TITE 0MAT1A' DAILY BEE: MONDAY, APHIS 1WT. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA B arleyMaIli: COUNCIL Office, 10 rearl MINOR MENTION. Clark's Mu. Davis sells drug. Storkert sella carpet. r,d Rogers' Tony rauet besr. j numbing and heating. Blrby at gen. . Drs. Woodbury, oentlst. an Pearl stret Woodrlng Undertaking Company. Tel. K. Lwls Cutler, funera' director. 'Phone (7. Diamond-as an investment- Talk te J.?rert about It. l'yrography outflte and supplies. C. K. Alexander. 233 B way. Coatmakers wanted at Hicks, II Tearl M.. Council Bluffs. Ia. "print term Western Iowa college open next Monday. Enroll then. Tinners and plumeri wanted. Bpcncer, l&l m 'it Itrosdway, Council Bluffa, Ia. Special order work. Jewelry and watch i ''Polling of a high quality at DcfTert's. Wanted Ambitious young Indira to pre liara at Western Iowa college tor positions. For Imported wines, liquors ana cham Ijagne, D. Roaenfeld company. BIB Main Bt. Wanted-All K. O. T. M a. to bring the.r hoea (or repair to curls Loseth at 2t Alain street. SIX per cent mortgages on real estate (or sale. Absoluts security. Clifton Walker Co. Do you want a good soda? Well, lust so to Clark a Drug Co.; ha s got the beat in the city. Htar chapter. Royal Arch Maiona, will meet thle evening for work in. the mark masters' degree. The MRU school will hold its annual field meet Friday afternoon, May t, at the Driving park. Peterson, the Oun snd Locksmith, will move to his own building May 1, and i'Q AVest Broadway. If you want your fire Insurance to In sure have Clifton-Walker Co. writs It In tellable companies. Moving vans and Wagona; atovea stored. .Neeblit a Transfer and Storage. Tel. $4. vjfnce, JJ1 Broadway. The Aid aoclety of the Royal Neighbors of America will meet Friday afternoon at the home of Mia. P. II. Wind. The only up-to-date shoe repair ahop In the city. Shoes haif-soled while you wail, .Ac. Bargent's Family Shoe Btore. The Turlty Candy Kitchen, 6 West Broadway, has tne reputation of making ihe best ice cream In Council Bluffa. '20 per cent discount at Duncan & Dean'a, -.1 Main Bt., co. Bluffs., for the nest ten nays. Come and aee the bargains we are uttering. I Bquirs A Annls, money to loan; cssh on rtand, no delay; city and farm property for Mile on catty terms 01 payment: Utiles, lul I'oarl street. Yea, wall paper, that's what we carry and do the wont right and the price right, im. Call up telephone t83. Burwlck, ill .ith Main street. James Hunter, cashier of the German- American bank at Mlnnen. Ia.. is saiu to ,m a possible candluate for the nomination t county treasurer. Mr. W. H. Pontius and daughters, Jes- riv mm Aima, nave heen calleu to learned. Jan., hy the death of Mrs. J. C. Pontius, iuniHTiy oi inia cuy. To Uie Chicken Kaiser: Don't scrap with your neighbors. Fence thorn up. We havs ine beat assortment o. poultry fenoe ever uari'iea in ins cuy. v.. ttarr. Do not sell your old Iron, copper, brass ana oid rubbers before you see uo. We pay , li..r . . . It ' , l.T. w iui iiv. in mlk. 1 1 1 r i j iron, w. ivauieman, eat B. Main. Tel. sou. H. M. Williamson, bicycles, aewlng ma chines, bdison pnonographs, records. He- puj-ing machines and bicycles a specialty. 6. Main Bt., Council Biufts. Ia. Wt havs the finest Una of sample monu ments to select (rom in the west. BLeely utni iuuioie ana uranue works, M uasi uioauway, Council Bluffs, la. Wanted Ambitious young men u prepare at "VVeiuern Iowa vullege tor Doaltlona. Kuss--uur ubuvI luuiu i rooiu-eixe rugs la now complete. A lame Una of the moat lU'Siiabio pmterna nw ready for your In- peuiou. in Kener-Farnawortu Furni ture t..o. 'i he beat meal In the city for the money . . home cooking, home made bread and rolis, M.oinu Hindu uies: best of coffe and cream. meats rouKeu to suit our customers. Vienna esiaurant, 414 w. Broadway. Andrew H. Larson of Hasel Dell town ship ia to have a hearing today before ouugn wneeier on a cnargs or. inebriety The tntorrnauon Was hied by Mrs. Mar garet Larson. Larson spent Bunday In tn county jau. Members of Fidelity council. Royal Arcanum, navs Deen invvited to attend a reception, given by Cmou pat-lllo council, Omaha, tine evenlna to the dcDutv su preniu regent In Itulirbough college nuild- ng. iieiiuicrs from hero will meet at the Uiand. hotel at i.ji) p. m. Kev. W. D. Price, paator of Ep worth Methodist churcn, haa accepted a call to thn pautorate of the Methodist church at Willow bpringa. N. 1. A meeting of the congregation ha been called tor thla evening, and It la said a rail will be ex tended to Kev. Mr. Webster of Omaha. Thomas K. Virtue, aged t yeara, died at Ills reniuvure, 7 ID Firet avenue, after a short lliuvaa. his wue, two sons, Clar ence and Hubert Virtue, and one daugh ter, Mrs. Bert HuflaKtr, all of this city, survive nun. The remains will be taken to Silver City, Is., touay for Interment. Wllilam K. Hoyt, Jr., son of William E. Hoyt, jd-u Avenue B, died yesterday, aged 15 yeata. Deceased waa stuierlntenuent of lbs Consolidated Construction company of this city. Bervices will be held at the fam ily residence Tuesday morning at 10 o clock, loilowing which the remains will be taken to Lov eland, la., for burial. Special sale thla week on Buster Brown's gocatls, l.j. ixjitt miss this sale. Kegiii lar puce, fu. Bwane Sl Mauer, B way. Clias. T. Ofhcer is Selling some line bar gains ,n dwellings and vacant lota out of the long lint of pioperty be haa In his hands to sell, people who havs become tired of paying rent are buying norma from him. Those who can should taks advantage of this opportunity. Fine saitipie of lacs curtains from lVfe to 1 yards lung; a snap, Jms a sample. Hops anu pluin portieres, matting, ruga, latecs patterns. Linoleum from two to four yarda we can make to tit your room all In one piece. Btuckert Carpet company, ioe-I Vtt Broadway. Council Blurta. la. "Caldwell lawn mowera," the best In the world, U W to Hi oo. Did you ever stop to tiiink thst Wm. Caldwell of the Cald well Manufuciunng Co. mads the first lawn mower In America He did. and this com pany Is still making the best lawn mowers In the world. Psddock & Handsuhy Hdw. C, ixclualvs agents. Our business s selling pianos and wln nnlg by strict business methods, no de ception, the same price to all and giving the In shent poalble values for the money paid us. We have been trying 11 tor many rara, and our custumera nave learned tim value of reliability. Our guarantee ia Inconiestible. The A. Hospe Co., si Bo. Main Bt. The second trial of James Arthur, charged with being Implicated In the attempt to blow the safe of the Treynor bank on Janu ary , 1S6. Is aligned fur today In district court. Arthur's alleged accomplice, John Bernstein, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to tn years In the penitentiary at tort Mft.tiartn Arthur wsa ei ini'tr! e4 and riven rr.L. k..i ....rf .nrf ik. .... Arthur waa convicten ana given IT.-me court sent the raa pack lor a new trial. A meting of Group No. S. District Bank ers' ao lution haa twen called fur this city tm May 14. Attorney Funnel Tinley haa leen Invited to deliver Hie address of wi- come. W. H. jonnson. cnnliier oi me mate Havings bunk of Logan, la chairman of tit.' sroup and L. D. tiooii'lch. cashier of the State bank of Neoia. Is secretary. There are 16 banks In the territory embraced In Uro'jp No. 6 and attendance of alout sixty hankers Is expected at the meting. Openlagr of tn Independent Tel. . phase Company's Balldlags. The Independent Telephone company will r,idi it. n.w hulMln. Noa. 31 and 33 South i Main atreet. on Monday, and every cltlsen I 1 1 . a A mmM lmm S Ik. SilllM . Is invited to attend and Inspect the build Ing and equipment. The switchboard will be operated for tbe purpose of Illustrating the method of handling calls and every facility will be afforded to visitors to en lighten themselves as to the operation of a modern telephone plant. The opening Is planned to precede the actual Installation of telephones In order to enable the com pany to give visiters every attention with out interfering with service. Musle and icfreshmenis will be provided. pring term Western Iowa college epeos a it Monday. Enroll then. ti. V. Plumbing Co. Tec 36 Nig at, an. BLUFFS Bt. TM. 43. PEOPLE ARE URCED TO GIVE Msm Meetinc at Hew 1 better Productm of Email Result, Howcrer. DAY IS SPNT PACKING SUPPLIES Carload of Headlan ana tlothlag Ei- peeted to Be Ready (or For nardlaa- Not Later Than I Taesdai, ' resents live of the league, spoke In the While the mass meeting yesterduy after- I morning at the First Presbpterlan church noon at the New theater, under the i and In the evening at the Second Presby ausplcea of the California relief committee, terlan church, while Dr. McCaeh spoke In brought out a gathering which filled the ! the evening at the First Christian church, first floor. It was noticeable that 95 per I In explanation of what the Antl-aaloon cent of those preaent were women. As a i league had accomplished the speakers said reault of the meeting the committee's fund waa Increased H60. Of this t!8.60 was contributed In casb and $24 In pledges. Rev. F. A. Case, pastor of the First Bap tist church, presided and short talks were made by Mayor Macrae, Rev. James O'May, pastor of the Broadway Methodist church; Senator C. O. Saundera and Charlss M. Hsrl. Both Mayor Macrae and Rev. O'May dwelt strongly on the point that the dis aster In Ban Francisco called for a lib eral response from the people of Council Bluffs In return for the magnificent man ner In which the boys of the Fifty-first Iowa volunteers were treated during their stay In that city, both on going and re turning from the Philippines. Rev. W. B. Ctemmer, Rev. W. N. Graves and Rev. O. W. Bnyder assisted in the exercises, while Mrs. Robert Mullls contributed a vocal solo. At a meeting of the executive commit tee following the mass meeting In the opera house It wss suggested that an effort be made to secure a carload of provisions. Including potatoes, onions end other non perishable vegetables. Nothing definite, however, was decided about this and the matter will be brought up again at the meetings of the full committee this morn ing at 10:30 o'clock In the rooms of the "Commercial club. The members of the woman's commit tee worked hard the greater part of Sun day packing the clothing and bedding which they had collected. The women ex. pect to be able to send forward a carload of clothing, blankets and other bedding not later than Tuesday. The Union Pacific has placed a car at the disposal of the committee and will send It to the coast as soon as it Is loaded. The collection at the Broadway Metho dist church yesterday morning amounted to 1 .08 and"lhat at the First Christian church about $12. The other churehee have not yet reported to Treasurer True. Blwffa Feople In 'Frisco. Nat C. Browning, a former resident of Carroll county, this state, was at the Orand hotel yesterday en route from Los Angeles, Cal., where he at present re sides, to Des Moines. He was accompanied by his mother. On the train here they met a young woman and a yotftig man, refugees from San Francisco, who escaped from the stricken city with nothing but the clothes they had on their backs and enough money to pay their way to Chi cago, where they have relatives. At the suggestion-of her son; Mrs. Browning ac companied the young couple from Council Bluffs to Chicago 1n order to see that their wants on the Journey were supplied. Mrs. B. M. Jaekson. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Llpe, Is anxious about the ssfety of her husband. Dr. Jackson, who was called to Ban Francisco about April 1 by the serious Illness of his father, who was In a hospital there. Nothing has been heard from Dr. Jackson since the disaster and all efforts to reach him by telegraph havs seemingly failed. Mrs. Jackson ex pected her husband to leave San Fran cIsco last Wednesday. William Mattal, formerly tralnmastrr of the Omaha division of tbe Great Western railroad, now superintendent of terminals at Oelweln, passed through Council "Bluffs Saturday en route to San Francisco. His family was visiting there and he has been unable to get any word from them. Mr. Henry Ott of "Lincoln avenue Is much worried over her son, Henry Ott, who was employed In the Southern Pacific headquarters In San Francisco. Efforts to communicate with him have failed so far. Ora-an Bargrataa. Chicago Cottage Organ, four sets of reeds and octave couplers, eleven stops, high top. walnut cass. Price. $22. Estey Organ, four sets, of reeds, nine stops, high top, walnut case. Price $26. Schults Organ, four sets of reeds, eight stops, octave couplers, high top, with big mirror, walnut case. Price I3J. Far r snd A Votey Organ, four seta of reeds, eleveu stops, octave couplers, high fancy top, with mirror, oak case. Price 3R. Schults Organ, four seta ef rseds, eleven stops, octsvs couplers, high fancy top, with mirror. Pries. $37. Bchmoller & Mueller Organ, four sets of reeds, eleven stops, octave couplers, vox humana. high fancy top with French plate mirror. Price, $43. Sold for cash or payments of $3 cash and cents per week. BCHMOLLER A MUELLER PIANO CO.. 'Phone lot. 50$ Broadway, Council Bluffs. - y Norway and Swedish Imported goods, finest dellkatease anchovls. Sio a keg. Nor wegian smoked sardines In olive oil, ths finest and cleanest sardine put up, 16c a can. Norwegian sennep or mustard, the finest mustard made, '20o a can. Imported Swedish summer sausage, per lb., BW. We guarantee these goods to be strictly Im ported goods. J. Olson, 739 and "4i W. B'way. xv n-var fa.il to alva absolute satiafac- 1 ... tton. carpets cleaned oy our sanitary process are thoroughly cleaned. We take them from your floor and relay tnem. iou have no trouble or annoyance. Call up Hi and sse how cueap we do It. The Coun- ! ell Bluffs Cleaning and Rug Mfg. Co., 21 N. Main St. High tirade rtaaoa, gvoo. We sell the celebrated Kingsbury piano for rv. tx. This piano la without doubt one jf ths best values ever oflervd to the pub lie. It can be bought on payments as low as $10 cash-$6 per month. Stool and beau tiful scarf Included. Swanson Muslo Co., new location 407 Broadway. 4 (h of Councll Bluffs mould - wall for Big A flour, the best made, your home mill would be obliged to run day and night 306 days In the year and then could not supply the demand and would employ two shifts of help who ' would get their wage every week and all prods be kept In Council Bluffa Malm felines Htr.vrrrtl, The police yistuday found a box which had contained twtnty-f ur palra of shoes and another box supposed to have con tained twelve pairs, of which eight pairs were still In It, In Dalston's pasture near ths tracks of the Great Western. It Is thought they may be part of the proceeds vt the robbery of freight cars in Mlss4 Valley. Two strangers giving the names of Tom Brown and George Lewis wers ar reeted shortly after in a Broadway restau rant and they, with Mike Kerns and Frank Bnyle, the two auppects arrested Satur day evening, will be tsken to Missouri Valley today. The shoes found yesterday were consigned to Hayward Bros, of Omaha. ATI-AI.OO LKAGI K 19 ACTIVE amber af Palplts Oeewpled hy Its Represeatatlres. Dr. I. N. Cosh, Dr. A. L. Frlsble an Attorney John M. Houser, representative of the Iowa Antl-saloon league, were In Council Bluffs yesterday and spoke at several churches on the work of the lea- gue. Dr. Friable spoke both morning and ; evening at the First Congregational I church. Mr. Houser. who is the legal rep- It had helped to make ths saloon men un easy because they had come to realise that they were encountering a force which means business and which has destroyed that sense of security the saloon men had felt In the past. It haa been the mean of disseminating literature through the state, haa held 912 meetings during the past year and bad helped to carry on 100 prosecu tions against saloon men who were violat ing the law against Joints, which had no pretense ef legality for their existence and operations and against druggists who were making use of their permits to convert their counters Into bars. It has afforded an opportunity for the affiliation Of all temperance people of all political parties and had been the means of encouraging temperance people by demonstrating that something could be done Xo check the liquor trade by concerted and persistent effort. Reference was mado to the "time limit" bill, which the league had succeeded In having passed by the recent legislature. This bill provides that permits shall be limited to five years, at the expiration of which new permits will havs to be ob tained. The passage of this bill, the speak ers said, had been responsible for the per sons who had proposed to erect a big brewery In Des Moines ' changing their minds, they fearing to Invest any large amount of money In such an enterprise with the uncertainty of obtaining a per mit at the expiration of five years. Aereasr. For Bale Ten acres, near car Una. Win sell half or alt; five acres In fruit: good roads; good land: no buildings; 1300 per acre; make a nice home. I write fire Insurance. Wallace Benjamin, Room L First Nat'l Bank .Bids. 203 office 'phone; Black 1444 Rea. 'phone. Lecture on Christian Sclewee. There will be a lecture on Christian Sci ence at New theater by Hon. Edward A. Kimball of Chicago, on Tuesday eve.. May 1, under the auspices of Second Church of Christ (Scientist) of Council Bluffs. Ad mission free. Investigate our cheap land proposition In eastern Colorado. IS per acre for raising all kinds of crops; good soil; best of water; delightful climate. Excursions first and third Tuesdays of each month. Send for printed matter. F. C. Lougee, 114 Mala street. Council Bluffs, la. "When In search of ."good things to eat don't overlook McAfee's bakery depart ment. Our line of bakery products is un limited and unsqualed. "Colonial and 20th Century" bread (two new ones) are meet lug with much favor and would tempt tba relate of the most exacting. tt pays to buy goods with a reputation and a history that mean "Van Brunt ve hicle!." Tou use one once and. you will here no other; enough said. Remember the place, 12 to 24 24th St. The Big Buggy House. Xw f'hurrh Organised. Rev. Marcus P. McClure and Rev. Har vey Hostetler, pastors of the First and 1 Second Presbyterian churches of this city respectively, organised a Presbyterian church at McClelland, Ia., yesterday after non. For the present the new congre gation will hold services In a hall, but expects to be able to erect a house of worship this summer. Rev. F. D. Haner, pastor of the Presbyterian church at Ne ola, will hold services Sunday afternoon st McClelland. The pastors from Council Bluffs were driven to McCelland and back by former Councilman L. A. Casper In his automobile and this caused Rev. Mr. Hostetler on hie return to remark that ha believed it was the first Presbyterian church to ba opened by an automobile. . , y . When In need of lumteer, brick, cement, plaster, lime, sand, rubberold and Amazon roofing. In fsct anything In building ma terial, go to George A. Hoagland. 724 8, Main St., where quality and prices are right Th Title Guaranty and Trust company, abstracters of titles. Books date back te 18&3. Books are all up to data. Work ac curate Jy and promptly done at lowest prices. Office opposite court house, 236 Pearl street. Council Bluffs, Ia. I say cheapest because I sell the best goods In the city for ths price I ask for them. Iron beds, mattings, goearts. tide boards, bookcases, buffets, dinner sets, lace curtains and house furnishings. D. W. Keller, 103 So. Main. Parties hsvlng houses for rent or sale, list them with Clifton-Walker Co. for quick action. Recent sales have greatly reduced our list and ws have customers waiting for Investments. If you prefer quality to quantity and absolute satisfaction to yourself, get Schmidt's photos. Always guaranteed to please. 'Phone 367; 403 Broadway. ' Garden rakes, 20c. 30c. 4sc, 5c each; gar den hoes, 20c up to 76c; garden spades from 40c up. Peterson ai Schoenlng company. Switches. Grave. lu Pearl St., has switches from $! up Call and see them. Cra op Oalckty Cnred. A few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy bring surprising results when a child shows symptoms of croup. There Is no cause for alarm when this medicine is In the house, as It rarely takes more than three or tour doses to bring about a com plete cure. It has never failed even In tbe most severe and dangerous cases and DO horns where there are small children can afford to ba without It. DIAMONDS Ed holm, lath and Harvey. Milwaukee As.emblya.an Aealted. MILWAUKEE. Wis.. April 22. -Assemblyman Fred II. Hurtling was today adjudged pot guilty or accepting a bribe by a Jury in the municipal court. Hartung was In. dieted by the last grand Jury charged with bribery In 1301 In connection with a county contract wheu be was a member of the board of eupervlsors. Other indictments art rmmliixs a aJul liartung, WORK FOR SUPREME COIRT Number of Appeals in Harder Oftieg Up for Hearing. r AMANA SOCIETY CASE ON THE DOCKET Cam ml as Has Big; Lead In Delegates So Fnr geleeted, kal Kane af Cnn ties In s Called "Reserva tlon" Hst Vet (elected. (From a Btait Correspondent.) DES MOINES, April 22. (8peclal.)-Bome of the most Important cases ever presented to the supreme court will be submitted at the May term of court, which opens May 3. Among the cases there are four murder esses, besides the case agalnxt the Aniana society, In which It Is sought to compel the society to incorporate. Among the murder cases Is the case of John Harden of Decatur county, charged wtlh the murder of W. E. Bracewell. They w-ere neighbors, and Bracewell's cattle got Into Hayden's field. Bracewell rode over on a horse to drive them out and Hayden shot him as he sat on the horse. Harden had served a term In the Kansas penitentiary before coming to Iowa. Another murder case comes from the same county and Is that against Charles "Woodard, charged with the murder of his wife, supposedly to get her life Insurance. The case of Millard Buck of Jasper county, who Is charged with murder and pleaded Insanity, will be sub mitted. Since his conviction he has been confined In the Insane ward of the peni tentiary. Another case Is that against WHUnm H. Moore of Muscatine county, who Is accused of having ridden a horse onto an old man who was attempting to aaslst htm in capturing a loose horse In the streets. Still another Is the famous Blydenburg case from Hardin county on a petition for a re hearing. He Is accused of wife murder. There are two murder cases from Tolk county, one the Charles Thomas case, on the charge- of 1 murdering Mabel Scoffield, and the case against Neal Matthews, a negro, who ia accused of a double murder. All seven- men are under sentence of life Imprisonment. Among other important cases to be sub mitted are those against the Amana society, a religious organisation, owning several sections of land and a number of villages and millions of property In Iowa county. The society has escaped taxation on the ground of being a religious society and taxpayers have brought suit to force the society to incorporate or disband. The society won In the lower court. The case against Day Dunning bt Ring gold county, charged with receiving de posits when his bank was Insolvent, and the case of Shaw against the city council of Marshalltown, Involving the soldier's preference law, on an application for a re hearing, will also be submitted. Cannulas Lends In Delegates. Conventions of the republican party In a number of the most Important counties of ths state will be held this week as follows: Monday, April 23 Cerro Gordo conven tion, Carroll convention. Tuesday. April 24 Monona convention. Jasper convention for district and congres sional delegates only. Wednesday, April 2;V Dubuque convention. Thursday, April SU Ringgold primaries, Howard convention, Ida caucuses, Guthrie convention. Buturdav. April 2--Deiwaro convention Butler primaries, Wright - primaries, Ida convention. Up to Saturday night caucuses and con ventions ha dbeen held In twenty-four of the ninety-nine counties of the state, re suiting as follows: Delegates. Counties. Caihoun Cerro Gordo.. Clay Carroll .' Crawford .... Dickinson .... Emmet Fayette Floyd r. Greene Guthrie Hamilton .... Hancock Koeeuth M ad I son Marshall Mitchell Monona Osceola Palo Alto .... Pocshontas .. Taylor Sac Woodbury ... Cummins. Perkins, ....... 13 17 I Xi 7 10 21 13 14 15 17 12 Iti 14 22 12 12 11 11 ... 14 Totals 269 Firemen's Tournament. The big feature of the the state fire men's turnament at Clinton, June 18 to 22, this year will be a race between the champion fire teams of Iowa and Illinois, Lincoln now holds the championship fire team of Illinois and Des - Moines the championship team of Iowa. The Illinois tournament ' will be held before that In Iowa, and the race will be on the last day ef the Iowa tournament between the championship teams of this year. Jack and Jack, the champions of the Iowa tournament, will be in the race again this year. Clinton has organised an as soclatlon for the purpose of taking care of the tournament with prominent busi ness men filling the offices. It Is under stood among the firemen that Council Bluffs will not only attend with Its famous team Midnight and Dynamite, but will havs a second team. There Is considerable mystery as to this second team and some of the departments in other cities have the Impression that the team Is decidedly fast and likely to prove winners. May Be Mastered On. General Thrift' hss Issued an- order serv lng notice on the First Signal Corps com pany of the National Guard, located In In this city, that unlesa there Is a marked Improvement In the company's work at ones the company -will be mustered out. Under the new methods of the depart men companies are rated as excellent, very good, good, fair snd subject to muster out and the old method of rating com panics by per cent has been abandoned. The Flr.t Signal company of this city served In the Philippines. FIRE RECORD. Ke.tdenee at Adams. ADAMS. Neb., April 22. (Specla!.)-The residence of M. J. Klllen on Main street was damaged by firs ft. 1 o'clock this morning while the family was at church The furniture was destroyed and the wood work of the Interior of the house badly scorched. Willing hands with buckets and fire extinguishers smothered the flames The furniture was fully nsured - ml the house psrtly Insured. The flie caught from the kitchen stove. Hotel at t'aencr. CASPER. Wyo.,' April 22.-t8pclal Tele gram.V Fire was discovered hi the Grand Central hotel this morning about 1 o'clock The explosion of a can of floor oil on a stove in the bar room cuused the fire. The fire department responded to the alarm and did good work In checking the flames In a few minutes. The damage was about 3v00 and Is covered by Insurance. Cfcnreh at lawn City. IOWA CITY, la., April 22 -(.Special Tele tarn.) lbs Methodist tbjicti was d 911 atroyed here this morning. The lose Is divided between the Heme of New Tork with $8,500 and the Hartford of Hartford with $3,000. PICKETING BILL NOT LIKED One Man Raters strong; Objection to Fropoaed Un Asked by Vnlons. LONDON, April 21. t8pedl Cablegram to The Bee.) A lively controversy Is going on between men like Sir Oeorge Llvesey, chairman of the South Metropolitan Gas company, and Sir Godfrey Luihlngton and the representatives of the trade unions on the subject of the new trade union legisla tion. Sir George Llvesey declares that the picketing section of the new legislation Is outrsgeous and on ths face of It an ab surdity. "I have said this." contlnued81r George, and I shall repeat, if they want to give or receive Information or peecefully per suade, let them be content with sending one or two men outside the gates of the prem ises where the strike Is on and not be al lowed to attend In any large body outside any man's house. To talk of attending In large numbers outside any man's house, to glva or receive Informstion or peacefully persuade Is nonsense. The attendance of a large body of men at such a place can only be for one purpose Intimidation of the man, his wife and children. That Is ths worst and most cowardly part of the picketing system." Sir Godfrey Lushlngton. in an interview. said: "Does the House of Commons know the real meaning of Mr. Hudson's bill on trades union dlsputsT Does It realise the effect of the following clause: 'An action shall not be brought against a trade union or' other association aforesaid for the re covery of damago by any person of persons by reason of the action of a member or members of such trade union Or other trade union aforesaid?' 'To. my, mind that Is as If a trade union dynamited Its adversaries, expelled them by violence, burned down a mill, wrecked a train the funds of the union perhaps the very funds by means of which the outrage has been committed it is as If all these things shajl be exempt from liability to make reparation. Collective liability being thus excluded and Individual liability in the case of workmen being nominal only. It ap pears as though trades unions shall, so far as civil remedies are concerned, be licensed to commit any crime whatsoever." Last Saprema Effort. In a last supreme effort to cure Consti pation, Biliousness, etc., tske Dr. King's New Life Fills. 25 cents. For sale by Sherman tt McConnell Drug Co. When you have anything to trade, ad vertise It In the "For Exchange" column on The Bee want ad page. SEASONABLE FASHIONS. NOS. ' W75-M64-A elMFLE 6HIRT WAIST DRESS. The woman who haa household duties or business to attend to during the morning Is always glad of a simple gown which Is easily made and tubbed. Here la just ths thing for such a dress and suitable to duck, linen, percale or lawn, as well as a light wool or taffetas. It consists of a shirt waist which escapes absolute plainness only by Its thise tucks on the shoulder In front, which provide a modish fullness. The skirt is a new seven-gored one which fits smoothly over the hips and has a full rip ple about the lower edge. The Idea of trim ming suggested In the drawing might be followed, using the plain material in bands about the lower edge. A collar and belt of silk would add to Its attractiveness. In the medium site the pattern ealls for 10tt yards of Ss-liu h material. No. 47S-61ses, JJ to 44 Inches, bust meas ure. No. 4M-Sises. to 32 Inches waist. Ths price of these patterns la 10 cent A but either win be sent upon receipt of 10 cents. For the accommodation of readers of The Bea these pelterns, which ususlly retail at 'from 15 to to cents esch, will be furnished at the nominal pries of 10 cents. A supply Is now kept at our office, so those who wish any pattern can get It either by call ing or enclosing 10 cants, addrasssd "Pat- Ltcrn uepsrtment, Omaha See, Omaha, Nee is the foundation nnd the principal essential for a reAlly good beer. The King of Bottled Beers is brewed from the choicest Barley-Malt obtainable, in combination with Select Hops and Special quality Yeast. In consequence it has the exquisite taste, the mellowness and the delicious flavor which can be found in no other Beer. Radwelser Is brewed gnd bottled t the Home Plant oi the Anheuser-Busch Brewlntf St. Louis. U. S. A. GEO. KRUG, Manager. Anheuser-Busch Branch, Omaha. Because It's the Richest, This Is the World's Cheapest Land Not the cheapest price per acre, though that's low. But so rich that it raises the best and largest crops per acre and almost any kind of crop. Read Uncle Sam's agricultural report on the end less fertility of SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY CALIFORNIA Crops and price considered, it's the cheapest land in the world. Go yourself, see the land, what it raises, Talk to the people. See their prosperity. You can gee more in less time via the UNION PACIFIC because there's more to see, and you eave both time and money. For full Information inquire t UTV TICKET OFFICE, 1824 FARXAM ST. Thone Douglas 834. igtsBSDI n IjDD NICHT CHICAGO TRAIN Number 12 - TAKE DINNER AT HOME. leaves Omaha ."..SiOS p. m. arrives Chicago.. 9:03 a. m. DAY CHICAGO TRAIN ' Number G leaves Omaha ......7:25 a. m. arrives Chicago ...8:45 p. m. AFTERNOON CHICAGO TRAIN Number 2 leaves Omaha. .......3:45 p. m, arrives Chicago ...7:00 a. m. Tickets, berths, folders, rates and information at City Ticket Office. 1502 Farnam 6t. it it it it it it a J FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair Todar ia Nebraska, Warmtr la East PaMIob Showrrs a Cooler Tsalght or Tomorrow. WASHINGTON, April 22.-Foroast of th weather for Monday and Tuesday: For Nebraska and South Dakota Fair Monday, warmer In east portion; showers and cooler at night or Tuesday. For lows Fair and warmer Mmiduy; Tuesday fair. For Missouri Fair and warmer Monday; Tuesday fair, warmer In east portion. For Ksr.sss Fair Monday and Tuesday. For Wyoming Fair In east, showers and cooler In west portion Monday; Tuesdsy fair, cooler In east portion! For Cslorado Fair Monday, cooler In west portion; Tuesday fair, cooler In eat portion. Coral Heevrg. OFriCIi OF TUB WEATHER Bl'RKAl, OMAHA, April 22 Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the lust thtec years: 11. 1.. lf. 1.. Mftkirnum temperature M U I: 14 Minimum temperature.... 4H 42 40 41 Man tumperature M bt bt U Precipitation Oi .flu .91 .D Temperature and precipitation departurs from the normal at Omaha since March 1, and comrl(Kins with, the last two yeara: Normal temperature.. 64 , 0 1S1 li inch Ieparturi for th day Total deficiency since March 1... Normal preclpftstlon Deficiency for the day Precipitation since March I Deficiency since March 1 Deficiency for cor. period In 1. Deficiency for cor. period In 19o4. Reports from Statloas at . .It Inc h .1.44 Inches . tl Inch . . .U Inch . .46 Inch r r. m. Station and State Tui.ip. Mas. of Weather. 7 p. m. Temp. Rain fall I.lsmarck. cleitr 4 i .00 Cheyenne, clear 10 "4 ,v0 Chicago, clear 8 44 .110 Iwvenuort, clear 64 M ,im Denver, clear 7 71 .01 Havre, cloudy ,...M Vi .00 Helena, cloudy 74 h4 k) Huron, clear Si! .Hi Koiishs City, clear. 6:' tC North Flstte, clear 7k It; .14 Omaha, clear 1 tM . Kapld City, clear 72 7 in Bt. Iuls, clear 54 .() 8t. Paul. Clear M U .'J Bait Dak City, cloudy 74 7l T Valentine, clear ,...7 II 4 Wllllston. clear TS 74 . 'f Indicate trace of precipitation. i A- UaXaUI. JLabai fcakar. A t"VW, ODly Assn Csrsed er Ms Gassed We Cure Hen 2nd Men Only PAY UO FOR CURED Our acoeptanos of a case is equivalent to a curs, for w never accept Incura ble esses. Csnsult us. OCR ADVICB IS fREiB. For years ws have special ised en ths aliments of men. Our methods are distinctly original and up to dat. Where other physlolans ar baffled and fall ws curs, and cur quickly. First Wi Cin Yov Then Yoi Pay Us Tour case Is urgent w ar willing to wait until you ar cured for th few dollars w chsrge for our service. Could ws afford to do this tt our cures were slow or doubtful? Let Tb!i Atfvsrtlsemsnt Ba Your Golds It has been our message to thousands It has been their first step towards health it Is our mesaags to you. Th Only t)gaet W Treat We saeeesafBllr treat Weakoesa, rartlal or Comg-Ut Loss. Lack of Pwr aa gtrBa-tfc, Diseases of th Kldaeys, Blooal rioaoa, Itkes. matlsm. Varicocele, Coaetrletlom, I'rlao, gala Plaeas. Flics, fls. KortuVtsters Mellcil & Surgical lost. NerthwStt Car. 1tl Paraam Omasa. Nek' sshs m sjr" ftrA - , i THAT HAPPY LOOK trill appear If you us th proper rem. edies to clear your system of Impurities. Ul DR. WIITMAL't OCNNA LIVER PILLO TKI "ILL WITHOUT A PAIN BHKRMAN A lfoOOKKELIj t)RUO CO. 159 fill HJA. 10& (90f IVl. 1