TIIK OMAHA DATTT BEE: TUTIiSDAY. 'A PHIL 12. IPOrt. U WANTED TO BORROW I WANT to borrow H.ono i on Improved residence proper! v; wtnOi t:'"; lo ra!d In one of the l t part of Onahn; rate must bo low, with privilege or pav ing pan each vear. Address H M. Hce office. . 41 V M122 OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute, 418 N. T. U Tel. bmi. 104. v DR. WEU.S, Neville Blk. Tel. Doug. SD77. 4t MS BANK STATEMENTS No. IMS. , RKPORT Or THE CONIMTION OF TMK UM AHA SATIOtAI. MAK. At Omaha, In the Btate of Nobranka, at the Close of Business April t, lfriti. RKSOUKCE3. I.sana and discounts, f t,369,64 41 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured tKiS.frj U. 8. bonds to se cure circulation 6o0.u00uo U. B. bonda to se cure U. 8. deposits 4".ti0. Premiums on L". 8. bonda 4o.non.nn Bond, securities, etc. 660,B. W Banking house, fur niture and flstures. 2W.00u.04 I'ue from national banka (not reserve agents) I (72,120 2 Due from atate banka and banker J8.V447.34 Due from approved reserve agents l,04O,2117 2.07.7 4) Checks and other cash Itema 18.471. 1J Exchanges for clear ing house 273. ill. 46 Notes of other na tional banka la,470OO Fractional paper cur rency, nlckila and centa J64.91 Lawful money re aerve In bank, via; . specie, ..$A38,6S.OO legal ten- der notea 123,620.00 S3,988.00 l.Z72. 43 Redemption fund with 1'. 8. treas urer (5 of circu lation) 30.000 00 Total 111,660,622.11 LIABILITIES. Capital atorlc paid In $ l.imd.onn.ni) Surplus fund !iO,CjO.0 U ndivided profits, less expenses and taxes Pld K2.1SH.4S National bank notea outstanding SOO.OOO.OO Ptie to other national banka t3,361,6S.7 Due to state banka and bankers 2,141,627.27 Due to trust com panies and savings banks i 36,178.43 individual deposits subject to check... :.D45,476.!W Time, certificates of deposit 6W.781.S2 Cerlllied checks .4N8.1a Cashier's checks out standing 232.4310" T'nlted States deposits 4i,Xi.u2 Deposlta of 4!. 8. dis bursing officer 863,SS3.2 9,898,833.72 Total j ' tll.Mn.622.la Etate of Nebraska. County of Douglas s: 1, Charles K. Walte, cashier or tho tibove named bank, do solemnly swear that II. e above statement Is true fo the bent of my knowledge and belief. 1 CHARLES H WAITR. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me tills tu, day of April, 39. L. D. SPALDING, . Notary Public. Correct Attest! J. H. MILLARD, -ti9.T c, F- M'URKW Directors. . . GOVK0WMBST KOTICK9. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES. Department of the Interior, Office of In dian Affairs. Washington, D. C, March 24, 1M.-Sealed proposals, plainly marked on. the outside of the envelope: "Proposal for rubber good, boots and shoos," etc., us the caae may be. and addressed to the "Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washing ton, D. C,.' will be received nt the Indian ollice until I o'clock p. m. of Thursduy, April it, 190, and then opened, for fur nishing the Indian service with rubber f roods;-boors and shots, hardware and mod cal supplies. Sealed proposal, plainly marked on the outside of the envelope: "Proposal for crockery, furniture," etc., as the case may be, and addressed to the 'Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washing ton, p. C," will be received at the Indian tfllce until I o'clock p. rn. of Tuesday, May 1, 10, and then opened, fur furnishing the lndlaq service with crockery, agricultural Implements, paints, oils, glass, tinware, wagons, harness, leather, shoe findings, saddlery, etc, school supplies and a long list of miscellaneous articles. Bids must be made out on government blanks. Schedules giving all necessary information for bidders will be furnished on applica tion to the Indian office, Washington, D. C; the IT. B. Indian Warehouses at New York, City; Chicago, 111.; Bt. luls. Mo., and Omaha, Nub. The department re serves the light to reject any and all bids, or aoy part of any bid. F. E. LEl'PP, A4to28 Commissioner. COURT HOUSE, CUSTOM HOUSE. AND PnStofflc. flllUhB K'nh HalA.l r.t.r. I'iihhii win ne received hi tins nuiioing until i o ciock p. m., April Ju, 1!, for ftirnlxhlng fuel, lights, water. l-e, mia cellaneouM supplies, washing towels, haul ing ashes and sprinkling streets for thie building during the fiscal year ending June ), 1S07, or such portion of the vear as may be deemed advisable. The right to -reject any and all bids reserved by the Treasury Department. B. 11. HARROWS. Custodian. A-1? 14 t OCEAN 9TKAMF.R. FRENCH LINE Compagnlo Generate TransatJantlquo - . F Ml Rutm tm Ihm Omntlnitt Mmll Stmt VitaMref In auiaf Cagmnoa Now York - Par 6Y Day LA PROVENCE, newest ef fast leviathans, having passenger elevator, roof cafe, and many ether innovations, fleet toi modern, gigantic Twin-Screw and H x press "htesmers; naval offi cers1 man-of-war discipline. Company's vesuV buled trsins lls-'re-Paia, j!a hom. LA 'CHAMPAGNE April 19 LA BRETAQNB, Bat'y., Apr. 21. 10A.M. LA PA VOI K April 2 LA PROVENCR May (.A LORRAINE May lu LA OASCOGNK, Sat y.. May 12. 10 A. M. LA' TOI'RAINB May 17 SPEClAt-Extra departures. Use of en lire steamer at cheap second class rates. for plans, resorvatlons and full Infurma tn call mi. telephone, or write to . Haref r. AVesrea, fSOf Fmnmm B1rmt loatta Unit, mmr F Irmf Mat Ion ml Bank J. B. Omymmldm. 1SO Farmwm Sir Agents for Omaha Find a Customer Ererjr thing 70a hat to Mil ! wanted bj gomebodT If price and quality are right k Want Ad will - find tb custom. Charles A. Potter (tKNEHAlt Sl tl.MlCK.AJ'Utlit. I'rpoat lull, CwrrcsiK'iiuVni r, llrlrl flora apo pcial KeporGog 0a Short Nutica. &OTAHY 11 "BMC. get, !!. Ai maa Beilalaak NEW LAW FOR THE CHINESE Michigan Conerewman Introduces Bill to Beviaa the Exclusion Ltwi. GRANTS FULL WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS siler Proposed Regulation Harden of Proof Will Be mu I silted States la Walt to Deport Chinese. WASHINGTON. April 11.-K pi escntatlv Dcnby (Mich.) Introduced a bill today mak ing extensive lrvl.lon of the Chinese ex clusion act. It extenda the operation of this act ten years and Incorporates the recommendations of Commissioner General B.irgent for American inspectors In China under the supervision of the immigration service and for the re-registratlon of Chinese now In this country. The- bill Is not Intended to modify the basic policy of excluding Chinese laborers but. according to Mr. Denby. Is an attempt to find a com promise which shall harmonise differences with Chins. It permlta Chinese residents of this country to go and come at will under proper regulation In order to return certificates, etc. It repeals the provision of existing law permitting Chinese laborers to leave the Ciiited 8tates and subsequently return only In case they have wives or families or debts due to them In the 1'nlted States and which limits their right of re turn to one year. It admits Chinese appli cants for the writ of habeas corpus to ball, a privilege now denied them. It provides that any ( hlnaman resident In the United States and wishing to go buck to China and then return to the United States may receive a return certificate on exhibition of his certificate of registration or original certificate of entry and proof of his identity. It repeals the provision of existing law placing the burden of proof upon Chinese arrested for being unlawfully In the United States to show his right to be here. It re peals spci Ideally the provision In the law of 192, already held unconstitutional, that Chinese found unlawfully In the United States shall be imprisoned at hard labor for one year and then deported. It enlarges the exempt classes beyond those mentioned In the treaty of 1880 to in clude accountants, bookkeepers, hankers, members of the learned professions, editors or members of other classes not falling within the category of laborers from enter ing the United States. But it also pro vides that It shall be unlawful fur any Chinese person entering the United States as a member of an exempt class to work for gain as a lu borer. There is at present no standard by which persons claiming to be "students" are to he Judged. The bill explicitly defines the term student. It also provides that Chi nese coming to this country from China or the islands adjacent thereto shall depart only from certain ports to be designated by the United States. Haling In Te.iaa. EL PASO. Texas, Apt II 11. Federal Judge Maxey today held that the secretary of the Department of Commerce and Labor has no authority to order the deportation of a Chinaman who has once gained admission to the United States, but that the China man must have a court trial. The ruling was made In the case of Chin Tun who was arrested here and sent back to Mexico by the secretary becsuse the Immigration officers hud seen him in Mexico. Chin Tun returned after deportation, was re-arrested and got out a writ of habeas corpus. Train Wreckers Fall. PITTSBURG. Kan., 'April 11: Ah unsuc cessful attempt to wreck the southbound St. Louis & San Francisco passenger train, Known as the "Meteor, was made last night lielwcen Turck and Scammon, dyna mite having been placed on the track. Three feet of tracks were torn out, but the fact that the train was running nearly sixty miles an hour curried it safely over the break. Sirs. Haymwnrt liny HeroTer. AH ANGELES. Cal.. April 11. -Mrs. Kata B. Raymond, wife of a clerk In the Interior RAILWAY TIME CARD INIOX tl'ATIUn-'l'ICNTU AMD MARXY. lalvn facia. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a .40 am a :1B ant Tl.e China and Japan r'aat Mail 4:18 pin a 6:10 p.a Colo. U Calif. Ex a 4:1b um a :J am California at Ore. Lx..a 4:& in a 6:10 pin Los Aufceles Limited.... all :Ju am am. 46 pia Fast Mall a l oo pin a K:IM pin Colorado Special a 7:4u urn a 7:44 am North Pkitte Local a :U am a 4:60 poi Beatrice Local ' b:U ui t ii.ou piu tulingu Ureal Wtrnia, Leave. Arrive. St. Paul A Minn a :w pm a 7:16 am St. Paul dt Minn a 7:46 am a 7.66 nm Chicago Limited a :w pin a!0.o am Cnicago l.xpresa a 6:ub am ti.KI DIU Minn. 4t St. i-aui tx...o s:uu aui Minn. 4V St. Paul Ltd... a :ao mm bt; pm tuicusu, atovaw Islaatl dk favotAa. loAaU'. Chicago LI 1 ni ten a J.26 am a 7:1ft am cmca.io Kxprcsa a 3 .ot' am a t:at pin Liuca.au ixpivHa, LocaLbU:la am a 4:u pm Lea Moiuco Lureas....a i.Mi put Dii.au am Chicago l-'aal Ji.pieaa..a : vu a Li um WhiaU-. Rocky Mountain Liu. .a 7:) am a 1. it am Colorado Kxpresa a tM pui a 4:64 pm Oklahoma ivxaa h.x.a .u um .t.i luU'UMU at Norlttwaatvrak. UL i'aui Layiigni a 7:j0 am lidiaao uajiaol a uu u Ciucaao Limited a pui Cairoii Local ....a 4.44 cm fcl. Paul tool Mali a . put bloua U. at- P. LooaLb it.au ttu Is 00 pm U.oU pin .i am mi am ;ua am U.tt am X:u Dm r am Mall Chicago Kipieaa Norfolk at ttoneateel.. ,.a 6 60 pm a 7.au am ..a J.w am lu.jo am Lincoln at Lou Pino. ..a :, tm CakJ.e at vu.iuoa i:w iui Ltadwood Lincoln.. ii-M put ilatiiu k Aluion b M pi Cuicaiio Loo ail: n; Chicsao Limited ali-u piu Wsbatll, pu Louis XpreM a f 40 pm W.to am ;m pm .iu pm s:ia put . pm L.ia ait. a t:4 i bi. L.UUH i-Kiuai uruia Couucil Blufia a 1:1 am alv:K pr Biauocrry Local Irroia council Blutts) b f :00 pm bil: ata buaiiu taltL Chicago Kprca a l:u am v LU put Ciucago Uuulea a e.u p. a i -v aia 4. uiuu, wiHikM a. SI. i'aal. Cbicago a, Colo, apoe L.a au a i.K u Lalilurrua at Ore. k...a k.a vi a l.iu pia Ovsiiaud Liiultad pm a ata aiarlun At Ceaar it. Lu..tt e.ti aiu bU.W pui 4.i..uurl raullib. Bt. Louia kxpreaa a 1:0V am a : pm kw U. at tit. U ftirasa..a, .ua pm a i.uu ta PlRLlaurUBi sTAilOa-iOTM at AIU 1 liurllaataau I ... Arrlv. A California.... a 4.lu pm a .Ju pta a hm V. I.. .. U ill. ciiaca ........ Noiuist bpeciai Nor III eat Lioies Nebtaaaa Local ,. Jsuiua mi""' Llm-oiu Local ..... .a s.av um .a 4.1U pui .ail.lu pm .a .u) am . a s.lu iu a 1.10 aia a i.M pia a .i pm a Lit; pn a U:t4 am i-iucoln raov . pm i.M pm I M pill I.JU UUI s.iv am ?.a a.n i.Ut piu s:ua p.u Iris uin i f ii.ii aU.dj pm tiiu.ti am a .u am a J.lM am a am a .:v3 pm a J. aifl i pui a i aw aW:i p, all jo am a . aiN a t.lii pui Jj'l. Ciook L:.ll.vnal . & i'.aUJUl u. I'luU.iu it.. . I ...u.. l.lnwLeti Ocusvue st - -iscUevuu a, lac. Juu...a Cuicagu bp'sc.al a UiKo L-prcse a Linco r'ljer a Iowa Local . ... 1 ..,n. kiui'cae a ivausae CU-&1. Jos h.. ..I. M pm j-h am 41 pu fcjmiaa Clt)-bl. Jo ll.. UKUITtU ULPUt-ISTH HbDIflH tbleaao. I. Pa at. Hlaneapelle Oataaa. Twin city Passenger. ,.b 4:30 am b 1 10 r,,. cioux City Pasengr...a 1 im pin all.iDani uaaiutiu i-ocai r.:itiiou Iah'sJ ..... ttli.uirl Paella. .0 t.4j pia b .lu a .0 j am c .u pm KehraKka Local, via Leave Arrive. Weeping Water b 1-jc i.ro bL Ju pm a Lally. b Daily except S I -.4. jr. 4 Tall except outuidaiy. c buuday tiuly. Lalil except alenday. department at Washington, who yesterday caused the death of her son by gs aphyxlBtlon and all hut took her own life In the same manner, was Improved to day and no doubt is now entertained of her recovery. If she continues to gain strengtn It Is likely that she will be re moveii to the county Jail today. . PRODUCTION OF PIG - IRON Untsiat for Mnrrh earl . Fle Per tent Greater Than Rest Prevlnne Month. NKW YuRK. April II. -The lion Age will say tomorrow: The monthly pig Iron statis tics show that March has been a record breaker. The production, exclusive of charcoal iron, amounted to 2,K,I32 tons, s compared with the best previous month, 2.("!S.r:! tons in January. Estimating the charcoal iron product the total was close to 2.2i.(iO to:is. The steel companies in March made 1,4ii.3i5 tons and the mer chant furnaces 7'.237 tons. That this enormous amount of metal has gone into consumption is shown by the fact that the stock of the steel corporation Is down to the lowest figure In Its history, lin.noo. and that some of the other steel companies have re cently bought outside metal, or are in the market now. Active furnace capacity Increased from 47.7:!7 tons per week on March 1 lo 4M.240 tons nn April 1. There was considerable heavy Inlying during the past week, the majority of the large tran. nctiins. however, h.ilng been made at con cessions. The cast Iron pipe Interests, which had the best month In their history, during March, have been large purchasers. They have taken from Hft.000 tons to 7i.0oo tons of pig Iron, the greater part In the smith, although the furnaces In the cast and in the central weal have come In for a share. The steel corporation bought 11.000 tons of Bessemer Iron for shipment to Cleveland and Chicago and also a 2. WO ton lot t basic pig. The Cambria company took lO.ooo tons and another Interest is in the market for about iflOnn tuns. The Lake Superior corporation has se cured the second 30.ni) tons of steel rails for the Grand Trunk Pacillc. the Amerl- ' " " -" "name 10 tourn .on nusiness. rue it ill interest is now ne gotiating with Canadian mills for tonnage for the new lines In Canada. In structural material, among the con tracts placed were orders of (',.300 tons for St. Louis. 4.800 tons for Los Angeles, 3.50O tons for Chicago. 2.4) tons for New Orleans and 6. ooo tons for the power house of the Hudson company. Among the bridge or ders are 7.WD tons for the Lehigh Valley and 55,0(10 tons for the Cincinnati. New Or leans & Texas Pacific. The Manhattan bridge, for which bids are to go In. calls for 42.000 net tons of material. Good orders have been placed for mer chant pipe, among them one for 232 miles of line pipe for a newjsansaa enterprise. On account of the phenomenal rise in the price of tin. the makers of tin plate have advanced their prices from t3.60 base, Pittsburg, per box. to t3.tW. March was a record breaking month in shipments by the 1'nlted States Steel cor poration to consumers. las total being SSS.ono tons. . PRIVATE CONTRACTORS WIN Battleship Louisiana Will Be Ready for Active Service Before the Connecticut. WASHINGTON, April ll.-The present prospects are, according to the view now obtaining at the Navy department, that the battleship Connecticut being con structed by the government at the New York navy yard will not only cost approx-, Imately 1 400. 000 more than its sister' ship,! the Louisiana, being built by private con tractors, but that the government will lose the race which has been on . since the building of the two big ships was begun. Just how much longer it may take to com. plete the Connecticut than the Louisiana depends upon the action of congress. According to the latest figures at the Nava- department showing the progress be ing made on ships under construction, the percentage of completion reached oh the Louisiana la 87.S2 and the Connecticut 97.11. When congress provided for the construc tion of one of these battleships at a navy yard it mas with a view of obtaining com parative figures to show whether the gov ernment could build ships more economic ally at the navy yards than by private con tract. The race between the two ships has been watched with keen Interest by naval authorities and those Interested in ship construction, because of the future policy which It might bring about. Another factor In retarding the work on the Connecticut has been the curtailment In the working force at the New York yard made necessary by the lack of funds. The force there was cut down from 3,000 to ROft. thus materially reducing the force that could be utilized nn the construction work on the Connecticut. I'nless congress shall liave made provision for the Increased cost of the Connecticut by June 1, the work on the battleship will necessarily be sus pended. It was stated at the navy yird today, but It Is anticipated that the naval appropriation bill will be passed before that time. Increasing the limit of cost by about ttOn.Ooft. If this expectation is realised work mill he commenced on the Connecti cut with a' view to placing It tn commis sion at the earliest possible moment. It Is estimated at the department that the Louisiana will be ready for delivery to the government in from four to six weeks. PACKERS INCREASE BUSINESS statistics far Last tear Shan elderalile tie 1 11 Over Work In 11MHI. Con WASHINGTON. April ll.-The director of the census today announced the result of (he tabulation of the statistics of slaughtering and packing, and slaughter- I.. V. ..... 1 . V. ,. ..,.. ..... I tut. iiuid. 1.-, i j 1 uir ia, uuai ) rr The figurea Indicate that there has been ' a normal increase In the t-aughtrrlng and meat packing industry in the United States ias compared with the statistics of iwo. The number of establishments Is shown to have been !fJ5. as compared with 21 In 19 0 Total value of products as given, was t913.M4.e:'4. The following decreases are shown in tho amount of business done in the pro ducts named: ' Canned beef. 1? per cent; altrd or cured beef. Is per cent; hania, smoked bacon, etc., 11 per cent; neutral lard. 1 per cent; oleomargarine oil, :i rtr cent; other oils. 26 per cent. tlaatrr for Allege Trust. COLUMBUS. O.. April 11. -The Oldo Grocers' sssocimion company loiiuy per mitted Judgment of ouster to lie takcti against l and the Franklin county court "Apply Dr-Graves' Tooth Powder to discolored teeth. It bright ens and whitens them, hardens the gums, makes the breath sweet and the health good;" that's a dentist's advice. la haadf 'natal sa-aa ar boatlea. If D' Graves' Tcctb Powdsr Co. appolnted J It. Sster and Gilbert ftewsrt of Columbus trustees to wind the company. DANGEROUS PROCESS tntlkin Wsosnlng I tsbur Hli!,( hesslral Which Will Rrmiir All Trnrea of. Rrands wn slock. MEB'I fcETSE. Wyo., April II. -(Special ) IOcal stoi kmen are greatly exercised over the alleged discovery of Ben Harmer, a cowpuncher of this place. Harmcr Is known among the boys of the outfit ss "the Professor," because of his having gradu ated In an eastern university. He has always dabbled In chwmlsiry and quite accidentally discovered, he says, a process whereby he can remove nil traces of a brand on either cattle or hornets, lie stated he stumbled onto the discovery when doc toring a sore shoulder on a workhorse, and now avers he hns the treatment reduced to a science. He says any one can apply his "dope," as he calls It. and that the treat ment requires but Ave weeks to effectually remove all traces of the branding Iron. In proof of this he exhibited here this week a well known saddle horse he purchased from the M outfit. This animal Is known to have been branded with an M and also a number on the Jaw. No trace of these brands can now be seen. Harmer Is trying to nuance his discovery among local cattle and horsemen. He wants to manufacture this "dope" and sell It to horsemen. It is well known that many flue animals shipped from the range countries are sold at a comparatively low fleure because of the brands they carry, and HaniiT'i idea Is to buy this sort of stock, remove the brands, and then market i the stuff at fancy prices. Falling In this, he will go to the big horse markets of the east and endeavor to finance the scheme or sell his secret. Men of experience on the range are very t slow to believe In Harnier s discovery, and are exceedingly dubious ss to Its value to the stock industry. In the hands of stock rustlers It would prove a dangerous and costly discovery, as thep operators would have ample time during the summer 1 montn, to dofdc )rnds from hundreds of head of both cattle and horses. laical horsemen see a chance to realize larger prices for their best stuff. If Harniers "dope" will remove the brands as he says, but are with the cattlemen in the matter of being fearful of results should the rustlers commence Its use. SHIFT BOSS JS FOUND DEAD l.re Tate Apparently SnfTocnted hy Fumes of Blast In Golden nevraril. TERRY. S. P.. April 11 -(Special Tele gram. ) This niornit.g when the day shift, which is working In the Dertha drainage tunnel of the Golden Reward Mining com pany went lo work tho dead body of I,ee Tate, night shift boss, was found lying a short distance from the face of the drift. He hud evidently gone Into the drift shortly after the holes, which hud been drilled for the night shift, hud been fired and was sufTocated by the funics1 of the powder before he could make his way out of the drift. He was a married man. WORKVEK CONTEST AT A EMI Watertovtn. Mitchell and Miller Take Honors In Fraternal Order. HURON. 8. D.. April 11. The Grand lodge Ancient Order of United Workmen. Jurisdiction of South Dakota, last Novem ber Inaugurated a prlie banner contest which has Just been completed. The lodges of the order throughout the state were dlvided'into three! classes,, the first class including all lodges with a member ship, on November' 1,' itrt, of 250 or mdre; class two, Including sII-Ioujhs with a mem bership of seventy-live, and not more than iu; class three, Including all lodges with a membership of seventy-five and under. The contest closed on April 1, and the committee has Just concluded its work of awarding the three prires, which are three handsome silk banuers. These banners are all alike except in the names of the I lodges and their locations the slie, value and pattern are the same. Grand Master T. M.' Simmons of this city, will visit the three successful lodges In person and present the banners, nt which time reunions will be held and spe cial programs presented.. The successful lodges are, class one, lodge No. 3, Water town; class two, lodge No. 69, Mitchell; class three, lodge No. 19, 'Miller. Gran J master Simmons says the contest was very spirited and was carried on with much enthusiasm, resulting in the very best of humor and aside adding largely to the membership of the order, was of grest benefit socially. ntllnK Out Middlemen. MF.KTBK.8E, Wyo., April 11. (Speclsl.) Members of the West Rig Horn Stock as sociation in session here decided by a unan imous vote to hereafter market all hlde3 direct to the tanners and cut out all mid dlemen. This la said to be the first move of its kind in the west and stockmen else where will be Interested In the outcome. It waa represented to the, association that flint and green salted hides would bring from 110 to 113 at the tanneries, whereas they are now being sold to local buyers at. from t4 to PI. The association's secretary I was Instructed to arrange for the sale of the hides to tanners and lo arrange for the storing and care of tills product until they could be shipped In car lots. ratting- Ice on Dry l.nud. BASIN. Wyo.. April ll.-Sperlal.)-A large force of men engaged In sawing ice thirty-eight inches in thickness, located on dry land nearly a mile from the nearest water, is one of the peculiar sights wit nessed by cltlxens of this community here this week. The receding water from the recent Ice gorge In the Big Horn river left the congealed water on a ranch adJ6lning (own. almost completely covering the entire ltKi acres. To reach a lime kiln from which Raisin draw its entire building supply it wsb necessary to cut a roadway through the Ice nearly half a mile, the demand for lime for time building contracts making the immediate delivery essential. Omaha Boy Bona Over. CHEYENNE. Wyo.. April 11. (Special. ) H. G. Kirwin. the Omaha newsboy em ployed by Barkalow Blathers, arrested yesterday charged with short changing a passenger on the Union Pacific, was given a preliminary hearing this morning before Judge Trump and bound over to the district court. Klrwin'a Omaha friends will come to Ills aid in A few days. HYMENEAL Kbandi An,ee. Thomas N. Sliandy. Pmtleth and Wright streets, and Miss Edith A gee were married Wednesday at high noon at Diets Memorial church by Rev. D. W. McGregor. The cere mony was a pretty one and was witnessed 1 by several relatives and friends. Mrs. 8 11. Smith played the wedding march. Mr. Shandy, who is a machinist at the Union Pacific shops, will take his bride on a trip to California. They will make their hon e in Omaha. , Prsb terlans at Ptttanara. PITTSBURG. April 11 The committee on union with oilier denominations of the United Presbyterian church, in session here, has formulated a basis for union with, the i Associate Reformed church of the south, i and will at once submit It ta the commit tie i wa union wf the sou UK) ro chuicU. i'ploiD CAUSE OF FRICTION wpnu auu xbuosin aKttlU aillll&Klv 101 vvu- 1 cession! in Mauchuria. CHINESE SHOW SURPRISING STRENGTH America Is Watching Affair to See that Terms of Treaty Are Ob served h Maaatory Parlies. WASHINGTON. April 11. Reports of friction between the Russian and Chinese troops in Manchuria have attracted the at tention of the State department. No of ficial Information has been received 011 the Mibject. It was anticipated that the divi sion In the peace treaty of the responsi bility for the policing of Manchuria for even a limited term between three nations would result in Just such friction as hus been reported. At a point on the railroad conncctlngSiiie Siberian road with Port Ar thur and Dalny. a little distance below Harbin, the Japanese troops arc In charge of the line. Above that point the rosd is under the double protection of Russian and Chinese troops or railroad guards. As it Is understood here both the Rus sians mid the Japanese are looking forward with apprehension to the time when they must evacuate Manchuria proper and In each case there Is n strong desire to In sure ns large a holding as possible of the material resources of this rich country after the military forres are withdrawn, struuulr for t one -salons. One way ol accomplishing this has been to secure concessions for the exploitation of timber lands, of mines and for the de velopment of the agricultural lands and then to require the Chinese government to recognize these holdings when they re Rain possession of the country. Hut the Chinese government bs shown a surpris ing degree of self-assertion and Inde pendence In dealing with these claims, and it is believed here that the friction Is now said to have arisen In Manchuria results from the attempts being made to induce the Chinese to change their attitude. The only concern of the American gov ernment Is tlmt the undertaking of the treaty that Manchuria shall be evacuated hy both Russia and Japan shall be lived up to, but this. It is pointed out by officials'. Is not the time to raise that Issue. A period of eighteen months was allowed for the evacuation and when that time shall have pnascd. If the evacuation Is not an accomplished fact, the State department will renew Its Interest In the subject. GARY CN PRICE OF STEEL Chairman of Corporation Snys Prices Are F.iinal nt Home and Abroad. WASHINGTON. April 11. -Chairman K. K. Gary of the United States Steel cor poration addressed the house committee on merchant marine and fisheries today. In four years, he said, the Steel corpora tion had sold steel enough abroad for one ship and the entire foreign business of the trust amounts to only about one-twelfth of its output. He denied a statement made by James C. Walsh, vice president of the American Shipbuilding company, that the steel com pany sold steel' abroad for ships at t'-'4, charging the American consumer H- for the same products. There is little difference, he snld, between the domestic and foreign prices of such material. ATTEMPT .AT. DEATH . FOILED Man Who Jumps from Williamsburg Bridge Is Hescned by Hoat Crew. NKW YORK, April 11. Nathan Isaacs of 6 Ravingtun street, this city, today jumped from the middle of the center spun of the new Williamsburg bridge Into the Last I river, 135 feet below and was quickly taken out of the water by the crew or a ferry boat. His clothing wos torn to ribbons, his shoes were torn from his feet and he was terribly bruised by the impact of his body upon the water. He was un conscious when rescued, but soon revived and may recover. Isaacs made the leap at nn hour when the morning rusli of Brooklyn people to the stores and offices of Manhattan was at Its height and scores of persons wit nessed his drop Into the river. DEATH RECORD. Faneral of John Prhwarta. BLAIR. Neb., April 11 (Special.) The body of John Bchwarli. who died In Kmer son last Saturday, was brought to Blair today for Interment and the funeral serv ices were In charge of the Knight Templara of Jordan Commandery, No, 15. of thie city, assisted by Brother Knights of Em erson and Tekamah. Mr. Schwartz was superintendent of building and bridges on the Omaha railroad and had his lta? rut off last August at Degoto station, while boarding his work train, which, with Pright'a disease, caused his death. A special enr waa furnished for the funeral party and the Kuigh) Templars from Em erson, by the railroad officials. Mr. Schwartx waa a resident of Blair for many years and an active member of the differ ent branches of the Masonic order of this city. Judge B. C. Jackson, grand prelate of the grand commandery of Nebraska, officiuted at the funeral services today. Faneral of W. C. ( 00U. BLAIR, Neb., April 11. (Special. ) The funeral of Wilbur C. Cook, manager of .the Haywood shoe store ut Fremont, who shot himself accidentally last Saturday evening In that city, was held here yesterday after noon from the home of Mrs. Harry Hlgley, Mrs. Cook'a father. The body was accom panied here by a large delegation of mem bers of the Fremont Elk lodge, under whose auspices the funeral services were held. Mrs. Mary A. Morris. Mrs. M. A. Morris, aged 63 years, died at t a. m. Wednesday at her home, 4&40 North Thirty-ninth street. She will be burled Thursday at Mount Hope cemetery. She leaves a son and daughter. FIRE RECORD. Bad Blase la Kansas. BELLE PLAIN. Kan.. April ll.-The tire that started here last night waa not placed under control until early today. The total loss is LHUX". Four of the principal build ings of Belle Plain were destroyed and several others were damaged. 8. C. Crom well, owner of one block, was dangerously hurt by a falling roof. Mary Huffman, a girl, also waa Injured. Maa Haratd Planting; I-Ire. Frank W. Allwlne waa severely burned about the hands rally Wedueaday morning while trying to rziingultih a tire at h,s residence. 818 South Twenty-fifth avenue. The Are started in a basket of clothes at tins, vimows SQ0TM1KQ SYRUP: I m btw m4 by M Uil on of Hott-? for thalr AUUdia1 wUiU 1M. ttgJi; for eTT Fifty Ysrt. 4 It luOlMi Hi OU4, fturivtisl 1 Wit) fUUlft. aVi.MV ( aYAUl 1 LMa kaammt i IMOii, Mra wira aie ujU fur lltrrbj4w touaf fur llt-rrbj4w J .MI.ll.thl CBHTt A sMOTT.UK. 2 the hesd of a stairway, hot bv prompt ac tion f-oni the firemen the loss did not ex ceed ". Assistant Chief Simpson of (he tire department rendered hist aid to the Injured and alleviated Mr. Allwmes suffering. AID FOR IMPROVING THE CITY Meeting; of Real Estate Ksrhanae. Aid to (he Civic Improvement league In starting a fund for caiilng on the wmk of this season was promised by the Real Kstate exchange at Its meeting Wednes day. Action was taken after addresses by W. W. Plabatigh, Mrs. Diaper Smith, Miss McCartney and Stephen Morris, who appeared before the exchange tn the Inter ests of the lesgue. J. F. Flack, G. T. Morton and Phillip Reed were appointed a committee to co operate with the officers of the league in raising the nrsl $Jj(i. K. A. Renson ex pressed the opinion, t-.ii ought to be sub cribed Tor the work this year hy the oitliens of Omaha. Ioist year the expenses were tt. of which t(40 was given as prize noney to children, and 1160 siwnt In the distribution of the prizes. MissMcCartney expressed the opinion that tne experience of the year would lessen the expense of distribution this year. Resolutions of regret at the death of J. 8 Gibson and John I Redick. both of whom have been active In the Ouuihu real istale world, were passed by the exchange. The committee on Young Women's Christian association's building fund was continued. PLUNGE AT MARKET HOUSE i Pnlillc llath latest t 1 1 1 1 1 Miauenicd for the Municipal Monument on Capitol tirmir, Secretary Morris of the Associated Cha-i- ties has a plan for converting the market ' house Into a public lint It for the use of I the people. j "If It Is decided to let the market house 4 stand I am going 10 ask thnt It he con- 1 verted Into a plunge hath for the public." he said. "This could he done without much expense by using the pteseni cement floor and building up the sides to form a basin. It could be divided into two purls, one for men and the other for boys. It would provide something Omaha stands in great need of during the hot months." GAYNOR CASE GOES TO JURY I Jndee Speer Occupies Klaht Honrs In lleliverina Ills I Charge. j SAVANNAH, thi., Apill Jl.-Judge Emery Speer at 2 o'clock tonight concluded his charge to the Greene and Gayuor Jury, and the fate of the contractors charged by tin: (Tovernincnt with frauds amounting more than f1..j00,tino now rests with the Jur who for th--e months have listened lo y. ' io evidence and arguments. The charge of Judge Speer was of such length that he required eight hours for Its delivery and throughout the closest atten tion was paid by the audience. HOLCOMB TO PRACTICE LAW Ijlle Nnprrnie Jaallce of Nelirnska Enters Partnership at Seattle. i Cards received from Seattle, Wash., an nounce the fact that Hon. Silas A. Hol comb has entered a law partnership In that city, and will follow the general prac tice of law. He becomes the senior mem ber of, the firm of Holcomb & Klrkpatridt, his partner being Mr. lister Klrkpatrick, late of the firm of Klrkpatrick & Price. Mr. Price has retired to become president of the Northern Securities and Banking company. The officers 0 Holcomb & Klrk patrlck are in the New York block, Seattle. Department store Kmployea Arrested. SIOUX CITY. Ia., April 11. Mrs. Eliza beth Monell. C. C. Waud and J. A. Shields, clerks In the Pelletler department store, were arrested today on a charge of con spiracy to commit larceny. In the satin connection E. C. Bender, an employe o. a commission firm, was arrested nn a charge of receiving stolen goods. All wert released on bond. A considerable quantity of dry goods alleged to have been stolei. waa recovered. The accused department store employes are prominently connected socially. Shields was taken to a hosplttii suffering from nervous prostration as a i". suit of his arrest. Two Years and a Half. Ed King, alia. Ed Kwanson, was sen tenced to two und a half years in the peni tentiary Wednesday afternoon by Judgi Sutton on 11 (ilea of guilty to the charge of grand larceny. He rolilied a room In the house at 2227 Hodge street, where he was staying and secured a suit of clothes and some Jewelry. High Water Dora IJauinge. Commissioners Bruiting and Ivennard were out In the country Wednesday look ing after a number of bridges damaged by high water. One bridge Just west of Ben son waa reported to have gone out. Con siderable minor damage to roads by high water has been reported to the commis sioner's. Fatal Wreck In Wisconsin. SUPERIOR. Wis.. April II. A Great Northern passenger, easlbound, was de. railed at Cass I-ke last night. Euginer O' Flaherty of Superior was killed. The fireman Jumped, was severely Injured, but will recover. Passengers suffered nothing more than a shaking up. personalTaragraphs. Miss Sadie P.ernslein Is home from the university to spend the spring vacation with her parents. SPECIAL HOMESEEKERS' III 2SURSIK1 TO MULLEN, HOOKER CO., IIEB, APRIL 17, 1906. TO HYAIIIIIS, GRANT CO., NEB., MAY 1, 1906. I will personally conduct the above homegeekeri' excursions, leaving Omaha at 11:10 p. m. on above nemad aatea, for the par poee of assisting homeseekers to locate ant) file on sections of free Klnkgld lands under the homestead liv. I will have with ma, for each excursion, township plats showing the location by section, township and range of all the arguable homestead lands in those localities. r RATES -Very low round trip homeeeekeri' eseuxslon rates will be In effect on the above dates to those destinations. !ifniffifi)iiiii !!Mc-' t MCfUBBIN MATS Soak a -McKlbblr- th. dye Will "stay put." Test aMoKlbbln" the stitching and hnlsli will stand it. Compare a "McKlbbln" it's msde of the finest grades of fully guar anteed fur felt. Wear a "McKlbbln" the styles are standard. Hundreds of them soft and stiff to ehooee from. S3.QD) Best dealers in the land sell them. ! SITE FOR THE SANITARIUM Hoard of Control lo Take I n 1,-ocn-tlwn of Tnbercnlosls Hospital. (From u Staff Correspondent.) I IKS MOINES, April 11. (Spatial. -One of the tirst thlnus that the State Board of Control will do as soon as John T. Hamil ton takes his position on the board the middle of this mouth will be the selec tion of the site for the tuberculosis ssnl- taiiuin, the beginning for which was made hy the legislature In tho t'AOfl appropria tion. There are now six locations In view for the institution and Iowa City seems to have the lead. The legislature (Jele giiled tliu State Board of Control to select th.c site and erect the buildings, as the institution will bo under its control after opened. The board hus laid down certain requirements for the site. It must have at least hm acres of land and more If possible. The land must be in easy access to some city, on an iuterurban railroad If IHissible, and must have some timber oa the land and must have an abundance of good water. Iowa City ia making an ef fort to get the institution located near that place In order that the medical student may have the advantages from studying the treatment of patients. lion. John Cownle of the State Board of Control and United States crop reporter for Iowa today Invited in all the news per men In the city to the State Board of Control rooms to see the test of seed corn of the thirteen state Institutions. Mr. Cownle severely criticised the college meth ods of testing seed, corn, and In his let ter of invitation to the newspapers and In Is talk said there had been written by icwspapers and agricultural Journals many articles about seed corn, "the gresler part of them not only misleading and erroneoua, but pernicious tn the extreme. These ar ticles have been written by people aliso lutely Ignorant of the subject and have done and are still doing incalculable dam age to the agricultural interests of ilr state, as there are many farmers giving heed to these erroneous teaching." Today Mr. Cownle showed the refults of his test, there having been planted fifty- grains In each of thirteen boxes and fifty stalki were the result in each case. Mr. Cownls declares that the ulutcment. of the Stats college at Ames that of Mx) tests of seed corn sent in by farmers of the rlale but 67 per cent was acceptable seed Is evidence that the teaching of the State college Ii wrong as to the selection of seed. H then shows his own results of l'XI pel cent growth and said today that there wat not the slightest reason why every farinei should not have a perfect stand of corn every year If he would follow the propel methods of selecting' his corn in ttie fall ind preserving It in a room artificially heated during the winter. Stop Your Pain Without Opium, Morphine, Cocaine, Alcohol or other habit-forming drugs. Tba Tsrrlbl l'aint and Soreness of Rheumatism, Sciatica, Cramps, Lumbago, I.a(rippe, Neuralgic Headaches, Painful Periods, Laments and Stiffness are caused Lv Uric Acid Poison which settle out of the Blood and form crystals like splintered glass in the parts affected.. WW It thl 'iCt m'nl avpriniblai way ta W I III Stop Pain and relieve horenesa Is ta redissolve these irritating crystals and causa them to be thrown out of the system. Dr. 1'.. C. Scott originated K Ur.i i na tum for this express purpose. E-IIsn-l-na-t uri Kinge ry,t& so they can be excreted without irritating the Kidneys and Bladder. People who think will use it because it cures by removing the cause and leaves no bad after affects. They will not use habit-forming drugs to deaden the sensibilities, and leave the poison in the system to make the case chronic, to require operations, or to develop enlargements and other deformities. A Free Book of 64 pages bv Dr. E. C. Scott with every bottle, or sent by mail eel request. Ask your Druggist for E-Hm-in-a-tum. 1 2-0. bottle 1 1 . Accept nothing else. Klimino Medici Ng Co., Des Moines, la. For Further Information, call on or writ P. CLEM DEAVER, Agent, Horn ear liars' Informations Huraaa, 100 4 Karnam HU, OMAHA, NEB. t I,