The Omaha Daily Bee. Mvrtl In THE OMAHA DEC Csst West Your Monty's Worth THE OMAHA DEE Best & West ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, AFRIL 27, 1906-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. MEDICINE AND FOOD Twofold Attention Gim Ij Omaha to Eefugeea from Ban Francisco. ONE CAR OF SICK AND WOUNDED ONLY Sufferer Arms Lata is Day, Following Train of Those Merely Destitute OMAHA CARES FOR ALL IN G000 MANNER TenU Are Up at Depota for Dining Booms aa Well aa Hospital. WOMEN RENDER TIMELY AID WITH MEN A aether Trals Imlif Several Ham dred Mora lafortonnte Will lama 0r tha I'alen Pnclfle Tedny. Omaha had th pleasure again yesterday of administering, to refugees from the Rao Francisco devastation. In the morn ing the Vnlon Pacific; brought In a train load, JOS In number, and they were given a heart , meal and sent on their way toward home rejoicing. In the afternoon a carload ofi nick and wounded came In on the Union Pacific paasenger train No. 4. These Were cared for at the Impro vised hospital which Mayor Zlmman had stationed near the depot and which Is under the direction of County Physician Fwoboda and a corps of able physicians und surgeons. The good and brave women of Omaha again turned out and rendered that help which only woman can render at such times, warming and thrllllag tha hearts of tha unfortunate people, by un selfish car and attention. Another relief train of 4"d left Ogden Wednesday and will arrive in Omaha this morning. Of this number seventy-seven were sent to Ienver and thlrty-slv to Kansas City, tha rest to ,uomu through Omaha. Tha west tent had been converted Into a hospital into which all those needing medi cal attention were taken. Here Miss Nan Dorsey, head nurse of the Visiting: Nurses' association, assisted by a dosen nurses, was prepared to care for ail Injured. Dr. Swo boda and a corps of physicians were there to five their professional services. There Is urgent need for the medical assistive. On the Thursday evening train was one family of a man, wife and child all very sick. To one woman on the train a child was boru and both are In a precarious condition. They are bound for Cincinnati. On of tha mm passengers has a crushed toot and there are other maimed and ill to be looked after. Stag Haste Are Helpfal. Too n-.uch credit cannot be given to the members of the stage hands union local No. 42. The ' members volunteered their services and some are on hand at all times to do the heavy work. Five William Quinlan, Charles Alexander, Dave Allen, II. R. Kohn and M. J. Murray stayed all night to watch the provisions, and with no - plaoe..u sleep they, put In the night clean Ing up around the tents. Taking up the Weeds and sprinkling the dust. Mogy Bern Stein wss out early und with four faithful women washed the dishes from Wednesday and washed oft the tables. ( The special arrived at 11:30 a. m. and the people were taken Into the lot, when ICO were sorted out and put on a special North western train by which they were hustled to Glldden, la., where the good people had provided dinner. The remainder n-er given their dinners In Omaha and taken on later J i sins east, north and south, 110 going on the Milwaukee to- Chicago. Ko Mora Free Rides. The refugees were of about tha same chits as those Who cam through Wednes day. Railroad officials knew many were aboard who were not entitled to free transportation, but Mr. Mohler said, "This Is no time to discriminate," Free transpor tation, however, wss stopped at Ban Fran clsoo Thursday except to special cases and women, all ableboUled men being told they had better go Into the town and throw bricks Instead of asking for help. A refugee said when tbla train left Oakland Sunday night they ware already beginning to discriminate against single, able-bodied men, telling suca they ought to go to work. Tha Northwestern ran Its special of 167 people from Omaha to Boone, la., Wednes day, UO miles. In three hours. There the passengers Were taken to the First Chris tian church in carriages and carryalls and given a good supper. A special car of sick and wounded will arrive on the Vnlon Pacific train No. , which Is due In Omaha at 1:10 this evening. The hospital, tent again will be utilised for caring for these. Bights similar to those of Wednesday were witnessed as the refugees alighted from the train. Many Omaha people were there looking for friends and relatives from whom no word had been received. Others were there on advice from friends In the east,- looking- for eastern people from whotri nothing had been heard. . Sosae 9a "omblnnttons. On man had a straw hat, an overcoat and no shirt. Baby carriages were much in evidence, as many aa twenty babies being on the train, which contained almost one half women. About twenty women were cared for In the hospital tent, aa well as a few men. A scarcity of women to help In the work was noticeable early la tha morning. This was caused by confusion as to the time ' ot arrival of tha trains. Superintendent Morris wished tor more volunteers among the women of the city. His telephone num ber Is Douglas 2U7. and by calling that number the time of arrival of the trains may be learned. He wishes the church so cieties to oall upon more of their women to help la the work. Another relief train of C left Ogden Wednesday and will arrive In Omaha Fri day moraine Of this number seventy, seven were sent to Denver and thirty-six to Kansaa City, the test to com through Omaha. Still AM Maal Freight. "The reports being- circulated by sonie of the lines terminating- on the north PadAo coast that the Union Pacific is so tied up In handling relief supplies for Ban Francis that It cannot handle other freight is entirely erroneous," said a Mar- rtnien official, "as the Union Pacific, not withstanding Its magnanimous efforts In forwarding- food and other supplies for the relief of the sufferers by the calamity In Ban Francisco and vicinity. Is perfectly able to and Is moving Its freight In both directions with facility and despatch. This kind of advertising- on the part of one railroad In Its competition with an other is, to say the least, ,ln very poor taste and of questionable propriety and certainly will not meat with public favor." The following supplies for relief of Ban iCvncssued on sHvead fnaa KILLING CF HEBER TILDEN 1 ritlsea'a ralrolmrs hot BH Cross Mas Were Deputised ky Militia Colonel. SAN FRANCISCO. April W. Aim- mona, father of fleorge W. Simmons, one of the trio of "cltlsens patrol" under ar rest for the killing of Heber Tllden, a well known merchant, declared this morning that the three prisoners got their authority to act as patrolmen and guardians of property from Colonel Walter M. Kellcy, commander of the First California regi ment. National Ouard. Colonel Kelley ad mits the charge, but makes a detailed statement Justifying his own action and that of the members of the cltlsena' pa trol who fired Into the automobile In which Tllden was riding. Me said: "As to the killing of Tllden I have made a thorough Investigation and the facts as I get them are as follows: There had been a report that some loot ers were traveling around in an auto mobile and this report reached the Mission. On the night In question Tllden's auto mobile was coming along Guerrero street at a tere' s eed. As Jt ncared Twenty third St.. -ember of the cltlsens pa trol crleo. k but the party in the automobile f attention and went dashing aIonk same speed. The sentry at Twen, 1 street also cried 'Halt!' and fired y ' Mr. Then a man In the automobile ' ' his revolver. This caused two of sentries at that point to fire, one 6, g one shot and the other two. l circum stances I believe the sent.. '. were Justi fied In firing, and I know no reason why they should be detained. The same action would have taken place either by militia or regular troops." ROWLEY THE0NE LUCKY MAN Former Omahan "ells Hla Ran Fran cisco Property for Cash Jest Before the Crash. Fortune was kind to E. 8. Rowley, a for mer Omaha man, when she whispered to him a week before the earthquake to sell his holdings in Ban Francisco and Invest bis money In Los Angeles. By heeding her whispers Mr. Rowley got away from the Golden Oat city with tlDO.OuO before it was ruined by - the terrible cataclysm of nature. Thursday afternoon before the earthquake Mr. Rowley left his home In Los Angeles and went to the doomed city, having con cluded to sell his real estate there. Upon his arrival In San Francisco he at once opened negotiations to dispose of his hold ings In the heart of the city, at Market and Mason. By Saturday night he had sold his entire property for 1460,000. Sunday night he was at home again at Los Angeles. Wednesday morning the buildings on the lots he bad sold were In ruins. When asked by a Los Angeles reporter If he had any premonition of disaster, he replied he had not; that he had sold because tie wanted to buy Los Angeles property. Mr. Rowley Is well known to the older members of the real estate fraternity of Omaha. Ho was here several years In the 80's and Invested heavily In real estate. Ho sold out almost at the height of the boom and made a large amount of money which he later Invested in the coast cities. CIMMA TOO BVST FOR POLITICS Mayor "Devotee Days to Reliefs a ma Sight Office. Mayor Zlmman is spending evenings at the city hall trying to catch up with the routine of the office after a week's stren uous activity aa the directing head of the San Francisco relief committee. For two days his time has been taken up In mak ing arrangements for and looking after the refugees going east, and warrants, ordi nances, resolutions and documents are piled high on his desk. Ha Is a candidate for re-election aa councilman from the Third ward, but so far as politics goes he has hardly had a chance to notice a campaign we In full swing and election day only next week. The mayor has arranged with Manager Carl Relter of the Orpheum to auction off the flrat box of, California cherries received In Omaha sine the earthquake after the benefit matinee Friday, the proeeeda to re plenish the relief fund. In Philadelphia 13,440 was cleared In this way and In Boston 12, 181 from the first box of oranges. The first consignment of cherries received her has Just reached Roccn Bros, and probably will be. auctioned oft Friday. In Fhiladel phla the flrat cherry sold brought $105. The news that ISO men are billed to Omaha and no further has caused the mayor some anxiety. He does not knoW whether It Is their purpose to stop oft here and try to find work or not. They will be scrutinized closely by the police and at least the plainly unde sirable characters will be weeded out Telephone meweages o the mayor, how ever. Inform him of several openings for employment If the need presented. On woman telephoned from South Omaha that she wss in urgent need of a domestic and would be glad to help out a San Francisco refugee. FREMOXT FEEDS THK REFUGEES Maay of Them In a Bad! Way for Wearlnar Apparel. FREMONT, April IS. tSpeclal.) Another tralnlnad of refugees arrived here this morning and the passengers were taken In charge by a relief committee and given a breakfast at the different restaurants and hotels. The way they attacked the warm meals furnished them showed that they appreciated what was .being done for them. Several said it was the second time they had sat down to a regular meal sine the fire, the other time being at Ogden Utah. A good many among them were in serious want of proper clothes. One woman. It was learned, escaped from the earth' quake in her nlghtdresa and had no other garment except a man's long mackintosh. She was provided with a dress and under wear. A great many of the women and some of the men were bare-headed or wore hats made of a handkerchief or paper They appeared to be in a worse condition for clothing than those who went through her on the special yesterday. There were a number of families and children and many more men than women. Their desti nation was various points east. MESSAGE FROM THE GOVERNOR California Executive Sends Thanks to Governor of Nebraska. LINCOLN, April 2. (Special Telegram.) Governor-Mickey has received the following telegram from Governor Pardee, dated at Oakland, April S: Many thanks for the aid your people are ending- us. ii win oo great good. No epl acinic here. Seaate Favors Naval Bill. WABHlKU IU.N, April 3. The senate committee on naval affairs authorized a favorable report on the bill Introduced yesterday by Senator Flint authorizing the expenditure of 1360,000 at the Mar Island aav yard, Ban Francisco. , RELIEF SHIP IN TROUBLE Steamer from Seattle to San Francisco Strikes Tidal Wave. ERUPTION BLAMED FOR ROUGH WATER Wall of Water Strikes Ship, Throwing Officers from Their Feet and Threatening t Engnlf Vessel. SAN FRANCISCO. April 26. The steamer Buckman of the Alaska line, in command of Captain E. B. Wood, arrived her late last night, with volunteer physicians. Red Cross nurses and a cargo of J. 200 tons of provisions and supplies for the homeless people of this city. The vessel made a rec ord run from Seattle, but encountered a terrific sea off Cap Blanco, which crew and passengers believe was caused by a subterranean eruption and which for a time hreatened to engulf the staunch ship on Its errand of mercy. Off Cape Blanco yesterday the steamer ran Into rough weather and high seas. Off to the west passengers and crew saw a great wall, like a huge tidal wave of seeth ing, boiling water, running mountain high, approaching at great speed. It struck the ship with terrific force, smashing two of the boats as if they were egg shells. Tons of water rolled over the decks of the steamer, which quivered from stem to stern, and threatened every moment to founder it. Captain Wood, his first officer and the chief engineer were swept from thalr feet. It was little short of a miracle that they were not washed overboard. The wall of water had all the appearance of a huge tidal wave ,and the seas continued running high until late In the afternoon. Captain Wood and the passengers are of the opinion that It was caused by some dls turbance under the sea. Loaded la Short Time. The Buckman waa sent to San Fran cisco by " the chambers of commerce of Seattle and Tacoma to carry relief. A large sum of money was raised by the two cities and no ship was ever loaed and put out of a Pacific coast port in so short a time as was the Buckman. . The vessel sailed from Seattle Sunday night and made fust . last night to the government transport dock, where Secretary Sheffield, of the Alaska club of Seattle, who Is In charge of the cargo. Immediately turned it over to the military authorities, who now have charge of the feeding of the home less. The cargo brought by the Buckman waa carefully selected. It contains milk, canned goods of every variety, meats of all kinds, cereals, even tobacco, matches and corncob pipes. On the way down from Se attle the crew and passengers baked sev eral thousands loaves of bread, to be ready for immediate distribution 'upon ar rival. The Buckman also brought 2,000 blankets and 400 tents. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM OVER STATE Governor Fornsrdi Three , Cnrs of Potatoes to the Const. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, April 26. (Bpeclal.)-Governor Mickey sent out three cars of potatoes from Greeley and on car of corn meal from Crete this morning to the San Fran cisco sufferers. Th donations were paid tor oat of the money contributed to the governor for that purpose. The following subscriptions have been received since yesterday : Citizens of Sutton $23100 i mzens oi nainview 100 00 Citizens of Plymouth 83.&0 Citizens of Harvard (additional)... 29.tso v 1 1 liens 01 uaaoia fity 110.00 ton.'Ctea at Mayer Bros.' store, Lln- - 42.00 rirsi i.nurcn ot Christ, Scientist, Lin coln . South Sioux City Presbyterian church 10.00 inauown contriDutor 2 00 nCHiryLER, Neb., April 26.-(8peclal.)- Another car of provisions will be sent to San Francisco from here. Mayor Arnold has made an appeal to the cltlsens and the farmers for cured meats, clothing, eggs, etc. Th Odd Fellows' lodg Is rais ing a fund for th Odd Fellows In San Francisco. MORE TROOPS' FOR SAN FRANCISCO War ' Department Sends 2.&0O Addi tional Men to Stricken City. WASHINGTON. April 26.-Th War de partment has derided to send General Greely at Ban 'Francisco an additional 2.500 troops that he has asked for. The additional troops to be sent to Gen- tral Greely are as follows: Eleventh in fantry. Fort D. A. Russell; Twenty -seventh Infantry, Fort Sheridan; Twenty-eighth In fantry (headquarters, band and ten com panies). Fort Snelllng; First cavalry. Fort Clark, and Fort Sam Houston; two squad rons Eleventh cavalry. Fort De Moines, Iowa, In a telegram from General Greely at San Francisco today he Insisted upon the neces stty of additional troops for policing that city. The troops, he says, have main tained the high standing of th American army, but a continuance of meral and physicsl stress Is not advisable In the present high tension of the situation. Ao ceptlng an estimate of 200,000 destitute, there Is but on soldier for every 100 peo ple, and the additional troops asked for would give but two soldiers per 100 people. Bl ILDINQ STEEL BEING HI SHED Carnegie Com pa ay Makes AH Snn Frnnrlseo Orders Emergency. PITTSBURG. April 26. Orders have been Issued by the officials of th Carnegie Steel company making all contracts tor struc tural and steel material to be used In the construction of San Francisco "emergency orders" and giving them precedence over all other contracts. John G. Neale, structural engineer of th Carnegie company, left last night for San Francisco to take charge of the structural force of th United States Steel corpora tion on the Pacific coast. He will direct the operation of the company at that point during th first stages of the rebuilding, Th order relating to emergency matter for San Francisco, It Is said, will apply not only to direct eontracta from that city, but also to contracts placed by builders who may receive order to begin tne work ot rebuilding. ADDITIONAL LIST OF DEAD General Greely Report to Washing. ton ranker victims of Disaster. WASHINGTON, April 26. Th following dispatch from General Greeley, dated Ban Francisco yesterday, wan received at th War department today: Th following are names of dead not pre viously reported: Brown, Catherine Pulos, James Berg, John (or Day) Rankin, J. Cht-Mbro. Harry Rlreal, Clro Bung, A. H. Robinson, Lewis Klttner, Emma (negro) Meyer, Hermann VallaU William Myike, W 1 Japanese) Walker. 'George Parle, Marc Young Woman This does not Increase the grand total. Investigations pr ceeding regarding those Injuied. Hope t (ui'nlsu yuue complete teport on 26(a WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Senntne Bnrkett Seeks to Seenre Money for Enlargement of Fort Robinson. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. April 26. (Special Tele gram.) Senator Burkett today made a new move to secure an appropriation to en large Fort Robinson. He introduced an amendment to the sundry civil bill call ing for $400,000 to be expended at Fort Rob inson In the construction of barracks and officers' quarters. Fort Robinson is now a four-company post and Senator Burkett seeks Its enlargement to the dignity of a full regimental garrison. Four pension bills Increasing the pen sions of Nebraskans were reported favor ably to the senate today by Senator Burkett. These bills have passed the house and give pensions of tii each to Manning Abbott, Thomas Hughes, Lloyd D. Ben nett and George Warren. Senator Millard left today for New York and Is expected to return tomorrow or Saturday. 1 Captain Mack K. Cunningham, signal corps, has been ordered to Fort Omaha for duty. The president today signed a bill for th relief of Joseph Crow, ex-postmaster at Omaha. Congressman Hlnshaw secured the follow ing pensions: Lydla ;L. Davis, Tork: Ste phen McCabe, Hubbell, $8 each; Charles M. Juett. Glltner, Increase to $12. Rural carriers appointed: Nebraska- Lincoln, route 2, Ada Ewkew, carrier; Bart lett Hester, substitute; Ord, route 1, Jona than Fletcher, carrier; George Norman, substitute. Iowa Bode, route 2, Hans Hoganson, carrier; Hans Hansen, substi tute; Mcrlden, route 1, Benjamin Silver, carrier; David Silver, substitute. Civil service examinations for clerk and carrier In the postofflce service will be held May 13 at Grand Island, Falrbury, Ne braska City, Norfolk, Neb.; Ames, Osage, Boone, Esthervllle, la. SHAW SPEAKS IN ST. LOUIS Secretary of Treaaary Addresses Mnss Meeting; of Republicans In Mosle Hall. ST. LOUIS. April 2.-8ecretary of the Treasury Leslie M. Shaw arrived this after noon from Champaign, 111., where he spoke yesterday, and tonight made an ad dress before a mass meeting at Music hall. The meeting was held under the auspices of the Missouri State League of Republican Clubs, which begins a con vention here tomorrow. Secretary Shaw will remain in St. Louis until Saturday morning as the guest of D. M. Houser. A reception committee met him at the train and after an automobile trip around the city he waa entertained at dinner at the Jefferson hotel. At the mass meeting tonight he waa in troduced by Chairman Nathan Frank and spoke on the topic, "Republican Supremacy in Missouri." Secretary Shaw spoke In part as fol lows: A tariff law to be successful must be co herent. A law that Is not built upon prin ciple Is a legislative failure. The two great politkvjtpnrtiaa to" many years have appeafwl 4o til a American people trom opposite atanapoints. our opponents appeal to the consumer and Insist that all that Is essential to make ua proaperous and happy Is cheap articles of consumption. The republican party on the contrary ap peals' to the producer. The republican nartv declares It to be relatively unim portant what price we pay for labor or for the products of labor provided the wages paid go to our own people and the price of the products of labor go to thooe who pay high prices for labor. uo vou wonder tnen mat tne 111 pain people of the earth are seeking our shores u y inr minion i.t wiiiiuiii i There are some who profess alarm at this laree Influx of immigration. 1 siiRgest one sure way ot stopping it put tne aenio- cratlc natiy In control, lmmljcrants will never seek our shores in large numbers when free trade policies nave closed our factories. D0WIE IS CRITICALLY ILL Wife of Deposed Apostle Who Repudi ated Him Visits His Bedside, t CHICAGO, April 26. Following reports that John Alexander Dowle Is a very sick msn. Overseer Jane Dowle, wife of the deposed head of the Christian Catholic church, visited her husband In his apart ments at the Auditorium annex today, This Is the first time Dowle and his wife have seen each -other In several months. When General Overseer , Wilbur Glenn Voliva assumed control at Zlon City Mrs. Dowle cast her lot with the new adminis tration and sine then had repudiated her husband publicly several tlmea. Because of this state of affairs those Interested In the controversy overZlon City place a great deal of significance in the visit of Mrs. Dowle. Mrs. Dowle was accompanied to the an nex by her son, Gladstone Dowle, but the latter did not enter the room occupied by bis father. Mrs. Dowle remained In her husband's apartments for half an hour, after which she was again Joined by her son snd they returned to Zlon City. That Mrs. Dowle' s visit to her husband was for tha purpose of a deathbed recon ciliation was denied tonight by those as sociated with Dowle, who assert that she called on Dowle to Strang for his pro posed return to Zion City next Saturday and his reception at Shlloh house. The report that Dowle was in a dying condition was denied by all those still faithful to him in the party at the hotel. CONFEDERATE VETERANS BUSY Second Dny of Rennlon at New Or leans la Devoted to Work. NEW ORLEANS. April 26. With the ex ception of the time consumed by the pres entation to General W. L. Cabell of a gold medal by the veterans of Arkansas, the second day of the confederate reunion was from Its opening hours strictly devoted to business. The report of the committee on creden tials, which was adopted, gave th total number of camps represented as 756 and the aggregate of votes 2,316. FENCING CASES DISMISSED Twenty Men Indicted In Kansas Agree to Remove Barrier Within Sixty Dnys. WICHITA, Kan.. April St. In th fed ral court here today District Attorney Bon announced that the cases of th twenty men under Indictment for fencing government land in western Kansas would be dismissed if th defendants would mov th fences within sixty days. Th defendants all agreed to do so. ThTs does not affect the perjury casaa In connection with, th tudlclmanta STREET CAR MEN UNEASY Conference Between Committee and Com- pan j Results in Failure. DIRECTORS TURN DOWN KEN'S REQUEST leetlngre of Men Called for Today at Which Some Derisive Action 1 Likely to Be Taken on Committee's Resort. Trouble between the Omaha and Council Bluffs Street Railway company and its employes Is coming to a head. Ever since the organisation of the local street car men's union, known as division No. 28$ of the Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Railway Employes of America, composed of the conductors nd motormen of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs, the men have sought recognition for the union from th com pany In vain. This Is one of the points of contention which it Is desired to have settled., For soma time the meetings of the union have been made warm by debates on the subject of alleged grievances against the company, and a committee was appointed to submit article ' of agreement to be signed by the company. Repeated attempts on the part of the committee failed to bring about a conference, resulting In Im patience on the part ot the men, which reached a crisis on Tuesday evening when the committee was given until Friday even ing to reach some conclusion with tho company. What th Men Ask. The conclusion came Thursday morning. when" the committee succeeded In seeing the directors of tha street railway company in conference and articles were subtnl(ted for conference, which made the following demands: That all motormen and conductors be allowed to Join the. union If they desire na that no discrimination ue made against them for so doing. That all men discharged because they had Joined the union since February 1 be relnatated without prejudice. That in (he. future when any man Is discharged or laid off, and snail, after investigation, be found to have not been at fault, ne shall be reinstated and be paid far the time lost. That all differences in tne tuture De submitted to arbitration In the manner suggested. Company Refnse Reqnest. Tlie outcoin of the conference was the absolute refusal on the part ot the directors to make any agreement with the committee. This resulted In a meeting of the executive committee of the union in room 10, Midland hotel, Thursday night. Present at the meeting was C. O. Pratt, chairman ot the International executive board, ot Welsh- field. O., who has been in Omaha for a week, coming her for the purpose ot di recting th campaign of th local organisa tion for recognition. At the session at the hotel It was decided to issue a call for a general meeting of all street car men Immediately, and accord ingly copies ot a notice were mad to be posted this morning, calling upon all men. whether union or nonunion, to be present at meetings to be held at Labor Temple at 2 and S o'clock p. m. today before which wllf 1m laM the retrtt' ot the conference with the directors of the company. Mr. Pratt will also be present on this occa sion to advise the men on what action shall be taken. Strength of the Union. About E00 men In the three cities are eligible to membership in the union, and it is said from two-thifds to three-fourths are now enrolled, while there Is no- objection to organization on the part of those not mem bers. It was decided at th Thursday iilght meeting of the executive committee to make the offer through the press, that the grievances of the employes be placed In the hands of a committee composed ot the mayors of the three cities of Omaha, Council Bluffs and South Omaha or the managers of tha three dally papers. The Bee, World-Herald and News, for con sideration, the men to abide by the decision. PROPOSITIONS FROM MINERS President Mitchell Snbmlts Two Offers to Anthracite Operators nnd Asks Early Reply. WILKESBARRE. Pa.. April 28-The an thraoite miners will hold a convention at Scrariton next Thursday In order to take action upon the reply of the operators. If any, to the propositions submitted to Pres ident Baer and his associates today. The decision to call a convention of the miners of the three districts was reached at a meeting ot the general anthracite scale committee held here today. President Mitchell tonight made public two propositions, together with a request for another joint conference submitted by the miners' scsle committee, to President Baer snd his associates. The first proposi tion asks for an increase In wages ranging from 6 to 15 per cent, according to the wages now received. Th second proposi tion asks for an advance equal ta 10 cents per ton upon the total production of coal, to be added to the wages of employes and ap portioned In such percentage' as may be agreed upon. NEW YORK. April 26. The anthracite coal operators announced today through their office in this city that Chairman George F. Baer of their conference com mittee has received a telegram from Pres ident Mitchell of the miners' union. In. timatlng that a letter containing a coun ter proposition for the miners hsd been forwarded to him, Mr. Baer. The telegram asked for an early consideration of th proposition, that the decision of the oper ators may be submitted to th miners at their convention next Thursday. OMAHA WOMEN ARE WINNERS Captor tbo Philadelphia Cap nt the Womnn's Natlonnl Whist Congress. ST. LOUIS, Mo., April 26.-(Special Tele gram.) The Omaha club did Itself proud at th Woman's Whist congress today by winning from the Howell club of Boston, the Philadelphia cup. When th victory was announced the western women were overjoyed. The , Omaha players wero Mmes. Bailey and Martin, while Mmes. Waterhouse and Taylor played tor Boston. The westerners hsd good cause to be Ju bilant, for Mrs. Waterhouse Is regarded by many as th best whlst, player at th con gress. Th congress, which has been playing a series of games here this week, today elected the following officers: President, Mrs. Henry Cannon, New York; first vie president, Mrs. James T. Bbaw, Detroit; aecond vice president, Mrs. Henry Ken dall. Lowell. Mass.; secretary, Mrs. O. D. Thompson, St. Louis; treasurer. Mrs. Ca pe 1, Chicago. Th congress will meet ta New York in M, In Detroit In IMS sad In L Boston la !. NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Friday Fair and Colder In Sonth Por tion. Sntnrdny Fnlr nasi Warmer. Trma.ral.r. -. 1 - . Hoar. Den. Hone. nn Hosr. Dear. 1 s. m HM n. m Tt s s. m ra 4 p. m Ta R p. m TS n. m TO T p. m t n p. sn 4HI p. m H.1 n n. m 4a n an T m SI n. m K-t ni gy lO n. m It n. na ta 1 ST TEXAS TOWNJS DESTROYED Nearly All Balldlnsts la Bellevne Are Blown Down nnd nt Least Seven Persons Are Killed. BELLVUE. Tex.. April tS.-A tornado which swept through this place tonight destroyed everything in Its path and as a result practically the entire town Is a mass of ruins, only three buildings now standing, at least eleven persons are dead and a num ber are Injured. The tornado was followed by fire, which consumed the wreckage. This report la being sent from the top of a tele phone pole a mile from Bellvue, but It Is as close as a wire can be had. The town of Bellvue consisted of over 300 houses. Among those who ax known to have been killed are: R. L. RUSSELL, WIFE AND FOUR CHILDREN. A. D. CARR. TOM MOUNT. W. W. BKLL, candidate for county treas urer of Clay countv. TWO MEMBERS OF THE GRAY FAMILY. The seriously Injured: Two daughters of N. K. Smith ot Bowie. Mrs. (fault. Mr. Gray and seven members of his fam ily, two of whom have sine died. Mrs. McGraw. Tho whole business section ot the town and all stocks of merchandise were de stroyed. Among the business houses de stroyed are Nelson & Splvey, M. Spradles, D. Ognots and D. Robley's flour mill. A. D. Carr was caught In a building, mashed to- death and his body Is believed to have been cremated. The tornado waa a mile wld and traveled over th earth for a distance ot eight miles, leveling everything. This section is thickly settled and it will be tomorrow before .It will be possible to get a complete report ot the dead. The fact that so few people were killed Is accounted for by the fact that practically every house was equipped with a storm cellar and the people ran to them as they saw the tornado approaching. Those who had no storm cellars or who could not reach them were the ones who suffered. Last winter many lives were lost In the same neighborhood by a tornado. ST, LOUIS, April 26. A special to the Re' publio Irom Dallas, Tex., says: Bel lev ue, a village In Clay county, and Stoneburg, a village in Montague county, both eighty five miles northwest of here, were struck by a tornado this evening, Th number of dead Is estimated from information re ceived to be thirty In Bellevue and twenty m Stoneburg. Dispatches from Hlco, liO miles south of Bcllavue. are to the effect that Hamilton, the county seat, was also devastated by the tornado and several lives lost. Two relief trains have gon from lie nrUnta-1 Buitevu carrying doctors and nurses. PAY OF PUBLIC .SERVANTS Seeretary Bonnpnrte Dlarnsses This Snbjeet Before Nntlonol Mn nlrtpnt Leagne. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J., April 26. Charles J. Bonaparte, secretary of the navy, ad dresaed the National Municipal league here tonight in part as follows: Why do really first-class men, as a rule, shun public employment In Its higher grades First, beciiue public offices of great responsibility are generally and grnsnhr underpaid. A very little thought should serve to show that the truats and the multimillionaires get what they pay for and we get what e pay for likewise; the only difference is that they are suffi ciently sensible to know they must pay for what they want In order to get it, and we are sufficiently silly to think we can get what we want without paying Ita fair value. The American people cannot be Justly called "stingy." For manual or merely routine public work we pay as ltberallv aa any nation in the world: at all events I know of none more generous. Why are we unable or unwilling to act on the same prin ciples of common sense when we deal with those of our servants who are. also our rulers? I believe this anomaly to be the resultant of two popular prejudices. Of these the first la a diluted and par tlallv sterilized form of a virulent and deadly social and political polaon, namely, the doctrine that all men of right ought to be and should therefore be made and kept precisely equal. If we are honest to ourselves and not afraid tn think the truth, then let us own frankly that the first step toward the needed reform will be to recognise the la borer as worthy of his hire, be that hire much or little. Inenranre Rates Advanced. PHILADELPHIA. April 28. As a result of the San Francisco conflagration the Fire association of Philadelphia today advanced Its premium rates In the congested-central district of this city 2E per cent. The Amer ican Fire Insurance company announced that It had reinsured in the Commercial Union Assurance company of England Its entlr outstanding risks except th per petual Insurance. President Irvin of the Fir association also ssid he had ordered a 25 per cent advance In premiums ot risks of this company in the business section of New York and similar action will be taken elsewhere. With the advance In premiums the Fire association also reduced from IS to 10 per cent th commission allowed In surance brokers. No British Troops for A fries. ALDERSHOT, England. April 26. Th report that orders had been received her for the mobilization of th First division of General French's army corps In view of serious developments in South Africa or elsewhere Ir unfounded. No troops have been ordered to prepare for foreign service now nor In th near future. Movement sf Oeesn Vessels April 2, At New York Arrived: Calabria, from Naules: Prince Kitel Frederick, from Ham burg; Hudson, from Havre. Balled: La Bavole, for Havre; Main, for Bremen, ( nited States, for Chrtatlanla; Moltke, for NaDles. At St. Johns. N. F. Arrived: Carthage- nian. from Glasgow. At Liverpool-Sailed: Southwark, for Quebec. Arrived: Iberian, from Boston; Malestle. from New York. At Moville Arrived: Astoria, from New York. At Boston Arrived: Saxonla, from Llv eroool. At Glasgow Arrived: Hungarian, from Portland: Corean. from Boston. At London Arrived: Philadelphia, from Boston: Manttou. from Philadelphia. At Naples Balled: Sicilian Prince, for New York: Italia, tor New York. At Barcelona Arrived: Antonio Lopes, from New York. At Trieste Arrived: Georgia, from New Tork. At Copenhagen Balled: Florida, for New York. At Marseilles Sailed: Neuatrla, for New York. At Antwerp-Sailed: Weaternland, for New York. At vueeastuwn Balled: iialUo, for New lra CARE OF THE CASH 8an Francisco Belief Committee Adopts SjBtem of Auditing Account. NO MONEY WILL BE WASTED Armj Taiea Charee ot Food Distribution at Noon. WHOLESALERS WILL RESUME BUSINESS Banks Are Acain Open and Checks Will Bs Paid Through Hint. STREET CARS WILL START TODAY Stat Troops Kot Vet Withdrawn at Governor Pardee Will Not any When They Will Be. SAN FRANCISCO. April M.-What to do with the immense amount of money that has been contributed to the relief ot San Francisco's homeless was the question that received earnest consideration by alt those now engaged In this Important work. So many inquiries have com to th heads of the various departments, civil and military, all asking for what and by whom the money so generously contributed would be expended, that the Associated Press is asked to communicate to the country at large the plans for disbursing these funds and the assurance that every dollar will be put to the use tor which It waa intended. The complete details of disbursing and accounting for the immense sum of money already contributed have been thoroughly discussed In committee and may be briefly stated ns follows: Expenditures will be authorised be the finance committees of the citizens' and Red Cross funds. The members of this committee are representative banker. business men and Jurists of San Francisco- and Dr. Devln of the National Red Cross society. This committee will audit all ac counts and mak a detailed report to the War department, where a final audit and statement will be made. At noon today the distribution ot food to the city of San Francisco was formally turned over to the United Btates amty. which wilt act under the system already described. Under this system' many of the abuses that have prevailed In tha giv ing out of suppllos by the various local and outside relief organizations, each of which has acted Independently of all others. will be discontinued and the direction of all the stations will be centralised In the depot ot the quartermaster of the United States army at this post under Major Duvol. Reports of Friction Denied. The Impression which seems to have pre vailed In New Tork. Washington and other eastern cities that thero was friction over the matter of concentrating and distribut ing Red Cross supplies was corrected to day by Dr. Devlno, agent of the Red Cross , society, who ; informed proper persona In those cities absolute harmony pre vailed and that tho work was being oar, ried on to the entire satisfaction of all concerned. He felt that it was but Just to these cities In the east and elsewhere that have contributed so generously to the relief fund that they be kept Informed as to what disposition la being made of their supplies. He wished It known that the Red Cross work had been carried out In a most satisfactory manner and that the transfer of all Its supplies now on hand would be made without the slightest confusion. Dr. Devlne expressed the opinion that the lees perishable goods and supplies of a substantial character should be sent here. Despite the prompt transportation facilities of the first few days following the fire large quantities of .fruit and other perishable goods were unfit for use when they arrived here. These conditions have been changed In the last few days, however, and today more than 800 teams were employed at the disposal of Dr. Devlne and his army ot asMlstants. Patlentn Lenve Hospitals. The reports from the leading hospitals at the Presidio and at Golden Gate park today, showed that the number of patients is less than yesterday. At the general hospital In the Presidio there were 650 patients today, which is 200 less than yesterday. The de crease Is probably due to the fact that th privilege of free transportation over th railroads to any part of th state expired, at noon today, and many of the patients who were suffering from minor Injuries and complaints left, the hospitals In time to take advantage of th generosity of th railroads. A statement by Dr. James Edward, pres ident of the Board of Health, made to th Associated Press today showed that ther are now thirty hospitals In us, all the smaller Institutions established during th confusion of th first few days following the Are having been abolished and th pa tlents removed to th larger establishment. Tuberculosis hospitals have been estab lished separately from the others. All Well Examined. Every well and aourc of water supply throughout the city is being examined by competent Inspectors to provide against any possibility of contamination and resulting sickness. The garbage of th city ta being taken out to aea on barges and nil un sanitary camps have been removed and the ground which they occupied quarantined. Tha medical supplies of the city hav been concentrated at the Presidio general hos pital, and from there distributed to th various hospitals and relief stations. A mnet rigid Inspection la maintained and any case of communicative disease promptly Iso lated and quarantined. Cars Start Today. The street car companies assert that they have made a most careful Inspection of their system of overhead wires and that the danger from these wires is hardly worth consideration at this time. Means of transportation Is very badly needed Just now and the running of street cars would very materially assist In bringing about normal conditions. 1 Ijite this evening It was decided to start the street cars tomorrow morning. As an avldence ot th determination of San Francisco business men to resume busi ness at their old stands, the Wholesalers' association today declined tha generous of fer ot Oakland's citizens of a large tract of land on that side of th bay for the location of wholesale establishments. After mature consideration the wholesalers de clined th offer with thanks and reiterated their Intention of rebuilding and opening up business on the old ground. It wa stated at this meeting that temporary build ings for many of the aholeaale firms would be romplutcd within fifteen days. Th wholesalers have report of S.000 carloads of goods now In transit between Chicago and Ban Francisco ao4 of &a) cnorn aar