Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1906, Image 1

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Advrtla In
Bee Phones numbers:
ItiiKtnraa ...... Ionslaa
Circulation .... Douglas 807
Editorial DouKUaSOl
Best Jr. West
The Omaha Daily
Mine Oper&toTi in Southwestern Statei
Maka Proposition to Miners.
Award is to Oover All Questions and to Be
Binding Upoa Both Parties.
lull Scale Committee Beeins Consideration
of Operators' Jfroposals.
(mnnlllrt Finishes llraft of Reply,
lint Ita (vnlrnla Are Carefully
t.uardcd It Hill He Pre
aeatrd Toda).
rnator Rffrrldlf Tells Ilia liln "f
Policy of tkr Republican
IXKMXAPUUS, IncV. April 11 -The re
publican state convention to nominate state
officers except candidates for governor,
llputrtmnt governor and repot ter ot t lie
supreme court held Its preliminary session
today and heard addresses by Representa
tive Abraham U Brick, temporary chair
man; Senator! Beverldge and Hemenway
and Governor Manly.
The convention adjourned until tomorrow
niurniiir "e n the committees on rules.
I org: A
I an
of t,
tee ni ft
chhlnii V
pan: i
1 lie M
I viclot-ir s
Friends of the Senator Discuss with Him
Political Situation.
Important eaalnn Held at Millard
Hotel tiTim Karl? Till Lnte ln
Evening- and Another to
Be tailed.
KANSAS CITY, April 11. The Southwest
ern Interstate Coat Oiarutor' association,
comprising mine owners of Misbouri,
Kansas, Oklahoma, Indian Terriioiy and
Texas, met her today at h meeting calico
by W. C Perry, its president. Bclore en
tering the meeting, president Perry reit
erating his statement,- made upou suverul
occasion since bis mum fiot.i the lu
uiaiiapoll conference that their off'.r of
arbitration Is open to miners any time
they may choose to consider It.
it. G. Kombauer ol Kirksvtlle, Mo., u
vice president of the association, said:
"The present situation may continue, for
ninety days and It may last until snow1
Hies. No one can fore ten any change in the
situation unless there is government in
tervention." Th Southwestern Coal Operators' associ
ation at a, called meeting here today do
uided to appeal to President Roosevelt to
help ettect a settlement of tlie diilercnces
esitlng between the operators and the
bituminous miners now out in the south
west. This action was taken Just befoie
the closo of the morning session of the
operators, who represented Wi mt cent ot
the mini owners of the Southwestern as
sociation, with the exception of Texas.
The resolution deciding upon an appeal
to the president which were adopted unani
mously, read:
The menibeis of the Southwestern Inter
state Coal Operators association realising j ueiuand not only that our principles shall
Although' he announced upon his arrival
from Washington Sunday that his visit nt
this time to Omaha had nothing to do with
politics or his race for re-election, Senator
Mlllnrd Inst night held a three-hour con
ference with at least eight of his political
friends, most of whom are federal office
holder. The conference was held In the
senator's room, 10-V at the Millard hotel. It
began at about 8 o'clock and was not ad
journed until after 11.
These men were present: Captain H. Y-
rl'HIiner. postmaster, limana; cnaripn n..
, ,,i , ,, ,. . Goss, united .Itates district attorney,
-piny las won hi hs oasi i , . , , . ., ,
r the ohamoiou ot progressive Omaha; William A. Warner. 1 nlted States
liberty. It-must win Its future victories as i marshal. Om.ihn; Irving F. Baxter, cx
the champion, of proKrssive liberty, it I t-niied States district attorney. Omaha; W.
and resolutions will report
. 'nntlons will follow.
Vi ridge and iienienwsy and
ly occupied seats on the
iocs P. Goodrich, chairman
ymnilllee, who called the
tier and Introduced Rcprc
iii I.. Itrlck of the Thlr
jal district as temporary
e and Hemenway made
nator Beverldge said In I
P. (Jurley. attorney for Thomas M. Hunt
ington of Oonlon, and other cattlemen in
volved In fencing difficulties, Omaha;
must always bo the here-a nd-now partv.
the iip-io-iime party, the party of con
servative advance.
A new era lias opened u;nn this woid.
the gnat uucsttons which' the welfare of j Frank NelRon. banker and delegate to the
the Americun demanded and we answered last national republican convention. Nl
thein wisely. Now, we must turn to the b A. H Burnett was In the lobby of
new econnnc questions -questions which in- I ' , - , -,,j
volve I 'e rtir hfeoiiMtic of Amerle:lTl riusl- ; nr nuifi iifi'fir ii"- - -".- ..........
tiess. a Just distribution of wealth by pre
venting illshonesl accumulation of gain
questions that look to lh" physical, mental,
moral upbuilding of nil the workers in
factories and on fnrms throughout t lie en
tile republic.
The republican party is not the enemy of
weaiin. It lKieis,ln properly and me
Preparing: ta net Into South Dakota
Senatorial Fight as Supporter
f (asnhle.
SIOUX FALLS. 8. IX. April 11 -iSpeclil
Telegram.) A decided serrsation was
caused today when It became known that
James D. Klllott, United States attorney
for South Dakota, had resigned his posi
tion. For several months the South Da
kota delegation In congress has been In a
deadlock over the appointment of Mr. Fl
llott's successor. Senator tJamble support
ing him for reappointment, while Senator
Klttredge had an opposition candidate In
the person of A. C. Blernatskl of McCm ':
county. Mr. Elliott's second term explr-d
In Decemlter last and he therefore, has
served ahout four months over the term.
His resignation, which was telegraphed to
the attorney general at Washington on
Tuesday evening, was as follows:
Under existing conditions I do not desire
to continue to STve in the position of
United States district attorney of South
Dakota. I therefore respertfully tender
my resignation and reouest immediate ac
ceptance. Late this afternoon Mr. Flllott receive)
a dispatch from the attorney genernl stat
ing that the resignation had lieen accepted.
Mr. Klllott Is a strong supporter of Sen
ator Oamble In the letter's fight for re
election and wished to be foot loose and
not bound down by the duties of a federal
office so he can give bis attention to fur
thering the Interests of Senntor Oamble.
The two men have leen warm personal
friends since the pioneer days In Dakota
Territory. Mr. rTlllott Is outspoken In bis
denunciation of the methods' adopted by
the so-called machine to defeat Mr. ("iambi"
Jury Returns Verdict After Beine Out a
Little Over Two Honrs.
Telia .lall Ofllrlala While on Hla Way
,Hark to Ilia (ell that lie
Had Anticipated neh a
Harrison Clerk, one of the three negroes
charged with the murder of Street Car
Conductor Fdward Klury while trying to
hold him up on thn morning of March 8.
was found guilty by the jury in district
court at 8.13 lust night and condemned to
hang for the crime.
Clark received the verdict without any
show of emotion of any kind and made no ,
comment as he was led buck to the Jail!
by Deputy Sheriffs and Stryker. lie j
had Mirth itted the death penalty and fo
expressed himself to some of the Jail offi
cials. The Jury waj'ouf a Utile over two hours,
but this time was not taken up In balloting.
There was no difference of opinion, the
unanimous verdict from the first lieing for
the death penalty. The verdict was re
ceived by Judge Scitou in court room No.
1 with only two or three spectators out-
.homers and Cooler Thursday. I'rlday
Kalr and Warmer.
Tern pei
Urn. m .
Ha. ni .
T a. an.
N a. sn.
t a. ni.
1 a. m.
11 n. in .
12 m.. . .
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t p. m . i
T p. m , i
M p. ni . ,
It p. ni .
More of the Methods of oft ( oal
Transportation Combine Are
I neorered.
with some of the conferes. but did not go
into the meeting. ('. F. McGrew. rice pres
ident of the Omaha National bank, of and now that he Is free to act as he pleases
which Senator Millard Is president, was It Is expected that one nf the most nggres-
snld to have been present.
The meeting was a little lnt In conven-
rlghts of properly: hut it Is also the friend in i,t for that matter there was another
rU:?,.r .nd'nle'r", welfare Vtft I -".ot.a and that was a decld-d
pi-ople are ono and the same. slump In attendance. It was the purpose
It Iwlicves that ail honest Interests of , f (np senator to have nianv other federal
of'lirnianv.r:;1 Z I "1-no,ders from out In the state present,
stands rfa a d"fender of all honest capital i but for reasons not given out they did not
on the one hand, the protector of all peace- . nrrVP Another meeting Is soon to be held
till labor on the other hand-aye. and th.-re-; . h,.ihi .ncelnl nrea-
foi-e ihe republican partv Is the enemy of
those modern Cataliius, who set nt each,
others throats, the laborer and the man
who employs him.
A class is swiflly forming, who propose
to solve the great social industrial problems
of the tlmea by hasty, radical measures.
Now and then even the counsel of violence
Is heard. This group of extremists is al
ready appropriating doctrines, the re
publican party sets Its face like flint and
for them and their practices, the republi
can party ''as a hand of iron. We must
be progressive, we republicans, but we
must nlo la- conservative, tor the people
the gravity ot Hie crista caused by mo
(allure of themselves and Ilia miners to
agree on a wage scale and coiidiuou or
in nor In Held, now propose to submit ull
questions at Issue to arbitration before a
commission to be appointed by the presi
dent of the United HiateH, the award of
such commission to bo binding both on
the miner and operators.
The association found that six of its j
members in Missouri and Kansas have
signed the scale proposed by the, miners.
They are all small operators and altogether
do not employ tu miners. It was voted
that they have disqualified themselves for
membership In the association, and the sec
retary was instructed to drop their names
from th roll of members. The companies
Involved are: J. W. ltobcrtson Coal com
pany.. Weir Cily La Hello (Vial eompan.v,
1'ltlsburg; Waverly Conl company. Hell
Une Coal company, Terry Coal company
and the Kaglo Coul company.
W. C. Perry was appointed by the asso
ciation to go to Washington with the reso
lution and present it to President Roose
velt. Mr. Perry etated tonight that he
will start on hla mission as soon as his
business will permit, probably within two
The operator adopted another resolution
to the effect that they will never recede
from their present position If such action
on their part will Involve the raining of
the cost of producing coal.
' Anthracite Miners Draft Reply.
NEW YORK. April 11. After having the
counter arbitration plan of the anthracite
operator under consideration nearly all
day, the general scale committee of the
hard coal miner completed the draft of
their reply and will present It to the com
mittee of mine owners at the joint session
to be held hero tomorrow. The strictest
accrecy surrounded the work of the com
mitteemen. It la believed the miners have
avoided to accept the operator' offer that
the anthracite strike commission take up
the dispute, but will ask that the tribunal
be permitted to consider original demands
with certain Important modifications. The
concession said to have been decided upon
axe that, instead of an agreement being
entered. Into between the operators and the
United Mine Worker of America, it be
made with the anthracite mine worker;
that the check-off be limited to the wage
workers who agree to an assessment to
defray the expenses Incurred in carrying
out the miners' part of the agreement. In
stead of all mine worker union and non
union being compelled to contribute and
that the duration of the agreement be left
to the commission. The miner In their
arbitration plan asked for a two-year
agreement and the operators In their coun
ter proposition wanted one for three years.
If this proposition la submitted by the
miners and accepted. It would leave the
commission free to take up the demands
for an Increase In wages, an eight-hour
day. uniform pay for all classes of em
ployment paid by the day or month, re
construction of the conciliation board and
a number of minor grievances. The oper
ator want to limit the Inquiry to wage
and a method for the adjustment of com
Bfretlasr at SI. I. oal.
gT. LOUIS. April 11. Committees from
the Illinois Coal Operator' association and
tba Illinois Coal Miner' association held a
Joint meeting behind closed door here today
and talked over the strike situation. It
I underatooa mat no agreement waa
reached concerning a plan of action and
It finally waa proposed that a committee
of mine operator be appointed to confer
with tit miners at Indianupolia next Tues
day. Many of the operators were against
appointing a committee4 to confer with the
miner next Tuesday and they had ad
vocattd "standing pat" and allowing over
tores to com from the miners.
The Decatur Coal company, the Middle
tou Coal company and the Tulula Coal
company were expelled by the Illinois Coal
Operators association because they signed
the scale demanded by the miners. Today'
neetlng of the operators was the largest
in the history of the association, all but
three of lh tunc-rnl forming It being rep
resented. The association comprises ZiZ
companies controlling SoC mines in Illinois.
Partial Agreement In Iowa.
DE8 MUlNF.rt, la.. April 11 Iowa mine
operatora and miner made progress In the
aale conference Kxlay. an agreement be
ing reached for the first Iowa district for
all labor, except top, receiving 11. ) per
d..y or less.
The agreement restores the scale of
The matter of top laborer I still undis
posed of; they were not reduced two year
ago but demand is made for an increase
be rtcht. our nuriioses uplifting to tii
masses, hut that our plana and policies
shall work out practical result. Radi
calism Is emotion at the boiling point con
servatism Is merely cominonsense at nor
mal temperature.
Tho platform, as agreed upon by leaders
of the party and by the resolutions com
mittee, dwelt at length upon state Issues,
endorsed President Roosevelt's administra
tion. Vice President Falrbank's conduct of
his office, the IndiRna senators and repre
sure will be brought to bear to have the
d"llnqnents attend.
The meeting was absolutely secret and
the men who attended It, from the senator
down, were decidedly secretive and noncom
mittal even when questioned.
Nenator Millard oneoninilllal.
"I live you any statement to give to The
"Bee?" was asked Senator Millard after the
meeting was over and his advisors had
gone home.
"Nothing tonight," replied the senator
with the happiest of smiles upon his face.
"You did not conclude arrangements,
"No, not tonight. There really Is nothing
to be said tonight."
"Your meeting pertained to your can
didacy for re-election, did it not. senator?'
slve campaigns In the history of tho state
will ensue.
When asked If he had any Idea ns to who
would be his successor Mr. KUiott stated
that it was his hope that W. O. Porter,
nssislant United States sttorney. would be
promoted to the place made vacant by the
D e tt r y Breaks Ita ( nliles In Mediter
ranean, bnt Is ow
In Toiv.
WASHINGTON. April 11. -The dry dock
Iewey broke Its tow lines In the Mediter
ranean nt Malta and drifted ahout In :i
storm for about twenty-three hours, bin
Is now again In control of the vessels which
are towing It.
This information reached the Navy de
partment In n dispntch from Admiral
Slgsbee, dated at Messina, Sicily, yesterday.
He stated In the dispatch that the Brook
lyn remained near the dry dock when It
was found floundering about and did not
leave until it was safely In tow. A wire-
PHILADKLI'lllA. April 11. -That rales
are llxed by Ihe "Traffic nssuclatlon." com
posed of various carrying rallroaia
wits ttie admission drawn today from rail
road officials at the final bearing of the
Interstnte Commerce commission's Investi
gation Into the alleged abuses of tho conl
trade. Through Joseph G. Searlcs, coal
traffic manager of the Pennsylvania Rail
road company, which Is also a member
of the All Hall Truffle association. It was
learned that this organisation not only
fixes the percentage of tonnage allotted to
each railroad, but also establishes ihe
Counsel for the commission produced ;h"i
side those directly tnteiestcd. Judge Sut-, mlnutes of a meeting ot the Tidewater
ton thanked the Jurors for the promptness. Bituminous gleam Coal Traffic association. argued that the prospect
District Snrroundinn Vesuvius Corered
with Sand and Ashes.
rail of Volcanic Ash is Tiner and Dimbiah
insr in Quantity.
Nearly All Shops Are Closed and Manu
factories Are Deserted.
Damage to Property Will F.iceea
Twenty Million Dollars Amerlean
Author' Exjierlenre In the
, Afflicted District.
NAPLES. April H.-The. whole of the
Vesuvius district as far aa Naples, Cajierla,
and l.'aitellmmare Is one vast desert. H
poiis tonight from all sides state that tho
fall of ashes is not so heavy as tt has
been for the last few days and that the
ashes are much liner, and from thla it Is
with w hich they discharged their duty and held on September 19. 1!0. Tho records'
expressed the appreciation of their services, showed that a resolution offered by the
The verdict was signed by W. C. ChlsscU. Norfolk Western company permitting
foreman. I that company ami the Chesapeake & Ohio
The case was given to the Jury at 5:25
and the Jurors retired to the Jury room In
the basement in charge of Bailiff Klrkrn
dnll. At 6 o'clock no verdict bad been
reached and the Jurors were taken to the
Drexcl hotel for supper.
Arguments After Dinner.
rajlroad to carry Tidewater coal nt tho
rate of $1.23 a ton was voted down and
that the rate was fixed at $1.40 a ton .in
Mr. Senrles' resolution. Mr. Searlcs ad
mitted thnt there had been an agreeme-t
as to tho tonnage to be allowed each road
and that If one road shipped more and
another less a settlement was made. Ho
said that there had been no settlements
since 1KW. '
Mr. Searles denied that there was an
understanding to maintain rates between
all rail and all water associations for tho
less disnatch received hv the Broolcl-v-.i
Why. yes. yes, but 1 must be excused Bftpr u ,,,,, thp npwcv indicated that the
dry dock is proceeding satisfactorily.
.atter Day Paints Missionary Kilt e re
tain the Conference nt
' Independence.
1NDEPF.NDF.NCE. Mo.. April U.-lSpe-
iul Telegram.) Kldcr J. W. Petersen, lata
of the Society Islands mission, addressed
the congregation at the Hone church this
morning. A novel feature of the service
was the singing of a song in tho Tahltlan
language by Kldcr Peterson and wife.
President Joseph Smith called the busi
ness meeting to order at I o'clock. A re
port from tho Daughters of Zlon. the
moth rs' organization of the church, pe
titioned the conference to establish a home
for children. Thl petition was referred lo
the same Joint committee council to which
was referred the matter of the establishing
of a hospital or sanitarium, as was sug
gested In the statement of President Smith
An attempt was made to amend the ar
ticles of tho association so that the busi
ness center of the church could not be
moved from Its present location without
the vote of the body. This attempt failed,
the matter being left to tire discretion and
action of the presiding bishopric and
board of publication.
I. W. Allender and R. M. Elvln were
elected trustee of Oraceland college to
uceeed the elders. Albert C. Michael, Cal
Ifnrnta, wa re-elected to the auditing com
mlttee. College day wa changed from
the first Sunday In September to the nrat
Sunday in October. On this day collection
are taken up throughout the church for
the benefit of the college.
There wa a book of Mormon lecture this
evening by W. W. Smith and preaching In
the auditorium by Frederick Gregory of
Canada. Tomorrow morning preaching by
S. A. Burgess of St. Louis.
Kxeentlvr of eneaaela Vacates Hla
OMce Temporarily- In Favor of
Vice President Home.
NEW YORK, April ll.-General Clpriano
Castro has retired temporarily from thn
presidency of Veneiuela. General Juan
Vicente Gomes, first vice president of the
republic, 1 the present executive head.
This information was contained in an offi
cial cable dispatch received today from
Caracas by Carlos Benito Figleredo. Venr
meUri consul general In this city. The offi
cial announcement gives as Castro's rea
sons for resigning that "he desires to re
tire to restful private life for some time
owing to the strenuous work bis position
exacts and which he has so successfully
carried out for several years." The change
took place on Monday last, when Castro
Issued a proclamation wherein appeared
the following:
Should his temporary separation bring
harmony and good will to the country, he
would willingly make his retirement permanent-if
The dispatch also say ttiat peace Is as
sured In Vcneruela and that the Interna
tional question will lie either amicably
arranged or arbitrated.
Cirprlano Castro becan.e president of
Veneiuela on October IS. 1S. having
headed a revolution against President Ig-
nacio Andrade.
from saying anything more tonight.
The senator admitted, though the ques
tion of Sunday was not repeated, his mis
sion had something to do with politics by
this time.
Captain Palmer, when asked if It wa the
consensu of opinion of those present that
the senator should proceed with hi race
for re-elctlon replied:.
Oh, yes, I think It was."
What plans or arrangements were out
lined?" was asked.
Well, we did not reach a conclusion on
anything; that Is, nothing definite was
Except to decide that It was best for the
senator to continue to consider himself a
candidate for re-election to tie United
States senate.
Jndae Baxter's Explanation.
"It was Just a gathering of some of Sen
ator Millard's friends," was Judge Baxter's
assertion. "Owiiuj to tho fact that certain
details were not definitely fixed, it was im
possible to determine on some arrange
ments, you see."
"That Is, certain details of the plan of
campaign, you mean?" .
"Yes," replied the judge, comprehen
sively and to the point, which by this time
was getting very blunt.
"Well, Senator Millard did not decide to
withdraw from the race, did he, or was
not advised by any of those present to do
so. was he?" '
"Oh, no; on the contrary he I deter
mined to stay In the race. But another
meeting will be held soon and then there
will be more to give out. We can see or,
that Is, the senator can see Just where ha
Is by that time."
"What time?"
"Well, the time ha not been fixed on,
but It will be oon."
The meeting had been under way for
some thirty or forty minute when W. F.
Gurley arrived. The senator repaired to
his room as soon as he ate hla dinner and
then hla friends began to come about 7:46
o'clock. Captain Palmer wa among the
first, then came Mr. Goes, Mr. Warner
and Mr. Baxter. Captain Palmer and Judge
Baxter, with a couple of gentlemen who
may or may not have been at the confer
ence, left at least an hour before the
others, and Warner left some fifteen or
forty minute before adjournment. Gurley,
who It was understood took a very active
hand in the deliberation, wa the last to
get away.
One Mnn Killed and One Fatally Hurt
In Stnnahan ' Oregon
Bailror 4.
BOISE. Idaho. AprW 11 A collision oc
curred on the Oregon Railway and Nevi
gation line at 1:30 this morning, fifteen
miles west of Huntington, between No. R5
and a work train, by which one man waa
killed, another fatally hurt and four others
seriously Injured. The dead:
JOHN LILLY, La' Grande. Ore.
Fatally hurt:
Elmer Earl, Portland.
The wreck was caused by failure of an
operator to give orders to the extra train.
Russian nirllat Will tio to Colorado
or California In Search of
II en I tit.
The arguments of the attorneys were be
gun at Z.M o'clock Immediately after Mrs.
Wain left the stand. Deputy County At
torney M unlock opened for the state and
demanded the death penalty, not out of
.-,enge i or r niry s inuruer, out in or.ier ,,un)01c of preventing competition.
o protect society, lie was follow-cd hy
.I. R. Leigh lor the defendant. Mr. Leigh
-iaid it was useless to denv that Clark n-u
present when the shooting was done, but he
maintained Clark's part In the affair was
not as prominent as the state contended It
was. He pointed out that Wain and not
Clark started the shooting, and the testi
mony of New ville showed Gat bright also
u.-ed his gun. He declared the examination
of the Jurors showed a strong feeling in
the community against capital punishment
and asked the Jury not to inflict the ex
treme penalty. He was followed by his
associate, Hugh Myers, who also pleaded
against the death penalty.
County Attorney Slabaugli closed for the
state. He lauded Edward Flury as ,i bravo
man. who gave up his life to protect his
employers' property. He pointed out that
Clark had , made arrangement for th.
crimes the day before. He had aiked Mrs.
Wain to make the hoods the men wore
and had made arrangement with Mrs.
Jones to keep the plunder, for him and
carried nnt th arrangements by giving
HEW. YORK, April 11. A statement that
Maxim Gorky Is III with consumption and
that he came to America to regain hlb
health, not to secure assistance to obtain
the freedom of Russia, was made In hi
behalf by an Interpreter today. The atatu
ment follows:
Gorky wishes me to tell you that he Is a
sick man, suffering from consumption. Ho
came lo America not in thn nope of get
ting assistance to free Russia, nut to re
gain his health. H will go to cither Den
ver or California In a few weeks. While
he remains in New York he expects to work
on Ins autobiography, so thai he may put
It in the hanUa ot a publisher here befoie
going away.
Ho desires to have thla work finished now
In case he should not recover hi atrength.
Mr. Gorky has been out of Russia for aonio
lime ami has rut idea nf thn actual statu
..... i t. i.. i. tot oouiiuy-ai int time- lie aoe not
"'""" "'"""-'think that tne prospect of .uccessful
imiii?. lie u-'. mi u V I rf i ft uic ring
leader and the man who bad made the
plans for the crimes. He concluded at
5:10 o'clock and Judge Sutton read his in
structions, after which the jur retired.
Clark showed Increasing sign of i.-rvous- t
ness during the final arguments and the
reading of the Instructions. He flgoted
uneasily in his rhair and plnitily showed
tho high strain he waa under. While tip.
revolution Is very bright. It thinks that
the lest future lor the Russian is in mov
ing out of Russia.
(Continued on Third Page.)
Cook County and Down State Member
Apparently Hopelessly Divided
on Many Feature.
SPRINGFIELD. 111., April U.-The new
ptlmury election bill, providing for noml
nations at primary elections on 35 per cent
of the total vote . wa Introduced in the
house and referred to the committee on pri
mary elections. This i the bill prepared by
Attorney General Ystead, the bill introduced
In the senate, however, wa changed before
being Introduced to provide a majority re
quirement. It waa reud the first iline and
without reference to committee, was bet
for second reading next Wednesday. It was
discussed for two hours In the senate and
unexpectedly strong opposition was shown
to many features of the bill, the down
state and Cook county members being ap
parently hopelessly apart "aa regards many
features. No explanation waa forthcoming
as to the reasons for clianging the admin-
General Gomel, who becomes president I it ration bill before introduction,
temporarily, is known as an able military I Democratic members of the house cau
nian. He sided Castro in his revolution j eused today and resolved to introduce a
against President Andrade and Is cum- ' I1" providing for direct primary nomlna-
mander of the Veneiuelan army.
(Continued eu Sccoutl Pag.)
atlonal Hepubltcan League.
! PHII-ADKLPHI A Anril 11 fr,,i.. r
Hampton Moore of the National Republi
can league has issued the call for the
biennial convention to be held In Philadel
phia June 17. IS and 1 The occasion w:ll
mark the golden Jubilee of the republican
paity. being the hlll- th annlvei nary of
the llrst national republican convention.
Pnllrvoien Talk of Hwlltlrs.
HOT SPRINGS. Ark . Anril 11.-' How to
Eliminate Poliib s from Municipal Police
and Fir Iiepai iments." waa (lie principal
topic at today session of the convention
of the International Chief of Pullc ao-olailuo.
j tiou for alt offices except possibly the
Judiciary, and to give it united support us
a party measure. A committee consisting
of Dougherty of Knox, Manny of Brown
and McGoorty of Cook was appointed to
draw up the bill, which will be presenttd
next Wednesday. Both house will ad
journ tomorrow until next Wednesday.
Prominent republican of both house to
night expressed the belief that It would be
Impossible under the recent decision of
the supreme court to pass a bill that
would be satisfactory both to Cook eounty
and the stale at large, and confersed they
could not figure a way out of lh dilemma.
only mm
To Help ihe Y. VV. C. A.
Build Their New Home
Are not the girls whose daily work is in the factory
and shop entitled to a home as much as the boys? We owe
them much. Kemember they are to be the wives and
mothers of our boys and children the home-makers and
builders of the coming generation. Let everybody help
a little just a little and the girls are assured a handsome
If all oar subscribers will prepay their
subscription one year the per cent for the
When you send in your prepaid subscription mention
the team you wish to have credit for it.
Old Subscriber's Coupon.
Enclosed please find $ to
prepay my subscription. It is understood that 10 per cent of this pay
ment Is for the Y. W. C. A. Building Fund.
Name ,
Credit to team
New Subscriber's Coupon.
I hereby subscribe to The Evening and Sunday Bee at 10 cents a
week for weeks and enclose $
In payment of baine. It is understood that 25 per cent of this payment
Is for the Y. W. C. A. Building Fund.
Convicted Milwaukee Banker Will
UItc Kvldence In Behalf of
Hla Associate.
LEAVENWORTH, Kan.. April 11. -Frank
CI. Blgelow, ex-president of tho Milwaukee
First National bank, who is serving a ten
years' term In the federal prison, will leave
here Sunday afternoon for Milwaukee in
charge of Warden R. W. McClaughrey to
testify on behalf of Henry Gall, the as
sistant casler, who Is to go on trial there
Monday. Blgelow does not like to go, but
now that he haa been subpoenaed lie will
give all testimony he Is called upon for.
He will wear the civilian clothing he wore
when he reached here. At Milwaukee he
will be within the Jurisdiction of the court,
and It Is not known whether he will be per
mitted to remain at Ills old home while
there or confined In jail. He ha gained
In health, strength and weight since ho
arrived here and look like a different
Start paper . .
Credit to team
Quartermaster' Department Will
Turn Over Cooking; Device to tho
Subsistence Department.
WASHINGTON. April II As a result of
observations made by AmerUan army of
ficers in the far east during the Russo
Japanese war a change is to be made by
the War department in connection with the
field subsistence. Heretofore the Quarter
master' department has had charge of all
equipment pertaining to the cooking and
baking for the troopa in the field, but un
der the new arrangement the commissary
officer will have charge of such equip
ment, a well a the matter of the prepar
ation of food for the soldier. Under thla
plan the commissary department will not
be dependent upon another branch of the
service for the transportation and fur
nlbhlng of ranges, utensils and bakery out
fit when in the field.
Veteran Showman Die of Kryslpela
at His Hume In Mount Veruuu
w York.
NEW YORK, April 11. James A. Bailey
died at his home ill Mount Vernon today
from erysipelas. He was 69 years of age.
! Mr. Bailey's uume is familiar throughout
I America and Europe us a showman, and
In his later years he was managing di
rector of the Barnuni &. Bailey show,
j Practically his whole life was spent in the
I circus business a employe and proprietor.
He Joined 1. T. Barnum In Pcd and since
I that time most of the -big circuses of the
: country have been consolidated, with him
as director.
Movements of Ocean Vessel prll II.
At New York Arrived: Krooulaud, from
' Antwerp; Indiana, from Naples; Majestic,
1 from Liverpool. Sailed: Baltic, for IJver
jpool: 1'oti.ilam, for Rotterdam; Madonna,
for Naples.
At . Southampton Sailed : Kaiser Wll
helm II, for New York.
At Tilesli Arrived: I'lionU, from New
At Liverpool Arrived: Arabic. from
New York; taike Manitoba, from St. John.
Killed: Oceanic, tor New Yolk: Sicilian,
for Glasgow.
At Aniwerp-Salled: Ijike Mb ligan, for
1 l.illld x.
At GUsgow Arrived: Sardinian, from
JtiiHton, ( ftrthagenlun. from Philadelphia.
At ' ''' lariia--Sailed : i'nited Slates.
New York.
At y u.-ciistowu- Sailed : Caionla. for New
Yuia- aWilved. TvUluiilc, from New York.
are mucii
The blockade of local traffic continues,
but service on tho main lines of railway
has been rc-rstabllslied, nit hough greatly
disarranged by tho indescribable confusion
In the stations, where forolgnern, not fully
understanding the situation. Inveigh against
the delays and discomfort to which they
have been subjected. It 1 estimated that
M.ion people have been driven from their
homes and property damaged will exceed
This has lieen a disquieting day In Na
ples. The people, alarmed by what ha
happened, have deserted their shops and
the manufactories are nearly all closed.
The crowds are In a temper for any ex
cess. It would only requlr a spark to
start a conflagration.
The arrival ot King Victor Emmanuel
and Queen Helena hna done much to re
store calm. They have been received with
great Joy, especially when the sovereigns
left a hosplt.V -,ftcr a visit to the wounded
there. One tyksir woman exclaimed: "I
would consent to be wounded for the sake
of being kissed by tho queen."
Others cannot find words In which to
express their gratitude Both tha royal
palaces of Cappodlmontl and San Fernando
have been given up to refugee.
Reports of thn destruction of tw town
Sarno and San Generrn the fnrmar hav
ing a population of more than H.ono, hava
proved to be without foundation. At Sarno
S.nno persons from nearby village and
farms have found refuge. Ottajano, whern
many lives were lost on Monday, la now
practically burled.
Kail of Ashes Diminishes.
Conditions to night In the section affected
by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius are
greatly ameliorated. The fall of volcanic
asli'Vuts diminished. "ifiHl sell mists Cxpreaa '
the opbdnn that the volcano . Ran spent
Itself. All the papers tonight advise the
public to b calm, pointing out the Im
proved condition of affairs. The paper
also eulogize Director Matteuccl for hi
courage In returning to the ruined ob
servatory on Mount Vesuvius and sending
from that place messages of encourage
ment and expressions of confidence that
Vesuvius will soon quiet down. The thea
ters, cafue and place of amusement
throughout the city have been closed and
before all the aacrcd Image In the streets
randies are kept burning, while smaller
image are being carried about and in
many cases being set down In th open air
and surrounded by candles.
Troops are engaged In clearing tha roofa
of buildings of the accumulation of sand
and ashes, which endanger the structures.
The large glaas-covered galleries through
out the city, which are much frequented,
have been ordered closed lest the weight
upon the roofs cause them to collapse.
The villnge of San Gennaro ha been
partially burled In Band and ashe and sev
eral house have fallen. At that place
three persons were killed and mora than
twenty Injured.
In the road at Torre del Greco three per
sons were found dead from suffocation.
The people who remain at Torra Annun
slata are In danger of perishing from star
vation, all the shops having been closed.
Ration for 2(0 person have been sent
The warships ordered here have been do
ing effective service in th removal of
Premier Sonnlno reached here today by
train from Rome, his Journey having been
greatly Impeded. He hud a conference Im
mediately after his arrival with King Vic
tor Emmanuel, with whom the premier dls
cussed the measure to be adopted to re
store public confidence, maintain order, aid
the refugee and repair the damage caused
by the eruption.
The king lias directed that th Royal
palace of Ban Fernandlno be opened for
the reception of wounded refugee. Flre
mcn and ambulance corps from Rom have
been sent here to aid In the car of uf
ferers. Two American girls, who had headlessly
ventured Into the Vesuvius district, where
the abandonment of the train bj which
they were traveling caused them much dis
comfort and no little peril, were brought
here today by the steamer St. Don. They
were delighted that their adventur had
no more serious ending.
American Author' experience.
Robert I'nderwood Johnson, aaoclate edi
tor of the Century Magaxlne, who liss been
an eye witness of the event here the last
few daytij said loduy to th Associated
"Each day it becomes more Impossible lo
visit evrn at a distance the afflicted dis
tricts. The ashes have reached prepoauar
ous proportions, filter Into everything, block
the train, trams, automobile, carrlago)
and horses. Only the soldier seem to over
come the obstruction.
"Before the interruption 1 took a train for
Torre Annumlata. On arriving at Torre D4
Greco the heavens seemed lo open and we
were soon half burbd in ashes and hot
cinders, i'be train drew up In total dark
ness, relieved only by lightning faahea.
Thus we walled events. Soon the darkness
took purple and yellow tinges, the detona
tions became louder than the loudeal thun
der and the ashes burnt our eyes. It was
a perfect picture of Dante's Inferno. The
train could not proceed so thick were the
ashes on the Hack, and Just at this
the train bloke in half and tile poor womeu,
fugitives, thinking they were about to loea
their Uvea, began to chant Ulunl. for lh
dead, giving a lust weird touch to Ilia sa
fe rim 1 si ne
"Carbineers came to our leacu ajid sr
poivd to lakt us to lb sea. W Uita fwuu4