Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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New Citj Council Meets for the Purpose of
l.rorif Hanptnnaa F.leeted President
Pro Tem, After Watch Btaadlag
(ninmltteea Are Ktnrd-Rid
on Patrol Wagoa.
The urw city council met yesterday af
Tnoon at S for the purpose of organixa
.lon. Wben.dhe council met it appeared
that all the rumored differences aa to the
presidency had been adjusted satlsfactor
lly. William T. Martin was chosen presi
dent and Oeorge Hauptman, president pro
tern. The standing committees were agreed
upon by the council. They are as follows:
Finance and claims: Bulla, Duffy and
Judiciary: Bulla. Heffilnaer and Duffy.
Streets and alleys: Vosacek, Hauptman
mid Bulla.
'Kdllwsr'. telegraph and telephone:
Hauptman, Martin and Vosacek.
Plre and water: Duffy, Hauptman and
I Irfflinger.
Street lighting: Martin, Bulla and Duffy.
Putrllc property and buildings: Duffy,
1 1 Auplnmn and oss?ek.
Printing: Hulls. Martin anil HefTllnger.
License; Vosacek, Hauptmiin and Duffy.
Ohsrlty: Hefrilngcr. Martin and Bulla.
Following the selection of the commltteea
The. council proceeded to the transaction
at business. Several motions were in
triifluoed and narried. It was discovered
a rerward 'that there was a rule of pro
cedure, thns transgressed and therefore,
nil the motions passed were illegal.
The council adjourned to meet again at
-. m. for the. purpose of receiving bids
on the new patrol wagon and the chief's
buggy. Two bids were received, the first
from Fred Gourney & Pons, agreeing to
rurnlxh a buggy for $190 and an open patrol
for-$6, or a closed patrol for $7X5. The
second bid was that of Karbach and com
pany of Omaha. They agreed to furnish
the wagon for 1643 with steel tires and
with . rifbber tires and added appliances,
fW. Their bid on the chief's buggy was
$170. The bids were referred to the com
mittee of fire, and water.
..It was decided to strike the record of the
business transacted during the afternoon
session Tram the minutes of the council,
since the motions were found to be Illegal.
,Tha council then adjourned to the time of
regular; session, Monday evening, April 16.
'"' Track worker Killed.
M. J.- Dunn, Thirty-ninth and M streets,
was rUn over by a freight train and killed
yesterday afternoon In the Burlington
yards.. Dunn la a section ninn In the em
ploy'. of the Burlington road. While at
fcnrk . tightening some nuts of the fish
plates ..which - bind the rails together he
was .sluing on the rail, near Thirty-sixth
and J streets. A stock train whs being
backed Into the yards and he fulled to sec
Ms approach. The wheels of the train
passed, over '.Ills legs, cutting them both
off )os4 to the body. The Brewer ambu
lance was called and hurried to the place.
Fred Ferro made a hasty compress for the
wounded limbs and rushed him to the South
Omaha hospital. Here It Boon developed
.mat yie snocx was too mucn ror the un-
ortujiate man to endure and he died at
about 6 p. m, Heafy A Heafy took charge
of ''the" body and notified the coroner. It
Is likely that an Inquest will be held. The
(liberal arrangements will be made later.
The man. leaves a wife and six children.
He Jiad heen working for the company for
several years. (
roles to Celebrate.
.The members of the National Polish alii
ame held u meeting last Sunday afternoon
for tho purpose of arranging for the great
estv.yitrt-rtUyliisUiry- of the Polish peo
ple, the .Independence day, or the day of
the declaration of the constitution of May
' ; X .rfftf., The Bona of Poland also assembled
wih them and the two orders will unite
In the guht observances which will be held
on'-Sunday, May 30. This organisation . Is
-the strongest of any of the patriotic orders
,of tlis Polish people and the arrangements
for this celebration will be on a large
'. Work for Tax Collector.
One of the, latest offices established prior
to The office announced by Mayor Thonius
Doctor Is that of city tax collector. This
has been In operation since June 'Si, 1M,
a.ud the office lias been under the manage
Client of K. E. K. Rldgeway aince that time
It has been his special business to look
after aud collect delinquent personal taxes,
Bine -the office was created $1S,W!.T3 has
been collected.
Magic City Gossip.
. U. .1. Talbot has gone to Rapid City, 8.
D. He will return the latter part of the
' wees..
Coke Alexander, general manager of the
Produce Hhlppers' Dispatch, is in the city
on a business trip.
. Maglo CJty King's Daughters will meet
- witn- Mrs. D.' L,. Holmes, 3M3 K street
Thursday afterioon.
Mrs. Roy Davis of Gibbon, an old unlver
. Slty trlund of Miss Mabel 1. Thomas, Is
visiting wita tier tins weeg.
. The calico ball of the Dogree of Honor
will be. one of tin bills of entertainments
tor ims evening at the Workmen temple.
'.:"Ue great minstrel effort of the Fraternal
I. lie assoclut Ion will be given tonight a
fie Ancient Order of I'nited Workmen tern
. P'e.
.-William Rlcht. one of the Injured of the
-street car wreck, was able to leave the
wutli iMiiuha hospital tor his home enter
John-Rollins whs fined $10 and costs ves
tery for assault and battery. He struck
a uoioied man over the head mih a re
Clover Lnf camp Xo. $ of the Roval
NelghlMra will give a high five party
'-Thursday evening. Ref reshments will be
served .
.Mrs. t K. Campbell entertained Rev. and
ilrc fi. 1.. Wlieeler and their son. Perrv
MeD . and Mrs. lucy Kails at dinner last
R. M Mclaughlin was called to Iowa
..In the Utter part of last week U attend
j.he burial of his mother. He has returned
lti' this city.,
.'lie annual meeting of the South Omaha
Jiint t'sr. Inspection us.icclallon will be
held in the Boulh Omaha Kxchunge build
lit, the afternoon at 2 p. m.
Mrs. K. B. Bhugart's mother, Mrs.
I'htpps of Michigan, who has been visll
, Inn wfth her daughter for some time past,
Juts' ret til nd .to her Michigan hou-ie.
Min. trunk; R., who has been ill
tm: some time and who underwent an op
eration at h -r pome last taturduy after
noon, is reported as well as expected under
i..o clrciuitaiances.
The liiipi-rsi.uations of Mr. Frances Car
UO KHMIK VI' uritt:.
- ocpat iinent of tile liileiior. Office of ln
ii.jii AtTaiis. Wasuinglon, L). C, March
-H, U"". T khJ proposals, plainly maikeu.
..a Ue oiHSitir of the envelope: "Proposal
lor rubber .uix-ds, boots and shoes," etc.,
t!.e is may be, and rul ren.sed to tlie
' V.oinoitkiiiHier of Indian A ft airs, Wuahing-l-'ii,
l. V will be received at the Indian
oilice until 2 o'clock p. . ni. of Thursday,
(jnli l, iao, and thin opened, for fur-
Mushing the Indiun service with rubber
(!, bails and shoe, hardware and med
ic:. I upplk-B- be.i led proposals. plainly
,i arkeo oi the outside of tlie envelope:
'ProHW. fjr crockery, furniture," etc., hs
toe cae may be. and addrted to tlie
' Voinmnsiouer of Indian Affairs, Washing
Ion, D. C," ill be itceived at the Indian
alive Uiilil 2 o cloik p. m. of Tuesday, May
1, !4, and tueu opened, for furnishing the
Indian service with crockery, agricultural
i-iipl.Miients, paluu, oil, glass, tinware,
Mtgons, harness, leather, shoe findings,
Ki.i.llri y, etc., school supplies and a long
list of miscellaneous a rue lea. Bids must
be made out on government blanks.
fohrdHlee- giving all ne easary Information
for bidders will be furnished on applica
tion to the India ofllce, Washington, D.
" ':- Hie C. 8 l nllan Warehouses at New
Voig City; Chicago. III.; St. Ixuis. Mo.,
and Omaha, Neh. Tlie department re
krea the right to select any and all bids.
VI an
part ul auy Lia. I . u. 1J.L1T,
ter were ell received by the Bnuth Omaha
people at the high sehool auditorium isst
night. A good-elr.ed crowd was present.
Many of the numbers were applauded until
an encore was given.
F.rnest Duncan. John Pierson. Willie
Feeney and Charles Kamma, the four boys
who were detected as the perpetrators of
several minor burglaries of late, were all
sentenced to trms in the state reforma
tory. All of the boys pleaded guilty to
the charges.
Thursday evening at I p. in. there will
be a meeting of the Relive membership of
the Young Men's Christian assoclstlon to
settle some matters looking forward to
the annual election of directors. May 1.
Every active member Is expected to be
present. The present board of directors
will meet the same evening.
There was a social entertainment of the
Century Dlterarv club yesterday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. C. M. Hchlndel. About
thirty of the women were present and en
joyed the plans of their genial hostess for
their amusement. One of the features was
a guessing game of authors which the club
has been studying for some time past. Re
freshments were served snd the party con
tinued from 2:30 to 6 p. m.
Workmen Continue to Lrste shops
and Join the t nlon len
on strike.
I-alsjr Temple was filled with sulking
nainters Tuesday and the utmost confi
dence prevailed among the men that they
would be able to get their demands trom
the bosses. The lenders were working
among the painters of the different shops
where the men had not gone out and suc
ceeded in pulling off the eight men em
ployed by Fuchs A Kucha. Thirty men
are out from the shop of Henry Uhtnan
and about the same number from Ruther
ford & Jensen.
The Master Painters' have prepared the
following statement for the puhlie infor
mation, which contains the contract offered
by the union for their signature:
To the Public: A statement from the
business agent of the Painters union, hav
ing been published In .he dally papers,
claiming that the only contention between
the members of this union and ineir em
ployers was the mere matter of a small
Increase In pay. This is not the. case.
The fact that tunny of our employes have
for many months received that regular
scale of wages, and the following nrtlcln
of agreement presented to us for our ac
ceptance (hut which we have reiusen 10
agree to) will clearly snow, ami we nuonni
this proposal for the consideration of thosi
who desire to know the true facts of the
case. J. A. Anderson, T. J. Beard &
Bro., F. H. Craig, Fuchs & Fuchs, Hunt
Klllott, H. A. Kosters. Charles Kle.vla,
Henrv Bchoenen. Rutherford & Jensen,
Stevenson & Coon, H. Dchmsn Son
W. 8. WEDUE, Secretary.
An agreement aa contained In the follow
ing nine articles has thla day been entered
Into by the undersigned master painters of
Omaha (hereinafter to be known as the
party of the first part) and local union No.
109 of the Brotherhood of Painters and
Decorators of America (with headquarters
at Kafayette, Ind., party of the second
part). This said following agreement to go
into effect on the first day of April,
and to be In force and effect to the first
day of April, 1907:
Article I Eight hours shall constitute a
day's work, same to be counted from 8
o'clock a. m. to 6 o'clock p. in., with one
hour Intermission, via., from l. o ciock m.
to 1 o'clock p. m.
Article II The minimum scale oi wages
to be paid Journeymen palntera and paper
hanger during the existence of this agree
ment shall be 42H cents per hour.
Article HI The party of the first part
agrees, to employ none but union men In
good standing In the Brotherhood of Paint
ers snd Decorators of America, with head
quarters at Lafayette, Ind., and will rec
ognlxe no Credentials or working card ex
cept that Issued by the local branch of the
above named national organisation.
Article IV Pay for time and one-nair
shall be allowed on all overtime. Over
time to mean all work performed after 5
o'clock p. m., also work on Sunday, Christ,
mas day, July 4 and Saturday afternoon.
On the first Monday in September, known
as Labor day, no work uuaei- any pretense
ahall be allowed. .
Article V All Journeymen palntera 'and
paper hangers ahall receive In full on Sat
urday alter la in. oi eacn weea an money
earned and due them up to and Including
Friday Immediately preceding.
Article VI It is also agreed that all
preparatory work, such as sand papering
wood wora. scraping ore oia wan paper,
washing off kalsnmlne, slxlng and prepar
ing walls for hanging paper or painting,
shall be done exclusively by members of
organisation of Dartv of second part.
Article VII Journeymen painters and
paper hangers, when employed outside the
city, to receive railroad fare and hotel ex
Article VIII The party of the flrat purt
aarees not to discriminate against any of
Us employes on account of aotlve partici
pation in the affairs of the party ot tne
second Dart.
Article IX In the event that at any time
party of the second part 1 unable to fur
nish sufficient competent men belonging to
their order, when called upon to do so,
the said party of the first part shall have
permission to employ nonunion workmen.
provioea saiu nonunion worameu niase no
mediate application for membership to or
ganisaliou of party of the second part.
Final Me us In Organisation that Is
to Bind Voang Churchmen
nd Sports.
The Church and Sunday School Athletic
league of Omaha was the name of the new
organisation which waa adopted at a meet
Ing held Tuesday night In the Young Men's
Christian association rooms to adopt a
constitution and by-laws. The name waa
changed from that first Intended so as to
Include some of the older members of the
Sunday schools and some of the younger
members of the churches who might wish
to Join the league. The constitution of
the leHgue provides that base ball, basket
ball, track and field events, bowling, cal-
isthxilcs and gymnasium work will be
taken up as tlie season for these events
rolls around.
The officers were elected ut tlie meeting
held last Friday night and the meeting last
night was simply to adopt a constitution
and by-laws. The enthusiasm allowed the
league had come to slay, as several of j
the pastors present expressed It aa their
opinion the league would fill a long felt
want In their clmrelie. especially In re
gard to the young people. Buys' Interests
are lurgely physical and it has been found
necessary to meet boys along physical and
social lines In order to hold their tnterest
In the work. The church hitherto lias con
cerned Itself to teuchlng the boy the Bible
and rpiritiial things, but the experleii'-e
has been a good teacher and the Omaha
Sunday schools will follow the example
taught by some of Hie eastern cities, which
have added sporta and gymnastics aa a
means of preparing the boy more
thoroughly for every day activities.
Snaar Beet I. rotters tannot F.astly
Supply Demand fur Their
Large Crops.
"laborer are needed all through toe
west, and I am here to secure 1,200 for
work on our new factory at Billings and
to go Into the sugar beet fields," said Ed
mund Simmons, manager of the new sugar
bdrt factory at Billing. "We have the
foundation In for that factory, which will
represent an oujlay of $1.26n,0G0, and the
structural work la up on some of the
buildings. The new factory will have a
capacity of l.Suu tona per day aud we have
contracted for beets, so we must have the
factory completed by September 1. We
must have 10 workers there by May 1.
Laborers get as high as Jo cents an hour
In Billings, the workers In tlie field work
ing ou a different basis." .
Itrge parties of men are dally going
through the Omaha stations for work In
tlie west. One party of seventy-five went
j west on the V'nion Pacific Tuesday morning
j sua anotntr isigs party on tnt Burlington.
Bond Issue Fails to Brine Premium for
First Time in Years.
City Treasurer Recommends ale to
pltser A Co., the Sole Bidders,
and Ills Adilee Is
For the rlist time in a number of years
no better than par was bid for a large issue
of bonds by the city of Omaha. Treasurer
Hennings reported to the council last night
that Spitaer Co. of Toledo was the sin
gle bidder, offering to take an Issue of $110,
WHO special Improvement bonds, running
from one to nine years and bearing interest
at 4 per tent. He said he attributed the
lack of competition to the present state of
the money market. He remarked that ns
the city has a $17o,0n0 sale of special lnnd
renewals ahead In his opinion It would be
well to accept the single bid and the coun
cil accepted the advice and approved the
Rids on rermnnent Sidewalks.
Division of the city Into four districts lor
the construction of permanent sidewalks did
not bring the comiietltlrtn expected. No
proposals were received for district No. 3,
two for No. 4 snd only one each for Nob.
1 and 2. All the bids, which were as fol
lows, were referred to the city engineer:
Artificial Orad
Sume. Brick. Ins.
Cts. Cts. Cls.
John O'Donahtie, No. 4.. 14 ll' '-'n
A. J. Stanley. No. 4 1V 1U :l"
Hans J. Peterson, No. 2 lft 11 2ft
A. J. Stanley, No. 1 li?4 ll'i 0
"It would be unfair to make awards on
those figures." said Councilman Hoye. "One
part of the city would be getting sidewalks
cheaper than another. There 1? a big lack
of competition."
"The results are not satisfactory," said
Engineer Rosewater. "It Is possible that
the difference In price Is due to the value
of property in the different districts, as the
taxes are dependable upon each Individual
parcel of realty concerned. The lower prices
are satisfactory, but the higher ones ate
City Electrician Michaelsen's plan for re
placing the gaxoline lamps with electric
lights without additional cost was referred
to the street lighting committee.
Pay for Election Officers.
A resolution was adopted raising the pay
of the primary election officers from $'! to
$6 for their services. An attempt to fix the
pay of the special election policemen at 25
cents an hour, beginning with 5 o'clock on
the morning of election day. failed because
Councilman Hoye made certain inquires.
"What time do these policemen usually
report back to your office?" he asked.
'At all hours of the night and some as
late as 11 o'clock the next morning. ' was
the reply from the clerk. "We do our
best to get them to report early."
'If they do not report until late the next
morning I know that they take the ballot
boxes home with them and come In when
they get ready." said Hoye. "I don't see
why the city should pay them 26 cents an
hour while they Bleep."
The other councilmen agreed with him.
Efforts will be made to find out how many
hours each policeman actually was on duty
and make the remuneration on an equitable
A. C. Powers and W. F. Cowger were
named as custodians of voting machines
at $5 a day for the May election.
Bonds for n Workhooae.
The ordinance proposing the submission
of the question of Issuing $46,J0 bonds for
buying a site and building a workhouse
waa Introduced and referred. Councilman
Huntington expressed a doubt as to Its le
gality, saying he believed the amount of
bonds which the city could Issue in a
single years was already used up or ar
ranged to be tor 1906.
An ordinance of which no one seemed
to know anything about was Introduced,
proposing to vacate all the streets and al
leys In Rivervlew Park addition east of
the Burlington tracks, the appraisement of
the land and sale to abutting property
An ordinance was introduced seeking to
repeal a city law, providing that the signa
tures of property owners within l.nuo feet is
necessary, to build a structure for the man
ufacture or storage of gas.
City's Balance Sheet.
Comptroller Lobeck submitted the follow
ing statement of city cash and funds
checked :
Cash In drawer
Checks for deposit
Balances In Banks
City funds:
First National iw.71ti.Sd
Merchants National !.IW4.i4
Nebraska National iK,8.Vi.JS
Omaha National S8.112.13
P. 8. National H.247.n5
Kountse Bros., New York 2J,lt6.4j-
Schonl funds:
First National 2.151.IS!
Merchants National l.rmt.a
Omaha National till.94
l 8. National J.H72.7X
Knunts Bros., New York 343.B5 tUW.ISl
Police relief fund:
Merchants Nationul 2.ii.!M)
I". S. National l,7Ki.U 4.47.V1S
Ppeclal fund:
First National ll.lwu.ts
Merchants National 24,41ii.ti7
Nebrpska National 2S.outl.ou
Omaha National 2b,000.(i
l S. National 27,41.(i7- 115,83a.;i4
Total funds on hand
Srlienie for Snbatltntlng F.leetrle
I.lgnt fur lias In pntsklrls
Available Sow.
City Electrician Michaelsen's plan for
substituting the 0 gasoline lamps in the
outskirts of the city by electric lights has
been ready for the council, which ordered
it, for more than a week. It provides for
eighty-eight aro lamps and fifteen lncan
descents, costing altogether a year
without deducting the I per cent royalty on
gross business. I'nder the proposed price
of $2 the gasoline lamps would cost $7,0110.
The electrician asserts that under his
plan much belter lighting will be given
than by the old scheme. While making a
personal investigation of the ground he
was besieged by complainants who had all
manner of kicks on the gasoline lighting.
Ha found these lamps lighted at various
hours of the day, but the people affected
told hbn many burned very little at night.
Councilmen in the outlying wards say they
have heard this story from their constit
uents time without number, and they are
anxious to clean out the gasoline lighting
I.o tea Llf Breaking; Horaes.
BiOl'X FAIiLS, 8. D April lO.-(Special )
While engaged In breaking a team of
broncho ponies on the Hollenbeck ranch,
In Lyman county. Bert Davis was In
stantly killed and hla companion, Clark
Hollenbeck, waa seriously injured. The
two young men lost control of the ani
mals, which ran away. They turned
sharply, overturning the wagon and the
occupants were caught beneath the ve
hicle, which crushed the Ufa out of Davis
and dangerously Injured Hollenbeck.
Many lros Dead
from so-called heart trouble, when the real
cause is acuta Indlgeatlon. easily curable
by Electric Fitters, M cents. For sale by
BhermBB atcConntll tIUg Co-
03 R LETTER 191
Clancy at the Bnt.
OMAHA, April 9. WOK. To the Editor of
The Bee: In your Isene of April a you quote
Mr. F. D. Wead as' saying that "the rail
roads only y about M.nw fur taxes at
present for all tlie vsliiiible property they
own and use in"
This is a gross misstatement. The fact la
that instead of all the railroads paying -)
"only about $.1.nun," the Cnion Pacific alone
in 1M3 paid Into the city treasury of Omaha
on Its properly In Omaha locally assessed
the sum of $l-t'9.11 nd made a tender of
payment of $T'49 44 In addition on the portion
of Its rroperty In Omaha assessed by the
State Board of Equalisation and Assess
ment, making an amount paid by the t'nlsn
Pacific alone more than four limes greater
than Mr. Wead says was paid by all the
I'nder the law the city of Omaha is en
titled to one-half of the road tax levied
by the county on Omaha property and the
amount tendered for this purpose by thu
I'nlon Pacific was $l(i3.2ft. The Union Pa
cific, therefore, actually paid Into the city
treasury of Omaha In 1!5 the sum of $12.
46S.11 and made a tender of payment of
$1,flf2.K4 in addition, while the total tax as
sessed amounted to $19. 775. 13. Nor do these
sume Include any part of the state school
fund, a fund apportioned on a per capita
basis and obtained by levying a tax on all
the taxable assets of the state.
That real estate used for right-of-way
and depot grounds Is eliminated from local
assessment and Is liable for taxes on dis
tributive value is true. On the theory that
each mile of railroad Is as valuable as every
other mile and that terminal facilities are
for the reception, routing and distribution
of traffic at converging points for the whole
line, the law requires uniform mileage val
uation, and this is obtained by assembling
all the assets Into a total sum and dividing
such sum or amount by the number of
miles of main track. Thus, while real es
tate In Omaha used for right-of-way and
depot grounds Is valued and assessed by the
state board, It nevertheless is subjected to
taxation along every mile of main line in
the state. It does not escape taxation, as
has repeatedly been staled, but pays trib
ute In proportion to Its value in every po
litical subdivision from the Missouri river
to the Wyoming state line.
Assistant Tax Commissioner.
The Mormon ttnrstlon.
OMAHA. April 10. To the Editor of The
Bee: Because of a request to have the
relative positions of the Reorganized Latter
Day Saints and the Latter Day Saints
more fully understood,' I wish to state the
Reorganised Latter Day Saints, who in
Utah are called "Josephltes," are a great
assistance to the "Gentile" (evangelical I
churches, because of their opposition to
the Latter Day Saints. "Brlghamltes," In
regard to "blood atonement" mid polygamy,
as well as the "Adam god" Idea. Elder
Chase of the Reorganized Latter Day
Saints has preached In Salt Lake City,
on Second South by the Kenyon hotel,
every night for weeka, and at the end of
each service has permitted any one to ask
questions and has denounced "blood atone
ment" and polygamy In the strongest
terms and In a manner no "Gentile" minis
ter would have dared to do, because the
"Josephlte" knew lie had to a certain
extent the sympathy of the people because
he, too. believed in the book of Mormon.
I believe If 100 "Joaephltes" were in Utah
and Idaho all the time, as preaching elders,
It would be a' strong ally to the forces
which are oppdiliia.UliV positions taken
and the assuniptirtr,pf the Latter -Day
Snlnt (Brlghaml4w,.3MMn"tiB'.e--
Cull U Nebraska . Tenae.
OMAHA, April 10, JfltXL To the Editor of
The Bee: Recently there appeared some
thing ,in your columns as to change of
name for Sixteenth street, which It was
proposed to call Broadway. Why not call
this thoroughfare Nebraska avenue? There
la a name that is. fitting in every sense,
one that would mean something, and would
commend Itself to all the people of tho
Then, to make Nebraska avenue a sub
ject of talk all over the country, let tlie
merchants treat Its lighting as Los An
geles merchants do. their Broadway and
St. Paul merchants are to treat their 81xth
si n et. In the California city eleven blocks
of Broadway are made like fairy land by
means of over LWt lights, aggregating
60,ooo candle power. l.os Angeles claim
it Is the most brilliantly lighted street In
the world.
In the Minnesota city committees are'now
working among the business men of Sixth
street for a similar . illumination. This
thoroughfare .bears the same relation to
the other business streets of St. Paul that
Sixteenth street does to the. other Omaha
busineos streets, exactly. The proposal la
to Install the "fairyland" system at u
minimum cost of $1.35 for Installation and
$1.35 per foot for street frontage per year
for maintenance. Thi Is to be borne partly
by the merchants ill the blouks to bo
lighted, aud a committee is handling each
block. The city Is to be asked to bear
part of the expense, as the stationary
corner lamps and the swinging arc lights
are not to be dispensed with. In Los
Angeles the property owners stood the cost
of installing and the tenants pay the bills
for lighting.
A brilliantly illuminated Nebraska avenue
would no doubt soon be followed In Omaha
by an equally enticing display on Farnani.
Such a tremendous blase of light as this
system contemplates would be a revelation
to we'uns accustomed only to the ordinary
plan of illuminating the streets. R.
Oruer of Business Pursued by South
Oiaaha Democrats ltu Heter
ence to Holding; Office.
Several of the reform candidates elected
to city offices at the recent election in
Boulh Omaha have Joined tlie ranks of the
land-buying squad which was started dur
ing the primaries In Omaha by candidates
who wanted to qualify by becoming free
holders. Tuesday Joseph Duffy and Fred
Hefflinger, newly elected members of tho
council, filed deeds of property in South
Omaha. In both cases Balthas Jetter, presi
dent of the Jetter Brewing company, wn
the grantor. The considerations were
$iou and $H respectfully. John F. Cot
rigan. who waa chosen a member of the
school board, filed a deed tha latter part of
last week, the property being conveytd
to him by J. J. Ryan, the consideration
being $j00 with a $3)0 mortgage running
to Mr. Ryan.
In all three instances the deeds were
dated prior to the election, which waa
April 3.
4 alcaa Paint Faetosy.
CHICAGO, April 10.-Tha plant of tha
George W. Pitkin PaJnt Manufacturing
company, at Pulton and Carpenter streets
waa destroyed by fre today. Nina fam
ilies, occupying farm buildings adjoining
tha plant, were driven from home by the
flames. A eertee of explosion made diffi
cult the work of tha firemen. The loss la
estimated at fa,
Dairy Commission Sends Representative to
Market to InTestirate.
In Unite ef Derisions of the Coons
Insarance Com pa lea Cootlene to
Insist on the Board l a tea
I'rnlt In Fine Condition.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DKS MOINES. April 10. (Special.) As
sistant State Dairy Commissioner W. S.
Suitrzo of Manchester, la., has gone to
New York to discover If possible why Iowa
Iihs lost $2.0rt),on( within the past several
months by the slump In the price of butter.
It Is asserted that It Is due to the quality
of butted shipped from the state, and to
discover the cause he will test all butter
In the butter market In New York City.
The price of butter Is now but 21 cents
a pound Including the freight charges and
there are feara that It will go atlll lower.
Ry testing the butter It la asserted thai
the reason can be d"tected. There are
claims that It la dne to the centralising I
plants, which ship cream a long distance
before it is made Into butter. Others as
sert the cows are not fed the proper ration.
Mr. Sniarxo lias resigned his position as
nssistant state commissioner and has taken
a position under the civil service of the
government, the position being a new de
parture, crested for the special purpose.
The butter of all western stHtes Will be
tested. II is the elsim of dairyman -that
all western states have lost heavily be
cause of the Inferior quality of the butter
shipped. Mr, Smar7.o will have several
assistants In the work. His resignation
was given to Dairy Commissioner Wright
today and he leaves tonight for New York
"Countess" Is Identified.
John Pinnegar of What Cheer, la., ap
peared at the police station In tills city
today and asserted that Hattie Pinnegar,
who has been masquerading at Colfax and
other Iowa towns as the "Countess of
Bellemar." Is his daughter. The girl wss
placed under arrest here yesterday, but
on representations of her father, she was
turned over to him. Mr. Pinnegar told
the chief of police that eighteen years ago
he gave his daughter to hts sister to raise
and soon after lost all track of them un
til he saw In the papers of her arrest
yesterday. Miss Pinnegnr had with her
when arrested a four week's old
whom she declared was "Lady Margue
rite." her heiress. 8he declares that It Is I
her own child, but the police do not be
lieve her. Not knowing whose child It Is
she has leen allowed to keep it. It Is be
lieved she, has Induced some one to give
It to her on the belief that she Is a real
tick to Board Rates.
Notwithstanding the declplon of the
I'nited States supreme court In sustslnlny
the constitutionality of the Iowa law re
garding board Insurance rates, one Insur
ance company out of tlie state today re
turned to Its agent policies written at less
than the board rates. This Is taken as
evidence that the companies propose to
hold to the board rates and may be the
basis for further Investigation on the part
of the legislative Insurance commission,
which meets in this city Thursday to be
gin an investigation.
First Frnll Heuort.
The first monthly report by tlie secre
tary of the Stale Horticultural department
was made today and shows that the condi
tion of the fruit at this time Is satisfactory
and the Slntement is made that if the fa
vorable" weather conditions continue . the
fruit crop will be large and fine. The high
est average for fruit In April was reached
in 1901, when the average was Si per cent.
The report at this time shows apples to be
91 per cent, pears fC, ' American plums 9:',
European plums K, Japanese plums 80,
cherries 84. peaches 7T, grapes 87, raspber
ries til. blackberries &7, black raspberries
SI, strawlierries 91.
April Crop Report leaned by (isms
inrnt Shows Condition of
W inter W beat.
WASHINGTON, April lo.-The crop re
porting board of the bureau of statistics
of tho Department ' of Agriculture, from
the reports of the correspondents and
agents of the bureau, finds the average
condition of winter wheat on April 10 tu
have been $9.1, against 91 on April 1,
1905; 76.5 at the corresponding date in 1904,
und 81.1. the mean of the April averages
of tlie last ten years. The following table
shows for the principal winter wheat states
the averages of condition on April 1, the
corresponding averages one year ago and
the mean of the corresponding averages
of the last ten y.-srs:
April 1, April I, lv-year
Pennsylvania ...
United Stales . .
91. e
The average condition of winter rye ou
April 1 was fto.9, against 9LM on April 1,
19fto, and 88 4. the mean of the April aver
ages of the last ten years.
Officials of Eastern Lines Elected to
Fill Vacancies Canaed by
NEW YORK. April 1(1 The board of di
rectors of the Union Pacific Railroad com
pany today elected as directors Albert J.
Earllng, president of the Chicago, Mil
waukee & St. Paul railroad; David WIU
cox. president of the Delaware Hudson
Railroad company, and Robert Ooelet.
They fill the vacancies in the Union Pa
clfic directorate caused by the resignations
of O. H. Kahn, Jacob H. SchlfT and Jam"s
H. Hyde.
Baroness Bussehe Recovering.
WASHINGTON, April 10,-Baioneas
Bussehe, wife of the counselor of the Ger
man embassy. Baron Bussehe, who hsS
been dangerously 111 for more than a week.
Is recovering rapidly and her physicians
say she Is now out of danger. Her condi
tion Is still such, however, that she will
probably not be able for some time to
go on the European trip which she and her
husband were about to make at the time
she was taken ill.
Appointment on Fair Bonrd.
PIERRE, 8. D.. April 10. (Special Tele
gramsGovernor El rod has appointed J.
W. Campbell of Huron aa member of the
State Board of Agriculture to fill the
vacancy cauaed by the death of John H.
Mia. Zatda J. Dlmond haa filed an unw t
and cross petition in the auit of her hus
band, Dana L. Diamond for divorce, fthe
charges him with abusing her and with
failure to rapport her and her children.
She aaka tha custody f lbs cUUdien and
11, ( aavmcmy-
Compiles with th
pure food law
of every state
II P 1 1 Til Calumtt is made
flCWS. I H tft,to tn eirt, a4 makes light, easfly digested
"""' Bread. Biscuits t Pastrv: therefore, it is recom
mended by leading physicians and chemists.
FPnimMV ,n 'nir Cilaaiel you are always assured
.UUHUII $ fixi bsking: therefore, there Is no waste of
mmmmmmmm material or tine. Cslomet is put np ia alr-tlght
Powder oa
"Cache I Potidre: The Rontsnce of a
Tenderfoot in the Days of Custer," by
Herbert Myrick, is a story of ltfe In north
ern Colorado, Wyoming and Montana In
the early 'Tne. The author is the widely
known editor and publisher of several sgrl
c :i It urn I Journals. M.iny of tlie pictures
are reproduced from oil paintings by tunic
of the leading artists of the country and
many are of people still living, while there
are characteristic notes In tlie appendix
about them. This Is oniy one of the many
ways In which this book is different froM
any other story, novel or historical ro
mance, but these same peculiarities make
tlie work very human and true to the life
actually lived by the makers of Colorado
and of the northwest in the days of Custer.
In fact, tho book leads up to all the mys
teries, glory and criticlun that have been
accorded to Custer and his men, upon
which subject Herbert My rick Is the one
final authority. The book Is an artistic
1 piece of work and comes from the press
of the Orange Judd company.
The coming of Easter is heralded In the
current Issue of Donahoe's Magar.ine in
poems, pictures and stories. A particularly
fine feature Is the poem "The Risen Christ"
by Susan 1. Emery. Printed In colors and
illustrated by sixteen page plates, this is a
beautiful tribute to the season. Other fea
tures of timely interest are "The Centenary
of the Baltimore Cathedral'' by Henry
Morgan, "The King and Future Queen cf
Spain" by Ben Hurst, "The Coming of
Spring" by Alice McDermott and "An Im
pressionist Sketch of Plus X" by Marie
Donegan Walsh, all fully illustrated.
In 1SSJ the firm of Munrue Francis, In
Boston, produced what was culled "The
Only True Mother Goose Melodies, Without
Addition or Abridgement, Embracing Also
a Reliable Life of the Goose Family." A
number of Imprint editions of those orig
inal Jlnglea with their profusion of quaint.
well-executed black wood cuts were pro
duced by different book sellers, and gave
enjoyment to thousanda of children and
their elders. A great many people of ad
vaneing age have It distinct recollection of
this book, but It has long been out of print
and copies have become very scarce and
valuable. Mra. Harriet Blackstone C. But
ler, a well-known member of the Daughters
of th American Revolution, possessed a
carefully treasured copy, and when tills
Not ao very long ago, a popular
magazine published an editorial article
In which the writer asserted, lti sub
stance, that all disease should be re
garded as criminal. Certain it is, that
much of tha sickness and suffering of
mankind is due to tha violation of cer
tain of Nature's laws, which, if under
stood and implicitly followed, would
result in the Drevention of much of the
sickness and suffering of humanity.
But to say that all sickness should be
regarded as criminal, must, on a little
sober reflectim. appeal to every rea
sonable and intelligent individual as
radically wrong.
Thousands suffer from contagious and
infectious diseases mntit innocently and
uuconsclously contracted. Other thou
sands suffer and die of cancerous affec
tions, the cause of which no medical
man has yet been wise enough to fer
ret out and determine, and which can
not, therefore, be avoided. Then too,
many times stress of circumstances
compel people to expose themselves to
various disease-producing ageuclea, such
as malaria, bad air in overheated factor
ies, coal mines, snd many other situations,
and surely those who suffer therefrom
should not be branded as criminals.
In-so-far as disease is contracted or
brought on one's self from harmful ex
cesses, over-eating, intemperance and
other like Indigencies and debauchery,
we think, with our editor friend, that It
should be regarded as little less than
criminal. On tha other hand, we think it
would be harsh, unsympathetic, cruel, yes
criminal, to condemn tha poor, weak,
over-worked housewife who sinks tinder
the heavy load of household cares and
burdens which she Is obliged to struggle
along under until she succumbs .to the j used alcohol, in its make-up. In this con
strain and over-exertion, and suffers from 1 neciion it msy n be out of place to state
weakuesses. various displacements of
pelvic organs and other derangements
peculiar to her sex.
The too frequent bearing of children,
with its exacting demands upon the sys
tem, coupled with the care, worry and
labor of rearing a large family, ia often
the ratisa of weakness, derangements
and debility which the mother has to bear
and which are aggravated by tbe many
household cares, and the hard, and never
ending work which she is called upon to
perform. Dr. Pierre, the maker of that
world-famed remedy for women's peculiar
Ills Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
says that one of the greatest obstacles to
tha cure of this class of maladies is the
f set that tha poor, overworked housewife
can not get the needed rest from her
many household cares and labor to enable
her to secure from the use of his " Pres
cription " Its full benefits. It is a matter
of frequent experience, ha says, in his
extensive practice in these case, to meet
with those In which his treatment fails
by reason of the patient's inability to ab
stain from hard work long enough to ba
cured. With those suffering front pro-
lapsus, ante-version and retro-version
oi tne uterus or other displacement
of the womanly organs, it is very neces
sary that, (n addition to taking his "Fa
vorite Prescription" they abstain from
being very much, or for long periods, on
their feet. All heavy lifting or straining
of any kind ahould also be avoidnd. As
much out-door air aa possible, with mod
erate, light exercise is also very import
ant. It la Dr. Pierce's observation that many
housewives suffer much in a weakened
condition of their system from too close
confinement ln-doors. Often tha kitchen,
where they spend moat of their time, is
illy ventilated and the bad air and over
heating thereof act moat unfavorably
- upon the woman's strength, until she
ends herself suffering from various weak
nesses attended by backache, bearing
down pains, or dregglng-down sensations
that are extremely hard to bear. A ca
tarrhal, pelvic drain, of most debilitating
and disagreeable nature, is a common
ayajptow of the congested or Inflame
of the finest materials po-
can: It willXeeplonger than any other Halting
tne market and has more raiting
nnillllCT Is !o carefully aadsclea
It B I.U MCI tltlcally rrepsred that
the netirtalir.atloa el
rnsredient I absolutely oerfert.
Therefore, food prepsrea wttli
Cslawet Is free from Rochelle Salts,
Alum, or any Injurious substance.
given for any substance la-
jurious to ncaito louna im ni '"SJ l jiw
r:n timnr
came to the notice of Dr. Edward Everett
Hnle be enthusiastically urged Ita reproduc
tion, and proved his great Interest In ths
matter by writing an entertaining Introduc
tion. The' work of reproducing- has' been
perfectly done and the book la aura, of
wide circulation, as It will bring back child
hood days to a great number who will In
turn wish the children of the present day
to know what their parents or grandparents
enjoyed. It ought to meet with all tbe fa
vor that Dr. Hale expecta for It. Published
by Lathrop. Iee & Bhepard company.
In ".Mrs. Tree's Will," Eaura E. Rich
ards dips deep into tlie real Stirling New
England character, with all Us originality,
tiunlntness. delightful oddities and severely
local limitations. The personages so real
istically drawn are real odd, quaint, primi
tive products of their mek-ribhed environ
ment, most evidently drawn from the con
scientious study of veritable living origi
nals. Nor Is this study limited to the por
trayal of one single ptincipnl character,
leaving In half light or obscurity the re
maining figures of the group. Aa consci
entiously as Dickens's own masterpieces
does this sketch present the real separate
human traits and oddities of each of the
many subordinate characters. Mra. Rlch
ards's acquaintance with the original New
England stock Is long and Intimate and her
Illumination of its qualities Is brightened
with humor and softened by affection. The
Illustrations by Frank T. Merrll are most
happily executed to assist the portrayal
of the characters. Published by Dana
Estes A compuny.
"Long s American Poems." with notes and
hlogrsphlrs. by Augustus Whits Long, pre
ceptor In English. Princeton university, is
a look Intended to serve as an Introduction
to the systematic study of American poetry,
hut It does not pretend to exhausMveness.
All the poets from 17T6 fo 1900 who are
worthy of recognition are here treated
simply, yet auggesttvely, and In auch a man
ner as to Illustrate the growth and spirit
of American' life aa expressed In Its verse.
Each writer is represented by some of his
best-known poems, which are "preceded by
brief biographical sketches, designed to en
tertain and awaken interest. The nntes at
the end of the book give much useful and
interesting Information. The brief critical
commenta which have been added to tha
explanatory notes are meant to interpret
the poems to the student and to win his
attention and sympathy.. Published br the
American Book company.
Above books at lowest retail prices.
Matthews, It! South Fifteenth street.
condition nf tbe lining membranes of tha
pelvic organs, attended, perhaps, with
tenderness and pain in these regions.
Now, w hile all tha foregoing disagree,
able symptoms and sensations will gen
erally yield to tha faithful and somewhat
Dcraistent use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription, to realize the very beat
results front its tixe, the patient must, as
far as possible, abstain from over-work.
worry, aim too ciose connnemenmi-aoors.
To such women as are not seriously out
of health, but who have exacting duties
to perform, either in the way of house
hold duties or In social duties and fuse
tlons which seriously tai their strength,
as well as to nursing mothers, the "Fa
vorite Prescription " has proved a most
valuable supporting tonic and Invigorat
ing nervine. By. its timely use, much
serious sickness and suffering may be
avoided. The operating table and the
surgeons' knife, would, it Is believed,
seldom have to be resorted to if this most
valuable woman's remedy were resorted
to In good time. The " Favorlba Prescrlp-.
tion " has proven a great boon to expectant
mothers by preparing the system for tha
coming oi nany, thereby rendering enua
birth safe, easy, and almost painless. ,
Bear in mind, please, that Dr. Pleroe'i
Favorite Prescription is not a secret or
patent medicine, against w hich the most
Intelligent people are quite naturally
averse, because of the uncertainty as to
their harmless character, but Is a medi
cine of known com position, full list of
all its ingredient!! being printed) In plali
English, on every bottle wrapper. Aa
examination of this listof Ingredients will
disclose the fact that It ia non-alcoholic
lu its composition, chemically pur glyr-
1 erine taking the place of the commonly
that the "Favorite Prescription" of Dr.
Pierce is the only medicine put up for the
cure of woman's peculiar weaknesses ao4
ailments, and sold through druggists, that
does not contain alcohol, and that too in
large quantities. Furthermore, It is the
only medicine for woman's special dis
ease, the ingredients of which have the
unanimous endorsement of all the leading
modical writers and teachers of all tha
several schools of practice, and that too
a remedies for the ailments for which
"Favorite Prescription " Is recommended.
A little book of these endorsements will
be sent to any address, post-paid, and
absolutely frrr if you request aama by
postal card, or letter, of Dr. E, V. Pierce,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Don't forget that Dr. Tierce's Favorite
Prescription, for woman's weaknesses and
delicate ailments, is not a patent or secret
meviiclne, being the "Favorite Preacrlp
tion " of a regularly educated and gradu
ated physician, engaged in the practice
of his chosen specialty that of diseases
of w omen tha t Ita Ingredients are printed
In plain F.nglish on every bottle-wrapper:
that it is the only medicine especially
i designed for the cure of woman's diseases
i that contains no alcohol, and tbe only
one that has a professional endorsement
worth more than ail tbe so-called "testi
monials" ever published for other med
icines. An invitation Is extended by Dr. Pierce
to every sick and ailing woman to consult
him by letter. There is absolutely n
charge or fee for this. Every letter Is
carefully considered, fully answered, and
its statements held as strictly private and
sacredly confidential. Address as above
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Palleta cure con
stipation. Constipation is the cause of
many disease. Cure the cause and you
cure the disease. One " Pellet" Is gentle
laxative, and two a mild cathartic. Drug
gists m II them, and nothing is "just as
Dr. Pierce's great thousand-page (Has-.
treted Common betas Medical Ad rise 1
will be sent free, paper-hound, for 91 oo-
oent stamps, or oiotu-bound lor U staaiDa.
. . , , n. . .
i Addrea Dr. Plerea aa above.