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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1906)
TTTFj OMAHA DAILY I.EKs. SUNDAY, AI'ULL 1, 1900. E3 Painting, Papering and Decorating DONE OH TIME POSITIVELY NO INCREASE IN PRICED Has the papering or palntlnc of your noma ben delayed on ac count of the present labor trouble? WE HAVE THE REMEDY. We hare, for eleven years, conducted a straight Union shop, with the result that today we have all the skilled help we need and are Oeftlnsj Our Work Out n Time. NEVRKAIj HEA80NS FOR TRADING WITH rt No union trouble Work done on time, very lowest prices Paper from 4 cent up. Unusually large up-to-date stock to select from. SAM UEUr.lAN Telephone Douglas-3018. 119 X. 12th Street. E. YSMOKANCHU Patented and Trade Mark Registered ; Foreign Patents Pending. SMOKERS' BOLACE CII EWERS' CONFIDANT. Affords Complete. Supreme Tobacco tjatlsfaetloa to Qentlesiea Imoktn and Olawart Alike Tree of All Objectionable Features Incident to Other Cigars and Chewing Tobaccos Core of Fin Standard Chewing) Fill", niadar and Wrapper of FIt Cigar Tobaocos eUI-Tobaoco - Ho aabatitatee Tor "Dry" tmoiinr Only Will Hot Bam. , For Ml t Smt-cliw local tobsreontata Itk O. D. KlpllnfW. lJth Farnam St.; Msrlts MT.r C1(rr Co., 1IU Itnum ft.: Robtrtmn Bra.. Ill S. lith St.; Rofr. UM rrnm; Nil A Mnor, 1C: rrnm St.: Central Clfr Co., Ml So. llh atrt; 8eha Clr ator. 1)6 So. Mia tract.' M. A. (attln. 111 So. Hlh St.; Council Biuffa, Central Cigar tor, Broadway aa4 Prl atmrtai Couth Onuht, Ch. I. Scrr. 441 No. 14th atrwt. 1 attira an town whr th DRTSMOKANOHU I not oMltU through ll daalar, eon aumrr will h aupplleit br mll t th retail prle. which ta to pr pckt f I clears, or M OO pT box of M lsr. and they will k ot prapalt a poo rolp ot th era.r and moor br th DRY8MOKANC1IU CO, OMAHA. A LEAKY ROOF Is a sonrca of great vexation to anyone, a roof that does not cause you trouble! CAREY'S FLEXIBLE CEMENT ROOFING will ease your mind regarding leak troubles. For flat or steep surfaces on store buildings, warehouses, fac tories, sheds. Superior to tar and gravel, tin or metal Sunderland Roofing and Supply Co. Phana Douglaa-671 Beatify Your Lawn With Our CHAMPION IRQH AND WIRE WORXS. You Don't Have to Be a. Millionaire To have a home that la a home. For a comparatively few dollars we will install in your house or the building you contemplate erecting one of our heating systems, and we guarantee the work. Johnson Plumbing . Heating Company Tel. Douglas 6000. 1812 Harney Street. BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS Shinier & Chase Co. Bnlldsrs of Madera tees "E it ever ta humble There's no place like home." Toor means must detrmlne the stse of your investment. IJnppt neas and contentment Is quite as often found In a cottage at a paUL Draw a poactl sketch of the house you would build. We develop Idess and relieve yotj of an the details of construction. SHIUER & CHASE CO. M&tl Sites, Acreage, Homes 1609 Farnsm. Ground Floor Deuslaa 3867 When You Writo to Advertisers remain ber it takes oaiy an extra stroke ot tv of til pen uv .'Mention the fact thai you a the ad. In The Bar. The Columbia Phonograph Co. 1621 FPiRUm STREET Records for all Cylinder Talking Machines only 25c. Records for all Disc Talking Machines only 35c and 60c. Horns for Talking Machines 30c to $15.00. Record Cabinets from $10.00 to $25.00. Disc and Cylinder Talking Machines $5.00 to $100.00. The Columbia Phonograph Co. 1621 FARM AM STREET, OMAHA WHOLESALE ... . Branch Store 205 South Eleventh Street, Why not hare 1208 Far nam 8t BOM Steel Picket Wire Fence Our Champion Steel Picket Heavy Wire ranoe, iv cents per lineal root Hitch Posts, Window Guards, Tree) Guards and Trsltlse. Fifty Styles of Wrought Iron Fence. Our Posts Will Not Rust Established 1888. Iir?..u!l2L 611 S. 16th Street How easy it is to get out of debt so well as those who have paid their mortgages or bought a home through the Omaha Loan & Building Assn. OFFICE, BEE BUILDING. TRY IT! O. W. LOOMIS, Pres. O. W. NATTINGER, Sec. fTelllrBa"lw"uoiwii m mni .i ' an tC'tTB. J SIS SWORDS OF NOTED WARRIORS Historic Weapons Carried by Eminent CfSoerc of the Army and Kary. TROPHIES IN THE NATIONAL MUSEUM Rellea of Oraat, Sherman, Hancock, Shields, Panl J one and Hewer gonvenlra of All th Ware of the Ropnblle. The national collections In Washington contain a moat Interesting and brilliant array of American swords, which were either carried by military and naval offi cer, presented by congress to victorious leaders, or purchased from the families of heroes and riven to the nation as a lasting tribute to their fame. Four of General Grant's swords are In the possession of the National museum. The first, known as the "Sword of Chat tanooga," . was presented to him by citlxens of Jo Davlea county, Ullnola. It has a gold pommel, with grip guard and guard plate ornamented with tortoise shell, and Inscribed "The Hero of the Mississippi." The scsbbard, also of gold, la engraved with the names and dates of the battles of t he Mexican war In which General Grant wail engared. and also of the battlrA at Belmont, Black River bridge, Vicksburg and Chattanooga. ' The "New Tork Sword" was Presented to General Grant by some of his friends through the metropolitan fair In aid of the United States Sanitary commission. New Tork, April 23, 1844. Its blade Is etched with military trophies and other designs. The pommel Is of glided silver, inlaid with rubles, diamonds and sapphires. The grip Is of oxidised silver, decorated with bas reliefs. The scabbard Is of sterling silver, polished and gilded, and Is engraved with the general's name, date of presentation, eto. The "Sword of Donelson" was General Grant's favorite tribute to his valor. When the right wing of his army was attacked by the confederate troops at Fort Donel aon, one of his officers, observing that the soldiers' haversacks were filled with ra tions, reported the fact to the general, adding: "They have come out prepared to fight for several days." Grant replied: "This means retreat, boys. Soldiers don't fill haversacks like this unless they are planning to run away. Now, then, one more sharp attack and we'll finish the fight." After It had become apparent that success would crown Grant's arms General Buckner Inquired on what terms he would accept his surrender. To this Grant re plied, "Unconditional surrender are my only terms," and soon afterward his army took possession of the fort. In honor of this victory the "Sword of Donelson" was pre sented to General Grant by Messrs. O. W. Graham, C. C. March, C. W. Lagout and John Cook. Its straight edge Is etched with military trophies. The pommel Is decorated with bas-reliefs. The grip of carved Ivory and the gold-plated scabbard Is engraved with Grant's name and the r.ames of the donors. A Spanish Weapon. The fourth of Grant's swords, a Spanish weapon, was presented to him In 187J by the Tlepuhllo of Bpeln. It has a guard of steel, Ivory grip and steel scabbard, orna mented In gold and enamel. On the blade are Inscribed the following words: "Bel mont, Donelson. Shlloh, Vicksburg, Mission Ridge, Bpottsylvanla, Richmond. Let us have peace. U. S. G.. Fabrtco de Toledo, 1S73," while on the hilt Is the Inscription, "B plurtbus unum." Thire are also on exhibition four swords commemorating the victortes of General Wlnfleld SeoU Hancock, who was espe cially conspicuous" at the battles of Fred ericksburg, Chancellorsvllls and Gettys burg, and as the leader of the Second Army corps In the campaign of the Army of the Potomac. They are (1) the regulation sword which he carried through the civil war, (i) the sword of Captain Edward Johnson, given to htm by the ciUsens of Virginia for service In Mexico and pre sented by Captain Johnson to General Hancock: (3) the sword Which was pre sented to him at Yorktown, Va., In 1881, and (4) his regulation sword, which he carried as major general. Three generations of the Capron family are represented In the nation's collection of swords. Captain Erastus Allyn Capron distinguished himself In the Seminole war, and later served on the Canadian frontier. In 1847 he served In the Mexican war and was engaged In the siege of Vera Cms and In the battle of Cerro Gordo. He also fought In the battles of La Hoya, Oka Laka and Contreraa. He was killed at the battle of Churasbusco, August ZO, 1847, while storming the strongly entrenched convent, which served as a citadel. His sword with white leather baldrlo and plate was deposited In the museum by his daughter. Hello of tha Uat War. Captain Allyn Capron, his son, who served with distinction In the Mexican and Sioux campaigns, went later with General Shatter to Cuba, and to the Capron battery was assigned the duty of firing the salute In honor of the victory at Santiago. He con traded a fever In Cuba, which led to his death later at Fort Myer. In Virginia Many Interesting relics of this brave man are in the National museum, Including his regulation artillery sword, belt and breast plate. . Captain Allyn K. Capron. son of Captain Allyn and grandson of Captain Eraatus Allyn, was one of the earliest victims of the Spanish war. He enlisted in the cav alary when U yeara old and after three years was commissioned second lieutenant In the Fifth infantry. When the Spanish . . Lincoln, Neb. RETAIL war broke out he was arpolnted a captain In Roosevelt's Rough Riders, and was killed oa his nth birthday while leading tbe advance at La Guaslma, Cuba. The relics of this officer In the museum consist of fourteen objects. Much space would be occupied In a de tailed description of the relics of General William Tecumseh Sherman, of General Jimes Shields, whose gallant services In the Mexican and civil wars are 'still fresh In the minds of many; of Commodore Jesse Duncan Elliott, who captured two British vessels at Fort Erie while serving under Terry, or of Commodore James Riddle, who, when first lieutenant of the Wasp, fell In with and captured six British mer chantmen convoyed by the Frolic, and was also conspicuous In the Tripoli war (1801-180C), tha war of 1811 and the war with Mexico. Special mention should be made of the naval cutlass which John Paul Jones, com manding the Bon Homme Richard, captured from the English ship Serapls. The collec tion also contains the sword which was pre sented to that Indomitable fighter by the king of France, as well aa a sword, musket and piece of the flag from tha Serapls, to gether with the entire flag of his own ship. Then there are the swords of Brigadier General Gabriel Rene Paul, who served with much gallantry In the Seminole, the Mexican and civil wars; an antique Spanish sword which was presented to Captain J. Ord In Mexloo and several scimitars which were presented to Commodore Mat thew Galbralth Perry, brother of the here of Fort Erie, by All Pasha, bey of Egypt, while with the Concord at Alexandria in 1833. Dewey's Famous Sword. The handsome sword which congress voted to Admiral Dewey for hla victory over the Spanish fleet in Manila bay, May 1, ISdS, was exhibited In the National museum, together with the sword which was pre sented to him by the city of Boston, but they have been withdrawn, temporarily at any rate, much to the disappointment of many visitors. The former of these two swords Is com posed entirely of twenty-two carat gold, with the exception of the steel blade and the body metal of the scabbard. On the pommel Is carved the name of the battle ship "Olympla," and the sodlacal sign for December, the month In which Admiral Dewey was born. Circling these Is a wreath of oak leaves, the standard decora tion for rank. Below this is a gold collar, on the front of which are the arms of the United States with the blue field of the shield In enamel, and below them are the arms of Vermont, the admiral's native state, with the motto, "Freedom and Unity," and the colors of the shield In enamel. 8tars decorate the plain portion of the collar and a graceful finish Is given to this part of the hilt by a narrow band of oak leaves. The grip is covered with fine shark skin, bound with gold wire and In laid with gold stars. The guard consists of a conventional eagle, terminating In a claw clasping the top. Indicating "control and confidence," the outspread wings forming tha guard proper. The scabbard is of thin steel, damascened In gold with sprays of Ros marlnut, a deli cate sea plant, signifying fidelity, con stancy and remembrance. The sword blade Is damascened with the Inscription: "The gift of the nation to Rear Admiral George Dewey, U. 8. N., In memory of the victory at Manila bay May 1, 1898." The mounting of the belt and the trap pings are tbe regulation buckles, pierced side rings and swivels, all of twenty-two carat gold and ornamented with oak leavea and acorns. The visitors to the museum will also be Interested In the relics of Lieutenant David Jameson and General Jacob Brown, who distinguished himself In the battles of Chip pewa, Erie and Niagara In 1814; of Briga dier General E. W. Ripley, nephew of PresU dent Wheelock of Dartmouth college, for his brave services at Nlagai-a. Attention will also be drawn to the more recently added swords of General Kllpatrlck, Brig adier General John Wynn Davidson, Gen eral George W. Morgan and Ransom Clark, who alone escaped death in tha massacre of Major Dade's command of 117 men near Wahoo swamp during the seoond war with the Seminole Indiana (1835-1842). Added to all ot these are several swords and other weapons which were picked up on battle fields and which, although un labeled, serve as silent witnesses to the sacrifice of many noble lives In defense of their country. Washington Star. TIMELY REAL ESTATE TALK (Continued from Paga One.) company to Hettie P. Goodrich, tract In Tukey's replat. Be mis park, $3,400; Flor ence E. Stephen to F. C. Jorgensen, lot L replat block S, Bemls park, $3,000; William D. Edwards and othera to Stephen D. Baugs, lot 14 and part lot 13, block. , Alamo Plaza addition, $6,600; D. M. Wood- ard and. othera to Bessie W. Parrlah, lot 20, block 10, Bemls addition, $6,000; Omtiha Realty company to Catherine B. Nash, lots 7 and 8, block 4, Boggs St Hill's Second addition, $6,800; Emma F. Mahoney to Fred Kern, lot 22. block 1, Foster's addition, $4,400; Margaret Rudowsky to G. Damalto, part lot 10, block 6, Shull's Second addi tion, $3,600; Madison M. Ormsby to Charles H. Brown, lot IS, block 7, Boulevard park, $7,100; Adam Sobrlng to E. M. F. Lefiang, part lota 1 and J, block 23, Omaha, IDO.COO. OUT OP TDK ORDINARY. The pure food bill pending In congress provides that a pound shall mean- sixteen ounces of a given article, exclusive of tha wrapping. Andrew J. Harlan of Savannah, Mo., Is me last survivor ot me 'rnirty-nrst con- fress, having represented the Eleventh ndlana district. Although 91 years old, he Is still hale and hearty. Amons the members In this congress were suoh men aa Daniel Webster, John C. Calhoun. Wil liam H. Reward, Stephen A, Douglas, Jefferson Davis and John J. Crittenden. Congressman Higgtns of Connectlout says the queerest sight he ever saw is In a graveyard near New London, his state. It consists of four graves, one at each point of the com pa a and In the eenter another grave. On the tombstones at the four sides are these Inscriptions: "My I Wife." "My II Wife." "My III Wife." "My IV Wife." The Inscription on the headstone or the grave in the center reads: uurnustana." One of the most Interesting figures In Harvard university Is Edward Ray, a blind student who halls from a small country town in North Carolina. He has mastsred the most difficult courses In higher math ematics, in geology, won a degree front the University of North Carolina and Is now working for the degree of M. A. at Harvard- Hera he Is taking some of the hard est courses in the curriculum, Gothic and Anglo-Baxon. Who first found tin? There Is a leaend among the Cornish miners that St. Plran. an Irish hermit, was the discoverer. . His ancient church In the parish of Perransa- btiloe. In Cornwall, laid bar of sand by the sea many years ago, has recently been re paired. Cornish miners still keep the Feast of Bt. Plran, who. according to the fable, first found tin. forgetting that their forefathers had long previously sold It to the Phoenicians. Possibly the legend points to the fact that this Irishman was a euuirui metallurgist. Six red-haired talesmen, who had been accepted by the state In the selection of a jury to try Sabine Perlelle, charged with th m'irder cf a fellow Italian, were ex cused by Jscob O north art. attorney for th accused. In the Waterbury superior court at Derby, Conn. Mr. Goodhart held that his client because of his swarthy hue would not be so likely to receive Impartial Judgment from men of sandy complexion as from thoae of darker features. The subi rn-halred talesmen barred bv Mr. Oorwlhart all have red whlakers. also of th f owing variety. Four of them are farmers. SPECIAL NOTICES AaWerttaeaaeata for these eoloanas taken nattl 1SI na. tor the renins eatilon and nntll ) p. an. for the naornlntr sal Sjalay edition. Ilatea 1 1-lte n word Ural In.rrttoa. to n word thereafter. Nethtnar tnlten for le. than SOe for the flr.t laser, tlon. These advertisements aaast he ran eoaantlrely. Advertisers, by reqoeetlna n nnm tiered check, vun have answers nd dre.aed to n nneabered letter In oare of The Be. Answers so addressed will ho delivered on presentation ol eheek. MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE Day and nlsht. New classes In bookkeep ing, telegraphy, shorthand, typewriting end Engliau organ'sed every day. Get a catalogue. Address H. B. BOTL&a. President, Boyles Bldg., Omaha. R-M16I RTOVPS Taken down, cleaned and WAV J-(0,tored prices the lowest. Capacity 2St stoves. A. J. Hayne Hard ware, 24th and Lak. Douglas 301$. RM100 M10 ENGROSSING and fancy penmanship. Boy lee College. R M6t4 OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and sates. U. Andreen. Prop., 1U1 S. lOrh St. R-114 WE buy and sell typewriters; will sell your machine on small commission. Omaha Typewriter Exchange, tie Neville Hlk. Tel. Doug. 46u. R 111 SIGN PAiNTINO. 8. H. Cola, 1301 Douglas, H-UI 8TEINWAT piano, upright, big bargain. Perneld Piano Co., lull JTarnaiu St. R-11S GUNSMITH, keys, trunk locks, repairing. Heflln, $17 S. 14th. Tel. Douglas 2W4. R-Ut SEEDS THAT GROW. NtED ANT7 See that they come from THE NEBRASKA SEED CO., UU-lali Howard, 1208-10-12 Jones St. IS. lob MU THT Kelly's Towel Supply. Tel. Doug. trio. K l-V Iowa Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1914 Farnam, K-iil MARTIN MEYER, shirts, underwear to oraer. rl Aiua mo SURVEYING, BUckonsderfer, $12 Uee Bldg. It IZi JOHNSON, TILE RELIABLE, PLUMBING AND HKATING CO. BEST BKHV1CE PRICES REASONABLE. TKL. DOUGLAS W0. 181H HAHNfc-V. R M414 Mlb TRABER repairs well and cistern pumps; can save you mo Tel. Uarney-18b. can save you money on pumps and pipu. ANTI-Monopoly Garbage Co., 21 N. 16th. Tel. LKug.-W,. Kes. phone, Duug.-7061. R Mf40 HAVE Wilson hang paper; quick, clean paper cleaning a specialty, rei. nougius 6066. R MS7SMIH PERSONAL PAINFUL burns, any aore or skin hurt quickly healed by Batln skin creamSEo.- GREEN TRADING fLne. liquors, by Jug or bottle. Cackley Bros., CPU. P. O. U-M169 Mil LAUNDRY CITT STEAM Tel. Doug. 264, IU S. 11th St. U-183 OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ramge Blk. U 136 PIANO CLUB Pianos delivered at once, $1 weekly. All lessons rreo. JOIN NOW. rerneia Piano Co., 1611 Farnam Bt. U U PRIVATE home during confinement; babies Charles. Tel. Doug. 6811. U 187 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing; in tact, anything you do not n.a; we collect, repair and soli, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 4U6 and wagon will call. U U FREE medical and surgical treatment at HrjIrhlAn VI I . I 1 1 11th n i Dav- ,Wl4,Vr.M tUII, . . . " - enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement caaea: all treatment supervised by college Drofessora. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night. U I? MAGNETIC! treatment A Baths. Mtne. BmlUu 118 N. 16. M fl.. J 2. ANT POOR GIRL in need of a friend call or write to tbe matron of the Salvation Army home for women at U24 N. 2Un St. Omaha, Neb. U-M100 100-J Brown Blk., 16th and Douglas. Prao- uo iinuiea 10 sain, genuo-unuary .uu venereal dUeaaeii. U 6a9 MS PHONB Doug. 701 and a man will call and tuneyour piano, $2. Perneld Piano Co., 1(11 Farnam. U-182 RUPTURE CURELV-No knlfa, no injec tions. jftii or write for oooaiei. iuica Cure Rupture Co.. all W. O. W. Bldg, Omaha. U 11 TRY JCEUY'S Laundry. 'Fhoue Doug. 8530. U-iw DR. ROY, Chiropody. R. 2 & 8, 1606 Farnam. MABEL M. DOTbON, 610 Bee BUlg. Tel. Douslaa-eaOt. Manicuring, massage, scuip treat stent a specialty, and hair dressing. U-160 M-U GOLD STICKPIN FREE to any person sending up the name of any person owning a square piano, organ ur prospective piano buyer. perfiilLd piano co.. Tel. 7UL laU Farnam St. U US f'HAMPiniSI 0rPl Cleaning Works. lnAlYiriUll beautiful, unique rugs from old carpets; prlcee reasonable, tdt S. 14Ut 6U Tel Douglas tia. Vit JeU YOUR saving 40 per cent. Investigate, fenoell Millinery Co.. Ill bouta Uth St. U Ut RPKNCJER MATTRESBEeJ renovated. U-Mitfi Ail PRIVATE confinement home; babies adopted. Mia. Lr. King. Mis N. fiat mu TeL tbe. U -1W P L E AT I N G Butwua. 'itSohmg, a"ntr fcrnbroldenn. Dyeing and Cleaning, Sponging- and 8hj Ink ing, only so per yara. nana tar price iiai aua sauiiii. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., tut Douglas Block Tel. Douglas-lS3t. U-06J WILL persons who witnessed accident re sulting la death of member ot Bonesteel land excursion party at Norfolk Junction, July 18, 1804. please communicate with Haas Pstera, jr., ai.urewa, reu. U M604 22x PRIVATE home during confinement; tuabUs adopted. The uuoa namanuta oaiumrium, ?a I irst Ave., Counotl iiiuns, la. Tel. 7,"i U-3ii WB RENT sowing machines, $1 week and U bar mo. we repair an maaea oi ui- . , r k. - . j a z . .... cr.incs; aawiia-iiu uu.-juv, u iw Nb. Cycle Co.. TeL Doug, laol Cor. liitt and Harney. u-e INCUBATORS, brooders and chick food, fiiiir incubator Co.. 10th and Davenport. U M6J4 Ali 6KW1NO machine and supplies. P. r'lidmn St Co., 1614 Capitol avenue. ir n-n ii . P. E. U MSJ1 jtlayl SEWD your carpets to Omaha Electric Car. pe Cleaulug .. N. kvth. Duug.-ltuS. V aLJO. BO.I ACRE LOTS North ot Krug park. K. G Bolo;non 'Phone Benson 166. U 621 22x CAflLEON a CO., upholstering and repair Tel. Douglas 2uA U Alool AiS PERSONAL THE City Garbage Co. OfBce, 4th and Leavenworth tiia. Tel. Douglet 1387. U-d CTOVP Btor,,d. Hughes Steve Repair C,J Works. Tel. Doug -Tint, U 4W M16 MAGNETIC 08TEOLOaY-Mrs. M. Rltteo. house, 412 N. ICtn, room 2, second floor. V-ta Mil MAGNETIC MASSAGE, 412 No, 16TH ST, BkJCOND FLOOR, ROOM 2. U M646 Mil SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, wsrts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con eultatlon free and conndentlal; all work tue ran teed. Miss Allender, 422 N. Y ire. U MRS. MERGES, PIANIST. 10 S. 20th. Tel. Doug. UH. U- BUBINE88 man, nice home, income $6,000, wants acquaintance of lady, object matri mony; no objections to poor glri or widow If sincere. Address W. D., W Fulton St., Chicago. U YOUNG LADY, handsome, affectionate, loves home and flowers, worth H0,0u0, wants immediate marriage; no objections to poor man if honest. Mrs. W., (87 Ful ton St., Chicago, 111. U MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cooalne habit myself oured; will Inform you of harmless permanent home ours. Mary uaiawin, oox mi, Chicago, LI THE healing nousehold remedy. Satin skin cream snouia always be handy. Z&o. U OMAHA Steam Psste Co. manufactures pure nour paste. 2210 Cuming. Tel. Doug. 462L V- FREB YOUR FORTUNE TOLD, future ana pasi revealed, surprising, By Amer ica's eminent philosopher, astroloslst, clairvoyant 8T. JOHN, 13 Sheldon St., Chicago. Send birth date and stamp. KNOW THYSELF. U-638 x MRS. N. D. SIMMONS, R. F. D. No. 7, uswego, ix. i., aesires to learn tne where abouts of Sarah M. McOlllvea, wife of Alphonao Taylor, sr., or her son, Alphouso Taylor, Jr. when last heard of twenty-five years ago, they lived in or near Omaha, Neb. Will be glad to hewr from any one who can send any Information whatever. Mrs. N. D. Simmons, R. F. D. No. 7. Os wego. N. Y. U-758 22x WEALTHY ladles and gentlemen of ro- nnement, anxious to marry; pnoto- fraphs and descriptions free. P. O. Box , Canon City, Colo. U 731 22x AM FIFTY years of age, of good stand ing, a widower, a Christian. Have so acres of land and other property. Want a good wife, for whom I have comforta ble home. All lettere will be promptly answered. All ladles wishing such a home please write Jacob Huffman, Rout.. 21, Grain Valley, Mo. U 662 22x "PERSONAL." HOW BIO IS YOUR BUST? Dr. Con- ways k'ustoids Is the only remedy on earth which enlarges the bust 4 to 10 inches; no injury, no appliances, no poisons; home treatment; $1,000 if we can't: sealed facts. 4c stamp. CON WAY SPECIFIC CO., It Temple Place, Boston. Mass. , U 660 22x WE SEEK husband for pretty maiden; age is; musical; wortn io,uuu; another 24, worth $20,000. Home Comfort, Toledo, O. U 649 22x CLAIRVOYANTS ZORA. WORLD-FAMED CLAIRVOYANT Aim PALMIST SPECIAL OFFER. 1701 CAPITOL AVE.. NO SIGN. Remom- BER THE NAME AND NUMBER. FOR A FEW DAYS MADAM ZORA W?LL OIV1D A FULL $30 READING FOR $5, A $6 READING FOR $1. TO ALL WHO CALL AT C'NCE AND BRING THIS COUPON. DO KOT DELAY. TOMORROW NEVER COMES. She tells names, dates, facta. Tells who and whom you will marry. If husband or wife hi true to you. ARE YOU IN TROUBLE. Do yau find with all your natural gifts and talents that you are baffled, dlsoour aged and unnuccessfulT If so, ooms and be advised; find out the cause of your bad luck anl how to change your bad conditions to thocs ' of sucoess, Joy and happiness. Thousands live today to bleea and give credit lor their success and happiness to this wenderful lady. She never falls to cause sieeJy and happy marriage with tha one of your choloe, and reunites the sep arated. MYSTERIOUS POWERS STARTLING REVELATIONS. Zora roads your entire life from cradle Ho grave, locates absent friends, loet articles, hidden treasures. Develops personal mag netism, itlveii you good luck to gain your greatest wish. She gives advice on patents. pensions, wills, deeds and lawsuit. Are you unhappy? Are you unfortunate? Come to this gifted lady, for she can and will help you. ft.adam Zora removes evil condi tions anc causes those you love to love you. Wa:n you of coming dangers, averts trouble and sickness. THE ONLY CLAIRVOYANT IN AMER ICA WHC GIVES A WRITTEN GUARAN TEE IN ALL SPECIAL WORK AND CHARGED YOU NOTHING UNLESS PER FECTLY il A.TI8F1ED. All business strictly confident!! 1. 1701 Capitol Ave. Hours, 10 a. in. to 8 p. m. B 867 22x Mme. EVA FAY, AT S09 North 18th. The marvelous tests she performs proves the magnitude ot her strange and wonder ful glfu. I do hereby agree and guarantee to make no charge If I fall to tell your name, occupation and . what you call for. I promlsu to tell you whether husband, wife Of sweetheart la true or false; tall who sod when you will marry; in fact, will toll you every hope, fear or ambi tion of your life, giving truthful advice on matters of business, law suits, separa tions, divorces and speculations, telling you vhat business or profusion you are best iuited for, what to do and where to go tc bring success. I reunite the sepa rated, restore lost affection, cause happy muriiagee, give good lu.k develop a, secrot you should know, the power of control. Buslrees confidential Parlors private, wh re you see no one but Madame. To all bringing this "ad" I will glvs my $3 reading for $1. Hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. 20$ N. 13th St. 8861 22x UU&. BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 114 South Utla St, upstair iieauluul piadjcuou aMoiuuuy given. SPIRITUAL MEDIUM. Mrs. Lillian Karrell of Boston, Mass., Is now located at 2124 Douglas St., Omaha. Readings dully from 10 a. m. until 9 p. in. Spiritual Investigation especially invited. ft 438 'OX IF IN trouble consult Mrs. Faust. La dles, 60c. Satisfaction guaranteed. h Jackson. SM477 21x CARRIE BEAN, spiritualist medium, private spiritual readings dally. Room 1, Patterson Blk. Readings by mall. p 6 96 2 2 X . SPECIAL NOTICE. MRS. FAUST, who has ben giving satis factory readlnss here for the last seven months, will remain at the old address a short time longer. Ladies. 60c. 1709 Jackson. S 828 :2x CEMENT BLOCK MACHINERY SIDEWALKS Let John Grant make your cement sidewalk, driveways or cel lar floor 11 you want the beat guaran teed 10 years. Office lh floor Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 7242. -Moil Mil MTT PQ'Faco Down cement hloek ana 1 1.1 iO ohluery. Call wu. and 11 OS show you our line. Phon. Jung. 471. 'laiip Construction Co.. $02 Neville blk. B Mlti CONCRETE MIXERS TPP Construction Co., 202 Neville Blk. Miles lace down cement block machine. Mbi MU) OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute, 618 N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. Mo. DR. WELLS, Neville Blk. Tel Doug. 6871. a WANTED-T0 BUY SMALL gasoline runabout, will pay rash. or time preierreo, it can man arrang ments Must bo cheap. Address C U care Bee. N $44 Em Vf AlTV'llJlnrl iwiiintrv newspaper In nenrasKa. Address letv iwn m., ijd each St.. I coin. Neb. N 787 lix I DESIRE to buy a small established busi ness in irniaim or vicinity; or win miy a fiartnershlp Interest In a business or stork n an Incorporated company, In which I ran be actively enraged at a aalarv; ran give satisfactory references aa to hultiM qiialineallons. Write, giving full particu lars, to 1044 Woodlawn, Iowa Cltv, Is. N-K9 Si ALL IN A BUNCH We have a cash customer for house from $3,000 to $S,6U0, also for a farm, 100 to 100 acres. "WRIGHT & LASBURY, 606 South Uth St. N- WANTED TO RENT WANTED For family of three, first class furnished or unfurnished rooms In good location, with board In private family or whore there are but few oih,,r boarders. Address C 29, giving rarttcu- lars. H. Ma39 22 lix WANTED 7 or 8-room modern house In T"nn pan oi cny. io rent. Address c, 85. Bee. K-MS12 MAN wants ROOM WITH BOARD In prlvnte famllv, near ISth and Locust. Ad dress C 16, Bee. K 634 23x WANTED Room and board. private family preferred. In vicinity of Hanscom perk, by young gentleman, emploved packing house offico. Address C 44, Bee. K 823 tlx DESIRABLE tenants no children want modern house, 6 to 7 rooms. Address C 43, Bee. K 827 24 WANTED TO RENT Small office In suite with others, or desk room with use of telephone. Address C 45, care Pee. K-n Rx FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE- Income properties; Omaha. $',000; South Omaha, $14.9u0: Plattsmnuth, $16,0C0; 800-acre Improved farm: 2,200 acres Improved; cottages for western land. Windham Investment Co., Plattsmouth. Neb. Z 646 Ex IF YOU do not find what you want In this column, put an ad In and you will soon get it. z-ta TO EXCHANGE Leading drug store In county scat town In northweet Missouri. Consider a good small farm, residence or city property, or will sell on liberal terms for cash. Address Iowa Druggist Exchange, Independence, la. Z 667 22 A GOOD 180-acre farm in Cedar county, Missouri, to exchange for Omaha resi dence property; farm $ mile from go-d town. Price $40 per acre. Address C t Bee. Z 816 yix MEDICAL LADIES, $1,000 REWARD! I positively guarantee my Never-Falling KltUu KOLO Remedy. Safely relieves longest, moot obstinate cases of delayed Mommy 1'eriods In 3 to i days without harm, iuiu or Interference with work. Mall, Double strength, $2.00. "SPECIAL FOi.i ER FOR LAJUlLa FREE. lift. li. ti. SoCTJAlNQTON CO., KANSAS Clti, MO. -HO BEST nerve braoer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills" $1 box, postpaid. Sherman di McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. 211 LADIES Chichester's English Pennroyal Pills are tbe best; safe, reliable. Take no other. Send to stamps for particulars, "Relief for Ladles," in letter by return mail. Ask your druggists. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. DR. HUTCHINSON, specialist of women and children. Office 2206 Cumin. 'Phono Douglas 367. HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE PERSONAL ATTENTION E. H. Ferrln. solentiflo horns shoeing, 416 8 18th. Tot Douglas 1KIA Horses oalled for and de livered. P M47 MIS FOR RALE Small horse, harness Mad ' buggy. Address A 10. Bee. P M870 DRAFT, driver and saddle horses, - well broke, and gentle. Apply Jones' Stable. 1114 Dodao. P 281 WANTED To buy horses, all olaasea. Call U10 Harney Bt Tel. Red-7616. F-M341 FOR SALE CHEAP Stylish open wagon, extra wide seats, little used, best rubber tires. Tel. Harney-623. P MS80 21 FINE team of Shetland ponies, with ele gant two-seated trap, harness, saddle, eto. 2215 Farnam. P 8S0 24a PATENTS H A. ST URGES, registered attorney; p,t enta, trade marks, copyrights; no tee un less successful. U7 N. Y. Ufa, Omaha. -e-19 F. J. LARSON 4a CO., patent lawyers. Patent book tree. Bos Bldg., Omaha, Ib, IMO SHARPS MACHINE WORKS Patents procured, invention, aeveiopeo, drawings, patterns, castings, machine work. SiM-uii b. 10m ev PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Na tional Investment Co., 63 Douglas Blck, BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES WHY pay trust prices? SoUd oak billiard and pool tables, $iu. Also bar Oxtur. No agency expenses. Catalsgue mailed tree. Chas. passow A Boss. Chicago. 121 Mayas WE TRUST EVERYBODY, easy payments, and lead the world In cheap prlcea tn billiard and pool tables ajd bar fixtures; catalogue true. The Brunswlcke-Baike-Collender Co., 407 S. loth St., Omaha, Neb. -u PRINTING I VMP.TAn K'h arads M06 Calendars, LllNUaiAUB e. Cor. 161 ot and & JOKVfc Capitol Ave. ENGRAVING and printing. Kotera e CoT. 1610 Howard. TeL Douglas SNELL Printing Co.. SIC S. Uth jiaj DRESSMAKING FOR dressmaking, done at homo. Doug. $718. M-17S Woodruff A Arnold. $1-1 Bt M' DOW ELL system of drees cutting taught; simplest and boot method 1SJ Farnam; Mr0 Majnu TICKET BROKERS CUT-RATH railway tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbla. uut Farnam. 'Phone Doug. 784. M LARSON JOHNSON. 1406 Farnam. Doug. WANTED TO BORROW I WANT to borrow $3,600.B en Ire proved residence property; .worth li.0ac.0u, lo eated In one of the beat parts of Omaha; rate must be low. with privilege of pay. Inj part each year. Address B 62Bo STORAGE MA GUARD VAN AND STORAGE? CO.-. Ooods stored at lowoot prtcooi tn"fl wit hoot extra charge. Pooaeo IaiI lekl and Dong-ls US. rjllL- FLORISTS U HENDEVRoON. ttlC Farnaa. TeL Ix-ng. Ufa. Hfwb a nwoBnoA. ic6 rorn.r UNDERTAKERS HOFFMANN A fliatls as W N. Weft. Dou. -aa aa