Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 13, Image 13
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, APRIL 1906. 13 - (.RAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Mj Wufnt Take Blnmp ind Itf Mootht Profit, HOLDERS FEAR OELIVERIESj DUMP GRAIN Hrplirc llolellaga with Joly aa Sep. irmbtt, ResaltlnB la Holdlnn; The Options Comparatively Steady torn and aa Inactive. OMAHA, April 27. 13. May wheat hi aq lower al tha clone today, caused by ino dumping of wneat on I lie niaisel by liolu.m who did not want to take d'-ilvei i:s. They replaced their holdings wim juiy and September, 'j he opening wu uncnangrd, but tlio de cline was rapid and h point, ic below )sterucy. was readied. Lrop reports were or i tie most tuvorablu nutuie. juiy and beptemhcr lost only ',c. Outs wcr steany and closed unchanged. Corn was 1-uiineit to be Inactive, tnougu closing i rk is were ',to higher. Argentina shipments were bugs. rrimary winui iccclpta were Siu.CH'O bu., and shipments 29.mi iiu., against receipt lust year ol ol,'.v ou.. aim suip.nenis oi 46o,000 bu. Corn receipts w-ere lu., and shipments tliuit) ou., against receipts last year of ksy.ion iiu., ami snipmeut ol 446.000 bu. Clt iiiaiirea were oi,xu Iiu ; wheat, -U.itO hois, nour; 3A0UU bu. corn and bu. oala. Llverisiol cioned unchanged to d higher on wheat and i-ud lower on corn. Argentina wheat anipmenti were 1.408,000 bu.; eorn shipments were 1.470,000 bu. From toilny Record-Herald: "Corn men expert that the market will go on an all rail basis on eastern alilpmenia If the pres ent demand keeps up and there la no revival In speculative buying here or Increase In western oflerings. Ine east evidently has a small supply, as evidenced by the bids received hue. In case of a prompt settle ment of the lake strike the effect on the corn market Is expected to be bullish. There Is little corn arriving and there Is a good local, eastern and export demand for It." ' Local rang of ououa; Artlclea.1 Open. High. I Low. close. Yes y. Wheat I May... 72-4A 72A 71S.I July... 72ViU 'ii', 727b Corn May... 42HA 43B 42A July... 41'.A V.A 41vA Oats-May .1. 72 KM 43H 42HA 417A) tllsA 1A .... A asked. B bid. Omaha, Cash galea. CORN-No. 4, 1 car, 43c. Omaha Cash Prices. WITEAT-No.'t hard, 73tT7Uc; No. S hard, TlVuTaHe; No. 4 hard, W'yac; No. i spring, !.Vj'iVjc; No. I spring, 0'a72e. CORN No. 8, 44c; No. 4, 4243c; No.- t yellow, 44c. OATS No. 8 mixed, 80c; No. t white, 31ie; No. 4 white, Mkc. RYE No. I 6tx); No. $, Me. tarlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Chicago .. ., Kansas City Minneapolis , Omaha Duluth tit. Louis .... 4 ... 42 ...176 ... 4 ... 43 ... 80 Hi 33 49 64 Oats. 1U '28 'ii CHICAGO GRAIN A!D PROVISIONS Featores of the Trad la a; and Closing Prices ea Board of Trade. CHICAGO. April 17. Liquidation of the May delivery caused weakness today In the whest market here. At the close the May option was off .c. July was down Witie. July corn was up ViUSo. Oate were prac tically unchanged. Provisions were 2o to 7'y; lower. The wheat market waa weak all day, the greatest weakness being manifested In, the .vlay option, which was offered freely by discouraged holders. The unsettled con dition of the money market and the likeli hood of free deliveries next Tuesday on May contracts were Important factors In fhe situation. Another Influence was iuvoruble weather, both northwest and southwest. Small shipments from Argen tina Induced some buying early In the session. May opened HfeVtO lower to a shade higher at 7rVll i97c, declined to 7HV4c, tind sold at 79'e. July opened unchanged at Tfl'a.c, advanced to 7H4l7tHo and then reacted to 78c. The close was at ifl'iiTfiV. Clearances of wheat and flour 'were equal to 153,000 bushels. Exports for the week, as shown by Bradstreets, were equal to 2.14S.700 bushels. Primary receipt were 3-6,ou bushels, compared with 118,000 Imshels. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 223 carl against Zii cars last week and 1BI cars a year ago. A firm tone prevailed In tha corn market the entire session. Cash Interests and pit traders were good buyers, while the selling was scattered. Unsettled weather waa out of the bullish factors. Owing to small lecelpta and large shipments local stocks are decreasing rapidly and this had a strengthening effect on the market. The market closed strong at the highest point or the day. July opened unchanged at c, Mild up to 4tc and closed at 44.t-tVc. .May closed at 47c, at a net gain of Wit tc. Local receipts were 219 cars with tlilrty-elght of contract grade. Trading In oats waa light and the market huh steady all day. Fear of a possible nrner In the May delivery tended to i -strict trading. Unsettled weather was a liulllsli factor. July opened unchanged in 3lt,c. aold between XHtc and 81c and closed at SoVolc. May closed at 3ia Loral reoelpta were 141 cara. lrpitn a to advance In the price of live hogs the provisions market was rather Weak. Belling by pit traders was the id nue of the weakness. At the close July rk was off ft("e at 85.77V4. I.ard was ZWit 6a lower at 88.bouS.6714. Rib were down at 8.60. Kstlmated receipts for tomorrow are: hent. ti cars; corn 240 cars; oats, 134 i. urn hogs, 12,0 0 head. The leading futures ranged aa follows:' Artlclea.j Open. Ulgh.j Low. Close. Tes'y. Wheat May July Hept. Coin May July Hept. Oats ilay July Sept. I'oik May July Sept. Lard May Jul? X. pt. Kills May July Sept. 1 7bl 46fi' 4b 30' 47 4V S2H 41 !4j 15 62V4jf IS 60 16 bo I 15 ho 16 HO 1J W 8 SS I I 65 8 70 8 72H 8 kJH 8 K I ' . 7SH 7xi79Vl,7ie;itj'4 77t Va ptf "8 4o 4ti-(!464uva 32H;82H0H ftv 3OV0n XlrU Sal IS 6,1 15 77Wi 10 80 524, 6a 77W 8 47 8 47" 8 45 8 b; 8 b7S 8 00 8 70 8 7l 8 to 16 55 15 77H 15 0 8 65 8 7i 8 UU 8 46 8 5 8 15 0 15 66 16 8JH 8 67',, 8 70 8 55 8 &24j 03 8 70 No. 8. Cash quotations were as follows: f Lot K .Market, steady; winter patents, Hi J ioi: winter straiKhis. 83.3uj i ): snrlna stents, t3.Sei3 ft1; spring straights, ; bakers, .auuit.9u. i; epr No. I durum. 7. Corn: No. il vellnw, UMe-. No. i. 4.',c. (lain: JSo 3 white, Ji VS No. 3. W'.'o :. Harlry; Sr"j47c. Rye; M''tJ I7c Max: $1.15. WHKAT-No. spring. 79lS2c: No. 8. 753 on , i t. 4 rru, bi TMtw Iv. CORN No. 47o: No. 2 yellow, 47'V'94)c. oATS-No. 2, S'r; No. Z while, S3uJtc; 3 while, Xiwe RYK No. 1. oc. HAKLfciY-tJood feeding, 3j41c; fuir to choice malting, 4iibc. bKLl-.o. 1 flax, 81.W.S: No. 1 northwest ern, 11.14V Timothy, prime, 83.2J. Clover, contract grade, 411 50. I'RoVIblo.Ml Mt-as pork, per bbl., iSA o la t. lwird, per H-" I tx. , 1X 67. Snort ribs ules ioose. XK r 'iin oo; Btiort clear sides ru p, (il ai-Yiia.w. Il Following were tha reoolpts and ship nriita of tluur and grain: ' Uecelpta. Shipments. Flour, btils. Wheat, bu. corn, bu. . 'au. bu. ,. l:e, bu. .. II. ii l y, bu. . 6.(u0 . 61.70U 2,0i0 470. Villi i;..w 1.5o0 T.tKiO On the I'ruduca exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, 14 -; dairies, 14'ilSc. Kg us, weaker at mark, ' ."ea Included. l'ilS'-r; firsts. IbVjc; prima i iM, Il Cc; rxtrbs, lbc. Cheese, easy at 1"t:!1Ic. - Mtaaeapolla Grala Market. Superior Uourd if Trade, quotations for Minneapolis and Chicago delivery). Th inline of prices, as furnished by F. D. Dy K Co., uo-lil iloard ot iiaue uunaing. was: AnliVe. Open. Hlgh.l lw. i I Ifes'v. Whtat ! I May... 7i; .frS! JUIV.. , S-Pt.. lux M.ty.. July.. Sept.. Mi.h'.l 1 18 I I T 7ti i 7!', I '.i-s I 1 I"', X lsi 1 -v i i 1 ID 1 1st. 1 lSl . ;iyi5 1 in 1 19! 1 20 1 Is 1 IH .Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat! No. 1 h'd. 7',c: No. 1 northern and to arrive, :,,Sc; No. J northern and to arrive. 76Txo; u. 8 northern, ivj.w., No. X duruni, 7.c; KW lORK ;F.1Knl, M4RKBT Qaotatlona of the Day " Varloaa Consmodltlea. NEW YORK. April 27.-FIX)T R-Recelt.ts. 13, l.V bbls.; exports. 6.10 bbla.i sales, 1tiO pkgs. Market about steady with scattered trade: winter patents. 8.1 4. ; winter straights, 2.7rVf,; Minne-ota patents, $1.25 ti4.&i); winter extras, S2.76.1.2&; Minnesota bakers. $3.4n4i3.75; winter low grades, $2.i(f 8 . Ryo flour, steady: fair to good, XM ti3rt; rholre to fancy. .') 1.Vfi4.l0. CORNMKAIv Bteadv: fine white and yel low, $1.20; choice, 81.0Vol.OH; kiln dried, $2.10 62.70. RTK fnll; No. 2 wentern, 70c asked, f. o. h.. New York. UARI.K Btendy; feeding, 47c, c. I. f. New York; malting, 6-''i(fi7c, c. I. f. New York. W H KA T Receipt s. 74.000 bu.; exports, S,(03 hu. No. 2 red, nominal, eh .valor, lc, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Imluth, 8ic, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Manitoba. 87c, f. o. b. afloat. Foreign steadiness In wheat today, due to light Argentina shipments and steady rabies, was followed after mid day by sharp declines. The Belling waa Influenced by Improved weather and crop news, fairly large receipts and a cash de mand. Near the close a second upturn oc curred on reports that France had taken a enrgo of Pacific coast wheat, and the mar ket closed only tte net lower. May, M 7-lfi'ii7c, closed 87c; July, Hbf,c. closed tir; September, 8311-ltk;, closed 83c. CORN Receipts, Itl5,fio0 bu.; exports, 45. Stt) bu.; lea, 65,000 bu. futures and 24,0ii0 bu. spot. The spot market was steady; No. 8, 67c, elevator, and 655. f. O. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 67c; No. 2 white, 57c The option market was quieter, but firm, on light of ferings, with the close He net higher. May closed at 64, July rinsed at S3c, Brptem closed at 53Sc, December closed at 62c. OATS Receipts, 1(6,000 bu.; exports, 80,2j0 bu. Bpot market steady; mixed oats, 20 to 82 lbs., 3737c; natural white, 80 to 33 lbs., 7-uit:c; clipped white, 38 to 40 lbs., 8) fe-tlo. FEED Firm: sprinf bran, $2100; May Shipment middlings, $21.00. HAY Eany; chipping, fiOStKc; good to choice, IMiOGc. HOI'8 Steady; state, common to choice, 1W5, $7.40; Pacific coast, lu6, $.0O313.00; 14. $7.(S8 00; tnlds, $4.UOi5.00. HIDES Bteadv; OalveHton, 20 to 25 lbs., 20c; California, 21 to 5 lbs., 21c; Texas, dry, 24 to 80 lbs., lDc. LKAT 11 ER Steady ; acid. 26'S27Hc. PHOVISIONB Heef, steady; family, $11.60 13.00; mess. f.(Wa 10.00; beef hams. $20.00V 21.M; packet, $10.5ti'(i 11.00; city extra India mess, $H.00iil86o. Cut meets, steady; pick led bellies, $! 2510.50; pickled shoulii-rs. $7.00f7.); pickled hems. $ll.MM1.6u. Ird, barely steady; western prime, $8.85, nominal; refined, steady; continent, $!U0: tiouih America, 810.00; compound. $7.0o!i7.fcO. Pork, steady; family, $18.60; short clear, $16.250 18i; mess. $17.2S'& 17.75. TALLOW-Steady; city f$4 20 per pkg ), 6Vr; country (pkgs. free). 5'aBc- RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, S'it.'fio: Japan, nominal, BUTTER Quiet and atesdy; renovated, common to extra, ltfl7c; western factory, common to extra. 1116c. CHEESE Firm; slato full cream, large and small, colored and white, fancy. 14c; state, good to prime, 1314Hc; statecom mon to fair, 1113c. EOGS Easy; state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white, l20c: state choloe, 18lc; state, mixed fancy. 18 He; western average, best, 17 He; western firsts, 17c; southerns, 15017c POULTRY Live steady; chickens, & 12c; fowls, 18c; turkeys, 12c; dressed firm; turkeys, 16c; fowls, 11 Ho. St. Louis General Market. BT. kOUIS. April 27.-WHEAT-Flrm; No. 2 red. cash elevator, 874c, track, My'Juc; May, 80c; July, 77o; No. 2 hard, 80iSmc. CORN Firm; No. 2 cash, nominal; track, 61c; May, 46!bo; July, 44-Vu44'c. OATS Firm; No. 2 caaii, 2c; track. 32a SJV-; May, 81c; July. 30c: No. 2 white, 32'4C ' ' FLOUR Steady: red winter patents, $4.20 &4.60; extra fancy end straight, $3.704.10; clear, $2.2632.90. SEED Timothy, steady; $2.5031.80. CORNMEAL Steady; $2.30. BRAN Firm; sucked, east track. 95c $1.00. HAY Steady; timothy, $12.001.60; prairie, $U.6X(i 13.60. IRON COTTON TIESt-$1.0L . BAQOINO 8C HEMP TWINE 7H0. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; Jobbing, $15.80. Lard, lower; prime steamed, $8.30. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed, extra short, $9.00; clear ribs, $.26; short clears, $9.37. Bacon, steady; boxed, extra short, $9.7o; rlear rlhs tin 00--short clean. $10.1214. 1J111ILTRY Weak: chickens. lOffilO&Cl turkeys. 14c; ducks, 16c; geeae, Sc. BUTTJSK weak; creamery, wg"t, dairy, 14(&lc. EUUS Steady; ic, case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls. 4,000 . 6,000 . v... sq noa 3tR 000 ii imiiii iM. . ; - Corn, bu 4,0"0 4S.000 Oats, bu oo.uuv wv.wv Kansas City Grain and Provisions. H-AK'RHS PITY. Anrll 27. WHEAT May. 75c; July, 72c; September, 71c; cash. No. 2 hard, 774)vSlc; No. 3, 73!g7oc; No. 2 red, 'aw)c; iso. a, ewxic. CORN May, 44c; July, 42c; September, 42e; cash. No. 2 mixed, 47tf4Sc; No. 2 white, 48U48c; No. 3, 48c. OAT8-N0. 2 white. 33'8331io. EQGS Lower; Missouri and Kansas new No. 2. whltewood cases Included, 14c per dosen; case count, 14c per dozen; cases re turned, c less. HAY Steady: choice timothy, $13.00; Choice prairie, $10.5na 10.75. RYE Steady; -Cc. BUTTER Creamery, 19c; packing. Hc j Receipt. Shipments. Wheat, bu 31.0H0 8,000 Corn, bu SO.OuO 34,000 Oat. bu 30.000 l.m i s Peoria Grala Market. PEORIA, April 27.-CORN Lower ; No. 8, yellow. 47,o; No. 8, 47fce; No. 4, 46c; no grade. 426 45c. ' M OATS Firm; No, S white, S24c; No. 4 white, 31c. RYE Unchanged; No. I, 6Sff84c. WHISKY On ths basis of $1.28 for fin ished goods. Mllwaakeo Grala Market. MILWAUKEE. April 17 WHEAT Steady; No. 1 northern, 88 83c; No. 2 northern. 78fi81c; July, 77S4o bid. KiK steady; No. 1, 69 C HARLEY Steady; No. 2, 68c; sample, 40 4( 55c. CORN Lower; No. 8 cash, 47c; July, 46o asked. Philadelphia Prod nee Market. PHILADELPHIA. April 27 BUTTER Firm; extra western creamery, 22c; extra nearbv prints. 23e. EGGS Firm; pearby fresh, 17o at mark; western fresh, 17e at mark. CHEESE Quiet; New York full creams, 121 14c. . Dnlatk Grala Market. DULUTH. April 27. WHEAT To ar rive. No. t northern. 79 He; No. 2 north ern. 77Hc; on track. No. 1 northern, 7c; No. 2 northern, 77e; May, 79c; JUiy, (, rr.uimi, ,7... OATS To arrive, on track and May, Liverpool Grala and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. April 27. WHEAT Spot, nominal; futuree quiet: May, Us d; July, 8d 7Td; piepiemoer, ob CORN Upol firm; American mixed, new, 4s d; American mixed, old, 4s 9d; futures quiet; May, 4a 6d; July. 4a 44d. Toledo feed Market. TOLEDO. April 27 SEEDS Clover, cash and April. $.I7: October, $5 95; tim othy, $1.62; alsike, $9.25. Metal Market. NEW YORK. April 27.-METALS-Th Iindon tin market was Irregular with spot higher at 4.18J bS. Willie iuiuiti trr weuK . in i,.iiv the murket was onlet and showed a slightly reactionary tendency spot being quoted at $;t9.70(ua9.8i. Copper wa un changed to 6 lower In the London market, with tpot closing at S5 and future at 83 6s. Locally no chance wa reported, laike is quoted at $18.VJi 18 75: electrolytic at $18 251 1 50; casting at $1 i ii '-8.25. Iron was Sd lo 6il lowtr at 4!;s 3vl for standard foundry and at 49 7d for Cleveland - t I . , .1 1 1 v. the market was lin changed.' No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted St $18 7f.f?t9.i: No. 2 foundry northern at $!sgl8.fiu; No. 1 foundry souinern, jis.oo lv- 4 ..,,nH..v B.,ntl.rn nt tin 00. ST. Louis. April jr. m et als Lead, firm; $..). Bpeiter, quiet: ).satii.w. tofts Market. NEW YORK. April T,. COFFEE -Market for futures opened unctiangrd to an advance of 6 poUn and ruled quiet but ateadv In keening with foreign inarkrts durln gthe early session. Prices eased oft toward the close with the market finally tiiv with a llnal decline ot &n r-oin S.les for the day were reported of 31.750 Including klay at 5"fi1.5oc; July, 7iusoc: teitenilier. i.wv.o; Uerember 7.ISri 7.25c: March. 7.4oc. Bpot Rio, steady; No. 7 Invoice. i-iac. Mora Gold Kaaased. NEW YORK. April 27 The First Na tlnnal bank has arranged fur gold lin port of $3,000,000. NEWYORR STOCKS AND BONDS Market Lower on Heaj Selling; of Becuri tiea j Insurance Companies. RAILROAD LIST SUFFERS THE MOST Great Sortkera Preferred Stamps Twenty-Five Points aad Other Lines Fall troat Fight to Fifteen Points. NEW YORK.' April 27. Necessitous liquidation threw a laige volume of stocks upon tne market touay at a time whin trie demand - wa almost paralysed. 1 nn bear element amongst the traders showed Itself alert and well organised and met tne evidence of forced Wnng by a sav age onsiaugirl on prices wnlch cut under tne market and added to the demoralisation. The boldness wnn which the bear eiement operated was Indicated by the violent re bounds between onslaughts, when the hours took hasty pro lit by buying to cover bhorts. It was the common understanding that the most urgent liquidation was for tne account ot some of the insurance com panies. The Indiscriminate way In which stocks were thrown over and tne violence of the declines at which sales wers effected gave rise to disquieting rumors, especially regarding the position of some of the In- uranc companies. The enormous losses suffered by the Insurance companies In San Francisco hav given perfectly nat ural occasion for keen discussion of their standing ever since that event, and It baa been aenerallv exoected that so unprece dented a scale of losses could hardly fall In soma casualties In th Insurance Held. Further large engagement of gold for import were secured in Paris today, the aggregate for the day reaching $,uo0,0o0. Hila was contrasted with $l,So0,0u0, the amount of the day's transfers to San Fran cisco through the subtreasury. Thus sub sidence in the Tide or the movement to the Pacitlc coast aroused some hope that the principal requirements there Incident to the resumption of banking were now satisfied. But this development arailed nothing to check the force of the llquldae Uon which poured Into the market The speculative account on the long side of the market proved much heavier than there has been any suspicion of and the wiping out of margins and the uncovering of stop-loss orders brought a flood of salo orders from all quarters. The western speculative centers figured very largely in this class of renin and tne market was not free from rumors of threatened casual ties in the speculative field of operation. No news regarding any of the properties whose stocks were most affected accom panied the break. Th violence or tne decline in some or. tna high-priced railroad stock revealed the fact that orlces had been marked up un duly during the recent period of confidence, while practically no offerings were made In the market. The appearance of any considerable supply of stock proved that no adequate demand existed at the hlch prices which had been made. The Hill stocks and the Northwestern Pacifies were the largest sufferers, and Reading.- New York Central and some of the highly spec ulative Industrials also fell abruptly. The break of twenty-five points In Great North ern preferred measured the maximum, but the Chicago A Northwestern stocks, North ern Pacific, Chicago & St. Paul, Minneapo lis at Omaha, Colorado Fuel and Anaconda offered examples of- 8 to 15 points declines. In the general l$st losses of 2 to 6 points were fairly general. The rise in the early part of the day was due to the continuing effect of yesterday's gold announcement, which prompted the shorts to cover. It only served as a better basis for the re newed liquidation. ine weeks currency movement indicates a rash loss for the banks of upwards of $,000,0i0. There was little change, how ever. In the day's money market. The weakness In stocks continued throughout the day with successive selling movements at new low levels. Interspersed with occa sional rallies on short covering. The clos ing tone was weak, although mixed with some of these spasmodic rallies. $2,o9i.ono. United States were all unchanged on can. The following was the range of Drlces on the New York Stock exchange: ' OmiM. Mich. Low. CInM. Aaim Express Amalgamated Coppor .. A mar. Car and Foundry so pta Amor. Cotton OU o prd Amer. Express Amar, H10 'Leathar ptd Amer. Ii-a Sscurltlas Amat. Ltnaaaa Oil da pfd Amar. Locomotive do ptd Amar. Smelting a Raining 4.000 154' no pio Amar. Surar Refining Amar. Tobacco pfd otfs.... Anaconda Idlntng Co Atchison do ptd Atlantis Coast Lin Baltimore it Ohio do pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt.... Canadian Pad no Central of New Jaraey.... Chasapeak s Ohio Chicago at Alton do prd Chicago Oraat Waatarn Chicago at Northweatars... c, M. ft St. Paul Chicago Tarra. & Trana.... do prd C. C. C. St. Louis Colo. Fuel and Iron Colorado aV Southaro do lat ptd do td Bid Conaolidated Gaa Corn Products rfg do pfd rfg Palawara ft Mudaon XI.. Lack, ft Waatarn Dauvar ft Rio O ran da do pfd Piitlllcra' SscurltUs fcrla do lat pfd do 2d pfd Gonaral Elaetrle Hocking Valla? Illlnola Central . Intar. Paper da pfd Intar. Pump ao pfd lows ( antral do prd K. C. Southern da pfd Loulavllla ft Naahrllla.... Manhattan L Metropolitan Straat Rr... LMexlcan Central Minneapolis ft St. Louis... Minn., PL P. 8. iia. M. do pfd Miaaourt Pacific Mo., Kan. ft Taxas do pfd National Load National R. R. of Max. pfd N. Y. Central N. T . Ontario ft Western. Norfolk ft Western do pfd North American Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People' a Uu Pitta.. C. C. ft St. L Prcaaed Steal Car..... do pfd Pullman Palace Car 2nd tit Reading dn 1st pfd ti. M do zd pfd UK) M Republic Steal i.e4 t14 dn pfd J.J.) Mj Rock If land Co.. 1,fi) ! do pfd 2. I'M tk St. L. ft Sad Fran, td pfd. W 16 fct. Louie tioutheetern aim tl dn prd 311 1.1 'i Southern Pacific M.tiiO f, do pfd "0 ins Southern Railway 1 J7S do pfd lie ms Tenneeeee Coal and Iron.. 700 142 Texaa ft Paella 1 an Toledo. 81. Louis ft West.. 0 la do pfd t'ulon Paclfio ttl.eOO HH 146 do pfd , I. S. Kxpree V. S. Really I'. 8. Rubber 8. inn B! do pfd i 11414 V. S. steal ITT 0 44 do pfd a 100 lOTti vs M.aro. inemicai a. mm 4.04 i ptd 4i4 17 Z Wabash 114 2Z do pfd LloQ 434J Welle-rargo Kxpraes w eeunguouae kieclrto Weatern t'nlon Wheeling ft Lake Erie.. W iaconin t.'antral do pfd Northern Pariflc Central Leather ,. da pfd gloea-Shemeld Total sale (or the day 130 24,100 104 lfl24 1024 I.400 41 00 101 iOO tl JO0 120 ion st4 4,100 41 lot) lH 104 l 11,400 4 aim it 1.400 117 19, 300 13S-H 4.V0O 102U 22 10,1110 1.100 lot': 1.3IK1 144V4. lO.lOO 104 14 M,30ft 141 100 n ltOOO el II to' II II 04 Hi 141 116 101 !M M 100 141 104 m 206 64 11.400 Id 4.000 til U.0"lt ll4 200 11 1,00 J' " 100 ITi 41.100 64 "6o " im in U rr M 4iH Stiioo liiii iv 400 Ji'4 23S4 400 rot CuO 440 48 H 4 us 41', MW 46 147 '4 124 14. V 20 I 3)4 l.Oia) 6.404 1,00 - 400 I. to 1,704 lis) 1.400 I.4o0 47 Utt 64 1.10 21) lull lot 0 l.luO l.i0 Hi 4"0 1H 100 IK $.700 21!, '00 1S7 loo lft T.loO I UK 1 - 1,400 700 14.400 1 300 4, 7o ' lie 4'W 64.004 1 10,4ia mo , l.xoil tli 14 ai 1S Si 137 41 7t 74. 40 131 an Id 65 11 111 440 414. K "4 40 ts 41 U-. IIS 14 w 46 13 II 14 is Id 141 111 112 10 im"' 117 0 II 44 7f M Ul 47S 4 " 40 136 0 M 4 ill 19 100 80 0 214 " . u 14 18 1 lll 141 lit 131, 100 100 141 1044 a T6 117' 205 R 1M 1I3 11 M4 4 4 II 44 44 131V 21 118 440 4i 13 40 42 1 124 144 II 14 44 13 4 24 14X uo 111 104 TO US 14I4 II 15 133 474 H 0 6 lla so IS 4Vi, IN .200. 4-0 11; 1214 123 0 4 16 In 27, 43 43 ; bi 43 117 , "S 141 im 34 50 101 4 n 101 it 43 (00 1.4O0 100 24 11 24 17 14 1 IK 102 Tl 1.7H1. too snara. 44.IOK 11a 4.0 424, 1" 1"2 x.eou eo U 1 t'- M MS a. 43 22 i2 43 11 1 44 141 10 34 61 Hi ez 110 0 4i 106 104 li 43 aee li It 4 4 in XOl 74 Rew Yarlt Mlalasr Iteeks. NEW YORK. April 17. Closing quotations on mining blocks were: Adama Con Allre F 1 were HrOilr Con . Coiuetfiok Tunnel Con. 4 al ft dors tlllKar Iron Silver LeadTiiis Cos ... Oflored. to ...10 ... 40 ... u ...100 ... it ...t"0 ... I Llllle Chief .. Onlerlo lOl'hli Phoenls rMoet Kaag 'Sierra Nevada Sinail Hopes ., ''standard .. I ..lit ..44 .. 1 .. 14 .. 44 .. 14 .. 2e) ..140 Treaaary Statenaeat. WASHINGTON. April 27 Today's statement of the treaaury balances In th general fund exclusive of tlie HoH.n00.0o0 gold reaerv sUows; AvalUblu cautn bat nee. $S.02R.1S1; gold coin end bullion. n.ii4.sus; gold rertincates, 143,1 1 J, luo. REPORT OP THE (IE 4. PI I HQ Hniin Tra asaelaaa of 4k Associate! Baak for tha Wiii. IW Tork. April 27.-The following , .uNiiiiru ujr riHiji-iirn, snows ltft bank clearings at the principal cities for thai a ... 4 a 11 m a. 1 1 . . " ' v aim 11 i, 11 iim jirrceoi" v .... immv an. 1 u w i mwi a coilipaieia h the corresponding week last year: N tflbl the age wit CITIES. Clearings Inc. Doc. New York Chicago Hoston Philadelphia pt. 1,0111s l'lttsburg Baltimore Clnclnnstl Kansiis City New Orleans Minneapolis Cleveland lAiulsvllle Detroit Ivos Angeles OMAHA , Milwaukee Providence Buffalo Indianapolis St. Paul , Denver Seattle , Memphis .... , Kort Worth Richmond Columbus , n ashinston St. Joseph , Savannah , Portland, Ore Albany ,., Hs.1t Lake CHy...!. Toledo, O Rochester Atlanta Tacoma Spokane, Wash. ... Hartford Nashville Peoria lies Moines New Haven Grand Rapids jNorroik Augusta, Ga Springfield, Mass. . Portland, Me Davton Sioux City Kvanavllle Birmingham Worcester Syracuse Charleston, 8. C... Knoxville Jacksonville, Fla. . Wilmington. Del. .. Wichita Wllkesharre ".. .... Chattanooga Davenport , little mock Kalamasoo, Mich. Topeka Wheeling. W. Va.. Macon Springfield, III , Fall River Jlelena exlngton Fargo, N. D , New Bedford Youngstown Akron Rockford. Ill Cedar Rapids, la.. Canton, O Flnghamtnn Chester, Pa Lowell. Oreensburg, Pa. Bloomlngton. III. .. Springfield, O Qulncy, 111 Mansfield, O , Decatur. Ill Blotix Falls. 8. D.. Jacksonville. 111. .. Fremont. Neb South Bend, Ind.. Houston tGalveston Fort Wayne Totals, tr. S Outside N. Y. City. IAfifi,7S.JSl lw.aM.uoji 17J.4Je.lull 156.iiW.7S7I 63.IM2, 6J.7X?,4 24.WJ.tiH, 24.rVll.KO, 23.6M.H.V!I 17.1!M.;i4m 1.7J.B72 13.2i 'J.H71 11.SX2.414! IS. 140.7421 13.2'i9.0nitt 8.714.0S.7I 8.249.1H&I 6.921,7001 7.94.47i 6.6.;ll $.15t,Sh0 6.091.817 6.587,712 4.19J.H6 6.067.6H2I 4.!01,226i 4. 871. 10O! 6.318. ! i2i 4.7S6.012i $.17.72S 6.9).2St 6.271.190 4.013.441 S.4J5.427 J.l1.0, 6.620,021 .:i7.4ir J.217.0S"! 6.587.6H2 2.3-:)4,067l 2.&9O.012 t 366.927, S,115.9"6 .(r72.7Sr 1.31,s3f. 2.0fi2,470l 1.4ni.674! 2,o;n.47ii X, IPLSSO 1.S49.443 2.101.630 1,795.7X4 1.431.821 J. 2111.916 1,50.774 1.127.630 l,lbs,474 9S1 .690 J.nsn.nofi! 1.321,673 l,027.i27 1,247.495 815.514 713,050 1,048, 555 421.2O0 705.512 1 OS 3R3 12,99!)I 704.568 440.876 i9 249 76S.510I 499. f 659.345! 541.497 465,8331 618.0fiO 603.86? 47.525 470.766 966. 288 273,884 480,746 317.671 298.3811 300.8281 205.994: 264.186' 880.24OI 16,120.498 10,446,0001 697,047 $3,066,898,501 980.162,2701 10.3 .7 14.7 JS .9 7.4 7.7 21 8 12.6 11.7 28 $ 1.5 1.0 17.8 36.4 12.1 46 32.7 6.2 86 6 74 4 87.6 18 6 22.8 10.9 33 S 14.6 1 2 6 8 22.1 49.6 23 .0 9.2 6.7 11. a 33 44 9 19.1 89.8 9.1 1.8 24.1 16.9 22.1 14.5 21.2 1.6 21. i 11.0 29.8 is2' I 13.9 20.6 ...... 44.9 8.0 9.13 1.1 11.8 59 9 31.1 83.6 5.5 ....... 35.1 45.7 6 7 2.2 37.8 58.1 62 .7 3.7 .6 28 .8 8 2 34.7 1.6 1.6 104 1.7 41.8 16.1 40.7 12.0 1 1.8 1 10.7 ...... 6.3 73.6 67!7' 1.3 2.8 8.5 7.1 CANADA. 1.4 Montreal If 28,616.6451 60.1 Toronto, w.u Winnipeg 9.002,993 104.3 Ottawa 2.S40.778 I 4.l Halifax 1.692.9,-d 39.11 Vancouver, B. C z.sssb.sxs w.i Quebec 1.284.657 , Hamilton . . I 1.457.759 34.6 St. John, N. B ' 1.094,918 45.2 lyonaon. unt j,'i co.o Victoria, B. C I 757,466 94.6 1 -1 f rnar1a It 70.841.0561 67.6 Balances paia tn casn. IImox inciuueu iii m"i ... complete. . , tNot Included In totals because contain ing other items than clearings. Mew York Moaejr Market. ktit.w TfiRK Anrll 27 -MONEY On call. steady; highest, 5 per cent; lowest, $ per cent; ruling rate, 4V4 per cent; last loan, 4 per cent; closing diu, per ceui; uui I per cent; time loans, steady; sixty days, nlnoty days and six months, 6 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 65i per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE! Irregular, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.844O'0) 4.8445 for demand and at f4.8130fl4.813a for sixty-day bills posted rates, 4.82H'&4-83 and $4.851,t'i'4.86; commercial bills. $4.81. SILVER Bar, . tiVsc; Mexican dollars, 60Hc BONDS 8teady; railroad, weak. Closing quotations on bonds today wer as follows: ... .. U. 8. ref. is. rl....losIJapn 4a, IS Sanaa... 117 do coupon...... 103 V. 8. la. rag lol do coupon 104 TJ. fl. old 4. reg 1"3H do coupo 10o V. 8. S. 4a, reg 180 do coupon 131 Am. Too. 4s IS do 4e Ill Atrhlaon gen. 4l 100 do ad. 4a 34 Atlantic C. L. 4s M B. ft O. 4s 101 do la 4 Brk. R. T. cv. 4a.... 4 Control of Os. Is. ...Ill do lat Ino II do Id Ine 17 do Id Inc M Chss. ft O. 4 lot C. ft A. 8a IW C, B. ft Q. a. 4a.... IS C . ft. I. ft r. 4a..... 71 do col. Is 71 Ct'C. ft 8t. 1 (. 4a. lot Colo. Ind. Is aer. a.. 74 do 4a ctfa 3 do 4a ctfa ! do td aeries ) I,, ft N. ant. 4a lot Manhat. e. gold 4a... .101 Max. Central 4a 10 do lat Ino 22 Minn, ft St. U 4a.. 13 14., K. ft T. 4a 1014. da I !4. It. R. of M e. 4s. ! N. Y. C. gen. ls.... M N. 1. C. fs. ta 121 No. Paclnc 4a 101 do la 74 Norfolk ft W. c. 4a. .100 Ore. 8. L. rfi. 4s.... Si Penn. cv. Is vi Raadlns (en. 4a loo St. h. ft 1. 14. c. 6a.. US St L. A 8. r. fg. 4a. IS St. U 8. W. c. 4s.. Tl Seaboard A. U. 4a.... It 80. Pacific 4a II do 1st 4s ctfa.: 80 Railway os... do aer. B..... Colo. Mid. 4s Colo, ft So. 4s.... Cuba ta D ft R. O. 4a ... Distillers' See. ta.. , 4 117 12I4 73 Texas ft P. la... . Ti Tol.. St. U ft W. 4a. 10 . VS Inloa Paclfio 4a 104 .1041 do cv. 4e .100 V. 8. Steal Id ta. . va wabsen 1 Erie prior lien 4s. ...100 do deb. H do ten. 4a tl jWretern Md. 4a... Hock. Valley 4e. .. .1014, Wheeling ft L. B. Japan 4a M lx Central 4s... offered. ...14K ,.. . ...116 ... 7(. ... 4 4a ,.. II Ooatoa Stock, aadl Bondi BOSTON. April 27.-Ca.ll loans, cent; time loans. f'(iH per c-nt. closing on stocks ana bonds: Atrhlaon adj. 4a 14 lAlloues do 4a 14 Amaliamated .. Max. Central 4a 77 I Amer. Zinc ... AKhlonn Atlantic do pid 914 iBingham tai. nela. . Centannlal ..... Copper Hangs . Oal Wel Kranklln tirenny Vnaton ft A 2544, Boston ft Maine. ...174 Boetnn Elevated ..let Kiuhborf pld 1'2 Mrx. central il N. Y.. N. H ft H.1S7 t'nton Paiidc 144jlala Rnyale .. Am. Arre. Chemical.. 23 'Maaa Mining do rtd Am. Paeu. Tuba.. Am. Suiter do pfd An. Tel. ft Tel. Am. Woolen do pfd Pom. 1 ft Steel. Ediaon Elc. 111... Mais. Electric ... do pfd Maaa Gaa t'nited Fruit lolled Shoe Mark 0 do pfd 10 U. 8. Steel do pfd Weeting. commas Adventora Asked. S.I Michigan .. II IMohask ..HlVMont. C. ft C. ..132, old Dominion .1X3 Itx rola .. 31 IParrot ..lot isqulnrjr .. tl8bannon ltt . . 44 . 4t lot Tamarai-k Trtnliy Coiled Copper . I. 8. Mlmnc.... iV. 8. Oil Ctah Victoria 40 Wlnoua lot Wolverine 7s iNonh Butt .... ' 64i6 pt r Official 34 103 14 31 TO rt 74 i 11 114 18 f 57 ' M 101 43 lis) ' 101 10 to is 1044 W t 4'i . .14a .. 4 Loidsa rit-sias; Stocks. LONDON. April 27. Closing quotations on the Stock exchange were: Con eel a, money... do account Anaconda AK'hlaon do pfd .XI -! .. 0 .. ! ..lot N. Y. Central...!. Norfolk ft W do pfd Ontario ft W Penneylvanis Baltimore ft Ohio 11 Hand Mluaa .(. .14 'Heading .. It do 1st pfd. ., ' do M pfd ,.1734, Southern Ry .. 14 j do pld .. 44 kouihern Pacific.. .. ILuion PaciSc .... .. 431 do pfd .. 74 V 8. Steel ..41 I do pfd ..114 Wabaah do pfd Mta'.Rpantah 4a Canadian Pacific Chea. ft tlbto ... Chicago u. W C , M. ft St. P DeBoers D. ft R. O dn pfd Erie , da let pfd do 14 pfd Tllluole Central , Louislll ft N.. M . k. ft T SILVER Bar, firm; 3o 9-lod per ounce. muin i J per cent. The rate of discuont In the open market for short hills Is $ 6-164i-8 per cent; for three months' bills, 3 4-lo-u3S per cent. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET rat Cattle Steady to a Little Btroncer in Epota. HOGS OPEN HIGHER, BUT CLOSE EASIER Not Kaongh gheep la glakt Msk Test of Valnes For Week Trlees on All Grades brr Derided Gains. SOUTH OMAHA. April 27. 1906, Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 2.8J5 .t7 6,224 Oltlcial Tuesdiiy 4 6-J lb.isi? 6,114 Oniclal Wednesday 2,7.14 11.777 6.179 Ortielal Thursday I.hho 1i.2i1 i,(M Ollluial Friday 760 ,0J 466 Five days this week.. 13,147 63.662 2.1 Same days last week.. . .16,il 42.674 56 8:11 Same two weeks ago 15,'.l Wi.495 84.321 Same three weeks ago.. 16.143 46.H64 $2,710 Same four weeks ago. .. .18.1:3 27.715 62.o4 Same dais last vear. . . .16.676 40, 29,3"0 RECEU'TS TO DATE. The following table shows ine receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha iur uia year to oate, compared witn last T S7.J-. 113.6"7 6,26S yar: jsos. ibo. Cattls 206.907 271,50 Hogs ., 849,793 757.726 Sheep 61191 656,928 RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha )1.90(jS.10 $5.75 Li 3.37 V Chicago 1.76tf616 6.5fo'.67 Kansas City ... 3.60fr6.0tf 6. i 5 w. 4 5 SL Louis t 00, 6.75 6 60 W 4 65 Sioux City 1. 0010,5.2s ' 224J6.3S CATTLE) QUOTATIONS. Tha following will snow tna mlces Bald for ths different kinds ot cattle on iht South Omaha market: Good to choice corn-fed steers.. ..$4 WS 40 i'alr to choice corn-fed steers 4.6r.ai85 Common to fair corn-fed steers 4 0o-i4 6i Good to choice oosi and heifers.. I.iki'oI.oO Fair to good cows and heifers....',. $.0tJ$65 common to fair msi and heifers.. 1.6"fl 3 00 Oood to choice feeders 4.ru4..7 rolr to good stockers and feeders. $ tWir4 .06 Common to fair stockers 2.7MM M bulls, stags, etc 2 60414. 06 The following table shows the average price of hogs al South Omaha for the last several days with comparisons: membered that yesterday ths bulk of the at $66 hogs brought $. J7 V tl JO. with the top As will ha noted from the tables above the receipts of hogs continue very liberal at this point, the rtln todsy being largT than a week ago and the total for the week decidedly lit escess of last wesK. There has also been a heavy gain In re ceipts over the corresponding week of a year ago. The Improvement In the mar ket yesterday and today wipes out a share of the decline made on Monday and Tuesdsy, leaving the market only about 2Vx" lower than it was ou Monday. Hepresentatlve sales No. 4. As. ... 47 ...IM ...111 ...1st ...'l . . ?1 ...171 ....171 72 til Pate. 1 1806, l!kJ6.l04.il9O3.laO2.1901.lyOO. Apr. 7...6 21 626437 241 66s 627 Apr. ...( 62o4 91 7 27664601 Anr. ... 6 264 4 1 7 2oi 6 67 6 2 6 J4 Apr. 10... JilV $ 2 7 Vol 6 aO 6 67 6 W Api. 11... 6 3SMi 't 4 96 7 6 9H 6 93 6 3 Apr. 12... 6feC6IU 460 OH IW ill Apr. 18... 6 3V 6 2 4 &1 7 J9f 8 04 t 40 Apr. 14... 6 45 I 6 2ti 4 ti 7 2-1 6 S6 lu April 16... 6 4S4.I 4 b 7 Oi 6 Via 6 94 I 46 April 17.. p0 6 23 7 13 6 9i 92 6 to April 18.. 6 60 6 28 IPO 7 14 6 99 6 65 6 49 April 19.. 6 43W 6 27 4 75 6 i" 6 ft! 6 46 April 20.. 6 414 6 23 6 62 7 10 S 85 6 46 April 21.. 6 43V, 6 80 4 80 7 11 6 69 6 42 April 22.. 633 4 81 707 6 MSA April 23.. 6 S44 4 82 7 02 6 86 6 80 6 3S April 24.. 6 29 6 36 7 06 6 99 6 76 6 32 April 25.. 6 nut, 6 26 4 75 7 06 6 93 6 7 6 34 April 26.. 6 2044,6 2314 7k 7 00 6 74 6 30 April 27 6 16 4 75 6 92 6 72 6 34 Sunday. YtiSTERDAY'S 8HIPMENTS. The following shows the number of cars of stockers and feeders shipped to the country Thursday and their points of de- tinatlon: The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: t;attie. nogs, bheep.u r s. C, M. A St. P. Missouri Pacific 1 U. P. System 20 C. & N. W., east C. & N. W., west.... 22 C, St. P., M. & O.... 7 C, B. Q., east 8 C, B. & Q , west 6 C, R. I. & P., east.... 1 C, R. I. & P., west.. 13 3 6 S9 3 43 12 6 14 $ 125 Total receipts .... 74 .The disposition of the day's receipts wus as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber ol ueaa indicated Omaha Packing Co.... Swift and Company.. Cudahy Packing Co.. Armour & Co Van Sant & Co Hill & Son Mike Haggerty Other buyers Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 1"4 1.414 24 332 8.004 ..J.. 277 957 426 2o2 3,076 226 1 6 6 in 8,446 Totals 1,268 CATTLE RecelDts ot rattle wers very light this morning, but still heavier than on Friday of last week. Of the number reported In twelve cars were through stuff not offered for sale. Tlio market as a whole was In a satisfactory condition, the feeling generally being strong with most everything selling in food season in the morning. Beef steers were in very fair request and with so few In sight there was a natural disposition on the part of sellers to try to force prices a little higher. Buyers did not appear in any hurry to put on anything, feeling apparently, that the market had already made a very good gain this week, so that the trade was not very active, notwithstanding the fact that receipts were so light. Still buyers evi dently wanted the cattle and most every thing sold In good season, but at prices little more than steady with yesterday. In some cases sellers reported that if anything they had had to work harder than yesterday In order to gel the samo prices. Some heavy cattle brought $5.30 as against $5.25 yesterday. Cows and heifers were In lighter supply and more active sellers than were sloers. The few cars in sight changed hands very readily and could tie be Quoted as steady to a little stronger than yesterday. There were no stockers or feeders of any consequence on sa'.a and as usucl on a Friday there was no great demand. Representative sales: BEE' STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. As. Pr. ).... b:l0 I 00 1244 4 70 1 440 4 00 20 1115 4 71 I 00 4 00 10... 1221 4 75 4 177 4 1 t 1062 4 7t 725 4 It 10 125 4 7 4 2I 4 10 12 Hit 4 Tl t 44 4 SO II 111! 4 7i I Kit 4 M II ll3 4 H t 1110 4 40 4 114T 4 M M I7 4 40 17 1134 4 10 11 171 4 U 11 1154 4 M 11,14 4 41 7 V12M 4 U II 171 4 M 1 1234 4 II 1010 4 10 tl K'31 4 It II 1143 4 tO 10 1249 4 " t 10S4 4 tO 10 13:1 4 M It It 4 ti 40 1271 t 00 II 1031 4 U 14 lt0 $ 00 H... 117 4 ii 10 1UI 10 22 1061 4 ti 14 IM t 11 l"-'0 4 it 1So4 I 10 21 1A 4 40 14 1303 10 11 Sf.4 4 44 21 111.7 I It 1M0 4 40 4 Ikw) 25 I loss 4 40 i U24 25 24 1033 4 45 I lf2 t J5 4 iS 4 45 11 lit) 10 COWB. 1 149 1 tO 1 7H4 I 44 1 M0 1 0 1 mo i 1 , T70 I o0 1 104 I IT. 1 ; 700 ! 04 1 J0 1 45 1 1070 I 10 1 7:9 I 75 1 100 t 15 1 730 SO 1 7M I 11 143 I II t 110 I 1 Into I 15 1 til IM I 750 I 15 1 loll I to t 1051 $ IS 1 1"60 t tO 1 1110 15 1 770 t 50 1 10,1 $ IS 1 740 I to II 7H I M 1 7K0 1 40 1071 4 00 I. IV) t 70 t u 4 00 t ISO t 75 14 1M 4 05 1 100 I 75 1 1111 4 15 1 40 i 40 1 1344 4 25 t ll'ls 1 0 1 1030 4 25 1 MO I 15 11 12 i3 4 25 5 M I 1 1 11,0 4 25 1 fcO I 10 4 13 4 5 i 121 I 20 11 ion! I 40 1 440 I 25 1 1210 4 40 I 0 It 1 1404 4 4(1 1 1175 I 15 It IliO 4 40 HEIFERS. 1 710 I 0 1 7HJ 1 15 1 750 i 00 1 124 I 05 450 t 04 1 6' 0 4 IS) 1 140 I 30 t 470 III 4 too I M 1 1060 4 40 1 Til I M , BULLS. t , 1431 I 10 t 1340 I 10 I ISM) I 00 1 1540 I 49 1 , 10M I IS 1 1(10 I 40 1 :....1670 I 20 1 170 I 40 1 150 I id I lf,0 I 14 1 1010 I 15 1 1') t W 1 15S0 4 tO 157 0 1 1020 I to 1 ISO I Ii 1 1440 I tO 1 180 I 75 1 11X0 I to 1 13s U I Ui4J $ M I ti 4 00 CALVES. J,....' 420 4 W 1 14 10 I 0 4 il 1 120 I tO t w 4 to i no t to I lit 4 7t 1 la I 25 J 100 l to STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 4 S55 I 70 4 T04 4 10 t 14 IM t ibo 4 16 1 .too 4 10 HOGS -Hogg opened mostly 5c higher snd the trade was fairly active, so much so that two-thirds of the receipts changed hands In very good season In the morning. After the more urgent orders were tilled the market slowed up and became some what easier, continuing dull and weak Uii'll the close. The bulk of the hogs sold at $ $2M9 $ 35, witu a too at $6 40. It will b re ts 70... 74... 41.... 14.... 12.... tl.... 41... IS.... 44.... 0.... 19. ... 43.... 14 ... 14... 2.... to.... 40.... 40.... 0.... 11.... 44.... 73.... 44.... 74.... It.... 7.... 14.... 46... 41.... 44.... 0.... 77.... Tl.... 14.... 77.... 14.... 71.... 77.... 74.... 0.... 71.... 44.... 44.... 114... 110... II.... It.... 71.... 4. it 2K0 221 ....214 ....244 ....204 ....254 ....131 ....ll ....148 ...217 ....124 ....111 ....111 . ...2..J ... .211 ....tit ....11 ....1H4 ....113 ....111 ....238 ....III ....101 ....24ft ....111 ....223 ....t"4 ....241 ....:.i ....220 ....2..0 ....2T.I ....17 ....1C4 ....231 ....! ....131 ....12 ....til ....127 ...240 ....221 ....234 ....144 ....228 ....1(1 221 110 Sh. 10 0 i?o ) 'is 10 40 120 0 0 0 40 40 0 0 120 120 120 Pr. I 40 I It I 14 14 I 10 4 SO 4 30 10 35 4 I 111 ' I3-4J 12 1 12 I I? I !24j !V 121, I 12 124 I K4 ' I 124 4 324 I 124 I 124 I 114 4 124 124 I 174 I 134 4 334 I 824 124 1 124 1 114 124 I 32 4 124 124 324 I 1:4 Ii4 I 124 I 134 1 124 124 124 124 I 334 124 124 134 4 II4 124 I 324 I 124 124 4 124 4 1:4 124 No. 7 74 71 74.... T4 40 4 It 43 44 44 71 74 74 1 14 14 14 140.... It 13 15 44 II 41 41 1 M 71 44 ti to rt...... 4t...... II 44 44 70 71 TS 71 41 K 14. 71 4 It 72 75 41 IS tl 71 Tl 45 17 71 72 As. ..Ill ..Ivl ..111 .111 .131 .241 ..144 ..7 ..X34 ..121 .174 ..t .177 ..III ..1,4 ..24 .171 ..171 ..213 ..til ..211 ..225 .'.251 ..241 ..! ..131 ..1W ..230 ..127 ..IM ..M4 ..221 ..Kl ..134 ..127 ..144 ..2.9 ..! ..227 ..210 ..144 ..244 ..134 ..1.0 ..! ..Ill .. ..141 ..Hi ..104 .1,4 ..141 ..1J4 . .211 ..224 ..too ..2J1 ..257 Ph. Pr. 40 124 ... 4 124 ... 4 124 .. 114 I 174 I 12 4 124 I 114 I 8:41 114 I M It I 34 , 4 34 It 4 It St 4 15 I 31 I 14 M I II I 16 I 11 U 34 4 34 U U I It I 15 U I 36 I St 4 U I 14 II I 35 It t M It 15 35 5 4 34 I 81 I 31 I 15 I it It H It M 15 I li li I 16 40 0 'io 40 10 as too to to 40 so 0 40 io 40 40 140 40 40 0 120 'ifl SO 0 0 SHEEP There was not enough of any thng here this morning to really make a market, but the feeling was a nod and strong, and had there been anything of consequence in sight there is no question but what It would have brought very satis factory prices. Two more cars of the Jan- sen shorn wethers and yearlings wore re celved and met with readv sale at $5 45. This was 20o more than Mr. Jansen's weth ers brought on Tuesdnv of this week, but the stuff here today was lighter In weight tnsn tne luesdays shipment. As has been noted In these columns from day to day. the market this week has been gradually strengthening up and lambs are now 15j25c higher than a week ago. It Is a little difficult to say Just how much ad vance has taken place on wethers snd year lings, as so lew nave been received tnis week. It is safe to say. however, that they have advanced and are as much as strong to inc nigner. The market as a whole has been In very satisfactory condition., there being a good demand in the face of only fair receipts. quotations: uood to choice western lambs, $6.6017.00; fair to good lainbe. $6.64ii 6.60; cull lambs, $4.50i&6.50; good to choice yearlings, I... 7&'u6.2o: fair to good yearlings, lf.Sri)f.i&; good to choice wethers. $.".75i'o6.25; fair lo good wethers, $5.404i6.i5; good to choice ewes, $5.5offiil.o0; fair to good ewes, $4.5i"'a5.50; cull sheep and bucks, $3.0iKjj4.00. Hliorn sheep and lambs are bringing prlcei generally 7ocf,; ji.2o less than wooied stock No. 13 ewes and stags 423 western wethers and year lings, clipped 11 western lambs, clipped 228 western cull ewes A v. 96 92 71 70 Pr. 4 76 5 46 I GS 3 00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Strong Hosts Strong; to Higher .. Sheep Weak. CHICAGO, April 27. CATTLE Receipts 1,500 head; market strong; common to prims steers. J4.00fi6.8o: cows. i3.2Mi4.60 heifers. $2.75i6.36: bulls. $2.60fl4.06: calves. $2.7603.25; cows, $3.25&4.0; heifers, $2.75 3.25; bulls, $2.W4.2o; stockers and feeders, 82.7n-a4.86. HOQS Receipts. 16,000 head; market strong to 60 higher: choice to prime heavy. $6.52V?6,67H; medium to good heavy, $6,169 6.56; good to choice heavy mixed, $6.4f.,f 6.52V&: jiacklnsr. K.7ora6.o0. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. B.OOO head; market sheep, weak; lambs, strong; sheep, $6.50o6.60. New York Live Stock Market, NEW YORK, April 27. BEEVES Re- celnts. S.337: steers steady to 10c higher bulls, steady; bologna cows, firm; others slow: steers. $6.onfi665: tops, $5.70; bulls, $3.60W4.15; cows, $2.0i3.R. Liverpool and London cables quoted live cattle easier at HHUVbc; steers, steady at 16file, dressed welahi: refrigerator beef higher at 9V4C per pound; exports tomorrow, 1,500 cattle and 7.263 nuarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 430 head; market firm to a shade higher; veals, $4.0Oti60o; dressed calves, firm; city dressed veals. 7ifi9Ho per pound; country dressed, 674,c. 8HEKP Aril L.AMUS tieceipis, head; market steady: lambs a trifle weak: spring lambs, nominal; clipped sheep, $3,609 3x6: clipped lambs, $6.75; unshorn lambs, $7.H(vft7 86. HO1I8 Receipts. 8,682 heed: market full steady; state and Pennsylvania hogs, quoted at $6.95117.10. Kansas City Live Stock Market." KANSAS CITY, April 27. CATTLE-Receipts, 800 head, Including 100 southerns; market strong to 10c higher: choice export and dressed beef steers, $5.3666.00; fair to good, $4.26i&6.25; western fed steers, $3.75 6.40; stockers and feeders, $3.00j4.90; south ern steers.- $3.754f6.26; southern cows, $2 60 (&4.10; native cows, $2.50f"4.iki: native helf ers $3.75iU6.10; bulls, $3.CW04.2A; calves, $3.00 456.00. HOOS Receipts, 6.500 head; market strong to 6c higher; top. $6.40; bulk of sales, $6 3tn6 40: heavy. $6.40(56.45: nnckers, $8.30 fJi6 4.'H; pigs and lights. $5.25fa36. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,000 head; market strong; top lambs, $7.10; lambs, $5.5017.10; sheep and yearlings. $4.60 o6 10; western fed. yearlings. $5.0txg 40; western fed sheep, $4.50a.15; Blockers and feeders, $3.00ti4.76. St. I.onls Live Stoek Market. BT. IzOT'IB. Mo.. April 27. CATTLE Re ceipts. 700 head, Including 400 Texans; mar ket higher; nstlve shipping and export steers $4 6.8.75; dressed beef and butcher steers' 13 .755.20: steers under l.OoO pound. $3 5rg4.30; stockers and feeders, $2.toi4.oO; cows and heifers. canner. i.irv-i 2 28- bulls, $2. sVrcl.OO; calves. 3 6n'u6 60; Texas and Indian steers, $3.0fvB4.75; cows and heifers. $'-'.00g3.0 HOfiS Receipts. 3.500 head: market 6c higher; pigs and lights. $5.6Of.50; packers. l"8.66; butchers and best heavy, $6.40 6 60 ' SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts -1 bead; market strong; native muttons, $4 0vnitai; lambs, $5.5tvS7.10; culls and bucks, $3.7566.00. long ritr I-lve Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. April 27. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 600 head; market strong; stockers steady; beeves. $4 00u6.2o: cows, bulls and mixed. $3.00 IH 4 50; stockers and fenders. 3. 504.60; calves and yearling. $3.234 25. HOOS Receipts. 4.300 head; market strong; selling at $4 22085; bulk of sales. 22fi 27. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 6o6 head; market strong. Bt. Joseph l ive Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., April 27. CATTLE Receipts. 6,700 head: market steady; native. $4.26416.80; cows and heifers. $1.65f4.(jO; stockers, and feeders. $3 16'ij4.60. HOGS Receipts. 4.311 head: market weak, lls-tit, $6,254(635; medium and heavy, $'j.Soy) 'tMEF.P AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.ST9 head; market steady; lambs, $7.40. Slock In Slattit. Cattle. Hogs, Spot closed firm. Sales, ttW bales. Oidl nsrv. -16c: wood ordinary. 94c; good mid dling. 11 lS-16c: middling fnlr, 12 J-16c. Re ceipts. 6.U bales; stock. 171.967 bales. South Omaha . . Kloux City . . Kansas City . . . 81. Joseph rit. Louis Chicago Total 750 600 800 676 700 ,500 .6,82 42.611 . Sheeo. 9.000 465 4.30 600 6.500 8.000 4.311 1,879 $.600 800 15.000 k'v.OOO C.7S4 OMA1I4. WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Trade and Qnotatlnaa na Staple aad Fancy Prod nee. E008 Receipts, liberal; fresh stock, cass count, 16c. LIVE POULTRY Hens. 11c: old roosters. 6',c; turkeys, 15c; ducks, 11c; young roos ters, (Ttc; geese, do. HrTTKfl Packing stock, ile: choice to fancy diary, 18a 19c; creamery, 21i;iy. II AY Prices guoted by Omaha teed com pany; No. 1 upland, $7; medium, $6.60 coarse. $6offr.6o. Rye slraw, $6.50. BRAN Per ton. $1750. NEW VKOttABLF:. TOM A TOk. 14 Florida, per orate Of $0 IbeV. net. $6 60. . . WAX BEANS Per hamper of about $ lbs , net. 16 00. STRING BEANS Per hamper of about $ lbs., net, W.0O444.0C, TtP..'tts. UBKT8 IND CAT4.ROT8J Lculalana. per tlos. ounrties, Tjctill.ts). SHALLOTTS Louisiana. ytt doss bunches, 75c. ... HEAD LETTUCE Louisiana. p bbt, $7.1.10 00: per dos beads, $1.0091.86. leaf Lettuce Hothouse, pr do. beads, 46c. CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per dos $1.00 160. ON10N8 Home grown, yellow snd red. 2o per lb; Spanish, per crate, $2.36; Colo rado, red and yellow, per lb.. 140. TROPICAL rRUITB. DATES Per box of 60 1-lb. pkgs., 12 00: Hallows en, In 7o-lb. boxes, per lb., Ic; bay ers, per lb., 4c: walnut stuffed, 1-lb. pkgs.. 12 00 per dos.: 6-lb. boxes. 61.00. ORANO topCalifornia, extra fancy Red. land navels, all sixes. H.tsi fancy navels. XI i. rholrei. all Sissa. Sm. LEMONS Llmomeis, extra fancy, 141 sirs, $3.76; 0 to $60 sit. 4 V HQS California. jr iJ-iv. carton. TMf , 66c; Imported Smyrna, three-crown, Uo; six crown. 18c. . . BANANAS Per medium slxed bunch, H.7I 452.26; Jumbos, $3&OHJ.04 TANGERINES-California, psr bog ft about 126. $3 04. . G RA r R FRUIT Florida, per box. $7003 I.W; California, per bos 44.A04M.5u. . FRUITB PEARS-Winter NtUls, $2.60, ' APPLES California Newton. Pippins, $2.16: Baldwins, $2 per bu. box; Ben Da. via, $2 per bu. box; Winesaps, 12. uu per bu. box; other varieties, $2.vu4ji:.50 per bu ; New York apples, Baldwins and Russets, $6.00 per bbl. UKAPK8 Imported MatL-igaa. $4.0ot7.60. POTATOES Home gr.ii, per bu., 60 toe; South Lakoia, per ou.. J6o. NAVV BEANS Per bu.. $1.86; No. 2, L7l LIMA BKANS Per lb.. 6feo CABBAGE Calilornlii, to per lb.; Wis consin, In crates, per lb., 8o, CELERY Florida, $1.2 Per dos. SWEET l'UTA'iOh.6 Illinois, pr 11-pk. bW- BEEF CUTS. No. 1 ribs, 16c; No. t ribs, llc; No. t ribs, 9Hc! No. 1 round. 8c; No. 2 round, 7Vsc; No. 8 round, 74c; No. 1 loins, 16c; No. t loins, 13c; No. 8 loins, UVc; No. 1 plats, 4c; No. 8 plate, $c; No. 8 plate, $c; No. i chucks, 6c; No. 1 chucks, bVkc; No. t chucks, fiO. MISCELUAKEOl'S. C1DER-Pr keg, l .: per bbl., $6,71 HON EV New, per 24 lbs., $3.50. CHEESE Swiss, new, :oc; Wisconsin brick, 16c, Wisconsin limDerger, Uc; twins. 13sjc; Young Americas, 16o. UTB vluuts. No. 1 soft shells, now crop, per lb., liWo; hard shells, per lb., UVko. Vacans, large, per lb.. 34; small, per lb.. 12c. Peanuts, per 1U. 64c; roosted, pes lb., ko. Chill waluuta, per lb.. iU4c. Almonds, soft snvna, per 10.. l7o; Hard shells, pel lb., loo. Cocoauuts, $4 psr sack of 100. FHES1I FISH, Trout, 11c: halibut. He; pickerel, dressed, 7c; whits boss. Uo; sua bbh, 6c; peruti, skinned and dresxed, ec; pike, 8iluc; ledsnupper, lie; Mlir.on, Uc; crapples, 6c; eeis. ISc; luack bass, 22c; whiiellHh, 10ul2c; frog legs, per dos., 60c; lobsters, green, 38c; boiled lobsters, 4-c, blueflsh, 15c; herring. 6c; bpaiuah mackerei, 16c; haddock. 10c: shrimp, $l.uj per gallon; smelts, 12c; cod, 12c; bullhead., Uc; catnsu, Luc; roe siiad, 76c; flounders. 110. MUBHROOMS-Iivitl.ouse. per lb., 60f60e. RADISHES tlt.;iouse, par dog. buuehos, 604x76c OYSTERS rtesh standard, $1.40 per gal.j shsU eystors, $1.00142.00 per ivo. Llttls Neck clama, $1.60 per 104. SUGAR Uranulated cane. In bbls., $6.16; granulated cane, In sacks, $5.11; KianuUtsd Miet, tn sacks. $5.01. BYRUP In uairels. 4c per gait In cases. 6 10-lb. cans, $160; cases, l) a-ii.. cans, $2.lw; cases. 4 i-ih. cans. $1.96. COFFEE ROoUf ted ; No, Su, 26U0 p,, 15 No. 30, 20Vo per lb.; No. 2b, lkta per lb; No. 20. 16S4C per lb., No. 21. UVo per lb. CURED FISH Family whiiellsh. per 14 bbl., 100 lbs., $4 50; Norway mackerel, per bbl., 200 lbs., bloaters, $40.00; No. 1. $ J 0u; No. 3, 626.00: Iso. 8. $20.00; Irish. No. IL I16.OO; Herring. In bbls., 200 lbs. even. Norway. 4k, $13.00; Norway, 8k, $13.0u; Holland, mixed. $11.60; Holland herring, in keg, milkers, sue; kegs, mixed, 7ou CANNED GOODS Corn, stsndard west- E,i, Uuln. II 11; T ....... . . a ... CI II, iwv , it, lumniuni, -lu. cans, tl.264jl.60; 2-lb., 8iVicJ11.00. Pineapples, grated, 2-lb., $2.06'a2.3O; sliced. $ Gallon apples, fancy, $3.75; California apri cots, $1.4tKit2.0O: pears, $1.75'u2.50; peaches, fancy, $1.761j'J.40: H. C. peaches, 2.VHit.iu. Alaska salmon, red, $1.16; pink, 9oc; fancy' Chinook, F., $2.10; fancy sockeye, F $1.05; sardines, Vx oi, $2.50: mustards, $2.6KtiJ 8.10. Sweet potatoes, $1.15t)l.k6; sauerkraut, $1.00: pumpkins, oOctall.OO; wax beans. 2-lb., 7i'y '"c; lima beans, 2-lb., 7oc4il.35; spinach, $1.3o'()2.00; cheap peas, 2-lb 80c; extra, 75'iJ 90c; fancy, $l Sifil.75. HIDES, PELTS AND. TALLOW No. 1 green hides, 9c; Mo. 2, He; No, 1 salted, 11c; No. 2. 10c; bull hides, (Ti'tjUttc; dry hides, I2fn20c. Horse hides, large, $3; small. $2. Sheep pelts, each 60c7$1.25. Tallow, No, 1, ic; No. 2, 3c; rough, lHc Wool Market. BO8TON. April 27. WOOL The Roston Commercial Bulletin will say of th wool market tomorrow: As manufacturers ara generally well stocked and as supplies ara limited, the market is oulet. The bus iness comes principally from those , mills that are now receiving noiiii orders fur cloth and accordingly are obliged to pur chase small quantities of wool. As a whole the volume of trade Is not appreciable. The San Francisco disaster Is not expected to have any material effect on wool, except that a consequent tight money" maiket will tend to make dealers more conservative on their operations. The 3.000,000 pounds of wool destroyed will cause no local stringency. All eyes are now turned to ward the west, where wool merchants are well represented. The deadlock has been finally broken In Montana by the contract ing of about 600.000 pounds in Lewlston at 26 cents. A prominent Boston dealer was the purchaser, uncaring continues in l tan nnd tlio wools are being shipped to pur chasers. The wools of Wyoming are re ported to be In generally good condition. Oregon and Idaho are quiet. Rumors of 22fiJc In Northern California are heard, but information from that state la at the time meager. Texas growers are selling now eight months at 21(02140 or about 67c clean, landed. Business In territory wools Is extra small: line staple Is quoted at 72"873o and fine medium, 6M(70c. Fine cloth ing sells at 6frj70c; fine medium, 6iMi6)h", half blood, 6ifd70c; three-eights, tU'So and quarters, 62f(iie. The shipments of wool from Boston to date from December 27, 1906, according to the same authority, are 77.286,647 pounds, against 63,"o6.6b9 pounds at the same time last year. The r 'slpts to UHlfl Hie o,,"rv,,oL,i Mmini., afsiMmi .,.i.',wi pounds for the same period last year. ST. LOUTS, Mo., April 27. WOOI, Steadv: medium grades combing snd cloth ing. Wu'JTic; light fine. 2iij2ic; heavy fine, 17'a20c; tub washed, 31 '3 37c. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, April 27 -COTTON-Spot market closed quiet; middling uplands, 11 7Fc; middling gulf, 12.00c. Bales, none. ST. LOI1S, April 27.-YTTON-Market quiet; middling. 114c. Bules, '15 bales: re ceipts, none; shipments. 9X2 bales; stock, 34.441 bales. . LIVERPOOL. April 27 COTTON-Bpot, good business done, prices 2 points higher; American middling, .67d; middling, io7d; low middling. 6H1.1; good ordinary, 6.73d: ordinary, t.53d. The sales of the day were 10,(J bales, of which l.Ow were for export and speclation, and included 6,4'4 Ameri can. Receipts. 2O,0u0 bales, including 19.300 bales American. NEW ORLEANS, April 27.-COTTON- Sngar and Molasses. NEW YORK, April 27.-8CGAR- Hsw. steadv; fair refining. 22 -32fj?2 22 15 32c; centrifugal, K6 test, 8 13-S2fi 7-16C; molasses sugar, 23-32'rn2 ll-16c. Refilled, quiet; No. C. 4c; No. 7. a&.'.c; No. 8. 3.wc; No. 9, I. hoc; No. 10. 3.80c; No. 11, 8.75c; No. 12, 8.7"e; No. 13, 3.6Ec; No. 14, 8.65c; confectioners' A, 4.85c-; mold A, 4 bac; cut loaf. i.2oc; crushed, 6.2oc; powdered, 4 6uc; granulated, 4.60- ; cunes, 4.75c. K.-B-W nm.KAk'8. Anril 27. SI 'O A R Quiet but steady; open kettle centrifugal. t'tUi1!1"- centrifugal whites, 3Vulc; yel lows, 3ll Af, Heconos, (no'it, kii it.AKKH Nominal: ouen kettle. 17 ii 30c: centrifugal, 7'2uc. SYRUP Nominal, kjjc. Otis and Rosin. OIL CITY. April 27. Oit i-redlt balances, $1.64. Shipments, 65.563 bbls., average 64.2l:1 blita.; runs, K9.055 this., average 64.617 bbis. Shipments, Lima, 74,799 tihls., average Ti. 623 bbls.; runs, Lima. 60,146 bbls., average 44.5fiO bids. SAVANNAH, April 27. OIL Turpentine, firm, 64c. ROSIN-Flrm: A. B, C. $3 76; D. $3 80; E, $3 k6; F. IM; O. $4.0i; H, $1 4i: I. $4 55; K. $5.25; M. $0 35; N. $ 40; W. C, $5.15; W. W., $5.50. F. D. Day Cl Co. Stocks, (iraln. lrovl!o,i kin Itar Urala to lla, &ne-igt)ta ooniuiluloa on Grain, one quarter 011 Stocks. Prompt and careful attention given, to oukulde accounts. W rits or our daily Market Letter, mUd free Main Office, tlO-U Bssr f Trad Bids. OKA Hi. na Ui Dtstaae 'Pkaae, Ueaglas 1414,