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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1906)
THK OMAHA DAILY BEF.: fct'XDAY, APHIL 1.'. l!Kr. SCIENTISTS VIEW ERUPTION Story of Two Men Who Remained in Obwrvstorj Dnrine Disturbance. AWFUL GRANDEUR OF THE SCENE Trol. Matteuccl and Prof, ferret olleet Greut ttuautltr of Ontu and tperlmeua that May I'rotf Wluafcle. N'APLKH, April 14.-The Associated 1'ress today succeeded In reaching the highest Habitable point on Vesuvius, where I'rof. Matteuccl, director of the Royal observa- "iry. hug courageously held his pout throughout the eruption. The noted scl ntist was found to bo comparatively calm i'nd undisturbed by hla recent fearful ex IMTUacpB. For three days Prof. Matteuccl und hla little band were cut off from the outside world Their provisions ran low mid their rations constated of cheese, bread Mnd dried onions, until Prof. Matteuccl' urgent telegraphic appeals led a venture come guide to push through on Friday with a Block of supplies for their relief. Mean' time the professor had kept at his lnstru nients taking observation! and making cal- ulatlnns day and night whllo a perfect inferno raged around him. As he came forward to greet the corre londent his blackened face and dust cov ered clothes told of tho ordeal through whieh he had passed, lie is of medium height, stocky of build, with a ruddy face and silver gray hair and moustache. His appearance combines the Intellectuality of the savant and the hardihood of the ath bite. His rough garb seemed to belle his profession, for he looked like a western .owboy after a hard ride In a dust storm. He wore a rough tweed Jacket over a woolen shirt, which was hMd together at ilia throat by a rough cord. A cloth cup, trousers, leggings and heuvy boots com pleted bis costume. Great Ocean of Ashes. The portico where he stood was knee leep tn aphes which had been swept aside to uinke i small footway. From the ol eervatory terrace, to which narrow pattis bad been cut through the ashes, the corrt npondent looked out over an ocean f iishes and twisted rivers of lava, while Vesuvius rue grimly In a mantle of ashes nnd shrouded with dark vapors rising like a gigantic fan. Prof. Matteuccl was asked to tell In his own way the story of the cataclasm from the outNct. This he con sented to do. and, speaking In good French, nave the following detailed narrative: "I lirst observed Mount Vesuvius giving unusual signs about a month ago, when the lava began to overflow, taking a south west direction. This gradually Increased as several small lava streams formed Into tie great current. The real danger began the middle of last week. Then un enormous Htreatn of lava came from the summit, jneeting the other streams which burst from the lower strata. It was this that overwhelmed Boseo Trecase. Throughout the lava discharge the volcano was com paratively quiet and without electrical phe nomena or explosions. The only ominous sign was the advancing wave and the cin ders forming an enormous cloud In the shape of a pine tree over the crater. Terror Bea-lns Sunday. "Our really terrible period came at 3 o'clock Sunday morning and lasted until 8 o'clock. The mountain, which hitherto had lieen silent, suddenly gave out a deafening roar and a great rent was made In Its cone. Huge solid rocks were hurled sky ward. Some of them fell near the observa tory, threatening to cras.i In the roof, but piflst of thetn Tell fur outside the observa tory zone. There was no scoria In this dis charge, but solid, bullet-like stones which cut the roof and damaged the windows." Prof. Matteuccl employed his hands as well as his voice In order to depict the continuous mass of stones rising like bombs and ronian cardies. ."At midnight of Saturday," said Prof. Matteuccl, "I ordered the women and chil dren of the household removed. This was Just before the rain of huge stones began and I was then left with Prof. Perrct of New York, my American assistant, and two domestics. There was scarcely uny eating and all domestic order was abandoned. We snutched a few bites now and then: most of the time 1 ate right hare," and the ob server pointed to the remuins of a recent meal on the desk In his study. "Throughout Sunday enormous solid 1 blocks of stone rose to a height of ;,B00 feet from the craft' while ashes and sand were thrown much higher, but towards .Monday the terrlole shocks of earthquake araduully diminish! d. The worst features of the eruption was the unusual extent of the electrical phenomena, the darkness be Inv broken by vivid flushes of lightning uMiiK the sky a blood-like color, with "hurt, heavy penis of thunder Interspersed. Thes. moments were terrible very terrible. Yes, It was veritable hell." Valuable Data Collected. Asked If his scientific observations here i Med valuable results. Frof. Matteuccl replied: "Observation was extremely difficult un ilrr such disturbing conditions. The seg uiatlc Instruments were badly affected by the electrical currents, each explosion being hVa fp " Get t lie Cream - Not only the inerry milkmaids know that it's the tirnt comers that got the cream. Omaha's fastidious dreader know that it's the first customers that get the cream of our fabric stock. So they are placing their orders early tliiH year. Order ing their iiu miner suits now. tiet Uns their choice of uoli fiibrltn a that new No. .'.J.T-'l Twilight tlrajr Iiewboro Cross Stripe, the soft, quiet pfTevts lit a fabric that always looks rlc-h yet wears like a ilc-e of cow hl.le. We are making this fabric Into the long-suit style for $35. MacCARTHYWlLSON TAILORING CO. I 'hone Doug. I. J04-SOS S. lth Next door to Wabash ticket office. St Etadusr TrouLLst: RELIEVES LN 24- Hours ALL URINARY DISCHARGES EachCss- S F.ul. be arsfMIBTl Sor alt bv sll aniesl. For Kidney and (WW announced by a violent movement of the Instruments, which seemed ready to burst Into pieces." The professor sounded a long rasping R" like a succession of nnlck tans on a drum, which, he said, resembled the noise made by the seismograph when affected by a violent explosion "Compered with other great eruptions," continued the observer, "this Is one of tho most Important In the history of Vesuvius. Its effects were less terrible than those of the eruption of the year '79 when Pom pell was buried, but It equals In intensity the great eruptions of lfi.11 and 1T2. What results this eruption will yield to science Is pot yet certain. Eruptions are not exact In science. You cannot count on Vesuvius; each of lis eruptions has Its characteristics. This one was marked by an abundance of electrics! phenomena. I have already col lected ouantltle of cinders and scoria for comparison with similar matter from other eruptions and later I v. Ill collect large stones." The professor pointed to the shelves In his laboratory, where were plates contain ing cinders varying In size and bottles filled with ashes and also In the room were enormous stones each labelled with the date of Its ejection from the volcano. Future la I neertaln. Asked concerning Meant Vesuvius In the future. Prof. Matteuccl replied: "I am unable to tell with any degree of certainty. I sincerely hope this eruption Is over, but who can tell whether another terrible convulsion may not come during the next minute. However, all my pre dictions point to a period of calm for tho next few days and therefore, I am hopeful. But I was hopeful. last night, although a serious explosion occurred at 10 o'clock In the evening without any warning." Frof. Matteuccl handed the correspond ent a stone the slse of a three-Inch shell as a souvenir of his visit, saying: "These are very precious stones. Some of them have hit me at one time or another. They represent my wounds." He then led the way to - his sleeping quarters, which showed the confusion that existed throughout the domestic branch of the observatory during the eruption. As be turned to the portico Vesuvius gave uimther deep groan, ending with a fearful explosion which blew off a portion of Its new cone, "flee." exclaimed the professor, "the eruption may be resumed at any moment. That explosion rent the westerly cone." Mount Vesuvius presented a majestic spectacle from this point of vantage at the observatory. This was far Inside the outer circle of smoke which hides the volcano from Naples. The great monster stood out clearly under the bright sunlight. It was entirely white, like a snow-covered moun tain, ashes having turned its former deep green color. Its contour also had changed. The gigantic. Jagged cone no longer rose like the setting of an enormous Jeweled ring. Instead the top now forms a grace ful curve, harmonizing the gradual slope of the foothills. The white surface of the mountain Is silt here and there aa with a giant sabre stroke, leaving gulches through which lava courses. The wrecked remnant of the funicular railway lay at the bottom of one of these gulches, some of the twisted cable protruding from the ashes. Prof. Ferret's Observations. Singularly, an American scientist Is the only one sharing Prof. Matteuccl's oppor tunlties of observation. This is Prof. Frank A. Perret of New York. "1 have been here only three months,' says Prof. Perret. "I came to Italy orig Inally for my health. I had studied volcano disturbances and met Prof. Matteuccl. We became mutually interested and he honored me by inviting me to share his observations as an honorary assistant. Tho post of assistant to which I was recently appointed by the I'nlverslty of Naples came at most fortunate moment, as It permitted my observation of this tremendous disturbance, which Is beyond the faintest conception cf those outside the Immediate terrors of Vesuvius. The most terrible moment came Saturday night. I had gune to Uosco Tre case for the purpose of photographing the lava stream that was then deluging that town. I Returned to the observatory about midnight. The dynamic force of the main crater increased enormously and new crater mouths opened In the mountain side within ten minutes of each other. This caused Immense havoc. From Naples crowds Hoiked to Bosco Trecase to witness the sight, which was grander there than at any other point. "At midnight the situation in the observ atory was terrible. The ground rocked un- I der It and It was Impossible to stund llrmly on one's feet. The roaring of the main crater was deafening; the volcano operated like a fountain, its discharge rising and spreading and then falling over a great area. The electric phenomena was terri fying. The claps of thunder were Incessant, with a lurid play of lightning. The cause of the phenomena was friction from the as cending particles generating electricity, which displayed itself in incessant lightning and thunder claps. (Irene of Awful Grandeur. "No one thought of sleep, but all stood gazing at the awful scene. At 3 o'clock In the morning the lowest station seemed to be burning and at 3:30 o'clock the whole cone broke open with a tremendous earth quake shock. Red-hot projectiles were pre cipitated toward Mount Somma and the observatory. That seemed to be the crit ical moment and the brigadier of the car bineers ordered a retreat. We made our way to a small house down the mountain side, but even there the rain of'stoncs continued. One of the carbineers was struck on the head and badly cut. After this the intensity of the eruption steadily decreased.'1 In the Stricken Districts. I The mountain climb gave the correspond i ent an opportunity to see the desolation In ! the stricken districts. The route was through Portlcl and Kesina, puling over Herculaneum to Pompeii. Here the ashes had fallen to the depth of three feet und I hundreds of military wagons and a Bquad of soldiers were piling them in four paral lel drifts ten feet high, through wnteh filed a motley throng of fugitives and lines of mililaiy wagons. The fugitives v. ere a mis erable lot. covered with rags. Many of them were young children, who carried ba bies in their arms, some of the latter hav ing bright new toys, the result of the mis applied charity from the fashionable valla. Portlcl was a sorry sight. The houses were streaked with mud and ashes up to the window sills. Five hundred refugees were gathered before the city hall de manding help. Ponpeli and Herculaneum were clos d up. huge piles damming the en trance. The lower loie of the mountain Is doited with villas and parks in which the orange trees were all blasted under the rain of ashes. The donkey on which the corre spondent rode labored through ashes three feci deep. A weird silence prevailed for even the birds have disappeared. The route was Over the lava beds ejected in the eruption of 1871 und these lay In distorted masses like an ice Jam. Naples was faintly visible below through a curtain of smoke. As the correspondent Journeyed upward a new crater suddenly burst end from the summit of the volcano enormoos masses of sand and mist shot skyward. The monster trembled, seeming about to renew its con vulsions and tne native guides hesitated, declaring that a warning had already been given of another outbreak today. Fnr tunstelr it was a passing manifestation. Tcwsrd the top of the mountain the plv ture was one of unutterable desolation, but natives, strangely yiersistent sod wrinkled With age, emerged from their dugojis Just below the observatory offering milk and eggs to the party. Vesuvius has no terrors i for them. While descending after the In terview with Prof. Matteuccl the sounds of a mandolin came ftom one of the dugouts which was scarcely visible above the desert of ashes. Italian People t.lve Thanks. The news from Vesuvius continues to be satisfactory, the sun is shining brightly this morning and the last vestige of the eruption are disappearing from Naples. The work of cleaning and sweeping Is still going on here, but the city has about re sumed Its normal appearance, while the re ports from the villages and towns In the region of Vesuvius say that the people are , gradually returning to their homes; that j the stores are being reopened and that the inhabitants of the town which suffered the leaFt are actively engaged In repairing their damaged homes and churches and in open ing up the roads, tn which they are assisted by the troops and government engineers. This being Pabato Santo, or the Saturday before F.astcr, the churches of this city are overcrowded with worshipiiers of all classes, from the lady In an elegant velvet gown arriving In a magnificent carriage, to the humble beggar glfl who finds It diffi cult to afford the cheap handkerchief on her head, as the churches In Naples partic ularly are common meeting ground for the princesses and peasant. Err-ry religious function today was a thanksgiving for the danger passed, while requiem masses were celebrated for the repose of the victims of the volcanic disaster. Desolation on Mountain. Near the statue in the cathedral of the patron saint of Naples, San llennaro, a child was engaged In specially earnest player. Afterwards as she left tho ca thedral looking particularly happy, she was questioned as to what was the boon she had been asking of San Gennaro, to which the girl replied: "That the saint will cause the queen to come and live In Naples, aa she brings good luck. The volcano is afraid of her." The feeling of Joyous thanksgiving in Naples contrasted strongly with the mournful scenes witnessed in the deso lated districts, relatives weeping over their dead and priests going from house to house blessing the homes of tho be reaved, while above them was Mount Vesuvius still retaining a threatening ap pearance. Several more bodies were found at otta Jano today. That territory has been thor oughly disinfected as were San Giuseppe and Santa Anastasia. Part of the roof of the depot at Torre del Oreco fell today, but no one was In jured. An abundant rain of ashes fell at Pompeii and a party from the polytechnic Institute In London was blocked there for mainour's. ' '''' I I VARNISHING DAY AT PARIS Annual "how of 'National Society ol Fine Arts Attracts Brilliant Gathering. PARIS. April 14 This was "Varnishing Day" of the thirty-sixth annual exposition of the National Society of Fine Arts and It attracted a brilliant gathering to the grand palace. In spite of the presence of & num ber of good works by French and American artists, the salon this years marks a lower artlstlo level than that of last year. No picture stands out pre-eminently nor are there any absolutely bad. Impression ism seems to be on the wane and the ex travagances often shown und sometimes admired are now rare. The absence of any pictures of Sargent creates a regretable void In the American rank, while other prominent American artists do not exhibit. America otherwise is well represented In number and quality. Boldini has some very talented but contortionist portraltB, Walter Gay has several charming Interiors. Mrs. MacManles a handsome decorative panel and Rolshoven exhibits a good por trait. Other American painters who at tract attention are Darling. Field. Alexan der. Harrison, Chllds. Hassam. Oare, Melchers Travis, I'lman, T'pton and Vail. Among the French artists Carolus Duran shows two unusually good portraits. TVIIermlte has four pictures, two of which aro especially fine, and Iatouche excels with some decorative panels displaying great subtlety of workmanship and har mony of color. TJamard, Blunche. Dagnan Bouveret. Oourlois. Dinet. Carrlgo. Mes lerleher. Roll, Simon. Thaulow exhfblt some very good work. Jean Veber nttracts attention through his serio-comic vein. Two pictures by Woog are charming. Borchardt displays a large portrait of the German emperor which attracts crowds of people. It Is specially puirded by police to prevent possible mischief on the part of French patriots. I SAN MARINO LOSES VOTERS Smallest Republic May Die Because Its People Leave for Livelier Tlacics. ROME. April 14.-(SpeciaI Cablegram to The Bee.) The steady decrease In the num ber of citizens in the republic of San Marino has given rise to the fear that the republic may die for want of voters. According to the t'orrlete Delia Sera, there are but 1.700 electors in Saa Marino at present, including widows. A large pnv portion of the citizens emigrate every vear to Switzerland and Italy In search of employment. The republican assembly has decided to abolish the executive council, the mem bers of which are elected for life. Here after members will be elected by the people for three years only. San Marino, It Is well known, is the smallest republic In the world as well as one of the oldest. Before its government was placed in the hands of the executive council, better known as the council of sixty, the re public was ruled by a general assembly composed of the heads of families. I n 0. P GREAT 15 DAYS' SALE OF HIGH GRADE PIANOS Omaha's Largest and Finest Piano Store Offers Most Extraordi nary Bargains of Year vjt ONDAY MORNING we inaugurate the most sensational sale of pianos and piano players ever known in Omaha, 450 instruments, all stand ard makes, will be sacrificed at less than factory cost. Wo have just closed a week of extraordinary business tbe greatest in our history. The magnifiieent bar gains ottered during this greatest of nil great sales, raised even the Sehmoller ,& Mueller standard of value-giving, which has long been acknowledged supreme. We intend to make this FIFTEEN DAYS SALE OF PIANOS so con spicuous in the annals of our piano store that it will stand side by side'with last week's general sale in our record of achievement. Brand New Pianos for $150, for $250, for 0350 AND EQUALLY ASTONISHING VALUES AT EVERY PRICE BETWEEN Do not delay a single hour, but come at once if you would reap the greatest benefit 'from this remarkable sale. Values like these cannot be approached under ordinary business conditions. You may never have a chance like this again to buy a Steinway, Steger, Emerson, Hardman, A. B. Chase, McPhail, Vose & Sons, Kurtzman or fourteen other celebrated makes. "We are prepared to please you, no matter what price you want to pay. If $100 is your price we will give you the best $100 piano to be found in Omaha. If you want to spend $350 it will buy more piano value here than anywhere in the city. Ycu have our absolute guarantee of full value for every dollar you spend. Every instru ment marked in plain figures our prices the same to all. WIvITK FOR HIKE CATALOGUE AND BARGAIN LI8T. WE SHIP TIANOS EVERYWHERE TERMS TO SUIT YOUR COilVEIIIEUCE Evuryon of thus Instrument In this sal f uarsntd wHhadtUd dvantag of libaral axchang prlvilf. STOOL and SCARP PREE huTuOlieir GvUyellfleir IPoaini o HI 1311-1313 FARNAM STREET mi SHAW RELIEVES SITUATION National City Bank Permitted to Draw Gold from Treasury' SPECIE FROM LONDON IS ANTICIPATED Secretary of Treasury Permits Sev Practice In Hrgard to Cash Desired by Banks of evr York. NEW YORK, April 14. Announcement that Secretary of the Treasury Slmw has permitted tho National City uank to draw gold from the t'nlted Slates Treasury de partment pending the arrival here of gold engaged by this bank for Import from London was made today. Tho bank Was allowed the use of this government gold upon depositing bonds sufficient to rover the amount of the Im port. Gold engaged by the .National City bank for Importation from London amounts to over J10,000,000. An engagement of tfi.OOO.OOO gold In Lon don for importation to the United States was announced by the National City bank. The gold advanced by the Treasury de partment Is to be returned by the bank Immediately upon rectipt of the European gold. Reason for .Yew Plan. Secretary Shaw, speaking of the ground for this action, which Is a new move on the part of the Treasury department, made the following statement In this city today: The price of exchange having reached a point where gold ought to hae been Im ported, and b -llovlng tho renson why it was not engaged to be the loss on Its uie durlug trannit. the subtreusury at Kew York was authorized on Thursday after noon to accept bonds nvalluhle ax security to Having banks and to Increase the de posit of any national hank de-tiring to im port gold to any amount not exceeding ti.WiO.OoO to any one bunk, the same to be returned Immediately on the arrival of the gold. On KridHy the limit was removed authorizing the acceptance of security and to Increase the dfxflt to any amount when asHtired that the money would be Immedl ntely used In the engagement of gold for shipment to the I .'nlted States. Twelve million dollars have thus heen distributed. Secretary Shw called attention to the fact that In this way the banks will be able to Import gold without losing Its use during shipment. Formerly the banks were permitted to count In their reserve gold In transit. This rule has been changed and man said that the ordinance suspended the right of tre city to purchase the gas plant so long as the gas company supplied na ural gas and that this right of the city to buy the plant was worth millions. After hearing the arguments on the case. Judge Brumback denied the application for the restraining order on the grnrund that the Injunction granted by the circuit court several weeks ago restraining the council from passing an objectionable gas fran chise was rtill In force and that a new or der was unnecessary. The council met tonight, but the gas or dinance was not put In the budget and no business of Importance was transacted. PANIC IN CHICAGO CHURCH Ory of Fire Start Crash "Whioh Results in Four Deaths. SCORE. OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN HURT Pastor Partly Quiets Coagres;atlon When Floor Gives Wit luder Croird Massed In Center of Building-. BISHOP SPALDING TALKS Peoria Prelate Doubts Reoort that He Is tu Rreelte a , Red Hat. PEORIA. III.. April M. HUliup Spalding said today he would serve on the coal strike commission If necessary. "I will consider 11 my sacred duty to sere with the Mrlke commissioners If they are called together," said the commissioner, "but I am fur from a well man and 1 hope that my services will not be needed." In sneaking of the recent rumor that he might be appointed a cardinal, the bishop said : 'I have understood that my name was under consideration by the pope, but I am of the opinion that If another cardinal Is appointed in America. New York City will get the honor. I have also understood that Archbishop Ireland was under con sideration. "As for myself I am sstlsfled lo remain bishop. A cardinal has little power over the church in Ids country, although the honor is very gTeat." Th bishop is greatly Improved In health. the new rule Is now adopted of advancing i the money on proper security to be returned Immediately on the arrival of the gold. Lincoln Heads Truffle Bureau. nT. Lol'IS. April It-The hoard of man agers of the St. Lbuis trafflu bureau an nounced today the appointment of i. Ot l.iiHohi. udsmtaiit freight trsrttc manager of l he Missouri Pacific railroad, as commis sioner of the St Louis traffic buret, jf. fec:ive May 1. Mr Lincoln headquarter ui .xiMui ars in Karuuis I'ily. MAYOR NEFF WILL NOT ACT Kansas City Executive Promises Court He Will Sot Introduce Uas Franchise. KANSAS CITY, April H.-In the circuit court here today arguments were heard on the order granted last night temporarily restraining the city council from r"i"'"t an ordinance granting a natural gas fran chise to the Kansas City Gis company. Mayor J. II, Neff, who appeared In court and was questioned by Judge Hrumbuik, promised the court tbatie would not again present the ordinance to the council, ami therefore suggested that the proceedings might slop. The Judge, however, stated frankly that the mayor might honestly change his mind before night and again Introduce the ordinance and so ordered the arguments to continue. Mayor Neff admitted that be had prom ised the gas company that be would Intro duce the franchise and sign It If passed. "But now," added Mayor Neff. I propose to submit it back to the people and let the Incoming administration pass upon It." Frank Hagerman. one of the attorneys for thuae seeking to have the restraining erder made permanent, declared: "A majority of the council are acting promptly to pes this ordlnaiioe." Ilager- DOWIE NOT AFTER THE CASH More Than Money Must Be Considered In Settling- Trouble at Zlon. CHICAGO, April H.-Emil C. AV eitin of counsel for John Alexander Dowle today promulgated a denial of the statement that the Zlon City difficulties would lie compro mised by allowing Dowle 5 per cent of the totnl assets of the community. The trouble, he states, will never be set tlod on a basis of dollars and cents. Mr. M'etten adda that he entertains a llvoly hope that a settlement will be made cut of court as negotiations to that end con tinue. Today the writ which a deputy sheriff vainly attempted to serve upon Dowie, when he arrived in the city, was read to him in his rooms at the Auditorium by Deputy Sheriff Wilson. The summons is In a civil suit brought against Dowle for 5uu by a local alienist. Judge V. V. Barnes of Zion City and At torney Jacob Newman, representing Voliva, and Attorney Knill C. Wetten. represent ing Dr. Dowle, were in conference the greater part of the day In an endeavor to decide upon a common ground that might lie used as a starting point for an amicable settlement of the trouble. At the conclu sion of these conferences the participants stated that no agreement or a starting point upon which to reach a settlement had been arrived at. They were unanimous, however. In stating that the prospect for a peaceful solution of the trouble was by no means hopeless. Attorney P. C. Haley, associated with Mr. Wetten in the Interests of Dowie, stated today that he was still busily en gaged upon the bill in chancery petitioning that the transfer of the property at Zlon City from Voliva to Financial Manager Alexander Granger be set aside. Attorney Haley states emphatically that this docu ment will be filed when It has been com pleted, If by that time the peace negotia tions have come to naught. Dr. Dowlo will spend Easter In his apart ments at the Auditorium Annex. Overseer Voliva today declared that be fore any settlement with Dowle on a finan cial busls could be considered he must first settle with those persons who are pressing for a return of money they put Into Zlon for purposes other than those for which they claim the "first apostle" used It. had on the congregation the boy ran away and the police have been unable to find him or to learn his Identity. Floor Beams Give Way. When the alarm of tire was first given the pastor and ushers endeavored to quid the congregation, explaining that there was no danger, but their words had no effect and in a moment tho center aisle was u mass of struggling humanity. Up to this time there had been no fatal ities, and except for torn garments there had been no damage. Just then however, the beams supporting the conttal part of the floor broke and the congregation, Until then Intent only en reaching the front en trance of the church, turned to the rear. When the floor swayed and bent those near est the new point of danger turned and fought with those pressing from behind lit the hope of reaching a safer place. It Was at this point that Mrs. Kanlk and two of the children were killed. The Hermanek girl succeeded In freeing herself from this Jam, but was crushed to death In trying to make her escape from one of the small doors In the rear of the church. CHICAGO. April 14. During a panic which followed a cry of "fire" tonight while too persons were participating In the Eeaster eve services In St. Ludmllla's Roman Catholic church, Twenty-fourth street and Albany avenue, three children and one woman were killed and a score of others Injured, several seriously. The majority of the worshippers in the church at the time the false alarm of fire was given were women and children, and !" w'r ,n 1 un,,led m ISRAEL LUDLOW FATALLY HURT B"ia iv y: i rom inn supposed Ganger. Many persons Jumped through the windows, but the greater portion crowded to the center aisle. The extra weight proved too much for the floor and some of the beams supporting it broke. The cracking of the timbers Increased the fright of the now ter rified women and children and everyone In the place became panlcstrlcken, men, omen and children fighting desperately with each other In an effort to reach the outside. The women and children suffered most In the struggle, and when the church was finally emptied three children were ly ing dead In the aisles and onii woman was so badly hurt that she died while being re moved to the hospital. List of let I ins. The dead: MRS. KATE KANIK, knocked down and trampled upon: died from Internal hemor- rnages. EMMA HOTK A, i years old,-trampled to death. BARBARA HERMANEK, 10 years old, crushed in the crowd L1LLIE Cl'NAT, years old, trampled to death. The most seriously injured were: Bessie Llfak. 5 years old. crushed about body and Internally injured; condition seri ous. Albert Chevak. hurt Internally, cut and bruised about head and body. Mrs. Annie Kodak, hurt Internally and severely bruised about body: will probably die. Fully a score of other persona, prin cipally children, were more or less Injured, but none fatully. A boy's prank was responsible for the accident. While Rev. M. Farnik. pastor of the church, was offering the evening prayer, use of a crowd of boys who had been loitering outside the church suddenly pushed open the front door and shouted "lire." Seeing the serious effect his words Inventor of the Has His Rack Broken hy Fall fvitk Ills Machine. ATLANTIC BEACH. Fla.. April H. Tsrael Ludlow of New Tork, Inventor of the aeroplane, was so badly Injured by a fall here today that he will probably die. , Mr. Ludlow has been making ascensions In his aeroplane here. Which Is on of the features of the automobile races. Today, In tow of two automobiles, he ascended to a height of 1.10 or 100 feet, when his aeroplane encountered a strong south wind, which was blowing with such force that It broke the bamboo supports, and the wings of the aeroplane, shutting, pinned him to his seat. With Its occupant pinned In the aeroplane fell to the beach. Two of Mr. Ludlow's vertebrae were knocked out of line, paralysing his lower limbs. He was taken tonight lo New York to seems the attention of a specialist. MINERS RETURNING TO WORK Scale la Signed by Two Coaspai Which Refuaed to Grant Demands. lea UNION BANK FOR CHICAGO Katluaa Inatltntlon Promoted by Organised Labor Will Open for Ruslness May If). CHICAGO, April 14.-It was announced today that the Commonwealth Trust and Savings bank, an Institution promoted by organized - labor, will open Its doors for business May 10. The capital of the bank Is Ulitf.foi and all of the directors except one are members of labor organizations. None of the bank's officials will be taken from the ranks of organized labor, but u'l will he practical banking men. PITTSBt HO. April 14.-The l. miners of the Great Lakes Coal company At Kay lor. Pa., who were called nut on a strike yesterday because the company refused to sign the wage scale, returned to work today, the scale having been signed. GREENVILLE), Pa., April 14.-The min ers and operators of the Mercer and Butler county fields of the Pittsburg district reached an agreement o;i the wage scale last night for two yean, dating April 1, ltuC The miners were granted an advance, but It Is a compromise en the 13 scale demanded. About l.bnO miners will return to work Immediately. Bee Want Ads I'roduci Kesull, Flies Don't Know tbd difference between Pearl Silver Finish and common wire screens, but you will unless you use Pearl Screen. This screen is ru9tled. dirt will not ad here to It. Never requires repainting, never sticky or cracks oil Genuine Pearl Screen hss brass selvage. We carry a large stock of ?tir serpen. Buy now, don't wait. JAS. MORTOI) & SOU CO., Goodrich Garden Hose and Lawn Mowers. 151 1 Dodge St