Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1906, Page 12, Image 12

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Friend of Millard and Webnter to Fieht !
for ronUnelle Support.
Webster Looms on f.rttlBC Help from
W tiles Demoeratlc Contest 1
tnlir Ambition of Hllcli
rnrk aaA Thonifo.
The conference held last week by
Senator Millard to devise mas mid means
if promoting tils candidacy fr re-election
follower as ll by the meeting of
Ylstcii boosters lb launch the senatorial
bnom of John I... Webster h;u started the
talk of scimiotlal posslhllit hs full on. It
Is already plain tdat Senator Millard's
prediction tlist there would be plenty of
aspirants or the senate la to bo fulfilled
particularly rlKtit here In his own home
In Onuth.i win-re three announced entries
are already listed with more In prospect.
Hnth Millard and Webster are playing for
a Kontaiielle endorsement. A member of
the board of governors who speaks from
tlie. Inside describes, the situation In the
t luh In tl'ix wiy:
"One plan Is to keep the senatorshlp and
rverytl'iltiT of that nor In the back-ground
until after the rity elertlon. The lirst thing
In hund with us lh to elect Benson mayor
and get' Installed In the city hull and all
slate mid national politics must tic sub
ordinated to that. the would-be senators
nil come, out and help elect Renson nd
then Wc will 1 ready to talk to them.
"The .fact Is that boili Millard and
Webster 1ive friends inside the Fontanel!
rluh, but the men who run things there
feci that the club does not owe either of
them thing. Millard had his chance to
(ret solid when we asked him to name Tom
Wickburn for l'nlted States district at
torney and when he refused we told hlr.
he would be begging for favors of us tie
fore he Rot through. Webster never did
anything for us either for that matter
he never was known to do anything for
anybody In politics except when he was
after something for himself, but still some
think the club should take up with him
because wc liye tp back somebody and
he might posaftO be made a winner with
our help. I lottll Yot a good hard fight In
side the rluti between the Millard and
Webster adherents.
Prefer nnmlera for Oorernor.
"The truth Is we Fontanelles are not so
wedded to this senatnrshin business any
way. We know several pegs we would like
to stick rather than make either Millard
or Webster senator. Tou heard the shout
ing that greeted Charlie Saunders, when
we ratified the Renson nomination and all
the boys yelling for 'Governor' Saunders.
Well, the uppermost wish of the big
Fontanelltes Is to make Charlie Saunders
governor of Nebraska and this year Is the
time to do It or It will have to be put off
at least four years. We know we can't
get the senator nnrt the governor both, but
we might line up behind a man like
Webster, Just to carry Douglas county for
a, delegation without any show of persuad
ing the state to come to him and then pull
the governorship out for Charlie Saunders.
Stranger things than that have happened.
If the Fontanelles finally decide to line ud
behind some senatorial candidate. I tell
you It will be not so much because they
want him as because they believe they can
use hlin to accomplish the real purpose."
"The funniest thing yet developed In the
senatorshlp contest," declared an old timer,
'is the way the political firm or Baxter
and Van Dusen Is splitting up. Did you
notice how Baxter was In with the Inner
counsels of the Millard brigade, while his
partner Van Dusen, as . Webster leader
Is promising to deliver the goods for South
Omaha to Webster. It's really funny."
Wattles-Webster Mercer.
The Webster debut Is taken as proof
conclusive that O W. Wattles will not get
Into the. senatorial race at least not In
the open. The Webster boom Is regarded us
postscript of the Wattles agitation. "Mr.
Webster would not have come out so long
as Wattles was figuring," declared a friend
of Mr. Webster. "You see. Webster Is
the regular salaried attorney of the
Street Ilallwuy company, of which Wattles
Is the political muster hand and ho could
not cross Wattles' political plans. As a
lawyer, Webster has ulso been under obli
gation to MllUrd for several big cases,
but he does not take that as enjoining uny
political fealty. I have heard It suggested
that Webstertmay be put to the front to
get a delegation to be turned over later to
Wattles, but I hardly believe that would
work, us Webster would want to hang; on
until all chance of delivering to some one
else had passed. It Is certain; however,
that the Influence and money of Wattles
will be behind Webster if it gca tnywher."
In the meanwhile the question of the
twoa.torsb.lp Is stirring not only the republt-
I u Jm-i an i
to Order
! Simpson's Silkoline Remnants O'n
I In remnants-all new spring patterns every yard worth 12e- faa"s1 V
I two great bargain counters filled for Tuesday at a yard....
New Arrivals of Model Hats
Great special fine nssortment manufacture' high grade
ends of India Linona, Terslan Lawns, White Dress Ma
terials worth up to 25e jard, for a yard
Accumulated ends of high grade Mercerized While Waist
ings, fine Mulls, etc., worth up to 40r oft the bolt for
a yard
Iiotted Curtain Madras Grenadine, a I Potted and Figured and Colored Cur-
very desirable material for t i I tain Swiss ,K Inches wide-
lurtalns, 10 to 20-yard lengths, I If f I very special bargain for
for a yard...
a yard..
Brandeis has Juat received new
shipments of smart and very
fashionable new model hats from
1'arls and New York, the product
of tho best designers. Not the
hats ' that were displayed last
week, but stunning new ones.
Trimmed and Dress Hats, show'T
the latest color
schemes and the
newest shapes
specials at
is, snow""
Hundreds of the newest and most
popular styles for street, a.
dress or evening; p
wear a splendid variety
Mercerized Silk Covered CUBE PINS
Crochet Cotton Feather Bone 100 in number ail
100 yds. in all in all colors colors, regit- C
shades, worth Af regular TVd lar price SPu
5c. at price 15c yd 5c... g
Back and Side Sft-Ie f Ladles' Pad
Combs Cv3o4ions H"o"s,de
iT aht So HNJWf,IVIIQ Supporters
each..; Jv in the Special pr... 7c
hooks .nd Basement
EYES . luesday '':"H"fV
J ular price Is
white-re?- In Bone Hairpins, J 5e'rat In
ular prlceoc v worth 3c, at.each package V
Stockinet Stock and Fancy BATH NITTS
Dress Shields Shsvwl Pins These come in all
These are 4 colors in
Seconds, at AH Styles, jf this sale JLO,
pair w at each each W
5 . I
lEWWlLll 11 J)
T 1 &9 A 1 I R-I bat
We Sell
f t ta 44 A
.3 Shirts
&:rziz. ?.-: : : sk- : .: : ms-:w.M&i.msf:
Save Your Kidneys
' The chief cause of Kidney Trouble are
uric acid poisons that accumulate in the sys
tem by reason of over-work and errors of
diet. When these poisons are abundant in
' the blood in their ordinary form, they clog
the circulation in the kidneys, cause scant
and highly colored urine, frequent and pain
ful urination, kidney disease and bladder
trouble. ' When they are thrown out of the
blood bark into the tissues they allow the
urine to become free and clear, but cause
muscular soreness, rheumatism, backache,
etc., and a strong tendency to future trouble.
H f , these plain facts in mind it is easy
wV I 111 to understand why the so-called
"kidney remedies", lithia, mineral waters,
etc., do so little permanent good. They un
doubtedly make the urine free and clear by
driving the poisons back Into the tissues.
1 1 1 1 1 I rlO makes uric poisons
freely soluble, so that they can be easily
thrown out of the system without Irritating
the kidneys or bladder. This makes the
urine free, but not clear. It saves the kid
neys snd avoids rheumatic complications.
A Free) Book of 64 pages by Dr. E. C.
Scott with every bottle, or sent by mail on
request. Ak your druggist for E Hm-i-ro.
ll-o. bottle $1. Accept nothing ele.
Elimino MrotciNK Co, Des Moines, la.
Cigar Trust Scrawls
Smokers Smile
The riaar Trust don't like it a little bit
beeausis c have taken the liberty of mak
inK some, decidedly IHJlTI.Ah prices on
t'Uars hy the hOX and hy the handful.
only handle STAN DA HI") BRANDS.
The kind of cleans you never ht-ard of
that's the kind WK tx NOT KELP.
A few sample priees:
V'lor de Ti Her. 4 for c
Tiu Moore 4 for 25o
r'ernandea. 'lNi' Havana regular.
for 2Fr iUHlitv. we sell & for....2V
. t'HiwdiirM, 7 for o
White Knight, 7 for 2.ic
Henry Oeoige. T for 2fte
rTlees on all kinds of Domestic and Key
Weil Tigars in wholeKtle, Mild In many
inflame I.KSS.
, You will he mult.-d on promptly at our
. l'inr Counter at any tune from 7 a. ni. till
U 'M p. m.
Sbcrman & UcConnell Drag Co.,
t'erner luth and Dode.
cans, hut the democrats as well. Here lb
the way a well-Informed politician doWu a'
Lincoln has sized up the democratic situ
ation: ' In the Demorritle Camp,
"G. M. Hitchcock Is proprietor of the only
ptronK democratic dally newspaper in Ne
braska. It there Is to be a democratic sen
ator, Mr. Hitchcock desires to be that man.
W. II. Thompson of Grand Island has been
democratic candidate for governor and con
gressman, and general democratic cam
paigner for the last twenty years. If there
is to be a democratic senator Mr. Thomp
son desires to be that man. Inxtead of sub
mitting the 'Ihmio to the democratic stale
convention Mr. Hitchcock proposes a free
for all race of democratic auplrapts under
that provision of the Nebraska constitution
which permits candidates for l'nlted States
senator to place their names on the official
ballot and receive the preference vote of the
electors at the polls the one receiving the
greatest number of preference ballots to
be pledged the votes of the democratic
members of the next legislature, supposing
there are such. Under this plan, of course,
republicans, populists, prohibitionists and
mugwumps would have the privilege of ex
pressing a preference among democratic
candidates for senator, if they cared to use
their time In the booth on such a matter.
"There Is still another significant circum
stance In connection. Douglas county, the
home of Mr. Hitchcock, cats one-elghtli of
the entire vote of the slate and chooses
twelve members of the legislature. Owing
to the Inability of Douglas county republi
cans to agree upon a candidate satisfactory
to the rest of the state, there Is a prospect
that for the first time since Nebraska
came into the union Douglas county may be
without a resident t'nited States senator
If the republicans have the next legislature.
As during a large part of that period Doug
las county has practically had both l'nlted
States senators from this state Mr. Hitch
cock relies strongly on local sentiment there
to support him with preference vote for
senator and to elect a delegation to tho
legislature which would vote for him there.
"On the other hand, Mr. Thompson dis
trusts the massing of an enormous local vote
In Omaha, republican as well as democratic,
back of Mr. Hitchcock's candidacy and
prefers to risk his chances lt the demo
cratic state convention, where his state
wide campaigning tours may iteld him a
crop of favorable delegates."
What Hitchcock .
"I am accused of being a cundtduta for
many offices," says Mr. Hitchcock. "With
regard to the senatorshlp I will say that if
the plan for permitting the pcoplo to choose
their senator Is adopted by tho party and
In use I am willing to have my name, sub
mitted on the ballots.
"80 far as I hae heard the only demo
cratic senatorial candidate out In the state
spoken of Is V. H. Thompson of Grand
Island. It may lie stated that Mr. Bryan
is not a senatorial candidate and does not
wish to be considered in that light. If
he were he would be the unanimous choice
of the democrats of this Mate.
' I am not making any senatorial cam-
1 DMign. If this plan of selecting a senatorial
I candidate is not followed I may or may not
I remain a candidate. There will he plenty
cf time to cross that bridge when we come
to it.
"The Idea I am Interested in having
tried Is similar to that employed by Mr.
Roaewater, when he received I5,m votes
for senator in lsl, the largest number ever
cast for that offl- by way of preference
in this state "
W. U. Thompson la ( turn alive.
W. H. Thompson of Grand Isiand. former
democratic candidate for governor of Ne
braska, is in the city. t
"I am here Just on a little private busi
ness," said Mr. Thompson. '! do not know
ss I rare to talk politics Jn.i now. The
senatorial question la yet a long ways off
end a great many things may happen be
tween now and the time to elect a senator.
I certainly am In favor of electing and
even nominating- United States senators
by popular vote. But then to do this we
niust unite upon some ono or two good
and available, men. I am not In accord
with the policy of balloting on a great host
of candidates. I think the popular' vol
plan should also apply In counties for llif
choice of congressmen. By such a plan all
the voters would have a voice In the
selection of a congressman. Instead of Its
being left to the manipulation of a few
fixed delegates. The popular vote plan for
tho election of senators Is a good one If
carried out honestly. Then a legislature
could be elected to carry out the wishes
of the people. Eut this would only occur
where the voters hud united upon some
suitable cundidute. But I cannot see that
any good will result from voting for s
miscellaneous list of aspirants."
Fire tinier Water
Is not more surprising than the quick,
pleasant, curative effects of Dr. King's
New Life Tills. 'J3 cents. Guaranteed.
For sale by Sherman & McConnell Drug
t'lab Wants to Know,
Secretary A. F. Novak of the Bohemian
club, reports a rousing meeting of the club
Sunday afternoon at Metx hall, when
eighty-five new members signed the books.
A committee of five was selected to wxit
on the city commltees of both the republi- 1
can and democratic parties to find Just I
what each was to promise for Its respective 1
candidates. This committee will report at
the next meeting of the club Sunday on
the findings and the club has pledged Itself
to be governed by the report of the com
A Skin of Beauty is m Joy Forevor;
R. T. Follx Oouraud'e Oriental
Cream or Megloal Boautlflar.
T, PlmrlM,
Freckle. Math Kiekv,
nma, ud bkia Vwiki,
hq tt7 u. rail, a
I on bMutf. sod d.
! lea dettctlos. It
see stood 111 teet
of M yews, sod
it m hermlew we
Ueiell totem, tt
Is properly mtde.
of UoiU.-u
name. Dr. L. A.
Bavro said to s
UAy of ibe faaut.
tus is paileot 1 1
"At you 1410 1
will ua turn.
'Gears ad' Cream' a the least harmful of aU the t
Good Dealer Is the Called Bwua, Cauda snd Xoip.
Inexpensive, Economical, Original.
See cut for idea. Fits any gas fixture;
threbles light; saves eyesight.
One light lnirninp; whore ymi not'tl it is hot
ter than two or three in the old wav.
This drop light, complete with
4-foot hose nnd aluminum
tip burner. ,
l Mm j
Bennett's Big
Devily Special Sa.le on
Reliable Goods.
Bennett's Excelsior Flour sack. ..S1.M)
And Seventy tireen Trading Stamps.
Dally demonstration now on.
Diamond S Pitted Cherries, Peeled
Apricots, riamsnn Plums, tirated
Fines pple, can 2.V-
And Thirty Green Trading Stamps.
Bennett's Breakfast Coffee. 2- pound
can iKo
And Thirty Green Trading Stamps.
Basket Fired Japan Tea. pound. ...4Sc
And Forty Oreen Trading Stamps.
Ten-pound sack Yellow Corn Meal.. 18c
And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps.
Wiggle Stick Waxcr, six 6c sticks
for 25c
And Ten Green Trading Stamps.
Bennett's Capitol Flavoring Extract.
4-ounee bottle 33c
And Forty Green Trading Stamps.
Mount Klneo, Maine, Corn. 2 cans.. 25c
And Twenty Green Trading Stamps.
I'ncle Sam's Baked Beans, 3 cans.. 25c
Imported Macaroni, pound package. 15c
And Ten Green Trading Stamps.
Headquarters for best on the mar
ketreceived dally.
Finest Virginia Swiss Cheese. lh...22c
And Ten Green Trading Stamps.
Jar Bayle's Cheese 24c
And Ten Green Trading Stamps.
Walker's Mascot Sweet Chocolate.
5c cake tor tc
Atkinson's Vanilla Chocolate, 5c cake
for .-tc
Anchor. , Sweet " Chocolate, 5c cake
for- .., 4c
:: ll
Specials in Hard
ware Tuesday
Minute Gas Range,
saves from 20 to 30 per
cent gas.
See Demonstration an J Baking
School In Basement
Big Sale Poultry Wire
Best quality 2-inch mesh
Poultry Netting 1
iter square foot 2V
Poultry Netting
Staples, per lb. . .
Best quality Garden
Hoes, 45c, 38c Rnd....eJJC
And thirty green trading stamps.
BeRt quality Square r
Deal Spade 0sC
And forty green trading stamps.
Best, quality Spading
Fork, 84c and
And forty green trading stamps.
Garden Trowels, 10c,
8c and
Best quality Steel
Rake, 30c and
And twenty green trading stamps.
X-Ray Lemon Squeezer 'JC
at DSi
And ten green trading stamps.
Large Glass Lemon '
Squeezer at
And ten green trading stamps.
Silverware Sale Still On
VI th
fc jii iiniseasawaeM
weddings soon now that Faster is over if you have an
Invitation lot us show you our line of Sliver. Cut Glass.
t Clocks and Hand Painted China. It's u beautiful line
11 we are showing. Spend few minutes In our store.
1310 Douglas.
mET.HOPQS.Proft. 37 Gal Jwa S'nrt TVV.
Ay niAMOSivs
ff Kl'RIES
I KAn'HlRKS il
Sk Our present niagnlfi- III
rent collection of Precious II
Stones will Interest every III
prospective purchaser. T
s Rpfiw n Jt. Rntfipi m
iZZZ South lasstreetOtnatu.!
n dTo e f?0f 'HcitLi hfi eMansr
We're Sole
Agents for
Hon City
Euy Hon
Cily Laces
and Save Ihe
60 Per Cent
Tuesday's Bargain Bulletin
A tremendous Kaster hiiMnoss has Wt us with ni;ny odd lots
nnrt broken lines which will ho dosed out this wvU nt Msofplng prico
reductions. Only a few ol the tunny pplcnrilri .values ore hero men
tioned every item a bargnin you cannot afford lo miss.
In Our Busy Suit Department
Stylish Tailor Suits that sold at $ I
Women's I'ovrrt "ots that sold Hp to
2?.T.T?rr 8.90 :;:hoUe.Tuos- 4.95
Handsome Taffeta Walking Skirts, I Women's Silk Shirt Wnlt Suits,
worth up to $15 choice 7 Cfll worth tip to $ I .V-choice p qp
Tuesday , JU i Tuesday D.JD
Special Furnishing Bargains
Ladies.' .lorsey HIIiImmI Vests, wit h i Ladies' Vnion Suits, lace trtinnie
high neck and long Hleeves, regu- with low neck and short sleeves.
lar 50c values, Tues- Off sizes, fcrent vnlues, at. f"
day , JC
Ladles' Knit Pnnts, lace trimmed,
light weight, worth double P
Tuesday's prices 2.V and. . . IJC
Lndics' Lisle anil t'olton Vests, in
pinks, blues and white, all sizes,
great bargains, at 25c, C
1fie 1 fin on1 .TP
..... j.-v. a..,., W I V WIWI , (SI VOl -lr, 11 ' .
l,ndles' Hose, in fine lisle or maco cotton. Mack, white or fancies
1 l.lntn ..h 1 .. ... . 1 " . . . 1
ii 1'Kwi ui id u fiii.'vis, wurui (ior, at, pan
SOc. Sc and JC
Men's Fancy Hose, in all colors, tho
greatest assortment ever shown.
25c values, at. 1 2 c
Men's Hose, regular 15c.
blacks, tnns and slato
color, great snap, at.
quality. ' In
... !2c
Wool Dress Goods Sale
FROM 2:30 TO :l:00 I. M.
We will sell All Wool Waistlngs and All Wool Challies that sold at
C0c, 7Ec and 98c yard ony one pattern to a customer at, yard
FROM :t:i TO :i::U I. M.
Fifty pieces of the finest Mercerized White Walsllng and White Pre
that was ever placed on sale in Omaha. You have bought these
39e, 50c and 59c yard -only one pattern to a customer at,
yard ,
FROM SI: 30 TO 4:00 I'. M.
We will sell Cotton t'hallles. in the finest colorings, perfectly fast
colors not over 12 yards to a customer at, only, yard
ss fabrics
goods at
. 10c
SO You ftlay Travel in
Health and Comfort
Specja! (iomeseekers5 Excursions
Timoriiue W1 ,7lh Mai 1st and 15th
. lUCdUdyS June 5th tod 19th,' July 3rd and 17th.
Iron Mountain
to Certain Points in the
One Fare Plus $2 for the Round Trip
STOP-OVERS will be allowed within Transit Limit of 15 days going,
after reaching first Honiesecker' point enroute, and returning within
Transit Limit of 21 day.
To thoso who are not satisfied with present conditions and who are
eeklng new' locations, this will afford an excellent opportunity for
. Investigating localities In the West and Southwest.
For Further Information, Maps, Folders, Etc., Address,
T. F. GODFREY, Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha, Neb.
( or
Do we travel westward in search of invigorat
ing rest and recreation?
Then let us get a good start and not find our
selves all "pulled down" when we get there.
has the most wonderful health-giving climate in
the world. Why? Much oxygen in the air,
that means vigorous life little oxygen means
sluggish life.
Ordinary trains are "stuffy" because the
people and lights use so much of this same oxy
genordinary lights burn oxygen. Electric
lights do not, they simply glow in a vacuum.
That's why the air is better in Electric-lighted
Overland Limited
is Electric lighted throughout and is two meals
the quickest and cheapest way to San Francisco.
Get the book that tells all about going and what's to be seen on tho
way and after you get there. Address
'Phone Douglas 334.
H. 0. TOWNSEND, Gen. Pass, and T'k't Agt., St. Louis, Mo.
$18.00 PER MONTH
Tli is is conveniently located next to the ele
vator, so that the offic is a particularly desir
able one. Offices are scarce these days, so if you
want it, don't wait till after the other fellow has
snapped it up.
la the best known office location in Omaha. Every
body knows that The" Be Building is the best
"office neighborhood" in town and you are
known by the company yon keey, Tho price in
cludes heat, electric light, water and janitor service.
Apply for offices to
R.' W. Baker, Supt. C.C. Rosewoter, Sec'y.
Room 41E
Corner 17th and Farnam.
She Best of
The Only Double
TracK Railway
to Chicago
Homeseekers' Tickets
' -.To
South Dakota,
North Dakota,
Alberta, fianltoba
Canadian Northwest
Clty Offlcoa
14011403 FARNAM ST.
TCU 624-601
GOOO t'lXlTIIKR r a biiMlncut, arnt
worth good liarJ dollar! to any
man; besides (IKNIL'S, in rough c loth.'.
get ahead slowly.
Vou'll find all the newest Siniuc fatrl-;a
on your tablrn. you'll i xp,''t to my inoiu
than we ask.
Trousers, $5 to $12 Suits. $20 to $50
Bee Want Ads Produce Result?
Ik what w call our Cushion Sola
Shoo and thoap who have worn them
aay "thpri is more real romfoit to
the Fquare inch In a pair of these ihneR
than anything they ever wore." It' a
the only real ( ushlun Hole Klioe on the
market. Hand-Si-wed which makes
It llexihle and easy niade over a
lnoail loot rorin lat which allowa the
foot to rent aquarcly on the Kohn, as
it should and not on the uppers a
most o cnlled ushlou tviio hhoca ro
Wc have them for both men and
Drexel Shoe Co.
(419 Farnam Street.
Rt4Mff4 tfc etiua ftJ 111 Uvr to
rturs oaiul function TRY THBM.
Tk Mc Kftlibt-Cnpwr fUn! C.,
loin. Ado bprloti, (.
1517 DonxrlasSl