Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1906, Page 6, Image 6
I TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY. APRIL 23, 190ff. SPECIAL NOTICES itlrtnltratiti far tneee cola mm will lakri t II 1 m. for the frralaf edition mn watll p. en. for lb rilti mm Sandey edition. Rates 1 l-e word Dril Insertion. 1e word tke-renfter. "athln Uk for lees than oe for the flrat laser, tloa. Tkfit ndvertleensents anast be. ran ffllr. Advertisers, by rejneslii a nana krrl cheek, ran h anewern d tfrraaed ta a aaatbrc4 letter la rare af Tha Bra. Aaiwtri aa addressed will fca ellred aa presentation af rhrrk. MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE Dsy and night. New classes In bookkeep ing, telegraphy, shorthnnd, typewriting and English orgar.'xed every day. Get a catalogue. Address H. B. UOYLEH. president, Boyles Bldg., Omaha. 1 R M168 KTnVTli'aken down, cleaned and AJBtorni. 1'rices tha lowest. Capacity 260 stoves. A, J. llayno Hard ware, 24th and Lake Douglas 3M6. R MluO M10 ENGROSSING and Hoy lea College, fancy penmanship. R-M564 OMAHA Safe and Iron Worka make a spe clalty of fir escapes, shutters, doors arid safes. O. Andreeo, Prop., 102 S. lu'h St. R114 WK buy and sail typewriter; will aell your machine cn small commission. Omaha Typewriter Exchange. 3-s Neville Blk. Tel. Doug. MuJ. R 1H CIQN PA1NTINQ, & H. Cola. 1308 Douglas. . . R 11 STEINWAY piano, upright, big bargain. Pertield piano Co., 1611 Farnam St. R-1J1 GUNSMITH, keyt, trunk lockli, repairing. Jlenin, Hi 7 S. 14th. Tel. Douglaa 2974. R-119 SEEDS THAT GROW. NEED ANY? Bee that they come from THE NEBRASKA SEED CO., 1613-1515 Howard. 12U6-10-12 Jones St. R-158 M12 THY Kelly's Towel Supply. Tel. Doug. 3530. K 130 Iowa Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1819 Farnam. R-Kl MARTIN MEYER, hirta. underwear to order. H M6n9 M20 SURVEYING, BUckcnederfer. 312 Bee Bldg. R-ia: JOHNSON, THE RELIABLE, PLUMBING AND HEATING CO. BEST SERVICE PRICES KEASONAHLE. TEL. DOUGLAS 650. 1812 HAKNEV. K-MU4 MIL. ANTI-Monopoly Garbage Co., 6a N. 16th. Tel. Doug.-li79. Rea. phone, Doug.-TWl. R M540 HAV15 Wilson hang paper; quick, clean pnpor cleaning a specialty. Tel. Douglas 6066. R M57 Ml! FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS KIMBALL organ, nearly new, $30; 'also 9x12 Ingrain rug. Dealers need not ap ply. 1819 uavenport. g M692 24x FOR SALE Good Radiant Home base burner heating; stove, ami one Ohk heat ing siove; also a few odd pieces "t furniture will be sold cheap li taken at once, call and see Client hi imi Month 2!ith St. l Al.'li 2Ux SODA FOUNTAINS, any iusg, U.U Knruum. CHERWIN-WILL1AMS CO. BET MIXED PAINT. Sherman at MuCounci iu.- Co,, Omaha. w-l-i HALL'S safes, new, 2l-liund. lb; Furnnin. U Hi MILCH COWS, on easy tctma. Center. 43d Ulnl 42nt) FOR SALE At a discount, due bill from una of the most duairuuie in Insurance . companies, which may bo applied un a lirsi year's premium; any unu considering irking tut u, policy viu save money. Addrs 1' 67, cure Bee. 9U7 PIANO FOR SALE-Party tno purchased put. i ouly a few weks ago will stui it at a diMuunt tiom tiia umii puce tiaia, Adureaa P U, cars Baa. Q 9uti CHAMBERLAIN'S Perfect Chick Feed; beat in the world for youiui chicks; try 1U tttewart'a Seed Store, 119 North 16th St., the ouly auUuirned telling agent m Omaha, W MJa A2 GASOLINE engines ' slightly used. 3 horae pewer and 14 horiM power. Air Cooled Kelly. 'Pliuue DouaUaa teti. Wagnur Bros.. 121 Leavenworth. Q-888 FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels. Inquire tit 3. U. Campbell, Bea mail room. S 641 ICB for sale In car lots. A. G. Gilbert. Council Bluds. la. Q M6J7 WE buy everything In the furniture lint. Cblca4 Furniture CoM 4410 Dode. g-123 CHEAP chicken fence, long fir timbers, white basawood for burnt work, tul No. 16th. Q-1.'7 CAUTION 1 Beware of faxe piano ada; genuine new Sielnwuy pianos ate sold ONLY by Bchmoller & Mueller and thoy are tha ONLY authorised NubrasKa ixi reaentatlvea. TeL Douglaa-1626. 1311 1313 Farnam. ti 129 SQUARB PIANO. Peasa Bros, make, at a bargain lor soma one. Call 2627 N. luth, near Madison. Q 146 FOR BALE at m bargain, a 1906 Oldsmo bile, just new. Address B 61, Bee. U-119 FOR SALE Baby carriage In good con dition. Call 1907 Spencer. j M185 PIANO Square, $10; 60 cents weekly. Per field Piano Co., 1611 Farnam 8L Q 126 CHOICE currant plants for sale. B. C. femlth, 3101 Corby St. 'Phone Red-1924. U M6 28x BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE New stock of millinery of tine location and good town; will sell cheap. Address D 4, care of The Bee. Y-M123 DO YOU have any kind of property to ex change for Iowa or Nebraska land, bunl ntH proiwrty, Omaha resilience, general took mase., hardware, drug store, etc., etc.? Our Hat ia large. Ijel us g t vou rwults. Templeton & Manker, 9il Bee suog. tci. Louglas-29i4. Y-Mwl fOR SA LK Produce and commission bus! aaa: good bargain for right man. Ad- trru c A, lire. X M77& 23x FOR SALE Ice cream parlor, candy kitchen, power freeser. Ice breaker, steam engine, ice cram wagon, new Walrus fountain; doing a good businesa: 6 door. from postoftiee; the best town of 4.0U0 in Oklahoma. Reasons for selling, til-health. This la a bargain. Aaare&s c 37, rare R'e Y Mm 28 X'KNTAL practice for sale In live Neb. town. Aonress i- . Bee. Y 41 a HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE PERSONAL ATTENTION K. H. Ferrin. sclentlflo horae Khovlng, 416 S 18th. TeL Douglas 169. Horses called for and de livered. F M4.0 Mlo FOR BALK Small horaa. harness and ouggy. Aiiarew a u. uk. r-Mm DRAFT, driver and saddle horses, well broke, ana genua. Apply Jones stable. lii uouae. ai WANTED To buy horses, all olasaea. Call 1U Harney St. Tel. Red-7M. P Ml FINE team of Shetland ponies, with ele gant two-seated tray, harness, saddle, eto. 2215 Farnam. P-ho0 2x STORAGE MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. Goods stored at lowest prices: Insured without extra charge, pnoaas Douglaa R3I nd Douglaa 14M, -$v3 $4 WANTED MALE HELP OPPORTUNITY SPECIALS We hare the opportunities. You have the ability. Call or write and we will show you how to get a good position, or a better position, at a larger salary. No matter where you are located or what line you follow. We have the choicest positions that ate open: Traveling grocery specialty salesman. Wholesale drug salesman. Manager grocery store out of city. Clothing salesman small town. Dressgoods man In and out of city. Linen man. must be good. Shoe men In and out f city. Advertising manager for dept. store. Ad writer and window trimmer town 8.000. Two collectors for city. Stenographer for out of the city. Office manager amall mfg. plant. Any- kind of a high grade position you may be looking for can be had through us. Largest In the west. BRAIN CLEARING' HOUSE, 93-922 New York Mfe Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. B M774 Zi FOREMAN for composing room In large book publishing house in Chicago. Must also have experience In highest class of catalogue or commercial work. Big sal ary to competent man; position steady, with contract if desired; strictly open shop. Write, giving experience snd refer ence. Address Dew Bumham. loot Boyce Bldg., Chicago, 111. B M822 25x WANTED For U. 8. Amy, able-Vodled un married men between ages of 21 and 85; oltisens of United Statec. of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For In formation apply to Recruiting Office, 13th and Douglas Sts., Omaha; Lincoln and Grand Islandi Neb., or Sioux City. Ia. B 172 WANTED Men to learn barber trade; we prepare you for positions, $12 to 20 weekly you can piacin -ally earn your tuition, tools and board before completing; short time required; positions or locations wait ing. Call or write Moler Barber college, 1116 Farnam St. B M596 27x WANTED Brick handlers and laborers at brick yards, located two mllea south of Albright street car line, on Union Pa cific railroad. Omaha Hydraulic-Press Brick Co. .. B M820 23 AN ODD line western life Insurance com pany which Is maturing Its policies above estimates has a position to offer to a flrs' class life Insurance solicitor. Address C 34, cure of Bee. B MOOl 23 WANTED Men and boys to learn plumb ing trade; wages 4 50 to IS. 60 per day; Colorado School Practical Plumbing; largest school In west; 1646 Arapahoe. Den ver, Colo. B M602 M8X WANTED Boy who can operate type writer and who lives with parents; per manent position. Apply In own hand writing, stating age and salary expected. Address C 40, Bee. B M814 24x Paper Hangers "Wanted. None but flrst-cla8 men need apply. High class work. Belt 4 Van Sittert, Des Moines, la. B-4S2I 23 MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing, bricklaying, plastering trades; pays K a day. Coyne Bros. Co., New ork, Chi cago, Cincinnati, St. Louis. Free cata logue. B lte WANTED Corliss engineer for night work; wages. -$75 per mo. Address Chadron Electric Light and Power Co.. Chadron, Neb. B M.1 2t Vr ANTED Three men of good personal ap pearance; outside poettlon; steady em ployment. C. F. Adams Co.. 1619 Howard St. B Mill WANTED Carpenters, steady work. Ad dress, Jos. Bhleslgor, contractor, Yutan, Neb. B M613 WANTED A man to care for horses and do general work. 602 S. 40th St., between 7 and 8:30 p. m. B 618 23 DRUG stores bought and sold; drug clerks wanted. F. V. KnlesU 624 N. Y. L. 11-134 LABORERS for quarry and steam shovel worK. National stone CO., iuisvuie, inbo. B 653 23x YOUNG man to learn trade. Champion Iron.& Wire Works, 611 S. 16th St. B 164 6 CIVIL SERVICE preparation. See Under- mil, ft&M n. Mm. i-iuu ui WANTED A painter. 1812 Chicago St. ti M1A1 STONE MASONS wonted at Fort Omaha. M. P. Kecfe. B M46S WANTED FEMALE HELP LADY BOOKKEEPER AND CASHIER ANTED A wholesale house wants re liable bookkeeper and cashier. A pleas ant and permanent placo for the right party. Address stating experience, refer, etue and salary expected. All applica tions treated confidential. Address C 42, Bee office. C M830 24 WANTED A girl to assist with housework; good wages. Mrs. MccormacK. nsz so. 32d St. C ilSUi 26 APPRENTICE girls. Burgess Shirt Co. WANTED Girl for general housework; reference required; three in family; good wages. 922 N. ."2U St.. South Omaha. C-961 WANTED A good girl. 3411 Farnam. C 623 Z4 WANTED Experienced sewing women for alteration work. Apply Cloak Dept., Hayden Bros. C Mn69 WANTED Experf 3ced cloak and- suit salesladies In our Ladies' Suit Dept., Hay den Bros. C aw) WANTED A good girl for general house work. 4019 Hamilton St. C M360 WANTED A cook, colored woman pre ferred. Christian Home. Council Bluffs. C MaOg WANTED Girl for Farnam St. second work. SM0 C684 GIRL for general housework. 620 N. S3d St. C-87 24x WANTED A rood, reliable girl to work In a small family; good wages. 1613 Grace St. . C 693 SI TWENTY-FIVE girls to operate power sewing machines; steady work. Bemis Omaha Bag Co. , C M799 23 WANTED Competent girl to take care two children: sleep home nights. Address C 38. Bee. C M811 WANTED A girl for general housework. Mrs. J. 11. Dumont, 3n42 Lafayette Ave. C-M21 24 TWO seamstresses wanted for alteration; good wages. 911 Leavenworth. C-845 3 FIVE laundresses and Ironers for curtain cleaning; steady work and good wages. 2011 Leavenworth. C 44 23 WANTED Ol rl for general housework: sp ply at once. I2 Chicago St. C MS40 24 WANTED Experienced sesmstress In ladies' cloak alteration room. Apply J. L Brand .-Is & Sons. C Ms: 6 24 GOOD girl for general houses, ork 933 N. 25th St C 852 24 WANTED Idy cashier, one with experi ence preferred. Address C 47, rare Ree. C-T.l 23 WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Experienced salesmen, who can furnish their own team and wagon to sell and deliver Medicinea and Household articles on commission. Expenses paid and a reasonable earning guaranteed. Tna Haller Proprietary Company. Blair, Neb. L-M423 Ml WANTED We have openings for sales men who know builders and general hard ware thoroughly. Threw or four years' exerU-nre necessaries A kuoa leoKe of figuring hardware from plana is deair anle. but not neceaaary. poaitiona per manent th good futures. Orr A Locket t Hardware Co., Chicago. L M2 tt The boot business propositions are offered on this page. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS NICELY furnished apartment of six rooms and bath; Janitor service. 'Phone Douglas 600. E MS4 LIGHT, airy furnished rooms, modern; gentlemen preferred. 1317 Caes. Telephone Douglas 667. E M7W 23x LARGE furnished room; all modern. 1918 Capitol Ave. Telephone Douglaa 4609. E-M66H 23 LARGE, aell furnished front room, mod ern; private residence; fine location; walking distance; reasonable. 27uS Kar nnm. E M.S63 H3X WELL furnished room: fine location; walking distance; modern; reasonable. 2708 Farnam. E M6 23x FOR RENT Furnished room, suitable for young men. 21S N. 19th. E 864 23x DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. E US Doug. 611 0.M-E. Haul Trunks K 137 WELL furnished, modern, steam heated rooms, 223 Farnam, Flat . Tel. Doug. 201. B-781 MODERN furnished room for rent. 2S13 Woolworth. 428 23 Thurston hotel; rooms $1.60 up per week. E MoOu FURNISHED room for gentleman: private family. 316 N. 18th. E M6i4 ISx EXCELLENT modern furnished room for one or two; 'phone in houue; meals close. 2674 Harney BU E 6!4 FURNISHED room, with or without board, private family. 2639 California. E-614 24x ONE or two rooms for gentlemen; fine lo cation. 2215 Farnam. K 849 24x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 O.M.E. Haul Trunks F-141 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. F 140 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT CENTRAL; I rooms; bath. TUard, 220 N. 23d. G Ml 31 FOR RENT HOUSES HO OSES ln u ParU o1 "l7. R. dg. D-911 HOUSES ,n P1"1 K the Clt- T UUUO1.0 0 F Civla Cd 2u8 Bee Bldg, Li lit HOUSES., Insurance. Rlngrwalt, Barker Blk. U 141 THE Omaha Van & Storags Co., pack. move and store H. H. goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. liHh. Office. 1611Vi Farnam. Tel. Doug. Iu59. D 149 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van dt Stor age co. lei. Jjoug. iva. omce 1713 Web ster St. D-160 SEE us when shipping household goods to large cities west. t e can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., 214 N. Sixteenth SU Tel. Doug. 1195. D 161 FOR RENT Seven-room house, with batb and laundry; N. E. Cor. 26th Ave. and Leavenworth; bouse In perfect order; new Jlumblng; hot water heating; rent $40. W. . Connell, 101 Bee Bldg. D M16J WEST HARNEY STREET. New brick houses, 9 rooms and reception hall, oak finish and floors, tiled vestibule, bath room, separate toilet for servants, laundry room In basement, bas mantel, very complete and all details the best; south front on Harney St. Just. west of 33d SU Ready May 1. HARRISON & MORTON, 913 N. Y. Life. Tel. Douulas-314. 1 D 62S AMERICAN TRANSFER CO.. STORAGE. Phone Douglas 1062. 1106 Farnam. D M853 M7 4038 SEWARD St., 8 rooms all modern. 330. Bemis, Paxton Blk. D MJ164 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas-1 6:5. Schraoller & Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam, D MJ12 3116 Chicago street, 6 rooms modern, large yard, 3o; 1554 North Twentieth street, 4 rooms modern, owner pays water rent, 312.50; 1619 Howard, 4-room modern flat, 317.50. Blngwalt Bi-os., Barker Blk. D-MS0S 23 FOR RENT Handsome colonial residence, 1517 Park Ave., opposite park, modern, 140. 'Phone, Harney-lad6. D li7 COTTAGE 4 rooms, city water and cis tern, 2i"i9 South 2d, Breen & Bloom, Bee Bldg. D 41a FOR RENT Going to move? You will then need new furniture and carpets. Borrow from us and pay cash for them. We save you money. Furniture loans, etc. Low rates, ? terms. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Rooms 3o7-3u8 Paxton Block. H. E. Cor, Farnam and 10th Sts. D-M761 28 FOR RENT. 2529 HAMILTON ST., 6-rootn modern cot tage, $20. 157 Park Ave.. 6-room modern flat, $18. 4132 Izard St., 9-room modern house, $30. 9: North 24th St., store room. $18. 816 North 40th. new store room, $J0. 616 North 2Cth St., elegant new 10-room, modern brick, hardwood throughout, $50. W. R. HUMAN, 1517 Farnam St. D-MS10 28 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Dek room ln Bee oflioe, city hall building, 417 N. 25th St., South Omaha. Apply to manager. 1134 SUITABLE for wholesale or manufactur ing, 44xlu0; three doors and basement, elevator; will rent 22x100 separately. 13. 8 farnam St. Inquire 314 First National Bank Bldg. 1-153 CENTRAL drug store, with fixtures; also lauudiy, with power. Tisard. 220 North 23d. I-M651 THIS rooms lately occupied by Omaha Musical association at 18th and Harney, second floor. S. S. Curtis, agent. I-M63I $40 Large store room for rent, l&ls llirney St. N. P. Dodge &. Co I-M663 WANTED TO RENT WANTED 7 or t-room modern house In north part of city, to rent. Address C, 36. Bee. K-MH2 MAN wants ROOM WITH BOARD ln private family, near 16th snd Locust. Ad dress C 16. Bee. K 6:4 22 X DESIRABLE tenants no children want modern house, 6 to 7 rooms. Addreas C 43, Bee. K 827 24 CEMENT BLOCK MACHINERY SIDEWALKS Let John Grant make your cement sidewalk, driveways or cel lar floor If you want the beat guaran teed 10 years. Office 6th floor lire Bldg. Tel. Douglaa 7242. -Maim Ml ITT pal Facet Down cement block ma .uiiiijo cblnery. Call or write and UI as show you our Una. 'Prior- Ikxik. 67ia 'iapp Construction Co, 3oi Neville Blk. B-M1GS CONCRETE MIXERS Tspn Construction Co.. iim Neville Blk. Miles face down cement block m.iol.itia. Mj.i klvj ( FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Summer resort and fruit farm, known as "LAZYLOCH." on Spring Lake, Mich igan. Seventy-five rods of lake frontage, 109 rods on deep water bay, several beautiful locations for cottages, about 90 acres of woodland, orchard and meadow a natu ral pleasure around. Two furnlahed cottages of eight and twelve rooms, respectively, overlooking lake seven miles long. Good steamboat dock and boat house. Large shade trees, fir, pine, cedar, miiple, oak, etc. Ffty bearing fruit trees, apple chetry, pear and peach. Several springs of soft water; one Iron and one sulphur spring. Electrlo cars to Grand Rapids. Grand Haven and Muskegon, Rural mall deliv ery; dally boats to Chicago and Milwaukee. No more , beautiful summer home can be found ln America. Russell & McKittrick Co., 432-3-4 Ramge Building. RE MS83 S3 John Morrison House Florence Boulevard One of the prettiest places on tha boule vard, situated among fine old natlva trees, magnificent east view. Mr. Morrison has left the city and offers to sell right. Harrison & Morton, 912-911 N. Y. Life. Tel. Doug.-814. RE MTO Special Bargain An all-modern 7-room housu, built a year ago, 2638 Capitol Ave.; south front; paved street and walk; $2,460. J. A. LOVGREN. 684-7 rax ton' Block. RE M824 S3 FOR SALE Two flna West Farnam lots. Address 423 8. 16th St. RE M314 24 chas Williamson q0v..b TRACKAGE A. fine piece of trackage property, 147x284, on U. P. track, at 6th and Jonas Bta, $13,000 will take tt for Immediate aule. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room L New York Life Bide R1&-M5M ARCHITECT tSS000' RE-61 Mil SUBURBAN That beautiful 10 acres on west stde of 30th St., 600 ft. north of Fort Omaha; nothing finer about Omaha; on boulevard, with 60 fare to your door $1,209 per acre. S. 8. Curtis. 1808 Harney. RB-M873 LIST your bouses with me. I have many cash buyers for small houses. SILAS ROBBINS. FRENZKR BLOCK. . . RE M7S7 28 FOR SALE A home worth $30,006 for H 000; weat side. Address L 17, Bee, KB M86I LIST your properties with Boyer, tad and Cuming. RE 686 TRACKAGE SNAPS About 6 acres ln a body, with 800 feet frontage on U. P. main line at South Omaha. Fine lavout for lumber or coal yards or factory, or anything calling for railway facilities; would divide. . NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO. DOUGLAS BLOCK. RE M848 FOR SALE FARMS HIGHLY IMPROVED - FARM 10 MILES OMAHA 515,600 1!6 ACRES This farm Is N. W. of city, near Military road: lays fine, land In highest state of cul tivation. 24 acres meadow and pasture, bal ance under plow; 9-room house, bam, 10 horses and 12 cows, corn crib, granary, rattle sheds and hog house, also machinery shed, two windmills. OFFERED FOR SHORT TIME ONLY. GEORGE & CO,. 1601 FARNAM. H-626 26 FOR SALE ONLY Greatest bargain In Iowa; first class 4jo-scre. highly Im proved, Wright county, Iowa, farm; one half mile to town; very best of land; only 316 an acre, worth $80 R. Mather, Cedar Rapids, la. H-656 22 Farm and Ranch Lands. f'ebrasko, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years time. Land. Dept. U. P. U. R., Omaha, Neb., Dept. "A." 11-43 FIXES GOVERNMENT LANDS, also deeded lands, both Irrigated and upland, for alfalfa, sugar beets, grain, fruit and stockgrowing. Maps, pictures, price lists free. Agents wanted. Tha Sterling In vestment Co., 201 Front SU, Sterling, Colo. H-M23 7U0 ACRES; one body partly Improved; 200 acres under cultivation; $6.00 per aero cash. S. Hawver. 1614 Emmet St., Omaha. H-M1S6 Mil WRITE to Scandinavian-Canadian Land company, Chicago. They will tell you all about It. H-M6u 22 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loana and warrants. W. Faroain Suiilu Co.. U20 Farnam St. W-934 MONEY TO LOAN Dayne investment Co, W-C28 BUILDINO loaaa on residence property; per cent. W. U. MeJkle, Ramge Blk. W-3f LOWEST RATta Bemis. Paxton Block W-fl PRIVATE mousy. F. D. Wead. 1620 Douglaa W-94 6ARVIN BROB-, 1604 rtnum; city loana, $ and 6ia per ceat interest, (to delay. W-2t 1 ,000,009 TO LOAN on buetaeaa and rtal danc property ia Omaha; lowest rates; no deliy. Tbomaa Breunau, K. 1, N Y. Ufa. W-iw WANTED City Loaaa. R. C. Peters A Co. W-33 Farm, city and bi;ildino loans. Reed Bios.. Liu Farnam tot. W-val City , i farm loana, O. F. Carsoa Co.. N.Y.L, W 4o LOANS on improved city property. W. H. Thomas, 6u6 1st National Bank Bldg. W-l PRINTING I YT.?Tin Llgh grade 1901 Calendars, o ' Y,?" ft K. Cor. lath SU and tt JURVC Capitol Are. ENGRAVING and printing. Kotera Co., ui Howard. TeL Douglaa 9uo7. M-m EN ELL PrtntUig Co.. HI . Ula SC MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS OUR LOANS Our employes are well Informed and courteous and wa are always pleased to explain our manner of loans. We tell you to the cant wht the cost will be, and If you conclude tost It will not pay you to borrow there Is no harm dona. Wo loan on furniture, pianos, tlvo stock nd other chattels, snd fo salaried people upon their own agreement to pay. Wa offer you rates as low as you will find and our facilities, for quick and con fidential service are unsurpassed. We are the oldest concern in our Una In the city and wa always try to please ur patrons. UMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. II Board of Trade Bids. 'Phone Doug. 9i UvatahUsheo, 1693 SOS B. 16th St. X-lM HEADQUARTERS FOR LOANS On Household Goods. Pianos, Horses and Waerons. Etc. Wa will loan money on the above security at positively tha lowest rate of interest to be obtained In the city. Whyf Because wa have unlimited capital and would rather loan money out than have It lying Idle. We make these loans in the strictest confidence make no Inquiries of your neighbors and merely want to see your security. If you owo several small bills which are bothering you, come to us, state- your circumstances and we will loan you money enough to pay tnem an orr so that you will have your in dubtedness all In one place where one pay ment each month will take care of It. And we will make the payment small enough ta suit you. We also Loan Responsible Sal- : : arled People on Their Plain I : xsote, without Indorsement or : : Publicity. : RELIABLE CREDIT CO.", Rooms 807-308 Paxton Blk. X MS66 2S MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew airy, horses, newt, ale C. F. Reed. 31 b. ism. x 7J Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. Advances private money on chattels or salary. Easy to get no red tape. You get money same day asked for at small cose open evenings until 7. X M45I DR. PRIBENOW'S PRIVATE! MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos, salary, horses, ate, In any amount, at less thag half tha rate: no red taDe: Derfect nri. vacy; immediate attention; on any term wantea; payments suspended in case of sickness or out of employment. Room 114, Karbach blk.. 209 8. 16th St, X-4T0 When in need of MONEY Call on us. PHOENIX CREDIT CO. 432-1 Paxton Blk. X-971 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLtal ana outers without security; easy pay ments. Offices in 63 principal cities. Tot- man. room u. xmow xerk .me Bldg. X-971 FURNITURE, Piano, Jewelry, Loans, 331 is e vine nut. Auai wbsi(.iu aajan co. X-696 FURNITURE. Live Stock. Salary Loana Duff Green Loan Co.. Room $. Barker Bioca. vik CHATTEL, salary and jewelry loans. Foley witta v.o.. jew r aruam di. jb-en EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all buslneas confldentlaL 1301 Douglaa, JC-979 AGENTS WANTED 10.000 AGENTS WANTED Only authentic book on San Francisco calamity; highest commission; outnt tree, i ne jonn c Win ston Co., 278 Wabash avenue, Chicago, in. j a OUR SAN FRANCISCO EARTHQUAKE BOOK BEATS them all; best book, best authorship, best terms. Don't let "free' offers fool you. Send 10c quick and get outfit: $20 day profit. J. L. Nichols tt Co.. Napervllle, 111. J M761 23x 10.000 AGENTS WANTED Only authentic book on ' Ban Francisco calamity ; high est commission; outfit free. The John C Winston Co., 278 Wabash Ave.. Chicago, 111. J M760 Otx AGENTS Sell San Francisco Disaster book; 600 page Illustrations; highest com. missions: freight nald: credit. Send 10c postage for outfit; ulso beautiful free nouMenoin premium. .American riiu llshlng House, Chicago. J M748 23x THE COMPLETE story of the grat Ran Francisco earthquake, written by eye witnesses; complete set of actual photo, graphs: big book; best terms; big money Agents are already taking from fifteen to forty orders a aay. bena jie tor com plete outfit, now ready. Re first In your field. The Columbia House, Chicago. J-M747 24x AGENTS WANTED Sell San Francisco Disaster; complete story of earthquake and fire, fully Illustrated; heat and largest book: best terms; credit given: freight raid. Send 10c for outfit. J. S. Zlegler & Co., Chicago. J M697 23x AGENTS wanted on San Francisco Horror Book. 600 pages: fully Illustrated. 31.60. We give 60 per cent; pay freight; give credit; premiums. Send 10 cents for out fit Perclval Supply Co., Philadelphia, Pa J M7F.2 24x PATENTS H A. STURGE8. registered attorney: pat ents, trade marka. copyrights; no fee un less successful. 617 N. Y. Life. Omaha. -79 F. J. LARSON sV CO.. patent lawyers. Patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb SHARPS MACHINE WORKS Patents nrocured. Inventions developed, draw in a. patterns, castings, machine work, ew-oii d. lotn ov. em PATENTS procjred, bought and aold. Na tional investment co., m uougias biock. ma WANTED TO BORROW I WANT to borrow $3,000 00 on Improved residence property; wortn a,uuu.uu; IO' cated In one of the best parts of Omaha rate must be low. with privilege of pay ing part each year. Address B 62. Bee omce v Mia OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute. 418 N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. lab. DR. WELLS. Neville Blk. Tel. Doug. 6877. All TICKET BROKERS CUT-RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. li. Phllbln. 1606 Farnam. f none Doug. 784. -15 LARSON at JOHNSON. 1406 Farnam. Doug. 1936. IS CLAIRVOYANTS MME. BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST, Call at No. 113 South luth lit, upstaira Resultfui prediction absolutely given. H 907 FLORISTS U HENDERSON, 1619 farnam. Tel. Doug. HESS S WO BOD A. 1418 Fanuua. M UNDERTAKERS HOFFMANN Doug. v. Gentleman, Tut N. 18th. a Ms PERSONAL FLF.SJf. white, pink, brunette: Mtin skin powder Is made In 4 dainty tints, inc. U- GREEN TRADING Z,.! liquors, by Jug or bottle. CnckW Pros., opp. P. O. U-M169 Mil LAUNDRY CITY BTKAM Tel. Doug. 264. XU 8. 11th St. U-183 OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ramge Blk. c 1.SO PIANO CLlTTi Pianos delivered at once, $1 weekly. All III II I H Ipjiinna IrM lillNI MOW I'wr ol (1 Piano Co., 1611 Farnam Bt. U 186 PRIVATE horae during confinement; babies V... n a . . . . . . 1 1 1 n.i. waiuc-u aim auopieu. Airs, uiuueu, Charles, Tel. Doug. 8311. U 17 THE Salvation Army solicits enst-oft cloth- , m ibvi, anyming you uu nu llry , we collect, repair and sell, et 114 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 4135 and wagon will call. U Ml FREE medical and surgical treatment at c. . i i . . .. .. . . . . . . . i x.i viBiiiuu Aieaicai college, itin miu enport Sts.; eeclal attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. Phono Doug. I1C7. Calls answered day or night. U 1?9 MAGNETIfitrtmont A Baths. Mm. aLO.UXjAlty Bmltil( m N. 15, 2d fl.r 1. ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army home for women at 3624 N. 2Uh St., Omaha, Neb. U M100 0O- Brown Blk.. 11th 'and Douglas. Prac tice limited to akin, genito-unnary and venereal dlseasea U 4fc Ml 'PHONE Doug-. 701 and a man will call and tune your piano, 13. Pcrlleid I'lano co., 1611 Farnam. U 169 RUPTURE CURED-No knife, no injec tions. Call or write for booklet. Quick Cure Rupture Co, 6H W. O. W. Bldg Omaha. U 191 TRY K-ELLY'S Laundry. 'Phone Doug. 3530. J Arv DR. ROY. Chiropody, R. 3 tfc S, 1606 Farnnm. MABEL M. riOTXON. 610 Bee Bl.lg. Tel Douglas-6526. Manicuring, massage, sculp treatment a specialty, and hair oressmg, U-150 M-ll nnr.n stickpin free to any person sending up the name of any person owning a square piano, organ or prospective piano buyer. PERFILLD PIANO CO., Tel. 70L 1611 Farnam St. U-UJ f'HAMPinN Carpet Cleaning Worka UnrtliiriWll Beautiful, unique rugs from old carpets; prices reasonable. 730 H. 14th SU TeL Douglas 665. U 15e Jel3 YOUR saving 40 per cent. Investigate. Pennell Millinery Co., Ill South 16th SU U-194 RPV.TCnF.Ti MATTRESSES renovatod, orsuivyjju, tui April 20. Doug.6213. U M597 A33 PRIVATE ' confinement home: babies adopted. Mrs. Dr. King, 2V11 N. Zlst SU Tel. 3659. U-197 PLEATING Bu't0""- Kuching, L'l'V Embroidering. Dyeing and Cleaning, Sponging and Shrink ing, only 60 per yard. Send for price list and sample. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 200 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas-193. U-665 WILL persons who witnessed accident re sulting In death of member of Bonesteei land excursion party at Norfolk Junction, July 18, 1904, please communicate with Hans Peters, Jr., at Gretna, Neb. U-M604 22x PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted, Tno uooa Samaritan Danitarium, ' 726 First Ave., Ave., ouucii duns, is, iei. 111 U-322 WE RENT sowing machines, $1 week and $3 per mo. Wa repair all makea of ma chines; second-hand machines, $6 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., TeL Doug. 1661. Cor. 15th and Harney. U-66I 6EWING machines and supplies. P. B, Flodman av Co. 1614 Capitol avenue. U M321 Mayl SEND your carpets to Omaha Electrlo Car pet Cleaning wks, 2221 N. 20th. Doug.-1659. . U M369 Ml CARLSON & CO.. upholstering and repair ing. Tel. Douglaa 2618. U M663 A23 THE City Garbage Co. Office, 4th and Leavenworth Sis. Tel. Douglas 1387. U-300 CTHUEC Stored. Hughes Stove Repair olUVCO Works. Tel. Doug-7155. U 493 Mil MAGNETIC OSTEOLOGY-Mrs. M. Ritten. house, 412 N. 16th, room 2, second floor. U-622 M17 MAGNETIC MASSAGE, 412 No. 1TH ST., SECOND FLOOR, ROOM 2. U M546 Mil MEDICAL LADIES, $1,000 REWARD! I positively guarantee my Never-Failing ERGO KOLO Remedy. Safely relieves longesu most obstinate cases of delayed Monthly Periods in 8 to 8 days without harm, pain or interference with work. Mall, $1.60. Double strength, $2.00. "SPECIAL FOLD ER FOR LADIES FREE. DR. B. H. SOUTH1NGTON CO., KANSAS CITY, MO. -210 BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills" $1 box, postpaid. Sherman 4k McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. 211 BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES WHY pay trust prices? Solid oak billiard and pool tables, $luo. Also bar fixtures. No agency expenses. Catalogue mailed tree. Chas. pasaow ft Soos, Chicago. 131-Maybx WE TRUST EVERYBODY, easy payments, and lead the world In cheap prices on billiard and pool tables a id bar fixtures; catalogue free. The Brunswicke-Balke-Collender Co.. 407 8. luth St.. Omaha, Neb. 133 DRESSMAKING FOR dressmaking dona at home. Doug. 171. M-271 Woodruff & Arnold, 313-11 Neville Blk. M-449 Mil M'DOWELL system of dress cutting taught; simplest and best method. 16:2 Farnam. , M 8a May21 TREES AND SHRUBS A COMPLETE line of fruit, shade and ornamental trees, vine, shrubs, roses, eta Address Omaha Nursery, Papllllon, Neb. Mouo A24K LARGEST assortment of trees and shrubs ln the city at Crescent Nursery. Bales ground 21st and Farnam. Tel. Douglas $.157. 9H9- WANTED AGENTS AGENTS WANTED "San F-ancisco (' lamlty," only authentic boo. Sells llko wildfire; chance of a lifeti'ie; 50 or 100 per cent pront. Freight paid, credit given Outfit free; 10c for mailing: ether liberal Inducements. Address R. il. iVoodward, Baltimore, Md. J MtviO 21x FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not find what you want In this column, put an ad In and you will soon get IU Z-k.13 LAW AND COLLECTIONS J. M. MACFA RLAND, 309 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 6K When You Write to Advertisers remember It takes only an extra stroke or two of tha pea to mectton the fact that yea saw tha ad. in The Baa. GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FUR BEKF AND MUTTON. OfTico of Chief Commissary, Omaha. Ne braska, April Jo, :. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clock a. in., central standard time. May is, l!H, and then publicly opened for furn ishing such fresii beef and mutton as tuny be requited by the Subsistence Department. U. 8. Armv. at Omaha. Forta Omaha. Crook. Niobrara and Robinson, Neb., For6 i" Moines. Iowa, Foils I ,envcnwort n, Riley, and Military prison at Fort Leaven worth. Kans-is; Forts Wackensle, D. A. Russell and Washakie. V yo. ; Fort Meade. S. I)., and Jefferson H:u racks and Aroartl Rifle Range, Mo. ilurlna the six months commencing July 1, irl. Proposals will aiso ne received until Hi o dock a. ni., moun tain standard time at Forts Niobrara and Itolilnsoti, Nebraska. Forts D. A. Russell, Washakie and .Mackenzie, N yo.. and Fort Meade. S. I)., and until 11 o'clock a. m , central standard time, at Forts Omaha and Crook, NebraskA, Fort I'es Moines. Iowa. Forts Leavenworth, Riley and Military Prison at Fort 1 raven worth. Kanxns. and Jefferson Barracks. Mo., and opened at posts by respective commissaries, each receiving proposals for his own post only. Information furnished on application here or to commissary at post authorised to open proposals. V. S. reserves the right to reject any of nil proposals or sny part thereof. Envelope should be marked "Pro posals for Fresh Beef and Mutton." and addressed to undersigned or commissary at post nuthorlr.ed to receive proposals T. II. HACK F.H, Captain, Commissary, Chief Commissary, A-21 ' 23 24 55 M16 17 PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES. Department of the Interior, Office of In dian Affairs, Washington, D. C, March 24. 19u6- Sealed proposals, plainly marked on the outside of the envelope: "Proposal for rubber goods, boots and shoes," etc., as the case may be, and addressed to tha "Commissioner of Indian Afrairs. Washing ton, D. C," will be received at the Indian office until 1 o'clock p. m. of Thursday, April 26. 1906, and then opened, for fur nlBhlng the Indian service with rubber floods, boots and shoes, hardware and med ial supplies. Sealed proposals, plainly marked on the outside of the envelope: "Proposal for crockery, furniture," etc., as the case may be, and addressed to the "Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washing ton, D. C," will be received at the Indian oflice until 2 o'clock p. m. of Tuesday, May 1, 19ot, and then opened, for furnishing the Indian service with crockery', agricultural Implements, paints, oils, glass, tinware, wagons, harness, leather, shoe findings, saddlery, etc., school supplies and a long list of miscellaneous articles. Bids must be made out on government blanks. Schedules giving all necessary Information for bidders will be furnished on applica tion to the Indian office, Washington, D. O.; the V- S. Indian Warehouses at New York City; Chicago. 111.; SU Louis, Mo., and Omaha, Neb. The department re serves the right to reject any and all bids, or any part of any bid. F. E. Lcupp. Com missioner. A4to28 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR STATE PRINTING. Bids will be received by the State Print ing board at the office of the secretary of state at Lincoln, Nebraska, on or before 11 o'clock a. m., Saturday. April 28, 1906, for p.lntlng and binding the following annual reports: 1.000 copies each for auditor of public accounts, secretary of state, state treasurer, commissioner of public lands and buildings, superintendent of public In struction, Board of Irrigation, bureau of labor and food commission; 600 copies each for attorney general, adjutant general and state librarian; 400 copies Building and Loan association; 1,400 Banking board: C.OuO copies each for Agricultural and Horticultural so cieties; 10,000 bulletins for bureau of la bor; 600 reprint copies each of Nebraska supreme court reports, numbered 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 26 and 27. Also on furnishing miscel laneous printed supplies, stationery sup, plies, blank books, etc., for the several state Institutions and departments for the ensuing twelve months. Specifications for same can be found on file In the office of the secretary of state. All bids must be accompanied by a bond equal ln amount to the probable cost of the work bid upon. The .board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Lincoln, Nebraska, April 17,-190. STATBi PRINTING BOARD., By Lou W. Fraxler, Secretary to tha Board. A19d6t TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF the Custodian, United States Court House, Custom House and rostoffice. Omaha, Neb,, April 21, 1908 Sealed pro posals will be received at this office until 3 o'clock p. m. on the 10th day of May, 1906, . and then opened, for repairs and painting at this building. In accordance with specifications, copies of which mny be had at this office, or at the oflioe of the supervising architect, Treasury de partment. Washington, D. C. H. H. Bar rows, custodian. . A23-26-27. RAILWAY TIME CARD l.MO STATIOX TENTH AND MARCY. I'nloa Pacific. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 9:40 am a 8:18 am The China and Japan Fast Mail a 4:15 pm a 6:10 pm Colo. & Calif. Ex a 4:15 pm a 9:30 am California Ore. Ex. .a 4:25 pm a 6:10 pm Los Angeles Limited. ...all:30 am al0:46 pm Fast Mall a 1:55 pm a 1:30 pm Colorado Special a 7:45 am a 7:44 am North Platte Local a 8:10 am a 4:60 pm Beatrice Local b 3:15 pin b 2:00 pm Chicago Great Westers. SU Paul tt. Minn a 8:30 pm a 7:15. am St. Paul & Minn a 7:45 am a 7:66 pm Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm al0:30 am Chicago Express a 6:06 am a 8:80 pm Minn. & St. Paul Fx. ..b 8:00 am b 8:56 pm Minn. St. Paul Ltd.. a 8:30 pm a 7:30 am Chicasjo Rock Island A Pactflc. EAST. Chicago Limited a 3:26 am a 7:10 am Chicago Express a 7:00 am a 9 66 pm Chicago Express, Local. bl 1:16 am a 4:30 pm Des Moines Express. ...a 4:30 pm bll:60 am Chicago Fast Express. .a 6:40 pm a 1J aaa) WEST. Rocky Mountain Ltd. ..a 7:20 am a 1:15 am Colorado Express a 2:01 pin a 1:15 pm Oklahoma & Texas Ex. a 4:40 pm a!2:0S pm Chicago A Northwestern. St. Paul Daylight a 7:50 am 10:00 pm Chicago Daylight a 8:00 am 11:60 pm Chicago Limited a B:i pm 9:16 am Carroll Local a 4:82 pm 9:60 am St. Paul Fast Mall a s:io pm 7:oSam Sioux C. & bt. P. Local. .b 1:60 pm a 9:36 am Fast Mall 1:30 pin Chicago Express a 6:50 pin a 7:30 am Norfolk & Bonesteei. ...a 7:40 am 10.86 am Lincoln & Long Pine. .a 7:) am 10 .16 am Casper & Wyoming. ...a 2:60 pm a 6:16 pm Deadwood & Lincoln. ...a 2:6o pm 6:16 pm Hastings Albion h 2:50 pm 6:16 pm Chicago Local all:30aru 1:46 pm Chicago Limited alLuo pin 11:16 am Wabaah. St. Louis Express a 30 pm a 1:40 mm St. Ixuis Local (from Council Bluffs) a 9:16 am H0:80 pm Stanberry Local (from Council Bluffs) b 80 pm bU:30am Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 1:00 am a 1:68 pm Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 7.30 am Chloaso, Mlltvaake A St. PanL Chicago & Colo. Bpec'l.a 7.65 am a 7:86 am California & Ore. Ex.. -a 6:46 prn a 1:10 put Overland Limited a 1.35 pn. a 9:20 am Marion Cedar R. Lu.b 6.46 am bU:0 pm Mtssonrl Paella. St. Louis Express a 9:00 am a 6:30 pm lv. C. at SU L. pm a 6:0u pm BURLINGTON STATION lOTIt at MASON Burlington. Leave. Denver ft California.... a 4.10 pm Black Hills a 4:10 pin Northwest Special a 4:10 pm Northwest Express ....all:lo pm Nebraska Local- a H.M) ora Lincoln Local . Uncoln Fast Mall b 2 lo pm Ft Crook 4c piattsin'li.b 2 5o pm lie'llevue & Platlsiu'h...a 7. 60 pm Denver Limited Bllevue St i'ac. June. .a 3:J am B. llevue at I'ac. June. .a 9.10 am Chicago Special a I.Si am Chicago Express a 3-46 pm Chicago Flyer a c :oo pm Iowa Local a 9 la am Kt Louis Express a 4:4.i pm Kansas City-St. Jos h..alo 46 pm Kansas Clty-St. Jos'h..a 9:15 am Kansas City-St. Jus h..a 4.46 pm Arrive, a 1:30 pm a 6:30 pm a 7:10 am a 6.90 pm a 7:46 pm a 9 06 am al2:20 pm bl0:23 am a 1 3u am a 7:10 am a 8 SO am a 2 00 pm a 7:26 am a 3:"e pin a 7.26 am 10 J pin al I : am 6:45 am a 6:10 pm WEBSTER DEPOT ill Til at KEBITEH Chleaaa, Omaha St. PanI, Minneapolis as Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger... b 6 ( am b 9 10 pin Sioux City Paaseiier...a 3 W pm all:20ani Emerson Local b i.M pin b9.36ain Emerson Local c 8:45 am o 6:60 pm Mlssaarl Pnrlfla. Nebraska Local, via Weeping Water .... Leave. Arrive. . b 1 .ou pm b!3 :30 pm a Daily, b Daily except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday, s t)uiiUy ul. Dally exoept Monday.