Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1906, WANT AD SECTION, Page 8, Image 24
8 THE OMAITAv DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 1D00. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle, of All Kinds Ten to Twenty Lower for Week. HOGS A SHADE LOWER FOR THE WEEK Ha' Sheep or Lamb Bale Today For Wtrk Umbi Arc Fally Twenty-Fi Illaher aad All Klada Stronger. SOUTH OMAHA. April 21. 1!). Receipts were: Csttle. Hois. Bheep. Official Monday 2.58 t.M l"5! Official Tuesday 6.7I 12.10 Official Wednesday 3,77 8.W0 Official Thursday 2.S12 8.7." Official Friday 1.1M 8,41 Offlclal Batu.-day 48 Soo Thin week 11.110 43.5'S It Week 15,970 36.37 Two we-ks ago 1.247 tl.& Three weeks ngo 18.2S7 4.iM Four weeks ago 21,771 6.0H game wek Inst year 17,877 37.648 ll.biW 11.6:2 8.417 f10 67.544 84.32b 32,711 67. 173 55. (m 44,800 6l77tt v-a70 i.3bu 6.4714 RECEIPTS TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: I. 1W6. In'- tattle 205.761 257,713 SS.MX Hons 808,841 721,7 ,i44 Bheep 600.058 624,681 65.377 RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. lings. Omaha $1.7&3'. -ff,'0-? Chicago l.AqUo Kansas City J.frotiO.W ft. Louis 00 SiOUX City l.lOttfo.60 CATTLE QUOTATIONS. The following will aliow the prices psld for the different kinds of catUe on the Bouth Omaha market: , . kod to choice corn-fed steers. ...84.85a.. 40 Fair to choice corn-fed ateers i Common to fair corn-fed steers 4.Wu4. Good to choice cows and heifers., 3tM. Fair to good cows and heifers Common to fair cows and heifers. Good to choice feeders.... Fair to good stockers and feeders Common to fair stoekera Bulla, atags, eto The following table shows ths average price of hogs at Mouth Omaha for th last several days, with comparisons. practically all grades of fat cattle sold 10e lower, and this was followed on weonesoay by a market that was quoted anywhere from weak to l"e lower. On Thursday the market was weak, though not very much lower, while Friday's market. If anything. little stronger. At the close or me wru It Is safe to quote heef steers 15S'.i0 lower ian the clou, of the previous woek. The ado on practically every day of the week as flow and dull, there being a lark of rifeney to the demand which robbed the market of life and snap. Cows and heifers followed along in me ak of beef steers, the declines amount ing to about the same. Possibly some kinds of cows did not slider quite so much and some are quoting the declines for the week as amounting to littiznc, but it woum noi be far from the truth to quote them the same as beef steers, that Is, l&tj-Oc lower. Blockers and feeders sold very well dur ing the first half of the week, but when hursday came nnd it became apparent that cattle of that description were be (Tin - ilng to accumulate In the hands of specu lators and that there was a possibility that some of them might have to be carried ver Sunday values weakened off very rap- Idly and soon became all of 10 15c lower on the most annzht after kinds and lMi"De lower on the common to Inferior grades. HOGS After a decline of a most 10c in the last two days, the hog market looked p today. While the advance was small. he market being only a shade better, the nange was In the right direction to pleas he sellurs. The trade, when once under way, was active, and tho hogs sold very largely at 3H.4S. with a sprinkling at $6.46. It will be remembered that yesterday the bulk of the hogs sold at 3a.40-gti.42V4- The top both days was the same 16.60. Every thing sold and weighed up In very good season In the forenoon. lhe market this week has fluctuated more extensively than has been the case on a good many weeks previous. The week tartea out with a good advance, which was followed by a still stronger advance on Tuesday and a strong market on Thurs day, that being the high day of the year. 1 'urlng the two days following prices eased off quite rapidly, but after allowing for the light reaction today tna market la only 4c lower than It waa at the close of last eek. Representative sales: No. At. Sh. Pr. S.U03.63 l.W8.W 4Wi4.70 iso-moo 2.763. 64 260.04.0 Date. j IK. )IOi.l04.!ljea.lloa.llul.l0. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Ajr. Apr, Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apt. Apr. Apr. Apr. April i. April 17 April 18 April 19.. April 20.. April 21. 1... .... 8... 4... a... i ... 7... ... ... lo... a... 12... 13... 14 161 I 04 7 I 8 osi 7 7fe I 1(1 7 241 2 I 21 14 T X U I 6 21 I 21 I 381 s u 21 ) 2V. 341 SBVal ( 46 6 48 b0 6 23 6 60S 43 tl'kj 6 26 i 2a ( 26 6 8 ( 31 6 281 6 26 t wl 7 2M 4 931 7 24 68 4 11 4 31, 4 96 4 80 4 81 46) I C7 ti t 0i I 06 68 6 M I 11 64 6 tWi 26 2 6 M 6 M 7 2" Is0! 7 26 7 7 191 4 Ml 7 JU 4 tfiil 7 07 7 U 64 01 6 m 4 fOl 7 141 J a zn 4 r i 6 221 6 2 7 10 6 80 4 S6 7 U ( 89 I 67 M 6 901 0 84) C 88 91 95 6 92 6 871 634 6 U .116 96 206 2 Hue 63 287 273 254 72 2u8 77 243 .260 78 260 ...216 ...218 ...222 ...2o7 ...212 ...240 ...211 ...214 ...2o0 ,..247 ...211 75 214 72 200 64. 65... 79... 72... 70... 89... 75... 72... 74... 89.. 92 31 I 99 I 33 04 6 40 I o 4v 6 94 6 46 6 921 8 & 6 85 6 49 6 ij 6 46 S 86i 6 46 6 42 Bunoay FRIDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following list shows the number oJ cars of stocxers and feeders shipped to tho country Friday and their points of desti nation: CATTLE. Cam. Ed Farley, Bancroft, Neb. M. A. O 1 C. 11. McColm, Logan, la. 1. C 2 Win. I'lleHtman, Unenandoah, la. Wab... 3 C. John mm, Monroe, la. R. 1 6 74.... 94.:.. 67.... 69.... 79.... 73.... 74.... 73.... 60.. 0.. 3 2 .... 2 .... 1 D.D. .... 3 .... 2 .... 1 .... 4 .... 1 .... 1 1 City State bank, Corydon, la. Q w. r. liuchler, Emerson, la. 14... A. U. Hall, Spalding, la. Q V. M. Widner. Corning, la. Q SHEEP: John Shorky, Council Bluffs R. I. w. M. Davis, Atluntlc, la. K. 1 M. M. Coad, Fremont, Neb. U. P IeCou Bros., Woodbine, la. I. C W, M. Goetsch. West Side, la. N. W.... W. N. Pence, Midland, Tex. Q Wm, Holland, Waterloo, la I. C O. li. Daugherty. Shenandoah, la. Wab. W. L. McNeill, 6oda Springs, Idaho U. P. 1 CATTLE It is hardly necessary to aay mat mere was no cattle market today ow Ing to the lack of receipts, as It Is gen erally a well-known fact that Saturday has come to be practically a holiday. The receipts of cattla this week show a The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hegs. She'p. HVs. v., m. at c. e. ny.. .. & V. P. syetem 1 26 CAN. W. (east) .. .. 8 C. A N. W. (west) 36 C, St. P., M. A 0 6 C, U. St Q. (east) 1 2 C, B. & Q. (west) .. .. 14 C, R. 1. & P. (east).. .. 9 C, R. I. ft P. (west).. .. 8 Illinois Central 1 Chicago Ot. Western.. .. 3 Total receipts 3 109 The disposition of the day's receipts waa aa follows, each buyer purchasing ths num ber 01 neaa indicated 84.. 80.. 71.. 77.. 6.. Omaha Packing Co. ......... Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co. bt. Louis Dressed Beef Co.. Hogs .... 927 ....2.0S2 ,...2.792 ...1.976 348 Total 8,126 slight gain over last week and a very slight decrease as compared with the previous week. The receipts are also slightly smaller than a year ago. In other words the run this week has been about an average for this market. The tendency or values, now ver, has been lower and declines of greater or less extent have been experienced at practically all selling points. The market on steers opened the week at South Omaha about steady, values on Mon day being generally rettorted as steady with tho close ot the week. On Tuesday TEE UPDIKE GRAM CO. SEE ELC3.. CMARJL TCLCPHORK DOUGLAS t47. MEKBKH6) Of CHICAGO BOA ID OP TRADE MIMEaPOLIS CBAMBEX ef COMMERCE ST. LOUIS MttCBAKTS EXCHANGE KAXSAi CITY I0AI0 of T1ACE MABa CJUW EXCBjAGE. CAREFUL ATTENTION gtvoa srdars In grsla ar arovlolaaa far ratair Mlvary I skeva atartsU Private Wire. 7, Farnam Smith & Co. Stocks, Bonds, Investment Secnrities. We offer subject to sale 20 to 100 shares at 10"H UNION STOCK 'AiU)S 1320 Farnam St., Tel. Douglas 140S KEEP POSTED Send for a TBIB OOVT of the April Is sue of our Uaiimlng on Mining Invest menia, coniaiiung vaiuaoie reports am very important information from all th leading Mining lamps in this country also a number of interesting reports from leading papers of MEXICO on the future development of HKI100 8 minlna inriua. try. This lssus is of groat Importance to ait investors in mining siocks. fKNT FREE UPON RtOL'EST. kUUSTIS 8&C8, a Broadway, M. T, F. D-Day Cl Co. Stock, (irain. Provisions skia Itu urala Va. Caicaaa aad Mtuaeag.olia Deliver? uoe-eigDtli coinouasioa oa Urala, en. auaiUtr on Blwoka. Pntmpt aod careful aitsntion given t ouiaiue aooeunts. Writ lor our oauy saaraei issuer, luallea Ire, atain orate, tltwill Mr f Trad BUd. OMiii, na UM Dlataaaa rktsa, leaaglaa 8814, .247 .182 .24 .213 .222 .222 .224 .270 .2 .248 .238 .218 .303 .283 82 201 61 26 79 223 73 244 ...196 ...2u8 ...214 ...187 ...2tS6 ...225 ...271 86 186 8 241 68.... "..231 80 240 120 40 120 '46 40 160 40 80 80 80 160 '46 80 160 80 240 80 80 80 80 80 80 'so SO 160 80 8 25 8 2a t 40 40 6 40 40 m 8 42 42 42 4 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 ( 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 6 42 6 42 6 42 42 421 42 42 42 42 42 42 No. Av. Sh. 74 22 ... 78 176 ... ..207 ... ..328 ,.236 ..214 ,.2U6 ,.210 ..214 ..204 .2.12 65... 64... 70... 78... 60... 66... 66... 68... 68. 200 80 80 80 40 40 80 6J 2K3 74 222 78 242 72 272 87. 180 74 220 64 2S7 72 233 70 2u6 69 223 60 2t6 68. ...-.251 72 226 74 218 85 212 83.;. ...206 82 211 81 192 80 202 77 218 78 2U3 67 245 78 225 73 237 77 2:a 76 225 66 265 74 248 70 252 8 231 70 267 68 223 87 207 77 235 75 219 88 200 69 263 63 235 77 222 70 259 61 300 Pr. 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 160 42 80 42 42 ... 42 ... (42 ... 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 46 6 45 45 45 45 45 46 46 6 46 46 45 46 45 . 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 46 80 45 80 6 45 ... 6 45 40 45 ... 45 40 47 .. 50 80 40 40 40 'so 80 80 40 80 200 40 170 'so 160 80 80 40 80 SHEEP Cnntmiir M rh. ti.,,al ....- nM ., Saturday, there were a few sheep here to uay, tiiree cars of lambs being reported In. they were, however, not offered for sale, btlnif feeuers on their way to 8t Paul to h iiuiu ana tea out. receipts of sheep at iiib uuiuL ut&ve men very larre in waic but as a matter of fact Lha actual ofrariiiira on the market have been only moderate. A vonsiaerauie proportion Of the arrivals has consisted of lambs on their way to eastern ana normern points to be shorn and pre pared for the later market and In conse quence not offered for sale at thla nolnt. The actual offerings on the market have consisted principally of lambs, no wethers or yearlings of any conaeqeunae having been Included among the recelDta. The tun. ply of ewes has also been extremely light. The market aa a whole has been In most satisfactory condition and values have gen erally tended upward. As to sheep there have not been enough here to make a test of values, hence It Is Impossible to say just how much advance they would show. The supply of ewes has also been verv liKht and the market has been practically bare of real choice stuff, so that there has not been much opportunity for Judging how much higher they really are. It is safe to say, however, that desirable wethers, yearlings ana ewes wouia sen aeciaeaiy nigncr ir they were to be had. Some operators on the market venture the assertion that a right choice bunch of ewes would crowd 86. Lambs for the week are safely 25c hleher than a week ago. The trade on most days nas neen not oniy strong ana niaher. but active on all good kinds of killers Oood choice lambs were sold as high as 86.80, which Is the best price paid since February. Feeder lambs have also been good sellers at good, strong prices, and it has been no trouble for receivers to unload anything of mai aesenpuon pomessing aesiraouity. Quotations: Good to choice native lambs. itf.404ti.ko; good to choice light western lambs, J6.40jj6.SO; fair to good lambs, 36.00 G.4o; cull lamns, n.owib.oo; good to choice yearlings, $5.75f6.25; fair to good heavy reariinKs, o.omaD. ivt gooa 10 cnoice wetners, 35.66(34.26: fair to good wethers, 5,4( good to choice Heavy ewes, 35.50CT6.&5; fair to good ewes, $4.506.60; cull sheep and ducks, a . . w. Representative sales: CHICAGO L1VR STOCK MARKET Cattle, Saeea aad Lambs Steady Hogs Btroaa to rive Ceata Higher. CHICAGO. Anrll a. CATTLE) Receipts, SDO head: market steady: beeves, t4.0Ouu.15 cows and heifers, 31. 60(116. 10; stockers and feeders. 32. 60ia4. 80. HOGS Receipts, 7,000 head; estimated Monday. 33.000 head: market strong to 6a hlgser; mixed and butchers. 36. 46416. 75 good heavy, .Vo6.T?; rough heavy, 36.Sfrfie.45; light, 36.4.'4:6.75. pigs, 35.95itf6.60; bulk of aaTea. 3 fxu.72V4. HHEtt" AMI UIM11B-'KeceipiS, I, (WO bead; market steady; sheep, fci. 25i6.30, lambs, 34.707.00. Hew York Lire Stock Market. NEW YORK. April . BEEVES Re ceipts, 640 bead; feeling nominally steady dressed beef slow at 6'd8c per lb. for native aides. Exports woie 1,030 beeves and ,860 quarters Of beet. jAL.vai .Receipts, u neaa; leenng weag and ne sales reported; city dressed veals slow at 6&10c; country dreased dull at 5i'7o. SHEEP AND LAMori Receipts. 1,731 head; market firm; a deck load of clipped sheen were held over; fair unshorn lambs, 37.35 per 100 lbs.; clipped lambs, 35.70; dressed mutton in fair demand at 8&'ioc per in. dressed lambs tlrm at 9&'Uc: country dressed spring lambs steady at $2 Ui6.50 per carcass. HOGS Receipts, 2,475 head; steady. loax City 1.1 vm Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. April 21.-(Snec1al Tele V.-.. V fiTTl IT ft I r. , . . ket steady; beeves. 84.uOio.50; cows, bulls and mixed, 33.10j4.40; stockers and feeders, litvVfU M); calvea and yearlings, HOGS Receipts, 2,80 head. Market stendy. selling at 36.3&6.47; bulk ot sales. u.a.'at.2. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. ADril . COFFEE Mar. ket for futures opened steady at unchanged prices in Keeping with the forelan cables The market ruled generally steady on soma fresn tmying tor king account and covering. J ne close was stcuny, net unchanged to points higner. tsaies were r ported o 1 J.7i bag!, Including May at 36.6((i6.70 July at lo w; epietiiter at 7.05; Uecenihti at )7.S(7.40 and March at 37 60. Of the total buslneaa reported about 110,000 bags were exrnanges. Bpui Rio quiet; No, Invoice, 8 1-14. agar aad Molasses. NEW YORK. April SCGAR Raw dull; fair rennlng. 2 2S-32i2 U-lc; centrlfu ami, M test, 1 u-JjB3 7-lc; molasses sugar, Z 21-52UZ li-ioc; renuea. quiet; jso. . 4.10c No. 7. 4.06c; No. 8. 4 00c; No. 3. 3 S6c; No, 10. 3 90c; No. 11. 3 85c; No. 12, 33 80c; No. 13. 8.75c: No. 14. 3.75c: confectioners' A, 4 45c; mould A, 4.8&C; cut loaf, 5.30c; crushed. 8. Sue; powdered, 4(vc; granulated, 4.60c cubes. 4 bbc. XloLAbtiES Finn; New Orleans, open tHUi, gooa 10 cnoice, suasc. Toledo Reed Market. TOLEDO. O., ApHl H. SEEDS Clorer, cud ana Afrit. in;iuwr, O.Ua. AlmO' th, li..., a.ju CONDITION OFOMAHA'S TRADE Fettures of Prominent for Ftat Week Are Few. UN-CENT DECLINE IN REFINED SUGAR Sorno Cotton Goods Well Cleared to aad Hard to Get Jobber Re. Jolee Over Better Weather for Farmers. No features of prominence have marked the trade of the fast week. The most Im portant has been the decline of 10 cents a hundred In refined sugar. No further ad vances in shoes or dry goods have been re ported, though certain lines of cotton goods are txceedmgly Brarce. Trade In general has been good. Jobbers are pleased with the reports from the country, which say that the farmers are getting along well with their work after a long Inactivity causrd by wet weather. Cheese Is a trifle easier. The factories are starting up, so that lower prices may be looked for, especially with regard to the new make. Fancy October Is scarce and will no doubt continue to command a pre mium. The new cheese coming on the mar ket Is reported to he poor and will not be of the best kind for several weeks, when full grass cheese Is offered. Rice is firm and some of the rice millers say they expect to see It advanced 1 cent a pound within sixty days. The demand Is fair and rice of good quality Is scarce. Though the Lenten season has gone and the demand has eased no romlilernhi v prices on salt fish remain firm. The market on canned lis 11 is nrmlng up and the can ners are predicting an advance. Coffee Is In a more settled position than last week and prices are practically un- iiauieu. moras are Doing steadily re lief d. The reason sriven that rnff., riw not advance Is that the new crop is con ceded to be much larger than the old on and It Is not for away. Reined Sagar Cheaper. Owing to a Steady dei-lln. In r, auraM for savaral days renned has dropped 10 cents a 100 pounds. The market in Cuban ugar shows a decline of 15 nuinta fr h. week, though foreign raws remained prac tically the same. Htnoka am miuH ,,n at New York and the accumulations there In the last two weeks amount to TO.OuO tons. Refiners want the low market, so they take x iiucm ior me neavy demand, which comes in Mav anri Jim, tnhh... here expect a strong reaction as soon as ine neavy consumption begins. At present the prospects for a larre amall fruit .mr. iii,ver tne country are excellent Ths past week has developed a very strung market on spot tomatoes In the east, where there has been an advance of from 10 to 12c per doxen. It Is now supposed that there are very few tomatoes oulalde of the hands of the syndicate. Reports have it that they have advanced thir prlcea on full standard goods 60 per dosen. Ihere Is, however, positive connrmallon of UllS report. There are no chanarea In rnnnrt In future tomatoes, except that the pacKera wiiciuiB 10 cgntnci ior eany delivery, says th middle or last of July, at prlcea considerably below those ruling today. There Is no particular change to rennrt with reference to snot corn. Mmt nt it packers oliering future corn have with drawn their early figures, not many of them caring to enter the market th. prices established by a few of the very large packers. Corn is going out remark ably last and there are sull good sised blocks in sight. Earthquake Affects Canned Gooda. At the present writlna-. it la dlffiuit tn tise up th situation on California, canned fruits, for the reason that considerable surplus stock was-stored In and around San Francisco, and It Is ImDosaibia to ut accurate information as to in amount of block mat nas oeen destroyed. On tiling, however, la very clear, and that Is that with th destruction of properly that Is known to have taken place In th oity, there will be quit a heavy demand for all ainas 01 canned fruit and vegetables, so that It Is reasonable to suppose tnat tnere Will be slightly higher prices on thla :in of goods, tne advance, of course, depending upvu ui pruvuruuu 01 in iruii mat nas been destroyed. The demand for all rmdi of this character ha been heavy, n.d but few of th packers have had anything; Ilk fair assortment to draw from. Salmon Is in stronger Dosilion week hv week, while th demand Is growing heavlor and th supply less. It is now well estab lished that both aockeyes and Columbia river Chinook salmon will open up at higher finues wu ruiea uui season. Stronger market la renorted on a-allnn apples, th supply of which Is vary limited. ouiu fitw x or state ana Micnigan are asking more money for Lhia atno.k. Rvairv Item In th line of gallon goods la In strong position, wiia in possiDi exception of pumpain. A further advance has taken place on evaporated apples, both whole and ring cut. Peaches are In stronger position, due to th increasing demand and the limited supply. K&isins also are taking on addi tional strength. The destruction In San Francisco is going to have Us effect upon ins oriea xruic margei. inasmucn as tna surplus of peaches and prunes waa largely concentrated in that market. It Is not prob able that they have a greater buddIv of peacnes ana apricois man win now be re quired for their own and the coast trada. Another advance has been scored on Santa Clara prunes, th market being boosted Wo during the last week. Almost without ex ception the canned goods and dried fruit lines are In active demand and in strontr position, m aemana ior everything in th una peing 01 a neaitny, active character. Let Izrtman Feather Ycur llcst. It's Easy to Pay By the llartman Way. Cotton Good nro Scavrce. Advance order business with local drv gooas nouses continues gooa, ana coueo uons are satisfactory. The feature of th trade situation is the inability of the Job bers i gei cotton gooas in any quantity. Th mills are cleaned ud on cotton, and th Jobbers are finding It hard to get gooda ordered aa early as last tall. Hosiery, un derwear and other lines, which are atill needed In quantities to supply to trade, are slow In coming, a small amount being snippea at a time, ttaiunggan underwear Is apparently all cleaned up, especially In me cneaper graaes. ana lobDer will nav auncuity in renuing orders. current business with shoe jobbers Is running about the same as last week. Ox fords and whit oanvaa shoes are In big demand and th trade In them promises to be the largest in years. Th fall order busi ness is good. The jobbers report collections good. Leather Is holding nrm at the hlgn figures of the season. Rope has scored a bid advance. Manila going up c. while the cotton rope is lo a pound higher. Outside of this, there have been no changes of moment, a few small articles having advanced slightly. Barbed wire and woven wire are the leading sell era, and sales of these goods this season have far exceeded those of last year up to the same time. W ire cloth and screen doors. which advanced something over a week ago, ae moving out well. Palate, Oils nnd Glass. Th window glass situation is strong and an advance la expected to be an nounced today, glass manufacturers hav Ing met recently to discuss the situa tion and decide on the extent of an ad vanoe which seems sure to come. Plat glass Is Xhe same as last week. Th paint business Is at its height, the trade being exceptionally brisk in that line. The de mand Is very heavy. Turpentine is the same as last week, the price being 74c Southern lead is quoted, at 7 Sc. while Carter lead la 74C the same prices ruling last week. Raw linseed oil Is 40o and boiled oil 42c, these prices having ex perienced no change since last week's quo tations. Drag and Chemicals. In drug circles predictions for the com ing season's business have been most optomlstlc ever sine the turn of the year, For the first three months these predic tions were Justified by a large Increase In business. Just now there is a slight lull in trade. It Is hard to account for this seeming falling oft in business, but the general volume is preceptlbly smaller man it waa last weea. roces are steady, There have been but few changes. Opium is slightly lower, being quoted at 13.20 to 33 36: powdered. 84.00 to 34.10. Quinine Is moving steadily, but there is ne active aemana. inert win prooaoiy be no change In price until the next bark sale. which will ocour next week, when higher prices are looked for. Menthol continues very nrm ana tne aemana is Increasing, prices having advanced. It is now quoted at $3 00 to 33.26 per pound. Vanilla beans or all kinds snow an increase in price. Rrturhnni are worth from tX &a u li aa, Mexicans. 31.60 to 38.00. Camomile flowers are scare and prlcea have been marked up about to per pound; Roman, 32o to 26c; German, new crop, !4o to 28c Oil peppermint contlnuea to shew Increased strength. It Is now firmly held at from 38.26 to 83.80 per pound. OH pennyroyal is strong and prices are tending upward. Manufacturers nave withdrawn prices on gum campnor. 1 nis article is la peculiar position. japan controls the source of supply, and there Is very little either crude or refined, coming to this country. Camphor is likely to advance to ll. tiv per pounu ueiore in season is over. Aiconoi is nrfn wiia prospect of an ad vanoe owing te in nign price 01 oorn, Wool Market. LONDON. April H. WOOL Th arrival. ot wool for th third aeries ef auotlon K;.. ...53311 ( 'iafie CAl 'I? ,pir ijfHE Forest J Mighty Oak J 1 ( ofTIbiape . . L m -m MTMmw, r-rZy J "yTjsJ ,,jjf 4Bs'jrfc sV I Ijargcst HoiiHefumishing Concern 22 Great Stores Throughout the . . United Btntca. This great institution now consists of twenty-two big stores throughout the United States. It is the largest home fur nishing concern on earth, doing a volume of Furniture business far greater than any other store, combination of stores or syndicate in America. ' Immense resources and thorough commercial organization deeply rooted in the largest cities of tho United States, gives up a buying power so tremendous as to enable us to reduce the cost of production to the minimum and to buy at prices far below what is paid by individual stores. We can and do make prices such as no other concern in the country can possibly equal they simply can't do it. You can't imagine how much you can save at Hartman's until you've been here and learned to what a wonderful extent we undersell every other store in this vicinity. A New and Better Plan of Credit Hartman's Credit Plan is a new plan based on modem progressive business methods and a deeper desire to help our customers. This is a generous spirited concern and we give the greatest consideration and help to every customer grant them concessions and favors that are absolutely refused them elsewhere. We want you to take advantage of our ' 'better service." No Payments Necessary when Sick or Out of Employment yV . y'i'i,,i'"?syj . Credit Tenna: 2S, Worth $2.50 Casli, $2 a , Month. $50 Worth $5 Cash, $4 a Month. Credit Terms: $100 Wrth, $10 Cash, $8 a Month. Larger 'Amounts at Proportion-ally low Terms. All Goods Kxartly Like Cuts !ed and Bold as Advertised. Hartman's Special ni 7r Sewing Machine C I I u New Improved drop head, automatic lift Machine, fully guaranteed, har.d som solid oak carved oa, full set of attachments greatest machine value you vr saw. 9X00 cask, 9 1.00 weekly. Quarter Sawed Oak Extension Table $18.95 It has large round top, massive pedestal, heavy legs and carved claw feet. It 1b made of solid quarter sawed oak. which shows the beautiful grain of the wood, and is finished with high polish. $1.50 cash, 50c weekly. f. - ,"ia -I'M ;:iXyrJJl ..V.; a. ,y t -w. Of ' eg LET HARTMAN FEATHER YCUR NEST Ranncy High Grade C QC Refrigerator at wiOO Five sizes up from 85.85. new Improved make hard wood case, best lining, guaranteed for economy of ice. Has improvements to be found In no other make. On tlie eany terms mentioned. 91.60 Cash, 600 Weekly. srf' 41 m m i ihmiiii w iutbus'i bbitessu nxran is sxia rt. tf? 7c Bo Miter Beam. I 9 Handsome exclusive patterns, most beautifully blended colorings. These Rugs are specially made for the Hart man stores, are closely woven and are of wonderful durability. Every on Is thoroughly guaranteed. Terms, 91.76 cask, 60s waakly. iir.v.-.r Plan Your Payments According to Your Income, However Small It May Be, and Remember Hartman's Trices Are Always Lower by 20 to SO Per Cent. Rk. Goods Delivered . In Plain Unlet- tered Wagon V If Desired. Steel Range With High Shelf, 25.75 Every part entering into the construqtlon of this Range Is of the yery best material. It Is constructed on the most Improved lines and is consequently a splendid cooker and baker and at the same time an economizer of fuel. It has six large holes and large square oven. Special price ,25.75. Terms: $2:75 Cash, 50c Weekly. Folding Reclining Bicycle QIC Tubing Co-Cart, 0lu Steel frame. The most Improved cart on the market. Body folds perfectly flat and wheels overlap in folding, thereby taking up but little space. All parts are extra strong-. Has bicycle tubing frame and handles, best gearing and extra strong wheels with large rubber tires; patent footbrake. Terms t 60o Cash, 60o Weekly. YOUR UQIIEY'S WORTH OR YOUR MOIIEY BACK - - - KrVtfCl 1 Tft m a" 4j''Ti J51 12.75 MA99TTB BOU9 OAK BiiitaOAJiua. . These Sideboards are of masslv proportions and of superior construc tion. They are made to order for th great Hartman chain of stores and the -greatest care has been given to very detail of workmanship and fin ish. They have extra large heavy French beveled mirrors, elaborate carvings and a lined dawer for silver war. Terms, U6 cash) 60o weakly tjfJrTr'.- t.'r"" i. ' .... ft-af All Goods Marked In Plain Figures at Hartman's. L-s CARPET DEPARTMENT Ingrain Carpet, yard 3 4c All Wool Ingrains, yard 60c Brussels Carpet, at, yard 6Sc Fine Velvet Car pets, yard . . . 85c Axminster Carpets, at, yard. . . .$1.10 Heavy Mattings, at yard 15c Good Grade Oil Cloth, at, yd. 29c Chase Leather Couch Special, 15.75 It has a frame of solid oak, polish finish; has carved claw feet, is upnoi stered In best materials and deeply tnfted, covered with extra quality Chase leather. This massive couch has all steel construction and full set of oil tempered steel springs. It Is constructed with new Improved features and Is thoroughly guaranteed. Terms: $1.80 cash, 60c weekly. 22 GREAT STORES THROUGHOUT THE U. S. r il W J Ba i . ' .. W-V i M L Br cr Bl T 8.75 Hartman Dresser 'Special, This Dresser Is made under our di rect supervision and according to our own specification; and is therefore a dresser of superior charactsr. It Is highly polished and the mirror stand ards are neatly carved. Mirror Is of extra else and has a deep beveled edge. Easily a 112.00 value. Tsrmsi 91-00 Cash, 60o Weekly. 1414-16-18 DOUGLAS STREET nuo VALUES BiiutU Velvet Rng, at $1.MS 0(12 Ingrain Rugs, at $3 J 8-8x10-6 Brussels Hug, at. . .$11.75 0xl Velvet Rugs, at . $-'1.75 0x12 Body BrusiM'is, at $20.75 8-8x10-0 Axminater Velvet, at. . $19.50 0x0 Art Rugs, only $1.05 391 amount to 9)1.884 bales. Including 114,800 forwarded direct to spinners The Imports this week were: New South Wales, 8,7l bales; Queensland. 2.82; Victoria. 8 441; Beutn Australia, 834: Tasmania, 465; New Zealand. 11.777; Cape of Oood Hop and Natal, 1.891; various, 1,662 balea Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fralts. NEW YORK, April 21. EVAPORATED APPIJBS Remain firm. Grades below prim are practically out of supply and consequently axe not quotable. Htrlctly prime fruit Is quoted at choice at louc; and fancy, lie. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes are In Jobbing demand With price firm from lac. according to grade. Apricots are nominally unchanged at l2c. for choice; 12"o for extra choice and 12Md4Ho for fancy. Psacha are la light suppljr and rul firm with choice quoted at 10Hc; ex tra choic at lOVUc; ncy llyWic; extra fancy at llal-c. Rslslns unchanged. Los. muscatels ar e quoted at &4oSc; seeded .-alHina st fcWtfiSc. and London lex ers at U6ol 0- Metal Market. NEIW TORK, April XL MBTAI.S Ther was no change In the vaxtuus uiulul mar kets, with business showing the usual But urday apathy. Boot tin is quoted at UH.fif 8S.B&. Copper continued nrm. with lake quoted at 18.5t'4(i18.76, electrolytic at 819. 618 W and casting at l8.0u4rlS.26. Load was firm at Bpeitrr remained at 88.10 8.1&. Iron was qulst. Cattoa Market. LIVERPOOL. April B COTTON Spot aiarkat uiti prloe 10 poluU hlgbari Aiuer- lean middling fair. 8.64d; good middling, 8.84d; middling, 8 14d; low middling. 8 4d; good ordinary, 8. Bud; ordinary, 8. bed. The titles of the day were 7.0X1 bales, of which 6U were for speculation and export and In cluded 8.4U0 American. Receipts, X.OU0 bales. Including 8u0 American. Peoria Market. PEORIA. April 21. OORN Steedy; No. t yelluw, i:c-. No. 1 4rV,c; no grade, 45'tc. OATS Unchanged; No. 8 whit, Ju42io; No. 4 while. 31c BTB Steady; No. t, 83c WH18KY-8L28. Dalatk Grata Market. DUL.UTH. April 21. WHEAT To arrlv: No. 1 northern, 79e: No. 1 northern, 7Tc Oa Uacki . 1 nortaara, 7c; No. I northern. 77Hc; May, 7SHo; July, Tc; Sep tember, 77!c. , OATS-To arrive, on track and Ma Jlc. I bi p o rt aad Exports. NEW YORK, April 21. Imports of mer chandise and dry goods at the port of New York for the week ending today war valued at tlS.ti.GM. Total Imports of specie at the port of New York for the week ending today were M,07k sliver and gold. Total exports of gold from th port of New York for the week ending today wsre 841.446 silver and no gold. When you hav anything to trad, ad vertise It In the "For Exchange" column on Th Be want ad page.