Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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Elegant Hew
Spring Suits Bear
ing the Famous
lS 1 "?T" In ' - li ini '" 'T 'it
1 1
.I -
You Can't Look
Right of Feel Right
Without a New Suit
for Easter. You Can
Save Half Your
Clothes Money Saturday.
f Ml 9
cy) UUlilHluU iuiiiLyjlii (h)
Rochester, N. Y.
This is the right sale at the right time. The "Newport" clothing for men, made by B. Rothschild & Co., is
known all over America for its splendid qualities. All latest spring styles new blues and grays hundreds of
the very best and swellest patterns to choose from. '
v :. ' c
'W 'T
Choice of all B. Rothschild & Co.'s
Choice of all B. Rothschild & Co.'s
Worth j J
$20, S
at rb(
Choice of oil B. Rothschild & Co.'s
Worth $
and $25
at c
1 wB0
Men's Neckwear, Hats and Skirts for Easter Wear
Your Easter fixings must be right if you would look your best. Brandeis' supply the best dressed men in Omaha with furnish
niahing s and hats that are correct in style and serviceable throughout the season. Our new showing just before Easter is the most complete and up-to-date in Omaha.
Manhattan shirts, cuffs attached, coat style, .$1.50-$2
Men'i New Easter Neckwear in the latest style-four-ln
bands nd French Folds regular 75c
aud $1.00 values at
Men'n 00c Neckwear ! Ik four-In-handn; tecks;
long, narrow four-ln-hands all shades
at - - '..
Men's Suspenders gold plated buckles
regular 50c quality at
Men's Imported French Linen Mesh Underwear
worth 13.50 at
Cooper's Derby nibbed Underwear shirts and
drawers fl.1'5 values at -
45c flV
52.50 iV
Brandeis Special Hat The hat that Is a favorite in
Omaha all new spring shapes soft hats and
stiff hats worth $3 at
Other styles of new hats for 7 Cfl
Easter &.DJ-pJ
Complete line of new spring shapes In Stetson t M f
Hats i J.nrJ
Men's Sample Hats 150 dozen In every imaginable shape
and color all this season s goods worth Q Q . I Sfl
.. .OCT"
$1.50 to $3 at.
U$$?' Boys' and children's School Caps
Griffon Shirts, at 98c and $1.50
Eureka Shirts, at ." 98c
.Wellington Shirts, at 98c and $1.50
Whitmore Fongee, Soisette and Imported Mohairs,
negligee styles, special Saturday $1.50 to $2.93
$1 shirts, mohair and pongee bosoms, neat figures. 50c
Men's 75c quality spring weight underwear, at. . . .45c
Otis light weight wool underwear, worth $1.50 98c
Four Members of Committee Decide to
Wait for Uamins; ot Fifth Man.
llautamr Society Pmtm Baa om Fox
Haat Which It Waa Praaoaed
to Hava Naar Fort
Daa Molaca.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
PES MOJNES, April IS. (Special.) The
four members of the Insurance Investiga
tion commUslon, Senator Jamison and Rep
resentatives Kendall, Clary and Jones, met
In the office of Auditor Carroll today and
decided to return to their homes till
another senator la appointed 'on the com
mission by Governor Herrlott In place of
Senator Iunbam, whosa resignation was
made public, yesterday. It Is taken for
ranted that Governor Herrlott will make
mother appointment aa soon as possible
but It waa tha decision of the four mem
bers that it would be better not to or
gan lie for tha Investigation till tha other
member Is appointed. James Wilson, pri
vate aecretary to Governor Herrlott dur
ing tha session of the legislature, left to-
For From
and f 1 j to
m x CSV-fc ' aV ' II
.... -.Ir., j X-.. J- n
The) Old English Candy
Thins, for a minute of the most dellclou
maple that you have ever tasted and then
so out and buy a cake of MACKINTOSH 8
TOFFEE, and you will Mnd It even mora
5 aaf IOs Mrksi. At all dealer.
Jvba Mackialttk, - 71 Hsdtsa St. htw Vurk
day for Stuart to consult with Governor
Herrlott concerning the appointment,
frofford Caaa Coatlnoed.
A stipulation in the case of the Btate
against Dr. J. W. Crofford of Decatur
county was filed with the clerk of the su
preme court today continuing tha case to
the September term of tha aupreme court.
Crofford has twice been convicted of mur
der, the aupreme court reversing It on
tha first appeal. It is now before tha au
preme court on the second appeal and
will be orally argued at 4he September
term. Crofford was convicted of murder
through criminal practice aa a physician.
State Frloter Behind.
The journals of the house and senate
will not be printed and bound In per
manent form for about three months and
the Official RegUter, which is Issued an
nually, will not be published for some
weeks yet because of the state printer be
ing still much behind In hi work.
Graat Club Bssqtrt.
The annual banquet of the Grant club
on Grant's birthday will this year be given
on April 28 Instead of April 27. There will
be three speakers this year Judge E. B.
Sherman of tha United States district court
of Chicago, Prof. Edwin E. Sparks ot tha
Chicago university and Colonel Charlea D.
Clark of. Cedar RapUia. The club has a
large membership of republicans over the
tat and the annual banquet is made of
considerable Importance.
Fat Hsst Declared Off.
A fox hunt proposed by the members of
the Dea Moines Board of Park Commis
sioners will never take place, according to
Mrs. Elisabeth Jones, secretary of the
Iowa Humane society. The board has two
foxea It does not want, aa they ar ob
jectionable animals for the park and hard
to keep. They proposed giving them aa a
treat to the army post for a fox hunt in
which the society people ot this city and
the o triors and their wives of the army
noHt were to participate. Mrs. Jones has
notified the park board that "the fox hunt
ill not lake place." Those who knuw
Mrs. Jones believe the fox hunt will not
take place.
tilrl Chooses Mother.
Ida Brammer of IJncoln, Neb., a i-)tai-old
girl, chose her mother in preference
to her father in police court in this city
today, and thia waa the reward of the
father after his three months' search for
hia wife and daughter. George Brammer
Is superintendent of one of the parks in
Lincoln. He cam to this city in search
of his family and found them last night
at o'clock Brammer tiled charges
against his wife and Robert Riggs, an
East bide barber of this city. The 8-year-old
daughter was given the opportunity to
go (villi the father, but preferred li.u
mother. The parents were divorced some
time ago and Brammer tried to get the
sheriff to execute an order from the dis
trict court at Lincoln giving him the child.
The sheriff refused to recognize the order
and this afternoon Mrs. Martha Brammer
was married to Robert M. Riggs.
After Savery Hotel.
Charles McHugh of Rock .Island, owner
of hotels in Davenport, Rock Island and
Peoria, is in the city negotiating for the
controlling lnteres In the Savery hotel of
this city.
Deueod on Technicality.
Tomorrow before Judge Thompson at
Marion, Edward A. Dawson of Waverly
will make an effort to get a writ of habeas
corpus for Louis Busse, who is sentenced
to be hanged April 3d. The writ la asked
on the ground that at the impaneling of
the grand jury which brought In the in
dictment one member of tha jury waa or
dered not to aerve, and It la asserted that the
other member chosen in his place was not
legally selected. There will be an appeal
taken to the supreme court if the writ is
not granted and an effort will thus be made
to save Busse. The supreme court had
submitted to it this same matter when it
paused on the case before. The supreme
court was divided In lta opinion.
May Meaa Split la Charch.
Since the greater number of the members
of the National Holiness association are
members of the Methodist church. It is as
serted by persons familiar with the move
ment, that the founding of a new university
at Oskaloosa, the contract for the erection
of which was let here yesterday, will mean
a spilt In the denomination and the forma-
If you know of
a belter Hat
than a Gordon
no matter at
what price
you know
more than we
do and we
r0(i Hats.
tion of a new denomination aroung the university.
Farmer Injored by Train,
MINDEN. Ia., April U.-(Speclal.) Two
nights ago, while driving from town to his
home southeast of town, G. Parker met
with a serious accident. Hia way lay
over the Great Western tracks. A train
was approaching as he neared the tracks
and his team soon became unmanageable.
The horses dashed onto the track aud both
were struck and Instantly killed by the
oncoming train. The buggy waa Bpllt up
Into kindling wood and Mr. Parker was
thrown violently for some distance, where
he remained until noticed by a passerby.
He was carried to his home and It was
found that his chest waa broken In, four
ribs and both collar bones were also broken.
He was otherwise seriously injured. It Ih
thought that he may recos'er.
Atlantic Wants lnternrban.
ATLANTIC, la., April 13.-(8peclal.)-Atlantic
feels much encouraged over the
prospect of securing an interurban rail
road since the visit of W. li. Olney. field
agent for the recently organised Iowa Gas
and Eelectric company, who was in the city
yesterday. He rame here In the interest
of his company to confer with the business
men as to the advisability of running the
line Into Atlantic, and received substantial
support from all with whom he talked re
garding the matter. He was also soliciting
subscriptions to the mock of the eomiany.
The people of Elkhorn and Atlantic took
hold of the proposition with eagerness and
It Is probable that the line will run through
this place.
Boy Held for Assault.
W EBSTER CITy, la . April 13.-(Speclul
Telegram.) Justice Hyatt this morning
held Krank Brewer, aged 15 years, to the
district court on the charge of making
a ' criminal assault upon Jessie Aniens,
aged 11 years. The bond was fixed at JaOO.
which was furnished. It is alleged that the
crime was committed a few days ago while
the girl, in company with a companion, was
out in the woods gathering flowers.
years. Mr. Oliver i also a resident of
Onawa, and there is likely to be a lively
contest over the selection of delegates.
Child Fatally Hnrned.
RIVERTON, la., April 13.-(8peclal Tele
gram. t Alta Billings, 12 years old, was
fatally burned by her clothing catching
tire from burning rubbish. The rubblth
had been raked up. and being wet, kero
sene had been poured over It to make it
burn. The flames flashed up so suddenly
the little one was caught. She was burned
so severely that she died.
Killed by LlahfnlngY.
SJOrX CITY, la., April Rein
sen, la., today, Anton Miller, uged 21, hurry
ing a rose a field w ith a team to assist
his father, whose wagon was stuck in n
slough, was instantly killed by lightning.
Hl8 horses were felled by the same bolt,
but quickly recovered.
I. en Is la Ont for Keuator.
SHENANDOAH. Ia., April 13.-(Ppecial
Telegram.) State Senator Lewis today un
nounced his candlducy for re-election. This
will precipitate one of the liveliest lights
in the history of the district, which em
braces the counties of Page and Fremont.
Business hajae at Nhenandoali.
SHENANDOAH, la.. April 13. (Special
Telegiam.) Warner & Co. have rilspnstd
of their stock of shoes to the Smock Shoo
company. The head of the new company
conies here from Gnrner. The Haywurds
of Omaha are Interested In the firm.
Hall Breaks Windows.
SHENANDOAH. APrtl 13- (Special
Telegram.) A severe hall storm visited the
section of country about ten miles to thf
south of her yesterday. The storm was
one of the most severe ever experienced
here and meny windows wer broken.
Neither crops nor fruit were advanced far
enough to be injured.
Opposition to Jade Oliver.
ONAWA. Ia.. April IS. (Special.) Asariah
Kindall of Onawa is announced today as a
candidate for district judge against Judg
John F. Oliver, the present Incumbent,
who has been la office the past twelve
Firemen Tralu for Tournament.
ATLANTIC. Ia., April i:(.-(Speclal.)-The
Atlantic fire department will be repre
sented at the Iowa State Firemen's tourna
ment at Clinton in June and will enter a
running team In most of the events. They
are already In training for the races.
Pennsylvania Railway Officials Hold Stock
in Pittsburg Corporation.
Flrat !! la Taken Toward Criminal
Code for the I nlted
I'rrh)lrr Session Kadi.
ATLANTIC, Ia., April 13. (Special. )
The College Springs Presbytery of the
l ulled Presbyterian church that has been
In session here has completed its business
and adjourned to meet In Tarklo, Mo., on
June li, 17.
SI aim's
I VlC a.
President Hlfk of Several loiupnnlea
He I'ajs Them aa
Much as He Thinks
BALTIMORE. Md.. April U.-The Inter
state Commerce commission inel in this
illy today to continue its investigation
Into the alleged community of inurcHi.i
between interstate commerce carriers and
the tortl and oil business of the country,
authorized by congrehs under the 'J'llliii.i n
Gillesptu joint resolution.
Among the witnesses today Has Super
intendent of Transportation Arthur Hah
of tiie Baltimore & Ohio. Mr. Hale, ad
mitted that coal Is taken out of the mini s
by ii company owned by the Bultimore
Ohio, transported over a railroad owii'm!
by the Baltimore & Ohio and dlstrilut-'d
to retailers by companies In which tin!
Baltimore & Ohio Is interested, either by
direct ownership or indirect stock owner
ship or other control. The witness said
he owned fifty shares of the Consolidation
Coal company's stock and hi shares in
the Falrmount Coal company, all of which
he bought In the open market.
Captain Alfred Hicks of Pittsburg, presi
dent of the Allegehdiy Steel company and
of the Interstate Steel company, anh also
president or treasurer of several coal com
panies, testified that Vice-president George
L. Potter of the Baltimore 4 Ohio railroad
company formerly Iv ld Duo shares In the
Belmont Coal company, but Hold it two
months ago to the witness.
The witness said that General Manager
W. W. Atterbuiy and Vice-president
Th.iyer, Roliert Pltcairn and second Vice
president Joseph Wood of the Pennsvlvlni i
railroad were other officials who had held
sto'k In one or more of these companies.
Captain Hicks testllied that he had pal. I
dividends to these gentlemen at intervals
as much us he thought proper. "We
didn't have a very thorough system of
bookkeeping," he said.
"Did these people pay anything for tlielr
stock?" asked Mr. Glasgow, of counsel
for the commission.
"Some of them," said Captain Hicks.
Bom of the stock in these companies It
was stated, was held In the names of the
wives and daughters of the men mentioned
The Inquiry will b resumed tomorrow.
WASHINGTON, April 13.-The first step
toward providing the federal government
a complete code of criminal law independ
ent of and separate from that of the Indi
vidual states, has just been recommended
In a bill favorably reported from the house
committee on revision of the laws. The
bill contains ) sections. Besides bringing
together all statutes and parts of statutes
relating to the same ' subject, obsolete en
actments nre omitted, such alterations are
made as are necessary to reconcile recent
contradictory statutes and supply omis
sions, aim ml Imperfections In the general
text and such new legislation proposed aa
Is considered necessary and advisable.
Ilauahtera of Heheekah Contention.
WOODBINE, la., April 13.-1 Special.)
At the convention of the Daughters of
Rebeknh of District No. 35, held here, tli
following officers for the coming year wsr
chosen: President, Alice C. Lindsay, Lo
gan; vice president, Mrs. Ovlatt, Missouri
Valley; secretary, Maud Hassett, Llttl
Sioux; treasurer, Mrs. Ralph, Little Sioax
Next year the annual convention will bt
held at Logan.
the body, don't dose It
with medicine. Scott's
Emulsion is the best
nourishment in existence.
It is more than a food;
you may doubt it, but it
digests perfectly easy and
at the same time gets the
digestive functions in a
condition so that ordinary
food can he easily' di
gested. Try it if you arc
run down and your food
doesn't nourish you.
COIT BWWN8, , 9mA fcusM, Me. Yrfc