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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1906)
A -wn atia daily wva:-. sixi-ay. api;ii, 22. irw. ! 1 Get What You Ask For! THERE It Keasort Why the Good Peepla ef America buy Caacareta as Fast a the Cj9rTick Every aeeond lomi one, sirr "where, Is Buvjrf a littla Tn-Cnt Bot of CSjh caret. 1. 2. 3. 4, 5, 660 times to tha Mute, 60 Minutes to tha Hur, 3600 Boxes an Hour, 36,000 Bexes a Vy ef Tan Hours, 1.030,000 Boxes a Manth, and then some. Think cf It 220,000 People take ft Cascaret tablet each day. Million use Caacareta when necessary. Tha Jvirn?TA of Milllona cf Bright Americans Is Infallible. They have been Buying and Taking Cascarets at that rats for ever Six years. a true, faithful, loyal servant ef Mankind. Oyw Flv. MM Mens ef Dollars have been fent lo make tha rnerits of Caa careta known, and every rent of It would be lost, did not sound merit claim and bold tha constant, continued friendship, Fatrenafa and Endorsement of w-ett-pleased people year after year. a a a There is also a Reason Why there are Farasitea who attach themselves to tha Health.Bodr of Cas caret's success Imitators, Counter re it era, Substltutors. They are Trade Thieves who would reb Cascarets of tha "Good Will" ef tha people. and sneak unearned preflta, earned and paid for by Csscsrets. It la not an Experiment, rat an AoeH dent or Incident, but a sound. Honest Business, based on Time-Trie d-snd-Testrd Merit, never found wsntlng . There Is a Reason. Cascarets are the Implacable fee ef AJ1 Disease Germs; the lneomparaV.4 cleanser, purifier and strengthener of tha entire Digestive Canal. They Art like Exercise on the Bowel Muscles, make them strong and active able to Help Themselves do their work keep themselves clean. Cascarets sre tha safe-guard of Innocent Childhood against the Dreadful Death dealing Dangers that threaten the lives of tha Little Ones. They are Purely Vefetable, absolutely Harmless, gjways Reliable and Efficient, A Dishonest Purpose means a Dishonest Product and a Disregard cf tha Purchas ers' Health or Welfare. Beware ef the SHck Salesman and his ancient "Jut aa Goad' atory that cam men sense refutes. Cascarets are made only by the Sterling Remedy Company, and the famous little Ten Cent ' Vest Pocket" box Is here shown. They are never sold in bulk. Every tablet marked "CCC." Be aura you get tha genuine. tr-TRE-K, TO OUR FRIENDS! W want ta send te enr Wends a beiattfal Frcnctwtwilnirt. GOLD-PLATED SONBON BO hard-enimclfd in coiort. It it a beauty for tnt arnsint table. Tea cent Is Stamps t tsked n a gieaiart of gooi ftltn and te cover net of Catcarett, with whlcBnusTrSntf tttnket Is leaded, 7 Seed tMJr. rnertlenlni this paper, Aflflrfsi SterUat Remedy Compaay, Chicac ar New York. Pli.ULWl.). uiu m M urn ..JJi.....ii ii u...m luiuum j.i aji ilhj .li. uj..i3m.i.jiiiL.jaMgMMgB5agg f5 (SI , a. We ntnk Weak Men KtronR stronR In fvrry way strong rnouKn to Mit-crrd In the bottle of life; men who commnnd repect, admiration and love; men who force sucreas. If you are aufferlng from any dieea you want a Permanent cure. You want ail that .clone can do for you. You owe It to yourself and posterity to be atrotig and vlgoroti In mind and body. The doc tor who makes a specially of treating diseases and weakness.:, peculiar to men la better qualified to you successfully than tha general practitioner who aeattere his (acuities oer the whole tlfld of medicine and surgery. Socially work nowadays ia called for and demanded. We do not scatter our faculties, but concentrate them unon one particular specialty. We have made a life-long study of the disease and hesses so prevalent among men. and have been the ineana of restoring t'lousan. s of afflicted aufterere to complete and perfoct health. If, you remilre medical at tention, you should avail yourself of the services of specialists of recognized nbl -it v and experience, auch aa we are, who are eminently qualified to advise, diicct and, treat such easea. Our extended experience In the traiment ef this class of trouble enables us to obtain practically complete master over the dmense and weakness that ...iMi.ute ojr spet laity, and to successfully- treat and cure hundreds of caw a which have hahied the skill of other physicians and so-colled specialists. Al thai deep knowledge, expert skill, vast experience and scientific olhcs equ pmenl ,m r.ccompllsli Is now being done for those who come lo us for the help they "Then come to the leaders of medical npeclaldom doctors who will make a tho-i-.nigti. searching and sclentiile examination of your ailments, an examination th.-it will disclose your true physical condition, without a knowledge of wtt ij viiii are groping In the dark, and without a thorough understanding of which no physician or specialist should be allowed to treat you. K CVItK SAFELY AM) THOKOfGHLY 3tricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, end all diseases nno weaknesses or men out to innrrnm", !iu?e. excesses, or the result of specific or private diseases, mcc enuciit TlTirtU tun CVlUIUITinU Office Hours 1 net uunouLiAiiun anu tAami.muun. evil habits, self. a in. to I p. m. Eundnya, 10 to 1 orWy. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnain St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha. Neb. DEMOCRATS ARE WKBC CP Chairman Etperts to Isnne Call for Sute Contention Bone Time Kelt Week. DATE LIKELY TO BE LATE IN JULY eferee Tembertesi Aaaaaaeee Taklaa tl Trminosr la nral rase 111 lomaaenre Tlrsday Freaooau (Prom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, April 21. (Special.) Chairman Allen tif the democratic atate committee will shortly set a data for the democratic atate convention, after a consultation with 1 the secretary of the committee. Mr. Allen said this morning he Would Issue the call within a few days, probably the middle of next week. Just at this time Mr. Allen said he was unable to say what the date would be, but It would be later than May and probably aa late as July. An early convention will not be called because of the operations of the Douglea county primary law. The lata convention will be necessary In order to give tha Douglas county dem ocrata time to aelect their delegates. Normal Ralldlaa; Accepted. At Its meeting held at Pent yesterday tha State Normal board accepted the new chB7el fcullding, but 'will not turn over the warrant for $6,000 yet due the contractor until he preducea receipt showing be has paid all of tha workmen and for all of the supplies. This was not done at the meet ing yesterday because Contractor Sparks was not present. Treasurer Mortensen, Chairman Lud den, Superintendent McBrlen and Pr. Thomaa of the Kearney Normal school returned home last night after taking a spurt through Iowa In order to get her They left Peru at 4 o'clock In the after noon, went northeast to Nebraska City, then southwest to Shenandoah, la., north east to Red Oak, west to Plattsmoutli, northwest to Omaha and then south to Lincoln. It would have saved the state about 60 cents had they remained In Ne braska City last night but they oould not have reached Lincoln until this afternoon, so concluded to take the long ride. Grata Hearing; Thursday. Referee rcmberton, appointed by the su preme court to hear the testimony In the grain cases, has announced he will begin taking testimony at tl o'clock Thurs day morning. Just how long It will takt to get all the evidence In, no one seems to know, but It la the wish of tha legal department of tha atate and the referei to rush matters as rapidly as possible. After the evidence has all been compiled, it, with the recommendation of tha referee, will be submit ted to the supreme court for final action. Coatest Over Cora. . Superintendent McBrlen Is enthusiastic over teaching agriculture In the public sehoola and In abetting corn contests. Deputy Blhop Is more so. It was demon strated this morning, and there ensued a clash of authority. Bishop bought five bushela of corn to be distributed as seed among the contestants. Bishop thinks tho corn Is entitled to a good, safe resting place and so he ordered It consigned to the vault In Ihe office of the superin tendent. McBrlen thought the corn was en titled to some consideration, but he balked at putting It in the vault. It took severnt minutes of argument on the part of Mc Brien to convince Bishop the vault was the plnce'for literature on the "five ensen tlals" nnd the basement of the state house the place for the corn. It was re. moved to the basement. frost HevlaSta State. Frank N. Trout, former attorney general of Nebraska, but now of Oklahoma City, Is In Lincoln attending to buslnesa. Mr Trout haa recently sold his resilience prop erty here to CliarU s Bryan for $5,000. siir1ntendenl for ane'hrr year end hi salxry was voluntarily Increased by tlm board, as wsa that of M's Ixule Stngner, who waa also unanimously re-elected prin cipal for the West ward school. The principal for the East ward erhnol has riot jet been aelected. but a number of appli cations are under consMerslion. Tho schools are In splendid condition r-F.VF.R HIT Till Ftlll.Y HD Twelve-1 ear-old Hoy Dtes I'lie of git Children ewffer. LRTrtlt. Neb., April J1. -(Special. )-Chr1s Olandt, the V year-old Son of Mr. and Mrs. r. N. Olandt, died lust evening of a disease resulting from scarlet fever. For nearly three months this family has had one or more esses of scarlet fever. Kie of tha six children have had the fever In malig nant form. Trained nurses have been In attendance and the best physicians In the state have given advice. It is announced by the local physicians that no more deaths are likely to occur. r - ' - s.T!ia','iwV),i-lA-L' x W1n..- sunt "yw, Jltill AAJx (:airtaYlnnw naW ,Jm,A . wataafha. fw 1 V J 3 EL I I If J I ;.-.,' mmm a D wmm --afar-'' ' vM Wv t4nft ,9 i f. i m Attention is directed to the splendid new equipment of electric lighted daily trains, Omaha and Council Bluffs to Sioux City, Mankato, St. Paul and Minne apolis via THE NORTH-WESTERN LINE Buffet-smoking and library car, splendid Tullman drawing room sleeping cars and free reclining chair cars of the latest type, with all modern travel conven iences; train new from the shops and brilliantly lighted by electricity, leaves Omaha daily 8.28 p. m. Klectric reaJing lamps in every section and drawrng room and in the buffet-library car. Electric curling iron heaters in the ladies' dressing rooms. Breakfast a la carte in buffet library car. The North-Western Line is the direct line to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Superior, Duluth, Ashland and the Iike Superior country. Two trains daily leave Omaha 7.50 am and 8.28 pm. Sleeping car reservation and full information concerning ratre and achedulea on application at . TICKET OFFICES I UOVMOt Ftrgaai Sheet. Maybe Twice la F.aoaah. TECfMSEH. Neb., April 1 -C, W. Wooley of the grocery firm of Wooleey Bros., of this city, caused the arrest of Wesley King, better known its "Doc" King, yesterday on the charge of stealing gasoline from tha atorehousn at the rear of the store. King Was taken Into the county court, where he pleaded guilty to the .charge and waa fined $25 and costs by Judge James Livingston. Last evening he met Mr. Woolsey on the street and a- aaulted him. Mr. Woolsey caused his ar rest a second time and this morning he waa arraigned on the assault charge be fore Police Judge J. A. I-awrence. He pleaded guilty and was fined $10 and coeta. MB YOUR CAR FARE WILL BUY A HEW POAKI PIANOS - - ii ij Harwell Odd Fellows Oraanlse. BURWEL1 Neb.. April il.-(Speclal Yesterday was red letter day in Odd Fel lowship In rturwell. The grand organlrer wag here and, with the assistance of those already members, organized a lodge with about seventy charter members. The opera house and Woodman hall were both ned. A sumrtuous banquet was servci) by the aid society In the Christian church basement at midnight. The loilgr starts out with fine prospects. Arrangement have already been made for euarters In the ihlrd story of the new Stone block now being erected, and when completed the lodge will have as fine a lodge room as there Is In the state. BEATRICE. Neb.. April Il.-iSpeclnl Telegram. Harry Feckwlth, 16 years old. while fishing near Hoag today was shot In the back by the accidental discharge of a 22-callbre rifle in the hands of his com panion, Merl Sprlnk. Toung Heckwlth had ato-iped down to bait his hook, when Sprlnk pulld up the weapon Ut shoot at a duck. The gun was discharged and the ball struck Heckwlih in the hack, Inflctlng a dangerous wound. The ball was extri cated and It is believed the boy will re. cover. If You Order It During Our Great 15 Days' Sale You Also save $7.").(H) to $150.00 on nny piano iu our im mense stock. Tcrrns: $6.0 down and 10 etMts n day. AVe de liver the piano at once. But you must hurry, for this sale positively clones this week. One of the Great Attractions Of thin sale Is the almost unlimited variety of make and styles, affording buyer a sfloctlon that will en able evervone to eatlsfv thntr deatre for a beautiful piano. We how you the bost nnd latest productions from Stelnway Sona, A. B. Chase, Strgcr A Sons, Emerson. Hardman, McFhall., Vouph end many other reliable fartoiiee, names with which all are familiar. 4 The Last Week To get one of these wonderful, new. modem Vprlght Tlanoa, made to sell at 2t0. at the astonlMhlng Sale Price of Only $158.00 We also call vour attention to the following bargains In used pianos which we will place on sale Monday: "Kimball" Square Grand only. . . . $38 "Boardman & Gray" Square only -Vi "Conover" Square Grand ouly $1,000 "Stelnway & Sona" Square Grand only... MA "Vose & Sons" Vptight, ebony case, only MS 'Hall & Pons" I'prlght, parlor size, only flOA "Vose & Sons" I'prlght, full aire, only 12 "Arlon" Upright, walnut case, only fia.A "Chlckerlng" Upright, full alze f-l.VJ And many others at prices to sell quickly, and guaranteed satisfactory or money refunded. Parties at a distance should writ at once for catalogues, price lists, second-hand bargains, etc. We ship pianos every where and give the best piano values in America. CALL OR ADDRESS, SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. 1311-13 FAKNAM STREET, OMAHA IN THE NEW FIVE STORY BUILDING SSEBiOII Ttfrlslon la rintte ItrMae Case. SCHUYLER, Neb.. April :i. (Special.) Juilae Pnlllvan bs rrnrtorcd bis decision In the brlditn esse. hcMIng the commissioners are rrnt liable for tln brides. The decision was a surprise, th pontile expected the bridge would Imvc t" put In. Trohnbly a suit will be startcil -ft llutlcr county to intnpel It to stand i- i half of the rx penscs of repairing. Shnnllna at I noli. NORFOLK, ffeh., April 21. (Special Te1e-BT8m.)-0'efT Hullctt was bound over nt Iynch for shooting his neighbor. Collins, wild waa shot In the hrnln and mny dl. BWKKIl M'liRKKVY IS SF.T 1'HKK Jadare Chnritfs Prosecution with Had Faith aail Dlamlssea Casea. rtASSFTf. Neb.. April 21. (Specliil Te aram.) Exposing his dlsspproval of the action of the ronipl.tlnltit witrss ami hlnt- Ina at bad faith In the prosecutions, Judge Westnver tonlKlit dlHinlesed eight cases of the state of Nebraska against lfc-rnard MeGreevy, which were transferred from Holt county to this county on a change of venue and were to have been tried at this term. A Jury whs empaneled In one of the rasea Friday afternoon, and this morning when the trtul waa about to be commenced a recess waa requested and the day waa consumed ny complaining wit nesses and counsel of defendant In trying to effect a settlement. These casea grew out of the falluie of the Elkhorn Valley bank of O'Nell. of which the defentant was preHldent. At the time of the failure MeOreevy. with Patrick Hagerty. the cashier, fled and MeOreevy was later cap tured In Arizona and brought back. It appears that the complaining witnesses were unable to agree among themselves on terms of settlement, though It Is re ported that an offer was made by de fendant's counsel which would have re sulted practically In payment In full of the Indebtedness of the bank. The attempt at settlement waa wholl;- between the com plulnlng witnesses and counsel for de fendant and the prosecuting attorney, and the court was In no way connected with It. Court reconvened tonight at 9 o'clock ami Judge VMir expressed tils dis approval of the action of tha complaining witnesses and stated that It was Ida opin ion no convictions could be secured In the cases on account of the fact that It had become known that the casus were not aeemlngly being prosecuted In good faith. He declared that not another dollar of Holt county money should be used In pros ecuting these caves and he thereupon sum marily dismissed all of the casea on his own moil. m and discharged the defendant. In his statement he full exonerated County Attorney Mullen, who waa leading counsel fur the state. The April term of district court for Rock county has been In session all week and adjourned tonlalit to reconvene April 25. A number oi other casea has been disposed of, among the more Important of which are the following: 8tate agaliiHt Dun Nevell. robbery, dis missed. tute against fjeorge Pnpke, statutory assault on Roxla Thomas, aged 13. The Ji.ry rendered a verdict finding him guilty of simple assault. Elkhorn Live Stock Company against M-mtere of the Firm of McCreary, Carey C- Anderson of South Omaha; action for price of certain horsea sold for plaintiff by defendants and damages on aocoant of al. leged negligence. The price received for the horses was paid to plaintiff soon after the case was commenced. Purlng the trial the defendants confessed liability for In- Kens of braakn. YORK Pr. F.ckles is building n fln- home on the corner of Brvcnth street and Iew-a avenue. PEATR1CE Pr. C. A. Love Was called to Malvern, la., yesterday by the death of bis mother. WEST POINT-Judge Pewald has Issued a maniaae license to Frank Relnian and Miss Pinn Melster. COLUMBUS All of the smallpox cnes are on the road to complete recovery. There are no other new cases in town. 6EWAHP-The little child of Mr. and Mrs. Slielton of Utlca. whiln playing In the yard, ten ana sustained very serious In juries. BEATRICE Yesterday afternoon the ball team from the Central school defeated the nine from the Houtli eoliool hy a score of 11 to in. BEATRICE At their meeting last evening the Kike of this city contributed t-f to the general fund for the relief of the Bnr. Francisco sufferers. YORK E. B. Lloyd of Thayer, Nebraska has moved to York and purchased the slock of groceries of C. 15. Callcnder and U "s taken posMcsslon KKATRICE Word comes from Marys vllln, Kan., that right-of-way auents for the Union I'aclflc Rnllroad company lire busy buying the necessary right-of-way throiiKli Marshall county for the Marys-ville-Topeka cut-off and so far have expe rienced no irouoie. BEWAltD-J. C. Oraham has moved his stock of drugs to Iavld City and Mr. E 11. Wrlln will open up a large drug bus), ness In the business block. WEST POrNT-I. W. Iongacre, who has been night operator at the Northwestern passenger station, has been transferred to Aloion as nay operator Tor tne same ronu TECUM8EH The. saloon of William Otto was broken -into some time during Friday night and the intruder took about t'l from the money drawer and several bottle of w 1111.117. TECUM REM The flrst base ball game for this city this season will be played Wednesday afternoon, when the Johnson team will meet the locals. Both towns licve good teams and a good game la expected. H K AT RICE M. E. Rtanstetler of the Orlftln Construction company of Kansas City, had his hand badly crushed today wnue at work on tne itm-K island nridxe The member crushed may have to be am pul a ted. BEATRICE Nearly all the farmers In this aection have finished planting their oats and are busily i-umig.-d Jn getting the ground in shape to plant corn. Winter wheat never looked better at this season of the year. PLATTSMOUTH The merchants' carni val was a grand success In every way. It was given by the Euterpean Olce club Among tha musical numbers was "Come Where My Love IJea Ireaming" by the I'lattsmouin quartet YORK The York Oas and Electric Light company Is placing gas lamps and electric lights on all the streets In York. When lights nave been placed as contracted for by the city council Ynrll will he one of the best lighted cities In the atate. LEKlii A number of farmers and fe--d era sre shipping their stock today. A fpe- clal train of sixteen cars left at 4 o clock for Chicago. Jn the consignment were some of the best cattle that have been shipped from here for several years. YORK County Surveyor A. B Codding Is surveying the lorty-scre tract of land adjoining the city of York on the west, which was recently purchased by Mans field A Shanibaugh, who will plat and sub divide the tract Into lots and acre properly. REA1 RICE The commanding officers of the Beairlce fire department. In company with Chief A. L. White, held a meeting last evening and ini.gurated a more thorough system of fiehting fires A meeting will ba held the second Tuesday In each month. LK1UH Joseph A. Connor of Omaha, who spent the winter In I.OR Angeles, ("al.. is in I-elgh this week. He has '.( Iinhels of cats housed at this place and an eifinil amount at (Teuton, which lie ia putting on the market. Mr. Connor speuka In g.owlng terms of Los Angeles. 8i H( TLER-WIIMe, the 7-year-od son of Jonathan Mcl'herson. fell nut of the sec ond story of the Janeci k building tonlaht. ....... .v, ,t . ... . I He struck the pavenwpt below, falling on Urest to the amount of $1S3 and the Jury hi. left foot, which saved him from break- severe shaking and the judgment was for the amount of the lo, with interest, amounting in nil to over IT.ocO. NEBRASKA CITT The farmer of Otoe county nte taking advantage of the high price of corn nnd tushlng all they can to tho elevators. A local grain man esti mated today that the farniets of this county had sold SSO.n&o bushels of corn at 4' cents d.itlng the past week. LEIGH The present week has been nn Ideal one for farmem and the first real seeding weather of the spring All wheat sowing is done and many fanners mill hive finished sowing oats by this evening. They have been putting In overtime to take advantage of the nice weather. YORK Harold White had a narrow es cape from instant death when he stepped over a live ulie and the horse he was leading stepped on the wire and Instantly ten riead. I Ills niBKes two norse aiueo by fallen live wires of the electric llant company within the past six months. SCHUYLER Joseph 1-ane shipped eigh teen cars of sheep to Chicniro Friday. The shipment was over the Union Taclllc nnd reunited a special train. 1 nis was i:ie second large shipment from here this winter, the first one going to California. The sheep were fed at the Folda ranch. BEATRICE John Oreldcr and Jesse Oi-een, living near Oilier, captured a lit ter of ten wohra In a brush pile on tne farm of J. W. Fonts and will nek the count v clerk for the bounty, which is 3 per head. Henrv Roha of Clatonla yesterday brought In nine coyote sculps to the county cleik s office. YORK One of the local papers Is de manding that the Commercial clun 01 VorU take steps to Interest every shipper and merchants of York receiving merchan dise over tin? Burlington to take action toward convincing1 the Burlington railroad that York is In earnest In wanting a sull ahlo depot. BEATRICE The Women's auxiliary of Christ church met yesterday and elnrted these officers: Mrs. Fredcrlka Cole, presi dent; Mrs Caroline Smith, vice president; Mr u v. Knieiv seeretarv nnd treasurer Mis'. W. A. Mulligan and Miss Alice Cole were elected delegates to attend the annual meeting to be held at Omnha, May it. WFJtT POINT The newly organised cor poration which has taken over the property of the Mining association is nivn. .-n-gaged In preparing the plant for a resump tion of business. Owing to the high water and to a portion of the dam being washed out the mill Is not In operation now. but repairs will be mads as o.ulckly as possible. WEST POINT The newly elected mayor and council assumed the reins of city gov. eminent Friday evening. The ceremony attending the chance waa simple a no ranr actcrlscd by perfect harmony nnd good feeling. The new council was organised by electing Peter Poellett president. Mayor Hunker will announce nis appointees mi the next meeting of the council. fViU'MHl'H-At the regulnr mee'lng of Oethsemiine commnndery No. 21. Knights Templar. ln-H evening, the following olflcers were elected: U. A. nenrooer, niiiinii ram ninnder; C. J. Oarlow, generalising ; C. I). Evans, captain grneral; J. I. Stlres. prelate; A. Anderson, treasurer; Oils O. I'.echer, recorder; Charles-E. Pollock, senior warden; Edgar Howard, Junior warden. rLATTSMOUTH-The district cotirt gnve the Missouri Paclrlo rallrond a judgment for 1 cent damages against Cass county. The supreme court has reversed the deci sion and remanded the case. The np pralsers awarded the companv I2SO as dam ages on account of the crossing of its rlKht-of-wav by a section line road, but the county commissioner refused to allow nv damage. WEST rOINT The Woman's club met this week at the home of Miss Carlo'ta Crawford. The responses to roll call wcrs fish stories. The first pnper read was an Interestingly told 'Story of the Sealing Grounds." Mrs. William (lentrup then read 1 nsner on "Fisheries.'- which dealt With the catching and preparing; of fish through out the United Stales. An amusing fish stnrv was read by Mrs. S. 8. Krake as the closing number. OAKLAND At the tegular meeting of Oakland chapter No. lo. Order of the Eastern Btai. held Friday evening, the fol lowing officers were elected for the ensuing year: Mrs. Jean Myers. W, M.; A. H. peden, W. P.; Mrs. May Mlnler, A M.; Ethel llopklm, secretary; V. L. Fried, treasurer; Mrs. Emma Cull, conductress; Mrs. Orace Hin.on, aslstant conductress. After the close or the chapter the gcntle ni:i served a delicious luncheon. WEST POINT Upon complaint or his wife, Ijiwrence Solfermoser was taken be fore the Insanity board on Friday and tried on a chsrge of Insanity. Sxtlermoser Is 47 years old and has a large family. Ills malady manifests Itself In various ways. At times he Is excessively gloomy and de spondent and again his conversation shows the wildest and strangest fliglUe He has been a heavy drinker for many .vVars. The board found him to be a tit subject for treatment and he waa taken to Norfolk by Bherlff Mali how this morning. FMAR-The Methodist Woman's Home Missionary society of the Hastings district held Its annual session on Friday In the Methodist church, a majority ot me one gates being present at the opening. The forenoon session was occupied by routine business and the election of officers. The afternoon was devoted to the rending of Important papers, a number by women from a distance. In the evening Mis Bertha Elliott of the Fink national training school of Chicago delivered an aide, earnest nnd Interesting address on "Home Mission Work" to a large and attentive audience NEBRASKA CITY The pupils of the city schools are making unusual prepara tions for the observance of Arbor day In this rlty. Next Monday morning short ex ercises will be held at the schools and at ia o'clock the pupils will form In line, and. Viaaderi hv l.( Oe'a concert hand, will march to Morton park, where they will plant trees OMAHA SUPPLY DEPOT WAITS Secretary Taft Too usy with Oriier Matters to Take TJp the Question. PROMISES TO DO SO AS SOON AS POSSIBLE Representative Kennedy Appear Before House Committee to Advo cate Rill for Mrdala for Philippine aoldlers. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. April SI. (Special Telegram.) Senator Millard and Con gressman Kennedy had an Interview with the secretary of war this morning In re lation to bills now pending to establish at Omaha a general supply depot for the quartermaster's department. This Inter view had been arranged before the San Francisco catastrophe and In consequence Secretary" Taft was not in a position o talk of lmprovementa of the army es tablishments when thousand needed help In, the stricken cities of California, Al though the secretary waa a busy man, so busy that he asked both frnntletnen to ac company Mm to the White House and thence to the capltol. he had time enough to say that he would take up the matter Just as Soon as there was a let-up In the sending of supplies and taking care of the homclesa on tho Pacific coast. Medal Asked for Soldiers. Representative Kennedy this morning appeared before the subcommittee of the house committee on military affair to ad vocate the passage of a bill providing bronee medala for offlcera and enlisted men In the volunteer forces who remained In the Philippines to help suppress In surrection after their term of enlistment had expired, and were afterward honor ably discharged. The First Nebraska vol unteers are interested In the measure aa being among the first to reach the theater of war and at the same time help to put down Insurrection. Nebraska, Delegate F.ntertalned. Mn. John Ross Key, formerly Mis Elllnor Hutcher of Omaha, gave a lunch eon at the New Wlllatd today In honor of the Nebraska delegation and Mrs. Honsld McLean, president general of the Daughters ef the American Revolution. In 1 addition to Mrs. McLean there were pres ent Mr. Langworthy, state regent of Nebraska; Mrs. Edsnn Rich, Omaha; M,r. J. Elwood Orcutt, Lincoln; Mr. J. F. Tlssolt. Seward; Mr. Wallace Pelnfleld, state regent of Missouri. Mr. Mary Wood Swift, vice president general of California, had also accepted the invitation but wa unable to be present owing to the calamity which has befallen California. In honar of the grandson of Francl Scott Key the orchestra played the "Star Spangled Ban der," and throughout the luncheon dis coursed patriotic airs, fiurlng the lunrh enn Mr. McEean accepted an Invitation to visit Nebraska and will be the guest while In Omaha of Mrs. Kelson Rich. Mr. Key 1 the designer of an emblem for dally use for the Imughters which ha been designated a the official emblem of .the soi lety. and through Its sale has contribu ted over ftiQO to the building fund of the Continental hotel. Month Dakotana llnay. South TiHkot I having periodical visits from Its representatives In congress. Sen ator Gamble Is now In that state looking after hl fences. Representative Burke was in the etnte last week, but arrived In Wash ington today at 10:40. At 11:10 Representa tive Martin of Pendwood. who Is Oamble Chief opponent, left for the Rlack Hill to continue the wnik of spiking Gamble' guns. Rill to Benefit Kebraakana. Senator Rurkett today introduced a bill to establish the status of the Nebraska state militia. In 1"W4 the governor of the then territory of Nebraska was requested by the federal government to oganlee a regiment of volunteers to defend the fron tier," nnd these vnlunteere when orgwnlred , served from AngUFt, 1S;4. to January, W. protecting the frontier of Nebraska, Colo rado and Kansas against hostile Indians. The Rurkett bill provide that the military organisations known aa Companies A. B. C and t. and a battery of artillery thereof Of the First Nebraska volunteer militia he recognised aa a regular volunteer organiaa tlon of the war of the rebellion, and the officers and privates thereof, Including will ow and dependent children of auch aoldlera, be entitled to all benefit of the pension laws a other regular volunteer organisa tion. Clarke Woold av Lands. Henry T. Clarke la persistent In saving land hoar pellevue from being washed away by the Missouri river. Senator Mil lard received a letter from Mr. Clarke to day urging an appropriation of MO.OiiO or $40,000, the employment of a steamboat and a pair of oxen to put in a cable from the ehore to the center of the river, and after complete anchorage Is secured to o load the cable that the course of the river will be deflected. Senator Millard said h would do everything In his power to save tha land In question, but It seemed useless to ask for any help a long a Congressman Bur ton of Ohio wa chairman of the rlvera and harbor committee of the house. The ne cessity for some relief I obvious, but Just how to bring the matter about la what wor rlea Senator Millard. Minor Matter at Capital. William Q. Putney, Lincoln, wa today granted a pension of 114 per month. Congreesman Pollard today secured 11 pension for Margaret E. Kohn of Nebraska City, of $a per month and her husband's accrued pension. Congressman Hlnshaw haa aecured 11 pension for Samuel .T. Hendereon of Geneva at a $12 rate from December 19, 190$. Judge Norris today aecured a pension for John Tipton of Hnrdr, at $14. Rural route No. 2 ha been ofdered es tablished June 1 at Allen, Dixon county. Neb., serving 500 people and 10 house. C. C. Barker of Alliance, Neb. has been admitted to practice before the interior department. The application of O. K. Holly, II. I. Foskett, A. W. Murphy, J. F. Ike, J. P. Nice and Q. 3. LHJcdahl to orgnnlae tho First National bank of Imngene, Ia.. with capital, has been approved by the comptroller of the currency. Interest Awakened. Interest awakened everywhere In the marvelous curee of Cut. B'irns, Wounds, with Bucklen Arnica Salve. 2B cent. For sale by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. DAKOTA fTlirKMAH GKTI 0K F.Alt Plead C.nllty to Fraud In Land Rntrle. SIOUX FALLS. H. D., April 21 Tha first victim of tha present prosecution for land frauds In western South fiakota waa Carl Pitan, a prominent stockman, residing In the ceded Sioux land between the Mis souri river and the Black Hill. He ap peared before Judge Carland and entered a plea of guilty to an Indlcfhient charging him with engaging In a conspiracy to de fraud the United State government out of large tract of public land. Judge Carland sentenced him to Imprisonment In the Hughes county jail for oaa year and fined him $l.oo. RallHIna Permits. The city hns Issued the following build ing permits: Mary Nelson, $2,nno frame dwelling at 2MB Blondo; P. . Honey, ll xiio frame dwelling at Twenty-fourth nd (Irani; C. K. Mover, $7,500 hrlcfc double dwelling at 2613-14 Dewey avenue. Spreehleaa with Wonder are tha friends of those cured of Stomach, Liver and Kidney Trouble by Electric Blt tera. 10 cents. Guaranteed. For sale by Sherman McConnell Drug- Co. Publish your want Column of The Bee. in the advertising Have Root pilnt It. 9C In the beautiful park donated to the city by the founder of Arbor day, the late J Sterling Morton. Judge Paul Jessen will preside at the park and deliver a ehort address to the pupils. After the exercise the pupils will plant a number of trees In pi ice designated by C. E. Dwyer, manager of Arbor Lodge. returned a verd'c for plaintiff for dam age In tha sum of II. Judge Harrington presided except In the MeOreevy case. BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS llolareg Tracker Art Re-elerf ed. lfOI.DREOB. Neb.. April tl. (Special Telrpram.t At a special meeting of the a board of education held last night all cf I the old teacnera were re-employed ei ! cept five, who resigned. Some of the five will accept mora lucrative position elsewhere and othera will spend the coming year In attending school. prof. B. P. I Thompson wa unanimously re-elected irig 1 mi bone. Beyond up tin hey waa not Injured. BEATRICE In appreciation of the serv ice of the Beatr.t tiie department In saving his building from destruction, A. O. Wolfenharger of Lincoln presenud the department with 15 K. C. Bohanan. state agent for the Columbian Fir Insurance company, also contributed 15. TECUM? EH District court la In session with Judga W. H. Kelllgar of Auburn on tha bench. In tha rase against at. tl Con ovr of Sterling, charged with embesxl. ment, the Jury returned a verdict of not guilty. In tha ease against the Chamber lain banking house and ethers, wherein the aondsmen ara held for the lex of the ounty deptiait In the failed bank, the ; verdict waa against all of tb defendants, ell Tohaeea Mlaar. David Stern, who operate a tor at t4 North Eighteenth street, was assessed $J0 and cost hy Judge Crawford In police court Saturday for celling a package of tobacco to a minor. He admitted the offense, but pleaded that the sue and ap pearance of ths boy, Harold Keller, wa 111 h a to lead him to the belief that he was over 17 year of ge. The offense wa committed April 16. Th arrest was mad an th instance of Truant Officer Parkur. aitaro will appeal th case. Marriage Urease. Th full wing: aiarrlage licensee have been Issued: Frederick Down. Omaha SS Nellie ciolie, Omaha ,,1... 'CI 1 a . : -r I ITf IT" f 'ff 'y'TrWaV Garden Hose and Lawn Mowers are in great demanri just now. Everyone knows the (ioodrich Hoso U the bt hose made. We are exclu sive agents for Omaha, 12-inch tl.B 14-inch $3.00 16 inch $3.25 Then we have Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Jr., ball bearing, Continental and others. JAS. MORTON & SOU COMPANY HARDWARE AND TOOLS 111 I DO DOB STREET lllffll "laMlllaa Lawn Moots, Cadet t