TIIK OMAHA DAILY HKK: FRIDAY, APRIL 1.1. 1006. Tire -Omaha Daily Dee, E. ROPE WATER, EDITOR. PCBUillED EVERT MORNING. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Dally Roe (without Sunday), one year. .14.00 I'ally He and Sunday, on year o Illustrated Bee. 'out year 2-uO Hunday He, one ynr 2.60 Saturday hee, one year 1.60 DELIVERED BY CARRIER. Dally Hee (Including Sunday), per week. 17c Ially Bee (without Sunday), per week.. 123 Evening lit (without Sunday), per wwk tie Evening Hee (With Sunday), pr week..li)c Bunday Bee, per copy 6c Addreaa complaints of irregularities In de livery to City Circulation Department. OFFICES. Omaha The Be Building-. South Omaha City Hall Building. Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Street. Chicago 140 Unity Building. New York IP. Home IJfe Ini. Building. Washington to! Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to new and edi torial matter ahould be addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or poatal order payable to Tha Bee Iubllhlng Company. Only i-cent stamps received as payment of mall account. iVrxonal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OK CIRCCtATION. State of Nebraska, lKulaa County, aa.: C. C. Rnaewater, general mahager of Tha Bee publishing Company, being duly sworn, save that the actual number of full and complete roplea of The Dally, Morning, Evening and Sunday Bee printed during tha month of March, 190s, waa aa follows: I ai,6-o 1 81. HBO t 83,1 ao 4 SO,500 I ... .81.48 ff .. 81.4TO 7.4 Sl.ttM 1 81,830 81,870 10 82.0K0 II Stt.lOO 12 81.200 17.V. ...sw.iao it jwjoo 19 81,40 JO 81,B0 -u....... 81,UM a si.nao a...-. sei.aao 24 aa.ist ao.irvo ... 81,310 77 S1.06 8140 it aa.oTo a ...8i,aao 14 81.4IO W 81,300 It 81,160 11 82,180 14 81,43V Total.-, ., Dtf 7.4AO Less unsold copies 10,741 Net total sales t6,70 Dally average 81,181 C. C. ROSE WATER, General Manager. ' Subscribed In my presence and sworn to Be r ore ma tma uai day or Marcn, (Seal) M. B. HUNOATE. Notary public. VV II t X OIT OF TOWN, gabsarlbers leavlas; the) alt? tern porarllr sbeald kats Tbe Bee mailed to them. Address will rbansred as altea aa reaaested. Russian democrat are said to be disagreement. The "hoodoo" seems follow the name across the water. The resignation of Presldeut Custro may menn that the belligerent VeneK uelan wants a vindication at the band of his people. In the light of recent developments It 1m evident that the Woodruff manifesto 1m entering upon an era of renewed ac tivity In Utah. 1 No one can doubt the ambition of Adam Rede to pone as a bumorlst since his suggestion for the division of Texas Into five states. In the light of the Nebraska piece- dent Kansas stockmen may be inclined to keep their promise to remove fences to avoid prosecution. The Hon. Pat Crowe can doubtless congratulate himself again that he did not have a black skin when his case was passed on by an Omaha Jury. After old houses have stopped falling at Naples the Italians may be prepared to put the next eruption "up against" modern American steel construction. The discovery of a railroad pool at Philadelphia suggest that after all the residents of the city of brotherly love do not spend their entire time in sleep. Primary bills in the Illinois legisla ture prove that politicians are still more anxious for "practical" results than for eoal reiwaUon f the political ys Southwestern coal operators who ex pel men from their association for sign Ing the scale of the miners' union are not setting a brilliant example for champions of the "open shop." The question of navigation of South American rivers crossing more than one country seems to be a question more alive than the navigation of stream in the United States crossing only one. After its experience with that gunhlng gas well Caney, Kan., probably feels that it Is the only place in the fnlted States which can offer intelligent sym pathy to the resldchts of the sides of Vesuvius. The Hon. "Jim" Dahlman is develop Ing extraordinary oratorical powers, which no one previously suspected. It would be cruel to suggest that his speeches read better in his official or gan than they sound io those who hear them. A fund for the relief of Vesuvius vic tims la to lie Inaugurated throughout the country and Omahu should contrib ute Its share. The Italian residents of Omaha have proved themselves a very useful and orderly element of our impu tation, which should entitle them to as sistance for their afflicted kinsmen. It turns out that the street railway employed are not disposed to look with favor upon the sliding wage scale Just promulgated by their employers. This has nothing to do, however, with the response of the company to the demand for more cars ou its main lines during the busy hours of the day. The discusstou of the question of trusting the people to choose their own 1'ulted States senators going on In dem ocratic circles Is becoming really Inter esting. From perusing It the uninitiated would never imagine that the demo cratic party had gone on record time i ml time again In favor of direct popu- ar election of vuatvrs. SEXATPlt BE VF, ft IDG ITS KKTXOTE. The keynote given by Senator Bev- erlrip to the Indiana republican con vention, that to maintain ascendancy the party must be the .organ of the atlonally progressive American spirit. should strike the attention of every hon est and loyal republican, now thnt the lines of organization are lieing drawn for the Important elections midway In the presidential term. The party came nto lelng and grew into strength as an Instrument of the spirit of liberty. meeting aggressively but sanely the moral Issues' which excited that spirit. and It has been given responsibility for the government most of the last half century because as exigencies liave arisen during that time it has offered and executed positive policies at once progressive and practical. last of all parties could the repub lican party succeed as a reactionary agency. It has been historically a pro test against both reaction anil stagna tion, and to be transformed either sud- denlv or by slow gradation into the retrogressive type of the old democratic party which it supplanted would be to Invite even speedier fate than overtook the latter. How essential Is the coun try's need of n progressive party of the-character the republican party Is signally demonstrated by the historic fact that the people did not fall for a full generation emphatically to reject as an alternative the reactionary posi tion of the democratic party on the one side and to refuse the rash proposals of various radical parties that sirc- cesslvely arose on the other side. Nor was the Sound American Judgment shaken a det-Hde ago when the demo cratic party somersaulted from its old retrogressive attitude to that of extreme and incongruous radicalism. But the removal of the reactionary chefk of the old democracy the last decade necessarily involves a severe test of republican character the full force of which Is now being felt. For Just now immense changes are being realized In the social and Industrial life of the people, requiring corresponding adjust inent of law and government. All the relations of corporations to government are involved. On the one hand we have a great moral awakening, passionately demanding houesty In trust admlnistra tlons whether of a corporation or of an official character, and righteousness in wealth On the other hand, growing out of this as out of consideration for public safety, there Is insistence for unquestioned and Irresistible public con trol of corporations. Theae are the vital questions of today and the future which It Is the special opportunity and duty of the republican party to meet, as It met the issues of Blavery. of national unity and of monetary stability when those issues critically coufronted the country. ,, c The significance of Theodore Koose velt's position as president is, broadly that he faces squarely and courageously to the front in a leadership that would make his party progressive and prac tlcal on all these questions. This la why the American people.' beyond party lines, have made such notable response to the president's, initiative. "And this Is why the paramount duty of repub licans this year everywhere, In choos ing senators and representatives In con gress. is to unng tneir party verily up to date and align It with the president's leadership. . ALC PVLL TOGKTHF.R. The campaign Inaugurated by tht Voung Women's Christian association to gather a building fund for Its new home Is nearing the close of the time orig inally allotted. The women have done rcmarkubly well under the conditions and have an excellent subscription balance to the credit of their building fund, but they sre still considerably short of the goal they set for themselves. In the closing days of the soliciting campaign the women will bend to the work with redoubled energy, but suc cess depends upon the spirit of co operation manifested by the people of Omaha and their disposition to interest themselves In In-half of tlte working women, for whom the Voting Women's Christian association would furnish headquarters and a center of social and recreative activities. . This useful Institution has outgrown the hounds of Its present accommoda tions and to meet the enlarged demands upon It in a proper way, must spread out with new and larger equipment. It Is an Institution that works for Omaha, U'longs to Omaha and has a right to look to Omaha for material supiort. If you Intend to help along In the good cause, now Is the time. Let all pull together Tt.ST HATTLKSHIP HVILDISU. The conspicuous failure of the gov ernment to construct a battleship of identical type as cheaply unit expedi tiously as a private shipbuilding com pany, although very suggestive, is not conclusive against direct governmental parttclpancy in naval construction. It Is, however, an Important fact that In an Instance ecUlly Intended to test the comparative efficacy of government and contract work of this kind, the con tractors have been able to build the same battleship for nearly a half a million dollars lesa than the government builders could do the work. It does not matter that the failure Is due lu large part to congress. lecaue congresH has to lie reckoned with In any govern ment undertaking of the sort. But it by no means follows that the government ahould altogether hold aloof from battleship building and put Itself at the mercy of private con tractors. The very fact that it Is pre pared to do the work may be a power ful restraint upon the latter. It was found to be notably so In the -case of arming warships afttr construction- As long as the navy had to depend upon private manufacturers for modern guns, the cost. was excessive, snd relief was secured only by establishing a great ordnance plant directly owned and oper ated by the government. loubtless the private contractors were stirred to ex treme energy and economy because the building of the twin battleshlpn Con necticut and Ixiuisiaua was to he a test of the two methods, so that the credit of what they accomplished is to be credited In no smsll part to government competition. GRKESE AM) OATIfOR rO.VVCTED. The conviction of tJreene and Uaynor for frauds on the government In Savan nah harbor is another sign that graft, however extensive and temporarily suc cessful, has become unprofitable, and that with persistent enforcement the law can make very hard the way of the transgressor, even though he be rich, of high social position and aided by In fluential friends. The persistent prose cution of these wealthy contractors who by the connivance of the regular army officer in charge of the harbor work were able to defraud the government of hundreds of thousands of dollars la worthy of all commendation. They have been enabled by legal technicali ties and the employment of their wealth In this country and In Canada to stave off conviction year after year, until their partner in graft, Captain Carter, after almost interminable delay, had been convicted and served out his richly mer ited term In the penitentiary. There was a time when the tactics ot these now convicted grafting contract ors might have saved them, when public authority might have given over the pursuit in sheer weariness and disgust. when the pubfic might more easily have forgotten. But thnt time has passed by. The public attitude toward graft ers of high or low degree has changed A time, fortunately, has come when they are to be relentlessly pursued with all the power of the government and public opinion until the stolen goods are recovered and their fortunes exhausted and they themselves lauded as felons behind prison bars, where they belong, if AUK IT DOWS. At the meeting of the newly elected republican city committee, at which the party management was formally trans ferred from the so-called "old machlue" to the new Fontauelle machine, a report was read from the treasurer stating that there was in his hands the sum of $130.61, subject to requisition by his successor. Inasmuch as all debts were paid. What better tribute could be had to the efficiency and economy of the out going party managers? It Is a well known rule of politics that campaign funds are for the purpose of being spent rather than of being transmitted by in heritance, and there were many ways in which this money could have been spent legitimately.- The last lme the Fontanelle machine had control of the party committee" In this county, although it had had more money poured Into It to conduct the primary election than ever before, w hen It came to turn over there was nothing left but a big bunch of recklessly Incurred unpaid obligations) to load down the campaign of the sue cessful ticket The habit has become so confirmed with the "antls" to refer to their oppo nents as grafters and leg-pullers, and other choice names reflecting upon their Integrity, that It must be quite a revelation to them to find a balance In the treasury at their disposal some thing completely contrary to their own practice and precedent. Mark it down. Chairman Jefferls now combines In his one person the headship of both the republican congressional committee for this district and the republican city committee. We wish him well In both capacities, but we cannot help but re call the outcry that was raised by the "antls" when Itobert Cowell was In stalled as chairman of the republican county committee wnne at tne same time holding the position of chairman of the republican city committee. The vindication of Mr. Cowell came, how ever, when the Fontanellltes besought him to continue In the place now given to Mr. Jefferls. IMchard I.. Meti-alfe Intimates that "Billy" Thompson of Grand Island "Is Just 'as anxious to be elected to the United Statts senate as" is "Bertie' Hitchcock of Omaha. The linpresttlon prevails here that Mr. Hitchcock Is grooming himself to make another run for congress. Which is which? Or Is it both? Congressman Xorris' plau for the elec tion of senators by direct vote of the jM'ople hjs received the approval of the house committee, to which it wus re ferred, but as it is designed to lengthen at the same time the terms of the very men who approved it. the vote may not have lweu totally disinterested. Miners or oM-iators who WHiit to limit the scope of any committee which may prole conditions In the anthracite fields do not Ktrcnutheu their iMtsition with the public, which feels that, as king as it must fiMit the bills, it is en titled to know all of the facts. It is definitely announced to all whom It may concern that how, having read over the made-to-order democratic plat form, which he swallowed with his eyes shut, Jim Dahlman Is rer.dy to bold up his right band aud swear that as yet be has suffered no pains of Indigestion. There seems to be only one thing left for the poor franchlsed corporations to do in Omaha. The republicans de nounce them, the democrats say they will not take tbelr money, gUd toe so- rlallsts are opposed to them on general j principles, iney win nave to organize franchlsed corporation party of their own. The statement that King Kd ward's consent Is not necessary to the marriage of the king of Spain and Princess F.na would Indicate that the royal Miiitor went to useless trouble on the occasion of the' king's visit to France. Having found the rubber eraser with, which the doctored primary ballots are supposed to have been changed, the au thor of the plot should lie easily Iden tified by our local yellow Journal Sher lock Holmeses. la the Political Xarsery. Chicago Record-Herald. Get your alderman a rubber tube for his bottle, snd make him use It till he grows up. As It l.ooka at a Plataaee. Chlcaao Tribune. As we understand the dispatches. Mount Vesuvius has blown Its head off, but Its mouth Is still active. Oae (io4 Reaalt. While the senate takes up the time of the session In discussing the rate bill much other mischievous legislation Is halted. It may all be for the best. We are governed too much, anyway. They Need the Moaey. Kansas Citr Journal. How does It happen that people per sist In dwelling near Vesuvius, when the country la so barren and Ihe locality so dangerous? Simple enough. Wealthy American tourists visit the volcano and spend money freely for accommodations. Hot Air Stratealsls. New fork Sun. First It was Admiral Rojestvensky. who exposed the British plot to smash his squadron. If Togo failed, and now It Is General Von Mack, Russian representative of the Red Cross society, who discovers that the Japanese are preparing for war, with the Philippines as their objective. It won't be necessary for the government at Toklo to reassure the United States, but Von Mack may have to apologise, as the admiral did. The capacity of the czar's officers for knowing things that are not so, may explain their failure as strategists. KoTel Immnnlty Scheme. Kansas City Star. A man down In Missouri having been ar rested for taking another man's horse enters a plea of somnambulism. He must have taken and ridden the horse In hts sleep, he says, for he awoke riding along the road and had no recollection of steal ing the animal. His story has at least one point in lta favor that he left the horse at a livery stable to be returned to the owner. But why has nobody thought of the somnambulism before? The In sanity plea is somewhat distasteful, after all. and there Is nothing especially dis agreeable about an admission of sleep walking. Here's a suggestion for Stand ard Oil and the Beef trust. Where Immigrants Settle. Springfield Republican. Of the more than l.OOO.unO Immigrants who came to this country In 19D5, very few reached the newer regions of the west. According to the western railroad passen ger association whichhas made a report on the subject, over IBS.Oflt) of them dropped down in New York" Stat, and 222.300 In Pennsylvania about onav-nalf of the whole number stopping In those two states. Ohio obtained 51,000 and Illinois 79.000, but less than 20,000 seem to . have gone beyond Illinois. The southe.rn European, emigrant doea not seek the land as did so much of the northern European emigration of twenty years ago.. He prefers the cities and factory towns, where work at good wagea is to be had in abundance. PIBLIC 1,AD GRABBING. afagallade of the Cam pa I a a Waged hy (he Interior Department, Boston Transcript. The campaign which Secretary Hitch cock began for the restoration to the pub lic land of the vast tracts stolen from It Is still far from Its concluding stage. Its magnitude may be Inferred from the fact that about 600 Indictments have been pro cured against parties charged with fraud ulent entries and other offenses against ths land laws. The- convlctjons secured have included those of several men In high places, among them one I'nlted States sen ator, who died while an appeal waa pend ing, and one member of the house of rep resentatives. The trial of another Indicted representative will begin in Washington next month. .There has been no letting up In the prosecutions, despite great political pressure brought to bear on the admin istration, part of it on the ground of po litical expediency and part from motives even leas, worthy of consideration. The brunt of this pressure has naturally been borne by Secretary Hitchcock, who has kept on his way with Spartan firmness, with a determination not to le satisfied with anything short of the putrishment of the big men Involved In the frauds. To all the subtleties of tlie conspirators he has successfully opposed shrewdness and Kilt.' and he has the reward of being more feared by exploiters and pltinderers of pub lic lands than any oilier secretary of the interior has ever been. Public attention has been so largely con centrated on the prosecution of the depre dators In the Pacific northwest, men of prominence politically and financially, that It has naturally reckoned that as almost the sole arena for the department's ac tivities. But plundering the fields and for ests has by no means so limited a scope. Wherever, under our slack surveillance of the public domain, there is opportunity tl-o plunderer is almost certain to be found. Since Secretary Hitchcock initiated his in vestigation of land frauds, proceedings have been begun for violation of the laws In Nebraska, Kansas, Michigan. Wiscon sin, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Da kota. Montana. Vtah, Colorado, New Mex ico, Missouri, Arkansas, Ixiuisiana, Missis sippi. Alabama, Florida, Washington, Cal ifornia, Idaho and Oregon. Such facts suggest that the public do main Is but loosely guarded at the best The department has Its Inspectors, who are very valuable men. They are com railvev few In number, and the public iMtiria have an enormous area. A sya- leniatic patrolling of tliia area is Impossi ble with the agencies now at the disposal of the Interior department. There are placea, sequestered from main traveled ways, forest depths, or little known min eral tracts, where depredators can work a long time undiscovered. Such oirations are carried on by the cruder thieves who have not learned the arts of fraud, and are therefore unable to steal 25.Oi0 acres of public land, as one gang did in Califor ii U, by subornation and conspiracy. Still the aggregate of this rough plundering la large, and to detect or prevent it would afford employment for a force of land rangers similar to the forest guards which the old countries have found among the Diost useful agencies for the enforcement of the law. Such a body under the direc tion of an energetic secretary of tha in terior would mora than aava its cost ia ths ssrvtces It could render. TRAGIC HISTORY OF VPSIVHS. Rye-WIt aeaa Aceoaat of Ihe Flarlal of Pompeii and llerralaaeam. The summer of A. D. 71 was made me morable by a frlghtfvrl catastrophe, of which riiny ths younger was an eye wit ness and of which, he has left a singularly valuable account In two letters written some yeara afterward to his friend, the historian. Tacitus. This account of the great eruption of Vesuvius Is the only story of the great catastrophe In exl?tence and Is of singular Interest Just now. That the prevailing eruption of Mount Vesuvius pos sibly may rival if not surpass the destruc tion wrought in the year A. D. 79, when the cities of Herculaneum and Pompeii were overwhelmed and have remained up to the present century under their tomb of ashes over 1,800 years. Many of the peculiar incidents and phe nomena reported as occurring in the pre vailing eruption are recounted in the Pliny narrative particularly relative to the pre cipitation of ashes. The narrative of Pliny Is as follows: "The writer was residing at the timo with his uncle (the elder Pliny) and his mother near Mlsenum. The bay then, aa now, one of the most beautiful spots In the world, waa crowded with villas ot the Ro man nobility. Baiae, with its splcnuij baths and terraces built out Into the sea; Preteoll, with Its busy harbor; Neapolls, one of the largest and wealthiest of the Roman cities, with Herculaneum, Pompeii snd Stabiae, occupied the sea coast in an almost continuous line. Behind them, wltb Its slopes reaching almost to the sea, rose Mount Vesuvius, clad to Its summit, which reached to the height of about 4,000 feet, with olive and vine. A luxuriant vegeta tion concealed all traces of the volcanlo nature ot the mountain, and neither history nor tradition preserved any record which might warn the populous cities at its base of the danger which threatened them. Karthquakes, Indeed, were not unfrequent In Uie country, and one of more severity than usual had, sixteen years before, seri ously injured both Herculaneum and Pom peii. But of the existence of a volcano no suspicion seems to have been entertained. 'It was 1 o'clock In the afternoon of August 24, 79 (A. D.) that a cloud of un usual size and shape rose from the summit of Vesuvius, like a stout pine with a lofty trunk and a cluster of branches at the top, continually varying in weight, and of changing line, sometimes fiery-bright, sometimes streaked with black. It was the beginning of that great shower of ashes and dust which is said to have reacted aa far as Africa and Egypt. Showers of cinders and fragments of heated stone fell around and on the ships In the bay and elsewhere. At the same time it was found that the soundings of the bay were altered, the effect attributed to the falling masses, but probably in a great measure owing to an elevation of the seabed. The alarm became very great. Tha ships were kept busy In embarking the terrified inhabitants of the coast. Flames, which the approaching darkness had now made more visible, were seen to break forth from the summit and sides of Vesuvius. The houses were trembling with frequent shocks of earthquake, and threatened destruction to their Inmates. Out of doors there was the peril of falling stones, which though calcined by fire, and therefore light In proportion to their else, seemed to be sufficiently heavy to be dan gerous. To leave the houses appeared, on tha whole, the preferable alternative With pillows and cushions fastened upon their heads, the people sallied forth, first making their way to the sea, by which they hoped to secure their escape. It was found that escape by the sea was Im possible as It was wild and stormy. with the wind blowing strongly on ahore. Many people suffered death here from flame and Inhaling sulphurous vapors.' Of his personal experience Pliny says in his second letter to Tacitus: "There hud been noticed for many days before a trem bling of the earth, which had caused, how ever, but little fear, because It is not un usual In Campania. But that night it was so violent that one thought that everything was being not merely moved, but abso lutely overturned. My mother rushed Into my chamber to awaken me: We sat down in the open court of the house, which occu pied a small space between the buildings and the sea. Just then a friend of my un cle arrived and when he saw that we were sitting down he rebuked my mother for her patience and me for my blindness to the danger. It was now 7 o'clock In the morn ing, but the daylight was faint and doubt ful. The surrounding buildings were now so shattered that the place where we were, which, though open, was small, the danger that they might fall on us was Imminent and unmistakable. So we at last deter mined to quit the town. A panic-stricken crowd followed us. They preferred the Ideas of others to their own, and they pressed on us and drove us on as we de parted by their dense array. When we had got away from the building we stopped. There we had to endure the sight of many marvelous, many dreadful things. The carriages which we had directed to be brought out moved in opposite directions, though the ground was perfectly level; even when scotched with atones they did not remain steady In the same place. Be sides this, we saw the sea retire into Itself, seeming, as it were, to be driven back by the trembling movement of the earth. The shores had distinctly advanced and many marine animals had been left high and dry on the sands. Behind us was a dark and dreadful cloud, which, as it was broken with rapid xigilg flashes, revealed be hind It marvelously shaped masses of flame; these last were like sheet lightning, though on a larger scale. It was not long before the cloud we saw began to descend upon the earth and cover the sea. Ashra now began to fall, still, however. In small quantities. I looked behind nie; a dense, dark mist seemed to be following us, spreid Ing itself over the country like a cloud. 'It us turn out of the way.' I said, whilst we can still see, for fear that should we fall In the road we should be trodden under Twit In the darkness by the throng that accompany us.' We had scarcely sat down when the night was upon us. not such aa we have when there is no moon, or when the sky Is cloudy, but such as there Is in some closed room when the lights are extinguished. "Tou might hear the shrieks of women, the monotonous wailing of children, the shouting of men. Many were raising their vohea. and seeking to recognlxe by the voices that replied, parents, children, hus band or wives. Some were loudly lunieut Ing thf lr own fate, others the fate of those dear to them. Some were praying for death. In their fear of what they prayed for. Many lifted their hands in prayer to the, gods, more were convinced that there were no gods at all. and that the final endless night of which we have heard had come upon the world. "It now grew somewhat light again; we frit sure that this was not the light of day. but a proof that fire was ap proaching us. Fire there was. but it stopped at a considerable distance from us; then came darkness again, and a thick, heavy fall of ashes Again and again we stood up and shook them off, otherwise we should have been covered by them. I might boast that not a sigh, not a word wanting In courage, escaped me, even In the midst of erll an great, bad I dot been convinced that I was perishing with the universe and the universe with me a miserable and yet mighty solace In death. At last the black mist that I had spoken of seemed to shade off Into smoke or cloud, and to roll away. Then came genuine daylight and the sun shone out In a lurid light, such as It Is wont to have In an eclipse. Our eyes, which had not yet recovered front the effect -of fear, saw everything changed, everything covered with deep ashes as if With snow. We returned to Mlsenum snd after re freshing ourselves as best we could, spent a night In mingled anxiety and fear. Fear was still, however, the stronger feeling: for the trembling of the earth continued, while many frenxied persons with their terrific predictions, gave an exaggeration that was even ludicrous to the exclamations of them selves and their friends." While Pliny does not give any specific count of Herculaneum fend Pompeii, mod ern research Informs us that Herculaneum was overwhelmed with a torrer.t of liquid mud, which Issued from the volcano, and that rompell was burled under showers of ashes and stones. There is no evidence that any lava was emitted dining this eruption. But the abundant steam given off by the volcano seems to have condensed Into copious rain, which, mixing with the light volcanic dust, gave rise to torrents of pasty mud that flowed down the slopes and overwhelmed houses and villages. Herculaneum Is be lieved to have been destroyed by these "water lavas" and there Is reason to sup pose that similar material filled the cellars and lower parts of rompell. Another great eruption of Vesuvius oc curred December It!, Ifi3l, which for six months previous was predicted by a series of earthquakes of greater or less violence. Vast clouds of dust and stones, blown "out of the crater and funnel of the volcano, were hurled Into the air and carried for hundreds of miles, the finer particle fall ing to the earth even In the Adriatic and at Constantinople. The clouds of steam condensed Into copious torrents, which, mingling with the fine ashes, produced muddy streams that swept far and wide over the plains, reaching even, to the foot of the Appenines. Issuing from the flanks of the mountain,, several streams of lava flowed down toward the west and south and reached the sea at twelve or thirteen different points. Though tha Inhabitants had been warned by the earlier convulsions of the mountain, so swiftly did destruction come upon them that 18,000 people perished fn the eruption. After this great convulsion, which emptied the crater, Veauvlus has never again relapsed Into a condition of total quiesenee. At Intervals, varying from a few weeks or months to a few years. It has broken out Into eruption, sometimes emitting only steam, dust snd scorvise, but frequently also streams of lava. The years, 17ti6-67, 1779. 1794, 1825, 1872-79 and 1881, were marked by special activity, but with no disastrous loss of life. PERSONAL KOTF.S. Prof. J. A. Davles of Kansas City, Kan., who has Just died, is said to have been the oldest stenographer In the country, having learned the art In 1842. The British have abolished the middle exit doors of electric "trains," Instituted by the late Mr. Terkes. The "step-lively" Idea does not appeal to them. In Justice to Mr. Carnegie It should be understood that when he kissed two south ern women at Atlanta Saturday It was strictly In their representative capacity. San Francisco is almost paralysed by the conduct of a district attorney there who has a notion that laws were 'meant -to be enforced. No precedent for hit radicalism can be found in local records. Count John Bernstoff. who has just been promoted from the post of councilor of the Oermsn embassy In Ixmdon to that of the kaiser's minister in F-gypt, has an Amer ican wife in the person of the daughter of Edward Luckemeyer of New York. Russell Sage at last has been eliminated . as an active factor In Wall street's world i.f flnant ilthniivh I. a la ,, a .1 1 I , i r ' In twenty-six railroads, he will appear no more at the directors' meetings, which he attended so punctually for years. Mr. Sage will be 95 years old In August. Joseph Q. Cannon, speaker of the house, will be 70 years old on May 7, on which day a large reception will be held In his honor In Washington as the guest of fie house of representatives. The affair Is being planned on an elaborate scale and the function will undoubtedly be one of the biggest of Its kind ever held In the national rapital. Reverence nt Ihe Ballot Bos. St. Paul Pioneer Press. "When I vote. I put on my best clothes and my top hat, go to the polls, salute the officers, take off my hat and cast my ballot." Such, as told By Andrew P. White In his autobiography, was the declaration of Prof. F.ste-von Fuertes, a scientist from rorto Rico, once on the faculty of Cornell university. Drawn to the I'nlted States by sn ardent love of liberty, the ordinances of her temple were in his view too sacred to he participated In otherwise than with a reverence and dignity akin to that which characterises the behavior of the Chris tian at the holy communion. Such a con ception as this of the true nobility attach ing to the exercise of the franchise, If It should take root In the minds of the people, would do not a little to purify our elec tions and reduce the number of ballots cast for unworthy candidates or un-American policies. Prof. Fuertes held up an ideal line of behavior for voters, the spirit of which might well be generally cultivated. Bourke TKe Tailor 319 So. 16th Street. Has Added a Complete Line of Snappy, High Grade Men's Furnishing Goods. The kind That Makes You Feel Well Dressed and Look the Part. LET ME SHOW YOU. I HOMRSEF.KRRtl' RA0. Extensive Westward Movement of Ihe Uss llanary. Chicago Tribune. The derision of western railways to make low rates to homSekrs weekly In sures a heavy passenger traffic westward this spring and salramer. Among the army of homeseekers fill he htSny of th for eigners who are ipoming Into the country by hundreds of tltoqssnds.' Most of the lm mlgrants wers farmer's In their native land and prefer to become -so ,Ueri( Those who stay In cities usually do no because they get stranded there. Another big class that will take advantage of the rates will be composed of the sons of prosperous middle western farmers. ; 9te fathers have made their fortunes by "taking up" new 1hcm1 snd holding it while It grew In v:ilue and the sons are ambitious to do llkewie. Many land owners also will sell nut am! go west to buy more snd cheaper acres There Isn't so much good soil to be g u almost for the niefV asking .ns there was quarter century ago.. The middle west, once the promised land Tf the- homesei-k'-r, la now pretty well settled. There is still a great deal of such aollj- however. There is still some in It In 'as old states a Mis souri and -Arkansasr 'There Is some in western Kansas and western Nebraska. But most of It is In the northwest and southwest; and for these sections n ma jority of the homeseekei s will buy tickets. A large part of them will settle In Texas, where there are many thousands of fertile and unfilled acres. Another large part will settle ia Minnesota, the Dskotas. Oregon and Washington. Many others will be in duced to follow ormer noighliois to the Canadian northwest. Land hunger haa long been one of tin strong appetites of men. It has done more to populate the extensive territory of Hie United States- than any other force. It has been the chief cause of many foreigners coming here and has been the solo cause of most easterners moving west aud of most westerners moving farther west. That it Is more potejjt sometimes than even love of country la shown not only by the numerous foreigners who have conn to America but by the many Americans who are going to Canada. Most men w ho haven't land would like to have some, an I those who have snme.want rnore. I-and hunger will continue to send fotili tralnloads of. homcseekers every year, un til all the cultivable eaill on the continent Ik become possible to get the Intensive system of farming Widely substituted for the ex tensive system. Men enjoy the ownership of land as well as Its produce; and as long as they can become owners of many acres will not try to see how mujh.Tliey can glow on a few. MCRRV JINGLfc. "The president Is a great peacemaker, hi t ha? . "He cortaJnly la There wasi Portsmouth and now Algeclras. Say?" "WhatT" "Wonder who he doestv't try his hand on the senate." Philadelphia Ledger. "Our cook got It Into her head that she could earn a big salary by going on the stage." "Did she.'go? "No, my wife' Is giving her oil cents move a week and she's going to stay with us. " Cleveland Plain Dealer. " 'Oh, docther. riaiiUitl' " says an old woman in a atery. told by a- trained nurse of how an operation fur appendicitis on the woman's daughter waa evaded. " "Give her two days' chance. Annwlnt do you think? Before them two days was up ehe coughed It up." "Boston Herald. , ll:tnr Iiid you get a good story of that stabbing affray? Reporter Yfs, sir. , Editor-Then weil run'lt .with" plenty of en f a Ra I Imnlv Amprli'kn ; Mr jatv about worn I , l r if Ml J J hacfcV-a'm' fired! ef tftcMt Moke- women being so slow to make up their minds. Mr. Jawback Well, I notice there are no women In congress. Mrs, jawnacK tee. ana just iook ai me blamed thing! Cleveland Leaser. The ngtessman had given hla city pail i rion the iti-hssv exnanse was sign ii-e;i Oft. The congressman scanned It critically. "The prass is in no danger." he muttered. "I know where thnt sign belongs." A little later it was observed to be tacked to the seat cf the congressional chair. i-iilladelpLia l.U.;er. . . i l The census taker: "How old are you ma'am?" The haughty liuly: "Twenty-six." The census laker: "You mlsundei stood me. I asked your age, no - your tem perature." Cleveland Plalw Dealer. A WOMAV W A. S. E. Klser in the Recoid-lleiald.:.. When pa came home the other night-he had a happy amlle And said to ma that we would soon be llvln' In great style, Because a man had been around that day to let him In, Just ns a favor, on a thins; that couldn't fall to win. " "He'll let me have the stock," saya pa, ";tt fifty cents a share If I'll subscrlfce tomorrow, for there's lulu left to spare. "He'll let us In st fifty cents, for evet.v sliara we buy," Says pa, while ma she didn't seerd to hardly hat an eye, "An in six weeks from now. U. we've tt mind to let it go. Weil get ten dollars for each share that's estimated low I've seen his papers and they're straight; there ain't a chance to loss Say, what s the trouble with you, ma? Tou don't aet-m to enthuse." "If It's as good as that," says ma, "I can't quite understand What makes hint want to let lr go. Of course It would be grand To get the money, but I'd feel aa though It wasn't fair To rob him. as we would IT we should lake a single share." "Confound a woman, anyway," says pa. To want to wake a person when he ing pleasant dreams."