Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 16, Image 16
16 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, AmiL 21, 1000. - 5 v V 5 4 Saturday, Underwear Dau 1 Immense stock of high grade ladies' Summer Underwear i.ctadinK Entire Sample Linos Fron,f.vy. Porter& Oo.U This Is the leadiuz underwear manufacturer In New York. Wc bo'ighif all his fine samples to- gether with all the odd lota from the factory. The prices will be far below their real value. Buy your summer underwear Saturday. Ladle' Fine Cotton Vesta Taped j Ladles' Fine Cotton Vesta and armholes and neck, ! Panta all sizes, 1 each O2C I t , UC Ladle Lisle and Cotton Vesta, rants and Union Suite hand crocheted trimmed f ! all sizes, at, each mDC 'Ladles' nighest Quality Veste and Pants Silk mercerized rests, fancy crocheted necks and 1 arms, silk ribbon trimmed, finest quality of llale m and fancy cotton very special bargains, at, ea. ..35c49c-69c I Ladies' L'nlon Salts All made with short sleeves, j knee leneth, with umbrella or cuff knee made j ' of the finest lisle and fancy cotton, a suit , 49c-69c GREAT HOSIERY SALE In Our New flosleru Section Ladles', Men's and. children's hosiery In plain black and fancy colors, ribbed or flat weave, all sizes on big bargain square, at, per pair l2lcA5c Ladies Imported Iloeiery Made of the finest lisle and Maco cotton, full fashioned foot many all over lace and lace boot effects all new arrivals for spring and summer wear, at, pair 25c-35c LADIES' SILK AND LISLE FABRIC GLOVES These are the favorite gloves for spring and summer wear, white and all colors, they are " cool and extremely dressy, all the spring's newest SZf 5 effects, at glove counter, for, pair..... a-OC-JUC h Ladles Kid Gloves Newwit shades In kid gloves for tret and evening wear ths lat eat two and three clasp effects leading- foreign f Crt M brands, pair .... "'"i Long Kid Gloves In black and col or, made of the beat selected kid 12 and 16 button lengths at, per pair $2.00 up to $3.50 Ladles Neckwear Ladles' pretty new stocks, tabs, turnover collars and collar and cuff sets, pretty lace and em broidery trimmed, fifty new styles on bargain square worth up to if......l0c-15c In Our Sheet Music Dept. 1 Musical Instruments We are showing a splendid variety of Instrument and every one selling at a bargain price Music supplies, muslo rolls, strings, etc., at 2 lowest possible prices. - Quality is First witH us. Some butchers don't care, and eay any kind of meat will do not so with us for quality Is first and that's why we con tinue to hold the finest trade In Omaha. Our customers know good meat and won't have any thing else. We buy only the choicest native steers sold In the city but no matter whether lt'g Beef, Pork, Mutton, Lamb. Veal or Poultry you can always rely on getting the very choicest at the CENTRAL MARKETS 16th and Harney Sts. 16th and Capitol Ave. Telephone 2890. Telephone 1706 PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST. tl I Gold Storage Whits Ensmaled tod Glass Trap Refrigerators. Wa nu the as. 00 to $1440 ts at ta.OO per moatk, U SlB-OO to $31.00 iimi at S3. DO par month and tae SJS.00 to $38.00 lUil at $4.00 ft aaontav a cat prlo (or cash. The Cold Storage la Mr. Kurd's, the (rent refrigerator builder, latest in vention. Mr. llurd Is the Inventor of the Glass Trap that Is found only la the Cold Storage, lie is also the in veutor of Mineral Wool and the Cold Pry Air Circulating Kystem which one only finds in the Cold tttoraga. Wa sold the Cold Storage last year to capitalists, professional men and so . ctety women simply because they knew Mr. Hard s reputation as a re frlgerator builder. 1 r MICHIGAN GASOLINE STOVES. PBOrXJi are sauatd at the bnsU aees of las auofelf aa Oaaolia tore. It U H annan different from say ether. We seU the antoMf-an at $4.00 per monta fes toe $8.00 to $14.00 stsee and Sa.uo hi uonta fo ik tia.oo to aao.00 aissa oi a ant prloe This cut shows the burner of the Michigan Gasoline Stove. The burner la as much different and superior to the burner of any other stove as a high-grade steel range Is different and superior to a common cook stove. It Is as large In diameter as the cover of a steel range. It is perfectly flat and covered with little cones. Each cone has two Jets and each let make a clear, blue flame half Inch high. For frying meats, eggs, potatoes, making griddle cakes or heating sad Irons It Is so far superior to any other that there is no comparison. Other dealers have quit selling gaso line stoves because they cau't sell against It. THE 8T0ETZEL STOVE CO., South 16th Street. After -Easter i Reductions ON Ladies' Suits COATS AID MILLINERY AT Omaha Suit Co Succeseor to jg-l-iftii"M..JMB,,,M ' " I'fBI'iWIIiJUiiBaE Children's Shoes The teason why we sell ao many Shoes for Children is simply because we supply the Children's needs better than others do. Every requirement Is anticipated. TIT 8HAPE X.OOK8 WXAJL, We've a large variety of shapes and sizes. The use of special lasts of our own invention and the selec tion of the best materials make our children's Shoes desirable. All Suitable Leathers, in Lace and Button Shoes, uxrords and Ties $1.25 to $2.00. According to Bias. FRY SHOE CO. The Shoers, Uth and Doaglas Sts. Talcum Powder We have just received a big stock of Colgate's Violet Talc and Col gate's Cushmere Bouquet Talc, which we are Belling at 15c per can (new style). Samples free to ladles, Iludmet's Violet Talcum.. .. 50c Mennen's Talcum Powder 15c SchlefTelin's Talcum Powder... 15c Bryant's Talcum Powder 10c Pond's Extract Talcum Powder 20c Bamtal Talcum Powder 20c Garland Talcum Powder (pink) 25o Howell's Foot rowder.... 25c Howell Drug Co., ' 16th and Capitol Ave. Bee Want Ads Produce Result? A Sure Sin of Spring When the boys get our their tops you can rest aaured that spring time Is here, and when you buy your BOYS' SHOES of us, you can depend on It that they will wear well and satisfy you la every reepect. Nearly everybody knows the values of our bays' shoes If you have never tried a pair, bring the boy In Saturday and let us Ct mm. Boys' sixes, 10 to f2-00. Little gents' slses, 10 to 13& ll-SO. Satisfaction or your money back. Drexel Shoe Co. U19 Farnaro Street. DEPUTt BTATl VsTTKJU N AJLLA-N. H. L RAMACCIOTTI. D. V. S cm VKlCiUtlBUI. Office and infirmary, M aad Maaoa gta. , . 'f e Hre Willing to prove to y6u that we have on sale better values in Mens Suits at and than you can get any other place on earth. Special Blue Serge Suits Single or Double Breasted All Wool-Well Made Up Solid Shape-Retaining Hair f ' vxvvu aavuw. A'lv o v owiva gV $12.50. Sale price, u . t im Hum i in i mu i l b . Guarantee Clothing Co., 1519 and 1521 Douglas Street. 2L -,,T. :. ;":, "znm 'zzr merjf Headquarters for Popular Priced Millinery 1508 Douglas St. MS SHOWING HUNDREDS of Now, Pratty MILAN, CHIP and TUSCAN BRAID SAILORS In White, Champagne, Black, Burnt, Blua and Brown Col ore AT POPULAR PRICES. Extraordinary Sale Saturday THE GRANDEST DISPLAY of Exqulalte DRESS and PATTERN HATS AT POPULAR PRICES avar ahown In Omaha. Gee Ours Before You Buy. Get Prices. 32. Waist Sets and Handy Pins specially adaped for Elbow eiecvea we've Just s;ot In a beautiful line of these sooda. Don't cost much either. kC wa show them to youTy Msjrw.4TXa?.i.?2ia Brow n s Bo rsheim ; ?J JEWELERS riZZZ 5outh l62Street,0maha.j d Sand fe I0OA (atalodua ( r-tjo; isfjys 0UmM lirJsTTsiy m mfm DON'T WAIT I I NTIL the rush aeason is la full w blast and then bava to put up with possible delays. Order that new Spring Suit or Over coat today. Make your selection while the assortment la complete. Over 1.0U0 styles. Trousers, $5 to $12 Suits. $20 to $50 UOTKL9. (TWhen in ChicagoTI Stop at The I! tV-' ? I Stratford Hotel European Plan Refined, Elegant. Onlet Located eor ner of city's two Dnrat boulevards, convenient to entire builnesa center. CIoes to best theatrea and hopping' dUtrlct. 225 rooms, 150 private batba; luxarioua writing and reception rooms; woodwork mahogany throughout; brass bed and all modern comforts; telephone In every room; beaadful dining; looms the best ot everything at moderate prices. w-. zJr C!SSlTr!l22sS3 W1LUAM JCRREM8' SONS. Hotel Kupper Kansas City Missouri t. '"""1SV(. to This SDasalSoaot sw koUl kaa SOS bMattral Msi, u4 u locld st Ilia aoS VcOm KrMt U th. hopping aistrlct. Oalr hall a blook from u. Bmurr. Sire. Tbarw 4f7 sss uni Mf .11 th. UM.lra lOO private ktka Telesttaeaes la all rosais Caexeelled Cafe Cul.lae tlot aa4 cold rssclsi water la vers- room n ku .neolous lobby us luaat sartara wdltig a4 wrttlsi ruoua 1 to-4 per Day Eraa Flam ay KUPPKR-BKXSO!T HOTEli CO. r. a. Buasosj. Watch lor' the Great Undermaslin Sate Monday TMB RELIABLK STARE Watch for the Great Sale of Muslin Underwear Monday In Laying Clothes Plans If you make our store the basis of your clothes operations, our elothoa tho founda tion of your ideas, you'll be as well dresed as man can be and at a very small expense. Thorough reliability is our watch word, and when you buy here you're sure of newest style, artist io workmanship and finish and quality that's sure to give per fect satisfaction. SPRING SUITS In complete assortment of newest styles, materials and patterns the best clothes proposition in Omaha, f A AA at $18.00, $15.00, $12.50 and. . I Us UU MEN'S CRAVENETTES The most deservedly popular overcoat ever produced looks well at all times. In selecting it, be sure it's a rain coat and not one in name only. You'll find rain coats here in fact as well T PA as name, at $15, $12.50, $10 and JU MEN'S PANTS An unmatched assortment of patterns, materials and colors, unequaled values at $3.50, $2.50 I (IP ItsSaS and. Drug Department Specials Hygienic Tooth Wash 10c Cold Cream 10c Fountain Syringes, 39c and 49c Combination Syringes .79c-89c Talcum Powder 5c Perfume, per oz . . 15o Bulb Syringes ;...25o Beef, Iron and Wine 25o iHIAVDIEEv! BRS. THE LAUGE GROCERY CO. Meats Saturday Special Meats Have you ever gotten Meat from our MarketT If not, you had better start in NOW, and give us a trial, because we can satisfy everyone- We Handle the very best and sell at the lowest prices. Good Bolllns; Beef, lb...... 3V4o Chuck Roast, lb 6c to 80 Round Steak, lb..: 9c Sirloin Bteak, lb 10o Porterhouse Steak, lb 10o Pork Loins, lb llo Hams, lb 9o fikinned Sugar Cured Hams, lb..l2Ho iArd, (the bit), 8-lb. can 2ho I-ard, (the best), 6-lb. can 45o Bacon, lb Mhio GROCERIES. 21 lbs. fine Granulated Sugar $100 Uneerta. Biscuit, S pkgs. for 10c I. B. C. Biscuits, 8 pkgs. for 10o Vanilla Wafers, lb ..12Ho Soda and Oyster Crackers, Ginger Snaps, lb.. .60 Force, pkg ...10o Evaporated Prunes, lb 7Ho 8-lb. can California Peaches, (packed In heavy syrup), can 1-VjO 8-lb. can California Apricots, Pears and Plums, (packed In heavy syrup), can'-io Dates, 1-lb. pkg 5c Figs. H-lb. pkg 20 Raisins, (seeded), 1-lb. pkg., full weight Oranges, sweet and iulcy, dox 15c Lemons, large and juicy, dos 12o Fancy Creamery Butter, lb Jo Fancy Country Roll Butter, lb....20o SOAP. SOAP. Diamond "C," Beat 'Em All" and Lenox, 10 bara for Ao THE LAUGE GROCERY CO., Twenty-fourth and Cuming Streets. Tlphon 1530 Douglas 3223. a i - mi T 1 1 T I "" 'i n.., v. Simv tiMtfffllffi fBtSIBID fflififfi& L . -s Attention is directed to the splendid new equipment of electric lighted daily trains, Omaha and Council Bluffs to Sioux City, Mankato, St. Paul and Minne apolis via THE fJORTH-UESTERN LINE Buffet-smoking and. library car, splendid Pullman drawing room sleeping cars and free reclining chair cars of the latest type, with all modern travel conven iences; train new from the shops and brilliantly lighted by electricity, leaves Omaha daily 8.28 p. m. , Electric reading lamps in every section and drawing room and in the buffet-library car. Electric curling iron heaters in the ladies' dressing rooms. Breakfast a la carte in buffet library car. The North-Western Line is the direct line to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Superior, Duluth, Ashland and the Lake Superior country. Two trains daily leave Omaha 7.50 am and 8.28 pm. Sleeping car reservations and full information concerning rates and schedules on application at TICKET OFFICES: 1401-1403 ramam StraaL 4 o r Y"6y u Where Land Yields Twice Its Cost in the First Tear nDnDDaannaand Will you, Mr. Fanner, it yon find it a bard matter to much more than "maka ends meet" just reason out this propo- Paitionr The land in South Platte Valley, Colorado, yields 20 tons of sugar beets to the acre every year sure crop, never a failure. Choice land ready (or plow (nor averages $40 ter acre. 40 acres. costing $1000.00 will yield 800 tons of sugar beets a year worth fl $4,000.00. And the Sugar Factory on the ground will contract M y right now to pay you $5.00 a ton for all the beets you can raise Q tor J years ana a neia superintendent oi tne sugar tactory win visit you several times a week to give you the beneht of experience , m uoci tuiiuie auu ucip yuu luaisu yivyi lueiuuui iv iujuiv v- mm ton-to-the-acre crops. M mm Will you just sit right down now and write to tha m UNIUN t-'AUII-IU rim M. nWh:. for their South Platts Valley folder full of valushl Information thatwill enable " Oaisesaa any wim acrtcairurai aiponeac. a muecapiiai sua plenty ot uuiut w mm -'ac'T? Ticket orr.rE. 3i r.r..-. it. nrinnnMnpnnnnHnnnnli avt ea esses pas aoaa a .g.p mim ss IM tse Ba. cr so a. 'iomm.