Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 15, Image 15
THE OMAHA' DAILY BEE: KATUHDAY, APH1L 28, 1!K6. 13 GOVERNMENT NOTICES rKOPOSALo F(JH i.NUIAS SI I'l'LIES. Di-pnttmenl of tn interior, Ollice m In dian All;ui, vVaaiiinalon, u. C, March 14, lSuti. betilvd proposals, plainly hiii1 on tue euiaute ci u. euvt-iope; 'Propositi for rubber guods, uv la anu shoes, ' etc., OS tht CHMO may be, Hltli Mtull esaed to tha "Commissioner uC liiui.n Airairs, Washing ton, D. C," alii be KicnW ut Ilia iikiiuii ollice until 1 o clock p. u. of ii.uiauny, April av, U, aim .hen t.pened, lor tut atl..l.lrt.r lliu In.liSli lltrvii Miirk a-..,.,.... ao.His, bouia una .km-h, ruuuwui ano in. u- 1C11I kjv i . iiwnrts, Ultlllliy n.arkeu on tue ouiaiae ol tue envelope: proposal lor crockery, furniture, etc., tin case may be, and addressed iu tn . commissioner of lnuian Allans, Washing ton, D. C," will be received at the Imli.ui ollice until 2 b clock . m. ol 'lucsuuy, .ia J, lis, and then opened, rur furiusulng tlie Service with ctocaeiy, uai icunui .11 implements, palms, oil, glass, tinware, wanon, tiarnetia, leather, shoe Miding, saddlery, etc., school supplies and a lung Met of miscellaneous aniens, tmlt mun be made out on government blanks. Schedules giving ail neceaaaiy Infornihtion for bidders win be turnlatieu on applica tion to the Indian odlce, Washington, D. i" ; the U. 8. Indian Warehouses at New York City; Chicago, 111.; i. Umia, Mo., and Omaha, Nib. Toe department re serves the rlgnt to reject any and 'ill bids. it any part ot any bid. F. E. Leupp, Com missioner. A4tos PKOPOSAI.S FOK CAVALRY AND AR tillery Horses Chief guartermaster a nrllce, Omaha, Nebraska, April io, lisjtj. Healed proposal, In triplicate, will be re ceived at thin oltice, until 11 o'clock a. in., central standard time. May 24, l:, and tlx n opened, in the presence nf atteninng bidder for one hundred and thirty-six (U Cavalry nnd one hundred ami seventeen 1I7 Artil lery Horses, for delivery fit Omaha, Iseu. or other prominent railroad points. Tin animals to' conform to specifications United State reserves right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Particulars and blanks for pro- v'eT"l"BWcontal Ked "rn!poB!iljp for forses!"nd,acl'dres.ed!,to Major M. GRAY ZALJNSKI. Chief ouar- termaster. A2o 26 27 28 U I OFFICE CONSTHl'CTINQ - UUARTKft- master, Sheridan. Wyo.. March 30. -W. Sealed proposals in triplicate will be re-l ceived at this office until 10 u. m. (moun tain time), April 3u, l:nj, for construction. Including plumbing, heating and electric wiring, oi an aamimsirauon ouiunng anu a post nospitai. Both brick, nt Ft. Mackenzie. Wyo. Plans nnd specifications may be seen at omce ot Chief quartermaster, u. H. A., at Denver, Omaha, Chicago and St. Paul. Depot Uuarterniaster, u. 8. A., at St. Louis, and at this oillce, at which latter place all Information may be, obtained. -U. S. reserves the right to reject or ac cept any-or all proposals or. any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be endorsed, "Proposals for Public Hulldlngs, aldreged, capl. Jiimea s. Par ker, J. M., U. b. A. MW-31-AZ-3-Z7-ZS RAILWAY TIME CARD IXION STATION TENTH AJiO MARC', t alon Pacifle. Overland Limited' Thv. Arrlvs. a t:40 am a 8:18 am The China and Japan Fast Mall a 4:15 pm a (:10 pm Colo. & Calif. Ex 4 b pm a :30 am California & Ore. Ex. .a 4:25 pm a 6:10 pm Los Angeles Limited..;. all :30 am al0:46 pm Fast Mall a I N pm a 3:30 pm Colorado Special a 7:45 am a 7:44 am North Platte Local a 8:10 am a 4:60 pm Ileatrlce Local b 8:15 pm b 2:00 pm C'hlcBKo Great Western. PC Paul tt Minn a 8:30 pm a 7:15 am m. faui ffc Minn a 7:u am a v oj pip Chicago Limited Chicago Express .a 5:00 pm alO:S) am 1 .a o.vv am a i"n i Minn. A St. Paul Fx... b 8 (0 am b 8:66 pm Minn. 4k BC Paul Ltd..a X:3o pm a 7:30 aVn Chicago Hock Island A I'acitlo BAST. Chicago Limited a :2b am a 7:10 am Chicago Express ' a 7:00 am a !:!& pm Chicago Express, Local. bll:lu am a 4:30 pm Des Moines Express.... a 4 30 pm bll:o0 am Chicago Faat Express, .a 6:40 pm a 1:15 pm . WKoT, Rocky Mountain Ltd... a 7:20 am a 8:15 am Colorado Express a 2:01 pm a 1:15 pm Oklahoma U Texas &x.a 4:40 pm alil.Ou pm lliicsso St Northwestern, St, Paul Daylight..: a 7:60 am 10:00 pm Chicago Daylight a :oo am ll:Wpm CnlcuKO Limited a : put :15 am Carroll Local a i.ii pm 8:60 am Ht. Paul Fast Mail a .o pm 7:06 am fciuux C. & bt. P. Local.. b :uo pm a K.Jo am J-est Man x.m pm Chicago Express a 6:50 pm a 7:40 am Norfolk tt iJonesteol...,a 7:40 am 10.36 am Lincoln Ac dung Pine. .a 1:40 am lo:& am Casper & Wyoming. ...a 2:50 pm a 6:15 pm Deudwood & Lincoln. ...a 2 .Mi pm 6:15 Din Hastings t Albion b 2 t0 pm 6:16 pm Chicago Local all 80 am . 8:45 pm -Chicago Limited ail:U pm 11:15 am Wabash. St. Louis Express a f 30 pm 'a 8 40 am bt. Louis Local (from Council Blurts) a t:b tm a!0:30 pm Slanberry Local Urom - Council Blufts) o 6:00 pm bU :30 am Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 8:00 am a 8:56 pm C hicago Limited a 11:00 pm a 7:30 am Culcmsio, ttllwsake M. St. PnuL fiiieairo A inla. Kdaq'I.s T :fi am a 7:3S an: i alifornla tc Ore. Lx.a 6:4u pm a 8:10 Din overlaud Limited a 8:3a pu. a 8:20 am Marlou A Cedar It. LO.Dl:ttni bU :00 pm Mtssoart racist. fct. Loula Kxpress a 8:00 am 6:30 pm K. C. BU L..Lxpres.aL2:lB pm . a 6:00 piu BIRUHGTON STATION 10TU A MASON Burlington. Leave. . Arrive. Denver California.... a 4:10 pm a, 8.34 pm black Hill ,trl hwaat s 4:10 pm a t:30 pm WSSLrrltfiioSE SJiJS 5"" Northwest Express ....all 10 pm a 6:30 pm Nebraska Local a tM am a 7:45 pm Lincolu Local , ..... a:05.ain Lincoln Fast Mail b 2:15 pm al2:2o pm Ft. Crook At Plattsm'h.b 2.50 pm bl0:26 am Uellevue & Platum'h...a 7:50 pm a 8:30 am Denver Limited a 7:10 am ii,.iievu ie Pao. June. .a I SO am a 8:30 am Bellevue & Pao. Juno. .a 8:10 am a 2:00 pm Chicago Special ...... ..a 7:a am a 7:25 am Chicago Expreaaf a 8:45 pin a 8:66 pm Chicago Flyer :oo pin a 7.26 am Iowa Local :! am al0:53 pm Bt. Louis Express a 4:45 pm all JO am Kansas City-Sst. Jos'h..al0:46 pm a 6:46 am Kansas Clty-SC Jos h, .a 8:15 am a 6:10 pm Kansas cuy-ou jo u.. pm , WEBSTER DEPOT ioTII WEBITER Chicago, St. Pnnl, Mlnn.ns.olU A On.ana. Leave. Arrtva. Twin CHy Passenger... b 6:3n am b :10 pm Ploux City Pansenger.,-a 2:00 pm all:20aia Kmerson Local b 6:20 pm ba.SSain F.merson Local 0 8:46 am o 6.50 pm Mtssoart Faetne. Nebraska Local, vl Leave. Arrrva. Weeping Water b 1:50 pm b!2.30 pra a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday, o Sunday only. Dally ereeet Monnav. OCEAN STEAMERS. F REtJGCJ L H IE , Transatiantlquo rmai Kent f thm Cttthtmnt tlmiutfto Til-Sorw and Etcmr-mmm Mmil Stnrm Unmxll1 In mnd E!gtom New York Pari 6 Day LA PROVENCE, newest of faat leviathans, havlug paawnger elevator, roof oale, and many ther innoTaliona. Fleet of fuodern, gigantic Twin-&crcw and Hipreas bteamera; uaval ofti Cera' man-of-war discipline. Company's veat. buled trains lla-re-raru. hours. LA PROVENCE May 8 HA LORRAINE May U LA OAHt'OONB, Bat'y May 12, 10 A.M. LA TOUHA1NK May U LA BKETAONE, Sat'y, May IStli. 10 A. M. LA BAV'dlR M iy 24 LA PROVENCE May 31 SPECIAL Extra departures. I'se of en tire steamer at cheap second class rales. For plans, reservations and full li.loriua tlon call on. telephone, or write to Harry K. Moores, loo I f-'arnaiu fetrrt't IouU Netse, t-ar Flrat National Itauk J. 11. lU-yuolds, ISO'J Famaua Sire-t V, U. Davidson, 1512 Fa mam Htret-t . Agent lor Omaha To th Land ( the Midnight Sun CIom aoaoclioaa aith furtk Cap and Floii iiMDMit lr la avau.liuaviaa-AueMlcaa Ltua a I Ma iun twla-at-rvar auraoivr . II ETC. EN." havtog all simlani tnirovmnta- From h'v Tork MAY 17 IU ANU JINK itslll. Tha lattar aaillug will a aapctally coavanlaat lor rrolaaaora aua 1 aacsara. rim Cabla KlDlaiaa IW 0 w oc4 tttbla ailnlinum 1m ttt Far ranbar aanuuLara apiy to Weal aa( e xm JUUMuN VO., t BKOaUWAI. . T. COUIICIL BLUFFS ARGUMENT. OX WATER CASE Stockholder Eeeki to Enjaia Enforcement of trie New Kates, BASES HIS CLAIM oH THE FRANCHISE City Comrade Franchise Has Expired, a ad Even If It Had Sot Law Uraata 'tar Comer KIs Hates If They Are Iteasoaable. Arguments for and against the injunc tion asked by Qeorge N. Smalley, an eastern stockholder of the Council Bluffs City Waterworks company, to restrain the putting Into force of the ordinance pro viding for a reduced schedule of water rates by the city council of Council Bluffs were heard by Judge Smith McPherson In I federal court yesterday. The court took the case under advisement. The city wss represented at the hearing by C. M. Harl of the firm of Harl A Tin- ley, special counsel, and City Solicitor C. F. Kimball, while Attorney Oeorge 8. Wright appeared tor the petitioning stock holder. Attorney Wilarht. on behalf of Smaller. con,enlpd tnat tno hydrant rental contract r,,n tne c,tr dl not xP're until Decern- her 19 of this year and that the franchise , .Tonnarv tl 1K hv renn of ths extension of time gran tea tne company in which to complete the construction of its I niant u. i,... th un.i. th. towa I statute the franchise did. not inure to the company until the plant was completed and ready to be operated. The extension of time In which to complete the construc tion of the plant resulted from an Injunc tion suit brought against the construction Company by cltlxens. Counsel for the city contended that the city council had the right at any time, Ir- respective of the question of the expira tion of the franchise, to regulate the rates. Further, that suit brought by private cltl xens, to Which the city was not a party, could not operate to ejetend a franchise granted by the city. While counsel for the city argued that the franchise of the waterworks company expired January 24 of this year, they maintained that this question ' did not enter into the case at bar aa the city, under tha statute, had the right to pass ordinances regulating rate whenever It deemed fit to do so. The only grounds on which such an ordinance could be attacked, they argued, would be the question of the fairness of such rates. Judge McPherson, in the case of J. W, Taylor and others against the National Masonic Accident association of Des Moines and the North American Accident Insur ance company of Chicago, set aside his former order remanding the case to the aistnct court ana oraerea a renearing at i a time to be agreea upon oy counsel ror Tn, two .quaar0ns of the Eleventh cav both parties. This is the suit brought by aIry at Fort De, Molnei ordered to San stockholders or tne national Masonic ac- cldcjjt association to nave sei asiae its sale to tne Chicago company ana ior tne appointment of a receiver, Judge McPherson returned to Red Oak last- evening;. POLITICIANS ARK' IP IN THE AIR Defeat af Herrlott lit Home Connty The news from Outhrle county caused cnoalderalila consternation yesterday among the Herrlott adherents tn council Bluffs and they promtly realixed that to secure a Herrlott delegation from Potta wattarnta' rountv would htt imoossible. In fact It was stated by several of Lieutenant Oovernor Herrlott' friends that it was doubtful If even an effort would be made to secur an anti-Cummins delegation from thl rnnntv. Hnma of thns who Were I known as belonging to the anti-Cummins faction, expressed themjselvea as pleased with the result of the Guthrie convention and It Is expected that most of the antla wil now scramble Into the band wagon. .The turning down of Lieutenant Gover- nor Herrlott by his own county naturally came a a welcome piece of new to Gov- ernor Cummin', friend In this city. A well known republican who Is regarded a one of the Cummins leaders ln this city, felt sufficiently optimistic yesterday after read- Ing the neWs from Outhrle county to as- sert that the Cummins crowd, as he termed it, would control the coming Pottawatta mla county convention Friends of Lieutenant Governor Herrlott asserted yesterday that the statement em- from Des Moines that Mr. Her- rlott had announced his withdrawal from the arnhernatorlat rnnle.t waa nnf tr,i. and that he still remains a candidate. At sthe same time they are frank to admit that his failure to secure his own county leaves him practically no show to obtain the nomination. , Sues v Two saloon Keepers. Mrs. Maggie A. Harter, wife of Ell E Harter of Sao City, la., now In the Pot- taw&ti'aoUe county Jail under two indict meats for passing worthless checks in Council Bluffs,' brought suits In the district court yesterday, to recover 85,000 each from the proprietor of two saloon whom she allege were responsible, for her husband getting Into his present trouble. Hoist aV Spetman, owners of the Kiel hotel, are named as tne aerenaant in one suit and Harry W. Robinson A Co.. together with the bonding company which furnished the 83.000 bond required, of all saloonkeepers, are named aa th defendant. The petitions in both cases are substan. tlally Identical. Mrs. Harter recite that up to August. 1906. her husband wa city assessor of 8ac City and was receiving a .-lary of 1100 a month and that prior to hia election to that office was employed by hi brother in the agricultural tmpte ment Rainess, at which he earned 110 month, besides receiving large sum of money for a number of Invention he had patented and sold. She states further that trior to November. 1902, her husband had used intoxicating liquors to such an ex tent that it was found neceesary to send him to Blair. Neb., to take the Keeley cure. I'p to April, 16, he abstained from intoxicating liquors, but ln that month he made a visit to Council Bluffs with a con siderable sum of money and fell by the u . ,'uiil. II. rir.nk tfk nwoAaa ah. mmm . . . . . ,, ' and while under. the influence of llnuor for vhli h ha had dlaaloated all tha mnnav he had with him he wrote and cashed the checks, for which he is now In Jail. Fearing the consequences of his wrong doing, her husband, she says, deserted her and bis family, and finally on Janu ary 13 of this year returned to Harlan, la., where he was taken into custody. Frank tannine Dead. Frank Canning, brother of Sheriff Can ning, died yesterday at St. Bernard's hos pital, where he had been a patient for year. Eight years ago a sunstroke affected his eyes and resulted in tha gradual de etruction of th optic nerve so that at the time of his death he was almost blind. He had been a machinist aince 1888 ln th Omaha shops of the Vnlon PaciAcand de spite his falling eyesight, continued at his work until a little over a year ago. Worry over his infirmity and the fear that ha might become a dependent on com on finally Impaired his mental faculties sod 1. Whs placed in the hospital a year ago. He wa 61 year of age and single. Mr. Canning vti ft member of Nebraska Iodic No. 1 of Masons and it will have charge of the funeral, for which arrangements hare not ret been made. HERRIOTT STILL IN THE RACE Stuart Mis Denies Report that He la Oat of the Running far Governor. , (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. April 27.-1 Special. -Lieu- tenant Oovernor John Herrlott of Stuart over the long distance telephone today de nied that he had withdrawn from the race for governor, and declared that his re marks at the convention In Guthrie Cen ter after his home county instructed for Cummins could not be ao construed. The reports of the convention which reached this city yesterday afternoon stated that he had withdrawn. Mr. Herrlott declares that he la still In the race. In an inter view by telephone today he said1: "I have nothing to say at this time except that statements to the effect that. I have with drawn are entirely erroneous and un authorised. Statements to the contrary or press, dispatches saying triat because Outhrle county endorsed Mr. Cummtns I have decided to quit the contest, are mis representations. I am a candidate." Arthur Cohen, the 6-year-old son of M. C. Cohen, a furniture dealer of this city, was kidnaped yesterday at noon and held captive till 5 in the evening. He then escaped and after wandering over East Des Moines for an hour fell In with per sons who helped him to find his home. It is believed that the boy was kidnaped to secure information as to hie father's money. The boy was induced by a stranger to accomnanv him as he rams from school i noon, ne was taxen to tne rair grounds by the stranger and kept there. The stranrer asked him whera hl father Went his money and the boy told him in the bed. The parents, with the aid of police officers, searched the town all tha after noon and could get no trace of the boy till he walked into the house in thq even ing. Recently Mr. Cohen was robbed In his store and Harry Phillips, one of the burglars, was sent to the penitentiary. The other escaped. At the meeting of the Iowa Retail Grocers' association in Sioux City May 8 to 10 the movement started in Council Bluffs last year to admit to membership retail deal ers and all other professions in the state, will be concluded and the final changes made In the constitution and by-laws. It is proposed to change the name of the organisation to Iowa Retailers' assocla tlon and to make the organisation the or ganixatlon of retail lines in the state, thus consolidating every line of business into one gigantic association. At the Sioux city convention a movement will be started to get a national pure food law through. if one doea not sooner pass congress. Tha annual track athletic meet of" the ! Iowa Track Union association will be held at Cedar Falls on the State Normal grounds. The colleges entered for the meet are Fayette, Cornell, Pennsylvania, coe and State Normal. Simpson ha asked n amiinn Krancisco, will leave Monday, Governor Cummins tomorrow will hold hearings In his office at the. state house on the long and short bill passed by the last legislature and to which he has i not yet fixed his signature, and also the bill providing that petroleum oil and its pro ducts must be sold at a uniform price everywhere In' the state. Ringgold county in the primaries held ; ,:..;" ","Juru' "" " Primaries was no i ior. .rerains ana &K lor Cummins, Sheldon won for representative In the legislature by a majority of 2rt), and Smith of Mount Ayr ran a little ahead of Cum m,n but ,allea t0 support of the county. Bedecker was nominated for county auaitor, Lsan ror county treasurer, Ternii ior snerin and w right for re COrder. County prlmaVies will be held .tomorrow ln Butler and Wright counties, conventions " a. oeisware, Clay and Taylor, cau cusea In Grundy and conventions to select congressional delegates ln Black Hawk Delaware, Franklin and Hardin, I The socialist society known aa the Amatia f society ln Iowa has notified the relief com mission that It has a car load of foodstuff lo Bn,P to th sufferers at San Francisco Th totl amount contributed from the ot lowa is now about $130,000, of wnicn about 120,000 Is from Des Moines. Senator F. M. Molsberry of Louisa-countv. in ine nrsi congressional district, has withdrawn from the race for congressman, Thla leaves the field In Louisa county open t0 ex-Senator Carpenter of that county. .. ' . ur" Mistnue Fatal. I CB, 1 ,KV11L,E, la.,' April 27. (Sneclal Mistaking a bottle of carbollo acid Tor on whlch contained castor oil. a nurse who wa attending Mrs. Arthur MeAuley ;ave an ,nfant bky the fiery poison in Plac of tn" " which she had Intended to use. The baby died a few minutes utter. The Lake Shore Limited Particularly desirable for ladles and chil dren. Leaves Chicago 6:80 p. m.. arrives New Tork 6:30 p. m. All modern conven ouay o, wie cioBing aate, a big amateur stenographer, electric lights, dinlnc car 1 n observation compartment car. Inquire of M. 8. Giles, T. P. A.. Chicago III., or Warren J. Lynch, Passenger Traffic I Manager, Chicago Car ( Thanks. w '"h t0 return our sincere thank to al wno Kindly extended their sympathy on tne lan f our beloved wife and sister; al" ,or ,ne "'""y beautiful floral tributes We wlBh especially to thank Division No. 8, A- '"vision iso. j. L. A.; A. O. H. Sheridan club, and the members of No. 6 engine house. t DANIEL O'CONNOR. NORA O CONNELL. BIRTHSTONES Edholm, ltith & Harney. GREF.LY TO MAKE INVESTIGATION General Says Number of Deaths Has .Been Exaggerated. SAN FRANCISCO. April 27.-H Is the opinion of General Greely that the num ber of casualties has been over-estimated "So many and grossly exaggerated reports of the number of death due to the earth quake have been lent out that we have determined to make a systematic Invest la. I ... . iiuraiijii. I ' al. UBa oeeu I nn ' ha u (1 ' ' Vir- w , tated thst there were as many as seventy nv lives iosi in tne Valencia hotel, but so far a we have been able to ascertain the loss did not exceed twenty, I believe that there are similar discrepancies, which will be discovered later after a thorouith examination of the records and search of tn ruins. - Royal Party at Naples. sarLio, Apru ii. King Edward and Queen Alexandra arrived here today from Messina after a stormy voyage. It Is said that they will be unable, on account of the weather, to make their proposed ascension of Mount Vesuvius. Make your want known through the column of The Bee Want Ad page. Robber at Ohio. COLUMBUS. O.. April 27 Robber en tered the general store of Becker Rroa. last night, removed the safe, weighing 1.004 pouiids, rolled It atoug a road three blocks !, pried It open and took liUO e.oa a eenuiea c lieu a; lor 11,000. IONOR FRANKLIN'S MEMORY Celebration in Paris on Occasion of Unveil- in i Statue of American. M'CORMICK AND SMYTH MAKE SPEECHES Orator of Day ajs that statesman and Scientist Was Personifica tion of Sew Km In . Civilisation. PARIS, April 27 -2:80 p. m. The Frank lin celebration preceding the unveiling to day of the Ktatue of Benjamin Franklin presented to the city of Paris by John II. Harjes, the American banker ot this eliy. waa held in the palace of the Trocadro this afternoon. . The great auditorium of the Trocadero has been handsomely decorated for the occasion with the flags and emblems of France and the United States Intertwined. The formal exercises were as follows: Address by Ambassador McCormick. Orauon on Franklin, by the aeiegate appointed by the United States govern ment, Prof. Alired Henry fmyth of the Boys' High school, 1'litiaclelphia. itepiy ry the representative or the French government. Minister of Public Work Ha i thou. The ceremony was then transferred to he Trocadero square, where the exercises continued as follows: Presentation of the statue of Franklin to the city of Paris by Mr. Harjes. Acceptance or tne statue by M. c Hautaurd. president of the municipal council of Paris. Address by McCortulrk. In opening the ceremony, the Ameri can ambassador said in part: When niv friend and comoatrlot. Mr. John 11. Harjes, esteemed at home and broad. Informed me of his Intention to present a statue of Benjamin Franklin to the cltv of Paris it seemed to me that tha occasion should be seized upon for a dem onstration of that warm friendship which ex IMS. between the world's two great re publics and for which Franklin so firmly laid the foundation. The happy coincidence of the approach of the bicentenary of Franklin's birth opened the way for us to broaden the unveiling ceremonies into the fete which you have been asked to honor with vour rjresence. The spontane ous and hearty co-operation of the French government has given to mis rete me in ternational character which brings Into re lief that chapter ln Franklin' life which belong to France a well as to the United States and which I trust win ever ne neia dear to the hearts of citizens of both countries. These celebration have their practical value in keeping the Area of patriotism alive with that love of country which in spires the soldier to leave nome and fam ily to take up arms for tne aeiense oi its honor and it rights. Advances Caase of Peace. On the Initiation of France's ally, his matestv. the emrjeror of all the Russlas, TH llas-ue tribunal was established that governments might have a court of arbitra tion ready to tneir nana ior tne seine, ment of such differences as could be sub. mitted to It. But today the voice of pub lic sentiment holds from or impels govern rnont. trt action and that better acaualnt- anoe, that closer entente between peoples which such international celebrations as this warm Into life orTiee-p alive makes as never before for the cause of general peace and the wellbelng of mankind. The president of the United States ha already shown In the most practical form and with notable success his desire to contribute to this end. In appointing a suitable person to speak for the United dt.i.. nn thi. necaaion it was tnereiore hi .it, rrtrma not nnlV to celebrate the bi centenary of Benjamin Franklin, and by this joint celebration linn cioaer mo u that v,inri rrann to tha United States, but with that broader aim which has found Its strongest International expression in me establishment of The Hague tribunal. I have now the honor to present Mr. Al bert Henry Smyth, special representative of the United States tor tne uranium ui centennial celebration ln Paris. Address of Mr. Smyth. Mr. Smyth said in part: The story is told that at a certain ex. hihitinn nf historical Dortraits Thomas Car lyle was seen absorbed In the contempla tion of a picture OI nenjamm rranauu. a .mall rnnM attracted bV Curiosity. gathered about him, to whom ttje sage of Chelsea said, as he pointed to the por trait. "There is . the father of all the It would seem that Carlyle expressed tV, aAnlmant anA Anlnlcin nf mankind: for upon this two hundredth anniversary of the birth of the greatest American, tne world has united In spontaneous and splen did celebration of his vast achievements and matchless public service. The history of the career of Franklin I the story of a struggle. It Is the record of a lira, that began in numme aim uu enra aiirrounfilnes and ended in splendor It contains, therefore, the substance of the tales that have chiefly fascinated wan kind. Every one Is familiar with the In cidents of his flight from Boston to Phil adelphia, where on a Sunday morning he ,.ii..rl tha unlet afreets of the sober city a ridiculous figure munching his roll how he found shelter the first night ln a strange city at the old Crooked Billet In Water street. Tk. .(.-ansa mutations of life! ThlS VS grant, adventurous - lad, ragged, travel stained, awkward, his pockets stuffed out .kina anC atorkinffa. and a Dutch dollar his whole Etock of cash this humble soap boiler' son was destined to become the most conspicuous and admired figure of two continents, to stand before kings, to converse with scholsrs, and to receive everv honor that the most venerable aca demies of learning could bestow. Franklin. Idolised. X7., ii,r. t here a man more idolized p-v,.r.ei Mmr ahnut him jvas imitated and extolled: his SDectacies. his ' marten fur .nr. hi. hrnivn enat his bambbO Cah. It' is Impossible to trace In a tew words the growth of Franklin's vast European reputation. 11 rested primarily uiai m r.n,iH, achievements The lllind O Europe, pondering with All the intensity .. Hr.r e.nhiiMiunm ution natural science. was thrilled and amased by the magnitude and meaning of Franklin's researches. At once he became, in a wona tnawuini i natural .r .ni'H. the OOieCl OI UDlVVreai 111 terest and admiration. Louis XV.. through ii,i,A m.uhi: returned his thanks and nnnmiimenia tn Dr. Franklin of Pennuyl . L.t- In alaetrlcilv Ar, vama inr urn ui.w"i. ... - ' , ---tuts printed him with lightnings playing; on the background of the picture, or light ing up his benign features. conaurcei ..i.....ri him aa tha modern Prometheus, Voltaire erected a iiguiunig rou uyou house at Ferney. It was not alone ln the domain of elec. i.i.,ii ih.i iTr:, nil lin mads lmrjortant COO' trlbutions to knowledge. He established the science of meteorology, demonstrated the geological theory oi tno eanu ni u ,... ..t Want, held views uduii light an haul that are rjeriectiy consistent nu those held by Cavendlah and Clerk Mix well, wrote upon contagious tolds and th .ilU. ,.letnnum Ml BUCCeSsfultV that h was elected to membership In the roytJ so cieties of medicine in l.onuon aim rw i, ... , . .. 1 . - ...... n A.iAfV y 11 !l. - f.mi or ann unfamiliar. 111 111. eighteenth century. It Is not strange inai the world came to regard him as an tne y i.-.. Hia nf universal knowledge. Men o learning, tne loremosi in mu iuuii-i approached him In the attitude of pupils soliciting his explication of old problem and his Judgment upon new theories. Fllangierl relentlessly exatnineu mo pean sstem ol law. civn ana nimniii, at each step of his progress turned to Franklin for direction. Lorenzo Manlnl created the Cisalpine republic and lnl upon the encouraging arm oi rraiiaioi. Tne physiocrat. Dupont de Nemours, pu bourg. Mirabeau. Turgol, Morellet, and the venerable apostle, Quesnay, were strengthened by the presence ot Franklin In their speculative group. Living; Presence of New As. Franklin was the living presence of the new age. the incarnation of democracy, the successful unlagoiiUl of tyrants, the builder of happy slatea. founded upon freedum and juattre. Franklin was aa un coiiacioua as any fair dtune or giddy cour tier that strong current, whose compulsive course was carrying the nation rapidly and Irreslstably to ruin. During his residence In Paris he eujoyed familiar Inlercouae and in some iuaiancea close con.niunion Willi those who, In another decade, in the lid delirium of the revolution, were to be Ural iu the rsnks of death. To understand the political career ot Benjamin Franklin It is necessary to re vert to the years preceding the revolution. Before the i oinplaliits of the colonists be came loud sad impatient b was an ardent and loyal ' Imperialist. His Ideal was a hrmlv confederated union of states, enjoy ing liberty and autonomy. He believed that a citizen of Boston or Philadelphia should enjoy precisely the same rights and ttriv lieges aa a cltlten of Leeds' or Shef field. When It was urged that in time the colonies by their growth would become the dominant half, be answeied, "Which is best, to have a total separation, or change in tha seat of government ?" But r.fter years of labor he could ouly say. "I do not Cud that I have gained any point In either countrr, etopt that of rendering lyseir suspected by my impsrtisnty ; in :ngland of being too sniich sn American. nd in America of being too ruuen an Englishman." if. after a slumber of a century, his eyes hsd opened, upon what a world would thr calm rase hare retoi. i ne vaat mages thst he saw in glimmering dawn ave become the commonplaces of school boys; his daring prophecies In philosophy nd politics have been more than fulfilled, le would have beheld two gTest and proud atlons. Juatifv n his unchanging faith In popular instincts snd institutions, celenrat- ng In comradeship the words be spoke nd the deed he did, and holding In grntn- u and perpetunl memory me ute-iong labors and sacrifices. In presenting the statue to tha munl- Ipallty Mr. Harje made a brief speech. SERIOUS STABBING AFFRAY j Two Italian iarrel ta Their l.odg- Inn- Plaeo sad Ready Stiletto ' Does It Work. After seriously stabbing his friend, Tony Zalona, In a room at 206 North Tenth street, at 8:80 o'clock Friday evening, Gnetano Blllngheii hurried to the police station and In his native Italian tried to tell what had happened and to give) him self up. No one at the station wa able to make out why the man wanted to stay the station until a few moment after ward, when a telephone message was re ceived stating there had been a stabbing ffalr at the house on North Tenth street. Detective Fattullo ran to tha number and then telephoned tha station to -.lock up Blllngheri. The cutting; took place in the Italian rooming house where the two men lived. They were alone when th blow waa struck. Two other men had been with them, but while they were out the cutting took place, and when they returned they found Zalona lying unconscious. There had been a quar rel, it wa svtd, and Blllngheri told Cap tain Dunn that Zalona had struck htm twfee before he stabbed. The quarrel waa evidently over a molt trivial matter, the short stature of one of the men bringing forth taunt from th other. Several pall which had held beer lay about th room, but It was studiously denied drinking had been going on. The wound Inflicted by Blllngheri bears all tha mark ot the regulation Italian stiletto. It Is located in Zalona right side and, while oh the surface is hardly large enough to admit a man's finger, It penetrated to a depth ot eight Inches Into the abdomen. Fortunately for the wounded man, the Intestines were not severed, but the knife passed into the omentum, the point ending near the back. Tho blade passed almost through the man's body. The weapon with which this dangerous though Innocent looking wound was made has not been found by the police. Dr. B. M. Riley, together with a police surgeon, attended the wounded man and hastened him to the Clarkson hospital in the patrol wagon. An operation was lnr mediately decided upon and this was per formed by Dr. J. P. Lord. , The men .connected with the affair are nearly all employed at the smelting works, A ' number of them crowded to the police station when the news had spread, chat. tering-'excltedly. Blllngheri was moved to tears' and moans upon contemplation of his act. He 1 about 36 years old, while his victim Is but 19. Dr. Lord said after tha operation the young man has a good chance to recover, the knife having miraculously avoided the most dangerous places. COMENIUS SCHOOL CONCERT Five Handred People Hare a Pleasant Evening Listening; to Little One. Bohemian Turner hall. Thirteenth and Dorcas streets, wa crowded - lost night, th occasion being a concert given by the pupils of Comenius school for the benefit of the Institution. Th program was re plete with most enjoyable numbers. Not th least Interesting were the songs by the 130 pupil ot the sixth, seventh and eighth grades, and the forty from the kindergarten. The singing was under the direction of Miss Fannie Arnold. . The songs sung dally by the children ln school were given and the renditions, all- things considered, might be said to be truly won derful. The little ones in their songs and game .made a great Impression on the audience. Stanlslav Letovsky, who Is now in his third high chool year, gave several se lections on the piano, being freely encored. Among- them was a menuetto, of which he himself is the composer. The Omaha High school octet In several songs, and. Ed ward Wotawa on the violin, brought great ap plause. There was not a dull number on the program, and the list was not short. Miss De Ette Mason and Harold Thorn acted as accompanists. The concert or entertainment was the first which the school has given for some years, and tne proceeds wiu go toward the purchase ot pictures, reference books and statuary for the Comenius school, The attendance laet night wa mor than 600, and the fund will be enriched to the extent of more than 180 through the event BREWER DECISION UP AGAIN Saprena Court Ruling Involved la Ca of Superintendent of Omaha ladlaa Agency. The hearing of the application for a writ of habeas corpus ln the case of John M. Common, superintendent of the Omaha In dian agency, was begun before Judg Mun gisr In the United Btate district court Friday morning. Th cose I on wherein a ault wa brought In th district court of Thurston county to restrain Superintendent Common and his Indian police from ejecting th Barada from certain lands, alleged to be held by them a allotments, which con tention the land department denied and ordered the ejectment of the Baradas from the lands. It was while acting under these order that Superintendent Common waa arrested by the state authorities, and upon his re fusal to give bond for hi appearanc to answer before the tat court he wa ar rested by the sheriff of Thurston county. Npw come the United State asking for a writ of habeas corpus on the ground that the state haa no right to arrest a govern. ment official for exercising his duties. His theory is held on the ground that the Indians in question were citizeris of th United Btate under th Brewer decision and that all litigation pertaining thereto should be brought In the state courts. NEW PEOPLE FOR BURWOOD Change Mnd la Personnel Of th ; Woodward Stock Company Act ing at that Theater.' 6ome changes have been made In th personnel of the Woodward Stock com pany, which has been playing all season at the Burwood theater. J. Sedley Brown ho sucoeeded Harry Long a stag dl rector, leave the company to go to Mln nespoll. te direct a summer stock organl satlon, and Carrie Clarke Ward goes with him. Mr. Cecil Owen and his wife, Dollle Davis, go to Detroit, where they will spend the summer with a stock company, nd Grant Simpson also leaves. These change com with th close of th present week. I Harry Long succeed Mr. Brown as st si d'rector, coming back to hi old love. Rose Curry will Join th company at once, appearing In the bill next week, and Oeorgj paren, "who ha lately been with Arnold Daly; Will Davis, a former member of th company, and Ptuait Peebe have been engaged. They will be In th bill, beginning a week from Sun day. ORDINANCE HELD UP A WHILE Lincoln Traetloa Company Seearea Injanefloa Aaalnst City to Pre. vent Enforcing New Un. Th Lincoln Traction company ha se cured a temporary Injunction in th United State circuit court restraining the city ot Lincoln from enforcing the ordinance re ducing the street railway fares which waa passed by the. city council. The temporary Injunction has been granted and the hearing ha been set for the first day of the ap proaching term ot th federal courts. May 7. The ordinance In question was passed April 18 and, .among other things. It pro vides for a single fare of 6 'cent, but that th company shall sell six street car tickets for 25 cents; also that the company shall aprlnkl and sweep all street on which it track are laid; to light each street corner on street wher Its tracks, run; erect Iron poles on all paved street; equip Its cars with power brakes, pay a tax of 11 on each pole erected; to provide enough street cars day and night so that the cars shall not be crowded. The traction company In Ita petition states that to do all these things Would Involve a cost of about 850,000 at the outset and that the cost Of maintenance would be about 110,000. The petition further state that tha Object of passing tht ordinance reducing fare and directing other improvement is to depreciate the value of. the property ot th railway company in order that the stockholders may be compelled to tell their stock at a sacrifice; and further that the passage of th ordinance 1 In violation ol the fourteenth article of the constitution of th United States. IMPROVEMENTCLUBS UNITE All of City Send Delegatee to Meet lav Wher Federatloa ta v Formed. All th Improvement club in Omaha had representatives who met Thursday night at Twenty-fourth and Leavenworth street and formed the Omaha Federation of Im provement clubs. After going Into a com mittee of the whole and adopting a con stitution and .bylaws these officers we're elected: President, J. W. Malone, of the Southwest Improvement club; vie presi dent, Mike Kalamaja, of the Dupont Im provement club; secretary, A. F. Wilson, of the Omaha View Improvement club; treasurer, I. P, A. Bruechert, of the River view Park Enterprise Improvement club. The action ot the council In railroading the ordinance regulating ga tank wa denounced. After a considerable discussion th club favored the paving bond proposi tion. The next meeting will b held at Twenty-fourth and Leavenworth street next Thursday evening. CITY HAS HOUSES FOR SALE Mnst Gt Rid of Dwellings to Ex tend Bemls Park oa th East. ( The city ha three frame dwellings to sell at th northwest corner of Thirty-third and Cuming streets; rb make way for the enlargement of Bemls park. The council has ordered advertisements inserted for bids and the Indications are that the num ber of propositions for the purchase of city real estate will break all records. For months Inquiries have been made at the office of the Park board about the houses and when they would be sold and lately the questioners have increased mani fold. Tha houses have to be moved off within thirty days. AT HOWE BEHIND THE , BARS Original Jail Breaker Draw Thirty Day on tho Side from Judge Crawford. Charles Draper, th original Jail breaker. drew thirty days from the police Judge Fri day morning. Draper is the man who feels more at homtf'in Jail than in the fresh air. General vagrancy was the last charge against htm. He said Friday morning that springtime and its vernal charms has no attraction for him. As a rule he breaks Into Jail along the lines of least resistance by breaking the nearest window be comes to. H even thank the Judge every time a sentence 1 given him. PLENTY OF JEWELS ON HAND Over Thousand Dollar Worth Foand a Pair of Omaha n la Chicago. Detectives McCarthy and Rohan ot Chi cago returned Friday morning with James F. Francis and Lallan Francis, arrested last week at 2124 Douglas street by Detec tlves Maloney and Drummy aa fugitives from Justice. Th Francis family Is wanted at Chicago on charges of grand larceny. Th Omaha detective recovered 11,031 worth of Jewelry, said to have been stolen by the prisoners at Chicago. All Well. Th least thing wrong with your bowels mokes you all sick. Dr. King's New Hi Pills make you all well. 26c. For sal by Sherman McConnell. Hallway Note aad Personal. Steven D. Hoover, In charge of corre spondence in the general freight office of tne Kurungton, na Deen promoted to oe traveling freight and passenger agent for the Burlington, with headquarters at Walla Walla. Wash. T. C. Davison, formerly passenger rat clerk for th Union Psclflc and now gen eral baciaK agent for the ualt Lake rout, is in th city, visiting wttn his rela tives for a few days. The fire whistle at the Union Pacific shorn broke loose Friday morning and had the whole east end of the city rushing around to see If the whole shops were burning up. It was all a mistake, aa the whistle simply got started to blowing and could not be snut on. Insane Woman Deported. ' Tmrnlsratlon Inspector Mansfield left for Fullerton Friday to take an insane alien, Emma Noetxeiman. to Baltimore for ae oortation to Germany under the Indigent, Insane alien exclusion laws. Th woman baa been in th country about a year and has been a ' public charge of Nance county for about tnat penou. n appears from Information In the Dossesslon ot the immigrant bureau that the woman became Insane from causes existing prior to her londlrtg In the United States. She will be sent back to Germany by ths steamship company responsible for transporting her to the united etaies. Colored Woman Bound Over. Ida Terrell, colored, 811 North Twelfth .1 r..i on un before Police Judge Craw ford Friday morning on the charge ot robbing H. Routon, Insuranc agent, of $23 33 Tuesday afternoon. The woman waived the prelimtnery examination and -naa hounrl to tha district court in the sum of 86-10. Routson was soliciting insurance at the woman' plac when sh grabbed his nurs and routed him with a loaded r-volver. In view of the more serlou ,-haraa a complaint of assault and battery previously filed, was dismissed agalust th woman. Marriage Licensee. Th following marriage ncens hav been lasucd: Frdward L Furber, Omaha hose Bradahaw, Omaha William F.tMaguIr. Valley Edua P. B. Byars, Valley DIAMONDS Lanolin, lin and Harney. DUN S REVIEW OF TRADE BWBBnhnhnsS Weather Conditions Fatorabie for Eetail Trade and Buildine, Operation. FACTORIES WORKING TO FULL CAPACITy Mercantile Collection Ar Some what Irregular, Which May Be . Traced to th Financial Strlngeacy, NEW TORK. April I7.-R. G. Dun A company' weekly review ot trad tomor row will ajr: By their magnificent response to th needs of the earthquake sufferer th American people have not only given further evidence of the vast resource of the nation, but displayed qualities ot heart and spirit that provide new reasons for optimism regarding the future. San Fran cisco will rise from it she greater than before, and. aside from some forced selling of securities or temporary pressure In the money market the nation as a whole will receive no setback. Modified demands by the anthracite coal miners increase the chances ot an early settlement of the controversy and otherwise the labor situation la unusually free from friction. Weather conditions are favorable for retail trade and building operations, while the crop outlook Is bright on the whole, although some sections report delay to planting on account of excessive moisture end there I much complaint r irding the carclty of labor. A large demand and satisfactory results are anticipated at the sale of wash fabric next week. Manti iacturlng plants ar working to their full capacity In the leading industries, especially Iron furnaces and steel mills and there Is little idle machinery at footwear factories or textile mills. Railway earnings thus far reported for April stu pas last year s by 8.2 per cent, and foreign commerce St this port shows a gain of t!8.61 In im ports and a small loss of 82S3.618 In ex- f.ort as compared with the same week of pc.. Price of the sixty mot actlv rail way securities declined to the lowest average since lust August and money rules firm, heavy withdrawal by the west offsetting receipts of gold from sbroed. Mercantile collections are somewhat Ir regular, which may be traced to ftnanolM stringency. Hank exchanges at New York, show an Increase of 10.4 per cent In com parison with last years figures, while at other leading cities, the average gain amounts to 8.1 per cent. Scarcity of billets, shots and bars Is the striking featur of th iron and steel In dustry. Failures this week numbered' OR In the United States, against 2"4 last year, and 20 in Canada, compared with 16 a year ago. BRADSTREETS REVIEW OF TRADE Crop and Industrial Report Ar All Favorable. NEW YORK, April 27,-Bradstreet'S sum mary ot the state of trade Will say: Trade brightens in consonance with con tinued good weather. Trade, crop and In dustrial reports alike are favorable and the spring season, which etarted a llttlo late, is making up well for lost time. Oood weather has helped the farmers to catch up with a rather late planting wes son and regain lost ground, retail trade has been helped. Jobbers report continued liberal re-orders to fill depleted stocks, there Is more doing in fall business, Iron and steel are steady with more confidence, as to the third and last quarters and, astdc from the coal Industry, which Is still stag nated, though there Is even here a better prospect, industry is brisk as seldom If ever before. Building Is certainly active beyond precedent for this season. There is some improvement noted in collections, bank clearings are larger, money easier, large gold imports Dimly balancing heavy remittances to the rkcltlc coast, and the railroad earnings reflect expansion over tho best returns of preceding year at this time. . .. Business failures for the week ending April 26 number 177 against 167 last week. I'M in the line weex oi iwe, iai in ,. tie In 18 and 174 in 1902. Wheat., including flour export irom tne United Suites nnd Canada, for th week ending April 26 are 2,149,1184 bushel against l.llt.Hoi Dusnels last weea, i,au,iiB bushels this week last year. 1.010.HSO bush els In 1904 and 3,148,2S8 bushels In 1903. From Ju v 1 to date the export r 111.501,301 busdiels against 52.313.2o7 bushels last year. 121.723,847 bushels In 1904 ana 187,08S.4S3 bushels 111 1903,' Corn exports for the week are 1,428,021 bushels, aKtiinxt 1,73,972 bushels last week, KK5.7ri6 bushels a year ago, 190.1H8 bushel In 1904 and 2.21O.10O bushels in 1903. From uly 1 to date the exports or corn ar 10. 2.082 bushels, against U7,ft3,420 bushels In 1905, 47,935,498 bushels In 1904 and 6ft314,04 bushels ln 1903. Canadian trade and crop reports are ot the heat. Winter sown croDs are ln sroou condition and there undoubtedly will be an Increase In spring wheat in tne nortnwt. The country roads are imprevlng,. thus helping, trad and collections, though farm ers generally are busy seeding. Building was never more aciiv ana materials i U kinds, particularly lumber and hard ware, are In aotlve demand. Montreal re ports wholesale and retail trade Improving, country collection are coming in well and money la active. At Toronto present and prospective conditions ax lavorauie aim orders for cotton goods for 1907 are very good. In the northwest a substantial In crease In wheat acreage Is certain. Mar keting of groin is active antv-Toueouon are expected to b better. In British Co lumbia the lumber inausiry is very ncuvr. A direct steamship line from Vancouver to Australia Is likely. Failures for the ween number c, as against 27 this week a year ago. DIAMONDS Frensef. 15 th and Dodg. LOCAL BREVITIES. . Tohn flrav assured a decree of divorce by default from Minnie Gray Friday. He was given th custody of their . child Suersle. Vaclav Kvarek has Bled a suit for divorce from Anna, to whom he was married ln Bohemia ln 1901. H charges her with desertion. The high school fair will not Uk tlc on May 6, owing to tne opening oi me Field and Country club on that day. Th fair wlU be on week later, May 12. Frank Dober of Eleventh and, Frederick street waa sentenced thirty day by the police Judge Friday morning. The prisoner waa charged with disturbing th peace by chasing MJa Evalln Madison, a school girl. Nina I Whit Is seeking a divorce) from Arba J, White on the ground sh has had to earn her own living sine ther were mar ried in Tiffin, O.. May 8. 1902. She also charge him with making cruel retrirk about her. Duff McVey, a chronlo police character, was given thirty days in police court Fri day morning. McVey wa charged with teallng fifty empty bottle from th Junk shop of 8. Wine, 1211 Case street, that he might tuy cocaine. Coov for th docket for th May terra of district court has been prepared. The new docket win contain l.zio civil cases, a decrease of 100 from the number In -the February dooket. Th new docket will be out the latter part of next week and will be similar ln style to tha last on. .Are You Fond of Custard? Rich, hucious custard thai melts in your mouth tha real thing. Then try this recipe with Carnation Cream. You can use Carnation Cream UterUisoa) for all sorts of cooling. It's pure milk, evaporated and sterilized--' keeps indefinitely and is richest in butter-fat Baked Custard . , Tt t Met. f tlbliff si-ifUb tAisjw , ta rrtMiMi Crtaa dlius4 n BMioum ml wmtm, pmut Ufx biejoi pj. f tm aUBj rwn faaj twtla lavtw an js Usuif. wlnr Mad tmkm aft. auo-Jngw rrM. Imrt fkal knife tafia ssi witmm it C4MiM sms twsitarsi 4um. WUd It n.fn tm piiil Cowling tw mmtm. 4Vaa-vsj k.uA,