Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    unday Bee.
wtfvrtl In
Best t';. West
Pages 1 to 8.
The Omaha
Increase in Population of Metropolis Causes
Discussion on Fart of Publicists. .
Bryce Would Have People Move to Places
Vot So Laree.
8ince Losing Power Tories See Eeason for
Revising Representation.
Frit-nit of ruronirr Rrltlah Array
Would Have Vnlgnlrrr Orsanl
ration nf Urn Klprrlnirfd
In Frontier VrUr..
LONDON, April H. iPpcclnl Cablegram
to The Ree.)I'enr has been expressed thn'
there Is a alight danger I hat n l It th
excellent movement In favor of garden cltio
and the "back to the noil" program should
come some impractlcabl' Ideas. Even Mr.
Dryec, a practical ta ' pciiui n. n n confer
encc recently, expressed the idm Hint h' w j
centers of population of say W. to n,mo
or 7i, might to be developed for the pur
pose of clucking the growth toward t'e
in' tropnlts. It has been pointed out In
teply to Mr. Bryce and some statesmen
not '.uiti- so practical that It is the very
bigness of the metropolis that attracts a'fd I
that there are thousands who would Itn.l
the smaller cities as wll as the rural dis
tricts Intolerably dull. WlieUii- this '11--poslllon
of flocking to the cities cin In any
measure, be corrected by tlv cry of "back
to the land" or "bix'k to the town" re
mains to he seen. Rut It ljas been pointed
out that It Is not likely to le corrected If
political writers and thinkers reg-ird the
size of the great modern cities as matters
Of accident, which can be corrected at will
or at pleasure.
The agitation for a change In the system
of represrntation Is because of the fact that
every unionist member in the House of
Commons represents on an average 17.V5
votes, while each ministerialist represents
an average or only 7.118. Though there was
a. decided liberal majority, even on the
popular figures, no such a showing as this
would be mHde If the present system did
pot have many Inequalities. Rut the most
remarkable thing In connection with, the
agitation for ' a more perfect system of
minority, representation Is that the radicals
are. opposing a change, while the liberals
re contending for tho Idea of a change.
Heretofore In the history of tho United
Kingdom almost always and ever has the
reverse of this proposition been true. From
the days of the "rotten boroughs," which
the whlgs accused tho tories of planning
by' what in American would practically be
called gerrymandering, down to the last
session of Parliament, It Is the liberal forces
which have been obliged to fight for In
creased representation for iiiinnnticn. It x
admitted by all parties that something
should be accomplished in working out
practical reforms.
Attitude of Conservatives. ,
It will lie remembered . that something
was attempted by tho Halfour ministry In
this direction. Just as It was riding for a
fall. Rut the liberals naturally imagined
that the redistribution of seats If under
taken by Mr. Balfour and his associates
would naturally be unfavorable to them.
Hence they fought all Ideas In that direc
tion bitterly during the closing hours of
the dying Parliament. And after that the
downpour. Not even the moat enthusiastic
liberal six months ugo could have imagined
such a full of the conservatives and a com
plete right about face of all parties In the
matter of minority representation. Things
have indeed como to a pretty pass In
Mcrrto England when the conservatives are
accusing the liberals, nationalists and labor
It cs of "dealing in rotten boroughs."
Army reforms will not como by mere talk.
Rut there has been a decided Improvement
In the situation bo far as the army Is con
cerned during tho past few months. It Is
another of those Ironies of fate that to the
liberals, supposed to be the ancient and
time-honored foe of militarism, should come
thn privilege of fostering some of the
greatest Improvements In the army pro
posed In years, and that the conservatives
should be found In the opposition for no
other reason than that they are "agin the
government." During the recent discus
sions on the army estimates good Ideas
have been expounded by Mr. Huldane. Mr.
Halfour and Sir Charles Dllke and If they
did not agree there was at least a very
cheering approximation to agreement. Mr.
Haldrane and Mr. Ralfour, for example, are
practically as one In regard to the general
method by which expansion of our military
forces Is to be obtained. The reason why
this and other approximations lo agree-
. . l....nn n. r, m, Vi AlmwwiA In .Ka
dominant Idea of Mr. Haldane's speech. An
essential of army reform Is a concordant
of the two great parties about military
policy. It Is contended that the day of
unionist action and liberal reaction Is gone.
Mr. tlaldane wants to procure the assent
of the present opposition as well as of the
ministerial party to the scheme that Is
-I I . t Kl. ... I .m4 T-V, - I A 111 1
aiiltiliT. ilia . , iic viu nurim
practice was to allot a fixed sum to the
soldiers and tell them to make the best
of it. That Is not Mr. Haldane's practice;
before the general election the prime minis
ter formally absolved him from the neces
sity of making It his theory. Rut the
theory survives In the liberal and 'labor
parties and It takes the form of a peremp
tory Insistence upon a reduction of the
army' budget.
Itongb Riders for Britain.
It has been seriously opposed to form au
Imperial legion, an army of scouts, some
thing after the fashion of the rough rider
regiment organised by Theodore Roosevelt
upon Hie outbreak of the Spanlvh-Ainerlcan
jr. In this imperial legion or army of
scouts, us ill Ihe rough rider regiment, it is
proposed every, member will be selected
bvcaus he has "done something'' or la
capably of "doing .something." The official
d slgnatlon of the organisation. It Is said,
will be "frontiersmen." since It will Include
men trained and qualified by previous com
pleted military service or by working, fight
ing liuting In wild countries, or at sea,
who do not or cannot S've In the existing
military forces of the empire, and a, ho
are not preiwred by reason of vocation or
temperament to submit themselves to the
otdlimry military discipline, save in .tme
of wr.
Though, of course, the frontiersmen do
not expect to be on the pay rolls of the
llritlsh army acrvice they are too pa
triotic for that they do hope and expect
to aeoure the confident and the support
(Continued on Sixth Page.)
Cardinal l.ogne Dealrea Irlah Martyr
Placed on Calendar (
Saints of Church.
ROMK, April U. (Special Cablca;rum to
Tho Bce.)-Rt. Rev. Oeremla Bouomell',
bishop of Cremona, of whose pastoral the
sovereign pontllT wrote In such strong
terms In hi letter to Cardinal Ferrari,
archbishop of Milan, came to Rome re
cently to visit the pope. He took up 1.1a
residence In the Minerva hotel. The news- I
naners have been busv with his name and j
his pastoral, but ns he said nothing Tor
publication the reports riven of his saying
and Intentions wern strange and extrava
gant freaks of the Imagination. It lias
been unfortunate for Mgr. Bnnomclli that I
the llbcrallstlc anti-Catholic press In Italy
has undertaken his defense In an enthusi
astic manner, for It has been noticed that
that press is rarely on the side of the Cath
olics. Finally. Mgr. Ronnmclli left Rome on his
return Journey to his diocese of Cremona,
and the noncatholle papers published here
in Rome announce that he has not been re
ceived by the pope. This event has been
responsible for a sensation In the newspa
per, but it Is said that the entire Incident
did not linve the construction placed upon
It and that the pone did not refuse to re
ceive tlie cardinal.
The Irish Franciscans of St. Isidore have
Just given a dinner in honor of Cardinal
Ixiguc, who Iihm been visiting here In Rome.
Amongst tin- gin sis Invited was Very Rev.
Mgr. Hyrne, ibati of liungnnrion, who
accompanied the cardinal to Rome as his
secretary. Tuirlng his slay in Rome his
eminence the cardinal has been in consul- I
tiitlon with the advocate for th" cause of
beatification ami snnctlflcntion f"r recngnl-
Hon of the venerable Oliver I'lunkct, and
also with Mgr. VtiII. promoter of the
faith. There Is reason to anticipate that
within a comparatively, short period of time
the Irish Catholics throughout the World
will see the name of this martyr enrolled
nmongst the names of the blessed who arc
raised to the dignity of the altars.
Another member of the sacred college of
cnrdinals, his eminence Cardinal rjulseppl
Callegarl. bishop of Padua, has Just de
parted this life. He was In the sixty-fifth
year of his age, having been horn In Venice
In 1S41. The story of his career Is that of n
diligent parish prl:t. a laborious and far-jnf
aeeln blshon. whose labors were especially
directed toward the advancement of his
Another great clerical character lias Just
passed Into eternal rest. Rev. Father
Michael Costello, master In theology and
sub-prior of St. Clements In Rome, has
breathed bis last In the ancient and famous
convent of the Pomlnlran Order. Father
Costello was 82 years of age and many
years of his life were passed In the Eternal
city. His recollections of Rome embraced
a period nf over sixty years and In that
time he beheld as It were the old order of
things changing Into new. (Jregory XIV
was thn occupant of thn pontifical throne
when this young friar llrst beheld the city
of Rome. Then, following the death of
Gregory, came In June. lWfi. the new pon
tiff, Tins IX. Father Costello' used to toll
how, when Plus X was ' elected; be was
young-looking and his hair was dark. But
tU levoti-tlnn soon fme and F1ua IX was
an exile In Gaeln. In 1850 the pope returned
to Homo again, but now tho dark hair was
rapidly growing white and signs, of care
rather than age were visible on file "face.
Then cam the Invasions of the pontifical
territory on thn part of Piedmont, encour
aged by Napoleon III, which finally ended
In the. seizure of Rome by Victor Em
manuel, and all of the troubles which have
marked the course of the last thirty-five
Fannin Island Will Re gold to the
Illgbeat Bidder This
SYDNEY. April U. (Special Cablegram
to The Hee.) The greatest indignation Is
expressed here over the report that Fan
ning Island, one of the most important
landing stations of the "All-Brttlsh," Pa
cific cable, together with Washington
Island, Is to be offered for sale by public
auction on April 17. It is regarded here as
nothing less than a national scandal that
the Imperial government should run the
risk of such an Important strategic center
as Fanning Island falling Into the hands
of a foreign power. The "AU-Hritlsh" Pa
cific cable, as it Is well known, links up
Vancouver, British Columbia, with New
Zealand. In this route of nearly 8.000 miles
It touches first at Fanning Island, 3.237
miles from Vancouver, then at the Fiji
Islands, another 1.636 mile, and afterward
at Norfolk Island, whence branches run to
New Zealand and (Queensland.
From these facts It can easily be Im
agined how vitally important it is that
Fanning Island should remain British. A
hostile power in possession of the island
In time of war would have the cable at
lta mercy.
The original owners (by possession) of
Fanning and Washington islands were
Messrs. Gregg and Bignall, both of whom
are dead.
AntomobllUt Who Escapee trreat
rnda Money to Kngtand for
Fast DrUlna.
lONDON. April H (Special Cablegram
to The Bee.) An American was recently
mopped while driving a motor car at the
rate of twenty-four miles an hour In Hert
fordshire. He left England directly after
ward and could not be summoned. Super
intendent Wood of the country police wrote
to him to the addreis he gave In America
and Vius Just received a reply.
The American states that be did not
leave England to escape Justice and he In
closed IJ3. which be hoped the magistrates
would accept us a tine and as an apprecia
tion of the pleasure his motor car tour In
England had givtn him. .
The chairman of the magistrates put the
money in the poor box. remarking that he
hoped it would be a lei-son to Engllhh
motorists who did not always behave so
courteously when dcteefd In breaking the
Alfred W. sweeten Expires In Denver
Jaat After Being Found
by Mother.
DENVER. April 14. (Special Telegram.) -Jul
its bis mother found Mm. after liavlng
searched for him slno Monday. Alfred W.
Sweeten, whj was u student at the Ne
braska State university at Lincoln. tll'-U
In the county hospital. Sweeten was found
lying In the street barefoot and sick by
the police last Monday. Ho had tele
graphed his mother at Monument. Colo.,
that be was out of money. He had spinal
Preliminary Settlement of Hungarian Dis
pute. Game in Good Time for All.
Government Was Beady to Exercise Espion
age Over Letters and Pc
Only Man Who P
. eople a" Ruler
Threatened Bojcntt nf Alt ITilnga
from Anstrta When Made l
Hungarian Society Had
Good Effect.
VIENNA. April 14.-(Special Cablegram
to The Bee.) Just what the (reaty of peace
between the crown and die Hungarians
and the appointment of Alexander Wekcrlc
ns premier will nmount to It is difficult
to forcast. Jr. Alexander Wekerle Is a !
man of considerable breadth and force !
of character, and If any man can form a :
cabinet that will In a measure conciliate
Hungary this ought to be the man.
Now that Ihe trouble Is supposed to be
at an end It Is worth while at least to call
attention to the manner In which the pres
ent condition of affairs was brought about.
While Colonel fJzll was premier of Hun-
gary In lf0l-l!Wl the Austrian government j
tisked the Hungarian parliament to make
a considerable Increase In the quota of
army recruits to be supplied by Hungary,
and augment the annual money grant to
the crown. The Hungarians declined to
agree to the Austrian proposals and
eventitnlly their opposition to them in the
Hungarian Parliament, developed Into ob
struction .and later Into a complete dead
lock. Tho Hungarians also made counter
demands on the crown, which were re
fused. In October. 1901, the then premier
'nKry. Count Tlsza. made a success-
"" "' ics oi pro.
cedure under which the obstruction was
carried on. He applied the closure. Soon
after this the Hungarian Parliament was
dissolved, and in January, 1005. the Hun
garian government went to the country in
a general election, with the result that the
ministerial party was everywhere over
whelmingly defeated, and there came Into
existence the combined opposition of to
day, known as the Independence party
of Hungary, whose members Insist on. the
use of thn Hungarian language and the
Hungarian flug in the army of Hungary,
which the crown has peremptorily refused
to agree to.
Radical Pinna tngarested.
' It was perhaps fortunate for lnth coun
tries thnt matters ended Just where they
did. For the liberty of the press had been
suppressed, the right of public meeting
had been limited, and an edict had been
Issued by the mlnlMer of .commeiee -empowering
the courts ami the police to con
trol the dispatch fif the letters, documents,
postal packets and telegrams of certain
persons. The opposition Is being sup
pressed with a stern hand. Apparently
quiet prevails. A significant symptom In
connection with tho movement leading up
to the present condition of affairs ha been
the participation of women In a country
where women are Beldam found mixing In
politics. Aristocratic ladles, for Instance,
at whose head Is the Countess Ratthyany,
daughter of the late Count Andrassy,
formed a society called the "Tulip league."
The task of the "Tulip league" was to op
pose the present government everywhere.
Everything coming from Austria was to be
boycotted by the women of tho league.
This boycott, striking right at the heart
of the commercial Interests of the two
countries, Is supposed to have had more
to do with bringing about the end of the
crisis than any - one thing. The sympa
thizers of the boycott openly wore' tulips;
the tulips were everywhere seen, und
Baron FeJervary openly declared that the
women of Hungary were giving the mem
bers of the cabinet more trouble than the
men were. This declaration was made In
connection with the holding of immense
meetings, in which all of the women, rich
and poor, offered their Jewels In case they
should be needed to continue the struggle
with the government. Demonstrations of
this kort convinced the cen'.al government
that the Hungarians were in deadly
Emperor and Empress of Germany
May Appear in Suit for
BERLIN, April 14.-Special Cablegram
to The Bee.) According to a report which
is attracting much attention In Berlin the
kaiser is shortly expected to appear as a
witness In a libel suit. Frau Mileskl, a
lady In malting on Princess Dorothea if
Schleswlg-Holsteln, Is suing Prince Ernst
Cumber of Schleswlg-Holsteln and the
court chamberlain for damages for illegal
arrest In Egypt. A charge of theft was
brought against her, but could not be sub
stantiated. Herr Blumenthal, the cham
berlain, requested the Egyptian govern
ment to effect the arrest, stating thai the
kaiser himself desired this to be dour
Should the report prove to be correct I ho
following remarkable list of witnesses will
give evidence: The kaiser, the kalsenn.
Princess Frederick Leopold of Prussia, tho
prince and princess of Schleswlg-Holst 'lti
and many other Notabilities. The emperor
himself ordered Frau Mileskl to d.-mand
Joha Carr, Known In American Police
Circles, in Trouble in
blegram to The Bee.) John Carr, who ha
several times been sentenced in England
i"; nrt America to terms of imprisonment,
has Just been sentenced to eight months'
penal servitude here for passing stolen
notes, the proceeds of the Liverpool bank
robbery on July 13, 15, when Slo,0m wus
stolen from a clerk paced Dobaon.
When Carr was arrested last year at
Copenhagen he declartd himself to te n
sculptor of the name of Grey, but by the
system of finger print records, which la
now used with great success all over
Scandinavia, he was Identified as the thief.
Carr. An accomplice, who was arrested
on August 13 at Kiel, was found to be '.n
possession of the greater part of the stolen
notes. Carr la 78 years of age and Is sail
to be one of the oldeet bank thieves in the
f'anr t.lves the Signal "Christ la
Risen" from Taarakne
8T. PKTKRSlintH. April 15 -At midnight
Inst night flic usual impressive Euster
services were held In nil the churches In
St. Petersburg. There were no untoward
Incidents. Emperor Nicholas, who ordi
narily gives the signal "Christ Is risen" at
the Winter palace, remained at Tsatskoe
Seln, to which place special trains were
run to accommodate cabinet ministers and
other high d'gnltaries who went to the
palace to be present at the service.
"The expectations that Easter would be
marked by some lmiortant announcement
bearing on the light between Count Wine
and Minister of the Interior Uurnovo were
! not realised. Fevers! pag f promotions
and decorations will be published In the
Official Mcsscngi r (nmnrmw, hut the em
peror ims net even signalized the, day with
a general gift to the people.
Among the Easter honors conferred Count
Casslnl Is made an actual privy council
lor of the second rank and M. Makhnicllcff.
Russian minister to Japnn. whose wife was
Miss Mary Hcale of Washington, Is given
the order of St. Andrew.
I iir Decides to Retain Control
Financial Affairs of the
ST. PET ERSRI'RtJ, April lt.-Wllh abso
lute unanimity the papers here today, even
the Novoe Vrniya, express extreme dis
content with the Imperial ukase, issued
April 11, creating a "i nmnilttee of finance"
to decide matters relating to the national
credit This Is regarded as another severe
blow to the power of the Parllamvnt and
as vliiunlly taking away from the nation's
representatives nil control of the nation's
finances. The text of this Important docu
ment is as follows:
We llnd It useful to exclude from the
competency of the council of the empire
and the lower house of parliament Hie
) right to determine the times and conditions
of loans and to consign the same to the
I committee of nuance, which la also charged
I to sturiv all questions relating to the credit
of the empire and the money system. At
I the same time we reserve the right to sub
mit to the preliminary 'constitution or tne
committee such Ilnanclnl matters as the
budget, which must go before Parliament.
Members of Cermnn Military Company
Have Thrilling: Experience
in a Balloon.
COPENHAGEN. April 14.-1 Special Ca
blegram to The Roe.) Two German sol
diers, Welth and Jurgens, belonging to the
German First Military Airship company,
have Just landed at Karlskronu, In Sweden,
In a balloon which left Berlin on a stormy
ufternoon and crossed tho Baltic during
a flerco snowstorm.
When some miles from tho Swedish coast
a mishap occurred and Hi balloon began
to descend rapidly, tho gas escaping
through a rent caused . by the. atorm. . To
save their lives tho two men cut a,way tho
ticket Willi lis. .enntev's and lun; to the
net while the storm raged and the wind
blew the balloon about. AfUr being nearly
two hours In this dangerous and uncom
fortable position the aeronauts reached the
coast and descended In a snow covered for
est. One of tho soldiers had fainted when
the balloon was found by some peasants.
Emperor of Germany Will Go to
Spanish Capital on South
ern Trip,
BERLIN, April 14. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) It Is stated here, apparently on
good authority, that the kaiser will visit
Madrid on May 15. His majesty will pro
ceed from Genoa to Carthagena, thence
to the capital and afterwards via Vallado
lid to the northern coust of the peninsula.
where he will go on board the Hamburg
at Santander. His first visit to Spain will
occupy altogether three days. At first it
was the kaiser's Intention to land at Barce
lona, but on the advice of the Spanish
government this plan was relinquished.
With the Improving prospects tho kaiser's
Mediterranean Journey begins to . assume
more definite shape. Numerous coast towns
and a visit to Athens are' said to be on bis
program, and It Is stated that the empress
will accompany his majesty for at least
a part of the trip.
Released British Financier Will
Probably Return to Bualneaa
in Sooth America.
LONDON, April 14. James Spencer Bal
four, formerly a financial magnate and a
member of Parliament, who was sentenced
to fourteen years' imprisonment In 1S95 for
extensive frauds In connection with the
Land Allotment company and the House
and Land Investment Trust of the Liber
ator group of companies, waa released to
day from Parkhurst prison on the Isle of
Wight. For the last two years Balfour has
acted as librarian of the prison.
It Is said that he probably will return to
the Argentine republic, from where he was
ett.i r-d before his trial and where It Is
paid he tilds considerable Interests In dif
ferent trad." concerns. It Is estimated that
the poor mld'le class of England lost about i
Jlfj.O'O.oo') by Balfour's swindling operations. I
Catholics and ."Maria vita" Come to
Kiowa and Several People
Are Killed.
WARSAW, Poland. April H The relig
ious troubles between the Catholics und
Mariavils. tho new Catholio sect, in many
places In Poland are assuming a very seri
ous aspect. Indeed the situation has al
most reached the dignity of civil war. At
Luptsl J.iJ Mariavils attacked Cutho
lics and a regular pitched battle followed,
during which three men were killed and
forty wounded. The fighting is proceeding
today. At I.clinu constant skirmishes are
!n progress and several persons have been
killed or wounded. Last week at Chwartek
the Mariavils, who are in the majority
there, took possei-slon of a church and in
sisted on the reappointment of a priest
who was dismissed by the Catholics,
Meaaare Providing for setllemeat of
Affaira of Five Utilised
Trlbea Adopted.
WASHINGTON. April 14. The bouse to
day agreed to the conference report on the
bill for the settlement of the affairs of the
tne civilised tribes In the Indian Territory.
Powder Chares Explodes in Forward Turret
of Battleship Kearsaree.
Accident Happens Just at the Close of
Target Practice.
Powder Was Beine Sent Below When it
Forty Men W ere In the I pprr nnd
Lover Turrets and Small l.oaa
nf Life Nnrprlsee atnl
WASHINGTON. April 14. Two yeais to
a day later than the fatal Missouri disas
ter, and as every sailor recalls, on a Fri
day on the 13th of Hie month, six men
were killed in the forward turret of the
battleship Kearsnrgc by one of those acci
dents which acquire additional 'terror for
sailors because of their obscure origin,
and almost Impossibility of prevention.
Tho Atlantic fleet, the strongest fighting
fleet America lias ever owned, had been
for weeks engaged in the most severe
drills 'in the waters of tho Caribbean sea.
culminating In the quarterly target prac
tice. Tills practice was Just almut con
cluding with most satisfactory results up
to yesterday and It waa confidently ex
pected at the department, upon the basis
of preliminary reports received, that all
records would be broken In Ihe matter of
rarldlty of Are nnd efficiency of the gunners.
But today. Just at the close of the week s
work at the department, came the cable
gram from Rear Admiral Evans, the com
manding chief of the Atlantic licet, telling
of a dreadful accident on of one of Ills best
ships, the Kenrsarge. The cable came from
Carlmanera. a little cable station at the
mouth of Guantanamo bay. Indicating the
Kearsarge Itself had arrived at that place.
A slight telegraphic error, requiring tho
consumption of some time to affect the
dlclpheiing of the message, added to tho
anxiety of the officials as soon as they
made out tho fact that a serious accident
had occurred.
Offielal Report of Disaster.
The official account of tho disaster Is con
tained In the following cablegram from
Hear Admiral Evans:
CAIMANERA. April 14-8ecrtary Navy,
Washington, D. C: On April 13,sabout aio
p. m., shortly after completion of target
practice of Kearsarge forward turret, while
the powder was going below, three sections
of a thlrteen-lnch charge of powder were
ikoocu. i imrge or powaer in otner nrt just
below and one section Inside t htrteen-ineii
remained Intact. Cause not yet determined
nor uccuuniaoiiuy. Matter is Delng Invest
igated. Lieutenant Joseph W. Graeme, gun
umpire, hus been sent to the Maryland in a
very, critical. state-lAUt, 9 p. m. The fol
lowing nave since- niert :v Lieutenant Hudg
Ins, turret Officer: Peter Norhersr inniur'i
mats; 1 beodom Naegely, e-av.ian; Anton O,
Thorson, ordinary ana man: Julius A.
Koester, turret captain, first class; Ellis H.
Athey, seaman. Tho following were dan
gerously Injured by accident, recovery
doubtful: W. King, ordinary seaman; Will
Dury, dead at Guantanamo. Vessel unin
jured. , - .,
List of Victims.
The residences and next of kin of the vic
tims were aa follows:
Ht'DGINS, IJeutennnt John M., turret
omeer, nearest kin, wire, Washington, 1. ( .
NOKHERG, PETER, gunner's mate, third
class; residence. New York; next of kin,
Margaret Norberg, mother, Sandsvall, Swe
den. N A EG ELY, THEODORE, seaman; resi
dence, Elizabeth, N. J.; next of kin,
Louis Graff, guardian, Elizabeth, N. J.
seaman; residence, New York: next of kin,
Ellas Thorson, SVw York City.
captain, first class; residence, Chicago, III.;
next of kin, John Peterson, uncle. Chicago.
ATHEY, ELLIS HOMER, seaman; resi
dence, Parkersburg, W. Va.: next of kin,
W. E. Athey, father. Parkersburg. W. Va.
The following were dangerously injured by
accident, recovery doubtful:
William King, ordinary seaman, residence
Applctnn City. Mo.; next of kin, Mrs.
Alice Cox, Appleton, Mo.
The following message of condolence was
telegraphed to the commander-in-chief of
the fleet. Admiral Evans, by Acting Secre
tary Newberry:
April 14, 19i. Evans, Maine. Naval Sta
tion, Calmanera: The department is deeply
grieved by the unfortunate accident oh
board the Kearsarge which occasioned the
death and Injury in the performance of
duty of brave officers and men in the navy
and it extends its heartfelt sympathy to
the Injured and wishes for a speedy re
covery from their wounds. Spare no effort
to ease the sufferings of the Injured In
every possible manner and show every
honor to the dead. NEWBERRY.
Immediately on receiving the cablegram.
Acting Secretary Newberry carried It to
the president at the White House and was
authorized to send the foregoing expression
of sympathy. He communicated the sad
news to Secretary Bonaparte at his home
In Baltimore over the long distance tele
phone. Meanwhile, by direction of Admiral
Converse, chief of the navigation bureau.
Captain Pollock, the assistant chief, and
Commander Wilson were busily engaged
In looking up the addresses of the relatives
of the victims of the accident and In writ
ing telegrams acquainting them with the
news. Nothing more could be done In
Washington until further details were re
ceived from Admiral Evans.
Loss of Life Small.
The first feeling cf the officers at thi
Navy department after receiving the ca
blegram waa one of surprise that the acci
dent had resulted in so little loss of life.
The Kearsarge's forward turret, where It
occurred, Is of the superposed type In
other words, an eight-Inch gun turret sat
upon the top of the thtrteen-inch gun tur
ret, where the accident occurred. In the
lower turret were twenty-four men and In
the upper turret sixteen. An ammunition
hoist connected the two, and. had the
powder in the lower hoist exploded, prob
ably every man In the two turrets would
have been killed. The full charge of powder
for a thlrteen-lnch gun la too large to be
handled by any one man, so it la divided Inf
sections In canvas bags, and It was three
of these (probably Just enough to fill one
compartment in the ammunition hoist)
which Ignited. As the cablegram states,
the cause nf the Ignition waa not known,
but the first belief at the Navy depart
ment is that in cleaning up the turret and
throwing open the breeches of the big gun
after the last round had been fired, some
small bit nf smouldering canvas bagging
waa blown cut of one of the guns as the
big breech block was swung around only
to fall upon the loaded ammunition hoist
where the surplus powder was being re
turned to the magaxlns below. Had the
remainder of this powder exploded there
might have been a repetition of the Mis
souri disaster, when twenty-six men were
killed In the turret and in the magaslnes
(Continued on Sixth Page)
Forecast for Nebraska Fair anal
Warmer unday. Monday Fair.
!EW KCTIO Elabt Paaea.
I London la (irenlng Rapidly.
Crlala la Anatrla la Ended.
Mi (nnnrra Killed on Uattleahlp.
President Hrlpa Lay Corneratone.
H Mlsaonrl Moh llama Three Negroee
3 ewa from All Parta of Nebraska.
4 Warren Marder Caae Uoea to Jury.
Easier Hetall Trade Haa Been Good
A Kelentlata lew the Eruption.
Shaw Helps flat ew York Raaka.
Cry of Fire Marts Panic in t harrh,
6 Greene on Wehstrr'n Candidacy.
Y. W. C. A. Campaign rroareaaea.
T Sporting Events of the Day.
II Pnat Week In Omaha Society.
3 John Deere Company Mny Expand.
Affairs at Sonth Omaha.
3 Renaon Opena the City Campaign.
Aflalra at "oath Omaha.
4 Editorial.
3,antee Mourn Indiana Want taah.
Illaraarrk a Friend of the Polra.
A Council It luffs and Iowa .News.
7 Mewa from the Iowa Capital.
H 7. 1 in man Wanta Ballot Inquiry.
I nfortunatea Before People's liar.
WAXT AD E(T10 Eight Pages.
1 Easter erlcea at the Churches.
Happenings In the Realty vFlrld.
2 Condition of Omnha'a Trade.
Some Facta thnnt Vrinilnn.
What the Candidates Expended.'
: Want Ada.
Wnnt Ada.
R Wnnt Ada.
fl Wnnt Ada.
7 Financial and Commercial.
N nta- Horn Country on the Room.
I I.I.I TR ITKO SEC TIO Elarht Pages.
I llrjan Wrltca nf Visit to the Moroa.
2 ome Terarly Told Talea.
3 Gnaslp of Plaa nnd Playera.
Musical ewa and 3ntea.
t Omaha a Cosmopolitan City.
A Dominion Wanta American ettlera
Dntlea of Ion Executive Council.
II ln the Domain of Woman.
7 Sporting Goaalp of the Week.
K Proxrea In Field of Electricity.
COLOR sECTinWnnr Pages.
1 Ruater Trlea Fragrant Weed.
2 Odd nnd Enda from Far and ear.
3 .o llaslnsr at Weat Point Academy.
4 Simon Mmple Starts the Mule.
Spelalrliuraer Takes Plnnge Bath.
Temperature at Omaha Yealerdayi
. . KM
. . an
. . i
. . an
. . :ai
. . :m
. . 4"
. . 41
t l.
3 p.
4 p.
R p.
7 p.
. . 41
. . 4!t
. . 4
. . 4U
. . ,4
. . 411
. . 41
K a. i
II a. i
7 a. i
IH a. i
a. i
10 a i
11 a. i
13 m..
ni .
m .
Places Where Republican Ralllea Will
Re Held In the Varlnua
Chairman Jefferis of the republican .rJty
committee has arranged fov att activn cam
paign during the remainder of the time
between now and election day. . For the
coming week he lias scheduled the follow
Ing meetings:
Sixth Ward Republican club mnss meet
Ing, Linwood hall, southwest corner nf
Twenty-forth and Burdette streets, Monday
evening, April 15, 1SKK1. Prominent speakers
will speak. Including E. A. Benson, for
mayor, and other candidates.
Tuesday, April 17, republican meeting
Lincoln hall, southeast corner of Sixth nnd
Pierce streets.
Wednesday. April 18, republican meeting.
South Side Turner hall, northeast corner of
Eighteenth and Vinton streets.
Thursday, April 10, Magnolia hall, Twen
ty-fourth street dnd Ames avenue.
Friday, April Thirty-fifth and Ieaven
worth streets, the West Ieavenworth Im
provement club turns the meeting over for
republican candidates to speak.
Wednesday, April 25, Crelghton hall
southwest corner of Fifteenth and Harney
Daughter of Merchant Prince Wants
fH37,000 In Securities Given Her
Before Father's Death.
CHICAGO. April 14 Mrs. Ethel Beatty
daughter of the late Marshall Field, com
menced suit today against the executors
of her father's estate, asking that the court
direct them to turn over to her stocks and
bonds to the amount of 8X57.000 which her
father gave her before his death, but
which were never delivered to her. The
suit is of a friendly character and de
signed to give to the executors legal au
thority for the transfer of the securities.
Mrs. Beatty Inherited an aggregate of
$6,000,000 from her father's estate, and the
$857,000 is In addition to that amount.
Aaaaasla Fire a Through Window and
Eacapes Tracke Lead to
Xelghborlnar Ranch.
CHBiYENNE. Wyo.. April 14. (Special
Telegram.) Jack Boylo, a well known
ranchman, living near here, was killed by
a shot fired through the window. The as
sassin escaped. Outsldo the house were
plainly discernible the tracks of the as
sassin, who had come within six feet be
fore tiring the shot. His horse was fol
lowed to the ranch of O'Nell, !etwecn
whom and Boyle a feud bad long existed.
In the stable was the horse, but O'Nell
was In Cheyenne during the whole night.
The Inquest will be held at Greeley Mon
da '.
Movements of Ocean Yeaaela iprll 14,
At New York Sailed: Rugla. for Ham
burg; Koenlgeii Luise, for Naples; Iji Gas
cogne. for Havre; Philadelphia, for South
ampton; Lucania, for l,lverool: Minne
tonka, for London; Noordland. for Ant
werp; Iaurentian, for Havre; Hi. Paul, for
Southampton. Arrived. I'mbria, from
Live! pool.
At lloiig Kong: Arrived: Empres of In
dia, from Vancouver. Sailed: Doric, for
San r ranclsco.
At Antwerp Arrived: Marquetta. from
Boston. Sailed: Finland, for New York.
At Palermo Bailed: Calabria, for New
At Glasgow Sailed : Ontarian, for Mont
real; FurnessiH, fi r New York.
At Queenstow n Sailed : Cymric, for Bos
ton. Arrived: Etruria, from New York.
At Liverpool Sailed: Campania, for New
At Havre Sailed : I -a Savole, fur New
At Hamburg Arrived: Pretoria, from
New York. Sailed: Prim Eltel Frledrlch,
for New York.
At Nuples Arrived: Florida, from New
At Plymouth Arrived: St. Louis, from
New York.
At Bro head Sailed: Arnerika, for New
At St. John, N. H Sailed: Tunisian, for
Liverpool; Laita Champlain, fur Liverpool.
Notable Address by President Rooeerelt at
Cornerstone Lay in?.
Tendency to Indiscriminate Criticism of
Publio Men Deplored.
Overoensura Generally Results in Benefit to
Real Culprits.
Kew Structure Will Be One of the
Largest and Fineat in Washington
Maaona Haie Charge of
the Ceremonies.
WASHINGTON. D. C. April 14-To the
many memorable events which cluster
about the making of the nation's capital
must be added one other, the laying of
the cornerstone of the ofiice building for
the house of representatives with solemn
Masonic ceremonies this afternoon.
The occasion was made notable by the
presence of the president of tho V lilted
States and many of his cabinet, by the su
preme court, by the representatives of for
eign governments, by the senate and house
of representatives and a largo proportion
of Washington's population.
The day was ideal for such an Important
ceremony, and without so much as even
a trifling delay the Immense stone which
occupied the northeast corner of the bulbi
ng waa placed In position with the ancient
ceremonials of the Masonic order.
Great attention has been paid to the caro
nd comfort of the thousands who were
accorded an opportunity to witness tho ex
ercises and to listen to one of the most
notable addresses ever delivered by the
president during his public career. Flags
and bunting were everywhere. Stand after
stand was provided and high above all the
other vantage places was the president s
box overlooking the capitol plax nnd
fronting the great white capitol building
on the west and the library or congress on
the east.
Prraenta Inspiring; Picture.
Palms nnd growing plants were there niul
tho faint touch of the new green of thn
trees shading off Into the richer green of
thn plaza, made an Inspiring picture. To
this add the rich dress of hundreds of
Knights Templar with their waving plumes
and Ihe subdued costumes of the Masons
with their lambskin aprons and white
gloves, the scarlet uniforms of the Marine
band and the blue of the United States
Engineers' band and the picture Is com
plete. President Roosevelt, accompanied by
members of his cabinet and escorted by thn
Office Building commission. Speaker Joseph
Q. Cannon. Representative W. P. Hepburn
of Iowa, and ex-Representative James l.
Rlchnrrtson Of Tnneksee. artived'rompafa-
tlvely early. When the president came Into
view of the Immense audience a roar of
kindly welcome greeted him. Immediately
after the arrival of the president, the sen
ate of the 1'nlted States, with Vice Presi
dent Fairbanks at their head, entered the
stand reserved for them, followed by n
large membership of the house of repre
sentatives. Vice President Fairbanks took
a seat to the .left of the president, and his
presence, too, was loudly Indicated by the
A large number of women were on the
president's stand, among them being Mrs.
Roosevelt. Mrs. Nicholas Longworth, Mrs.
Cowles, sister of the president, nnd Mrs.
Fairbanks. Upon the arrival cf the Grand
Lodge of Masons of the District of Colum
bia, with Walter A. Brown, grand master,
at Its head, the ceremony of laying the
cornerstone began.
Contents of the Box.
A licrmitlenlly-sealed copper box contain
ing an Inside copper box with glass top
waa then placed In position so that thn
stone would completely envelop It.
Thn box contained the following articles:
The Holy Bible; copy of the Declaration
of Independence; copy of the constitution
of the United States; American flag, pre
sented by the boys of the Junior Republic;
copy of volume "History of Capitol;" au
tographs of members of the United States
senate, April 14, 1; an engraving nnd
autograph of President Roosevelt; engrav
ing and autograph of Vice President Fair
banks; pictures and autographs of Mr.
Cannon, Mr. Hepburn and Mr. Richardson
of Tennessee; photographs and autographs
of members of cabinet; set of postage
stamps of L'nlted States, ldu6; list of mem
bers of senate and house. 1908; list of mem
bers of the supreme court of the United
States. 1906; city papers, current issue, and
many other articles.
As the stons was lowered on Its founda
tion the marina band played the Inter
mezzo from "Cavallerta Rustlcana." The
corn, wine and oil were then In turn poured
upon the stone by the grand master, accord
ing to ancient custom, an octette of mala
voices chanting as the corn fell from the
silver flagon:
There shall be a handful of corn In the
earth, upon the top of the mountain; the
fruit thereof shall shake like I-bannn and
they of the city shall flourish like tin
grass of the earth.
When the wine was poured upon tag
stono the octette sang:
And wine that maketh glad the heart of
man and oil to make his face to shine,
and bread which streiigthenetit man's
As the oil was scattered the choir
And Jacob set up a pillar In the place
where be talked with Him even a pillar of
stone and be poured a drink offering there.
Address of Grand Master Brown.
Following these rites the grand master,
Walter A. brown, delivered the following
Grand Masur Brown said in part:
Ladies, Gentltineii and Brethren B
It known unto you tnal He be law
ful Masons, true and laitlitul lu the
lavts of our country and engugeii
by solemn obligations to aid In luu
erection of public buouings by placing in
position the chief cornel stone wiieitevtr
called upon to do so by tliose iiaviug
ciiai ne of the same.
These ceremonies which you have wit
nessed have cuino down to ua from time
immemorial, and are In themselves in
valuanle lo us as purely symooiic of thai
spiritual building which each one of us la
engaged In electing during our natural
ill c , and as In tins temporal building about
to be ervcud to nave proved me chief
cornerstone lo Is well formed, truo und
truoiy, lei each ne or us lie sure dial in
the spiritual building our chief eorneisiouu
be I ike !.- well lormed, true and Iriiniy.
'iiils gavel, known us ihe Washington
gavel, was n.ade nut of tile marble used
In Hie construction of the I'mted SlaLe.i
capilol. and for tne aix-clrtc puixiae of and
used for the first lime In Uiiig tic
cornerstone of that edirice, September lb,
i;wt. This ceremony was pertoiii.ed witn
full Masonic rites by General Gcorgn
Washington, acting grand master and
upon the completion tA Um voraiiiuuy