silk embroidered hemstitched, silk striped,' etc., all colors and hundreds of yarletles, actually worth op to COc a yard In Annex at yard 15c ladies' 50 c Neclnvear a! 10c The pretty fancy braided and ' faggoting- titchd neckwear, in the new Stocks and Tabs, all kinds of lace and embroidered Collars, very 1 f one .a new, spring pattern, positively HuDf worth up to 50c each, at each.... v. UNDERWEAR LADIES SPRING AND SUMMER Brandels carries the largest, most complete line of fine Summer Underwear in Omaha. - Our stock this spring is greater than erer be fore. Ladies' fine Cotton Vests, low neck and sleere- U less, taped neck and arms, ?ery ape- Q V clal Saturday at each O4C Z f ... i Ladles' fine Maco Cotton "Vests, In sleereless and short sleeved, light weight for spring and summer at 1 fa each .........ljC'lJC Ladles' fine Lisle and Mercerized Silk Vesta and Pants, silk taped, crocheted, etc., finest styles, :rt.h.w..t".1...,. 25d-49c Ladles' Union Suits, In knee length, with um brella or cuff knee, finely trimmed with lace, crocheted, etc., Bt , . .. 25c-49c a G CORSETS Give the graceful tapsrlna contour and the defined waist line de manded by the pre-railing- fashion. style for every fig ure and every kind of drees. Including the new R. & O. lingerie o o r s e t which will be im mensely popular. The R. k Q. Cor sets wear as well as they fit and they fit to perfection. Prices $1 to $3 Imported Hosiery ' The highest quality of lisle, all over lace, lace boot and fancy hosiery in plain black and colors all Is finest grade and worth regularly 6O0 a pair. at, per pair 25c-3,5c v . . . Hosiery on Bargain Square Men's, ladles' and children's hosiery in black and fancies; this la regular JOc and 25o quality, at 10c, 12k and 15c BIG HUG BARGAIN IN BASEMENT Oie big table of Brussels, Axminster, Velvet and, C Smyrna Rugs in one lot, eaxh '. tD lap China ' t ar nnnnRjp9rv lap Novelties In the 9tUIUMp in the Arcade l3iMb?M:!3 Arcade, ,; HOTELS. rTWhon In Chicago' Stop at The "ITS T ;ilv StraHord Hotel European Plan Refined. Elesrsnt, Qalet. Located ear ner ol city s two Coast boulevards, eonveolnit to entire buainees eeotar. Cloae to beat theatres end shopplna district fcS rooms, ISO pnale baths; luiurioas writing end reciptloa roomai woodwork mahogany throughout; brass beda and all modern comforts; talephoae In every room; beautiful dining rooms tfie beat of everyttalng at moderate prices. Mteklds and Jscasoa LCMcaje J BRACELETS Braeelets, ., raoels . . . .aiHA i TO? know ttllat 1-. aa'ttl. ransstof trHw.ttattwfasm tUsasu-Katss(jtcaktBKtisK.ta sstswv-ftMxrr tflfc ttajraa em,. 1 wwr. Hotel Kupper City R" lUmarl la n nis isitasaS awv katat has SM teeaetfnl aa Is ! at lua aaa MMMe ry as SuSMot. Cl WJI a a srcai iea awr?, eira, 11 all Ua 1W sivlvat batbe Talrybeaies la all CsassUa4 Cat rarfaat Vaiataa Uat ssl Mid tmBBlsg eraser ta very raaaa It kas sradoea Mar aS s4aas saaSlue aaS enOns maa $1 to 4 per Day Harapeaa Plaa Karntloai saw se SHtai kr Kl ITtR-BENSOM HOTEL OQ p. a. uitiso. is 12 Drown & Do rshcim JWLHS 222 South 102Stff10mAhA.l D Sand r.r itee c at Children's Oxfords There's a fine variety of Child ren's Oxfords here. Boys' and Girls' sizes In Oxfords, Bluchers, Gitmon Ties, etc. Our Oxfords will fit the child's foot properly. Most Oxfords don't Bring in the children. Kid or patent leather, or canvas, with, low or spring heels. $l.25 to $2.00 according to size. The children's feet we fit with Oxfords, will be fitted comfortably. Bee our children's window. FRY SHOE CO. The BJhosrs, 167ft and Douglas Stt sommer: BROS. ; bxpovxitts or 000s urxirck 28th and Farnam Sts. inounce the first arrival of extra choice othsome, plump, live SPRING CIDCKENS Infinitely superior , to the chemically pre served broilers dressed months ago, hand somely wrapped in attractive packages to deceive the. Innocent buyer. Remem ber. We Dress JJ1 Our Poultry walls Ton Walt. Creamery Butte per lb , Fresh X.aid Xtggs . per a os Quaker Oats ' I pkgs , Best (most delightful breakfast dish) S pkgs Beautiful China Cup Xa Saob r set are. Shredded Btsoults III. tk sww Spanish Queea Olives (bulk) auart -. 1 Waits Bake Chocolate Wn per lb t. "" ZavUcdbU Salmon ' 2 laree cane Select Imported sardlass IB. i cans JC loo Can Fork k Beans e. (In Tomato Sauce) ...' 8O0 Can Pork k Beans f ft. (In Tomato Bauce) swv Fine Sifted Veas per can J....... .24c ...I6c ...25c ...25c .50c 10c ALTON FLOUR warranted s-uperio to any the arana $1.25 VEGETABLES Saturday we will make special reduc tions on all varieties of choicest vege tables which we are confident will interest you. Don't purchase elsewhere before ascer taining, our prices. BEWARE OF THE BUG He cornea In with the spit ball and the peek-a-boo waist and makss merry with the nape of you neck In the Good Old Bummer Time He spins not, neither does he toll, but works while you sleep. ' His nights are short and full of bug juice, and tie's a son for a gun on stilts, fearta but on thing HOWKLXS FAMOUS BUG KIIXER-S CENTS A BOTTLE. ...Uo and SOc and Ho loo Sulphur Candles, Packing Camphor, .... Moth Balls pkg , Ammonia, pint bottle Inaect Powder, best, lb go nOWElL DRUG CO. ; 16th and Capitol Ave. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER set raras raaer-41 a Year. BOYS' SHOES Nothing requires mora cars and at tention than the selection of the shoes you buy for the boys. A real live boy, gives his shoes more wear than two ordinary men. It requires a good, well made shoe to stand the wear a boy gives them. Our line of boys' shoes has always given good satisfac tion and we guarantee them la every way to please you. "'l!!":...1.0. $2.00 Saturday Is boys' day at 'our s tore bring them In. Drexel Shoe Co. U19 f"rnam Street. m tibial iiil'Mffi' J -J " UICQLL'S SPRING a . a .'.WOOLENS .... beat thoughts Domestic cloth REPRESENT the very of the Foreign and mskers-rfor lsuft.. This buying In large quantities direct irvni iae ttiiiis means m&i n loou S DU ers get FIK8T choice of each season designs. We make the others pick atu ua, 1 Tfousen, J5 to J12-Sylti, $20 ta $50 XaJLU VtLUAM JCRREMQ' SOUS, - -MOO-gll Bo. lBth Ctfw mm OH 22 FOR Men's Suits that sell everywhere for $15.00 $HS22 FOR Men's Suits that others set $22.50 for ,!2n's Blue All-Wool Serge Suits, S.usbr..ear...ud Well Lined 5 Finely Tailored Men's Pants Worth up to $5.00, Sale Price Men's Pants Worth up to $3.50. Sale Price Worth EN'S SHIRTS rth up to tp Thousands to $1.25. . KCQ)VS Choose from. uarantee Clothing 1519-1521 Douglas St. Co Great Sale Men's Suits Saturday $15 and $18 Men's Suits, $10 and $12.50. The greatest bargain oppor tunity ever offered in Omaha at this season of the year... Over 1,500 high grade- men's suits, closed out from a prominent manufacturer, will be placed on sale Saturday. Style is Newest and Best. Quality and Workmanship Unexcelled. Prices the Lowest Ever. You must see these garments to appreciate their, real bargain worth they come in all the newest patterns and fabrics and would sell regularly at $15 and $18 your choice Saturday $12.50 and A Cravenette Rain Coat is al most a "necessity during; the spring months, always comfor- 10.00 7.50 table, always looks stylish tme- qualed values Saturday at $12.50, $19.00 and SPECIAL SALE OF MEN'S PANTS. A great variety of materials, in stripes, plaids, fancy mixtures and plain colors garments worth 1 QfZ ; up to $3.50 at $2.50 and .. lVD Youths' Long Pants Suits the kind that posses the style and of r quality that insures long service unequaled C f( ; values-at $8.50, $7.50, $6.50, and .... 11 Boys' Knee Pants Suits in great variety of styles, materials and patterns, and with quality that will stand the hard wear inci dent to boyhood play special prices 4 QF Saturday $3.50, $2.95, $2.50 and 4 1 HAYDERJ BR Popular-Priced Millinery All the Time. 1508 Douglas St. Enormous -MILtlUERY Purchase of Pattern Hats, Dress Hats, Ready-to-Wear Hats.' EXQUISITE HATS AT $3.75, 5.00, $6.75 and 0.50 i Hundreds of pretty Milan Braid, Tuscan Braid and Pressed Panama Hats, beutifully trimmed, in this sale at extraordinary prices. Grand Sale Saturday The GREATEST Popular-Priced Sale on new, clean, up-to-date desirable .millinery ever held in Omaha. GET PRICES SEE THEM BEFORE YOU BUY. COME EARLY. s4lM THE LAfJGE GROCERY GO. i Ifs always pays to read our ads It's tnterestlns;. lowest and quality the best. ' ' The prices are the very SATURDAY SPECIALS STRAWBERRIES STRAWBERRIES Fancy large Btrawbertes, quart box 10c Asparagus, 1-lb. box, bunches, frosh to Radlnhes, two large bunches 5c Green Onions, four bunches So Bplnach, fresh home-grown, per vk. 25o Oranges, sweet and Juicy, per doi. lBo Lemons, large and juicy, per doi. 12c 21 lbs. pure cane Granulated Sugar 11.00 Purity Flour, the beat on the market, every sack guaranteed or your money back, for Saturday only, 48-lb. sack for , $1.06 Vanilla Wafers, regular seller, per lb. 20c; our price 124o Ginger Snaps, fresh, and crisp, per lb So Force, regular seller, - price per phg. lc; our price... 7io Cheeae, full cream, regular seller, 20c; our price ......Ho Seeded Raisins, 1-lb. pkg, full weight, for 74o Macaroni, 10c-pkg our price ..7&c MEATS. MEATS. Buy of us and get the beat meats at the lowest prices. Wa buy in quan tities and sell for cash, consequently we undersell all competitors. Chickens, fresh and young, per lb. VHo Boiling Beef, S lbs. for ........S6o Hams, per lb.... ...........9o Bacon, per lb llVto Chuck Roast, per lb ..-..6o Rib Roast, per lb ...,Ro Porterhouse Steak, per lb .10o Sirloin Steak, per lb ....10o Lard, the best, S-lb. pall...... 28o THE LANGE GROCERY GO. 24TH AND CUMIXO STREET. PHONES: DOUGLAS 1580 and DOUGLAS 8223. , I,, . ... PJIdCAGUE INVESTMENT CO. GENERAL IIISORAUCE AGENTS. The following telegrams received from our companies. HOME FIRE AND MARINE OF SAN FRANCISCO will pay losses in full and continue business uninterrupt- -tedly. Our flag is still flying and nailed to the mast. MARSHALL &' Mo ELTIONE, Gen't. Western Agents. The losses of the TRADER'S INSURANCE COMPANY, in San Francisce, will be promptly, adjusted and paid and the company will continue in business with AMPLE RE SOURCES. 4 , S. T. COLLINS, Ass't. Secretary. AACHEN & MUNICH, , Home office cables SURPLUS FUNDS sufficient to meet all San Francisco losses. 'J. A.; KELSEY, American Mgr. Write your business with tis and be insured. The FJlcCagiiG Investment Co . McOAGUE BUILDmO. Arlislic Views o! San Francisco. In 'natural colors, as the streets and buildings appeared be for the dis aster. Has twenty-two street scenes sad. double-pace bird's-eye view. Postpaid (or 25 cents. Trade supplied. MEGEATH STATIONERY CO., Omaha, Neb. EVERY DAY SEES NEW CUSTOMERS Added to our list.' Day by, day that list grows steadily and without back sliding. Do you know why? Well, we fljrure It out that It Is the kind of meats we sell and the prices, we charge. It Isn't our personal popularity; It's the cold business proposition of better quality meats for less money than can be had elsewhere. SATURDAY'S PRICES: Leg of Lamb, lb -.10c Lamb Roast, 4 lbs....M...M.2Cc Lamb Stew, 6 lbs. 25c V Veal Stew, 6 lbs. eal Roast, 4 lbs .2fc 25c i Boiling Beef, 8 lbs .25c Price of Hams and Bacon are up, but we're selling at old prices bought a btg quantity before prices advanced. ' CENTRAL MARKETS Sixteenth and Capitol Ave. Telephone 1796. Sixteenth and Harney Sta. Telephone 2899. rs ja svX ra X V7 Lk) L5 '. (A 11 " OO lOillMKllJJil 'MM' ilflflrt'iBfiTi' fllTHTfilHT fifffifiJiS, Attention is directed to the splendid new equipment of electric lighted daily trains, Omaha and Council Bluffs to Sioux City, Mankato, St Paul and Minne apolis via . , THE r.ORTH-UESTERN LINE Buffet-smoking and library car, splendid Pullman drawing room sleeping cars and free reclining chair cars of the latest type, with all modern travel conven- . . iences; train new from the shops and brilliantly lighted by electricity, leaves Omaha daily 8.28 p. m. Electric reading lamps in every section and drawrng room and in the buffet-library car. Electric curling iron heaters in the ladies' dressing rooms. Breakfast a laarte in buffet library car. The North-Western Line is the direct line to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Superior, Duluth, Ashland and the Lake Superior country. Two trains daily leave Omaha 7.50 am and 8.28 pm. Sleeping car reservations and full Information concerning rates and schedules on application at ' TICKCT OrriCESs Un-UOS rsrntm Street -