Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1906, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Advert) lit
Your Mny' Wrth
Best & West
Best ; West
NINO, APRIL 23, 1906.
San Francieoo Ependi Sunday Repairing;
Broken Water Pipes and Sewers.
Supplies Are Rolling In Boatloads and
Two-Thirds of Oity Bemalnine; Supplied
With Water for Domeitio Use.
Relief Parties Have Boried ROO Bodies
4 Many Were Incinerated
In Cheap lodging
" ' Hoases.
8AN FRANCISCO. April 22.-Hd It r-
been for the eight of the rude altsrs
up In the XPn air wherever San Fra.
Cisco' homeless thousand were rampet.
one would hare soma difficulty In finding
any of the peaceful associations of the
Sabbath In this flty today. Everywhere
throughout the burned as well aa the re
maining section tt the city there waa the
greatest ' activity. Streets were being
cleared of debris, laborera were repairing
broken water pipe, sewers and gas mains,
electrlclana were everywhere seeking to
untangle the almost hopeless confusion of
wires In fact, Pan Francisco waa In the
first atagea of Its regeneration.
Plenty of Food for All.
There are no hungry people here tonight;
gaunt specter hee been banished by the
generous response cf the nation to the ap
peal n that went out for assistsnce. Food
by the carload and by the boatload poured
Into Oakland laat night and today in auf
flctent quantities to overwh1m the com
mittee which has In charge Its distribu
tion. So freat was the volume of food
stuffs brought Into the general depot at
Oakland that the general committee today
made an appeal for skilled labor In the
handling of these supplies. Grocers, butch
ers and commission men have been re
quested to secura men . who are familiar
in the handling of foodstuffs In order that
the confusion attendant upon the distribu
tion at the scores of atatlons established
might go on without confusion.
The homeless people are no longer obliged
to subsist on bread and canned stuff en
tirely, a they had been during the pre
vious daya of their trying experience, but
were today given hot coffee, canned meats
and even cakea and oranges. Orangea
have coma In In plentiful supply from
southern California and the slgbt of Cali
fornia's famous product waa everywhere
balled with words of delight.
Relief Work Hast Centleae.
It must be understood by the charitable
people of the country that there la a
surfeit of food for the sufferers. "While
the supply Is abundant at this writing it
la well for . th . public to remember that
' the homeless thousands tnusl( bo fed and
cared for by the organised relief commit
tees for an Indefinite period. It Is desired
therefore that contributions be. continued
until the people who have been rendered
helpless can care for themselves.
The water situation, while causing In
convenience to the people, la no longer
such a problem. About two-thirds of the
remaining aectlon of the city Is being
supplied with sufficient water for the press
ing domestic needs, but of course . there
Is not enough to be had for fire fighting
purposes. Because of this fact the most
stringent orders hsve been issued by the
military and clvtl police that no fires shall
be built within any house, and no lights.
not even a candlelight, can be shown at
night In the houses. All cooking for the
present must be done on the sidewalks or
In the open streets and In the daylight.
One of the noteworthy features of the situ
ation Is the remarkable promptness with
which the work of systematically caring
for the homeless has been thoroughly or
ganised and put Into operation. The fear
that existed two days ago that the Im
mense task of caring for the destitute
and helpless people could not be organised
quick enough to save thouaanda from
hunger and poesfbjB epldemlo exists no
Ifa Conflict of Aatborlty.
The administration of the ctty'a affairs Is
progressing most harmoniously. Mayor
Schmltg and General Funaton are working
in perfect accord. There waa some slight
confusion yesterday owing to the misunder
standing of soma orders by soma members
of the national guard, but thla haa been
minimised. The system put Into force by
the mayor and General Funaton toduy la
working order out of confusion and the
city la aa orderly as before the Ore.
Permit order have been Issued by so
many heads of departments during the past
few daya that there has been necessarily
mora or leas conflict of authority. But It
is to be observed that there are no com
plaints of the actions of either the federal
troops or the municipal police. It la only
of the National Ouard of the stats of
California that complaint haa been made.
Many cltlsena have reported extremely ar
bitrary acts oi the militiamen.
Contributions of money continue to be
made from every part of the United States.
Chairman Phelan of the finance committee
today reported additional subscriptions of
about t!C On. the Urgent of these being
one of $100,00 by the Chicago Commercial
association. The finance committee will
tomorrow consider some plan f or the use
of the large sum of money which will be
available for .he relief of the sufferers.
Ftvo Headred Bodies Barled.
The total number of bodies recovered and
buried up to Sunday night Is 6to. No coin
plete record can be had at this time. Many
bodies have been buried without permits
from the coroner and the Board of Health
The searchers of the coroners and the
Board of Health departmenta found today
not more than twenty bodies. They were
burled Immediately. Few of these bodies
could be Identified and the graves were
marked by numbers.- It Is impossible at
the present time to obtain any sort of
death llat or even to make a reliable est!
mate as to the number of casualties. When
ever a body la found It la burled Imme
diately without any formality whatever,
and hs these burials nave been made at
widely separated parts of the city by dif
ferent bodies of searchers, who do not
even make a prompt report lo headquar
ters, considerable confusion has resulted
lo the estimating of the total number of
annuities und exaggerated reports have
Ke fusees la Uoed Health.
The health of the scores of thousands
tamped In the open air ia under the cir
cumstances remarkably good. There have
of course been several rases of pneumonia
reported and colds are quite common, but
there Is nothing like an epidemic of pul-
monary troubles. The board of health re
ports that there Is very little contagious
disase and for the treatment of those
esses special hospitals have toen provided.
An Interesting Item from the Golden Gate
park district today was the reports of
the birth of eighteen babies. These cases
have received prompt and efficient care
and the mothers and children removed to
the various msternlty hospitals. Vigorous
measures are being taken be the
board of health and the board
of public works to Improve the
sanitary conditions throughout the city.
While not entirely satisfactory at some
places the sanitary conditions In general
are not as yet a serious menace to the
heslth of the people.'
Kilril of Raraed Area.
The Associated Press representatives to
day covered the entire arpa of the burned
section. The circumference of the area of
the great conflagration Is, as near as
could be ascertained by the markings of
a cyclometer, twenty-six miles and com
prises the entire business district and a
large section of the residence district, all
of which was densely populated.
It waa estimated today by competent In
surance authorities that the loss will ag
gregate tsoo.ono.onn and on this vast amount
sof property the Insurance companies car-
led approximately $17&.onn,oni Insurance.
People Asked to Stay Away.
ief Dinnn of Ban Francisco sent tele-
today to alt the chiefs of police of
t f' vnt people from leaving their re
ap towns and coming to Ban Fran
cis. if Idle curiosity. He asked them
to It. ' on the people that there are
more "In San Francisco than can
find a , j sleep and by coming here
they wei ly running their chances of
being put work clearing away the de
bris of burned buildings or repairing sew
ers. This does not apply to skilled work
men, who have their own tools and who
will be welcomed by tho committee If they
will lend their aid In carrying out the
urgent needs of the street, sewer, plumb
ing, electrical building and other depart
ments of this nature.
Religious services were conducted by
every denomination In the various parks
and at various other places where people
were In camp.
Improvised altars were set In many
places and the ceremonials carried out
before thousands of earnest and devout
Loss of Life Heavy.
It Is announced that the fire Is out.
only smoking embers remaining. The con
dition of the homeless and shelterless peo
ple encamped in various parts of the city
is now remarkably good and offers of sub.
stantlal financial assistance are being rap-
Idly received from many cities In all sec
tions of the United States. The grand
total of all the moneys subscribed to data
Is $4,164,000.
South of Market street the loss of life
was mostly brought about by the collapsing
of many cheap and crowded lodging houses,
Among othets the caving of the Royal,
corner Fourth and Mina streets, added to
the horror of the situation by the shrieks
of Its many acorea of vlctima embedded in
the ruins. -
The collapsing ofthe Portland house on
Sixth street, between Mission and Market,
came about In a similar manner. Fully
sixty persons were entombed amidst th
crash of timbor and brick. . Many, at- those
were saved before the fira eventually crept
to the scene.
Three Haadred1 Die la On
The large five-story Brunswick rooming
house, with Its 300 rooms filled with guests
on the corner of Sixth and Howard streets,
collapsed to the ground entirely and fire
started amidst the- ruins scarcely five ml a
utes later. It Is estimated that over 300
peraons lost their lives.
Part of the large Cosmopolitan house,
corner Fifth and Mission streets, collapsed
at the very first tremble. Many of the
sleepers were buried in the ruins, others
escaping In their night clothes.
At 775 Mission street the Wilson house.
with Its four stories and eighty rooms,
fell to the ground a mass of ruins. As
far as known few of the inmates were
The Denver house, on Lower Third street.
with Its many rooms, fared the same fate,
and none may ever know how many were
killed, the majority of the Inmates being
A small two-story frame building occu
pied by a man and wife at 406 Jessie street
collapsed without an tnstant'a . warning.
Both were klled.
Better Coadlttoas Farther North.
To the north of Market street, the room
ing house people fared somewhat better.
The Luxumborg, corner Stockton and
O'Farrell streets, a three-story affair, suf
fered severely from the falling of many
tona of brick from an adjoining building.
The falling mass crashed through the build
lng, killing a man and woman.
At the Sutter atraet Turkish bath.
brick chimney toppled over and crashing
through the roof killed one of the occu
pants as ha lay on a cot. Another cloae
by, lying on another cot, escaped.
A helpful feature of the work Is the
establishment by the Southern Pacific com
pany of a chain of information bureaus
which will be served by relaya of pony
riders carrying the latest bulletins and
Instructions relative to transportation fa
cilities provided to' relieve the congestion
In San Francisco.
A committee sent by the Japanese consul
representing the Japanese relief society
offered Its co-operation In any manner pos
sible. The society is caring for many of
the stricken Japanese who still remain in
tb oity. They are rendering assistance
to white people wherever required. They
have wired to . every large city on the
coast auklng fur supplies to be sent by the
Two Haadred Bodies Cremated.
Two hundred' bodies fuund In the Po
trero district south of Shunnon street. In
the vicinity of the Union Iron works,
were cremated at the Six Mile house yester
day by the order of Coroner Walsh. This
Information was obtained at the Board of
Health headquarter today. 8oino of the
dead were the victims of falling buildings
from the earthquake shock and some were
killed In the tire, but It is believed the
majority died from ptomaine poisoning.
So many dead were found In this limited
area that cremaliou was deemed absolutely
necessary to prevent disease. The names
of some of the dead were learned, but In
the majority of cases identification was
impossible owing to the mutllution of the
features. A systematic search for bodies
of victims uf the earthquake and lire Is
being made today by the ooroner and the
Slate Board of Health Inspectors. The city
haa botn divided into sanitary districts and
squads of searchers have been sent out
to every quarter. The ruins of the burned
buildings in Uie business and the older
residence section have sufficiently cooled
to make the search possible. The body of
an infant waa found in the center of Union
atreet this morning There was nothing
by which it could be Identified. It was
learned that a number of people had
camped at this place and it Is presumed the
(Continued oo Second Page )
0. 0. Kendall of Omaha Telle of Pickinc
Eia Way Over Dead Bodies.
Dr. Brown of Rochester, K. Y Maya
Loss of Life Will Reach Many
Thoasaads Hack Fares
at Aaetloa.
DENVER, April 22. Every incoming train
from the west brings refugees from Ban
Francisco who tell harrowing stories of
their oxperlencee and give graphic descrip
tions of the horrors following the earth
quake and fire.
I climbed over dead bodies, picked my
way around flaming debris and went over
almost Insurmountable obstacles to get out
of San Francisco." said C. C. Kendall an
Omaha capitalist, upon his arrival here last
night. "1 arrived in San Francisco the
night previous to the earthquake and I
waa awakened in the morning by being
thrown out of my bed in the Palace annex.
I rushed to the window and looked out.
The houses were reeling and tumbling like
playthings. I hurried on clothing and ran
into the street. Here I saw many dead
and the debris was piled up along Market
'I went to the office of the Palace hotel
and there men, women and children were
ruBhlng about, erased and frantic. In their
night clothes. The first shock lasted only
twenty-eight seconds, but It seemed to
me hours. A few minutes after I reached
the Palace hotel office tho second shock
came. It was little compared wun me
first, but It brought to the ground many
of the buildings that the first shock had
Fires were breaking out In every direc
tion. Market street had sunk at least four
feet. I started for the ferry. . It is only a
few blocks from the Palace Annex to the
ferry, but It took me from a. m. until
10:15 a. in. to cover the space.
Men and women fought about tha en
trance of the ferry like a band of Infuriated
"I made my escape I do not remember
how, for I waa as desperate aa any of them.
As tho boat pulled over the bay the smoke
and flame rose sky high and the roar of
falling buildings and the cries of the peo
ple rent the air."
The groans and cries of those pinned
under the pillars of the collapsing buildings
were pitiful to hear and the worst of It
was that nothing could be done to save
Rig Fares for Hacknien.
Arthur Woodson of Chicago, who was
In the Palace hotel at the time of the
earthquake, said:
After breakfast I hustled around to get
over the bay to Oskland. A few hacks
were In commission and a regular auction
was held over the seat sold to each pas
senger. The prices charged ran gen rrom
$31 to 1100. I got a seat on one of the
hacks for $36. There were three other
men In it that paid 130 for seats. We had
to go to the ferry In a roundabout way
and when we had covered several blocks
two men hailed the driver. - They offered
$100 apiece, for..theprlvUeg of .riding, tn
tho ferry; The driver took one up on the
box with him. handed me my $36 and made
me get out' so that hla $109 passenger could
get into his carriage.
"I hailed the next hack that came along
and got up on the box wtth the driver.
Another fellow from the sidewalk called
out that he would give 175 to be taken to
the ferry, but I told the hack driver that
I would throw him off the box If he stopped,
as ha had no room either Inside or out for
another passenger."
O. M. Nichols, a New York traveling
salesman, fled from the Palace hotel leaving
a vest behind In a pocket of which waa
1200. He paid $30 to ride two blocks to the
ferry In an automobile and was one of a
party' who paid $260 for a tug to take them
to Oakland.
"Tugs, launches, row boats and every
conceivable kind of a craft was weighed to
the water's edge by frantic people trying
to get away from the burning city," said
Mr. Nichols. '
Through Three Disasters Cohort.
J. B. Flske of Chlcsgo was sleeping In a
room on the third floor of the Terminus ho
tel when the earthquake came. Tha second
flight of stairs gave way when ha waa
going down and he fell to the hotel lobby.
"I have not a scar to show for the fall
of two stories, but a few bruises make
my body soro and tender," he aald.
"I guess I have my lucky stars to thank
that I cam through the Johnstown flood,
tha Galvestlon disaster and the San Fun
Cisco earthquake without serious Injur."
W, R, Atkinson and Joseph Strong, who
were stopping at the International hotel, a
four-story brick structure In San ' Fran
cisco, when the earthquake occurred,
passed' through Denver today on their way
to I -a mar. Kan., where they live.
Thoaaaada of Persons Killed.
LOS ANGELES. April 21. "I witnessed
the burning of Chicago In 1871 and waa In
Charleston when an earthquake created
great destruction there, but tha San Fran
cisco horror far outahadows those dire
calamities." said ' Dr. Frank Barker ' of
Rochester, N. Y., who arrived In the city
on '.he owl train today.
He continued: ."I cannot believe that the
loss of life in San Francisco was con
fined to mere hundreds. I would be the
last to stretch the facts, but I am con
vinced that several thousand peraons suf
fered death. The soldiers and cltixcns are
doing heroic work everywhere. x Thieves
and luolers are dealt with summarily.
I personally witnessed the sudden demise
of several ghoulish men. I aaw a fellow
cutting rings from the hands of a dead
woman on Bush street. There was a rush
of men and within a few minutes the rob
ber was dangling from a pole. One inno
cent man met his death at the hands of
the military. He was cashier of a bank
and refused to obey the command to halt
but continued to run into the bank build
ing. He was shot.
"Another fellow robbed a coffee store
and waa found selling his spoils on tha
street by a policeman. He ran, but waa
halted by a bullet. I don't know whether
he waa killed or not."
A fragmentary account of the terrible
sufferings endured by the little children of
Ban Franclaco In the earthquake Or waa
brought to this city yesterday by Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Huskey and Mrs. Kate Land,
who lived together on Pine street.
'I'nder our own observation," aald Mrs.
Huskey, waa the case of on small child,
ill of diphtheria, who waa carried into the
it reels Wednesday night by her parents
and died in agony on a lawn that morn
lug." I'tter lack of water in some districts peo
pled by the refugee set the children , to,
moaning and pleading for driuk. Men kf
ruined families made every human effort
to satisfy the thirst of their little one.
Failing at last and in desperation, they In
vaded tb neighboring saloon and brought
whiskey to the women
1 'Table longer to
withstand the pleadttr of their children
mothers poured small
Q'lHntttles of tin
-fl and otfier re-
fiery liquid Into tin if
ceptacles and gave It t t'i tots to drink.
The natural result w-.' to Increase the
pangs of thirst twenty-foi-1 and th alght
of woe-begnne, stsgg'JIng children was
witnessed by observers.
Eacan of Philadelphia Family.
COLORADO SPRINGS. llo., April 22.
J. C. Gill, a retired mrrrher of th firm
of King. Illllman A Glil of Philadelphia,
arrived In this city from Ban Francisco,
where his party passed through the hor
rors of the earthquake and subsequent fire.
Mr. Gill and his wife snd several prom
inent Phlladelphians spent th winter In
Honolulu and on the coast. The party were
guests at the St. Frandls hotel Wednesday.
Besides Mr. and Mrs. G'U there were In
the party Mr. W. E. Aamont. a retired
officer of tb Guard "frost Company of
Philadelphia; Mrs. Aumont, Miss Florence
Aumont, Miss A. M. Itsrhnlen snd- J.
Millard Kessler.
"Mrs. GUI and myse!?-were In a room
on th third floor of the hotel." said Mr.
Gill. "We were awakened by the rocking
of our beds. Then thry seemed to be
lifted from their legs, suspended In th
air and as suddenly dipped, while the
plaster began cracking j and falling. W
arose and left our room after putting on
a few clothes. W felt that with' every
step we were treading ?n glass and that
the ten stories above us twould fall, not al
lowing us to escape allye. , But once out
side the building and M'ith our friends I
began to realise what had happened.
"I made. my way bach to the room and
carefully packed our suit rases. I came
across a valuable necklace and pearl pin
that my wife In her haste Lad left behind.
"With hundreds we roati ed In the park In
front of the hotel hours. When
we saw the fire was hemming In the lower
part of the city we ws'ked toward the
outskirts and were sheltered for a time at
1318 Jones street by a Mis-. M .Jwen. Early
next morning we decided to leave the city
and started to the ferry. Policemen would
stop us and It was with difficulty and
much trepidation that w walked through
the burned district and arrived at the
wharf at S:15, Just, fifteen minute before
the boat left. , :
"The scenes we passed through were
sickening and Indescribable. I fancy that
scores of women, wharf rats, who had
looted wholesale liquor houses and were
drunk, were burned to death without being
the. wiser because ' of their condition."
The Gill party after reaching Oakland
took the first train for the east and will
continue their Journey to Philadelphia to
day. They lost several thousand dollars
worth of baggage which they were forced
to abandon at the hotel.
Hair Tama Whli In a psy,
Tha experience through which P. S.
Keenan, a merchant of Terre Haute, Ind.,
passed In San Francisco, he declares, turned
his hair white and his nerves have not yet
recovered from the shock of the earth
quake. Mr. and Mrs. Keenan were guests
at the Grant hotel. They arrived In Colo
rado Springs with all their baggage Intact.
"My wife and I escaped, from , our ho
tel with hardly any tloVhlng on," said
Mr. Keenan. "My wif had her stocking
around her neck. Affor the excitement
of the first shock hadtr ibstded I returned
to th hotel and got ')',tb1n' and fin
ished dreksInK tn the street. I was for
tunate In getting an ' axproasman to take
our trunks to th ferry. W rod so
cloae' to the fire that on side of th
wagon waa scorched and we felt the heat
in our facea."
Walter V. Marsh and party are among
the survivors who have reached Colorado
Springs. Marsh ia in charge of the Na
tional Express company's business lo
New York, and with his wife was' atop.
ping at the Savoy, opposite the St. Fran
cis hotel. In San Francisco. The sensa
tion leu by Air. and Mrs. Marsh was
not unlike that described by other refu
gees who have reached here. They made
'their escape only half clad and arrived
in Colorado Springs with no belongings,
Refaaers tn Salt Uke.
SALT LAKE CITY, April 22. Local
hotels' are filling with eastern people who
escaped from San Francisco at tha time of
the earthquake. Mr. Bternberger of the
firm of New York stock brokers, Btern
berger, Sinn ft Co., is here with his wife,
son and a maid. Ha was on the fourth
floor of the St. Francis hoteL -After hur
riedly dressing he and his family rushed
into Union square.
"We had hardly got seated," says Mr.
Bternberger, "when firemen came .along,
asking for volunteers to take bod lea from
the ruins Just above the hotel. There wis
a ready and willing response. It was a
low building, on which had toppled
lofty one, and all In the former were
buried in the debris. W heard tha stifled
cries and prayers, 'For God's sake, come
this way!' 'Oh, lift this oil my back!' 'My
God, I'm dying!' and many others, nerv
ing us to greater efforts. Flually we got
to aome of them. Bruised, . bleeding,
blinded by smoke and dust, terrified past
reason, the poor fellows who were saved
fell in tb atreet from utter exhaustion.
Those that were pinned away below we
could not reach and their seeming far
off crls Tor mercy and Ufa will ring in
my ears until death."
Story of Fort Dodgr - Mi
Charles C Lanferweller of Fort Dodge.
la, who was at th Grand hotel, says:
"I passed through Chinatown Just aa a
good shock cams, and all Chinatown was
In th streets gesticulating, crying, running
around and acting Ilk a lot of monkeys.
If left to themselves I know they must all
have perished. The authorities drove thm
up th hill and out of rang . of the fire,
Superstition mastered thsm and all aorta
of gods wore produced from all sorts of
pockets, and Joss paper was scattered all
along the way."
Bestor G. Brown, manager of the western
office of the M. C. Lilly company of Kansas
City, was fn a private home when th
shock came and says that, while things
danced about, it was not so terrifying as
to those in brick and stona buildings
Henry Hers, a New York traveling man,
after a terrible experience, made his escape
and constituted himself a traveling relief
committee. At Sacramento b orgunlxed
a ahlpment of eggs. At Reno he set the
housewives to baking bread and in Salt
Lake City he has raised a potato fund of
$400. Mr. Hers crowed the bay in a launch
Tha boatman asked him how much money
he had and when he replied, with a muqtal
reservation. 4.Q. the boatman charged hiin
H4.S0 and collected the money In advance
Dranghtaaioa to Help Lay Ont th
Sew San FTaaelaco.
Mayor Zlmman received th following
wire Sunday afternoon from Mayor
Bchmits of San Francisco:
How many architects and architectural
draughtsmen tan you furnUh us and how
quickly can they leave for San Francisco?
Mr. Zlmman desires all of the men of
this professional class who will go to 8an
Francisco to communicate with him t
once, either by calling at the mayor's of
fice in the city or using th telephone auiu
bsr. Douglas 1M1.
Traxiiportation raoilitiea Taxed to Care for
the Immense Amount Offered.
Relief Work la Beta Mytesaatiaed
and Beat Reealts Possible Are
Belag Obtained Coder tho
LOS ANGELES. Cal., April Si-Three
hundred and five thousand dollars I the
sum total subscribed to date In and about
Lob Angeles for th Ban Francisco suf
fers. The Individual amounts are from alt
sources and classes, from the millionaire
to Chinese and Japanese menials, and
range from a few cents to thousands of
dollar. Th money thus raised Is placed
In the hands of the municipal relief com
mittee and Is expended for food shipments
under supervision of th Chamber of Com
W. R. Hearst, through his local banker.
has duplicated his first order for tT.SCO
worth of goods and several mor ctvrs were
Started west last night.
Among the hundreds of carloads of
assorted provision that sre being nt out
irom ijom Angeles lor tn Han Francisco
sufferers are several carloads of lemons
and orangea. Manager Woodford of th
California Fruit exchange baa Issued an
appeal to fruit growers to send large ship
ments of both lemons and oranges at once.
The lemons, especially, are desired for use
In San Francisco with the drinking water
to purify it and lessen the danger of any
possible epidemic from that source.
What Is perhsps the largest commissary
train in the world has been rushed north
over the Southern Pacific from here. Thla
huge restaurant, destined to cater to th
hungry refugees of San Francisco, I tha
Shattuck A Desmond "meaa" train outfit.
enlarged to a guaranteed capacity of 20,000
meals a day. Supported by the local relief
committee, this mammoth commissary ia
expected to cost $15,000. It was made up
of thirty cars, which ara all kitchens and
pantries. Thla train is expected to be In
Oakland in time ' to serve early morning
breakfast Monday to all comer and It Is
expected to play an important part In the
feeding of the hungry thousands.
A carload of food Intended for th use
of the babies has been gathered by th
local committee and dispatched north. It
comprises condensed milk, baby goods of
all sorts, medicines, etc.
Boxers to Contrlbat.
A great boxing tournament for the
benefit of the San Franclaco sufferers.
destined to eclipse anything In that lino
ever held In this country, will b held
at th Athletic club next Tuesday under
the auspices of the Chamber of Com
merce relief committee, which will han
dle all th funds. By a coincidence prac-
tlcaly all th champion of th fistic
arena are In training In and around Los
Angcloa at th present . time preparing
for a aerlas of fights to be run oft her
In May. In addition, Jim Jeffrie, retired
heavyweight champion of the -world, win
appear in an exhibition bout during th
evening. Battling Nelson, Aurello and
Maun? Herrera, Ab and Mont Attell.
KJd Herniad'aWtl Tommy Iurti; orfl -tvp-
notchers In their class, aa well as Several
other prominent pugilists,- will , box for
tha causa of charity. - They have been
paired oft so as to make the most scien
tific boxing possible. It 1 said over 110,
000 will be cleared
Cargo of Food front Orient.
BAN FRANCISCO, April -22 Th Pa-
clflo Mall steamer China, with a cargo
including a large quantity of foodstuffs.
arrived from th orient and waa docked at
Oakland in order that tha supplies might
be distributed there.
The shlpptng of San Franclaco la at a
standstill. Th United States cruisers
Chicago and Marblehead are stationed oft
Melggs' wharf and prevent every vessel,
whether foreign or domestic, from sail
ing out of th harbor. Th . vessels are
being held here to be ready for any emer
gency that may arise.
The federal authorities removed all th
customs restrictions from the cargo of
the steamer China, and as soon aa poasl-
.ble the rice, tea and other foodstuffs from
the orient were taken off th vessel and
sent to th aid of the stricken Chines,
The foreign vessels will be examined
merely to pasa upon the health of the
Taeosns Send Shipload.
TACOMA, Wash., April 22. Th
steamer Queen was dispatched for San
Francisco today with it&.QOO worth of
disinfectants, medical stores and food
supplies ordered purchased her by th
mayor of Philadelphia.
The United States cableshlo Burnsid
will depart Monday with another big
cargo. Orders rrom eastern cities are
pouring In. Transportation, stevedoring
and. other chargea ar free, and In view
of the railroad freight congestion a ship
will be dispatched dally during tho week.
.Seattle Wharves Piled Hi(k.
SEATTLE, April 22. Th steamer Buck
man sailed today at noon wtth 100 ton of
supplies for San Francisco. Eleven hundred
tons of supplies ar now plied up on th
wharf. i
Cash contributions received by the relief
committees to dale total 27,23. Thla amount
will be Increased by S1&.000 whn , all con
tributions forwarded ar received.
Donate Cse of Steamer,
VICTORIA, B. C. April 22. The steamer
Amur has been given by th Central Pa
cific railway free of charg for . a trip to
San Francisco from Vancouver . and Vlo
torla with a cargo of provisions for th
relief of sufferer. Th Amur will leav
Vancouver for San Francisco tomorrow.
How to Transfer Money.
OAKLAND. Cal., April 22. Banka and
bankers throughout th United State wish
ing to mak telegraphic transfer to Oak
land should place the funds with th corre
spondents of th Oakland banks in New
York and have them wire Oakland of th
fact, instead of remitting drafts.
Vie President Contrlhntes.
INDIANAPOLIS. April 21. Vic President
Charles W. Fairbanks today sent an ad
ditional contribution of tibi to th Ban
Francisco relief fund being raised In In
dianapolis. Portland Is Liberal.
PORTLAND. Ore., April 22. Up to last
right th total subscriptions reported for
Ban Francisco relief work amounted to
Sli0,0uO. Th commltte says that when all
the subscriptions ar secured today the
total will amount to IO.ouo. In addition
to this Pittsburg has placed I26.0U0 In tho
hands of th local committee for relief
work and W. R. Hearst, 2,5U.
Offers Military Aid.
OLYMPIA, Wash., April 21 Governor
Mead tonight telegraphed to Governor Par
dee, placing th entire military organisation
of the state of Washington at the disposal
of the California executive.
Iowa City Doaatea.
IOWA CITT. Ia, Aorll 'it. (Special
Telegram.) Mayor Ball has telegraphej
ttoe to tb San Franciscd1 sufferer eleven
hundred more will be sent Immediately
by draft. University student will play
a benefit game of ball for' th fund to
morrow. OGDKN, Utah. April 22. The women of
Ogden'a relief committee hav mad ample
preparation to feed all needy refugee
from San Francisco who may pass through
Ogden. They have established a lunch
counter In th baggage room at the Union
depot, where sandwiches and coffee are
served to all who apply. Th number of
needy person arriving, however, 1 not o
great aa was expected.
Forty wero on th Union Paclfio train
this morning and tonight' train brought
thlrty-thre more. Moat of these were per
son who had saved nothing but th clothe
they wore and who ar en rout to friends
in the east.
Five Million fron Kew F.narland.
BOSTON, April 22. (Bpeclal Telegram.)
Three million dollars have already been
pledged by various Massachusetts interests
to the Ban Francisco relief fund, and the
total will reach IM00.00O Inside of ten days.
EVery workman Is giving a day's pay and
depots have been opened for supplies that
can be forwarded without spoiling. Fifteen
thousand dollars' worth of medical supplies
and disinfectants have been bought at Salt
Lake. City for Boston aocount and rushed
forward. Boston offer Ita facilities for all
conventions scheduled for San Francisco
now compelled to change plans. The school
children her are raising a fund to establish
a new school house at San Francisco, th
smallest village In New England being
represented. Governor Pardee wires Colonel
Runlett the number killed In San Francisco
Is smaller than aupposed. All the Hnrtford
companies are reported abl to pay their
Insurance losses.
Hew York Adds to Fanda.
NEW YORK, April 22.-Thls -rlty'a fund
for th relief of the California sufferers
was greatly Increased today. In nearly all
th rrotestant churches the offerings were
set asld for San Francisco. Th Catholic
churches will take up special collections
next Sundny. The total of the funds raised
In the churches wss nearly 240.000.
The event of the day waa a mass meeting
held this afternoon In Union Square under
the auspice of the Salvation Army. Three
thousand persons were addressed by former
Ambassador Joseph H. Choate, Bishop Co
adjutor Greer of the Protestant Episcopal
church. Rev. R. 8. MacArthur and Miss
Eva Booth. The sum of 12.100 was con
tributed to the army's relief fund.
Chicago f'harehea Contribute.
CHICAGO, April 22.-8peclal contributions
for aid of the sufferers on the Pacific coast
were asked for today in all the churches
of Chicago and as a result there was a
heavy addition made to the general fund
already collected.
The Memphis Jockey club sent a request
to Secretary Woodruff of the Weetern
Jockey club asking for an extra day for
tha meet In Memphis, the proceeds to go to
the San Francisco relief fund. The request
was granted by telegraph and the race
track people believe they can secure at
least $20,000 In thla way.
Enbaah Army Ration.
WASHINGTON, April 22. Dispatches
were received at the War department lata
tonight from San Francisco suggesting that
the rations already ordered will be adequate
for the destitute there and outlining th
work fit the army medical officers.
'A ; dissatch from MaJofKrauthoftVS&hlef
commissary of the army at San Francisco,
In charge of relief work, say that it la not
believed that ration other than those
ordered at the present time will be neces
sary for Issue to the destitute from the
earthquake disaster.
A . telegram , from Lieutenant Colonel
Torney, chief surgeon at the Presidio mili
tary reservation, to Surgeon General
O'Reilly, says that a few cases of smallpox
and scarlet fever have come under observa
tion and a large number of cases of measles
have been cared for.
Masonle Lodges Contrlbnto.
HORNELLSVILLB, N. Y., April 22.-F.
H. Robinson, grand master of th Masons
of New York state, announced tonight that
he had received contribution to the amount
of 220,000 from the various lodges in the
state for the San Francisco sufferers.
Half Million at Philadelphia.
PHILADELPHIA. April C The work of
raising funds In this city for the relief of
the California sufferers was continued with
vigor today and it is probable 1600,000 will
have been collected by tomorrow night.
Special collections taken In all the churches
today amounted to more than $26,000. Mor
than $126,000 has .already been sent west
from this city.
Irish Ready to Aid.
DUBLIN, April 22.-J. P. Nanettl. lord
mayor of Dublin, has convened a meeting
of citlier.s at the Mansion house for to
morrow to express sympathy with and de
vise means for the relief of sufferer by
the San Francisco earthquake. The deputy
grand master of the Irish Free Masons
has telegraphed $600 to the grand master
of California as the first Installment of
relief for tho brethren there.
Reports of Safety Cheer Aaxlon
Hearts at Home.
Omaha people with relative who war
in th San Francisco disaster oontlnue to
hear news of their mortal safety. Dr. M.
J. Brackenrtdg ha received word that
his son, hi wif and three children who
reside In San Francisco were sofa and
Mr. and Mr. Alexander MacKenxl of
620 Park avenue hav a telegram from their
son. Leon MacKehsl. saying he and his
friend, Darley Pollard, also a former
Omaha boy, ar safe.
William Randall of the Burlington re.
celved a telegram Sunday from his son-in-law,
Mr. Leavensaler of San Franclaco;
Mr. Leavensaler, formerly Miss Florence
Randall, and Miss Nell Randall saying they
are all saf and well In East Oakland.
Nathan Merrlam at noon yesterday re
ceived a telegram from F. M. Porslnger,
an old and close friend of his, who has
been in the clothing business In San Fran
cisco for five year, to the effect that he
had escaped unhurt, but lost everything
he had In th wy of property. The tele
gram was dated April 20. Mr. Perslnger
1 well known in Omaha and formerly
was In the banking business at' Central
City. He Is related to prominent Chl
oagoans. John 8. Collins, I'll Burt street, tele
graphed his family from Ogden that he
would be in O-raha Monday evening.
Robert W. Brown Will Distribute
Fnnds to Srer.
Robert W. Brown, grand exalted ruler
of the Elks and editor and publisher of
th Loulsv'lle Times, passed through
Omaha on the Overland Limited Sunday
morning for San Francisco. Mr. Brown
goes to 'Frisco to aunervlse the distribu
tion of the Elks' fund which have been
donated for the r.lief of the sufferers. The
grand lodge of the Elks hs given $IO,mrt
and besides this each aeparat lodge prob
ably will make a donation.
Another Caravan of Proyiaioni 8ent by
Omaha to California Sufferers,
Union Pacifio Carries at Least 8even Cars
to Believe Human Want.
Hundreds of Men and Teams Canvass Oity
Under Morris' Direction.
Instead of Wearing Oft, Eenl to TTelo
Strlrhen Sna Praaelaeo and
Vicinity Increase With
The third tralnload of supplies frora
Omaha and Nebraska for the relief of San
Francisco nd vicinity left Inst night ever
the Union Pacific, running th second
section of passenger train No. I. Depart
ing the train had only four refrigerator
cars, but was to pick up a car from Bea
trice at Valley, one at Fremont and ono
at Columbus, mnklng at least seven before
crossing the state line.
The Omaha consignments consisted of a
car of food, clothing and bedding con
tributed by Omaha people Sunday through
the relief committee, a car of crackers
loaded by th National Biscuit company
on order from the Chicago office, and two
car of pork and beans, putted ham, roast
beef, tongue and corned beef loaded by
the Cudahy Packing company for Hearst's
Chicago American. '
Several Thonannd More.
It is probable the Omaha executive relief
committee will hold a meeting today and
arrange for the purchase of several more
cars of provisions. Treasurer Drake In his
Sunday morning mall found $1,600 In sub
scriptions for the fund, practically all of It
coming from Omaha cltlsena. Th com
mittee headed by G. W. Wattles to solicit
among the grain men had accumulated
$2,000 Saturday night and turned It over
to the Merchants National bank. Other
committees are expected to report today In
manner that will nearly double the
amounts paid In up to Saturday noon, when
they were last reported.
It was California relief Sunday In
Omaha. Th mass of cltisens and families
for the first time were given a convenient
oportunlty to contribute and they I re
sponded nobly. In all of the Methodist
churches and most of the others collection
were taken up for tha express purpos of
alleviating the suffering on tha coast. The
amounts wUl not be calculated or turned
oyer to the relief committee until to
day. During the afternoon flrty-thro wagona
and team belonging to local trucking
companies and other concern covered the
entire city with crews of two men and a
boy and a driver each, seeking food not
easily perishable, bedding and, clothing.
South Omahi-alftO'swellc9 the volume of .
it donations.. , .
Harris Directs tha Campaign.
Th collection work was in the hand
of Superintendent Morris of the Associated
Char Mies and he proved himself a master
of such undertakings. From noon until
after 6 o'clock he had not less than 240
men and boys working under hi direction
on a carefully systematized plan. By rea
son of thorough organisation th task was
mode comparatively simple. At least three
carloads of material wer taken to head
quarters at the city hall and so expedi
tious waa the work that one car was loaded ,
at Eighth and Jackson streets in . time
for the special train, started out by the
Union Pacific. All of the labor was vol
untary and no one received a penny for
his toll.
On each team that served were placard
bearing the word. "San Franclaco Relief."
They centered at th city hall, where pack
ing cases littered the sidewalk on Farnam
street down toward The Bee building al
most to Seventeenth. A score of willing
assistant redistributed the goods and
packed them as soon a the wagon came
In. Hardly a vehicle returned loaded less
than to capacity. Empty wagona wer
either sent back over new routea or used
to send th prepared, classified and plainly
marked goods to the cars. Another group
of volunteers attended to the loading.
Sunday afternoon pedestrians found Far
ram atreet almost blocked at th city hall
by the busy conditions. Many of the men
and boy quit their strolling right there
and went to work. Member of the Young
Men's Christian association, young men
from the high school, the business colleges
and the railroad headquarters wer much
In evidence and rendered effective assist
ance. Superintendent Morris' plan Included th
ending out of every wagon over a plainly
designated typewritten route. Each wagon
waa equipped with a crew of two men and
on boy, beside the driver. The boy kept
working ahead, notifying th householder
along -both aide of the street to get their
contribution ready and the two men fol
lowed, on to each aid of th street to
carry the donations to the wagon. The
scheme was Intended to aave time and It
did and worked with splendid success.
Firms Sapplylac Team.
The team were furnished by th fol
lowing firm, with possible omissions:
Omaha Gas company, Lyons & Sons Ex
press company, Fred Moran, McCauley
Express company. The Only . Way, Union
loo company, United States Express com
pany, W. W. Mace, Coal II111 Coal com
pany, John O'Keefe, Bralley & Dorranco,
Expressmen's Delivery company and L.
All kinds of vehicles were in the cav
alcade, from Ice and coal wagona to un
dertakers' light-wagons used to transport
empty caskets. But they each were. cap
able of holding quantities of things badly
needed In and around San Franclaco and
they did their part in the collection.
The most of the work was outlined and
cared for as follows:
Route No. 1 Fourteenth street. east
side from Douglas to Webster and thence
east up and down streets and cross
streets. Omaha (Jos company.
Route No. 2 Fourteenth street, west
side Douglh to WeuHU r; Fifteenth street,
east and west sides, Webster to Capitol
avenue and on each cross street between.
Lyons tc Hons Express company.
Houte No. t Sherman avi nuo, both
sides, from viaduct to Ca;tlul avenue.
Fred Moran.
Route No. 4 Bancroft atreet, from
Tenth north to Farnam. Lyons A Suns
Express company.
Route No. f Tenth street, both sides.
Bancroft to Farnam. McCauley Express
Houte No. a Eleventh street, both sides,
Bancroft lo Farnam. The Only Wny,
Houte No. 7 Twelfth street, boih side..
Bancroft to Furnuiii. I'nlon lc company.
Rou'e No. Tlili tee nth street, both sides.
Bancroft in; The only Way.
Route No. rtfteen-h street, both sides,
north to Frfrnum. i'nlted Slates Kxpre
t"iuie No, 10 Bancroft, faottt aides and