Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6
THE OMilHL DAILY BEE: SATUBDAT. AmiL 21, IDOfl. Lades' Knf Underwear Specials A uplrndld opportnralty to snpplr yonr summer nnciorwear needs will be offpwd you. Saturday "vr-rjr Hem splendid bargain. LADIES' FANTB Lace trimmed. In Unit or fine cotton, at 60o, 35c. 2ac EP LADIKS' COMBINATION SUITS In Ilht spring weights, with Mali neck, long sleeves and arkle lengths, 7C at Goo and LADIES' COMBINATION 6C"TTS Txw neck nd short iIwvm, lace trimmed, In lisle or fine cotton, at 50c, J9c 25C end LADIES' JERSEY RIRRKD VESTS-T.n sleeves, high neck. In lisle or 2Sc fine rotton. at 60c and LADIES' VESTS With high neck and long mwvra or low neck and short ffn sleeve, at, garment sow and. CHILDREN'S BALBRIOOAN UNDER WEAR In all slses, spring Ttp weight, at aJV LADIES' GRAY LISLE VESTS In reg. tilar and extra sizes, plain white Rc or colors, at 15c, 10c and WATCH SUNDAY'S TArER8 FOR GREAT SALE OF UMDERMUSLIN8 MONDAY. Watch Sunday Papers for Great Sale of Undennuslins Monday. See i6ihSt. Window Display. nn jt. THE RELIABLE STORE. r hp i jvJS Watch Sunday Papers for Great Sale of Undermuslins Monday. See 16th St. Window Display. Special Saturday Bargains Two Manufacturer's Slocks on Sale Monday Ilargains galore Saturday in our busy Suit Department, the Lite of which Omaha has novrr before known STOCK OP New White Belts Our gtock of WTiite Wash Belts for summer is now complete, will be the flint gpecial sales day on these goods. IOT 1 Heavy Duck Tailor Made wash New Lace Tab or silver buckle, fully Collars. Belts, with gilt worth 15c. special, 7Ar Saturday LOT Very Fine Duck Cnuh Belts with novelty eyelet, embroidered, regular 20c value, special Saturday, 10C LOT t The very latest novelty In fancy embroidered Belts with pearl buckles, worth Kc to 60c, special 2Sc Saturday, at a--w NEW NECKWEAR An entire new lot of chemisettes Rflc with sleeves to match, at pair, only -- Separate chemisettes, 0?kn special, at Jt Mew I Are Stock OK-, Collars .SOW 60c Silk Veilings, per yard Saturday 25c 10c 25c The new Marcel Hair Waver, the wonder of the a, only 60c Box Fancy Stationery 15c 26 Envelopes, Saturday Carter's Ink, Saturday Carter's Muctlagre, If. Ra.turdav - J6e Paper Novels, Saturday 1100 Cnpyrlgh Books, Saturday 1.95 OF 2c 3c ..74c 39c Pictures Make the Home Happy A pleasing picture on the wall, just in the right place, often soothes the troubled nerves, calms the perturbed niind and puts one in unison with the better side of life. SrRIXGTIME MEANS Fit AMES AND PICTURES. Wo have received lately a few hun dred patterns of new mouldings. They are in the latent finishes, all the new tones of colorings and the most up-to-date designs. We can frame your pictures at a min imum cost, and give you entire satisfaction. A SPECIAL 10c ARTICLE FOR SATURDAY. Picture with mat and glass, size 7x13 and 9x13. landscape subjects, Jap pictures, "The Little Mother," etc., all In ir colors; price sVW Pharoah's Horses, in 12x12 round f(n dark frames, each .We have a few of those elegant carbons, In brown frames, left from last f C.() week's sale. at. en r h i.CJw WEPopular Thomson's Glove Fitting Corsets The corset that needs no breaking In: the corset that feels at first wearing as If you had no corset on. We have it in all new moaeis, at pair, m.w, 12.00, J1.60 and Every corset guaranteed to give satis factory wear. The variety is greater here than you will find elsewhere. You are sure to like the THOMPSON'S GLOVE FIT TING, but if you do not, we have many other well known and popular makes. WARNER'S RUST PROOF CORSETS Koyai Worcester, w. B., Kabo, 1 rli s. v- vf Jtz" 1 -MS" 1 : 1 ; " . ! : , A MANUFACTURER'S WAISTS. The entire surplus stock of Jordon Mfg. Co., 4th Ave., New York, con sisting of fine Taffetas, Jap Silks, Lace, etc., in black, white and all colors, come In all sizes, and are worth tip to $7.50, choice Snturday A MANUFACTURER'S STOCK LADIES' SUITS. 475 Handsome Silk Moire Suits, in the newest spring styles, workmanship high class. We cannot mention the manufacturer's name, but we se cured the suits, worth up to $18.00, at a price which enables us to sell them Saturday, at $36.00 TAILOR SUITS AT $24.90. 200 High-Class Tailor Suits, In fine panamas, fancy checks and shadow plaid, 3 1 ran 135.00 value, at 4.yU SPECIAL TAILOR SUIT AT $8.90. Aiagnmcent bargain in beautiful mixtures 01 line an wool tnglisn cloth worth $16.00, special at 6.95 8.90 STYLISH NEW WALKING SKIRTS Perfect in hang and finish, largest line in the city, prices u m $15, $12.50, $10, $7.50 and.. NEW SPRING COATS A special lot of nobby spring coats in shadow plaids and checks, three-quarter length, $15.00 values, great snap, at NEW SPRING COATS A magnificent assortment of the latest style ideas, prices from $30.00 down to $2 Lingerie and Batiste Waists fully trimmed, choice, Saturday SATURDAY EVENING HOUR SPECIALS. From 7 till 8 p. m. Women's Kimonos, at From 7:30 Oil 8:30 p. m. CQ Women's $1.00 Wrappers, nt...DZfC From 8 till 9 p. m. Women's 75c Waists, at. 8.50 $5 beautl- 95c 15c 19c Enticing Millinery Saturday New arrivals every day from the east, new rooms, and brisk selling keeps our stork bright Kvery hat bears the mark of Individ uality no two shapes alike. SAIIOR EFFECTS ARE IN EVIDENCE A line of very smart models, made of pretty straws, trimmed with ribbons, quills and wings In several dlfTerent shapes and new spring colors. These chic hats nit priced at from $7.60 to 2.98 conception front our work nnd fresh with new good. TRIMMED HATS Made of horsehair braid, trimmed with mallne, maiden hair fern, clusters of roses and ribbon 011 bandeau, in the new delicate spring r shades priced from 1 nti $760 to 4.y CHIDREN'B HATS AND CArS-The best line of children. s hats and caps ever shown In this department will be on dis play Saturday .and range In fir price from Su.UO to OliU Greatest Shirt Sate of the Season An immense stock of Men's Shirts, pirn IihmhI by us at BOc on the dollar will be placed on sale Saturday in three great lots at Shirts 25c, Shirts 50c, Shirts 69c Worth in a regular way up to $1.60, not a shirt in the lot worth' less than BOc they come In all the new patterns for spring, pen tod and negligee bosoms, cuffs attached or detached. The greatest bargain ever offered Ht prices so low. Special Hat Sale Saturday 2.50 $3.00 IMPERIAL for HATS Our $2.50 Soft Fur Hats for Men's Caps, new styles, worth up to 7fc; special, 39c and BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S up to 60c, at 26c and 2.00 25c CAPS-Worth 15c Overstocked Grain Leather and Alligator Traveling Bags, worth up to $14.00, at $10.00, T eri $8.60 and i.ow $S,00 Cowhide Suit Case for 4.75 THOMSON'S "GLOVE-FITTING' HABIT-HIP CORSETS etc., at, up from.. The "La Greque", one of the eervedly DODUlar corsets ever produced, Is shown, at, $5, $3 and 75c BATISTE CORSETS sets of hose supporters, special Saturday most de- 1.50 long hips, two 50 c Omaha's Large Meat Saving Section First Broilers of the Season 35c 3ic 21c 51c 51c 5c 31c pr.-i, from the country. each Fancy Corn Beef, home made Boiling Beef, ut Shoulder Roast, at Shoulder Steak, at Veal Roast at Veal Stew, . at Greatest Sheet Music Sale on Record. 15 Pieces for 25c As we are overstocked we must sell far below actual cost. Do not put this off. Come early and get the best to be had at this price, as the music advertised will not last forever. All mail orders will be promptly filled. Add 8 cents extra postage. We positively will not break any of these lists. In ordering send the list you wish us to send you. Just My Style, Tammany, Tale of the Tur tle Dove. Cupid Is Captain' of the Army, Heidelberg (Prince of Pllsen), He's Mo Pal, 1 Like You, Friends that Are flood and True, Uood Night Beloved Good Night. I Love You All the Time, In Merry Olds mobile, Bonnie, In the Days of Old, Dainty Llttlu Ingenue, Landers (Sho Gun). A Picnic for Two, Beauty Lane. Have You Seen My Henry Brown, New York Town for Mine, I've Set My Heart on You, AVltU You in a Bungaloo, l.lnda Lady Love, Con nect Me With the Brewery, Would You Like to Change from Miss to Mrs, Medley Landers. In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree, My Irish Molly O, liudt Hack to Baltimore, In Dear Old Georgia, The Gondolier, Moon-, light, The Troubadour, Farewell Mr. Al ner, Hemingway, We Parted by the River, Grace and I, Nlccollni, Dlnnh Green. Marlnr Sweet Little C'araboo. Won't You Fondle Me,? Fare the Well Annatielle. Texas Dan, The Ghost that Never Walked, On a Summer Night, I'll Keep My Promise True. Birds of a Feather Flock Together, The Hippodrome, Under the Goo-Goo Tree and Dear Old Dixie Land. DO NOT LET THE GREAT OPPORTUNITY PASS YOU BY. THESE 15 PIECES FOR ONLY 25c THESE 10 PIECES FOR 0HLY 20c THESE 22 PIECES FOR ONLY 55c THESE 15 PIECES FOR ONLY 25c THESE iO PIECES FOR ONLY 20c THESE 22 PIECES FOR ONLY 35c MEN'S FANCY HALF HOSE-In blacks, grays, tans and all new embroidered ef fects, worth 'Jbc, at 12Hc IOC MEN'S 50c SUSPENDERS An Immense assortment; special 9r Saturday AOL, M EN'S BALBRIGOAN UNDERWEAR In plain or fancy colors; special bargains Saturday, at 49c, 39c On and AOfc MEN'S COMBINATION SUITS-In blues, flesh colors. The greatest as- shown In Omaha. ecm, or sortment at $5.00 down to. The finest line of Men's Shirts the city, ratiKlna In nrlce from $J.O0 to LADIES' SILK GLOVES-Wlth finger tips. In all the new spring shades, nt $1.00. fioc and LADIES KID G1-OVES-A11 new and stltct'lng, one or two clasp; special Satuduy, $1.00 and .1.00 hown In ...50c dmihle 25c shades 69c Big Shoe Sale Saturday Women's, Misses' and Child's Fine Shoes and Oxfords, in all the new styles antl leathers, at a saving to you of from 50 cents to $1.00 a pair. Llttlo Gent's and Youth's $1.50 Satin Calf Lace Shoes, union made, OMr Women's $3.50 All Patent Colt O (fl Women's $3.50 Tatent Colt and Gun Metal Gibson Ties, at Women's $2.50 Mat Top union made Blucher Lace, at Misses' $1.75 Patent Colt Gibson Ties, at Child's $1.50 Patent Colt Gibson Ties, at ...$3 ....$2 1.25 $1 at Women's, Misses' I, nee Shoes, nt Men's $1.50 Union Made Work Shoes, at Twenty-nine styles of the Grover shoes and Oxfords In stork. This shoe Is ex pressly made for TENDER FEET. ARB THEY EASY? ASK THE WOMAN. and Child's $1.50 QQn L.2 Cutting Prices on Fresh Fruits, Fresh Veg etables, Groceries, Dried Fruits, Butler, Cheese and Crackers THREE HOSIERY SPECIALS Ladles' Fancy Embroidered and Lace Hose, in black and colors, regular 60c quality, at, pair, 35c, three pair for .1.00 Ladles' and Misses' Drop blacK only, Z5c quality, at pair Boys' Heavy Ribbed Hose, with knee, heel and toe, regular 19c quality, at pair Stitch Hose, 124c double 124c 21 lbs. Best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar -m Jello or Bromangelon, per pkg 'Vic 1-lb. pkg. Condensed Mince Meat 5c 1- lb. cans Assorted Soups 5c Pint bottle Pure Tomato CatBup 8M1O The best Hand-Picked Navy Beans, Hominy, Farina or Barley, per lb....354C 10 Bars Best Brands Laundry Soap 25c 2- lb. cans Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn 6c 'Mb. cans Fancy Wax or String Beans., tic 2-lb. cans Fancy Lima Beans 6c 1-lb. pkg. Corn Starch 4c 011 Sardines, per can 8c 1-lb. can Fancy Alaska Salmon 8c Choice Santos Coffee, per lb 16c The Finest Tea Sittings, per lb UMiC Fancy California Prunes, per lb 4c Fancy Santa Clara Prunes, per lb 7c English Cleaned Currants, per lb 7"c 8-crown Muscatel Raisins, per lb 74c Fancv California Peaches, per lb 7Vc The Best Lemon, Orange or Citron Peel, per lb 16c Fancy Seeded Raisins, per pkg 7Vc The Best Soda Crackers, per lb 6c Fancy Sweet Cookies, per lb 10c BUTTER AND CHEESE PRICES. Fancy Separator Creamery Butter, equal to anything put up in packages fur much higher prices, per lb 21o Fancy Brick and Llmburger Cheese, per lb l-'fco Fancy Wisconsin Cream Cheese, per lb., loo Fancy New York white Cheese, per lb... lno Neufchetel Cheese, each 3o Sap Sago cheese, each 740 FHESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLE PRICKS. Large Brazil Cocoanut, each $o 2 measures Fresh Roasted Peanuts .... 5o Fancy Imported Figs, per lb 12Ho Fancy Fard Dates bio Fancy, Large Navel Oranges, worth 4oo a dozen, for this sale, per dozen 25o Fancy, Large, Juicy Lemons, per doz..... lUo Lar;s Bunches Fresh Radishes..... 5o Large Cucumbers, each 70 2 Bunches Fresh Beets oo Pieplant, per lb 61 2 Iliads Fresh Lettuce 6o 3 bunches Fresh Onions 6o Fresh Parsley, per bunch 3o Fresh Peas, per quart 10o Large quart boxes Fancy Texas Straw berries 16 HARPER THROWS GAME AWAY Victory of Pittsbnrsr Due to Wildness of Cincinnati Pitcher, FIVE RUNS MADE IN FIFTH INNING Three nits Bunched with Three Bases en Ball Scores of Other Contests on the Diamond. PITTSBURG, April 20 Harper waa wild in the sixth inning,' giving three bases on balls, which, with two singles and a double, gave Pittsburg five runs and the game. Score: prrTBBrna. Cincinnati. B.H.O.A.B. B.H.O.AX. Cljm.r. rt.... 1 0 I 0 Hutnln.. 2b.. 0 110 c(....4 I t 0 0 nrry. It 4 0 0 0 0 Clarke. It.... I 0 10 Oo&rr, lb a 0 0 0 Winr. M...1 0 0 S lsymour. cf . . 3 0 3 p 0 Mulon. lb... 4 111 0 0 rMiahtmr. lb I 13 10 latch, lb ... 4 t t 1 1 Corcoran, u.'. 0 I i 1 Kllch.y. Ib.. 4 lit oiMw.ll, rf . . .. S 111 I'.IU. o s o i v uschlrl. c I 1 0 ,110 11 H.rp.r, p 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Lrncb. p. Ov.rall, p lOUII I II it i Total r 3 24 1 Pittsburg 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 6 Cincinnati 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 04 Two-base hit : Nealon. Three-base hit: Rltchey. Sacrifice hits: Delehanty, Cor coran, Schlel. Double play: Wagner to Rltchey to Nealon. Stolen base: 1-ach. Bases on balls: Oft Lynch, 6; off Harper, 3. Struck out: By Lynch, 2; by Harper, 2: by Overall, 1. Wild pitch: Harper. Passed ball: Feitz. lrt on oases: Pittsburg, 4: Cincinnati. . Hits: Oft Harper. 4. in six Innings: off Overall. S. in two innings. Time: 2:00. Umpires: Carpenter and Klem. At tendance; 2,315. Sfw York Wins One-sided Game. NEW YORK. Aorll 20. The National league season opened at th I'olo grounds today with a rather oner rlded game between the New York and Brooklyn teams. Score: NEW YORK. BROOKLYN. B H O A K H H O A E. Brc.n.h.n. e. I I 4 I 0 Luml.r. rf .. 4 I 0 0 0 0 0 Malnney. ct.. 4 1 0 0 0 Bresnahan, Browne. DotiMo play: Lewis to Hummel to Oessler. Left on bases: New York, 3; Brooklyn, 4. First base on balls: Off Mclutyre, 1; off Doeschec, 2; off Ames, 3. Struck out: Bv Melntyre, 1; by Doescher, 3; by Ames, 6. Time: 1:40. Umpire: O'Day. Attendance, 18,000. Boston Heats Philadelphia. BOSTON, Mass.. April 20 Boston opened the season at home today by winning from Philadelphia bv ast field ing: una nam niiting BOSTON. B.H.O.A.B. Good, of 2 Strnbel, ct.... 1 Tenney. lb... 4 Polnn. rf 3 I Howard. 2b... 3 0 Brain, 3h 4 1 Balra, It 4 I Brldwnll, a... I 2 Nettiham, e. . 3 0 Young, p 4 1 Score: PHILADELPHIA. B.H.O.A E. OThoman, rf... 4 nnicaaon, 2h... 4 3 12 1 0 Smtella. ib.. 4 0 OM.aea. If 4 t 1 1 OTHuii. rf Ill O Hranpneli, lb 4 1 8 1 0 0 Unoltn. ...... 4 I I 1 6 0 Pooln, c 4 0 7 3 0 0 Ktnx, p 3 0 l 5 t u . Total. 34 7 24 15 2 Total... ' .11 10 27 11 0 Boston o 0 0 4 0 0 8 Philadelphia ....0 0 0 0 0 0 3 08 Mar.hali, e... 0 0 Brown, rr. . . a 3 iionlln. cf.... 4 Mrflann, lb.. 4 Mert. If..., I I.hln, ...... 4 Iwvlln. 3h.... 4, 3b... 4 Aim p 4 I 0 oraiey, 3b. 1 0 OOensIrr lb... 10 110 4 111 T I OMrt'artby. If. 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 OLrwIa. u 3 0 4 6 1 t 3 0 Hummel, 2b.. 3 0 7 3 0 3 0 1 0 & 1 0 0 0 0 1110 0Brirn. c. 1 0Jor(tan ... 1 0 Butler, c... Molnlyr. p.. 1 0 0 0 1 ToUl. 33 14 27 11 0 1onhtr, p.. 0 0 i 0 Tot. I. 30 4 34 17 I Batted for Bergen In seventh. New York 2 4 0 1 0 0 1 0 S Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 Two-base hit: Maloney. Three-base hit. Donlln. Hits: Off Melntyre, 7 In three innings; off Doescher, 7 In five Innings. Sacrifice hit: Bergen. Stolen bases. Nil melius potest is Latin lor "Nothing could possihlv be better." Gordon is a shorter way of expressing the same thing. Gordon Hats $3.oo acrinco hit: Brldwell. Three-baso hits: Doolln, Tenney. Stolen base: Dolan. Double plays: Kane to Doolln; Ioclln to Branslleld. First base on balls: Off Kane. 5; off Young, 1. Hit by pitched ball: fiood Struck out: Bv Young 4' by Kane, 6. Passed hall: Needham. Wild pitch: Kane (3). Time: 1:42. empires: Lmslie and Conway. Attendance, 3,210. Standing of the Teams. . Played. Won. Lost. Pet. Boston 7 6 2 714 Pittsburg 6 4 2 'w New York 8 5 3 6"5 Philadelphia 7 4 3 571 C'lilfago g 4 4 .500 Cincinnati 9 4 5 444 1,u'8 6 2 8 '.400 Brooklyn 8 1 7 .125 (lames today: Brooklyn at New York. Philadelphia at Boston. Cincinnati at Pitts burg, St. IxjuIs at Chicago. GAMES IX AMERICAN ASSOCI &TIOV I.oiilavllle Bunches Hits nnd Defeat Minneapolis. LOUISVILLE. Ky., April 20.-Loulsville defeated Minneapolis today bv batting Weisenhurg hard in the fourth inning, after the visitors had made several errors. Score: LOliSVILLK. MINNEAPOLIS. B.H.O.A.K. B.H.O.A. E. vi-rwm, rr...o i 2 u V nav .. rf & 1 1 n 0 0 0 tD Sullivan, rf i 1 3 0 0 J 9 1 v ttan. In 4 0 f 1 i.l fHiitnilnitr, 3b 4 2 0 14 1 OCr.h.m. If... 3 3 0 2 3 11 Knv it. I A a Culnlan. ..... 3 3 0 4 1 ) lr, u 4 1 2 Shaw, c 0 0 2 0 OYfiager. t 2 1 I Bioner. c I 0 4 1 0 Shannon, .... I 2 1 Stech.r, p.... 4 1 0 2 0 W.lwnb'rg pi 0 0 Cohrtng, p... 110 Mv.miw t 11 a ia J Total. to 11 34 14 4 Louisville 0 0 0 7 1 0 0 1 9 Minneapolis 1001010003 Two-base lilts: 8. Sullivan. Davis, Uehr Ing. Shannon. Three-base lilt: Murphy. Sacrifice hits: Quinlan. Hallman. Fox, Gra ham. First hase on bahs: tiff Stecher r off Veixenbur. 2; oft liehiing, 2. Striirk out: By Steelier, 3; by Oehnng. 1. Wild pitch: Welsenburg. Hits: f ft Y elwnburg. f in four innings; off U.-hrlng. i In four Innings. Double playi: Woodruff to Bra shear. Quinlan to Jirashear o Sullivan. uremlnBer to Fox to Hart. Ift on liases: Louisville, ; Minora.) ills, 5. Tlnm- 2 12 Umpire: Owen. Attendance: 1,000, Toledo Mine from Milwaukee. TOLEDO. O., April 20.-Toledo won the third game from Milwaukee S to 1. Can tlllnn was ejected from the grounds for disputing with the umpire. Score: TOLEDO. MILWAt'KER B.H.O.A E. B.H.O.A.B. I u 0 0 Green, rf 3 0 1 0 0 . J l . Mr nr.. cf 4 1 4 0 M.'Chc.r.ry, If I 0 0 IH'lark. 3b I 1 1 0 Batrman, lb. 4 1 10 0 Hoth. r I 1 I 0 Mii'orm'k, 2b I 1 Andrea., u.. I 0 1 Hallman. If. . I 8 Sullivan lb 4 Br.Rhear, 2b.. I Murphy, cf . . . 5 Woodruff, 3b. 4 Caon.ll. ef. Kean. rf.. I.mont, M krug.r, 3b. Knab. lb., Nanc If.. 114 4 .4 0 0 3 3 3 14 .3010 10 0 W. ( lark, lb I 3 11 1 Abbott, c 3 111 Mlnahan. p... 3 0 0 3 OHlrk.y. p. Cum., p 2 o 0 Total. 32 I 27 17 0 . Toledo Milwaukee ... Home run: Keane, Roth. Total. 57 I 24 11 I 1 3 0 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 Abbott. Two base-hits: Bases an balls: OfT It b; on Mlnahan, 7; off Curtis. 1. Struck out: By Hickey. 4; by Mlnahan. 4. Sacra flea bits: Cannell. Nance. Stolen bases: Kreuiter. Cannell, Hoth. Met 'nrmlck. Double plays; Iiemont to Clarke. Hit with pitched ball: W. Clarke, AblMitt (2i, An dreas. Wild pitches: Hhk.-y. 1; Mlnahan, 2. Passed balls: Abbott. Time. :;.. em pire: Sullivan. Attendance: 2.4i7. ( oliubai Wine Close (i.iur. COLUMBIS. O.. April W Flaherty pitched effectively today with mat u rni-T- and Columbus won. Flaherty and Wrlgfey executed a triple play when men were on first and second, Flaherty catching the line hit. Score: COLl'MBt'S. KANSAS CITY. II.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E. Plrkerlnn, of. 4 1 4 0 orrrlni. mi... 3 3 2 3 1 Krlcl. 3b 2 0 1 1 OCamadr, rf... 3 1 S 0 0 Coulter. K. . . , 4 0 0 0 0 Donahue. 2b.. 3 1 0 4 1 Klhm. lb 4 1 0 0 Phyle, If 4 0 2 0 0 Kahl ai 2 0 2 0 Otllll, cf 2 0 4 0 0 Bruce, rf I 0 10 0 Whitney, lb.. 3 112 10 Wrlgley, 2b.. I 1 S 5 0 Burke. 3b.... 3 112 0 Ryan, r 2 0 4 1 0 Sullivan. 0...3 0 2 1 0 Flaherty, p.. I 0 1 4 OFranti, p 3 0 0 3 0 Total. 27 3 27 11 0 Total. 28 72 11 2 Columbus 0 0 O 1 0 0 0 0 12 Kansas City 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Sacrifice hits: Friel, 2; Donahue. First on balls: Off Flaherty, 1; off Frantz, 2. Two base-hits: Wrlgley. Double plays: Wrlgley to Klhm. 2; Donahue to Whitney to Sullivan. Triple plays: Flaherty to Wrlgley. Struck out: By Flahertv. 4; by Franti, 1. Time: 1:15. Cinplres: Egan and Kane. Attendance: 2.313. Hoosler Win Third ftnme. INDIANAPOLIS, April 20. Indianapolis turned the tables on St. Paul today nnd won after having lost the first two games of the series. Score: INDIANAPOLIS. ST. PAUL. B.H.O.A E. II.H.O.A.E. Dunleavy, cf. 3 0 4 0 1 Oeler, If G 2 1 1 0 Carr, rf 4 2 2 0 0 Wheeler, 3b.. 3 10 3 0 Jam., lb 4 1 3 0 0 Van Zant, rf. S 13 0 1 Knthaen, If... 4 2 0 0 0 Krlk. rf 3 1 2 0 0 K.rrell, 2b... 4 2 1 3 0 P.dden, 2b... 4 12 4 0 Burn., 18 1 1 stovall, 2b... 0 0 0 0 0 Haft la. 3b 8 2 2 1 0 Sugden, lb... I 2 11 2 0 Weaver, c 4 112 0 Marriin, .....4 12 2 1 Fl.her, p 4 0 1 4 0 Prill, c. 3 0 I 1 0 Perklnfc p.... 3 0 1 1 0 Total.. ..33 11 27 11 2 Ditch, p 3 0 0 1 0 Total. 54 t 24 17 2 Indianapolis 0 0 0 3 1 1 2 1 S St. Paul 200100200-5 Innings pitched: By Perkins, 3; by Dlsrh. 4,. Hits: Off Perkins, 5; off Dlsch, 6. F .st base on balls: orf Fisher. 3; off Perkins, 1; off Dlsch, 1. Struck out: By Fisher. 3; by Perkins, 1; by Dlsch, 1. Two base hits: James, Raftls. Three-base hit: Wheeler. Sacrifice hits: Cnrr, Raftls, Sug den. Double plays: Padden to Sueden, Weaver to Burns. Stolen base: Frltsk. Passed ball: Drill. Left on bases: Indian apolis, 4; St. Paul, 7. 1'mplre: Haskell. Time; 1:55. Attendance: 1,200. Standing of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. Prct. Louisville 3 3 0 1.0i0 Kansas City ....8 2 1 67 St. Paul 3 2 1 6K7 Toledo 3 2 1 .667 Milwaukee 3 1 2 811 Columbus 3 1 2 333 Indianapolis 8 1 2 333 Minneapolis 3 0 3 O.OoO Games today: Milwaukee st Toledo. Kansas City at Columbus, St. Paul at In dianapolis, Minneapolis at Louisville. ToufVa Comes Saturday. Dick Cooley will have his Topeka In dians at Pa's lot Saturday and Sunday aft ernoons for games with the Omaha West ern league team. The lineup which follows will show some names familiar to Omaha fans, who will be glad of a chance to turn out and guy young Jay Andrews from the bleachers. Jay is a good fellow, but Pa says he will have to show them what a good team can do. Both games called at j:30. uodge win pitch the Sunday game The lineup: Omaha Position. Topeka. Dolan First Cooley Howard Second Downs Perrlng Third Andrews Kunkel Short Beagan Bassey-Fenlon....Left Cole Welch Center Murray tarter Right Graves Gondlng Catch Henry Freese Marx Quick Pitch Damman Sanders Pitch Melnnls McNeely Pitch Chaney Port Pitch Howie Huesser Pitch Isbel Koukaiik Corns Dodge Gam Proline In Errors. IOWA CITY. la.. April 20. .Special Tele gram.) Stillman opened the game In the box for Davenport today and the Collegians fell on him for eight hits and ten runs In the lirbt Inning. Morry Kent clouted out a two-banner. On account of errors the name ended with an even score, 13 to 13. Score: R.H E. Davenport ...0 0 2 1 7 1 1 1 013 13 H I. I' 10 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 013 17 6 Batteries: Stillman. Eul and Bacus; Poyrnrr, Johnson and Kirk. Meet for Am pa hoe. ARAPAHOE. Neb.. April SO 8pclal yearling race at the coursing match at Wil cox, Neb., on Tuesday by Ben, Phillips, with his dog, "Favorite Effort." also a match race against "Patsy Raven." owned by Wal ter Hller of Edgar, the next meeting of the National association will be held at Ara pahoe in the near future. There Is much Interest In this sport manifest nnd Arapahoe will endeavor to outdo Friend. GAMES IX THE. AMERICAN I.BAGCK Washington Wine an Easy Victory from- Boston. WASHINGTON, April 20. Falkenherg to day held the Bostons down to five hits, and Washington won easily. Score: WASHINOTON. BOSTON. B.H.O.A.B. B.H.O.A.K. .3384 OS.Iharh, If... 4 0100 4 2 12 1 4 1 .1 0 2 8 0 3 S 1 3 0 0 1 0 7 0 Kirlm.haw. lb 4 0 10 1 tl 0 0 0 Ferrla Jb. . . . 4 1 3 Mil. Bch.lfly, 2b... 4 0 3 6 0 follln., Sb. Hickman. rf.. 6 1 2 0 0 St.hl. cf.... (Ton., lib ft 4 2 0 OParent, u... Amlerson, If.. 3 4 2 0 OFreem.n, rf Stahl. lb Jones, cf 8 1 1 Heydon. o.... 3 0 7 0 OOr.h.m. c 3 0 8 2 0 F.lkenberf. p 4 0 1 4 0 Winter, p I 1 0 1 0 Gibson, p 1 0 0 0 o ToUls 37 14 27 II 1 Total. 3! ft 34 14 ft Washington 01321012 .10 BoHton 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 Two-base hits: Collins (2), Anderson. Sacrifice hits: J. Stahl, Jones. Stolen base: Nlll. Double play: Falkenherg to Nlll to Stahl. Left on bases: Washington, 6; Bos ton, 6. First base on balls: Off Falken herg. 2; off Winter, 2. Hit with pitched ball: By Falkenherg, 1. Struck out: By Falken herg. 7; by Winter. 1. Hits: Off Winter, 8 in four Innings; off Gibson. 8 In four in nings. Time: 1:50.. Umpire: Sheridan. Attendance: 4,537. Chicago win. First Game at Home. CHICAGO, April 20. The local American league base ball season opened today with a victory for the home team over Detroit by a score of 6 to 1. Score: CHICAGO. DETROIT. B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E. O'Neill, rf... 4 1 2 0 0D. Jonee. cf.,4 10 10 I.bell, cf-2b.. 4 111 OSchaefar, 2b.. 4 t 2 8 t I '.via M 4 I 1 3 0 Melntyre, If.. 2 10 0 0 Donohu.. lb.. 4 0 10 0 0Crafonl. rf . 3 1 0 0 0 K. J one., cf.. I I 3 0 OCoughlln, 3b. 4 0 0 1 0 Dunoon. 2b... 1 111 0 Llndiay, lb.. 4 1 10 2 I Hemphill, If.. 10 10 OO'Leary, tm... 4 0 4 4 0 Rone. 2b 1 0 1 2 0 Warner, o.... 8 0 0 4 0 Sullivan e... I 111 OMullln, p 3 1310 Aluock. p 30110 Total. 81 8 24 18 8 Total. 30 27 11 0 Chicago 200000 3 6 Detroit 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 Left on bases: Chicago, 3; Detroit. 6. Two-base hits: O'Neill, Davis, Lindsay, F. Jones. Sacrifice hits: Crawford. Roho. Stolen bases: O'Neill. Davis. Double plays: Warner to O'Leary, Isbell to Donohue, Altrock to Davis to Donohue. Struck out: By Altrock, 3; by Mullin, 6. First base on balls: Off Altrock. 1; off Mullin. 2. Time: 1:36. Umpires: Hurst and Connor. Attend ance: 14.1(10. Easy Victory for Quakers. PHILADELPHIA. April 20-New York was never dangerous to the home team to day, the champions batting hard and win ning easily. The Philadelphia club's share of today's receipts were contributed to tho fund being raised here for the San Fran cisco sufferers. Score: PHILADELPHIA. AB.H.O.A.E. H.rtael. It... 2 Hoffman, cf . . 8 Brnuthera. 8b S I)vl8, lb.... ft Beybold, rf... ft Murphy, 2b.. ft t'rofls, am 3 Powers, c... 4 Coakley, p... 4 1 1 1 4 2 0 1 12 4 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 0 NEW YORK. AB.H.O.A.E. 0 0 Dougherty, If. ft 1 0 Keeler. rf . 1 2 iClberfeld, H. 0 1 Yeager, u... OWIIIlama, 2b. 0 Lapr.rte, 3b. . IConroy, cf... Ot'haae. lb OKlclnuw, c... Total. Orth, p. ...It 15 27 13 t'H.ha .. Total. 34 ft 24 10 1 Ratted for Orth In ninth. Philadelphia 10010284 11 New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 03 Left on bases: New York, 8; Philadelphia, 7. Stolen bases: Cross, Chase. Two-haw hits: Williams, Conriiy, Hartsel. Three base hit: Davis. Home run: Key bold. Sac ritlce hit: Hartsel. Donblo piny: Hoffman and Davis. Struck out: By Orth, 2; by Coakley, 4. Bases on balls: Off Orth, 5; off Coakley, 4. Passed ball: Kleinow, 1. Time: i hours. I'mplres: Evans and O'Loughlin. Attendance: 3.0KI. Standing of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. Cleveland ... Philadelphia Detroit New York . Washington Chicago Boston St. Louia .... ... 3 .. ti .. 4 .. 6 .. 6 .. 4 . . ti .. 3 0 0 1 .OOti .Hh, .ctlO .fm .5i .600 .1X0 .000 Games today: Detroit at Chicago, Cleve land at St. Ixiuls, New York at Philadel phia, Boston at Washington. SCIIAEFETl WIS CLOSE GAME Wlaaard Defeats Hoy Champion by Narrow Mnrutu. High Slosson . Schaefer Hoppe .. Sutton ... Cure Lost. 1 1 3 2 4 5 4 Hun. 153 171 177 134 loo 2 14.; High Average. 21 17-23 31 4-l 27 7-9 I on 2 17-23 15 4-35 24 G-15 Help Your Stomach The chief cause of Indigestion and Stom ach Trouble is the failure of the glands to properly secrete tha normal digestive fluids. This suppression of the secretions b usually due to the circulation in the glands becoming clogged with the jelly like form of uric acid, lllf the circulation thus clogged and WW I 111 the secretions suppressed, artifi cial digestives can at best give but temporary relief. Stimulants at first give relief, but afterwards the re-action is so depressing that they make the case chronic, and the user a slave to the stimulant. For anything like satisfactory results, the normal secretions must be restored. To do this the uric acid must be cleared from the blood. E-lfm-i-nfi u vTevwi for th. Ill 1 1 I 1 1 V express purpose of dissolving from the blood the jelly-like form of uric acid. By doing this E lim-i-no not only restores normal digestion, but also im proves the circulation and general nutrition. Ask your Druggist for E lini i no, 1 2-os. bottle l. Accept nothing else. Fre Book of 64 pages by Dr. E. C. Scott on the Elimino Treatment with each bottle, or sent by mail on request. Mediums Co Dm Molnsa, la. Won. 4 4 8 4 3 Morningstar 1 Cutler 2 NEW YORK, April 20. Jacob Schaefer of Chicago defeated Willie Hoppe of this city in the twentieth game of the lpter natlnnal billiard tournament tonight by a score of M) to 4S8. When Schaefer finished his nineteenth Inning he had only six to go to win the game. Hoppe had one last chance with 155 to get to win, and for the next twenty minutes he gave an exhibition of nerve and skill that has never heeu equaled in any billiard contest in this city. On his lttith shot he missed a difficult kiss shot, ending his run at 145. Scaefer then ended the game. Score: Schaefer 0, 0, 4, 18, 60, 0, 16, 0, 2S, 8, 171. 10. 5, 39, 14, 59, 35, 42, 0, 6; total, 5(J0; high run, 171; average. 15. Hoppe IS, 2o, 22, 1, 11, 0, 1, , 67, 46, 11. 41, 8. 61, 8. 1, 0, 20. 145; total, 48S; high run, 145; average. 25 13-19. Km ay for Uncoln Lr.intra. , LINCOLN. Neb., April 20. (Special Tele gram.) The Havelock Boilermakers, an amateur team of some pretensions, could not make matters interesting today fo Ducky Holmes' Bryanltes. the leaguers winning by a score of 7 to 0. Kvler and Harmon were both In fine fettle, the ama teurs getting only two safeties and noth ing coming close to a run. The score: R.H E. Lincoln 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 7 11 1 Havelock 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 Batteries: Eyler, Harmon and Zlnran; Schleffele and Wood. Five Straight for Slonx. VERMILION. 8. D April .-(Special Telegram. Sioux City won the llt'th straight game from the State university today, 10 . to 2. Orr allowed sixteen hits. Batteries: University, Orr and Johnson; eioux City, Jackson and O'Neill. School Too Murh for Town. SCHUYLER, Neb.. April 20 -(Special Tel egram.) The Schuyler school basket ball team tonight deteatrd the Schuyler team by the score of 20 to . The game was re markable for Its roughness. Mportlns; Brevities. Stone made two hits Wednesday for Pt. Louis and in Thursday's game made three of the five hits made by St. louis, Koehler making the other two. The splendid showing made by Oelghtou should make some of the other in iijhb.iriii teams sit up and take notice. The team fielded fast and outhit the Omaha team. It begins to look as If Omaha would have some trotting races this summer. TI14 bew BrfcinnaiUa will taJta m A CORRECTION In last night 's Boo a manufacturer's stock of Taffeta, Jap Silk and Lace Shirt Waists were advertised at $1.50. It should have read $1.95 and at that price are the greatest bargains ever offered. HAYDEN BROS. street park and lease It to the Omaha Driving club for gentl. men's matinees. With the grand stand rebuilt and the sta .. u i ..,.i im trMck wiiiened and Mies iiai u jj .,,.. .,. , - - put in shape, the association will have as good a place tor tnc nomine; 'i 41 u-c-any one. t-:.i. It ... 1.M..M nlnh unri CoillltrV t nil kimi n l wc . ....... - ----- club and South Omaha Country club and Jllller I'arK ciun aim iaiiitiv golfers will have plenty of ground for keeping busy. What will happen to Rourkc when Jay Andrews comes to town Is a tale which will have to be told after the game Sat urday afternoon. Jav and Dick have sworn to take back the scalps of the former chaiu- P1U"S- . . Ml U A game of ball what Is a game will be played Sunday afternoon at 3:M on the old circus grounds nt Twentieth and Paul streets between the pressmen and stereo typers of The Bee and the World-Herald. The game will be a continuation of the games played last year, when The Bee won from all comers. The team for 1 he Bee has been announced, but the manage ment of the World-Herald refuses tu reveal its players before tho call of the umpire. The lineup of The Bee Is: Dlrr. catcher; Snowden, pitcher; Harper, shortstop; Jan sen, first; Brlel, second: Minny. third; Con rad, right; Imley, left, and (iricb. center Held The umpires will be Miller and Sulli van. Friends of the conflicting elements are Invited to be present with ambulances. EVANS TELLS OF ACCIDENT Admiral Issues a nencrnl Order Tclllna; ot Disaster on the Kearsarte. NEW YORK. April 20. A cable dispatch to the Herald from Calmanera, Cuba, hays Rear Admiral Evans, commander-in-chief of the Atlantic fleet, has Issued this gen eral order: The commander-in-chief regrets to has-e to inform the lleet of a definable acci dent which occurred on board the H '' sarge on the afternoon of Friday, April is, l!i, on the target grounds off Cape Cruz. Cuba, ss a result of which two officers and seven men lost their lives and live other men were serlouslv burned, while unloading the left thlrteen-lnch gun. which had ben left loaded at the end of a run over the target range. Three sections of tho powder charge, which had been laid on the turret floor were accidentally Ignited hy molten metal caused bv a short circuit In the rut-ofT switch of" the circuit for supplying current to tho electric rammer. Full Investigation and report will he made by a court of Inquiry, now sitting, ami the facts ascer tainable Indicate iliat every detail relating to the way in which the accident occurred will be known. The commander-in-chief extends to the captain, officers and men of the K aiur;e Ms sympathy at the loss of life and ln!u--e-a sustained on board that ship. The eir.'iini Rtances Immediately following the disaster, however, nave such an exhibition of disci pline, self-sacrifice sitd heroic conduct that one must be proud of belonging to a service which furnishes such officers nnd such men. Hheuiuutlc I'aiua Itelleved. The quick relief from rheumatic pains afforded by Chamberlain's I'aln Balm has surprised and delighted thousands of suf ferers. It makes rest and sletp possible. A great many have been permanently cuted of rheumatism by the use of this liniment. Holdlrra for Minera' felrike. SIlAIkl.ONS. France. April 20. Eleven battalions of Infantiy and several squad rons of cavalry have left here for Lens in connection with toe miners strike. FINE FOR RAILWAY MEN Darius Miller and C. G. Burnham Assessed Ten Thousand Dollars. BURLINGTON ROAD FINED FORTY THOUSAND In Federal Court at Chicago Men and Corporations Are Found Guilty of Granting; Illegal Rebates. CHICAGO, April 20 The Chicago, Burl ington & Qulncy railroad, Darius Miller and Claude G. Burnham, officials of tha road, were found guilty today In the fed eral court of grunting rebates In viola tion of the law. The railroad corporation was fined Jlo.OfO and the two officials JlO.tiOO each. TRAIN CREW MISTAKES ORDERS Result In Collision In Ahleh On Man la Killed nnd Another Injured. B1ERIDAN. Wyo., April 20 (Special Telegi am.)--Freiglits Nos. 4ti and io collided three miles west of Arvada at 6 o'clock this morning. Fireman C. H. Hoffman was killed outright, Fngineer M. K. Howe badly Injured. The accident was caused by the engineer and conductor on 46 reading cancelled order IS annulling 45, applying It for the l!Hh. Both engines were disabled, also ten cars smashed. The accident oc curred on a steep grade and delayed traffic several hours, vjlowe was a new man and it was Hoffman's first trip. Superintendents rhelan and Blacken accompanied the wrecking train to the scino of the accident. IfZB 15. . frT,Wl' loco. v. 9Mi iiK'iM'-l uiica, west Am t ii rAAf ctiintc "Jl nve 'be ou.ili'y, aparaoce and ''fyf weari.ig atiiiuies of custom made -l".' t L:. 1... ( . . 1 I garmei.u. nuc ui lwivi lamina. On and off l-ke a coat. $1.50 and more ClUETT. PEABODY A. CO. U uaaiiv-uu4iaanuitoWgIai