IT TITFi OMAHA DAILY BRK: SUNDAY. APK1L 15. 1Pofl. 13 L..HI (u HELP THE V. I C. A. By making your purchases at the New Cloak Shop Monday, April 16, Wc Will Contribute 10 Per Cent of Our Sales to the Y. W. C. A. Fund This gives you two good buy your suits from us First You can get the money than you can elsewhere. Second You can contribute to a good THE Y. W. CA. FUND. Specials for $3 and $30 Suits $2? Special Suits $14.98 value Covert Coats $10 value Dress Skirts $850 value Petticoats at $5 and n Riding u u S. Fredrick Berger & Co. u n n Authorities The New Cloak Shop ii""' f""""" " tfWjlS CZZmIiimi iiiii' A Rare Exhibition Monday, Tuesday and "Wednesday we will have on dis play in our show window a Magnificent Collection of DIAMONDS, EMERALDS and PERLS In Necklaces and Pendants. Styles as rich and gorgeous and up-to-date as can be seen in the best Fifth Avenue stores in New York City. We want you to see this rare collection. Annul minim JEWELER :: 16th and Harney j NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC 1 IVe Dye to Live and Live to Dye f 1 I Being the OLDEST AHD LEADING CLEANING HOUSE, wc can please you. ) OUR SPICIULTIES: Fint Gowns. Evening Dretsts, Lace Curtains, Drtptrlts. f Skirts, up from 75c t Waiets up from 50c $ MEN'S SUITS. 1.50 I r l. n tmK- The Fashionable Cleaners i . ' ( NOW 521 South Sixtceeth Street, Corner Jackson i - Formerly on Howtrd Strttt. near Sifeenfh. i; H. C BEHRtNS. Pres. OUR $3.50 OUIMOD S 1 1 0 Outwaara aad outlook any other ... 300 OniMOD BENCH MADE SHOES Ara the very best shoes made. They are solid value at Special Attention to Mall Orders. Writ for Style Book B 8 04 to 06 REGENT SHOE CO., 205 South 15th Street PXSE Easter Art Windows at Hospe's Attract the Attention of Betk the AR.T &.nd MUSIC Lovers "Christ in the,' "A Littie Child Shall Lead Them." "I'eter and John" and "The M y al the Tumi)" in carbon photographs. The east window shows a t.ioKr runchiue display exclusivdly. Stop there. A. HOSPE CO. 1513 Doujrla Street Spring Wedding Time The invitations are imiortunt Social engravings must 1p just right in every little detai.1 or you don't want it at all We have had a great many years' exiierience iu meeting the require ments of most particular people. THE MOYER STATIONERY CO. 210 1Cth Street OMAHA It! same goods here for leas eause- Monday for $25.00 16.98 n L 9.98 7.50 5.98 Habiti :g on Style 1517 Farnam St. reasons why you should $3.50 Shoe. STYLES Try m pair and prove it. DR. A. REED'S CU8HISN SHOE Furnisaes all-day eom- fort to tender feet THE OUNLAP A strictly hiffh-ffrade tb'e tbat gives perfji at-C isf action ) w n SOCIETY EMERGES IN GLORY Lay. Aside Its Bomber Habiliment, and Gets Bnsy as Usual. CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK FULL OF EVENTS Art it It? of I losing; la Wlitrr Affairs and Opening- 9prlnar linings. with ProspertlTe WrddiiKi, starts Things. An Kaster Doaiitl. Thou bonnet ! Embortitni'nl of feminine delight. This m thy day. Thou art . Thou canst elongate necks And In a trice thou Turnest blue, black, brown, or miy Old colored eyes to Green! Isvery womnn owes a debt or Gratitude to thee. And a man Is In luck If he don t Owe more than a Fifty-dollar debt to his wife I Milliner. Thou art a bird' A daisy yoa, a whole Flower garden! Thou art On top of everything. And tneretore thou on in High feather, ami Man. Proud man. Is naught beside thee Vet thou Phalt be a Social outcast in that thou Wert ton gay And therefore got thyself Talked about And thou shalt be Ijiughed tit: Scorned ! Hellttled! Blasphemed, and F)verlattlngly cut up, Torn asunder. And cast aside By summer! Colorado Springs Gazette The aortal Calendar. MONDAY Mrs. Mauley Ray ley at home from 4 to t o'clock. Tl'EHDAY Mrs. Ward Burgess entertains the Cooking club; the Helping Hand luncheon; Mrs. C. W. Partridge a euchre partv. WKDNK8DAT Cnlc-Wheolock wedding; Mrs. Albert Edholni entertains West Far nam Luncheon club; Mrs. A. O. Beevon a buffet luncheon; Mrs. C. II. Mullen entertains the Kountze Place Luncheon club; Mrs. Welsh Klngsley entertains the K. K. K. club; Mrs. Munger (fives a euchre; Mrs. n. H. Wirtli C. M. L. club. TIU'RSDA Y Mrs. George Morton enter tains the Charmonte club; Mrs. F. A. Patterson entertains the C. 8. Card club; Miss Minnie Meyer entertains the N. I. T. Whist; Et-A-VIrp club dancing party. FRIDAY Dr. and Mrs. Owen entertain the Kountze Place Kuchre club; Wlnlield club dancing party. BATl'RDA Y Mrs. George Welty at home from 3 to 6 o'clock. After forty days and forty evenings of the permissible things, society emerges front the penitential season with a fairly full week In prospect and confessing a keen ap preciation of the same. The calendar Is well filled with small things, among which the final meeting of the season of several luncheon, card and kenslngton clubs are prominent, suggesting the breaking up of winter. There are a few morn pretentious things scheduled, however. Prospects are that there will be a few large things this spring, but the fashionables, in the main, seein to be making their plans with refer ence to the opening of the Country and Field clubs, which are scheduled for the early part of May. Naturally these Joys, of which society bus been deprived for a sea son, look doubly attractive. There is talk of a big dance to be given at one of the clubs and if the plans are carried out as suggested, this will be a notable function of the spring. The enKaKed ones are beKinniiiE to be a little more responsive to the Interest of friends and June promises to bring sev eral weddings of Interest to the fashionable and pretty near every other set. Those who know are hinting that there Hre sev erul engagement announcements In pros pect, too. Plea.sbrra In Prospect. Mrs. W. H. Munger will -entertain at euchre Wednesday. Mrs. F. A. Patterson will entertain the members of the C. S. club Thursday. Mrs. A. O. Beeson has cards out for a buffet luncheon Wednesday of this week. The Wlnlield club will give a dancing party at Chambers' academy Friday even ing. Mrs. Ward Burgess will entertain the Cooking club at this week's meeting, Tues day. Mrs. C. W. Partridge has cards out for a euchre party Tuesday afternoon of this week. The Et-A-Vlrp club will give a dancing party Thursday evening at Chambers' academy. Mrs. George Morton will be hostess of the meeting of the Charmonte club Thursday afternoon. Miss Minnie Mever will entertain the members of tho N. I T. Whist club Thurs day afternoon. Mrs. Albert Edholni will be hostess of this week's meeting of the West End Luncheon club. The Helping Hind society of Hanscom Park Methodist church will give Its April luncheon Tuesday. The Kountze Place Luncheon club will be entertilned Wednesday at the home of Mrs. C. H. Mullen. Mrs. O. H. Wirth will entertain the C. M. L. club Wednesday afternoon at her home, 3S51 Farnam street. Pr. and Mrs. F. S. Owen will entertain the last meeting of th Kountze Place Euchre club Friday evening. Th annual closing ball of the Metropoli tan club will take place Saturday evening, Anril 78. at the club house. Mrs. George Welty will receive Siturdiy sftemoon 'rom 3 to S o'clock at her home on North Thlrt v-eiirhth street. Mm. Welsh Kingsley will entertain the members of the K. K. V. Wednesday nfternoon a her home at Twentieth and V'sml streets. Tbe Young Ladies' Scdalltv ..H Si. P Hck's church will entertain their fil-mls Mondnv evenim?. Aorll 1. i Turner hall. Thirteenth and Martha streets. The Jewish Olrls Cii'ture club ar rivina a nut party this afternoon at Patterson hall In commemoration of the feast of the j pasover None nut menioers win auenn. j M'S Manley W. Ravlev will give a second at home Monday afternoon, April ' 1 from 4 to i o'clock, at her home nt Thlrty-kecond and Popnleton avenue. In honor of rs William James Taylor of Brooklyn, N". Y. orlal rhlt-Cnal. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Metcalf have taken apartments at the Madison. Mis. P. O Xellson entertained the South Hide club Wednesday Prizes were won by Mis. VUiard. Mrs. Cady and Mrs. Madi son. Max Kebleld will entertain at a 6 o'clock slag dinner this evening in honor of his 211 birthday. Covers will be laid for twelve. Miss Mane Barker entertained al whUt at her home last week In honor fit Miss Ella Hroine of Chicago. Piiies were won by Dr. M. 15. Powell nnd Mrs. Ouyard. Those present were: Mu-s Ella Brume, Mrs. Guyard, Edith Gibson, Iwibelle Traill, Mrs. Meyers. Kale Meyers. Marie Barker, Joy Harring. Dr. M. B. Powell. Wlllard Millard, Floyd Campbell. C. 8. Balrd. George Gib son. Bert Martin. Clyde Miller and Mr. Ouyard. The house was trimmed with car nations nnd greens and bows of white rib bon. Wrdillntts and Knaaaemenla. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mnrand announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Eu genia Conrad, to Mr. William Capune of Chicago. The wedding will take place In June. The ninrrlage of Miss Fayelte Cot, daughter of Mrs. Frances Otis t'ole, to Mr. Herbert Wheelock will take place Wednes day e ruing at fi:30 o'clock at St. Mathlns church. The engagement has been announced of Mrs. Gertrude Robinson, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. R. R. Rlngwalt, to Mr. 11. IV Hopkins of Seattle. Wash. The wedding will take place early In June. Judge and Mrs. E. M. liartlett hove an nounced Hie engagement of their daughter, Miss Henrietta Bartlett, to Mr. George Cowles West. Mr. West, who Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Joel West, is in the engineer ing department of the t'nion racific. The marriage of Mr. Dwlght Hwobe. son of Captain and Mrs. Thomas Swobe, to Miss Ixu Caldwell will take place the evening of May 9 In the Episcopal church of Red lands, Cal. Captain and Mrs. Swobe will leave the latter part of the month to attend the wedding and Mr. nnd Mm. Edward Swobe hope also to attend. Tome and fin Oossip. Mrs. .Torn r. t'owin left Wednesday for Washington', P. C. Fred Blees of Macon. Mo., is the guest of Charles E Mctx. Mrs. W. B. Melkle has spent the past week at Excelsior Springs, Mo. Mrs. Swain of New York is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Carl Woodruff. Miss Julia Nagl is the guest of friends In the city during the Kaster vacation. Mrs. Thomas Kllpatrlck Is In Mollne, III., the guest of hrr daughter, Mrs, George Mixter. Mrs. d. W. Holdrejre has relumed from the Holdrege much in the western part of the state. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Morsinan returned last week from California, where they have spent the winter. Mrs. Nathan Merrlam and Miss Merriam are back from a visit of several weeks at Excelsior Springs. Mo. Mrs. Charles (igden - arrived last week from California and Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clapp. Mrs. A. J. Poppleton, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Shannon, arrived Wednes day from Hot Springs, Ark. Mrs. Gray Zallnski Is the guest of her brother. Senator F. B. Brandegec of Con necticut, at Washington, D. C. Mrs. Clement Chase and daughters re turned Saturday morning from Chicago, where they have spent the past two weeks. Mrs. J. E. Iiaum is expected home this week from the east, where she spent the spring vacation with her sons, who are In college. Mrs. Andrew Ellison of Klrksvllle, Mo., arrived Friday to be the guest of her daughter. Mis. I. M. Vinsonhaler, for sev eral weeks. Mrs. Howard Buldrige and son, Malcomb, huve returned from Excelsior Springs, Mo. Mrs. Baldrige and Mrs. Rcdlck are ex pected back today. Mr. Stanley Rosewater has returned from the t'nlverslty of Michigan to spend the spring vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rosewater. Mrs. F. 8. Cowgill has gone to Louisville, Ky., where she will spend svvcral weeks. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. McConnell are back from a visit to Excelsior Springs. Mrs. J. A. Horlmch, Mrs. J. G. Bourke nnd daughters have returned from the south, where they spent the winter. Mrs. Horbach Is much Improved In health. .Mrs. Francis A. Rrogam who has spent the' winter In California, returned home last week. She was accompanied as far as Emporia. Kan., by her mother,' Mrs. Perley, who has been with her. Mrs. Walter T. Page, accompanied by her son Richard, left Saturday for Atlantic City, where they will spend several weeks. Miss Nannie Page, who Is in school at Ogontaz. will spend the spring vacation with them there. BOY GOT A SEAT FOR GRANNY Str- front ev York that Illustrates the Bigness of Scl Dundy's Heart. A touching little incident, in which "Slip" Dundy llgured. has reached Omaha friends of Mr. Dundy through a clipping from the New York World. A waif accosted George Kingsbury, man ager of the Hippodrome, and said: "Say, mister, are you Mr. Dundy? I want a scat for granny down where de big bugs 'sit and one for meself up in de peanut gal lery, but de guy in de cage won't sell 'em. He says I'm toutin' for d" specs on de walk. I've got de mazuma alright." Then the boy brought out of his pocket a hand ful of coppers, nlckles and dimes he said he had saved for some time so he might give granny a treat. Mr. Dundy came from his office and over heard part of the boy's talk and reserved for him and granny a box. telling the buy to buy granny a present with the money. Fifteen minutes before the performance started an uglier received from a newsboy a note addressed to Mr. Dundy and read ing: "We can't come; granny died to night." Mr. Dundy ordered that granny's box be kept vacant that evening. The hoy's name was Jimmy King. CRUSADE TO BEAUTIFY CITY Plans of Iuinruvt uieut League Are Taken I u h the Real Kutate Firbanae. The Omaha Improvement league is en thused over the Interest taken by the Omaha Real Estate exchange In its work and at the regular meeting held Saturday night in the office in the Crelghton College of Law the committee apixjinled by the Real Estate exchange met with the league to discuss plans tor the season. A meeting has been called for Wednesday night li-n officers will be elected for the turning year and a plan of work outlined. Willi the hearty-co-operation of the Real Estate ex change, the feels it will have no trouble lu raising all funds necessary for carrying on the work, even on a more elaborate scale than last year. Some scheme similar to that used last year will be Inaugurated In the crusade to interest the school children in ti e work of he unify ing the city. A svstem of pri--s will he worked oul by the new officers ami garden seel wil le distributed as last season. Attention. Stenoararberal The Smith-Premier Typewriter Company, since the first of the year has been unable to till a very large percentage of culls for stenographers. In order to facilitate the work of the employment department it Is their wish that operators of any make of machine now uuen. ployed, or desiring to belter their posPlon, 1'iak" application t.i them at once. They will register also any operators desiring to do substitute work d.irleg the summer monthr. Call hi office. Farnam street. General Hrtim I nines Home. 8AN FRANCISO!. Arril 14 -General F. 8 Bragg, who has been couioil general of th l imed Slates at IIvik Kong for the lsst ti ree years, arrived here yesterday on to liner Mongolia, atcuinpauicd by hi wife. WOMAN U CLUB AND CHARITY The election of de legates who will rep resent the Omaha Woman' club at th St Paul biennial will take place Monday afternoon, April S3, by order of the club. Instead of May 7, which Is the date of the annual election of officers. Not a lit tle Interest Is being manifested in th" selection of the new officers, especially in the presidency. Perhaps the most gen erally talked of candidate Is Mrs. Edward Joiieou, who has for the past two years served as recording secretary, and for two years preceding, as corresponding secre tary. Mrs. Johnson has been an active worker In several of the largest depot' -nients of the club and is, perhaps, more closely In touch with its diversified In terests than any of the several women proposed for the presidency. For the past four years she has been one of its most conscientious nnd efficient officers. Wliile Mrs. Johnson has not consented to serve she Is being strongly urged by sev eral of the departments. Mrs. A. W. Bow mun is another member who Is being strongly urged to accept the nomination. I It Is understood, however, that she has declined to serve in the first, olllce and I she Is being ssked to accept a nomination for the first vice presidency. Mrs. H. J. Pcnfold Is another much talked of possi bility. She Is at present lirst vice presi dent of the club and has served it before In other oftlces. For two years Mrs. Pen fold filled the office of treusurer, one of the most exacting and trying positions on the executive board, and here, as well as in her present otftce, she demonstrated Hbllity that has won her a substantial support for the first office. Mrs. A. B. Somers Is another that Is being strongly advocated for the presidency. She has not only worked In the art and other de partments of the Woman's club but has had executive experience as president of Mu Sigma club. For the other offices there seems to be little contention. The execu tive work of the club has come to bo very exacting of time and means us well as ability an i there are few women among tho most enthusiastic members who are Willing to assume all the responsibility the office entails. The recent suggestion of Mrs. F. II. Cole before the Omaha Woman's club, that the plan of the Chicago Woman's club in Its distribution of dues, be considered by the local organization, has occasioned not a little Inquiry and Is worthy the careful consideration of the local club women. The Chicago Women's club plan Is ex plained by the following sections of Its constitution relating to dues: "An annual due of $15 shall be required from each member before she shall be entitled to take part In the election at the annual meeting. This annual due of 15 shall be appropriated as follows: Twelve dollars shall go to the club treasury for club ex penses only, t2 to the department to which the member belongs, and the re maining $1 goes Into a general fund to be divided equally among the departments. This division of funds shall be made by the treasurer of the club In November and April, and the funds so divided shall be paid to the treasurer of each depart ment." The constitution further provides that a member may not be registered In more than one department, though she may par ticipate in any or all of them. While tho Chicago dues are much in excess of the Omaha dues, the plan might be applied in a like proportion. The very limited al lowance of 19 a year to each department of the Omaha club has materially re stricted the scope of several, as the de tnunds of some lines of work necessarily exceed those of others. The Chicago plan would relieve this in a measure at least, and would Insure a more equitable distribution or appointment of the dues by throwing the larger amounts to the larger departments. It has been sug gested that this plan might be adopted by the Omaha club without any chango lit tho constitution. Monday afternoon's meeting of the social science department of the Woman's club will be under the direction of the civic Im provement committee. Among the speak ers will be Judge Slabaugh. who will talk along the general lines of civic improve ment; Frank Heller, secretary of the Pub lic Play Grounds association: H. T. Clark and Mrs. 8. R. Towne. In the Interest of vacant lot and yard cultivation, and Mrs. W. M. Alderson In the Interest of tree planting. All the speakers have had an active part In the agitation and work for the beautifying and Improvement of Omaha and will present .furtlier. plans for their furtherance. An election of officers of the department for next -year will follow the program. This will he the last regular meeting of the year, but it is probable that an extra meeting will be held by request for the consideration of summer work. The stand of colors to he presented the battleship Nebraska by the Daughters of the American Revolution of Nebraska will be on exhibition next Thursday In the city hall between 2 and 5 o'clock. The same afternoon the local chapter will present Its annual gold medal to the high school pupil writing the best essay on an assigned revolutionary topic. The current topics department of the Woman's club will hold Its closing meeting ol the year Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Dr. Mlllen will serve as leader and Dr. Freda I.ankton will present a paper. There will be oilier speakers on current topics. The household economics department will give a kenslngton Thursday afternoon of this week at the home of Mrs. Edward rhelan, tiiu North Fortieth street. Mrs. Moorehead. Mrs. Axtell and Mrs. Haarman will be the aiMtaiit hostesses. Mr. C. C. Belden addressed the department at its meeting last week, speaking of "Shopping." He talked particularly of holiday shopping. The meeting was largely attended. The Omaha Circle of Mothers will hold its next meeting Wednesday afternoon at !:.'W o'clock In tin Young Women's Chris tian association rooms. Rev. J. Randolph Smith will be the spiker, his subject to be "Heredity." The iceeting u not limited lo members alone and all women interested will be welcome. Mrs. Ida Woodbury. Held secretary of the Congregational l'oa-.l of Foreign Mis bions. will give a lecture Monday afternoon at n o'clock at the home of Mrs. A. P. Tukey. Clileauo street, for the benefit of Ihe lucnl chanter Daughters of the American Revolution. GREEK ABUSFS A NEWSBOY Proprietor of slilnliia Parlor I. Ills I. ad l IH Kara and . t r rested. I'eier Seletopulon. Grecian ptopricioi of the rhoe shilling room at llltl F'arnlni street, over the Newsboys' home, was ar rested yesterday afternoon by Patrolmen Sheph rd on a charge of assault and bat tery preferred by Matron Anna Cundiff of the home. Eel. topuloiv was charged with beating Lewis Brown, known among the newsboys as "Spider." It was also repotted that the Ureck aUo lifted the oy up by his ears. mm tefl it ii Kl'esSsl ; MpMi tarsiB if : Sfe Mini mam b a h iTi iJu i f em;8 Cluny Breads mill pnttfiiis. Our stock of Braids is now ioni..ti, and nil pattern that woro out so lone hnvo arrlvod and nil inttoni ran now !' completed. Thin Is the new work and tho very latest our. Come nnd take a look at It. Our Fancy Joim1h leartment Is now complete In all Ha branches. Up curry all kimln of Pillow Tops, Cords, Ribbon, Embroidering Cottons nnd Silks. We have plenty of Silk Finish No. X I. M. C Cotton In Mock. We do all kinds of plain ami finny Htamplnir to order. Our prices are right. Our line of SpriiiK Underwear and Hosiery is now complete all the late Ktyles In everything. JOS. F. BILZ 322 South 16th Street BISPH AM DAVID The World's Greatest Baritone. IrttMt nppenranre In Omaha, in a Song iterital, at the I.YIUC. Molulay evening. April 2:. Direction Jlorgluni & Ellis. Heservetl neat, $1.00 anil 91.30. On aale at A. HoHpe to. M M VAIIAMAKER & BROWN Hare moved upstairs dlrectlr over their old location. Entrance 1H24 Farnaui. Iaraest and Complete Line of Suitings. Cheap Rent Low Prices J. K. Al. M Y, SALES AGENT. MOVED We are now located In our new home at 1513 Jonea street sooth aide, between lOth and loth Same 'Phone Douglas 9413. PANTORIUM Expert Cleaners and lifers and was only stopped from Inflicting further punishment by the interference of Matron Cundiff, who had a hand-to-hand tussle with Seletopulon. Mrs. Cundiff said Seletopulon has been In the habit of abusing the newsboys for nearly a week. Entrance to the Newsboys' home la gained through the shining room, and the latter place was rented with that understanding. Retlral of Mr. Samuel Burns. Omaha Is about to witness the passing from active busiress life of one of its oldest merchants -Mr. Samuel Burns, of crockery fame. Saturday Mr. Burns turned over to the Bennett Company his entire stock of high grade china, crockery, glassware, cut glass and queensware, preparatory to his retlral from business. This marks the passing of the most Interesting figure of the oldest living generation actively engaged In the development of western merchandising. Mr. Burns Is the oldest retail merchant on Farnam street, If not In Omaha, having just completed forty-five years of unin terrupted success in the same locality. Needless to say, he Is Omaha's king of crockerydom. He was the first to import products of the French. German. Austrian, Italian. Bavarian, Swedish, English, Scotch and Irish potteries, and there Isn't a unit in the spryest bunch of young crockery ex. perts but Is willing to acknowledge that Mr. Samuel Burns of Omaha has forgotten more than "It" (the unit) has yet learned. Mr. Bums is well known for his high character as a business man, and the ter mination of a successful commercial career In one of the most fascinating Hues of re tailing, is a something that interests every body. An inventory ot the stock reveals an aggregate of almost l'floo, which has been sold to the Bennett Company. What their plans are for turning same into cash, nnd giving the public an opportunity for secur ing traditional samples of Omaha's pioneer crockery l.uslness are reserved for our ad vertising columns. "Marriage and Divorce" Is to be the topic before the Omaha Philosophical society this afternoon, the opening address to be mads hy Mrs. A. O. Hlgcins. who is well known as an earnest and forceful speaker and may be relied on for an able presentation of the subject. The meeting open at S o'clock p. in. In the putterson block. Seven teenth and Farnam streets. Clearing; llouae Averages. NEW YORK. April 14 'I he statement of the dealing house banks for this wek khows that the bans hold 4,7?i.iuO ov.u Ihe legal reserve reuulreriienls. This com pares with dertclt of li.Sbo last week. The statement follows: Loans. tl.i.-5 io; decrease, lil.t:',4,2ii; de posits. $:M.Htil it), decrease. J.i ,ri7n.7ij; cir culation, I "i 4;. J . J 1 ; decrease, t-'ir lai; legal tenders. 77,M3.2io; Increase, .5. 10 ; -. l, $17J.7"4.70i; Increase. $.e;.7J0; reaerve, IX'j.. r(7K,i Increase. 11,93k JOO; reserv required, t .,4t.4'5.r. decrease, 16.3SH.S.S. surplus. 14. lll.iM, Increase. 7,g;,lJfc; ex-I'iilied Slalsa deposits, frf.Ml'.ftTb, increase, 7,470 W. WEI b v After -Easter Reductions ON Ladies' Suits COATS AND 1LI1ERY AT Omaha Suit Co. Successor to Omaha Spring Musical Festival Coaslstlng- of Two Psrformanose of the MESSIAH Wednesday and Thursday Evenings, APRIL 25-26 By The Choral Society of the Peoples' Institute ni B. riaHOUH. Director PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA ' BOBT. CU8CADEW, Dlraotor JEB8ICA DWOLr, Boprana, MABXI.I.S CSAWruaB-WIltl'IO, Contralto. MAkO LAOEaT, Tsnor. OUSTAV ROLMQUIST, BSSSO. W. X TlIOKiTON, Organist. FATROMESSESt Mis. Herman Kniintae, Mrs. K. A. Cndahy. Mrs. Guy Howard, Miss Millard. Mrs. Alfred P. Hanchett, Mrs. J. C. Cowln, Mrs. Klchard. Morgan, Mrs. Charles C. Allison, Mrn C. M. Wllhelm. Mrs liuy C. Hartoll. Mrs. K. Ii. Howell. Mrs. Alfred Millard. Mrs. Horace Kverett. MATIMEB MU8ICAX WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 25 Br th Mssslah fluarUtts At th Auditorium of tna FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OMAHA, BEBBASKA Onlj 4418 Ssata for any ona performance. Meats on sale Monday morning, April 16, at S o'clock, A. Hospe Co., Sheet Music liepartinent. PKK'KS S 1.60 and 11.00. All reserved. Matinee tickets 60 cents. For. Information apply to Lucius Pryor, Manager. 1611 JJouglas street, Omaha, Nebraska. SPECIAL EASTER DINNER AT THE CHESPEAKE 1610 Howard Street. OUP. Koioafelie, Inc. i i iiHoine Princess, loe. riaH. .i'lauked 1-ake huperior Whits. 2fc. (AUI Y mi' Herbs.J BOILED. Kmoked Ox Toi.Koc. ua garette, 3k-. BOASTS. Hpeclal Prlnc Hib of lleef au Jus, 3oc. Ixln of lierkshlre Pork, Kage liresMing. Wn. Upring l.amli, Oreen Mint Bauce, 3 c ESTBEEn. Hoast Young 'luikey. hiuffftd; Current Jev, 35o. liaked Philadelphia Chicken Pie, Individual, 25c. Minced 8wei en Calses, JDe. liosion leaked 1'ork and beans. Itrown Itread. loc. CribleU of Voung Turkey Curried with It ice, 'jlk:. Kgg HalaJ, &c. Fresh Pines ppls Fritters, Glaee e Klreh. fc.