The. Omaha Daily Bee. EDITORIAL SECTION. Pages 9 ta 16. Advertise In THE OMAHA DEE Best ,t. Vest ESTABLISHED JUNE 10, 1871. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORXIXU, AVKIL 14. 1K). SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST Saturday, Fair and Warmer. THE SUPREME MOMENT IN MILLINERY Is th just-be fore- Easier purchasing moment We are ready for the procession. Yon are ready to buy. Lei's get together Saturday. Every hat in the home specially cut-priced for the biggest millinery salesday in our history- Grand Display of Sailors, Tailored Hats and Fancy Dress Hats OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST Sadinlnv, I'nlr iin.l Warmer. "MM t m m . T -r IT ir r? y u tr VJ m m n a new 1 GREEN TRADING STAMPS EVERY TIME GREEN TRADING STAMPS EVERT TIME The smartest in our peerless millinery family is the popular Utile sailor, trimmed in ribbons, icings and Superb Press Halt, rtvrv conceivable shape and color, plumes, fow r and laces in abundance very latest Parisian creations copied to absolute pi rfeclion, and not a few handsomely im- ff f proved by deft fingers in our workroom. . H fancy shape sailors, trimmed in black and white the most popular shading of '('! is black and white finished with .Ameers, buckles, icings all tuibby trimmed and exquisite.. tt.M) .ftmcers--Saturday , choice from scares of them $5 1 3 L MM 11 J FOR THE Y. VV. C. A. Saturday terminates the Twenty Cents on the Dol lar Sales Increase Benefit for the building fuud. HELP THE CAUSE! THE HOME FOR CHILDREN'S HEADGEAR Everything the little tots woidrl wear on special display for Easter. They must be in style on Eustc.r Sabbath as ,vt 7 as their elders. Prices up from , I JC Confirmation Flowers and Veils In a Charming Display. Y. W. C A. Members and Friends Please remember that every dollar of increased sales yields twenty cents to the building fund. SECOND FLOOR FOR. THE Y. W. C. A. Every member of the Y.W. C. A. is expected to visit the store Saturday. En couragement is the only reward our army of sales people look for. PASS ' IT ON! Second Floor TThe China Section Utters Mme Very special nems for Saturday Fancy China Drips, with raised fruit and fowl subjects Just the thing for a rail, 0 Saturday each 25c and And Twenty Green Trading Stamps with each. Pretty Vases for Faster $1.00. 75c, 50c, 38c, 25c nnd Imitation Cut Glass Footed Jelllei stand beauties a 20c value Satur day for Japanese China Sugar and Cream Pretty shape, dark blue decoration Saturday, a J JP $1.25 value the pair S DC Over Fifty Patterns Dinaerwcvre New Itavlland Patterns, New English Porcelain, New American Porcelain 100-plece sets at $14.00, $12.00, $10.98, $8.98 and Table Decorations 15c In high 10c 7.48 100 Dozen China Fruit or Berry Saucers Pretty decorations and gold traced, worth 10c, 15c and 20c on sale Saturday each 5c See The New Ga.s Burner Gregory's Governor Burner It will positively reduce the gal bill one-half and give much better light. See the New Drop Light A handsome article. Will be on sale in about a week. Think of it, a 'Drop Light "1 C for - A Gigantic Sale of Genuine Silverware EVERY PIECE STRICTLY AS REPRESENTED A Genuine Bargain Purchase and a Genuine Bargain Sale. Quality, Quantity and Prices Absolutely Reliable, Sound and Straight OUR BIG EASTER SALE OF SILVERWARE I SHUT PITCHER WITH PLATE. ROGERS' W. It. BRANDS. Table Spoons each 18c Dessert Spoons, each 16c ROGERS' SPOONS. Teaspoons, each 8c Table' Spoons, each 23c Dessert Spoons, each 21c Teabpoons, each 10c Rogers' Riltter Knives nnd Sugar Shell Sets, packed charmingly In silk lined boxes 48c (Comment is unnecessary let the price talk.) Rogers' Berry Spoons, prettily put up in silk lined boxes. 58c Rogers' Cold Meat Forks, In silk lined boxes 48c Rogers' Gravy Ladles, In silk lined boxes 48c Rogers' Cream Ladles, In silk lined boxes 8c ' White Metal Table Spoons- each 2c White Metal Tea Spoons- each lc STERLING SILVER PLATED KNIVES AND FORKS Satin finish .$t.38 hand en- 1 T'. Vfil Rogers' W. R. Brand Knives nnd 6 Knives and O Forks for. Forks G knives and 6 forks. .$2.48 Rogers' full trlpleplated (absolutely guaranted thus), knives and forks C of each $2.8 A Superb Package Rogers' 50-piece Combination Sets Consist of 12 Knives, 12 Forks, 12 Teaspoons, 12 Dessert Spoons, 1 Butter Knife and Sugar Shell in handsome chest for 9 11-00 Rogers' 26-pleco Combination Set for 90.08 Rogers' 24-piece Combination Set for 1.08 plate, 08c. n W 4 v:"TL , ; t -Mi BAKING DISHES. Satin finish, hand en feraved, quadruple plate, with porcelain linings $3.48 Quadruple Plate Tea Strainers, with ebony handles 25c it---' 's ii----s '-Jr LOVELY BERRY DISHES. Quadruple Plated Stands, delicate pink glass, each. Child's Cup, quadruple plate 25c COMBINATION SUGAR BOWLS. Satin finish, quadruple plate, complete with one dozen Rogers' Tea spoons, $2.45 and $1.48 RfMaiitlfnl fiSnsa Irf'mmifiilf. tr Ire Water Pitcher, with silver trim-, Quadruple Plate Napkin Rings, hand mings $1,191 engraved 10c F.Trrjthins .$1.25 and 08c This Is a strictly safe sverware sale. I 'rices are cut in some cases one-half and in other cases even a greater cut prevails. See Window No. 1 10th Street. in Silverware Saturday. Mattings, Oil Cloth and Ingrain Carpet Japanese and China Mattings, in six different patterns, 1 j regular 22c quality, Saturday at ...,IjC Floor Oil Cloth in all widths, regular 25c quality, . 1 7l special price wic Half Wool Ingrain Carpets, regular 45c quality, special, Z y a yard. .C DRAPERY SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Saturday Only Colored Swisses, one yard wide, regular I2V2C grade, while they last, e 1 a yard V O4C Rope Portieres, some are damaged, others slightly soiled, worth $5.00, $6.50 and $7.00 each, your choice, while they QO last, Saturday, at Main Floor Easter Art Selections See Superb Windw of Masterpieces "The Resurrection Mom" and "Return From Calvary," by Herbert Schmnlz, special Sat urday $18.00 Carbon Picture of Hoffman's "Christ in the Temple," special Saturday, only ... .$12.00 "And n Little Child Shall Iead Them,'' (Issiah XI. 6) by Wm. Strutt, special de signed frame, Saturday, only $10.00 "Aurora," by Guido Uenl handsome color reproduction in beautiful designed gold frame, Saturday only $10.00 "Modern Madonna," In rich walnut and burnished frame, 16x20 special Satu only $10.00 "Madonna of the Chair," by Raphael, elabor ate gold frame, special design gold frame, Saturday only $10.00 Carbon Pictures of Hoffman's "Christ and the Rich Young Ruler," and Murlllo'a "Children of the Shell," Saturday only. $8 "Last Supper," beautiful reproduction of Ieouarda Du Vlnce's great painting, Satur day only $0.50 "Modern Madonna," in 10x12 rosewood oval, colored reproduction, special, Saturday only $-00 Other Interesting values in our great Brown Room, $5.00 to 45c Mottoes In Passepartout, 39c and 10c Fra Angelica Angels, in Cathedral frames, $1.50 and ,. . 75c Second Floor. CIGARS CIGARS 25c 1.25 3 Julius Caesar, a long filled 5c cigar, 7 for. . Black Btt8. ' a good clear. 50 for. And Thirty Green Trad ing Stamps. Porto Rico Stogies, 100 for And Thirty Green Trad ing Stamps. A genuine French Briar Pipe, straight or bent stem And Thirty Green Trad ing Stamps. Bennett's Special Granu lated Smoking Tobacco, pound And Five Green Trading Stamps. 1.50 X U v ft AM 30c 25c Meats . Provisions FOR EASTER SUNDAY DINNER GENUINE SPRING LAMBS Guaranteed. Hinlquarter, each $1.35 Forejuarters, each Lamb 1x-ks of fall lambs, per lb 12lia Mutton Leg", per lb SVso BEEF! BEEF!! Our coolers are filled with the choicest meats from choice native steers, fresh pork, milk white calves. Open for your Inspection at any time. Choice Rolled Rib Roast, all bones out, per lb., 15c. and 1W;0 Choice Sirloin Roast of best quality, per lb 13(a0 HAM9 AND BACON. We're headquarters for all best brands of Hams, Bacon and Lard on the market. We carry a most .complete stock. Take your choice, select your own brand. We guaran tee the price to be the lowest on the follow ing grades: Cudahy's Diamond "C," Swift's Premium, Armour's Star. Morrell's la. Brands la. Pride Regular Hams, la. Pride Skinned Hams, la. I'ride Bacon, Wapello Bacon, Peacock brand Bacon. A COMPLETE LINE OF EVERYTHING FOR YOl'R EASTER DINNER. THIRTY GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH ANY HAM WIS OFFER FOR SALE. IN THE DRY GOODS SECTION Specials in Hardware SATURDAY DANGLER The One Minute Gas Range. Your last chance to place your order for Kange and Help the Y. W. C. A. Demonstration and Baking School in Baso ment. JAP-A-LAC the Famous Varnish Stain, for Floors, Doors and All Woodwork. Double Green Trading Stamps on all Paints and Varnishes Saturday. Poultry Netting and Poultry Fence Lowest Prices and Double Green Trading Stamps Saturday. Extra good 65c Spade, Saturday only Riveted Steel Hoe, regular 25c, special Saturday One-piece Steel Hoe, at 7.95 Ladies' Street Skirta Saturday leaders in navy blue, black and gray mixtures 5. 95 and $6.50 values 4.01 ai Ml Ll, Im. DlnAlr Panama cloth $8.95 and.,. SlMM-hd Shirt Waist Sale Saturday Ten lji t-lna dmhrniHoraH llnnn India 11 nrn and lawn, lace trimmed also black lawn every waist worth Oft nearly double the price at.... JOC Great Display of Children's and Misses' Wash DresNcs Saturday. An immense bargain table pUed up. Age 1 to U years. Prices, $1.48, fl.25, IF UMc, 80c, OOc and. jLDC Ladies' Taffeta Silk rcttlcoaU New col ors, black and white guaranteed taf- reta suk, iois or rumes ana C 1 C '-" tucks prices, $4.95 and JJD HenUierMoom Petticoats Black and V Alice blue, shell pink, reseda, hello, V Alice gray these skirts are equal in ff style and durability to any $5.00 Silk Petticoat the price 1 U Pretty Ilelts for F.aatcr To be correctly dressed purchase one of our nobbv Helta beautiful line of Gilt and Silver llelts, plain and fancy Persian effects Silk Belts and Girdles plain and fancy Leather Melts and Wash Belts, nobby buckles prices each from " C $4.95 to EaMer Hosiery Indies' fancy and plain Krenrh Lisle, Gauze Lisle and Sllkalile Hose, fancy embroidered Silk Hoe, clock stitching, lace boot nnd drop fitltch full range of colors and black special a pair $5.00 down 35(J Ladirti' I'nderveMs for Easter Fine Im ported Swiss Vests. SUkallsle Vests and All Silk Vests French lisle, silk taped and deep crochet yokes pink, blue and white SDeclal each r v w 1176 Ji, Easter Kid. tiloves Re) nler's celebrated T French Kid Gloves, undressed and j glaced. with new siltchlngs. In a full Q )l range of ixipular spring shades Reynler's best dressed special j a pair b 1.50 1.00 1.50 Reynler's Fanchon, undressed special a pair Reynler's Leila, dressed special a pair The Virginia, dressed special a pair Long Kid Gloves Diamant French Kid Gloves, 16-button length, extra glace finish, shaped gloves, black and white special price a pair $3.50 QQ Easter Handkerchief Offer New lot of pure linen hand embroidered Initial Handkerchiefs, ladies' size, very sheer and pretty a regular 25c value for this sale each 1 only IZoC Biggest Bargain Sale of Veils Ever Offered Saturday our entire stock of fin Chif fon and Net Heady-Made Veils, lV4-yard lengths, plain and dotted worth to $1.09 euch full range of col- rft ois will go at each DJC Purchase of Lace Mitts Cheap Just re ceived from a big importer, 20 dozen ladles' fine Silk Lace Mitts at 80 per cent off 12-button lengths, in black and white, regular 75c to $1.50 n values, this sale only a pair. . . dC Lisle Gloves 2.V- Superior quality French Lisle Gloves, two-button, fine finished stitching, in a full range of popular spring shades special price f" a pair JLDC Easter Neckwear at Special Price -Purchase now to obtain good results. Our slock Is complete with the most desir able assortment of Fancy Neckwear. Bolero Jackets, Chemisette Sets, Half Sleeves, Chemisettes. Collar and Cuff Sets and Fancy Collars styles to suit everyone prices, $12.50 f to 50c Easter Neckwear liar train This lot is composed of Real Linen Wash Stocks, fancy embroidered and plain fine Ba tiste Chemisettes, tucked and embroid ered --fancy Lace and Ruchlng Trim mod Stocks, pretty Turnovers and Col lar and Cuff Sets -flr.e linen lawn. fancy embroidered worth "ac to 5ue each all go at each. 25c Garden Tools, at 10c, 8c and 49c 15c 15c 5c 42c L'4-tooth Lawn Rake, at And 30 green trading stamps. Extra good Steel E Hoe, 45c, 38c and. .J DC And 30 green trading stamps. Extra good Spading i ork, 84c and . And 40 green trading stamps. 74c ....10c qual-....15c Bennett's Big Grocery EASTER SATt'RDAY'S SPECIAL BARGAINS EXTRA CLERKS. EXTRA DELIVER YMEX. Bennett's Excelsior Flour, suck J1.50 And Seventy Oreen Trading Stumps. Java and Mocha CotTw, rinst, THREE I'OCNDS 1.0O And Fifty Giei'U 4'radiiiK Stampn. Teas, assorted, pound 58c And Fifty Oreen TradltiK Stamps. Diamond 8 Pineapples, Raspberries, Cherries, Plums, Pears and Apricots 25c And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. HEADQUARTERS FOR CHEESE Full Cream New Tork Cheese, pound ac And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Virginia Swiss, flm sl, pound 22c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Royal Luncheon Cheese, Jar 24c And Ten Green Tradlna Stamni. Royal Luncheon Cheese, Jar And Five Green Trading Stamps. IMPORTED SARDINE SPECIAL Sardines, splendid ity, can t. And Ten Green Tradltm Stamim Corn, J-pouml can Anderson's Tomato Soup, can Peas, 2-pound can Seeds, new, package Worcester Table Salt, two sacks And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Diamond S Preserves, assorted, Jar And-Flvo Green Trading Stamps. BENNETT'S CAPITOL CREAMERY, pound welRht '. NEW LAID EGGS, doien Sour Pickles, quart 10c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Chow Chow Pickles, quart 13c And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. Small Sweet Pickles, quart 20c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Uncle Sam's Baked Beans' three large cans. n;,c I'ne. da Biscuits, three packages 26c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. SARATOG A CHIP SPECI AL-Sara-topa Chips, crisp and fresh 'i-pound sack. ..5c Pound sack 2V. Genesse Succotash, three cans 25c Cooper Lima Beans, three cans 26c Cwnesse Wax Beans, three cans 25c Table Syrup. S-pound can 12iC And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Seeded Raisins. Batavla. 1-lb. pkg..l5o And Twenty Green Trading" Stamps. Solder's Pork and Beans, 1-lb. can.. lc And Five Green Trading Stamps. Snlder's Pork and Beans. 2-lb. can.. 150 And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Jell-O, assorted flavors, S pkgs 25o And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Snlder's Pork and Beans. 8-lh can.. 20c And Fifteen Green Trading Stamps. ....5c .6c. .2c brick ..lie ..10c full ..26c . .ltfc Fruit and Vegetables 10c ...5c ...12c ...4c 25c English Walnuts pound Fresh Roasted Peanuts quart California Lemons dozen Fresh Cocoanuts each . ". Fresh Ripe Pineapples each Bennett's Candy All Easter novelties to close out at actual cost. Big assortment of novelties from Easter Sugar Eggs 15 for lc 75 for Glass Liberty Bell filled with candy '. , Glass Egg Pepper and Salt, filled with candy ,.5c .10c 10c MART SHOES Not at any price can thera b built smarter shoes than the "Dorothy iDodd." They're the problem of thorn perfection worked out in choicest leathers and original distinctive styles. Women who are fastidious a to what they wear, choose the "Dorothy Dodd" for elegance rather than economy. 3qp JFi r'ttZSf ljjf 250 8(350 Beside this Patent Leather Tie, we have models of soft Black Kid and Cun Metal, in variety of shapes and designs. May we not have the plea sure of showing them? Easter Novelties STATIONERY AND BOOK SECTIONS. Easter POST CARDS, 600 designs In rabbits, chickens and (lowers, sell other places at 5c, C. Suturday, 2 for ' Rabbit and Chicken Novel ties of every description, each from 45c C to ".. JC J1.00 PRAYER Mec BOOKS, leatner $1.51) PRAYER CfL, HOOKS, leather ROSARIES. large assort ment, $i,25 25c OOLD ROSARIES. $22.60. $10.00, $j.oo, $:s.6o 2 25 and $2 00 BIBLES, good I 2? bindings s.m $3.5!) and $4.00 BIBLES, best bind- I 75 inas llJ STATIONERY AND BOOK SECTIONS MAIN FLOOR. mmm :'i-ilt l; MOil1!?.-:!!' I:,,, m ii'u i i.t . n. r r i T'. i'- h'u: ii!,n,ii,,! nt i r-i .-. ... r . i ; A pi r m a. - km 'ft IS I CLOTHING PKOPFK CIjOTIIES FOR MEN AM) VOl'XQ MEX AT PROPER ritlCKS MEN'S SUITS, $20, $17.50. $15. $12.50. $10 THEY HAVE SO EOTAUH For the Vnion Man we Have 'Kohn Rros." Fine Hand Tailored t'iotliing. . , MAt'KIXETTK RAIX COATS. Cravenette will give more service and more style satisfaction than any other raincoat yon caji buy. Black thibete, black unfinished worsteds, plain satin finish raincoat worsteds, fancy worsteds in a variety of invisible plaids and stripes, and high class Oxford covert effects, seam in back with deep vent, r 1 1 from $25 to vpiU See our $1S Coat, It has no peer at the price. Dutchess Trousers 10c a llutton, 1 a Rip Newcomers ready for your selection Cotton Trousers, 11.75 to fl.t)0 Wool Trousers, from 6.00 to . . ;- 0(' . Boys' and children's department is overflowing with Sail the late novemes ni pupuiai im. 3 to 1C years old Suits from $7.50 down Crt to .av Come to Bennett's for your confirmation suit. The Iti V. W. V. A. Sptn-htl in Furnishing tioods Sertiou 59c 1 Shirts at. . This includes the famous line oi iumli unns, cuun and coat front, aiso me urauu, 1 : . fj t. . . ili'! :':!..,f:i: III! '.K uh afhferi dll.liiulL,'! , ...f,h uonaeatn ruffs TradiiiiT Staiiit) Aisle... 50c iumu' . " r; st Kit x ecu wear AXV XECKT1E IX THE GENT'S Fl'K.MSHI.Nti SECTION . Oc This includes the very best In spring neckwear. Have your choice of our entire stock. All prices up to $1.00. HAT SECTION Men's Easter Hats All the late styles in bla k , brown, pearl Nutria nnd 1 Cll IltU $n.fH), $2 50, $2.00 brown olive, $3.00, $2..'t, $2.00 and. M'n' Conservative Shapes All colors, $l.f0 and e John II. StetMin, all stvles and colors, $5 ones for $1.50 $4.00 ones for 91.50 Men's Hlark and Rrown Stiff Celts Stylish at $3.00, $2.50, $2.00, $1.50 and , Men's 75c leather ami Illue Cloth Automobile Caps, Saturday only. .- Men's and Roys' Spring caps and rlnth hats, $1.00, 75c, 50c and Children's Tarns All colors, $1.50, $1.00, 75c, EOc and 1.00 1.00 45c 25c 25c jeHur I TO i Is 59