THE OMAHA DAILY BKE: THURSDAY, APRIL 12. lima. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Cablet Betpond lot Feebly to American Adtance. WHEAT STRONG ON CASH SITUATION Close U Above IHak Tolat of PrvTl Bay Spot torn Half tent Hlaher, A4vanrln( () p- tlons Oats gtroag. OMAHA. April 11. 1904. tCheat was weak through tne eariy part of the session, opening prices being 'y lower. Cables rcspunueo, but feebly to lue American advance yesleruay. nepoits 11 good sales of cash wheat at advanced prices turned the market strong and tne clone on May wii itv, which was above yesterday's hlgli jlnt. Deferred futures were inclined to arag. The cash situation m very strong and receipts are Hunt. Corn waa Mining. At one tune prices Were He higher, and the close waa '4 higher Domestic demand waa good and receipt light, putting up rasn puces "t Trade was annul, and of a stalplng natuie. Data have held a hi in undertone lor pome time, on account of late needing. This and a firm corn market advanced prices to day Sc. 1'rlnmry wheat receipts were 2',l,nn0 bn. nnd shipments 222. n) bu., against receipts last year of 22,otio bu. and shipment a of V'l.oX; bu. Coin receipts were 4l,0oo bu. and shipments .'.Vt.noi bu., against receipts last year of 74VMI bu. and shipments of 4.ori bn. flearantea were 4Si4.i. bu. of wheat, .7!4 bhla. flour, 177,i") bu. corn luid bT.cto bu. oats. Liverpool cloH!-d Wi'i'i higher on wheat and unchanged to VI higher on corn. Broomhall quote repoits from Russia nnd Poland allowing u satisfactory condi tion on the wliler crop, Conditions me favorable In India, with the exception of aome hall reported In the I'nlted Provinces. Rankin wired the Von Doi n Oram com pany: 'Country miller." are said to have iltfliculty in schilling enough wheat from farmers to supply their wants, and In some localities are offering elevator people more for wheat than will net them to ship." Local range of options: on trsi k. No. I northern. Tc; No. I north ern. 77V ; May. 7:Nc; July, W"c; Septem ber. 7S,i OATH To arrive on track nnd Mar. Jlc. EW KIRK t.KSF.KAI. .M4.RKKT tarloaa I Ariicles. Open. High. Ixiw. Close. Yesy. Vheat- I I I Corn- III May...4ieV.A 4l4l'lA 41Si 4l'4 July...! 4lH tlm 4lB 4IVB 41V.U May... I 3oA &1V4A Omnha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 72i7oc; No. 3 hard. V&7Vc; No. 4 hnrd, Viti5-: No. 2 spring, TSojt44c: No. spring, Mf7Hc. CORN No. 1, V(H2c; No. 4. 4'4i41c; No. 3 yellow, 42c; No. 3 white, 43c. OATS No. 3 mixed, 3"e; No. 3 white. 0,c; No. 4 white, -MWw. UYJS-NO. 2, 63c; No. 3, olttc tarlot Receipts. Wheat Corn Oats. Chicago Kansas City ... Minneapolis ... Duluti St. Louis 12 54 146 32 Id no 33 3s 44 CHICAGO GltAl AXD PRO Visit) Keataree of th Trading and Closla Prices oa Board of Trad. CHICAGO, April 11. Large clearances at the seaboard had a strengthening effect today on the local wheat market and at me close the May option showed a gain of He Corn was up Vjft'Vic Oata were 'a3u higher and provisions 10c lower to higher. During th first hour prices for wheat waa somewhat easier because of continued favorable weather for winter wheat, prom ts king by local longs and the failure of me Liverpool market to respond to yester day's advance. Later in the day prices advanced on a good general demand. Tha innuence that exerted the greatest effect wan the increase In the amount of bread tuffs taken for export, the total clear ances of wheat and flour today being 6.13,000 bushels. The close waa firm. May opened Ho to Wc lower at 78e to 78c, sold orf to 760 and rallied to ;jv7!V Tha Close was at 70c. July sold between TTtsc and 78VuR4o and closed a shade higher at 7ae. Primary receipts wera iibi.OOO bushels siiiparev.wlU,ki.J bvialetW Jor the cor responding day one year ago. Minneapolis liiiluth and Chicago reported receipts of it cars against 626 cars last week and 143 oars one year ago. Corn waa somewhat easy early In the day but tha market soon recovered and held strong for the remainder of the session Liquidation by local longs because of clear weather throughout the corn belt caused the easy feeling at- the start, but later an official forecast of wet weather tomor row west of the Mississippi river strength ened the market. Weekly crop reports iruin towa ana Missouri wnicn declared that th season waa backward, caused con Klderable buying during the last half of tho day. Caah Interests and commission houses were the principal buyers. The market closed strong. May opened He to He lower nt 4bc to 467c. advanced to 4tec and 'closed at 'iljrSe. IamrI receipts were 110 cars, with 3 cars of contract grade. Oata were In active demand by shorts and as offerings were light the market ruled strong for the greater part of the day. Delayed seeding because of wet weather was a strong bullish factor. The market closed at the highest point of the day. May opened unchanged to a shade lower at 81Hc to U(a314.c, advanced to 32c, and closed at the top. Local receipts were fell cars. In the provisions market pork and ribs were Inclined to be weak at various times during the day, but there was an active demand for lard and It was strong all day. At the cloae July pork waa off 10c at lib.). July lard waa off to at $8.86. July ribs were off ZHtc at 4SoS. Estimated recleuts for tomorrow: Wheat, none; corn, 106 cars; oats, 113 cars; hogs. SL0 head. The board of trade will be closed on Ootid Friday, April 13. The leading futures ranged as follows: ((notations of th Pay Commodities. NKW YORK. April 11-FLOrR-Uec. Ipls. KW! bhls.; exports, 7.b"4 bills. : mar ket steadv but quiet: Minnesota patents. t4.2mii4.46: Minnesota bakers. H .fUJJ.iS; win ter patents, ti.9"n.V: winter straights. $n fJn J m. Kvr flour, quiet; talr to aotal, H.S.Vrj,1 ; choice to fancy. t3.V&4 .10. I'lillNM KA I . Firm ; white un1 yellow (fine), ti.ii; coarse, f l.OWl.OT; kiln dried, IJ.rfi?.. BAKLKY Steady; feeding. 4JH c. I. f.. New York; malting, 5Miilc. c. I. f.. New York. nKAT-Receipts, none; exports, :M,510 bu. Hpot market Mrm; No. t red. HSHc, nominal, elevator; No. t red. nominal, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern. Dunlin, ha-hc, nominal, f. o. b. alloat. Dptlotis opened fany at about yesterday's closing prices and declined 7-1S under disappointing cables and good weather, rallied Jc on covering. illowlng heavv seaboard clearances, linn Interior markets and predictions of a smaller movement. The clcse was steady at unchanged prices to an advance of He May. (si l-linsh ll-lsc, closed nt sH'; Juiy. 3-liuR4c. closed at Mc; bepiembcr IH'OM'V?. closed at KtHc. COHN Receipts, fih.iun bu.; exports. Jl.lii:! hit. Kpot market flrTn; No. 2, 6ic, nominal. n valor, and 6iHc. nominal, f. o. b. anont; No. 2 vellow, 6dvc, nominal, No. 2 wliltc. 6lc. nominal, option marKet opened '" iwer unuer favorable weather tor spring work nnd satisiai tory cables, rallied He on small country titterings, subsiding stocks nd good demand for rash property. I he lose was firm at '4c advance. May, b2 :V,c, closed at fktHc: July. MimlV. loseti rt n3'c; Deceniner. j.''usj', cioseu at 62H1- OA i Receipts, i.' mi. exports. 4l',tv bu. Spot market steady; miwd oats. 2i to 32 iHiunds, gOh'K'iHc: natural white, jo to S3 pounds. 3iH'u''c; clipped white, ;i to M) pounds, .iWttlHc. HfiKD r inn ; stiring nran. 120.23; April shipmenis, middling, V.vJ, city, t-u.i5'(j t.."iu. HAY Firm: shipping. 5ofri5c; gootl to chohe, Sii'iiWc. HOPS Unlet: state, common to choice, K"i6 crop,; 1S04 crop, 7'(i'.ic; olds, 5u7c; Paclllu coast, laoj, siil3c; li.4, ibc; old.i. 4'q 5c. HlliKS-Firm: Oalvcston. 20 to 25 lbs., 2V-; t.'allfornia, 21 to 2.1 pounds, 21c; Texas dry, 24 to : pounds, 19c. I.KATH Ell Hteady ; ncld, X'.jiil.W. PROVISIONS Weef firm; family. 111 o.HSil.tno; mess, J'.l 1 0 lO.nti; oeef hams, tJ0.OiKfi21.6o; racket. llo.on'ftll.OO; city extra India mess, iiN.mra is. 00. cut meats steady; pickled bellies, J9.tott 10.25: pickled shoulders, 7!ii7',4c; pickled hums, KiH'iUc. Lard firm; weatern steamed, K.itii4in.iu; retined, nrra; continent. If 36; Houth America, .to; coin- pound. tirj7H". I'ork ftrtn; family, 18.o(ii( 18.75; short clear, tl62o3 18.0O; mess, li.2i( .&o. TALLOW Firm; city. 6c; country. bV 6V4e. Kit. n Bteaay; domestic fair to extra, ipi-ft Cc; Japhn, nominal. BUTTtn Steady, street prices, extra creamery, 21(Jj21Hc; tifflcial pricea, creamery. common to extra, I4'u2lc; renovated, com mon to extra, llcjillic; western factory, com mon to firsts, 13ttl6c; western Imitation creamery firsts, 17c; state dairy, common to extra, 1103H-'. CHLLSE Firm: state full cream, larais and small, colored and white fancy, 14'.c; state good to prime, 13H4lHo; state, com mon to tatr, 3i3r. tuus wean; state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white, ioc; state, choice, ISH'itiSc; state, mixed extra, lsV:; western firsts, 17H1)17Hc; western seounu.t, 17c; southerns, 1iMj17V4c. ItJULTKY Dressed. easy: western chickens, l'i13c; turkeys, ltyaiHc; fowls, 114! 14c. Article. I Opeiv.1 Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes y. Wheat 1 lilt May 7BS.tr79H'fi'Vii 7HI T 7H July 78H'tfH'JlO v''l 'HieSW' BepU 77-VV riHTTHWHl 77Hi7(HW- Corn I May 45VUH 4tH 46i46HtS 4tH July 4UHWi4,-S 4i.Hi 4Hi 6eut. 4oH 4tHUH 4.n,'S Oats I I ! May VS i S1H 32 (SIH July 30H S uHI S Sept. iH 2HW-iJ 2lH: Toik . I May It 15 16 26 It 16 16 22HJ 16 H July 16 30 16 30 16 25 16 30 116 40 BepU 16 20 16 30 16 20 16 30 I Ma7 I 70 178 186 8 0 1865 July Its 8 W tao 8 05 I 8 30 Sept. I 7H 00 I StIH 8 7Vsi nibs 1 May t 80 8 80 I 67H 8 75 8 80 July 86 8 V5 180 886 iHO bepL IN 8 92H I 60 8 S7H! 8 No. 1 Cash quotations were as follows: FLOCK Dull, steady; winter patents, t3.4otu3.ta): winter straights, S3 .2iku3.); spring rklents, t3bu'jNl.o; spring straights. kltf bo: bakers. t2.2U(U2.90. WHKAT-No. 2 spring. 72H880c; No. S, 74 tjaoc; No. 3 red, tom. c. CORN No. t, 4c; No. t yellow, 47V,c ' OAT8 No, Z, S2c; No. 3 white, 32t33c. RYE No. I, 61 He. KARLMY Good feeding. 39c; fair choice malting. 4.i'ii -Vic. BliUiDS No 1 tiux, tl'Ki1: No. 1 north western. 81.13V Timothy, prune, t3.17H- Clover. oontrsct grade. 112 50. PROVISIONS Mess pork. er bbl., $16 li ti 16.20. Lrd. per 1U lla.. WM. Short ribs sitles Oottsei. t870ig8u; short clear alue Following were th receipts and ship ments of flour ana grain: Kecelpts. Shipments riour. bbls 60 46.800 Wheat, bu 13.0d0 41.&4 Corn, bu 145,600 266.700 Oata, bu 835.700 215.700 Bye. bu 2,;f0 barley, bu '. I1.2O0 36.KJ0 On the Produce exchange today th but ter market was steady: creameries. Utf toHo: dairies, iminc lKm. weak, at mark, case Included. 14V': hrsts, 1V1 prime firsts. UWsi extraa. i.e. LUceae, steady, 11 UUHc Peoria Grata Market. PBORIA, April 11. CORN Higher; No. I w. l . a- . V. . 4--. . V 4 . . KA tsvH Am. ;ruuw, 4-1 o-Jk 4a. iik, i. iiauc, 4tWi. OATS Higher; No. 1 white, I2Hc; No. I White 31 c; o. 4 while, sic RYB-Unchaoged; No. t (2ij3c Lltei usxii Gra ta aa 4 ProTlatoai. LIVERPOOL. MvrW 1L WHKAT 8rwt. Domlnal; mturea. dull; May, M f J; July, 6a fA; Beptamber, M 4V I C 1 H N t uol. funs; Amertcaa nixed, new, 4a IW: Ajurtij n.tiej. ld. 4 id: fu- tuia. dull; Umj. 4 4Hd. JuJj. 4a JA. auktt. nn.CTH. 4 prtl U. WnEAT T rrrra. fu- 1 surasro. V?; no. 1 ooruiero, 7o. St. Louis General Market. ST. LOUIS. April 11. WHEAT Higher: No. i red. cash elevator, 86&i3c: track. Do (H7c; May, 70c; Juiy, 7tiV; No. 2 hard, 78'0 84c. CORN Higher: No. J cash. 46Hc: track. 47H4H8C; May, 4fHc; July, 46c. OATS Higher: No. Z tash. 3lHc; track. S2c; May, 3lV,c; July, 30Hc; No. 2 white, 34c. FLOUR Steady ; red winter patents, 84.30 414.40; special brands higher; extra fancy and straight, t3.76ti4.2tt; clears, t2.80uXlU SEKUTlmolhy. quiet at 2.&Oy2.iO. CORNMKAL Steady; 82-30. BRAN Firm: sacked, east track. S5c tl-00. hay steady; timothy.; prairie. 3ii.0ufg 11.00. IKON COTTON XI KB l 01. BA0OINT.-8HC. ' " r - HKMP TWIN 10 7Hc. PROVISIONS Pork, firm: Jobbing. tl25. Lard, higher; prime steamed, tM.2iH. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed, extra shorts, t.87H; clear ribs, 19.00; short clears, 19.12H. Hacon, steady; ioxn, extra snorts, .-, clear ribs. t.i5: short clears, 19 67H- POULTRY Weak; chickens, 3Hc; turkeys 16c; ducks, 12Hc; geese, 7c. Hi TTKR Weak; creamery, 16ti22c: dairy, i4tri8c. LUOS Lower; 14c NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Seven Million Dollars in Gold Encaeed for Shipment to New York. MARKET RALLIES SHARPLY AT ONCE Rat for tall l.oaaa Decllaes from Twenty to gls Per lent a ooa a Annnanrement Is Mnde, NEW YORK. April 11 The eager quest for gold to relieve the prolonged money stringency in New York made sucii a ctm sidetaliie advsnce In the price of the mrtnl In London today as to unlock the Hank of Knglsnn s source of supply. Oold to the amount of considerably over t7,ui.i'io was released by that Institution for shipment, t-Vi.l"' of this amount being taken In tot form of American eagles and the le tnalndei In gold bars, the latter having been shlpMd by a steamer sailing today. Nt gmi. Hums were actively going on niso for American eagles In Paris and a oon snletulile amount, which was not exactly 10 be learned, was believed to have been f-f-ciired. Kidding for New York account car ried up the price of gold bars In London today VI an ounce following the advance on Monday of 4d. The result was to threaten the withdrawal of sovereigns from the Rank of Kngland for shipment for New York As usual under the circum stances, having exhausted Its available means for protecting Us available gold re serve, the flank of England capitulated and surrendered American coin and bullion In preference to yielding its Kngllsh coin. As soon as these developments became known the response In the stock market was Immediate anil emphatic. Prices made wide advances in the latter part of the day and an active demand for all classes of stocks sprang up. Money on call ran off to 0 per cent before the period of usunl activity In the loan market was well over, and to below that afterwards. While the stringency In money here hHS not directed any large currency movement In this di rection It has had the effect of checking the demand upon New York for other points. From (mints In Canadn It Is re ported that gold hns been received In small amoiilits, the aggregate reacshlng several hundred thousand dollars. Yesterday's sneculfitlve liniililation in the stock market was believed to account for some lessened demand to borrow money. Other news was practically Ignored. The collapse In Union Rag and Paper preferred was due to the small surplus of the year's earn ings over the dividend requirement.. Tho demand for stocks expanded as the session progressed and made a strong closing with the two previous days' losses In prices very generally recovered. Ponds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, 8.1. 535.1 K). United States old 4s. cou pon, advanced H. while the new 4s, reg istered, declined per cent on call. The following was the range of prices on the New York 8tock exchange: Rain. High. Urw. ( lou. 140 170.410 111 im 110'i 4, 70l 44 4! 4St 400 100'j, loo 10044 61KI 44 9J i44 A Hi M 7.700 (TH M &i 21 44 1,800 U4k r. 44 115 . tl.SOO 1f9i 1MH K' 401) 1:1 nr 120H , 1.WJ0 UV llli, 139 100 104V 104H 10414, . 44.400 n:i- l24 172 . 7.300 It -1S lft.: H Ton 1M4 lMH 1" 1.000 11314 lH lls m ff", tr.H 4 . !4.400 7 1414 H , 1.100 17!H 171 nt an , 4.HI tn (744 81 300 7 7KH 74 400 21 i I1H . 4.400 211 207 lit . I.S00 17t 174H 174H 10 24 "0 in ion 10044 . is.' ; fjs 2 800 34 84 4 tOO (9 4 . 7.300 14.1H 142 143 . 1.1O0 21 24 44 l.IOO K US too n Is the second time In the history of the Institution that it has failed to close on Uood l-Yiilay, the previous occasion Inin4 In I.V. during the Spanish-American war. wr York Moaey Market. NEW YORK. April 11 MONK V On call, strong until later In the afternoon when the tone eased and the rate declined; highest. 30 per cent: lowest. Iper rent; rul ing rate, 18; closing bid. t; offered at 3 per cent. Time loans, very firm: sixty days. 8 per cent: ninety days, 7 per cent; six months. 4 per cent. PRIMK MERCANTILE PAPER-6H5 per cent. BTKRLINO F.XCHANOE-Plrm. with rtiial business In bankers' bills at 84 Wt 4 W45 for demand, and at t4-S"4M "70 for slxtv dsv bills; posted rates. 4.hlHli'4.S2 and; commercial bills, M "' SILVER Bar. MHc; Mexican dollars, 49c. RONDB Government tid railroad Irregu lar. Closing quotations on trands today were s follows: tos Japin Is. 24 lerlet I', g. ref. ts. rag. do coupon I'. P. Is. ref do roupon V. S. old 4t. rag do coupon I'. P. n. 4s. reg... do coupon Am. Tobftrro 4s... do 4s Atrhlson (on. 4s.. do adj. 4s Atlantic r. t 4i Pal. A Ohio 4a... do 3a Brk R. T. r 4a... ('antral of Oa. Ia. do 1st Ine do td tnc do Sd Inr 1 ha 41 Ohio 4a Chliaso 4r A. ! ('.. H A q n. 4a C. R. I. A P. 4a do rnl. os ...IWSi do 4a nil ...I03't do 4a rtfa ...104 do 2d arriaa ...I3 !. 4V N. unl. 4a... ...l"3,Man. r. (. 4 ...131 M. Central 4a... ...1S144' do 1st Inr ... 7 Mlnn. St. U. 4a .. 1US M . K T. 4a ... ...1011 do 2s ... k.i N. K. R. nt M r. ... (H S. T. Sa... ...U!S. i. g. Im ... My No. Pacific 4a . . . 7 ' 1 do 3 .. .UiN. W. e. 4s ... atlr g. I, rfds 4a.. . M Penn. ron. 2a... Keadlns g?n. 4a St. L. I. M. c St. LAP F. fx ..10s .. so ..100 St. u s. W. r. 4a IU "Kl.rri1 A. L. 4i 0;So HarlAr 4a PI ('. ft St. L. I 4a. . 1' 4 1 do 1st 4a ctta ... Colo. Ind h. aer. A. T So. Railway a do aeriea B ift'tiTtxaa aV P. la. ... Colorado Mid. 4a ... 77s,T. St. h. A W. 4 . v4t4.(-n1on Pacific 4a... .loft do ronv. 4a .10nW:. S 9ial 2d &l . . HDjM'abaah la .101 do dm B . M Watarn Md. 4a ... .o w. b. K. 4a... . t7,Wla. (antral 4a.... Colo so Cuba ta I). A R. 0. 4a ... I Hat 1 Hera' Sac. 6a Rrla p. I. 4a do gn. 4a Hrxklni Val. 4a Japan 4a offered. 7N . . . 1 .im .101 . no . 4 . tl .I'M as 4a. 3 .... ....124 ....101 7114 . . . . 101'S .... MS ....101 . ...10n ta. . 1 1 1 4a. 8S i i i : 117 123 2 tlH UTS 111 so in 30 92 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET ! No Great Change in Value, on Cattle of Any Kind. HOGS RLACH HIGH POINT OF THE YEAR t ery Light Ran of Hheep and Ijianlis, with Prices tioed Lambs Are Really Kelllna; Higher Than tmmt Week. 8OI TH OMAHA, April 11. 1904 Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Pheep. Official Monilsv 2.744 4.1.4 14.H.I0 Ofhclal Tues.lsv 6.411 7.!"VI .l Ofhcial Wednesday 4,400 ti.RiO 1.4l ear: attle , Hogs ... Sheep . Receipts. Shipments. 7.000 4.(00 lii.OiM) 67.O0 aK.cou loi.oou M.IAIl) oO.OUU Flour, bbls Wheat, bu . Corn, bu .... Outs, bu ... Minneapolis Uraln Market. MINNEAPOLIS. April ll.-FLOCR-Mur- k . ii.iii, Hint patent. 4 (u4.1ii; second patents, first clears,; second clears. t2.4v&2 66. BRAN In bulk. 814.60. (.Superior Uoara ot Trade quotations for Minneapolis and Chicago delivery). The range of pricea, as furnished by F. O. Lay 4 Co.. 110-111 Board of Trade building, was: Artlcles.l Open. I Hlgh. Low. Cloae. Yes y. Whet-I I May...76Hl8HI July...7s(,'iiHI Bept...i n 1" lax May.. July.. Bept... 77hI 7-l S- 1 im I WH! 1 111 1 71 7.H. I 77 7Hl 7 I I 7t 1 17SI 1 17HI 1 174,1 1 " 1 lKHi 1 ltVi1 1 lx-! 1 l I loHi 1 It 1 1 18. 1 17H Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. 1 hard, 7aVc; No. 1 northern. 78H.C; to arrive, 7bc; No. 8 northern, 7e1iJc; to arrive, 77c; No. t. 744'7dV'; No. 1 durum, 71Hc; No. t durum, oc Corn: No. 8 yellow, 4i'4c; No. 8,.42Hc. Oats: No. 8 white, c; No. 3, 2Vc. Barley: 3a4c. Rye: 6oHii1c. 'lax: Cash, 1.1H; May. Kansas City Uraln and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, April 11. WHEAT May, 74c; July, 71c; September. 7uHc; cash, No. t hard, 7aw2c; No. , ioftiso; No. 2 red, BleaDuc; No. i. (wi43c. CORN May, 4;.'V; July, 42c: September, 42'c; December, 4uc; cash. No. i mixed, 44HW45C; No. 2 white, 4Ho; No. S, 4Hc. OATS-No. : white, 3:tH4'-ttViC RYK Steady at 646tic. HAY Strong: choice timothy. tlloVfl 12.00; choice prairie, t9 '"u1.26. kXXiS lwcr; Kliaaourl and Kansas, new No. 8 whltewood cases Included. 13H'; case count. lHc; cases returned. He lees. BUTTKR Creamery, 2oc; packing, 11c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 6!U) Corn, bu LHt.un) i7.0() Outs, bu i 4.UX) L5.00U Philadelphia Prodnee Market. PHILADELPHIA. April ll.-BCTTF.R Firm; extra western creamery, 21c; extra nenrby prints, lie. KOOS Steady; fair demand: nearby fresh and westers fresh, lc at mark. t'HEKSB-Steady; New York full creams, fancy, i;iV,1i14e; New York full creams, choice, llviU'ir; New York full creams, fair to good, lHi'oKU-. Milwaukee tiraln Market. MILWAI'KEE. April 11-WHEAT-Bteady; No. 1 northern. 8UiK.'c; No. 2 northern. 7vBi'Hc; May. 79o asked. RVF-Dull. No. 1. MVlWo. RAhLEV -Quiet; No. 2, 06c; sample. 39 tiUc. t'ORN-Steady; No. 3, cash, 461.'fj46V I May, 4tVv asked. Toledo teed Market., April 11 -8EKD8-Clover, cash and Apnl.; October, to ll Tnnolhy, 1 52. Alslke, toft- Wool Market. BOSTON, April ll.-WOOL-Moderate buying characterized the wool market. But there is undoubtedly considerable uneasi ness over the situation on the part of both dealers and manufacturers. Contracting Is still slowly In progress In the west. Territories are In fair movement. There Is a greater demand for pulled wools. For fine A supers buyers pay boimisc. Medium and fine combings are exciting a fair in terest at full prices. Foreign wools are firm. There are very few price changes to note In the market this week. Territory Idaho fine, zV8c; heavy fine, ISnjSuc; fine medium. iJaJM-; medium. 2--tj2T: low medium, 2to27c. Wyoming fine, ntj-rJc; heavy fine, ltttiJOc; fine medium, St-uac; medium. Jyb27c; low medium. 20'U27c. L'tati and Nevada, fine, zy'lic; heavy fine. loc; fine medium, i-u.-ic; medium. 2i(i-7c; low medium, fcitfiTc. Dakota, fine Suu-lc; One medium. 22t)-3c; medium. iTg.'Sc; low medium. -u'.'7c. Mon'ana. fine choice. tj l&c; fine ave.age. ?a.Hc; fine medium, choice. 24S6c: average. rtjZ4c; stapl. XIq Isc; medium choice, !743c. ST. LOIIS Mo.. April 11 -WOOL Steady. Medium grades combing and clothing. t44-c; light nne. 2uJ4u; bcavy Cue, Uu-lc, tub washed. aU('Joo, Adama Rxpreaa Amalgamated Copper Amerlran ( . Ar F Amerli-an C V P. pfd American Cotlon Oil American Cuttnn Oil pfd.... American FCxpreaa Amtrlcan H. A L. pfd American lea American I.lnaaed Oil Amtr Ltnaead Oil pfd American Icemotiva Amer. lcomntlva pfd Amarlcan S. A R Amarlcan 8. A R pfd American Sugar Kenning... Am. Tobacco pfd. rtfa Anaconda Mining Co Atchlaon Auh'nn pfd Atlantic Cnaat Una Baltimore aV Ohio Baltimore A Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Transit.... Canadian Pacific Central of New Jereey Chesapeake A Ohio Chicago A Alton Chicago A Alton pfd Chicago Great Western Chicago A Northwestern Chicago Mil. ft St. Faul.. Chicago T. A T Chicago T. T. pfd ('.. C. C. A Rt. loule Colorado Fuel Atlron Colorado A Southern Colorado 4- So. let pfd.... Colorado A So. td pfd Consullilaled Oaa Com I'roducla Corn Products pfd Delaware A H udsotl ,-r . . . Delaware. L. A W Denver A Rio Urande Denver A R. O. pfd Ulallllera' Serurltlea Erie Krle 1st pfd Krle 2d pfd General Klectric Hocking Valley Illinois Central International Paper International Paper pfd.... International Pump International Pump pfd Iowa central .' Iowa Central pfd Kanaaa Cttv Southern Kansas City So. pfd Ixiulsvllla A Nashville Manhattan L Metropolitan Street Ry Mexican Central Mlnnrapolla A St. Lotila... M . St. P. A 8. B. M M . St. P. A 8. B. M. pfd.. Missouri Pacific M , K7. A T M , K. A T. pfd National Iead National R. R. of Hi. pfd.. New York Central New York. O. A W Norfolk A Weetern Norfolk A W. pfd North American Pacific Mall Pennaylvanta People's Oaa P.. ('.. C. A St. Lsula. Preaaed Steel Car Pressed Steel Car pfd Pullman Palaca Car Rending Reading let pfd. Reading td pfd Republic Steel Republlr Steel pfd Rock Island Co Rock Island Co. pfd Rubber Goods Rsbtiar Goods pfd.... St U A S. K td pfd St. Louis Southwestern St. Louis S. W. pfd Southern Paeltlc Soulhcrn Pacific pfd Southern Railway So. Railway pfd Tennessee Coat -A Iron Teaas A Pacific Tolrdo, Ft. L. A W Toledo. Ft L. A W. pfd... I'nlon Paclne In Ion Pacific pfd I'nlted Slatta Ki press tnltrd f'Sies Healty nurd Slatea Rubber I'. 8. Rul'tier pfd I'nlted Malee Steel t'nlted Statea Steel pfd Va -Carolina Chemical Va. -Carolina chem. pfd Wabah W a hath pfd Wclle-Kargu Expreta U'vstinghcuse Electric VVeeiern I'nlon Wheeling A Lake Rrla Wisconsin Caii(ral Wlsi'iinaln Central pfd Northern Panne Crntra.1 Leather Central Leather pfd !oB-henld Stel 81 til 41714; t.00 4H ! 44 i.nt l 7.500 46 too Tsa lis) i 5"0 171 61 43-, 711, loo irH i:4H 400 11114 171 Moo 21i lot) , It , 1.100 46 444 "406 io 'io " 100 M 61 5,000 144 14TH 1.200 25H 4S 100 m lb lis 17!4 m 1.100 94I 14 l.Ks) S4 14 600 ;i 7H, .too 11 IIS toil M4 M l.MiO 14:4 142S 14.111a 1.400 I24 II Il4 1.4O0 T94 S4 0 M U 7IW M l-ill, 12S 4 17l U'-S 4' 4', U lni 17 H 1(1 1.S6 lit 77 1(7 172 W4 34S 7Hs H tt 4.200 Ml, 1114 wv, 1.000 44V, 41 44 10.700 14IH 140 141 4 1.4li4 ti M t4 .. 4. :. 10 1.100 ss ti lit, 100 He m4 v, 117 11,200 1SI IV. 4 1 174 200 ao o UK, n 1,100 II tii tot, ton loti, lotti lots, 1 700 27 '4 1444 27", 4,tot M 46 V, Ml 41 100 . too 41 47V4 47 100 1IV4 21 llvi 300 f4'4 64 V (Jv, lO.auO 4 '4 t7H 4H4 100 IIIV4 11714, 111', 10.400 4ne S 40i t'O v its ns 141 14 100 II 14 il44 too 6iv 4 M4 UtA'O l.Sk 1S.14, IM14 100 Kl, MV, til Ill 14 t.:oo i;4 1144 sji, 20(1 113a 1134 HI 71. 700 4tVj 41 4i to .400 10s 104V4 107'a loO 10 4v, 100 II2V, 11JV, 112", 3i0 IIS 22 V, t2i, . 1.100 60 41 Jo 1W) 164 100 I2V4 tl t mo rs I 14 61 It. I0 111 300 4444 744 61 ?ll 44 14 V, Hit, 44 1s 4 104V, IIHV, l(i, wjv S3V, rs S2V Total salea for tha day. 147. too aharea. I.ondoa Cloalaa; Storks. LONDON. April 11 ("losing quotations on tliu .Stork exchange were: ( onanla, money... to ll-lgias'. V. Central ao account to 1-I4 Norfolk A W . . Boston Stocks and Rands. BOSTON. April 11. -Call loans. 7fi1rt per cent; tlmt loans. per cent. Official closing on stocks and bonds: Atchlaon adj. do 4a Mei. Central 4a..... Atchlaon do pfd 1 Boston A Albany.., "Boston A Mains.. Boston Elevsted ... Fltchburg pfd Mexican ( antral . .. N. Y., N. H. A H. Amer. Arge. ITheni. do pfd Amer. Pneo. Tuba.. Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer". T. A T Amer. Woolen do pfd riomlnlon I A 8. HVAIInuet . 101 V4 Amalgamated 14 V, I 4a pfd . ', Ontario A W .107 'Pennaylvanta 116V, Rand Minea .1.; Heading . 40 V do let pfd . .iv, 1 do td pfd .Ik ,, Anuthera Railway . Ik do pfd . 47 -a Southern Paciftc .. . ?! I nlon Pacific .44 do pfd . tl I 8 steal . 71V, do pfd in W abash .15, do pfd . MV, Spanish 4a .14 V4 . Jl', . iJV, . 621, 7.S ( . tov. Ar.aconda Alchlaon do pid Ralltmore A Ohio. Canadian Pacific . ( nee. A Ohio ( klcago Ot W C . M A St. P ... DeHaera II R O do pfd Erie do let pfd do Id pld Illinois Ceutral .., IxiuikVllle A; N 14., K. A T Ex-dlvldend. SILVER Har. firm. d per ounce. MONEY 21,11, per cent. The rate 01 nWcnunt in the open market for sliort bills is 1-16 per cent; for three months' bills, J' a per cent. .101 . 704 140V, . M l4 .11U 4, :av, . Bl New York Mlalag (torka. NEW YORK, April 11 Closing quota tlons on mining stocks were: 4datue Cos aAltc Breecw Hrunewlck Con . . Cotustork Tuunei Con. Cal A Vs .. Horn Silver ...... Iron Silver Leedvllle Cos .... Offered. . ti ,.lri .. li ,. il . . it Its V ..171 .. f Little Chief ... Ontario Ophir Proenlg Potuel Savage Sierra Nevada I Small Hope, Standard .. Ik, .214 .644 .. 1 .. It .. Je .. II .. U Bastk Clearlags. OMAHA. April 11 -Bank clearings for to day were Il.ix7.ll end for the corres. jxindlng date last year 11.34 S&3 07. American Zinc Atlantic Bingham Cal. A Hecla.. Centennial .'opper Range . Daly West .... Kranklln Jranby lale Royals' ... Mass. Mining . . !( Michigan .1MV,: Mohawk .137vi Mont. c. A C. .13 ;old Dominion . . 41 ii)sceola .104 Parrot t2v. ijulncy 7) . 3V .ion, .!.! V, .r. .I6n4 .14 J', . 16V, .15 . 17 . (4 Kdieon. Klee. Illu. .246 V. Shannon Masa. Rlactrlc do pfd Masa. Oaa I'nlted Fruit United Shoe Marti. do pfd Greene Con f. 8. Steal do pfd Wasting, common Adventure "Asked. . . II Tamarack .. 44 Trinity , . 47V 'United Copper ,.101 'U. 8. Mining.. .. M .'. 8. Oil . 10-4 Utah .. 01 Victoria . . 424, Winona .107 Wolverine ... .. 7k North Buna ... .. 714 ...Ml . . . lin'4 ... 10V4 ... 20, ...Hi . . .70. . .. 24 . .. 10V, ... 14 ... ! ... 1 ...22 ... K'4 ... l.(V4 ... S04, ... 14 ... 44V, ...104 V, ... iav, ... ti ... 1 ... ion ... 114 ... 67. ... ii ... 12 ... M ... ... (S ...1.1s ... 14 Vi Foreign Flaaaclal. LONDON. April 11. Money was In In creased stock exchange and holiday de mand today and supplies were fairly abundant. Discounts were firm owing to fears of further gold exports to America. trance and Japan. Ine ran in New yorK and the weakness In continental exchanges were regarded nervously. Frlces on the stock exchange were distinctly firm, not withstanding the fact that It was payday and that many operators were away for the holidays. Consols hardened on cheap money. Home rails improved on tne pros pect of fine weather and holiday earnings. Americans opened dull, but recovered to above parity on Now lork support. 1 nlon l-'acine was tne feature. Houthern facmc. Erie and I'nlted States Steel were In fair demand. Prices eased during the last hour. but closed with an Improvement. Grand Trunk waa fair on the traffic Increase. Kaffirs were harder on the record output of the Transvaal gold mines, but closed easier. Japanese Imperial ba of 1K04 were quoted at iuiv uiSKiiiN, April tit Trading on the bourse today was very. quiet. PARIS. April 11. Trading on the bourse today was inactive.. .Russian Imperial 4s were quoted at afc.00 and Russian bonds of 1104 at 6 JO. (10. Total receipts ....177 loo 4 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber cf head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs Sh'p. Omaha Packing Co bis ji Swltt and compan on 4fc Cudany Pat-King Co U Z.H10 6b4 Armour at Co l,iil l.MM WSV ixibman tV Co 06 Hill flt AirVon 6 Wolf & Muruan 44 MiKe Haggerty M bol Oegmi t J. B. Hoot da Co 6 nulla & Kline 10 Krey facKlng Co at other buyers 4!l . Totals 4,01 7,108 1.H26 Metal Market. ' NTCW YORK. April 11. METALS The tendon tin market was unchanged to little lower following the big advance with spot relatively steady and closing at A l.b, while futures were lower at Ulil. The local market was quiet with spot quoted at i.(t:(g i6. Copper was un changed at M 17s 6d for SDot In the Lon don market, but futures were a little higher at 81 17s Sd. Locally copper was unchanged. Lake Is quoted at llB.&o'fl IH.75. electrolytic at 118.264718.60 and casting at 118.0018.26. Iead was quiet and unchanged at S5.35tfD.46 In the local market and at i.i IBs In London. Spelter advanced 2s bd to 4.26 12s Od In London, but was a shade lower in the local market with spot quoted at W.0O4j.lO. Iron was lower abroad, with standard foundry and Cleve land warrants at 47s Sd. - Locally no change was reported. No. 1 foundry, northern. Is quoted at i.o"j i 30; rvo. z rounary. nonn ern. l.(KVa 18.85: No. 1 foundry, southern 818.26I&18.75; No. 2 foundry, southern, $17.76 B18 60. ST. IjOUIS. April ll.-METAIJ-Lead, firm, 5.7H- Spelter, Higher. ... Cotton Market. n- r IT' vrvisrr Amrll 1 1 tYITTOW Hnnt firm; sales, .8"i bales; ordinary, 8c: good nrdlnarv. ft lb-1-tc: low middling. IOV.C: mid dling. USc: good middling. ll7,c; middling fair. 12V,c; receipts, S.SjiSI, bales; stock, 237,- 887 bales. LIVERPOOL. April 11. COTTON Spot, good business done; prices 7 points higher; American middling lair, o i4u; gooa mw dllng. 6.44d: middling. 6 24d; low middling. .fid: good ordinary. 8.0d; ordinary. 6.70d. The salea of the day were 14.000 bales, of which 1.000 were for speculation and ex port, and Included 12.90 American. Re ceipts, 2.000 bales. Including 700 American. ST. I.omS. ADrll 11. COTTON Steady: 1 1-lnc higher: middling. 11 V-; sales. 67S bales; receipts, 278 bales: shipments, 140 bales; stock, 40,289 bales. Oils aad Roala. NEW YORK, April 11. OILS-Cotton seed, strong prime crude, f. o. b., mills, S0e: yellow. HK'Hi'M Petroleum, steady refined, New York, $7.60; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $856; prime bulk, $4.65. Turpen tine, quiet at 6810. ROSIN Firm; strained, common to good $3.IKitfj4.00. SAVANNAH. Oa., April ll. OIL Turpen tine, firm: (Wio, ROSIN-FIrm: ABC. $3.00; B. $3.70; F, $175; G. $3 80; H. $4.15; I. $4 90; K. $4.60; M J4.H0: N. 4 80: WO. Ib. 10; WW. 16.20. OIL CITY, Pa., April U.-OIL Credit bal ances. l 6H. Shipments, ii.iXi bbls.; aver age. 7.12 bbls. Runs. (ti.lTti bbls.: average, 57,iJa bbis. flilpnientg. Lima, bs.otg bhls average, 74.674 bbls. Runs, l.lmu, 43,649 bbls.; average, 33,9d0 bbls. Htoek Cirkaage Will et Close. NEW YORK. April 11. The governors of the New Y01 k Slock exchange today voted not to close Hie exchange 00 Eridajf. This ligar aad Molaases. NEW YORK. April U.-SCQAR-Raw steady; fair refining, $0; centrifugal, 1(6 test. 3c; molasses sugar. 2Akc; refined quiet: No. 6. 8M,c: No. 7. 415c: No. 8. 4 10c No. 9. 4.06c; No. 10. 4.00c: No. 11. 8.9oe; No. 12. 3 90c; No. 13. I.85o; No. 14. 3. 86c: confer tloners' A. 4.55c; mould A. 6.05c; cut loaf, .4oc; powdered, 4.B0t-; granulated, 4.i0c cubes. 4 SiC. NEW ORIJCAN8. April 1 8COAR Quiet but steady; open kettle, centrifugal, 'j3ic: centrifugal whites. S84c; yellows, n-S'tH 13-ldc; seconds, sjj3V,e.' MOLASSES Nominal, open kettle, 1 30c: centrifugal, liuXc. SYRUP Nominal at SOjnc-. CosTeo Market. NEW YORK. April 11 COFFE The market for futures ODened steadv at un changed prices to an. advatvee of I points on July. Fresh demand was very light ana prices eased oft slightly under scat tered liquidation, with the market closing steady net unchanged to a points lowver. eaiea were reported of Hi.7b0 bags. Inciud log May at 4 3WIV4DC; July. 4. 75c: Beutein ber. .Si4j5c; December, 7.15tPj.26c; Feb. ruary. 73.Ml7.4oc; March, 7.4oc. About IM. OH) bags of the total business reDorted rrb resented exchanges. Spot, quiet; No. 7 Rio, 1 i-ioc. Evaporated Apalea mm Dried Kralla, NEW YORK. April 11. EVAPORATED AffLcS-Market steady. Kalr to 44000 are quoted at s7,'4c. nearly to atrtctly prliae v,i&c. choice at 10c. fancy at 11c. CALIFORNIA DRIED F RUlTfr Prunes, continue firm and advices frotn ties coast Indicate an upward tendency In prvea. al though spot quotations remain unchanged on the general range at 4V,-sc. according 10 grade Apricots are in scanty supply with bualness restricted en this account Choice are quoted at lAollr, extra choice at UStU'l (aucy at lJ4ji.VtfC, 18.M7 l.7i 2fi.7fl mi4 784 2S.S V4.:W2 XT 81 J 4". in 34.:l:4 2S.S78 Three days this week. 12.755 Same days last week II. 700 Same days week before. 11.673 Same thtee weeks ago. .15.347 Same four weeks ago. . M.OVJ Same days last year 13.HJ8 Hie following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep nt South Omaha tor the year to date, compared with last l!i. isio. inc. .276. 4: 2it.ix7 4n.i4 747,870 65'.i,310 8X.M0 623.478 476.703 46.W5 KANUK OF rttlCtS. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha $2.ii-o6.!) $t.o ti" 371, Chicago 1.75uH 35 6 !i'u6 60 Kansas CHy 2.5od6 " 5.S.iu' 4o St. Ixiiils 21i(i(iil 6 6C(C6.6n Sioux City 3.i''u6 60 S.lo-u).) CATTLE vL'd'I'.t 1 IONS. The follow 111a win snow the nrices paid for the different kinds ot catue on the booth Omaha market: Uood to choice corn-ted steers.. r'ulr to corn-fed steers.... Common to choice torn-fed steers Uood 10 choice cows mill heifers fair to good cows and heifers.... Cuiuniuii to tan cuws and iieuers Good to choice feeders 4.1e'u4.a0 talr to good Blockers and feeders. mnvi4.lo Common to fair Blockers .bnv3.o Bulls, stags, tic jj.ati'at.uo The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several daye, with comparisons: .$j.oii&;.m . 4.6.u6'0 . 4.i.il4.tto . 8. 3.t.i.oD Lto. m Date. I !.. ;lll06.l.illao.19u2.llrUl.UuO. Mch. n..!6 27 16 131 ! 7 281 6 12! I4K Mch. 28.. I 26i & 10, 6 17i I 0i e mi 6 22; 6 Mch. -a.. 1 6 Xtt a (j, 6 14; 4 Dei s ;is 4 li Mch. 30. Mch. 31. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. 1.. 1.. t.. 4.. 6.. b.. 7.. 8.. .. 10.. .Apr. 11.. 8 HO--., 6 Oil In 1 7 21l 6 U01 a iui e 1 2ti i 6 14 4 S 7 28 6 Hi I i 18 6 It I 5 lb 6 04j I it! 1 6 6i 6 :'7 6 30S 1 u bill 3 mi it w ,ti0 i 08 27: (16! 7 Hi Wi 6 t 6 li b 22 i 6 21 6 )4 7 6 64, i SJ 6 28 6 21 f tt 2Vi i Oil I 6 621 6 6 M .j il;iai s ji a uui 7 25 1 (., l . 6 21-)4 6 26 1 4 Wi 7 24 1 6 68 6 27 .1 1 6 ai 4 M' 7 z'i 6 64, 6 Oil 6 2541 I 4 91, 7 2u, 6 6.; 6 'J S 34 6 30',, 5 26 I 7 2t 6 8u 6 87 1 6 38 I 6 28; 4 96, 7 22 9u, e 2 6 36 sunaay. The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. fen p. 11 rs. ... 1 i C, M. A St. P. Wabash 1 Missouri 1'acirtc 2 2 V. P. System 56 2? C. N. W.. east 6 33 C. & N. V., west.... 44 Hi C, St. P., M. tfc O.... 17 8 C, B. & v)., east 6 6 C, B. tfc )., west 32 13 C, It. 1. oV P.. east... 8 6 C, R. I. at P.. west.. 1 1 Illinois Central 2 2 Chicago Ot. Western. 4 4 CAi' Kecelpts .01 cattle ere liberal this nioiinng. Lo nesn cats oeing reported in, as against iitf one ween, ago and two weeks 110. AS has tieen tne case on most. day of late, tne receipts conaittied largely nt I'm Kb-crs. Buyers weie a little slow about getting out 111 tne yards tins morning and the mar Ket at the neglnniug looked dull and if anything weua. however, wnen tne trade was once unuer way mere was a fair move nient and ine prices paid looaeu JU.-.1 auouv sieauy with ycsteiday. In laci mere was nut enouktlt cninae 111 any uueciivni m it iiiherwise than a nleauy market. a lie most 01 ine ouerings cimusru iiauui n reasonable season. fowM and neiieis were slow to open and some of the early bids were possibly lower, at least lower man the best lime yester day. Still mere was a lair uemanu anu 110 great cnange in ine niaiaet, mom intrusion. quoting it steady, in some casea sales men WHO Kill UUI rsyrcMiiiy j m. . that tuat mey couiu nurdiy do as well tu- dsv. mere wore noi vnvuiii v. feeaers In sight to make any test of the market, but orices Were unquesiiuiiauiy steadv. and tne demand sufficient to cltan tin lue lew loaas in sigui rani 111 m morning. Kepresentative sales: BEEF STEERS. v. rt. 1113 4 70 1111 4 71 law 4 mi 1110 4 10 1104 4 Kl Ilea 4 M 1110 4 10 1111 4 K 1441 4 14 till) 4 au 1110 4 44 1141 4 U U1 4 14 Ull 4 14 Hot 4 N 1101 4 44 1167 4 M 1141 4 40 lUi 4 hi 1440 4 s4 1117 4 H 12M 4 M 11U 4 M 1241 4 s6 1177 4 44 1:44 I 00 llil 4 44 1114 I IM 12l 4 00 1267 I 00 1471 t 04 1141 6 11 1311 6 10 1116 I II 29 1427 6 10 ...11F4 I 14 ...1411 t 10 ...1441 6 10 ...144 6 tt ...1004 I 64 ... 171 I 44 ...104 I 44 .. .Ittau I 40 ...lftl I 44 ...inio I 40 ...llr4 I 40 ...1041 t 40 ...1011 I 40 ... 174 I 44 ... 424 I 44 ...l.ifd I 76 . . .1X00 71 . ..lli,6 I 76 ...llu4 I 10 ... 404 I 46 ...141 IN ... 110 I 40 ... 2 40 ...lit 14 ...1144 140 .. .1144 I 40 ...1141 4 00 ...Hsu 4 00 ... Ill I 00 ...1070 4 00 ...111 4 00 ...liao 4 00 ...10:1 4 ot ... 44 4 04 ...1141 4 04 ...lftut, 4 10 ...12J4 4 10 ...lew 4 10 ...1110 I 10 ...11.0 4 14 ...10M i 10 ...1121 4 It ...lnw 4 It ..1154 4 li ...1210 4 40 ...1240 i It ...1141 4 40 ...lilt I 40 ...1140 4 60 ...M0 I 40 ... 447 4 00 ... I 4 00 .... lit 4 00 ...too 4 44 ... IN IN ... . 441 4 00 .... tit 4 It .... IM 4 li .... M0 4 U .... IM IN ... 117 t M .... 44f 4 40 ml 4 4 .104 4 64 1740 I 41 ..1710 I at Ke. At. fr. No. 104i t at 20 I loao I II ... 14 141 4 0O 14 ... 4 tt 4 eu it.... I Ml IU 17.... 1 771) 4 00 t.,.. f 14(1 4 10 1... I lit 4 It to ... 14 407 4 10 14.... 1 711 4 10 11.... I tilt 4 HI 21... 1 117 4 10 It.... I Ibt 4 16 1(1 14 loll 4 10 10.... I 110 4 86 40.... It 07 4 10.... 10 40 t It It.... 4 tit 4 It 21.... U 44 4 46 It.... 7 tal 4 44 17.... 4 IM4 4 to 11... 1 1110 4 60 It.... 10 1210 4 tt I ... It Kvli 4 tt ... 1 10O0 4 10 II.... 1 1100 4 to 11.... 1 1U44 4 40 11.... T too 4 tt II ... II 1021 4 40 II.... 10 1171 4 44 It.... 1 1041 4 46 24.... 1 1121 4 44 24.... 11 Uil 4 70 21 ... II 1144 4 10 12 ... II 1210 4 10 20.... 7 1041 4 10 67.... it ..1011 44S 14.... It 1140 4 it 14 ... ,1 1126 4 10 't. ... COWS. 1 440 I 00 1.... 1 720 1 00 11... 1 W IX .... 1 4l I 40 !... 1 710 I to 1..., I S0 I to I ... 1 140 I 60 I.... I lo0 I 60 II ... 1 lu0 1 60 4..., J 100 1 60 ..., 1 1040 1 44 t... I til t .4 1.... 1 10OO I it 1 ... 1 731 t 7i I I lite I 7t l.... 4 147 I it I .. 1 1010 I 74 I. ... 1 t0 I 71 1 . . . J 1100 1 to 10..., I 140 I li 1... 1 lit III I ... 1 464 I tt t ... 1 740 t ti 10... t 1 I to 1... 1 120 I 04 1... 10:) I 00 1... 1 1021 I 00 10 .. 1 1010 00 1 .. 1 100 I 00 11... 4 724 I to t... 1 1140 I 10 II... 1 ttHI I 14 I.. 1 440 I 24 I... 1 120 I It 1... 1 1120 I 14 I..., It 107 I at 1 .. 1 11170 I It . II... 1 1140 I 40 I .. 14 067 I 40 I... II 14 I ti 4 .. 1 1144 I to 4 .. 1 llov 1 to I... 1 Hue to 44... 1 440 I to I... 1 1170 1 to 1 HEIFER! 1 744 I to 10 ... t 471 I 10 tl .. 1 174 I It I . 1 1100 I 00 I... 1 120 00 I... 110 I 04 1 .. 141 I 10 IS .. 1 060 I It t... 1 KO I 40 I ... 1 110 I 40 1... 1 t20 I it I... 1 410 I tO t .. 44 . M 111 1 .. i 1 440 1 li 11 .. I 171 I 7t I . 1 420 I 7a ! BUL1A 1 1040 I tt 1 .. 1 1WM I & 1... 1 i!' t i 1 1010 i n I a I n 1 1170 I !i 1 vl ', 1 .io 3 ao t ll 14" I Il7 I !1 t 440 I ,vn 4 I 'll J S 1 70 I to 1 "o 4 on 17 iM 14'. 1 ! I on 1 IJM I 44 1 140 400 I lfin I TV 1 1770 410 I 1.H0 t "J 1 1 .'70 I 14 1 10 I 7S 1 1440 4 1 ln 1 7J 1 si" 4 IS 1 IftfiO I so 1 1100 4 it I 1440 II" 1 "" 4 2 1 tte 1 4 1 4 4 rt 1 1710 1 44 1 4 1 4 CALVKS. 1 I10 1 ao 1 4J 4 M 1 27S I 00 t ! 4 vo I M I 10 i :: 4 7. 1 170 4 no I 144 f. .1 1 4M 4 00 I .-. 2411 h'i 14 M0 4 I 7 141 71 4 I.t 4 24 i lit 4 00 4 m 4 2S I IM 4 mi 1 140 4 ! I IM t 2 1 4 4 It 1 IfO 1 in 1 471 4 rw 1 140 4 61 1 to 4 to STOCKS hit A:D FEEDKH 1 400 s 00 1 eo 4 oa 4 724 I en 1 . . ., a.m 4 on 1 till I IS 6 4 4 lo 1 710 t 40 ! twi 4 I" 4 14 I SO I SH 4 IS 4 447 I 76 4 ...' 4 li II lit I IV 441 4 li 1 440 I to 4 6 4 21 1 4v 4 00 I 774 4 4 77j 4 00 J HM 4 In 1 421 4 011 tl loss 4 30 IS 714 4 00 t 1014 4 4" 1 tun 4 no It UP0 4 Mi I 11.10 4 00 HOOH Hecelpts of hogs have dropped off very heavily this week, owing proliably to the pleassnt weather hating made n possible for farmers lo begin Held work. The receipts yesterday nninlieri d only lim cars as against 1H4 ine ween tiefoie and today only ninety-four cars were repotted in which was less than half the number that arrived on last rdiiesday. The market opened I'Vftc Higher, the hogs selling largely at IS.SJVO'i 36 against lu.jii yesterday. The iiiuikiI was nut particularly active, buyers seeming to pay the advance under protest. Still with so few bogs here the big bulk chaiifcetl linnos In good season. As was the c.imc .vesli iilay after the more urgent orders were lllled the market eased off and closed dull and weaker. Representative sales: No. AT. Bh Pr. No. At. Sh. Tr 1 mo ... t li 10" .11.1 J40 t 1214 1 4S0 ... t 60 40 r.m 40 4 32' 1 430 ... ine 76 22 :sn 1 i:i I 2O0 ... t 16 70 21 4.'. ( Ji 54 211 to I o H 1 1 4i C 12V, K I7 to t Z-'ll 72 210 24.1 4 32's 7t I4 to I lav, 12 2ifl 4) it.'t, 60 211 40 1 32V, f, ;18 Ku s:i, 17 Ikt 40 4 121 -IS ... 4 IS 151 40 1 32V, 45 211 ... I 1!' to -.244 ... 4 32 V, J4 m 40 6 324 14 210 Kl 4 321, Kl 2tvl 40 132 41 2M ... 4 32V, 2 c,s ... 6 115 14 IM HI t 32 72 244 ... 35 70 227 40 t 32 V, 69 2kS lo sr, 74 lit 200 I 11' 71 21 to ir, 44 lol 40 t 12V, 41 214 ... 4 36 tt 2M 140 12V, ff. 244 10 t M 71 121 ... t 12V4 14 20 ... t.1t It im 10 1121, 47 m 40 S( 114 221 140 1 12 V, M 271 ... t 16 101 M 10 I JJVj 71 hit 4 J. 77 221 40 4 12V, tt 2S4 120 ( 36 tt 211 80 I 31' 71 2."0 ... It, II 217 140 4 32V, to 2t 10 li 16 : 221 ... I 12V, tl 114 ... ti 36 0 210 ... I I' 76 tH ... 4 36 to 274 200 4 .v, an 241 ... 3s 71 lit ... 112 V 71 210 40 4 36 74 116 ... 112 V, lie 2.,l 121' 4 36 70 234 40 1 12 V, to 241 ... 116 76 140 ... 1 82V, A 247 10 I Si II 221 10 4 12V4 ID 221 to 4 36 t0 2.10 120 182 V, 71 231 ... 136 77 139 ... I 31' 13 lot 10 t 36 II Ill ... 4 62 v, 77 221 ... 16 tl 221 ... I 12V, 16 2til ... 4 36 40 110 ... 4 I24 t3 242 . . I .16 72 161 114 4 12 V 76 2.1 all I 36 t' Ill ... I 12V 42 272 ... 4 36 SI 251 ... t 12 V, 10 Z10 to 137 V, 40 :t o 12V, tt 2tl ... I 411 SHEEP It begins to look as if those strong, selling at 2TI1S .in; milk of Mitre 'ti- 'v. 8M1KI- AND t.AMIlf-ltctelpts. iOO hes m.irkit sttoni;. tl1IIV V. IKM.f.s M i: MtKI4.1V, ( ondlllon of Trade and 4tinlatlons on Maple and l attej Produce. ERGs - iiec'ipls, libel ul. fit sii link. ca count. )4Sjc. LIVE POl'I.THY llerio. He; oil ronslei". rV. tutlveys. 10c; duvkl. liv, Vming rooFlers, v,,:- giese. tc. I'UE.SSfclli I't.U l.i'lt 1-Tui km lv,(1.Sc. old toma. ifcitlnc, cnickens. Iciil-c; old roost ers. 7c. (link, l.'; geese, h'. RI'l'TEK lacking mock. lie. cho.nt to fancy tl.tli v. ImiI'.k-, ciciiiu 1 y. -I 'l-Iv HAY-Pi lecs by Omaha Feed em i pany: No. 1 upland. $7; medium, l course. $0,011.10 60. Hye stria w. 60- KHAN-Pr ton. 117 60 NKW Vl'.Ul4'AHLK.S. TOM ATOLS KloiiCs. pvr craic of 20 lba. net. 'i 00 WAX BEANS Per hamper cf about 3 '.bs , net. 60. 8TK1NO HICANS-t er iianicr of about JO ibs., net. ill.tvj l.tV. 1LKN1I S, UbiKTS AND CABHOT3-Lvui-liuia. per dus. bunt nes, ijc. SUALLOITS Louisiana. per doson bunchea, '.6c. HEAD LIOTTl'CE Louisiana, per but., IT.umiiii m); .i r dm heada, 61.uV4ji.2b. LEAK LE1TL CE liotbouav, per dux In , nil. 4.".c. .. CLCl'.MHEHS-Hothouse, per dui , ONlONft Home grown, yellow and red, per bu., , ; rSiiinish, per c.ate, 62. Jo; Colo rudo. red and yellow, pc bu.. ll. Tltol-iCAl. rl'.l'na DATES- Per ix.s of 30 1-lb. p'.tgs., :' 0; Halloween, in Tu-lb. boxes, l r lb., ic; ry is, per lb. 4c; walhul stuifed, 1 In pkg . 12 Kl oer Un.; 8-lb boxes, II. tax KANOK3-'aliforma. exit fancy Kcd Innd imvt lM, all sixes. 63 e; fanev nkveot. chuice, all sites, 624. LEMONS Llinoniers, extra fancy, size, 13. 7i; ;km lo 3iaJ sire, 4. 2C KHIS Callloriiot. v av-ii. caiicn. kjic: imoolted Sinllia. till ce-t I ol. 11c crown. 13c. ... , HAN ANAS Per medium tiled buncll. ti2.26; JU'iiii'S, 6-' JC143.O0. tanoi:riNES culifornla. ier box about 12i. 13. tj. iHAI'K Kit I IT Florida, per box. i.Wf J.W; Cullftinla. per bo 4'iil.y. KRIMTk PKAHS-Vibter Nell'.-. 62. 60. AI'l'LES- Cuilfoihia NewKni. Pippins nnd Baldwins, $2 per bu. box, lien liuvls, 12 per bu. box. inei-aps. 62.50 I er bu bn. other varieties, i.'.uniii - iu per bu ; New oik atmles. liuUiwins and IvuioieU. 6" .00 PT biL UilAPl-'.S In. ported Malugus,,; l'U'i Ai Olio-Home fcicwo, per ba.. Ioc; Bouih liuKntu, per bu.. i-c. NAVY BEANS-Per bu., Sl.So;-.o. LIMA lu.A.NH -Per lb.. o'.t; '.AliUACi;-Coli'ui iiU. Nc per lb coiiwln, in crates, per b.. 2vkt20. CELEB Y sJuLilin hla, 61 pvi do. SWEET PO'l 'ATOlfiS Illinois, per 11-pk. CAKBOTS. PABSNH'S AND TVjBNll Per bu boc. EEEF CUT. No. 1 ribs. ISo; No. n libs, ll'c; No. 3 ribs, Kyc; No. 1 loin. Wl. No- 2 loin. I"', No. luin, HVsc; fo. k vliuvii, tic. No. J cIiuck. ohc; No. 3 cnuck. oc; No. 1 i-.uikI, ac: No. 2 rouna, ivjt, iu. j inuuu, i v people who have been saying that are Hearing the end of our ful Mheen xuiin v In this section knew what they were talk ing about. The size of the receipts this morning would at least point in that di rection, only six fresh curs being brought in. As there was the usual demand. It was not surprising that the few loads on sale should have brought good prices. Mexican lambs sold tip to 60. lu with good shorn wethers st 64.80. Vi hlle the runsre of Drlces Is no blather the quality of the lambs coming this week has not been so good and poorer lambs have been selling at better prices, that Is. while the prices do not show any advance on paper, they really have strengthened up. There continues to be a very good demand for choice heavy sheep anil year lings and anything answering to that de scription can be depended on to sell very readily. The fact is at Ihe present time both the sheep and lamb murkets art occupying a stronger position than for some time bark. The feeling Is general that the supply In this section of the coun try is being diminished very rapiuiy as tne season advances. Uuntatlons: Oood to .iiolce native lambs. $6.2o4jloO; good to choice llplit western lambs, ttj.k.ilio.W, good to choice heavy lambs, to 00 (it, 0: fair to good lambs. Id. 00 gti 26, cull lambs, 64 605. 5u; good to cholo light yearlings,; good to choice heavy yearlings.'ai.); fair to good heavy yearlings, So.60ii&.7a; good to choice wethers. IS. onus. 20: fair to good wethers. $5 td'oe.oB; good to choice heavy ewes, 6o.4u tj6.75; good to choice light ewes, $Ti.0O(im In; lair to good ewes, 64. 6CKtfo. 00: cull sheep and bucks, 63.ouiii4.ou. Reorcsentatlve sales: No. 10 western ewes, clipped culls.. I western buck, cllnned cull... 116 western ewes, clipped 369 western wethers, clipped..... western ewes 11 western ewes 220 western lambs 410 western lambs 5o western lambs 23 cull ewes 6 western sheep 2 cull lambs ltU western ewes Ill western ewes 7 western lambs 22K weetern lambs 264 ill- tl.71 ot uo l.ll Av. Price. . 78 .140 . 91 . 14 . !l . 43 . Kl ' '-, '. sii . 7 .Ml . 71 . 81 3.W 3,25 4.3:i 4 SO 6.4(1 5 40 6 Si 6.& 4.46 4.110 4.75 6 mi 5.20 i.30 K.IO 6.10 Cattle, ll'iifs. Sheep. 4 too 6, to 1,400 l.l 2 J" 10.IJ ll. 1.'J" 1.87H 6.110 2.743 5 6uu t ii b 16,mJ 18,01 2O.0HU 37.471 6.060 28.343 Jl.;5 WU. fso. 1 llaie, 4c; 4o. i piai, '.c. (iu,, , - MISCELLANEOUS. CIDKK Per keg, avi.m: per bbl., lo.J3. HONE 1 -New. per 24 lbs., o.j0. CHEESE Swiss, new. luc; lscoiis.'n brick, loc; vSicun.n imibvit.i. ijc; Iwiui. 13vc; Youi.g Americas, loo. NUTS Wuiuutd, No I ntift tdiclis, ne crop, por ib., lii'.jc: hai l sheila, er it.. 1340. l'icans. laig-, per jo. 14c, dm. ill. p r lb.. 12c. Peuiiula, P"i 1. oiv; 1 ujnau, per He. 1 lllll wtllliu'". l"'i iv., i--.i.iviv:. lb., siiclis. r.n- ID., luc. Cucoaiiuis, l'.c; na.d 61 per HULA Trout, 11c; haiiliut. lie; c; while has.". He, nu 1- ov,; Almonds, soil aiielin, pur lo ut Itw. PhESll I-ISH, tilckeiel. dressed iiKh tic: Helen. SKiniu-ti and uicj.cU plUe, Mdlvc; leilnliai'iicl, iic. crappies. (ic; eelH !.; bicck nasa. wliitellsh, lmpllc; l'rog onf, iir u..., lobsters, gi een, v; liolieu n.bslui .1. blueUsli, loc; Herring, 5c: b;''.iiiisu i.iaci.tiui luc; haddock, loc; Miinnp, 11.141 per nauuu smells, 1-c; cod, 12c; buuneaun. ic; calusU ltc; roa stuid, oic; lluundctk. 11c. ML SHKOIJ.V1BJ-..-.... utv. jj;t iu , vui'jv UwC, -'c , 10 duz. bun-, he. CHICAGO I.IVK STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady to Tea Cents Higher Hosts aad glaeep Hteady. CHICAGO. April H.-CATTLE-Becelpts, K.0U0 head; market steady to 10c higher; common to prime steers. 61.00143. 40; cows. 3.25j4.60; heifers. 12 7636.00; bulls, 4.26; calves, t2.7o4j7.10. HOGS Becelpls, 18.000 head; market steady; choice to prime heavy. t .60V4J ou ; medium to good heavy, t(j.45'(jj.50; bulcher- welghts, n.ooiB4l.l)U; giKia IO cnoice iicavj mixed. 6AbuW; packing, e.Mi-4iV4. SHEEP AND LA Moo Iieccipis, -it.isw head; market steady; sheep, $:&ii .60; yegrllngs, 6&.000j4i.26; lambs, 64.75iia6.o5. Kansas City Live sIacU. Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo., April ll.-CATTLE Kecelpts, 10.600 head. Including 46(1 head southerns; market steady 10 strong; belt ers weak; choice export and dressed beef steers. 66 2fv(i6 ; fair to good, 64.2Mi6.2i; western fed steers. o. liyuo.t); imr 10 guitu, 64.2tVfl 26; western fed steers. 13.75'i.m 26; stockers and feeders. tJwoaou; louuiriu leers. t3.76tj6.X; southern cows. .itfgA 26; native cows, $2.50'a4.ti6; native belters, H.ij j610: bulls, 63ii(ya4.25; calves, 6-1 "OojU.oO. tlOtiO neceipis, ll,oa nenu, iih"""-' strong; top, 6.424j: bulk 01 sales, t .wji 4.42V4; Heavy, tO SAi-tft).;; iiai sern, o.vij S 42V4,; pigs and lights. 6o 2M JiH' mrnr SHEEP AND 1-AMBo- neceipis, a.otv head; market steady; native lambs, $5.(Vi, 660; western lambs, e.uooiti.50; ewes and yearlings, 4.6Xvuio; western lea yearungn, 46 60ai.7&: western fed sheep, $4.26'u6Ciu; lockers and feeders, t3.0oti4.6o. St. l.ouls Live Stork Market. ST. IOCIS. Mo., April 11. CATTLE Re ceipts. 3.500 head. Including l.On) head Tex ans; market strong: nalive shipping and export steers, tt bMivl '; dressed beer and butcher steers, t3.H.ii6.(10; steers under 1.0"0 pounds, t3.2fxij4.65; stockers and feeders, 2 4iyi3 4 40; cows and heifers. I2.liso5.0o; can ners, tl'76-'a'2.26; bulls. t2.4(ra4.4o; calves. t2.60 feij. 60; Texas and Indian sleers, t3.7itl4. (0; cows and heifers, t2.2'(i4.25. HOOS Receipts, id head; market steadv: pigs and lights, 5.eVgej.4u; pat kers, t0u(t(4l.45; butchers and best heavy, t.36(i SIIEEP AND IAMBS-Receipts. 500 head; market steady; nalive muttons, tt on il6.6o; lambs, 65 .44 mi) 76; culls and bucks, W-If'04.0o; stockers. $3.0001.20. Stork la sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal South Omaha .... Sioux City Kansas City St. Joseph St Ixiuis Chicago Total St. Josepk LIT Stork Market. BT. JOSEPH. Mo.. April 11. CATTLE Receipts. 1,678 head; market active; natives. 14 4tu4.0u: cews and heifers, 1.7bj4.M); Stockers and feeders. $3 2634 40. HOOS Keoelpts. 6.1o head; market 60 higher; light, $6..37V; medium heavy. $fi SMi 42A. BHEEP AND I A MBS Receipts. head; market steady; lambs, $o.3o. long City Live Block Market. BIOCX CITY, April U (Special Tele- r.m I 4-ATT1.E Rfvelots. l.Soo head; market steady: stockers slow; beeves $4 25 4S6 60. mil. bulls and mixed, 13 (Ar(4 60. stockers ami feeders. 11 6iu4 io, calves ami veal Unas. 4 1 2f,'u 4 40. HOGS Receipts, 2,J h(d; market and 2,743 RADISHES -iiv,;:ioub. pei L0jYS'TLllS--riii!i fciandnrd. tl.tO per gal.; shell oysters. !1J4J2.0U ptri u. LiiiIl- Neck tlams. 61.00 pvr 101 .',.,, ... SUUA U Oi'auulalod cru.-Vln bbls.. tu.Ob; giunulatL-d cane, ill tfacKk, tv.ol; giuuuiatej peel, ill sucks, 64.IH- , ' SYBL'P lu bniiels, Jlc pi r gal.; in i'u, a, I 10-lb. cans, tl oo; cases, 11 b-ui. tajm,; cases, 24 2V-lb. cans. 61. M COEEEE -Bcjaed : veO lav 2ulje;pet lb.; No. 30, tOteo pt r- lb.; No. 'iA',ot per lit . No. 20. 15Vc per lb.. No. 21, H4u pet 1U l-T.OL'R l lioicsalci Bt-Kt high yraoe Ne braska, per tut., 61K0; l''i high hinua jiai ent Miiinesoia, IK'I tU 62 3'.'; sltaigni pat ent Nebiafka. per twt., 61. 60; attur.d pat ent iNebiatku, 4i-l0. CLBEL) FISH 1 aimly u hitehKii. per '4 bbl. 1!0 lbs.,,tOo; Norway iiiatckcre., per bbl.. loo lbs., bloaters, sw.w; Nt). 1. 4.6 iw; Nc 1 26 io. 3, tiO.00; lrtsii, .No. ij.uu; llvni'ni. in bois., 200 lbs. m'-h. Norway, , 613. uo; Norway, 3k, tU.ov; Holland, nnxeu, 611.00; Holland herring, 10 kits, iiiiai:i, buc; Kcg, inixetl,' iv) ... HIDEa, PELTS AND TALLOW No. I given hides. He; No. 2, Sc. No. 1 sailed, nc; No 2. IOC; bull iilues, -iiaWMsC, uiy bldvi, 123120C. Horse hides, large, w, umaii, $2. roeep pelts, eacn oucitV.-'-j. .iaiimv, ,su. i. 4aC; No, 2. irtce; ',,UJ(,. mc, CANNEL aJOuDS-'tJoru, mandard west ern, l5(ju0c; Maine, 11.28., Tomat-iei'. 3-lb cans, ti.2.,i I.JO, 2-lb.. S. V-'4j $1 .0". Pineapples, grated, 2-lt.. t2.uii4i2.30; alltfd. tl.6Vai2.2o. Uallon apples, fancy, 13.6"; California upn cots, 114' IK2 2.0O; pears, tl.70M2.'O; peaciiua, fancy, ll.ii-'i2 40; 11. C. p( aches. $2 ooui o-a Alaska stamen, red. 61.16; pink, fcvc; fancy Chinook, fc.. 62.10; fancy suckeye, P., H.j; surdlnes, Vi oil, l2.5o; H mustards, ti.bwt 8 10. iSweet potatoes, tl lnfrfl.t j;. svauersrain. tl.oo; pumpkins, tuc'titi uo; wax iwans. i-iu., ToSjtuc; lliuu beans, 2-lb., Tjr'jitJ.isJ, spinach, Il.3yil2.0o; cheap peas, 2-lb.. ,o0. exit a, ou (Oci fancy, tl Sifil. 10. brooms imo. i crrt, i,,.io; no. s carpet, 12.40; No. 3 plain. 11. 2a. I I I :wm ' . Vi 'Iv. ... . Treasury Mn t ei-ir n t. WASHINGTON', April It Today's stale nient of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the tl60.0.(KIO gold. reserve, shows: Available cosh.' balance, tl0o.lW.710. Gold" coin and billion.' t7S.501,M2. Gold certificates, t:y.04),s00. H K AI. ESTATE TilAVUKKHS. k 4, Shiiin'a Sil, l.OoO to Fred Drodegaai tl, Edward D. Jones to Albert B. Prior, lot 1. block 0, lliUcion Heights t 500 Brower E. McCague and wife to Jacob llahn. lot 3, block 2. 1.. .P. 11am inond's add Z!5 Herman and Charlotte Wflke to 41altie L. lienton. blot k Josenh T. Keeley lots is to 21. block 12,. Saunders & Himt-b'tugfi's 5(4) Ruth E. Tcctzel and husband to Robert E. Wiley and wife, 4 lot 6, block "C," Horbach's itub, 4.0H0 Oscar J. Allison and wife to Duncan I'liilayson, lot 6, block 1. Iliiyn park 1 Ijiwrence D. Spalding and' wife to same; same 1 W. C. Taylor to Emma L. , Taylor, lot 7. block 342, Omaha 5n0 Thomas Sullivan to Elizabeth H. Charlton, west 44 feet Jol 2. block fi9, Omaha , 'X Dsnlel Sullivan to Tiiouias J. SUIliVun, same 2 The Midway Investment coiuimny to Fred A. Angeniian, lot 2a, blot 4 13. Albright's annex , 3&J Louisa Reeves to Sidney R. Beeves, lot 20, block 4, llaje all s sub I Omaha Realty company to City of - Omaha, east 20 feet lot Pi2. Glue's 1 John G. Lund et al. to Jacob 1.. Kalny. lota 10 and II, block 3, and lots 0 and 10, block 10, Ambler Place 2 Fred D. Weed and wlfit to Anton I ar son, w Vj ne'a se!4 Dlt-16-13 l.OuO Mahala E. Cox to William S. Brooks, part lot 16, block 6. Hweesy'a 4.7TiO Ida B. Rysham and hustmrid to Nettie Hinlth. lot 11, blot k 6. Isabel add 2 s'i Samuel D. Mercer to the S. I). Mercer Co., lot 1". block 5, and other lots. Walnut Hill 1 John and Anna Kudlacx to John Podraza, lots U and 12. block I, Arbor Place WO Nelson P. llulwt and wife to Sarah V. Chase, part lot 6. block 48. Omaha Katherine Hennessey to William Yt y.abe, Mouth 41 feet lots 2 and 1, block I. Kouhtze & Ruin's S.OnO Charles Sheerer and wife to William J. Miller, lots 24 and 24, block I, Briggs Place LoOO William Saunders, executor, to same; same 670 John W. McDonald to Lizzie M. Smiths lot 16. block 1. Briggs Place 1,300 William P. McMillan to Edward 0. Rood, lot 16. block 1, Briggs place ... 1 Roy M Scott and wife to the Byron Beed Co., lot 1, blo4 k 73, Omaha, 7,500 F. Da Day Cc Co. stock. Grain. Provision Skip tear Crala to Ha. Chicago mmm Minneapolis Delivery. One-eighth commltslou on Oram, ona quarter on Stocks. Prompt and carat vU attention given to outside suAuii'.av. Write for our daily Market Letter, walled free. Main Omve. llO-lll Board of Trade CLIde). OMAHA. . KM. Lone Dlstnaace Tkvsa, Uoaflaa SB 14. I