THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. AI'lMh 26. 1006. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Talk of Dry Wettber and Hieh Winds in Kacisa. WHCAT PRICES FLUCTUATE RAPIDLY Ceat Higher Than Yesterday, TsaS Loses Mes of Gala Cash Da. nana la Good-Cora FpI lawa Loadta Grain. OMAHA. April 25. 101. The mrkt was wrak early; Liverpool did not reflect fully the American strength of yesterday and came only d higher. Mrength developed on talk of dry weather nd high wind In tha aouthweat. Tha foreraat waa for fair weather tomorrow. Hhorta war narvoua and advanced prices almost lo. At the top considerable wheat lira a. dirA U .. L. j . , i -.. vg iiuiuor. who J i on iruuin. and aa trad was lla-ht, tha market turned fli and aold down to opening prices. A alight reaction toward the cloaa made prices ue his her for tha day. July and September closed lower. Tha cash de mand waa reported good In all markets. Minneapolis paid a premium of lo over May for No. 1 northern spring. v.orn rollowed tha wheat in its move ments, and all trade was of a scalping nature. Closing prices were about So lower. Business was light. Oats were steady throughout the session. The close was V.c higher. Primary wheat reoelpta wera 771000 bushels and ahlpmenta 3S2.00O bushels. against receipts last year of 889,000 bushels ana snipment or im.uou DUSheis. I orn re peat were 398,000 bushels and shipments runnels, aaalnst recelnts last vear of 266,000 bushels and shipments of 34l,0u0 busnels. Clearances wera 37,00 bushels wheat, T.CnO barrels flour. 112,000 bushels corn and 130,000 bushels oats. Liverpool closed H'tid higher on wheat ana Ha nigner on corn. Local rang of options: Aitlcles.l Open. High. I Low. Close.l Tes y. Wheat) May. July. Corn May. July. Oats May. mil TCHf'i aI 4SHBI 72 72W 424 41 V .1. 7SUA 7B 42VB 41B, .. J0A1 7r4A 72HA 4T4 WVt6"c. I. Hc. Barley: Sfl-7c. Flax: Cash. fl.HVi. Rye: KBW lORK (iKIKRtL NtRKF.T Qaetatloa Varloaa A asked. B bid. Omaha Cash Rales. BARLEY Feed, 1 car. fie. Omaha Cash Prleea. WHEAT No. ! hard, 73y,a76c; No. S hard. 71'8'73V4c; No. 4 hard, ti.Va71e; No. 2 prlng, 7yuT&Vc; No. 3 spring, 0"u73S4o. CORN No. 3, 44ac; No. 4, 4ti43MiC; No. I yellow, 'ic: No. 3 white, 4Vo. OATS No. mixed, 30c; No. 3 white, PV,c; No. 4 white, 8oc. KIE-No. 2, Soc; No. 3, M4. Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis Omaha Duluth .... Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. 2 83 SO , 127 .47 27 Oats. 86 7 10 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of tha Tradlaa- and Cloalac Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. April 2S. After advancing sharply today on crop damage reports, th wheat market here slumpcu off following liberal profit-taking. The close was firmly atesdy, with July down He. Corn was also off He. Oats were up c. Pro Visions showed a gain of 2c to 12 He. The wheat market opened a trifle easier, Influenced by favorable weather for seed ing In the northwest. Numerous damage reports from Kansas und Nebraska cnueed a sharp decline. An active de mand by cash Interests for the May de livery Increased the general strength. Later the market weakened on selling by local holders and the greater part of the gain waa lost. The market closed bout steady. July opened a shade to HWSC lower, at 79 t-70 Vic, advanced to 79H&80O -nd then declined to 79 M c The close was 79 B79 He. May sold be tween 70 and 804 c and closed at 80h j80e, a net gain of liCPHo. Clea--snces of wheat and (lour were equal to 39,000 bu.' Primary receipts were 272,000 bu., compared with 389,000 bu. a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 177 cors' against 100 cars east week-and H9-ra a year ago. - Tha corn market was 'quite Arm during the early part of the sepslon, but later weakened on selling credited to a leading long. Small local receipts and Arm cables contributed to the early firmness. The, close was easy at about the lowest point of the day. July opened unchanged to a shade lower, at 46H W 4c, sold between 46 hc and 46 He and closed at the low point. May ranged between 4fc and 47 Sc and closed at 46'4t47c, a net loss of Ht'Uc. Iocal receipts were 83 cars with lour cars of contract grade. Oals were firm on covering by shorts and on buying by cash Interests. Local receipts were light, at i6 cars, and ac ceptances from the country were reported Insignificant. July opened unchanged, at S0c, sold up to 81 H" and closed at 31c. May ranged between 32 c and 32 So and closed ut 32 tec Despite a 10c decline In the price of live hogs the provision market waa firm almost all day. At the close July pork was up 10ft 12hc, at 313.95. Lard was 10412V4e higher, at 88.72 H- Rlba were up 2,e, at H- Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 4 cars; corn, 190 cars; oats, 168 cars; hogs, 25.000 head. Tha leading futures Tanged as follows: ot Ida Day Commodities. NEW TORJC ADril S6 FLOUR-Re- celpts. lS,i bbls.; exports, ,1iW bbls.; market steady to slow; winter pat ents. S3 9"cM S: winter atraltrhte. 12 7"ll 3 9fi; Minnesota patents. U.'jfrai.&: winter extra. 12.764,3.26; Minnesota bakers. $K Q 8 76; winter low grades, f- "iS'ia 30. Re flour, steady: fair to good, U.3fo, choice to fancy, S3 6ti4.ll. CORN MEA I Firm; fine white and yel low 11.20; choice, 81.07&LO9; kiln dried, 12.60 2. TO. RY&-Steady; No. I western, 70c, asked, f. O. b , New York. BARLKV Quiet: feeding, tlWe. c. I. f. New York; malting, 6i(e:, c. I. f. New York. WHEAT Receipts. 54.000 bu.: ex port a. 17,2 bu.; sales. 4,000,000 bu. futures. Spot, firm; No. 2 red. nominal, elevator, and "e, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 northern. Duluth, M'c, f. o. b., afloat. Up to noon wheat waa ateady and at times higher than Inet night on crop damage news, outside buvlng and firm cables. Later new crop positions parted company with May, owing to a denial of crop damage reports and renlixlng, and wera finally net nnrhanged oxalnst i.c advance on May. May, 6'&7Vc, closed at 8?Hc. July, 8Ah&6 13-lftc, closed at .,. Ieoember, Hi ll-lg4lc, closed at (ac CORN Receipts. 80,62 bu.; exports. 63,256 bu.; sales. 110,000 bu. futures and 316.000 bu. spot. Spot, steady: No. 2, Me. nominal, elevator, and 66c, f. o. b., aflost; No. 2 yellow, 67c, nominal; No. 3 white, 67c. .The option market waa fairly active and at first stronger on a good cash demand, firm cables ana covering, but eventually re acted with wheat, cloelng partly c net higher. May, 63r364HC. closed at 64c. July, 6HVfi3io, closed at 63HC. September closed at WSo and December at &rc OATS Receipt, 90.000 bu.; exports, 167,011 bu. Spot, steady; mixed oats. 26 to 22 lbs., 87y'37Hc: natural white, 30 to S3 lbs , 87HQ 3Hc; clipped white. 88 to 40 lbs.. 841o. FEED Firm ; spring bran, 321.00; May shipment middlings, 321 00. HAY Steady; shipping, og5c; good to choice. 5cS$1.00. HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice, 1906, 37.40; Pacific coast. 19"6, W.0O3 13.00; 1H04, t.mvg8 00; olds, 34.aiig6.00. HIDES Firm: Galveston, 90 to 26 lbs., 20c; California. 21 to 26 lbs., 21c; Texas, dry, 24 to 80 lbs., 19c. T.1TATH iTR Steftdv! acid. XWfTZ7LC. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, 111.50 B18 00; mess, V OOtilO.OO; beef hams, $20.00 a.fiO: packet. 3tO.6tfWll.00; city extra India mesa, 3l8.00.18.&o. Cut meats, steady; pick led bellies, 3ft. 26ff 10.60; pickled shoulders, 37.00(37.50; pickled hams, 311. 0011. 50. Lard, firm; western prime, 38.80(&6.85, nominal; refined, steady; continent, $9.10; South America. 810.00: compound. $7.0Oia7.5O. Pork, quiet; family, $18 60; short clear, $16 201 18.00; mess, 317.2517.75. TALLOW Steady; city ($4 20 per pkg.), 6V4c; country (pkgs. free), 6H'B5Hc. KICK Firm; domestic, fair to extra, SV'f-Ho; Japan, nominal. BUTTER Quiet snd steady; renovated, common to extra, 10'pl"c; western factory, common to extra. llfllfVio. CHEESE Firm; state full cream, large and small, colored and white, fancy, 4hc; state, good to prime, 18hs?14hc; state, com' mon to fair. Ilffll3c. EQGS Easy, state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected choice, 19c; western firsts, lSVbc; western seconds, 17c; south ems, 15H"5l7c. POULTRY Live, steady: fowls, 13Ac turkeys. 12c. Dressed, quiet; turkeys, 16c; fowls, 11&14C. St. Loals General Market RT. r)lTIS. Anrll . WHEAT Future, higher, cash lower; No. Z red, cash, ele vator, S7(&4c; track, 9996c; May, 80hc; July, 77H'677V: No. t hard, avawc CORN Higher: No. 3 cash, nominal truck MUSriftlf. Msv. 45c: July. 44c. OAT8 Firm; cash, higher; No. 2 cash, 82c; track. SZHfiMc; May, 32c; July, SOhc; FliOUR Steady; red winter patents, $4 .20 C4.60; extra fancy and straight, 9.(; clear. $2.2093.00. SEED Timothy, steady: $2.6O2.80. TORNMEAIi-Steady: 12.80. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, 95c fin no HAY - Steady; timothy. $12.00316.60; prairie, $11.0012.50. IRON COTTON TIES $1.01.' BAOOINO 7hc. HEMP TWINE 7HC. PROVISIONS Pork. hlse " 1)Mng.$15.75. Ird. higher; prime st 'v35. Dry salt meats, steady: bo?; i;i shorts, $!.C0; clear ribs, $9.26; sin us, $9 S7H- Bacon, steady; boxed, extt.i llorts, $9.7o clear ribs, $10.00; Bhort cleurs. $10.12h- POULTRY Weak; chickens, 10",c; tur kevs. 15c: ducks. 12c: areese. 7c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 1621o; dairy. 140 18c. . EOQ8 Steady, 14c, case count. tteceipt Articles. Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat II II Msy f 7Kf 80A, 7M. 80Hf'i! 79 July TKSfj H 79V" T9',;79,,'"4l79Hlf' Sept. 78Htl'"4;78V40' 7H 7814 78 Corn May . 47 H 47S 46' 46" 47V July 4iH'fiV 46' 464il 4iH' 4"'.1 Sept.' 4r'aH 4SI 464'a ! 6t 46V, Oats 1 Msy 3Cl 32H S2' 82h S24 July ' 31 l, i" 81 304 Sept. ' H ' 29' ffli 29 2? Pork- Mav 15 57H 15 7?H 15 6"H 13 72 15 Julv 16 80 15 96 15 W 15 95 16 S5 Sept. 15 ICH 16 8JH 15 1& 2H 16 66 Lard Mav 846 160 845 860 850. Julv 8 67V 8 72V 8 57 h 8 72V 8 b-'H Sept. $ rJV 8 86 8 72V, 3 85 8 75 8 60 855 850 856 8 6?H July 8 6Ji S 7H 8 6'li 8 7 8 63 Sept. 8 67H ' 8 7H 8 76 8 65 Flour, bbls Wheat, bu . Corn, bu ... Oats, bu ... 6,000 ...30.000 ...49.000 ...87,000 Shipments 4.000 65.000 62.000 110,000 No. 3. Caah quotations were as follows: FLOUR Market, steady; winter patenta. $3. 601(43. 90; winter atralghta, $3 Swi 3.60; spring patents, $3. 55 it 3 80; apnng straights, $3.40 J.i; bikers, $2.392.9u. WHEAT No. 2 spring. 04rIc; No. 3 spring. 761in2c; No. t rrd. KSSmtkc. t'URN-No. 2, 4w; No. I yellow, OAT8 No. 2. 3Jic: No. 2 white, 34'o34Vc; No. 3 white, 32V,'(iWVc. RTF N. 2, 61c. HAKLEY-Oood feeding, 39S41c; fair to Choice malting. 4.'. own-. 8&ED-N0. 1 flax, !.('.; No, 1 northwest, rn, (1 14H Clover, contract grade, $11 60. rwOVUSIONal-Mesa pork. xr bh., $15.70 ft 15.75. iMTi. per li lbs.. $S.2h. ri sides (IiK.wi. S8.5iWjti.60. Short sides (boxed). SX.95fi9.0s. Folloalng aere the receipts and ment of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 27 ,30 Z6.7f Wheat, liu 9.000 67,Si) Corn, bu 210 10 270 v Oats, bu 3."i 16H.7O0 Rve, bu .o 2io Barley, bu 60,5"0 76,101) On the Produce exchange today the but ter market a as siendv; creameries. 14V 2lc; dairies, MtilSc. Eggs, raster: at mark. cefs included. 1615Vc; firsts, 15Vc; prime fliKis. lHc. extras, ISc. Cheese, easy at HHt! llC. Knnaaa City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. April 25. WHEAT May 75c; July, 72c; caah. No. 4 hard, 78toc; No. Z red. l&zc. CORN May, 44c; July. 4zhc: casn. no. mixed. 4tiii47c; No. 3 white. 47c. OATS No. 2 white. 324iSSc. EQOS Steady; Missouri and Kansas, new No: 3 whltewood cases included. Idc; case counts. 14!c: cases returned. He less. HAY Steady; choice limoiny, xu.w choice prairie, $10.50rg 10.76. HIE Hteaay at wviioec. BUTTER Creamery. 19c; packing, lltjc. Receipts. Shipments, Wheat, nil 50.000 Sl.O'O Corn, bu 32.000 8i,ono Oata bu 7.000 20.0U0 Milwaakee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Wis.. April 26. W H E AT viiirner: wo. l nortnern. (irMc-, i v. iiuini em. TS-gHHc; May. 80H'ftov,c bid. n v i. linn: ko. l. u'aMM. HAKLEY Steady; No. 2. 66c; sample, 40 t 'UR.N-steany; u. caen, .i-iitc, jhi T4S470 asked. ' Peoria Market. PEORIA, April 24. CORN Unchanged No. 3 yellow, 4?H: No. 8. 4"Hc: No. 4. 46Vc nn m4e 43UA44UC. OATS Higher; No. t white, 32H33c; No. 3 white, 82i'32hc: NO. wnne, ii-,c. RYE-Hlgher; No. 2, 64c. WHISKY-$12; Dnlnth Grain Market. Dl'LUTH. Minn.. April JR. WHEAT Tb arrive. No. 1 northern. HOHc; Io. 1 norm .rn 7U.r! on track. No. 1 northern. 80Hc No. 2 northern. 78c; May. 79'c; July, 80,e September, 78H OATS May, 31HC Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Apr'l 25.-WHEAT-8not nominal: futures, quiet: May, 6a 8H1; July ka 7Ud: Sentember. 6a 7d. CORN Soot, firm: American mixed, new 4a 6nd; American mixed, old, 4s 9H1; fu tures, quiet; May. 4a 6d; July. 4s 4d. Philadelphia Market. PHILADELPHIA. April 25. BUTTER Steady ; extra western creamery, 27hc. K.Oi'iS-Firm: nearby. 17e at mark: west ern fresh, 17HC at mark. CHEH8K Firm;-New York full creams, 12I&14C. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market Opens Aotite, with Valuer Lower und Irretnuar. UPWARD MOVEMENT SOON DEVELOPS .ate In the Session There la an Abrnpt Pall In Tripes and Close la l.oveet of Day. NEW YORK. April 25. Today's stork market waa a repetition in moit respects of that of yesterday, but with a rotable shrinkage In the volume of activity and added force to the late reaction, the Ir regular upward movement resulted In much hesitation at tne nigner icveix, by an abrupt fall at the last. The buying was attributed largely to tne account active professional operators who failed to discover any Important pressure to sell and turned to the long side accordingly. The free pressure of liquidation ano even of the monev market were accepted as an indication that the most urgent and Im- niertinte neceitnities on account Of tne nn Francisco loss has mostly been provided for. Opinion is not so clear of the ultimate needs, especially for paying insurance losses. There was a further movement "i currency toward San Fmnclsco. but not on as large a scale as on previous days since the calamity. This caused fl feeling hat the cash remuneration thought to oe necessary by the San Francisco nanus to neet the nrst calls upon mem wnen oi-ti- Ing for business whs approaching comple tion. This necessary building up of casn reserves Is apart from the d"mand for credits and for capital Investment which will follow when the worn or reouimiiig begins. The firmness of the time money market for loans lending at six momn snd over at 6 per cent wss regarded as fixing the rate which insurance companies will have to pay In attempting to norruw, rather than to liquidate securities The probability of considerable liquidation In preference was considered strong In view of this money rate. The subtreaaury oper ations indicate a loos by the banks for the banking week thus far of I2.77S.00O. but this Includes some part, although not all. of the gold arrivals against which government unds were deposited wun tne oh nun mm which are covered back into the sud- treasury as they arrive. Raaillnr waa nrominent amongst the Btrnnar stocks, owing to reports thnt the anthracite acale commission assembling at Wllkesbarre -would have propositions to make to the operators which would icai to an adjustment. Union Pacific was wen supported and Amalgamated Copper was helped by the strong advance In the foreign price for the metal. The United States Steel stocks got little advantage from the very favorable showing of net earnings In the quarterly report, selling to take profits more than overbalancing the new demand. The break of 6 points In consouoatea uas was Instrumental in tne. renewed aecnne arhieh tn late In the davl and swept prices comprehensively to below Inst night's level. Tne selling was actively in tuiue m. the weak closing. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, $2,155,000. United States bonds were all unchanged on call. The following was the range or prices on the New York Stock exchange: Bile. Hlfh. Lew. Clow. rW.4fI.0M; gold coin snd bullion. $.57.170. gold certificates. $M.7S.a. ew York Money Market. NEW YORK, April r. MONEY On call. steedy. 8Vo44 per cent; ruling rste. 4 per cent; closing old. 8 per rent: offered st 3'4 per cent. Time loans, nrni: sixty and ninety svs. hH't'ti per cent; ix niontns. h per rent. I'RI.Mri MERCANTILE PAPF.K-U5 per cent. f I kki.i.mi r-A' ha.nuk - Firmer at i 4i4.!U for demand and at $4 Slioii 8115 for sixty-day bills; posted rates. $4 i 4 W and S4.S5'.i!l4.W; commercial bills, $4 KotW-i. SILVER Bar, V; Mexican dollars, 60Sc. BONDS oovernment, steady; railroad, ir regular. Closing quotations on bonds today were s follows: . .10SVJpn . M . .I'ML, 4 4. c,f, ..!.fc An 4l, elf ... .104 do 2(1 srrlo . .. . 1MH I.. N. unl. 4 ..! Msa. e. g. 4a... ..11 Mfx. Ontrsl 4a ..ill I ilo Irt Inr .. N4j,Mlnn. St. U M , K a T. im . .KKl'V in U .. f.lN. R. H. of M i .. M IN. Y. r. ( IHi . .m s. i. c . .. .. MV!No. PicISc 4... .. M do It ..11SH!N A W. 4. .. i7H,0. 8. 1. rfa. 4( .. St !rnn ron. Vn .. II jHtdlng sen. 4 ..liitt .st. I., a I. M. r. M rtf . fi res . . 8 ret. U. do coupon . . fl. Sr. re do coupon . s. old 4. do. coupon . 8. a. 4s. do coupon Am. Tobacco 4i. .. dr 4i Atchison Ron. 4i.. do t11. 4a Atlantic C L 4s. Pl. A Ohio 4a... do 3'. Brit. R. T. r. 4 . Central of Ga. it ... do lit Ine do I'd Inc do ad Inc Cnea. A Ohio 4ta .. Chlcaao A A. . .. H. A Q n 4. .. .. R. I. P, 4r.... do col. tin CCT. S L. . 4!.. acr. 'olo. Ind. fat. do acrtna B Colorado Mid. 4 olo. ac So. 4a Cuht (a A R. O 4a I)llrtHI Sec. 5a. Grla p 1. 4a do cen. 4a Hncklnc Val. 44a Japan 4a u tiered. London Clostaar Stoeka. LONDON. Anril K Clninr r,,,..t.n. the Stock exchange were: Conaola, moncv do account . . Anaronfla Atchlaon .... do pfd ... Raltltnora A Canadian Pacific rhe. A Ohio hlcaio tit. W .. M. A St. P.... tcUara Denver A R. O.... do pfd Krl do lrt pfd do Jd pfd lllnoia Central ... Iulavlile Na.h K. A T Short clear ship- Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. April 25.-FLOUR-First patents. $4.1Vfl4.30; second patents, $3 4 00; first clears, ss.wB3.; second clears. $2.4"S2.fa. BRAN In bulk. (Superior Board of Trade quotations for Minneapolis and Chicago delivery). The mi ge tf prices, aa furnished by F. D. Day Co.. 110-111 Hoard of Trade building, waa: Articles.) Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close I Yea r. cash timothy, Vrntl May...; Iulv... 8ept... I I May. Julv. Sept. 'SSV 77V,1 it's WT7" 7 1 161 1 17'i 1 1S I 17'.! 1 1' !'! 'A. 9 Si! 7e, I 1 l'l 1 17SI 1 UHl 7SV' 7V 77vn-; TKH, TeVaU-S 1 174 1 16 1 17 1 1 I 1 US Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. t hard. 7W; No. I northern. 7c; to arrive. 7tv; No. I northern. 77Sc; to arrive. 77Vc; No. 3 northern. 7rtli--; No. 1 durum. ?"r: N 3 durum. 7nc. Corn; No. 3 yelloa . jVc , No. 3, 4JVu4 c. So. i a hue. Toledo geed Market. TOIJCno. April 25-SEEr Clover. and April. $6; October. $6 $1.62Vi; alsike, S 20. Evaporated Anples and Dried Krnlts. NEW YORK, April 25. EVAPORATED APPLES Firm: strictly prime, lVo-10c; choice, 1iOi!04c; fancy, 11c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes are in good demand and with nothing of fered frcm the coast since the disaster the spot situation Is very firm. Quotations range from 6c to Sc. according to grade. Apiicnta are In demand, but the light of ferings curtail business. Choice. 12V4jo: extra choice, l.V; fancy, 14c. Peaches seem to feel the primary situation Iss than other fruits; choice. lOHc: extra choice, 10nllc; fancy. ll'tiHV-; extra fancy. 1U, 612c Raisins are unchanged with loose muscatel. 6i.ii"v: seeded raisins, 4,lir7ac; and London layers at ll.604jl.6ft. Raarar and Molasses. NEW YORK, April 26 SUGAR Raw. steady, fair refining. 2"V92 iS-S2c; centrif ugal. 96 lest. J VjJ 13-J-o ; molasses sugar, 2Vt2 21-8;c. Refined, quiet; No. 6. 4.00c; No. 7, I.gac; jso. s. law; jno. a, a anc; no. iti, ScOo; No. 11. 3.76c; No 13. 3 70c; No. 13, 365c; No. 14, S.6io; confectioners' A, 4 S5c; mold A, 4a5c: cut loaf. S.iOc; crushed. S.JOc: nwdercd, 4.60c; granulated, 4.50c; cubes, 4.75.-. NEW ORLEANS. April 26.-BUOAR-Q'llet but steady; open ketle centrifugal, J'aJV: centtifugul whites. J'04t:; yel lows, 3N73 i3-ltc; seennoa. iu'ac. MOLASSES Nominal; open kettle, 30c: centrtfuean. "ic. SYRLP-Nomlnef. 25flyc. Adams Czpraas Atnalsamaied Copper Atnarlcan C. A F Americas C. A T. pfd.... American Cotton Oil American Cotton Oil pfd. American Expreea American H AL,, pfd... Americas Ice, aeruritles. . American Llneeed Oil Am. Llneeed Oil pfd American tocomotlve .... Am. Locomottre pfd American S. A R American I. A R. pfd... American Sugar Refining Am. Tobacco pfd. ctfa.... Anaconda Mining Co Atchlaon Atchlaon pfd .' Atlantlo Coast Line Baltimore A Ohio Baltimore A Ohio pfd... tnooklrn Rapid Tranalt.. Cauadlan Paclfla Central of New Jersey CheaapeaJte A Ohio Chicago A Alton Chlcaso A Alton prn Chloago Great Weatern Chlcaso A Northweatrn Chlcaso, at. A St. r Chlraio T. A T Chicago T. A T' pfd-.. c, c, c. st. L,ouia Colorado Fuel A Iron....... Colorado A Southern Colorado A So. let pfd Colorado A Bo. td pfd Consolidated Oaa Corn Producta, rfg Corn Producta pfd, rfg Delaware at Hudson Delaware. L. A W Itonver A Rio Onmnde DonTer A R. ! pfd planners' Securities Erie Eria let pts Erie td pfd General Rlectrlo Hocking Valley Illlnola Central International Paper International Paper pfd International Pump International Pump pfd Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd Kanaaa ("It r Southern Kanaaa Cltr So. pfd..; Loulavllle A Naihvllle Manhattan L Metropolitan Street R'.... Mexican Central Minneapolis A 8t. Ixiuti. .. M.. St. P. A 8. 8. M M , 81. P. A 8. 8. M. pfd.. Mlaaourl Paclttc Mlaaourl, Kanaaa A Texas.. M . K. A T. pfd National Lead National R. R. ot M. pfd.. New Tork Central New Tork. O. A W Norfolk A Weatern Norfolk A W. pfd ..., North American Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Oaa P.. C C. A 8t. Louis Praased Steel Car Frerard Klcal Car pfd Pullman Palace tar Reading Radlng let pfd Reading td pfd Republic Steal Republic Steel pfd Rock Island Co Rock Island Co. pfd St. L A 8. r. Id pfd.... M. I.ouls Southwestern.., 81 Louis 8. W. pld Southern Pacific So. PaclAc pfd , Southern Railway ho. Railway pfd Tenneeeee Coal A Iron.. Texaa A Pacific Toledo. St. L. A W Tolrdo. St L. A W. pfd t nlnn Paciflc I mon Psclfte pfd I'nMed Statea Kxpreea... l ulled Slatea Realty lulled Statv Rubber I'. 8. Rubber pfd t olled Riafea Steal tl. 8. Steal pfd Va. -Carolina Chemical .. Va arollna chrm. pfd. Wabash w a hash pfd VlU-Psrgo Cxprcss .... Wee ffh-iuae Electric .. Weatern I'mon Wheeling A Lake Krte... v. isconaln Central Wis Central pfd Northern Pacific Central Leather Central leather pfd lloaa Sheffield Htel 4.OT0 1. 100 (00 400 6.600 "ioo l.fjoO 100 11400 Vl 1,300 400 J4.T00 1.100 '"ioo 1,500 100 U.I00 1,500 t"0 1,800 "ioo . 5, aw, 700 f.too 100 .100 " too t.KKl 00 too too t) l.joo too 400 S.400 1.400 100 P4i 44 lot itv. 107'i 40S 102 J114 2S ii' 46 is lit", 164 118' l7i Kit 2T4 i" no 14 2 14144 ill 61 "76 1044 '04l 17 10S 28 4 -Mli e4 1:14 t4t 48S4 lis 14 71r MS 441 444, S4 66 S 42 H 12 404 'iin 3 114'4 164 lit 13f.t4 10IH II lit" 1M4 14 to 104 310 44 Vl ni ior im 1(7 11 ffi 5F,V i t 47 "4 Ul4 4 7 toe 440 u 44 '4 41 14 700 1714k 117 4O0 1.4o0 1.000 1.100 17044 II a4 41 200 SO 200 700 S,o0 100 tf,', (6 146 146 2.SO0 24 t.200 1,700 too 1.600 400 l.!00 400 . I. 200 I " ins . 1.200 . It. mo . 1.100 '. " too 100 too .113. 40 100 '. -"rsoo too . 1,400 too l"0 DnO SOU . I.I'O '. ' Vit'ii too H0 IOO l"0 100 .111 7f . 1.060 "'200 l.OOO too ..111. SAO .. 40.1 .. 1 4oe o .. 1.000 .. 1.404 4 S3 44 to XI lit 4t l ti 41 11 12 'ti tn 2M 127 to 'tis 101 H 2 44 4f 21 64 5 ' Itl, laV, 2 34 64 161 4 U 62 0, 4-1 l' 44 lio 44 17014 20 M 44 '' 'ii 61 141 164 ''ii' its 'ti" 13 474 7 M 134 4t 17 M 40 111 0 'ii" t tu 12t 'is 10ft u 44 46 K 4.1 4444 iil, M 143 31 H 63 14k', tl 'ti" 61 ICt 41 lOTi, 4S lw 20 41 1K) 2l 2O0 4.700 too 7IO 2.500 It 26 - H'a 214 3 now to Total aalea for lha day. t2!.ooo anaree. 42 17 24 H 210 4: J 78 236 1081. 40 101 31 to 221 81 1 10 41 3 113 164 lit 102 280 81 101 144 lo M to ISO 210 at 30 71 80 201 17 10 24 S 66 II 41 47 1.11 S3 7t lot 437 42 13 64 t ' ta 107 170 20 16(4 4 tl It 54(tj !6 64 14J lf4 113 23 16b 17 II 33 as 78 ta 1374 48 87 10 II 40(4 .138 to It t! 18 230 124 a S3 28 100 24 44 44 22 63 44 1174 1 W 143 II " 14 13 111 17 1' 43 107 f I lot 16 M 17 12 210(, lox rls St. L. A 8 r. ttlst. L. 1. W. c. 7:Seahoard A. L. to ,So. PacISc 4a ... 104 ' dn 1st 4a ctfa. . A. 7o So. Railway ta. ... 73 Texas A P. Is ... ... 7.. T . St. L. A W. . . . SI l""ion PaclAc 4a. . . . .liMl do conv. 4a ...!'(, C. S. Steel td 6a. . .. Wabai.h la ...1M! do dch. B ...41 iWeetem Md 4a .. 'W A L R. 4s ... M iVia Central 4a. 84 12 tl mi., loiv so 23 4a.. .l oi.l 8t 4a. 61 13 ! ll'l 7tH loo j, 1 100(4, loo in 4s. e.',(i. ... 7 ..17 ...12 ... 9.. ...117 ...123 a., f. ...104 ...161 ...118 ...77 ... 86 ... 8 ... tl OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET. Desirable Cattle Sell Quite freely at Stesdj to Etronc Prices. HOGS CONTINUE ON THE DOWN GRADE Moderate Ran ot Sloth Sheep and Lam ha, nlth Good ArllTe De mand aatl Valaea Fall teaar to Strong. SOl'TH OMAHA. April . 190S. Receipts were: Cattle. Ho. Sheep. Official Monday S.8T6 ."? S,t24 Ollicliil Tuesrlav 4.'.'S 1S.IW7 S,l!4 Official Wednesday S.StXl 11,01)0 S.OOO Three days this week. .lo.ova J4.S74 1S.41S Same days last week. ...11.067 25.471 SS.7J 8sme two weeks sg1 19.2P2 2S.S1 Same three weeks SK0...11.TOn aJ8 24. SM Same four weeks a((o....ll.R72 1,T9 3S.S17 Same days last year 10.236 !,C4 23.8S1 RECEIPTS TO DATE. The followtna? table nhnws ma recelets of cattle, ho a and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: Cattle Hogs , Sheep KANUtt OV 0 1-18IN T. Central " I Norfolk A W...... 13 do pfd '2 Ontario & W If Pennsrlvanla Ohio.. ..1I.1 Rand Mlnea 17 Reading . s8 lo 1st pfd . 21 I do 2d pfd .114 ,8outhern Hallway in' do pfd 45 Southern Pacific .143 . tl . JS . 60, 71 4 . 14 . 46 4f4 . W14 .10.1 . 7 .16.Va . 88 . 44 111 . 21 . 46 2 6IUnlon Pacific . ..43 do pfd .. . . 7t V. S. Pleel . . do pfd .. .176 Wabash ... .1601 g pf .. 84 Spanish 4s BII.VKR Rsr. firm, S0 7-16d per ounce. iivjrjj o'a-o'-j per cent. The rate or dlscoitnt In the nnn m..i for short bills is ner cent: fnr tt,e. months' bills, 3V4 per cent. New York Mining- Stocks. NEW TORK. ADrll 25. (Mosinir on nilnins; stocks were: Adams Con Alice Brcece Rrunswlck Con . Comatock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Va.. Horn Silver Iron Silver Acedviiie Con ... Offered. .. M . .Jo0 .. tl .. 60 .. IT ..100 ..205 ..too .. t (Little Chief .. Ontario Ophlr 'Phoenix 1 Potoal 'Savage Sierra Nevada Bmall Hopea iMandard . T .215 .450 . 1 . 14 . M . 14 OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Trade and 4).ao(atlona ou Staple and Fancy Prodnce. ECSOS Receipts, liberal: fresh stock, case count, 15c. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 11c; old roosters, 5tc; turkeys, 15c; ducks, 11c: young roos ter, Kfldc; geese, Gc. BUTTER PHCklnar stock. 11c- rhnlca tn fancy diary, lbSlSc; creamery. 2Jrj!(lic. ha x prices quoted by Omaha Feed com pany; No. 1 upland, 7; medium, $6.60; coarse, $.00ti.BO. Rye straw. St.50. BRAN Per ton, Sli .fK. NEW VEGETABLES. TOMATOES Florlsa. per crate of SO lba net. pi. w. WAX BEANS Por hunmr of about SS lbs., net, J5.00. STRING PKANtWPer hamner of aboit 38 lbs., net. S3.004. 4.0C, TL'P.KIFe. flEKTS IND O A TtrTf4 Louisiana, per doz. Duncnea, r ' ail-00. tier aosea bU.. doa $1.00 red. SHALLOTTS Loulnlana.i .... . -J new. iv - ti&AU lKTTUCiviuiaiana. per 7.0t4tll.00: per dos. beads. Si.O0iJl.2aV. . uw.uvun, a. beads, 46c. r 1 CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per dos.. 1.60. un iuisb Home arrowrt. yeuow fetid 20 per lb; Spanish, per crate, 2.2o; C rado, red and yellow, per lb., So. 1 nui H.Ai. me 10. DATE Per boa ot SO 1-lb. nkara . II (in Hallowe'en, In 7u-lb. bones, per id., Sc; bay ers, psr lb., 4c; walnut stuffed, 1-lb. pkg.. 12.00 Der dos.: 8-lb. boxes. SI. 00. ORANaEat California, exlra fancv Red. land navels, all aixea. tt.le; tatter aavela, SS.6; choice, ait aises, s. LEMUISS Umoniera, extra fancy, S4S sire. J3.VB; Sou to SoO ale, 4 M. FIOS Cullfornla. -jti iv-it. carton. Hit 8Ec; Imported Smyrna, three-crown, lie; six crown. Uc. BANANAS Per medium alxed bunch. XL 71 45J 26: JumbuS. 2 sOS o. tain 3 E hi NEo caiiiornia, per box ' of bout 12h, $3.01. GRAPE FRUIT Florida, tier box. X7.003 1.60; California, per box UITS PEARS Winter Neblc, 12.60. APPLES California Newton. PlDtiins. t2.1e; Baldwins, U per bu. box; Ben Davis, U per ou. lox; inesups, 2.ou per ou. Dux Omaha Chicago Kanxiis City .. St. Louis Sioux City ... luos. isns. 860.815 742.&T 60S. 476 646, 4M PRICES. Cattle. ... 12.26 1"Y 75 ... 1.76f.15 ... 2.5n55 ... 2.ti.75 ... S.0ntfi6.5S In 41. WO 10S.SR t.tfJO Host S 7S 4J s 6 25 S&O 15 (ty.4V0 (u6.50 ti30 CATTLE QUOTATIONS. The following will mow ttie tr. ices paid for the different kinds ot cattle on tb South Omnha market: Good to choice corn-fed steers.. .. $4 Fair to choica onrn-fed ateers 4 lu3l.Si Common to fair corn-fed ateera 4 (Kg4 6i Oood to choice cows and heifers., Knir to good cows and heifers Common to fair ows and heifers., Good to choice feeders Fair to good stockers and feeders. 8 6034. 00 Common to fair stockera l.lt4V&.W Bulls, stags, etc J.6OW4.00 .uNti4 S.HOilJ .65 l.twitaw 4 W.I4.VS Date, I 1806. 19Q6.l4.!lO.19O2.19Ol.lS00. Apr. Apr. A nr. Apr. Ap,. Apr. Apr. Apr. 7.. a.. .. '.ti.. 11.. 12.. 13... I 14.. 25 o oov' t X I St J 26 April 16. April 17.. April April April April April April i April m April 26 IS 19.. 21.. 22.. ' 2.11 ( av 1 si oov,, e wi oBi eo a o 6 46 I 6 26 4 o6 4 931 1 241 Ml 4 9)1 7 ltl 41 "1 4 911 7 2A I T 6 ti 7 36 K 6 Si 4 96 7 tt: S01 6 2 4 801 i S4I 6 89 4 Sl 7 J9 f I 04 Ii 4V, S 60 8 60S, s 4314, 6 41 6 84 6 29 I t 23 6 2o 5 27 S 23: S 30 5 3.1 I 6 St 5 26 4 891 4 76 5 82 4 80 4 81 4 82 a 4 7&I 7 2J ( S8 7 Ul 7 X3 7 141 7 K 7 11 7 07 7 02 7 06 7 06 s n 6 S4 s ss as s u S 40 S 4:1 I 46 S uo 91 5 Ml Iti 6 ti.' 9.i 6 S6 8 49 97 6 Sill 6 4 S 86 891 6 86, 6 Hti 119 6 Sl 6 80 6 i 46 I 12 a 6 38 6 S 6 93 t 78 6 36 'Sunday. TUESDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following showa the number of cars of stockers and feeders shipped to the coun try and their points of destination: CATTLE. J. P. McDonald, Gaiva. la. N. W.. A. M. Averlll, Alden. la I. C C. 8. Judd. Mooiehead, la. N. W.. Jacobsen A Co., Lusk, Wyo.-F. fal. Johnson Bros., Anita, la. R. I George Dlnsdsle. Palmer, Neb. Q.. H. P. Knapp, Ithaca. Neb. Q SHEEP. Valley stock yards. Valley. Neb. U. E. 8. Wallen. Ulenwood. la. J The official nuinner of cara of Drought in today by each road waa: Cattle. Hogk. Sheep H r's Cars. 2 1 4 t 1 4 1 D.D. P.... 2 1 stock C, M. A St. P Wabash 2 V. P. System 49 C. & N. W., eaM 1 CAN V., went 28 C, St. P., M. & O.... 21 C, B. & Q., east 1 C, B. & Q.. west 12 C, R. I. & P.. east.... 4 C, K. I. P., west.. S Illinois Central Chicago GU Western. .. Total receipts ....120 The disposition of the day's receipts whs as follows, each buyer purchasing the num- uer 01 neaa inaicatea 41 17 1 6 2 IS 20 4 1 1 S t 12.. I'll 26 i Cattle. Hogrs. Sheep. 5 615 1,464 2,10 lVt re Mark el. NEW" YORK. April 25. COFFEE Mar Vet for ctiffc futures held steady until near the cloae. when It an used off a par tial i points under liquidation and waa barely steady at net unchanged to S points lower. Bnles -aeie 4.i bags. Including Way st io.'ijUSi'c; September. Sfi'tlHf: No vember. 7 1a; bet enilier. 7 i6c Spot Rlo, quid; Sit. 7 in.lte, 1-lov. Bsstss Storfca and Bonds. BOSTON, April 26 -Call loans, m cent; time losns, one per cent, closing on stocks and bonds: H Atrhtsoa adl. 4a . do 4a Mrs central 4a . . Atchlaon do pfd Poetnn A Albany. Bflctna a Maine.. n'ta Elevated . filc-hburs pid . Iviertavn Central K V.. N. H. A t'nton PacISc I mer. Arge. cheat.. do pfd Amer. Pneu. Tuha... Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. T A T Amef. a'ooien du pfd Ponifulon I A S ... ICd!aon Elec. Illu. Maaa fla-lrle do pfd , Maaa Oaa I'nlled Frutt t'nitrd Shoe Mack.. do pfd Creeae Coa I 8 Steal do pfd Wescrif cosnaioB . 44 1 I Ad ventura ln A Hones . II I Amalgamated stSi'Amwricaa 2lnc inolatlantlc per official n 264 v, 17t 141 Bid. Atked. Blnghara . Cal. A liarla.. Centennial .... c oppar Hanca US lll aeal .... 11 franklin I4tsnrasb 2 la's Kuj-ale tl Mass. Milling . ii Michigan ISA 'Mohaak 1S5 Monl c. V C. 1J, Old Donlnloa . at illacaola loH Parrot tuVQulnrr 24aa Shaunos lliTasnarack t? jTrlnlt.. 44 il'sited Copper V- 8 Mining . ivr. s. on , l tak MS 'Victoria 41 a Winona 1M! Wolverine la forth Bulte ... Trrasarr Otalemeat. WASHINGTON. April 25 -Totlay staie rrtent (f th treasury hilanre tn the gen eral fund. CIl iul f of the SiTi ia ami, I jitaeivt, slioas; Avsiluble casu balsnte. other varieties, S2.oxU2.60 pr bu.; New York apples, Baldwins and rtuxseui, 6.0u per boi uiurtb-impor:ea Mfa4.tgaa. POTATOES Kome grinii, per bu., 50 VOc; South Dakota, per bu.. 76a NAVY BEANS Per bu., II. oi; No. 2, tl.;& LIMA BEANS Per lb.. eo CABBAGE California, Svo per lb.; Wis consin, in crates, per lb., 3 Wo. CELERY Florida. S12a per dos. SWEET PUTATOEd-llUnoia, per U-plt. bbl., S4.76. CARROTS. PARSNIPS AND TURN1I. Per bu., tVc and tl. BEEP CUTS. No. 1 ribs, 13o; No. 2 rlba, No. a ribs, Slc; No. 1 round, 8c; No. 2 round, 7Vc; No. 3 round, 7Wc; No. 1 loins, 16c; No. 2 loins, 13c: No. S loins, llVgo; No. 1 plate, 4c; No. 2 plate, S'tC, No. 3 plate. 8c; No. 1 chucks, 6c; No. 2 chucks, IWic; No. I chucks. MISCELLAIMEOI'S. CIDER-Per Keg. S3. A: per bbl.. .7s HON E Y New, per 24 lbs., $8.60. CHEESE Swiss, new, too; Wisconsin brink. uc; Wiscousin hmoerger, 16c; twin, 13 Wc: Young Americas, 16c NUTS VNaiuuts. No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., lu!c; hard shells, per lb., lalo. Picans. Urge, per lb.. 14c; small, iter lb., 12c. Peanuts, per 1U. c; roasted, per lb.. Sc. Chili watuuta. per lb.. i:lic. Almonds, soft aneus, per id.. 17c; hard shelU. pel lb., lac Cotuaimia. S4 per aaca; of loo. FRESH FISii. Trout, 11c: halibut, lie- pickerel, dressed, 7c; white bass. Uc; suj- fiali, oc. pxixo. skiuiieu and tlreaaoU, be; pike, &u.loc; redsnappt-r, lie; salmon, uc, crappies, tw, etia. uact uaaM, Zin; whilellsll, 10(j.l2c; lrog tegs, ber dos.. ooc, lobsters, green, 3ic; boiled lobsters, 4'c, bluehsh. lae: herring. 6c: Spuuiah mackerel. ibo; baudutk, luc, sduunp, ii.uj per gallon; smelts, 12c; cod. 1-c; bulliieada, 12c; cattish isc; r-ie shad. iac; flounder. Uc. MI'SIlRvJoMK liwtl.iUfce. per lb. UM-Ae. KAUiBliU.iS xtiuouao, fau uox. buuehea I aaaiiiif. 1 oYSTUlS rh siandarn, 1.43 per gal.; shell oysters, ti.ntxvl2.uo ir uv: Liiue Neck I clams. II. iO ixer 104 tiUGAR urauulatetl cane, In bbls.. I ik- grauuUled caue, In aacas, o.u, giauulutvid M.-t, in Micks. Si.01. SYRUP lu banela 4c per gi : In caaea S lo-lb. taut. Vi w; cases, 11 e-u ;,. . . 24 Va-lb. cns. 11 W COFFEE -Roau-teU: No. K. is j. No. So, ioVaC per lb.; No. loc per lb" No. '-'0. lo'jc Per lb.. No. 1, pjr ,b, CURED FlPtl-Faniily r.iie:i,n. per 4, bbl., lm) lbs.. 6": Norway muckeiel. naif bbl.. 200 lbs., bli'alert. SH100; Su. l. u'j. No. X t-i'-v; Uo. X Irish. Mo. 1 tiioo' liertinti 10 uuia., aw i'. .-u. iui'wiy', 4k 41 gisw; llollund. mi. ..1 nlng, in ketis. Uiuasra. 00 HIDES, PELTS AND TALI)W.n 1 gretn hliies. ftc; No. 1, ti-; No 1 SJilK-d. lie; No. !. 10.-; bull hides. ?3aa'rjs4al. ; ur. Iililfta. liia.c. Horse hid.-s, li;e, small, .'. Sheep le.lts, each &0t'4t.i.-.. 'I allow, No. 1, 4V; No- 2. Sc; rougii, i,-. CANNED GOODS Corn, siundsrd west ern. 65'u6t'c: Maine. 1 15. Tomatoes. 3-lb. cans,; 2-lb.. Pineapples, grated. 2-lb.. JJlfui:); sliced. sl.s)Sn. Gallon uiles. fancy. 83.75; California apri cots. 1; pears, $1.7&2.5o; priches fancy. 1.7.Wi2 41; H. C. peaches, S-.0004 60! AiaoKa saltnon, ivtt. SI 15; pink. !ic, fsiicy ; Chinook. F.. J2 10, fancy sockeye, F., SI U5: ! vj oil. t-'.Jl'. S mutards, i..6i; Ilo. Sweet pittof-s. SI Kill 15, Kajei kruui . SI ts'i; pumpkins. h-4ill ; was h-ai'a. .'-lb., . t.'ii.-i, iiiiia tjrrn.iw. fui ft t. a. . Hfilliailt, ai J SI .a&'fl-'.taj: cheap peas, 2-lb.. Soc: extra, ;iy ljr : iaiicv. at Avri.i3. BRIM IMS No. 1 carpet. $3 23: No. 2 carppt, $:'4i: N 8 plain. S3 .Hi. I'liil R wholesale! Bent high grade Ne braska, per cat.. tJ.u ; ba-nt riKli prade tiat- yent Mlnneaiota. per cat , S-: Mm.ght pal , ent NebiuMka. r-r cat., Sl.W: tttt'nd pat 1 rut Ntbiaska, SI Kl Omaha Packing Co 163 1,577 Bwlft and Companyr 827 S.tuft Cudahy Packing Co. 818 4.1S2 Armour & Co 6i9 2,K1 Van Sant ft Co 41 Curey 61 1 i'imian & co 12 mil & Son so Ilarnlllon & Rothschild.. 47 I uolf 12 itiiKe iiaageriy -1 Sol Degan t J. B. Root A Co 14 St. L. D. Beef Co 449 Union D. Beef Co 40 Other buyers 175 . Total 2,922 11.824 4,R:0 CATTLE There was a fair run of cattle here for a Wednesday, 112 cars being re ported In this morning. Tho market aa a who u was not very different irom wnat it was yesterday, although any change that may have taken place was in tne direction of improvement. There waa a tair run 01 neet ateers, oui no great number of good cattle in sight. Buyers were out In very fair season anJ the trade opened up reasonably active. As to prices the general market might lie quoted as steady, but there were Instances wh-re sellers tnougnt tney oio. a nine better than they were able to do yester day. Perhaps it would come the nearest to the truth to quote tne mantel aa steauy to a little Btronir In snots. 1 Cows and heifers sold In about the same notches as yesterday taking the market as a whole. There was, however, some evidence of unevenness. so much so that anme arllers tlionrht that they got more monev for the best cows and had naru work to get steady prices for some others. Most sellers were quoting the general mar ket as steady, mockers and feeders also at about yester' day's prices and there was hardly enough change in any direction to admit of dif ferent quotations. As has been the case so far this week the best cattle were Routrht after while others were Inclined townrrt dullness. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. t 441 a 14 I 744 20 '51 40 1141 yt tail li i4 I, 1274 1. tlO 1 K50 14 1076 ;o 11m t into I ion l loot 11 IO11O g 1070 1 104? t.4 lOft" It i Ut ioN o II it It .1014 17 111 7 !7S It t t US! 10 1114 4 1114 t US4 54 1151 II 1127 S Ut! . la4 . It .700 iju.!1oo; Norway. SU. ' 111 60; Holland hei ' las, jc; keg, mixed. Jo 30 . a . it Ii " .inn, ""a .101 its . 10, "v. . 11 . 'i .114 : 24 . ! i:: . "on . 'J . MO .104". .imo . 9t .10:7 . i;o ..1016 ,. 170 . s0 . . ta . . i'.h ..107$ .1111 ..106t ..1010 . . 44S ..tut . .1"75 ..llaO .1110 ..l'!0 . i)7 ..ItOD . . nan . .10?1 . ll'O .. 170 ..l'U4 . .UJ'l .. 47t .. tMi .. t! .. t40 .. 274 .. 41" ... 71 ... 4cO .. 141 . ro Pr. No. Av. Pr S 40 1! 1141 4 W 4 00 4 IM 4 M 4 10 tc 1171 4 IS 4 10 14 IOI3 4 44 4 II 21 110 4 70 I 10 10 111 4 70 4 13 1111 4 70 4 26 i 1:14 4 76 4 10 16 1112 4 71 4 30 t 1!S 4 71 4 40 4 Me i Taw 4 li 41 1141 4 4 40 6 1U0 4 t'l 4 40 II 1407 4 SO 4 40 17 l4t 4 64 4 40 10 1H 4 ti 4 4i SO 1164 4 U 4 4a IK 1131 4 M 4 46 It 1271 4 40 4 111 M lilt 4 St 4 60 It I6 4 0.' 4 10 I.. ItOi 4 00 4 Ml w ui.u 4 On 4 40 10 124 6 00 4 15 74 I4M 4 It 4 f4 It ll'l i 10 4 64 14 16:0 10 4 tn 24 ...IM0 S 14 4 40 20 1421 I It 4 46 14 1111 4 16 IIS 10 101 4 M 4 44 S Ur. t 20 4 45 10 :ui i li 4 ti COW8. i 15 14 1010 t Tl I li 1 1140 I 71 60 1 r.40 I M t 60 4 1110 I to 1 7t 1 fl I M 3 00 1 1124 I U I 00 t 1 1 24 I ti I 10 3 1071 I U 1 10 :i rn 1 tt s n i i7t 1 to I K I ioet I to I i I 10 I 26 t 160 If. I 25 I Its I 00 I IK 1 MM 4 m I 40 7 lltl 4 00 I to 4 ll'l 4 00 I :.0 I 1:41 4 SO I 64 14 I'd 4 ' I 64 55 10V. 4 00 110 1 fan 4 n I to I 1061 4 06 I 10 7. I2't 4 Si 5 to 17 67 4 04 I at I till 4 It I tk I I'TI I 14 I 44 I 140 4 li I tf, t l'TO 4 20 3 Si 4. 122T 4 25 I 70 " T I'll I SO I 75 HEIFERS. t 7 5 I 71 3 SO 1 75 I I I I M I 74 7 131 It J 1.'. 1 10 4 00 IIS 4 445 4 en I : 1 47 4 I I a I 'itH 4 24 1 I 75 I tit I 40 3 ti BULLS. S 45 1 1270 I 45 1 "5 1 ItS" , 2 7i I 14k . S a , t i 1 It IX I 71 1 lilt I tl 1 1n I 70 1 I'to I on Tn I T" 1 1U I OS 1 !so I 7 1 If I t" I It'O I 75 1 Hit I I law I :s I lt I 24 I Iw I 5 i 1J7S I M I tti 1 tn I I4s 16 t 1.7) I iA I 1440 I 60 I 7fl I so 1 ! I IS 1 6l 4 1 10?0 t SO 1 ISf.0 4 on 1 I afl 1 t:T0 4 05 t 114) S 16 CALVES. I I't I 71 I... 100 I to so 4 no 1 fan 6 mi 1 40 4 on 1 140 1 60 1 t 4 Ml 1 ins I 64 1 41 I l:. I 160 6 75 I. ! I Tl 1 170 6 75 1 1"! 4 7ft 1 110 t 76 1 11 I 00 1 1n I 76 I Ml IM 1150 6 7S I... 170 t SO 1 M 4 00 1 120 6 60 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 670 t 40 1 vf 4 00 I ISO 10 2 0 4 10 1 711 S :. 2 tot 4 16 4 4oi I 75 4 .. 74 4 25 4 40 75 II m 4 15 1 .17 I 75 I too I 25 1 400 I 5 J 7 4 15 14 5M I to 1 660 1 . 7 642 4 0 16 ns 4 25 14 t"t 4 00 14 414 4 50 4 47 4 0.1 25 1110 4 40 1 441 4 0 wak: srlling st KUtitlSO; bulk of sales, K. 2 4.14 2.V eif tnrk I Ire Stock Market. NEW YllHK. April 2.V UK KV KS - Re ceipt. 1 .rmj r.ratl; In i'vi.a opctwd slow to a s.ia.le lower; clourd stradv; biitis, strnilt; cows, slow; medium cows, n-aii'r; on, I.IK stockers. i:it i; hiiiis, s:j'ii4.M, cows, Sl.laaiitU'; rxixiits, 4.4m gum t' re 01 r. I ; tomorrow, tail head t. csilh' and ISO head 01 sheep. CA1. r'S -Receipts. 4. MO head; veal mar ket l.niLfcc higner; ven.s. 4 tsiii.i 7S; choice, t-' tTi,; tew lops. So 0: drcssctl calves, him; city ditsMed vt-uis, i;4j'v r pounu; choice heay. ';; country dressed, ' VEEP AND LA MRS -Receipt a, 7.W head, lambs. lo'iUnc higher; wooied sheep, $4 (tri6.t4i; clipped, S:i 5i'iMm; cllped lambs, ft . "iiH tui; one car, ii.Jii. wooied iiimhs. ' it) fpSO'; prime spring lambs. $ie.M: 70 cat li. HUGS Receipts. t.mS hetnl, market leel- e aim Ins; w.-iik; Si..! 'ii 1. In. Peiilisylvitiilu. hogs. HOGS Hogs opened Sc lower this morn ing with strings selling largely at IS 26, while some of the packers were holding off and not doing very much, others were free buyers and a very consldershle pro portion of the hogs changed hands tn very good season In the morning on the basis noted. After the more urgent order 1 were niied the msrket slowed up some, what, buyers being a little bearish In their views, while sellers were tak'nj the opposite side. The hogs kept sellln. however, and the yards aere practically cleared in reasonable season. As noted yesterday the tendency cf values has been steadily downward since Thursday of last week, when the higli point of the year was reached. I he nous today sold close to 2Re lower than they did on the high day. The heavy receipts this ween, yesterday s run having nee,i the largest sirce last June, and today's run much larger thsn ususl for a Wednes day, helped bear the market. Still tho buying demand has been remarkably goon In the face of the large run. Representative sales: Ne. At. 8h. Pr. No. Ay. 17 -J.11 ... 4 421 47 S::4 7 114 7 221 7 214 M 14 4'i 2"3 7 251 77 244 10 2. r.s IS 10 26 4 to 4 26 67. St. Joseph Shirk Market. ST. JOSEPH, April 25. CATTIJO Re ceipts, St?" head, steady to 10c higher; na tives,; cows and heifers, Sl.BjVf 4.t; stockers ami feeders, S.l.l.V.1 1 5ti HOGS Receipts, ,21! head; market IV10c lower; light, 1..T.; medium and heavy, Sij..c!1-S7"!...;74. SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts, 6."0 head; steady; lambs. V. Mnrk In MaM. 13 66 71 102.... 64 .... tl 42 It 31 34... II 44 71.... 16.... 71 60 14 74 l M 16 I.I tl 72.... 71... II..., 44 7S 71 17 46...:, 43 II 160... 44 It II...., 46.... 44 47 14 ... T2 70 44 71 17 71 24.... 40.... 64... 10.... 16.... 4.... 71 74.... IS ..217 ..111 .114 ..16 . .ltfl ..211 .234 ..162 ,.2!l ..167 ..I7 ..163 .141 ..504 . .217 ..207 . .1Y .252 ..264 . .2011 . .235 ..231 ...247 ,..144 ..247 ..244 ..231 ..202 ..315 '. .263 .131 ..274 ..111 ..II ..:i4 ..25 ..17 ..236 ..203 ..: ..111 ..!47 .141 ..21 .226 ..ilt ..111 ..It ..2M ..2(0 ..314 ...272 ..20 ...227 .11 40 SO 4 22 it 4 22V, 2!v, 4 22', 4 22', I Ii Saj I 25 t 21 I 26 4 26 I 36 I 24 4 26 4 15 4 a I 21 4 25 4 29 4 26 4 26 4 :s 4 25 4 14 4 24 4 ii 4 26 4 2& ti 26 I 24 4 15 26 4 tf. 4 li I 25 4 26 4 26 4 14 4 26 4 26 t :- 4 26 4 15 4 16 4 25 4 ti 4 24 4 25 4 34 4 15 4 26 4 25 4 21 21 4 ti 7.. 60.'.', 41 . 61.. 60.. tit . 73 . It. . 54. . 13.. 42.. 71. . 17.. 76.. 1.. :.. ti ... 41.. 77 . V . 42.. 72.. SI.. . 77.. 14 . 71.. Tl'.. e. . 70 . 12.. 0.. 72.. 7.. St.. 42.. II.. to.. 6. 4t. 227 .204 .24 .Its .242 .217 . lf IS4 116 .230 211 .231 .212 .201 .IL'i ,210 ..242 .130 ..211 ,.231 ..234 ,.2S3 . .231 .216 244 363 111 ,.22 .241 ,.2;u .in .531 .221 .211 ,.2'l . .27 ..20 . 124 .261 ..11 ..111 . .26 ..330 . .262 ..32 . lilt 244 140 III) 4. 120 Pr. 4 23 .. 4 26 . 4 25 It IK ..V t 25 . . 36 10 I If. I 25 I 15 I 15 16 4 26 4 16 4 2 ,'i 4 2:. 4 26 4 35 I 23 I 26 I 25 4 ::. 4 26 4 26 4 26 4 26 4 47 V, 4 27S I 271, I Z7V, I 271 4 271, 4 27l 4 27 4 17'-, 4 t74j 4 17V, 4 271 4 17 4 17', I 27V, 4 27V, 27V, 4 27V, 4 27V, 4 n, 4 27V, I 171, 4 27V, 4 27 V 4 27V 4 M 4 30 I 10 I 30 I 30 I 30 4 S2't Receipts of live sloi k at the six prin cipal western markets yesterday: Caltle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha ;'.MJ 12,i 6,t) Sioux City l.liio a.4m) Kansas City U.Kt) S.OiW St. Jo.-epn M!t S.219 S.i St. U'Uls 2J !) l.nm Chicago li.msj 24.i1 U),l0 Totals ."ki.svs it. 119 as.: Wool Market. BOSTON. April 2.-VOt)l-Flrm. dull. Practically the only movement has been Ir, foreign wools, and esiwclally cross-breds. The sole exception lias been a little specu lation in scorned wooN. The scarcity ot teiritories is illustrated by the readlnevs with which the new Arizona wool have been sold as fast ss they have arrived and at full prices. Pulled wools are doing :i little better than formerly. leading quota tions follow: (H1I0 ami Pennsylvania X.K und above, :14'a;i6t; X, mrtiiMc: No. 1, ?f!c; No. 2, ;i"-14"c; tine unvviithiMl, lirxi-M'c ; quniter blond, unwashed. SL''iiC"4jc; threo elghths blood, SW Wtie; half lilood.'S2'4yl3c; unwashrd delaine. '(:.'!; Ane washed de laine, att'yifiTc. Mlihigan, Hue unwashed, 24'i2.ic; quarter blood unwashed, 31!ii:i'Ji'; thiee-elghths IiIoimI, :i2(wlt'; half blood, Stlro" 32c; unwashed delaliie, ri(2Xc. Kentucky, Indiana, etc., three-eighths und quarter blood. 3-'(fi34c. Territory, lilalin, line. 2W 23c; heavy tine. 1:k,i.'ik-; him niedluiii, 2:'U; 2.1i': medium. 2tWf2Ti': low medium, 2iifr.'?c. Wyoming line, Jlifi2c; heavy fltie. lli-Hir; line melium. 221 ac: incillum, 2iVii27r; low inediuin, 2lifi27c. I tall and Nevad:i, flue, 22(i23c; heavy tine. I!t12iic; line medluni. 224v 23c; medium, 2iH727c; low niedl'im, L'liir 27c. Dakota line, 22ti23e; line medium. '.":v 2:1c; niedlum, 27iSc; low medium, I;427c. Montana, line chuice, l'l;i2T;-; fine average, 23ii'24c; line medium choice. 24'('fic; staple, 2TH2Sc; medium choice, 2T'a 20. HT. II1S. April 2Ti.-Wl0y Metlhun grades, combing and clothing, 241i27c; llsiit fine, 21ij23c; heavy tine, i;'j'2Sc; tub washed, 3iU37c. SHEEP The receiDts this morning were very moderate, only twenty-five cars being reported in. ur that number six cars were feeders conslgi.ed through to eastern feed lota and seven cars were fed lambs not intended for sale at this nolnt and only halted here for feed und rest. The owners of the latter, however, were coaxed Into parting with some of them. the demand bclna so urirent on the nart of local buyers. This last statement tn useir contains a very good hint as to the condition of the market. The demand for all kinds of desirable killers was very good and the market was strong and reasonably active so that practically everything on salo changed hands In very good season In the morn ing. More than that, as noted above, buy ers coaxed owners into letting them have some or tne stun not Intended ror sale. The Wyoming ted lambs sold as high as SS.SO. The Gibson shorn lambs, which brought S5.60 yesterday sold at JS.b'.i to day. The Thlessen shorn ewes, which brought $4. SO yesterday, went at 14.65 today. In conclusion it might be added that tho market as a whole is In a good luialihv condition and la entirely satisfactory to sellers. Wuntations: Good to choice native lambs, $8.605.oo; good to choice light western iambs. Sn.4(tu6.t0: fair to acooti lambs. Sii.uu 66.40; cull lambs, S4.60tt6.5o; good to choice earnngs, o.,t"i:a; rair to good heavy yearlings, S5.003&.75; good to choice wethers, So.bM(6.2(; fair to good Wethers, 5 406 6f; good to choice heavy ewes, S5.tioQ6.90; fair to good ewes, S4i0,, cull sneep und bucks, 130x04 09. Shorn sheep and lambs are bringing prices generally $1.00 1.25 less than wooied atock. Reureaentative aalea: V clipped. . Metal Market. NKW YORK. April 2n.-M ETAL8-Ther was a further sharp gnin In the London tin market, with spot advancing i.1 2s tl to 4V.1S1 li'is and futures 15s lo XlTO. The ga.ns are supposed to be chiefly due to specu lative e.ieratlona, but were lecponded to by the local market, which closed firm at S,.it.TfVa:i!l.h5. Copper also was higher In lmdon.' I lie moat noteworthy gain being on futures. Spot cloned at lC)s'i lfls and futures at i4, locally 110 change, was re ported, but the market is firm In tone; lake is i.ioted at IH.5(Ku lli.7t, electrolytic at $!S.2fultv60 and casting at SIMO'ti lb.2,1. Lead was unchanged at Id 5O'ij6.60 In the local market, but advanced 3s M to 16 in London. Spelter waa 2s lid higher at A12b 12s ol in the London market and remained unchanged at Sti.Ootflti.lS locally. Iron sun unchanged to a shade lower in the Kngllsn market, with standard foundry closing at 60s 3d and Cleveland warrants to 60s td; locally Iron Was reported In good demand, with prices steady to firm; No. 1 northern is quoted at SlX.7b4r19.Oti, No. 8 foundry northern at SlX.2tarlK.fiO, No. 1 foundry southern at SIS.M und No. 2 foundry south ern at SI8.O0. So Colorado lambs, 14 cull lambs 22 cull lambs., S3 cull lambs 116 lambs, clipped 16 feeder lamus 4 weatern bucks 110 lambs, clipped 617 lambs, cllp:ed 276 feeder lambs , 262 lambs, clipped 609 Mexican lambs 367 Mexican lambs 5 lambs, broken fleeced S lambs, broken fleeced SO Wyoming lambs, culls 30 Wyoming lainti.t. culls i4 Wyoming lambs 600 Wyoming lambs, culls.... 67 Wyoming lambs a Wyoming lambs 600 Wyoming lambs 16 Wyoming lambs Av . 68 .. 6fi .. 70 .. 61 .. H6 .. 54 ..106 .. ti .. (S3 .. 64 .. S3 .. B0 .. 59 .. 63 .. 73 .. 64 .. .. 69 .. SO .. M .. 80 .. 80 .. 9 Pr. 4 00 4 Ot) 4 (0 4 7i 6 00 6 00 a 25 6 50 5 66 6 tv& 15 & 6 26 5 00 6 50 6 10 6 10 60 6 85 K.i 6 85 85 li 85 rillCAtiO l.IVK STOCK MARK ICT Cattle Steady and Uoev Hog Leave r Sheep Firm. CHICAGO. April Zl.-CATTLK-Recelpts. 17.0C4) head: market, steady and slow; com mon to prime steers. 14 3"; cows, SI "V'i 4 60; heifers, $2.7.Vn.SS; bulls. 2.0hi vilves, S2 75(16.76; "tuckers and feeders, S2.75 914.86 HOGS Receipts, 2400 head; market. 10c lower; choice lo prime heavy. 15. 4Mj0 .5i: medium to good heavy. t UrtTn 15; butcher wclirhie, So 4(virl.60: good 10 choice heavy mixed, k ' 40Do 4o; parking. B.'ayutt.u.' 8;BEP AND LAM H3 Receipts. 10.000 heaa. market, firm, sheep. 14. tvati. 40; year lings. S6 wtlb.25; lambs. l.Vc'i7.25. Korelan Flnnnrlal. LONDON, April 25. Money was much wanted today, partly to meet an Install ment of So2d0,0U0 of the Japsnenc loan. The application for the Russian loan did ' not seriously affect the market. Discounts were firm on . yesterday's withdrawals of gold. It was stated that America's re quirements were satisfied. Trading on tho stock exchange opened listless, but rallied somewhat laler. Consols were firm. Americans nened Irregular nud hardened to above parity on New York support. Union Paoille was the feature. Transac tions were limited, but business improved during the last hour und closed at the highest quotations of the day. 4Jrand Trunk was not appreciably affected, by the iramc report. Foreigners una a oeuer tone on the attitude of Paris. Japanese Imperial tis of lho4 were quoted at ltl'.a- HKK1.1N, April Jb Trading on tho bourse totiay was very unlet; prices wero very steady. PAKIS, April 25. Prices on the bourse today were firm, owing to the Improve ment In the strike situation having dimin ished the fears of trouble May 1. New Russians were quoted at a premium f 2 francs 8 centimes, indicating a notable success. Russiun Imperial 4a were quottd. at fc.'.i) and Russian bonda of 1!"4 at 4U4.DO. The private rate of discount was 2'!a per cent. Cotton Market. NKW YORK. April 25. COTTON'-Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, $11.65; mid dling gulf. 111. !l; sales, 67 bales. LIVERPOOL, April 25-COTTON-Spot good business done; prices one point higher; American middling fair, 6.64d; good middling, .24d; middling, 6.4d: low mid dling, 5.8Ad; good ordinary, 6.7od; ordinary, 6,S0d. The sales of the dav were 12.000 hnlea. NKW ORLEANS. April 26. COTTON Spot closed firm; sales, 4,250 rmles; ordi nary. 8 7-ltto; good ordinary, Hc; low mid dling, 109-lfic; middling. 11 3-lBc; good mid dling. 11 ll-16c; middling fair. 12 1-Hic. Re ceipts, 4,223 bulea; atoc k, 1M.7K0 bales. Bauk ( leurlnua, OMAHA. April 25 Rank clearings for to day were $ and for the correspond ing date lust year 11.235. 406.18. REAL KSTATK THASSFEBI. Kanaaa fit- I. Ire Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo , April S.-CATTLE-Recolpis, ti.fiO head; market strong to loe higher; choice export and dressed beel steers, S.i U-(t6 S5; fair to gcod. .i:a .'; western fed steers. !3.CiiV(i5.2f.; siockers and feeders. f3.0t"au4 s6; aymtl em steers, 43 Dun 6.I0; southern rows. 2.?ia'a40; native covva, $.'fWl4io; native heifers. S3.7'e6.0 1; buns, Sl.oo.o4.L5; calves. :i.C.Kio. 75. JKKiS Reoeipts. IS.K'l hesd; market V) 10c lower; lop. SJT1,; bulk of salts. K.i'rt 36; heavy, S3.Vg3;V; ptekers. $i.i7lii 6.S7U: pigs and lUhtn. -" 5 i 3 '4 SHEKP AND I. A MRS Receipts, ii0 htiad; market steady and active: native lambs. $5 iM)7 I'': rirn isnihs. S3 '5fi7 lii; sheep snd yearlings. Jl.Vtfifi.nJ; wetrn fej, ? ivh j 4u: weftern le.i sheep, ' a, r .1 r. . . t 1, . A Im,I.,l tl f- fi i . ,1.1, .1 D.w. r'.v. p.- ..'. - - , - " . ...,.,., St. l.nnls Lite IStnck Market. ST. IXH'IS. April 25.-f'ATTLL-Relpt, l.i00 head, including l,40i Texan: steady, Tcxns slo ; ti ttlv shipping and export strer. $4. 75 Si. 75; dressed lef and butcher steers, S2.t jal.9'; steers iniil-r l.'" lbs.. S2.6I41 4 SO; sioektrs and fe,lers. V. V'ii '4&0; cows and heifers. 2.0i 5 (J; r:ifrr, i Sl.757ii.20; bulls. t.t'.i l.Ot ; calves, $i.0i U 5.7&; Texas all) Indian sl"4rs, 3.u4j.75: cow and heiff rs. ;i3.W. HCMIS- Ricelp s, t-.yiO held; nm'ket li! I'jHfr: rls and lleJil. ti.VViVI:; pirll-v, fS's'i'; butclieis vn.t bet l.eaw. ;.3'.j. 6. ML SHEEP AND LAMPS -Receipt. t -he id market Mf i,t; ii-live ii'J(:o;m 1 ; l.tmbs. Id !l7 1"; ciil'.i and kins, ; 12 &iM.ii j lint Illy lite M'U Market. I SIOUX CITY. Anril 2?..- ifipei lal Teh -i gram ) CATTLK Krce Ipia. I Ki bj(l. market trad; iin, Sl0.'t.5o; co. bulls and mixed S3 rfti 4); aio' kers and feeder. X3&4i&-; calvia and yearling, S." 234 SO. JlOGt-RiCeipt. 6.M heaJ; niaik't Harry Gllckman to Simon Kub jensky, n 's lot 4, block . 12, Kountze 3d aihl $ 1,750 J-11. Grove and wife to Z. M. 11 lis, lot 1, block 3. Gear add 600 A L. Reed and wife to Jacob La. Neff, lot 10. .Smith park 1,000 Insurance - Company of North America to Harry A. Wolf, lot 2, Hill's 2.250 Omaha Mercantile company In Evu W. Betiner. part lota i and 4, block 72. South Omaha 260 MeCague Investment compuny to Mary Roach, part lot 1, block ti, Shull'a 2d 1.600 H. Chrlstoplierson to A. H. Goodell, half Int' ieii in lots 1 and 2, pluck 2. BeirTord Place 2 Bvron R. Hasting et al. lo K. C. Wilson, part lot 10N, (line's add. . . 450 South Omaha Land toinpuiiy to Henry S. lircenfclett, lot 3, block L'40. South Omaha ', 200 William S. Hulls to V. V. Kuiul, north 140 aires lie '4 25-16-12.... 13,780 Eiiima Tilford und husband lo Albert Riga, part lot li. block 2, I 1st add. to Mount Douglas S50 , HastttiRs Ai IKydeu et ul. to liytutl I it. Hastings, i.e uw v. 7-15-13.. 1 I Clemens ll.'k.imp aixl wife to Henry i CloHterman, p rt l(t 3, block 16, i Omaha 1 Henry Clusterman and wife to Henry t. Riinn, went to feet lot 3, block 16. Omaha 3..r.00 I F. R. Hume to Clan P. Hill, w V lot 3. block 1. Parker s 1,050 John Kllliitt lo Jesse p. Laverly. I part lot 6, block 7, Souili otr. 1'ia 1.K00 ! O. C. Redick to Herman Colin, part lot 3. block 7i, Omaha 13.200 Harry MhiowIi, and wife to peter Peterron, part lot I, lilt" k 22, i Omaha 3.103 j Parkwav Real K.aistai oin).iny to Howard H. RalUrlr.c "nil K. I . V. u,l. lot 5, block 114, and other ) lar.'l. Omaha 22,000 Llseite Kriei''ib r el al. lo Park way Lttiite eiuii 1 1. ii v. hiuiie 22,00'J Josepli ilob'smith and wife to l ! I). Wead, lot 3, block S!l. Otnuh:i 5,000 Fi D Day GlOo. Mock4. iijii4. I'ruvlslais i Sbia ) Uftln t's. aTlil-UkO sad Umueavuii. lirlltcry. One einuli cuuifiiltaiou ufl GistD, one ausner on flocks. Piumpl and careful . eueniinn given tu tiulidv accounts. Wnia for ur daily tlsiket Ltllar, liuallej free, I Main Otlice. 1 10-11 1 Board of Trad Bid. OMAHA. KEH. I nistaaee 'I'bea. Doaglaa (SIS.