u Tim omatta daily bee: satttiPay, ArniL u. idog. SPECIAL NOTICES trill b taltea !! 12 m. for the rilf edttlaa and antll W p. art. lot the nornlit and (Taaa'ar a'ltloa. Ralfl 1 l-3 a word first Insertion, le a word (hereafter. Nothing; taken for leaa than 80s for (he flret Iloa. These adrert laemea ts saast b ran eonaeeatlrelr. Advertisers, by reanestlns: a nam- dreaaed to a nambered letter la rare of The Bee. Aaawera ao addreaaed will ha dellred preaeatatioa of rherk. MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE Tav snd night. New classes In bookkej Iriar, telegraphy, shorthand, typewriting and F.ngllsh organized every day. Get a ntalogue. Address H. B. BOYLE3. President. Boylcs Iildg.. Omaha. H MK.S CTHVPSl Tnken down, cleaned and nit V stored. Prices the lowest. Capacity 210 stoves. A. J. Ilayre Hard ware, nth and Luki. Douglas S.MS. K-M100 M10 ENGROSSING and fancy penmanship. Boy lea College. R-MiM OMAHA Safe and Iron Work make a spe clalty of Are escapes, shutters, doors and safes. O. Andrccn, Prop., 102 8. 10'h St. R 114 WE buy and aell typewriters; will sell your machine on small commission. Omaha Typewriter Exchange, 3-8 Neville Blk. Tel. Doug. 460X K 117 SIGN FAINTING, 8. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas. H 116 BTKINWAV piano, upright, big bargain, rerfleld Piano Co., 1611 Farnam St. It 1H GI NSMITH, keys, trunk locks, repairing. Henui. 217 S. 11th. Tel. Douglas 2'74. H 119 TRV Kelly's Towel Supply- Tel. Pong. 37.30. R-IJO Iowa Sanitary Cleaning Co., MID Farnam. MARTIN MKYKR, shirts, underwear to order. R M .S3 A21 J. H. 8T AN WOOD, ARCHITECT and Builder. Rea. 211'; Luke. Tel. Doas. 4, J.. R M521 A19 SURVEYING, Bllckensderfer, 312 Bee Bldg. 1IAVK Wilson hang paper; quick, clean paiier cleaning a iieclulty. Tel. Douglas Ui5. R-644 AID SEEDS THAT GIIOW. N KKI) ANY? SEE THAT THEV COME from TUB NEBRASKA SEED CO., 1513-1616 Howard. l'JS-r-12 Jones St. . It-Ml.- M12 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SODA FOUNTAINS, any size, 1S18 Farnam. Hii 6HERW1N-WILL1AMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT. Sherman & McCounoll Drug Co., Omaha. Vi 124 HAUL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. ISIS Furmini. MILCH COW8, on easy term. 43d at.J Center. W-2s FOR SALE At a discount, due bill troin one of the most desirable life Insurance companies, which may be applied on u first year's premium; any one considering taking oit a policy can save none. Address P 67, care He. y-iw; PIANO FOIi SALE Party no purchased piano only a lew weks ago will sea it at a diacount from the caan pwve paid. Address P W. car But. W CHAMBERLAIN'S Perfect Chick Feed; best In the world for young chicks; try it. Stewart's Seed Store, Hit North 16th St., the only authorised selling agent lu Omaha. y MjJS A25 GASOLINE engines slightly used. 3ft Home pewer and 1V horse power. Air Cooled Kelly. 'Phono Douglas L3 Wagner Bros., 1215 Leavcnworui. Q-9S6 FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels. Inquire of 1. R. Campbell, Bee mall room. W-M2 ICE for sale In car lota. A. G. Gilbert, Council Bluffs, la. O, MojJ WE buy everything In the furniture line. Chicago Furniture Co., H1U Dodge. U.-12S CHEAP chicken fence, long tr tlnibers, nliilu baas wood fur burnt work, icl No. 16th. W-127 SPECIAL PRICES FOR NEBRASKA. The famous old Trusty Incubators, made by Johnson, the Incubator man. Send fur 1.4-puge flee catalogue; 2jo poultry Illus trations. M. M. Jonnsoo Co., Clay Cen ter, Nub. Q 132 CAUTION I Beware of fane piano ads.; genuine new Steinway pianos are sold ONLY by Schmoller& Mueller and thoy are the ONLY authorised Nebraska rep resentatives. Tel. Douglas-1626. 1311 1313 Farnam. y 12 PIANO Square, $10; 60 cents weekly, per. tleld l'lano Co.. 1611 Farnam SL Q 120 SgUARE PIANO, Peaae Bros, make, at a bargain for some one. Call 2627 N. loth, near Madison. y 146 FURNACE, second-hand, for an eleven room house. 'Phone Douglas 2161. Q-M986 17 15,000 SHARES Sylvanlte Deep Mining and Tunnel stock. Will aell at a bargain. Ad. dress B 46, care Bee. y Mas4 63 FOR BALE at a bargain, a 1906 Oldsmo bile, just new. Address B 61, Bee. U-110 FURNITURE AND CARPETS; honest val ues, reliable goods; on easy payments. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO., 120&-12U-1213 Farnam Street. W-161 IS FOR SALE Baby carriage In good con dition. Call 19U7 Spencer. y MlSo BUSINESS CHANCES BARBER SHOP In small Iowa town for sale cheap; $75 down, balance easy; butcher shop in northwest Missouri; only shop In town, for aula cheap; somebody will take these on the fly if you don t; ask. the Lerew Land company, SUA 8. 13th St.. First Nat l Bank Bldg., about them; DO IT NOW; don't forget the Lerew excursions to the jtreat Panhandle coun try and to South Dakota Tuesday; come In Monday and ask about em. ' Y M190 16 OLD established well pump and windmill business for sale. J. li Hoover, Lock Box 4s, Benedict, Neb. Y M161 A14X DO YOU want to sell your property! Do you want to buy a home? Do you want to rent a liouseT Ik you want to get In or out of business? Do you want to borrow money T If so, list your wr.nts with us; we get results. TEMPLKTON MAN KKR 504 Bee Blilg. Tel. Douglas-290i Y-130 FOR BALE I-chslr barber shop, doing good business: owner compelled to go ri. )riuv iuw, iimii aown, easy pay ments on rest. Address Lockbox No Yl Rlverton. la. Y-MS13 u ' A BUYER for your business In 21 hours that's all. See us. WESTERN BOND At REF. ASS N Ine Investment Dept., bto-l-i N. Y. I.. Bldg Y i:u ij GREAT OPPOHTUNITY-Excluslve terri tory, no money required, an active hust ler is sure of big Immediate results; an Investment proposition, the greatest the world has ever seen; don't look over If write or drop In and aa Walmsley at Wemott, 644 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Y-M364 II FOR SALE New stock of millinery of fine location and good town ; will sell cheap. Address B 4a, car of The Bee. Y M123 TELEPHONE EXCHANGE for ssle cheap 19) subscribers; can be Increased to 2i6 easy; want to aell at onea; easy terms. Address B 60, cars of The Bee. Y-M124 15x BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Stock nf crockery and glass for sale at bargain. 1311 Farnam, T Hit U WANTED MALE HELP WANTED For U. 8. army, able-bodied men tetween ses of 21 and 36; cltnens of United Stat", of good character and temperate habits, who tan speak, lead and write English. For Information ap ply to Recruiting Offlre, 13th and Doug las Sts , Omaha; Lincoln and Grand Island, Neb., or loux City, la. B 172 STENOGRAPHER, R. R . Window trimmer, extra work. Manager steam, Inundrv, Investment re quired; good proposition. Apply "t once. WESTERN BOND & REF. ASfl'N.. Inc., Dept. B. 40-1-2 N. Y. Llie Bldg. B 171 13 DRU TO stores bought and sold; drug clerks nted. F. V. Knlest, 624 N. Y. L. wa n i.tt MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing, bricklaying, plastering trades; pay ' a day. Cojne Bros. Co., New York, Chi cago, Cincinnati, St. Louis. Free cata logue. B llo WANTED Three men of good personal ap pearance; outside position; steady em ployment, c. F. Adams Co.. 1619 Howard St. B Mill WANTED Teamsters. Forest City. Mo. J. C. Mulvilie, B M606 16x BECOME a chauffeur at home, positions guaranteed at f-S weekly. Write for par ticulars. AUTOMOBILE. Dept. 14(S, No. 742 Seventh Avenue, New York. B M827 14X WANTED A thoroughly competent ab stracter, quick and accurate; one who can use Remington machine. Must be young; a hard worker. State experience, reference and salary expected In first letter. Address B 38, Bee. B 039 WANTED At once, extra clothing sales men for Saturday. Apply men'a clothing department. Peoples' Store. B M136 14 WANTED At once, boy about 17 years, for stock work. Apply ladles' cloak depart ment. Peoples' Store. B M130 14 CIVIL PEP.VICE preparation. Sen Under fill!. 3)u N. lath. B-M2S3 Ml WANTED Cement finisher on sidewalks. P. McArdlo, !'(4 S. 3Jrd St. B M'-toH Ux WANTED By a large eastern corporation, a man of abllily, good Judgment and energy, who can give reference; give residence, present occupation and refer ence in first letter. Address B 64. Bee. B 142 13 WANTED A painter. 1812 Chicago St. B-M131 WANTED At once, a sober man who un derstands tinning und plumbing and the work In a hardware store In general. Such u man may he practically his own boss in a town of 2,5'i) on the main lino of the U. P. R. R. 7o miles west of Omaha. Send us rour terms and references at once. McNally & Higgins, Schuyler. Neb. B 163 13 WE want 20 men for circus work, COLO RADO. UTAH and CALIFORNIA TOUR, 1, 2, 4. 6 and It-horse teamsters, cooks and helpers, property and other men wanted; wages t'M to ttY) per month and expenses. Join circus Sunday. Sweeney's Employment Agency, 20!) S. 12th St. B-M1S7 14 WANTBD Men to learn bnrbcr trade; splendid time to begin: busy season soon; few weeks completes; top wages paid graduates; position waiting; little capl tiil starts business. Call or write Molcr Barber college, 1116 Farnam St. B-M1KJ x WANTED A man to care for horses and do general work. 604 S. 40th, between 6:30 and 8 p. in. B M151 15 YOUNO man to learn trade. Champion Iron & Wire Works, 611 S. Kth St. B 166 26 LADY wants trustworthy young man 21 to 2d years, for working partner; old established, paying, real estate office; experience unnecessary; J100 required; 120 weekly assured. Address B 57, Bee. B 172 I3x WANTED Men everywhere, good pay, to distribute circulars, ndv. matter, tack signs, etc.; no canvassing. Address Na tional Distributing bureau, 1X Oakland Bank Bldg.. Chicago, 111. B-M182 15x MEN and boys wanted; learn plumbing, bricklaying, plastering; three best trades; catalogue free. Coyne Bros.' Trade Schools, New York, Chicago. B WANTED At once, capable, swift card and sign writer; pleasant position for right man. Advertising department. The Bennett Co. B 17a 1,1 WANTED FEMALE HELP APPRENTICE girls. Burgess Shirt Co. C j WANTED Girl for general housework; reference required; tiiree In family; good wages. 922 N. .'lid St., South Omaha. C 962 WANTED Experienced sewing women for alteration work. Apply Cloak Dept., Hayden Bros. C MaiS WANTED Experienced cloak and suit salesladies in our Ladies' Suit Dept., Hay. den Bros. C 4kK) GIRL wanted for general housework; good wages; small family. Apply 210 S. 31st Ave. C 976 13x FIFTY glrla to operate power sewing ma chines. Blanket Dept., Bemls Omaha Bag Co. C M994 WANTED A good girl for general house work. 4019 Hamilton St. C M0 COMPETENT monotype keyboard oper ator; woman preferred. Address B Hi, care Bee. ' C 117 13 WANTED A stenographer who has had experience in abstract work, quiet, ac curate and capable of becoming good ab stracter. Give experience, references and salary expected in first letter. Address B 40. Bee. C-938 WANTED 25 ladles, good pay. Apply at 1520 Dodge St. C 141 WANTED Experienced shirt makers. 1322 Farnam. C 169 19 WANTED Experienced button-hole mak ers on custom shirts. 1322 Farnam. C-168 19 WANTED Girl for general housework. 1130 8. Sid St. C-167 15 WANTED Shirt pressers, at once. M E. Smith & Co. Factory, 11th and Douglas. C 177 19 LADY MANAGER In every county; of fice In your home; salary (16.00 per week and expenses. F. E Barr, Mgr., Como Bldg.. Chicago. C 184 14x OFFICE girl wanted. 222 Bee Bldg. C-M178 16x WANTED A woman to do washing at home. Apply 1724 Douglas. C 144 II WANTED AGENTS AGENTS WANTED everywhere to sell our popular policies, covering all acci dents, diseases and occupations; some thing entirely new and issued by this society only; easily understood and easily aold; cost but 6 per annum each, pay able monthly it desired; large commis sions paid Immediately and exclusive territory allowed. Address National Ac cident Society. 320 Broadway, New York. EHtablUhed 20 years. J WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Experienced salesmen, who can furnish their own team and wagon to all and deliver Medicines and Household articles on commission. Expenses paid and a reasonable earning guaranteed. Tne lialler Proprietary Company, Blair, Neb. L &IC3 Ml DRAMATIC Chambers' School of Stage Arts, Lyric Theater, Nineteenth and Farnam. Thorough Course of Instruction la Stage Craft. Public performances by pupils In their own theater, under personal directorship ef Frederick "Jim" Fullou, formerly lead liiai character with "Arizona," "Frederick Warde," "Frohman's," nine years Wood aaiU Stock, Kauai City, Omaha. Tele phone. Douglas U71 14kg. WiiUrd K. Cha:ubera. Manager. TICKET BROKERS CUT-RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. IL Pl.llbln. 16u6 Farnam. 'Phone Doug. 1M. -15 LARSON at JOHNSON. 14m Farnam. Doug. SiUaUs Si MiftHI LET A BEE WANT AD TAKE A LOAD OFF YOUR CIIND, FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS LEWKV European Hotel, 13tli and Farnam. Doug. 611 O.M.E. Haul Trunks E 137 NICELY furnished south front parlor, suit able for man and wife; home cooking; steam heat; modern. The Capltot, IMh ar.d Capitol Ave. E M328 A1J WELL furnished, modnrn. steam heated rooms, oat f arnam. Flat ti. Tel. Doug. 1203. NEWLY furnished rooms, 2534 Davenport. E 13s EXCELLENT modern furnished room for one or two; meals close; phone In house. Dr. Prlbbenow. 2574 Harney St. E 687 LARGE south front room, nicely furnished, suitable for two gentlemen; bath, tele phone. Private family. 2P6S Dewey Ave. E 4K6 19x TWO furnished rooms for light housekeep ing. 2716 N. 25th St. and Corby; a snap. E-154 Ux I ROOMS FURNISHED, reliable, stylish' pi"'ii. tor ; easy payments. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO.. WV-JJ1-1.-1J rarnam street. E 160 13 FURNISHED room for gentlenian: private family. 316 N. lth. E M1M 2lx FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 O.M.E. Haul Trunks F-141 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. : F-140 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 4 UNFURNISHED, modern rooms. "Phone Harney-3;o. &oo 8. 26th Ave. G 623 FOR RENT A suite of housekeeping rooms, strictly modern. 2408 Cass. G-S33 4 modern rooms, parlor floor. 1609 S. 28th St G 143 CENTRAL; 8 rooms; bath. Tizard, 20 N. 23d- ' G-M131 WE FURNISH ROOMS on easy payments at very reasonable prices. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO., li-1211-1213 Farnam Street. G 162 13 FOR RENT HGUSES HOUSES FURNISHED complete; reliable goods, bedrock prices, easy payments. OMAHA Ft KM'l I KE AND C AKPLT CO., 12U9-12U-1213 Farnam Slreot. D-163 13 HOUSES 10 aU fart ol th0 clty- UUUOXj C. Peters & Co., Bee Bidg. D Hii HOUSES ,n a11 Part of tbe ctt- 1'hs uwuoiiO 0- r jjav Co Bee Bid. D HU HOUSES, Insurance. Hlngwalt, Barker Blk. D-148 THE Omaha Van & Storage Co., pack, move and store 11. II. goods. Storehouse, HiO-24 N. mill. Office. lDllto Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1669. D 149 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. 14H6. Office 1713 Web ster St. D-150 SEE us when shipping household goods to large cities west. We can save you money. EN PRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., 214 N. Sixteenth St. Tel. Doug. lli(5. D lal FOR RENT Seven-room house, with bath und laundry; N. E. Cor. 25th Ave. and Leavenworth; house In perfect order; new plumbing; hot water heating; runt $40. W. J. Connell. 101 Bee Bids- D-M163 WEST HARNEY STREET. New biiclt houses, 9 rooms and reception hall, oak finish and floors, tiled vestibule, bath room, separate toilet for servants, laundry room In basement, bus mantel, very complete and all details the best; south front on Harney St. Just west of iid St. Ready May 1. HARRISON & MORTON, 913 N. Y. Life. Tel. Douglas-31. D 623 FOR RENT. 9-room brick, modern house, 424 North 40th St A-L"'Vu 9-room modern frame house, 42 Nortn ggtn gt. 31) 7-room modem house, 2i25 North 20th St.. 20 THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1. N. Y. Life Bldg. WALKING DISTANCE. The 5-room cottage, 7o9 h. 19th bt., newly papered; bath, gas; $ per month. R. C. PETERS & CO.. Ground Floor, Bee ''jjj SMALL cottage, 2d and Francis Sts., $7. 1SM9 California St., 7 rooms, $18. Breen & Bloom, 613 Bee building. D U $26 7-room house, good repair, modern lm . provements, except furnace, 26oo Parker St. Apply Carpenter Piper Co., 12th and Howard. D 112 13 FOR RENT Of course you will need money to pay the rent on your new liome. See us at once. We loan on fur niture. Low rates; easy terms. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Rooms 3u7-3uS 1'axton Bla. N. E. Cor. 16th and Farnam Bts. D 629 FOR RENT Eight .rooms, all modern, ouk finish, facing Hanscom Park, $34. 'Phone Douglas 623. D-M6.6 AMERICAN Transfer Co.. drayage. stoiage. forwarding. Phone Doug.-loC2. li Far- D MS65 M7 4038 SEWARD St., 8 rooms all modern, $30. Bemls, Paxton Blk. D M&4 10-ROOM house, all modern; $35. Tel. Douglas 63U9. D-978 13x WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas-1625. bchnioller & Mueller Piano Co.. 1311-1313 Farnam. D Mul2 FOR RENT Six and 7-room modern flats. Telephone Douglas 14HS. D-M1:1 22x FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room in Bee office, city hall building, 417 N. 25th St., South Omaha. Apply to manager. 1134 SUITABLE for wholesale or manufactur. lng, 44xluO; three floors and basement, elevator; will rent 22x1 w sopuralely. Iuu3 6 Farnam St. Inquire 314 First National Bank Bldg. . 1163 CENTRAL drug store, with fixtures; also laundry, with power. Tizard, 220 Nortn 23d. 1 M651 $40 Large store room for rent. 1818 Harney 6t. N. P. Dodge tk Co. 1 Mi63 THE rooms lately occupied by Omaha Musical association at 18th aud Harney, second floor. S. S. Curtis, agent. I-MS31 WANTED TO RENT WE HAVE good tenants for 60 houses that will rent below $26 per month. List your houses with us for good returns. n. P. Dodge & co , Bee Bldg. 1714 Farnam. K-157 13 CLAIRVOYANTS MMB. BUdDHA. LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 114 Bourn 16m St., upstairs, Resuiiful prediction absolutely glveo. SS07 REV. EDWARDS, wonderful spiritual Ufa reader; also reading by tnall. Pattersna blk.. 17th and Faruam. 14 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE SNAPS 4- room house; city water; lot 48x80; $1,110, on Military road between Charles and Seward St. 8-room house; Meredith Ave., be tween 27th and 28th Sts., $2,000. 5- room modern house on Webster, Hear 21st; lot 30x132. $3,400. Ixt with three houses one block north of Vinton St., on 17th St., rents for $32 per month. Bargain at tJ.2nn. 4-room house, well water; lot 80x127, 822rt Charles St., $?". -room house. 423 North $4th SL, lot 76x138, $1,900. 8-room house and three room house; well and cistern water; lot 60x120; rents for til per month; bargain, W.K0. 4-room house; lot 83x100; city water; 4003 N. 2ffth Are., $1,400. 4-room house, ST24 Charles dty waier; lot 2Tr127. Kl.ooo. St., $-roonj house; lot 50x130: city Water: Van C.imp At, between l!Wh anfl JWh St.. $W0. -room, modern except furnace; lot 50x130; Maple between 1Mb and th St., $2,M0. VACANT LOTS Two lots 60x127 each; Northeast corner 27th and Saratoga St., both $300. Lot on 29th between Nicholas SL and Indiana Ave.. 47xl2S. $500. ' Lot on Nicholas between 28th and 80th. 61x125. $500. Southeast corner 28th and Burt, 86x160. $1,100. Several lota on Burt between 27th and 28th Sts., 30x160. each $600. Lot on 18th, one block 8. of Vin ton; SX104. $660. Lot on 88th near Center, $400. Lot, corner 30th and Mandersoa, (0x126; paved St.; $700, CHRIS BOTER, Twenty-second and Cuming Sts. 'Phone Douglas 204. RE 155 13 INVESTMENT. $50.000 Gross Income, $6,990; net In come, $4,490. Call and get particulars. HARRISON & MORTON. 912-913 N. Y. Life. Tel 314. RE 174 13 SPECIAL (Bee, April 13, 1906.) JOHN MORRISON HOUSE, KNOWN A3 EDGEWOOD. Diagonally across from Rome Miller's Country residence, on Florence boulevard, large nine-room house, standing among fine old trees; good barn; one of the finest views In the city from this property; price, $7,000; If do not sell, will rent; rental price, $50 a month; act quickly. HARRISON & MORTON. 912-918 N. Y. Life. Tel. 814. RE 175 13 8 ROOM, 2 STORY HOUSE MUST BE SOLD IN TEN DAYS At 2S18 N. 19th Ave. Bath and gas, east front lot, 60x81, owner Is leaving city and will take $2,100; $uot carh, balance easy puyments. Three cheap lots In Lowe's Add., 35th and Decatur, each 40x127, for only $500. The southeast corner 24th and Burdette Is offered for $2,800, large lot and coal and feed store; complete good business propo sition or good Investment; rental, $30 per month. W. II. GATES. 617 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Douglas-1294. RE109 13 FLORENCE BOULEVARD. 82Vix300 with 4-room house, Florence boulevard, for quick sale $2,000. HARRISON & MORTON, 812-913 N. Y. Life. Tel. 814. FLORENCE. 8-room house; 2 lots, near the park in Florence, one block to car; price $1,000. HARRISON & MORTON, 912-913 N. Y. Life. Tel 814. RE 178 18 OMAHA'S NEW ATLAS NOW READY. Call or write Rosewaler & Craig. Room 422, Hee limn. RK-M840 15x $8,000.00 8-room modern residence. No. 610 Park Ave.; lot 75x140 ft. and has double front age and ample room for three more houses; Improvements alone cost over $8.0oo; possession about May 1; parties dialling to look through house must se cure letter or go with some one from our oltlce. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam. RE M667 15 TRACKAGE A fine piece of trackage property, 147x284, on U. P. track, at 6th and Jones Sts., 12,0uu will take It for ImmedUta sale. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Life Bldg Kir.-MSM WHOLESALE DISTRICT Southwest corner 12ih and Harney Sts.. 44 feet on Harney by 133 feet on 12th St Price $12,000. GEORGE ft CO., 1601 Farnam. RE M27i SUBURBAN. That beautiful 10 acres on west side of 30th St., 600 ft. north of Fort Omaha; nothing finer about Omaha; on boulevard, with 50 fare to your door $1,200 per acre. S. S. Curtis. 1K-8 Harney. REM873 WM. J. WELSH A NS 6"-607 Bryson Blk., Los Angeles, Ca., sells and exchanges real estate In any part of the country. Bargains in orange, walnut and alfalfa ranches. If Interested In California, write what you want. RE Ms28 16 CHOICE LOCATION FOR DOUBLE BRICK FLAT $2,100. West front on 27th St., on block south of Dewey Ave.; 84x64 feet; special all paid in full. GEORGE CO., 1601 Farnam. RE-M997 14 THE J. FRED KERR COMPANY'S AB STRACTS jF TITLE are the safest. You are protected by a $10,iM) bend against loss by errors. You don't buy a lawsuit when you buy a "Kerr" abstract. I'm N. Y. Ufa Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2244. UK- LIST your properties with Buyer, 2id and Cumins;. Klr-M u B -US FOR SALE REAL ESTATE $420 1534 N. isth. a fine 7-room. strictly all mod ern home, electric and gas combination fixtures, underfeed furnace, etc.; good barn. $5500 A good 9-iooin nil modern home on the northeast corn, r or 3.'d and IVppIelon Ave; nice corner lot. The Byron Reed Co. Phone Douglas :'.'7. 212 S 1 4th. RK-JIWi 15 FOR SALE A home worth $30,0iib for $12,. K0; west side. Address L 17, Bee. RE-MS69 Williamson Co.u- fitI,ikioords- R&-9SI FOR SALE FARMS attention. hum eskekers and investors: Buy good land lu tain lu ll In Hand county. Prii cs $0 to $Ll per acre; in llcadlo coumy, $11 to $.0 per acre. In eastern Soutli i ;i Hota rainiall from Apill to August. 1!"' at Huron, counly scat of Beadle, was ::.!) inches. Look ot your map. Iind values will increase. Next excursion April 17. Write or see Churles W. Tulleys, 1)3 Main St., upstairs, Council BlutTs, la. H-M133 14 HOLT CO.. MO.. FARMS. $20 acres improved, want income $2.ono 78 acres, improved, rich, for indse.. 4,SuO 164 acres, improved, for mdso li,nj fcO acres, near town, for indse 6,6"0 1,400 acres, a snap for cash H.OM Mill and light plant for land 2c,V0 J. R. ADK1NS. Craig. Mo. H-M604 14X Farm and Ranch Lands. Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years time. Land Dept., U. P. K. R Omaha, Neb., Dept. "A." ll-39 OUT THEY GO THIS MONTH to North Dakota to select a 3J0 or a 610 scre farm out of our 100,0v0-acre tract for $12 to $16 an acre; will yield over $12 an acre; free coal, living water, black soil; send for maps and Brown s Farmer. Wia H. Brown Co., 131 La Salle St., Chicago, or Rlchardton. N. D. H Mo33 AU FREE GOVERNMENT LANDS, also deeded lands, both Irrigated and upland, for alfalfa, sugar beets, graiu, fruit and stockgrowing. Maps, pictures, price lists free. Agents wauled. The Sterling In vestment Co., 201 Front St., Sterling, Colo. H-M2:16 7i ACRES; one body partly improved; 200 acres under cultivation; $(i.00 per acre cash. S. Hawver, 1614 Emmet St., Omaha. H-M186 M13 WRITE to Scandinavian-Canadian Land company. Chicago. They will tell you all about it. H M66 23x ABSTRACTS GET a figure from us before or dering your abstract. AVe do the best and quickest work. MIDLAND GURANTEB & TRUST CO. 1714 Farnam, Bee Bldg. N. P. DODGE, Jr., President. -674 13 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loans ana warrants, W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam St W-24 MONEY TO LOAM Payne Investment Co. W-826 BUILDING loaas on residence property; i per cent. W. M. Melkle, ltamge Blk. W-92 LOWEST RATES Bemls. Paxton Block, W-ii7 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. Iu20 Douglas, W-Kj. 6ARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam; city loans, I and 6Vs per cent interest; no delay. W-2$ $l,ow,ouo TO LOAN on business and rest, deuce property In Omaha; lowest rates; liu deUy. '1 nomas Bieuuau, It. 1, N 1. Life. W-Mo I at oVtj PER CENT loans on city property. W. 11. Thomas, 1st National Bank Bldg, W-wi WANTED City Loans. R. C. Peters Co. W 843 FARM, CITY AND BUILDING LOANS. Reed Bros., l'.lu Farnam St. W-V3J City & farm loans. O. F. Carson Co., N.Y.L. W'oHit TO LOAN $2,000 on city property. L. D. Hoi mcs, 712 N. Y. Li fe Bldg. W 1 16 13 WANTEDTO BUY WE HAVE great demand for houses for sale below $2,6tU. If you wish a quick sale list your property with us. N. P. DODGE & CO., Bee Bldg. 171-4 Farnam. N-i; 13 A VACANT IXDT, not less than 62 feet wide, in good locality, walking distance, between Leavenworth and Dodge Sts., on paved street. Address offers to B 5.S, care Uee- N-1S2 12x WANTED To purchase, good second hand linotype machine on easy pay ments. Address Drawer D, Lead! 8. b. N-.M1W 16 WANTED To buy, a good, gentle family horse, about l,2uo pounds; black preferred. Call at 4C9 S. lith St. N-.M104 Ux WANTED An Interest in established real estute business in this city. Address B . 44, Bee. N ii'.iUJ I5x ' PATENTS H. A. 81 URGES, teisiered attorney; pat ents, trade marks, copyrights; no fee un less successful. 617 N. Y. Lifu, Omaha. uli F. J. LARSON & CO., patent lawyers. Patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omalia. Neb 611 Alt PE MACHINE WORKS-Patents procured. Inventions developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machino woik. M-oU B. 10th St. 1 PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Na tional Investment Co.. 63 Douglas Block. LOST LOST Female fox terrier, answering to the name of Rtx, wiih dark spot over one eye and ear, with irrtcn collar ward. Call llrt Board of Trade, or call Tel. Douglas 229G. t-ls) 13 LOST Male black and white fox terrier brown fcpot on neck; collar with link chain still attached; no tag. Reward of $0 fur return to 4Jt4 Harney St. I.ost-MlW 1fiic PRINTING LYNGSTAD "ft, c a'enda": o i-ric ? .Cor' 16i" BL n4 & JORVE Capitol Ave. -4S ENGRAVING and printing. Kotera at Co.. 1410 Howard. Tel. Douglas v7. M-130 cnkll praam Co., m a. 121b et U-iU DEATH NOTICES WOOD Mnrgrirct F.lolse. St 2444 Templetoii street, (iimilia. peacefully entered Into rest st Ios Angeles. Cal.. April 1-. IS"' Burial Satiudiy nt t.os Anpelcs. UNDERTAKERS HOFFMANN Dong, KM. Gentleman, 702 N. Iftth. -947 MS PERSONAL FLESH, white, pink, brunette: Satin skin powder is made In 4 dainty tints, 25c U- GRinfRADINO fa1;.1, liquor, hv Jug or bottle. Cackl"V P-os., opp. p. O. U MI59 M12 LAUNDRY CITY STEAM Tel. Doug. 254. 211 8. 11th St. U-1K1 PLEATING'- "SS ami samples. THE GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. 20a Douglas Block. Tel. Doug. 1P.". U-1M MA(l F!Ti( 1 treatment & Bath!". Mine. Bml,h, lis N. li. 2d II.. r i. U N6i ANY ToOR GIRL In need of a friend .call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army lioniu for women at 3i24 N. 2Uli St., Omaha, Neb. U MtoO OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ramgo Blk. U lb PIANO CLUB Pianos delivered at once, $1 weekly. AU music lessons free. JulN NOW. l'erlield l'lano Co., lull Farnam Si. U 16 PRIVATE home dining confinement: babl" boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gardcll, 2-16 Charles. Tel. Doug. 6311. U 1S7 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing; in fact, anything you do not need; We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 31th St., lor cost of collecting to the worthy pour. Call 'Phono Doug. 4136 and wagon v.ill call. U oil FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical colli gc, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; nil treatment supervised by college ptolessors. 'Phono. Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night. U 129 DR. ROBT. P. JENSEN, 30o-3 Brown Blk., 16th and Douglas. Prac tice limited to skin, guiiito-uruiary and venereal diseases. U 6M M6 KOCHER, carpet weaving. 1611 Izard. U MiJ Alt MARCEL-WAVEiareIn8,T.uatT. Bryant, 316 Bee Bldg. U M527 Al 'PHONE Doug. 701 and a man will call and tune your piano, $2. Perllcld l'lano Co., 1611 Farnam. U li3 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no Injec tions. Call or write for booklet, yuick Cure Rupture Co., 611 W. O. W. Bldg, Omaha. U 1HI TRY KELLY'S Laundry. 'Phone Doug. 8K0. u-iao DR. ROY, Chiiopody, U. 2 & 3, 1606 Farnam. U W2 MABEL M. DOTSON. 610 Beo Bldg. Tel. Dougla8-6S26. Manicuring, inassuge, scalp treatment a specialty, and hair dressing. U-160 M-ll GOLD STICKPIN FREE to any person sending up the name of any person owning a suuaie piano, organ or prospective piano buyer. FERF1ELD PIANO CO., Tel. 70L 1611 Farnam SL U 19J CUAMPinW Carpet Cleaning Works. LnftlunUll Beautiful, unique rugs from old carpets; prices reasonable. 7j0 8. 14th St. Tel. Douglaa 665. U 166 Jel2 MAGNETIC OSTEOLOGY Mrs. M. Rltten house, 412 N. 16th, room 2, second floor. . L iit A13 C. E. DAY, painting and paper hanging; high-cluss work, at low prices. Doug. 344. U-M193 AH Tpci;c trellises, grapevines trimmed; I lCCO now is the time. John Cane, lbiu Cuming. Red M- U jilJcO A14 YOUR saving 40 per cent. Investigate. Pc-nuell Millinery Co., Ill South 16th ot. L 1U4 PlVKPlVTt MATTRESSES renovated, OXXilViuX)i jj.. ua April 20. Doug.W!2. U Moli A22 PRIVATE confinement home; babies adopted. Mrs. Dr. King, 2cia N. 21 I SU Tel. 3661). U 1B7 FURNITURE packing and repairing; up holstering and mattress making. 1 Smith, IjIS Luae. Tel. Douglas ux& C-MleJ A13 PRIVATE hospital during confinement. Ba bies adopted. Best ami cheapest in Uie city; 231 S. 13th St., Ouiaha, Neb. U M661 A 20 MWIlKI, Upholstering. Mattress ren-iXLttaMLU-UJ ovatlng. 2421 Cuming. Tel. Red-6S38. U MU62 M PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted, The Good Samaritan Sanitarium, i2t First Ave., Council Bluits, la. Tel. 774. U 322 WE lay sod, we do plowing. Call 4626 Boulevard Ave. or 'phone llaruey-30!l. U U33 lix WE RENT sowing machines, $1 week and $3 per mo. We repair all makes of ma chines; second-hand machines, $6 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., TeL Doug. luoj. Cor. 16in und H.ii uey. U 66i KOCHER, carpet weaving. 1611 Izard. U M-uJ Alt INCUBATORS, brooders and chick food. Burr Incubator Co., 2Mh and Davenport. U M634 Aa SEWING machines and supplies. P. li l-'lodmuu At Co., 1614 Capitol avenue. U M321 Mayl SEND your carpets to Omaha Electric Car pet Cleaning uks., 2221 N. 2oth. Doog.-ltv. IT II,.,, n, U Oil PERSONAL. MR. will cull at your residence. Facial massage, 60c; shampooing, jl. Address B 41, Omaha Bee. U-MK2 16x WHEN you have tried all others and are not Kaihtlcd in the furniture repairing and upholstering lino try us. John Han ten, 1622 N. 24lh. Tel. Douglas U-M1M lCx CARLSON & CO., upholstering and impair ing. Tel. Douglas 1S. U-.Mi.tJ A-i MEDICAL LADIES, $1,000 REWARD! I positively guarantee my Nevei -Failing LKGO KOLO Remedy. Safely relieves luntjust, most obstinate cases of delayed Montn.y Periods in i to 6 a lys withuul harm, pain or lnterfei t in e with work. Hall, tl.jv. Double strength, U W. "SPECIAL FOLD ER FOR LADIES FREE. Lit. B. 11. BiJU'l'lliXLi'l'u.N' CO., KANSAS CITi, MO. 210 BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills " $1 box, postpaid. Sherman & McCounell Drui; i n., oiuaha. 211 WANTED TO BORROW I WANT to borrow $::.i 09 on Improved residence pioperty; worth $:,O0.i.i; lo cated In one i f the best prts of Omaha; rale must lie low, ilh r iivilege of pay ing purl euch year. Addiess B 62. lies office V Mir PLUMBING JOHNSON', THE KELIAHLE. PLUMBING AND HEATING CO. BEST SERVICE IXJWt.ST PRICKS. UU DOLGLAS 60. 1812 HARNEY. R-Mini AU STORAGE HAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO -Goods stored at lowest prices: insured without extra charge, i hones Dugiaa p and ponirbiH 1 V. --r'J 24 , LAV! AND COLLECTIONS J M. MACFARLAND. 30 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tsl. Doug. tU. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS OUR LOANS Our employes are well Informed and courteous and we are always pleased to explain our manner of loans. We tell you to the cent wht the cost will be. and If you conclude tt"t It will not pay you to borrow there Is no harm done. We loan in furniture, piano, live stock; snd other ch.ittelf, and to salaried people upon their own ag-eetnent to pay. We offer you i irs as low as you will find and our facilities for quick and con fidential serlec are unsurpassed. We are the oldest concern in our llns In the city and we always try to please eur patrons. UA1AUA mortgage loan COMPANY. 119 Board of Trade Bidg. 'Phone Doug. O tLstabilshed, Ln!U. IM S. luili St- X-l)4 THE ONLV LOAN CO" IN OMAHA THAT HAS THE BEST RATES AND THE EASIEST TERMS. If you need ready cash for moving or spl ine; purposes you can get It here on short notice. IMPORTANT. Don't let a desirable residence slip your grasp on account of ready money. WE ARE PREPARED TO LOAN lRc.M $H To $..00 ON SECURITY si icii a.s pianos, horses, wag ons, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, sal aries. ETC.. LEAVING SAME UN DISTURBED IN YOUR PodSES fclON. j PRIVATE RECEPTION ROOMS. If you cannot call, write or 'phone, RELIABLE CREDIT vCO.. Rooms 807-308 Paxton Block. Corner Farnam and Sixteenth Streets. X-Ustt DR. PRIBENOW'B PRIVATE liuNKT loaned ou furniture, pianos, salarv. horses, etc., iu any amount, ut let titan half the rate; no red tape; pi i feet url vjy; immediate attention, ou any teruii witnud; payments suspended in cane of sickness or out of employment. Room Hi. Karbach blk., 20 S. loth St. X u;u When in need of MONEY, Call on us. rUOENiX CliELUT CO. 632-3 Paxton Blk. X-71 $ $ INDEPENDENCE $ $ Why be obiiged to others? lis eaay to get money of uie .No red tape. Pay when you can. BO 'A EN, 703 N. Y. Life. Open evenings until 7. X sis Money loaned salaried peoplu and others without security; easy pay ments, unices iu 3 principal clues. Tol luau, loom U4, New xork Life Bldg. FURNITURE, I'lauo, Jewelry, Loans, B31 Neville Blk. Tllli WESTERN LOAN CO. X 6i FURNITURE, Live Stock, Salary Loans. kar Bloca. X-i6 CHATTEL, salary and jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co.. 1604 Faiiiam St. X ,u EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing, all business confidential. ioOl Douglas. X sis Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. Advances private money on chattels or salary. Easy to get no red tape. You get money same day asked for at small cost. Open evenings until 1. X M46i MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, eio. C F. lteed. 311 . B. 13th. X-77 HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE FOR BALE Small horse, harness and buggy. Address A 2u. Boe. P Md70 DRAFT, driver and saddle horses, well Droae, una genua. Apply Jones' btable. FOR SALE Two carriages, one single seat snd one double seat; both in good condi tion. Address B 47, Bee. P 111 13 WANTED To buy horses, all classes. CaU 1S10 Harney St. Tel. Red-7;18. P M241 B1LLIAT.D AND POOL TABLES WHY pay trust prices? Solid oak billiard and pool tables, $lno. Also bar fixtures, No agency expenses. Catalogue mailed free. Ciias. 1'assow & Sons, Chicago. 131 Maysx WE TRUST EVERYBODY, easy payments, and lead the world In cheap prices on billiard and pool tables und bar fixtures; catalogue free. The Brunswlcke-Balke-Collender Co., 407 S. loth St., Omaha, Neb. 133 TREES AND SHRUBS A COMPLETE line of fruit, shade and ornamental trees, vine, shrubs, roses, etc Address Omaha Nursery, Papllllon, Neb. MSOO A24x LARGEST assortment of trees and shrub In the city at Crescent Nursery. Sales Kround 21st and Farnam. Tel. Douglas 3357; 9:i OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute, 418 N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. 10U4. DR. WELLS, Neville Blk. Tel. Doug. 6877. 48 MS . CEMENT BLOCK MACHINERY M TTiFlS' Face Down cement block ma. laiujju chinery. Call or write and lot us show you our line. "Phon- I long. 6744, 'I app Construction ( 'o . 3i:l Neville Blk. DRESSMAKING M'DOWELL o school, Iti2i Far., room Z4.. Ma31 FOR dressmaking done at home. Doug. 3713. M 276 FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not rind what you want In this column, put un ad lu and you will soon gt it. Z &'3 FLORISTS L HENDERSON, 1618 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 126. tss HESS SWOHODA. 1415 Fariiara MUSIC AND LANGUAGES ROSALIA A. 8A A I.FET.D, PIANIST and teacher. Room 21, Arlington tlock. M -2J7 A1S GOVERNMENT NOTICES until 2 0'1'lock 1 01 Tuesrtu.N', l:;, und then oi ih i! fi r turuishliia th Indiun ervlct v.iti lli d bui ley. beef. corn, MtU, col.'ee, Mii:ar, t ,ltn lialfiiiu powocr and other Kiucoies. Iiui.i made out 011 gei 1. merit blanks, giving all nee. oary I ..reimatlon Hint vlll be f ui niKlc d on uppllcatl Indian oltlce, asl.iattion. 1). '. U 1..!.... .....p. 1...... u ... V ... V 1(1.1.1 musl be bi liedulea for bid on to the : thn I! r. j in. Kill . 1 , in 1 ie, .t Chicago, lib ; Si . I.0111 and San Krane ihc' i. i ut New York Cltv: Mo.; Omaha, Neb., A.: tile ColiiinlsMurv of Subsistence, I ". S A . at Clu-yei.tie, Wyo. ; the tjuai termaster. U. S. A , Heatile, Wash., and the puslmaMt 1 s at Tucson, Portland, bpoKane unu laioiiia. 1 lie department re--s.ics the right to reject uny and nil bids or any part of any Md. F. E. LEUpp, ' Alito.Mii CominlMnnr.s PRi iPOSALS I !t SI.'HSISTENCIJ STORES- lflre purchasing I iiiiiihkkii U. 8 Aimy. timal.a. Neb., April H, 1 ,,,' Ki'llU 'I proposala. Mil leet to the iinuhI mnl dill. MIS. Hill lie ree,-i,d at this oltlce 111,10 lu r'l lin k a. rn . Apr 1 'Jl. li. ui w hich tiu.e and place f U.-.v will be publicly opened f, t I im td-hlnic subsistence stores as follows: f lour, misar. canned good etc. Preference will be iilven in uni..i of doniesiic production. Blank proposals snd specifications can be obtained at thi offlcs. T. li. 11ACKE1L Puriha,tn r-... uilssary. PROPOSALS For BEEF. CORN, GRo ceiies. Etc . 1 11 'parlinchi of th Interior, Ollice of Italian Allans, Washington, D. C., March 2, Its.. Sealed propi.u.i, plainly n-HrkeJ on the outside of the envelope; "Proposal for hecf, corn," etc , as the case may be. und uddresncd to the "Cuiiiuns sioiier of Indian Altaii., Wustnngiori, D. f " will r,-.ei...l ut Mi l..l.:. m... A14-16 17-1