Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 11, Image 11
ttie omatta daily hee: Saturday, 'afril 2s. ioog. it I SWEDES CnEER FOR BENSON Republican Candidate Oiren Ovation at Washington BalL PLATFORM AND ISSUES ARE EXPLAINED Hunt ( Reeebllcans 1m Preaent am alea far Clemm, Hoint Gerera nent for the People I Bronchi Oat. the opposition nml the audience seemed fi understand it fully. f Hwettoe Proid of he Party. ; "To Swedish-American ears the orS 'democrat' has no' pleasant sound," said Mr. Anderson In opening the meeting. "We stand by our colors and are not ashamed of them. This Is a republican meeting and was so announced. In order to get some of our nationality to attend a democratic meeting held Inst night was billed as an Independent' meeting, and the dodge worked to some small extent. We are proud of our party's nominee for mayor of Omaha and we will elect him." John J. Ryder told how he hnd been a Hennlnga man before the primaries, but Swedish-American voters turned out In large number to the republican meeting la Washington hall last night, where they heard strong speeches setting forth reasons why the republican municipal ticket should be supported. E. A. Benson, John J. Ryder, Chairman A. W. Jefferls of the republican city committee, II. C. Brome and F. E. Anderson, editor of the Omaha Postern, who presided, were the speakers. The full Scan dinavian Singing society, under the leader ship of Otto Wolf, rendered a veritable high class concert during the evening, which was much appreciated. . When Mr. Benson entered the hall to tnake a short address he was given an ovation that put to shame all stories of his inability to enthuse the voters. The crowd took every advantage to endorse the man and what he stands for and every auditor stayed until the last. The speeches were logical and convincing and pounded steadily along the lines of civic decency and pa triotism. Every speaker did his best to im-ler liberal city administration. Clear up the tangled woor or laise issues kVahliA-a. lis la runnlna- on a nl.tfnrm Jield together by the fabricated warp oft rica to lieep the saloons closed Sun- done more to corrupt municipalities than any other thing of its kind. It Is paying money to defeat us because It wants to sell Its product to you for more than It Is worth. If I am mayor I will never sign a contract for gas costing more than tl per 1.000 cublo feet, and not even for as high a pries as that If the contract Is to run a long period of years. "The money .of the local breweries Is flowing Into a slush fund to help to defeat our ticket. As I said before, I have noth ing against the saloon when It obeys the law, but In a fight between the snloon and the home I am for the home for all time. The breweries are fighting us be cause they want to violate the law. They are creating false Issues to help them to do It. "My opponent charges me with lacking backbone. I have only this to say. I am 62 years old, was born In Louisa county, Iowa, and I have enough backbone to let anyone who wants to go over my life and record and see every bit of it. I am will ing to let the Investigators go back to the year I was born and finish with the pres. ent day. I have not bent my backbone to get some of the campaign contributions that Jim Dahltnan has. I have not enough backbone to go around and look my fel low citizens in the face and tell them that I will false my right hand and swear to do Bol'cyiing that I will not do." if . j Jlrome the "I,H." Mr, ff!rme discussed municipal govern meat 'Jn si general way and declared that tha hbl i'ijof the red light district are unfil(noim i their surport of the demo crip Ho'tryrfLlty candidate. He then called av"niw '"'V1 zaci mat me ua is on dcy, snfrr r ""i elected must take an oath to 'aw. i, "I do not know that Jim )nds'to keep this pledge, but rlho people of the red light ?ight he did they would not yV" said he. "I want to say regardless of bis platform or t whether Jim Dahlman wants the saloons will be kent closed As I as long as even a single man Is cuthrTi lined to have It that way, for he has the-lnw on his side." . . Jefferls a the Iaaaea. Chairman Jefferls said It was Incon ceivable to him that government by the people meant an appeal to the baser In stincts, but on 'he contrary It was founded that Inasmuch as Benson had won In a upon the heart and mind and conscience clean, fair fight he consldiTPd it his dutymnd, the aspiration of humanity to rise, to support him. This lie felt lie could do j Ho spoke fit the need of Omaha's good consistently, as he could the whole ticket, repute abroad and told of the fight among because of the character of the men on it the brewers to control the retail liquor and the principles they represent, lie 1- business In the city, which he said was nounced the democrats for attfinptinK t responsible for the city's somewhat dam Inject the prohibition Issue In the campaign uRi'd reputation abroad. The enactment when It had no place In 11. nnd pointed out ! nf the Slocumb law at the recuest of the that no chargrs hud been niaile that Mr. Benson was unfair. d firm live or In any way of an undesirable ch:irarter. Dahlmnn and Ills Plnlforni. "Furthermore, I want to say." said Mr. Ryder, "that I have no use for a candi date with his headlight on behind. Long before the primaries Mr. Benson announced exactly where he stood on questions of local government. Mr. Dahlman said nothing until after he was nominated and then accepted a platform made for him by a few of the democratic brethren gath ered somewhere for that purpose. "What can any republican hope to gain by bolting the tlcketT It came direct from the people. There is no question about the fitness, the honesty and the stability of every man on it. The Idea that Mr. Benson would try to do something that the city does not want is preposterous. He U heavily interested here and the city Is fully as dear to him as it Is to any other citizen, lie cares Just as much for Its prosperity, progress and happiness as you or I. It is men like Mr. Benson who re brave enough to express their beliefs and principles that are being endorsed and elected by the republicans all over the country." False Iaaaea Raised. Mr. Benson devoted some attention to calling to mind that the opposition had waged a campaign In which It has at tempted to raise false Issues. Speaking of the fight for good government he said: . "If you lose this time, I am afraid that we have lost for a long time to come. Cities of our class the country over are house cleaning Hnd . coming out from under the shadow and atmosphere of graft. If It should go out through the country that Omuha has taken a backward step It would be a most injurious thing to the city. It would mean that Omaha would become the spittoon of a hundred cities that have cleaned up and made graft and crime un profitable in them. Corporations and Breweri Allied. "Besides thu criminal element, which Is opposing me, are other well recognized forces. One of these Is the gas company, with Its bead In Philadelphia and Its tail In Omaha, lashing our citizens. It Is one of the most corrupt Institutions of It kind Jn the United States, and on that has brewers was recited and the power of the law explained in Its efficacy so long as a few citizens wanted It enforced. Like the other speakers, Mr: Jefferls said that Sun day closing is not a real issue In the pend ing campaign at all, but one forced In to create prejudice in the voters against the republican mayoralty candidate. He showed how Roosevelt, Folk, Weaver and other admired public men had won their spurs and mounted the rostrum of public approval by enforcing the law, placing them alongside of Mr. Benson in his desire tq give the city a clean, economical and busi nesslike administration. Benson and Sanday Base Ball. E. A. Benson met a rather Interrogating crowd when he talked last night at Twenty-seventh and Cuming streets. Sev eral were anxious to know how Mr, Benson stood on certain questions and he readily told them. One boy who had Just passed the age of 21, in accordance with Mr. Benson's request for questions on any point where his hearer did not know his attitude, called out, "How about Sunday base ballT" i "My friend, I have no Intention of put ting a stop to Sunday base ball," was the answer. "I was a boy once and I have a base ball finger." "How about the lid?" asked another man. "The lid Is on," said Mr. Benson. "Mr. Dahlman did not put It on, and I did not put It on; Mr. Dahlman cannot take It off and I cannot take It oft." ' In answer to a question as to whether he would treat the saloon In the parks Just as he treated the saloon downtown, Mr. Benson answered that everybody would get the same treatment. He said he favored cheaper gas, the en couragement of the Juvenile court and the establishment of more parks and play grounds. Meeting la the Fifth Ward. The Benson meeting at Sixteenth and Locust streets last night was largely at tended. Addresses were made by N. C. Pratt. Tom Hoillster, John J. Ryder, M. T. Murphy, W. W. Mace and others, of whom Hoillster, Ryder and Murphy had worked for the Equil Rights candidates before the primaries. N. C. Pratt said: "The chairman and treasurer of the re publican city committee have mad and si ' mmt "LeA'" J? ;i For Young and Old For All Ages Lowney's Cocoa U delicious nourUhlnj strengthenlne; t an aid to digestion and tha &ef cocoa made, anywhere or at any price. The WALTER M. LOWNEY CO. Law Bay's Cfcoculate Beaboas, ftastaa, Mas. 1 O- 1 mm fc I I 7 FaMei' is We ay 99 Only one strictly "correct" color in mens business suits this sea son g-r-a-y. Dozens of tints and tones to give you a chance to choose. A diversity of weaves to meet diversified tastes. Twiligh t gray, oyster gray, steel gray, gunmetal gray, quaker gray, any gray you like, so long as it is gray. Our specialized lines of men's suits from line to superfine At these two specialized prices we offer men's suits made of the fin American, woolens. These spring; and summer suits inspire confidencs be cause they are invariably correct. They fit so perfectly about the neck and shoulders that's there's no room left for improvement. They come in all the L gray shades and in the popular blues and dark mixtures with the semi- - i J military swine as dashlnc and iauntv as anv custom tailor can croduce. 0 V 11IMI An Interesting Day in Our Boys' Store $2.95 Wffl DayBoys'Sclts That Arc Positively Worth $4 Just the minute you examine this great line of boys' suits you will say "wrap this up for Johnnie." !We court comparison Men's New Furnishings Men's Underwear In our men's underwear department we have a most varied selection of underwear, in all weights. It is now nearing the season when men must make a change today several cases of If FJf' specially priced underwear on sale liapvja tr at two prices mUj J J Men's New Shirts Today a new fresh showing of the celebrated "Savoy Shirt." This shirt is one of the most popular brands the men folks can wear, and the most in teresting feature of all is, they are sold at "The Nebras ka" popular prices. $1.00 and $1.25. with this $J.95 line of boys eulta with any $4.00 boys' suit sold In the city of Omaha. All sizes all styles all colors Saturday Is a good day to bring the boys in. 1a Tiie Hats for You The careful survey of'hatdom fails to reveal anywhere near as good a selection of new, nobby spring hats as you will find In these four representative brands. "Stetson Hats" at $3.50 Nearly 100 Styles rlMJUiy imib ill DODillt Styles "Lonnworlh J Cats," $2.00 f"rV lT Dllfertiil Style Voyt Nebraska Specials 1!! CO CA Just 90 Different SI DIHercnl Styles EHSSSSSS 3J published a sworn affidavit to the effect that the committee has not received any money from the corporations. Why do not the democrats make a like affidavit T On what capability does Dahlman lay his claim to office? Hd says he was once secretary of the State Board of Transporta tion. If he was agaiast the railroads then, why Is It he Is with them now? If he was against the people then, why should he expect them to vote for him now?" Mr. Murphy . was sure the democratic rooster would be relegated to the back yard on May 1. Mr. Hoillster and Mr. Rydor made It clear why tne interests or the city demanded a mayor who had lived in the city and helped build It up. , The other speakers at the meetlrur were Rbert II. Johnson, C. W. Rogers, A. W. Parker, C. L. Hayward, candidate for the city council and A. W. Jeffries, chairman of the city republican committee. AH spoke of thj great achievements of the republi can party and as the loyal friend of the colored race and each counselled the neces sity of voting the straight republican ticket next Tuesday. BElfSOM AND TUB COLORED VOTERS Meet I as- at OatholT Hall aa Entfca ' alaatle Gathering. Rev. J. A. Williams of the African Meth odist. Episcopal church presided at a largely attended meeting of colored republicans at OsthofTs hall on North Sixteenth street Friday evening. The first speaker was John P. Breen, republican candidate for city attorney, who dwelt upon the im portance of the campaign and the necessity of electing the entire republican ticket a a rebuke to the democratic scheme of carrying the city and county as a pre liminary to the fall elections, which meant the election of a democratic congressman and a United States senator. "Mr. Benson," he said, "i not a 'Jim but a man of the highest personal char acter, who would be capable at all times to represent the city both aa a business man and In events of importance where character and dignity were essential In giv ing credit and dignity to the city." Candidate Frank Crawford and Leroy Lucas from the Eleventh and Fifth ward, respectively, for the city council, both coun selled the election of the entire republican Ucket. E. A. Benson was the next speaker and his entrance Into the hall was greeted with a veritable ovation. Hi address waa very brief, but at the outset he said: "Colored citizen of the Third ward, one of the very flrat thing I will do when I am elected mayor will be to emancipate you from the galling slavery now Imposed upon you as citizen. That slavery Shall cease when I am mayor. You can go down there and tell Tom Dennison what Is com ing. I believe that you are entitled to the same privilege and beautiful surrounding a are your whit brethren, and that there should be playgrounds In that district for your children rather, than the miserable tumble down shacks that disgrace that part of the city. In aspiring to the office I do so that I may do something for the city of my home and my love. I am 52 years old today and have always borne my own name, and I defy any man to point to one dis honorable act I have committed from baby hood to this day. I have got backbone enough to let every man know my history since April 27, 1854, when I first came into life In my old Iowa home." Mr. Benson was asked if It 'was true that he refused to rent any of his proper ties to colored people. He replied: "That question Is suggestive of the many Ilea that have been told of me. I will say that I do not rent houses to colored peojlle, nor to sny other people. I do not do any rental business at all. My traducers have evidently got me mixed up with the rental firm of Benson and Myers, but I do not even know that they have refused to rent properties to colored people." A resolution was unanimously adopted endorsing the candidacy of Mr. Benson and giving assurances that the colored peo ple of Omaha would support htm on Tues day, next, as well aa the entire republican Ucket. Following a hort talk by Mr. Anderson, candidate for the city council, Victor B. Walker addressed the meeting. He said: "No colored man can possibly find any reason for votng for Jim Dahlman. I heard him say at Washington hall not long ago that when he was elected mayor he was going to give one half of the city appointments to the colored people. There are 1ST appointment to give out from the rlty hall, which 'would mean eighty-four appointment to the colored race. Do you or any sane man believe that he will give one solitary, appointment to a colred man? A Texas democrat (s not that kind of a democrat. About the only colored men who will vote for Jim Dahlman are the densely Ignorant or a few smart alecka." PROGRESS 0FTHE CAMPAIGN Saturday Voter Have Their Laat Cksac ta Reflates1 to1 Tuesday. i Registration day today. The real proportion of men who are for Benson was brought out by the move of the .real estate dealers, who had 10,000 tags announcing that the wearer was for Benson printed. These little cards showing that the wearer was not afraid to show where be stood attracted much attention and awakened ,bo little enthusiasm. Inasmuch as the council Ma been con ceded to the republican talk has devel oped among the councllmen to be about who shall be selected from their number to preside over the body. The Fontenelles who insist on keeping all honors In tholr own club are for C. S. Hayward, but both W. W. Bingham and Mayor Zlmman are also mentioned as being the only prospec tive councllmen with previous experience. Mayor Zlmman, it 1 said, would not much care whether he went back on the floor of the council again, believing he would do better and more effective work there than wielding the gavel. club says: "Rumor have reached me that a ticket ha been put out, purporting to be the ticket of the Equal Right club, ojAj which the names of some democrats ajgvTj pear. I wish to denounce any such ticket as spurious. "The Equal Rights club has put out no ticket, and will put out none. If It did it would be the straight repub lican ticket, for the club has endorsed the nominees of the party from first to last" "Qua, If you had done It a month ago you would be the republican candidate for mayor today," said a politician the other day. He was talking to City Treas urer Hennlngs1 and waa referring to the clean-shaven face of the latter. A few days ago the treasurer had his Roose veltlan mustache clipped oft and now hla friends are telling him he looks more like an Irishman than a Dutchman and calling him "0,Hennlngs." The mustache followed the way of a beard that the treasurer used to wear several years ago and which often got him tangled up in the minds of people with JShn Becaa Ryan, a former local newspaper Just how Jim Dahlman and ex-Sheriff Power succeeded In breaking 1I rules and precedents at the Union Pacific freight house this week by rolling a half-barrel of beer among the truckers and loaders probably will belong to the unwritten his tory of the campaign. This Is what hap pened, however, but Dahlman was not able to get very close to the truckers as most of them are Italians so he let the beer try to speak for them. t Betting on the result of the local elec tion Tuesday has taken a spurt during the last few days and the Dahlman backer have found plenty of Benson money wait ing to be posted on even terms. Several $1,000 bets of this character have been posted. The gambling fraternity Is still trying to bull the market by offering odds on Dahlman, but the sums named are so large as to preclude the possibility of acceptance. A number of the memDer of the Omaha Real Estate exchange met at lunch Fri day In the Commercial club room to dis cuss plans for furthering the candidacy of E. A. Benson. Arrangements were made In detail for certain work which the real estate men have laid out for themselves Saturday and Monday, and assignment were made for quty In various parts of the city. Every man at the meeting wore one of the, red letter tags, "I Am for Benson and Good Government." The campaign of the opposition wss characterised as one of bluff, and the World-Herald mentioned a taking an attitude which says. "We will make all the noise we can, we will make all the bluff we can, and scare the voter Into Una In the midst of the hubbub." George N. Hick, though a dem ocrat, was present and promised to do what he could toward the election of Mr. Benson. A meeting will be held Saturday noon In tha lunch room at the Commercial club. Preeldent John Lewi of the Equal Right lUieanstlim Makea Life Miserable. A happy home Is the most valuable pos session that Is within the reach of mankind, but you cannot enjoy Its comfort If you are suffering from rheumatism. Tou throw aside business cares when you enter your home and you can be relieved from those rheumatic pains also by applying Cham berlain's Pain Balm. One application will give you relief and Its continued use for a short time will bring about a permanent cur. Special Homeseekers' Excarelona Via Chicago Great Western railway. Tick et on sale April 24, May g and 22 at greatly reduced rates for the round trip. For full Information apply to H. H. Churchill, G. A., 1612 Farnam street. No Session Last Nlaht. Owing to the wreck on the Burlington the train on which William Hughes, the miss ing witness In the Noonan case, was to arrive, was two hours late, consequently no night session of the criminal court was held last night. Judge Sutton announced the morning session would begin at 8:30 and a session would be held Saturday night If necessary In order that the case might go to the jury before Sunday. MILLER, STEWART & BEATON. 1315-17-19 FARNAM ST. Have just received a. big stock of GO CARTS which will be placed on aale at' POPULAR PRICES SEE TIIE LINE BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. WATCH SUNDAY'S AD. FOR ANNOUNCEMENT OF. CHAIR SALE WHICH BEGINS MONDAY MORNING. COULD II REST NIGHT OR w MBaaaaasjsaBj mil trrtatk Skin Ranwr Whofe Body Affected Scalp hched All tho Tlm and Hair Began to Fall OutWonderful Result From APPUCATION OF CUT1CURA REMEDIES T am oerer without Cotfcnra Soap nnd Cutieura Ointment sine I tried them last summer. About the latter part of July my what body began to itch. I did not take much notice of it at first, but it becan to get worse all tha time, nnd than f began to get uneasy and tried aM kind sf baths and other remedies thai were recommended for kin humors but I became worse all tha time, iit hair began to fall out and my scalp hched all the than. Eape cuoly at night, junt as noon aa I would get m bed nod gt warm, my whale body would begin to itch and my finger nail would keep it irritated, and it was not long before I could not rest night or day. A friend aakd me to try the Cutieura Remedies, and I did, and the firwt appli cation helped me wonderfully. For about four weeks I would take a hot bath OTwrr night and then apply the Outioura Ointment to my whole body; and I kept rstting better, and by the time I need fur boaae of Cutieura I waa entirely cured, and my hair stopped falling out, but I continue to use the Cutieura on my scalp. It keeps all dan druff out and aeap is always clean. I always use Cutieura Ointment on my fane after sharing, and have found nothing to equal it. I will never be without it." lit. IMaiikerjstiip, 19 N. Del. St. Oct. 27, 1905. . Indianapolis,' Ind. in io m mm " I have used Cutieura Ointment for chafing of infanta, and as they grew older all skin diseases were giren treat ment with that and the Cutieura Boa p. I never found it necessary to call a doc tor, as these Remedies are a sure cure, if used a directed. I am glad to recom mend them to all mothers." Sincerely Jours, Mrs. F. A. Kennard, une 21, 1905. St. Paul Park, Minn. CMInn , . PU" V ikmiuul Sk. vrt4 rr iruf CJ r -'- li ,nw- as-aulMS lt ' kit ta tM l Ik SU' LOW RATES VIA UNION PACIFIC FROM OMAHA To Colorado and atetura July 10, 16. IncluHlve. , To Colorado and atetnra Kvry day. June I to September JO. To Bait Lake City or Of dan and atetnrm Kvtry dtty, June 1 to beptember Su. To Baa Tranclsco or Zo aVafela and Saturn, April 26 to May 6, Inclusive. To Tellowston Vara and Batnra ThrouKh, Including rail and stage. May 2) to B. ptimtwr 17, 1906. To California, ketoralna; via Portland April 26 to May . To Yellowstone Park and Ketnra ThrouKh, Including rail, atHK and hotel In Park for alx and quarter day. May 23 io oepiemoer li. Also very low round-trip rates, June 1 to September 15, to many California, Oregon, Washington, Montana and British Columbia points. Inquire at OlTY TICKKT OFFICE, 1324 FABXAM STREET. Phnna 1 W.u r! u 1.11.1 $15.00 $17.50 $30.50 $50.00 $55.00 S62.50 $75.00 There' Baxk Calif oi'eia Q I Low rales from M-M East generally. . Account Mystic Shriners Four special excursions from Kansas City May i 1 1 i r From Omaha and Kansas City. AU the Way Ask for Tickets good on Callfon 1, 2, 3, by Way Of Grand Bnrlnera- folder. m. Limited, it ired. Canyon of Arizona.