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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1906)
EB3E3BSE32Bfcw M'WLilll CELUt TUET.3 SUMPS CTEEY TI-E R Supplementary Ad Page announcement on front page, Editorial section, this paper It's of vital moment to every man and woman in Omaha and scores of miles around J5he Samuel Burns Stock First section will be put on sale to' morrow morning Read the full page ad for particulars Bennett's Big Grocery and Fruit Section Golden Santos Coffr ?An pound ol' And Twenty Qreea Trading- Stamps. Teas, assorted, AR pound TOC And Twenty Qreen Trading Stamps. Diamond S Fruits, ' can AJC And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. . Codfish Special Swansdown Bhreddetf Codfish, 4 pkgs Qedney's Assorted Pickles, 1 CA bottle . ''c HEADQUATERH FOR BUTTER. FRBHH COUNTRY BUT- 1 C TKK, pound 1JC CHEESHI. Red Cloud Full Cream Cheese, "JCt. pound........ And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Baylea After-Dinner Cheese, 24c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Herbs, assorted, C package Ripe California Olives, pint 'c And Ten Green 'Trading Stamps. Imported Macaroni, pound f C- package av And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Thee-pound can Table Syrup .. And Ten Groen Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Baking 24V Iowder. pound can And Ten Green Trading ' Stamps. Wort-ester Table Bait, If)- two sacks.. And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Four-Crown Raisins, 2J?r two pounds r And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Velvet Cocoa Toilet Soap, 6 cakes.. 25o Bennett's Bargain Snap, 10 bars 25c Anderson's Tomato Soup, Can 6o Garden Seeds, package 2c Dlamtnd S Salmon, pound can.... .230 And Ten Green Trading Stamps. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ' FRESH DAILY BENNETT'S CANDT. SPECIAL SAI-H CLOVE STICK CANDY. sticks Thirty sticks 5c le Specials in Hardware MONDAY DANGLER, THE O.NE M1MTK OAS RANGE Save from 20 to 80 per cent gas. Demonstrated in basement. Jap-a-Lac, the Only First-Class Floor Stain on the Market. Makes Old Woodwork Look Like New. Comes in 13 colors, from $2.50 to 15c. v Doable Qreea Trading Stamps on all Paints and Varnishes. 74c Poultry Wire- best qual- 1 lty, per square foot 2C Double Green Trading Stamps Monday. Double Groom Trading Stamps on Screen Wire Monday. Best quality of Painted and Alum inum Wire at lowest prices. Extra good quality Spad ing Forks, 84c and... And Forty Green Trading Stamps Good Dirt Wheelbarrow n f Monday ,1 t And Forty Green Trading Stamps, Extra good Spade 65c And 30 Green Trading Stamps. -Carpet Beater at 25c, 20c, f , 15c and 1C And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Extra Good Scrub Brush lOo And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Hardwood Floor Polishers, 16 and 25 pounds, 11.75 and 91.60 And Forty Green Trading Stamps NEW SPIRING BOOKS Frtil Li.t f ' New Fiction Published This Spring AU$1.50 fl ifl Editions I.UO AU$1.25 ( Editions... 90 c "Chip of the Flying U," a western-tale and the big book of 190G. ' Lady Baltimore, ' by Owen Wiater. 4 ' The Jungle," by Upton Sinclair. "Cowardice Court," by Geo. Barr McCutcheon. "The Wheel of Life,", by Ellen Glasgow. "Barbara Winslow," by Ellis. "If You But Knew," by Agnes and Egerton Castle. 1.18 START A LIFE MEMBERSHIP IN THE TABARD INN LIBRARY AND SELECT ONE OF THE ABOVE BOOKS price Membership consists of Tabard Inn Book, eichan gable at any time, at any of the 3,000 stations in the United States' for the fee of Sc. Join at onceread all the late books start ia Monday. , Furniture, Carpets. Draperies FOR CASH AT CASH PRICES 17!? ""- Macey Sectional. Bookcase None finer I made. Finish and quality the best. OlITlllU I'WVUIllbJ The only Drop-Head (with automatic lift) Machine on the Market. Fully guar anteed $25.00. Go-Carts Complete Line Heavy rubber tire, best quality of reed, neatly upholstered, adjustable umbrella, Drapery Bargains Door panels with beautiful applique centers, on French nets, size 36-inch wide and 54-inch long, worth 50c, ' very special, at. , lM Rope Portieres Slightly damaged, regular $6 f AO and $5 values, all in one lot, at IswrO Euffled Swiss Curtains, plain and figured Swisess, 45-inch wide and 3 yards long, regular $1.25 values, a pair, at -'C Nottingham Lace Curtains 12 different patterns, J 49 some 60-inch wide, sell regularly up to $2.25, special. . BIG ASSORTMENT OF ROOM SIZE RUGS CARE FULLY SELECTED STOCK 66jc On the Dollar t-Sxlo-14 PaUsads Tapestry Bug. 1 " Qfl Cor JKJ 1-JilO Bavunerr AJimlnster Rugs. g 75 MU1-I Pallsada Brussels Rug g QQ HiU-i rallaad Velvet Rug, Jfj.75' -xU-10 Wilton Veiet.Rug, ,7. 4Q lv-sxU-4 Tapestrr Brussels Ru ffj.7g KKtxll RoEbury Brussela Rug, . 2 1,75 See That Rack It affords the very best illus tration of the surprisingly rapid growth of onr business. All those watches are being re paired, and in spite of our able watchmakers' exertions the rack remains always full. When we bought and took over our location a year ago, there were just six watches on the repair rack I This shows the people have come to depend on us for repairs, more and more. ! We take an honest pride in this fact. An honest dealer's and work. man's pride in a well-fulfilled promise. We have the best watch- makers, gold and silversmiths j i we , UBe the best materials and our prices are low as the lowest. Is it any wonder the people have learned to seek us? If you need work done in our line the workmanship, the best materials, satisfaction (guar anteed,' and quick and prompt re turnssend' it to US. x At the Sign of the Crown ' i I) " v') V !'K y ir AkI IIS S. 16th 5t. Opposite Boston Stora. I .VI : ) U . A ' W ! - , . .' r- hi-' ' i r ; 'i lUL i ...iiXUi 1 OUR. MEN'S OXFORDS They ara the handsomest and moat desirable shoes that were ever wrought of leather. . Grace and style a plenty and at no expense to service. . Take our $4.00 or $5.00 Oxfords for instance. They cling to your ankle as though your foot was moulded In them. This Store For Oxfords Patent Kid. Patent Colt. Gun Metal Calf or Tans. FRY SHOE CO. Tbe Shoera, Mth and Douglas St. I0: 0?AP5t?n3 gt x.'-j '."" '"urn curb CONSTIPATION BILIOUfifiESS AND HEADACHE nnmi uturU tasriana VET Tmii The aU Kl(tatnwr 0m CQiormAm tprtuaa Cels. U J if- I SJCS DIRECT ACTION GAS 1' J I cz? RANGES Are Great Gas Savers They will save their cost in fuel tch year. The ovtn la ready tor baking as soon as gas is lighted. Com in this week and see Ismonstration- jn sale at . Terms: $1.00 Cash and 50c Per Week Misses' and Children's Dress Shoes One of the very popular styles we ara showing this spring for misses' and children's wear Is made with colored tops. In drab, white and brown; genu-' lne ooze calf tops, that can be cleaned; patent colt vamps, button only. They are very natty. Misses' sizes, 11V4 to 1 $!.M. Child's Siss. to 11, UCO. Child's sizes, 4 to , tl.W and tl.TB. Bring In the little ones If you want a 1 nice dress shoe. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam Street. kxzsxssssssJ? 161H & TADNAM STi?EET&, OMAHA; Hm PEOPLE'S FL'RMTUHB AND CARPCT CO. ' : . Established 1887. Charles A. Potter GEKKRJLb ttTKNOGRAJPltiat. Uepostluna. Ourrespoodence. ttiiel (VorK aaa sperlai Keportlag oa 8qo. Vol Ice, A'OTABT PUBLIC. Tel. llv t9 lilltUB CAtlfOBBifr AND RETURN from April 25th to May. 6th. 1906. Round trio tickets will be Bold from Omaha to San Fran- clsco or Los Angeles VIA UNION PACIFIC SHORT LINE FAST TRAINS NO DELAYS Be'eure your tickets read over this line. ' Inquire at , City Ticket Offlr. J321 Farnam St.- Thone DougIas-834. YOUR REPUTATION IS BUSINESS IS MEASURED BY THE CLASS OF PRINTING YOU USE OUR PRINTING is' neat, tasty and up-to-date, and is delivered io you when promised that's our hobby. MANGUM & COMPANY Mont Doaglas-USS ::, 109 So. iSlh Street Headquarters for Artistic Clothing. Let Us Show You Our Line. liLiL ali LLblillO THE RELIABLE STORE v 1 Don't Miss the Great Sale of Ladies Undermuslins Monday. In Laying Clothes Plans If you make our store the basis of your clothes operations, and the Hart, Sohaffber & Marx quality the foundation of your ideas, you'll be as well dressed as a man can be. If yeu're looking for the best in style, work manship and material just look this way. You'll see an almost endless variety of hand tailored clothing wjth individuality and Rtyle character that will please the most particular. Quality that insures splendid service and at prices that mean money saved to you. Hand-Tailored Suits $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $16.50, $18.00 up to $30.00. V kEN'S CRAVENETTES The most deservedly popular overcoat ever produced looks well at all times. In selecting it, be sure it's a rain coat and not one in name only. You'll find rain coats here in fact as well as name, at 7 CA 15. $12.50. $10 and i J3 T 7 T Men's Pants An unmatched assortment of patterns, mate rials and colors, unequaled values at $3.50, $2.50 f QC nnd ItjftJ 1118 Sir a The Popularity or Our Boys' Clothing Department is well' deserved, for a more complete assortment of nobby new style3, materials and patterns was never shown in Omaha and our prices are lowest. IHlAV0)LiG3 BE Perfect Feet are not essential Wa can make yoars look rood and fesl as rood aa they loek. WE CAN PIT ANY FOOT OR PLEASE ANY TASTE BEST SHOES LOWEST PRICES OUR 3.S0 SHOE YOU WILL HAVE MA'tf?pR,RS OUT LOOKS and THE BBST IP YOU BUY KoriPT OUT-WEARS 0NIM0D' BBNOf-MADB . ATTENTION ALL OTHER 1 ss SHOES WRITE FOR $3.60 SHOES TRY A PAIR $4 to $6. STY LB BOOK B3 Regent Shoe Co. ;a?M0ffjyBBT iiwi Alaska Refrigerators Odorless ' Cold ' Dry Air v, For twenty yeara Alaska Refrigerators have been the standard of quality In refrig erators. Thousands are In use In Omaha. Tour neigh bor will tell you that her Alaska Is always pure and sweet an uses less Ice than any other. vWe offer them In Elno or enamel lined at money saving prices. We call special attention to the $0.50, S11.RO, $14.00 and $16.50 sizes as being good sizes at low prices. CASH OR PAYMENTS. John Hussie Hardware Co. 2407-09 Cuming Street "If Too- Bay it of Hassle, It's Right." n - i Your Spring Siiit If you have us make your spring suit you will be pleased with the fit. style and quality of fabric Our suits please careful men. critical men, economical men and men who want the very beat they can get for their money. ' Suits from $20 to $40 We guarantee to give yon a better suit for the money than any establlfchment In the west. We hae Just re ceived a bhJpmrnt of new woolens. In them yon will find some mighty pretty and stylish patterns. . Come in -and let us show them to you. Our line of $25.00 suit ings are the leaders at that price in Omaha. Remember thi.t every suit is made la our shop in Omaha. Linderman & Herzog Merchant Tailors 1415 Douglas Street Successor to Paris Woolen Co.