THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, APRIL 15, 190rt. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE H A HOME OF YOUR OWN A HOME OF YOUR OWN Don't keep putting off buying, for Oma the present prior. If you cannot buy a $1,850 5-ROOM COTTAGE CLOSE IN 2430 Pierce St.. has city water, sewer, gas. bath, pouth front. In walking distance; price has Just been reduced for quick mile. $1,650 7-ROOM HOUSE 1 N. 4Rth St large Int. east front, one Mock south of Benson car line; good Mg barn, mme fruit, fine, high nightly ground; a bargain for someone. $1 200 NEW 4-ROOM HOUSE Just being completed, on Corby St , be tween 83d and 84th. large lot. only 3H blocks from Dodge car line; has city wafer; can make easy terms. $2,000 NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE One block south of Fort St., near 27th, one block from car lln-; him cltv wat .-, good bathroom, cemented cellar: will make house modern with bith and other plumb ing for $2,160. This In ready to move Into, all new houses being built near It. $1,650 NEW 5-ROOM COTTAOE On Spring Bt.. between 29th and 30th. one block south of Vinton St.. ha cltv water and electrlo light, large lot, high ground; easy terms. Open Monday evenings till o'clock. HASTINGS (Ground Floor.) BEMIS' LIST OF BARGAINS. THREE ROOMS. I rooms, very fine lot, on grade, city water, located about two blocks south and one block east of 2uth and Vinton 8t. Price only $1,000. I rooms, city water, sewer In street, lot 211x133, south front. Only $!K0; H0 cash, balance $12.50 per month. FIVE ROOMS. 6-room cottage, near Miller Park, south front, S feet above grude, hi block from street car, house built last year, well arranged. Price only $1,100. Cheaper than building. Terms If desired. 6-room cottage, near 27th and Sprague, large rooms, large, floored attic, sufficient for three v good-sized rooms, nice, large porch. $l,5u0 If taken at once. 6 rooms, near 33d and Webster, lot 28x122, a trifle above grade, city water, near street car line. Price $1,250. SLX ROOMS. t rooms, brand new, modern plumbing, ele gant finish, good locality, near good school. Price $2,000. ' 6 rooms, two-story, modern except furnace, recently built, located on North 24th St., Just opposite Kountze Place, a perfect (em. $3,000 takes It. SEVEN ROOMS. 7- room, two-story house, near 31st and Leavenworth St., east front, furnace, city water, bath and all Improvements that makes a home. Price reduced from $3,0 to $2,600 to effect a quick uale. EIGHT ROOMS. 8- room house, about 3 blocks southeast of 20th and Vinton St, house practically new. Only $1,700. 8-room house near Uth and William, walk ing distance from wholesale district, on Boulevard, all modern, full-size lot. $3,5UU takes it. SPECULATION. One 10-rooro, house and one 6-rooin cottage, acre of ground, six blocks west of Miller Park. Surely worth $4,000, but $2,000 takes it. Property lies very Bighlly and on grade. VACANT LOTS. Choice corner on North 24th ht., Just a lit tle north of Fort St. $4U. lota near 41st and Davenport St. $1,500. Some 5 feet above grade. Would con sider grading to suit if sold for cash. Choice corner lot, 40th and Charles. $1,000. 14 feet on South 28th. St., nec.r Juckson St., west front. $3,000. Just thu place for modern flats. 10-foot lots on either side of Blondo St., between 20th and 27tli St. $400. Walking distance. I lots corner 29th and Dodge St. $3,0u0. Will be worth double in a couple of years. I lots on Belt Hue, near 3ut h St., trackage, Just the place for a small coal or lumber yard. $1,000. Dirt cheap and cheap dirt. MORTGAGES. Money to loan at lowest rates, building loans, etc Six per cent mortgages for sale, GEORGE P. BEMIS REAL ESTATE CO., $04-30ii Pax ton Block. 'Phone Douglas 585 RE FOR SALE Elegant 2-story 8 rooms brick house and barn at bargain; owner wants to leave city, 3030 Kvuns St. RE M334 21x NICE 9-room house; modern, fine lot; sluule trees; cletcrn and barn, also busi ness, both $6.0(iO; paying over 20 per cent on whole investment. Address D 1. Bee. RE 335 15 GEORGE & COMPANY 1601 Farnam. 'Phone Douglas 756. HOUSES FOR SALE $7,500 For 1530-24 N. 18th St., 2 large houses of 11 and IT rooms, respectively, lot 6uxl4o feet. Will sell separately if desired. $4,250 For good 6-room, 2-story house, with full cemented basement, on 31st Ave., ' near Dodge St. Built for a home only four years ago; tlrst-class condition and modern throughout. Lot 45xim feet. $4,2ou For 1912 Emmet St., 8-room modern house, oak finish, mantel and grate, large cistern, faces Kountze Reserve, overlook lug boulevard; lot 6oxl24 feet. I4.0U0 For 6-room modern house, hot water heat, on S. 26lh Ave.. 1 block south Of Dewey Ave. Lot has double frontage with room to build another house facing 27th St. $3.6uu For good 7-room house, modern except furnace. Interior finish mountain oak, 4 sets of sliding doors, fine mantel und grate, very attractive, on Spauldlng St.. Just west of 24th St. $3.1uu For 6-room. 2-story modern house, with full cement basement, nearly new. -n 8 28th St., near Poppleton Ave., lot 40xltfl feet, paving paid In full. $2,7t For 8. E. corner 26th and Spau'.d lng Sts., rice 7-room cottage, modern ex cept heat, barn, beautiful shade trees, lot 6ux lift feet. Choice. $2.700 For 1518 Madison Ave., 8-room house, large barn, lot 45x127 feet, paved Street, near Sherman Flats. $2.560 For 8-rooin house, modern except heat, on 26th St., near Chicago St.. close in. $2.250 For 1546 N. l!Hh St., 6-room. 2-story house, modern except heat, small barn, nice shade, lot 33x140 feft. $2,luo For 7-room house and barn on Bris tol noar 27th St.. lot 66x132 feet; room to build another house on lot. $1.8o0 For 422$ Burdette St.. 7-room house. In good condition, city water. ewer and gas. large cistern, well located, lot 50x120 Xeet. . $1.750 For l-room cottage on 19th St. boulevard, near Lake school; has city water, sewer and gas, large cistern, In good condition. VACANT $8.600 For 99 feet, double frontage, on Park Ave. and th St., near Leavenworth St.; 8-room modern house on lot, which will rent for $40 per month; room to build t more houses. $4.oi-For 22x132 feet. & F. on Howard 8t . near 1Mb. St. . I? 5.040x113 feet, 8. E. corner 26th Bt and Dodge. $2,5uu-For 23x133 feet, H. ftOAt a DouKlaJ tU Mar Ul bU FOR SALE REAL ESTATE H h property will never be any lower than house and lot. start In buying a lot. BUILDING LOTS fU- On 2".th St.. )ut south of Sprague. $.f Between fth and Mt. Just south of Benson car line; hlKh ground $350 On 13d St., oetwoen Laird and Sprague. $f6u Kant front, on 2L'd, between Laird and Sprague. nnfin Evan St., Just east of lfith St. 0 In Dundee, on Davenport St., lietween 4!th and 1h. $;ofV-On Marcv St., Just east of 33d St. $.50 Fast front on boulevard. between Webster and Hurt. t.7 Fast front on 41st, Just north of Dodge, where all new houses are be ing built; large lot. ACRES t twv-l acr west of Miller park. ;i,4uo 2i acres, blocks from end of Ames Ave. car line; fine, high ground; per manent walks. J 3501 acre, tine, high ground, 7 blocks wet of Miller park and Florence car line. FIVE ACRES West of Dunilcc. with 3-rorm bouse, sta ble, well, some fruit, a shrct distance from Dotlge; paved road; price $1.3'.i0. FIVE ACRES 1V4 miles north of Krug park, on main road, $1,100. TEN ACRES 1 mile north of Krug park, fine, level land, $325 an acre. We write Fire Insurance. & HEYDEN, imt Farnam St. RE- Shimer & Chase Co. BUILDERS OF MODERN' HOUSES. $4,000 9-room, mod., east front, near Han scom Park. $4,000 9-room, mod., south front, West Far nam, with barn. $1,900 8-room, mod., south front, near 42d and Harney. $ fwn Hniall cottMge near 2Mb and Snhler. HOMES OR INVESTMENT $5,700 New 8-room, mod., oak finish, on West Farnam. $2,700 New 6-room, mod., east front, on North 4ith, rent $25. $2,500 Now 6-room, mod., near Hanscom Park. $3,250 New 7-room, mod., Kountze Place. $3,250 New 6-room. mud., east front, on Florence boulevard. $1,700 New 6-room, mod., east front, pear Kountze Place. $1,750 New 6-room, mod., 21th and Larl- mure avenue, rent $16. $1,700 New 6-room, mod., 2ith and Ames. $1,250 New 4-rooni, city water, near 41st and Juckson, rent $12.60. DOWN TOWN $3,750 Two cottages. 3 blocks from court house, rent $.12. $3,500 Two cottages, walking distance, rent $35. $8,500 Double fiat, close In, rent $VJ, new. A fine row of flats, choice, netting 10 per cent, a bargain. VACANT LOTS $2,500 A large corner on Georpla avenue. fri,siiO I jtrge corner on 26th St. $2,000 Two east front lots near west Far- i nam car. j $1,600 Iouble front lot, one block north of , Farnam. ' err A i ... new nltnln $ 4u0 Lot near 2!'h and Ames. ACRES t 100 acres, north. $ 350 One acre, north. $ io 2V4 acres, west. $ (HO 4 acres, north. $1,6006 acres, north. 64 acres, well improved, north, $160 per acre. City. Suburban. Farm Property. SHIMER & CHASE CO. 1609 Farnam 'St. Tel. Douglas 8S67. RE SNAPS New 9-room strictly modern house, ma terial and workmanship the very best, electric light, open plumbing, hardwood finish first floor, cellar under whole house, cement walks, etc., 2024 Miami St. $3,500. 10-room residence, 4 bed rooms and bnth on second floor, double parlors, sitting room, den and hall on first floor, large dining room and kitchen In cellor, full lot. No. 4246 Farnam St., $1,300 cash, bal ance monthly $2,800. 9-room modern home, barn, chicken house, lawn, cement walks, shade and fruit trees, two full lots, south front, 1 block from street car, Clifton Hill $3,800. 7-room modern house, full lot, paved street, barn, etc., 28th near Pacific $2,600. Church, 25x55 feet, good repair, corner lot, brick sidewalk. Just the location for small congregation; building can be converted IntO'a double dwelling at small expense, good location, in north part of city. Price $1,500. Two dwellings on Parker St., near 23th, rent for $40, will sell separate, paved street, or will exchange for nice home in . 1 ?mls Park, Hanscom Place or West Farnam-$4,(i0. W. O. BHR1VER. Phone 1636. 1023 New York Life Bldg, RE WM. J. WELSH ANS 608-607 Bryson Blk Los Angeles, Cal., sells and exchanges real estate In any part of the country. Bargains in orange, walnut and alfalfa ranches. If Interested In California, write what you want. kk-mss 15 FOR SALE Lots, cottages, residence beaittllul homes. KENNY REAL EST. & INV. CO. RE-M364 17 $2.1w For 64x64 feet, W. front on 27th St., one block 8. of Dewey Ave. Choice location for uouble brick fiat. Specials paid in full. $l,o For 50x140 feet. W. F. on 2d St., 250 feet N. of Woolworth Ave. $1,700 For 45x143 feet, W. F. on 3oth St., 96 feet S. of Dodge St., paved street. Two lots in this locution, same size, and price. Reasonable terms. $l.t0 For four choice lots facing Central Boulevard, 48xlJ6 feet each, having double fioutuge, one block north of Farnam car ""f.SaO For 60x160 feet, 8. F. on Lincoln Boulevard. (Bomis Park) between 34th and 36th St. Have 243 feet frontage to sell In tins location. $1,000 For 60x150 feet, E. F. on Georgia Ave., in) feet N of Shirley. $iw0 For 46x127 feet, S. F. on Madison Ave . 210 feet E. of 16th St. Pavtd street. fxbo For 42.9x132 feet, S. F. on Bristol St., 12S teet W. of IMth Si. Specials paid. tbM For 6exia feet. 8. F. on Underwood Ave., between with ana 51st St. City water and gas in street. iDundee.) HSo For &UX116 feet. 8. F. on Marcy 6t.. 350 feet W. of 31st St. on grade. 6oO For 5oxl5o feet, N. F. on Burt 8t., Just W. of Soth St. $625-For 4i.2Exl24 feet, N. F. on Pratt St., Just W. of 26th Ave. INVESTMENTS $20 000 For brick flats, t blocks from business center; rental, $2,620 per year. $13.000 For 4 new 6-room detached modern house, near 24th and Harney St. Rental $1,4-10 per year. $l!,oeo For well constructed, 3-story and basement brick building, with stures below and flats above, on 8. 16th St., 9 bloc'-s from business center, rental $1.3o0 per year. $W,0u0-For 614-16-li 8. 22d St., 1 story frame building, all modern, divided into 1 apartments of 10 and 12 rooms each, rental $1,310 per year. Nonresident owner says submit offer. $6 boo For S-story and basement brick tore building, $3x120 feet, on Harney, near 13ih St., subject to k year lease hold with no revaiation. $4,360 For brick store building, with full basement, used as bakery, grocery and meat market, occupied by tenant with an old established business, lot 3uxl40 feet, on N. 1Mb Bt. $3 For 2-story frame building, renting f or loo per numUi. near Ui 4utl Clark Bis. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE R. C. PETERS & CO. Choice 8-room fully modern house, finished In oak, combination fixtures, cmth front, permanent walk and pavement, Hanscom park district a choice home In a choice neighborhood. . Price, $6,500, On Ohio street, one block from car line, 7 rooms and reception hall, com bination fixtures, hot water heat, house only one year old, lot 50x127. For quick sale at 13,750. How is this? 9-room modern house, two full stories, permanent walks In side and out, on paved street, east front and all pleasant rooms. Price, $3,500. 7-room modern house in walking distance and on paved street; all right for a home. Price, $3,250. In Orchard Hill we have a nice 8-toom modern house In good condition which we can sell for $2,760. This is worth going to see. On North 28th street we have an 8-room house, modern except heat, with barn, chicken house, carriage shed, cistern, with fruit and small fruit, which jou can buy for $2,250. On North 27th avenue we have a 5-room cottage, modern except heat, with lot 42x108, for $1,735. On Burt street near 3 2d we have a 6-room frame cottage, with gas for cooking and lighting, small barn, lot 50x150. Price, $1,600. On North 30th street, one block from car, we offer a S-room house, city water, barn, street paved, house about five years old and In good condition, lot 63x235. Price, $1,500. On Seward street. No. 3515, we offer a 5-room cottage, gas, city water, sower, two-story barn and permanent walks. Price, $1,305. 4-room cottage one block west of 24th utreet car line. Price, $S00. On payments. We have a choice list of vacant to suit all classes of buyers. Will be known. BOULEVARD TERRACE, NOTHING FINER ON THE MARKET. LOCATION THE BEST PRICES THE LOWEST. ACTIVITY UNPRECEDENTED. GET A PLAT. R. C. PETERS & CO. 220 South 17th Street (Bee Building). WM.D.REED 509 N. Y. Life Bldg. BOTH BARGAINS. In Bomis Park; 7-room mod ern residence, hot wuter heat ing plant; nice lot; barn; high, sightly location. This propertv win- appeal to you if you want a comfortable, attractive home; sacrificed for quick sale. Price $3,000.00. At 32nd and California St., excellent 6-room house, excep tionally well built; best plumb ing, combination gas and elec tric lighting, piped for furnace. Very cheap at $3,000; can be bought for $2,800.00. BOTH BARGAINS. WM.D.REED 509 N. T. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas 8217. RE- TRACKAGE SNAPS About acres In a body, with 800 feet frontage on U. P. main line at South Omaha. Fine layout for lumber or coal yards or factory, or anything calling for railway facilities; would divide. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO. DOUOAS BLOCK. RE FOR SALE Two fine West Farnnm lots, Address 422 8. 16th St. RE M314 24 OMAHA'S NEW ATLAS . NOW READY. Call or write Rosewater tt Craig. Room 42, Bee Hlilg. RB-U340 lSz THOMAS REAL ESTATE. I want an offer on the southeast corner of Soth and Dotlge streets. Full city lot t'K)il3-'. Four modern houses rented at $153 a month. Koora for two more houses. Eastern owner will sell at a bargain. Brlek block on good business street, three stores and 30 rooms- rented at $1,800 a year. Will sell for $14,000. Southeast corner 10 and Webster streets, six stores and Northwestern Hotel; rented for $4,000 a year. Will sell at a bargain. Two brick modern houses near Ilanscotn Tark; east front; paved street, on car line; only $7,000. , I want an offer on the three brlc k stores at 1213-1215 and 1217 Iloward street. They rent for $225 a month. The Thurston Hotel, southeast corner 15th and Jackson street: four stores and 120 rooms; ground 132x132. Price $75,000. Modern residences In all parts of the city, from $1,0(10 to $10,000. 5 per cent money to loan on Omaha Thomas Room 1, New York FOR SALE REAL ESTATE properties to choose from, enabling us pleased to have you make your wants RE BARGAIN IN BEAUTIFUL HOME IN BEMIS PARK. 7 rooms with large bath room and reception hall. First floor finished in oak, double floor of polished oak. Hard pine finish on second floor. Closets in every room. Fine oak mantel cost $126, Slate roof. Good cellar wlthl2-ln. brick' walls and 4-ln. cemented floor. Modern plumbing; combin ation gas fixtures. No. 1 furnace; modern system of ventilation. Large cistern, connected to pump In kitchen. Every convenience and strictly modern throughout. Only one block to car line. This house was built for a home and cost the owner over $6,000, but must be sold regardless of cost. This Is the best buy for a fine home In the cly. Call for price and terms. WRIGHT & LASBURY, 606 South 16th St. . RE A LIMITED NUMBER OF CHOICE BUILDING LOTS ON PRATT ST. BET. 25TH & 27TH. ONLY $523 EACH. Price subject to change without notice. and must be sold soon at above flzure, city water, sewer and gas In street, beau tiful shade trees; lots 4C.23xl24 feet each foot alley easy terms. GEORGE & CO.. ItiOl FARNAM. KE IF you are Interested In farming lands rHiiti lur mil iiivcnimeni or a norre WHIQ lor particulars ana pocicei map. J. U Van Fleet, Larimore, N. D. Representa tives wanted In each county. KE-382 15x $4,250 An S-room house In Kountze Place, all modern and oak finish, .first floor, south ironi, racing parx. $7,000 a itoiuruvr, ill tifllllS rBTK, lot 200 fet long; hoa to be een to be it: a. Steavenson, 230 Board of Trsde. HI! 372 15 BRENNAN, rhone Douglas-1204. property and Nebruska farms. Brennan, Ufa Building. . FOR SALE REAL ESTATE KOUNT-ZETfclCE BARGAIN ! 1614 Locust Street Full two-story square full JO-foot lot. Fine electric lights, also gas first-class furnace. Porcelain bath. Price $3,900 If Taken at Once. J. H. SHERWOOD, 'Phone Doug. 388. CLOSE IN DOUBLE BRICK FLAT. K-room pressed brick and French plate glass front fiat with basement, on 25th St., between Farnam and Douglas. One of the very best flats and location In the city. Make offer. I. CONNER, NEVILLE BLK. RE $26,500 BUYS BKICK BLOCK with annual income of. $3,420. Never vacant. I. CONNER, Neville Blk. RE $950.00, 1817 Miami St., 6-room cottage, 30-foot lot, water, new roof and paint, al ways rents, pays 18 per cent, easy terms. $1,200.00, 2333 S. 18th, corner Castellar, 5-room cottage, water, corner lot. $8,000.00, three houses, 26th and Harney, pays good interest, room for flat, good investment. TURKINGTON, 602 Bee Building. RE FINE little home at 1916 Clark St., 6 rooms and large bath room, hot water heat, combination gas fixtures, up-to-date plumbing, . nice shade, trees, iron fenpe, stone sidewalks, everything first-class. Price right. A bargain, 4 large lots, two blocks north of Vinton, on 21st St. Price for all, $1,000. Good 4-room cottage, on a 50-foot lot, near 6th and Francis Sts., close to car. Only JC00. We have vacant and Improved property In every section of the city for sale at right prices. We want to buy five, ten or twenty acres of well located property to plat. If you have something that's good see us. WKIOHT & LASBURY, BOG South 16th Street. 'Phone Douglas 1717. ' -RE WRIGHT & LASBURY, 606 So. 16th. 'Phone Douglas 1717. 25 beautiful lots at 38th and Ames Ave., high and sightly, only 2 blocks from car. $200 to $250 each. Bargain In valuable leasehold on 2 full city lots, 132x132 ft , a corner, within 2 blocks of the new Hoagland building; lease has nearly 75 years to run; valuation fixed for entire period; fine location for an apart ment building. See us for particulars. 100x132 ft., at s. w. corner 16th 'and How ard; 95-yr. leasehold; has 70 years to run, at low valuation; pays over 10 per cent net. If you are looking for the choicest corner in the city, here It Is. -RE SILAS ROBBINS Frenser Block. ALL OFFERS CONSIDERED EASY TERMS. 5- room cottage, 2Sth avenue and Dodge, walking distance, city water, gas, cellar, new pavement, east front. $1,100. 6- room new cottage. 40th and Decatur. $1,200. 6-room cottage, city water, gas, 28th and Yates, $1,.100. 6- room house, nearly new, modern except furnace, 28th street near Cuming, $2.0tO. 7- room house, full lot, 29th and Ruggles, $l,fc". 7- rnom house, full lot, 45th and Decatur, $1,500. 8- room house, modern except furnace, $2,000. Nice lots, 27th and Ruggles, $3N). 2 of the finest lots In Dundee, $a00 each. 5 acres near Fort Omaha, high and sightly, $1,600. 30 acres on paved street, "1V4 miles west of city, $110 per acre. SILAS ROUBIN'S. FRENZER RiriCK. RE 321 15x ACRES AND HOMES 2 half-ncre lots, house of six rooms, full basement, with furnace; plenty of fruit; three blocks from street car; $1,850 10 acres west of Fort Omaha; 4-room house, burn, two chicken houses; 4 acres In fruit and other improvements; $3,0i0. Lot f0xl3O, east front, paved street, city water, pas and sewer Inside, curb stone line, 40th and Harney Sts., $2,000. A fine building lot. .ri0xl2S. east front, 41st Ave. and Kurt Sin., $450. J. A. LOVGREN, 530-7 Paxtou Block. $42?0 1554 N. Uth, (. fine 7-room. strictly all mod ern home, electric and gas combination fixtures, underfeed furnace, etc.; good barn. $5500 A good s-room all modern home on the northeast corner of 33d ' and Poppleton Ave.; nice corner lot. The Byron, Reed Co. 'Phone UohUs Stl. 213 S 14th. jtir-ALbO i - ' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE front effect, soutli front, 937 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE "We have several customers looking for investments. See us. Wright & Lasbury, 506 S. lGth St. RE- $soo for 6-room house with full lot; Ixard, near 46th. F. I). WEA1), 1524 DOUGLAS. RE-399 15 $S,000.00 9-room modern residence, No. 610 Park Ave.; lot 7oxl40 ft. and has double front age and ample room for three more houses; improvements alone cost over $8,nuo; possession about May 1; parties desiring to look through house must se cure letter or go with some one from our oltice. GEORGE & CO., 1G01 Farnam. RE MB67 U TRACKAGE A fine piece of trackage property, 147x284, on 17. P. track, at 5th and Jones Sts., $12,000 will take It for Immediate sale. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1. New York Ufe Bldg KOUNTZ PLACE COTTAGE New cottnge, 5 rooms on ground floor, be sides pantry, closets and bathroom, latcrt open plumbing, stairway to second floor, which can be finished in two rooms; price for quick sale, $2,500. SHIMER & CHASE COMPANY, 1609 Farnam. RE 7-ROOM cottage on 21st near Grace. $2,100. F. D. AVEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS. RE 399 15 WHOLESALE DISTRICT Southwest corner Uth and Harney Sts., 44 feet' on Harney' by 132 feet on 12tn St. Price $12,000. GEORGE CO., 1601 Farnam. RE M27I SUBURBAN. That beautiful 10 acres on west side of 30th 6t.. 600 ft. north of Fort Omaha; nothing finer about Omaha; on boulevard, with 5o , fare to your aoor i,auu per acre. H. g. Curtis, U08 Harney. RE-M872 CHOICE LOCATION FOR DOUBLE BRICK FLAT $2,100. West front on 27th St., one block south of Dewey Ave.; 64x04 feet; special all paid in full. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam. RE-M997 14 $1,700 On South 20th, near Pierce, 6-room cot tage, lot 25xlu0, house has city water, Payne Investment Company, 1st Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1781. RE M394 17 " NEAT 5-room cottage on Ames avenue, near 24th; south front, city water and gas, $1,W0. F. D. WE AD, 1524 DOUGLAS. , RE 339 15 WEST FARNAM BARGAIN 6-room, all modern, facing south on Far nam St., west of 4oth St.; almost new, 3 liedrooms and natn on second noor, recep tion hall, parlor, diiilngrooin. kitchen and pantry on first floor; gas grate, oak man tel; must be sold; price reduced to hi.'fX SHIM EH it CHASE COMPANY, 1609 Farnam St, Tel. Douglas J67. RE FIVE-ROOM cottage, modern except fur nace, on full brick basement, near 22d and Mason, rents for $JO per month, base ment rents for $10 per month, total rental $.WO per year; Investigate. Western Realty Co., 429 Paxton BU. Tel. Douglas $1,000, ON easy terms, buys 5-room house and lot on Zsih Ave., just nortn of Cum niing St. F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS, RE 399 15 THE J FRED KERR COMPANY'S AB B'IRACTS O" TiTDE are the safest. You are protected by a $10.o00 bond against loss by errors You don't buy a lawsuit when you buy a "Kerr" abstract, i lOug N. y . i.lle mug. I'lione uoug. liks LIST your properties with Boyer, 22d and CUmlllg. RE OAS FOR SALE A home worth $0,(X for $11. Ouu; west side. Addiesa L II, Bee. Rhi M86 STORE and 6-room house, cor. 31st and Ames Ave., ootn lor l-',i"0. F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS. RE-309 15 C1a Williamson Co.u- !;tui rd- rb-r: FOR INFORMATION about the Klnkald 640-acre homeNteads In Nebraska, address U. Clem Deaver, lui4 larnam St., Omaha. . Kli $75000 FOR 50-rt. lot on Bristol St., near 2ath, south front, all specials fully paid. F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS RE-X9 15 7-ROOM house, shade trees, nlco lot. In Orchard Hill, near car; $5u0 cash, balance $Jo.uu per month; $2,luo. F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS. RE39 15 FOR SA LB 6-room house and lot. 6'xL1ft, with nice fruit trees; $ blocks south and one-half block west of Country club house. For further particulars see Krugs saloon, Benson, Neb. RE-M320 21 r 3 I.OTS UUh and Franklin, east front, cor. 4"xlJu. $ovo; middle, 46x130, vi; north lot, 4:',iXU0. $ia0. or, all .l.luf $l,io. J. II. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE ON AftXM'NT of sickness 1 am au'horlsM eslr1he new I-story house of 7 room and reception hall, with open plumblngj -mf nrwlr pnpered. cf-mented cellar. 10o bbl. cIMern. full lot. pernvinnit walks, on Spsuldlujt St.. near 27th, l,15voo. l DAVEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS. S RE .W IB 7-ROOM cottage. No. 73 X. 4Mb St., collar, burn. well, fine shade; laisc lot. Price for this week only 21, 2n. Sc owner at ft. 17th St. RB-4 lBx CALIFORNIA. Live longer and happier. Hotter opporttinU ties. Will exchange homes or ranches) for your Omsha property. F.dwln Aldot son, 126 8. Broadway, Los Angeles RF A CHANCE for a few days only to get a birgnln In n seven-room modern house, Hanscom park district; price. P.ftiO; part cssh, balance on time. Address R &S, Omnha Bee. RIS 310 16s 21.SW ON easy payments takes house, nenr 20th and Charles Sts.; 6 rooms, city water and electric light. F. I). WEAD, lo2i DOUOLAS. Rrc-3 is NEW well built, rill modern. 7-room house, by owner. 814 8. 25th St. RE 3"S 16x THIRTY acres two miles from city limits, on paved road, lays fine. This ought to be picked up at once. A big snap at $3,600. Five acres Just outside city limits; lay fine; only $1,500. 2H acres close In; lays fine; good for plat ting; only $1,300. Fine lot. on paved street; special all pald snap; $s00. Two south front , lots on Ames Ave., tot both, $226. East front lot on North 23d St., $500. 44 I. N. HAMMOND, 1 rhone 799. 332 Board of Tm1e. REV- 7-ROOM house and barn, south front, full lot. on Martha Bt., near Kid, Il.NW. F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS. RE 309 15 FOR SALE IOt 6. block 70. South Omaha. witn o nouses upon it, renting at 20 each. Price $10,000. Lot 1, block 74. South Omaha, with 5 houses unon It. renting at 130 each. Price 110.000. Ixit 32. Tuttle's subdivision, Omnha, 5 acres making 34 tine lots, 50x150 feet, with alley. Price $2. Block 224, Florence, a fine building site, on sum rt., just nortn of omnha city limits. lrlce $1,600. Agents may list. Apply Oerard Brandenburg, owner, Los Angeles. Cal. RE 3tt 15 BARGAINS. 10 acres east of Benson $2,fW). N) acres near Bennington $7,200. Decatur between 2fith and 2th Sts. $90 IRth nenr Martha, 68x140 ft. $1,500. Near 2fth and Chicago, Wxl 15 $2,000. 215 N. 13th St.. SOxfiT, ft. $2,300. Webster nnd Jfith. 100x144 ft. $4,000. Farnam St.. 115 ft. 18.000. 4 frame cottages, $4!2 rental $3,700, 1S1J Cuming St., 66x133 ft. $4,000. Frame houses, J.N40 rental IS, Tfio. 2 new brick flats, $900 rental $s.finO. 6 brick houses, $1,440 rental $12,000. JOHN N. FRENZ.ER, OPI. OI-IJ f. O, RE 351 15 .. DON'T DELAY BUY NOW BEFORE THE SNAPS ARE ALL PICKED UP. SCth Ave., north of Farnam St., east front. 8-room,' an modern nouse. na nmsn on first floor. Everything In first-class re pair. Nothing nicer In West Farnam dis trict for the money. Price, $5,500. 7-room 4wuse,.iodern except furnace, on South lsMi St., just nortn or vinton, eo it. east front lot. House In excellent repair and . bargain at $2,600. 8 rooms, south front on corner 28th and , Miami. Large lot, 83x166. House needs some repairs, but can be made an elegant home. Owned by an estate and must be sold. Prloe, $3,000;. but look it over and make offer. On Templeton St., near 24th St.,' T-room house, all modern except furnace. Full lot with shade and fruit. House' la bacle plastered and very substantially built. Owner Is leaving city and has cut price to $2,3f0. House could not be built for less than $2,400 and lot la worth $600. Here Is $700 "easy money." Slst and Ames. 6-room cottage on fullest front lot. Gas and nxtures; snaae ana fruit trees. A convenient home and a bargain at $1,000. Kountze Place, 7 rooms, modern In every respect, large rooms, nicely arranged, best of oak finish on first floor, yellow pine on second, combination fixtures, has full six cement floor basement, best of furnac and laundry room. This is on corner lot, one block from Sherman Ave. car line, and was built last summer by owner for a home, but other business arrangements compel him to sell before May 1. He asks $3,400, but think $3,300 would be accepted. If Interested see us and we will arrange to show you through the hoiuse. FOWLER AVENUE LOTS Nothing nicer In the north end than thes beautiful south front lots on Fowler Ave., between Florence Boulevard and 22d St. This Is a neighborhood of beautiful homes occupied by owners. Corner 22d and Fowler. 72x133, $1,000. Just west of Boulevard, 60x133, $i00. 60x122 on Fort St., Just west of Florence Boulevard, $350. We have some excellent bargains In West Farnam lots. W. FARNAM SMITH, Douglas 10G4. 1320 Farnam Bt -REE ACRE lot southwest of Hanscom Park, on proposed boulevard; high and sightly; not on hill; price $275.00; offers considered. Address C 14, care of Bee. RE 412 15x 8 ROOMS modern, recently built; hot . .. . . n. Wn . V. Vim A WttlCr ttllU I U I linur ,vr.imii, im u wood finish; cistern, barn. fruit and shade; concrete walks, paved street, excel lent neighborhood; Manderson street, west of 24th, at very low price; owner leaving city; part cash, balance easy terms. Address C 12, care of Be. RK 411 15x MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE MONEY TO LOAN At 5 and 0 per cent on Improved real estate, In amount $."i00 and up ward. Loans closed without delay. GARVIN BROS. 1604 FARNAM W WANTED City loans an(T warrants. W Farnam Smith A Co.. 1320 Farnam at. W-424 MONEY TO LOAN Pay ns Investment Co. BUILDING Iosks on rtsldence property; I per cent. W. U. Meikle. Kamge Blk. W-I2S LOWEST RATE Be mis. Paston Block, W-7 PRIVATE mousy. F. I. Wead, U3Q Douglas, W J SARVIN BROS.. 1604 Tarnam; city loans, I aud Vim Per cent Interest; no deWy. W-2j $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and real senoe properly In Omaha; lowest rates; no delay, ilioiuas Biconau. U- 1. N. Y. Life. W-W $ ft $4j PER CENT loses on cltv property. W. ii. Thomas. 1st National JWk Bid. w-wr WANTED City Loans. R. C. Peters a Co. W-44J FARM, CITY AND BUILDING LOANut Heed Bros.. 11 lu Farnam Bt. W-M4 City st farm louns. O. F. Carson Co., N.Y.L. W-ioj LOW rates. Private Money. $100 and Up. CI IAS. E. WILLI AN SON CO. W- LOW rates. Prlvste money. $jo0 and up. CHAS. tX WILLIAMSON CO. W LAW AND COLLECTIONS J. M. MACFARUaKD, M W..X. I Wis,