Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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We wish to urge
the Itdies of Omaha -to
make it a point
to select their Easter
hats Thursday. In
all our millinery
b Together vtith this display
J we present
tht svo', of tht
New Summer Costu vus.
Most of this apparel de-
signed expressly
for Easter and
shown for the first time. m
IV U J 15
history we have never been
so perfectly equipped with
bewitching and original
models to delight the fol
lowers of fashion.
Ntw Shipment of Easter
Millinery frm Paris.
These hats were shipped
We Announce a Noteworthy Exhibit of
Ladies" New Easter Costumes
For the humlreds of Fashion's devotees in Omaha tiho seek Branded for elegant dress apparel just before Buster
.' "tee have prepared a lavish shewing of originil mihs in which refinement and style character are dominant'
direct in bonj to Oman
our own Parisian buyer.
If iWT(tlfex 2
Semi-Tailored Costumes Princess Gowns
'livening Wraps Dress Costumes Summer Coats
Lingerie Waists Separate Costume Skirts
lti in our appreciation of the requirements of Fashion that we can serve
the ladies of Omaha intelligently. We show a wonderful style range
cpstumes and dresses which are specially designed for occasions of varying
formality, each one jiessessing its individual merit and all the.n
correct expressions of fashion.
Aming the chief color schemes gray in varying
tones, shadow plaids and the pastel shades, notably
light green, Alice blue and roses are special favorites
i5 up to $35
519 up to $65
fashioned in Utffftts and Jap silks
LACES-uill goat
CELEBRATED " FA SHIONSEAL" SUITS Elegant and very modish
garvienin go at .
' 7'luse beautiful suits are the talk of fashionable Omaha. We are
the exclusive agents for their sale in Omaha. Material the very
finest and an almost unlimited array of mUlwntic tityks; all of then
tcith the individual note the distinctive dnsser seeks.
I'lllNCESS GOWNS Tlie reigning styles for
1906 lingeries, silks, net, etc., at
SUITS hand embroidered und lace trimmed, at
SILK JACKET SUITS-Newest 1906 novelty,
at.. ;
LINGERIE WAISTS-Made of the sheerest
fabrics elaborately fashioned, at
17 to $75
IVs to $39
$V up to 17s0
We welcome your inspection of these modes Thursday.
This assemblage bears such importance as a style shoio
that we feel you will take a genuine interest in viewing
the gowns whether you care to buy just now or not
As an expose, of authentic and elabo7'ate styles for Easter this showing is unrivaled. 5
Easter Millinery
The large picture hat, trimmed with ostrich feathers, still retain
its popularity in spite of the great vogue of the small hat. Stunning (ffV
sailor sliapes, novel turnea-up eneets ana uerny crown uais are irais
in the race for favor.
We have made a great effort in preparing these hats to sell at this price; most of them
are individual Spring models, designed expressly for haster wear by
some of New York's most fashionable milliners. Such a broad variety
in style and trimming was never before assembled at this price. Ex
quisite harmony of colors, styles that suit every face becomingly and
the very height of Easter fashion, at, each
Entirely New end Brilliant Assemblage ot Paris Model H&ts
These hats have just reached us, fresh from the leading ateliers of the Hue de la Paix.
"We consider them the most beautiful conceptions of style that we have yet shown. Many ex
treme novelties in charming color schemes are shown. The leading designers of Paris have
The smartest output of our own corps of experienced designers. Our most skill
ful artisans have put into these hats a graceful, dashing style that makes them p sW
rival the most expensive Paris and New York designs. In our twenty years of milli- - U
nery success we nave never snown sucn siuimmg imis at.
uv in
The Smart Little Sailors for Street Wear
Are more popular every day, the saucy tilt
to the brim, the wealth of flowers E
'. L 1 ? A nil of rtvi 41lrft.11
111 II llllllllllg, PW., ail oiaui mvm
as favorites
Every kind of rose used for trimming, from the American beauty to the dainty little
June rose also daisies, violets, poppies and every kind of flower that Fashion employs
on big bargain tables moderately priced.
New Arrivals for the Easter Parade These
hats are in the newer shapes, designed
since the beginning of the season
and following out the trend of
exact fashion specials, at.
Lare Amount of Improvement in 8i?ht for
, Coming Year.
Iniprnirnirnt (lul Alio Planning
for Work Which Will Add
Mntrrlairy to lh Brant?
of thr 'tt.
It ta apparent to nny observer In South
Omaha that the ruxhlnff ;aaon ot public
and private activity la well on. Before the
end of tho week everything will be on the
tnove. Tuesday. Parks, JnhnKon & Parka,
raving contractors, begun to break up the
old aHphalt pavement on Twenty-fourth
Btroet. beginning: near N atreet. By Iant
night four blocks of the paving on the
enst hulf of the atreet had been torn
up. The repavlng will begin as soon as
possible, but It will be necessary that the
paving Inspectors be appointed before the
work can begin. Mayor Hoctor has not
made public his appointments yet.
The street 'railway company la pushing
the work of laying heavy rails on Missouri
avenue and putting In the concrete ballast.
The new rails have been laid between
Twentieth and Thirteenth, on one aide.
Considerable grading will have to be done
on the street before the paving can be
undertaken there. Dan Hannon, the grad
ing contractor, has been busy for the past
two weeks and the work ahead will keep
lilm busy all' summer.
The city engineer Is busy on specifica
tions for the grading of Twenty-second
street, from 8 to Y and in like manner
fur O street, from Twenty-seco;d to Twen
tieth. The latter will be a $14,000 contract.
There la a large embankment In l.e le
nioved ju bring the street to grade.
Among private enterprises there is one
of ounaldorabl note. V. J. I'lick, a prom
inent banker of benlnon, la., has ordered
the exauiatlona, which were begun yester
day, for the erection of fourteen strictly
modern dwellings ax Thirty-eighth and Q
Ktieels. Mr, I'lick has owned two entire
blocks In that locality since the time of
the real eatsta boom of years ago. It Is
I: is object 4a make his property yield him
tumti tangible -returns. Above R1.000 will
io ex pen 01 In ths .project. It la believed
.here will' be no difficulty In getting ten
mts, for all the available of the
:lty are striven for. y
H. M. C'hrlMIe reports that he consum
mated three deals yesterday which repre
sent tlO.'XD. These were all In Improved
properties. The other real estate men are
The National Packing company has torn
Juuii a.11 the amnll buildings In the space
Qurth of the main building and lying be
tween them and the viaduct on O street. It
la likely that the ground so cleared will
be occupied by a commodious office build
ing at the front or east side of the trtahgli.
Back of this there -will be a runway for
cattle! The work on the latter has been
commenced. The foundations of the new
power plant at the extreme west side of
the old Hammond property are approach
ing completion.
Rlgr Newer Contract.
The bond ordinance authorizing the Issue
of $moX has been legally published and
In the course of a few days an advertise
ment of the sale of the bonds will appear.
Specifications for tho sewer have been com
pleted by Andrew Rosewater, so that as
soon as the bond Issue Is floated the con
tracts can be let and the work begun.
The Union Stock Yards company has re
ceived several car loads of paving blocks
for the repair and extension of their paved
alleys and pens.
City Treasurer E. L. Howe Issued the
following statement of the finances of the
city, which show them to be In the beat
shape In the entire history of the city.
The cash On hand April 1 Is :C4.06.0B. The
collections during the month of March
were $30,012.84: dlshursmentn during the
same time. t2I.lJ9.TS. The amount In the
treasury the first of March was tS5.B3.14.
Ths Increase during the month of April
was 8,8S-.!1.
Improvemeat Clob Election.
The Northeastern Improvement club held
Its annual meeting in the high school build
ing Tuesday and elected officers with the
following result: President. E. I... Howe;
vice president, A. J. Caughey; secretary,
I. C. Mattatall: treasurer. A. U Iott; board
of directors. W. B. Cheek. Ed Munshaw,
T. B. Scott.
Bteps were taken to get In touch with
the Omaha Improvement clubs so that
North Twenty-third street, which is to be
a boulevard, may be extended from A
street to the Central Boulevard in Omaha.
This will connect the South Omaha boule
vard with the greater system of Omaha. A
move-waa set on foot, row that Twenty
third street has been provided for. to ac
complish ttie same for Twenty-second
street. Matters of parking, paving and gut
tering were discussed at some length and
several committees were appointed to look
after the details.
There will be an Important meeting of
the Highland Park Improvement club
Thursday evening at the IJmoln school.
The grading of F street from Twenty-sixth
to the Cnlon Pacllle right-of-way Is to be
urged at once. The laying of permanent
sidewalks from A to J street, which was
ordered by tho council hist winter, is to be
taken up. The people are anxious to see
the work begun. It Is also the intention of
the club to urge the Park board to ci n
struct some kind of a walk around lliKh
land park. The present paths are worthies
In bad weather. There Is a great need of
cinder pa'hs at once If not gravel or
others of greater permanance. The com-
all Hue isg
..i- TT. . . of h" We- Bee
ETerjr mother feels t
iant upon
ai mr,th,r .KM K . r : " . " " e ?ecomlD?
wi joy io an, out the suHennir and
MXVanpHe.nVlh' r,de'1 m;keiU -nticipation one of misery.
Mother . Friend i. the only remedy which relieve, women of the Creat
pain and danger of maternity ; thi. hour which it dreaded a woman's
severest trial it not only made painle... but all the danger it .voided
by ,t. use. Tho who ue thU remedy are no longer dependent or
gloomy; nervou.nes. nautea and other distre.sing condition, are
overcome, the ivitem U mH .i . . .
. -j j mc mining event, .nd the
teriout accidents in rnmmnn 1 '
hour .re obviated by the use of Mother's
Crim. A I. .. ... ....
-ii i worm in weignt tn gold.
uiauy woo nave usea it. fi.oo per
come at arusr stores, nnnk;n
..I...VI. ! f . .. 6
vaiuautc inionnation oi interest to all women, will TTwr. m
be ent to ny .ddrew free upon application to IrH!!
CnAOnOD REGULATOR CO.. AUtmtm. Cm. U 9 Li'Ci
: 'r. Miner's
mittee appointed to promote the grading
and boulevarding of F street and of Twenty-fifth
street north of F to the city limits
specially urge the people who are property
owners on these streets to be1 present at
this meeting.
Minstrels a Pucceaa.
The Magic City Minstrel troup presented
Its original minstrel show Monday evening
at the Ancient Order of L'nlted Workmen
temple. The entertainment was given un
der the auspices of the Knights and Ladles
of Security, Magic City council No. 370. To
say the presentation was successful was
putting it mild. The temple was well tilled
by a good-natured crowd. Judging from
their expressions of approval.
Car Inspection Association.
The annual meeting of the South Omaha
Joint Car inspection association was held
yecterday afternoon In the offices of the
I'nlou Stock Yards company. All of the
roads were represented. George Thomp
son of the 1'nlon Pacific railroad presided.
Numerous reports from the various officers
and committees' were read and acted upon.
The affairs of the association and the work
that has been accomplished during the
last year were discussed and have been
very satisfactory, as the above mentioned
reports showed. After these reports were
approved the body proceeded to the elec
tion of the officers for the ensuing year.
George Thompson, the former president,
was elected for another year. J. H. Brady
of the Union Stock Yards company was
chosen secretary and W. H. Cressey was
made chief Joint inspector.
Magic City Uoaalp.
A boy was born to Jesse Brusbelle, Thirty
first and VV streets.
A. A. Rhults. Twenty-sixth and J streets,
has a new daughter.
lliman Levy is visiting his parents, Mr.
ana nirs. jucou ievy.
I T. B. Scott and wife have gone on a
1 visit to Excelsior Springs, Mo.
I Ell H. Uoud of Chicago was visiting his
irienaa in inia city auring ttie week.
August Miller has returned from New
Mexico. 11a la much improved in health.
K W. Pratt, trainmaster of the Rock
island road at Lies Moines, is spending a
duy or two here on bue:r.rsii.
Miss Mae Jones and Belle Doran of Coun
cil Blufts are spending several duys in
Soutn Omaha as the guests of Mlsa Nan
The calico ball of the Iegree of Honor
was held last night at the Ancient Order
I of l'nlted Workmen temple. A good crowd
j was present,
I Alice Edna and George Kudersdorf are
' spending a week'a vacation witli their
I parents. They have been In the University
; of Nebraska.
! The class of l&uo of the South Omaha
High school will meet Friday evening at
; tue high achool building. Every member ia
1 requested to be present.
I The South Omaha police officers expressed
I ntucn satisfaction over the sentence Im
posed on liurilson Clark after Ida trial
lor the snooting ot Conductor Flury.
C. C. McKlnley of the South Omuha
Young, Men Christian association, form
erly living at 'ZAfl N street, has moved to
a new location at 4.0 Norm i wenty-tounu
' atreet.
The sophomores of the Omaha High
school deleated tne leaders ot the Bouin
.omuha loung Mens Chnstian association
ill a hot game of basket ball by a score ot
at to 26.
Judge King continued all the cases which
Were up lor trial yesteroay for the reason
thai iirany all the oft leers who had made
the ariesta were in Omaha attending me
Clark trial.
James H. Connor of Oubuque, la., and
Fred IxJllgftllow, both of them officials of
me &liiauke railroad, were in this city
yesleiday attending the meeting of the
Joint Car Inspection association.
Mrs. Frank Clark, Twenty-sixth and N
Streets, was taken to the South Omaha
lioepital yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Claik
has been ailing for the past month and her
condition has lately grown serious.
The young people of the First Baptist
church will meet with Mr. and Mrs VV.
H. Heyman, '1 enty-third and A streets.
An Easter entertainment will be the at
tiactiou. An enjoyable lime is anticipated.
The condition of F. J. Etter la much Im
proved, lie was taken with a relapse of
nut complaint last Monday evening and for
a few hours his condition waa very aerlous.
He was attended by lr. Siabaugh. Lkat
Light he was able to sil up in hut chair.
The postal clerks at the Exchange post
office art expreksing much satisfaction
since the new cancelling machine haa ben
placed in cM-ra.UoD. The work of can
cellation ia reduced to about oue-third the
40iiin-r time. iiidt this the work ia neat
and near.
Fink Will Assume Oharee of Consolidated
Office Thursday Moraine:.
Cathera Subsides, So Decision of
Supreme Court May Really Co
Into K fleet and OUlcea
Be United.
Because of the close attention demandel
of County Treasurer Fink on the Board
of Primary Election Canvassers and
other reasons, City Treasurer Hennlntra
did not transfer the city treasury depart
ment to him Tuesday afternoon, as hal
been planned. Instead the transaction will
be completed Thursday morning at 8 o'clock
as now scheduled. John T. Gathers .who
brought the suit to annul the consolidation
provisions of the charter, has waived all
rights to file motions for a new trial and
the decision of the supreme court has
been certified to Treasurer Fink and the
city legal department,
"For the present, few If any changes will
b made In the force now employed In the
city treasurer's office," said Mr. Fink. "It
will take some little time to dovetail tha
two offices together and have the business
carried on properly. I am In hopes tha
entire treasury department will ba trans
ferred from the overcrowded courthouse
to the city hall. It would be much mora
convenient In every way, but I think ad
ditional room will have to be provided it
the city hall. This matter is up to the
county commissioners and city council.
'I shall receipt for whatever I recelvo
from the treasurer upon my own inspec
tion. The city comptroller will ba
but no special auditor will be employed to
check the books."
City Treasurer Ilennings retains his title
and salary until May 21, when his term
expires. Though he is noncoinmital on the
subject It Is thought he will not resign.
He is supposed to have future business
connections In view, but Is not ready to
make a statement about them.
Nome Think ew Employee shoald
Get Kama Italic in Wages
aa Old Ones.
The announcement by the directors of
the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Rail
way company of an Increase in pay to a
majority of the carmen has met with
hearty approval from the men who have
been in service for a long period and who !
get the larger increase. The new men, who"!
gel practically no increase In pay, are not
so well pleased. Some of the union men
maintain all should be paid alike, that a
man who la working relief and runs a car
for an older man, while the other is off
for lunch, is worth Just as much to the
company as the older men. The company
on the other hand claims Ihey are not
worth as much, for the conductors are
more apt to miss a few nickels and the
motormen do not run the cars with as
much safety as the old men.
A committee of the union had asked for
a hearing before the directors and this was
practically arranged for Tuesday afternoon
with Mr. Barton, who saw the men. but
Informed them he could take no action
without railing a meeting of the directors
and he did not wish to do this until the
return of Mr. Wattles, vice president ot
the company, who is expected back from
California Saturday,
Substantial Pledgee to Y. VV. C. A. and
Some Large Donations Increase
Bnlldlna; Fond.
Wednesday's canvass for the Young
Women's Christian association building
fund was more prolific of promises than
cash, but as the promises came from some
of the larger business firms the women ex
pect much the last of the week. Some
of the largest recent donations are )uU0
from the Omaha Gas company, $25C from
the Omaha Elevator company, $200 from
C. F. Schwager and $100 from W. Ernest
Johnson, republican nominee for city comp
troller. The livery men of the city have gen
erously met the request for carriages for
the solicitors and placed several at their
dispoaal. There have been more changes
on the team list, Miss Paxson's team
which is composed of teachers, having
risen to third place.
Colors and Captains Amount.
Dark blue, Hallie Hood $ 3,207.70
Red, Edith Baker 2,41s. 50
Orange, Susan Paxson l.aiil 00
Green, Mary Larson l.KM.ifi
Pink, Bessie Chambers l.Oi.iio
Violet, Clara Ady 1,17X 25
Brown, Ora Johnson sm 25
Yellow, Mrs. C. E. Perkins 715.00
Light blue, Nellie Crandall bf.7.26
Lavender, May H. Flnley 646.&U
trlbuted Mr. Dahlman's visit to a desire to
drive deals with republican office holders
for support, while pious persons considered
ho was probably stocking up on municipal
history and datu to be exploded during the
campaign. The latter view was the one
most accredited.
Conferences of Democratic and Pops
list Slate Committees Not Yet
on the Bulletin Hoard,
"I cannot say anything about where or
when the democratic state committee will
meet." said L. J. Platti, member of that
committee. "I have heard nothing on the
subject whatever."
J. J. Points, member of the state popu
list committee, is equally at sea as to
the future deliberations of that committee.
So far as anyone In Omaha knows It may
never again hold a meeting or It may meet
tomorrow. Since Judge Holcomb pro
nounced the populist party's death knell
In The Bee the first of the year even the
most unterrlfied have displayed more or
less diffidence about seeking to pretend
that such a political entity still existed In
Total $14,621.30
The Goal, $126,000 Entries to Date
Donors. Amt. Total. Dnrs. Amt. Total.
2 $10.CO0 $a.0ii0 l....$u,il) $10,000.00
4 6,0(0 ao.ouo 6.0W
10 1.000 lO.oiiO 7 l.inK) 7.000 .00
20 5-0 10,u .... 6n) 4.500 00
20 250 6.OU0 10.... 2M 2,500.00
26 200 S.ofO 11.... 2o0 2,200 00
2'J luo 2).ui0 42.... luo 4.2110. on
2n0 60 lO.irno lit 50 3.250.00
200 26 6.0OT) l(rt.... 25 2.676. (
Small sums.. 6. Out) Small sums. 2. (i
Teams 15, on) Teams 14,621. 3o
Total $125,000 Total $53,043.36
Ueblg Compray's (
Mew as Ceak leek
By Mrs. S. T. 10IXJL
- - to any woman who will
send ker addran to
Liebif 's Kxtract of Heat
Co., Ltd., In Hodaoa
Street, flew lora.
O'Hearn's Accomplice In I.anaten Mur
der May Be Called Thurs
day Morning.
The trial of Joe Warren, charged aith
being an accomplice of Jay O'Hearn In the
murder of Nels Lauvten, is scheduled to
begin before Judge Sutton Thursday morn
ing. County Attorney Slabaugh wants to
begin the trial at that time, but it Is un
derstood Warren's attorneys desire a delay,
but Judge Slabaugh ia not Inclined to grant
them any longer timo. Jf the case Is taken
up It may necessitate the calling of a spe
cial venire, as nearly the entire panel waa
exhausted In the Clark case owing to the
prejudice of the Jurors against capital punishment.
Demorratle Nominee for Mayor Looks
Araaad tha Bnlldlna Me Woald
I.Ike t Occapy.
The significance of James C. Dahlman's
visit to the city hall Wednesday morning
waa a leading topic of discussion in polit
ical circles during the day. The demo
cratic mayoralty nomine spent several
hours In the building In private conference
with appointive officers. He said Jokingly
he was getting the lay of the land, and per
haps getting In touch wtth some of "his
future officers." The evil-minded ones at-
New Fast Trains and Tracing System
to Be Adopted by Great
H. H. Churchill, general agent of the
Chicago Great Western, has returned from
St. Paul, where he attended a meeting of
the freight representatives of the road and
also conference with the operating depart
"Arrangement were completed by the of
ficials of the road whereby additional fast
freight trains will bo put on all lines of the
system," said Mr. Churchill. "The road
also will put Into effect at once an up-to-date
tracing system, the result of which
will be greatly ty Improve the freight
service. Patrons can then tin given In
formation regarding any shipment on a
moment's notice. The plan la similar to
the red ball system which the Santa Fc
inaugurated several year ago and which
made that road immensely popular In
Kansas City. When a load of freight leave
Chicago, for Instance, for this city, Omaha
will be advised by wire iminedlHtely and
the shipper can be informed just where
his shipment is."
Marriage Licenses.
The following iiMirluge licenses have
been Issued :
Melvln n. Llttreal. Fort Crook 21
Lottie M. Ilenryes, Fort Crook 22
August N. Johnson, Marion, la 47
Christine llokinoon. Denver, Colo M
Henry Howard. South Omaha 41
Lizzie Green, South Omaha 42
Otto Glmpel, Omaha 2
Justlna Malskeit, Omuha 21
Thomas N. Shandy, Omaha 22
Edith M. Agee, Omaha 21
Nels Ekherg. Fremont 32
Nellie Manson. Omaha kii
William R. Kills, Omaha 5fi
Flora F. Penney. Auburn, Me 63
BIRTHSTONES Edholm, ltith & Harney.
Veteran Firemen's Association.
At the regular meeting and smoker of the
Veteran Firemen's association Wednesday
evening at Chief Salter's office, B. J. Jobst
of No. 2 volunteer engine company, was
elected a member of the association.
The meetings were changed to the first
Wednesday of the month Instead of the
An amendment to the constitution to
organize an auxiliary of the Sons of Vet
eran Fireman was proposed, but laid over
until the next meeting.
A suitable memorial In respect to the
death of our late Mayor Frank E. Moores
will be drafted. The committee consisting
of Secretary F. H. Koester. Veterans C. (1.
Hunt and William Alutadt.
Fresh clear skin from babyhood
to motherhood mark the users of
-Jap Dlose
Extreme laboratory care in manufacture and
uniform texture are indicated by its transpar
ency and results in skin comfort and beauty.
Fer toilet and bath.
- I MM
n- - aHaaj' am
I - mniimiirT .
run r .n ui