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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1906)
Fhe Omaha Daily Bee. Your Monty' Worth THE OMAHA DEE Cest tlT. West Whn Ada Count THE OMAHA DEE Best tlT. West ESTABLISITED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, FMDAY MOKNIXO, APRIL 'JO, H0I TWELVE PAflKS. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. N y FAilH IS BANGER NOW San Francisco's Homeless Thousands Face a Shortage of Provisions. SUPPLIES OF ALL SORTS RUNNING SHORT Starvation is Added to Dancers from Fire and Earthquake. POLICE TAKE CHARGE OF FOOD STORES Authorities Act with Promptness in the Conservation of Supplies. THIEVES SHOT DOWN IN STREETS Military Deals Strictly with Vandals When Caught at Looting. TERROR OF NIGHT CONTINUES ALL DAY Daylieht Brings Only Better View of the Disaster's Dreadful Eitent. PANIC SPREADS AMONG THE PEOPLE Flight of Residents in All Directions Continues Through the Day. DYNAMITE USED TO FIGHT THE FIRE Bolldlnr Blown Ip find Debris Demolished to rrrvrnt Spread of Flame, bat All Efforts Seem Unavailing;. BAN FRANCISCO. April J9.-Via Oak land Tho magnitude of the calamity that has befallen Ran Francisco became ap parent this morning, when a rod sun arose above the horizon and dissipated the pall of darkness that hung over the atrlcken districts. Looking eastward from the heights of the central portion of the metropolis everything attested to the awful havoo wrought by earthquake and flame. Where once rose noble buildings In serried column now stand nothing but frail walls. Isolated, tottering chimneys, heaps of twisted Iron and huge piles of brick and mortar. And to add to the hor ror of the situation, the destruction has not reached its conclusion. In several sections the Are was still rag ing with unabated vigor, converting Into moke and ashes everything in the shape of combustible material and turning Into ruin structures that bad cost millions to erect. It "wS with .saddened hearts-thttt- the-vmn-munlty viewed the ruin of their city, but the extent of the devastation has not yet coma to be fully realised. The people are aware of the catastrophe only in a dased way and it will not be until the hor rors of famine and want are added to their suffering that they will be impressed with the awfulness of the destructive work of disturbed Nature and the fiery ele ment. Famine Threatens People. For famine Is already presenting its hideous face. At beBt the city never car ried more than a three days' supply of food and provisions, and now with the wholesale district warehouse wiped out. there Is already a shortage of food and prloes this morning In most instances were trebled. An Associated Press man was obliged 10 pay X cents for a small gluss of mineral water In the Hayes Valley district. There Is absolutely not a drop of water in that half of the city that has been laid waste. This n.ornlng policemen were stationed at some of the retail shops rvgulutlng the sale of foodstuffs and permitting only a small portion of goods to be delivered to each pur chaser, the idea being to prevent a few per sons gathering in large quantities of sup plies. Reports were received that numerous shootings had occurred of men caught in the act of looting. The military la unusu ally strict In observing the enforcement of this order. One man on Market street who was found digging in the ruins of a Jewelry shop was discovered by a naval reserve l.lan and fired upon three times. The fel low sought safety in flight, but the reserve man brought him down by running his bay onet through him. The bodies of three thieves were lying in the streets on the South Bide this forenoon. Reports of widespread looting came to press representatives front various quar ters. In fact, concerted action of any kind is simply out of the question, an dalmoet every official Is acting on his own respon sibility. It being a physical impossibility to communicate with superior authorities. Yesterday some sort of systematic com munication could be had by means of automobiles, but today every street Is piled high with ruins and. to add to this trouble, there Is constunt dunger from railing walls. On miles of streets the front walls of ruined buildings still stand, swaying with the concussions of distant dynamite explosions and the rising winds. BIRD'S-EYE VIEW FROM NOB HILL SHOWING PART OF SAN FRANCISCO NOW LAID IN RUINS A ;"v;' fci r';' w Frequently a crash of stone and brlrk. followed by a cloud of dust, give warning to pedestrians of fhe unsafely of travel. All manner of reports of death and dis ater are coming to the temporary head quarters of the authorities, btit they aro' received with due allowance for the ex citement of the occasion. Fltaht of Residents Continues. The flight of residents from the city con tinued today In the nature of n. panic, a slight earthquake at 5 o'clock this morning accentuating their terrors. The ferryboats to adjacent counties were crowded to the utmost tills forenoon and to the westward portion of the peninsula a constant throng of homeless peoplo carrying their portable household belongings are addlm to the colonies In tin; secure sand hills and tho parks. Golden Gate park and the unim proved blocks of the district south and north of the park are already presenting the appearance of tented cities. Many varieties of shelter are being Improvised from bed ding and blankets. The wind changed this morning to the west and the flames changed their de vouring p" -lion southward, and began eating f (de swath frrtin the water front f, -rth of Market street tin towhat. 'r. y a x,,b Hm an pnll. nenee tha n selected years ago by the mul, ires of the bonanza ect their mansions. y tho Hotel Fair of over Si.Omi.rtm. if white stone, 4 point of the days upon w This hill Is sur mont, Just nlshed It Is a beautiful s visible from almost city, and the horror is universal when Its destruction seemed inevitable. Fire Moves "loTrlr nnd Mnrely. Blowly but surely the fire ate its way up tho slope, consuming the homes of the late Mrs. Stanford and the Hopkins Art insti tute, built by Mark Hopkins of Central Ia- clflc fame. At this writing the hotel could be seen ncrasslonaly standing In the center of huge clouds of smoke and if It is saved Its salvation may be regarded in the light of supernatural manifestation. From the upward slope the fire also took a direction northwesterly into the district that had been left untouched last night. This por tion of the town embraces tho Ijiiin quar ter, populated by people of various nation alities, and the houses are all of flimsy con struction. Once getting foothold there the fire will cut its way through as though go ing through a forest In the dryest time of summer. In the Mission district to the south of Market etreet the zone of ruin was ex tended further westward toward the ex treme southern portion, but was cheeked at Fourteenth and Mission by the wholesale use of dynamite. Hospitals are Saved. At this point are located the Southern Pa cific hospital, the Bt. Francis hospital and the College of Physicians and Surgeons. In order to save these Institutions buildings were blown up all around theri ana' til danger threatening them had been averted up to noon. In the Hayes Valley district south of Mc Allllster and north of Market the flro was conlined on the west by Octavla street and on the north by McAllister street. In these confines the destruction was com plete. Therein were located St. Ignatius school and church of which only the side walls remain. Of the Mechanics' pavilion the scene of hundreds of great political, social and sporting events not a timber remains. Opposite it was the St. Nicholas hotel and it is now simply a pile of ruined bricks, a ruin among many of a similar nature. RFFIGFES FLER TO O AK I. AM) Suburb Houses and Feeds Fifty Thousand Persons. OAKLAND, April 19. Oakland, the largest suburb of San Francisco, tonight housed and fed probably fO.OOO refugees of the fire-stricken city across the bay. All day this stream of humanity has poured from the ft-rrles, everyone carrying some article of baggage saved from the con--flagratlon. Thousands of Chinese, men, women and children, all carrying luggage to the limit of the strength and fleeing from their quarters that have long been one of the show places for San Francisco visitors, mingled with the crowds and poured into the limited Chinese section of Oakland. Thousands besieged the restaurants, and soldiers weie stationed at the doors to keep them in line and to allow only as many to puss who could find standing room at the counters. During the greater part of the day there has been a throng of people lounging around the Seventh street depot. Many are residents of Oakland who have no work to do and are simply killing time. Some of them are refugees from San Fran cisco who have no place to go and are sat is lied to stand around and take part in the scene of excitement attending the ar rival of trains. T.'ils morning this Mgn, In large character.-), was hung In the vestibule of the Seveith street deoC. Southern Pacific Railroad Company, Office of the Superintendent. Oakland Pier. To Agents: .At s:4o o clock a. m. an order from General Funston, the commanding officer iu Sail Francisco, was received, us tol ows: "lio not. furnish passage to a single per son to San Francisco until further orders." We cannot handle them. W. It. SCOTT, Superintendent. This refusal was inspired by the Idea of, OMAHA SUBSCRIPTIONS sub- t Omaha people are urged to 8Tlle at once, and with what liber ality they may to aid the people of Ban Francisco and California In their hour of distress. The situation at San Francisco exceeds In horror all that has been told. The need of the suffering people Is dire and urgent, and their call for help should not go unheard. Omnha sub scriptions should be made at once, payable to Luther Drake, treasurer of the local relief committee. Checks should lie sent to him with out further notice or solicitation. J keeping Pan Francisco from becoming con gested with people. Kvery train from Bun Francisco brings hundreds of refugees carrying luggage and bedding in large quantities. Many of the women are bareheaded and all of them show fatigue as the result of sleeplessness and exposure to the chill air of last night. Hundreds of these people line th streets in the henrt of town waiting for some thing to turn up or someone to come along to provide theni with shelter. Karly this morning representatives of the Oakland general relief committee appeared on the streets and especially at the liroad- wiiy depot. One of the Immediate effects has been f the raising of restaurant prices from 2o to 1" per cent. STATU I MVKItSlTY ESCAPES RalMinas of Ills; Institution .Not Harmed by Shock. BERKELEY, Cel.. April 19-By a seem ing miracle the big university buildings that stand on the campus elevations es caped harm in the earthquake shock. Itecorder James button of the university said: "I have made a personal examination of the buildings on the campus and have re ceived reports from deans of the colleges, and It appears that not one of the buildings is harmed In the slightest degree. "Prof. O'Neill of the chemistry depart ment reports that the damage done to the instruments in the building will not able gate more than S.V.'. California hall lias not a mark on it to Indicate that an earthquake occurred this morning. The other bulldtiiMs appear to bo in tho same condition. Tho Oreekj) theater has not a scratch on Its walls." The town of Berkeley was not so fortu nate as the university In the matter of damage sustained. No lives ivcrc lost, nor were thero any noluble disasters to build ings. MAP OF ca 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 I fcJ O i 1 1 1 pi i i i r-h f i r i ii iiii ii ii ii cm aaao I EDDDI Dark Line Incloses LVffion Devastated Wednesday, the Shaded quake Destroyed Duildincs Fire Has Since Spread Over OMAHA QUICK WITH RELIEF Ten Thousand Dollars Subscribed as Starter to Aid Stricken California. GUY BARTON GIVES HALF THE AMOUNT Committee Appointed Which Will Continue the Work of Bolicitine. UNION PACIFIC DONATES TRANSPORTATION In Kesponse to Messaeo Governor Says' Send Provisions, Not Ca&u. STREAM OF FOOD TO START AT ONCE Baccacce Car Loaded with Supplies to Be Attached to Each Passeneer Train. FREIGHT TOO SLOW TO ANSWER PURPOSE Stream is to Eo Kept Up Daily Until No Longer Needed. CITY AND STATE FREE WITH ITS BOUNTY Citizens' Committee Takes Hold Without Wastine a Moment. TO MAKE THOROUGH CANVASS FOR FUNDS Public Cash Cannot He Appropriated, but Prlvnte llonntj In Pouring Out Wlllinnt Stint at Call of Wnnt. Omaha has offered San Francisco tiO.OoO Immediately in money, food, clothing or In any other way 'jesired. General Manager Mohlcr of the I'niou Pacific has announced that his railroad will omy any quantity of supplies free to the stricken city and with the greatest pnstlhlu speed. A relief committee of prominent citizens was or ganized at the city hall at noon and 19,000 subscribed within ten minutes. The work of soliciting funds was systematized and committees appointed to handle various territories. TKo declaration was made that Omaha will bo among the greatest con tributors among the cities of the country. Barton Heads the List. The subscription was headed by Guy C. Barton by a gift of J..0"0. which Is as DESTROYED c;naDD J i 1 1 1 1 1 1 u t: 1 1 i rr', 'n m " 'i 1 1 a i ,;'jai a op m'&mwJ&m ,T T. ET-T, r 17 71 WTTi Latest News From California I : Rll.l.F.TIV OAKUXNI'. Cal.. April lH.-Mldnlght.-At this hour the fire in San Francisco does not appear to have diminished. The entire sky is Illuminated by the glare of the unchecked conflagration. There is no wind and only the faintest suspicion of a breese tonight, but It Is said that there Is a s'.iff prccse blowing over San Francisco. A I gigantic column of smoke hangs over deso lated San Francisco, the apex forming fantastic shapes thousands of feet In the air and slowly drifting awny to the north ward. Although telegraphic communication wax established this evening with the ferry building on the San Francisco sid". only a very limited volume of matter could be handled. The telegraph company would receive by a few hundred words of press matter, giving the wins over to pressing commercial business. It Is probable that by tomorrow morning additional facilities will have been provided nnd detailed stories of the city's destruction can be handled from that side of the bay. The telegraph companies are completely swamped by the enormous volume of messages reaching -liere as well as those tiled here for the outside world. It is unlikely that there will be any fur ther news matter from San Francisco be fore morning. Bl M.KT1V SAN JOSE. Cal., April 19. The latest re ports here today show that ten people were killed in the earthquake. The hall of records Is destrojed as well as the hall of Justice. All the' main buildings are badly dam aged. It. H. Tucker, in charge of the Lick observatory, sajs: "No damage was done to the Instruments or the buildings of the observatory by the earthquake." large as the amount contributed by George Gould, Clarence M.ickay. Charles M. Schwab and other multi-millionaires. The other contributions followed as rapidly as tho men could put their names down and many produced money or checks and handed them to Luther Drake, president of tho Merchants National bank, who was selected treasurer of the fund. Tho meeting that organized the relief committee whs attended by fifty of the lead ing men of business and affairs in Omaha. Applause greeted the announcement by Mr. Mohler that not only would the Union Pacific transport supplies without DISTRICT ..otj'-e rex UY r- mc i Portion Showing Where Earth Entire Area. V Ill I.I -.T1. NEW YORK. April IS. William II. Baker. Ice president and general manager of the Postal Telegraph company, at lo.:i o'clock tonight received the following from the deputy chief of the San Francisco tire department: "Seven thirty tonight, fire still under headway, gathering force and spreading. Two-thirds of the business section of city devastated. Fire heading for residential district. Efforts to fight flames futile. Three hundred thousand will be homeless tonight. By Saturday San Francisco will be an ash heap." Bt i,i.i:ti. LOS ANGELES. Cut.. April 19-At i::31 o'clock this afternoon Los Angeles experi enced a distinct earthquake shock of short duration Absolutely no damage was done, but thousands of people were badly fright ened. Tall olllce buildings and many stores were hurriedly deserted. The shock, how ever, passed off In a few minutes and most of those who had fled street wards returned presently. The San Francisco horror bus strung the populace here to a high tension. A spell of sultry weather serves to In crease the general nervousness. M I.I.KTIV SAN FRANCISCO, April IP-All efforts lo check the spread of t lie flames at Van Ness avenue by blowing up a tulle of build ings have proved fruitless. The tire has spread across the broad thoroughfare and from present Indications the entire western addition, which contains the homes of San Francisco's millionaires and people of the wealthier class, Is now doomed. The de struction of the western addition of tho city practically completes the work of the ravaging llames and marks the devastation of the entire city. cost, but that President E. H. Harrlman was speeding on his way to the coast in a special train personally to assist in the rtscuo work and that it was being arranged for the corporations represent ing tho Harrlman lines to make a largo donation to tho relief fund. 1,1st at Those Ubo fiave. The subscription list when it wis checked up stood as follows; Guy C. Karton 5,0uo John A. Creighton ftoo Rome Miller i J. '. Iiamman 60 First National lifWiK hn Merchant National Bark Uni F. A. Nash liti Thomas Ktlpatrlrk & Co 2ou Paxton A Gallagher zbo Hyme-Hainmer iry Goods Co iio M. E. Smith & Co 2i0 McShane Lumber Co Oichard & Wllhelm Carpet Co "0 Omaha Mee 00 T. J Mahoney luo Wright - & Wllnolmy Co likj John P. Breen !0 d. M. Hitchcock loo Henry T. Clarke l' Midland Glass nnd Paint Co ) Howard H. Baldrlge I'D Waldemar Mlchaeleen a Dr. J. H. Ralph 26 J. L. Brandels & Buns o What Form of llelpf Authority was given to Treasurer Drake to wire bis bank correspondents at Sun Francisco the Wells-Fargo people and ask directions as to how the assistance should be sent. Doubt was expressed if attempts to telegraph money would bo of any Im mediate assistance, as it will be days before tho funds in the vaults of the burned bunks could be reached; also whether food, clothing and tents shipped at once might 1 not afford more benefit to the people of San Francisco than efforts to place cash at their disposal. Mr. Drake was instructed to respond, as the people of San Francisco seemed to wish, and to announce to them that $10,000 stood ready waiting their or ders. The Wells-Fargo company announces it will carry free all provisions or money going by express. Relief Committee Appointed. The mass meeting named a relief com mittee with Guy C. Barton as chairman, C. M. Wllhelm as secretary and Luther Drake as treasurer to have charge of the raising of funds in Omaha and their dis posal. Tho committee represents varied interests controlling milions in money and property. It is as follows: Mayor H. B. Zlmtnan. U. M. Hitchcock, Victor Rosewater, Joseph Polcar, F. It. Davis, Lewis S. Reed, C. F. McGrew, O. W. Wattles, Emll Brandels, J. A. Sunder land, J. Frank Carpenter, Ward M. Bur gess, Charles J. Pickens, F. P. Klrken dall, F. A. Nash, T. J. Mahoney, Howard 11. Baldrlge, T. C. Byrne , Dr. George L. Miller, A. L. Mohler, William Hayden, H. A. Thompson, J. E. Bauni, Rome Miller, Rev. T. J. Mackay. Morris J. Levy, W. 8. Wright, J. A. Creighton, Thomas Kllpatiick, F. W. Judson, Ruben Cowell. Major Busy With 'Phone. Mayor Zlmtnan devoted practically all his lime Thursday morning personally to tele phoning prominent men of the city lng them to be present at the San Francisco relief meeting in the council chamber, lio received a cordial response from cvti youo whom he reached. The meeting ukhembled in the council (Continued on Third Page.) RUINS ON EVERY HAN Reports from Towns 6urronndint: 8iu Francisco Tell Pitiful Story. PRETTY SANTA ROSA IS A TOTAL WRECK Every Business Block and Most of Residences in the City Destroyed. FIRE TAKES WHAT EARTHQUAKE LEAVES Ten Thousand People There Homeless ind Camp in the Hills. OTHER PLACES SUFFER ALMOST AS MUCH Scarcely a City or Town la Vicinity of San Tranciico Escapes. PROPERTY ABANDONED BY THE PEOPLE Only Motive Which Actuates Them is that of Personal Safety. ONLY MEAGER DETAILS ARE RECEIVED Lines , of Communication Uncertain and All in Hopeless Confusion. LOS ANGELES PEOPLE GIVEN A SCARE Might Karthquskei Shoek Felt at that Point, nnt o Daniaae Results Beyond Whet Is none to .Nerves of People. SACRAMENTO. Cal., April l.-Both telegraph companies have practically lost communication with San Francisco. The wires west of hero come snd go down In a fitful way, making their continuous use Impossible. At one point, l.OnO feet of line has sunk out of sight and in many other places tho poles have toppled over. Tho wind Is blowing n, gale, and "mixing" the wires lit many pluces. SAN FRANCISCO, April Via Oak land. April 19. Reports from ths interior are most alarming. eanta Rosa, one of the prettiest cities of the state. In the prosperous county of Sonoma, Is a total wreck. There are 10,000 homeless men, women and children huddled" together. The loss of life is not to be estimated. It will probably reach the thousands. As ti e last great seismic tremor spent its force In the earth the whole business portion tumbled into ruins. Ths main street is . piled mauy feet deep with the fallen buildings... Not one -business build ing Is left Intact. This destruction Includes all the county buildings. The four-story court house, with Its dome mounting high into the heavens, is merely a pllo of broken masonry. Noth ing Is left. Identification is impossible. What was not destroyed by the earth quake has been swept by fire. Until the flames leaped into the heavens there was hope of saving the residence district. It wus soon apparent that any such Idea that might have been entertained was to bo abandoned. This was appt eclated by the citizens and they prepared to desert their homes. Not even their household goods were taken. They mado for the fields and hills, to watch tho destruction of one of the most beautiful cities of the west. Messengers bring the saddest tidings of the destruction of Healdsburg, Geyservllle, Clovcrdule, Hoplund and L'kltth. This re port takes In the country as far north as Mendocino and Luke counties and as far west as the Pacific ocean. These are fron tier counties and have not as large towns as farther south. In every case the loss of life and prop erty is as shocking as here. At Stockton sad 'Fresno. STOCKTON, Cal., April 1.-Falling to reach San Francisco authorities by wire. Mayor Gardner of Stockton left here fur Sau Francisco this morning to personally offer Stockton's uid. Little or no dam use was done iiere. FRESNO, Cal., April 19,-The earthquake did no damage in Fresno, although it was the heaviest shock ever felt here. At Los Banos. on the border line of the county, heavy damage was done. Several brick buildings were wrecked. The loss Is 7f,00u. No fatalities. HHDRF.D4 DKAD I 8ASTA ROSA Business Section Collapses ! Flro Destroys Hulas. OAKLAND. Cal.. April 19.-C. A. Duffy of Owensboro, Ky., who has been In Santa Rosa since last October, was the only One out of several score to escape from the floor in which lie was quartered In the St. Rose hotel at Santa Rosa. He came to Oakland on Ms motorcycle after he was released and tells a thrilling story of his rescue and the condition of affuirs in general at Santa Rosa. Mr. Duffy says when the shock came he ruuhed for the stairway, but the building