Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1906, WANT AD SECTION, Image 17

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    Omaha Sunday - Bee.
A&vrtl In
Best i". West
Pages 1 la 8.
How the Glad Easter Fettiral Will Ee
Celebrated Locally.
Many Choirs Mill Sin theJoyoas
Anthems of the Reanrrectloa
and Jola In I'ralic of
the Risen thrlat.
Types of Modern Dwellings Now Being Erected for Omaha Tenants
Omaha Dealers Find Bnsinesi Keeps Up ,
Eemarkablj Well.
Xrvotlatlons Closed on SeTernJ Really
Important Transactions, with a
Fine Prospect for Con.
tinned Activity-,
The Feast of the Resurrection will be
most solemnly celebrated at St. Philomena'a
tathcdial. In accordance with the gospel
account that our baviur arose from the
dead "early In the morning before the lun
was risen." the services will commence at
6 a. m.. with the iclcbratlon of u solemn
rontlllcliil mas, sung by the Rt. Rev.
Bishop Scannell. The Very Rev. William
Kelly will act as assistant priest at the
throne. The bishop will be assisted by
the Rev. M. Lcursman, S. J., and the Rev.
WUlim Kearns aa deacona of honor. Tiie
Rev. Bernard Slnne and the Rev. I. H:mlll,
B. J., will act an deacon and subdeacon of
the t i.i.Ms. The Rev. James V. Htinson will
act ns muRter of ceremonies. The sermon
at tliW ;rm.s will bo preached by the Right
Rev. Bishop, who will Impart the papal
blessing- at the conclusion of the mass. The
music at this mass will be rendered by
the Junior choir. Low masses will be
celebrated at 7. 7:30 and 9. At 10:30 o'clock
a solemn hish mass will be sung: by the
Rev. William Kearns, who will be attended
by tho Right Rev. Monslgnor Colaneri, V.
O., as deacon, and the Rev. William Mc
Namara as subdeacon. The Rev. James
Stenson will preach the sermon at this
mass and will also act as master of cere,
monies. The entire Senior chblr, under the
direction of Miss Swift, cathedral organist,
will render the sacred music at this cere
mony. The Feast of the Resurrection will be
celebrated with due solemnity at St. Ce
celia' church, Fortieth and Burt streets.
Masses will be at 7, 9 and 10:80 o'clock. The
10:30 mass will be a solemn high mass, of
which the celebrant will Rev. D. P. Har
rington; deacon. Father O' Kelly, S. J.
subdeacon. Prof. Troy. The sermon will
be presented by Father O'Kelly of Crelgh
ton university. The choir, composed of the
following members: Mrs. F. J. Morlarty,
Mrs. F. J. Traynor, Misses Sophia Shirley,
Anna Welch, Ruth Bmlth. Vary Johnson
Laura Stapenhorst, soprai.os; Mrs. Charles
Cough Ion, Loretta Mulick, Mae Mulvihlll,
contraltos; Joseph Doyle, tenor, and Lou
Traynor, baritone, will render Lejcal's
mass. Miss Stapenhorat will direct the
choir and Miss Bullman will preside at the
At St. Bernard's church of Benson masses
will be at 7 and 10 o'clock. The 10 o'clock
mass will be a high mass, at which Rev.
James Dobson will preach.
Trinity Cathedral.
Easter music at Trinity cathedral:
Organ Far Flames the Easter Morn..
Processional Hymn Jesus . Christ is
Risen Today. .. .from "Lyra Davldlca"
The Kyrle , Mendelsohn
The Gloria Tlbi Pleyel
Thanks lie to Thee... u Tallls
The Nicene Creed Chanted Stalner
Anther.. Awake Thou That Steepest...
The Doxology .
Sursum Corda Stalner
banulus Gounod
Mr. Wllklns In Tenor Solo.
0 Lamb of God Gounod
Tiie Lord's Prayer Stalner
Gloria In Kxcolsis Toure
Nunc Dlmlttls Gregorian
Recessional Hymn Jesus LIves.Gauntlett
processional Hymn We March, We
March, to Victory Barnby
Christ our Passover Fischer
Tho Gloria Fischer
To Ueum Max Vogrlch
Jubilate Woodward
1 Know That Mv Redeemer Llveth
Mrs. Stanley.
Hymn Angels Roll the Rock Away....
Anthem-Shout Ye High Heavens........
i.... Chadwlck
The Doxology
buisum Corda Stalner
' Siinctus Gounod
Gloria In Excelsls lours
Recessional Hymn The Strife is Oer..
' ; Palestrlna
Processional Hymn At tne Lamb's
High Feast We Sing Elrey
Tie Gloria I W. Turner
W .Magnificat W. Turner
Nunc limlttls Gregorian
feace. Perfect Peace Caidbeck
Antacm-Shout Ye High He aye "' jwlck
The' Strife' is 6V From Palestrlna......
Offertory Anthem With Glory Clad.
Recessional Hymn Come Ye Faithful
Raise the Strain Sullivan
The choir: Chorus aeventy-flve voices.
Soloists: Mrs. Ben Stanley, soprano; Miss
Daisy HlKglns. contralto; Mr. W. B. Wll
klns, tenor; Mr. C. B. Mclntyre, bass. Mr.
Ren Stanley, organist ami choii master.
Miss Louise Shadduck, assistant organist
mid violinist.
lit. John's Episcopal. .
Music at St. John's:
Processional Hymn The Btrlfe Is O'er
IntroVt-Christ Our Passover. .. .Chappel
Kyrle, Sanctus, Gloria in Excelsls,
etc. W. A. Hall In Q
Hymn Angels Roll the Rock Away
Arimathea: Offertory v.'";'
a L-j l M,.t (lure: He Is
Kiaen Ervln W. Reed
Abluliona I Have Found Him, Whom
My Soul Loveth. Special hymn
ll.rlrl 1'n Thnnund VollS bOUIld
tint Oswald
TiMii.MMlnnfll llvmn -Jeaua Christ Is
Risen Today Morgan
Ir,enl.iiM.l tlvmn Come is Faith
ful Rt. Kerin Vance
OloriiL Patrl. Maanlncat and Nunc
Dunlttla Dorey
i,.n, Ha lt Nut Here: lie Is
Kisen Ervln W. Read
Hyinu Before Sermon lie Is Risen..
llvmn After Sermon Jesus Lives!
RU Albums
Offertory Anthem Solo
Mr. Bert Houghton,
w e.nliinil llvmn Jesus Christ Is
Risen Today Morgan
All faints' Episcopal.
Program of music fo. Euste.- djy at All
Saints' church:
MORN 1 NO 11.
Hymn 121 The Str'Ae .t Oer....Palestrina
lutruit Christ, Our Passover Ruck
Kyrie Eyre In E flat
Gloria Tibl Ey.-e t'l K Hut
GrutUs Tibl Eyre In E fiat
iredo Eyre in U liat
Tiie Rite or Confirmation
llvmn 14 Draw. Holy Shost. Thy
Seven-fold Veil Oliver
uflertury Authein Alleluia, the iorj
Llveth Harris
Sursum Corda Eyre in E Hal
Sancius Eyre in E flat
tieiieuiclua Qui Venit Eyre In E flat
Agnus Dei -. Eyre in E fiat
i.,uii in Excelsls Eyre in E flat
Nunc Dlniitlis In B flat Harker
Festival Te Deum In it flat Stanford
Nunc Dlmmlttia In F Somervell
Christ, Our Passover Buck
Basa Solo The Resurrection Shelley
Charles B. tiaverstoca.
OftVrtnrv Anthem The Lord is My
Strength Coleridge-Taylor
J. H. biinma, organist and choirmaster
Good Shepherd Episcopal.
The Church of the Good Shepherd will
have an attractive Easter .service. The
choir has been augmented and la doing
splendid work under the able leadership of
ii a
Miss Juliet McCune. The music at the 11
o'clock service will be as follows:
Organ prelude Dudly Buck
Hymn Welcome Happy Morningi
Introlt Christ Our Passover Schilling
Festival Te Deum In E Dudley Bur'-
Hvmn 123 The Strife Is O'er
Anthem They Have Taken Away My
Lord Stalner
Sanctus ..: J. B. Whitney
Benedictus qui -venlte Whitnry
Agnus Dei Whitney
Miss Jessie McCune, soprano; Mrs.
Bell, contralto; Mr. I.awrence But
ler, tenor; Mr. Dean Burton, bass.
Gloria In Excelsls Old Chant
Ablutions Hymn Stalner
Recessional, Hymn 112 Christ Is Risen
Today Alleluia
Organ postlude Merkel
Miss Dorothy Houston, organist.
St. Philip the Deacon.
Music Easter day at the Church of Bt.
Philip the Deacon:
Processional At the Lamh's High Feast
We Sing Elvey
Chant Christ Our Passover Is Sacri
ficed for Us Gregorian
Gloria Patrl Bunnett
Te Deum Laudamus B. Tours
Benedictus ." Aldricli
Introit The Strife la O'er Palestrlna
Kyrie Eleison B. Tours
Gloria Tibl Paxton
Gratia Tibl
Nicene Creed (ancient plain song)...
Hymn Jesus Christ Is Risen Today,
Alleluia Worgan
Offertory Anthem Let Us Keep the
Feast Hall
fliirdiim Pni-Hft (undent nlain song)
Sanctus B. Tours
Benedictus Qui Venit (ancient plain
Agnus Del Merbecke-Slalner
Gloria In Excelsls (old chant)
Nunn Dlmittia inlaln aonc)
Sevenfold, Amen ..Stalner
RetrnexBsilonHl. Hvmn 4S0 All Hail the
Power of Jesus' Name ...llolden
Processional. Hymn Hi He la RIse'nT
Gloria Patrl Aldrlch
Magnificat Smart
Nunc Dlmlttls Lnngdon
Hymn 112 Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
Confirmation Hymn Thine Forever,
God of Love Gauntlett
Vent Creator Spirltus (ancient pluln
Offertory Christ Our Passover Hall
Sevenfold, Amen Stuiner
Retrocessions! All Hall the Power of
Jesus' Name Holden
St. Matthias Episcopal.
At St. Matthias', Tenth and Worthlngton,
Rev. Philip Davidson, rector, the musical
program for the Easter service at U a. m.
will be as follows:
Processional Golden Morning LaJeune
Solo 1 Know That My Redeemer Llvr
eth iianaei
Miss S. Ii. Davidson.
Threefold Kyrle Hall
Kaster Anthem Jesus uvn Buinney
Carol Ye Merry Bella Anon
Offertory They Have 'laacn Away iwy
Iord oiainer
Fayette Cole, Fay Lampmnn, Claud
Palmer. Roy Comstock.
Rursum Corda and Sanctua Tours
When I Wake Up Whitney
Recessional Hail, Festal Day Custance
Children's service at 4 o'clock, when the
anthems and carols of the morning service
will be repeated.
Second Presbyterian.
The Easter music at the Second Presby
terian church wtll be as follows: In the
morning there will be two solos and one
anthem. Mrs. Hill will sing Buck's "My
Redeemer and My Lord," and Mrs. Shell
hart will sing Bischoff's "Christ Is Risen
Today." The anthem wtll be A. Baum
bach's Te Deum. In the evening Miss
Elizabeth Hamllng will sing Hawley's
"Angels Roll the Stone Away,'' and the
anthems will be "Yes, He Was Dead," by
H. W. Porter, and "The Strife Is O'er," by
E. L. Ashford.
Caatellar Street Presbyterian.
At nbon the Caatellar Street Presbyterian
Sunday school will celebrate Caster day
with the following order of service:
Song School
Prayer Adress Dr. W. H. Reynolds
Song Onward, Christian Soldiers
r-rimary aeparunent
Recitation In. the Breaking of the Day
, Lottie Jahmke
Overture I Boys' orchestra
Recitation There is No Death y..
Miss Anflerson
Solo Just fur the Day Miss EnKleeton
Recitation.. 11a Meskemen, Edna Hill
Margaret McMUhel
Selection Remember Me
Sunday School orchestra
Gloria Bciiool
In the evening the graduating exerc
of the primary department will be held
The order of service Is as follows:
Hymn Children's Praises ....Congregation
Ixird's Prayer.
Song Girls' chorus
Recitation The Easter Story.. Greta Rapen
Instrumental Slumber On
Mandolin Quartette
Recitation Nature's Greeting
John Gelsler
Song Girls' chorus
Hymns of Praise Boys' orrhe!r:i
Reading Miss Crowley
Graduating exercises. In charge of
Mrs. W. Johnson. superintendent.
Presentation of diplomas
Rev. W. H. Reynolds, D. D.
Anthem Choir
First Presbyterian.
Music at the First Presbyterian church:
Organ Easter Chorus Maicagul
(From Cavalleria Rusticanna.)
Suartet Festival Te Deum ...Dudley Buck
rgan Verset de Procession Dubois
Solo The Resurrection Holdtin
Mr. Ellis.
Quartet As It Began to Dawn Vincent
Organ Chorus from "Redemption."
Organ Easter Marcn Merkel
Quartet Break Forth Into Joy Barnby
Solo The Resurrection Shelley
Mr. Ellis.
Quartet Aa It Began to Dawn Vincent
Organ Adoration Gullmant
Solo Easter Hymn Larry
Miss Jensen.
Quartet Awake up. My Glory Famhy
. Quartet The Day of Resurrection.. Vosrlia
Organ Halleuja Chorus Hendel
(From Messlnh.)
Miss Jensen, soprano; M1oj Bishop, con
tralto; Mr. Ellis, baritone and director;
Mr. McCune, tenor; Mrs. Kennedy, organ
ist. Clifton Hill Presbyterian.
At Clifton Hill Presbyterian the lollowing
music will be given:
OrKiin prelude
Aniiiem An Easter Alielulia.E. L. Ashford
Doxology '.
Hymn i'he Day of Resurrection. H. Smarts
Oliertory Solo Day oi Days... V andewaler
Mrs. C, B. Wuson.
Hymn Our Jurd la Risen from the
Dead Hatton
Antneni Our Saviour Lives.. O. E. Schocbel
Hymn Jesus Christ Is Risen Today....
t Lyra Davidson
Organ prelude
Hymn Hullelujan! Christ is Risen!. .Gabriel
Antnem Lift lour Voices J. a. reails
Hymn Christ the Lord Is Risen Gabriel
Onertory Solo He Will Forgive.. T. L. Moir
R. J. Spoerri.
Anthem Your .Lord aau King Adore
Solo King of Kings Bracks tt
Mrs. C. B. Wilson.
Hymn Hall to Thee Our Risen King!..
Lowe Avenne Presbyterian.
Easter music at the Lowe Avenue Presby
terian church:
Double quartet
Mrs. Sneetz, Miss Riale, Mrs. Kendall,
Miss Johnson, Mr. Pryor, Mr. John
sou, Mr. Bailey, Mr. Fink.
Anthem Neldllnger
Hymn Sullivan
Christ Our Passover Schilling
Response Barnby
Bolu-Angeis' Easter Song .....Brewer
Mrs. Sheets.
Anthem Barnby
Hymn FUby
Violin solo j
Miss Carolyn Conklin.
Anthem , Avery
HynW Davldlca
Barliuiie solo
Mr. Hal Fink.
Hymn Calkin
First Methodist.
The vested choir of forty voices adults
and boys, under the direction of J. C.
Norman Richards, organist and choir
master, will sing at both services at the
First Methodist church.
Organ Festival prelude Buck
Interlude-Melody Gullmant
Anthem Sing With all the Sons of
.ul?;y Marxo
Solo Hosana Grainer
Mrs. Ellis.
Offertory Interlude Tne Answer
. Wolstenholme
Anthem Christ, Our Passover Buck
Postlude Grand Triumphal Chorus
Organ Prelude Offertorle Thomas
Interlude Night Song Vogt
Anthem Christ Our Passover Buck
Solo The Ressurrectlon Shelley
Mrs. Ellis.
Anthem Lift Up Your Heads
Good Anecdofes from Here and There
All Kecoa-nlsed Her. ham to be called before the officers of the when she saw the doctor, refused to be
The four old captains of Salt Marsh, after . Methodist church, in which both are prom- treated by so young a physician, saying
carefully studying the attractions offered lnent and In which Perham Is a deacon. At she would rather bear the pain. Meanwhile
by the mind-reader who was to hold forth a church trial Perham was convicted of a bearded doctor had also been called. He
In the town hall, decided to attend tho malicious prosecution and must show cause was acceptable to the girl, and after cau-
"We can go right from the postoffice when
mall s in, said Captain Gregg, the most
adventurous of the four, "and there doesn't
seem to be any need to consult our women
folks, so far as I know. Most likely we
sha'n't stay more'n a few minutes."
' They were all agreed as to the ad visa-
blllty of this plan, and the next eveninir
saw them seated In the last row, with Inter-
est written on their faces.
After a few preliminary exhibitions,
which caused the scattered audience to
gasp and wriggle, the mind reader said,
In a solemn tone:
"There Is one' person In this audience
who has been thinking ever since he came
In here of a person who Is perhaps the
atrongest influence In his life, a small,
determined-looking woman, with eyes that
snap and"
At this point the four old captains rose
as If moved by a sinaie at.rlnir and filed
from the hall. When they reached the
safety of the steps. Captain Gregg turned to
the others and spoke In a hoarse whisper: tors 7" said I. 'No more doctors. No more anorney ior ruumwu-, eu
"Whlch one nf u d vm. .i,r,.. h medicine.' he said, flrmlv. I waa nalned i tered a lle m abatement, declaring he
meant?" Youth's Companion.
A Jndlclal Privilege.
In a southern court one day, says a well
known attorney, one of the counsel paused
In his argument, remarking to the Judge:
"I observe that your honor shakes his
head at that statement- I desire to reaffirm
It, although your honor dissents."
I am not aware," coldly responded the
judge, "that I have Intimated how I shall
construe the evidence, nor what my de
cision wtll be In the premises. Your re
mark is, therefore, entirely uncalled for."
"Your honor shook his head."
"True," said the Judge, "There was a fly
on my ear. And I'll have you know, sir,
that I reserve the right to remove a fly In
whatever manner pleases roe." Harpers
When Bwtcart Kicked the Heifer.
In the little town of Satank, near Carbon
dale, Colo., a situation full of funny com-
plications has developed. George Bwigaxt
could not make a belfer enter a barn and he
kicked the animal Eldredge Perham saw
him and caused his arrest on a charge of
cruelty to animals.
Swlgart, thoroughly angry, caused Per-
i t
A 2 .. i.
Postlude Marche Pontiflcale
De la Tombelle
Trinity Methodist.
The Easter music. Trinity Methodist
Episcopal church, morning service. Is taken
from Gounod's "Redemption." The choir on
this occasion will be assisted by Frederick
B. Pates, tenor. Program us follows:
Narrative for Baritone The Death and
Mr. Graham.
Narrative for Tenor The Holy Women
at the Tomb
Mr. Pates.
Anthem From Thy Love as a Father..
Soprano Solo by Mrs. W. J. Hammlll.
Anthem Unfold Ye Portals Everlasting
Soprano Solo by Mrs. John Randolph
In the evening the choir and Sunday
school will join in a musical service In
which the younger members will take a
prominent part. Miss Ella May Patton,
organist; Walter B. Graham, director.
Hanscom Park Methodist
Easter music at Hanscom Park Metho
dist Episcopal chuich Sunday morning at
10:30 o'clock:
Organ Prelude Pastorale Symphony....
Anthem O Light That Breaks From
bonder Tomb L. R. Dressier
Solo by L. C. Hazcnton.
Easter Carol O Bells in the Steeple....
Homer A. Norris
Solo Easter Song Demise
Mrs. Flora Phtl.oo.
Anthem Forward Be Our Watchword..
,. ... Thickslun
Organ Postlude Hallelujah Chorus.. Handel
St. John's A. M. E.
Etaster services at Bt. John's African
Methodist Episcopal church. Eighteenth
and Webster streets:
MORNING 10:45.
Scripture Lesson
Hymn US, African Methodist Episcopal
Choir and Congregation.
Anthem For Us -che Christ Vvas Made
a Victim , .Gounod
Responsive Service
Antnem Resurrection and Ascension.,
i Trowbridge
Rev. J. R. Ransom.
Doxology .... ' ,
Processional Organ
Hymn Coronation
Choir and Congregation.
Hymn There Is a Green lull.... Alexander
Creation and Fall of Man (Biblical)
Mrs. B. Roe.
Introlt Since tsy Man Came Death
("Messiah") Handel
Death (prose recitation)
John Wood.
Duet There Is a Reaper Plnautl
Mrs. Thompson and Miss Williams
Resurrection of Man Prophecy (Bibli
cal) .'.
Miss Buckncr.
Anthem By Man Came Also the Res
urrection ("Messiah") Handel
Resurrection and Ascension of Christ
Mrs. Gritnth.
Anthem Unfold Ve Portals ("Redemp
tion") ..Gounod
Juvenile Chorus Easter
why he should not be expelled.
Meanwhile, the state bureau of child and
animal protection has become Involved and
has sent officers to Satank to prosecute
Swlgart. The 'trial will be at Glenwood
Springs Monday.
Swlgart -is wealthy, and Is negotiating
with the Colorado Midland .company for a
special train to take" his witnesses to Glen-
wood, where he proposes to make a stub-
born fight. The people of the town had be-
come. embroiled on one side or the other and
the place, will be almstr depopulated Mon-
Mark's Whimsical Ways.
At a dinner In New York City Mark
Twain was attacking Christian Science In
hl whimsical way. "I only know of one
convert to Christian Science," he said,
"with whom I can feel any sympathy at all.
I despise this man, but at the same time
I can understand him. He came to me one
y and told me that he had become a
Christian Scientist. 'What? No more doc-
and grieved. I thought his mind must be
going. He told me casually as he was
putting on his coat that his motber-ln-law
had been taken seriously HI at his home a
few days before."
Sat on the Pnrp.
While a rehearsal of "His Majesty" was
on the boards at the Majestic theater. New
York City. James Williamson, assistant
"UKe na"' tk. f !'ttle. dog, n thf
imrci x lie tuui ui vi luiijr vieu Willi eacu
other to pet the pup.
The rehearsal proceeded and a railroad
wreck scene had ended when suddenly
there was a loud screaming. Thirty-nine
of the chorus girls made for their dress-
Ing rooms at a breakneck pace. But there
was one, Louie Ducey, who did not move,
It was she who was uttering the shrieks.
Not being wanted In the scene she had
rested herself In a corner of the stage on
an old wooden box, under which William-
son's dog had settled himself. Suddenly
the box gave way and the girl sat down
squarely on the pup. The dog at once took
a grip on the young woman's leg and re
fused to let go.
Williamson at last got his dog loose and
called aa ambulance, which brought Dr.
Colle from Roosevelt fcoeuV Miss Ducey,
: 's.1 -.ik' . " -iv K. v
- . ... a . ' 1 . . :s . " -w.
Twenty Young Girls. ,
Recitation Christ and the Children
Little Sarah OWfnth.
Solo Suffer Little Children. Etc. ...Hewitt
Mrs. Cecelia Wilson Jewell.
The Kingdom of Heaven (Biblical)....
Mrs. G. L. Jackson.
Anthem Hallelujah Chorus ("Mount of
Olives") Beethoven
First Baptist.
Music for Easter Sunday at the First
Baptist church.
Organ Prelude Offertoire to St. Ceclle..
Contralto Solo Hall Joyous Morn.. Caiman
Mrs. Welty.
Chorus The Resurrection Shelley
Solos by Mr. Lansing.
Quartet As It Began to Dawn Buck
Tenor Solo King of Kings Shelley
Mr. Ralph Sunderland.
Postlude Easter March Merkel
Organ Prelude A Ibrlniblatt Wagner
Soprano Solo I Know Tnat My Re
deemer Llveth Handel
Mrs. Jenlnson.
Chorus Crown Him With Many Crowns
Quartet Lo! From Yonder Tomb. .Dressier
Violin Obllgato
Miss Carpenter.
Baritone Solo Easier Song Dennle
Mr. Manchester.
Calvary Baptist.
Music at Calvary Baptist church:
Anthem with soprano solo As It Began
to Dawn Dr. Vincent
Miss Larimer and choir.
Solo An Easter bong Dennce
Mr. Chaa. Trottoli.
Quartet with duos for soprano and
tenor, . bass and alto Welcome,
Happy Morning Brackett
Mrs. Gratton, Miss Stutsman, Mr. '
Johnson and Mr. Gratton.'
Anthem Fling Wide the Gates... ..Stalner
, .1 . EVENING. ----
Anthem This' is tue Day Which the
Lord Has Made .- Cooke
Easter Carol Chime Out, Ye Bells of
Beauty Krats.
Mr. Lee G. Krats, choirmaster. Mr. C.
Scu'-ff, organist.
Grace Baptist.
Grace Baptist church choir has prepared
Gouaod's "Motet Gallia." Mies Edith
Etefte will sing the solos, supported by a
well trained oliorus. A special musical
program of selected solos will be rendered
at the evening service.
First Christian Church.
Easter music at the First Christian
Organ Prelude In D minor Mendelssohn
Processional Hark, Hark, My Soul.. Dykes
Response 1 Have Called Upon Thee
Devotional hymn Rise, Glorious Lead
er, Rise Glardnu
Anthem Awake Thou That Sleepest
W. R. Spence
Anthem Christ Has Won the Victory
J. Wlegand
Communion Majestic Sweetness Sits
Enthroned Hastings
Offertory Traumerei , Shumanu
terizing the wound, he took her home In a
Legleaa Men In a Mlxnp.
Stefan Puszdraklewlcz of Chicago got In
front of a train and It cut off his two legs.
He waa awarded a verdict for $40,000. He
got mixed up with the grand jury on an
a88"1 charge, and when it Indicted hlin
u chopped two letters out of his name.
Ie may 'ree- ,
The whole question seems to nlnge on
the simple fact as to whether the Puss-
draklewlcz who appeared, the Prlsdra-
klewlcx who U indicted, the Putsarklewlci
wno was arrested, the PuBtrakowltz,
who nearly hacked the life out of his
n'Khhor with an axe, and the Putrakewcs
whose wife so carefully spelled his name to
th police, are one and the- same man.
ThMr Keneral "specifications tally In that
,he entll'e oulflt waa Its-'"", but rather
than ,nake a m's'ike ahout It Judge Kava-
na(h Put 11 UD to a Jurv-
was not the man named In the Indictment.
Dragging of the family name Into court
wa" due to remarks by Charles
Helntz to Pu.szlraklewlcs pere about the
disappearance of hia wood pile and a ten
dency to connect Puszlraklewlcs flls with
the case. The elder Puszdraklewlcz re
sented the Imputation with an axe and the
cuts which were afterward found on Helnts
proved that lack of legs Is not necessarily
a handicap.
Her Last Baby.
Since the death, a few years ago, of
Bishop Clark of Rhode Island, an amusing
anecdote has been going the rounds among
his former friends.
While a young pastor, in charge of a
small parish In northern New England,
Mr. Clark was making calls one day and
came to the house of a woman who be-
Ueved In having a large family. In fact,
several times during his pastorate the
clergyman had had her babies presented
for baptism, and her thrift was well known
In the neighborhood.
The lady saw Mr. Clark passing and
called to him: "Oh. Mr. Clark, do come
In: you haven't seen my last baby yet!"
The minister replied, with a smile i "No,
madam, and never expect to,"
Recessional The Lord Is My Shepherd
Organ postlude Du Nord
1S fc.INl.NU. i.M.
Organ Serenata Moszkowskl
Processional Holy, Holy is the L,ord
Response The Lord Bless Thee and
Keep Thee Herbert
Devotional O, Could I Speak With
Matchless Worth Mason
Anthem Golden Harps Are Sounding
Hymn In the Cross of Glory Conkey
Offertory Now the Dny Is Over.... Barnby
Recessional Nearer, My God, to Thee
Organ postlude Minuet Mozart
North Side Christian.
The following music will be rendered by
the choir of the Northslde Christian
church. Twenty-sixth and Grant streets,
Processional Hymn 116, Christ, the
Lord, Is Risen Today
Hymn 114
Hymn 111, Mary to the Savior's Tomb..
Anthem Christ Our Passover Millard
Sermon The Risen Lord
At the evening service a special musical
program has been arranged and the choir
will be supported by Miss Edith Ewers,
piano; Mrs. Robert Brader, violin; Mr.
Brader, bass viol; Mrs. II. J. Klrschsteln,
organist and director.
Processional Hymn 115, Christ, tho
Lord, Is Risen Today
Hymn Mary to the Savior's Tomb
Anthem Hallelujah
Mr. Johnson and chorus.
Hymn 114, Rise Glorious Leader, Rise..
Anthem Christ Our Passover Millard
Offertory Solo The Resurrection Shelley
H. C. Johnson.
Oftertory March to Calvary Stalner
Organ, piano and instruments.
nnvw.nUlitr!t 1'hnu This?
Unfold Ye Portals.. Gounod's "Redemption'
Mrs. C, A. Mangum and chorua.
Recessional All Hail the Power of
Jesus' Name........... t
Organ Postlude
Koantie Memorial.
Musiacl services at Kountze Memorial
Lutheran church Easter Sunday:
Anthem God Hath Appointed a Day. Tours
MtFS Hazel Livingston, Mrs. E. A.
Mason, Mr. C. J. Francisco. Mr, S,
S. Hamlton and choir
Anthem As It Began to Dawn Vincent
Miss Irene Liddell and Chorus.
Anthem To Him Who Left His Throne
on High" .............Stalner
Miss Hazel Livingston, Mr. H. A.
McMillan, Mr. B. S. Hamilton and
choir. .
Anthem Christ Our Passover Shepperd
Miss Irene Liddell. Mrs. E. A. Ma
son, Mr. H. A. McMillan, Mr. O. A.
Melchoir and chorus.
Hymn-The Happy Morn Is Come......
Anthem-King All Glorious.... .......Barnby
Miss Marlon Hughes, Mr. S. 8. Ham
ilton and chorus.
Quartette Archangels, Fold Tour
Wings Marston
Miss Lillian MacDonald, Mrs. E. A.
Mason. Mr. H. A. McMillan, Mr. S.
S. Hamilton. .'.,. That Dav Shall the I.ord
of Hosts Stalner
Solo The Resurrection Shelley
Mr. B. 8. Hamilton.
Chorus-The Heavens Are Telling.... Haydn
Miss rtazei uviiigsiou, ju. c
Hamilton, Mr. C. J. Francisco and
chorus. '
Mr. E. D. Keck, choirmaster.
Miss Amanda Tebbins, accompanist
Grace Lutheran.
At Grace Luthern church, Twenty-sixth
street and Poppleton avenue, the sermon at
10:30 Sunday morning will be from the text,
Who Shall Roll Us Away the Stone? It
will be followed by holy communion, at
which the newly received members,
twenty-three In number, will commune In
a body., me , music win ihui m . ma
"Gloria Patrla," the. "Kyrie." the "Gloria
In Excelsls." hymns and anthems, "Praise
the , Lord," - by the choir with an
abllgato Easter solo by . Miss Grace
Stenberg, and a solo "The Choir Boy," by
Armstrong, which will be sung by Mr,
Dlckason. Miss Mary Dunaton organist
At 8 p. m., a beautiful Easter service, "The
Stone is Rolled Away,", by Rev. B. r.
Allaman. D.D., will be rendered by the
Sunday school, with an anthem, "Who la
the King of Glory." Miss Ada E. Patter
son organist. Sunday school at 12:15
Luther league at 7 p. m.; prayer meeting
Wednesday night
St. Mary's Avenne Conarresatlonal
The musical programs at St. Mary's
Avenue Congregational church under Mr.
Kelly's direction, will be as follows:
MORNING, 10:30.
Organ Prelude Improvisation on Eas
ter theme
Processional Hymn Jesus Christ Is
Risen Today Worgan (17GS)
Gloria Patrl Crotch
Venite Exultemces Turle
The Anthem While It Was Yet Dark..
....R. H. Woodman
Offertory Solo Resurrection Henschel
Mrs. jveiiy.
Finale The Hallelujah Chorus. (Mes
siah) Handel
Bung by the Choir.
VESPERS. 4:30 P. M.
"The Triumph of the Cross," ari Easter
Choral Prelude Hosanna Thomas Kelly
I'roiesslonal RiUe On. Ride On in
Majesty Dykes
Choral Response Benedictus qui Venit
Solo Soprano Jerusalem, Thou that
Kllleat Mendelssohn
Anthem The Great Day of the Lord
Sir George Martin
Anthem Gentle Night. O Descend.... Spohr
Organ Meditation The Betrayal
Sir Edward El:r
Quartet The Reproaches Gounod
March to Calvary orth the. Royal
Banners Go Gounod
Anthem While It Was Yet Dark (first
part) Woodman
Festal Anthem Sine, O Heavens
Sir Arthur Sullivan
Recessional Ten Thousand Times Ten
Thousand Dykes
Soloists Mrs. Kelly, Miss Waller, Mr.
4 eaeeu, au, Aeriica. aix, J UUi ay.
Another active week has passed In real
estate, with numerous small and mod-ernte-sixed
Sales, and no very lnrge ones.
Little talk Is heard of prospective Inrpe
sales, but what Is more satisfactory tho
agents have many small deals "on" nU
the time. Commissions are smaller on
these, but In the nggregate they are far
more satisfactory than a few bigger ones,
"Business Is notleoably better this spring
than It was a year ago and a great lm
provement over two years ago," said an
agent. "One can readily see this by com
paring the real estate record, as it ap
pears In The Bee each day, with the record
of the last two years. This spring you
see sales mentioned In. the news columns
of the paper every day, where two years
ago two weeks might go by without any
such thing."
The largest sale reporter! was that of
tho Bolln block on North Sixteenth street
to Mr. Leflang, a banker and miller of
Lexington, Neb. It was transferred by
Abram Bebrlng and brought 120,000. Fo
the last few months Mr. Leflang has been
putting all his spare money Into Omaha
property. He bought a hal Interest In
the old Omaha Savings bank building at
he southwest corner of Thirteenth and
Douglas streets a few months ago and not
long before purchased the building at 1113
Farnam street, where J. P. Cook St Co.
la located. Mr. Lefllng considers Omaha
property oheap at present prices and It
Is understood he has mora money to In
vest this summer.
What Is perhaps the most momentous
deal of the week has not been confirmed
by the men conoerned, but members of
tho real estate fraternity are certain it
has been concluded. It was the sale of
the forty-acre tract Just east of Krug
park by Mrs. Flora Brown of Philadelphia
to a man whose Identity has not been dis
closed. The price mentioned was $14,000.
As far as money value was concerned It
was not a large transaction, but It la
Interesting In the light of the report that
the new owner Is a real estate firm which
expects to plat the ground and put It on
tho market. This land is separated from
the park only by the twenty-five acre pleoa
of the Omaha Water company.
Another local real estate firm Is known
to be negotiating for the forty acres of
W. W. Morsman on the north of Krug
park, and In another direction from tha
city tentative offers have been made on
acreage property at a much larger figure
than the owner pald something like a
year ago. All this signifies a growing-
demand for acreage property, also that such
property Is becoming scarce. ,
The purchase of the Evans Laundry com
pany barn property at Nineteenth and Bt.
Mary's avenue by J. E Baum Is regarded
as an aggressive move on the part of the
Bennett company, of which Mr. Baum Is
principal owner, to, allow the company to
remove Its present barn and replace it
with an annex to the department store.
The new building of the Young Women's
Christian association will be Just across
the street from the company's present barn.
and lends an added value to the place, aa
a site for a store. Mr. Baum bought tho
property from Mrs. J. IL Evans for $16,000.
Among other business properties which
have changed hands was lot 1. In block 78,
at the southwest corner of Fourteenth and
Davenport streets, a part of the "Old Ex
position annex," the site of the city jail
before it was moved to Eleventh and Dodge
streets. It waa bought for $10,000 by Peter
Jessen, Jr., representing the syndicate or
ganized by If. P. Dodge, Jr. The transac
tion was a direct outcome of the activity
In real estate In that section of the city.
caused by the purchases of the Northwest
ern railroad for terminal purposes. An
other was the sale of lot 1, In block 7$, the
southwest corner of Fourteenth and Daven
port streets, by the Byron Reed company
to T. C. Brunner. The price waa $7,600.
The purchase Is Important because of the
announcement of Mr. Brunner that he In
tended building a flour warehouse on the
Several sales of property Involving con
siderable amounts have been made.
Thomas R. Kimball bought the old Meyer
Hellman residence at Twenty-fourth and
fit. Mary's avenue, an old-fashioned three
story brick, which was the finest house In
tho city at the time of Its erection. It
Is on a corner lot, 142x160 feet. The house
was built by Meyer Hellman, an Omaha
merchant, and at his death pased Into tha
hands of David Adler Sc Sons Clothing
company of Milwaukee. Dean Campbell
Fair of Trinity cathedral lived there dur
ing his stay In Omaha and since his de
parture it has been a family hotel, under
the management of Mrs. Hawes, widow of
Judge Hawes.
Mrs. J. E. Summers and J. 3. Hanlghen
are preparing to build In Kountze sub
division, In the west Farnam district. Mrs.
Hummers owned the lot at the corner of
Thirty-seventh and Dewey avenue and
Mr. Hanlghen the second one north. They
have bought the lot between them and di
vided it. Each will build a large residence
this summer.
Some other sales of the week are: O. H.
Gibson to W. F. Btoecker, two lots and
houses at 247J and 2474 Harney street,
5.bft0; L. C. Enewold of San Francisco to
a client of W. R. Homan. double frame
house at 131S-1315 South Thirty-second ave
nue, $6,600; Victor B. Caldwell to John A.
Schenck, lots $ and 4, block 8. Jerome park,
on West Furoam street, $5,500; Claud
Camblln to A. B. Alpirn. lots 6 and 8,
block 7, Horbsch'a second addition; Wil
liam J. Stephens of Central City to F. CL
Jorgensen, residence at 34f4 Lafayette ave
nue, $3. Arnold Levin to W. A. Graham,
lots 27 and 2D. W. A. Redlck's addition,
$2,600; Roscoe C. Tubbs and wife to Hans
Andreasen, west one-half lot 7, block ,
Phlnn'a addition, . $1,900; Claud Camblln to
Jennie W. Graham, north one-half lot $,
block 4, Horbach'a second addition, I2.400J
Harriet E. H. Pushing to Claud Camblln,
same. $2,400; Frederick L. Harrla and wifs
to Margaret A. Henry, part lots 1 and X
Union square. $4,3fiO; Miranda R. Prandell
and husband to Maud Goes, lot H. block
4. Spring Lake park, $2,600; Blanche BobuU
Uaa and husband te Edward M. Wt"mt