10 THE OMAHA' DAILY KEE: TUESDAY, AFIUTj 24, 1M6. 1 WOMAN SUFFERS FOR CARE Mrs. Mary Bennett, Sixty-Three Yean Old, Falls from Becond Story. SIX HOURS BEFORE ANY AID REACHES HER !nror Vk Calls Mrs rol Sot Afford t Take Charltr Caae I.lttle Chance far Lift. fnjurd Hi mop t unto death Mrs. Mary flennett, a Woman 63 years of ae. llvin tipetalrn at 711 North fcilxteenth street, lay on her bed from 6:20 a. m. until 1:80 p. m. Monday without any further medical attention than a Bleeping potion. The woman fell from a secoml-atory window early Monday morning and sustained a irultlple, fracture of right leg, left thigh hroken. a compound fracture near left knee and dislocation of other knee. In plHe the bonca protruded the flesh. There are but alight chances for the unraan'i recovery. Juat where the "blame rested for tho woman's lack of attention lias not been determined. Dr. 8. B. MaclJlarmld was called noon after tho accident occurred Ho told tho woman'a relatives of the rerlounnena of tho cne, administered tho potion, adviaed that the woman be sent to a hocpltal and promised to return at 2 o'clock In the afternoon. "About half nn hour after I left tho place I telephoned bnck to the houae that I waa unable to get the patient Into any charitable ward and as I cannot afford to take charily caaa myself I did not go back. I tried to get the county physician, l. . . fniut ('!,.. ..( ..In n llnlnh wna In my office between 10 and 10:10 a. m. and I spoke to him of the rase," said Dr. Mac Ilarmld In explanation. Order to the Hospital. ' At 1:30 Tolice Surgeon Morsman reached the woman's room and ordered that the patient be sent to a hospital at once, as he feared she would not live long unless promptly attended. The woman waa carried upatalrs by her son-in-law, Harry Trenton. Neighbors, both upstairs and downntairs at the ad- dress given, stated that Mrs. Bennett's two daughters, Mrs. Trenton and Mrs. Trottleman, drove her out bundajr after noon. Mrs. Bennett waa taken to Clarkson hoRpltal by ordur of City Physician Ralph. Detectives Ferris and Dunn are making an Investigation of the case, as reports were received that the old woman's daughters and son-in-law were drunk Mon day morning. It also was reported they have been receiving aid from the county store house and selling the goods thus received for beer and cocaine. ROYAL ARCANUMS TO MEET (iraad Cornell of Nebraska Convenes This Moraine; la the Rohr. hough Illork. The tenth annual session of the grand council. Royal Arcanum, of Nebraska will convene In assembly hall, Rohrbough block, at 10 o'clock this morning. The committee on credentials will meet promptly at 9:30 and examine the credentials of the repre Hontatlvea In order that prompt organ iia tlon may be effected. Representatives, al ternates and visiting paat regents desirous of admission to the session who have not alrcudy received the grand council degree are expected to present themselves to the committee on credentials at 9:30 o'clock sharp. The present officers of the grand council are: Grand regent, T. J. Mackay, Omaha; grand vice regent, N. P. Reckard, Omaha; grand orator, H. II. Compton, Cedar Rap- Ids; past grand regent, J. M. Teegarden Weeping "Water; grand secretary, C. A, Grimmel, Omaha; grand treasurer, E. A. Parmelee, Omaha; grand chaplain, Beeman C. Fox, Lincoln; grand guide, H. C. Qerlng, Plattsmouth; grand warden, A. IL Mur- dock, Havelock; grand trustees, George S I'd well of Omaha, C. D. Jenkins of Nor folk and 8. W. Orton of Weeping Water. The following committees have been ap pointed to serve during the session: Credentials J. W. Maynard, Union Pacific No. w. J. Kennedy, Pioneer No. lib; K. I. Hiu-gent, f-ronlier Mo. . Mileage and Per Diem Julius Rossen- sweiK. Union Pacltte No. 10H9: F. C. Crala-, Overland No. 21ZS; W. P. McDevltt, Knoxall No. 14. Distribution of Reports Alex C. Reed, Vnlon Purine No. luU; H. H. Cotton, Ne braska City No. 081; J. II. Dillon. Nemaha no. liu;. New Business K E. Martin, Falls City No. 1927; K. H Day, Weeping Water No. :ix; F. R. EtralRht. Union Pacific No. 10. Resolution M. W. Dnnion, Pioneer No. IIS; J. H. Galley, Myutlo'No. 118; K F. Robinson, Frontier No. W2. Heading Clerk George 8. Powell, K, A. Barbour, Springfield, Mo., as deputy supreme regent will install the officers of the grand council. Window Shidt$ Mid to Ordtr Aatnli Art Loom Couch Covtrs s GREATER BARGAINS THAN EVER In our of Thousands and thousands of yards of High Class fi Silks piled high on big bargain square. Never such a big (? y assemblage of fine silks shown in Omaha. Every yard is $ $ new mnd stylish, and every yard will sell at a bargain. o LATEST PLAIN AND FANCY SILKS 8 At 0ic-Half R.e&ular Price 51 1 1 9 S 4 New checks and striped, Bilk Lotiis ennos and Taffetas, plenty of grays, black white, blues, greens, etc., black Taffeta, Teau de Cygne, Shantungs, Pongee Silk, black and white Summer Silks, worth up to 8 Be yard, at, yard. Fancy Silk Suitings, heavy Taffetas, Peau de Relne, regular and broken checks, Ha buUi Silks, full 27 Inches wide, yard wide and 27-lnch wide Ha butal Taffeta In black and colors, worth up to $1 yard, at, yard. Exquisite designs, old rose, Alice grays, French blues, new navy combina tions, also black and white effects, 36 inch washable Pon gee In black and colors, fine 27-lnch Dress Taffeta, worth up to $1.25 yard, at a yard, IN THE BOYS' CLOTHING SECTION Third Floor BOYS' COMPLETE BASE BALL SUIT Shirt, Pants, Cap, Belt For boys, ages 8 to 16 a grand offer a.t Brandies Boys' Clothing Dept. Complete 98c J The Prettiest Spring Hats ARE AT BRANDEIS The hat with the dashing style that makes Its owner smartly dressed, is the hat that comes from Brandeis. We are showing many extremely pretty new models in the popuar sailor .nn and small brim hats very AW JO ii becoming Tuesday for the first time , Stylish Little Suit Hat in the new small sailors a fine range of colors, at 1.50 .8 ' S3 4 85 Six Basement Specials Tuesday Printed Press Batistes, fine quality, new de signs, they are In full . bulls, regular price 15c, Fpeeiai, at. .7C a yard One lot 9-4 Bleached Sheeting In mill lengths wtll be sold Ifin at yard IVW Imported Marc erized Madras white walstlng, all long lengths, fine new lot for 1Qr Tuesday, at, yd... 36-Inch Bleached Muslin and cambric, worth up to llle yard, Cp at, a yard J Full standard dress prints all perfect long lengths, new spring pat terns, at Cf. yard.... O 40-Inch wide White Lawns values up to 16o yard, at flr w J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS. yard BOSTON STORE TIMMONS IS STILL MISSING rteramtc-d IMian TV tin Ksrapes His GurJ la (ttnaka am not Be Heard from. J.nies Tlmmona, the demented man. who tMnptd from Ills guardians In On.itii a week ago lost Paturduy, Is at in on the missing list, although It was thought he had been located at KprtngrieM. .Tcnn Tltumons, a brother, Is In the city end l anxluuitly awaiting news of th ,ost man. James Timmons is described as Velng 0 years of age, sis feet in heljy.'u, 100 jiouril. medium complexion, sundy mous tache, dark hair, slightly tnlied with gray: thin face; third rlelit ilngv-r has lii:-f.e Joint; wore Mrljied gj- suit, black otl hut ind heavy woolen socks. Tiie last ri-rx-rt o" Thnmoiis' whereabouts came from Gltnon the day he tucaped In Omaha. As Timmons has spells when he imagines he Is to be hanged. It Is faired he may have been drowned In tho river near Ulhsnn or taken his life In vome other manner In some out-of-the-way place, lie was being taken home to Jack son, Mich., from Salem, Ore., when he made his escape. ElerUng Sliver krenser. l&th and Dodge.' HALF BLOCK REPORTED SOLD I'urnilo Property Sal4 to Have Bee a Booght by the I aloa rai-loe. Persistent rumors are afloat that Krank Tarmelee has sold his entire half block on the east side of Sixteenth street,, between t'apltol avenue and Davenport street. Sev eral business men say they have positive knowledge the property Is sold, while Mr. Iartnelee denies the rumor. The report has It John L MoCague la handling the deal and it Is said he la working In the Interests of the Union Pacific in finding that com pany a location for headquarters building. The Parmelee property embraces four lots, each 60x132 feet, and Is covered by a ifum ber of one and two-story structures. Mr. Parmelee recently held the property at tl'JU.OOO. Christian Jensen has bought the vacant property, 133 feet square, at the southwest corner of Fourteenth and Chicago streets, from C. E. Kerns of Los Angeles, paying 1U,0(I0. He will um It for the present as storage room for his house-wrecking ap paratus and may build. Mr. Ferris will be riBinbictl as the prvpiktur of the Plan- i 'it THE BRIDE'S TROUSSEAU can not be complete without one of our Diamond or Peart Brooches. We have them In clusters, dainty handsome designs no nicer gift to be made to the bride than one of these pieces, to be kept all the years in memory of her wedding day. Spend a fe w mlnutea In our store. 1XKJK. FOR THE NAME. S. W. LINDSAY, JEWELER. 1516 Douglas. ters, a hotel which stood where the post offloe is located. F. D. Weed haa bought the lot and two dwellings at 1112-15 Capitol avenue from Joseph Goldsmith of New York. The con sideration was 15,000. nbentnatlo Pains -Relieved. The quick relief from rheumatlo pains afforded by Chamberlain's Pain Balm has surprised and delighted thousands of suf ferers. It makes rest and sleep possible. A great many have been permanently cured of rheumatism by the use of this liniment MANAGER OF SHOW WANTED Omaha Maa Charged With Decasaplaa; With Maalcal laatrasaeata of Others. A warrant charging William DeHart with grand larceny waa given to the police yes terday afternoon for service. DeHart is believed to be in Iowa with an Uncle Tom's Cabin troupe he took out from Omaha last Saturday evening. The complaint against DeHart was made by Henry II. Beagle of the Martin flats, Seventeenth and Webster streets. Beagle, who Is the head of the "Beagle Family band." alleged he' gave DeHart certain nuis'CHl instruments with the understanding the Reu?le family would go with the show and would be allowed clothing and advance money. DeHart Is aald to have taken the Beagle Instruments with him without fill ing his contract. The lieagle family Is re ported to be destitute at present. r. Lyon's PERFECT A GOlil TOO Cleanses and' beautifies tho teeth and purines tho breath.. Used 'by peoplo of refinement lor over a quarter of a century. Convenient for tourists. PREPARED v nnnrni cut away liWULbSJ DRUGS BYMEC APPLIANCE csrse CONSTRICTION '"'Ml. a. VAAlCOit 0IU0 VEINS sns littUSS, eaUrets aa mtoM lull ital aacriy. ! bul. M rtta tor Tree kMk.ssMtesiee.eieia HYMCCCO., tt a arrittu icainn. ir. uui. It. Misses' and Children's School Shoes We pride ourselves on the wearing qualities of cur Misses and Children's 8chool Shoes. We have them made of plump kid and genuine box calf, with soft, pliable kid tops, extension soles, button or lace. cth"du .'!!?. s:t $1.50 x'.?. $2.00 Young Women's sixes $2 50 TheM prices may seem rather high, but our customers who have been buying thesu shoes for years say they are the cheapest In the long ruu. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 farnam Street. W.hm.Ww wmm. ... i. & All curb COXSTIPATICa E2LI0USXESS m HEADACHE i rUKlH. TIT Tka SU KiUjUHm iwi4y cV- OeiMTi Simmss UN OMAI1A WKATHKIl FOUKCAST Tncwlay, Cooler: Showers. "MffNT 1 11 ii E2EEN TRACKS STAMPS EVERT TIUE The GreaLt Crockery Sxxlc Samuel Bums' stock opened Monday. Everybody seemed to attend it. This Gigantic stock will be on sale for several days before any perceptible impression Is made npon its vastness. TUESDAY-CUT GLASS AND GLASSWARE WILL BE ESPECIALLY TO THE FRONT. LIBBY CUT GLASS The most perfect cut glass on any market is the Libby being from Burns' stock, hundreds of pieces will bo closed out Tuesday ' AT ABOUT HALF PRICE AND LESS. Wine Glasses and All Stem Good3 Three and four of a kind- each, at 10c, 8c, 7c and 5c Worth from Three to Fire Tlmei the Amount in Each Cane. Tumblers Every variety of 6tyle, shape or weight, Zn each, 4c and. Glass Candlesticks of Colonial and Revolutionary Days. 25c Burns' Price for. .......12c 50c Burns' Price for 25c $1.00 Burns' Price for ..50c Olde Blue Willow at Half Price NOTICE TO BUYERS Numerous In quiriefl have been made m to sale of open etork Irinnerwarc. Due announce ment will be made In these columns. We think gale will be pulled off Wednes day, but WATCH THE PAPERS I Wednesday Is Red-Letter Day TEN GREEN TRADING STAMPS TO EACH TRAD ING STAMP BOOK PRODUCED AT PREMIUM PAR LORBALCONYWEDNESDAY. Usual Conditons Must Produce Book No Free Green Trading Stamps given to anybody un less the book is shown. THIS IS POSITIVE. Bennett's Bio' Grocery and Fruit Section BENNETT'S BREAKFAST COFFEE, two-pound can 48c And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. Teas, assorted,' pound .48c And Forty Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, pound can. 21c And. Ten Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Excelsior Flour, sack .f 1.60 .. And Seventy Green Trading Stamps. Diamond -8 Fruits, can 23o And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. LAYER RAISIX 18PEC1AI Several hundred pounds of fine large Five-Crown Cluster Layer Raisins, pound 15c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Webster's Apple Sauce, large can 10c Flower and Vegetable Seeds., pkg.2c Lawn Grass Seed, pkg.24c CANNED VEGETABLE SPECIAL Clover Lima Beans, 2 cans... 20c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Genesee Wax Beans,-two cans 25c ' And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Diamond S Succotash, two cans 25c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Headquarters for Fruits and Vegetables Fresh Every Day. Wednesday Is Red-Letter Day B&ck There and C" tl 0 fP 0 From Omaha and Kansas City. Low rates from East generally. Account Mystic Shrincrs 3J2 AU the Way Four special excursions from Kansas City May . . k f0 Tickets good on Callfor- 1, 2, 3, by Way of Grand . Shriners' folder. nu Limited, if desired. Canyon of Ariiona. TUESDAY'S BARGAIN BULLETIN Special Bargains Tuesday in Rugs and Draperies THE RELIABLE STRE IVe' Save You Money On Your Wall Paper. Get Our Prices Extraordinary Muslin Underwear Bargains Our Great Annual Sale Continues So ImmnnM and VfirtfMl In nur utricle of I.ndfra' Vncfarmtmllna ihmt l la lr.iM.dM. to nhnw but a llmllfd portion itt on ttm. Knoli dnjr nw barrnlnn will h bronrht forward. Th -tnnlFting low prices which wtrt tba delight of vrr ladr rtsltor Monday will be oil again Tuesday. .1.50 ..98c 50c LADIES' SKIRTS, worth J2.B0. luosciay, at LADIES' $1 SO AND J2.00 SKIRTS Tuesday, at -. LADIES' SKIRTS, worth up to In three great lotn, at, $3.50. $2.9 Q LADIES' OOWNS, worth up to 3.W. Tuesday, at 75o and IiADlEB' DRAAVRR8 AND CORSPrT COVERS, worth up to $1.00. at 1Clr Wnt. 3Hc, 2fto and SVW FROM .30 TILL WM A. M. Indies' Cornet lovers, slightly soiled, worth up Ofi to 75c, at. garment tJt FROM 10:3(1 TIT J. 11:30 A. M. Ladles Oh use vests with taped yoke, and sleeves, many Lisle thread vents In the lot worth l&o limit of six parmenls to a Cp rustiinier at, each FROM 2:30 TILL 3:30 P. M. Misses' snd I hlldren s Cambric Drawers, trimmed with tucks or lawn niffles limit of three rnlr to a customer t three IE. pair tor G,CJw FROM 30 TILIj 4:30 T. M.-Ladles Oowns. slightly soiled, garments tn the lot wortn $1.50 for one hour limit of two Cfln to a customer at, choice. .... " Four Splendid Tuesday Bargains In Our Busy Ladies' Suit Deoartment Buylnn Tuesday at these prices means a groat savliift to you. Don't miss them. IMM.n OITITho winM anil o-. I Wl 1 M V M tt HIEW WJI.I,'lVfl tKlllT- tt SAMPLE SUITS that would soil ularly at $30 00 and $36.00, Q Ql choice Tuesday U. J3 23 ALI-WOOL TAILOR SUITS worth In a regular way $16.00; choice U Oil Tuesday ' JyJ High Grade Wash Goods FROM 2:30 TILL S P. M We will sell 100 pieces of White Wslstlngs, the 26c, 3c and oOo qualities, (only onn pat- 1(lc terns to customer), at. yard avW FROM $:30 TO 4 P. M. we will sell 100 pieces of Mercerlied (silk) Kimono cloth, the 15c finality (only one pattern to a customer), at. En a yard .ow i Several other specials. WOMEN'S NEW WALKING SKIRTS worth regularly up to $t.00; O (S"E Tuesday 4S.VO WOMEN'S $2.00 UNDERSKIRTS in Molr and Snteens; great bargain l)U,i at, choice -fo' Wool Dress Goods Sales FROM 10 TO 11 A. M. we will sell 60 pieces of 52-lti. Mohairs, all colors and black, regular 76c and $1.00 goods (only one pat tern to customer), at, 1Un yard OOW FROM 2 TO 2:30 P. M. we will sell 50 pieces of Fancy Momalrs, 46-ln., 54-ln. and fS-ln., Triestley's make and crav rnetted, that sold at $1.00, $1.60 and ll.ffl a yard (only one pattern to !CC customer), at, yard ...- -'w' in the Domestic Room FROM 8 TO 10 A. M. we will sell Un bleached Muslin (U yards to customer) worth 6V4c a yard, "1r St. yard 8' FROM 9 TO 11 A. M. we will sell Standard Indigo Prints worth 6V4C ilAc a yard at, yard 3 FROM 2 TO 4 P. M. we will sell Scotch Plaid Ginghams worth 12Hc er at, yard FROM 3 TO B P. M. we will Bell Un bleached Turkish Towels (six to cus-tome-r), extra heavy and good Co value at lOo, for, piece... "w Omaha's Greatest Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Department Why Pay More? Home-Grown Tie Plant, per bunch. Fresh Parsley, per bunch Large bunches Fresh Beets Large bunches Fresh Carrota Large bunches Fresh Turnips t bunches Fresh Leaf Lettuce 1 bunch Fancy Head Lettuce ...... Fresh Wax Beans, per lb Fresh String Oreen Beans, per lb... Fresn i'eas, per id. 1c . 3c. 6a . 6a 6c . 6c , 6c IOC 10c 10c Large bunches Fresh Asparagus .... Large Cucumbers, each 2 large bunches Fresh Radishes .... New Cabbage, per lb Fresh, Ripe Tomatoes, per lb Large, Sweet. Juicy Pineapples, each Quart boxes Fancy, Ripe Strawberries b Duncnes Tesn ureen onions, Large, Juicy Lemons, per do 2 measures Fresh Roasted Peanuts.... White or Yellow Onion Sets, per qt.. . 10o .TVs . 5o .3V . loo . 1o .. 20o 6o 12c, 6c 100 Watch the Papers for Our Big Annual Rose Tree Sale IKSAVPEKI BR DON'T WAIT UNTIL the rush season Is in full blast-and then hare to put up witb. possible delays. Order that new Spring Suit or Over coat today. Make your selection while the assortment 1 complete. Over 1,000 styles. Trtusert, J5 to $12 -Suits, $20 to $50 U WILLIAM JERREMS' SONS. Business Boosters J Try th Want Ad . poluxuM of Tt Be. Bridesmaids' And Ushers' , Gifts Odd. unique unconven tional things that bav.J some special marlc of favor for the purpose. jewelry. !!. Us. In which your choice is .Marram the Inexpen sive to the mosi tirin- but all arusuc aim v' i Drown Boraheimi '11 JEWJLlvEK.C 1222 5ou1h I623treet.0mha. e Send fo.lttt(.l.l.d..lFrr) TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER TK Mct Kara rr. t . . .11 I ,-mm i mm , w f r; ivinYnif ir( ,v7n rivNiiKNin m OHiMK Oi(HM!0) WSm Attention is directed to the splendid new equipment of electric lighted daily trains, Omaha and Council Bluffs to Sioux City, Mankato, St. Paul and Minne apolis via THE NORTH-WESTERN LINE Buffet-smoking and library car, splendid Pullman drawing room sleeping carsand free reclining chair cars' of the latest type,1 with all modern travel conven iences; train new from the shops and brilliantly lighted by electricity, leaves Omaha daily 8.28 p. m. Electric reading lamps in every section and drawrng . room and in the buffet-library car. Electric curling iron heaters in the ladies' dressing rooms. Breakfast a la carte in buffet library car. The North-VVestern Line is the direct line to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Superior, Duluth, Ashland and the Lake , Superior country. Two trains daily leave Omaha 7.50 am'and 8.28 pm. Sleeping car reservations and full information concerning rates and schedules on application at m, TICKET OFFICES: 1401-1401 Farnam ttrs.t SPECIAL ROUND TRIP RATES TO COLORADO Si 27.20 22.50 17.50 15.00 To Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo and Keturn. Tickets on sale every day to May 31. 1906. To Denver, Colorado Springs, Puebelo and Return. May 1 and 15, 1906. To Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo and Return. June X to September 30, 1906. To Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo and Return. July 10 to 15, 1906. VIA ite Hure Your Ticket Bonds Over This Mno. CITY TICKET OFFICE. i8i FAUX AM KTBKET. 'f hone Douglas 334.