THE OMAHA' ijaii.y urrn w fjPNKSDAY-, Al'KIT. 11. 100ft. SPECIAL tlOTICES A4 vertlaeaaeats for these eolaauas rlll tulira til 131 m. for the evenlasr rdllloa anil !! H s. sa. for the morn las and gander edition. nttri 1 1-Ste a vrord lr Insertion, le a. Tord thereafter. Nethlae; 1a km for less ! SJOa for the Brat laser Una. Tneae advert Iseraeats aaast be ran r-emaeewtteely. Advertisers, by reqaestlaa- a m tiered ebeek, bare art- nf The Bee. Amwn so addressed rrlll be delivered oa presentation t rltfrW. . MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE Pay and night. New clan In bookkeep ing, telegraphy, shorthand, typewriting and English ornniMU-d every day. Get a catalogue. Address II. B. BOYLES. President, Boyles Bldg.. Omaha. R MISS KTHVPy Taken down, cleaned and OlUVIiO,,,, Price the lowest, rapacity 250 stoves. A. J. Hayne Hard ware. 24th and Lake. Douglas SMB. H Ml)0 M10 ENGROSSING and fancy penmnnahip. Hoylea College. R M564 OMAHA Safe and Iron Worka make a spe cialty of lire escspes, ahuttera, doors and safes. G. Andrcen. Prop.. 103 S. 10'h 8t. R 114 WF. buy and tell typewriter: will sell your machine on email commission. Omaha Typewriter Exchange. 3-8 Neville Hlk. Tel. Doug. 4603. R-117 SIGN PAINTING. 8. II. Cole, 1302 Douglas. R 118 8TEINWAY piano, upright, big bargnin. perfleld Piano Co., 1611 Farnam Su GI'NSMITH, keys, trunk locka, repairing:. Heflln, 217 8. 14th. Tel. Douglas 1974. R 119 TRY Kelly's Towel Supply. Tel. Doug. 3re0. Iowa Banltary Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam. R 121 MARTIN MEYER, shirts, underwear to order. R-M59 A21 J. H. STANWOOD, ARCHITECT and Builder. Res. 2427 iJike. Tel. Doug. 4727. R M52U A19 6URVETING. Bllckenaderfer, 812 Bee Bldg. K 122 HAVE Wilson hang pnper; quick, clean paper cleaning s specialty. Tel. Douglas bote. R-644 A19 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SODA FOUNTAINS, any slie, 1818 Farnam. y 13 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. W 124 HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Furnam. J 125 FOR SALE Two life scholarships on Oinuha business college. Addiess Dwlght S llliaiiis, Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. W829 MILCH COWS, on easy terms. 43d ainl center. V.-299 FOR SALE At a discount, duo bill from onu of the .moat dealrulile life Insurance companies, which may be applied on it lust year premium; any ono considering t.iKint; cit a policy can save money. Add reus P 37, care Bee. W 9u7 PlANO FOR SALE Party wwo purchased piano only u few wess ago will soil it l i discount from ttie cash p.'K'e lula. Adareus P to, car Bee. W Out SMI TH-PRE.MIER typwrlter, $25. 308 N. H,tn. Q M8I2 llx CHAMBERLAIN'S Perfect Chick Feed; best in tne world for young chicks; try it. aiowart's Seed Store, 119 North 101 li St., luu only authorised selling Hgvnt in Oinnho. y M93o A26 GASOLINE engines ' slightly used. 24 horse pewer and 1V horse power. Air . . uoied Kelly. 'Phono Douglas 1232. Wagner Bros., 1216 Leavenworth. Q-9S8 FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels. Inquire of J. R. Campbell, Bee mall room. y-642 K'K for sale In car lots. A. G. Gilbert, Council Blurts, lu. Q M057 CRIBBING, tlr timbers, 80 feet and under; seasoned hardwood lumber. 16th & Izard. y 127 WE buy everything In the furniture line. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. y 128 SPECIAL PRICES FOR NEBRASKA. The famous Old Trusty Incubators, made by Johnson, the incubator man. Send for L4-puge free catalogue; 25u poultry Illus trations. M. M. Johnson Co., Clay Cen ter, Nub. Q 132 CAUTION! Beware of taut piano ads.; genuine new Steinwuy pianos are sold ONLY by Schmoller A Mueller and they are the ONLY authorized Nebraska rep resentatives. Tel. Douglas 1625. 1107 Har ney St. y IS PIANO Square, 110; (0 cents weekly. Per held Piano Co., Kill Farnam Si. y 120 FURNITURE and CARPETS; honest val ues, reliable gocds, on easy paymenta. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO.. r amain mreet. y-968 10 FOR SALE Sewing machine cheap; must ne soia at once, oia B. -tn av. y-987 11 FURNACE, second-hand, for an eleven room house. Phone Douglas 2161. Q-M9M6 17 SHARKS 8 Ivanlte Deep Mining and Tunnel stock. Will sell at a bargain. Ad. dress B 48. care Bee. y M9S4 63 BUSINESS CHANCES OLD established well pump and windmill business (or sale. J. E. Hoover, Lock Box 4a, Benedict, neb. 1 A1U DO YOU want to sell your property? Do you want to buy a homeT Do tuu want Id rent a house T Do you want to get in or out of business? lo you want to oorrow money t If so, list your wents wita us; we get results. TE.MPLETON & MANKKK, Bee lildg. Tel. Douglas-2904. x iao WANT salesman with 17,000 rash to buy S1O.O0O stock In company and will pay hlin bul:iry of kj per montn ana romnilssio If he ran demonstrate that he can c the goods. Address B 12, Bee. Y-MtoS 13 FOR SALE Only photograph gallery la gooa western town oi i,uu r ine sur roundliyf country and growing town. A chance for a man with small capital. Ad dress Photographer, box, 2(4, Lander, wyo. l iit u FOR SALE 2-chslr barber shop, doing giKxl Dusinesa: iwner compeueu to go west; price 1169, half down, easy pay ments on rest. Auureni ukkdoi rso. 4.1, Rlverton. la. Y Msl3 14 GREAT OPPORTUNITY-Eilcluslve terrl tory, no money required, an active hust ler la sure of big immediate results; an Investment proposition, the greatest the world has eer seen; don't look over It: write or drop In and see Walmsley ft Wemoll, t tsee mag., umsna. V-J.IS64 14 WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Experienced salesmen, who can furnish their om n team and wagon to sell and deliver Medicines and Household ui tides on commission. Expenses uai.l and a reasonable earning guaranteed. Tne inner i-ropr.eiary company, Blair, Neu l-1423 Ml i . - - , . B . . ii v., nianu- fuciuier'a agents to sell medium priced niiBfii.Ti. civv iriiiiuiv ewerea. I carried snd references. Electrio U'ui lies I'Per Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. L Mlj 1 X IALESMK.V for patented combination tool q exclusive territory and to sell town ship rights; liberal terms. Lambert Wrench Co., Cumo Bldg., Chicago. L-994 llg WANTED MALE HELP W ANTE D For U. 8 srmy. ahle-bndied men Iwtmern ages nf 21 and ; ruians of United States, of good rhararter and temperate hnhita, who can apeak, lead and writ English. For Information ap ply to Recruiting Office. i:tth and Ioug las Sta., Omaha: Lincoln and Grand Ixland. Neb., or Sioux City. la. B 172 POSITIONS. Worth considering are always obtainable by eompetent men In every hlgn graoe line, with Kood houses at good anlarlea. We list a few vacanclea now open for ex ample. First class bookkeeper, $ to $75. Stenographer. Remington. Stenographer, out of town, .V. Clothing salesman. Ii0. Traveling grocery salesman. $1.2on. Two billing clerks. Remington. Traveling salesman, plumbers supplies. Complete list of vacanclea and booklet ex plaining our plans furnisnea iree upon application. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASSN. (Inc.) Dept. B, 840-1-2 N. Y. Life Rldg. . B-981 10 WB want 20 men for circus work. COLO. RAlKJ, UTAH and CALIFORNIA TOUR. 1, 2. 4. 8 and 8-horse teamster, cooks and helpers, property and other men wanted; wages 8W to $ per month and expenses. Join circus Sundav. Sweney'i Employ ment Agency, 2C9 S. 12th St. B-M102 11 WANTED Men to learn barber trade". scholarship Includes complete outnt or tools, diplomas and positions; board and room provided; few weeks completes by this method; special Inducements now. Call or write. Moler Barber College, 1118 Farnam St. B M871 12x STENOGRAPHER MAN AROUT 24 YEARS OLD; MUST BE ACCURATE, RAPID AND FAMILIAR WITH RAII ROAD WORK; IiCATlON. OMAHA; SALARY h0 PER MONTH. STATE EX PERIENCE FULLY. ADDRESS B 42. CARE OF BEE. B M951 13 DRUG stores bought and sold: drug clerks wantea. b . V. knlest, 624 N. x. L. B-1.14 MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing. oncKiaylng. plastering trades; pays o a day. Coyne Bros, Co, New York, Chl casro. Cincinnati. St T.ouia. Free cata logue. B-13T WANTED Three men of good personal ap- fjeai urn-!; ouisiue position; Bieauy em ployment. C. F. Adams Co., 1C19 Howard St. B Mill WANTED Teamsters. Forest City. Mo. J. C. Mulvllle, B M-m 16x WANTED At once, two stone masons at 3:x Dewey Ave., between 39th and 40th Sts. Charles P. Stromberg, contractor. B-6I BECOME a chauffeur at home, positions guaranteed at IJ5 weekly, nrlte for par ticulars. AUTOMOBILE. Dept. 14S, No. 742 Seventh Avenue, New York. B MS27 14x WANTED A thoroughly competent nb- mracicr, quiCK nnn accuiate; one who can use Remington machine. Must be young; a hard worker. State experience, reference and salary expected in first letter. Address B 38. Bee. B 939 WANTED A stenographer who has had experience In anstract work. Quiet, ac curate and capable of becoming good ab stracter. Give experience, references and salary expected In first letter. A'ddress B 40. Bee. B-938 ARE YOU WORKING FOR OTHERS? Start in business of your choice without capital; others furnlnh money. 8end !Sc for "How to Learn How." Secretary, 815 W. 41st St., Los Angeles, Cat. B 953 Mx WR Wsnt at once 6 Farm Hands, wnges 2i per month and board, no Sunday work of any kind, 26 working days per month. Free Fare, ship toilav 3 p. m. Sweney's Empt. Acy., 209 S. 12th St. B M9fi6 11 LADY wants young man for working part ner: real estate office; experience unnec essary; must be temperate and reliable; $100 required; $20 a week; state nge. Ad dress B 45. care Bee. B 989 llx WANTED A competent abstractor; one who is a gooa typewriter, neea not do a stenographer; good references required; write fully. W. W. Barney, Keurney, Neb. B 956 lox WANTED General state agents with small capital for several feat selling patented articles; also good house to house agents. Call after 8 p. in. or before 10 a. m. G. H. Gregory, Her Grand Hotel. B M 101 12x 40c PER HOUR will be paid to competent Journeymen electricians; inside wireman also. Apply foreman Western Electrical company, Ft. Crook, Neb. B M991 12 WANTED Men tailors for alteration de partment; good wages. O. K. Scollcld Cloak & Suit Co., 1010 Douglas. B-M105 11 BARBER wanted; steady Job for right man; no student need apply. Perry Hodge, Grlswold, la. B M957 12x CIVIL SERVICE preparation. See Under bill, 832U N. 24 til. B M293 Ml WANTED A good barber at once; steady Job; $12 per weeg. Address cozad, rseb.. Box 31a. B 977 lOx WANTED Cement finisher on sidewalks. P. McArdle. 904 S. 33rd St. B M'JSS 14x WANTED FEMALE HELP APPRENTICE girls. Burgess Shirt Co. C ao WANTED Experienced coat and skirt hands for ladies' alteration department; good salaries. S. Fredrick Berger & Co., 1517 Farnam 8t. C 240 WANTED Girl for general housework; reference required; three in family; good wages. 922 N. 22d St., South Omaha. C-952 WANTED Girl for general housework; family of three; no washing. 15ii2 S. 3-d. Ave. O M263 WANTED Housekeeper, 40 to 46; Catho'.lo preferred; by widower, 63; one child et nome, son tiaaress u a, care lire. C-M603 llx YOUNG girl to help with housework. 3120 o. ma. c M643 12 x WANTED Good girl for general house work; small family. 126 N. 38lu Ave. - C 669 10 Several stenographers, Oliver operator. Stenographer. Remington. $40. Stenographer, bookkeeper and cashier, $60. Several retail cieras, gooa salaries.. Cashier, out of town; $30, board and room. WESTERN REF. ci BOND ASSN. (Inc.) Dept. B, MO-1-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. C !0 10 LADIES Make from $15 to $30 a week at home; no canvasaing. Send 10 cents for sample ojid particulars. Cortland Ad vertising Co., Cortland, New York. C 9H3 llx WANTED Experienced sewing women for alteration work. Apply Cloak Dept., Hayden Bros. Q M9 WANTED Experienced cloak and suit salesladies in our Ladies' Suit Dept., Hay den Bros. C w WANTED Competent girl for general housework; small family; good wages. 116 So. 35lh St. 'Phone Harney-9M. C Mis4 12 WANTED Experienced hands to work In alteration department; good wages.- O K. Scolield Cloak & Suit Co., 1S10 Douglas! C M114 11 ' WANTED Eaperlenced girl for some parts of general housework. 1318 So. 35th St. Tel. Harney-31i5. C 935 11 GIRL wanted for general ljousework; good wages; snml! family. Apply 218 8. 31t Ave. C 7S 13x WANTED First class waist and skirt rmlahers. Petersen & Christiansen. Room 428 Paxton Blk. C 975 llg FIFTY girls to operate power sewing ma chines. Blanket Dept., Bemis Omaha Bag Co. C-M1W WANTED A good girl for general houae work. 4QI9 Hamilton St. l'-M0 WANTED SITUATION YOUNG lawyer desires partnership or po sition with lawyer or real estate dealer in northern or western Neb. Address B 37. Bee. A i34 Idx LAW AND COLLECTIONS J. M. MACFARLAND. 09 N. Y. U Bldg. lei. fuus. wua. if LET A DEE WANT AD TAKE A LOAD OFF YOUR MIND, FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS I DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. E 130 Doug. 611 O.M.E. Haul Trunks E 137 NICELY furnished south front parlor, sult- unie ror man and wife; home cooging; steam heat; modern. The Capitol, ISUi and Capitol Ave. E M528 A19 WELL furnished, rnodsrn. Ream heated rooms, K34 Farnam, Flat . Tel. Doug. 2203. . E 781 t ROOMS FURNISHED, reliable, stylish goods, for $76. easy psvments. OMAHA FURNITURl, AND CARPET CO.. 1209-1211-1213 Farnam Street. E 970 10 NEWLY furnished rooms, 2534 Davenport. E 13a NEWLY furnished suite of front rooms. witn privileges; modern. 1401 Jackson, third floor. E M640 L'x FOR RENT Nice rooms to quiet transient peopie. uui jackson, third floor. E-MC38 12 EXCELLENT modern furnished room for one or two; meals close; 'phone In house. Dr. Prlbbenow. 2674 Harney St. E 687 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 O.M.E. Haul Trunks F 141 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. r iw UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT WE have steam heated suits of rooms. vvi uri uiii unu jiai ney bi., on second, third and fourth lloors, ranging from $12 to $17.60. M. P. Dodge & Co.. Bee W'dg. G M613 11 4 UNFURNISHED, modern rooms. Thone imrney-jjii;. ow a. 26tn Ave. G 623 WE FURNISH ROOMS on easy payments t very reaaonahln nrieea. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO.. v-iu-izi3 i urnani street. G 971 10 FOR RENT A suite of housekeeping uuina, sinewy modern. i4U Cass. G 932 4 modern rooms, parlor floor. 1509 S. 2Sth St. G 143 TWO large rooms, with alcove, 2412 Cass. lei. Ited-ti2i6. a M144 FOR RENT HOUSES HOUSES ,D u P'lt ol th clty- R U 915 HOUSES ln a11 Part of tns City- Th u OJi 0 uavU Co., 8 Bee Bldg. 1 u HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. l14o THE Omaha Van & Storage Co., pack. move and store 11. ii. goods, storenouse, 1120-24 N. 19th. office, 1511H Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1569. D 149 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & stor age Co. Tel. Doug. 7496. Office, 1713 Web ster St. D-160 SEE us when shipping household goods to large cities west. we can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., 214 N. Sixteenth St. Tel. Doug. 1195. D 161 FOR RENT Seven-room house, with bath and laundry; N. K. cor. -in Ave, anu Leavenworth; house in perfect order; new ilumblng; hot water neaiiug; rem . Connell. 101 Bee Bldg. D M152 ..-. nttrtvriailt?n nAmnl A tl 1 i U Hi A HUUBCiO r l. Xv in ion c-u vuii'i'i1- " i . . Roofls, bedrock Pri. easy paympntij; OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPLT CO., . Kill 1011 1?anam Rtrpft. WEST HARNEY STREET. v. i , UU u a rnnmfi and reception hall, oak finish and floors, tiled vestibule, bath room, separate toilet for servants. . , in h...niant has mantel. very complete and all details the best.; soutn jroni on naiiifjr cji. j"" " " Bl. Ready May U MORTON, . . 913 N. Y. Life. Tel. Douglas-31. D 628 LIST YOUR VACANT HOUSES WITH US. CANNOT SUPPLY DEMAND FOR HOUSES TO RENT. R. C. PETERS & CO. GROUND FLOOR BEE BLDG. TEL. DOUGLAS 898. D-987 FOR RENT Of course you will need money to pay the rent on your new home. See us at once. We loan oa fur niture. Low rates; easy terms. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Rooms 307-308 Paxton Blk. N. K. Cor. ltith and Farnam Sts. D 829 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas-1626. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., 14o7 Harney. D M512 FOR RENT Eight rooms, all modern, oak finish, facing Hanscom Park, $34. 'Phone Douglas 623. D Ml'8 AMERICAN Transfer Co., drayage, storage, forwarding. Phone Doug.-1062. llini Far nam. U Ms55 M7 8- r.. mod.; choice, large yard, 2204 Maple. $23 24-r. mod.; choice, large yard, 968 N. 27th Ave., $50. 9- r , mod., new; 9 lots, W. Davenport, $28 11-r.. partly mod., good repair. 1151 N. 18th, $28. 5-r.. partly mod., good repair, 140S N. 18th, VtUSSELL & McKITRICK COMPANY, 432-J-4 Ramge Bldg., 15th and Harney Sts. D-9S2 11 HOUSE FOR RENT Brick, 8 rooms, ab solutely modern; within two blocks of court houae Apply Elmer J. Neville, Sul-2 Neville Blk. D-MD90 4038 SEWARD St., ( rooms all modern, $.. Bemis, Paxton Blk. D-M1H 10-ROOM house, all modern; $35. Tel. Douglas tw. D 978 13x FIVE-room house, 2647 Rees St. (upstairs), $10. Phone Red 5160. D M'J3 13x FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building, 417 N. 25th St.. South Omaha. Apply to manager. 1134 SUITABLE for wholesale or manufactur ing, 44xlu0; three floors and basement, elevator; will rent 22xlu0 separately. Iuu3 b Farnam St. Inquire 314 First National Bank Bldg. 1153 CENTRAL drug store, with fixtures; also laundry, with power. Tisard. 220 North 2Jd. 1-Moil $40 Large store room for rent. ISIS Harney St. N. P. Dodge Co. I-Mita THE rooms lately occupied by Omaha Musical association at lfeth and Harney, second floor. S. 8. Curtis, agent. I MS38 FOR RENT Germs nla hall, 1814-1818 Hsr. ney; large room, SuxiiS, ground floor; suit able for garage, factory, elo. N. P. Dodg Co., 171A Faj-nam. l a FOR SALE REAL ESTATE SNAPS 4-room house; city water; lot 48x80; $1,110, on Military road between Charles and Seward St. 8-room houae; Meredith Ave., be tween 27th and 28th Sts., $2,000. 8-room modern house on Webster, near 21st; lot 30x132, $3,400. Lot with three houses one block north of Vinton St.. on 17th St., rents for $32 per month. Bargain at 13,200. 4- room house, well water; lot 30x127, S220 Charles St., lm. 5- room house, 423 North 34th St., lot 75x138. $1,900. 5-room house and three room house; well and cistern water; lot 60x120; rents for $21 per month; bargain, row. 4-room house; lot 63x100; city water; 4002 N. 2Sth A-e.. $1,400. 4- room house. 3224 Charles Bt., city water; lot 23x127, $1,000. 5- room house; lot 50x130; city water; Van Camp Ave., between 19th and 20th St.. $K00. 8-room. modern except furnace; lot SOxlIO: Maple between 25th and !6th St.. $2,800. VACANT LOTS Two lots 50x127 each; Northeast corner 27th and Saratoga St., both $900. Ix)t on 29th between Nlchola St. and Indiana Ave., 47x125, $".00. Lot on Nicholas between 29th and 80th. 51x125. $.m. Southeast corner 28th and Burt, 55x150. $1,100. Several lots on Burt between 27th and 28th fits., 30x150, each $600. Lot on 18th. one block S. of Vin ton; 39x104. $550. Lot on 35th near Center. $400. Lot, corner 30th and Manderson, 60x125; paved St.; $700. CHRIS BOYER, Twenty-second and Cuming Sts. 'Phone Douglas 2049. RE-9S6 11 FINE BUILDING SITES N. W. cor. 35th and Burt, 110x150. perma nent walk, forest trees, beautiful view, room for 4 east front houses; $2,750. Hanscom Park disttict, 100x127, corner, beautiful south and east fronts, $2,200. On S. 20th, near Vinton. 95x145, corner, south and west fronts, $2,200. 136x162, corner, on Central boulevard, south part of city, very choice for 4 or 6 houses, $3,500. Get particulars. WALLACE, BROWN BLOCK. RE-I5 11 HOMES $4,2008 rooms, all modern, hardwood finish, burlap on walls, east front, 28th St., near Dewey Ave. $2,4007 rooms, all modern, good barn, east front on Boulevard, near Grace St. $2,0006 rooms NEW. modern except fur nace, east front on 18th, near Locust. This Is a snap. $2,5008 rooms, all modern, new furnace, large barn, on 21st, near Spruce; can't build this house for $3,000. You ought to see this at once. $1.800 7 rooms, modern except furnace, large east front lot, 27th, near Cum ing, $500 down. $1,4006 rooms, east front on 26th, near Cuming, only $4ot down. N. P. DODGE & CO., Bee Bldg. 1714 Farnam St. RE-967 11 CHOICE LOCATION FOR DOUBLE BRICK FLAT $2,100. West front on 27th St.. one block south of Dewey Ave.; 64x64 feet; special all paid ln full. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam. RE-M997 14 TRACKAGE . A fine piece of trackage property, 147x284, on U. p. track, at 6th and Jones Sts., $12,000 will take It for Immediate sale. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Life Bldg RE M53 WHOLESALE DISTRICT Southwest corner 12th and Harney Sts., 44 feet on Harney by 132 feet on 12th St Price $12,000. GEORGE CO., 1601 Farnam. RE-M27J LIST your properties with Boyer, 22d and Cuming. " RE 6M OMAHA'S NEW ATLAS NOW READY. SEE Rosewater & Craig, Room 422, Bee Bldg. RE MS40 15x $8,000.00 -room modern residence, No. 610 Park Ave.; lot 75x140 ft. and has double front age and ample room for three more houses; Improvements alone cost over $S.wO; possession about May 1; parties desiring to look through house must se cure letter or go with some one from our oltlce. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam. RE M667 IS Williamson Co."- ris-w: SUBURBAN. That beautiful lo acres on west side of 30th St., 6C0 ft. north of Fort Omaha; nothing finer about Omaha; on boulevard, with bo fare to your door $1,2UU per acre. S. ri. Curtis, 1mj8 Harney. RE M872 FOR SALE A home worth $30,001, ror til. Ouo; west side. Address L 17, Bee. RE-M861 WM. J. WELSH ANS 606-607 Bryson Blk., Los Angeles, C'ttl., sells and exchanges real estate in any part of the country. Bargains ln orange, walnut and alfalfa ranches. If interested ln California, write what you want. RE M 826 IS CHOICE location for residences or flats at 29th and Harney; 170x140; will dlvido to suit purchaser. - East half lot 2, block 172, Omaha, at 14th and Jackson; 32x132. Choice lot at 28th and Blondo. Tel. Douglas-6291. Western Realty Co., 429 Paxton Hlk. RE 9til It) ABSTRACTS GET a figure from us before or dering your abstract. We do the best and quickest work. MIDLAND (il HANTEE & TRUST CO. 1714 Farnam, Bee Bldg. N. P. DODGE. Jr., President. -7 ia FOR SALE FARMS HOI.T CO.. MO., FARMS. 820 acres Improved, want income. .. .$24, ono 78 acres, Improved, rich, for niiiat.. 4.00 154 seres. Improved, for mdse lO.oi'O 80 acres., near town, for milso S.ftH) 1.400 acres, a snap for cash 14.o0 Mill and light pl;int for land 20.M0 J. R. ADKINS. Craig, Mo. U-M604 14x Farm and Ranch Lands. Kebrasku, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years tln-.a. Land Dept., U. P. R. R.. Omaha. Neb., Dept. "A." H-331 OUT THEY GO THIS MONTH to North Dakota to select a 320 or a 610. acre farm out of our UOxi-acre tract for $li to $16 an acre; will yield over $12 an acre; free coal, living water, black jSJlL end for maps and Brown s Farmer. Wnt H. Brown Co., 131 La Salle St., Chicago, or Rlchardton, N. D. H M;S3 Al FP.EE GOVERNMENT LANDS, also deeded lands, both irrigated and upland, for alfalta. sugar beets, grain, fruit and stockgrowlng. Maps, pictures, price lists free. Agents wanted. The Sterling in- , vestment Co., 201 Front St., Sterling, I 14 V''Jli .a . ... . 'V WRITE to Scandinavian-Canadian Land company, Chicago. They will tell you all about It. H M&3 23x FARMS FOR RENT FARM of 320 acres for rent; price $2 50 per acre; situated 3 miles north of Wisner, Neb. Apply to J. E. Bowden, Wisner, Neb. MS15 llx MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS OUR LOANS Our employes are well informed and courteous and we are always pleased to explain our manner of loans. We tell you to the cent wht the cost will be, and if you conclude tLit it will not pay you to borrow there is no harm done. We loan on furniture, pianos, live stock and other chattels, and to salaried people upon their own agreement to pay. We offer you rutea as low as you will find and our facilities for quick and con fidential service lire unsurpassed. Wo are the oldest concern In our line In the city and we always try to please our patrons. UMAliA MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. U8 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone Doug. z2tv (Established. 1&9Z. 06 a. ltith St. X-186 THE ONLY LOAN c57 IN OMAHA THAT HAS THE BEST RATES AND THE EASIEST TERMS. If you need ready cash for moving or spring purposes you can get it here on short notice. IMPORTANT. Don't let a desirable residence slip your grasp on account of ready money. WE ARE PREPARED TO LOAN FROM $10 TO 00 ON SECURITY SUCH AS PIANuS, HORSES, WAG ONS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, SAL ARIES, ETC.. LEAVING SAME UN DISTURBED IN YOUR POSSES SION. PRIVATE RECEPTION ROOMS. If you cannot call, write or 'phone. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Rooms 807-308 Paxton Block, Corner Farnam and Sixteenth Streets. X M925 THE NEW OFFICE MONEY TO LOAN SO CHEAP THAT NO ONE SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. LOANS ON 57 Furniture. $15 Costs 75 Cents You can repay us in small weekly or monthly payments. If you ever had a loan with any company we will loan you. OMAHA TRUST CO., Room 401 New York Life Bldg. Fourth Floor. X-973 10 DR. PRIBENOW'8 PRIVATE MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos, salary, horses, etc., In any amount, at less than half the rate; no red tape; perfect pri vacy; Immediate attention; on auy terms wanted; payments sunpendtd In case of aickness or out of employment. Room 214, Kai bach blk., 209 S. lath St. N-H.O When ln need of MONEY Call on us. PHOENIX CREDIT CO. 622-3 Paxtou Blk. $ $ INDEPENDENCE $ $v Why be obliged to others? It's easy te get money of ma. No red tape. Pay when you can. bO'At.N, 7ui N. Y. Life, Open evenings until 7. X Vii Money loaned salaried peoplu aud others without security; cosy pay ments, (.ibices ln S3 principal cities, iol luan. ivatiu 714, New York Life ttidg. FURNITURE, Piano, Jewelry, Loans, 331 Neville Blk. THE WESTERN LOAN CO. X 59j FURNITURE. Live Stock, Salary Loans. Dull Greet Loan Co.. Room 8, Barker Bloc. X kia CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Folsy Loan Co.. 1504 Farnam St. X ; bAULE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. Douglas. X-s, Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. Advances private money on chattels or salary. Easy to get no red tape. You get money same day uaked for ut smail cost. Open eveniugs until 7. X M457 JJONEY loaned on pianos, furnilurs. Jet. elrv. horses, cows, etc C. F. Reed, 31$ 6. 13th. X-977 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loans ana warrants. W. Farnam Smith 4k Co., 1320 Farnam St. W 924 MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment"ca W-2 BUILDING loavs on residence property; I per cent. W. M. Meikle, luungo Blk. W-924 LOWEST RATES Bemis, Paxton Block, W-7 PRIVATE mousy. F. D. Wead. liM Douglas. CARV1N BROS.. 1604 Farnam; city loans, and fit per cent tint i est, no delay. W-921 $l,0uo.uu0 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property In Omaha; lowest rale; iiu dtUy. iiiuinas Biemiau. R. 1. N Y. Life. W tdu tt 6 i PER CENT loans on cliy property. W. H. Thomas, 1st National Bank Bldg. W-tiA, WANTED .lty Loans. I C. Peirrs 4k Co! " V- FARM. CITY AND BUILDING LCAN4 Reed Bros., l'.io Farnam St. W-9U City 4k farm loans. O. F. Carson Co , N.Y.L. tt"-ee LOANS made on Omaha Improved prop erty; also for building purposes. Hasting Heydcn, lu9li Fsrnaiu. W Vjo U WEIJH Mrs Thomas, aged 78 years. Funeral Wednesday morning. April II. at 30 a. m.. from family residence. 17:8 South Eighth street, to St. Patrick a church. In terment Holy Sepulcher cemetery. 4 UNDERTAKERS HOFFMANN Doug. ft'iM. & Gentleman. 702 N. lth. -9(7 M8 PERSONAL HEALTHY, wholesome. Satin skin be stowed by Satin skin cream and Satin powder. 25c. U CITY STEAM Tel. Doug. 2i4. til 8. 11th St. U-1S.1 LAUNDRY PI F A T I N Ci RuchVng, K Buttons'. and samples. THE GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 200 Douglas Block. Tel. Doug. 1M6. U 1M M A IJV'l'TIP treatment & Baths. Mine. .iuiivB, ,, UH N 2(i n., r 2. U sift ANY TOOR GIRL In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army home for women at 3K14 N. 2Uh St.. Omaha, Neb. U M100 OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ramge Blk. L-l PIANO CLUB Pianos delivered at one, $1 weekly. All music lessons free. JOIN NOW. Perfield Piano Co., Kill Farnam St. U 186 PRIVATE home during confinement ; babies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Uardell, 2216 Churlcs. Tel. Doug. 6311. U 1M THE Salvation Artiiy solicits cast-off cloth ing; In fact, any tnlng you do not need; we collect, repair anu soil, at 114 N. 31th St., for cost o collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'Phono Doug. 4135 and wagon will coll. U-ell FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cuses; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phono Doug. 1107. Culls answered duy or night. U 129 DR. ROBT. P. JENSEN, 30O-3 Brown Blk., 16th and Douglas. Prac tice limited to skin, genito-uriuury and venereal diseases. U 69 M6 KOCHER, carpet weaving. 1611 Izard. U M252 At MARCEL-WAVEraagn3a6e!ng,Luatiai Bryant, 316 Bee Bldg. U M527 A19 'PHONE Doug. 701 and a man will call and tune your piano, $2. Perlicld Piano Co., 1611 Furnam. U 1S9 RUPTURE CUREDNo knife, no injec tions. Call or write for booklet. Uulck Cure Rupture Co.. 511 W. O. V. Bldg , Omaha.. U 191 TRY KELLY'S Laundry. 'Phone Doug. 3530. U 190 DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 2 & 8, 1506 Farnam. U-192 GOLD STICKPIN FREE to any person sending up the name of any person owning a squuie piano, organ or prospective piano buyer. 1 1 1.' i 1 1 i uuvri m Tel. 701. 1611 Farnam Si. V-M3 GREEN TRADING X. and liquors, by Jug or bottle. Cackley Bros. Opposite postoffice. U 126 Ail fUAMPIMM Carpet Cleaning Works. VnlVlrlt-'l,l Beautiful, unique rugs from old carpets; prices reasonublc. 720 S. 14th St. Tel. Douglas too. U 156 Jel2 MAGNETIC OSTEOLOGY Mrs. M. Rltten house, 412 N. 16111, room 2, second Moor. U 516 A18 C. E. DAY, painting and paper hanging; hlgh-cluss work at low prices. Doug. mn. U Ml 93 A14 TBCLC trslllses, grapevines trimmed; 1 rulJ now Is the time. John Cane, 1M0 Cuming. Red 4565. U MjM AH YOUR saving 40 per cent. Investigate. Pennell Millinery Co., Ill South 15th St. U-1U4 WALL PAPER cleaner. Tel. Harney 3296. U 195 VlPlV VPFIi MATTRESSES renovated, OA LjAvAJAI' 1.50 till April 20. Doug.2!2. U-Mi97 A22 PRIVATE confinement home; babies adopted. Mrs. UT. King. 2018 N. 21ut SU Tel. 3559. U 197 FURNITURE packing and repairing; up holHterlng and mattress making. Smith, 1918 Luke. Tel. Douglas 6o68. U-MliO A13 PRIVATE hospital during confinement. Ba bies adopted. Best anu cheapest ln the city; 2319 S. 13tli St., Omaha, Neb. U M561 A20 MAMTlPT. Upholstering. Mattress ren Sx UJ-iJ 0vatlng. 2421 Cuming. Tel. Rcd-6838. U M962 M9 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium, 728 First Ave., Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. U-322 WE lay sod, we do plowing. Call 4626 Boulevard Ave. or 'phone Hurney-3091. U 933 lbx WE RENT sowing machines, $1 week and $3 per mo. We repair all makes of ma chines; second-hand machines, $5 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., TeL Doug. 1663. Cor. loth and Harney. U 96; KOCHER, carpet weaving. 1611 Izard. U-M253 Al INCUBATORS, brooders and chick food. Bui. -iicubalor Co., 2hth and Davenport. U M634 A 22 CARLSON & CO., upholstering and repair ing. Tel. Douglas 2818. U M663 A23 6EWING machines and supplies. P. E. Flodman 4k Co., 1514 Capitol avenue. U M321 Muyl SEND your carpets to Omaha Electric Car pet Cleaning wks.,- 2221 N. 20th. Doug. -1609. U M3)9 Ml PERSONAL. MR." will call at your residence. Facial massage, 60c; shumpoolng, 4L Address B 41, Omaha Bee. U-M962 16x MEDICAL LADIES. $1,000 REWARD! I positively guarantee my Never-Falling Eituu KOLO Remedy. Safely relieves longest, most obHtuiate casea pf delayed Monlh.y Periods In 3 to 5 duys without harm, pain or Interference with work. Mall, l.60. Double strength, $2.uu. "SPECIAL FOLD ER FOR LADIES FREE. DK. B. H. SoUTHlNGTON CO.. KANSAS C1TV, MO. , -210 BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills" $1 box, postpaid. Sherman Se McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 211 DRAMATIC Chambers' School or Stage Arts. Lyric Theater, Nineteenth and Farnam. Thorough Course of instruction In Slugs Craft. Public performances by pupils ln their own llibaier, under personal directorship bt Frederick "Jim" Fulton, formerly lead tn character with "Arisuiia," "Predaiick Warde," "Froliman's," nine years Wood waid Stock. Kansia City, Omana. Tele phone. Douglas 1871 14.. Wlliurtl E. Clip.. .liters. Manager. FOR EXCHANGE ONLY HOTEL In town; trade for land or sell; bus line and mall from train; livs-y burn. Pays from U.Uv to $2.uoo a year. Hell on account of wife s health. Adilreiu W-21. Z-M144 A12, IF YOU do not find what you want in this column, put on ad In and you will soon get It. Z-fc-1 DRESSMAKING M'DOWELLs school. 1623 Far., room 34.. -Matt FOR dressmaking done at home. Doug. 7713. 11-271 I LOST LOST One light red. trerkld-faced cow, dehorned, lei. Douglas-317S. Lost-2 10 LoST Piindny. a P. K. rhnrm. Return to C. Donaldson, Dreiel hotel. Liberal reward. Lost -9,11 10 I.OST-Snnke skin belt, gray sliver burkle; .Mondny nlxht between 3tith and Harney snd Spencer snd 2-th. Return to Bee office. Reward. Lost 97 10 THE psrty who to..k s ladies' large pocket Nok Monday afternoon In Kahl John son s Millinery store is known and will save trouble If returned at once. No questions asked. 97211 LOST Subscription book of Tlnlev Rescue Christian Home. Finder please return to Bee office. Ist M103 12 Wnen You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you aw the ad. In The Bee. PATENTS H. A. 8T URGES, registered attorney; pat ents, trade marks, copyrights; no fee un less successful. (.17 N. Y. Lif.j, Omaha. -7 F. J. LARSON A CO.. patent lawyer. Patent book free. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. SO SHARI'E MACHINE WORKS-Patents procured. Inventions developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machine work. sih-ij S. 10th Bt. PATENTS pmcared, bought and sold. Na tional Investment Co.. U Douglas Block. 11 WANTED TO BUY W h HA E great demand for houses for sale below $2,6iO. If you wish a quick sale list your property with us. N. P. DODGE & CO., Beo Bldg. 1714 Farnam. N-958 lo WANTED An Interest In established real estate business ln this city. Address u. 44. Bpe- N-M992 15x WANTED To buy horses, all classes. Call 1810 .HipeySt:Tji.Red;7f16 N A1241 CLAIRVOYANTS MME. BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 113 South 16th St, upsiaira, Resulttul prediction absolutely given. o07 REV. EDWARDS, wonderful spiritual life reader: also reading by mall. Patterson Blk., 17th and Farnam. 8i-M929 14 IF IN trouble ronsult Mrs. Faust. In dies. 60c. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1709 Jackson. 8 M998 12x BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES WHY pay trust prices? Solid oak billiard and pool tables, $100. Also bar fixtures. No agency expenses. Catalogue mailed free. Chas. Passow & Sons, Chicago. 131-May8x WE TRUST EVERYBODY, easy payments, and lead the world ln cheap prices on billiard and pool tables and bar fixtures; catalogue free. The Brunswtcke-Balke-Collender Co., 407 8. 10th Bt., Omaha, Neb. 13a TREES AND SHRUBS A COMPLETE line of fruit, shade ana ornamental trees, vine, shrubs, roses, etc Address Omaha Nursery, Papllllon, Neb. M800 AJ4X LARGEST assortment of trees and shrubs in the city at Crescent Nursery. Sales ground 21st and Farnam. Tel. Douglas 8357. H9 PLUMBING JOHNSON, TILE RELIABLE. PLUMBING AND HEATING- CO. BEST SERVICE LOWEST PRICEa TEL. DOUGLAS 9m. 1812 HARNEY. R M23 AU RICH & FALCONER, repairing a specialty; also contracting. 2617 N. 20th. Douglas 171. -M447 A 11 HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE FOR BALE Small horse, harness and buggy. Address A 20. Bee. P M870 DRAFT, driver and saddle horses, well broke, nnd gentle. Apply Jones' Stable. I'M Dod-iv P 281 PRINTING I VMHT AH High grade 1908 Calendars. rl. . U8- E. Cor. 16th EL and & JUKVfc Capitol Ave. EN ELL Printing Co., 810 8. 12th St. M-23S WANTED TO RENT WE HAVE good tenants for BO houses that will rent below $25 per month. List your houses with us for good returns. N. P. DODGE & CO., Bee Bldg. 1714 Farnam. K 860 10 OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute, 418 N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. 1664. " DR. WELLS. Neville Blk. TeL Doug. 8877. -4H8 MS TICKET BROKERS CUT-RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbin, lfce Farnam. 'Phone Doug. 784. 15 LARSON & JOHNSON. 1408 Farnam. Doug. 1935. 1H7 FLORISTS L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. Dong. 14. HESS A- SVVOBODA. 141E Fumam 989 STORAGE MAGGARD VAN AND 8TORAGE CO. Goods stored at lowest prices; Insured without extra charge. Phones Douglas 1031 and Tionelas 14T 40" AM CEMENT BLOCK MACHINERY MTI t'KlFurt Down rement block ma. .MliiLiO chlnery. call or rue and 1st us ahow you our line. 'Phone ioii. flit, Tapp Construction Co., 303 Neville Blk. -4& All MUSIC AND LANGUAGES ROSALIA A. 8AALFELD. PIANIST anj teacher. Room 21. Arlington block. M-237 All OCEAN STEAMERS. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN LINE 10.0M Ten Twin-Scrsw PsoMogar Sttamsra Diract te Norway, Sweden and Denmark Sailing frurn Ntw York at asoa. Hell Ulav Apt. IX I SITED STATES Apr. tt.June T. Jul? It OHI'AR II Umr 10, Juna 11, Aug. t HELll) OI.AV Mar 14. Julf I. Au( 1 flrat i-abin. 146 and upwards; aacoua caain, 46 as. For Tl k.ti applr to Loral Aianta. ar to A. E. JOIINSOA A CO.. 1 KromUrrar, N. V. EUROPE "SK Tours de Luxe and Vacation, covering all Euiope. Varied routes; choice of steam amp lines. Including all 17E f 4110C tiaveling expenses. 113 10 4)1103 Lciiuitly travel. 125 offices s broad. Est. U4L 'I' HOg. COOK A SON, 261 A 11 Broadway. M Madison Aenue, New Vork. Independent Travel Tickets Everywhere. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER TKe Veet Fares raoer. sbscrlptloa . . Ost geUaur a,