Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 13, Image 13
TUB OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1906. 13 B5H .JUT- GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Hit Toboeg&n Slid, but Be coren 8oms. MAY DECLINES THREE-EIGHTHS FOR DAY em, 77c; May. July. T9V; Sept-m- . per, OATH-To arrive, on track and May, BHt BARLEr-J7f45c NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS XKW 1 OR K CKKR4L mark:T Market arioaa ft Di-miid Sot Bo Go Mar Weather Ideal Reports ( lour rent Higher, nd FavorableCora d a Previous Crop OMAHA. April 3, 19n6. Wheat was wak. Opening price were ': lower. Argentina snipmenta were larger than expected and had a weakening eTe t. May reached on the decline, IV Iwluw yesteiday's resting point. Tim market rallied on covering by shorts and closed at i loss on May for the day. The cash demand not as rood aa yesterday and two ot the large northwest mills were reported to have tlosrd. Weather la Ideal and crop reports are frtvorable. Corn wan unusually strong, the May op tion einlng lc h,glir. Cablea came higher, receipts were light and the cash demand was g'od at lc higher figure. The close was near the top. July and Beptember r.howecl no snap, though prices were 'jo lilgher for July. The congestion In May keepa that option nervous, and aa trade Is 1'ght prices move rapidly either way. Oats were firm and closing prices were o hie her. Liverpool cloned lower on wheat nnd Vyd higher on corn. Argentina wheat shipments were $.248,000 bu.. against 2,744,000 bu. tha previous week and lMi, bu. last yenr. Corn receipts were 414, bu., against 262,000 bu. last week and Z'.'"X bu. last year, Primary wheat receipts were 280.009 bu. and shipments 1(2,000 bu. Corn receipts were 23fl,oo bu. and shipments 1.063,014 bu. The clearances were 17,657 bbls. flour, 4,000 bu. corn, and 20,000 bu. oats. Local range of options: Articles.! Open. High. I Low. Close.l Yea'jr. Wheat- j J j j May... WiRI 73 B 7JH 72iA T3'4A July... 71 B 71B 71 B 71',A 71. Corn May.,. 42i4B,43V4fig CViB 43'i 42N.A July... 4iHAI 42.,A 41A 41,B 41H Oats May 31 A -A asked. B bid. Omaha. Cash Kales. WHEAT No. J, 1 oar. 73c: No. 4. 1 car. 72c Omaha Cash Prlcea. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 7477c: No. 1 hard, 72473c: No. 4 hard, 45&72c: No. 2 spring. 73fy76o; No. 1 spring, 70i72c. CORN No. 3, 44c; No. 4, 4243c; no grrade, S f 42c; No. I yellow, 44c; No. 3 white, 45o. OAT3 No. S mixed, 80 c; No. 8 white, 31c; No. 4 white. 30(j31o. 11 TK No. 2, 66c; No. 8, 64 c. Car Lot Receipts. Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis Omaha Duluth bt. Loula .... Wheat. Corn, 1 . 49 .US . 4 . 44 . 4 60 24 29 '45 Oats. 90 CHICAGO URAI.X AXD PROVISIONS Fratnres of the Trading: and Closing; Prices on Doard of Trade. CHICAGO, April 20. Excellent progress by growing wheat, ss Indicated In numerous reports received here today, Induced free profit-taking In wheat and caused a weak market. At the close the May delivery was off ribc Corn was strong, the May option closing with a net gain ot lj?lo. Oats were up He. Provisions were from 2c to 74o lower. 1 he wri rhcat market was weak all day. A report by a Minneapolis expert claiming that this year's crop of fall sown wheat will be the lnrgest on record Increased tho selling pressure. The close was fairly steady. May opened Wj-o lower at "!Vy 79c, sold oft to 79o and closed at 7W 78o. Clearances of wheat and flour were aaai to U,oou bu. Exports for the week as shown by Bradstreet'a were equal to l,800,0uo bu. Primary receipts were 380.000 bu., as compared with a holiday last year. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 2.18 cars, aa against a holiday one year ago. The corn market was strong all day. Shorts In the May option were extremely anxious to cover, and the price of that delivery advanced fully lc. Lively shipping and export demand and small country ac ceptances were the chief reasons for the anxiety of shorts. The market closed strong and near the highest point of the day. May opened i;c higher at 4oJft464e. advanced to 410 and closed at .4iB47c. Jocal receipts were 80 cars, with four of contract grade. The strength of corn had a steadying effect on the oats market. May opened a shads lower to a shade higher at 32 32c. sold up to 32f332e and closed at 32VaS2;S,c. Local receipts were 90 car. Provisions were a trifle easier. At the close July pork was oft 60 at $16.27. lard was down at I.S.75 and ribs were 2c lower at S.82Vi. , Estimated 1 (-ceipts. for tomorrow: Wheat, none; corn. 111 cars; oats, 135 cars; hogs, l't.i00 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: (tuotatloaa of tho Day Commodities. NEWTORK, April 20.-FLOUR-ReCJpts, 14.4:4 bbls.i exports, 1 bbls. Market tlrm and nominally higher; Minnesota pat ents, I4 25U4.); Minnesota bakers, 13 4T 3.i'5; winter patents. H.WtM.iio; winter straights, $3.70oli)u: winter extra", V-i 8.35; winter low grades.'&3.34. Rye tluur, steady; fair to good, S3..&U.4.90; cholc to furiy,'g 4 10. CORNMEAL Firm: fine white and yel low, tl.20; coarse. I1.07&1.09; kiln dried. $2-60 ((2.70. RYF-Steady; No. 2 western, 70o asked, f. o. b. N-w Vork. BARLEY Firm; feeding, 46o. f. o. b. New urk. WHEAT Steady; No. 1 red, 9oo f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, Sc f. o. b. alloat. Options opened 7-li-i lower, under adverse cables, bearisn northwest receipts, large Argentina exports and fine wcainer, advanced on covering and May manipulation, weakened again under bear ish Modern Miller report and closed steady "t Vtf-S decline. May closed, fettle; July, S4 44 Vltic, clo.ed MUc; September, mtt tJ U-ltic, closed CORN Keceinta 62.350 bushels, exports. 4S.3X9 bushels. Spot market tlrm; No. 2. 67c nominal elevator and t4iO 1. o. o. anoat No. 2 yellow. 66.c: No. I white. WW, Option market opened irregular and ruled firmer on small receipts. Uftht country offerings and commission house demand had the same effect. The close was steady at an advance of '4 to a decline of May, GSHGWc closed 64c; July. WVffSSHo, closed U'c; September, 63VtfMSc, closed. 63nc: December closed 660. OAT8 ReceiDts. 100.600 bushels: exports. J5.2M bushels: market steady: mixed. 2f to 32 pounds, 374c; natural white, 30 to 83 pounds, SSVkc; clipped white, 88 to 40 pounds, HAY Firm; shipping, 036c; good to choice. 9Sc'uJ1.00l HOPS ntendv: state, common to choice. 105 crop, 101j14c; 104 crop, 7iJWo: olds. 6'8"o. Paclfio coast, 1j6 crop, &ul3o; 1904 crop, 79 8c; olds, 41t5o. HIDES Firm: Galveston, 20 to 26 lba, 24 to 30 lbs., 19a. I.KATHKR Firm! scld. tfMH'inV,n. PROVISluNS Beef, steady; family, til 60 'S13.00: mess. I9.0mr 0.00: beef hams, la.wj 21.60: packet. 110.5041 11.00: city extra India mess, l8.iyJT 18.50. Cut meats, firm; pickled bellies, Jw.IfulO.fiO; pickled shoulders, 7.50; pickled hams, $11.0011.60. Lard, easy; western steamed, 88.90; refined, quiet; continent. 19 20: South America. J10.00: com- fiound, t.Oora.W. Pork, steady; family, 18 50. TALLOW-Steady; city, 64c; country, 6H RICE-Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 3 Sc; Japan, nominal. BUTTER Firm: street prksa, tra creamery, 2l?T21Hc; offlclal pces, creamery, common to extra, 14co121o; held, 14S19Hc4 renovated, common to extra. IKolsc: western factory, common to first, 13!r.i'c; western imitation cream, erv. firsts. 17c. CHEESE Firm; state, full cream, large and small colored and white fancy, l4Wo; state good to prime 1314c; state, common to fair, lirql30. EGGS Steady; western firsts, 18c: west ern seconds. llWctl'tMc: southerns, WSlSc. POULTRY LJve. stead v: young roosters. 12rs fowls. 13c; turkeys, 13c: dressed steady; turkeys, 1318c; fowls, U(513c.. St. Louis General Market, BT. LOt'IS. April 20. WHEAT Lower; No 2 red cash, elevator. 87(⁣ track, Wu 97c; May, 7Vo; July, 75TVtf ic; No. bard, SOfSfic. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, nominal; track. 604ifi,c: May. 45c: July. 44 c. OATfr-i'lrm; No. 2 cash. 32c; track, 33c: May. 81!c: July. 31!c: No, 2 white, Is6c. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, 84.20 4.50; extra fancy and straight, 83.7OV4.10; clear, ;.'.&ir3:!.sw. SEED Timothy, steady; 8250(a!.80. CORN'MEAL Steadv: 82.36. BRAN Steady, sacked, east track, 96o fill Oil HAY Higher: timothy, $14.00(317.00; pral. rle. $11.6ti((jU.50. IRON COTTON TIES $1.01. BAGGING SM.C. UK MP TWINE 7M,c. PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing, $16.10. Lard, lower; prime steam, $8.22i. n salt meats, steady: boxed extra snorts, $9.u0; clear ribs, $9.2i; short clears, $9.87H Baoon. steady; boxed extra shorts, $9.76; .1.., llii short clear. 310.124. POCLTRY Firm: chickens, llc; tur- vv, if;.. Hiifka. 12c: aeese. 7c B UTTER Dull; creamery, l&So; dairy, 14ft 18c. IVlfifl Rteadv at 13Wc. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbl 8.CKW 8.000 Wheat hu .24.000 88.000 Corn, bu 45.00O 47.000 Oats, bu 80,000 94,000 Begpondi Fromptly to Taken to Support It. Meuarea FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES LOWER Prospect t aases of I m porta Ad- Addltlonal Gold till Farthor e aad Close la Firm. NEW YORK, April 20. Tha effectlTo re sponse of today s stock market to trie measures of Sunnort accorded It awaa- ened the hope that necessitous liquidation on account ot tne California calamity wih about concluded for the present at tha esst. The fact that the selling pressure re laxed when the declining tendency of prices was arrested pointed to the con clusion that tha liaufdation was running Into the hands of those prompted by ap prehension of tha fall In prices rather man by necessity or realising money re sources. The measures for support were especially vigorous in Union Pacific with food effect upon tne wnoia market. wnei he decline In prices was fairly checked and a recovery to about last night's level had followed, the character of tna buying became more conservative and the volume of the dealings diminished considerably from the rate of activity ever sine thj first news of the earthquake was re ceived. The money market hardened do- cldedly both for call and time loans, but the recovery In the stock market con tinued in spite of this development. The prospect or a strong marKei to morrow still clayed a part In this In difference to the action of tha market. The market for foreign exchange wse ractlcally demoralised and the violent ownward blunge in tha rate gave as surance ot large aauiuunai goiu unyvna, $8,250,000 being announced before the close. The principal faotor in the break in tha exchange market was believed to be the obligations created against foreign fire Insurance companies by claims for losses In California. The Inward move ment of gold is expected to help offset the special California requirements for the 8 resent. The large gold eugagoments In uced renewed buying late in the day and the highest prices were made in tho nnai nour. I'ronc taaing naa a anifni effect on the closing tone, which was, however, near the best. Bonds were neavy. xoiai saies par vaiuu, $2,620,000. United states bonds were ail uncnangea on call. Mew York otoca cx- sIm. High. Law. !!i44iio liftii 107' tion of French exchange. The tone cm the stock exctaange was gloomy on account of the calamity at San Francisco and re mained dull almost throughout the day. There was a better filing toward the end and the market closed quietly steady. Con sols were depressed on account of fears that tho Insurance companies would be obliged to realise on their holdings and closed a fraction above the lowest quotations. Home rells were heavy. Japanese Imperial ba of li4 were quoted at 11V PARIS, April 2" Prlcrs on the bourse to day wer firm. The new Russian loan was quoted at $ per cent premium. Russian Im perial 4s were quoted at U.!0 and Russian bonds of 1904 at K. MERLIN, April 20. The trading on the bourse today was not of a noteworthy character. Boston Stocks aad Bonds. BOSTON. April 20-Call loans, 6:37 cent; time loans, 6t per cent, closing on stocks and bonds: per official Atrklioa adj. 4s.... in 4s , Mfx. Cantrml to..., Atctalsnn do pfd Rnston A Albany. HtKtna ft Milnt. Ponton Elavmed ritchburt pfd ... Meilrn central .- N. Y., N. H. H Kl Ullotiei ..10vtfc Amalgamated . .. 7 Amerlrao Zlno IMiVMIanti.- ..100 ..!M . . two ..lul . .114 .. 24 ..14 Inloo Pariao 15JH Amer. Arg. Cham.... ZW do Pfd ... Amer. Piieu. Tube.... MS Amer. Sugar J.i do pfd 137 Amer. T. T 17 Amur. Wnolaa 41 do pfd 1 Dominion I. A I 32 Ediann Eloo- Illu.....4l Htnaham , ral. He.-la.... rentennlal Copper Kant Half vst Dominion Cost Franklin Oranhy !! Koyal Maas. Eloctrto do pfd Mats. Oat l alted Trult United 8hae Mach.. do pfd U. 8. 8tMl do pfd Westing, oommoa . Airrenture Bid. Asked. tav,! Mann. Mining .. Mirnigan Mohawk Mont. l O.. old Pominlon . Dsreola Parrot gulncr Shannon Tamarack Trliiitr United Coppor .. II. g. Itlulng... C. 8. Oil run Victoria Wlnona WolTrtna iN'orta Butte .... . . 47 .107 . a0 . 4.1 H .10t . 7 7 ... ,..lli4 ... 10 ,.. 1) ... 17 V ...7i ...m ... ...106V, ...I ... 17 ... 12S4j ... ai ... i ... 1J'4) ... ot ... ' ... 4S ...104 -a, ... 3 ...104 ... 14 ... 11 ... 41V4 ... 0i ... 12 ... 24 ... 17 ... 7H ...lm ... M OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Litcht Receipts, with Killintr Otttle Selling About Steady. HOGS OPEN STRONG, BUT CLOSE WEAKER Fair Ran of Sheep, with Gestrsl Mar ket la Vary Satisfactory CondU tloa. Prices Generally Being Steady. SOUTH OMAHA, April 20, 1908. Recefnta were rtfi ftrirs flhesn. Official Monday 2,5. 4.731 19.S$1 Officii! Tuesdav &.702 12.110 6.334 Official Wednesday 8.787 8.5) Wo9 .niciai Thursday X.S1J 8.71 Offlclal Friday ". 1,193 8,448 8,417 Five davs this week . . IS OM 4?.74 Bfi.814 Same days last week. ...15.9" 80. 4 84.8.1 Hnme two weeks ago. ...1S.143 M.W4 82.710 Same three weeks ago.. IS. 1.13 87.7H 52.048 Same four weeks sgo.... 21.618 64,&.T 47,663 RECEIPTS TO DATE. The following tahla. show the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year London Closing; Stocks LONDON, April 20. Closing quotations on the Stock exchange were: Minneapolis Grain Market. 'tinei-lnr Hoard nf Trade ouotattons tot Mlnneacolls and Chicago delivery). The range of prices, as furnished b F. D. Day tt Co.. 110 111 Board of Trade building, was: Articles. I Open. High. Low. Close. Tes'y. I Wheat I . May... 7fiWi8: Julyt.. 76VU79 Sept... 76VU7 Flax I May... 1 19'4 July... 1 20W Sept... 1 I 7T4 76 79. 78 77677 76H 1 19H 1 1SH 1 20- 1 20-S 1 20V 1 20V 7H 77V4 i9 1 194I 1 20-V 1 20Va 1 19i 1 2V 1 10 Articles.! Open.! High. I Low. Close Yes'y. Wheat May July Sept. Corn May July Sept. Oats May July Sept. Pork tly & May July Sept. July Sept. I 7!!rj!4f 79'4 7ti'.,77H'-o1l 1 4fiVS 47' 46'w4o 4ri' 4o',4I4-i4SS,Vj4 I 32,.1jir32i4frV4 79 79HfjA 777i 7S 7ol 77 I 46WS 47V44 4u-4 4 461-a 4(i' Hsl 1 17 IS & 18 Si 8 KT 8 824l 9-J S 72 8 Hd 7H ao'sKi i mu 1R 87 18 ij 8 67H 8 8JS 8 8 87 S 8 9i!Mi 8r,!82a, 8S 29 !l 18 10 16 25 16 26 8 65 72 8 82fc I S 7 8 8 85 77 46'4 4V. 30V('':Vi, 2ii 16 10 16 27H 1 8 60 8 76 8 K7K! I 70 8 874i 29 IB IS 16 S2' i 16 82 8 72H 8 824 12 8 65 890 No. J. Cash quotations were aa follows: FLOUR Market llrm; winter patents, $3.313.90; winter stralxhtn, $3.3iii.T60; spring patents, $3.6u4A.I): (iulng straights, 3.40d; bakers. K-ia--J- WHEAT-No. 2 spring, 80?jlVic; No. I spring, 7u'rtMVc; No. 2 red, KfM(j..'H,c, CORN No. i. 4.V-; No. 2 yellow, 49c. OATS No. 2. 82-H.c; No. white, $4utt4c; No. 8 white, 32d&lu. RTF No. , 6ll0. BARLEY Uood feeding. S93Uc; fair to choice malting, 4T'tiu0c SEEDS No. 1 flax, 1.09t; No. 1 north western, $1.16. Timothy prime, $3.17Vi, Clover, contract grade, $11.25. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $16.10 Glials. Lard, per loo lbs., $8 STfl.. Short ribs sidaa (loose). $it.6o.75. Short clear sides ttioxed.). IK.iO' Following were the receipts and ship ments of Hour and grain: Receipts, Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. 1 hard, 79'; No. 1 northern, 78o; to arrive, 78lsc: No. 2 northern, 77Vc; to arrive, 7iHc rco. x. ibM,'n,bM,c ao. 1 aurum. ttvav; wo, , durum, 70c. Corn: No. i yellow, 4ic. flats: No. 8 white. 80,c: NO. 3. aiXfcflc. Barley: S9U47C Kve: wV4'awc. riax: cash, $1.17. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, April 20. BUTTER Finn; extra western creamery, 22c; extra, lieiti i'y fiuiiB. mi. EGOS Steady; Ho lower; nearby fresh, loe at mark: western fresh. 1614c at mark. CHEESE Steady; New York full creams, 1-a no. Peoria Market. PEORIA, April 20. CORN Lower; No. I yellow, 47c; No. 8, 47c; No. 4, 46c; no arado. 4 4 41' 4 0 i 0. OATS Unchanged; No. t white, 12c I No. 4 white, Jlc RYE Stoady; No 2, 63c WHISK 1 $1.28, Liverpool Grain .Market. LIVERPOOL. April 20. WHEAT Spot, nominal; futures, steady; May, 6n 6d; July, tie 7d; September, es i'a. CORN Spot, tirm; American mixed, new. 4s 6d; American mixed, old, 4a 8d; futures. steady; May, 4a bi; July. s 4a. Quotations on the change were: Adams Eiprass Amalgamated Ceppsr ... Amerlcao C. ft F American C. A F. ptd.... American Cotton Oil American Cotton Oil pfd.. American Express American H. A Ij. pfd.... American Ice, securities.. American Ivlnaeed Oil Am. Linseed oil ptd American Locomotive .... Am. Locomotive pfd American B. & R American 8. A R. pfd.... American Bugar Refining. Am. Tobacco pfd. ctfs.... Anaconda Mining Co Atcntann Atchison pfd Atlantic Coast Lin Baltimore & Ohio Baltimore A Ohio pfd.... Brooklyn Rapid Transit.., Canadian Pacific Central of New Jersey Chesapeake Ohio Chicago A Alton Chicago 4k Alton pfd Chicago Croat Western Chicago A North stern.... Chicago, Mil. Bt. Paul.. Chicago T. A T Chicago T. & T. ptd C i' C. A St. Louis Co.Jrado Fuel A Iron Colorado A 6outhern Colorado A 80. lat pfd Colorado A 80. 2d pfd Consolidated Gas Corn Products, rfg corn Products pfd. rfg Delaware A Hudson Delaware, L. A W Denver A Rio Grande Denver A R. O. pfd Distillers' Securities Erie trie 1st pfd Erie td pfd General Electric Hocking Vallev Illinois Central International Paper International Paper ptd.... International Pump International Pump pfd lows Central Iowa Central pfd Kansas City Southern Kansas city so. pfd Loulnville A Nashville Manhattan L Metropolitan Street Ry Mexican Central Minneapolis A St. Louis.... M , St. P. A 8. S. M. ...... M.. St. P. A 8. 8. M. pfd.. Missouri raclflo Missouri, Kansas A Texas.. Missouri. K. A T. pfd National Lead National R. R. of M. pfd... New York Central New Tork. O. W Norfolk A Western Norfolk A W. pfd North American racltlc Mall Pennsylvania People's Gas P.. C. C. A St. Louis t'leaaed Steel Car Pleased Steel Car pfd Pullman Palaos Car. Reading Riadlng 1st pfd Reading Id pfd Rr-puhlle Steel Republic Steel pfd Rock Island Co Rock Island Co. pfd St. L. A 8. F. Id pfd St. Louts Southwestern Bt. Loula S. W. pfd Southern Paclfio Southern Paclfle pfd Southern Railway So. Railway pfd Tennessee Coal A Iron Texas A Pacific Toledo, Bt. U A W Toledo, Bt.lj.etW. pfd... t.30 4KV, 41H l.SOO 101 101 1.I0O 33 II ""too 'ii4 ti" 14, ll0 42H 6 H '"160 '41 ii 'iili 1,800 44 44 Consols money do account Anaconda Atrhlsnn do pfd Baltimore A Ohio.. Csnadlan Paclfio ... Chee. eV Ohio Chicago Ot. W C, M. A St. r De Beers D. A R. O do pfd Erie , do 1st pfd , do 2d pfd , Illinois Central ... Louisville A Naaa. K. A T 0 N. T. Central .. Norfolk eV W .. 13V 'o pfd . . )2t Ontario A W ,.10f4 Pennsylvania . .lli' Rand Mtnoit ..11 Reading .. 19 do 1st pfd .. 114 do td pfd . .177Va Southern Railway .. n do pfd .. 4cVSouthern Pacific .. sJVlnlon Paclfio 35 200 1,700 TOO 1.600 47,1'X 11,100 ,i IllO 1.0(10 8,400 100 U.600 t.300 400 1.600 100 B.300 1,70 14.I0O 100 '400 11,000 1,400 1,400 ii,'oo 1.100 100 100 100 1.400 400 1,500 14,300 3,400 loO too ""400 100 100 1.300 1674 liH i:s 13 271 1 101 1611 111 5 14 S4 11S 1124 68 75 14 21 VI f 17344 its ioo" 4S44 3414 70V4 24 "4 7 2. 440 44 47 7 43 H 7 43 1(4 171 11 74 47 164 114 134 104 iS IS 100 1M 10 9fi 112 10 113 47 'is" 10 10s 171 ioo" 69 82 49 137 I3 78 204 440 43 84 6 4! 74 47H 147 170 21 74 40 1.600 11 18 I, IOO 4M) 6,tK 400 174 47 148 1S5 21 47 144 1M 4.400 14 24 100 tuO 800 . 1,400 . 6,400 .' 'i.TOO . 8,300 . 1L700 '. "iiioo . 1,800 . 13.800 . I, (M0 '. 300 2O0 .181.000 164 171 46 14 61 11 142" 4 4 ioo" 41 140 M fii 44 134 128 161 18 44 13 4 78 iii" 48 17 4s' 40 138 41 '53 44 23 124 1,100 300 I.3u0 1,200 1,4.10 MO 400 81,700 400 13,100 100 "ioO 200 304 .141.400 . 100 " "tin 400 ,. l.loo United States Steel 131.100 t'nlon Pacific Union Paclfio pfd PnKed States Express.. United Statea Realty.... United States Rubber... v. B. Robber pfd. Shipments. Flour, bbls 21.AO 26,700 Wheat, bu .'. S.Otrt 17,0"0 Corn, bu (W,70o 914.isn Oais, bu UO.O""! 201. o) Rye, bu 2.t lo.cskl Rarley, bu SiOOO 2l.o0 jn the Produce exchange today tha but ter market waa steady; creameries, Utj) JtVjo; dairies, ltViltc. Eergs, tlrni; at mark, cases included. K0l6ic; firsts, liVl prime tirsts. 16Sc; extras UV4C Cheese, easy, llSlJiic, Kaaaaa City Grala aad Provisions. KAN'S A3 C1TT. April 20. WHEAT Slow; Mar. "4V4c; July, 71. c; September, 41 c: cash. No. 2 hard, Tl&S3c; No. 3, 74fJ81c; No. 2 rwi. $iti4ci No. 8, tat 3o. CORN Higher; May, 3c; July, 42Hol September, 42ao; cash. No. 2 mixed, tiWc; No. t atate. 4H00; No. 8, 47 Sa tj 4ic. OATS Lower; No. 1 white, JlSUHjC RVV: 8teady, Htiila. HAT Weaker; choice timothy, $13.st3f Id.: choice p'alrle, $lo.011.o0. MUTTER Sieady to arm; creamery, l9o; packing, ll'.ac. IXXid Higher; Missouri and Kansas stM-a. new No. t whltwood cases IncluiU-d, lac; oasa count. 14c; cases returned, '40 lens. Ke.-.'11'ts. Shipments. Wheait bU :.'" 21. on) 'Vrn. ba -'"ll 'i-i" tjats. bj 1&.OO0 '.OU0 kllwsaLee Grata Market. MTLWAUKEE. April JO. W1IHAT- Ixiaer; No. 1 northern, fclTkoc; No. 2 north ern, TT3c; May. 7:eVs si-ked. HTF Miu,lv- N'a 1. A fir nini vrt-Steady. No. " 5fc: sample, 40 CORN Steady; No, S cash. 47ij47Hc: May, j . asked. Dal at h Grain Market. DrLTTH. April ISX-WHEAT-To rI,r' Ha 1 eertnera, We; N northern, T7c aa tocA. N a A (WittiM 11. H north- Metal Market. NEW TORK, April SOMETAIS The London tin market reported a further reac tion, with spot closing at 177 8s and futures at 174 5s; locally the market was a little lower In consequence, with business quiet and spot quoted at t.wi88.o. Copper waa unchanged In London, with spot quoted at 84 16a and futures at 81 15s: locally the market waa unchanged; lake wss quoted at $1K.6(Vu117S, electrolytic at nS.S'olVnO and casting at $18.0(wj18.25. Lead was higher In the local market, with supplies for thirty days' shipments quoted at $5.50 and spot at $6 tSO. The London market was 2s higher at 16 ISs td. Spelter was unchanged at 25 15s In London, but advanced slightly In the local market, with spot quoted at MOf.vtS.l.S, Iron was higher abroad, clnslng at 4Rs 8d for standsrd foundry and 48s 1 for Cleve land warrants: locally no change was 1 e norted: No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at $18 5f"rlS 86, No. 1 foundry northern at $18 ( 618.36. No. 1 foundry southern at $18 26j?18 75 and No. 2 foundry southern (soft) at $17.50 li lt 60. ST. LOUIS, April 20.-METALS Lead, higher at $5.4frff.50. Spelter, quiet at $i.7Vi tliOO. Cotton Market. NF.W ORLEANS. Arrll iO. COTTON Spot closed easy; sales. 2.V0 bales; ordinary, 8 -16c; good ordinary. 9c; low middling. 10 ll-lc; middling, Usc; good middling, 11 18-1c; middling fair. 12 S-14c; receipts, aiS bales: stock. 223 8a bales. LIVERPOOL. April 20 COTTON In fair demand: nrices 12 points lower: American middling fair. 6.54d: good mlddllnr. 6 24d; miriilllnar i'i4d : low middling. 5d: good ordlncrv. 6.70d: ordinary. 6 JA1. The sales of the day were l.!.') bales, of which 1.000 bales were for speculation, and export and Included 11.4im bales or American. Keeeipts, 11 .000 bales. Including 10,100 bales of Ameri can. ST. TiOriS. April . COTTON Steady; middling, 11 R-16c: sales li3 bales: receipts. 104 bales; shipments, 61 bales; stock, S7.46.S bales. Oils aad Koala. OIL CITY. Pa.. April 20 OIL Credit bal ances, 11. tl; shipments. 60,01 bbla ; avera,. gn.yjS bbla; runs, 7'3 bbls.: average, 8S,3k7 bids.; Khlpinents, Lima, 171 bbls.; aver age. 76.47D bbls.; runs, lima, 4D.761 bbla.; average. SS.170 bbls. SAVANNAH. April . TUnPENTrNB Strady. oo. ROSIN Firm; stork. 44.5i5 bbls.: A, B and C. $3.75: U. $3 : B. lis; K, $iJo: C, $3 86: H. $4 ; 1 H 5o: K. $5H: M. 83.26; N, $5 Jo; W. Q.. 65 So. W. W.. $5 46. V. 8. Steel pfd. Vs. -Carolina Chemical ... V a. -Carolina them. pfd... Wahaik Wabash pfd Wclle-Fargo Express Wistlngbouse Electric Wtstern l:nion V heeling A Lake Erie.... Wisconsin Central , Wisconsin Central pfd...., Northern Pacific, exdlv... Central Leather ('antral Leather pfd SloM-SheBlcld Steel Total sales (or the day. 17.100 1.400 100 1,100 1.400 30 102 IT 4c 47 13 44 44 111 84 49 ii 34 84 153 45 'n". ' 41 110 43 100 48 112 11 47 2 101 24 43 48 22 84 84 117 38 44 ' 36 16o4 44 41 108 41 107 47 111 30 44 Cteas. 340 110 4.' 101 23 40 224 83 42 II 41 17 111 167 114 138 103 170 10 101 161 110 6 84 161 218 t.8 10 75 11 2071 173 10 IOO 40 33 70 44 134 24 78 27 440 44 44 ' 40 74 48 141 124 171 11 74 47 11 24 44 37 147 184 111 34 73 1Z 171 44 84 81 141 48 H'i 10 41 140 2 71 84 TO 134 li8 ss 45 30 103 27 . 44 do pf'l ... . 73 U. S. Btsel.. . 70 do Pfd . .177 Wabash .. i;3 do ptd . . 16 Spanish 4a SILVER Bar, steady, 2974d per ounce. M ON E Y 24trH per cent. The rata of discount In the open market fcr short bills Is 3 1-16 per cent; for three months' bilia, t 7-16.3tt por cent. ..144 .. 41 .. 44 .. 41 .. (1 .. 4 .. 01 .. 44 .. 48 .. 40 ..103 .. w ..160 .. 43 ..111 .. 21 .. 4i 4 Cattle Hogs , Sheep RANGE OF Omaha Chicago Kansas Cltr St. Louis Sioux City CATTLE 180.. 1906. Int 2M.718 267,27$ SS.441 718.488 88,64$ 69.248 K18.7C8 70.639 PRICES. HOC. $8.27H'850 6 90 .(!". 540 6.F'4 $60 4ii.i6 6.80 06.45 14T 1414 l!t 4M 14. 1114 14 ......1444 ..11"4 uim 9 14 1 n I 44 80 I 84 I 88 I 40 40 40 1 40 1 .1874 .V1.V) .10 ,UM ..!' ,.1M4 .Ik 40 CALVES. 1 74 i ' I TS I 40 40 1 40 I 48 i;.s 1 m 1T74 I 4 .1444 4 44 1 1 1, 74 1 110 t.. m 1 i .. , , 10 I 0 I ........... 888 I 880 1 474 4 . 1.. I W I 4 I 80 4 40 4 I 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 40 4 40 4 14 I 44 11 , 1.'4 114 , 140 , 1J4 , 118 , 181 . 124 . 174 . too . 174 I OS I s 4 15 I 44 44 I 14 1 71 4 04 4 OS 4 40 4 40 FEEDKRS, lc-14 4 18 1"M 4 34 , 744 4 14 5(4 4 38 411 4 71 Ill 184 BTOCKERS AND 1 4t4 4 14 . 1., n 1 54 4., 1 14 I K 8. 1 41 1 44 4. 4 400 I 74 84. I low 4 40 WHSTERNSWTOMINO. 2 feeders. .1000 9 60 1 stocker.. 80 ft r..,i.rfl H2 4 OS 40 feeders.. 999 HOGS Speculators were again the best Knvere thle morntttx? and the few loads which they could use brought a little stronger price than yesterday, their ptir rhi... K.tnar largely at 111 46. The heavy packers were tigaln on the bear side of the 60 4 40 and mixed. $8.00fM 60; stockrra and feeders, Id e0(i4 Ml; calves snd yeai llrgs, HotiS Receipts. I head; market stesdv. selling at $i.3m 45; bulk of sales, $0.)loj4.4H 4. Joseph Llfl atork Market. FT. JOSEPH, April 20 -CATTLE-Re-..inti at? h mii H . niArkct steady: natives. $4-VitS6; cows and helfern, $l.S.Ka'4.frO; Stockers and feeders, $3 lfic4.60. HOG! Receipts. head, market strong to 6o higher: fight, $6."uW medium and heavy. $.40,.5O. , . . SHEEP AND I.AMHi-Recetpt, 1.8"9 head; market strong; ewes. $5 66. Stock In Hlght. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western maraets yesieraajr. came. South Omaha 1,113 Sioux City 4") Kansas City LCD St. Joseph St. Louis 700 Chicago 1.000 Total ..6.200 Hogs. Sheep. $ 449 6.117 1.8t) 6.rV) .1 4h. l. i0 l.OOt) 13.aJ 6A8) V8hS XJ. Cattle ..$1.6tij5.7S .. 1.75'a6.15 .. 2.60116 90 .. MOfrt.CO .. $.0036.40 QUOTATIONS. The following will itne the nrlcee waM for the different kinds ot cattl on 'he South Omaha market: Good to choice corn-fed steers. ...$4.S55. 40 Fair to choice corn-fed steers 4.664X1.85 Common to fair corn-fed steers 4.00q4 65 Good to choice cows snd heifers.. .65'a4.M Fair to good cows and heifers I.MK38.65 Common to fair cows and heifers.. 1.5n3.00 Good to choice feeders 4.0aA70 Fair to good stockers and feeders. $ 6W4.00 Common to fair stockers J.769 66 Bulls, stags, etc $,6O34.00 The following table shows tha average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: deal and seemed determined to force values to a still lower basis or leave the hogs un sold. As a result the trade was very slow early, but became a little more active, when sellers were forced to cut loose at slightly lower prices. The market might be de scribed as opening stronger and steadily working lower. As noted above, the arly sales were largely at K45, then $4.40 and $.42U became the popular prices, and later on packers lowered their hands to $6.r7V a ja Kn jim ne.4 aeeiire many nogs at the bottom prica. The average oi an um " was a snaae lower msu jroii. wj Representative sales Ha A Sh. rt. I Date. 1806. 1906.104.19. 11902. 11901. 11400. 1... 2... 8 H4W York Mining Stocks. NEW TORK. April 20. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Adams Con 3 Little Chief 7 Alice 160 Ontario i Ojililt m Phoenix 1 ll'otoal 14 Savage 40 ISierra Nevada ........ 14 Small Hopes 80 laHaudaxd ,,,, We reeoe Brunswick Con.. Comstock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Vs.. orn Sliver ...... Iron Bilver Leadvllle Con .... Oaered. 104 42 41 1"0 100 11.200 I.2O0 WO 1.100 2 62 211 44 104 40 1,104.400 shares. 28 61 112 43 "to 85 44 13 ft 4S 117 14 44 146 12 85 84 153 34 114 41 63 108 48 113 11 47 144 164 3 18 26 1 1"' 44 103 10 Sew York Money Market NEtW TORK. April . MONEY On call Hlgner. per cent; ruling rate, 6 per cent; closing diu, a per cent; orrered at per cent. Time loans, Arm: sixty and ninety days and six months, bWnt per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE. FAPER-6iv3tf per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, after break at H.M5Iii4 Hhi for demand and $1.8140p4.8H5 for sixty-day bills; posted rates, n.twt w ana .Qi.Bt; commer tin I DlllH. H M. SILVER Bar, 4"4c; Mexican dollars, 60c BOND8 Government, flrm; railroad neavy. Closing quotations on bonds today as follows: wera v. . iwf. la, do coupon . U S. 3s. reg do eounoa I. 8. old 4s, de coupon . 17. 8. new 4a, do coupon . Am. Tobacco 4s.... do 4s Atchiaon gen. 4a... do adj. Is Atlantic C. L. ta.. Bal. a Ohio 4s..., Bsl. Ohio 3s.. hrk. R. T. e. 4s.., Central of Oa. 4a., do 1st lac , do 2d Ine do 34 Ine Ches Ohio 48 thlcsao A A. 3s. i'., u. a c. a i dO Col. 64..... cro. a St. L. s Colo. led. fts, aer. A. do series B . Cuiurado Mid. 4a., Culo. So. 4a... Lb it , I) a k 0. 4a... Sec. la., re....l3ijapaa 4a. 3d sen 1"3, do 4s ctfs 103 do 4s ctfs.... 104 do Id aeries... reg....lS3!L. A N. unl. 4s l"!Man. c. g. 4s.. reg... .1311, Mex. Central 4s. l do 1st Inc.. iw 'Minn. A St. 113 M., K. T. 4a 10. da I ;!. R. R. et M c. 44 N. T. C. g. 3e... J0J N. J. C. g. 4s 34 No. Pacific 4a 47 do la 114s N. W. e. 4a 40 O. 8 L. rfdg. 4a.. 44 run ronv. Is... 48 Reading sea. 4s itt -a. t.. a I. M St. L A 8. F. 44 St. L. S. W. c 40 Seabeerd A. L. U , H o. Pacific 4e lu.1 da let 4. etfa ... 71 's Bo. Railway 4s.., .160 . 35 . 67 ,. 14 ,.110 ,.110 ,.(24 .. OMAHA WHOtESAlB MARKET. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. .pr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Anr. Apr. Apt. Apr. Apr. Apr. April 16 April 17. April 18. April 19. April 20. 4.. 6.. 6.. 7.. $.. 9.. 12.. 18.. 14.. s 6 r'4 27H 6 22 6X1 6 21 e ( 2fi 6 80 6 3S 6 34V SH, 6 45 6 484 6 604 6 60 6 43 I I 161 I 041 I s 001 16 " 6 211 t 741 7 tt 6 291 6 30 6 26 I 26 5 26 5 2SI 6 81 5 2 6 261 e 6 28 6 a 6 271 6 23, T3 7 l 7 24 1071 4 93 4 91 491 4 941 4 801 4 81 4 86 4 S3 e 4 80 4 t 82 7 25 7 24 7 27 7 2a 7 251 7 22 a 7 19! 7 22 7 07 7 18 7 14 a 7 10 6 661 6 u! 6 681 6 S4 6 431 6fe 6 64 6 7 6 60 1 6 801 84 6 86 6 91 6 95 6 99 6 9 lirri 6 o( s 06 6 99 6 9o 77, 6 01 t 93l 8 8 5 92 I 99 04 e 6 94 t 9: t 85! 6 90 5 85, E li 6 26 I 30 6 80 i 27 e I 84 6 38 36 6 88 I 40 6 49 t 45 Co 6 49 5 46 6 46 metlllerr En p. La., do sen. 4e. ., Hocking Val. Japan 8a Hid. Offered, ... 14 T-iai a p, la ... 7 T., 8l. L. A W. ... 44-a Union Pacific 4a.. ...104 do ceuv. 4a ...1 I'. S Sloel 3d 4s. 4. 101 41 Wabaata la Cj deb. B , Westira Md. 4s.., W. U K. 4s.. 4S . .. ( 41'a'la Central Forelaa r'laantflal IjONDON, April 20. Money was scarce In the market today and rates were firm, being affected by the withdrawal of Japanese bal ances. Tha San Franclsoo disaster also de pressed th market. I'laoouuta grew firmer eatnat U the drain of gold and the ootid!- Condition of Trade and Qnotatlons ea Staple and Fancy Produce. EOas ttecelpta, Uberil; fiesn stock, case count, 14c. .LIVE ruULTHI liens, no; oiu roosterr, 6c; turkeys, ioc; ducks, u; young roosters, 7&8c; geese, 80. IJREBSEU POL L.I R 1 1 uraeys, isoiooi old torn.. 16l8c; chickens. loiiil2c; old roost ers. 7c: ducks, 12yi3c; geesu, c. BUTTER Packing stock, llc: cnoice to fancy dairy, IS'itIhc; creamer, i)(o21o. tiAr J-'ricea quotea Dy uinam rceu cum- any: No. 1 upland. $7; medium, w; cof.rne, $6.0034.60. Rye straw. lo.bO. BRAN Per ton. 817.60. NEW VEGui'X'ABLES. TOMATOES Florida, per crate of SOlba, net. W W. . . WAX BEANS Per hamper or aooui w lbs., net, 5.00. B TRING BEANS per camper oi aooui ov lbs., net, 13.00&4.0C TUP.NIFar. BEETS AND CAKKU1B- Loulsiana. per doz. bunches, 7oc4j H.00. 6HALLOTTS Louisiana, per dosea bunches, 75c. LiKTTUClfi Louisiana, per oui., $7.u0a 10.00: per dos heads, $1.0031. 2S. . LEAF LETTUCE Hothouse, per dos. heads, 45c. . CUCUMBERS Hothouse, par aoa i.u tjl 60. ONIONS Homa grown, yellow 4nd red. 2o per lb; Spanish, per crate, $2.25; Colo rado, red ana yenow, per iu.. V4C- 1 KUriLAL, DATES Per box of $0 1-lb. pkgs., $2.00; Hallows en. In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 8c; bay. rs. per lb.. 4c: walnut stuuea, x-io. pugs.. 12.00 per dot.: 8-lb. boxes. $1.00. ORANGEB-California. extra rancy nea- land navels, ail nixes. 83.1s; fancy navels. .$1.26: choice, alt eiaes, as. LEMON 8 Lamoniers. extra uutj, w slxe. $3.75; 800 to 840 six. M--jfiflHCnllfornls- uer ii-iu. carton, iBO 8oo; Imported 8mrna, three-crown, lie; six crown. 18c. , BANANAS Per meaium sixea ouncu, et-u r1v- l,i,r,l,a 82ofM.i2.0b. TANUKH A ItB .uiuornta, uw m about 12o. $3.06. . GRAPH B'RUIT Florida, per dox. m-wn 7.60; California, per box .flOStl.&O. inuiis PEARP-Winter NelUS, $2.60. APPLES California Newton, Pippins, $.16; baidwlns, $3 per bu. box; Bn Davis, $2 per DU. box; t ineya, e.w nu. iw. other varieties, 12.ouai.ou pur bu.; New Voik apples, Baldwins and sunsets. $ti.0U per bbl. liKArr.b iaiusae, u.w. .wv POTATOES Roma grown, por bu., UiU We; South Lakota, per bu.. .oo. NAVI ilt.AJ0 rf ei.ojj .tid. , LIMA BEANS Per lb.. 60 CABBAGE California, 3o per lb.; Wis consin, in crates, per io., vao. CELEHx lonoa, w a per ooi, SWEET POTA'itE6 UUuols. per Xl-pk, ' ' y . I . ' "WT T I , D .K'r 'T3 V! Tw CAltltU D. rsnoiiiia n.-.-. . v. .... a. Per bu.. 85o and $1. No. 1 ribs, 13c; No. 2 ribs, HVac; No. 3 ribs, 9c; No. 1 round, Be: no. 3 round, tv: a rniinn. jkc. iso. i lo.ns. too: io. I7 x1 S l..l,.u 111, V,. 1 2 loins, w ..jv., I"..., 4c: No. $ plate, Sc; No. 3 plate. 3c; No. 1 chucks, 6c; No. 2 chucks, lc; No. 8 chucks. CIDER l'er aeg, S.t.: per bbl., $6.75. unK.:(-Nts. per 24 lba.. 13. ou. CHEESE Swiss, new, loc; Wisconsin brick, luo; VN isconsin llmoerger, lac; twins, raw;: Your.g Americas, u. NUTS WSIUU14, AW. . BUt BMV1IS, nS ST i.n,n nor ID.. USU nwu anvils, uer io.. UiWc. pjcans, huge, pr 40.. !4c; small, per ik kc Chill waiuuu, per lb., U'kjUWc. Almonds, soft aueus. per id.. 17c; iiard sheila, pel lb., lso. Cocuauuia, U per aaua VkESII FISH, Trout, 11c; halibut, He pickerel, dressed. 7c; wlute bass, lie; sua usli c; percii. skinned autl dreaded, cc mka. k'Ailuc; redmiappKr, lie, i;i.u.i. lc crapptes, be; eels. 1?'-; biack t)u.a. Uc; whitelisli. lwulo; r45. ra, per dua., two; lobsteis, green, 36c; uoiluu lobsters, 4-'c, oiuatlati. It;; Herring, ec; ouanisu mackeici, ku,i,i,k. lou: smiunp, el.ou kiuiou smelts, Uc; cod, 12c; bulliitad, lc; tulilsU. the; r-" sliau. 'o; nuuuaeis, lie. MCSllKuoi4IS-liu!...oika. per lb., i0iii"0c KAD1BHES iit,;oue, pel dos. bunches. 'SvaTTMiSe-FresIi standard. $1.40 per gal, shell oysters, li.ux.i.00 per iw. Utile Nu clams, II.kO per 1U4 . ,V,,,.ifl rane In I, I. la e; is BUUAll ' , vw-.w. granulated cane, lu sacks, li.ll; granulated beet. In sucks, ko.ol. Sx'RUp In barrels. 4o per gal i In caea 4 lo-lb. cana, $10; cases, 11 -n.. .ana, u. ..... v '.w-lb. cuns. 61. K COFFEE-Roated: No. 85, 25o per lb.; No. $0, -'nfi per id.. iu. . iovc per io v.. .. If.w oer lb.. No. 21, l.Wc fcr lb. u'liil n i a holeaale Best hiah mails Kit. braska, per cwt., 8.00; best high glade pal 's 34 tnt Minnesota, per ti., 4- stiuignt pat. tnt Nebiaaa, per cwi., t.v, eecoua pat ent Ntbiasaa,. CURED li'iBH saniiiy whltefish. per bbl., I'jo io-. .om. ni7 iiiataerei, per bbl.. a lbs., iiicaieis. tw uui fo. j, W: No 1 624.UO; Io. 8. 1JJ 0O1 Irish. No. 2. $16.00, Hfiring. in bbla. 300 lbs. eeti. Norway, ik IU.00; Norway. 8k, $; Holland, mixed. til 6u; ttuiiana, aegs, n.uacra autl kegs, mixea, iwb H1LES. PELTS AINU TALIXDW-No. I (ieu hides, 9c; No. X 8c; No. 1 salted. lie; NO. 3. ioc; uuu niues, i')4c; di hides. 123200. Moras uiues, targe, J. small, $J. fcueep pelts, escn ooco:..o. lailjiif. .su. 1. 4c: No. 2. 3 V'.: "ounn. c. CANNEli uOoUD-torii, eutndard west eni, af. fi & H 1 Mains, $ loinatoes, M-lb. cans. 8i.25.'ul.w; -in , .vici.v'. 1'lneapples, grated. 2-l.. $Ju5418oi sliced, 4l-Kcuiu. Gallon apples, tancy. id 10; California ann cots. $1 4.jU'.00i pears, 4i.7oe3.bu; peacbea fancy. ll.',i.q2 40I H. C. i.eaihes. $2ou-u2a Alaska salmon, red, $114. pink, 90c; fancy Chinouk. r'., $-10; fancy sockeve, V., 4i.k; aardlnos. oil, $2.6u; mustards, $ sotf $10, fewaet potatoes. $1 1M1 2u; sauerkraut. $l.tsj .umpklii kOciotl.uOl wax beans, 8-lb.. 7iiK; H'ua beans. 1-ib., 76ci(il.$5; spinach, 1 W OUl cheap peas, 8-lb.. 80c; extia, taj tuc; lancv, $1 lot 1.75 BROoM S-No. 1 carpet. 84.3b; 24o. $ carpet. no, iu, ta a. Cars, i I 1 Sunday YESTERDAY'S SHIPMENTS. Tbe following list shows the number ot cars ot stockers and feeders shipped to tho country yesterday and their polnta oi des tinauon: CATTLE G. W. Johrson, GrlswolcC la. Q J. R. Hucklns, Grlswold. Ia. Q . J. W. Odgen, Red Oak, la. Q.. W. Blnghatj, Vernon, Mich. Q E. Johnson, Vernon, Mich. y H. P. Knapp, Ithaca, Neb. j Ed Eno, O'Neill, Neb. F. E Agar Packing Co., Des Moines, la. R. I.. W. II. Purgrey, Coon Rapids, la. Mil... diaries Balrd, Dunlap, la. N. W J. F. McGovern, Wiota, la. R. I John A. Slnden, Stanton, la. Q James Fisher, Hastings, la. Q J. I). Ramsey, Harlan, la. O. W F. Paulsen, Buck Grove, la. Mil C. Miller, Perry, la. Mil E. B. Grossman, Persia, la. Mil Thomas Keg, Clarks, Neb. U. P C. W. Bearsley, Cedar Rapids, Neb. U. P H. Moberly. Stuart, la. R, I R. A. Templeton, Tekamah, Neb. M. & O. G. Chrlstenson. Ashland. Neb. Q Robert Taylor Taylor Spur, Neb. Q Valley Stock Yards. Valley. Neb. U. P... Tho othclal number of cars 01 stock broucht In today by each road waa: cattle. Moga. sne p. H r i, C, M. & St. P.... Wabash Missouri Pacific Union Pacific System. C. V M. W east... C. N. W., west 20 C, St. P.. M. & O.... 10 C, H. At w.. easi 1 C, B & Q., west.... 10 C. R.' & P., east 2 C. R. I. & P.. west.. 1 Chicago Gt. Western.. .. Total receipts .... 50 114 86 2 The dlsDosltion of the day's receipts waa as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head lnoicataa: Cattle. 4 2 I T .80 14 1 19 10 2 t 41 1 444 1 414 1 684 1 840 111 141 104 141 II 174 74 H4 41.. 48.... 47...., 47.... 44.... 71.... 71.... 71.... 77. . .. TI.... 111... II.... 71.... 41.... 44.... 41.... 51.... 61.... 44.... 71.... 44.... 84.... 80.... 44.... 84.... 74.... 44.... 44.... 15.... 44.... 18.... 54.... 14.... 44.... 61.... 74.... n.... 44.... 41.... 74.... 74..., 44..., 7. .174 ...(4 ...14 ...131 ...141 ...101 ...181 ...111 ...184 ...184 ...124 ...245 ...157 ...170 ...131 ,...111 ,...88 ,...m ....141 ...181 ,...184 ,...171 ....140 ....t47 ....311 ....181 ....358 ....364 ....184 ....154 ....181 ....28 ...141 ....117 ....134 ....111 ...14 ....111 ....117 .124 .144 $ 00 6 44 1 44 I to 1 44 4 17 4 17 4 87 4 17 4 40 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 49 4 44 4 4 4 44 4 44 I 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 40 4 44 4 44 I 40 6 44 4 4 4 40 4 44 4 40 4 44 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 6 44 4 40 4 40 4 40 6 41 I 43 4 41 4 41 4 4! 4 43 6 41 4 6 43 I 43 6 41 Ma 1.... 17... 87... 47. 74... 71... 47... II... 71..., 14... 48... 71... 1... 77... 44... 74... 40... 40... 74... 44... 40... 44... 74.,. 48... 44... 40... 44... 41... 54... 0... 14... 44... 44... 73... 45... 44... 44... 44... 74.., 14 48 78 41 AT. ....141 183 ,....107 174 174 Ill 134 144 441 1!4 184 141 a. iio 141 114 Ml ! 114 187 151 ..AA.-300 14 114 107 131 184 157 101 104 154 .......151 14 tfl !51 131 144 234 101 Ill 181 134 25(1 147 184 47 147 70 151 44 Ill 72 141 44 144 77 114 It 134 41 304 140 40 40 44 iio 140 180 40 130 100 40 44 140 JV. 41 4 43 4 41 4 41 4 4t 6 41 f 45 6 48 4 43 4 41 4 43 4 41 6 42 4 43 1 42 4 42 4 41 6 42 6 41 4 42 1 42 4 43 4 42 4 41 4 42 4 11 4 42 4 42 4 43 4 41 4 41 4 42 4 42 4 43 4 44 4 44 4 a 6 45 6 44 I 44 4 48 4 41 1 44 6 45 4 46 4 44 4 45 4 44 4 41 4 47 4 54 Wool Market. BOSTON. Mass . April 20.-WOOL-Th4) Boston Commercial Bulletin will say to morrow of the wool market: Business IS necessarily confined to operations In for eign wools, owing to the limited supply of domestic sunk. Pries are n" "d dealers have no difficulty obtaining tha top of the market. Late reports f rem L tart h.. in., to n is nuoted. while In tba extreme southern part of tho state ..'e to 23c. In Wyoming 25 to 80c Is not wntlOfrri too high by tha sheepmen. Thirty-two cen a Is asked tor medium unwashed in Ohio Tha first of Indiana's wool has been sold at 26c. A fair voluma of business has been dona In Australian and South America, wool at full prices, viuarter trallan sells at 41o to 4: V from 4J c to 4. Territories are in axtfemely limited upplyi but little business Is being tn them. Fine staple Is quoted at ,2c to So. and fine medium at to 70c. thin it wools are firm and uncnangea at for Una and 660 to So for Hn4 niodlum. Carpet wools are quite active and rood sited bngs of Angora Aleppo are at full prices. Shipment of wool from Boston to date from December t; ! 73 422.307 pounds against A at tho same time last year BefpU 1 to date: 79.806.1S9 pounas skhui.i pounds for the same time last 'Br.OT ST. LOU18. Mo.. Aprl "OpJhT Steady; medium grades combing and cloth ing 23-27c; light fine, Sny-lo; heavy fine. 17H21c; tub washed, 31ip'37c. ETSporsted Apples and Dried Fralta. NF.W YORK. April 2". EV A FOR ATE D APFLES-Market continues nrni. lair o good are quoted at SVo, nearly to strict prime at sWv:. thoive at loc and tancy ft.t llC . -. - itt T '1T3 Priiniil advancing and .not supplies n Quotations range from 5c o- to according to grade. Apricots, nrmhoce; 12c; extra choice, 12c; fancy, 1U13 . iVnohee nre well cleaned up and firm, - . . . . I 1 1VUT1 C 111 V. loc; extra ii"ir . A u , , ' choice Hfjl1V4o; dull ; loose extra fancy. ntoi. " muscatel, o'ti'iV; seed ral"1"14; r.,4nn layers. $l..Wfl-l.0. Market all California fruit still very unset tled. Ingar and Molasses. .a nA Ot'il 1 T) TJn M V'V.TV TORK. AP1II ;v.-Blun-"i dull; fair refining. 2 29-8ftt'2 15-10c; centrlf- ?B has lEi: renned. QUT N". , 4-h'l No 7 4 05c; No. 8, 4.00c; No. 9. 3 95c: No. 10. 8S0c' No 11. 3.85c; No. 12, 3.60c; No. 18. 3..r.-j N 14 3.76c; 'confectioners' A. moulrl 1.4 lnr. h Jtc: cruwneu, v.r v... a.n.c rubes. Omaha Packing Co 78 Swift and Company 890 Cudahy Packing Co 113 Armour & Co 106 Carey 27 Hill Sz Ban io Huston & Co 2 Mike Haggerty 81 J B. Root & Co 49 Bullati & Kline 3 Other buyers 80 Hogs. Sheep. l.ii 2.287 2,26 2,626 818 1.600 487 1,153 Totals 894 .46 4,2i6 CATTLE It seemed a good deal llko a Saturuay In the yards this morning, .here being an extremely ngni run 01 came, anu of the tew here nine cars were consigned through and not ottered tor saie. as a re sult there waa only a small sprinkling and hardly enough of any one kind of cattle to make very much of a test ot the market. There were a few oeet steers on aae, out nothing very choice, the best were oniy good enough to bring $6.10. Buyers seemed to want a few loads and those offered lor .(, am a rule changed hands very readily bi nnces fully steady with yesterday. In null salesmen were even Quoting it a liitle higher than yesterday, but, as noted above, there were hardly enough here to really establish values. "nu.'a ann nR lers were iiuuicu m vcij few cars, which sold at steady prices, wun nnie nales. If anything, a little higher. Buyers without exception were wuuiun their purchases as costlnel more money tna 11 vaairsirilll V. .T1-" -.4 xs1,,w-- si. tm.nAmT'a Uer-k gaft rnero w. - " any conseouence, out tnw miri wn kind of cattle, which was very good during .1,. Art half of the week, began easing off on Thursday and is anywhere from ImJmc lower than One weea anu, ur iuku mi itib h week. Some of the speculative buy ers who still have quite a good many caule on hand wera quoting 1110 uai u mucu 2oc In extreme cases, it wuuiu i if it were a good time lor parties aesiring .1,1. wind of cattle to send In their orders. Representatives ssiee. BEEF STEERS. SHEEP This was another day when re- ceipts looked quite large on paper, but as a matter of fact were not overly heavy fif teen cars being consigned through and not primarily intended for this market. As has been the case for some little time the ar rivals consisted almost entirelj of lambs there heina only a few cars of ewes and almost nothing In the way of wethers or vearlinra. While the market was no higher It was In very fair condition and the desirable loads far the most Dart sold In very good season at about steady prices. Lambs of very good quality sold up to Its. 80, being the highest price paid at this point since Feb ruary. Other lambs brought $6.76, the same rjt'loe that was paid for tnem yesterday There was a car of clipped yearlings and wethers which sold at $4.95 and which con stituted practically everything on the mar. ket In the way of sheep. There wera no choice ewes, the bent here being only good enough to bring $5.40. There was quite a showing of feeder lambs amone; the receipts, but tha market on that kind of stuff did not ahow any new features, prices remaining about the same as yesterday. Quotations: Good to choice native lambs, $6.4(XS6.80; good to choice light western lambs, $6.4036.80; good to cnoice heavy lambs, $6.35a4.60; fair to good lambs, $u.00 tit3.40; cull lamos, 4.ooit.tio; gooa to cnoice yearlings, $5.65'S6.2&; fair to good heavy yearlings, $6.60(65.76; good to choice wethers, $5.65456.26; fair to good wethers, $5.4i4.66; good to choice light ewes, $5.40u5.6: fair to gooa ewes, 4.txjo.w, cuu sneep ana bucks, $3.00tM.oo. Representative sales: No. 10 western cull ewes 12 western cull ewes 15 broken fleeced lambs 119 western cull lambs 11 western lambs 44 western feeder lambs 119 western feeder lambs U8 western lambs 3i western lambs western bucks, clipped 93 cull ewes 280 western yearling and era, clipped 66 Colorado-Mexican ewes... 249 Mexican lambs 20 broken fleeced and culls.. 18 western lambs Colorado lambs 486 Colorado-Mexican lambs. 3i0 Colorado-Mexican lambs.. 180 Colorado-Mexican Iambs. a Wu.- . , .... 4' -Quiet iiac; cemntugai - 3,4i3c urn A MOLASSES Nominal ; 80c; centrifugal, i.(0-c. lows, o1" ' -"v TYi. ;..V, liettln. lTtl Coffee Mnrket. vr.W YORK. April 20.COFFrj-Fu- tures higher, an advance opened steady, uncnang-8 - rriivnui ui " -.----. - . 1 ja.ium sr ina ppwx tYiin "iaL .. .. ..t of vtrarlllnn exchange, with the pr mnry markets unchang-d The clnsa was steady. Transactions Included May a? 6 65c July. e.ST.c: Heptemhcr, 7.483c: December. 7 85o. Spot R4o, quiet; No. T invoice, 8I-I60. ... r. ...84 ...IS ... 41 ...108 ...101 ... 40 .. ;: L. 4a... 83 4s 101 JS .1. .104 . 1(, .100 . 44 .101 .100 e. 4s.. 113 ig. 4a. IK) 88 ! .11. ...123 44. 3 ...104. ...J-J ... Ml. ...114 ... ' ... 43 ... 84 ... l No. 1... 4... 4... 6... 18... 4... 4... 11... 4 .. 1... 14... 1... 1... 4... 11... 11... 1... 4... 4.. 6.. 84.. 4.. .1 Av 1610 881 784 714 1074 , 808 11114 184 484 440 4 ,3 ll 1114 ....... 1""4 1044 147 1310 414 , 4.10 , , , 1044 1144 , 1144 404 sipO , UK) 4u 100 l.H 1014 ( ........ 0 1810 420 8..0 lose, lloO 8.1 , lon , , . ISO 1170 11"4 fell KwO k4 101KI 1184 100 ,.1140 ..1133 Pr I It 80 Si 4 14 4 25 4 16 4 15 4 !b 4 15 4 34 4 80 4 3 4 35 4 36 4 40 4 50 4 50 4 4 4 44 4 50 4 54 4 46 1 50 I 00 I 1 I la 1 40 I 50 I 60 I 54 1 60 1 65 1 7' I 10 I 85 1 40 3 00 I 23 25 I 24 I i. I 4U I 40 1 40 I 40 I 64 1 50 I 64 4 40 k 41.'.!! COWS. A. ...1340 ...not ...llii ... 160 ...1151 ...1004 ...I2U0 ...131.1 ...1134 ...1148 ...1284 ...l.'!7 .. .li58 ...1284 ...1154 ...1364 ...1114 ...1344 ...145 ...Mb ...14 rr. 4 41 4 II 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 44 4 45 4 io 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 43 4 84 4 40 4 84 4 48 I 00 4 10 6 14 Av. 79 91 69 46 73 68 71 73 .100 . 96 weth- 81 .. 75 ..106 .. 67 .. 75 .. 78 .. 83 .. 87 .. 87 Pr. 8 00 4 00 6 00 6 40 6 60 6 00 6 00 6 4ft 6 40 3 26 4 60 4 95 t 25 IS 4 69 6 60 6 76 6 80 6 80 Toledo Se"d Market. TOLEDO. O.. April ).-PBKDlover. cash and April. 86-: ociouc.. ti timothy, $162; aJslka, $8.20. Rank Clearings. OMAHA, April 2?. Bank clearings for tcwl.v were 11.6 . 1 o.oo ano ir w.T w. responding data last year. $1.23,804.. Mortality statistics. er.... .ii.-inD, hii-thii and deaths have been reported to thi Board of Health during the twenty-four hours ending at noon Frlilal : Births-Albert Andersen, 1106 87.". ty-elrhth, girl; Jerry Elliott. 1015 Capitol iu5. boy. Axel Holt 1019 South Twont ..ennd. boy; Thomas McGovern, 261o Chi cago, girl; Othello Rountree, 11a n" Nineteenth, girl; L. A. Small wood, 948 North i"f.. .'.Je.t Knv: Albert Bwaiuwn, 2417 A WrilL VU rf DathsGeorg. Marks, Norte ThWy. rth. 63; n.awin uiwcieuio ; ' o polls. 6 months; Ella M. Ellison, 8Ji n Boyd 44. 4. 8... 1... I... 6.., J.. 1... 1... 1... 4.., 4.. 1.. 1 . 4 . 1 . 1 . 1.. I.. 1.. 2. . 4 . 4.. 1.. i.. 24 . 4 . 1 ,, 484 ..1074 ..Hell ., 440 ., b ..1434 ..llloS ..1150 .. i4 ..1281 ..1183 ...1110 . .loso ,.. 847 ...!' . . .1080 .. 10V4 ...I'M . . .U4j ...l'J5 ...11,4 ...8 . . W4U ...101 .. .Idol ...l.l liO COWS AND HEIFERS. I 44 1 44 40 4 40 si I 54 I 10 I 50 .a 1 w I 40 8 4i 3 i 4 00 4 On 4 04 4 00 4 00 4 oo 4 00 4 on 4 o-l 4 w 4 40 4 40 4 14 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle, Sheep and Lambs Steady Hogs Steady to Stroaar. CHICAGO, April 20. CATTLE Receipts, 1,000 head: market steady; common to prime steers. 84.00U.26: cows. I3.2ia4.40; belters, $2.76S.3Si bulls, $2.60'a'4.25; cnlves, $3.76 6.25; stockers and feeders, f2.75tJ4.75. HOGS Receipts. 13,tH) head; steady to strong: choice to prime heavy. $6.65ui.i2: medium to gooa heavy. I'J.wmo.oo; outcner weights, $.65u.70; good to choice heavy mixed. $6.&ua.C5: packing. $5.7f4i4.62. SHEEP AND LAM B9 Receipts, $.000 head; market steady; sheep, $4.264,6.40; tear lings, $6.0u.26; lambs, $4.i'6i3'7.oa. Mow York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK, April 20.-BEEVE3 Re ceipts, 8,206 head; steers slow, but steady to strong; heavy buns easier; others steady; common cows. Miluo higher; others steady; steers, $5,0006.60; oxens and steers, $i.50vt9 6.90; cows, $3.1oi.75. Liverpool and Lxinuon cablea quoted live cattle selling at liV.-tf U4c, dressed weight; sheep, firmer at 143" lie; lambs. 16c, dressed weight; refrigerator beef, higher at 8Mi(a4c. Exports tomorrow 1,012 head of cattle and 6,8o0 quarters ot beef. CALVES Receipts, 4T0 head; market quiet at yesterday'a decline; veals, $4.005j4.00; oholce. $0.75; dreesed calves, lower; city dressed veals. 64,100; country dressed, b9 8HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1164 head; sheep almost nominal; wooled lamb. lifl16o higher; clipped sheep, $4.50; ollpt cd lambs. 8o.iivn5.60; woolrd lambs. $6.4341.75. HOGS Receipts. 2,Oh8 head; market easy; State hogs, $6.96. Kansas City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. April Sl.-CATTI.I2 Re ceipts. 1.(8)0 head, including 600 southerns; market steady; choice export and '.reused beef steers, $5 .2& .90; fair to good. Riot? $.25; western fed steers, $J.T5W5.26; stockers and feeders, $3.00r?i4-75; southern fleers. $3.266.00; southern cows, $2.501 4.rv native cows, $2 6iVr74.&; native hellers. $3775)5.00; bulls, $.1.(Kij74.16; calves, $3.ti0(i6.60. HOtiB Receipts, 6,600 head; weak: to lc lower: top, $6 .; bulk of sales, $4.36t)4 4&; heavy. VUFitv V. packers, $l.4034.47; pigs snd light, $f,.4(i6.4f). SHEEP AND liAMiiit-Keeeipts. t.nn heed; strong to loo higher; top for lambs, $t).Wi: native lambs, $."..ot4 1! 86 ; weHtern lambs, $5.tl8fi4.mi ewes and yearlings, H.l'i 6.(8); western fed yearlings, $5.0vj6.Zo; west ern fed sheen, li.IMiX Ou; stockers and feed ers, $3.tXkii4 50. Nesjro Confesses Murder. PHILADELPHIA. April 20. -; Wll''am Perrv a negro, who, accoraing t" ' "" wrry. who is about 35 y"" old. a 1 ho objected to the a ent ons wri.c.i SSSftffSKr- yUAc'Ii-cI10 Woman Shoots Her Husband. f W ? .f!.ri' w?T an?,tubabl y . H I 111 1 11 1 Illicit, " , fatally wounaea nere Mrs. Most al- edyh"r husblnd T struck'her in the face. "F" ril. "r o. shots, one entei- Wnereupim ... - lng the abdomen. Wisconsin Mast Commits gntcldr. motjti if Ala April 20. William Btvck ofPMilwaukee. Wl... com mltted suicide here today. Gold from Germany. TENDON. April 30. Tlie Hamburg-Amerl- for Dover yesterday, took $l.SuO,000 in low. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. 447 1 404 1 4i l 30 I 15 15 3 HEIFERS. 8 ill 4 8 40 3 15 3 4 BUI .LB. 744 I 10 1 S6 414 I M iW I 18 1174 I 4 1. 1-. 1 . 1.. . 411 . 808 . 411 . Hi ,. 8.8 .14 l!'i4 .1874 .,L04 1 31 I K 4 14 1 40 1 74 70 t 74 St. Loala l.lvo Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, April 10. CATTLE Receipts, 7"t) head, iticliiding 250 Texansi market strong: native shipping and export Fleers, . 1 j;. A.. .1 ., c. A VAAf a . ... ki,lha mIaa.-m 81 6ii6.50; Hleers under l.Ou) pounds, $3.26ii7; stinkers and f 1 filers, $3KMp4 3G; cows snd heifers. $2 1004.75: tutnnera. $1,751)2.25 bulla, $3 ii(S4 00: calves. $3.7Mi.26; texss and Indian steers, $3.004j-.7b; cows and heifers. 82 0uu390. HOGt Receipts, 6 (V head; market 6c higher: pigs snd lights. $5.6ovi4.60; packers, $rt ''xto 4v, butchers and best heavy, $4 65 e 76 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.000 head; market Heady; native muttons, 84.00 f,6 !: lumbs, $5 5.K(t7ti0: culls and bucks, $3uijT4 0j; stockers, $3.0CKi3.50. Christiana KJeldgaard to Johanna P. Kjeldgaard. lot li block 13. Doer x&r Isaao N." Watson to Omaha Loan and Trust company, lot 6, block 4, Or chard Hill ; -J.; Marv U Ulbbs and husband to Flora Kahn lot 8, block 3, Paddock Place,. 4.000 Mary A. Mathews to J. H- Thomp son, lot 18. block B. Bedford. ........ . 1 11V... m T.rr, to Pauline B. Davis, s of lot 13, uioca v., - . subdivision ; Fred A Martin and wire to inn" Klngerlas. wv4 01 101 h; um. .. Rusli at Belby's addition uW) Frank H. Young t al., truntee., to Julius Thlele, lots 31 ana 00, uiuce, 12. Brlggs Place J.'W Anna K. Dillon und husband to George Butkland, lot 2. block lt3, Omaha 1 A. K Reed and wife to lK'nry Rohlff. part ot lot 0, ItuaicgH necona aoai Uon ; - Maggie J. Smith and husband to cago at rortnwesiru itanway inin r,nv u. of lot 6. block 40. Omaha... 3.600 Josef Spteka and wile to Anton Malck etal., lot IS. block 8, Brown Park.... 1,803 Rudolph Beigo and wife to c. t. i ari berg, lots 7, 6, 9 and 10, First addi tion. View $ Nellie Klrby to William Kirby, lots 9. 10, 11 and 13, block 3. Ames 4,lUM National Life Insurance company to I C. East, part ot lot 18, block 6, Shull's Second addition 1.750 Franklin Realty company to Hettle P. Goodrich, tract in Tukey's Replat, Ilemls Park 3,409 Frank Hagerman to Thomas B. Tomb, part of lot t. block 3, Capitol Hill.... 1 C. G. Carlberg and wife to Rudolph Bergo, lots 1 to 10, block 1, and other lots, Irene Place Florence K Stepnrn and husband to V. C. Jorgenseii, lot 1, replat block 6, Petnls lark 3,fW Llninger & Metialf Co. to l'eter Kle. wit, lot 14, block 6, March's addi tion 1.2W) Huttie K. Harris et al. to MaKKia A. Hchweriii, n f lot. 4, block 8, Plainvlew add, turn 0 tlous City Live Stork Market, BIOUX CITY. April 2a fflpeclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 4iv head; mar ket steady; beeves, $4 tows, bulls F. D. Day &. Co. Stocks. Grain. Provisions ' snip lonr Urala ta Da. Chicago and Hisaeauel,. Delivery. Cne-eightb comml4aiou on Urals, one guarter on Stocka Prompt and easeful attention given to outuids accounts, vtrtta for cur dally Market Letter, mailed free Main Office, 1148-11$ Boar A of Trad tUdg. OMAHA. 8KB. Load Distaaeo 'Phoney Uoaalaa 8A$4A r