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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1906)
TIIE OMAHA" DAILY DEE: SUNDAY. AfUn- 22. 1006. i . : .:;.:;.i;;i.:r? rtLrsvma; in i.trt is our stock of black dress goods is too large at this season of the year. It would be impossible to tell of the many good points in this great clearing sale. AVe can only hint of the many beautiful fabrics nnd extraordinary low prices that will prevail during the one wek of the greatest sale of choice Hla'k Dress Goods Omaha ladies have the pleasure of attending. As for quantities, the sale will last the week out. But selections are best the first of the week, before they have been picked over. All to go on sale Moaday, 8 a. m. NOTE Read each Item below carefully, note tbe beautiful quality of the goods to be Bold and the extraordinary reductions. HANDSOME BLACK BRILL1A NTINES Regular SV quality, beautiful luster. Just one-half rrlce, 25c a yard. BLACK I-OINTILLA NOVELTY Very prettr fabric, tiny plnhead doti scattered Iiera and there, deep rlcb black, all wool, regular 75c quality, Mon day, $!c a yard. BLACK BILK AND WOOL F.OLIENNB NOVELTT Dregs elegance Itself, beautiful rich luster, drapea most charmingly In the new aoft clinging effect, regular $1.7$ quality, Monday, Wc per yard. BLACK SILK AND WOOL CRKI'E DK PARI9-They Hand today, a fabric of great beauty, the favorite of all women, very allay, beautiful luster, being light In Weight, aoft, cool and refined In appearance, regular $1.S qual ity, Monday !Wc a yard. BILK LUSTER NOVELTY BRI LLIANTINE Rich, glossy black, hers and there tiny woven alllc dota, for traveling or office work, what you want, Monday, J9o a yard. PARISIAN SILK AND WOOL POINTILLA Fine silk and wool crepe da chine ground, hera and there fine pin dots of Bilk scattered. Just a auggei tlon 6f novelty, regular $1.00 quality, aoft, rich luster, 9c a yard. ENGLISH SILK FINISHED BRILLI ANTING Equal In arpearance to any all silk fabric. In the new soft chiffon finish, 46 Inches, regular $150 quality, Monday it Wc i yard. BLACK SILK FINISHED PANAMA If you overlook all other goods, by all meana make It a point to see this special fabric, never such value went over our counter before. Note the wide width, M Inchee, In the new aoft rhifTon finish, a fabric that Is good any season of tbe year, and will make i dress suitable for any occasion. Never sold for less than 11.50, Monday aa long aa they last, 9Sc a yard. BLACK BA8KET PANAMA Regular $1.26 quality, will give unlimited wear, Monday, K5c a yard. BLACK NOVELTY PANAMA-The price la absolutely the lowest ever named for such beautiful fabrics, regular $1. quality, two Styles, rich, deep black, Monday at 79c and 98c a yard. GERMAN SILK FINISHED PRUNELLA The style and the general ap pearance of th cloth Is the cleverest shown this season. Looks more like all shTT, regular $1.3 quality, Monday at tic a yard. v ALL WOOL CREPE GRANITE A wealth of beauty In every yard Of this dressy fabric, regular $100 quality, in the new soft finish, Monday, 75c yard. BLACK JACQUARD PANAMA The loveliest designs you can dream of, If you are looking for something Just a little of tha plain weaves, here and there small woven figures, regular $1.00 quality, Tich, deep", black, Monday, 75c a yard. BLACK CORDED ARMURE Fine Imported fabric, very dressy, fine pin stripe Riving It Just the suggestion of novelty, regular $l.u0 quality, Mon day, 78c a yard. 4 NOTE While the quantity of goods to be sold la large. In many cases there are but single pieces of a kind. At these extraordinary low prices the crowd that will attend this special sale, will be very large, lota will be quick ly closed out, consequently wa cannot fill mall orders. Economy Basement Bargains for Monday. Colored Waists, at c. worth $1.50. Walking Skirts. In black, at $3.75, worth up to $7.50. Grey Jacket Bui's, at, $5.0", worth up to $10.00. House Wrappers, at 69c, worth up to $1.25. $10.00 Rnln Coats, at $f.0O, Our Colored Wash Goods Department. Is ill the basement,- lots of daylight, plenty of room and the choicest styles of wash materials. See our display 'of Real Irish Dimities, dainty beyond description, flowers everywhere. Price to and 3oc yard. "Bnnzai Silk," one of the moHt popular nent danger of toppling over that it is believed they will be either blasted or torn down. On Golden Gate avenue tonight one of the side walla ot the Mercantile library building fell across the avenue during one of the busiest periods of the day, but a grinding noise before the wall fell Into the street warned the pedestrluns of the ap proaching collapse. Mile of Dorks Burned. Again came assurances yesterday that tha fire had burned Itself out. Last night the flame came from Nob Hill ridge, northerly and easterly to the big sea wall sheds, docks and grain warehouses, but the reports of the' damage done are conflicting. One statement la that most of the valuable property on the extreme shore line es caped. A Bulletin reporter, who had skirted the water front in a tug this morn ing, says that everything, except four docks, bad been swept clean from Fisher man'! wharf at the foot or Powell street to a paint around westerly almost to the Ferry building. This means that nearly a mile ef grain sheds, docka and wharves have been added to the general destruc tion. The reporter also declared that he saw fir biasing In South San Francisco last night and that spots In the suburb were smoldering this forenoon. According to hi account. Ore was still burning at the foot of Powell street early today, but there was no possibility of It going Into the Presidio district. Fir broke out In the Ferry building last night, hut (In tugs did " effective work and saved tbe building from danger in that direction. Mange ( f oBtfacratlo. In tbe section north of Market trt the ruined dim let is practically bound on tho west by Vau Neva avenue, although in many blocks the flames destroyed squares to the west of that thoroughfare. The Van Ness avenue burned line runa north erly to Greenwich street, which is a few blocks from the bay. Then the boundary oca up over Telegraph hill and down to that portion of the shore that faces Oak' land. Practically everything Included between Market. Van Nees avenue, Greenwich and the bay la In ashes. On the east side of Hyde street hill the fire burned down to Bay street and Montgomery avenue and Ttae most, intensely Interesting book, "Tho Road to 1 Wellvllle" - Found 1a pkgs. of Grape-Nuts and Post urn A Grcixlcst One Week Special Sale of Beautiful Blaxk Dress Goods Wc Have Ever Had, Starts Monday, 8 A. M. Of greatest importance to you, is the kind of black dress goods we are going to sell. We wish to state right now, as in the past, that old designs, seconds, cheap, trashy lots are absolutely, unknown to Thompson, Belden & Co. Every piece of black dress goods to be sold during the great sale has been taken from our regular stock. The reason for this great sale wash silks In the country. Rich lustre, fine quality, 50c yard. See our line of Printed Silk Organdies. You'll be surprised at the fine quality ws sell you for 25c yard. In Ginghams and Madras we are head quarters for choice styles. (That what we heard ladles say.) Imperial Chambrftys, plain and fancies, 82 Inches wide, loo yard, . Our line of 25c Zephyr Ginghams com prises hundreds of styles. Full lino of -colors of the very popular Mercerised '"Vlcerln," Mercerised Panama, price 2Gc yard. Veilings. The ladies r Invited to call and see our new and handsome novelties in Automobile irOWARD stopped at that Intersection. All south of Market street, with perhaps some excep tions In the vicinity of Paciflo Mall dock. Is The section is bounded on tha north by Market street and runa out to Guerrero street, goes out that street two blocks, turns west to Dolores, runa west six blocks to about Twenty-second, taking in four blocks on the other side of Dolores. The Are then took an Irregular course south ward, spreading out as far a Twenty-fifth street and going down that way to the southerly bay shore. Estimate of 1-oss Varies. Rolla V. Watt, western manager bf the Royal and Queen Insurance companies, and one of the most prominent Insurance men on tlie coast, waa asked If he would haxard an estimate on the financial loss, He said: My idea is something like $200,000,000. I have heard other insurance men place the figure at $MO.WO,000. We do not know. It Is simply too big for any human bead to figure cut at this time." It was stated upon' authority last night that the Merchant exchange, Fairmont ho tel and Monadnock building would be open for public offices on Monday morning. All these have been examined by export archi tects, who have pronounced their frame work and foundations to be absolutely safe. All three buildings have been burned to a certain extent, but the Are in no way caused them te be a menace to life and safety. Partial Llat f DMt Mayor Sehnillx and Gvneral Funaton have established heaJquartera at Fort Mason, which was saved by 3ome desperate work on the part of the soldiers, aided by a body of sailors from the warship Chicago. Tho records in the Hall of Records have been unharmed, which will prevent any Ungle In titles. The following Is a partial list of the idea tilled dead who have been buried by the authorities: HARRY CHF8BRO N. ROSEN Flh-LD. 37S Folsom street. K. NOl'RMANN. 4 pacific street. ANTONK WEK8TKR. 14 Williams street. JOHN DAY. i& Geary eireet. J. M. VASK. M0 Sherman street A MOTHER JVKD '-YEAR-OLD BOY. lti Turk street. KING (male), 8 Mission. Besides these sixteen unidentified persons were burled under the supervlslcn of Dr. Gamble, two of them being Italian, found In the building of the Western Flan com pany. A number of others have been burled hose names cannot at present be learned. Two Million Dllar la light. The following is a tabulated statement ot tbe amount of money raised yesterday for the sufferer! of the earthquake and fire here. This has not any reference to any moneys subscribed heretofore: Government appropriation St. I A) m Sacramento P-attl Victoria. B. C I.os Ansrele Chamber of Com.. Ooldneld. Nev Rrno, Nev Spokane Ii Angeles Chinese I.os Angeles theatrical people.. $J.nrO,'"10 llO."cO 1 (m 36 0 11 Of"' 10 om W.Ouo Veils and Hat Drapes. These styles are exclusive, no two of a kind. Prices from $2.00 to $6.00 each. Tlaln and fancy Tuxedo Veiling, in ' all new and desirable shades, from S5o to $1 .50 yard. Maline, In all colors, at Mc yard. Sewing Bilk Veiling. In white, black, navy and brown, at 25c yard. Chiffon Veiling, 0e, 75e and $1.50 jard. Special Bed Spread Sale in our Economy Basement. All $175 Fringed Bed Spreads Monday $1.38 each. All $1.50 each. All $1.25 each. Hemmed Bed Spreads at $1.00 Hemmed Bed Spreads at 89c Towel Sale. All lc Huek Towels. Monday 5c each. All l"4c Huck Towels, Monday 8Hc each. All 15c Bath Towels, Monday 25c each. All 2fic Bath Towels, Monday 16He each. Table Damask. All Ctc Table Damask, Monday 4c yard. All 50c Table Damask, Monday 39c yard. Teneriffe Doilies. All loc Teneriffe Dollies, Monday 3V4c each. All 13c Teneriffe Dollies, Monday 5c each. Scarf Sale. All 45c 11. S. Damask Scarfs, Monday 19c each. All S5c H. S. Openwork Scarfs, Monday 49c each. Special Sale of Embroidered Waist Patterns. Monday we will place on special sale 100 White Embroidered Mull and French Lawn Waist Fatterns, at $1.39 each. See Howard street window. Special Sale Hand Embroidered Doilies. All 36c Scalloped Hand Dollies, Monday 19c each. All - 50c Scalloped Hand Dollies, Monday 35c each. All 750 Scalloped Hand Dollies, Monday 49c each. All $100 Scalloped Hand Embroidered Embroidered Embroidered Embroidered Dollies, Monday 09c each. Embroidery Bolero Jackets. Some choice Bolero Jackets have Just arrived and will be shown at our Lace and Embroidery Counter. The materials are linen combined with lace; lawn combined with lace and embroidery. Entirely new and designed for summer wear. Prices: $2 50, $4 00. $4.60, $5.00 and $5.50 each. Other very elaborate Boleros at $20.00 and $35.00 each. - We are showing some very choice styles CORiNil SIXTEENTH Yreka Stockton Chamber of Commerce.. Tacoma Everett, Wash , Kansas City Los Angeics (Bishop Conaty) .... 2.500 1,000 Lot) 1.000 SO.Osu 1,000 Total (or day .12,475,000 Federal 4'onrta Safe, The Southern Pac;fto company, which has established headquarter In Oakland, la transporting free supplies for the relief of sufferers and carrying tree for the present all destitute pecple from bay point to In terior town and cities of California. Ar rangements have been made with General Funston and Major Devol, quartermaster, for tbe establishment of a supply depot at Folsom dock and one at Fourth and Ken tucky streets, from which the army will distribute all -ellef supplies In connection with the city authorities and citizens' com mittees. All of the federal court records are reported safe. Superintendent Leach f the mint report that institution In a condition to resume business at once. Fire fonlntd to Water Frost. The fire this morning at 7 o'clock was burning grain sheds on the water front, about half a mile north of the ferry sta tion, but waa confined to a comparatively mall area, and with th work of sir, boat on the bay and the firemen on ihore, who are using salt water pumped from th bay, it la believed it will be prevented from reaching the Ferry building and tha docka in that Immediate vicinity. On the north beaeh the fire did not reach thai part of the water front lying west of tha foot of Powell street. The fire on the water front la the only one now burning. The entire western addition of the city lying west of Van Ness avenue, which escaped the sweep ot the flame yesterday, I absolutely safe. No fire waa left In tho house standing, owing to the chimneys. Forty carload of supplies, which had been run upon the Belt line tracks near Mciggs' wharf, are reported on thie ldn this morning. The situation among the people camped out waa the worst this morning at Golden Gute, where during the early hour the hungry people besieged every place where It wa thought food waa stored. In some place there wa a disposition to overrun the guard. SPECIAL, MESSAGi: TO CONGRESS President Reeommeade Appropriation f ai.5OO.000 Additional. WASHINGTON, April 21. Th president today sent to congress a message, accom panying documents and papers from the War department, recommending the appro pi lat' in Immediately ot an additional $1.5O0.J0O for the relief of rh sufferer by the calamity at Sun Francisco. The president today conferred with Sena tor Allison, chairman of th senate com mittee on appropriations, and with other senators and representative aa to the need for further aid for tbe residents of the stricken city and a decision wa reached that congress should be renuested to appropriate the additional $l,&00.on0. As surances were given by the members t' Beautiful 50c All Wool Crepe Could you Imagine anything more beautlfjl at this season of the yenr for the pretty soft clinging gown. Run your eye over this list of pretty colors, light blue, reseda gnen, tan, new. brown, blue, olive gfeen, new gray, champagne, nlle green, etc. Aa long as they last Monday, Just one-half price, 2"c a yard. French Pattern Hats Half Price. The genuine Paris models, bearing the signature of French designer only one of a kind In existence. The' very acme of perfection nnd style the best In our entire display. Monday at Just half price. Millinery Department. Second Floor. Monday Special Sale in Our Drapery Dept., Third Floor. 184)C quality of sllkaline, Monday 5c yard. 15c Cretonnes. Monday at 5c a yard. 15o Art Denims, Monday at 6c a yard. 20c Art Denims, Monday at fc a yard. Lace Curtain Special Monday. Another fine opportunity for a bargain in lace curtains Just at the right time. White Nottingham Lace Curtains. 9"C. $100 Curtains at 49c pair. $2.00 Curtnlns at 9c a pall. $1.25 Curtains at poc a pair. $2.5u Curtains at $l.ift it pair. iicru Lace Curtains. $3.00 Fish Net Curtains at $1.49 a pair $2.50 Curtains at $l.i a pair. White Novelty Lace Curtains. $3.50 Curtains at $1.9 a pair. $2.50 Curtains at $1.29 a pair. $1.50 Curtains at 79c a pair. $9.00 Battenberg at $4 39 a piilr. Lace Bed Set Specials. $5.25 Bed Set at $3 49 per set. $4.50 Bed Set at $3.00 per set. $7.00 Bed Set at $1.50 per set. $00 Bed Set at $4.00 per set. in Embroidered Batiste AU-Overe for yokes, cuff and entire waists. Every mother should e our line of 'Baby-matched Embroideries." Second Floor Cloak Department Grand Showing of Pretty New Walking Skirts. The most stylish and up-to-date new skirts are now being shown. Ladles who appreciate really fine tailored garments will be pleased with our beautiful styles at $7.60, $10.50, $1150 and $15.00. Dainty Waists. All our own exclusive styles, crisp and new. Everything we sell Is good and our prices are always less than, any other store for our fine class of goods. Waists from $1.00 up to $18.00. Special Suit Sale-All the cloth Suits at Greatly Reduced Prices. $50.00 Suits, at $35.00. $40.00 Suits, at $25.00. $35.00 Suits, at $22.50. Art Lovers Attention. Never has Omaha been privileged to see Juch a oispiay of Foreign Art necdl. STREET. congress that the appropriation would be made. Following Is the text of the president's message: To the Senate and House of Representa tives: I submit herewith a letter of tho secretary of war, with accompanying docu ments, including a form of a resolution suggested for passage by the conaress. This letter refers to the appalling; catas trophe which has befallen San Francisco and neighboring cities, a catastrophe more appalling than any other of the Kind that has befallen any Dortion of our country during its history. I am sure that there la need on my part of no more than a suggestion to the congress In order th:it this resolution may be at once passed. Hut 1 urge that instead of nppropri,uln(r a further sum of tl.OoO.Ouo, as recommended by the secretary of war, tho appropriation be for $ The supplies already de livered or -n route for San Francisco ap proximate In value ll.50O.ooii, which is mnr than we have the authority In law a yet to purchase. I do not think It safo for us to reckon upon the need of spending less than $l,00,0iO In addition. Large sums are being raised by private subscriptions In thl country, and very generous offers have been made to assist us by Individuals of other countries, which requests, however, I have refused, as in my Judgment there la no need of any assistance from outside our own borders; this refusal, of course, In no way lessening our deep appreciation of the kindly sympathy which has prompted ueh offer. The detailed act of the action of the War department Is contained In the ap pended letter of the secretary of war. At the moment our concern la purely with meeting the terrible emergency of the mo ment. Later I shall communicate with you aa to the generous part which I am sure the national government will take In meet ing the more permanent needs of the situa tion, Including, of course, rebuilding the great governmental structure which have been destroyed. I hope the action above requested ran br taken today. THEODUKK ROOSEVELT. The letter of secretary Taft to the presi dent recommended that congress be re quested to appropriate another $l,00n.0n0 to enable the War department to carry on the work of relief at San Francisco. Ac companying the secretary's letter Is a re port from General Bell, chief of staff; Quartermaster General Humphrey, Com missary General Sharpe and Surgeon Gen eral O'Reilly, detailing what has been done since the first word came that a dlbaster had overtaken San Francisco. These re port also embrace a complete recapitula tion of all telegrams sent and received, and give a history of the work done by the War department at Sn Franrlsco to date. The house todny passed a resolution ap propriating $1.nrirt.iif! In addition to the amount heretofore appropriated for the San Francisco sufferer. owing to the eulogies In the senate no other business will be transacted today The meaaage from the president relating to the San Francisco earthquake was not delivered to the senate and the resolution of the house appropriating $i.flni.rvio will nt be received from the house until Mon day. Secretary Tnft ha received aFtir arce from the"rs tht the nl'i'lnti will be psssed and that h can proceed T-h the neceemry expenditure for re lief t'rarat Call for II amber. SAN FRANCISCO. April 21. Dr. Re gensberger, president of the State Board Hee. April 22, 1900. Albatross, Monday 25c Yard. I'lmliivly which are IO.oii Curtains at $.'..:S a pair. $8.00 Curtains at $j 49 a pair. $10.09 Bed Sets at l.50 per sit. $9.00 Bed Set at $.V50 per set. ..B0 Bed Set at $3.75 per set. $4.00 Bed Set at $2 50 per set. work at home as now shown In our 16th street window. Tho very newest and best materials nnd designs that are presented In the leading houses of Copehagen, Den mark. A large line of finished work In Wall plec s, pillow covers, tea coxy, coffee cozy, table covers, center pieces, curtains, Hedebo, Gittestyll, felt, wool and many novel Ideas at unusual values. Also a large new line of stamped linen shirt walbts for eyelet. Do not Tail to see the display, It Is of a character different than you can ever see again In Omaha. Soiled Gowns and Skirts, 1-3 to 2-3 Off. Slightly soiled from display In windows and from our Easter selling, absolutely perfect In finish and construction. Muslin Gowns, trimmed with embroidery and tucks, regular price 83c, Monday 62Hc Muslin Skirts, trimmed with dainty laces and with tucks, regular price 7"o, Monday 25c. Soiled Odds and Ends of Children's Oowns and Drawers. Infanta' Long Slips and Waists, made of good quality muslin, extra special, 10c each. Musun uepi., second noor. Of Health, wishes the Associated Press to make it known throughout California that plumbers aro needed at once In Han Francisco. They must bring their own tools. Their tools will be sufficient to secure them transportation. They are re quested to report at the office of the Stan Board of Health at Laguna and Grove street. FORT BRAGG IIK.STRO V ED BY F1KK Town of ft.OOO In 1. amber District name mm Result ot Qnnke. BERKELEY, Cel., April 21. A private letter received today by Postmaster Schmits brings the Information that Fort Bragg, one of the principal lumbering towns of Mendocino county, was alm st totally destroyed as a result of a fire fol lowing the' earthquake of last Wednesday morning. The bank and other brick buildings were leveled as a result of the tremors and within a few hour fire had completed the work of destruction. But one person of the 4,000 Inhabitants was killed, but scores were injured. Eu reka, a large town In the same county fifty miles from Fort Brasg, was practic ally undamaged, although the quake was distinctly felt there. IT11.11-'. i'J'l ' .'IMLBHWB . i -1 V S 4 ' -.La. -AVkV .OTLIKE THIS ANNOUNCEMENT tsUblifhed in Salt Lake City Dallas Portland REU'CEES FROM RUINED CITY Olive Fremstadt'. Maid Gives Graphic Account of the Earthquake. OTHtRS RELATE DETAILS OF THE HORROR Pnssenasers nn First Trala ! of I'ran.'liro Leave Madame Sr m brlch and Other Opera . Mars Behind. Between forty and fifty of the tlrsl peo ple fleeing from the stricken city of San Francisco arrived in Omaha yesterday afternoon on I'tiion Pacific train No. 8 on their way .40 their homes In various cities of tho east. The train left Oakland at J o'clock Wednesday evening. nd although It might have carried hundreds, not moie than half that number left on it. Across tho bsy thousands were vainly visiting they knew of a train to take and thousand were vainly trying to get to th ferry, that they might cross to Oakland, where at least there was no fire. The Interior of the train which pulled Into Omaha yesterday, the first train from the Golden Gate since the tsrthquake, presented a study In faces. One had only to look at th passengers, their nervous attitude, their drawn faces and th sleep less eyes, to know that they had passed through some terrible ordeal. They wem still talking of the awful nightmare. Some of them became half hysterical as they rambled on to each other of the fearful sensation of a quaking earth, of th terrors of the fire which followed and of tin weakness of the soul at the fer of a second shock. All wore anxious for news from the ruined city and Salt Lake. Den ver and Omaha papers were piled on the seats. Fremstadt' Maid Describe It. Among the passengers was Marie All meler. maid to Olive Fremstadt. who stopped a day at Salt Lake. Mile Altmeler was on her way io her home In New York. 8he and her mistress were the only ones connected with the Metropolitan Opera company who got away from San Fran cisco oti the same day the catastrophe occurred. "We, were staying at St. Dunstan's, at Van Ness avenue and Sutter street," said Mile. Altmeler. "Madame Fremstadt had rejoined the company after a few days absence and played Carmen Tuesday night. "When the awful shake came my feeling was the most terrible I have ever known. O, my God, It makes me sick to think of It. Tho earth fills out from beneath my feet and there is nothing to hold to. Things fall from the wall and the bed slides across the room. A crash' and a roar In every direction like a big storm, but above it all rise the screams of women and the piercing shrieks of children. It seems like the universe is going to pieces. I go up In the air a foot or two. It seems, then the floor sinks beneath me and I think I . am going to fall forever. Then It shakes m from side to side and T fall down On the floor and bury my face In my arms. See the End of the World. "I go to the window and look out. All around me big stone and brick buildings are going to pieces like houses of blocks. Men and women and children run down the streets like rabbits, and they aro pour ing out of the houses. I know then that the end of the world ha come. "Mon Dleu, I cannot tell you. You should be there to know. I am ready to die now when I think of It. I do not stop for the elevator, but I run down six flight of stair one of them I fall down. On the first floor I find Madame Fremstadt. 'O, Marie,' she says, 'do you have your hat? Get your hat and we will leave the city.' So I run back up to the seventh floor to get my hat and coat. Then I come back down and fall down another flight. "Madame Fremstadt and I go out Into an open place, where thousands of other people are. All day we stay there, trying to get someone to take us to the ferry, for Madame thinke if we get to Oakland we can find a train. About 1 o'clock they' bring us some sandwiches from th hotel. AVe don't get any water at all. People are so crazy they d.i not stop for .money. Sometimes men -drive by and we offer them money, but they shake their heads and never stop. The flames leap up from the blr flrei; over the city and the air Is filled with smoke. O,' It Is terrible to wait there when we want so much to get across the bay. Leave Semhrlch and fioerllts. "Late In the afternoon Madame Frem stodt gives a man $50 and he takes n to the ferry. Om of the last men we see Is Manager Goerllti. Ho says ho can get no tickets, no trains, no drays, no hacks, no anything, and he and Semhrlct and Caruso and the rest of them w-lll gt away when .they can. We go across the bay and hurry to the station at Oakland. The train I Just starting. W scream end wave our hands. The train stops I and we get on. I tell Madame Frem stadt It was nothing but Dutch luck. Just nothing but Dutch luck. I never leave New York again." Madamft Fremstadt left the train at Salt Lake City, but will resume her Journey and expects to reach New York next Thursday. ' L. Franck of Cleveland, O., was another passenger on the train. lie said: "I wa at San Lorenzo, fifteen miles eaat of San Francisco, when the shock lame. It threw me out of bed onto the floor. I put on my clothes and 4ot out of the house as quickly a possible. Then I caught a local train and rod to Sacra mento, leaving it there to wait for this YPTOK You will never know what bi focal comfort uutil you have a pair of our "Kryptoks." No lino or crack tj confuse you or to catch the dust and dirt. "Kryptok" meana lens perfection. OF PRIZE WINNERS IN OUR RECENT VERSE MADE IN NEXT SUNDAY'S BEE. Columbian Optical Co. 211 South Sixteenth Street Blcod Humors Commonly cause pimples, bolls, hives, err. ema or salt rheum, or some Jother form of erup tion; but sometimes they exist In the system. Indicated by feellugs of weakness, languor, loss of appetite, or general debility, without f Busing any breaking out. Hood's Sarssrsrilla expels them, renovate, strengthen and tones the whole system. This Is the testimony ot thousand annually. Hood's Sarcaparilla Is peculiar to Itself. Accept no subntltut, but Insist on having Rood's and get It today. Liquid or tablets. 100 Dosei On Dollar. train. I didn't wait to get my trunk; I Only wanted to get away." fiaesls of Grand lintel. K. K. Seward, president of tha Seward & Redpath lumber and coal company, Marengo, III, with his wife and baby, sister and niece, were on the train. It cost him $R0 and a day's hard work to get Ms party to the ferry and he consid ered himself very lucky. "We were at the Grand," said Mrs. Seward. "The earthquake threw n big dresser In another room against our bed room door, and some matches-were struck, setting fire to the thing which were uu the dressrr. We- could not move the door, but there was room enough to put an arm out. ify good luck we had not used all the water from the pitcher In the room and rq- husband managed to throw the water on the fire. "Roth the Grand and th St. Francis swayed like a willow twig In the wind. W'ords cannot describe the sensations caused by the rocking of the earth." Rich and Poor Together. Another woman described the crowds on fhe streets that terrible day. "They gathered In every little park and open pine." she said. Rich and poor were crowded together; they knew no station. Hundreds of men In evening dress and women In decollete gowns were sprinkled here and there In the crowds. They had been to tho opeia and bad not yet gone heme, for when peoplo go out in the evening in gay San Francisco, they make a night of it. "People seemed te be bereft of all reason. One woman carried around an empty bird cage all day, another cherished an umbrella with a pearl handle. Men hauled their trunks behind them with ropes hitched to their bodies, and when the ropes were cut or broken, they often never knew tho difference." bi hi.ix;to makes good time Relief Train Rnn West Faster Than Mile a Minute. HASTINGS, Neb.. April 21.-(Speclal Tel egram.) A San Francisco relief train from h.cago was taken through here by the Burlington this morning on record-breaking time. The train consisted of seven freight cars, all loaded with provisions. It left raelfii' Junction at 9:45 and arrived here at 8:40. roverlng the 178 miles In 17i minutes, Including two stops for water. Maternity Hospital nt Berkeley. BERKELEY, April 21. A maternity hospital has been established under th.' direction of Prof. Magee at the University of California, where unfortunate victims of the fire who are about 10 become mothers are being cared for. Last night three Infunts were born and Hre living. One child was born In Ihe public square. The physicians now have the work of relief so well In band that such pnlhctk ecenes as this will not be enacted again. The refugees keep coming in to Berke ley, though the town Is how feeding and sheltering 8,000 people in public bulldlngi and the university and 3.000 more In pri vate houses. The capacity of the town Is taxed to the limit. Strict quarantine rules were put into effect this morning nd every effort is being made to check disease. The thousand of individual shower bath rooms In the men's gymna sium and the like number In the women's room at the university have been thrown open to the refugees, and men, wome.i and children alike are being compelled to take a bath and change all clothing. An attempt will be made to open the public schools her Monday. Ripres Company Donates. W. H. Quick, general superintendent of the I'nited States Express company at Des Moines has notified Local Agent E. 1'. Fits William as follow: Effective -immediately the United States Express company will carry free of charge contribution of money, clothing or sup. plies for the sufferers of the city of San Francisco and neighboring towns when such shipments are cflnslaned to city offi cial or to regularly constituted charitable Institutions. Assistant Treasnrer Safe. WASHINGTON. April lil Assistant Treasurer of the I'nited States Jacobs, at San Francisco, for whose safety fear were entertained, is safe. List of Special for Tuesday Only Ijidle' plain shirt wulst ilfic olan4 atA nrWMnH -aVJW Men cravenette's cleaned and nrcssnri 100 Ladle' plain walking skirts fiQC cleaned and pressed p. Ladles' covert Jucketn 75C cleaned and pressed M W tlll clean and block hat at low prioe. 16th St., DYE WOIIS. 414 Worth 16th Street. TeL Song. 1978. Opp Jefferson Squar. W call for and deliver work In all part of city. MAIL ORDEKS SOLICITED. CONTEST WILL BE fffabfi'sherf in Denver Omaha Kansas City