o ttif: omatta daily ree: Sunday, Armr, 22, won. FOR SALEREAL ESTATE PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. 601-2-3 N. Y. Life Bldg. Omaha Is the best place on earth to buv real estate. Omaha res estate I cheaper than any town of lo.niv) and over In tne country. Here are some good bargains. $128 Cnss St., corner Jot, south front, with -room house, strictly all-modern, torn. Nonresident owner anxloua to sell. Price M,M0. t510 Bo. 29th, 8-room house, all-modern. Including furnace, mantel and grate, elec triot light, paved street, near park, $2,2DO. Close In, Sth and Douglas 8ta.t corner lot and two house, $2,000. $2d and Marcy Sts., south front, 8-room house, only two years old, strict Iv modrrn In every way, with gas and electric light, beautifully decorated, renting for 8.13 por month. Bale price $3,&u0. A fine home or splendid Investment. f-Dl N. 22d St., just tinted. rooms, city water, sewer connection, gas, nice yard, east front, nonresident owner hna made fries very low for quick sale. Don't fail o Investigate this at once If you want a bargain. In the Walnut Hill district, on paved street, we have an 8-rootn house, strictly modern, with a 60-foot lot, barn, line ahadn, splendid neighborhood. Only $2,7i0. This house ought to be sold before Monday night. 83d and Franklin St., half block from Harney car line, 60-foot lot, with beautiful shade, 4-room house, good barn, a dandy place to raise chickens. Only $1,400. Snap. VACANT Two fine building lota In Bemls park, on Lincoln Blvd., for $1,100 and $1,700 each. Fins place to build a $4,000 home. South front building lot at I6th Ave. and JSAes (or $650. , aid and Dodge, three lots. Price $2,000 for the three. This Is a bargain. Nonresident owner says "Bell 'em quick." Payne, Bostwick & Co. 'Phone Douglas 1018. W. II. GATES, 617 N. Y. L. Bldg. 'Phone Doug.-1294. $875 R-room cottage nt 2022 Burdette, well built. In good order, south front lot, small burn, city water in the house, renting nt $10.50. $1,000 A large 5-room house and lot, 60x132, north front on Wirt St.. Just east of 30th street car line. $1,600 A good 5-room cottage, water and sewer, gas, larne barn, well blult and In good order, 3313 Hpauldlng, fall lot with shade and fruit; a nice home place. $1,850 A 7-room . bouse at 2247 N. 10th (boulevard), sewer, water and gas, lot 30x140. . $2,lC08-roonv 3-story house, modern except furnace, at 2818 North 19th , Ave., east rroat lot, wxsi, a goou neighborhood. $2,300 8-rsom, 2-stjry house at 210) Miami, modern except furnace, open plurablnjr, large cellar, nle yard, lot 33x122. slate roof, owner has left the city and anxious to soil. $2,400 A modern 7-room house, up-to-date and a nice home; cellar under the whole house, bricked up. cistern with pump In kitchen, large bnrn. south front lot, shade and fruit, two . blocks from car. $2.700 New up-to-date modern 7-room house at 2414 Binner St., south front lot. 31x130. $5,000 Something new. on West Far nain; a modern C-rooin house, except furnace, at 3312 Ilnrney St.; south front lot, 50x100; paving and all Street Improvements paid for. 60x140, on Park Ave., near Jackson, something nice for $2,500; paving and all street improvements In and paid for. 60x127. sonth front, on West Farnam, for $750. 48x127. west front, on 24th. little north of Vinton, for $050. 120x127, on Decatur, between S5th and 86th. for ouly $500. A nice sonth front lot on Seward, near S5tm. for $500. The southeast corner 24th and Uttr- derte Sts. con be boutrht nt low figure, with or without the buildings. -room cottscj TuTt. 00x108. at 2220 8-room 2-story bo,Tfor rent st 3217 H. SU for $20. RE JUST A FEW GOOD HOMES 2.350 -room house In good condition, all modern but best, with good barn.' In tine loca tion. U North 18th street. $2,100 ll-room house with full lot, south front and fulr condition, arranged for two tenants; will rent for $30 a month: $0u cash, bal- lines monthly. 51,600 I'or two t-room cottages near'y new, facing south, and are rented for $13 a month; will easily rent for $3. Will sell tliem separately for homes. Terms to suit pur chaser. Robinson & Wolf, 'Phone, Douglas-2418. O Pax ion Block. ARE YOU LOOK1NO For A iiniim" Have you property which you wish to sell? I If so. ulaoe your ad. in The Kirm and Heal Ksiate Journal. It reaches Ai.u.0 ' rwtuorB. ma per win oi wmcn are larmeis. It Is one of the best advertUIng mediums to reacn tne noineseener pubiiahed west or Chicago, everyone who has real es tate to sell r who wishes to buy should be a subaciiber. Advertising rates 3c a word each Insertion for small ada. No ! farmer should think of buying a home UniU be baa secured a copy. Send 30 and we will mail you the Journal for oue year, or for loo in silver or stamps we wttl send It two months on trial and will atop It at the end of two months if not ordered sent any longer. ?ARU AND HEAL ESTATE JOURNAL, 7rar, Tama Co., lowa. MB FOR SALE REAL ESTtp 1010 N. Both Bt.; here Is a real pickup In a 8-room house, with &0-foot lot and fine maple grove, fruit galore, all kinds of room for gardening, etc. Only $1,250. Tou will have to hurry to get In on the ground floor. Here's another genuine bargain, S416 De catur Bt., a perfect 111 tie gem, 6 rooms, gas and electric lleht, cistern, cellar, fruit, everything In fine condition, spring house cleaning all done, and price reduced from $1,600 to $1,300. Think of It. Did you ever go to Rlvervlew park? If so, look at 251 Bo. 11th Bt. Blvd., a beau tiful ft-room cottage, on a nice terrace, with elegant ahadn, city water and gas, fine yard, fruit, no special taxes to pay. Only $1,700. WANTED A newly married couple to buv this beautiful modern cottage nome. near Harney car line, east front, cofner lot. with large porch, large vestibule, ele gant parior, dining room with south bay window, two fine bed rooms, connected with bath, nice larae nantry. tine cellar, all ce mented. This house Is especially well built throughout and finished in tne very nest selected quarter-sawed hard pine, rubbed down with selected 2"4-lnch auarter-sawed hard pine flooring, oil finished, ready for rugs, fine nickel-plated plumbing: also tine attic. The number is lazo in. wn n, tram up there about 8 o'clock and look It over All of this, and more, too, for $2,150. Rea sonable terms. 25th and Indiana Ave., we have a bunch of four houses, 6 and rooms each, on paved street, that we can sell the entire bunch together or separately. Prices rang ing from $1,200 to' $l,70o each. Here's an onnortunltv to buv a cheap home or make a splendid Investment. They are located at the 8. E. corner of 25th and Indiana Ave, Oo look them over. Corner lot, 26th and Bancroft, for $400. Five acres, with bouse, Just west of Dun dee, for $1,300. We have a large list of other properties and will be glnd to have you call on us and give us an opportunity to show you what we have. . Sixth Floor N. T. Life Bldg. RE APRIL CLEANUP 23d and Willis Ave., I rooms, lot 60x127, paved street; rents for $19 per month; eastern owner very anxious to sell and has made price of $1,800. Look this over and If not worth that t,o you make an offer. Must be sold this week. Double brick on Park Ave., facing Hanscom Park, I rooms esch, alt modern, nicely finished and well ar ranged; everything first class; rents $70 per month. Price, $7.000 a good Invest ment. 28th Ave. and Dodge, T-room,. all modern, fuil two-story; was built 4 years ago ' by owner for home and Is In A-l repair; rooms all large . and nicely arranged; best of . open plumbing; good furnace ' and full-slsed basement. Price, for 82x142, $2,800; or 04x142. $3,600. Immediate pos session can be given. 47th and Capitol Ave., S rooms, modern except furnace, full 2-story reception hall, front and back parlor, large dining room em kitchen, good man tel In parlor, 4 bed rooms, good closets and bath on sec ond floor, front and back stairway, good brlcked-up cellar, new gas fixtures, storm windows and screens, snd everything in A-l repair; lot 60x106. This Is one block from Farnam car and 16 min utes' ride frem 16th and Far nam. VACANT Fowler Ave. lots, nothing nicer In the north end than these beautiful south-front lots on Fowler Ave., between Flor ence boulevard and 22d St. This Is a neighborhood of beautiful homes occupied by owners; corner 2Id and Fow ler, 72x133 $1,000. 66133. Fowler Ave. and Boulevard-! ,000. 60x122. on Fort St.. Just west of Florence boulevard $300. 68-ft. frontare on Davenport, Just west of 26th $1,000. Corner ot JOth snd Castellar, paved street PW. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam St. Tel. Doug.-IOM. RE If you have a "Kerr" Ab- 6tract, a $10,000 bond With the ( . .... ; American Surety Company of New York, as surety, absolutely protects you against all loss by errors. The Kerr-ShallcrossCo. 1008 N. Y. Life Bldg. Omaha, Neb. K3 N. P. DODGE & CO. Bargain Counter M 400 i 28th and Cuming Sts., 8-room cottage, water, sewer and gas; cheap. 27th Ave., near Cuming St., 7 rooms, modern: lame lot $1,800 and barn; $ouv cash, balance payments. 4th and Ersktne, $ rooms. . all modern and large lot, $!u0 cash, balance monthly. Thl.f house Is only 2 years' old and is a snap. 21nt, near Lake St., $ rooms, all modern, new furnace. $2,500 $2,500 double cemented cellar, good barn and large rooms: Could not build house today fur ' f) rSf $-.,vAAJ 18th and Maple, new house, renting for $.v month; mod- ern except furnace; paved streets and permanent walks. $1,800 Another t-room, modern, rent ing for $-V month: this ad- ulna the above. If you are ooktng for a good home, bandy to cars aud stores and nice neighborhood coma and are us and wo can nt you VUl. N. P. DODGE 4k CO., 1714 Farnam St. RB FOR SALE Two fine Wast Faruam iota, . , , . . a l . a . . , . , . . . Atumsa wm wh in m n. n s, miiA M FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BEMIS LIST OF BARGAINS FOUR ROOMS. 4 rooms finished, t rooms upstairs not quite finished, full south front lot, two blocks from car line, near Miller park Price $1,000; $100 cash and small monthly payments. Two 4-room cottatfes, partly modem, 60- foot south front lot, brick sidewalk, near 29th and Sahler Sts.. $630 each. FIVE ROOMS. I rooms, good condition, 40th and Browne Bts.. $900. ... i rooms, partly modern, near.SM and Webster Bts., $1,230. S rooms and brick store building, 50-foet lot, on South 10th Bt., $2,600. B-room cottage, built Inst year, half block from car, 30th and Crown Point Ave. Price $1,100; $3'j0 cash, balance same as rent. SIX ROOMS. -room cottage, south front. lot 60T.13S, near 82d and Burt Bts., $1,700; VXfS cash and $20 per month. rooms, nearly new, modern except heat. lot 40x130, south front. This Is a bargain at $2,150. SEVEN ROOMS. 7-room cottage, partly modern, corner. lot 60xl2S, south and east front, about I feet above grade, on Harney car line. $1,900. 7-room house, near tsth and Miami Sts., on grade, rents for $14 per month. A bar gain for $1,650. EIGHT ROOMS. 8-room house, nearly new, with all the late modern Improvements, nice large bsrn. In good condition, 0-foot south front lo. nice lawn. Iron yard fence. This le In easy walking distance and price only $4,000. 8-room house, near 26th an Spanldlng Sts., modern except heat, large let, paved street. Price $2,760. , 8-roorn cottage, near 11th and William Sts., all-modern, In walking distance from wholesale district, on boulevard, full size lot; $3,500 takes It; $509 cash, balance monthly payments. 8-room house, about 3 blocks southeast ef 20th and Vinton Bts. House practically new. Only $1,700. TEN ROOMS. 10-room house and a 6-room cottage, both In good condition, corner lot, 197x122 feet nearly 6 blocks from car line, near Miller park; $2,000 buys it. This Is the biggest bargain offered for many a day. Let as show It to you. INVESTMENT. Lot on grade, 87x110 feet, with one 7-room house, partly-modern, renting for $18-per month, and two t-room houses In rear ot lot, renting for $( eaoh; plenty ef room left to build two mere houses er a ksige Setl good location, near 18th aad Corby Sts, $3,660. It Is now paying 14 per ceat en selling price. ' VACANT LOTS. Choice corner on North 24th St, Just north of Fort St., $400. t lots niar 41st and Davenport Sts., $1,600, some 8 feet above grade. Would consider grading to suit if sold for cash. Choice corner lot, 40th and Charles Bts., $1,000. 4 feet on South 23th St., near Jackson St., west front, $8,000, just the place for modern flats. 40-foot lots on either side of Blonde St., between 2oth and 27th Bts., $; walking distance. lots corner 29th and Dod;e BLS., $3,900. Will be worth double in a couple of years. 6 lota on Belt Line near 80th St, trackage; Just the place for a small coal er lumber yard, $1,000. Dirt cheap and cheap dirt. ACREAGE. 4 lots (nearly one acre), east froat, about four blocks from car, lying elegant, neat Ames Ave. Car line will pass properly within six months. Only $. Big bargain. MORTGAGES. Money to loan at lowest rates, building loans, etc.; i per cent mortgages far sale, GEO. P. BEMIS REAL ESTATE CO. Phone Douglas Hi. 3u4-30i Paxten Block. A FEW FINE BARGAINS 8 rooms, Poppleton Park !,. 10 rooms, buoll s Subdivision $2,000. 4 rooms. Nelson's addition $1,000. T rooms, Bemis Park, steam heat, new I rooms, 2723 Ohio bi - :,oO0. A good one. 7 rooms, 2o Ohio Bt. 1.4o. t rooms, Bemls Park $3,0U6. 7 rooms, Drake's aaien, Davenport it J.JW. I rooms, Alfred's addition. Dewey Ave. $3.uo. t 'rooms, Konntre Fiace. Ptnkney St. A bargain at $4.0v. I rooms. Park Place. Burt St $4,70. I rooms. Ij0x1t. Kounue additlen. Park Wild Ave. to.jOS. An AlbrUbt deal. 10 rooms, 77x188. 812 9 37th BU-ti.2f. VACANT Excellent location, comer. KS ft. on asphalt St.. HioxlM Bchuli s BVevnd addlltei $.&0. Jerome Park, Farnam St., 47xlS $1,780. We have excellent tots fer lees money throughout the city. Ton are welcome to see our list. FIT ZG ERALD-DER1I0D Y CO. 136-7 N. T. Life. 'Phone Doug.-Mot. NEW JERSST FARUS are best fer coun try boiiies. special or general farming. Our l'O-p.iae Illustrated bk (copy. risnini. - jersey r arms ror neaitn i PrcSt, sent upon receipt ef los. Address Ltept- as. r-ew jersey lana ana !,' (ueut Co Jullaaeota, If. J. HtufTm la FOR SALE RIAL ESTATE Shimer h Chase Co. EVERYTHING TX REAL ES TATE. A CITY SET ON A HILL cannot be hid." Omaha Is not only "beautiful fjr situation," hut her situa tion guarantees Itwmanlty frem fleed, fever er sHsmle disturbance. Omsha Is A SAFE FLAOE TO INVDST TTHT NOT ONE Or TTTEKEt $B0,0W Splendid row ef brick Cats, well lo cate., setting m per cent. $30,000 Wlfelt of flats affording Income $2,000 per annum. $10,(Tjo Tw 8-reom flats and two 8-reem aTweinnga fi Slug on two streets, set t er It per sent. $10,(ies f?jje, eonter IK a ana Leavenworth. Ask for otter mvfiente. DWELLINGS $5,$08-d-roem, all modern, east front en ' Jbrth Boulevard, the most popular thoroughfare fn the try. $3,200 7-room modem dwelling fronting Haneoom park; hot water heat; owner leaving city. $3,60 7-reem, modem, almost new, hard wood finish, comer, Keuntze Place. $2,080 s-reewi boose, pared street, walking distance. $l.ses S-reem cottage, new, sTry water. south part of city. $8,ns 8-rewrn, modern house, large lot. $1,10 4 -roem modern house, full lot $1,30 4-reem new eettage, west. 8,790 Brand new t-rcnaa eettage, en car. VACANT PROPERTY 260 Bast frvat let, elsne y Military At. ear. f-Cerner let, HflTrtale Add. (SO Two fun corner tots, slock from car, fme balldmg site. I 760 Kwuth front let, Wert Dodge. f 750-CO-ft. let near 8(tth and California. $ 775-OsrHO, east front, paved, on car, east ef Mansrsm park. $t,60O-Cemer lot eThdtO, South 2St7 St. Jt,S0 Two lets, corner, west of Joslyn resi dence. , ACRES IS seres, trackage from two railroads. .$5,ooo 10 aeres geed fruit lead 1.000 1 acres, north, with traekaga 1,000 acres, nerth, with trackage 1,000 34 acres west of. dry 4W It's etrr tsslnem to show airy ef these properties. Make it ytnrr business to sea them. Shimer & Chasa Co. Headquarters for Tacant and Improved Hearty. 1609 Farnam, Clreund Floor. 'Phone Deockcs asst. RE- Hjgkly Improred Acre Tract Near Sontb Omaha. $2,450 for 1 acres, having large 7-reem house, new barn, (thlrken house, hng tens, frwlt trees ef sfl klndn snd blgh sard fenee all around premises. Oeed Slaee te raise chickens er feed hesje. Oae ere alfalfa. On Pelk St., only i Sleeks east ot Albright car line. Prlee has been reduees to fiso trr qqicn seie. GBOK4HB 4k OTA, ftOl FARNAlf BJB W. A. SPENCER til NXW TORK LIFBL 188 Owed f-roesa eattare, eltv water ta hemea. iet xlJ. $280 down. $11 M $11 per meat. $1,280 Neat 4-rewss cottage; city water in jteuee; gaei oiose ia, neriat m $MI eed kesaa ef .rewnsa, ejtr water, seweTi oorsur asi sesisi, wnum i rev x er i mere nensoai close rn. Want offer. $2,600 Med era beooe of 7 rooms, Chicago star svin; it linn; great gala. $3,200 New modern heuse of t rooms, on a, Z4tn, near Benievara; two mere rooms can be finished en second floor; lot Ixl27; neat honre. $4,000 Modern hoaee of 7 rooms, 39th Ave, near f arnam; paving paia. $26 Good building lot. North 8th, be' tween ATlend and Burdette. $1,050 Trim east front lot, 41st greded, ready and uaverrport; building. for RB 80T 21 81 LAS ROBBINS, Fresiaer aUook. 4-reem aottaxe, in krwt elass condition, kijrh oetlfnsi, city- water maideL snae, sellar, pw bara, laege lot, yard sodded; Jfth and Terapieten Ina.; $t . easy terras. -reem new ewttaga, lat bm vecaasr; fun let level with street; 81.S, monthly payments. s-reem eettage, zrrn ana Erssrae; eiry water, near oar line: It, monthly pay ments. 6-roem eettage, modern except furnace, fall ret. beaattful horse, nloe asfsiiberheed: 2th and Templeteni tLtuQ, easy uayments. e-reojui eottage, nearly new, ubdera ex oept furnace; 4ta su;ei, nerth of Oumlnif llutjti. Uaa eaah. balance uututlUy. i-jroem noue is one snaps, run ioi. noar car une u he eateauea; &m ana nuggiea Xl.duO. V-room nouae, souto iront; 4ttn ana ueca- tur; good well, buuae in goou ounaiuon U.tvu. klbt cash, balance monthly. -room two-story house, modwn exoopt furaaee, naar two oar Hues, slate roof; 2fci and laark: tAesa m easfa. balanoo pisnkaly. -rom rwe-etery hoaee, iswlue la evT raapeet, oeanentea oeitar, IMUX, veetUsule. caiua o leant, etetera. saxn, mvn sereet .wa fs Ue Ke. tk ana Kurgivs: x.ws. Two mi the on eat kU la iMiaaee. $ each. Five acres near Fort Omaiia. high ana sightly. C.U. Thirty wres n paved stieet, 1H miles ef city; rue per acre. I orty aerea, uiLmm west ot postooioe, aiaitry impreeea; is.tu Frenser Bleok. R-778 T MODERN COTTAGES t rooms, all modern, gas, electrle light. paved street, permanent walks, east front. close rn. Reatal value, $42.60. SJ.200 7-reems, modern, ' exaelient oondiUera, near Haneeeai park. $2,250 t-roem, modern except furnace. In process of eMia4ruutlen, north. Frioe will be In creased to $a,set when bouas Is oemsieted. IJ.500 Larg t-story house aad barn, rental 1st, mm Saul 2wh sear aUsw St. O. C. OLSfcN, 1704 Furaaiu St. RE Shinier & Chase Co. Special P.ouo 6-rfjB modern d walling cu Farnam lUfst, swutii fnst, gowd as sew, bat, fkieel. lavatory, foil basement. CHASE CO. Deaxrahie ZHremnaa. tldtg , Treck- aaa. 1M Farnam, srreand Floor. f las 347. R Near Business Close to postoiSoe, 87x81 ft. for flats. Price $2,000. $023 Herney, 31 ft. of-ground with t room eottage, . $1,700. These are bar a S.. SLTEPAED. J U V. Ufa. V ... &S-40I siJT FOR SALE REAL ESTATE J. W. ROBBINS, HOUSES $.npo Full east front lot with t-room mod ern house and barn, on Georgia Ave., near Panoleton. $4, Jf T-roem modern house. In line repair; uurge corner lot and shade trees, w Mson St. IB.ode $-room, east front modern hcise and good Vara, on 29th St., near Farnam. CM HAP. $2,a-s-roem modem house on Ppauldlng St., close to car line. $i.4" T-room house and full east front lot ea ITth St., near Hanaccm park; iruit trees snd shrubbery. $l,asa e-room house, modern except furnace, Sist and Manderson. $l.Jse 4-mom house and 2 large lots, north- wt- fins place for chickens. $1,1' S-eeem house and barn, on 33d, neaf Leavenworth. EAST TERMS. BUSINESS $4,oV-6xlJ2. corner ltth and Douglas, par Ualtr Imnreved. rental $1,609: small cash payment, balance long time at t per cent. $4 .-txlK, on rammm, west of 13th St., Improved, with a a-etory ana Dasemeni brick building; present rental, which la to lew. $. 132, corner Farnam and 20th. par. tlally Improved; rental m. l ms is me best huy In the new Farnam street busi ness elstiict and will not be on the mar ket Ions at this nriee. $ltWoxl!U, on Farnam, east of 24th. snores and dwelling nats duiu on mis 101 would pay handsomely and could all be $6,0 4 stores and 4 cottages, 13th and Wil liam; annual rental, VACANT LOTS $3,000-7$xl32, on 37th. near Farnam-a fin; east front residence sue on a jnvcu street- ROW Fine &0-ft. south front on Poppleton Aye. and SlsU $1.1 West front on 87th, near Farnam. $1,100 Fine east front on 224, near leaven worth; close In. JW Nice lot on California, near 38th. ie W ft., south front, on cnaries bu, near Wth. Want an offer. $ft Jlce lot on Hamilton, east of 38th. a South front on Pratt St., west of 24th. $1AS Oeod lot on 41st, near ijeavenworm; close to car line. Do net delay your purchase, for. values are asvaecing. I nave omer Dargains m every part of the city. See me If you wish to buy er sell. J. W. ROBBINS,. IKI FARNAM ST. TEL. DOUQ-62l. RK , John Morrison House Florence Boulevard One of the prettiest places on the boule vard, situated among fine old natlvs trees, magnificent east view. Mr. Morrison has left the city and offers to sell right. Harrison & Morton, 12-fl8 N. Y. Life. Tel. Doug.-814. RE M797 Shimer k Chase Co. Special $2,190 New 5-room dwelling, all on ground floor, vestimiie ana parior in oiui, mti nlnmMnr. near car. -nicely pa pered, ready to move Into, Kountxo naee. SHIMER & CHASE CO. Mederate-Prlced Modern Houses. 1609 Far sawi. around Floor. Douglas s(. nt- Special Bargain An all-modern 7-room house, built a year ago, 2638 Capitol Ave.; south front; paved street and walk; $2,450. J. A. LOVGREN. (36-7 Paxton Block. RE M824 28 BARGAIN Five room eottage, gas, city water and se-wor eoanectlons; let 30x127 and alley; close in. Price $1,150; easy terms. M J. KENNARD & CO. 809-10 Brown Block. RE 825 22 A CLOSE IN RESIDENCE Near 2tth and Douglas. We have a beauti ful south front residence of 10 rooms, re ception hall, bath room and numerous closets. First floor, 6 large rooms all beau tlfally decorated; second Boor, 4 large bed rooms, two of them alcoves; also bath room and cedar closet. Servants' room on third fleer and large attic. Underfeed furnace ef the latest pattern; line large veranda on the south, also one on the east. House was built on honor for a home, not for show or speculation. Lot, 60x143, has fine shade treits and lets of shrubbery. Improvements alone cost over $7,000. Our price is $6,500 for sll and it Is worth the money. WRIGHT & LASBURY, 506 South 16th street, RE FINE RESIDENT SITES nigh sightly corner lot at Sath Ave. and Jones St., only $1,000. Three nice lots near 35th and Hamilton Sta, two at $35C each and one for $600. Corner at 34th and Lafayette Ave., $1,100, . I have some choice residences for sale at prices ranging from $l,0CO to $3,00. If you are wanting to buy, come see what I can offer yeu. Real Estate 410 Bee Bldg. Insurance THOS. F. PAYTON, -RE F. D. WEAD, 8-room new modern house on Webste St., near 27th. Must be sold this next week 7-room house, nice shade, cement walks neat property In Orchard hlU. two hork from car; $6u0 cash, balance ti per month 1UU. 7-room house with gi:s, city wster. mantel and grate; full south front at end of west side of Hansom yurn car, l,S-i0. Thrae houses, two of t rooms, one of rootrts ea N'.thnlss near 20th; to close an estate, all three, n.fo. 4-reem rnttsge on Center St. near 18th, with on y water, xi.coo. VACANT LOTS On' Bristol St nesr 25th.' full slse, flhO. On Manderson near :41th, full slse, $600. Ota Spauldlng near JKth, full size, $500. On Caldwell near 27th, full size, $1,000. On Burt east of 22 ci. full size. $6.10. On Webster near 27th, 30-ft. size, $700. F. D. WEAD. 1624 . Douglas St. RE BEMIS PARK DISTRICT Tw4MSory t-room house, front and back perwa, dty water, gas snd electric lights, cement walks. South front lot, nice shade and fruit trees, two blocks from car, prlee ouly $L7to. This is a fine little homo and a bargain. WRIGHT & LASBURY, tot South 16th 8L RE IF TOU are Interested In fanning ' lands either for an Investment or a home, wtui tar nerttoulars and pocket map. J. D Via Fleet, Lrtiiiore, N. D. ' Kpresenta- Uvs wanted In each county. Kb-Mi Xix FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Wm. D. REED, 509 N. Y. Life Bldg. ' BARGAINS We Mean Business WHEN WE SAT rtAROAINS LOOK THEM OVER. "Whether You Believe It Or Not HOMES 8(121 Hamilton St.. 7 rooms, hot water heat, biirn, nice lot, cut to $3.0m). To sell this week your offer will be considered. 3124 California St., rooms, combination gas and electric lighting, double floors up and down, small barn, cheap at $3,000, cut to $2,Sd0. LOTS $4W.00 each will buy two lots on Spencer St., one block from 24th, each $3x182 ft. $.Wt will buy a fine lot on 36th St., south of Davenport. Wm.. D. REED, 609 N. T. Life Bldg. Tel. Doug. 3217. ALL IN A BUNCH An eastern client has listed the follow ing described property to be sold in a bunch: 66x132 ft., with house, No. 2O0t 8. 7th St. No. 2621 N. 15th Ave., 4-room house and lot Lot 8, block 1, Lanes ster Place, Ames Ave., Just west of 87th St. . Lot 8, block 15. Orchard Hill. Lot 6, block 6, Lake's add., N. W. 'Cor. 17th and Spruce Sts. Lot 8. block , Park Forest-fruits 13th St. Lots 7 and 11, block 3, Park Forest. Hero is a chance to speculate. There Is clean $1,000 in this deal, but you must act quick. WRIGHT & LASBURY, 506 South 16th St. RE SOUTH OMAHA RESIDENCE FiROAlKH Lot 60x130 at 21st and J. with 6-room house as good as new; owner anxious to sell; price reduced to $1,650: snnn. -room house, modern, 2M and R: good shade, nice lawn, beet location; price $3,000. room modern cottage on 2th between C and D; east front on the park; a beautiful location; price $2.ofK). room house, partly modern, on 26th be tween D and D Pts. ; price $1,800. rooms, modern, 22d and J; nice residence close In: "make offer." O'NEIL'S REAL ESTATE AND INSURACE AGENCY. RB-848 23 FOUR LOTS Four beautifully laying lots at 40th and Ames. Lots face east and lie 100 feet north of Ames Ave and are slightly abov grade. Big bargains at $600. BEMIS PAXTON BLOCK. RE-M579 22 FROM OWNIH Tour own price for Quick sale, seven rooms. moaern except rurnace, good cistern, new piummng, lot 60X130. nicely fenced, perma nent walks, fine lawn and shade. 3 blks. from Dundee car. 1 blk. west of Saunders school. Terms, half cash, balance $20 per month. Call before noon or after 7 In evening. 4172 Chicago Bt. RE 433 22 FOR SALE Summer resort and fruit farm, known ss LiAZYLOCH- on Spring Lake, Mich igan. Sevtnty-flve rods of lake frontags. 100 rods on deep water bay, several bei.utlful locations for cottages, about 30 acres of wooaians, oronara ana meadow a naiu ral Dleasure around. Two furnished, cottages ef elg'it ' and twelve rooms., respectively, verlooklng lake seven miles long. Good st jam boat dook snd boat house. Large shade . trees, fir, pine, cedar, maple, oak, etc. Ffty hearing fruit trees, annle cherry, pear and peach. Several springs of soft water; one Iron and one sulphur spring. Electrlo cars to Grand Rapids, Grand iiaven ana Musxegon, nurai man aenv ery; dally boats to Chicago and Milwaukee rso more neauttrui summer nome can do found in America. Russell & McKittnck Co., 432-3-4 Ramge Building. RE-M007 21 That modern seven-room brtwse, most new. nt 2415 No. StMtenr Lake St.; a nice home placsfjbnrn, lot 30x140, for $3,500. If not sold by May 1 will rent at $30 per month. W. II. GATES, C17 New York Life Bldg. Phone Douglas 1204. KE 501 22 MONEY TO LOAN On Improved City Property in Omaha and South Omaha. Leans for building purposes In sums of $800 and upwards. Cash on hand. W. H. THOMAS. 603 First National Bank Bldg. RE M644 22x TRACKAGE A fine piece of trauKage- property, '147x284, on L'. V. track, at bin and Jones taia, (U.0UU will take It lor liiunediaie auia Room i. New Xora Life Uldg, ARCHITECT VjtlLS'oow tUMi M18 SUBURBAN That beautiful 10 acres on west side of loth ml., 6o0 ft. north of Fort Omaha; nothing finer about Omaha; on boulevard, with io lure lo your uoor -i,uu per icre. s). Curtis, lbuk Harney. Ui-Mk FOR SALty 6-room house and lot. 6uxl30, with nice fruit trees, 2 blocks south and one-half block west of Country club house. For further particulars See iirug s saioon, ueneon, xeu. RE M32U 21x FOR SALE Elegant 2-atory I rooms brink house and barn at bargain; owner wants 10 leave cuy, uu cvans ai. HE M 154 21x FOR INFORMATION about the Klnkaid blO-acre homesleads In Nebraska, address li. Clem Lieaver, iuu jf arnam Bt., Omaha. BARGAINS. Sarpy county, fine W acres, good improve ments, a No. 1 dairy and hog farm al . falfa, clover, timothy, fruit, telephone, rural man; an implements, i nogs. horses, 2 wagons and 6 cows are in' eluded in price oi i,uuu. 10 acres east of Benson, $2,600. Decatur, between &th and Mlh Sts., $000 . 16th, near Martha, 66x140 ft., $l,frM. 215 North 13th St., 3"x8 feet. $2,300. Webster and 36th. I"9xl44 feet. $4,000. 4 frame cottages, ?ISi rental, $3,750. 1812 Cuming St., 66x132 feet, $4,000. Frame houses, $S40 rental, $6,750. brick houses. $1,440 rental. $12.00. JOHN N. FRENZER. OFP. Ot.l P. O. RB-748 22 LIST your houses with me. I have many cash nuyers tor small noupes. B1LA8 BOBBINS, FRENZER BI-OCK. RE M707 2Sx CHOICE location for residences or flats a atth and Harney, 170x140; will divide to suit ourchaser. East half lot 2. block 172, Omaha, at 14t and Jackson, 8-xU2. Choice lot at SMh . and Blondo. Tel. Doujrlae 8291. Western Realty Co.. 428 Paxton Blk. RE 7i3 3 OWNER will sell all modern home, nine rooms, besidea large hail and conserva tory; slate rocr, attic over wnoie house two grates, lavatory, laundry, with sta tlonary tulia; fine furnace; large barn; ce mailt walks, asuhalt wived street: neai ear; fine neighborhood. Investigate. k&7 Seward Bt- Jttti 78 zzx FOR SALE 8Uroom 1807 Locust SU, $2,160. modern house. 1W 4 22x NEW. well built, all modern T-room hnuu oak finish on flJst floor, by owner. i4 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE OOVNTRY HOMF. near Bn Pteito. Cel., ofrered or the heirs to settle estate. For description snd price address T. t Prake, Sunnyslde, San Diego County. California, RB-7; 22x GREATEST RAROAIN In the city, 8-room modern honor, good repair, $'-..!". J. H. Parrotte, Ivxton Hlk. IlK3?ot? FOR SALE FARMS i i t ... oioraao irriga ed Lands Pay Big Returns 10,000 acres choice Irriga ted lands In the famous Tlatte valley, Colorado, "The New Sugar Beet Dis trict." The Reripan Home Hnnch of 2,000 acres, In the heart of the supar beet district. The finest of Irrigated lands In Colorado. We offer this In tracts to suit, from 20 acres up, on easy terms. "The Spring Creek Ranch" 1,420 acres In the north eastern part of Weld Co., Colo., 20 miles from Itamer; 1,000 acres under fence, 40 acres under Irrigation, 7 rooin hoUHO, large baru, sheds, corrals, sod house, blacksmith shop and other outbuildings; a fine spring that can be made to Irri gate 200 acres; $12,000.00 will buy It SPECIAL LOW RATE EX CURSION TUESDAY, MAY, 1ST. The Kerr-ShallcrossCo. 1008 N. Y. Life Bldg. Omaha, Neb. II BUT COLORADO LANDS AND fiOUBLK YOUR MONEI, Best raw lands in Greeley district, near our CAMPBELL SYSTEM MODEL FARM, where we raise 80 bushels wheat to acre and are break ing 1,000 acres with steam plows. Price, $6 to $10 per acre in quantities and terms to suit. Two miles from railroad, 30 miles from Denver. Colonial Securities and Trust Co., special representative here now. Call 304 Neville Blk.. or make ap pointments by phoning Douglas 6107. Uf S. SALES BUREAU, NEVILLE BLK. m jubu a FOR SALE Good farm, 820 acres; all fenced; pastures cross-rencea; anunaance pure water; meadows yield two crops hay, alfalfa yields four crops each year; culti vated fields produce all kinds grain crops and abundance of root and all kinds veg etables; two orchnrds, bearing all kinds fruit; plenty buildings for all purposes; reasons for selling, poor health. For full particulars and terms address Daniel Du cello, Ogalalla, Keith county, Nebraska. H-M636 22X Farm and Ranch Lands. I.'ebraska. Kansas. Colorado and Wvomtne; 10W prices; ten years iin.e. iJinn uepi., U. P R- it-. Omaha, Neb., Dept. "A." H-338 FREE GOVERNMENT LANDS, also deeded lanas. coin irrigatea ana upland, for alfalfa, sugar beets, graiii, fruit and stockgrowlng. Maps, pictures, price lists free. Agents wanted. The Sterling In vestment Co., 201 Front St., Sterling, Colo. H-11236 700 ACRES; one body partly Improved; 200 acres under cultivation; u.w per acre cash. 8. Hawver, 1614 Emmet St.. Omaha, H-M180 M13 WRITE to Scandinavian-Canadian Land company, unicago. Tney will ten you all about it, H M6o tzx COLORADO BARGAINS We hare some choice lands In Color ado at $5.00 per acre; good clay soli; will soon be Irrigated, then they will sell from $(K to $100 per acre. Why not buy now and make a big profit? Crossman Investment Company, Omaha, Neb., Ilooiu 1, N. Y. L. Call write, wire or 'phone Douglas 6107 II- OREATE8T BARGAIN IN SOUTH DA kola 1,400 acres level, rich land, solid body, Spink county; small Improvements; ad julnlng school section, artesian well, finely located; only $17.50 acre; terms, $3 acre cash, balance 'Si annual payments; will divide. R. Mather, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. H-(i29 22 NEXT TUESDAY Join our excursion to see Ly- man county, S. 1)., $5 to 116 lands. fc.y terms. PRES110 and RETURN, $12.45 On new railway; great oppor tunity for investment in cheap lands. Write for Illustrated pamphlet, free. THE PUTNAM CO., (04 N. T. Life Bldg., Omaha 11805 2 FOR SALB The NH of NEM ft and N of the NWU of 10 82-12-$l,600. twu ef 18-24-12 (1 .000 both In Holt county. 6W5 of 88-1B-40, Perkins county 81.000. Owner needs money and we believe an offer of M cents on the dollar would get theut, American Land Co Topeka, Kan.