Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1906, Page 6, Image 30

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April IS, 1000.
For and About Women Folks
"Jew Style la Wall Prr.
T 13 now possible to lmitae for a
nominal rum U.e wall coverings
and decoration! of th earlier
boen solicitous for her comfort and her
safruard!ng, Illinois has laxged In th
The problem are alt th. mora serious
days which rich Americana been us they effort not only the Interest
duplicate at a coat of large turns, of today, but have Hal connection with
It la no unusual thin. erny the New the cltiienshlp of tomorrow. Education Is
fork Bun, for 20.000 to be spent by New counted Important and that Chicago Is
Torker. In decorating; the walls of a draw- trying to Impress this upon Its foreign
Ing room. On the other hand. It la possible born Is suggested by the fining In one
by the aid of tha latest wall papers to get day of sixteen parents for violation of the
a very pleasing imitation of a fX.OOO effect compulsory education law, thirteen of the
for t to 170. Carved wood, gold leaf ap- names being Pottow, Bwsnson, Shota, Rus-
Illques, painted canvasses are all aug- Icka, Pols, Levlnaon, Putenskowskl, Equl- '
treated In the latest wall papers, the more tak, Veragtno, tnzatua, Jellnek, Kanslnskl
artistic of which are designed to bring to and Garrlty. But education alone will not
the front panel effects. Never before have make good cltlsens, If the Interests of the
panel effects been so popular, not only in home are not protected,
drawing rooms, but In dining rooms and In . "There Is a great chance that the girl or
bedrooms, and It rests with the housekeeper woman who works under present condl-
alone whether she shall have an ordinary tlons will not make an Ideal wife and
plain papered wall or a wall broken up by mother. False notions of the relationship
oblongs of contrasting paper Into a very of the sexes may bring this result, even If
pleasing copy of a French or Italian salon purity and recltude prevail. It Is worth
of the seventeenth or eighteenth century. something at least to preserve the notion
For a wall to be covered between a ten- that the man should be tha wage earner
Inch baseboard and a moulding near the' and the family's supporter. It Is worth
celling with a long panelled effect the least more to maintain the American Ideal of
expensive method la to cover the room the true piece of the girl and the woman,
first with a. solid toned moire paper and Vow and then an official may be found who
then merely outline panels with a six-Inch will suggest, for example, that a barber
wide border representing a floral or con- shop Is not a desirable place for young
girls to work and will Insist that such em
ployment shall not be followed, but the
average man becomes Insensible to the
situation and Is content to Ignore condi
tions If there Is a profit In business for him.
"The friends of women hope for the day
ventlonal design, the corners of the panels,
of course, being elaborated to give variety
to the stiffness of the pattern.
The widest of the panels In one outlined
design of pale gray moire paper bordered
with pink rosea and green leaves were about
twenty-flve Inches and the narrowest when the sweatshops will be forbidden and
panels between doors and windows about all home work for manufacturers be under
fifteen inches. Ail the panels stopped the ban of the law. The home, then, will
within six Inches of the moulding and the have a sweeter atmosphere and come
same distance from the baseboard and nearer to rendering Its true service to Its
were about eight Inches apart In the wider occupants, while employers, compelled to
spaces of the room. furnish light 'and roomy shone for their
A pale green wall with panels outlined workers, will bear the rent rightly charged
with darker green and gold, a yellow wall against their Industry. Instead of letting
outlined with brown, green and gold and the wage earner pay It as now. when the
old rose outlined with white and gold were home becomes a workshop. It 1s a nralse-
among the most artistic combinations. worthy thing, no doubt, to consider the
Next to this method the least expensive provision of some relief from the ravages
way of having a panelled room Is to use of tuberculosis. It Is worth while to quee-
fabric paper for the panels; that Is, paper of Hon whether a good deal might not be done
mail, rich patterns, either figured or In that direction by Improvements In the
trlped preferably striped cut out In laws which affect the labor of women and
fancy designs at the corners. As In the children."
case of outlined panels, the room ts first
covered with plain paper and the panels
afterward applied.
An Illustration of this sort of panel
was furnished by a Louis XV. fabric paper
of rosea and bow knots on a plain cream
color foundation. A more dignified design
had panels In arabesque and scroll pat
'tern of copper color, gold and green on a
dull green foundation.
1316-17-19 Farnam 8trat.
A Plea Airalnst "again.;.
"My dear child, do for pity's sake hold
your shoulders back. I do declare! How
often have I
"Oh, mamma " and the rest of the re
sponse depends on the disposition and
training of the child. It will either be a
querulous retort, a sulky excuse, or, at
Tha canel designs this season are bv no moBt- momentary straightening up and
means oonHned to long effects, many of immediate relapse never a spontaneous,
them showing short, almost square panels willing response, never any lasting result,
arranged above a paper wainscoting, if it " endless, weary nagging will never
may be called so, about twenty Inches & more than arouse the antagonism of
wide above the baseboard made of the child, or by Its constant repetition cause
asm paper as the panels. Occasionally her to mentally label "shoulders" as one
this wainscoting is one yard or more of those things which someone is always
deep. This idea Is particularly arpropri- fussing about, but to which one need pay
ate to dining rooms, with dark, rich wall no attention, says Health Culture Maga-
papera taking the place of the lighter sine, i It will never convince her of the
colors preferred In parlors and bed- importance of holding herself up and it
room, will never help her to do It. It will never
Among the most attractive of the newer strengthen her back and so enable her to
nursery effects Is a double frlexe any- sit up straight, unconsciously, without a
where from thirty to forty Inches wldo, constant effort; nor will it even tell her
the lower edge of which is finished with a how to make that effort, however willing
shallow ahelf of enamelled wood. The ehe may bo to try. On the contrary, this
lower half of the fries nearer the shelf popular phrase, "Hold your shoulders
1. of a plain paper, the upper half shows back." only Imparts a wrong Idea, and tha
Jancy plctur. designs of animals, sport- wot tnln. th, chnd could do wou,d u
Ing .cenes and clown, or nature studies try to follow out lts ,nstructlo. Th
of ree. mountains and river. A. sma.l Bhou,der, ,nouId h.H own d
patterned paper 1. generally used to covjr v..,, . .,, . . .
tha wall below tha frio.e and the shelf .T hm. produces a
1. u.ed for picture..
For .looping room, there 1. a new fash-
almost Impossible to maintain, and, more-
loned boquet patterned, hand polished ov' " thw. the head forward
paper which is one of the most beautiful
seen in some time. The most artlstio de
signs have a, white background sprayed
It I. useless to tell a girl to hold her
self up, and Immediately follow the ad
monition by querulous criticism or unfa-
wlth clusters of roses, lilac., carnation., vorab,e comparison with others. There
In lorge boquet effects. my be a Physical response In the muscles,
A rival paper in style and price show. but that can om'r temporary, as neither
no background whatever, the pattern be- the wl" nor tha "ood wl11 ar. behind it.
Ing a compact mingling of foliage and A nrvoug cn"d wl11 b made irritable, a
birds of natural color. Although used to "cntrary" child will be made more "con
cover an entire wall, tha most effective rarT." and a shy, self-conscious child will
arrangement of this grade paper Is In the be made sulky.
form of a 18-lnch'deep frlexe drooping "How many times must I tell your Is
plain walL The frlexe is not, the constantly reiterated phrase; but what
A fine array of popular-priced room
sized rugs, at specially good values.
6x9 Brussels Rug $10.00
8-3x10-6 Brussels Rug $15.00
9x12 Brussels Rug $17.50
7x9 extra heavy Brussels Rug. .$13.50
8-3x10-6 extra heavy Brus. Rug. $20.00
9x12 extra heavy Brussels Rug. $22.00
9x12 Royal Wilton Rug $42.00
8-3x10-6 Royal Wilton Rug. . . .$37.50
6x9 Royal Wilton Rug $25.00
9x12 Body Brussels Rug $30.50
9x12 Body Brussels Rug $28.00
8-3x10-6 Body Brussels Rug. ...$27.50
6x9 Body Brussels Rug $22.50
9x12 Royal Axminster Rug. . . .$30.00
8-3x10-6 Royal Axminster Rug. $27.50
9x12 high grade Axmin. Rug. . .$25.00
8-3x10-6 H. G. Axminster Rug. $22.50
6x9 high grade Axminster Rug. $16.50
Large Size Rugs in Same Proportion.
One of the best
opportunities for
the purchase of
Carpets offered
you presents it
self this week.
We place on sale
more than Fifty
Rolls of Ingrain
Carpets at Whole
sale prices. They
are the dropped patterns tuKen from our whole
sale stock, and we must make room for other
goods. This clearance sale is of great importance
to hotels and homes.
We Herewith Mention Some of the Special Values
35c Union Ingrain 21c
40c Union Ingrain .' 27V.C
45c Union Ingrain 34c
55c Half Wool Ingrain 40c
60c Wool Filling Ingrain 47c
65c All Wool Ingrain 54c
75c All Wool Ingrain, extra super 63c
85c All Wool Ingrain, extra super English
worsted 67c
1315-17-19 Farnsrrl Straat.
This li to be season of great variety in
sortment of rich and effective draperies sur
passes all previous effects. They are carefully
chosen In attractive colorings and good pat
terns. The special Inducements we offer for
this week, commencing at the opening of the
season, should be sufficient to make already
tempting low prices simply lrreslstable.
Rope Valance Full width, all colors, f 1 f
worth $2.00; this week's sale. 11 J
Rope Portiere Can be adjusted to fit doors
6 to 6 feet wide, extra heavy cord, A f(
worth $5.50; this week's sale T.UU
Rope Portieres1 Velour cords with elaborate
overdrapes, worth S7.50 each; (f
this week's sale . ..O.UU
Festoon Draperies Made from beautiful, soft
. silky fabric to harmonize with Interior deco
ration, with handsome silk fringe, ready to
hang, worth $12.60; this week's n CA
sale (JU
Festoon Drapery Made from the finest silk
damask, having three festoons with heavy
silk fringe, made ready to bang, f C flft
worth $20.00; this week's sale... IJ.UU
Armour -. Portieres Full assortment, cord
edg9, plain colors, red, green, olive and
brown, worth $8.50 per pair; this I r
week's sale ,. U.U
Arniour Portieres Cord edge, full length and
width, solid colors, worth $6.75 CA
per pair; this week's sale Ji JU
We present this season what is considered to be the most noteworthy array of DINING ROOM FURNITURE ever shown in OMAHA.
We have no desire to exaggerate, as we know that if such were the case it would reflect on our honesty. All the favorite staple patterns are
shown and in addition scores of exclusive designs, not to be obtained elsewhere. Incidentally our factory facilities enable us to execute spe
cial orders on various woods promptly and at moderate prices. Whether you are in the market for a single piece or a whole outfit, these
unmatched assortments must appeal to you.
SIDEBOARD Quarter-sawed and poU
lshed oak, half swell front, one drawer
lined, French plate mirror,
SIDEBOARD Beautiful design, pol
ished oak, one drawer lined, fift
large plate mirror, for. ..
SIDEBOARD Quarter - sawed oak, tri
ple swell front, highly polished, shaped
mirror, one drawer lined, 25 00
SIDEBOARD Very massive design,
handsomely carved,. 28 00
BUFFET Solid mahogany, trimmed
with old brass, one drawer IP A A
lined for silver, for JJ.UU
China Cabinet Full bent front,
quarter-sawed oak and pol
ished, mirror top, g 25
China Cabinet Large size, bent
glass ends, with mir- tt f
ror above, for 1 m M
CHINA CABINET Quarter-sawed and
polished, bent glass front, French legs,
very handsome design, 21 50
CHINA CABINET Beautifully carved
and polished, claw feet, swell front,
' swell ends, one mirror yl r A
above shelf, for. i I D3
DINING CJIAIR9 Quarter-sawed oak,
box seat, upholstered in "7 E
leather; price t J
DININO CHAIRS Quarter-sawed oak,
box seat, upholstered in OA
leather JLJ3
DINING CHAIRS Quarter-sawed oak,
upholstered in 9 A
leather JUU
DINING CHAIRS Quarter-sawed oak,
box seat, upholstered in f?A
leather JtDVJ
DINING CHAIRS Q uarter-sa wed' .- oak,
. box seat, upholstered In ' ' 7 ?
leather J i
Polished Wood Seat Chairs at prices
from $1.00 to $4.00.
feet, top 48 inches square, 2 QQ
estal center, six feet, 45- A A A
Inch top, for IU.UU
and polished oak, claw feet, 5Q
and polished, pedestal cent- Q "A
er, beautiful design. .... IO.JU
sign, pedestal top, 48 Inches in diam
eter, highly polished, alx 1A A A
feet, for.......... ..AU.UU
Others range In price to. ...... .$100.00
tj. u1 --I K.Ki.oii.
a waffer was mada. Tha student war not
AU v,,,,, ... svndlcate In New ways like this tha children of tha care- allover broderle Anglalse or fine mull, with hospital as a curio. It Is as follows:
2 5 ? TL L , , " " n0t ta V '0n,,tan7 , T1 Phr"': butwhat Yoric U . a great help to students, and al- taking mother are better dressed than Htto ruchlng. of fleecy v'"c1"" Four brass watch chains, with catches easily deceived, so they Insisted upon Shutt
dfnT ,.Vlaln WU,h ? wll tell,n th amV,n5 th Soifc Tthe enormous proflt of B0 percent those of other, who spend much more hrvy' Vd" UcV VtKat "hw 'xwVnd one-half feet of three-elhths- UIn up W. rter Not oartnTto .how
moulding and It. lower edge Instead of way so many times? If the nine- ' tn8 manager. accept a great freely. It holds good In the whole rang fall closely. ih inrt2? t the whit, feather. Bhutt .wallow.d th.
.I....B.,,, iircnuior, luuuwing mo Ut isiuus; nas no eneci, wny - ,hlph ,0id Ky them to pa- of family expenses that spending lavishly i-ienty or snirt waists, maae or tne sneer-
Une of flowers and foliage. should the twentieth hav.T Tha only thing dea' 'WJ.; ' "untrv " " 'mail things makes Inability to pro- Ptl"urTUu?K. fllJA
A new paper which la particularly p- Is to And some other and mora convincing per over cov"ltry-
proprmie ior nans, UDrarles and dining way of presenting the subject.
. rooms is called silk fibre and is heavier As she walk, down the street a rlrl will
vide important things. To this extent or quite tlmply hemmed, or perhaps scal-
w-u with Cloves. money has a great elasticity. By It. mean, lopea, wnicn runs down the rront. om
H&adla Work wltli uioves. .. . times two of them are set. one on each side
said the woman who was order- rB, ..m.n , i """" "'m of a narrow box plait down the front.
jtlful white pyroxylin picture hat
brim caught close to the crown dl-
. . . . . . , Inrnmea reuuy in iruni, vwu miss wimv ruse, wan
to wash hi. handa before he begins to make income.. , ,, ' leave, being arranged at the point. From
.. .. Underwear of the best quality with ex- ...n ,hi,. n.,ri,.h niumu
mrn la UtMB uf' n . .... ,m ..... .1,. .hu. i.-i. . n,.. i Z.
klmm.. .A , v. ... . . . , , " ' " ,? vwniuuo , r . . l . il r.n.flt.(1 the Clerk. VCIICIH. ' . Wilt Wl lai vufcnca.. wiw vucw tm-KnuB-WIN. 1 lid U.UUBftU . I VI ;ivvm
shhrmer to the surface. The dark brown, that other people have a poor opinion of Waah h'"d ! . tZ' grades as to be really less costly In the end. trimming was full ruches of white tulle,
and golden browns, the deep reds and tha w Pif.nM. ,., ." '"! "Why. madam, he never will touch theao 7a" .T": h. Altogether this was an ethereal creation.
and two inches wider than the average reflect, for all" to read, th. way in which . "l b! r f, male o" flowered n the o d day. weU fed well clothed an
paper. It is of .olid color, only, and yet she 1. treated at home. th. position eh. ,n ,Ct vou will t.U tour workman thoroughly educated on amaaingly .mall h.Ad M
" ?!"n' pr,6c " Plttln' llkt hoId8 ther "ht in which .h. I. 'atln: ' VfI' Li'h. rjn. to Z incom... . rtly In 1
cartridge paper, for example, because of regarded by the otnera In It.
a raomea eneci wnicn gives a sort of comes hard to on.
foliage greens are particularly desirable
in this pap.r, which also may b. had In
all tha lighter colors.
ence seldom come, except
through the confidence of other.
I have seen a llttl. girl in school tran..
formal in .., , , men
Then th. clerk explained that all work- f wool good, bought for children.
l n,.uin llnr.r of lleht L"cltP ""'l'
' .... " rr fn. thm. whn wl
All aorta of feather, ar. fashionable.
Th. There never was such a vogue for peacock
Twenty-five grams of ground glass.
' me staple.
Korty-nine tacks.
Two screw eyes.
Eleven pins.
Right screws.
Nine horssho. nulla.
Seven knife blades.
Two knife handlea.
Nineteen wire palls.
Beventy-two assorted nail.
At th. asylum Ir. Owensby subjected
Knudsen to a physical examination and
whenever he touched th. man', body the
man shrieked. Dr. Owensby did not lm-
artlcles. An Immediate operation saved hi
life. Chicago Chronlola.
In the Shadow of Famo
Richard D. Thomson of Edinburgh th.
other day told an that, whan
a schoolboy, b. frequently saw Sir Walter
Bcott. Once, when on a fishing expedi
tion. Sir Walter', carriage cam. along
and .topped, and Mr. Bcott, of Raeburn,
told Sir Walter who Mr. Thomson was.
Sir Walter spoka to him, patted him on
word of praise from a teacher; a poor child.
color worked with whit, glove, on.
enough for those who will throw
rood feathers. One sees them dved In shades n what was th. cause, but realised th. ,h,n, .a w.. .v.. k. m
them by dark brown, green, bronse, blue and red, that there was something wrong with th. d b d ersdlt to hl. .no.,tora.
in which Bhn thv ara nnt an la strilc- ..t v- . gooa ooy ana a crean 10 m. anoe.iora.
rn. and in--"and are every bit ai r decorative as In th. ' -'. " He was known to th. Scott., as hi. grand-
1 - J A m. A U knlf
in1.. , n iia.n fn.Tii r pan in cuql ducu.
-KT.rynsdr Worm bat Father." Jt wa. only accu.tomed to scolding and pun- T ' , Ai t, trv ma hard tbty Jear at nT P'loe. One mor. hint natural colors. A natural peacock feather ' ioT ot " paueni s expenonco aa father sold th. first bit of Abbotsford to
In a recent addresa Mis. Mary McDowell lflhnt. on whom th. unusual pnuse ,h"ld "L?. .h-ir whit? a-love. three much better to cat-sUtch on flatly L '"VJi". JSn!SZlia th,T, by the octor toow: Sir Walter. "Mr. Thomson wa quite.
u,ed a. an Illustration th. wo'rd. of th. k a ". Th. result of thl. IJVtTZ underneath a piece of similar textur. to J SwlyV'd apVa'rt to have been dwnpln "Th ma" " "f a elated at th. carrlag. stopping on hi.
ong "Everybody Work. But Father," aaid was 1ully evident that It called forth J f( ,f . shoemaker soils ma- 'lengthen weak places than to wait until pretty freely. t1" omn. I. trying to kill him. While oount. Gn going home h. m.ntloned
stated that unfortunately the fact war- mora Prale; and the charm continued, and U y ! f' a X t him f hole PPar.. Cut out and .a v. for this One of th. hat style, which Is attracting he seems to want to kill himself, accord- th incident, and he remembered hi. aunt
. SrrS IS rra.onW?orr th. transformation became a permanency. The mafer . T7 nothing ot . best part, of .uch garment, a .''tttft t TtTlXl " S Ti "fSTT" "
th. ldlene wa. different from that glve! Another case I remember Is of a girl of ",'7 ,hia time make. It worth hi. are paat "PalrlnK- wire frame It look, more like a wa.'e- hlm- and- ,f ac'- m to do ' thing to tell when you ar. an old man.-
. . really excentlonal huntv h. ,.n ihm loa or MB time. mane, u worm i... looklnx over .chool wardrobe, for a basket, or like the bathing hat. with which on. thought 1. that he ho done wrong and
of peoDl. dlnnsure themselves .very that h will never h able to retrlva him. T T 1 TTr:i.t- tti v-il
s I i . . , . . - in i .1 ii H vu 1 1 I ri I a.
petltlon of women and children ha been of whos. superb form and striking fac
so great that men have been shut out from cme near being entirely spoilt by a shy,
employment and as a cona4uei.c. have "elf-consclous awkwardness. Added to this
bee a compelled to sit around all day while her head, statuesque though It was, waa
the other member, of the family bvv. be- alway. poked forward, and It wa. only
come the wage earner.. spaamodlcally that ah. .tralghtened her
' "Mis. McDowell had had special oppor- bclt- She wa. strong, and had had auf-
tunttle. for observing the effect of sucli con- ncient training to know how to hold her-
dltlnn. both upon th. Idle men and th. correctly and to be able to do It, but
busy women and children," says th. Chi- "Just couldn't remember." After on.
cago Tribune, "and her plea Is for butter particular event In her life she never
laws to regulate thte employment of th. needed to "remember." It was only a play
clean at that.
Old Art of Meadlnar
The best
a thorough
ready In stock. It is not enough to think
about the old things; every garment should
ffLmllv .f aevaral rirla nnt must: cultivate plenty
an e. for th. best possibilities. Th. shabby fe' Ung th. folds aVring. th.mselvesrgiv- ",f- Bem" t0 think that h. ha. don.
frock of the U-year-old girl will be entirely Ing only an occasional lime poke her. somexning oi an extremely grave nature.
Id Art of Meadlnar. t d ,uItable for a younger child when I tier, when the soft straw shows sign ,0 serlou that om. on. would kill him
.i... beeln mending 1. with " " " - of ciuahlng th. wrong way and you v. th. . .,
plac. to begin mena'"S " w"n fi-c.hened up and worn under a whit apron, .oftest, prettiest little W imaginable. or
i going over oi wnai u Tna 8ubstltutlon of a vest or yoke will ready to be trimmed with a lot of soft, Shutt gained 111. reputation as a "human
modify to great advantage the "best dress"
now somewhat narrow In It lines. Two
be taken In hand and given a thorough dre,,et may combnfd to form a pretty
examination. It Is never worth while to
spend "3" worth of time on a 60-cent
article and hav. only a half-worn under-
new on. quit, unlike either. After careful
consideration of all the, possibilities It
may be that th. new purchases whloh ar.
ws to reguiai. mie employment or th. " rrafmwr." it was only a play . , , .... .n,
latter. It 1. a sham, to Ullnol. that th. that did It. an amateur play In which she 0T ,11 . h.,v "entla ound considerably r
only law of Importance which relate, to took an Important part; a .plendld, stately 7 . . . ... . ,n
,k. .k.. v.. 7 t. .... .,' good material a possible and then by
" m antsu. vu.. 1.1111.11 ,'icvm. iirr . fc u,j , mpaiu anu stately . . .. ... . . -
and eh fliiprf it with PromPl "na "'" ;" really cheerrui work, rainy making oom-
Ehe wla th. h ..a Nothing In excellent condition a long as fort wlth our own hand- Th, tMU ,.
U .vaniri. an IV. til- 11 U WOrn- ThU mOAn lh. full- genulty and ,W11, put ,nto handiwork Of
it evening and has been . .... . ,K. ,,n.- it mn. 7. . .....
k ac.T.w ... .. . mis son ior mon wnom w. iov. otjat nuia.
prevents her P" wnicn only a supeib and stately
from working In a mine. While th. other woman could fill; and she filled It with
states hav. taken advanc. steps In legls- brilliant succr
lattori which regulates the character of stately woman that
th. employments oten to women and hav. ever since. Neither was she the only on.
shimmering ribbon, with perhaps some
roses and an aigrette to nllout this part or
Dietary of Human Ostriches
Fearing that soma on. will kill hlin If b.
Anm kn Ml.nmf. ailUI. If.rl ITnilHuil
duced. Lastly, do not consider mending " . . . . . ., u.
' . " patient in th. insan. department at Bay-
and patient renovation a drudgery. It la . . . H.ltlM . ,nrt
hi Uf. a few day ago by eating a large
quantity of junk. Th. man had no Idea
of trying to become a human ostrich as
Arthur Snutt, a young man of Northeast
During Lieutenant Grant's "plshe" year
at West Point about tha time of th. mid
year examinations his father. Major Getv.
Shutt gained Til reputation a a "human eraL then brigadier general. Frederick
ostrich" In March, 100, when b- applied at Dent Grant, becam. a llttl. anxlou about
tha Hopkln hospital, complaining of severe th. stand his son wa taking and wrot.
pains In bis stomach.. He told th. doctor to th. superintendent of th. academy, a
that h. had made a living by chewing classmate of his, to ask his opinion
nails, tacks and other unusual food, but as to whether his son would paa th.
that h. had never been made to swallow midyear examination. The answer, which
them. He aald h. usually disposed of them ram. promptly, wa. brief and to th. point
by a allght-of-hand movement, secreting and said: "Your son Is standing hlghov
them In his coat sleeve. In all his classes than you stood in any
Bhutt boasted of his ability to digest such one." General Orant ha never worried
dainties before some medical students and himself since about hi son' career.
The "Kaxntstoop"
5houlder Brace and 5uspender
The only brae,
that braces.
cure th. habit
of stooping.
Produces that
military .(Tecl
so much de.tred
$1.2 5
Women's. Girls' and Boy',
all slse
Men', all
Iiith and lloard Bis.
TI1K Ht.LL lIHlti CO,
l?lt r'arimin 8 is.
CHAKKfeil'S Itltltt STORES
, Cot. loiti and Chicago
4th and K tit., j. Omiria.
Cor. &iu Ave. and Mtin bt.. Council
lgih and Ksrnsm Bts.
ii. J. rturuiu co,
lM t'arnain 8l.
Patentee and Mfgrs.. Oakland. CaL
iNeuner was sne tne only on. t h. (K. . nin in a a.lf. . . V. Vw . . -J. . a Arthur Snutt, a young man of Northeast
r-r" c by hf-uaMrlt. io,,d,vrct,r:hrr Md :;
one evening', performance.
Have you ever seen men whose whole at
titude and carriage has been altered by
the chanc. remark of Mm. woman T
It 1. th. power of an idea.
But nagging 1. fatal.
wish, to die and plead constantly with
th physician to kill him.
Knudan Is of Norwegian extraction and
small Income. It 1 not th. nw.ded gar
ment that 1 discreditable; it 1 the ore
that need mending, says th. Country
Mending, renovating and cutting down fnT th'.'honorf, f"VeVo7d "plTc.' wt whlU
form one of the large economics in earing drosses and flowered ribbons,
for a growing family. Skill In hand needle- Lingerie waists, by th. way, ar. mor. M,iiini.ii hftm filmy and feminine than aver. All hav.
'We will aume that th. girl who come. Th. made-over garment may be prettier taoi ti th. mn .iio.t. .mhrnlA."v V "T. .
to New York to earn her way through will than It wa. in Its first estate. The out- For commencement aowns only the soft- ... liT.l Z... ' .L. ....
hrlng some samples of her work with her." grown coat may lit the aecond wearer est. ''Vj?:t.f.rlbr.n..!!. "fiJ1"?-!!?,1. J" v.uJhin, No- hi. condition 1.
write, Harriet Qulmby In Leslie's Weekly, mor. becomingly than It did th. flrst. athVr Vln'sr. the' favorUe 'th. sm. tr.rniir rlou. d an operation will be i vu.i i cicver uiuswa- it is a iuuu pio.u to wan win m. wnu.- jtma usra ror l rial great nair row,
turns, nut unleas one Is known, or her Work
Girl Stadents i New York.
I.avea Frona Fashloa' Notebook.
Class day dresses ar. nearly always of . ... , . .
color, pink and blue being ths greatest fa- 'ea" um-
Maryiana penitentiary alter ne nun .erv.u
a term of three year, for larceny. Warden
Weyler .aid that th young man had shown
hav 'S'1 ' nntal breakdown while In the
wear. Nothing 1 more Important, Tor
la startlingly crlgtnal, she will find great this 1 really th. best defense against
difficulty in gaining access to th editorial sharp changes of climate and the surest
sanctums of the various magasine and protection against storm and cold. A good
newspapers, or even to getting samples of outfit of underflonnels for the whole fam
her work past the office boy. To get the 11 y make an Important feature In the
first sketch published Is Important, for with full change of seasons. Partly worn un
even this slight claim to experience the derwear can be cut over and repaired with
student not only gains confidence, but her excellent results. New facings and blnd
work Is apt to be given more attention lngs, button holes worked over, buttons
than that of the applicant who has not had uniformly replaced small changes like
a sketch published. The girl who feel these will do wonders In making "the old
the confidence of on who has been through waist as gude's the new." If the work 1
th mill will, while making th rounds of carefully done with a view to a neat, work
the different oltces with her work, visit manlike appearance there 1 real sa'Js
the small papers and magasine of a re-- faction In It. If there la a mixed amount
Uglous nature, the Sunday school papers, allowed for drees a good arrangement
etc., which hav short stories all Illustrated which promote economy in the long run
with sketches. Although the return front this care of the plain necessities of the
this source Is not large, th aatlatactlou of family will often make the difference of
seeing one's work In print Is much, and It allowing the purchase of some much-de-ofuu
serve a a stepping -stone to some- sired acquisition otbarwlse Impossible In
Very pretty gowns are fashioned from
A Skin cf Beamy la joy Fo rvpr:
DR. T. Fell. Oouraud'a Oriental
Cream or Magioal fteautlflor.
B.OO.M Tu. rifoplai,
I alult V.ldhas
ana .very
a katutf.
lai a.lauUia. It
few .last U. Uef
ot ST ri. sua
la M aarikiftM a.
Uat.U l.W.uj.
la irctr. ......
a ocapi . ou .(
Ir it f Jar
lib. Dr. L. A.
14 S
Ulf f I.. ..Ut.
ten IS alUut I I
WUi . liua.
I ,..UBB.,4
fJ.ltr ! Cr.aM m th. teul Umtul t all lU
J . ... M.r: lui.. " f. i a.), by all aruui.u Md FaiMT.
Qoodt Lara is tha Tjaiiaa siaiw, Oaaoa aa Xutaa.
UUT.IISfLKS, ttz, V Ertat itm tiiatt ITA
performed by Dr. N. Moreland Owensby,
resident physician In charge of the Insane
department. It Is thought that a large
number of nail, and piece, of glas. will be
taken from the man's stomach.
Enough ha already been taken from th
patient to cause wonder bow he could live.
Th stuff removed so far Is a follow:
Twelve bits of glass.
Four wire nails, measuring three and a
half inches In length.
A large quantity of sand.
Sixteen pebbles.
Nearly a whole copy of a newspaper.
And there are Indications that twice ai
much foreign matter Is .till In hi. .toinaoli.
Sbutt's record beat thl by a good deal,
though when th operation la performed It
1 more than likely that Knudsen's ability
to swallow such things will equal that of
th. original "human ostrich" who was
operated on at Johns Hopkins hospital.
Shult's collection 1 (till preserved at ths
Old Dutch Cleanser
IT " .
The Cicanrst, Quickest and Cheapest Cleaning
Agent Yet lovised.
Sold it Ltrf e SiftinJ Top Cans
A valuable illustrated booklet, "Hints for House
wives," free on request.
4 CUDAUY PACKING CO.. So. Omaha. Neb.