Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1906, WANT AD SECTION, Page 3, Image 19

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Ad verllacuaar uli fnr liaaraae a-a.laruai-a
ntll b taken until la m. for Hat
rrnlng edllloai anal naitll H p. m. laif
ta mnrnlaaa anal Jornada edition.
Hate I t-lie a nnril Ursa Insertion,
lap a word fha-reafiarr. nothing, tatkrn
for ! thaa iMIa for the firs! lnrr.
I4ain. Thraaa a d rri Iseme a ta mnast be
ran roiimTiitlvrlr.
Advertisers, lay rrqrllni a natna
tirrral check, van aar nnanrri ml
drraard a raatmbered Ifttrr In parr
of The Reap. Ananara ao aatdreaaseal
trill ha delivered on (irrirnliillon of
stoves sr;a
down, donned and
prices tnc lowest.
Capacity tut. stoves. A. J. Hay no Hard
ware, 24lh and Lake. Douglas 3MH.
R M1"0 M10
Roylos College.
OMAHA 8afe find Iron Works make a spo.
clalty of Are escapes, shuiters, doars ami
safes. O. Andrcen, Prop.. lo2 S. k"h SI
WE buy and aell typewriter;!; will aril vour
machine on small commission. Omiha
Typewriter Exchange, 328 Neville Blk.
Tel. Doug. 46U. R 111
BION PAINTING, 8. H. Cole. 1302 Douglas.
6TEINWAY piano, upright, big
Pertield Co., 1611 Farnum
R 1H
OUNBMITH. keys, trunk locks, repairing.
Heflln. 2H B. 14th. Tel. Douglas 2974.
TRY. Kelly Towel Supply. Tel. Doug. S530.
Iowa Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam.
MEYER, shirts.
underwear to
R M593 A21
Builder. Rea. 2427 Lake. Tel. Doug. 4,:7.
R .Miai A IS
8URVEYINU, Blickensderfer,
812 Hue Bldg.
HAVE Wilson hang paper; quick, clean
paper deuuing a specialty. Tel. Douglas
R &44 Ail
1513-1615 Howard. 1208-10-12 Jones St.
R M lu8 M12
KWliV Kurupean Uotol, 13th and Farnam,
H4 1W
Doug. 611 O.M.E. Haul Trunks
i E 137
NICELY furnished south front parlor, suit
Hide for man and wife; home copklnn;'
' steam heat; modern. The Capitol, Kith
' and Capitol Ave. E Mj-d Al
WEI.E furnished, modorn, steam heated
, rooms, XiJ4 Eurnam, i'lat . Tel. Doug.
' saua. e ;ni
NEWLY furnished rooms, 2534
E 13S
ELEUANT furnished rooms; modern. Tel.
Rod 5413. lul B. i;th tit. E 1U8 15x
LAROE south front room, nicely furnished,
auitaoie ror two gentlemen; Oath, tele
phone. Private family. Dewey Ave.
E 486 lx
FURNISHED room for gentleman; private
iamny. sit, is. lMh. ihMVM MX
FOUR large rooms,
for housekeeping.
with nlcove and bath,
UIZi B. xun bt.
E 194 15x
TWO furnished rooms for llKht housekeep
ing. 1iJ N. 25th St. and Corby. A snap.
E 311 lox
nun RcJNT suite or nice front rooms,
, iurnisnea or urirurnisneoi also one small,
furnished room; references exchanged,
i 11X6 Park Ave. E 371 15
jARUK room, bath, gas and telephone
walking distance; pleasant location. 2407
Jones. E 379 15x
TWO rooms for rent In private family;
; ooaru ii ueuireu. ts 1'ai'Kor at.
E 4o9 15x
Doug. Gil O.M.E. Haul Trunks
VIENNA hotel; private
dining rooms, cafe.
NEWLY furnished, nice, pleasant front
paili r, with big alcove, for murried couple
or two gentlemen; first -class board; home
cooking, lull Earnum, The ynlvot. Tel.
Douglas 7104. EM367 21
Till) BACHELORS has a very desirable
tuito ol rooms for two or three per
b ns. F 104 15
Unfurnished rooms for rent
4 UNFURNISHED, modern rooms. 'Phone
1 tarneyvMiu. two h. iiiia Ave. u ttu
FOR RENT A suite of housekeeping
uuiu, iiviiy mouurn. itua cuss.
4 modern rooms, parlor floor.
15u S. 2fclh St.
G 143
I rooms; bath.
Tlrard, 2'.0 N.
U M131
4-toom, all modern, $l'i.
2 lMirlor and kitchen. 118.
Tel. Douglas t.('!.
O-.TO 15x
FOR EXCHANGE Income properties,
Omaha, Itfi.iuo; South Omuhu. $14 mo;
Plattsiuouth, 15,(iu; Sou-acre improve 1
farm; 2,2'M acres improved; cottages fnr
western land. Windham Investment Co..
I'latlsinoutli, Neb. Z 200 lax
V ANTED Bran, shorts, screenings and
. cracked corn, in straight or mixed cars
i Advlso amount you iiave to mfer und
quote net spot-cash price in 10O-lb. pack
ages, delivered Omaha, or wire us for
our wire bid. Ve are always In the mar
ket. Galloway Flour Mill and Elevator
Co., Omaha, Neb. N 354 15x
W A NTE1 To purchase,
hand linotw machine
ments. Address Drawer
good second
un easy pay-
Lead, S. D.
N-M1W It)
WANTED To buy, a good, gentle family
horse, about I,2tj pounds; black preferred
Call at 4"W S. loth St. N-M1U4 Hx '
WANTED An Interest In established
roime uumucHa ii inis city. Address B
le)- N-MM2 15x '
WANT TO BUY'-A $"( to $4.5. .7 modern
home. Must be in good location Would
like ulso to Invest llil.iul to IJVtaat In busl
iivaa property. Address Box 7,'H, Cuy.
N 32 15
WE HAVE cash customers for houses
and lots. $l.a to $lu.oeu; must be bar
gains. GARVIN BROS., luo4 Farnam.
N--H 15
WANTED To Invest $l.0nl fpai.tiw
good inoa.rtie brick business pmiH-rtv.
N-325 15
HIGH PRICE paid for second-hand cloth
Ing. fine furs and furniture. H Gross
Loan Office, 514 N. 16th St. Tel Douglas
$17. N 320 15x
WANTED TO BUY A vacant h t not less
than t'2 fa-a-t wide. In good locality; walk
ii g distance; between l-aven worth and
lodg Sts., on paval street. Address
offera to B 55, care of Bee. N 23 16x
C.OOD paying business property for cash.
F. 1). WEAD, 1.524 DOUilLAS.
; N-401
A COMPLETE line of fruit, ahade and
ornamental trees, vine, shrubs, roses, ate.
Adalreaa Omaha Nuratery, Paplllion, Neb.
MauO A24x
LARGEST assortment of trees and shrubs
In the city at Crescent Nursery. Sales
ground list and FaxDuia. T4. Douglas
XT, 9-J-
Div and night. New r-lasaa-s In bookkeep
ing, irr.aphy. shorthand, typewriting
an. I l.catiiadi o. i-':ra' tl evciy day. Get a
i'.iuli fi.t.. Addivss II il. HOYLLa.
President, Loyle HMg.. Omaha.
With good houses at K""tl salaries offering
exi-' ll. nt i I'm tunlties for advancement are
obtainable tl.e aillica. of ttilH asso
ciation. We have a lung Hot of high-grade posi
tions wilh the lacsl limine" in the. city of
Omaha and in tae wa stern country open
at the pnsent time, and we aie in n ed ot
men to till the places.
eH nographai s.
Ruoks.eei era,
Oth. e clerks.
Truvall:.g salesmen,
Retail cl rks,
.M.Hl.IKi 1 S.
Croatit man, etc.
The above are a few of the vacancies we
hnve open at present, and will give an Idea
of tho c I of positions we handle.
Write us today for particulars.
A postal or a letter will bung you in
touch with the means of a good
WKS 1 LKN l.f.r. cv BOND ASH I.NU,
Dept. a, Mo-i-a N. y. Lite liidg.
B 333 15
WANTED For U. S. army, able-bodied
men between ages of ii and 3i; cluseens
of United States, of good character and
temperate habits, who can speak, lead
and write English. For Information a;j
Ply to Recruiting Olllce. 13th and Doug
las Sts., Omaha; Lincoln and Orand
Island, Neb., or 4ioux City. la. B 17 J
DRUG stores bought and sold:
drug clerks
Y. L.
B 134
wanted. F. V. Knlest, 6J4 N.
MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing,
brlckluvlmr. i.laslerlrig traih-a: pays fj a
iluv . . . ... . . I ' K: ... Viirk
Coyne Bros. Co., New
York. Chi-
Cincinnati, St. Louis.
Free cata
B 13?
WANTED Three men of good personal ap
pearance; outside position; steauy em
ployment C. F. Adams Co., liilH Howard
St. B Mill
W ANTE D Tea meters.
Forest City, Mo.
B M-kC liix
J. C. Mulville,
BECOME a chauffeur at home, positions
guaranteed at 'o weekly. Write tor par
ticulars. AUTOMOBILE, 148, No.
74J fruvenlii Avtuuu, New York.
B M327 HX
WANTED A thoroughly competent ab
stracter, quick and accurate; one who
can use Remington machine. Must be
young; a hard worker. Siato experience,
reference und Hillary expected In Urst
letter. Address B 3K, Bee. B K39
WANTED At once, extra clothing sales
men for Saturday. Apply men s clothing
department, Peoples' Store. B M13S 14
WANTED At once, boy about 17 years, for
slock work. Apply ladles cloaK Depart
ment. Peoples' Store. B M1J6 14
CIVIL SERVICE preparation. See' Under
bill, 3&0 N. 24th. B M2W iHl
WANTED Cement finisher on sidewalks.
P. McArdle, Ku4 8. iird St. B-MS80 Hi
WANTED A painter. lSli
Chicago St.
WE want 20 men for circus work, COLO
1, A 4, 6 and b-horse teamsters, cooks
and helpers, property and other men
wanted; wanes tM to 'K per month and
expenses. Join circus Sunday. Sweeney's
Employment Agency, A'ii S. 1.1 h St.
B-M1S7 14
WANTED Men to learn barber trade;
splendid lime to begin; busy season soon;
few weeks completes; top wages paid
graduates: position waiting; little cupi-
tul starts business. Call or write Moier
Barber culiege. Ilia Farnam St.
B M 1X3 20z
WANTED A man to care
do general work. 504 S,
8:80 and 8 p. m.
for horses and
40th, between
B M151 15
YOUNG man to learn trade.
Iron & Wire Works, 611 S.
16th St.
B-166 26
WANTED Men everywhere, good pay, to
distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack
signs, eto. J no canvassing. Address Na
tional Distributing bureau, 100 Oakland
Bunk Bldg., Chicago, 111. B MIM lox
MEN and boys wanted; learn plumbing
bricklavlntr. plaBtering: three best trades
catalogue free. Coyne Bros.' Trade
Schools, New York, Chicago. B
WANTED At once, capable, swift card
and sign writer; pleusunt position for
right man. Advertising department. The
Bennett Co. B 173 15
WANTED Gentleman or lady that can do
architectural perspective, rendering In
pen and Ink and musk from designs fur
nished. Address B bz, Bee onice.
B 196 15X
WANTED Office boy. Call 632
Bee Bldg
B 1S6 15
ABLE MAN In every locality; expense
'money advanced; salary S12 per week to
tuirin: nosltion permanent and salary in-
creased If satisfactory; state age and
occupation. Address Proprietor, Dept. Q
Box 344, Philadelphia, Pa, B
SIXTH term Jones' National School of
Auctioneering und Oratory opens July 23.
All branches taught. Auctioneers turn
lahed. No lessons by mall, r ree cata
logue. Write A. U Jones, Sec'y., Daveu-
port, la.' B 33( lox
iv hi v a.r i Vn mi educate you In salesman
sliio. secure you a position as traveling
salesman with responsible firm. Address
The Brudstreet System, Rochester, N. Y
B 301 15x
WANTED A good lineman and Inside
uireiiian to work In Central station in
South Dakota. Must be a hustler. Ad
dress B til, care Bee. B 3o0 15
25 MEN for quarry and steam shovel work,
Ions: lob. National Stone Co., Louisville,
Neb. U-3" 15X
U. S. NAVY enlists for 4 years young men
and mechanics, citlasens of the U. S., 17
m vt,uru 1 inoortuiiltv .for advance
nient better than ever before. Special
mechanical training to man qualified
f'u Hit ao rru a. month, besides allow
aiwi. Traveling Recruiting Party will
ihU unrintr Sioux Fulls. Yankton,
Klotix Citv. Des Moines, Ottumwa and
( Hurr
Hands. I'ermuneni aiuiion, r-. aj
Omaha; sub-offices at Lincoln
Block) and Council Bluffs (P. O.
Cull or write for full arilculara.
W NTED Thrae nonunion printers;
steady Job. Fred L. KI111lm.ll Co., Water
loo, la. B M344 bix
IN SIX weeks you can become a success
ful commercial traveling salesman; we
teach you fri-e and get you responsible
position. Bradstreet School Commercial
Salesmanship, BuiTulo, N. Y-
B-S45 15x
LADY wants trustworthy young man for
working partner; add established real es
tate business; experience unnecessary;
Si'ii required; $21 week assured. Address
C S, Bee. B-36U lux
WANTEI Y'oting man to take care of re
ceiving and shipping department. Kindly
rtp'v giving experience and references.
Address C 9. Bee. B-M.'M 16
WASTEb-A br ght. ch'ver lioy aliout 17
years add to learn the carpet and drapery
lusincss. Salary to begin ut $; par Week.
, Address C 10, Bee. B-402 i5x
WANTE1 A young man who is fairly ac
quitinta'd wilh the streets of the city to as
sist shipping clerk. Apply Monday morn
ing tu Hartman Furniture and Carpet
Co., 1U6 Douglas. B 4o3 16
WELL DRESSED, rellalde man to take
orders, house to bouse canvasser. Wages
$1.-10 pa-r day. Pay every day. F. H.
Grlswold. :"3 bo. i4th St. B r7 15x
DETECTIVE Shrewd. reliable man
wanted In eva-ry loa-ullty to act undi-r
orders; experience unnecessary. Write
WebMer's Detective Agency, Iks Moines,
la. B-214 15x
MEN everywhere, $4 dally, pass circulars,
tack Blgns. no canvassing, steady. Conti
nental Distributing Service, Chicago.
B-215 15x
BIG MAIL order house wants district dis
tributer; permanent ; $:8 paid w eekly and
expenses. Address Standard Co., Si
Iaearborn. Chicago. B 223 15x
$3 TO $5 thousand paid for distributing cir
culars, samples, etc. American Union,
Pontiao Bldg.. Chicago. B 231 15x
HONEST man to travel, place samples,
frocerlea, etc.; experience unnecessary ;
. aeek and expenses. Etl-Bro. Manhat
tan Bldg., Chicago. B 2J7 15x
Now oen. Not too late to hotrln.
Cla.-ses In Husme-s lirnnches, Sln i iliand.
Typowntinir, Teloer,i.liy, Civil Service,
Penmanship. English and Normal.
Catalogue Fioe.
11335 15
WANTED Traveling manager; salary J
per v.eek; eienses advanced; Blsontjents
in every locality to sell groceries and
Kprcirtltles to family trade. Smith, Sex
ton & Co., 370 Dearborn, Chicago.
B .'4 16 X
UOOD PAY To men everywhere to tuck
signs, dlstillmte circulars, samples, etc.
No canvassing Universal Adv. Co.. Chi
cago. B -10 15x
MAN wanted In tho real estate business;
axnerlenee unnecessary : If honest, am
bitious and willing to learn the business
thoroughly by mail and earn $: to $000
monthly ns our local ri-pri senta tlve,
write Immediately for full particulars.
Address National Co-Operatlve Realty
Co., 7t B Athenaeum Bldg., Chicago.
B -11 15x
n-llllon American cltliien
pevadt's Pig Sti-k" scarf
.1c ropier, 5"c silver.
to wear "I'.o
pins. Sample
Fayettevllle, Ark.
B 241 15x
STRUCTURAL and architectural drafts
men for new work near Omaha: salaries
from iHK) to $150; permanent. Structural
Engineer, 129-is Juckson Blvd., Chicago.
B 234 lix
WANTED Four men to travel In each
state, distribute samples and advertise
our goods; salary i-l per week nnd ex
penses, guaranteed; expenses advanced:
experience unnecessary. Address, with
stamp, stating age and occupation. Reeve
Co., 425 Dearborn St., Chicago.
U IS3 lox
GOOD man to trava-l and appoint agents;
expense, salary. Dr. C. 11. Horry a o.,
Chicago. H 2S lux
WANTED A man with $:'10 nnd good bus-
Ineps qualifications to take charge or nus
Iness at oniaha; good references required.
Address W. C. Handley, Peoria. 111.
B 2M1 15x
hold in everv Mate during the summer
and fall. Full Information nnd questions
recently used bv the Civil Service Co 11
mlssion free. Columbian Correspondence
College. Washington, D. C. n
WANTED Mali" stenographer for perma
nent position; reply In own nanowriiinir.
stating ago, experience and salary ex
pected. Address C 6, Boe. n M3il5 Mx
HIGH SCIIOOTy, college nnd business stu
dents can find steady work ut salary ivy
addressing C 4, Bee. B 370 l!ix
Exlward Crclgbton Institute Building,
Practical training In Elocution and
Thoroutrh discipline in the art or
Entertalnintr. Debating and Public
Speaking. For catalogue call or write
210 South 1th Street,
B 375 15
WANTED MS uri-tn-rtate, wide awake can
vassers and demnostraters. Apply oe
tween 10 and 3 p. m. 607 Bee Bid a.
B-M376 l"x
WANTED Girl for genernl housework.
Mrs. J. H. Dumnnt, 3(142 lJirayette Ave.
C 413 H
APPRENTICE girls, Burgesa
Shirt Co.
WANTED Girl for general housework;
reference required; three in family; good
wages. 922 N. .'2d St., South Omuha.
C 963
WANTED Experienced sewing women for
alteration work. Apply Cloak Dept.,
Hayden Bros. C M(w
WANTED Experienced cloak and suit
salesladies In our Ladles' Suit Dept., Hay.
den Bros. C 60
FIFTY girls to operate power sewing ma
chines. Blanket Dept., Bemls Omaha Bag
Co. C M.9U6
WA.. i'ED A good girl for general house
work. 4019 Hamilton St. C M&t)
WANTED A stenographer who has had
experience In abstract work, uulet, ac
curate and capable of becoming good ab
stracter. Give experience, references and
salary expected In first letter. Address B
40, Bee. C-9:B
WANTED Ex perTenced shirt makers. 1322
Farnam. C 169 19
WANTED Experienced button-hole mak
ers on custom shirts. 13J2 Farnam.
C-l'i8 19
1130 S. 32d St.
for general
C-167 15
WANTED Shirt pressers, at once. M E.
Smith & Co. Factory, 11th und Douglas
C 177 10
LADY MANAGER In every county; of
fice In your home; salary $15.00 per week
and expenses. F. E. Barr, Mgr.. Como
Bldg., Chicago. C-1S1 14x
OFFICE girl wanted. 222 Bee Bldg.
C-M178 15x
GIRL wanted for general housework ; must
be a good, plain cook; only 2 In family;
no washing; liberal wages. 2303 Douidas
Bt. C lit! 15
SALESLADY $12 per week, board and ex
pense money advanced; visit small towns
In vicinity, distribute samples, take or
dera and make collections; unusual op
portunity for lady of ability; osliloii
permanent and salary Increased if sat
isfactory. Address Manager, Dept. N.
Box 344. Philadelphia, Pa. C-
WANTED Girls to make shirts and ova r
alls. Apply to Byrne & Hammer D, G-
Co. Factory, 12th and Howard Ms
C-3T.8 15
WANTED good girl for general house
work; four In family; no children; good
pay. Mrs. W. G. Walluce, 542 8. 3oth St.
C 307 15
HOI'BKKKBPER for farm: mlddle-aod
woman. German preferred. Telphone I'.en
son 222. C 35D 15x
WANTED-A middle-aged woman ns cook
In hotel, town of fctJ. Address B tu. Kee.
C M35 17x
LAIdES wnntad to do sewing at honu
making sanitary belts. good wages,
steady work ; particulars stomped en
velope. Lenox Co., Dept. 3Hi, Cnicano.
C-212 15
WANTKIMily as district manager for
spring business, good health and willing
to work: salary $12 weekly and expenses
advancement; answer at aince. J. E. Mc
Lrady & Co., Chicago. C-213 15x
LADIES To do piece work at home; we
furnish all materials and pay from $
to $!2 weekly. Send stamped envelope to
ROYAL CO., 34 E. Monroe. Chicago.
C-240 15 X
LADY manager In each county; straight
salary, $18 a week rand exoenses; your
office at home. F. Pack, Mgr., St. Jo
seph, Mo. C 236 15x
6aar PEOPLE to make kitchen aprons by
dozens; Increase business: small room,
therafore home work; permanent: stamped
addressed envelope for particulars.
American Apron Co., 44"S Indiana Ave.,
Chicago. C-233 15x
agents: expense,
Co., Chicago.
to travel and appoint
salary. Dr. C H Berry
C-269 15 x
WANTED Girl for
2414 Franklin Ft
C 16 15
WANTED Position as housekeeper or
place of trust, experienced. Good ref
erences. Address C 11, Bee. A 4o6 17 x
Doug, ifts,
aft UaiaiUinan, 7U3 N.
16' h.
AGENTS WANTED everywhere to sell
our popular policies, covei ing all acci
dents, diseases and occupations; some
thing entirely new and Issued by th.s
society only, easily understood and easily
sold; cost but per annum a-artl, pay
able monthly It Uesireil; huge commis
sions paid Immediately a no exclusive,
territory allowed. Add! ess National Ac
cident Society. -'$ Broadway, New York.
LsiahliMied ill years. J
OUR big Sl.faO combination box containing
perfume, takum powder, alent If rice, soaps;
costs aKont 15c; sells at siuht; deal wlih
tnamifacturer. l'avis Soap WolKs. 33
Union lark Place, Chicago. J
5 WEEKLY easily earned by lady ngents
taking orders for us; outfit ptYpaald; we
start you In business and make ou Inde
pendent. Write for circular and terms.
Woman s Apparel Supply Co., Chicago.
AGE.NTS WANTED Sell our $1 bottle of
sarsnparilla for 35 cents; best sailer; X
per cant prolit; write toilay for fnus and
territory. F. R. Greene, 115 Lake St.,
Chicago. J .
AGENTS Men or women. We will mall
free, one of our excellent kitchen special
ties. If you will simply lequest It by
postal caid. Our Hgents are making $5
to lrt dally. Let us show you, Sioan
.Manufacturing Co., Kansas Citv, Mo.
J 3'.2 lax
AGENTS WANTED The best office spe
cialty on the market; ha) per cent prolit;
sample ;& cents, post paid. Anchor Ml'g.
Co., Lutayttte Bldg., Chicago.
J 346 15x
WE want capable agents to carry our
sample and represent us In the best whip
states In the union. Address The Davis
W hip Co., Tippecanoe City, O.
J 310 15 x
AGENTS Luminous name plates, signs,
numbers; readable darkest nlgnts; easily
sold; profits large; samples free. Wright
Supply Co., Englewood. 111. J 217 lux
AGENTS Don't n.lss this; $:' to $40 per
week easily made; the chance of a life
time to make money f ist Is offered able
men and women in s lllng 11 patented
article needed in every home; small price;
no competition; sells nt sluht; big pay;
no n id to waste ability mid fool tlnii
away on poor paying articles. Address
Manufacturers., 3J E. Chicago Ave., Chi
cago. J 2 lux
Mushrooms Make Big Money
Iafirgo demand; easily grown the whole
year without capital or expirlance. A
small space ill your cellar or other waste
place will make profitable mushroom
lieds. If Interested, write, Interstate Cul
tuie Co., Dept. 2G, 373 Broadway, N. Y.
J 256 lux
RELIABLE PARTY for this section to sell
Spring- Dux-It, the new shirt waist and
hkirt holder; the only one ever made that
prevents tearing of waist; It Is the sluing
that docs It; i;ives when biuulliig; meet
ing with instant success; a big seller;
you will meet no competition, us there Is
nothing like ll on Hie market; special
inducements; write tit once. Simmons
Co., 564 Wushiiigton St., Boston, Mass.
J 255 15x
GAS LAMP with combination heater and
cooker; makes its gas; equals electricity;
heuta-r ha'iits room; cooacr cooks any
thing; three comhincil cost 1 cent daily
to operate; aajents coc.lng money. Crown
Co., 123 Liberty St., New York.
J 261 I5x
SELL our reservoir dus'.less Hour und car-
Kt brushes in stora-H, schools, residences,
public buildings, holds, halls; held un
limited; reduce alust iu per cent, actual
list; gold nii'dul at St. Louis World's
fair; strictly guarantied; big margin and
great seller, with opportunity to build
up permanent truda'j exclusive territory;
110 competition; state cxperienca1. Mil
waukee Dustless Brush Co., , Milwaukee,
Wis. J 252 i5x
ENGRAVED Bllver name und number
plates have always been seen 011 the
houses of the best families, und until
now have cost from $5 to $10. We make
to order richer and better engruved sil
ver door plates that you can sell lor
$1.50 and double your nioni-y. Write for
holo reproductions tactual sisei, sliow
ng styles of plates and engravings. I'rice
monopoly and exclusive territory to ca-
iiable ugents. New Method Co., 5764
'rairie Ave., Chicago. J 250 lux ,
FACTORY offers side line of cravenettes,
mackintoshes, druggists' sundries and
general rubber goods. Apply with refer
ence and full particulars of territory, etc.,
to Factory, P. O. 1371, New York.
J-25S 15x
AGENTS wanted to sell liquors to con
sumers at wholesale prices on liberal
commission; exclusivaa territfiry given.
E. A. Rothschild & Co., 3N-44 Michigan
Ave., Chicago. J 247 lox
WAN'l ED Gentleman or ludy with gooal
reference, to trava-l by rail or with a rig
for a firm of $25o,imi capital. Salary, $1,0.2
per year and axpi-nses; baluiy paid
Wa-ekly and expenses udvanced. Address
with stamp, Joseph A. Alexander, Omuha,
Neb. J 246 15x
YOU can make $3,too yearly, handling our
gasoline lamps and lighting systems.
Write quick for territory, catalogue and
particulars. J. F. LAWRENCE, Manager,
Su2 W. Luke St., Chicago.
J-245 lux
WANTED Energetic, trustworthy man to
work In Nebraska, representing larg
manufacturing company; salary $40 to W
per mouth, paid weekly; expenses ml-
vancad. Address, with, stamp, J. 11.
Moore, Omaha, Neb. J 270 15x
AGENTS make $5 to $10 daily selling our
household specialties: best sellers on tl
market; catalogue free. Western Supply
House, Jamestown, N. D. J 229 lux
SALESMEN nnd local representatives to
sell candies to dealers; $75 monthly and
expenses, conditionally. Aldrioh, Monon
Bldg., Chicago. J 230 lGx
AGENTS Leurn to fit glassa s by sending
for our free book on the eye; it will tell
you all about it. Get a profession that
pays from $75 to $15o per month; the optl
cal profession will do it for you. No
field so pleusant, profitable or bo little
worked. No longer necessary to work
for somoono else at a meager salary
Don't- miss this ooport unit y. but send
us a postal card by first mall. Jacksoniari
Optical Colla ge, B 33. College Place, J u k
son. MicH. J
AGENTS Big combination box contains
Pile Cure. Scalp and Skin Ointments. Ca
tarrh and Hay Fever Balm. Corn S ilv
costs 2".o. worth $1.5 : prolit 2' tai ;:") per
rent. Mark W. Allen & Co., Defolt
Mich. J
AGENTS opportunity of a lifetime: no
exjarioncc nuissary; big cash profits
daily; one intent made $J1 in one hour;
evt ryone will buy. We issue more acci
dent and sickness policies than any other
similar company in Hie world; we give
the most popular and cheapest Insurance
written; new plan. $1 a year pays for $5io
policy; no assessments or alues; other
amounts In proportion. Death benefit,
wca-kly Indemnity, free medical attend
ance, original and popular features,
either s-x. All cl alniv promptly and lib
erally settled; insurance usseis $5oi.ia'j;
ra-ltahle representatives wanted every
where; exclusive territory; liberal perma
nent income, increasing aaih year; abso
lutely sure. Addr-ss International Cor
poration, 231 Broadway, Na-W Y'01 k.
J-22 :sx
AGENTS-Everywhere, both saxes; others
coin money . llmg our pongee silk a-m-bniidaroil
waists: also sl.irt wuist suit
paltarns, oriental sill; 'opera shawls and
all kinds latest ladies' unplug apparal;
a xpa ria-tice absolvit ly unnecssary ; to
convince you. will mail ifreel airbroid
ered a o ies. with goods and particulars
how to sell lllelll. Novelty Embroidery
Mfg. Co., 2J5 Dearborn St., Chlcimo.
J lux
AtlENTS Eva rywhore, m ile, female
class article. over loa j r l ent
Sells to everyone A lvi rtlses
Di pi.
Bunk nferencis. Write
o, X-R.iy oil Co., Saiina,
J-CW 15x
SALESMEN WANTED Eva-ry stale, lead
ing line white goc ds beginning July.
Alone or with kindred line. STERN,
WASSERMAN CO.. 4is Broadway, New
York. Iiiitsjrtairs, Converters.
J 2y ir.x
AGENTS, can easily make $10 a alay s-lling
our g'dil window letters, novally signs,
and changeable signs: catalogue fra-e.
SULLIVAN CO., 5 W. Van Buren St.,
Chicago 111. J-2tsJ 15x
WE START you selling diamonds. Don't
fail getting our liberal offer; $5 daily
sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse. N.
Y. Mention paper. J 265 15x
MANAGER wanted In every city and
county to handle best paying; business
known, legitimate, new, exclusively con
trol; no Insurance or book canvassing.
Address CUrla.a II I U I at, J4 West liltl
St., Urn ta. J -SSI lux
AGENTS Our city ofllcos burned, factory
unharmed; shipping soap same day or
ders arrive; new 6-cnke box with 6 solid
spoons; Just aiut; a winner; a-cske box,
va, It Ii 6-inch mirror, going like wildfire; 133
per cent profit; our soaps and affers beat
all others; our sgerts making big money;
why not you? Parker Chemical Co.. Chi
cago. J 21S lc.x
ATTENTION, horsemen; hitch anywhere;
fatonted. big seller; rtgents wanted,
'ockct llltchir.gpost Ca., Muncle, Ind.
J-226 lox
WANTED Experienced salesmen, who can
furnish their own team and wagon to sell
and deliver Medicines and Household
articles on commission. expenses paid
and a reasonable eurnintr guaranteed. Tue
Haller I'ldprietury Conn any, Blair, Neo,
L-M4J3 Ml
and Iowa, with a full line of soaps, per
fumes and flavoring extracts, furnish
ing the $2 for $1 selling plan to the retail
dealer; $.'lo weekly advance for expenses.
F. F. Cook, SiuVa Dept., Detroit, Mich.
SALESMAN calling on retail dry goods
trade in towns of about l.oto population
and up to carry line of pearl and other
buttons, pa-arl. Jewelry and novelllas for
New York manufacturers; liberal commis
sion; neat case. Write B t5, cure of Bee.
L 339 16x
TRAVELING salesmen wanted for country
trnde; salary $1W per month and ex
penses; samples free. Los Angeles Cider
Co., St. Louis, Mo. L 218 lox
ANTED Salesman by wholesale Jewelry
house to sell their line of Jewelry to
general trade In Nebraska; we offer spe
cial Inducements to merchants which
make sales easy; high commissions; per
manent position. MuAlllster-Coman Co.,
356 Dearborn St., Chicago, III.
L 221 lox
WE WANT a man who has confidence In
his own resources and can meet strong
competition; pata-nt medicine experience
preferred; state age and give full par
ticulars. Box 555. Chicago. L 212 16x
WANTED Salesman; alagant aid? line;
sample weighs only one ounce Adi'.r'ss
Hampshire, Ilcrschel nnd South Sis.,
Cleveland, O. L-253 lBx
WA.N'TEI Travallng salesmen to handle
great money maker as slue line. No
samples, no canvassing; Just a few
minutes of your leisure time. Write for
proposition. J. L. DOUGLAS, P. O. B ax
New York. L 2KS 16x
SALESMEN of nil lines of business
(splendid side line) to sell our advertising
fans; 75 dlfferi'iit styles, newest, latest
patterns: Just the thing customers want;
we pay the largest commissions; many of
our men give their entire time tai ojur
line and make from $75 to $125 every week;
guaranteed lost side line ever offered;
write pioniplly with references. THE
GEl'HART COMPANY, 1669 to 1678 Cen
tral Ave., Cincinnati, O. 1239 16x
SIDE LINE-Brand new. Five minutes
selling exclusive one firm; each town ni-ts
$5 commission. Samples small. Specify
territory and exparlence. F. L. Vernon,
Secretary, Newton, Iu. 1242 16x
TRAVEL for old reltnble wholesale house;
staple well advertised line; $126 to $250
a month and expenses. Wanted a good
man for Nebraska and Iowa at one. Ad
dress Box 166. St. Louis, Mo.
L 244 lSx
WANTED Salesmen of ability nnd neat
nppearance to call am all merchants In
their territory; eh-gant side line, con
venient to carry; good a'ommlsslons;
prompt remittance. Belmont Mfg. Co.,
Cincinnati, O. L 272 15x
BIG MONEY', quick returns. We manu
facture the Inrgest exclusive line of ad
vertising fans, appealing to all classes;
best months, March to June; liberal com
missions, semi-monthly. Samples free to
established salesman. Write today. The
Kemper-Thomas Co., Fan Dept., Cincin
nati, O. . L 271 15x
WANTED Salesmen notice: Large manu
facturer wants traveling salemen to aell
staple specialty to dealers; it Is guaran
teed and sold on thirty days' trial; ex
clusive territory and liberal drawing ac
count to right man. Box 1343, St. Louis,
Mo. L 250 15x
SALESMAN for Nebraska: experienced
traveling man preferred; line staple for
general trade; position permanent; $45
weekly and commission. Sawyer. Leslie
& Co., Detroit, Mich. L 277 15x
CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska
with staple line; high commissions, with
$100 monthly udvance; permanent position
to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit,
Mich. L-276 15x
SALESMEN WANTED Specialty sales
men; art calendars und advertising goods;
liberal commission; references required,
Beckwith-Itute Co., Iowa City, la.
1-228 lux
SALESMEN for patented Combination
Tool on exclusive territory, and to sell
township rights; liberal terms. Lambert
Wrench Co., Como Bldg., Chicago.
L 279 15x
WANTED At once, for each state, one
first-class experienced road salesman-
Minnesota. Wisconsin. North Dakota,
South Dakota, Iowa und Nebraska. Old
established Jobbing house. Apply 602
Sykes Blk., Minneapolis, Minn.
L 278 15x
SALESMEN to handle on commission
strong side line, blankets, flannels and
dress goods; manufacturer to country re
tailer dlra-ct. The Lukewood Co., Box
414, Philadelphia, Pa. L 2S1 15x
EXPERIENCED salesman to travel ex
clusively for greatest line calendars.
advertising novelties. Liberal comml
sion; only successful, salesmen apply
upply stating experience; references.
Pocket side line samples tb cents pre
Lexington, Ky. L 2o7 lax
RELIABLE. Industrious men In every
county to sell groca rles to farmers and all
lame consumers. We are the largest
firm in America conducting a business of
this kind on the aine-protit basis, und our
goods are guaranteed to comply with th
most exacting fi nta; rimn uh, a
permanent and prolttable trade Insured;
experience unna-cessary ; good references
required. John Sexton & Co., Importers
nnd Wholesale Groa-ers, 16-18-20-22 State
St., Chla-ugo. I 267 15
BARBER SHOP In small Iowa town for
suie cheap; $75 down. balance easy;
buicher shop In northwest Missouri; omy
shop In town, for sale cheap; somebody
wilt tune these on the ny ir you Uon t
ask the La tew Laud company, 3u6 S. 13th
St., First Nat 1 Bank Bldg., about them;
DO IT NoW; don't forget the I-rew
excursions to ine great r'aniianctie coun
try and to South uukota Tuesday; coins
111 Qiuuuuy uuu a tut uouui em.
Y-M190 15
OLD established well pump and windmill
business fur axle. J. E. Hoover, Luck
lux -la, Uuiieaicl, is eo. , 1-UltlAlU
DO YOU want to
to sell your property T
buy a home?
Do you want to
Do you vaunt to rent a bouse?
Do you want to get in 01 out of business?
Do yuu vaant to oorrow money t
If tu, list your wains with us; we get results.
'Ihiiriitiuia & juAiKi.rt,
:U Bee Bidg. leL Duuglas-2904.
FOR SALE 2-chalr barber shop, doing
good business: awner compelled to go
west; price iuv, nu uon, easy pay
nn-nts un rest. Address Lockbox No. 471
p.iverlon. la. Y M13 14
GREAT OPPOHTl N1TT Exclusive terrl
tory, no money required, an active hust
it-r is surai ui oib iiniiieuiaie results; an
investment proposition, the greatest the
world lias ea ar seen; aunt look over It
write or amp 111 ana see waimsley ,
Weinott. 544 Bee Bldg., Omaha.
Y A4M4 14
FOR 8 A I K New stock of millinery of
fine location and good town; will sell
cheap. Aauress ii aw. care or The Bee
120 subscribers; can Pe Increased to 260
easy; Hani tu sen at once; easy terms.
Address a w. care or ins Bre.
Y-M124 15
Stock of crockery and (last fof sale at
a bargain, luis r arnaiu. 1 Mls'j 16
INVESTORS desiring to make from 1'fl per
cent to very likely &) per rent oa In
vestment of from $10 to Iioinii, write for
particulars concerning a first-class propo
sition, making v per day; will soon
be making $1.5tD to $25i. Address W. P.
Fife, 6- AUutouri Tfukal klg., St. Iouis,
X-2J) 15
Patent taecured or Fee Returned,
fiend model or sketch for free opinion as to
patentability. Send for illuvuata-d Guide .
Book. Contains l'K) mechanical move
cuts advertised free In World s Progress.
Reg. Attorneys,
6X8 F Street, Washington, D. C.
CASH for your real estate or huslntass, no
matter where located. If you desire a
quick sale send us description and price.
Northwestern Business Agency, D 312.
Hank of Commerce Bldg., Minneapolis,
YOU can never profit by business chances
unless you have some money; small sav
ings are the foundation of large fortunes;
start a savings acrount with J. L. Hrnn
dels A Sams. Bankers. 16th and Douglas
Sts. Assets over HW.flOO. Y
DO YOU need capital? Send for our book
let on Incorporation; charters obtained
In any state; our large Incorporation busi
ness enables us to give experienced ad
vice as to the best methods of organizing
a company and procuring capital; manu
facturing, mining, electric railroads, water
and lighting; propositions receive special
attention. C. F. Clarke A Co., Bankers
and Brokers, 1328 Chesnut 8t., Philadel
phia, Pa. Y-J38 15x
DOCTORS practice, home, stock or drugs;
teum and office fixtures. Lancaster
county, J3.IK0 incomo. Good reasons for
sa-lllng.- Answer quick. Address B 60,
care of Omaha Bee. Y MS04 16x
WANTED To buy. a clean staack general
merchandise, about. tS.OCn, In good town.
Answer. Address B87, Bee. Y $42 16x
WANTED At once, 5 trustworthy young
men; prefer those with some banking or
business experience; salury $150 per
month and bonus extra for good results;
must be In position to Invest $l,0a0; boars
full Investigation; permanent position
with unusual opportunity for rnpld ad
vancement for the right man; references
end bond required. 16o7 Heyworth Rldg.,
Vhlcaco. Y-347 15x
FOR SAI.E-Drug staaok, $3, MO; nice busi
ness; town of 500; southeast Nebraska.
Might trade for residence or faun. .VI
dress B 66. care of Bee. Y 336 15x
WHEAT-12.5) buys 5 bids nnd 6 offers.
good for one wa'a'k; 2c advanca or de
cline from price gives $100 profit; write
for particulars. Commerce Grain Co., 655
Comma rce Bldg., Chicago. Y 219 15x
WANT 10 men with $25 each and $5 per
month for one year to join 1110 In t
splendid chance to make 11 fortuna-; you
ny expenses nnd I will got tho property.
B. Btuinger. Holt. San Jnunutn Co.,
Cal. Y-M2.-4 16x
WANTED Responsible man to manage
brunch olllce nnd illstriliutlnj depot ror
large cofleae and spice company owning
Its own mills; salary $.310 monthly and
commission; relerenaes und investment
of l.laO required. Address MANAGER,
1H Rlvor St., Chicago. Y 249 lox
GENERAL sales mannger wanted. Well
known manufacturing company, alolng
largest business of its kind In tlio U. S.,
desires to contract for ta-rni of years with
capable, trustworthy man to take charge
cf branah office anil manage snlesmen In
this territory; salary $150 per month to
tart nnd expenses, also commission;
manager must place on deposit $1.0110 dur
ing term of employment and furnish sat
isfactory references as to Intaigrlty; rnpld
promotion assured right parly. Address
Manager Sales Dept., 1802 Rector Bldg.,
Chicago. Y-235 15x
START a mail order business; we furnish
everything necessary; only few dollars re
quired; new plan; success certain; costs
nothing to Investigate. Mllbiinv-Hlclrs,
358 Dearborn St., Chicago. Y 232 15x
WE WILL pay cash for any salable min
ing, Industrial or other unlisted stock.
If you have stocks and want to quickly
convert them Into money, write to ua.
Sholto D. Rogers A Co., Milwaukee, Wis.
Y-2K5 15x
WHOLESALE specialty manufacturing
company of Illinois desires a capable
ales manager to direct salesmen and take
charge of office In Omaha: will pay ex-
fientea and salary of $l,aV)0 per annum)
nuome of representative from commis
sion should average more than salary
mentioned: to obtain permanency Invest
ment of $1,500 In 7 per cent preferred
stock of the company Is required. Ad
dress R. C. Wilson, Auditorium Bldg,,
Chicago, 111. Y 297 15x
FOR SALE New stock millinery In live
business town; great bargain If taken
quick. Address B 59, care Omaha Bee.
Y 295 15x
FOR SALE or exchange, livery barn nnd
feed yards In good central Nebraska
town; stall room for eighty head of
dorses. Address B 56, care of Bee.
Y-284 15x
WHY Invest In uncertain propositions?
Irge returns for money Invested. No
risk. Send for Information. PACIFIC
COAL AND CLAY CO., 914 Mutual Bank
Bldg., 8an Francisco, Cal. Y $91 15x
sell. Send for latest prloe list. C. F.
6ESINOER, largest deuler In United
States, 403 North American Bldg, Phila
delphia, Pa. Y 292 15x
LARGE hotel anal theater in rapidly grow-
Ing city, population luu.ajajo; easy terms;
7 her cent guaranteed; good booking con
tracts. THOMAS BROOKS, 90S Alaska
Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Y 290 16x
NORFOLK CITY, Va., 4 per cent .hlrty
year Improvement bonds ror s-'. ny
Mottu, de Witt & Co.,. Norfolk. Va
Y-i 15x
WANTED responBlblo representative In
every city to handle high grade bonds,
stocks, also mining stocks - Good pay.
Address Room 606, No. 290 Broadway,
New York City. Y-294 16x
WANTED HuRtler as secretary and treas
urer of rajally and Investment company;
mult invest $2,000 to $3,000 and will re
ceive half of net profits. Give age, qual
ifications and references. Address C 7,
Omaha Bee. Y-M374 16x
SOLD The very last butcher shop on our
list and we have cash buyers for two or
three more. List your business of what
ever nature for sale with. us. We have a
live wire In our business chance and
exchange department you simply can't
loucb him without getting n shock of
prosperity. While you're thinking about
it, don't forget to think about our spe
cial excursions ta) Texas and South Da
kota Tuesday. Com In tomorrow and
ask about them. Ierew Land Co., ?j5
80. 13th St. Oniaha Neb. If you enn't
come call Douglas 73o0 and talk.
Y-381 15
WILL sell business on account of health;
requires ll.faOK cash; suitable for an up-to-date
dressmaker. Address C 13, Hoe.
FLESH, white, pink,
powder is made In
brunette; jatln skin
4 'dainty, -ints, 2oc.
liquors, by ?Jug or bottle. Cackley Bros.,
opp. P. O. U-M159 M12
Tel. Doug. ?54.
211 S. lllli St.
I J -183
PLEATING svfar Kp&Ti
and samples.
tOO Douglas Block. Tel. Doug. l'.C6.
U 14
OMAHA Stammerer Institute.
iUmge Blk.
U 1
Pianos delivered at once, $1 weekly. AH
music lessons free. JOIN NOW. ferfl"!d
Piano Co., 1611 Farnam St. U 186
PRIVATE home during Confinement; babies
bourded and adopted. Mrs. Gaidelt, 2216
.harles. Tel. Doug. Mil. UWl
THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth
ing; la fact, anything you do not noa-d;
we collect, repair and sll, at 114 N. lllli
St., for cost of collecting to the worthy
poor. Call 'Phone Doug. aUie and wagon
1U call. U-aall
FREE medical and suiglcal treatment at
C'reigbtun Medical college, 141 h and Dav
enport bta ; special aua-niion paid to con
iuement cases; all treatment supervised
y college prufeatsora. 'Phone Doug. 1117.
CaJut auaajiajd da or bight, hidt
MAdXKTIP '""" I'.atln Mine.
"UA-a-l-l Smith. IIS N. 15. 2d (V. r 3.
ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call
or write to the matron of the Salvation
Army home for women at x24 N. !th
St., Omaha, Neb. U MUtt
SOO-J Brown Blk.. 16th and Douglas. Traca-
tice limited to skin, genlto-urinary and
Venereal diseases. U 4W MS
KOCHER, carpet weaving.
1611 Hard.
U-MJ5J All
Bryant, 316 Bee Bldg.
U-M527 A19
'PHONE Doug. 701 and a man will call And
tune your piano, $3. Perlicld Piano Co.,
1611 Farnam. U ljJ
RUPTURE CUREI-No knife, no Injec
tions. Call or write for booklet. Quick
Cure Rupture Co., aU W. O. W. Bldg,
Omaha. U ll
TRY KELLY'S Laundry.
'Phone Doug. 8:30.
U 10
DR. ROY, Chiropody, B. 1 A S, 1505 Farnam.
u m
MABEL M. DOTSON, R10 Ba-o Bldg. Tel.
l)ajiiglas-6u2V Manicuring, massage, scalp
treatment a specialty, and hair dressing,
U-150 M il
to any person sending up the name ot any
person owning a square piatio, organ or
prospective piano buyer.
. Tel. Tvl. 1611 Farnam 8U
I J A IViPIOrai Carpet Cletnlng YVorks,
VniYirilJll Beautiful, unique rugs
from old carpels; prices reasonable, 720
8. 14lh St. Tel Dougius 65a. U 156 Jeli
house. 412 N. 16th, room 2, second Hour.
U-olt) All
C. E. DAY, painting and paper hanging;
lilgh-cluaa work at tow prices. Doug. 349.
U-M193 All
trellises, grapevines trimmed;
now is the time. John Cane,
1MU Cuming. Red 4565.
U-MAK) A14
YOUR saving 40 per cent. Investigate,
penncll Millinery Co., IU South 15th St.
KIJh'MlM',ll MATTRESSES renovated.
CliVLU 11.60 lia April 20. Doug.t.2:2.
U M697 A22
'lei. 3559.
Mrs. Dr. King,
home; babies
2ulh N. Cist St.
FURNITURE packing and repairing; up
holstering and mattress making. L.
Smith, laid Luke. Tel. Dougius 6oa8.
PRIVATE hospital during Confinement. Ba
bies adopted. Best and cheapest in the
city; 2319 b. 13th St, Omaha, Neb.
U-M661 A20
M ANIlFT. Upholstering. Mattress ren-mjUXU-i-'l-l
aviating. 2421 Cuininn Tl
Red-6K38. U-Mini? M9
PRIVATE home during confinement; bablos
uoopieu, 1 r.e ajouu Dumariiau oauitarluin,
jM First Ave., Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774.
WE lay aod, we do plowing. Call 462a)
Boulevard Ave. or 'phone llarney-3091.
u-4a iux
WE RENT sowing machines, $1 week and
$3 per mo. We repair all makes of ma
chines; aecond-hand machines, $6 to $10.
Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. Doug. 1663. Cor. :5ia
and Harney. U 667
KOCHER, carpet weaving.
1611 Ixard.
U-M253 Aid
INCUBATORS, brooders and chick food.
Burr Incubator Co.. 28 Ui and Davenport,
U-M634 A23
SEWING machines and supplies. p. E.
Hodman & Co., 1614 Capitol avenue.
U M331 Mayl
BEND your carpets o Omaha Electric Car
pet Cleaning wka., 2221 N. 2uth. Doug.-16u.
U-M3S9 Ml
MR. will call at your residence.
Facial massage, 50c; shampooing, L
Address B 41, Omaha Boe.
U-M9G2 6x
WHEN you have tried all others and are
not satisfied In the furniture repairing
ana upnoisieririg line try us. jonn rian-
UZ2 N. 24111. Tel, Douglas 3296.
U-M181 10x
CARLSON A CO., upholstering and repair
ing. Tel. Douglaa 2818. U M663 A23
THE City Garbage
Leavenworth Sta.
Co. Office, 4th and
Tel. Douglas 1387.
HEALTHY, wholesome, Satin skin be
stowed by Satin skin cream and Satin
powder, 26o. a U
OMAHA Steam Paste Co. manufactures
pure flour paste. 2210 Cuming. Tel. Doug.
452L U
YOUNG LADY, handsome, affectlonato.
loves home and flowers, worth $40,000,
wants Immediate marriage; no objections
to poor man if honest. Mrs. W., 697 Ful
ton St., Chlcugo, 111. U
MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocaine
habit myself cured; will Inform you of
harmless permanent home cure. Mary
Baldwin, Box 1212, Chicago. U
BUSINESS man, nice home, Income $6,000,
wants acquaintance of lady, object niatrl-
. mony; no objections to poor girl or
"vidow If sincere. Address W. D., 697
Fuiton Bt., Chicago. tl
209 S. 20th. Tel. Doug. 4685.
SUPERFLUOU8 HAIR, warts and molea
permanently removed by electricity; con
sultation free and confidential; aU work
Iuaranteed. Miss Allendcr, 422 N. Y.
ife. u
THREE thousand eggs daily from our
Wueen Ba-es. Honey and money from a
hive of the little people on your lawn.
All valuable races. Four Strains Italians,
Carnloluns from Austria. Stlngless Cau
caslaus from iheRulkaus. Sclntlfic Bee
keeping taught by experts. Visit our
queen rearing plant, cnpai-lty 600 per
month. Catalogue am application. Raise
Un Apiaries, 1335 North 24th St.,
Lincoln, Neb. U 3o3 15 x
matter how young or old you are. we en
large It 4 to 10 Inches; no appliances; no
poison; absolutely safe; $1,0H0 If we can t;
homo treatment. Saalod particulars, 4c
Temple Place, Boston, Mass. We guaran
tee It. U-275 15x
WEALTHY Indies and gentlemen of re
finement anxious to marry; photographs
and descriptions free. O. B., Box 7,
Canon City, Colo. U- 227 lux
FREE Y'otir fortune told, future and paBt
revealed, surprising, by Ama-riea's emi
nent philosopher, astrologlst, clairvoyant,
ST. JOHN, 12 Sheldon St., Chicago. Send
birth date and stamp. KNOW THY
6ELF. U-262 15x
WIDOW of large means residing In own
home, wishes correspondence with homo
loving gentleman; object, matrimony. 817
North Broad., Philadelphia.
U-M3 15x
MARRY WEALTH Y We desire husband
for widow, aged 36. worth $:n,0"i; wtdow
4" worth IVMiaaft; bachelor girl. 33, worth
$18.0u0, Hume and Comfort Toledo. O.
U-364 15X
Take your stove down and clean, black and
sa-t it up for $0 a season.
711 N. 16th St. Tel. Red-n.
U 315 18
teacher. Room XL Arlington block.
M- 237 All
LESSON on violin and vlnllnocello. hegln
ers air advanced, at pupil s residence or
studio. B. Zerkowsky. Raxirn lat, Wllh-
nell Block, 15th and Harney. 343 15x