THE OMAHA DAILY HEK: MONDAY, APltlL St, I !!. cro streets nor'h of It tn Fsmsm. both MB. bet wn Tenth and Slxeenth street. Lynn A Hon s.pree company. Unit II -Wnteenth. lull rtln. from Talley to Fsrnatn. Lyons A Bonn Express omttiy. flout No. 11-Valley and rrs itrti rtwen It sod Center, both sides, between Hlteenth atrret and Fsrk avenue. W. W. Mai. r.outP No. IS Walnut and Croup mwti l,rtwen It ni) Harney, both sld"S, "Is-t-enth to Perk avenue. Lyons A Bom Enrres company. rtoute No. I--West of Park avenue, rrwp streets Valley to Center, both hides. ! HUI foul company. Route No, 1A- West of Park avenue, Wal imt to IKrn'v, crops streets on both aide, .lohn O'Kefe. Root No. l--Fainam. both aid, For tieth to !! kail. Bralljr A Dorrance. Riirte N. 17 Seward to Isard, Forty seventh to TMrty-thlrd. both aldea of etreet. F.pre-men'B Delivery company. Riuta No. ltu Sewsrd to Isard. Thirty third to Sixteenth, both aides of street. t)nalia Oss company. . Rout No. is nnuglaa to Cumin. Thlrty fhlrd to Sixteenth, both sides. Omaha Gai company. Ftrtu' Ko Jffc-Seward to Blnny. Forty seventh to Thirty-third, both sides. John UKftH, Route, No. II t niilrard avenue to Ames, Thirty-sixth to Twenty-fourth. Coal Hill Coal company. ' ... Kouta No. 22 Central Park and Mon mouth Park districts, and Fort street to Amoa svnu, Twentieth to Thirtieth. Jj. Bruce.' ' ' ' Rout No. Rlnnejr to Amea, Twenty fourth to Sixteenth. United Btatea Ex press company. . Route No. 24 Twenty-fourth Ptreet. Fort to Cuming, both pldea. Coal Hill Coal company. . ' R.nii KTn. "A-Park avenue, both sines. from Hanscom Park to rarnam. ionn OKefe. Route No. 2 Twentieth ptreet. from I-ako to Farnm. MoCauley Express com- '"lloute No. 27-Seward to Blnney, Thirty third to Sixteenth.. both aldea. Omaha Oas company. Mayor Ilmmaa on Hand. Mayor Zlmman waa preaent at relief headquarters nearly all afternoon. While the relief committee held no meeting yes terday, the mayor waa anxious to do what ha could In the T.-ork and managed to get himself looking very duaty and tired as niptlng Superintendent Morris at th city ball. On of the donations that seems to fit the latest appeals from San Francisco waa mad by 8t. Joseph s hospital In the shap of three large packages of absorbent! cotton, lint and gausa for dressing wound. Announcement was mada yeaterday to the mayor that the Kolb A Dill company In "I. O. LV will give a special matinee nt the Krug theater Tueeday afternoon, the entire proceeds to go to th local re lief fund. The organisation Is a California one and most of Ita members hall from that state. Collected on subscription Hat No. 13, Robert O. Fink chairman, Hon. lie S Estelle and Frank Bandle members of com mittee: Atorx Brewing company t too W. I. Redlok Robert O. Fink 15 William O. Vr. 15 Mrs. 1 B. Estelle and children 10 E. d. Solomon , 10 .Txmes Walsh 10 Herman Beal 10 Fred Brunlng.. 10 WeatUch Press Publishing company R Frank Bandle 6 A. U flutton .'.t 6 J. W.- McDonald 5 V. A. Bmadwell t H. D. Reed t H. M. Sadler A Bon 5 Frank Dewey , 5 M. J. Kennard E P. J. Tralnor....i i Charles Leslie t W. W. 8labaih R A. C. Troup R Howard Kennedy t Employes of th court house S7 Total t 432 Omaha's iabscrlptloa List. Guy C." Barton .15.000 . . l.uou . as . sou . 600 Ueorge A. Joslyn. I'nlon Stock Yards Co Travelers' Protective association First National bank Merchants' National bank oinuha National bank J. A. CrclRhton Mrs. B.- Y."i NaPhrU.w. .' -. l-ee-Gln-s-Andif -en .'Met Bros Paxton A Gallagher Krug Brewing Co....; , M. K. Binlth A Co... Alle.i Bros Omaha Lodga of Blks Cssh Wright A Wllhelmy .company Thomas Kllpatrick company , ' Rome Miller fit lins of Nellgh. Neb Omaha Firemen Ht. Peters school children.... Kaywnrd Bros, Shoe Co WlillKm O. Maul People's etora Ricunrd Scannell T. J. Mahoney , J. M. llitchooc.k. H. T. Clarke , Mi Shane Lumber Co V. A. Nah .1 Ij. Brandels A Sons , Omuha He Siuiilitrlsnd Bros., P. E. Iler Mnlnger A Metcslf orchard A Wllhelm ("aluoiot Coffee House lron Reed Co Richardson Drug Co Chicago Lumber Co Nebraska Funeral Director asaocli Hon ..... Omaha Policemen ... K A. Benson National Association Stationary Eng Payne Investment Co Oscar Harer Oeorge A Co 1'. 8. Supply company Crane company Parlin, Orrndorff A Martin CUIariia of Pender, Neb M. Hplcabcrgor ('. L. Ooodrlch J. K. Rue Oeorge Tlldrn A. M. C'olaneii J. W. Ralph H. H. Italdrlge omuha Stove Repair Works W. Mlchaelson Triangle Loilae., K. T. Ransom Friend Klopp A Hartlett Jtees I'rlntlng Co A. t. Root , National Printing company Rurkley Printing company VV. L. Coakley . SU0 . SO") . 500 . -A) . 2?0 .' HA . 2S0 . 160 . . 2W) . 300 . ax) . 200 . l-O . 126 . 121 . lul . 1"0 . 10 . 100 . 100 . 110 . 100 . luO ,. Ii0 . 100 ,. 100 . 1o0 ,. 100 .. 1"0 ,. 100 . 1( ) .. 100 100 , . 1 . loo . 100 w .. 75 .. tiO .. so .. 60 .. 60 50 .. 60 42 .. 26 .. 2S .. 25 2o 25 .. '.IS .. 25 .. 25 . '-' .. a .. 28 HARD TO DKOP But Many Drop It. A yuiing CalKurniA wife talks about cof fee. "it Kti hard to drop Mocha and Java and gtv Post urn Food Coffee a trial, but my nervv were so shattered that I waa a netvoui wreck, and. Ot course, l hut means all kind of ails. "Al fliat I thought bicycle riding cauaed It, and I gave It up, but my condition re mained unchanged. I did not want to ac knowledge coffe caused the trouble, for I was vtry- fond ot It. At that time a friend cam to- liv with us, and I noticed that after h had been with ua a week he would tot drink his coffe any more. I asked him the res son. He. replied: I have not bad a headache sine 1 left off drinking coffee ome mo whs ago till last week, when I lgan stain, bere at your tubl. I don't se, how anyon can Ilk codec, anvaay, after grlnklng Postum.' " said nothing, but at once ordered a package t Postum. Tnt was flv months ugo. tnd w hav drank no other coffe wince, except on two occasions, when w had company, and the result each time was that my husband could not sleep, but lay awake and tossed and talked halt the night. W -weire convinced that coffe caused his suffering, so h returned to Poatunv Food Coffee, convinced that the old kind waa an enemy instead of a friend, and h 1 troubled no mors by Insomnia. ' 1, myself, have gained tight pounds in weight, and my , nerves hav ceased to quiver. It seems o easy now to quit die uld eoff that caus4 aur aches end alls and tak up Postum." Nam given by Poatum Co., Battl treek. Mich. There a res a an. Rd th littl book, "Tta itoad to Weil 'U,"'ln pkga. ' ' R. C. Petera Co.'. xS W. F. Smith A Co. A. F. Smith A Co W. J C. Kenvon W. M. Davidson Caali D. J. O Rrlen Co XV. O. Ollbert Cash Omaha Printing Co R. P and E O. Hamilton Ir. R. S. Hoffman Beatrice Creamery company. Cash W. L. Slly Rev. J. W. Btenaon W. H. Green Harrison A Morton Thornup Rrrnnsn Fttsrerald Irmody . Omrt 1.. MHIt Ruseoii Rrokrrage company. W. F. Shdton C C. Stebhlns Frers A O Flyng Co....;........... Freight Claim Offlc. C, B. A Q. Ry... Charles Rose water. M. D Onsh Cash J. J. Derlght rantorlum H. W. McClanshan Rer. P. J. Judge John W. Robblns .T. Iiei s Bohemian Independent Order of For- ester. No. tt0 If. B. Davis A. XV. Kingman H. P. Deuel N. B. Smith Hall Distributer company , Payne, Bostwlck Co The Putnam Co Cash R. A. I-enhard Hans Kruse Haptlngs A Heyden Garvin Prop. Feeiner Printing Co McCoy A Co F. L. Campbell XV. F. Gurley Carl F.ngeliander Caah 3. F. Burgepa .... D. P. Marsh Charles Btora NattlnreT & Olsen '. J. M. Baldrige John Dal . Cash Cramer A Chandler I. A. Medlar A Co Datiglae Printing company.... A. L. I'ndeland W. B. Hood H. Heyn Cash t O. Tremalne . Cash C. E. Town 1. C. Hoohle C. R. : Rauperman A. B. Acherman Fl A. Mason Cash I.. O. Hicks Shimer A Chase Co J. B. Dtimont B. W. Ball New Snow-Church Co XV. H. Gates Philip Potter Co S. M. Bemros T. C. Marsh J. L. Harrington F. M. Tremalne Dr. L. 8. Miller Cash .' O. P. Morrell R. H. LanderVou .1. A. C. Kennedy Cssh Cash O. W. Tanner Cash Cash v... Cash A. Schaefcr Grata Men's Donations. Thla is th list of cash contributions to the relief fund thus far by th Omalla grain men: V. S. National bank .' $600 G. W. Wattles 100 Omaha Klevator company 260 Transmlsslsslppi Grain company, by E. P. Peck, manager 100 t'pdike Grain company 100 Merrlam A Holmqulat Co 100 S. Henman 100 F. D. Day Grain company R0 Bartlett-Frailer CO 60 XV. C. Bundorland 16 Exchange Grain company 26 J. H. Hamilton Co J5 E. E. Huntley 25 Rudolf Beal In J. F. Twomley A Bon '. 25 A. H. Merchant 5 Thomas Baker ' 6 rionrre M. I.vona.' ' 6 Nebraska and Iowa Elevator Co..... 5 Hynes Grain company SO J. Da via '1 Soath Omaha List. Following Is the Hat of subscriptions mad by the people of Bouth Omaha In aid of th sufferesa nt San Francisco and other cltie: t'nlon Stock Tarda company (sent direct) Il.oor.oo Boutb Omaha IJve Btock exchange.. 1.000.00 Commission firms and Individuals , doing business at the Llv Btock exchange, aa follows: National Live Stock Commission Co. 26.00 Great Western Commission Co....... 25.00 Nye A Buchanan 25.00 Nebraska Live Stock Co 2. 00 George Smith 25.00 Frailer-Johnson Co 35.00 Rosenbaum Bros. A Co 2S. Rice Bros 2S.00 Thomas B. Mcpherson ' 15. 00 Joseph E. Bowes 6.00 The Journal-Stockman Co 25.00 Cox-Jones Commission Co., W. IL Jones 25.00 Cash J. 00 W. F. Denny A Co 2S.00 Joseph Bliss '. 6.00 Laverty Bros 28.00 Williams A Sons 6.00 O. K. Taddock .. BOO J. W. Lattln .t John Smith 10.00 I'nlon Rendering and Refining Co., per A. M. Hayes P R. Hlhbard Ralston A Fonda. y John Ralston.. George E. Woodif Omaha Live Stuck Commission Co.. Evana-Snider-Uuel Co., by L. Cbllds Employea of Clay, Robinson A Co.. ?5.00 100. 00 10.(O 2.00 25.00 28.00 11.00 28 00 15.00 15 00 26.00 W.oo 10. fO 10.00 10.(0 25.00 26.00 2.00 10.00 10.00 2.00 10.00 10.00 60.00 10.00 lo.oo ingg tiros., by w. H. iagg Clay, Robinson A Co... Iowa Commission Co George Adam A Frederick Co F. Chittenden Winn Bros., R. A Co George Burke Co ; E. Melady Martin Broa. A Co Roberta Bros J. F. Glllett . Clifton A Son Draper Smith George Jonle S V. Acker XV. C. Fleury , M. C. Peters J. L. Paxton :. Parkhurst A Hopper Employes of Armour A Co.' South Oinaha plant, independent of sub scription niade by Armour A Co.. T'nlon Stock Yarda National bank... Packers National bank Bouth Omaha National bank Otflcers and clerks of Packer Na tional bank Officers and clerks of Bouth Omaha National bank List of subscriptions obtained by Cressey A Wheeler List of subscriptions -tSbtained by .Revs. J. Ahern and Kopieta l"0.2 200.00 3.00 20U 00 60.00 i!oo 21.26 M.S5 Total.. 64.651.86 MKIt AJ.K HKPHKETS ROOSEVELT seeretary u I Cam mere as! La bar Retaraa t Hla Mam. Victor Metcslf, secretary of Commerce and Labor, passed through Omahk Sunday morning on th Overland Limited en rout to San Francisco aa th personal repre sentative of Preaident Roosevelt and also as representative of the government. H occupied a stateroom in on of th regular sleepers, but had not arisen when th train left Omaha. Mr. Metcalf was accompanied by his private secretary and had as traveling companion from Washington C. XV. Dorr, vie president and. general oounsel of th Alaska rackers' association of Ban Fran Cisco, and Frank N. Heney. Mr. Metcalf lestdes In Oakland, but hi wife was with hm tn Waahlngton. He re ceived a message from his son in San Francisco saying he was safe. ARt llRIMtor RETI Rtl TO W EST Hlordaa liar Bark la Help (athaltea I sitr Mtm. Archbishop Riordan of San Francisco waa on the westbound Overland Limited Sunday morning. He 'was n - rout to Washington an Baltimore, when th newt nt tht disaster eaused him to turn around and return to San Fraaciaco, where h says h will be needeu to asit In rebuilding some of the many Catholic Institutions wK- were swept saay by the flic- BLACKBURN SEES IIAYERLY Omaha Lawer Return! from California - "With Report of Oonntj Clerk's Safety. SAW MRS. METZ AND DAUGHTER IN SOUTH ay F.atlmatea of Mi Franelaee) Loss of Life Are Greatly F.maa- Itle Last Heavily. T. W. Blackburn, the attorney, returned yesterday afternoon from the raclflo roast. He left Los Angeles Tuesday even ing via the coast line en rout to San Francisco, expecting to pnd Wednes day In th metropolis. His train was a trifle late and had Just passed through the series of tunnels below Sallna and had arived at that station at 1:13 a. m., th moment the earthauake shock oc curred. Mr. Blackburn slept through tlie dis turbance, however, and had ho knowledge of th fact until about breakfast time. Th train crept slowly northward to Pajaro, the Junction station for Watson Vllle. Paspengera noticed that all the chimney of the ranch houee on either side th railroad 'had toppled over, but had no Idea that any particular destruc tion of property beyond this had resulted from the shakeup. ' "At Pajaro the railway people Informed passengers that ten freight car were In the ditch a few mile out and five hour' delay would b experienced," said Mr. Blackburn. "Many went over to Watson, vllle, a city of 6.000 or more, among them myself. The brick buildings showed con siderable damage and the wagon bridge acros the Pajaro river had been shaken out of plumb. The approachea wer sunken and otherwise disturbed. Great cracks In the surface of the ground made the bridge Impassable for teams. No live were lost and no serious injury waa sus tained to the residents, though It will take many thousand dollars to repair the dam age to property. Train Detataed Thirty Hoar. "Our train was detained thirty hours, and then by transferring afoot over a high railroad bridge on Wednesday aft ernoon the belated Los Angeles passen gers got first to Gllroy, then to San Jose, and a few of ua were able to get standing room In train running to Nlles, Tracy, Oakland and Stockton. At Tracy I boarded the Overland No. 6, two hour late, and came on without material Inconvenience or delay home. "At th railroad bridge there were evi dences ot the earthquake; twisted rails, sunken piers and shifting hillsides. Hill two hundred feet In elevation showed cracks from' foot to summit i and great areas of the surface moved down to cover railway and wagon roads. At Gllroy every brick building was wrecked more or less nnd many frame buildings were dam aged. A sohool house was practically ruined. Plat glass and large window panes were generally dcstroed and brick chimneys were toppled over In every part of the country from Salinas to eacramentn. "Ban Jose, a beautiful city of 30.000 peo ple, waa sadly demoralised. People had slept In the open air Wednesday night. Business was practically suspended. Th state militia wis camped in the park and the handsome buildings, public and private, where of stone dr brick, without exception were badly damaged. Fifty lives were lost, particularly In the large brick hotels. which caved In or collapsed. The people wen not yet recovered from their fright and were fr tn0 most part outside their homes and place of business, still afraid to -esuma occupation of h6ushold Voca tions. ...' 5 " : Peopl Look for Friends. "On the trains leading towards Oakland for' none were permitted to enter San Fran ciscohundreds of anxious people hastened to pee what could be learned ot friends and on those coming away from the stricken city thousands crowded every Inch of space, fleeing from ruin, want, fire and lndcrlbahle horrors "Those of us' who had been delayed at Pajaro learned little of the actual truth until we reached San Jose.- The wires were down and only the wildest rumors reached us In our Isolated valley station. The worst came with the extra newspapers when we reached the little city. At Tracy, where I waited for my train until 10 p. m Thursday night, although seventy-five miles from San Francisco, the red sky showed the fire on Nob Hill and close to the horlion the furnace of flame was die tlnctly visible. "The train brought scorea and hundreds ot tourists hastening home, fleeing from the horrors ot Wednesday and Thursday. Women, children and men from the hotels of San Francisco, with nothing left of their possessions excepting what clothing and valuablea they carried on their persons from their desperately dangerous lodging places, filled two sections of the train. One little lady In my cur, with a child, of 6 years, escaped from the Occidental hotel In her night dress with bedroom slippers and such garments for herself and child aa she could grab In her Imste to reach safety. The plastering of her sleeping room Ml upon her bed and cut a guah In her forehead. . All day Wednesday she and her child sought safety. All night Wednes day night she and her little one were out of house and home. Finally, by making a long detour, she succeeded In crossing th bay to Alameda and by almost super human exertion Anally got a berth in the Bleeping car and came on homo a nervoua wreck from the awful experience of two days and a night. Her case is one of thousands, for the city waa full of eastern people making their last visits In San Fran cisco before Journeying homeward. - An elderly clergyman, shaken by the earthquake out of hla bedroom In the St. Francis, returned later assured that the splendid new hotel was safe from fire, only to b roused at 11 p. m. with the startling intelligence that the beautiful steel and brick structure waa doomed. He then went to high ground and took a room in fancied safety, when at i . m. the alarm of fire was again raised and he saw his aecond lodging place destroyed.- To a third hotel still farther from the seething flames he made hla way and In two hours the troop ordered residents and visitors to move hack toward the faraway Presidio, and thia third hotel was licked up by the Insatlat demon of flame. By and by tho aged clergyman got to Berkeley by ferry and caught th train for his eastern domicile. Ha Kaa at Incidents. "I could fill your newspaper with Inci dent related to my fellnw-passengar who passed through the earthquake and fir. Th stories as given out by the press, so far aa San Francisco la concerned, ar not tmi;!i exaggerated. Indeed, exaggeration would add nothing to the terrlbl truth. The smaller cities suffered much loss r.f property from Salinas to Santa Rosa, though aa far aa known when I ram away there wer comparatively few live sacri ficed, excepting at San Jose, Agnews and Santa Rosa. Th greater calamity at tho metropolis overshadows th Incident ot the smaller towns, though tb loss of life and property at San Jos alone ex reeds that at Charleston, 8. C. "The Indomitable courage of the stricken people anJ their marvelous fortitude ax cite th admiration of all. Ban Francisco depolated waa not a city of walling and weeping. Out at Golden Gat park and all over tb hills toe1 peopl looked upon the ; 'awful speviacl with .dry eyes and the common people, as well as the leading business men. who knew that their po sepplonp. small or great, were either gone or In Immediate danger, had the courage to say to each other and the guest of the terrible day and night that In five years San Francleco should be greater and mora beautiful than rer. "At San Jose two real estate firms tacked to their shattered plate glass windows above the dehrl of ruined offices, "We Will buy any property offered t less thsn former prices." At Watsonvllle I person ally saw the president and cashier o the Pajaro Valley bank opon th doors of that broken building promptly at 10 a. m. Wed nenday, though at the time workmen were bracing the cracked structure to prevent- coping and ornamental cnrnlc work rem tumbling Into the street and this In face of the prediction thst two more shocks could be expected during the day, both of which were experienced. Oakland Goes to Work. "The cltixens of Oakland. With every brick building more or less damaged, but with small loss of life, turned immediately from their own troubles to organise relief for the hurrying thousands crowding Into the once beautiful residence city of San Fran cisco bay. Words fall nle to express my admiration for th splendid work of public officials, the military and naval authori ties and the Individual cltisenshlp of this empire slate. Loa Angeles, 600 miles away, untouched by th earthquake, within six hours had relief work In progress and a delegation n route to Ban Francisco au thorised to tender and render all assistance possible In a situation of which no definite Information could be obtained. All of this California spirit waa buttressed and rein forced by the prompt response of President Roosevelt, congress and the country at large. It ia a tremendous price to pay, but barring the loss of Ufa and th misery which th catastrophe entails upon human beings. It I worth th money to see and know that America, Americans and Cali fornia Americans ar built of tha stuff that wins in spite of cataclysms, and unite as on family not only In a common mourning for thoe whose lives ar taken, but Join hands as brethren in rehabilitating and renewing the lafld visited by desolation." Good Jews for Omahans. Mr. Blackburn brought the first word that has come of County Clerk D. M. Haverly. He saw him at Watsonvllle through a car window thouab he Aid not get to speak to him. Mr. Haverly looked well, he said. Mrs. Fred Metx and daughter he saw at Loa Angeles. They told him they were going to Ban Francisco and would stop at the Hamilton hotel,- but expected to come home aoon by way of Portland. The Hamil ton waa destroyed, but Mr. Blackburn thinks perhaps the Omaha women had left Ban Francisco In time to escape the wreck. Mr. Blackburn also thinks Miss Clara Thomas did not reach SarT Francisco before th earthquake. Bh was to have left Santa Barbara the night before. Ho was on the train she waa to have taken and as the train was delayed In one place thirty hours he had opportunity of seeing everybody on It. He did not see Miss Thomas. MORE StRVIVORS COME EAST One Man Who Saw Great City Hnll . Go Down. C. B. Conaway of Fatrmount, W. Va brother of A. L. Conaway of Omaha, went through on Union Paclfto train No. 6 Bun day afternoon. He waa at the Argyle hotel In Ban Francisco during the earthquake and saw th city hall fall. He declares that not less than 5,000 people were killed. Mr. Conaway and his Omaha brother were In old Mexico together recently, and they parted a week ago, one to return to Omaha and the, other to, visit Ban Francisco before going oast. '..''," C M. Emmons1ojf Pittsburg. Pa.,"" aatd when th shock came the flrst thlnw he thought of was to get picturea for the home papers. He rushed to the window and took-a snsp shot ot the falling build ings. Later In the day he spent two hours taking pictures of yawning cracks In the earth, ' burning buildings and pile of corpses. He Is carrying the plates with him to Pittsburg and would not leave any In Omaha at any price. E. E. Benger ct San Francisco was an other on the train'. He owned a restaurant on Geary street and lost everything but his clothes. He borrowed money to get to New Tork, where, he has relatives. Mr. Benger waa on the seventh floor of the Elysium hotel when the shock came. He said the building swayed like a ship and the bed waa thrown from one aide of the room to the other. His cousin, T. A. Werta, was with' him, also bound for. New Tork. HELP OF THE SALVATIOK ARMY General Booth Glvea Thousand nnn Wa-rkera Will Collect. Major Galley, head of the Salvation Army tn this city, has received word from head quarters that General William Booth has telegraphed from London for the benefit ot th sufferers In Ban Francisco. Commander Eva Booth. In charge of the army In this country, has issued order to' ajl corps In th United States to spend th next three days In soliciting funds for th sufferer. Relief headquarters have already been opened in Oakland and alt supplies will le sent there for the pres ent. - ' . I Mian Pnelno Relief Train. The following supplies for relief of San Francisco sufferers were moved over th Union Faclflo railroad yesterday: On car provisions, Omaha. Two cars packing lious products on casterp contribution orders, Omaha. Oner car cracker on eastern . contribu tion orders, Omaha. One carload of flour, Cheyenne. On car provisions and clothing, Chey enne and Larainl. On car provision. Haatings, Neb. On car provisions, delivered from Kan sas points via Hastings and Grand Island. Two cars flour, Manhattan, Kan. One car flour, Minneapolis, Kan. Two cars flour, Mallna, Kan. On car flour, Norfolk, Neb. Four car flour, Miuneapolls. Minn. One car flour, Humphrey, Neb. Seventeen car United State govern ment supplies. Jerrersonville, Ind. Fourteen cars provisions from east, de livered via Denver. Twenty-two care ' provisions from east, delivered via Denver. NO KPIDKMICS IN SAX FHANCiatO General Fnaaton and Mayor Srhmlta Malta Dental. SAN FRANCISCO. April 22.-Th Asso ciated Press is requested to transmit the following: War Department Headquarters, Pnciflc Division, San Francisco. April 22. Several telegrams have been received at thea headquarters as to th epidemic of con tagious disease In Baa Francisco. There- is absolutely no truth in any of these state ments. There is no' epidemic of any kind and no preaent prospect of any. Such state ments are simply doing harm to San Fran cisco and Injuring the country In general. It would be deemed a great service to the suffering people of San Franclxco and all their frlenda if it could be published throughout the country that the. condi tio as are not so. FUN8TON, Commanding. E. E. 8CHMITZ. Mayor. reckless with Waaler ar th friends of those cured of Stomach, Liver and lfldney Trouble by Electric Bit ter. 60 ctn:. Guaranteed. For sal by Sherman ft McConntll Drug Co. BIRTHSTONEs Edbolra. lath A Harney. Bipuam, Ll Tic tonight. Ticket at Hop'. CLEARING UP DEBRIS (Continued from First Page.) child died and was Ir-ft when the party was formed to move. Three bodle wer found today In the ruins of th house on Harri son street, betwven First and Second. They had been burned beyond all possi bility of Identification. They wer burled on the north beach at the foot of Van Ness avenue. The body of a man was found In th middle ot Silver street between Third and Fourth. A hit of burned" envelope was found In the pocket of the vest bearing th hame "A. Houeton." At noon today report hive been made by deputies sent out by th Board of Health of the finding of twenty-three bodies In various parts of th city. Few of them could be Identified. The bodies wer burled In various places and the graves numbered. Sanitary Condition Improve. The Board of Health reports a very en couraging health condition, considering tha circumstances. Sickness Is constantly on th decrease. There are very few conta gious diseases and these are being attended at Deer Lodge, In Golden Gat park. Sani tary conditions in the residence districts are being Improved. A large corps of volunteers started at work yesterday removing all cans of garbage to the curbs. Wagons were being pressed Into service today and the garbage removed to th burned districts, where It will be destroyed. Cesspools ar being dug. Most ot the sickness Is among th people who are living out of doors and It IS upon these cases that the Board of Health Is concontratlng most ot Its attention. Hundreds of volunteer doctora, dentists, nurses and helpers are at work allaying Buffering.' Ever since the Are broke out there haa been no lack of volunteera for every kind of work. Major Torrey of the United States army and Dr. Foster of the State Board ot Health have charge of the work among the people who are out of doors and Dr. Haasler IB at the head of the sanitary work. Oakland haa furnished a sanitary corps to ataitt In restoration of the water supply and another that will aid in cleaning th streets. Hospital Bapplles Arriving. Dr. K. A. L. MacKensle, chief surgeon of th Oregon Railway and Navigation company, haa reached here In charge of two physicians, a number ot nurses and plenty of hospital supplies. Dr. XV. E. Carl ot the Oregon State National guard haa arrived. In addition to the entire Third hospital corps of Oregon. Th soldiers and the police are forcing every available man In the downtown dis trict of the city to work, no matter where they are found or under what conditions. One party of four rnen that came down town In an automobile yesterday waa stopped on Market street by the soldiers. The well dressed .men were ordered out of the maohlne and compelled to assist In clearing the debris from Market street so that provisions msy be hauled up through the center of the city. Then the automobile was loaded with provisions and sen,t out to relieve the hungry people In the park. Men coming from the unbumed district In the western addition with the intention of crossing the bay to go to Oakland and Berkley were stopped In the do'wntown section and put to. work. On case whUsh attracted attention wa that of a young man who was pressed Into service by the soldiers. H came clad in a fashionable summer suit, straw hat and kid gloves. The minute the guards caught sight of him he was grabbed and ordered to help clear the bricks and 'other debris off the car tracks. At first he hesitated, but tha sharp .points of a bayonet convinced htm that there was no escape and for the next Ave hours he waa doing a laborer'a work In spite of his handsome attire. As a re sult of this system the streets are being rapidly cleaned. sewers In Deplorabl Condition. The Inspection of th sewers made today by tha board of public work shows that lit outlet to the systems In the residence section remaining unburn ed are all In good condition save two. In th district south ot Market atreet few, If any systems, remain. President Maestrettl of the board of public works, describes the condition as "deplorable." In the business district no Inspection has been made. The work of repairing the sewers needed at once is under way. Gangs of workmen are being sent out. Teams and wagons have been secured and some sort of order Is being established. Plumbers and doctods are needed. Borne are volunteering, but the demand far exceeds the supply. The situation Is becoming Increasingly difficult. Householders and campers have been ordered to remove garb age and refuse to the curb lines on the street. The health department Impressed the wagons Into service to cart away th'.i debris. The supply of chloride of lime t nearly exhausted. Street Cars Rssslsg, San Francisco la not now without paa aeniter pet-vice. Cars are running down Fillmore street and appear to have plenty of power. The fare la free to all with th exception of boy. The cars on Sutter and Pacific avenue will probably be run by horses. The federal troops under command of General Funstun have already taken systematic charge of the principal portion of th city entrusted to their care. Major Benson of the Fourteenth cavalry. Is In command of the provost guard. Gen eral Funston's headquarters are at Fort Mason and he has under his command 8,000 federal force. United States Marshal Shoup of Alaska, who wa in the Palace hotel, San Fran cisco, at the time of the earthquake. Is safe with hundreds in Piedmont park. Oakland. Although severely shaken by the 'quake, he escaped injury. Five chil dren were born last night in th hospitals thst hav been established at Golden Gat park, making eighteen births in this park. Eight babies have been bom In Buena Vista park. Trains have been running on all lines practically on the regular schedule, ex cept on tho coast line of the Southern Pa cific, The first mail from San Francisco for outMlde polits wss dispatched yester day and since that -time all regular dis patches have been made excepting a fw of tha smaller closed pouch dispatches, which ar omitted in order that the post office might concentrate the forces upon the heaviest and most Important mall. The insurance companies have notified the mayor that if any attempt Is rnad to build fires in ttsn Francisco except th bakeries, all insurance will be Invalidated heller Ballsing Ererted. Th authorities in charge of th camp at Golden Gat park report that eight ouiiaings one nunarea ana nrry reet long by twenty-eight feet wide will hav been finished by night. These buildings will be cut Into compart ments large enough to furnish sleeping room for a family and each compartment will have a separata entrance from th outside. Lumber is being delivered at th park In tsrge qusntltles and one hundred and thirty-five carpenter are at work on the temporary buoldinga. Many of the people who have not even had tent shelter thus far will tonight hav a roof over their heads. ( Plenty af Bread. Th city 's being red from three large sources and Innumerable aupply stations. Ther ar from loo.GuO to 100.000 peopl fed daily, there Is plenty of flour and bread and If th wholesale men of the different .departments would come forward It would I f i rJJ J. A Runlcel's Cr&iiic dc MIIIc Chocolate it cream mnd cWolate well it th "cream" of chocolates. It leer all the deep, rich chocolate flavor but givet you most enticing taste of freth, pure "cream of the milk" with it. ' The blend of the two it delightfully perfect. Creme do Milk Chocolate it firm -smooth and tweet without the leatt hint of insipidness. Packaged in 5 and 10 cent tizet and squared off into deliciout bits, to at to be eaten with gloved fingers. Send 2c for sample of chocolate and miniature can of cocoa. 4U trya-r y rurykoif lUlUb llQTBEIS. Cca aai Cascslata Meaalachirar. Htw Tsra w ijui Win Mill) mm' Attention is directed to the uplendid new equipment of electric lighted daily trains, Omaha and Council Bluffs to Sioux City, Mankato, St. Paul and Minne apolis via THE NORTH-WESTERN LINE Buffet-smoking and library car, splendid Pullman drawing room sleeping cars and free reclining chair cars of the latest type, withall modern travel conven iences; train new from the shops and brilliantly lighted by electricity, leaves Omaha daily 8.28 p. m. Electric reading lamps in every section and draw rag room and in the buffet-library car. Electric curling iron heaters in the iadies dressing rooms. Breakfast a la carte in buffet library can The North-Western Line is the direct line to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Superior, Duluth, Ashland and the Lake Superior country. . Two trains daily leave Omaha 7.50 am and 8.28 pm. Sleeping car reservations and full information concerning rates and schedules on application at mr,. TICKET OfTICCt t M01-U0S rarnam Street aerv to help out In the difficulty. There are eighteen bakeries being operated. . but aome of them having been charging i and E0 cents for a loaf of bread, the committee acnt out a warnmg that cents would be the price of bread per loaf. In a discussion aa to what supplies were most necessary In this city it was brought out that -medical supplies, . disinfectants, food for In valids and drugs are imperatively needed. The city of Portland already has started a steamer load of drugs and medical sup plies and it will arrive here tomorrow or tha next day. City Offices Opened. Th city auditor, the treasurer, tax col lector and city attorney have established temporary headquarters and are now mak ing active preparations to resume the work ot their offices. The vaults of the treas urer, auditor and tax collector are In taot. There is something like $6,500,000 In tha vaults of th city treasurer. The tax collector ' will be In a position to return the collection ot taxes in a tew days and there is no doubt but. all the officials and other employes of tha city and county of Ban Francisco will receive their salaries. The relief committee today announced that cltlcens would no longer V hindered In progress through the -city : and that no passes are required and that requisitions cannot be made unless the caaa la ex treme. The mayor of Stockton today tele graphed to . Mayor gchmita offering to barbecue beet by the carload and to can soup and beans on a large scale. BELIEF WORK. OAKLAND City la anrlaar for TBMM) Hemeles ana Hns Room far Wort. OAKLAND. April M. Oakland I caring for 7 M00 people rendered homeless by the Ban Francisco dlaaater and la pre pared to care for twlc aa many. Tha height of tha, Influx has been reached and the number of the refuge Is slightly decreasing. Although they ar still com ing In large number, still Wont ar leav ing on every train for different point. Bequests for transportation ar being in vestigated as closely aa possible and all th deserving are ' being sent . away. Women and children . and marled .men who wish to join their families in dif ferent parts of the state, ar given th preference. The transportation bureau is on a atreet corner, where a man atanda on a box and calls th names of those who ar entitled to paaaes. No one now goes hungry here and few lack shelter, but cots and bed coverings are needvd. At the First Presbyterian tliurrh 1,100 were fed today and 1.000 people will sleep there tonight. Pews have been turned Into beds Cots ar tn the aisles. In the gallery and in the Sunday school room. Every available Inch of space is occu pied by some substitute for a bed. ' An emergency maternity hospital has been established at Kveryvlll. John V. Rockefeller ha sent money for tht establishment of a mw camp mhloh will bear hie name. Los Angeles hss provided a camp to accommodate a large number of people and has sent sixty physicians and nurses to look after the people in It. Food is coming from that city and more he Id la offered If needed. The principal food needed now la fresh fruit, which is re quested of nearby cities. An important pleoe of work that Is going on at relief headquarters la th register, ing of refugees. There are tto clerks en gaged In thia woik alone. All who register are catalogued by tarda which bear their names and their old and new addreasts. In thia manner dusens of families have been reunited and friends have found each other. A line of anxious Inquirer extend far out Into th street, whlls other file past to register or to leave an Inquiry for some one who might seek them. There la an employment bureau where work is provided whenever possible. Hundreds of letters pour In and the Information asked la given wherever possible. Independent of the regular relief committee much work is being done by fraternal societies, the mem bers of which meet all Incoming trains and take tare of tha destitute. A wwddiug took lilac at th relief bureau at midnight last night. Despite the fact that the groom had only 11.30 the newly married couple looked cheerfully on the prospect that confronted them and departed happy and hopeful. A relief bureau' especially for theatrical people is situated on Broadway and; relief haa been furnished to 200 people. Opr ' hundred are being fed at the Bell theater and will be given tickets out of town as soon as possible. Stars as well aa music hall singers are gathered at the bureau and ther are many of them who look hungry for a sight of the lights of Broadway. The Chinese fared the worst of all the San Francisco ret ugeea. Some got out with their belongings at the first alarm of Are, but others remained until tha afternoon. Aa the flames cam closer they - were driven out by the soldiers without being allowed to gather food or clothing. A hasty guard shot one as he was going Into hla own store for goods. Nearly 10,000 of them have arrived here and the majority have been cared for In the local Chinatown. Nearly all. of them are absolutely destitute and it was impossible until this morning to provide any adequate way for feeding them. Many are going to other towns, but there are thousands who, no matter where they go, hav eunk Into a state of apathy. They are housed aa well aa possible among their countrymen, but the accommodations are very meager. B'nnl Brlth Give Money. Omaha lodge, B'nal Brlth, at ita meeting yesterday afternoon voted to contribute tlOO towards the relief of the California earthquake sufferers. The money will be sent to the head president of the order at Chicago In response to a telegram re questing donations. AMlSEMEVTt. SI DOYD'8 T.i:2 Mgrs. Tonight and Tuesday 3eo. M. Cohan'a Musical Triumph , LITTLE JOHNNY JONES Thurs., Frld . Saturday Mat.' Saturday HEtRIKTTA CB08MA In he Modern Comedy Mary, Mary, 0,elte Contrary. Comliig-KUBKLIK. May i. BURWOOD L'OOLtD BT ELECTRIC FANS. ' THE WOODWARD STOCK CO. Tonight All Week IFf THE PALACE OF THE KJKQ, Professional Mat. Tuesday. Pricea-Nights, Sun. Mats, lo-lic Tues., Thurs., Bat. Mats., 10-30C. Next Week JANE. Sooth Performance Monday, Maw i. Souvenir Photo of Albert Morrison. 'Phone Douglas 4M. Every Night Matinees Thur. Rat., Hun. - MODERN VAUDEVILLE Sender's Burlesque Circus; Myles Mc Carthy snd A lila woolcott; Dan Bherman; Mabel Da Foreat A Co.: Stanley A WlUon. Clifford A Burk; Caprice Lynn Fay; Murrav K. Hill and the Klnodrome. PRICES 10c, 26c. 60. KRUG THEATER 551 S.1 n. TONIGHT. 15. M ATI NEK WEDNESDAY KOLB & DILL. In the Musical Comedy Success l-O-U Tliuis. Lyman Twins, In "The Bustiers.' OIIOHTOr DAVID BISPHAM EMINENT BARITONK. Song Ketital LYRIC Tonight rjood reserved stats still sals al Hosra'S' ' f