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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1906)
0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, ATOTL' 22, 190G. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wleat Dull on Limited Trade Throughout the Session. DISTANT FUTURES RELATIVELY STRONG War Pranltn te D Eratle Aeeemat af Blsr Oara Interest Car RaKe Rhada Lavr Oata Bell Freely. OMAHA. April H. UOS. Wheat w dull on a limited trad throughout the session. The only feature in tlit, pit wai the strength of the July and September deliveries relative to the May. Operations were largely local. Weather conditions throughout the winter and spring wheat belt are entirely satisfactory, and crop advlcea from all sources are fa vorable. There Is, undoubtedly, a consider able scattered open Interest In May wheat, and It promises to be somewhat erratic. Corn was moderately traded In and ruled a shada lower, 'i'hs situation Insofar as ths May Is concerned has not changed In 'any particular. Next week will see a very sharp decrease in local stocks, and arrivals ara light and country selling nothing, In fact, southwestern points arc paying better prices west than Chicago. A carno sold today at He over May tur No. 2 in store. The July and September will be Influenced by any future strength In the May. Trad in May oats was light, but bright weather and rapid progress with seeding had a depressing effect upon the Septem ber, which wss sold rattier freely. The cash demand in general Is ood and arrivals are running light. Primary Wheat receipts were 283,000 bu. and shipments 474.000 bu., against receipts last year of t4.l00 bu. ana shipments of 8ul,00u bu. Corn receipts were iW.tMl bu. and snlpments 4tn,uo bu , ugaintit receipts last year uf 6(M,(iiij bu. and hhipinents of oDo.uuu bu. Clearances were 5o,ia0 bu. wheat, 24,tw bbls. flour, 457,000 bu. corn and tw.ucO bu. oats. Liverpool closed Htf-id lower on wheat and unchanged to ti hikher on corn. Australian wheat shipments were 824.000 bu., against 866,000 bu. last week and 814,000 bu. last year. shtprtents were 182,000 bu., against 680,000 bu. last week and 2 48,000 bu. last year. llroornhajl estimates the. World's wheat shipments for Monday at 0,800, 000 bu, Local range of options: Articles. Open. High. I Iaw. Close. Yes y. A Oreaf Oolii llTinG Pdgir. 6 Oooi totne mciiest ino n n Miami THE MANHATTAN MIZPAH MINING COMPANY OWNING iile Lining the THE KENTUCKY, CAPTAIN SAM AND ARKANSAS CLAIMS reai Manhattan Consolidated End Lining the Dexter and Pine Nut The game great cold-bearinir lecLsres which have made the Manhattan Consolidated famous, can be traced by bold surface croppings across the property of the Manhattan Mirpah. ledges have been opened at a dozen points on the Kentucky, Arkansas and Captain Sam claims, revealing uniform shipping values. These Vv'. cat I till May... I 72B 727.1 721 724 7!4 Ju.y... ,IU 71B 71A b 71Vs C ...i- I ...ay... 43B 43 43A 43A 43 I 4i-tA 4HA tlA 41HA 4.111 Ohu- uy,,. 1 XtA A asked. B bid. Onaba Ceah Bales. CORN-No grade, 1 car, S&ttc. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 7470V4c; No. t hard, .T.Vij'jo; No. 4 herd, tiu.iWc; No. X spring, ,oti -iuvu; No. 8 spring, iWuoc. tOKN-No, 8, 44c; No. 4, 42&43c: no grade, 36'u-Uc; No. I yellow, 44c; No. a white, 46c. UA'1'8 No. 8 mixed, 30c; Kit, 8 white, 31c; No. 4 white, 30c. RYKNo 8. 66c; No. 8, 63HC , Carlo! Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago i 86 123 City 33 40 HI ' ..Minneapolis 136 ... ..' v. .ulia 1 35 19 Lwium 21 ... ... Louis 8a CI C7 J wl VHVTT't3- - . ft IN IN 6 eNGINCEXS. soLorCLO, Ney. texts and given Taluea from $75 to 9100 to the ton. The vein on the Kra. turky has bern proven to depth of 80 feet and haa broadened out and be rome richer with depth. On the Arkansa two ledge averaging from four to six feet in width reveal values of better than 9100 per ton. THE MAQHATTAIT 'MIZPAH Sill COMPANY Capitalization $1,000,000 Par Value $1 Per Share 400,000 SHARES IN TREASURY, FULLY PAID AND NONASSESSABLE. President. J. F. Mitchell, Mining Engineer Vice President J. E. Baraness, Mine Operator Secretary Harry Coffee, Merchant Treasurer . .' L. M. Upnam Assistant Secretary John M. Fairfield Directors: James O. Sweeney, Attorney General of Nevada; Frank Gend ron, Original Locator of Claims; J. F. Mitchell, J. E. Bareness, L, M. Upharn, Harry Coffee and J. M. Fairfield. OURS ARE ARISTOCRATIC NEIGHBORS. The CI aims of the Manhattan Mizpah are Surrounded on All Side by the Greatest Mines In the Manhattan District. The Kentucky Claim Side Lines the Great Consolidated, Admittedly the Rich est of All Manhattan Gold Mines. Four Months Ago Its Stock was Sell ing at 15 Cento. It 1 Today In Active Demand at 910 Per Share. CHICAGO GRAM A.NU PROVISlOXg Fentaraa of the Trading and Closing; I'rlces on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, April 21.-Favorable weather througtiout the wheat glowing sections of Lie culled States imparted a weak tone to tne wneat market at the cluso today, final quotations on the May delivery being oft no- Corn was down So. Oats showed u ius or VsW'tO. provisions were from to to ViC tower. Uuilng tne greater part of the day the wheat market was steady, but lute In the bisslon prices yielded to moderate piotit taklntr and the market closed weak at about tiie lowest point of the day. Pri mary receipts today were - fcJ.Ooo bu.. as against Su4,uu0 for the corresponding day tine year ago, ana mis was me only Item lit n;u favorable to the bulls received gui inn day. On the other hand, reports l. Mii i,,a southwest told of the excellent tuuOKiiiii lit tall sown wheat and ndvices I.e.. i..e uorinwcst snld that seeding Is uujt Lompiited In tuat section. May ope. .id a kiiade lower to a shade higher 1.1 7,'Jic, soid up to 80c and then de . c.i icu ,i iSiC. T'ie close wss weak at ',j',c. Ciiaiances of wheat and flour were ttiuul to lb4,uut bu. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 1&8 cars, as U4nnt 363 a year ago. The corn market was strong early In the (lay on llrm cables and small local receipts, but this firmness was soon dispelled by lirorU'laklng, Induced by clear weather. The market closed weak. May opened a shade lower to a shade higher at 4?447Hc, s-jld up te 47 e and declined to 47c. The close was at 47 Wo 47V, a Local receipts were M cars, with U of contract grade. Kavoruble conditions for seeding and the weakness of wheat and corn depressed ths oata market. May opened unchanged to a shade lower at 824C to 324!&;2c, sold be tween 32M,c and l):H4l-'4c and closed at J2lc. Local receipts were 123 cars. l'rovlilons were easier. At the close July pork was off tic at ld lard was down fttiVtc at .67Vki(.70 and ribs were So lower at U.r.M Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, I cars; corn, 117 cars; oats, 114 cars; hogs, 7,0UO head. The leading futures ranged as follows: The Pine Nut ledge is traceable for 800 feet across the Captain Sam. This marveous deposit of gold bearing ore ranges from 15 to 20 feet in width und gives a general assay value of $75 per ton. A four-foot ledge has been opened at six places on the Kentucky, giving a uniform value of better than 9100 per ton. This ledge is the same vein from which sensational values are being taken on Uie Consolidated. At every point where these ledges have been opened on the Kentucky and Captain Sam they have stood the most exhaustive The Captain Sam Claim End Lines the Dexter and the Fine Nut. Dexter is Selling at 91 Fer Share and Fine Nut for 50 Cent Per Share. Five Leasers Are Working on the Three Claims and Have Opened Up Immense Gold Bearing Ledges, and the Property Will Soon Join the List of Shippers of High Grade Ore. , EXCEPTIONAL STOCK OFFERING 25 CENTS A SHARE A GOLD MliiE FOR THE PRICE OF A PROSPECT One hundred thousand shares of treasury stock in the Manhattan Mlzpan Mining Company Is offered to the public at 25 CENTS PER SHARE. PaHriok 1115 Nixon Block Fiscal Agents References- Any Dank In Coldfleld or Tonopah Thlg remarkable offer cannot snd h not been duplicated in the Man hattan district Not only is the Mlipah Companys ground the cream of all Manhattan, but it embraces a larre acreage three claims or about 60 acres. Its territory Is as large as the Consolidated, and three times that of the Pine Nut. It has a continuation of the Consolidated ledges. All along these great ore deposits on the Mlspah Company'g ground the leasers have opened up the veins. On the Kentucky One tet of leasers alone have opened up four-foot ledges for four hundred feet which averages straight across shipping values, or values of more than $100 per ton. Almost an equal amount of work has been done on the Captain Sam. The Pine Nut ledge crosses this claim and has been proven for a distance of 800 feet. DIVIDENDS FOR YEARS. In making this offer to the public we will add another to the long list of successful companies that we have launched toward the dividend paying estate. The Immense ore bodies that have been opened up, even at this early day in the history of the mine, Insure dividends for every shareholder for many years. For IMMEDIATE rROFTT OR DIVIDEND RETURNS shares in the Manhattan Mlzpaii Company are more attractive to either the small or large investor. Any person familiar with the conditions at Man hattan will know at a glance at the map in this ad that no better property could be purchased it la the best in the district. The consolidated mine is the MARVEL OF THE MINING WORLD. The scores of englneefa who . have eiperted it pronounce it one of the greatest mines in Nevada. As the consolidated Is a great mine, so is Man hattan a great camp, one for which there Is scarcely a parallel in the annals of western mining operations. The Manhattan Mizpah MILL nE AS GREAT AS THE CONSOLIDATED. There will be no second offering of this stock. It will be over-subscribed many times. It Is beyond any question the cheapest stock to which public subscription has been invited-since the first fabulous values were found at Manhattan. This firm has a REPtTATION TO SUSTAIN. In Goldfleld and Bullfrog tt has made a distinctive success of Its every mining enterprise, and thousands of our clients who purchased stocks upon our advice have coined money through their investments. In Manhattan we were first on the ground, and each of our five companies in that camp are MAKING GOOD WITH RAPID STRIDES. The stock of the Manhattan MUpah is easily worth 60 cents per share. Any broker who sees the accompanying map will tell you as much. The Pine Nut Company, owing a fraction adjoining the Mlspah group, put out its treasury shares at 60 cents, and the allotment was over-subscribed several times within a few hours. STOCK IN THE MANHATTAN MIZPAH WILL BE WORTH FIVE DOLLARS A SHARE WITHIN TWO YEARS. Remember our prediction. Make' a memo, of it and consult the stock quotation sheets at the end of 24 months. If you want sharea in this excellent company you will have to act quick. Either send us YOUR RESERVATION BY WIRE or CONSULT OUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVES. The Die Conservative Drokerago House Bankers and Brokers Goldfield, ftev. Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close Yes'y. Wheat Jlay July Corn May July Hop I. Oeis Msy July Bept. Pork Way July Sept. Lard May July Bept. nibs May July SepU 79 IK IK TiiUVSi 2a Wi If CO it li li lb t 60 S 76 I So I 67V I 8-rt 80 7SV 7IVs 4tSs! I 7 4' 31 79 TSSG 73 7K4 7Vtf7 77 i 1 02 15 96 18 02H It 10 1U 16 1I 2' I i-S 1 i7Vi li 15 u v: in li If 26 8 60 tb'M t BZVi (60 8 7S 8 TV 8 70 8 75 8 8a 8 77 8 80 8 87H 8 70 8 6:Vi 8 66 8 70 k teVi 8 7i 8 17 8 87H 8 7Vt 8 80 8 8i I 874 No. a. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Mnrlctt firm; winter patents. 8i-iSWJ; winter straixhts, H J vi ft); sprlnf (stents, 83.(wtiSl spring slraiKhls, KMUtf !.: bakers, U.iu'l.iM. WllKAT-Nu. i sprlnft. WtfSlMre; No. I spring-, t'ofcHc; No. 1 r.d, iuVu'AKs. CO UN No. I. 4c; No. 2 yellow, 4sWc OATS No. I. 31'ic; No. 2 while, dJitMc; No. 8 white, Uuic. BYE-No. 2, i",c. AHLK Uood feeding. C93Uc; fair to choice, 4.''ii-ue. BKEDS No. 1 nai, tl CSVfc: No. I north western. 81.15- Timothy, prime, 83.17Mi. Clover, contract grade, 811.60. fr-KOVISlONS Mess pork, per bbl., 818.000 l.u6. Lard, per loj lbs. I b.'iti i&. Short ribs sides (loose). 8!.u8.iu; short clear sides (boxed), tt) 00,y! 10. FollcwlnK were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Kecetpts. Shipment!. Flour, bbls 87.ft.i0 10,700 Wheat, bu .x) li.2u0 Corn, bu Tl.tiuO )30 Oats, bu :u6.5tiO 2itt.u0 Rye, bu KouO 6,800 barley, bu tl.Ieu) 85.lM On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, U'(t bic; dairies, liTJo. Ls, firm; at mark, raaea Included. XislHc; nrsts. 15V:; prime tlrsis, 1kVc; extras, Uo. Cheese, easy at ltHHll2o. Mlaaeapolls Grata Market. (Superior Board of Trade quotations for Minneapolis snd Chicago delivery). The ranee of prices, as furniithed by F. D. Day A Co., 110-1 11 board of Trade building, was: 8, 29ic. Barley: 8887e. Rye: C4UO 68ttc. Flax; Cueh, 81.16V. May. 81.17. MEW YORK OENCH4I. HAIKJIT aotatloBS of the Dr oat Varloas Commodities. NEW TCRK. April 21. FLOUR Re ceipts, 11,407 bbls.; exports. 11 bbls; steady, but dull; winter patents, 8804.2&; winter straights, 83.703.80; Minnesota ratents, 84. S644.50; winter extras, U-Mi 35; Minnesota bikers, tSMx&; winter low grades, 12.6553.3). Rye flour, steady; fair to good, 83.8t.(&l.0; choice to fancy, 83.fltxfr4.lO. CORN MEAL Firm: fine white and yel low, 3120; coarse, $1.0701.0; kiln dried, 82.8CVfll.70. RYE Dull; No. i western, 70o asked f. o. h. Nei York. BARLEY Steady; feeding, 470 0 I. f. New York: malting, blutlo off. New York. WHEAT Receipts, 86,000 bu.: spot msr ket, steady; No. 3 red, nominal, elevator; No. t red, ftHfrc, nominal, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. 8Ho f. 0. b. afloat. Optloi s opened unchanged and Improved about o on cables, lighter than looked for Australian exports, light receipts and cov ering, but eased oft under fine crop proe pects and closed steady at net unchanged prices to sn advance of He. May, 86 13-13 87 5-16c, closed at 87c: July. 84 l-1664Ho, closed at 844c; Beptemeer, hvm2c, ciosea at 82Hc COHN Receipts, 40,850 bu.; spot market, steady; No. 2, 67o, nominal elevator, and 65o asked f. o. b. afloat: No. t yellow, 64c; No. I white, 56c. Options opened lower, ruled quiet and closed steady at net unohgnged prices to c lower; no eales of corn for export; May, 68ifl04c. closed at 63V ! July closed at 53o. September closed at 63c and December closed at bt0. OATS Receipts, 82.500 bu.; exports. 60, 2A4 bu soot maiket. steady; mixed oats. 28 to 32 pounds. STitrSTHc; natural white, 80 to 33 pounds, Siyti&Ho; clipped white. 88 to 40 pounds, SiKame. HAY Firm; shipping, OCKuCsc; good to choice. Hoot! i.oe. HOPS Steady: state, common to choice, 1'J. 87.40; Paciflc coa-t, 1SX6, 84.0O4jU.0O; 7i(: olds. 84.0OJr6.8O. HIDES Firm; Galveston, 80 to 26 Iha., Mo; California, a to 26 iba,. He; Texas, dry. 14 to SO lb. 130, LKATHER Steady: acid. 2CW82T1Ac. TROVISIONS Beef. steady; fsmlly. 111.5iKt.iuO: mess, rsoosrioco: beer bams, .0iU-l.W'; paoket, H0.piiiill.C0; city, extra India mess, us wai8 txj. cut meats, sieaay; Dlckled be lies. sv'tflOHc; pickled shoulders iT.ui': pickled hams, llxiimc. Lard, easy: western prime, 88 6, nominal; refined, easy; oonilnenf. 3U.20: South America, 310.00: com pound, 7(7Vc. Pork, steady: family, 318.50 faiH7r; snort aies r, itt,; mess, 317.26 4J 17.75. TALLOW Steady; city (KM per pkg.), SViCj country (pkgs. free). 6V!86o. RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra. IHIisc; Japan, nominal. POULT R 1 Alive, Irregular; western fowls, 13c ; turkeys. 13c; dressed. Arm; tur keys. If. ; fowls. U.U1JC St. Loats Geaeral Market. 8T. LOU19. April 21. WHEAT Lower: No I red, cash, elevator, 87to4c, track, M 1 ft vie; May, 7dSc; July, 76c; No. 8 hard, 7Si 640- i'urn-Lower; no. x, casn, nominal, traua 60 He; May, bc; Juiy, 4-sc. 32Hc; May, sc; July, 0c; No. i white, 34 He MET A I Lead, steady, 4&.60. Spelter, steady, V uo. POULTRY steady and siow; cmcaens. 11c: turkeys, 15c; Cucks. lie; geese, 7c. BUTTER Dull; creamery, J21c; dairy, 14018c. LUJS Steady, 12 He. case count Kaaaas City Grata aad PrevUleas. KANSAS CITY, April 21. WHEAT May, 74V; July, 71V, cash. No. I bard. 78Ukc; No. 8 red. 2s3c. CORN May, 4JSc: July, 42c; cash. No. t mixed, 46Vu-tn; No. i whits, ithta. OATS No. 3 white, 82VSU43a- RYE 6etiWc. HAY-Choice timothy, H3.264311.t0. Bl'TTEH Creamery, 18c; packing. 11 He. EOOS-Ue NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Sharea Parouated Friday to Support ths Maiket An Offered for Bale. SHARP SLUMP IN VALUES FOLLOWS Titer le Some Recovery Later la the Day oa Favorable Bank State ments, bat Close la . s Irregular. NEW YORK. ADrtl 11. Ths movement towards recovery In the stock markst which was pronounced yesterday, came to a pause today, blocks which were pur- cnased yesterday, entirely lor the purpose of supporting the market, came back for sale today and the trading element, which had followed the rebound, also re-sold stocks. The tendency was emphasised after the appearance of the bank state ment, tne strong showing being taken ad vantage of to realise profits. borne of the stocks which have suffered from direct property losses in California made wide recoveries today. The 818,000.000 gain In cash shown by the bank statement is practically all of It accounted for by the deposits of gov ernment funds, with the banks against Sold enroute from Europe. Yesterday's eposlts on that account do not figure tn the statement. Yesterday's deposit at the sub-treasury for transport to California of course figures In the bank averages tor only one day. mere was a rurther move- ment of funds for that destination today I to an amount wmcn practically exhausted the 810.000,000 limit authorised by the secretary of ths treasury for transfer to San Francisco. That limit was re moved during the day. Shipments were made by express to points in the neigh borhood of San Francisco, owing to the present confused state of affairs In that city. The Sterling exchange market today was nominal, out quoted rates were lower and additional Imports of gold are looked for next week. 1 here Is a disposition to await the effect of these heavy with drawals upon the foreign markets, n which the situation is complicated by the pending payment of subscriptions to thJ Russian loan. There waa some recovery In stocks from the decline after the bank statement, but the closing tone was Ir regular. Total sales of bonds par value, 21,240. 000. Quotations on the New York Stock ex change were; 1.M 141 1.KX) MH ""ios Jii" (00 iTlVs Moo too ni toe 1,004 see 1.104 M 40 104 11.40 104 400 104 104 44. KM UHt Articles. I Open. High. I Low. Close. I Yes y. Wheat-I I May.. 7Sfl"i 76V TB1 78 76H July... 7M.3 !' ' IHUV, 78 7', Sept... 7(riis i7 J5 76 76vs FMa7... 1 1S 1 1V, 1 W 1S 1 1H July... 1 2"S 1 5"S 1 to1' Sept... 1 1 1 lyV 1 1 I 11 1 frVt Minneapolis Cash Cloae Wheat: No. 1 hard. c; No. 1 northern, TS-ac; to arrive, Tnwc; No I northern. 7&So; to arrive. 7c: No. 3. Thglio; No. i Durum, 72c; No. 3 Durum. 7vJC Corn: No. 3 yellow, 44c; Kit. 3, 43c Oats: tU. I white, tuc; No. Milwaukee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. April 21. WH EAT Mar ket lower; No. 1 northern, 81H4'GHc; n0i 3 northern. 7S(il ; May. 79V.C, asked. RYE Strady; No. 1. W&uoc. BARLEY Steady; No. X 55e; sample, 45t 65c. CORN-Hlgher: No. S cash, iTVOTHe; May, tTVuHc. asked. UftrpMl Grata Market. L1VEHPOOU April 21. WHEAT Snot, nominal. Futures, quiet; May, ts Sd; July, tie T,d; September. nomlnaL CORN Spot, firm; Ajnerioaa mixed, new, 4s 6d; old, 4s id. Futures, firm; May, 4s (Hd. A4uns giprass AmA)gBiat4 Coppei' .rlc C. A F ABerlcaa C. r. l?4 AoMrlcas rotion Ol Auwiicu Cotton Oil td ... American gxprase AomHcSS H. U 1(4 AoMrlcaa lo. Mcurttlas.... Aurloas LJnn,d Oil Am. LMiHd Oil ptd ABMrloae UocomoiU Am. LMomstlv I4 American g. a a Anarleaa . A R. F'a Amerlcoa Sugar glllniB(.. Am. Tobacco pt4. i.fa Aaecon4a Mlalug Ca Alcblaoa Atcbiaos pf4 Allaatla Coast Una bait mora A Ohio baltlmore A Oblo pM broualra Rapid Traoalt..... Cauadlaa (antral at Maw JarMf (kaapaaao A Ohio Chicago A Alton Chicago A Allan pld hlcaga Oraat Waatara Chicago A Korthwaalara.... Chicago, Vll. A 84. Paul.., Chicago T. A T tkloaso T. A T. p(4 C . C . C. A St. lolg Coloraae Fuel A troa. Cuiuraao A Southani CoiaraSa 1 h IK it Colorade A 8a. M 14. Cooaolidata4 Uaa Cora Praeucta, rig Cora PToautla pM. rg baUwara A HttAaca llaUwara, L A W Ilanvar A Kl Grailda Uanar A R. 8 I4 lJiatlllara- sacsiitlag kna trta lat ptd aria 14 pld Ocaaral Aiactrta Hocmlnf Valr llliaoia Ccaual Inlaj-aattooaJ faraar IntarnalloDal Paper pf4 ... lulmatkoaal Puai lulaxuauoaaJ Puap pf4... lews leuual Salaa. High. Low. Clooa. J Jo lows Contral pti... Kanaaa City gouthars Kaoaaa City So. ptd LoulaTllle A Naahrllla Manhattaa L Metrapoll'au Street Rr Mexican Central Minneapolis A St. Louis... 11., Bt. P. & 8. I. M M.. Rt. P. A 8 8. M. pld.. Miatourt P&clfte Mlaaourl, Kaaaas A Taxaa.. M . K. A T. pfd National Lead National R, R. of M. pld.. Nav Tort Cantral Now Tork, O. A W Norfolk A Weatarn Norfolk A.W. pld North American PaoiBg Mall Pennsylvania People's Gag P . C. C. A It. Louie. Prceeed Steal Car Freaeed gtaal Car pld Pullman PaJaoa Car Kaadlng heading let pfd Heading Id pfd. kepuelle Steal Kpublle BU pfd Kock laland Co RockIaland Co. pfd rtubuer Qoode Rubber Ooods pfd st. u a s. r. td pfd St. Louie BouthweeteTB St. Louie S. W. pfd Southern Pectfttt Southern Parlno pfd Southern Railway 80. Railway pfd Tenneeato Coal A Iron Taxaa A Pacifle Toledo, St. L. A W Toledo, 8U U AW. ptd... Lnlon PaolAa ............ t'nlon Pacifle pfd fulled Slates Kxpregs lolled Slates Realty United Slates Rubber V. B. Rubber pfd United Slates Steel L. 6. Steel pfd Va.-Carolloa Chemical Ve. -Carolina Cuem. pfd.... Wabaah Wabaih pfd Wclle-Kargo Evpraes tVestlngbouee Kleetrle Weeiorn Union Wheeling A Lake Brie Wiecoaala Cautral Wla. Central pfd Northern rarlflo Ca.itral Leather Cautral Leather pfd Bloee-Sbatneld Steal 41 41 H-4 stvg Ll loo 404 too too J'JO 3,M link 87 li 44 si 4 1,144 Mis 104 104 84.404 3244 44 iif' 44 3.404 M 404 U 104 110 4.404 4314 10,1X14 too 14 100 104 104 ! 44 111 11 47 10U 144 '404 '43 04 (1 4.104 814 l0 44 104 104 MO Total gala (or the day. 401. 000 asarag. M 17 44 147 147 144 1144 84 14 W lit US 114 171 44 44 44 11 44 4 . n 141 14 44 44 44 4t 40 44 41 41 41 114 140 14 43 14 44 '44 44 44 144 114 114 44 45 10 10 101 141 17 IT 44 44 41 140 47 47 11 ! 44 U 4 44 111 14 44 146 11 11 84 44 11 I U llt I 44 44 Ill 40 40 61 It 110 114 41 41 104 104 47 47 ft 111 111 II 11 47 47 844 146 164 11 II 1 H (1 41 111 814 t 41 109 10 j 40 40 opened firm on reassuring; reports, but dealing" were restricting- and prices closed Irregular. Foreigners generally were steady on Paris advices. PAR IB, April 21. Prices on the Bourse today were weak and trading: was Inac tive. Russian imperial 4s were quoted at and Russian bonds of 1904 at 43. BERLIN, April 21. Prices on the Bourse today were Arm and trading was active. The dealings In Americans Im proved. Hew York Hesey Market. NEW YORK. April 21. MONEY On oall, nominal: no loans: time loans, steady: 80 days, 6tj6tt per cent; 90 days, 63 Pr cent: 6 months, 5j6S4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 45tt per cent, 8TERL1NO EXCHANGE Irregular at 34.H416tH.o42S or demand and at 34.81KK9 4.3120 for 60-day bills; posted rates. 34.82 04.83 and 34.84H34.S6; commercial bills, 4 R0Hffl4 604. SILVER Bar 84T4c; Mexican dollars, 60e. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Irregular. ' Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows: V. I. ret. la, rag.. ..W3i Japan la td series... 41 4o ooupon 10? do 4e etfe 44 U. A la. rag 13 "4 do 4e etfe II 4o goupoa 104 do Id ear lee 41 V. g. old 4b. rag.. ..101 L. A N. am. 4s 103 de coupon 101 i Men. e. g. 4s ll V. 8. new 4a, rag ....lllo.alei. Central 4a I04 do coupon 111 do lat Inc 13 Am. Tobacoo 4s. lit Minn. A St. L. 4g.... 13 do U lOHeiM.. K. A T. 4s 101 Dostoa Stocks gad BeaAi BOSTON, AprU 21 Call loans, cent; time loans, 6 per cent, closing on stocks and bonds: Atchlaon sdl. 4s 6437 per otn 64.M0 llOte 104 I l.M 43 U' u 400 lost ion a lua M I U 1,400 41 41 41 11 41 1.104 U 47 41 Ill 4.100 111 144 Ul luO IK 114 ll 1.4u 144 147 lit 10 104 104 lull. 14 400 171 TO 171 s, 1,100 II to o 100 11 I 111 St 101 161 1,404 111 110 lit P6 !0 16 14 44 A4o 1U 141 141 Ill 104 44 44 41 tu'4 10 14 1F 1t, 8.0U 11 104 ), I'J4 log Ms, ion 174 1114 mi loo 10 10 11 10 II 14 7. 10i 101 luls, 101 A6u 41 41 41 too 41 11 aZ lo 70 1o 70 I 4a 1 11 1JS, ' M 44 US l n W 1 Rf7 437 80 48 44 444 T 40 44 47 41 3.JOO 43 S 41 41 4u 17 11 17 1IM 47 47 ,1 14 11 l 171 171 171 too 11 11 II 40 44 41 4a llW 14 14 400 & 14 34 de 4 Max. Central 44.... Atchleon do pfd Boaton A Albany., boeton A Maine... Boaton Elevated .. Htchburg pfd .. Malice Central .. N. Y . N H A H Union PaclAc A met. Arge. Chets. do pfd Amer. Pnea. Tub. Amer. Sugar . do pfd A sier. TAT Amer. Wools ..... do pfd Dominion I. A B. Kdioua Elec. lllu. Maaa. Kleetrle .... do pfd Maaa. Gaa United fruit .... United Shoo Mach do pfd V. S Steal do pfd Weetlng. oomntos Adventure bid. Asksd. ..100 Amalgamated ... .. 14 American Zing .e .. o Bingham ..101 t el. A Heels.... ..Hi Centennial ..174 Copper Range .. ..IM Dalr "eel ..141 Domtnloa Coal . .. 14 franklin ..11 ,0 rati by ..142 lele Rorale .. 2 Maaa. Mining ... .. 91 'Michigan .. 11'Mohawk ..! Mont. C. A C... )97i01d Dominion .. 131;Oaraola II Parrot .lot Qulncy , 111 Shannon .444V Tamarack . 14Tnalty . 47 United Copper .. . 44'U. g. Mining .10741 iU. 8. Oil . 41 Utah , 10 Victoria .., . 41 Winona Jjt Wolverine . 1 (North butts 1I clal .. 14 ..114 .. 14 .. 17 ..111 .. 6 .. 40 .. 11 .. . .. 11 .. 11 .. 21 .. 1 .. 11 .. IJ'4 .. 1 .. 42 ..1V74 .. 17 ..11 .. 1 ..101 .. 11 .. 44 .. 0 .. II .. 41 .. 4 .. 41 Atchlaon gen, so am. 4a... Atlantic O. L Bal. A Oblo 4 do l Brk. K. T. a Central of Oa. do let Inc... do Id Inc.... do 4d Ine... Ches. A Ohio 4g.. Chicago 44 A. !',- C. B. A Q. n. 4e. C, R. I. A P. 4s. do eol. 4g CCC. A 81. U g. 44 a do la .. !. R. It. ..lulS'H. Y. C. of M. e. 4a 44 g. Ia 41 N. 1. C. g. 60 It No. PacISc 4a. 104 do aa 14 4a..... 44'N. A W. e. 4a. IO04 ... O. S. U rfdg. 4g 14 ... 17 iPenn. eon. Ie 100 ...126 Heading gen. 4s 100 Bt. L a 1. H. c. 01..IU4 10 St. L. A 8. F. fg. 4a. 84 1 Bt. L B. W. . 4a.... 40 k rdea board A. L. 4a... 41 0 80. Pacific 4a.. 41 .101' 40 lat 4g otlg 44 Cola Iod. 6a. ear. A. ll'aSo. Railway 6a... do serlee B (4sTeiee A P. la ... rolorado Mid. 4a 14T., St. L. A W. CjIo. A go. 4 44 Union PacISc 4s. Cub 6c 104 do eonv. 4g , 1. A R. 0. 4a. 100 V. 8. Blel Id 4a. pletlllera' Bee. Is.... 46Wabaih Is Erlt p. I. 4s 101 do deb. B do gen. 4e It Western Md. 4.. Hocking Val. 4s....l08 W. A L. E. 4... Japaa 4a 44 Wig. Central 4a. v Oared. ....111 ia 4a.. M ....106 ....1M .... 44 ....114 .... 19 .... 4ft .... II .... 41 Losdos CTloslagr Stacks. LONDON, April a. Closing quotations on the Stock exchanite were: Consols, mosey 4, IC AT.. da account 40 N. Y. Central Anaconda 14 Norfolk A W. Atchiaon ' do pfd da pfd 105 jg Ontario A W. Baltimore A Onio. .. .IMVlPennaylvaala Canadian Pacing 17.H Kami Ml nee etre.tieadlug . t.H da let pfd... .114,, de td pfd. New York Mlalngr Hooka. NEW YORK. April U.-Closlng quotaUon on mining stocks were: Adam Cos 44 Little Chief T Alloc til Onterle Ill Breeee 41 Ophlt ...440 brunaelck Con 61 Pboenlg 1 Comatock Tunnel .... II loloet 14 Cun. C.I. A Vs 100 Parage 44 Horn Silver 1x0 terra Nevada 14 true Silver 474 Small Hopes S Leadviiie Cea 8 KiudsTd oaered. rrelja Plaaaelal. I-ONDON, April 11. Rates for money and discounts were firm today. Much caution was exercised owing to the un certainties In connection with the Ameri can demand fur gold and the result of the Ban Francisco disaster. Operators on the block exchange were still nervous tn consequence 01 tne 1 aiiiornta calamity, though trading Improved In spots prior to the settlement. Insuranoe companies stocks recovered moderately on the ca g ga llon of forced sale. Consols remained easy. Home) rails Improved. America .14. . 12 . 44 4.1 . 6 '.7 40 104 7 .101 4 44 in 4 41 Chce A Ohio. Chicago Ot. W. r M. at St. P DeBeerg 14 Louthera Hallway Denver A R. 0 44 .! ifd do pfd 4 ' 3uulbcra Pacllc . Erie 4J nlon Pacific Brl let pfd 1' do ptd d 4d pfd V.. ;. . gteel Illlnole Oeulrel ll.'v 61 ltd Louigvllle A Nagh...u: do pfd SILVER Bar, tin... od 1-lbd per ounce. MOMt'V-JiicSVi !jci cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 8 7-16'33 per oent; for three months' bills, 3 7-16'u per cent. Bank Clearings. . OMAHA, April 21. Bank dealings for to day were 1.4s5,7Hl.W and for tne correspond ing date last year i.i..oa. 1Mb. 1906. ...31.&4.1.J4 14 31.4&oalt. ... l,4K!.7l.fcl l,3o.Uu0.l ... 1, 474. 510 M 1.16J.ii6 33 ... l.AJi. 4ol 20 l.o.4.o4.ii4 ... l,6Tii.u;ii.6o l..3'4 .56 ... l,4ul,7lll.i) l.i. 55 Monday Tueaday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Totals 38.845.758.84 88.154,740. 47 Increase over the same week last year, 371.617. 47. Treasery gtateeaeat. WABH1NQTON, April 21 Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 3l5O.uuO,u0O gold reserve shows: Available cash balance, 31ol,Oul,W3; gold coin and bullion, 87 1. 762, K; gold cettlDcates, 838.670.740. Cleartagr Hease Averagrea. NEW YORK. April .-The statement of the clearing house banks for this week hows that ths banks hold 318,3oe,72& over the legal reserve requirements. This Is n increase of fll.5,2J& over last week. The statement fellows: Loans, 11.017, C.ou0; Increase, I'tllftJIU'O. repoalls, tl.(t1.i-); Inoreaae, tii.4ul.7uO. Circulation. 6L4l,euO; Increase, $28,000. Legal tender. 178,67900; Increase, 31.048.000. Specie, 3lii,Kl,800; In crease, 816.44S.900. Reserve. $26fl,2ai.8u0: In. crease, $17,994,000. Reserve required, $251. 848,076; Increase, 86.400.876. Burplus. $16.36o, 725; Increase. $11,694,226. Ix-Unlted States deposits, $30,726.260; Increase, 812.83,7, OMAHA WnOk.ES ALE MARKET. Coadltlon of Trade and Qaotatloae oa Staple aad Faey 'Prodaee. EOOt ttecelpLs, liber al; fresh stock, cue Count, 14VSO' LIVE ROULTRY Hens, Uo; old roostsrr, 6Vc; turkeys, ioci ducks, La; young roosters, 74jio; geese, SO. DRESSED A fOULTR iT-TurKsyg. Ulol old tome, l&vrtoc; chickens, loojlao; uld roost ers. 7c; ducks. 12sl3c; geese. 80.,. BUTTER Packing stock, llfte; choice to fancy dairy, lupine; creamer, xltlH. HAY-Prlces quoted by Omaha Feed com. psny: No. 1 upland, ft; medium, 84 60; con me, t.0S 60. Rye straw, 8d.6u. BRAN Per ton. 317.60. NEW VEOByrABLEo. .' ,w TOMATOEH Florida, per orate ot 80 Iba, net. b.60. ' ' WAX BEANS Per hamper ot About $4) lbs., net, 16.00. . STRING RKANcV-Per hamper Of About 34) lbs., net. 8o.0U0a4.0C TURNIPey. UBET AND CARROTS Louisiana, per dox. bunches, 76ctill.Ou. SHALLOTTS Louisiana. par doses bunches, tio. ' HEAD LETTUCE Louisiana, per bbL, $7.uo4ilO.0O; per dos. heads. 81.00411-. . LEAF LETTLCE Hothouse, per do. CU(iUMKR8 Hothouse, per dos $1.00 1M- .. MM ONIONS Home grown, yellow snd red, 2o per lb; Spunlsh, per crate, 83.26; Colo rado, red And yellow, per lb o TROflCAL rttClTS. DATES per box ot 80 1-lb. pkgs.. 8100; tlallowe n. In iv-ib. boxes, pr 10, 8c; 4ayt ers, per lb., 4c; walnut stutTsd, 1-iu. page.. 12.00 per dux.; S-1D. boxes, $1.00. . ORANOlLU-California. e-Xt fancy Red. land novels, all sixes. 88 s; tanoy aavsls, 81. li; choice, ail sices, 4. ' . LKMOMJ-Llmonin extra fancy, 84) site. 83.75; M lu tw slae, 4.2e. ' FIGa Calif 01 uie, tr lo-a. carton. Ait 85c; tuipoiteu buirna, Uliee-crawn, Us; SAX crown. 13c. . . BANANAS Psr medium slued bunoh, 3LTI flt.a; jun.bos, $1 outu - - TANGERiNEi caitlurnug, per bos of about 124. $3.01 , , OKAI'E FRUIT FlorldA. per box. tJ.OOJf 1.60; CalltorrUa, per bos- FRUIT PKARS-Wtuter Nelua. $2 JO. ' APaLstS Calitorula Newton, F(pplns, $; i,4Uuwln, 1 per bu. box; Bn Davis, ti pel tlu. DUX, IV lucaaiia, ea-uu xi 1 other varieties, $z.uwua.o wr bu.,1 New lorg iipies, Ualuwlua and Russsts, 8u.(V per koi. UHAPc 'li.pof.ed Maiugas. 0.vV7.bO. i poiAlOh.o I'-oine .rou, per bu., 8041 toe; South Kakoia, i' bu.. ia ' . NAVX SBiAft-rr oa,, ei.oe, .10. t, CJ..O. LIMA LiAlsb Per lb.. Wu CAUilAGE Callloruia, 5u per lb.; Wis cousin, iu era tea, per to., 0. Cfci-iil lulluu. 0 bWh.c.1 Pu'tA l'iav Illinois, per 11-pH. bCAhht'lU PARgiNIPS, AND TURNIPs Pur bu., 850 and $L BEE.?1 CUTS. No. 1 ribs. 11c. No. 2 ribs, HHi No. $ ribs 4:c; No. 1 round, 4c, No. $ round, 7W,i; Ne. 4 round, 7ic; Nu. 1 lo.ns, loo; No. $ ioins, 13c; No. 3 loit,s, UVpo; No. 1 plate, to; No. 3 plate, 3 toe; No. i plaie. 3o; iso. 1 cuueas. tc. No. 3 vliucks. LVje; No. 1 chucks, MlSCELltNEOWla, C1DER-Pr atepl. 8. A ; r bbl., H7k HvjNgCl' New, per a lbs., 88.o CHEKSE bwias, new. luoi Wlsconslg bncn. 16c; vNiacousIn Umoeiger, Ue; twins. Uc: Your.g Americas, loo. NUTS Vkaiiiuts. No. I soft shells, n .. r.r .r. LoW: hard aielia. uar lb.. LsJc! picans, Urge. Pr ii.. lc; Suiail, p.r Ibjjc. peauiula, per 1U, 40; roasled, per lb' Sc. Ciuli waiuuta, psr lb., iouo. Aimouoe. oi w, nvt were sneila. pel lb.. Uc cocoanuis, 84 per eua FKtSH FISH. Trout. U; halibut. Us; bickerel. dressed. 7c; while baas. Uo; stu hau ec; parui. samnsd and dreaaed. 4i; bike, aalloc; edsuavir, fc. 4alll.ui i-uj irappies, c; !.. "ck bus. 22c; wluiehBh. lU4Uo; frog leg, per dug., to; lobsters, green. c; boiled lobsters, o; blueAsn, lie; Herring. 6c; bfauUh mackerel, lac- haddock, loc; snrimp, $i.uv per gallon; smelts. Lie; cod, 12c, buiiiioad. lie; catdsh. it,. r. ntiad, bo; noundera. He. KADISIIJCb ticiliouae. per doa buuchA ""f'.ir'S'rPH aj ITrtgh SiandSItl. I1.4J oar e-eJ abeU oyt:rs, $l.Uxa.t) per 4uv: Lime Neck c 1 n l a. per aua guuan 2 , vh.av, grrauulaud cane, tn aauaa. $5 U; granuialed Uet, in sacks. itVOL . MlllC u sarnia. aw Mmm ese-i aa en i.iuce, ev, ' . w, no. A Sauteu. No. 2. 10c; bull hides. 1atk.cT.irZ s, 1220c. Horse hides. Urge. $3; smalt toeeu pelts, esch 6ocu21.2o. Talluw. n:.? $ 10-lb. cans. $1; eases, U a-lW. cans, $2 10: cases. 24 2-lb. cans. 81.80. -v w, COFFEE Roasted: No. 85, 260 per I0.1 No. 30, 2trS43 per lb.; No. 2b, lv0 per lltl No. 30. 16Wc per lb.. No. 21. Lio per lb. FLOUK (wholesale) He t high grade Ne brsaka, per cwt., 82,00; best high grade Det ent Minnesota, per cwt.. $2 8u; straight pat. ent Nebraska, per cwt, $1.80; second pat ent Nebraska. 1.80. CURED FISH Family whlteflsh. per V bbl., 1"0 lbs., $4.50; Norway mackerel. tr bbl., 2U0 lbs., bloaters. $40 .00; No. 1. aoJ. No. X $28.00: No. 8, $30.00: Irish. No. . $iaoo: Herring, In bbl., 300 lbs. ecn. Norway, ik $18.00; Norway, 3k, $13.0u; Holland, mixed! ilL6u; Holland herring. In kegs, milkers! 5c; kegs, mixed. 7t)o- ""iaera. HIDES, PELTS AND TALLOW-No. t 10 : hide 81. I L 4o; No. 3. 3e: rough, liao. CANNED GOODS Corn, scandard west, em. o6fl60c: Maine, $1.15. Tomatoes, s-in cans, $lT26tf I.SO: 2-lb.. ;vcS$1.0C Plneapplea grated, 3-lb., $2.0or2.30; sliced, $i.$vT2.2VJl Gallon apples, fancy, $3.75; California apri cots, $1.4112.00; pears, $1.76622.50; peachos. fanoy, $1.C'(J2.40; H. C. peaches. 12.00-ui vx Alaska salmon, red, $1.16; pink, 80c; fancy Chinook, F.. $2.10; fancy eockeye, F $1.41 sardines, Vi oil, $2.60; A mustards, 31.fc.kj. $ KL Sweet potatoes, $1 llfl.2o; sauerkraut. $1.00; pumpkins, .80oj$1.00; wax beans, 3-11)7. lulgHOc', lima beans, 8-lb., 7tcj 11.86; spinach. 31 8oi2 00; cheap peas, 8-lb.. 80o; extra, J5j 80c; fancy, $1.86431.76. tf.u; No. 1 plain. $3.25. Otis and JRosla. NRW YORK, April a.-OILB-Cotton s(d. steady; prime crude, f. o. b. mills, 34j31a Petroleum, steady; refined New Jork, r.60; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $7.55; Phlladelolila and Baltimore In bulk, $4 65. Turpentine, quiet; 67jio. ROSIN Steady; strained, common to good, $4.05. OIL CITY, Pa., April U.-OTL Credit bal ances. $1.61. Shipments, 110.S07 bbls.; aver-sgr-. 82.847 bbls. Runs, 76.611 bbls.; average, 64.372 bbls. Shipments. Lima, 67.7S3 bbls ; average. 75.6S2 bbls. Runs, Lima, 49,546 bbls. : nveruse, So,781 bble. SAVANNAH, On, April . OIL Tur pentine, firm; 6464Hc. ROaiN-FIrm: A H C. $3 75; V, $3 80; Ti, $3K'5; F. $3.90; O, 83 96; H. 84.30; I, $4 60; K. $5-20; M, $5.35; N, $5 40; WO, $5.46; WW, $6.60. Philadelphia Predare Market. PHILADELPHIA, April 21. BUTTER Firm; extra we.tern creamery, 22c; extra, nesrhy prints, 23c EGGS Steady : nearby fresh, 16V.0 at mark: weotern fresh, liV4c. CHEESE Firm: New York full cream. 12Vrilto. Alice Goes to Detroit. II. D. Allee. assistant auditor of the Burl ington road, has resigned to become audi tor for Parke-Davis & Co., of De troit. He will move with his family from Omaha Msy 1, to take up his new work. An Idea of the extent of Mr. Allee work Is gleaned when It Is under stood that the company has laboratories at Ijetrolt. Hounslow, Kng. ; W'alkervllle, Ont., and branch houses at all the leading cities In this country and In Sidney, New South Wales, London Montreal, Simla, SL Petersburg and Tokio. HISAL E STATU TKAKSPEHS. Helen Ferris and husband to Chris tian J en ecu, lots 1 and 2, block 64, Oniahit $10,000 Powell Bros, to William HafTke, lot 8. block 12, Orchard Hill 100 The South Omaha Land company to Josef Nlesxodski, lot t. block 215, South Omaha 1 Margaret Conner to Mary 8. MoOee, part of lots 6 and 4, Dodge ck Root's addition 1 Jonn C. Cowln to Anna J. Vrana, lot 1, block 19. S. K. Rogers' addition.. 2,700 Margaret A. Burnham to James W. Davis, lots 18 and 10, Fearon Place.. 1,100 C. S. Shepard and wife to Charles H. W. Uaut-rmeister, part of lot 1 block 44, Omaha $.250 Mary A. Hutchinson to Carlton D. Hutchinson, lot $, block 3, Sixteenth Street addition 1 Francis A. lirogan and wife to John Deere Plow Cuii.lan.v, lot 1, 2 and $ and part of lot 1. block 2oo, Omaha. I John C. Cowln and wife to Kruncis A. Lirogan, lot 3 and part of lot 4, block ttx, omana. James O. Hume to E. R. Hume, 4 of lot 8. block 1, Parker's addition . 1 E. 8. Flor to K. t Kennedy, lot 16, block 2. C. E. Maynes addition.... F. C. Kennedy and wife to Or a and Kate Augustus, same If. li. Heulnger and wife to F. C Cenjied, same. ....... Mw.,e. 11.250 1 1 400