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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1906)
THE OMAnA ILLUSTRATED BEE. April 22. lWrt. MANY BAR CKMG MONDAY TD TOI? ID 8 GAIB! PLUMS Greatest Suit Sale of the Season Onr business In Ladles' Bolts has been something wonderful this season. 80 enthusiastic has the buying been that it has proven almost Impossible to keep our lines complete, flat we are now prepared to supply your every garment wish, your every style idea, in design, material, size or color; 1,875 new Spring Suits are here to select from. "Have been every place in town And cannot And variety so great or prices so reasonable," and kindred remarks, we hear many times dally. Our price reductions are genuine and afford buyers the greatest bargain pportnnl ties to be found in the city. For Monday we are showing: J09 BUITH, regular $75.00 values, Krt (( . at choice UUU" 100 SUITS, regular $00.00 values, fR ft at choice O.J.JVJ 125 SUITB regular $36.00 values, Oft ff at choice. miJ.JJ $0 6UIT8, regular $26.00 values, fO Qf at choice 1CJ.VU 100 SUITS, regular $16.00 values, O Q( at choice. . . HIGH CLASS SKIRTS Ths largest stock and greatest variety In the west. Includ ing a complete line o( small and extra sixes. Every popular fabric, color and pattern Is represented in this Immense stock; all made by the best eastern manu facturers and fitted here by our man tailors. Perfect fit and hang guaranteed. BK1RTB for which you would pay else where $ui.O0 special (T?; Mon-lsy " ' BRUITS sold regularly elsewhere f f fifl at $16 Oft-special Mot day '"'uu $7.00 AND $So0 BKIKTS In Mon- A Qft dsys sale at .J3 MISSES' $4.00 Skirts, Monday. g 50 NEW ' ' B PRINO ' ' CO ATS. "in" short, box. pony, tight fitting effects, also ths popu lar lens-th coats in checks and plaids. The larscst line In the city to select from, and very best values, at, e flfi $12 f0. $10.oo. ?.w and J.JJ WOMEN'S WAISTS, worth $2.00, Q5f wom kn's ' $5.00 jap' waists', O QQ Monday Ai.VCT FROM I TILL t A. M. Women's $3 Oft Silk Underskirts for this hour 2,50 FROM ' i ' TILL "A'"jL!"ti Women' s Lon g Crepe Kimonos, worth $2.00, JQ High Grade Wash Goods Dept. The Wash Goods season is right here, and on Monday we will commence series of Wash Goods Sales that will surprise the most skeptical. On the middle table of our Main Wash Goods Department we ' will, placs a 25o Bilk Eollenne In the forenoon f rtcj only at, a yard, only.:. av We will place 16o French Organdies W pieces, the finest printing ever seen 12 yards to a customer at, a tfr yard "V" We will sell 60 pieces of plain Panamas, ths 19c grsde, only 12 yards to a f Oc customer, at a yard svrw Ws will sell 19e Printed Batiste ths very finest printing at, a lOf" yard ,v,w IN THE AFTERNOON Ws will sell 100 pieces of French Carreaux the 60c and wc grades tne very nnesi printing msde only 12 yards to a customei at, a yard "w Wash Goods Bargains Embroidered Cotton Voiles, In all new spring shades, handsome paMerns and goods that sell regular up to 60a Rr yard, at yard a Dotted Bilk Mull, In spring shades, for waists and dresses, worth 60o 15C yard, at yard Garner Fwrcales, in medium and light shades, for dreses or men's shirts, all good designs, full 84 Inches wlds ftc and worth 15c yard, at yard avrw Burkley Percales, In dark and light . fLw shades, worth 12o yard, at-yd Special Embroidery Sale A great clearing-np sale on all broken lot of Swiss Nainsook and Cam- brie Embroideries ana inserungs. NARROW EDGES AND INSERTINGS, slightly soiled, at, n yard MEDIUM WIDTH EDGES AND INSERT 1NUS, both Swiss and Nainsook, 24 C on sale at. yard " BIX-INCH CAMBRIC EDGES, 1-lnch In serting bands and broken sets of ftno Nainsook and Swiss goods, ttc worth up to 25 yard, at, yard -w EXTRA WIDE FLOUNC1NGS and fine Nainsook Edges and Insertlngs, 0c worth up to 3oc yard, at, yard vv . TWO GREAT I-OTS of All-Over Embrold worth up to $3.00, yard, go CQr In this sale at. yard, 98c and -yv Ths latest patterns in 18-inch Corset Cove. Furniture Department less V -Sw .A . m Here yon have a fine new style metal bed, posts and top rail are lH-lncb; fillers, 5-10-lnchs height of head, 00 Inches; foot, 48 inches; dark green enamel with gold trimming. This is a serviceable, well constructed bed. and anyone would put the price at about 96.50 or $7. However, as we are the pioneers at low price mak lng in these parts and follow no one, ,w place this bed en sale 3 85 Tersely Told Mo Competltloa. R. DOUGLAS HYDE, apostle of the Gaelic league, waa inter viewed In Chicago on his return from the Pacific coast last weak. Replying to a request for his D opinion on graft exposures la this country, be told this story: "An Irishman named Mike cams over and settled In a certain city which I will not name. "After he had been here a short time a friend, accosted him, saying: 'Mike, what are you going to do for yoursetfr Oh, sure, I II bo for making an honest living,' replied Mlks. 'Well, you ought soon to be a million aire,' said his friend. 'An' whyr asked Mike. "'You'll have so little competition.' re joined his mentor." Gave Him Ills Time. A Kentucky congresman tells an Inter esting tale of the execution of a notod desperado In that state some years sgo. 'Just before the sheriff adjusted the noose be asked the usual question whether the tnsn had anything to say. "No, I think not," began the convicted one, when he was Interrupted by a cheer ful voice shouting: "Say, Bill, if you ain't got anything spe cial to say, would you mind giving nts We will sell 60 pieces of Double Fold 86- Inch Pongee, in natural, iigni Diue, rxne and black the 60c quality only 23C 10 yards to a customer at, yard.... We will sell Silk Moussellne, the 19c qual ity In all colors at a 1 tic yard Ws will sell 10c India Llnon Cc at ,JW We will sell IZC India Llnon 8 i C We will sell 13c India Llnon at We will sell Bedford Cords the 26o grade 10c 10c 39c Mercerized Walstlngs 30 1Cn pieces W" And 16 other Wash Goods sales, too numerous to mention. . No mail orders filled as goods are closed out the same day. In the Great Domestic Room Doited Dress Swisses, In all new spring designs, extra fine weave and IfiC worth 26o yard, at yard ,uw Swiss Lawns, fast colors. In medium, light and dark shades, worth 10c, lc yard, at yard Silk Stripe Organdies, In handsome fc newshades, worth 860 yard, at, yd. vy Printed Batiste and Organdies, all this sea son's shades and deTns, and goods that sell regular up to 25o yard, Iftr at-yard ....' Embroideries, extra fins Swiss and Nain sook edges and heavy blind embroidered flouncings, worth up to 60o IQc yard, at, yard afc NEW ZION C1TT LACES. A perfect line 'of Wash Laces, msde in Zlon City. 111. We have the SOLE SELL ING AGENCY for OMAHA. All laces made In this country are exempt from the 60 per cent tariff duty, ana i and YOU SAVE THIS BY BUYING YOUR LACES AT HAYDEN'S. A NEW LOT OF ZION CITY LACES In complete sets with All-Overs to match, go on sale Monday, at, yard, 25c, Cn 15c, 12Vic. 10c. 8c. 7c. 6c and All-Overs, at, yard, $1.00, 86c, 1r 50c and ttV, The Home of Price- Furniture. Dressers We also place on sale a very neat Dresser, top drawer is full Swell, the mirror is a 16x20 bevel French plate, size of base 38x19, neat metal drawer pulls and the castors are furnished. Price 6.85 We are showing a very large line of Go-Carts of all kinds, from the cheapest (like cut) at $1.95 up to the finest leather upholstered English perambulator, at 133.00. We have the Oriole Go-Basket. The Glascock Baby Jumpers and Walkers and Swings for the babies. Tales Both Grim and Gay fifteen minutes of your time Just to let these good people know that I am a candidate for their suffrages, and " "Hold on. there!" shouted the sheriff, "who's that?" "John Blank," volunteered someone, naming a rising young politician, who has since represented his state for a number of years in the house of representatives at Washington. "Who did you say it was?" whispered the condemned man to the sheriff. "They say It's John Blank." "I thought I recognised John's voice," the desperado calmly remarked. "Well, he can have my time, all of It, but go ahead and hang me first and let Mm talk afterward." Llpplncott's. The Impolite Aadleace. Miss Ethel Barrymore, whose engagement to sn Knrllsh soldier poet has been an nounced, will not, after her marrlge, leave the stage. "I shall never leave the stage," Miss Barrymore said to a Philadelphia woman the other day. "My audiences are so kind to mo I could not bear to desert them. "My audiences have never treated me as a western audience once treated a com edian, a distant cousin of mine. , "This comedian appeared In a tour-act comedy In a western mining town. At Dainty Under muslins Greatly Underpriced Monday morning will begin our Great Annual gale of 1'ndermnslins, preparations for which have been in progress for the past three months. No stone has been left unturned to make this showing the greatest in point of variety, quality and bargain worth Omaha has ever known, and undoubtedly success has crowned our efforts. THE SURPLUS STOCK OP TWO GREAT MANUFACTURERS added to our already immense stock, will undoubtedly lend added Interest to this GREATEST OP ALL GREAT MUSLIN UNDERWEAR SALES. BEAUTIFUL SAMPLE SKIRTS AND GOWNS A very chice lot of sample gar ments, many. of them imported, made of the very finest materials and trimmed with the most beautiful laces and embroideries, worth in a regular way up to $16, in four great lots t flQ J AO C Oft f CA Monday, at J.JO-ty.JO-J.JO-b.JV) LADIES' SKIRTS In fine ma tehlsls with deep flounces of fine laces snd Insertions or handsome embroideries finish ed in rows of tucks and with LADIE8' SKIRTS, worth regu larly up to $2.$0, , s en choice Ladles' Gowns, Chemise and' Skirts, In almost unlimited variety, worth In a regular rhoV,rr..-.M..t.,!.!?;60'..93c Misses' Muslin Drawers, In all sizes, at 15c and. 10c Bargain Squares piled ' high with Ladles' Gowns, Skirts, Corset Covers and Drawers, worth regularly $1.00, at, choice .......'.. ,.OUC DRAWERS and CORSET COV-, worm in a regular way 75c, at. 09c cnoice Extraordinary but th. ,olam. h, exceed Look elsewhere as much as yon aa v IIUUU1 IfUBlllfM in linfTw $14 00 TAPESTRY BRIIBHP'T.a T,T-r,a size vxjo-e, rk ro Monday y.yO B0. Scotch Brussels Rugs, site Q OQ 8x12, Monday .7. O.VO $8.60 Scotch Brussels Rugs, slse S CQ 6-9x, Monday VC $18.00 High Bpere Brussels Rugs, f A OR size 9x12, Monday I'. 40 $16.00 High Spere Brussels Rugs, SO 72 size 8-8x10-8. Mondav $11 60 High Bpere Brussels Rugs, O en size 8x9. Monday OtpU 827.60 Kmlth Axmlnster Rugs, Q slse mi, juonaay ,wr $26.00 Axmlnster Ru Run. best i so rt Quality, size 8-3x10-6. at..... IO.UU Beamleas Velvet Rugs, size txltOO Rfl $30.00 values, at $26.00 Velvet Rugs, best quality, f Q Bn size 8-3x10-6. at IO.OU $12.00 All-Wool Art Squares, size Q Q 9xU, , Monday ...vy.O Flannel Department 6e extra heavy yard wide Shaker Flannel at yard 80c Cream Flannel at yard 10c Drapery Cretonne at yard ., 18c Drapery Bateeu at yard , 12Hc and 10c Bllkolins at yard ..4ic 20c 6ic 9ic .8ic ffic fancy colors Scotch Flannels at O S 25c ysra BED SPREADS. 76o extra good size Crochet Bed Spreads China and Prices take a tumble for Monday, gains of the year. 80-plece Decorated Dinner Sets. j QQ 100-plece Imported English Porcelain Dinner Sets. at...... Decorated Toilet Sets, 12 pieces, at 4.98 298 Japanese Plates, Cups and Saucers, beau tifully decorated, 10C Decorated Bowls, H each '. Decorated Parlor Lamp, 'vase and globe tematch, has 8-lnch globe, - 85C Omaha's Greatest Grocery II pounds best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar $1.00 48-lb. aacks Fancy High Patent Minnesota Flour $1.15 10 lbs. White or Yellow Cornmeal 9c 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap 25o 7 lbs. best Wheat Farina, Hominy of Barley 26o 1 pkg. 11 boxes Parlor Matches 12 5 lbs. best bulk Laundry Starch 19o lb. pails nne Fruit Jelly loo 1 lb. pkg. Macaroni , S'.jc Cold Water Btsroh, per pkg .....4o Large bottle nne Tomato Catsup 8Vfco 1 lb. pkg. Corn Starch 4o t lb. can fancy sweet Sugar Corn fro t lb. can fancy Wax, String or Lima !T n the end of the third act the miners rose in a body, gathered up their belongings and started to depart. " 'Gentlemen,' ha said, there is another act yet.' " Tea; that's why we're going,' said the miners." New York Tribune. War He Cot Os?. Pat, who had recently "come over," met his old friend Dennis. Fst, who was en thusiastic over all the wonderful things hs had seen and heard, lost no time in telling Dennis some of his adventures. "An what folne smart men they have on them strata cars," he said. "I got on wan of them and purty soon the man said 'Kearny,' and Mr. Kearny he gets up and got off. At the next corner he said 'Pow ell,' and Mr. Powell be gets off. and he kept right on doing that. Bays I to mesself: 'He Is purty smart, begorra. If he can find out me own name; but, would yes belave me, at the next corner he said 'McAllister,' so there was nothing for me to do but gst off,' too." San Francisco Chronicle. A Lrae Family. Not long ago a Japanese war vessel topped at Cork and a number of sailors were given shore leave. They ware to be seen everywhere, being objects of creat Mi bUVJ THC nCLIADLC OTOflC. underlay dust ruffle, GAR MENTS WORTH tP TO ttnn, divided Into 3 great i no lots, at. $2.98, $2.60 snd.. LADIES' GOWNS In low, high neck or slip overs, handsomely trimmed with dainty laces and washable ribbons, VALt'ES VP TO $4.60, at $193, f eft l,98 and Ladles' Corset Covers and Drawers, worth In a regular wsy BOc, at, 7tSf choice CORSET COVERS In great variety of lace and insertion trimmed, all sixes, 1Qr worth 36c, choice 1" Msny other special bargains too numerous to mention. ONE HOUR SALES from . till 10:30 A. M. We will sell Ladles' Skirts and Gowns, trimmed with laces, embroid eries snd tucks, skirts have dust ruflle, all well made snd worth In a regular way 75c, limit of two to a hr customer, at OlJG Rug and Drapery Bargains Ann I nokln. . ' K.'E nlease. von'll fin ... t.i . . . ." . . '- 1--" $10.00 All-Wool Art Squares, size 7.98 monoay $880 All-Wool Art Squares, size 7-8x9, Monday $60 All-Wool Art Squares, size 6x9, Monday $1.50 Smyrna Rjgs, slzs 80x3, Monday .575 4.75 ..95c Many other bargains In small rugs. $3.60 Axmlnster Rugs, size 27x63, AO. special ' ...40 $6.00 Axmlnster Rugs, size 36x72, 1 )U special "O Blnscl's Grand Rapids Carpet O en Sweepers, at AOU Bissal's Welcome Carpet 8weepersQ QQ Cocoa Mats, .45c ...16c eacn Floor Oil Cloth, at, yard.s..., Jiemmed ready for use 49c 89o full size Bed Spreads. Mar- i sellles patterns each OvC $1.25 full size Bed Spreads, beautiful Mar seilles patterns, extra heavy fSkrm knettad fringe-each ...VOC $2.78 genuine Marseilles Colored Bed Bpread, this Is a very pretty spread and will wear and hold its color to the last It has a pretty border to match center, corner In blue and white and pink and wnite extra large each 1.98 Glassvare You will find here the greatest bar Crystal Glass Bowls and Vases, looks like real cut, each Genuine Star Cut Tumblers, bell shaped, 25c values, at Common Crystal Tumblers, each Plain White Cups and Saucers, each White China Bait and Peppers, for painting, at Decorated Cuspidors, each ...10c 12c lc ... lc 5c 10c THE ONLY PLACE YOU CAN BUY REAL BELLECK FOR HAND PAINT ING 18 HERE. SEE THEM. Beans at So 8 lb. can Boston Baked Beans 7Vfco 1 lb. can fancy Alaska Salmon 9c Oil Sardines, per can 8c Fancy California Prunes, per lb. 4c Fancy Oregon Prunes, per lb 7V4c Fancy cleaned Currants, per lb IVtO Fancy Muscatel Raisins, per lb..; 7 He Seeded Raisins, per pkg 7Vu Ths best Soda Crackers, per lb 6c Fanoy Sweet Cookies, per lb 10c BUTTER AND CHEESE SALE Fancy Separstor Creamery Butter, per lb., at 21o Fancy Brick or Llmberger Cheese, lb 12Ho Fancy New York White Cheese, per lb. 15c Fancy Wisconsin Cream Cheese, lb. ,.12Vfcc Interest. It happened that on the same day a country woman was In Cork, seeing the sights and for the first time saw a native of the mikado's land. All Japs looked alike to her and after she had ob served a street car half filled with them she exclaimed: "Glory be, but she was a wonderful woman that had all thim sons. Everywhere I seen thim this day and they all have the same faoes on thim, the little Cray tures." Tha Doctor's Orders. Prince Louis of Battenberg, In the course of an interview about the New York police men accused of drinking aboard the Drake, said with a smile: "I blame those unknown men no more than I blame a certain teetotaler of Dun dee. "A Dundee physician, because the tee totaler had a red nose, suspected the sin cerity of the man's professions. "Bo he Invited him to dine at a restau : rant one night, and ordered champagne : with the dinner. "The teetotaler did not hesitate at all over the champagne. He drank a half-dozen glasses, and grew gay and boisterous. "Then the doctor, feeling that he bad him, said gruffly: " 'Well, John, hoo does all this square wl' yer tee-total pretensions V "The prohibitionist (aa you would call him here) laughed and answered: " Though I'm a stanch . tee-tot'ler. Via no alo a fule as to refuse what the doctor .awl era,' " Nsw York Tliar In We are showing the best values In the entire west. We have hlnh grade hats, medium priced hats and less expensive hats Just the hat that your artistic taste demands. It's Just as chic and becoming as if you bought it elsewhere and paid more money for it. TRIMMED HATS In all the new shapes, made of pyroxalln braid and trimmed with flowers and foliage, ribbons and wings 4 QQ a hat that would sell for 7.60, for tJO STREET ILT8 New effects in the popular little Sail- P A ors and Turbans for street wear at .D) OUR CHILDREN'S HAT SECTION offers the most attractive line - "T" " "'m our rtKh, .... u pneej lowest. 8PEC1AL CURTAIN SALE. t3pnl?ln Clty Lace Curtalns, at, 4Q 5palrZIn Lace rtan "t" Vj QQ p,Zlon City Lace Curtains,' at" ' gg pair C'tJr Lace CurtJn. at. j 25 palr'0" CUr n'"(i. ggg SAMPLE LINE 'of"laCE CURTAINS Worth up to $S In four lots Mon a?.111' each Wc, 69c, 4c and iOC , 1 lnsrain Carpets, splendid ca bargain, at, yard ODC iih8!6? CA,RPKTS, with borders to ya"rd.h,..!.!!!"ltjr' at 1.00 NXJ";,nr ,,"n. "'"Corded'Madrassses. ".nd.?010"- at- yard-75C' 35c 40ehUnrda'yn. ilEEL. 5c Special Sale of Linens and Sheetings 72-Inch bleached Satin Damask Table 'nr "'!tr h.eav,y. pretty new designs and ood" that sell regular at ir $1.60 yard, at yard I.UU bleached, all new Imported goods and worth $$ and $2.25 a yard, at- s n yard .' Napkins to match abov linens. 20x20 and 22x22, at dozen 83 and A. dO 80-Inch Union Bleached Table Linen, extra heavy and sells regular up to 36c yard only six yards to customer 19c Pattern Cloths, in all linen, bleached, hem stitched, 2H yards long, worth $3.50 apiece to close at 1 a ft apiece 45.4V 18x18 Sliver Bleached Napkins, guaranteed all pure linen, worth $1.60 dozen, fltt-i at dozen VOti 81x90 Bleached 8eamless Sheets fOi worth 86c. at eaoh OVC 81x90 Bleached Beamless Sheets RCir worth 76c, at each OVW 81x90 Bleached Seamless Sheets ACn worth 65c. at each 81x90 Bleached Beamless Sheets worth 65c, at each 39c 42 and 45-Inch ready-made Pillow Ca bleached at each l&c, 126c 8&C All Linen Huck Towels, extra long i and heavy, worth 15c, at each 'lv Linen Finished Suiting, In white and col oredworth 18c and 20c yard, at 12 4 C Dept. Prices FRESil FRUIT AND VEGETABLE PRICES: Fancy large Navel Oranges, per dos....25c Fancy large Brazil Cocoanuts, each....SHc Fancy Fard Dates, per lb..... 100 Fresh Roasted Peanuts, t measures for 6o t bunches fresh Lettuce...... '. 6c 6 bunches fresh Onions , 6c 2 bunches fresh Radishes 6o Pie Plant, per lb., 6c Largs Cucumbers, each 6c Fresh Pursley, per bunch 3c Fresh ripe Tomatoes, per lb..... loc WATCH THE PAPERS FOR OUR BIG ANNUAL ROSE TREE SALE. Curious; and Never Too Old to Wed. HE engagement is announced In Indianapolis of Mra Josephine McDonald, widow of United States Senator Joseph A. McDonald, and C. B. Cones, president of the Cones Garment company, one of the richest men In Indianapolis. The bride-elect Is 78 and the bridegroom a few years ber senior. Mrs. McDonald waa pronounced by Mat thew Arnold, who met her in Washington, the most beautiful woman In the world. A Denver newspaper published her portrait and a Denver banker's wife, whose cook had pinned lt on the kitchen wall, waa astonished to hear the milkman say one morning: "Yes, a very good likeness." She asked him If he bad ever seen Mrs. Mc Donald and hs replied: "She was my wife." I This proved to be the case, aa Mrs. Mc . Donald had divorced him previous to her , marriage to the Indiana senator. Her mar ! rtage and the lawsuit following Senator McDonald's death, by which the McDon , aid children by a previous marriage sought to break the will, caused a great sensa ' tlon. Mrs. McDonald's beauty brought her much homage In Washington' from her hus band's political friends, but she was never admitted to Intimacy by their wlvea The lata Mrs. Thomas -A. Hendricks, wife of the vice president - never recel r) vvv the Millinery Department of this class of goods shown In the city. The new bent-up shapes, trimmed with roses, wreaths and ribbons, are very 1 QO popular this season price m.Jj Misses' Hats made of pyroxalln braid and chiffon, In all colors, trimmed with large bows of silk, for. . . . . Hats from 08c to $33. New Valenciennes Laces We have secured all broken sets of New York Vals worth from 15c to sale at yard ' DRESS TRIMMING BRAIDS. We carry the largest line of Dress Trimmings In the city. Ask any re liable dressmaker whsre you should go to buy your trimmings and Invariably the answer will be Hayden's. Not only is our stock largest and best selected, but our prices are always right. NEW LINE OF FLAT PULL BRAIDS, In grevs, black, navy blue f id browns, at, ysrd, 16c, 12SiC, 10c, 8c Cn and Gold and Silver Soutache Braids, In all colors, at, bolt 29c MIXED GILT AND SILK BRAIDS, the latest novelties, at, yard, 12Hc, In 10c, 7Hc, 6c and.. LACE JACKET3 The most popular styles of the season, at $25.00 down 25 Embroidered Waist Patterns, In over fifty styles, at 98c, 75c 50 C 1 Great Silk Sale Monday 28,000 yards of High Grade Silks, purchased by us from one of Ameri ca's greatest jobbing houses at JUST HALF MILL PRICE, will be placed on sale Monday at correspondingly low prices. These silks are the choicest styles and latest shades produced by the fore most foreign and domestic manufacturers, and at Monday's prices afford you the greatest opportunity known in years. LOT 1 Fancy Cords and Jaqaards, plain color Taffetas, black and white Jap Silks and Checks, In all colors, 97 at. yard W W LOT 2 Beautljl Novelties or shirt waist suits In stripes, checks and neat figures, plain Peau de Cygne, Washable Pongee.', Chiffon Poplins, handsome Plaids, 27 bich Black Bilks, etc., at, 39c LOT 8-27-lnch Novelty Silk, 27-lneh Color Taffeta. 24-Inch Black Peau de Boles, 10 lnch Messallnea, fancy checks and plaids,, Wool Dress 60 pieces silk mixed Mohair Fancies the $1, $1.25 and $1.60 grades only 8 BQ. yards to a customer at, a yard....0 60 pieces of 60-Inch black and navy and all colors, regular $1 grade only 7 JC yards to customer at, yard sOC 100 pieces of Silk and Wool Eollennes. 48 Inches wide, made In France and Ger many all colors (except black and white) only 8 yds. to customer 3Qq White Goods and Dress Linens The grandest line of these goods ever seen in Omaha, DRESS LINENS. Union Dress Linens yard 26c, 19c and ,15c Butchers' Linen 39c, 26o 10r and Dress Linens $1.25, $1.00, 76c, 69c, ORr 8&c and OW Two yards wide extra heavy fine Dress Linens, four yards make a K1 dress, at a yard ' Embroidered Linens, the eyelet hole and other figures $2.60, $1.98 (El and 3I Colored Linens la all grades. - Read These Special Prices In Hardware Department Monday (-piece garden sets, at Boys' base balls, at Boys' hard wood bats, at Boys' leather catching gloves, at Boys' leather catching mitt, at Large wire carpet beater for Screen door hinges, per pair 30-Inch adjustable window screens for , Screen doors, all sizes, up from Fancy oU doors, at 1-qt. sprinkling can for 23i .....5c -Be 25c 23c ;.10c 10c ..30c 60c .1.10 .10c .,15c .20c 1.59 1-qt. sprinkling can lor 4-qt. sprinkling can for , 1-qt. Whits Mountain Cream . freezer, at Romantic Capers of Cupid either in Washington or In Indianapolis, although the two men were the closest of friends, politically and socially. Mra McDonald la still a beautiful woman, ber face unmarked by a wrinkle, with mases of soft white hair, largs darkv eyes full of sparkle, and a queenly carriage. Bhe is one of the best dressed women In Indianapolis and dons youthful styles and colors with daring and success. Mr. Cones became a widower six months ago. His wife and Mrs. McDonald had been life-long friends. - Appeadleltle No Obstacle. An operation for appendicitis on her wed ding day is only a slight obstacle to the will of the little blind god In the opinion of Miss Grace Mohler of Stuart Ridge, III. The surgeons at Columbia hospital gave way to a minister and a wedding party as soon as Miss Mohler recovered from the administration of ether In a Chicago hos pital. The marriage of Miss Mohler to Arthur Drummond of Chicago was to have been performed at Stuurt Ridge at the house or the bride's parents. Miss Mohler becams 111 and waa hurried to Chicago. Despite the seriousness of the situation, both she and Mr. Drummond Insisted upon ths per formance of the ceremony Immediately after the operation. , The Rev. Henry Keen Gale of Btuart Idga waa summoned. Relatives of the .3.50 Vals and Insertlngs from Alsol, Putzel of 25c per yard go during this u.....5c EMBROIDERED WHITE RORKS A sample line of the very latest Embroid ered Robes, worth from fP.OO to $30.1) each, on aiile Monday at $16.00, down to $7.00, $6 00, $5.00 4.50 NOTION SPECIALS. Hump Hooks and Eyes, per card 2ic 23c Hose Supporters, per IOC pal Gold Eye Needles, package f. 2Jc 10c 26c Bklrt Hangers. at 15c Metal Back Horn Combs, at 5c Print Warps. Rough Pongees, Black Moires, 36-inch Japs, Wash Silks, etc.. worth up to $1.60 yard, at, 59c LOT 4 Plain SwIps Messallnea, 27-Inch Novelties, Swiss Taffeta. Crepe de Chines, etc, worth $1.25 to $2.00 yard greatest values ever shown, at, 79c LOT 6 36-lnch Black Taffetas, Black Peau de Sole, Chiffon Taffetas, Pongees, Crepe de Chines, 46-Inch Dress Chiffons, etc, regularly worth $2.00 yard, at, Qg ' Goods Sale SO pieces of 68-Inch extra fine Oavenette Mohair Suitings, made by Priestley only 7 yards to customer, at, - 26 pieces of all wool evening shades, pink, light blue. Nile, lavender (no oc creams) at, a yard We are headquarters for all kinds of spring Gray Worsteds. We have 66 dif ferent grades and 18 different designs. Call and examine them. ST. GALL SWISSES. We handle the genuine Hand Embroidered St. Gall Swisses 300 different styles at yard 82.50 down to $1, 75o, 69c, on 60o and w SCOTCH SWISSES. We handle the genuine Scotch Swisses very sheer and fine at, a yard, tCn 60c, 39c, 25c and DOMESTIC SWISSES Wh handle a grand line of Domestlo Swisses at yard 20c, 19a, 16a 12 iC White Walstlngs, India Llnons, Persian Lawns, French Lawns, Long Cloths, Ba tistes, Organdies, and everything for the lingerie waists. 2-qt. White Mountain Cream O lf Freezer, at Good Garden Hose, flr per foot U9V Hard Wood Hose Reels, 49c Admiral Lawn Sprayer, 19c 14-Inch Lawn Mower. 2 Q5 14-ln. High Wheel Lawn Mower, 3 QQ 8-foot Step Ladder, at , Garden Plow, ...-59c 3.39 5c 5c ic He Garden Wscders, at Garden Trowels, at Poultry Wire, per square fuot Window Screen, per square tout t-burner Gasoline Btoves, O f( at .J We have just received a car load of Refrigerators which we will place on stus this week at reduced prices. couple responded to hurried calls to the hospital and Miss Ollta Flowers, a nurse, acted as witness. Mr. Drummond stood at the bedside and the ceremony was per formed. The attending physicians say the speedy recovery of Mra Drummond Is assured. Tells oa Illmsl(. "This Is the first instance In several years of newspaper work," says the Gaylord .(Okl.) buntlncl, "that tne writer has dared, to tell the truth about a wed ding for fear of getting licked, and does so now with a keen relish. The bride groom Is an editor, and is not a popular and accomplished leudur of society In fact, he doesn't know as much about lt as a rabbit. His hair Is red and the freckles on his face crowd each other for room. In the duak lt Is hard to distin guish him from a telegraph pole. He has never considered that the future looked very bright or promising lt has always kept him too busy paying his board bills to hAvs any dreams about future great ness. He Is Just a common sort of a fellow, and claims distinction only in that he is a Kansan fron the soles of bis clumsy feet to the top of his head. The bride Is the youngest ' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. J. White, and was born and raised In the SoloAon valley. Judging from the Job she Aas taken on ber bands, he is a young Wiy. of wore than rdlaarr nsrve," f I 1 X. 1