Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Has for Thirty Years been Recognized by the
Medical Profession as an Invaluable Remedy in
Brighfs Disease. Albuminuria of Pregnancy,
Renal Calculi, Gout, Rheumatism and all Dis
eases Dependent upon a Uric Acid Diathesis.
Time adds to the Voluminous Testimony of
Leading Clinical Observers.
Dr. Graeme M. Hammond, of Kew York, Professor of Diseases
cf the Mind and A'et vous System in the AV Vort Post-graduate Med if at
School and Hospital: "In all cases of BRIQMT'5 DISEASE of the
ESTSSJ Buffalo LmiiAYtaTER tiSSVi
tity of urine and In ELIMINATING the ALBUMEN. In certain cases of
Melancholia, accompanied by excessive elimination of URATES and
URIC ACID, It is often the only remedy necessary. In OOUT and
fiiifJ? WSS&S" CUFfnio LmnA toted M
most valuable mineral water In use."
"especially CUfFALO LITHIAWATER of vircinia."
Samuel O. L. Potter, A. M., M. D.t M. R. C. P., London, Pro
fessor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine in the College of Physicians
and Surgeons, San Francisco, in hi handbook of PHARMACY, MATERIA
MEDICA and THERAPEUTICS, a text book In many of the leading
medical college of the country, under the bead of ALBUMINURIA,
W&F2Z Buffalo LmnA Water SIK
highly recommended' Under the head of "CHRONIC BRIQHT'S
DISEASE," paf?e 6or, same edition, In the citation of remedies, he says:
;rp.Tu.T;tethe Bunwjo Lithia V&otr th liV h':;
maoy advocates."
Dr. Wm. H. Drummond, Professor of Medical Jurisprudence,
Pishop's University, Montreal, Canada: "In the Acute and Chronic
Nephritis BRIQHT'S DISEASE of Gouty and Rheumatic origin, as
:,e,VVSKeri?ra Buefalo lithia water
to act as a VERITABLE ANTIDOTE, and I know of NO OTHER
Geo. Halated Borland, A. M., M. D., of Paris, Doctor of Medi
cine of the Faculty of far is, says: "There Is no remedy so absolutely
specific In all forms of ALBUMINURIA and BRIUHT'S DISEASE,
Duefalo LmimltoR.rjV'.'-T.:
diet. In all cases of Pregnancy where Albumin is found in the urine as
late as the last week before confinement, if this Water and milk diet are
prescribed, the Albumin disappears rapidly from the urine and the
patient has a positive guaranty against Puerperal Convulsions. Used
as a substitute for ordinary water during the period of Gestation, it will be
found Invaluable as a preventive of Puerperal Convulsions and other
disturbances incident to this condition. It is also an undoubted tonic to both
mother and child, allaying at the same time Nau6ea and Vomiting."
Buffalo Litiiia Vater rXby Grocer,,nd Druggis,i
Testimonials which defy all imputation or questions sent to any address."
Hotel at Springs Opens June I Oth.
Program of Pauamerican Congress May Be
Changed After Opening.
Man) (lai'Xliinn if ;rute Importance
to South Americn ot on Pro
lirani an laoiied b
Formnr Secretary Carlisle Addresses Senate
Committee on Subject.
Speaker Contends that Majority Vote
la Safflrlrnt to I nseat Member
from I tab. lader tha
and th. seat therefore can be vacated by jN5a. C4a:;'JS.5Xa!03aK.SS;..3 ,CK.'"W''7":S')."-y-;jj.- ,a;,-..ry ja5y,:'SK-. "3
a majority vots. j !
Members of the committee took great In- k f fl mm JL lm t m Fl ) f 7 - - jC JT . J
iviaiuuebb ivmunery wr easier
The selection of a becoming Easter hat is a pleasure atBrandeis
x so many charming hats to select from, at just the price you wish to
" pay j,,,
terest In this argument. Messrs Bailey.
Knox, Dillingham and Dolllver asking
numerous question.
When Mr. Carlisle doped he announced
that he would not attempt to answer to
argument of Mr. Worthington. which will
be made tomorrow at 10 o'clock.
WASHINGTON. April 12.-Scveral of the
Cpaniah-Ameilcnn lepublics ro more. In
terested In questions nut contained in the
program Xor4 t,(e ,fa.mm4ilvu.. roneria
at Rip, Janclronc jt July tjiaii In the sub
jects agreed upon lor dlcu8i-lon. Although
the program nan been diclded upon It Is
likely that other questions will be laid
beforo the cunureKs when It la convened.
The ull-lmportiint question to many South
America 11 republ.ea Is the navigation of
rlvera pa.;nc through two or more re
publics DiRputct more aggravated than
those which huvu arisen over the boundary
raters bctvtHi. -the t'nited Statea and
Canada huve l!i ::tc:ied the peace of South
America iir t iliy In recent years. Lo
cated ns ivr.y ct' the South American re
public, are mi iintalns to the westward
form ti barrio: Ij their commerce nnd the
rlvera anr the Qhlef avenue of trade.
The Orinlco.- Amnion and Plata rivers
and their numerous tributaries for an In
viting net of waterway for the products
of parts of Colombia, Itollvtu, Peru and I
Kcqundor, but the conditions under which !
after the regular opening time, 9:30, while
a rubber stamp changed the aerial number
on tax receipt!! anrw for the benefit of the
new regime. .
The transfer was checked by the comp
trollerfs offices and auditors for the bond
ing companies holding the Burettes of
Treasurers Fink and Hennlngs.
For the present city business will be
transacted in the old quarters at the city
hall the same as usual. I-ater the offices
will be consolidated either In the court
house or city hall as finally arranged.
City Treasurer Hennlngs declines to say
what course he will take as to resigning
or his future business connections. He
remains city treasurer In title and with
salary until May 21, when his term expiree.
Fud of Y. W. C. A. Gradually (irovrs
and Neva- Forres Are Fat
to Work.
The siren whistle of the Omaha Bemis
Rag company got Into the Young Women's
Christian association building campaign
Thursday morning and until the canvass
closes next Monday evening will blow for
every $1,000 that la raised. A few shrieks
too many Thursday morning misled tha
women to unwarranted rejoicing, but the
fund was Increased up to noon by. (3,000,
11.000 of which was the girt of the Omaha
National bank, 1250 from the Richardson
Drug company and several hundred dol
lars from the teams helped to make up the
other $3,000. raising the total to $,239.46.
A pledge of $ii0 was made Thursday morn
lng from the household economics depart
ment of the Omaha 'Woman's club, the
WASHINGTON, April 12. Arguments In
the case of Senator Reed Srrmot were be-
aun today before the senate committee on
privileges and elections after an Inquiry
extending over three years Into his right
to return his seat. Former Secretary of
the Treasury John Q. Carlisle opened fot
the protectants. Hs will be followed b)
A. 8. Worthlngton of the counsel for Mr
Smoot. The members of the committed
present were Chairman Burrows and
Messers Foraker, Knox, Dolllver, Dilling
ham, Dubois, Bailey, Overman, Frasler and
Pet t us.
The committee room was crowded, most
of the spectators being women. Mr. Smoot
was present, as well as several prominent
Mormons who have assisted Mr. Smoot In
his defense. The rtah senator apparently
Was not concerned as to the outcome of
the proceedings.
Mr. Carlisle reviewed first the testimony
of President Joseph Smith and other Mor
mon officials to show that the first presi
dency and the twelve apostles are a self
perpetuating body responsible for every
thing that Is done, either spiritual or tem
Mr. Smoot s membership In this body,
asaerted Mr. Carlisle, made blm equally
responsible for any wrongdoings under the
laws of the nation. He said the Mormon
church Is mors than a church; it Is a
commercial and political organization. He
criticised at some length church control
over candidacies for Its public offices and
asserted that the situation Is such that
the politics of Utah can be dominated by
the Mormon church at will.
Senator Knox inquired of Mr. Carlisle
whether he contended that the laws of the
church require members to submit to the
Jurisdiction of the church laws when In
conflict with the laws of the state and na
tion. Mr. Carlisle replied that was his con
tention and that the officers of the church
could do nothing without the consent of
the apostles, of which Mr. Smoot la one.
Speaking of the endowment house oaths
Mr. Carlisle admitted that he did not know
the exact form of the obligation taken, but
he believed It could not be disputed that
some oaths of the character described by
several witnesses Is administered and that
each person taking the ceremony assumes
an obligation to avenge the blood of the
prophets upon this nation.
Constitutional Provisions.
Discussing the constitutional provision
relating to the eligibility of members of
the senate, Mr, Carlisle said that three dis
qualifications are enumerated Insufficient
age, noncitizenship of the United States
and noncitizenship of the state for the
requisite period, but that these are not all
of the disqualifications of which the senate
may take cognizance. He mentioned cer
tain classea of law breakers, lunatics and,
finally, women. Dissenting laughter from
the women greeted this classification and
Mr. Carlisle paused a moment to make his
peace, during which he said hs hoped to
sea a constitutional amendment that would
admit them.
Mr, Carlisle contended that the senate or
house ahould determine the fitness of its
members to serve, In the same manner as
it the constitutional privileges did not exist.
He declared that expulsion of a senator
cannot be made because of something that
occurred prior to the beginning of his term;
that expulsion must be for an act com
mitted as a member of the legislative body
and this would require a two-thlrda vote
of the senate. He contended that the case
against Mr. Smoot Is to disqualify him for
service and that It can be done by passing
a resolution to the effect that the Utah
senator lacks the requisite qualification
Soch Is Idea of Jefferls, M ho Promises
Hottest City Campaign
A. W. Jefferls, chairman of the new re
publican city committee, proposes to give
Omaha a municipal campaign possessing a
xest and vigor never known here before.
With only three weeks remaining until
election day the chairman says he recog
nizes the necessity for prompt and ener
getic measures, and he Is anxious to show
Omaha just how swift and efficacious a
fight can be made for the ticket.
If he has hla way headquarters wilt be
located In a big tent on a prominent down
town corner, where not only conferences,
but mass meetings can be held. He thinks
the tont Idea would appeal to the voters
on the balmy spring evenings when It
would be difficult to herd them In stuffy
halls. At the same time expenses will ba
lessened, with the accomplishment of bet
ter results. In the chairman's opinion. He
does not mean to dispense with ward
"Don't believe what you hear about re
publican defection," Bays Chairman Jefferls.
The democrats recognize that we had
many candidates In our primary contests
and that In the nature of things only a
few could be successful. Reasoning along
this line they figured there would be many
soreheads, and they started out to circu
late stories of how republicans were bolting
tickets by the hundreds.
'During my few hours as chairman of
the committee I have had many callers and
they come from all factions and ranks of
the party. They all pledge their support.
The city committee Is harmonious and
united, all reports to the contrary notwith
standing, and the outlook Is good to me."
The Equal Rights club Is expected to
ratify the ticket at a meeting to be held
next week.
Simple but Stylish Suit Hats
The sailors and the little bent up nnd tilted
shapes, effectively trimmed with small and
large flowers and neat ornaments. aJxfl
All it II i x - II' V
.mi ine si if yuu wouiu expect to
find in a five dollar hat at,
Contracts for Completing: Boolerard
Are Let by the City Park
A committee of the Park board composed
of Commissioners Craig, Oondon and Mills
In company with the city engineer will
make a trip over the proposed routes of
North and West Central Boulevards Mon
day and examine the plans prepared in the
engineer's office. The commissioners wish
to make a personal examination of the
ground before committing themselves posi
tively to the lines the driveways will take.
At the special meeting Thursday morning
Increasing number of north end residents
and property owners appeared asking for
Information about the routes. Much build
ing and some pending transaction are being
held up awaiting the final decisions of the
board. Tha meeting was held to receive
bids and award a contract for completing
the west end of Central Boulevard from
Burt street to Bemis park, the Job entail
ing something like the handling of 18,000
cubic yards of earth. E. W. Lamereaux
captured the contract at 18 cents a yard.
Klerle A Plant bid 1H cents and Dugan
and Nolan 19 cents. Work Is to be started
without delay. For the most part it will
be through the Cfelghton farm property
north of Cuming Street.
Wife Saya Haaband Hart Her.
Mrs. I,ulu Anderson of Fourteenth and
Ohio afreets appeared In police court Thurs
day morning and swore to a complaint of
assault and battery asalnst her husband,
Lawrence Anderson. The wife alleged her
husband broke her nose whfie In a fit of
anger. The man has been In the police
court before on a similar charge.
Splendid Record.
Dr. King's New Life Pills have mada a
aolendld' record by curing headache, bilious
ness constlDatlon. etc. 26c. Try. For aals
bb Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
. W J . . . . I .
moKt of these Mrcam are open to Inter- , n'"", ,u, rlu""""
State comn-crce have discoursed shippers. ! ,h" c)'ml f 0"" rln which Is to
be an important feature of tha new build
International Commerce. I j
An attempt to Include the regulation of j Mls, Rp,e ChRmb... t,am nas dsvlsed
International commerce In the Rio Jun-in, ' , , for hpIpln, out th, fun(1.
program. had the support of several of tl,t i Thl. u.e of . dolen or more of tne targeit
west coast republics, but Brazil was uoi ) u.mob ,n the cy B, been promised
billing a n .1 ,llBn,. ..... . .1
pushing the matter. Colombia and Venez
uela have had trouble for years over the
navigation of the Orinlco nnd Its tribu
taries, but tula question of Interstate com
merce Is said to be one which will ba satis
factorily settled through the treaty now
pending between the two republics. As
Venezuela Is not a party to the Pan
American congress and siiows no indtca.
tlons of relenting and sending representa
tives to Rio Janeiro, the action of that"
body could not afrct the Orinlco river
navigation, but the navigation of the many
streams which traverse brain and Argen
tina in finding the way to the ocean waa
tha subject which the western powers
hoped to have satisfactorily disposed of.
Aa to Arbitration.
Another subject of great moment waa
the wording of the section of the program
relating- to arbitration. An attempt waa
made to have this section framed In such
a wsy that arbitration might be extended
to disputes In the past. If this had been
dons Peru might have been able to carry
to the Hague its old controversy with Chile
concerning the Tacna and Arcla provinces,
and many .other celebrated dlsputea might
bavs been reopened. But great care waa
taken in wording the arbitration provision
in such matter that it will not be retro
active. Yet this Is not aatlsfactory In Us
present form to many of the powera which
are to participate In the congresa and an
attempt to amend It is expected at Rio
City and Cooaty Treaaory Merged,
with Bob riak la Chars;
at t'oart Huasc.
The city treasurer's office ceased to exist
as a srpurat department Thursday aud
became merged with the county treasury
under tha charge of County Treasurer
Robert 6. Kink. With the city treasury
went the fiscal department of the school
district of Omaha. The transfer began
at I o'clock and continued throughout most
of (be day. The cash and checks in the
drawer were first tranxferrrd and later the
funds In the banks and the books.
Bis of the force in the city treasurer's
office were retained and eight dlsmltutrd.
Tboax to go were John Helgran, chief
clerk; Miaa Hogby. tax clerk; Miss Clara
Cooper stenographer, and Fred Schamel,
J. W. Van Gilder, Ooorg -Wright, Fted An
devson and Peter Ktewits. Those who will
atsy for th present ar I. U. Beisel, deputy;
J. W. Fead. bond clerk; Joel Johnson,
bookkeeper and Corliss f. Hopper, Thomas
Lamb and Lester Hutchinson. Ui clerks.
Their tenure Is Indefinite and for th most
of them la not expected to extend beyond
two weeks.
Th offlc was closed for about an houl
ftr Saturday afternoon, when beginning at
1 o'clock, partiea may leave Sixteenth and
Farnam streets every five minutes for an
hour's ride about the city to Florence,
Fort Crook or wherever desired. Tickets
will be sold at M cents each at the building
headquarters In the Board of Trade build
ing. The committee of sixty-five prominent
businesa men began Its work Friday as
sisting the women In the soliciting. An
other grain company has promised to con
tribute to the building fund 10 cents on
every car of grain it receives during the
next six months.
The teams have raised over $5,000 mor
than their original pledge $10,000 and have
started in determined to raise that amount
to $00,000 by next Monday night.
Colors and Captains. Amount.
Dark blue, Halite Hood $ $.246 5
Red. Edith Baker 2.514 60
Orange, Susan Paxson 1.814 00
Oreen. Mary I -arson 1.7'SI.00
Pink, Bessie Chamber 1.477.60
Violet, Clara Ady 1.2H0.7R
Brown, Ora Johnson 9.0 25
Yellow, Mrs. C. E. Perkins 84.00
Light blue, Nellie Crandall fi.8f
Lavender, May H. Finley 617.60
Total.....' $I5.1I.0
Every Woman a tha nee.
It will be an Impossibility for the com
mittees canvassing for the Young Woman's
Christian association building fund to see
In person everybody who would like to con
tribute. The proposed building will stand
for the best things for the womanhood of
the city.
W Invite every woman and girl to have
a part in It. We ask that every family at
the breakfast table sabbath morning make
an offering of at least $1 for every woman
and girl in th household. We appeal to
the parents to make an offering for th
very little girls, so that Ss they grow up
they may feel they have a part in It. This
is asked in addition to what may have al
ready been subscribed.
The Invitation Is given to hotels and
boarding houses. Bachelors and young men
may make the offering In the nam of their
mother, slaters or sweethearts. Monday
morning the names, with th money marked
"Easttr offering." should be left at head
quarters. Hoard of Trade building.
Every name accompanied by $t or mor
will be enrolled and placed In the corner
stone of the new building We hope that
many thousands will avail themselves of
this opportunity to take a share In the
ownership of IhU splendid buliillng. We
ak that It be made in the siiirlt of the
glad Kntertiile.
MUj. W. P. HARFORD. President.
t'rarldsloa at Trinity Cathedral.
The Cathedral choir, seventy-rive voices,
will render Stalner "I Yuclftxion" at Trin
ity Cathedral. Klghteenth street and Cap
itol avenue, this evening at S o'clock. The
choir will be aaaisted by the reKular so
loists of the church, namely: Mrs. Ben
Stanley, soprano; Miss Daisy HlgKins. con
tralto; Mr. W. B. Wllkms. tenor; Mr. C. n.
Mclntyre, la; Mr. Burt C. Miner, bari
tone: Mr. Walter Nixon, baritone, and Mr.
Stanley, organlat and choirmaster. There
la. of courre. no charge for admission.
Mak your wants known through
columns of Th Bee want ad pag.
To Help the Y. W. C. A.
Build Their New Home
Are not the girls whose daily work is in the factory
and shop entitled to a home as much as the boys? We owe
them much. Remember they are to be the wives and
mothers of our boys and children the home-makers and
builders of the coining generation. Let everybody help
a little just a little and the girls are assured a handsome
If all our subscribers will prepay their
subscription one year the per cent for the
When you send in your prepaid subscription mention
the team you wish to have credit for it.
Old Subscriber's Coupon.
Enclosed please find f to
prepay my subscription. It Is understood that 10 per cent of. this pay
ment is for the Y. W. C: A. Building Fund.
Address ...i
Credit to team
New Subscriber's Coupon.
I hereby subscribe to The Evening; and Sunday Dee at 10 cents a
wk for we ks and enclose I
in payment of same. It is understood that 25 per cent of this payment
is for the Y. W. C. A. Dullding Fund.
Name .
Start paper . .
Credit to team
Elegance and Refinement In M
Ihese Fsshlonable Models of b
Easter Hats at $5 1
Thousands of women wish a moderate priced
hat for Easter yet they demand correct
unu uu uti ja pwvt laiu ill lllfIl Hills,
It is such women as these that Bran
deis can satisfy perfectly In this
group at $5 we show all the popular
shades and every pretty color com
bination 1
Models that are Absolutely Exclusive.
Easter Millinery, $8.50
Scores of absolutely new designs in this group
trimmed with the most expensive mate
rials, all colors that Fashion favors. Shapes
that are becoming to every face in
this great assortment. Expert sales
ladies assist you in the choice of
proper hat for you to wear, special
;CX.5SX:-X, sXOQIXyQ9X03
The household economic department of
the Woman's club has sdrlcd another Item
to its long list of practical accomplish
ments In Its gift of $fl0 FViday to the build
ing fund of the Young- Women's Christian
association, the money to be applied on
the equipment of the School of Domestic
Science, which Is to he a conspicuous fea
ture of the association's new building. The
department raises its funds by giving ken
sington afternoons for the members each
month. These are always well attended
and each member contributes 10 cents. By
this plan and a few luncheons the depart
ment has been able to carry on Its own
work and contribute to several worthy
causes, among them being the support of
the travelers' aid, a domestic science schol
arship at Bellevue college and the main
tenance of cooking claases at the City mis
sion. The local Women's Christian Temper
ance union will renew Its agitation for
a night police matron at the city Jail. At
present there Is a day matron, but the
women contend that where women are
confined as prisoners there should be a
woman over them all of the time. Various
organizations of women of the city have
Interested themselves In the work tf the
police matron st various times and it Is
expected these will unite their Influence
to a night ss well as day. matron.
The greater part of Wednesday after
noon's meeting of the union was devoted
to a discussion of the remodeling of the
city Jail and conditions prevailing there.
Some time ago the union, in a written
communication to the Board of Fire and
Police commissioners, asked that women
prisoners In the city Jail be completely
separated from the men. In reply the
women were assured that the remodeling
of the city Jail then In process would ac
complish such a separation. A commit
tee from the union visited the Jail re
cently and Wednesday afternoon reported
that the new arrangements, while admit
ting of more privacy, Is still far from
what Is desirable, for conversation between
the women and men prisoners may still
be carried on. A communication was or
dered Bent to the police commissioners call
ing attention to this fact and asking more
privacy for toilet and bath conveniences,
also that a night matron be Installed.
At the annual meeting of the depart
ment of physical culture and expression
held Wednesday, Miss Minnie HUler wm
re-elected leader: Mrs. C. R. Olover, as
sistant leader; Mrs. J. O. Burger, sec re- '
tary and treasurer, and Mrs. H. F. Wagnor
representative on the directory. The de
partment will continue to meet every two
weeks, the same week as the general club
W rf'.l al rt n B M Mrv
Herald Square, New York.
Completely renovated and refur
nished. Th largest nnd most attractive
has been uewly opened up.
Special Inducements to COMMER
CIAL MEN with namplea. Thirty large
and well lighted SAMPLE ROOMS,
with or without bath. Forty large
front suits, with parlor, two bedrooms
and private bath, suitable for families
or parties traveling together.
The Old English
Grill Room
Is an Innovation. Unique and original.
All exposed cooking. Sea food of all varieties a specialty.
Our combination Breakfasts are a popular feature.
The German Rathskeller
Ik Broadway's greatest attraction for special food dishes and popular music.
400 rooms, 200 baths. Rates for rooms $1.50 and upward: $8.00 and
upward with bath. Parlor, bedroom and bath $3.00. $4.00 and $5.00 per
day; parlor, two, bedrooms and bath, $5.00, $6.00 and $8.00 per day. $1.00
extra where two persons occupy single room.
Write for Booklet.
The members of the department of
ethics and philosophy surprised Miss
Josle Mcllugh Tuesday at her home. Miss
McHugh having been leader of the de
partment for the past two years. Re
freshments were provided by the women
and a handsome hand decorated tea et
was the gift to the leader from the de
partment membera.
To Colorado and Return
July 10 to 15. Inclusive.
To Colorado and Return
Every day, June 1 to September 80.
To Salt Lake City or Ogden and Return,
every day. June 1 to Beptember 30.
To San Frunclsco or Los Angeles and Re
turn, April 25 to May 5, Inclusive.
To Yellowstone Park and Return through.
Including rail and stage. May 29 to Sep
tember 17. 19d6.
o California. Returning via Portland
April 25 to May i.
To Yellowstone Park and Return through,
Including rail, stage and hotels In Park
for six and quarter days, May to Sep
tember 17.
Also very low round-trip rates, June 1 to September
15, to many California, Oregon, Washington
Montana and British Columbia points.
Inquire at
'Phone Douglas 884.
A bill providing for the appropriation
of $300,000 to be used by the Department
of Commerce and Labor In an official In
vestigation of the Industrial conditions of
women and children waa Introduced In
the house of representatives of congress,
March SO, by Member Gardner of New
Jersey, chairman of labor committee. The
bill la now R. R. 17.562 and la In the
hands of the committee of the whole
house on the state of the union. Club
women are urged to petition their con
gressmen to support this bill.
The Woman's Journel of Boston,
founded by Lucy Stone and one of the
most widely circulated women's papers
In this country, has announced that In
future It will bear the Union Label. Sev
eral club papers already bear the label
and the Interest of the women la shown
In the Increasing frequency with which It
appears on year books, committee reports
and other literature sent out In the In
terest of club work every year. j
As it will be impossible for the solicit
ing committee or team members to call
upon all who wish to contribute to the
building fund of the Young Woman's
Christian association, all those who ex
pect to give are urged to send In their
pledges aa soon aa possible and so ex
pedite the work of making up the clos
ing record, the campaign ending at mid
night Monday, April 1.
ha lid I as Permits.
The city has Issued building permits to
the following: C J. Carlson. frame
dwelling at Twentieth and Maple; T. A.
Jackson. $2,000 franm dwelling at 3'.':'4 H-Mith
Thirty-second avenue; S Klnkenstrln, fci.Mit
Blondo; Robert Nicoll. ll'.&uO frame dwelling ll
at Thirty-fifth and Lafayette Hvenue; Al- 1 7 7" V I
bert Bergkrots. C..V frame dwelling at I 'je"J
Fifteenth and Lalk: W. H. l-ong. Jl 1 . I
welling at 3711 Nirth Twenty-ec- I f " 1
ond: V.. M Uarmsn. t'2.lG frame dwelling III) 11
at Twenty .' unh and Mandersnti: (J A ' I M 1 1
Morton. 15.a4 Vic k houses at 6-i liar- j ly If If
ne ; Krneat tswut, rW brick iiuusna at V Jf
ol-l Harnty. I m
$18.00 PER MONTH
This is conveniently located next to the ele-.
vator, so that the office is a particularly desir
able one. Offices are scarce these days, so if you
want it, don't wait till after the other fellow haa
snapped it up.
Is the best known office location in Omaha. Every
body knows that The Be Building is the best
"office neighborhood" in town and you are
known by the company yon keep. The priAe in
cludes heat, electric light, water and janitor service.
Apply for offices to '
R. W. Baker, Supt.
Room 418
C. C. Rosewater, Sec'y.
Corner 17th and Farnam.
1517 Douglas St.
Circulating th blood.
turu rntlKTRICTIflll
r.l Ju ,!l la
lsi sail nttores lull ulal eerc. (old en biaL
Cil tmi ter tr. aanlieaTaS. staie.
HI NIC CO. ISSN I4Birt8awhSISat4lLau.Bte.