A v EXTRA SPECIAL THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, APRIL 15, IDOfi. mo m-dKV ml lee "a dA YWrMeWrgmms I Novelties Just Received IN IP 1SILK SALEI X 125 pieces genuine Lyons dye Imported Printed Ha butal Silk on white grounds, printings are of the p Dresden and Persian effects, showing all the pretty & light and medium combinations of old rose, French R blues, sea preens, mac wnn snauinRs ui boh, browns, resedas, etc. specially adapted for house $ gowns, kimonos, party gowns and If bought in the regular way would retail at $1 per yard Monday at per yara Peau De Cupid Silks 100 pieces new shipment of new Peau de Cupid Silks, ft In 65 different shades, including the much wanted HDU mau:(J Kiuii, tiiu I UBC iiw kicqud, trtv;. gi. We recommend Peau de Cupid for nmr '; most every purpose, shirt waist Knits, waists, children's dresses. etc. large bargain square yard ... .jr jr g Fancu Silk Suitings at $1 Yard Fanrv Silk Suitings, new Alice grays, French blues and new navy colorings, In neat, email and medium .Tacquard figures, small narrea suks, overshot silks, narrow and wide stripes so much in vogue ally adapted for house $ :...:49c! S3 j)J CD ?Tj5 First Showing of Ladies' Summer Apparel 39c I leaium $1 8 0 tl Pi 55c I Heavy, rustling, oil boiled Taffeta, 27-inch, n Ca 3 worm ji.zo, at Heavy, rustling, oil boiled Taffeta, 36-inch, Clfl, wortn 11. bu. ai iv White Japanese Silks Our own importation at fully 26 per cent under regular prices all selected goods, ranging In widths from 24 to 36-incn. Extra heavy 27-Inch Jap Silks, worth 69c, at Extra heavy 86-inch Jap Silks, worth fl, at 39c 59c 100 PIECES OF BLACK SILKS At One-Third Off Regular Price Heavy, rustling, oil boiled Taffeta, 80-Inch, worth 89c, at 1 WASH SUITS, WHITE SUMMER. DRESSES. LINEN JACKET SUITS Brandeis is invariably first to display the n ew goods in advance of the season. Omalia women always look to us for tlie first correct expression of fashion. Monday our display of the new summer apparel will be complete enough to give a splendid idea of the ruling modi's next season While Serge Suits Natty little polo, pony an d Eton jacket (ffects with the round circular cut skirts, 89 1 trimmed, at A Pretty Novelty This Season is the White Serge a.nd Mohair Skirt It is bound to be the swagger thing for summer wear. One absolutely new number is a white serge with bands of black velvet ribbon around the bottom, pleated and vf 98 up 50 circular, prices m to White linen skirts, in a big array of the new style Ideas all fresh this season, g 50 4 98 1482-$I9-25-$35 f - Black Peau de Bole, extra finish, deep black, f SUltaDie ior me new cuais, worm i.o, hi. . ,rsv M $ f Ladies' Tailored Suits at $14.85 The suits in this group are very modish, the new shades, Alice blue, grey, Reseda, old rose, coral, etc., very new fy 85 ered, prices Chic Little Two-Piece Linen Jacket Suits The new round bolero arid Eton coats, daintily lace and hand em broidered, skirts trimmed to match '. extremely smart and dressy 6.98-9.98 Ladies' Walking Skirts at $4.98 and $6.98 Some brand new arrivals are shown in this group, the skirts are plain or mixed cloths, made m circular or pleated f 98 98 "U to Linen and Wash Shirt Wnist Suits, embroidered and hire trimmed. aWo hand enibroid- A ft Q fl DC Covert. Jackets These coats for any outdoor occasion prices styles, prices are. t SPECIAL SALE OF I $ mm m, t m t m S 1 irLmbroidenes New Arrivals of Our Popular "Fashionseal" Suits mi i ii it -i- i i 1 1 j ' 1 a. ! m a xms snipment irom me "r asnionseai lactory just arrived raiuraay. 10 inose j ladies who have not yet viewed this matchless line of suits, we extend a special invitation tomorrow. The most beautiful range of spring style, the greatest re finement and the very best suits ever sold at 9LM2L0 1? $35 New Styles In Lingerie Waists Ho many dainty tipw rffects In thrKti walxts that de scription Is almoot uspIpss. The m tprlals aro th shpercBt whlto, tho trimming" aro elaborate or Rim pip, Just as your fancy may sidect, prices are 2-.3-A9! V i i it V '4 V mi V ? I1. is i) V if V DRESS GOODS Hlg:h Urade Wash Dress Goods Fine uuality Imported Swiss infiinltesmal P dot! W7.pe.r25c.39c9c.59c-75c.Jl Embroidered rich designs St. Gall Swiss-yard Chiffon LlHse, new checks and plaids, dainty or. diaphanous goods yard 4JQ Pure Irish Linen, sheer and the heavier grades Special 4 8-inch Hand Made French l.lnen yard Hand Embroidered Robes, lingerie lawns and fine linen, $35 and $40 dresses, of the f J rf . .1 i .U 59c 25c 39c.59N i? $2 59c most elegant work and style, each., 20 m73 50 25 15c 39c I.lnssrerle Waist Patterns at jiist one-third of regular price French Organdies, 25c grade yard Printed Silk Poplins, pretty effects, refrular 60c and 7 5c grades, at yard. . i SI1U Louiseno (washable), new tones Q yard Spring Dress Goods at 49o Yard Hurcain square with hundreds of tholce styles Pan amas, worth $1. and all the most desirable ' ACp weaves of hin season yard T J The surplus stock of a foreign importer and James town manufacturer, $1.50 and $2 dress goods, Chif fon Panama, Silk Voile. Silk Eolienne, Crepe f Chiffon, elegant Wark Dress Ooods yard.. XjJK Cream Press Ooods, Yachting Serge, $1.50 grade, 54 inch, shrunk and sponged fff yard P $1.25 Cream Serge Diagonal yard SOO yards Cream Sicilian, Panama and Storm Serge, $1.39 and $1.50 grade Cream Mohair, 50c grade, at yard ..$1 39c W m W New lota of extra fine Embroideries so on bargain square tomorrow elaborate and dainty patterns, many matched seta, fine bands and lnsertlngs. In ' this lot are some very fine sheer nainsook embrold- N erles and lnsertlngs actually worth up to 50c a a yard, at yard R (Q)c-115c-25c Wash and Trimming Laces Mechlines, Vals, Torchons, Net Tops, eW. a great va- U , riety of widths, newest patterns, scores of new ef fecta piled high on bargain T'j, CA if Cables Monday yard.., ........ t2v D C- f 2V m Ladies' Summer Underwear Our immense stock of ladles' fine Summer Underwear la here. The finest Vests, Pants and Union Suits that are made In the leading mills of the conn try. Special Ladles' Vesta and Pants, summer weight, fine cotton and lisle, some silk mercerized, many hand cro cheted prices, P ?C garment IJbMV Ladies' Vests, Pants and Union Suits, In white and fancy col ors, beautifully lace trimmed, very special Monday J During the Phenomenal Business of the Week Preceding Easter We Sold Practically Bverg Hat In Our Tremendous Stock. Monday, We Start with An Entirely NEW SHOWING OF ELEGANT MILLINERY, MODESTLY PRICED Such an EaBter millinery season was never known before. Our resources were taxed to the utmost, but our preparations had been complete and we supplied fashionable Omaha with Easter headwear of the most beautiful character. The hats are all new Monday. We invite you to view the new assemblage. $5 - The Shoe That Bends With the Foot RED CROSS Shoes for Women 1 3 New York Model Hats at $10 There are some bats just received from the wark rooms, of the most noted Fifth avenue, New York, designers they follow out the latest style dic tates from Paris scdres of elegant novelties in shape and trimming u-r?:vJ,s,..::4'.'"-i II 111 I VVJ"i " 1 i i i ;' for snrincr and nnm- mer wear newest II Si I iLw' moueis, ai ft? Natty Little Street Hats at $1.50 4"" JT yTX,, New Creations to Sell at $5 You will agree there was never be fore such dashing style shown in modest priced millinery our most talented designers have used their fashioning You'll never know what real shoe comfort means till you've worn the Red Cross. The solo is flexible, yet .made of '4ild leather; oven the heaviest bles ean be bent double. Cushion heels relieve all strain and Jar. Styles are correct and trim. The flexible soles outwear the stiff soles. lted Cross Oxfords for sum mer wear at jj J00 auvd 50 in rts art est H best ideas these smai creations after the latest French and American designs a hundred absolutely new effects Monday, at New Suit Hats at $2.50 A charm about these simple but dressy Ladles' High Shoes Every new last, correct heel and fashion able leather, at. . . 3!? little hats that makes them great fayorites. All the new colors the small sailors are popular 250 First Shewing of the Smart Summer Millinery Outirt Ha.ti, Summer Street Ha.ts, Etc. White is a favorite color In millinery, Just as in all apparel for summer wear. An assemblage of the freshest, daintiest headwear ever shown by an American house hats for every fashionable occasion of late Bpring or mid-summer a range of moderate prices. '4 25 V & The New White and Linen Color x SHOES FOR SPRING i White and Linen Shoes will jj have more popularity than in v the previous year. Everything is in costumes runs to white, and shoes are right abreast of the times with brand new novelties. Sea Island White Canvas $ Pumps, $1.05 and $2.50. New White Court Ties at $ $1.50, $1.65 and $2.50. i ne uroy canvas lies, nne 55 linen, at $2.50. - i i 3 3 '4 i S College Widow Shoes, 3.50 '4 Special Sale In Drapery Dept. Couch covers, extra large sizes and heavy, at Portieres, new spring line, plain with tapestry bor ders or figured, at pair., Lace Curtains, 60 Inches wide, 34 yds. long, pair. Flat Curtains with Battenb in Arabian color pair .1.59 both In .3.98 .1.50 urg edge, 1.98 Rope Portieres, new spring line, extra heavy cord, can be made 7 -I QQ feet wide, at Dalr JZtj Snowflake Curtains go at pair , Window Shades In all colors, complete, each Ourtaln Swiss, in figures and dots yard 98c 25c 10c riNE f atm ens , REJOLvED. j THAT IF YOU WEAR sh THE OLD WINTER. .SUIT fTOL IN .SPRING, YOU LOOK i-'NCSi? LIKE A .STRAW HAT ON jff CHRlTMA-S DAY. BE U,. U ,51RE THE JTYLE-S ARE RIGHT. GO TO tJ 5RANDEI-5'-. TWM uwTHty Extra Special Sale of Carpets and Rugs We have planned to make Monday a very special day in Carpets and Rugs. The entire department filled with specially good bargains that will appeal strongly to every householder. Every price quoted means a genuine big saving. A visit on Monday will be greatly to your advantage. 30 lt all wool Ingrain Carpet, ACS,-, at. yard u" .12c to 35c at 49c -59c 65c Velvet Carpet, with or border to match, floral and Oriental patterns a yard Brussels Carpet, the very best grade, at yard without 90c 79c The best 9x12 Tapestry Rug at. : Fine Axmlnster Rugs, 9x12. at Body Brussels 5-frarue Rugs, 9x12, at $15 22?? .$25 New lino of Straw Mat ting, yard New line of Linoleum square yard 4-yard wide Linoleum, best Qual lty, square yard WslsK Goods SaJe la the Basement Special fine lot Madras Shirting and Walsting. black and colored dots, small figures, circles, etc. this material is made from the fin est cotton, and the printings are also absolutely fast 25c quality for 10 f-S 'ML - - , YOU DON'T NEED To -SPEND DAY.S AND DAY S STUDYING TYLEJ EVERY .SEA.SON 1NLE-5J YOU MAKE YOUR OWN clothe j. -SELECT the .store THAT -STANDS TOR THE HIGHEST QUALITY AND PERTECT JTYLE-THAT' BRANDED. WE MAKE A .STUDY OP -STYLE AND ALL OUR APPAREL -SHoW-S IT. THI-S -SPRING OUR VARIETIES ARE GREATER THAN EVER BEFORE. Men's Suit S&le THE SALE THAT ESTABLISHES A NEW RECORD I ENTIRE SURPLUS STOCK Of Fashionable Spring Clothes for Men B. R0TH56HILD & CO. ROCHESTER. N. Y. Makers of the Famous "Newport" Clothes There never was such a response to a clothing sale in Omaha. Throngs of men visited our clothing depart ment Saturday, and the high character of the clothing, together with the wonderfully low prices, made the event one that stands without an equal. The stock was so enormous that the best patterns remain for your selec tion Monday. Choice of all Ii. ltotliBchild & Co.'s MEN'S SUITS, worth $15, at Choice of all 1$. Rothschild & Co.'s MEN'S SUITS, worth $20, at Choice of all 1$. Rothschild & Co.'s MEN'S SUITS, worth $22.50 and $25.00, at Mill remnants sheer India Llnon, Mulls, Persian Lawns, up to 40 ins. wide, values up to 35o yard one of the biggest bargains ever offered sale price Monday yard.. Finest white material for undergar ments, 15c grade Long Cloths, Nain sooks, Cambrics and muslins in long lengths, for yard.. 7c r undergar Moths, Naln- 6V2C 8c From 8 to 10 a. m. Genuine Amoskeag Apron Checked Ginghams and Fancy Dress Ging hams, regular 10c values, in long lengths from 8 till yard 8 15 and styles, , in & G. Lingerie 3c RG CORSETS The graceful, rounded form that distinguishes the style of this season is best secured with the Tapering Waist Model of the famous R. & Q. Corsets. W'e have all sizes eluding the new it. Corset, for which we predict tre mendous popularity. Every It. & G. Corset Is guaranteed. Prices, $1 to $3 Fancy Dress Ginghams, styles that ar new, a quality worth making up thousands of yards for per yard One lot various grades and lengths 9-4 Bleached Sheeting as long as they last for 1 filt yard iJ In Afternoon at 1:30 We will sell Printed Lawns and Ba tistes light or dark styles full bolts regular twelve and one-half- cent quality for per . yard 5c Linen Specials ..2ic ...5c ...lc . . 5c .7jc 18c Cream 15c 69c 10c Tenerlffe Dollies each , 10c Battenburg Dollies each 5c Fringed Linen Napkins each 10c Hemmed Huck Towel each 15c Bleached Turkish Tow els each 35c All Llueu Huck Tow els each I CO-inch Bleached and Tuble Damask, worth 30c, yard All linen Silver Bleached ard $125 quality all linen Full Bleached 2-yard Table O f Damask yard 0C Oue lot of Dinner Nankins ' " "v iu ti.ta, ior tiozeu $1 I I. 1,