THE OMAHA DAILT BEE: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11. IttM?. BAMS INDEX OF GOOD TIMES Iinaooial 8tUmnU Show (her Sis Mil lion Gain in Yearly Deposit. REPORT MADE TO THE COMPTROLLER lejereae I Mara Tfcaa Tnlr Per Out aad ladlratea Ueaeral Ad. . viaeesseat la All Llaea t Redness ( state. Deposits ef Omaha national banks: Msrch It, I!' - $.017.48.0l April , 19fi ,.766.7 Increase Ixisne and discounts: March It, 1 April , lt .1 t.m.m.n .IU.eSi.t75 19 . Increase I l..S".41 Statement of the Omaha national banka Issued for the close of business April at the chII of the comptroller of the currency how the encouruglng Increase of W.191,32().7B Iri deposits vct those Of March 14, 7905, when tho corresponding call of last year aa Issued. This I more than 3) per cent Increase. It I an unprecedented Rain, and It Importance ran only bo resllseoNby compering It with the approximate fain of 2.M,Ang fr March 14, 1, over March . 1!fM. For the year ths loans and discounts Inc reaped $4,M,9t 41. In making a tompsrlsou with the state ment of January . Ifcti, an increase la Mown In deposits of J43.S4S.f7 and an In riesse In loans mkI discounts of $1, 4M.23. 47. "The showing over the 1WK statements la on that ought to niahe everybody feel good," raid William E. Rhodes, asalatant cashier of the United States National hank, '"for It Is an Index of the prosperity of Omaha and Nebraska, and In fact of all the territory which la tributary In a trsde. and financial way to Omaha. The gain over the January statement IS Just aa con clusive. It Is naturally not aa large an In crease of deposits as Is usual In the fall, for then the money Is being piled up tn the banks, while now It has not aa yet come hack after having been withdrawn .In the winter by the country banka to move the crops. The gain In loana Indicates a healthy condition of business." Total deposits are not an Indication of local conditions, for their volume fluctuates widely aa the country banka need money. The condition- of Omaha's business is ' shown more clearly by the Individual de posits, which were spproxlmately $1S,71S.iX at the rail of March 14, IMS, and l,43,0cn st the call of April 6, IX. Cemaarlsea of Calls. Table showing comparison of csll of April , 11, "with the corresponding csll of 108, March 14, and with the call of January- 2J, 190H: DEPOSITS. Men. 14, . April I, 'OS. Jsn. 2, "ni. J-'IrSt t I.3W.M.H7 10. 4), 123 9! tl0, .04 Omaha ... 7.9M4.UO 9ttit.W7.7J 9.387.479 93 V. B 1,2(U.?4.M M77.tta.4it l.844.ia M Merchanta B.7A6.9M 44 4.7t,143.S t.JW.MlSI Nebraska. 1,M,4;$.M 1.T42.7M.60 1.117,027.49 Totals ,.tr9.017.445.01.t.16.M.7.7 t34.77M20.29 LOANS AND DISCOUNTS. First 4.7S.H7.1 MM.0nt.9S t 6.128.1T8 M Omaha ... I.1M.PJ6.K MK9.644 41 5.W7.7M.OO 1". fl 6.4f,321.0 H.0M(.Z7 B,fS.S2.0S Merchants 3.479.015.M l.r,321. ,2.946.S4 Nebraska. 70t.5M.l3 to8,172.17 tSS.tOd.Sa Totals . .$1S, 41475.39 2J,t44,44.71 Cl.7Hl.214.i4 CASH AND SIGHT EXCIUNOB. Klrst t 3.A04.27S t 4.144 117.74 4.74s, 41i Omaha ... 2.fM.Bll.l7 3.49,991.9t M49.917.77 1". B 1.774.7411.70 3.XW.OM47 I.0X).(t.94 Merchants 1.5!1.1U.74 l,,s. l,K.S44.ftl Nebraska. stf.2Z7.4fl 780,897.71 924.875 M Tuts Is tM,09.S39 70 13,S63,60.43 TOTAL RESOURCES. , 9.SS7.&AM lll.M7.HnO.27 tll.M0.131.BS . 8,t,.lt 11.60.S22.18 n.lSO.fKs.ttl . ..j 8.7X7.746.21 9.429.291. 1 1'lrst . omnha r. h Merchants "4.47.li7.9S i.4KS.246.U 6.2.HM .Nebraska. 2,139.iWfi.SS 2,236,6Wt.97 Z,ao4,4tt.7S - Totals t4.64n.US.M t40.U7,7S.0 . No figures are given for 1905 for the T'nlte.l states National, for the reason that It did hot exlat. In Us present Iden tity, at tho time of the March call. It Was organised in May by the consolidation if the United States National. Union Na tional and Corrmerclal Nations!. POLICE ON THE WATER WAGON .Members at Department Climb In When They Read Hadaoa'a Toaehlnn Appeal. A temperance cruiutde Is on In the police department. While. It la no aecret that several of the patrolmen, detectives and officers of the force Jiave been total ab stainere for years, others are now falling In line and are shunning the golden elixir 0- life. ' The upshot of the present agitation among the ranks wss caused by a little heart-to-heart note written by Patrolman Hudson to th younger members of the force In particular and all hia comrades In general. The note read: i Intemperance cuts down youth tn Its vigor, msnhood In-lts strength and old age in Its weskness. It bereaves the doting mother extinguishes affection, bllghta con fidence and brings mourning age to Its grave. Hudson. Patrolman .Hudson's note wss left on Captain Moetyrt'a desk and was read to the three shifts of patrolmen, aa well aa to the aquad of detectives. "There Is no question thst the best men on the force are those who do not drink," stated Chief of Polloe Donahue. "While I j BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Headquarters for Tea. Y. W. C A. Specials. SPKCIAL VALUE . IN BASKET FJRKD JAPAN jo pound OC ; And thirty Oreen Trading Sumps. Splendid quality Oolong jq pound 49C r And thirty Oreen Trading tamps. . Kins drinking Tea ICnclieli rlreakfast-notind 40C And thirty (Jreeo Trading Stamps. Kxtra vsluee Gunpowder in pound 4oC And thirty Oreen Trading Stamps. Tea Sittings pound package 12c OOFrKES. COFFEES. HOA8TED rVFKT DAT. ( Bid VALUES ALWAYS. Kennett's Breakfast Coffee AQn I pound ran tut And thirty Oreen Trading Stamps. Ooldan fee a one Coffee 26C And tweuty Oreea Trading Slam pa. Number Three Java and iaucha 'JK.rt Coffee poand a,Ofc And twenty Oreen Trading Btampa. CANDT SECTION. EASTER NOVELTIES TO CLOfiK OUT AT cxar. Chlrkaoe, Rabhtta, Be to, au seen Baater Caody Ecga apodal price. U for lo 76 for FRUITS AND VEO ET ABLEB FREEH DAILT. CAJt NATION PLANTS-almoet ready to bloom each only ... California Lemons duson ...... ........ Ontoa Bts tfr quart .,. 5c o a J2c .10c A WOMAITS ORDEAL DREADS DOCTOR'S QUESTIONS Thousand Writ to Mra. pinkham, Lynn, Mnt, and Rsoalve Valuable Advice Absolutely Confidential aad Free There ran be do more terrible ordeal to a delldate, sensitive, refined woman than to be obliged to answer certain, qaeationa in regard to her private ills, ffn when those questions re nuked by her family physician, nod many continue to gaffer rather than submit to examinations which ao many physi cians propose in order to intelligently treat the disease; and this is the rea son why ao many physicians fall to cure female disease. This is also the reason why thousands noon thousands of Women are corre sponding with Mrs Pinkham, daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham. at Lynn, Mass. To her they ran confide every detail of their illness, and from her great knowledge, obtained from years of experience in treating female ills, Mrs. Pinkham can advise sick women more wisely than the local phvsiclan. Read how Mrs. Pinkham helped Mrs.T. C.Willsdsen of ManDitJg'.Ia. he writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham: " I can truly say that you have ssvsd my Ufa, and I cannot express my gratitude in words. Before I wrote to you -telling yon how I felt, I had doctored for over two rears steady, and spent lots of money In medicine besides, but it all failed to do me any good. I had female trouble and would dailyhave faint ing spells, backache, bearing-down pains, and my monthly periods were very irregular and finally ceased. I wrote to you for your ad vice and rwlved a letter fall of lnctructioua tust what to do, and also commenced to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and I have been restored to perfect health. Had it not been for you I would have been In my grave to-day. n Mountains of proof establish the fact that no medicine in the world equals Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound for restoring- women's health. have nothing to say about a man who can take one drink and stop at that, yet It cannot be gainsaid that the man who takes one drink will take the second some time and the third some other time. I only hope all my men would abxtaln totally from Intoxicating drink. In this day and age there Is a great demand for men who at all times have clear brains and their wits about them, and the police department Is no exception to the rule." TIIR BOTH CHXTXRT LIMITED. Chicago to Sew York Over Mght. Leaves Chicago 1: 10 p. m. Arrives New Tork (Grand Central Station) 9:30 next morning. Warren J. Lynch, Pass. Traffic Manager, Chicago. Aanoaaeemeata of the Theaters. Commencing next Sunday matinee at the Krug theater as a special attraction, .Nat M. Wills, the well known comedian, In "The Duke of Duluth," which'. Is an operatic farce, written and atagnd under the per sonal direction of the author. George H. Broadhurat, who haa become widely known through hla successful farces, "Why Smith Left Home," 'The Wrong Mr Wright," etc. Mr. Wills made a pronounced success last season in "A Son of Rest" and was for many years an Idol In vaudeville. This new vehicle Is said to flt Mr. Wills' talenta admirably. Chauncey Olcott will be seen at a mat inee and evening performance at the Boyd theater today, presenting his season's suc cess. "Edmund Burke." This will end the activity of the Boyd for the current week, but next week will usher in another sea son of splendid entertainment at the thea ter, beginning with Channlng Pollock's hit, "The Little Grey Lady," which Is being produced under the direction of Mr. James K. Hackett. The Burwood is seeing large attendance this week, "Dr. Bill" proving an immense hit. The members of the Woodward Stock company have a special aptitude for this class of play and are making the piece go with a snap. The next matinee will be on Thursday afternoon. At the Orpheum this week full houses are the rule. The bill on haa a number of comedy features that create genuine en thusiasm, and the four Piccolo midgeta seem to rapture everybody. These tiny men are very remarkable performers, that which they accomplish being almost beyond belief. As acrobats they are the peers of the leading headllnera and show themselves to be versatile with other accomplishments. Children and women easily become fas cinated with them, and there Is an unusu ally big demand for seats for the Thurs day matinee. The Typewriter ladaatry. Business at the Remington Standard Typewriter factories in this village haa been advancing during the present year by leaps and bounds. The January record in shipments broke all previous figures fur thst month and was Immediately followed In February by shipments exceeding anything In Ihe com pany's history. The demands for type writers are coming in both from domestic and foreign a lurces. England. France and Germany being particularly heavy buyers. The March huslnens ahows no abatement and last week the factory sent out close to 1.700 machines, exceeding all previous hipping records. For the last seven months overtime hss been necessary at the I lln plant to meet the demands for new models. Trie stste of the typewriter Industry Is a very sure Index ot general business conditions and everything points to 190 as the banner yeaef of the premier writing machine which outworks, outwears and outlives sll others. Illoit News, March 13, t Uaod Word for Omaha. The Omaha National bank is sending to Ita correspondents a neatly printed state ment of Its condition on April C This statement shows not only tba satis factory condition of the bank, but Is also unique In that there la absolutely nothing on the rover to Indicate that it Is Issued by the Omaha National batik or that It is a bank statement. They are availing theniHelrea of the op portunity, too frequently ignored by Omaha business houses, to tell their correspondents of Omaha's prosperity. A few figures are given relating to ths volume of Omaha s buatness and these fig ures. It la sate to aay. would surprise a large proportion ot the cltlsens of Omaha. The practice of advertising Omaha at ever)' .opportunity cannot be commended too strongly, and the Omaha National bank is to be congratulated on its presvnt method of issuing its statement. Y. W. C. A. TARES SPURT Two Gifts of 0ns Thousand Dollar and Lester Ones An Hade. TEAMS INCREASE ZEAL AND RESULTS fleaatlnaa for Ralldlan Are Cemlag from aa Far oal aa Mexico aail West as Call-forala. Two tl.uou-subscrlptions from Mrs. W. W. Marsh and "A Friend," $200 from General John C. Cowln, $50 from A. C. Turner, a former secretary of the local Toung Men's Christian association and now atatloned In Mexico, snd three smaller subscriptions from former Omaha girls now living In California were among the encouraging contributions to the Toung Women's Chris tian sssoclation building fund Tuesday. And besides these were several others, ranging from 1100 to 11 So, the donors to be announced later. The teams have redoubled their efforts which have resulted In some change on the tenm list. Miss Crandall's lesm has moved tip from the foot and Miss Hood's team, still st the head, has raised over 13.0011. The sirrn whistle thst promised to an nounce every additional 11,000 Is still out of use, but it is hoped It will be In working order by the middle of the week. The women of the First Presbyterian church are making elaborate preparations to serve a hot SO-ccnt dinner Friday from 11:80 to 1: In the church parlors at Sev enteenth and Dodge st rents and are dill gently spreading the fact among the bual neaa men and women who take the noon meal down town tfiat the proceeds are to go to the Young Women's Christian asso elation. STANDING OF TEAMS. Colors and Captains Dark blue. Mallie Hood Ited. Edith Baker Oreen. Mary lareon Orange, 8u.on I'nxson Pink. Bessie Chambers Vlolnt, Clsra Ady Brown, Or Johnson Yellow, Mrs. C. E. Perkins Light blue. Nellie Crsndall Lavender, May H. Flnley Amount. ... t (.103 10 .... 1.413 80 .... 1.S40.2S .... 1.518 25 .... 1.4S0.HU .... 1.177. 25 8n3 .... 93 on 4X6.26 .... &4.54 Total Sls,93.9& The Ooal, 12T,V0 Entries to Date Donors. Amt. Total. Dnrs. Amt. Tntsl. 2 lio.oon jt,ooi lio.ono.oo 4 B.0OJ 2O.00O 6.000 10 1.000 10,000 1,000 J.000.00 2o 50 10.000 (no 4.000.00 i 250 5.000 10.... 3M J.M0 00 25 am 5.000 lo.... ao 2.00000 f 100 ao.000 $9.... 100 3.900.00 20) 60 10011 fit.... o 2.90. 00 S) 25 5. OK) lot).... 25 2.500.00 Smnll sums.. S.ono HmsJl sums. 2,108. 09 Teams 16.000 Teams 13,936. 95 Total $126,000 Total .$48,Ktt.95 The above diagram shows 1 the goal of $125,000 April 10. plan to resch NEW REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE Members from Their Respective Pre rlnrts, with the amber of Votes Each Casts. Following is the new republican city committee, according to the official lists given out at the city clerk's office. Accord log to the Dodge law, each committeeman casta one vote for every fifty republican votes or major fraction cast for the head of the ticket at the last general election In his preMnct. Figured on Judge Letton'a vote last fsll the committeemen will have the strength Individually as given In the last column. FIRST WARD. District. Vote, t irst w uiittin Mahoney Second It. L. Lo lines ;.: Third John Mathlesen Fourth J. LObeck SECOND WARD. First Joe Kowalewskl Second C. F. Hopper Third Charles Oakley Fourth Thomas Collopy 3 riri.i t . . ifanunauer THIRD WARD. First George Wicks Second Robert H. Johnson Third G. Crow Fourth R. H. Johnson " Fifth P. Mangsn FOURTH WARD. First G. R. Young Second J. V. Boyle Thlrd-C. W. Brltt ;.' " Fourth W. C. Chlssell Fifth W. A. Foster FIFTH WARD. First A. 11. Donersen peruna vyrua r.. vtsison Thlrd-B. W. Christie Fourth T. J. Wiley Fifth B. J. Stone SIXTH WARD. rirst-C. H. Baxter Second E. Savoy Third E. Dowllng Fourth C. L. Hart SEVENTH WARD. First Fred Nleison Second Kd. L. Bradley Third William R. Burnes Fourth M. Langdnn EIGHTH WARD. First August Johnson Seoond P. Jesse.. Third W. W. Msre Fourth W. M. McKay NINTH WARD. First J. M. McDowell Second Charles E. Wilson Third Frank C. Best , Fouth Frank J. Norton Fifth Harry Cowduroy TENTH WARD. First Albert V. Kugel Second J. Ford Third M. J. Lynch. Fourth William G. Neckel Fifth Ben Reinsscrleber ELEVENTH WARD. First Csrl E. Herring Second C. G. McDonald Third L. D. Spalding Fourth W. A. Houston TWELFTH WARD. First Sam Walkitp Second Charlea A. Thompson Third Ben S. Anderson Fourth C. A. Mangan , CARMEN FOR EXCLUSION ACT Street Railway I nlon Petitions Sea ators and Keaaedy Sot to Alter Uw Escladlag Chinese. At the meeting of the Street Rallwa Employes union Tuesday a resolution passed condemning any tampering with the Chinese exclusion act as It now exists. copy of this resolution waa sent to Sena tors Millard and Burkett and to Congress msn Kennedy: By the sssociation herein named I am Instructed to forward to you the following revolutions: Whereas, There ia now pending in the congress of the United Slates houxe bill 12,3. otherwise known si the Foster bill, which proposes to modify the present Chinese exclusion set snd to open our doors to the impoi tstion ot 1 ninsmen, which means In the end not only the lowering of our standard of wage, but the degrad ing of our civilisation. Therefore, on the part of Division 29g of Amslgsmsted Association of Street and Electric Rallm-ay Employee of America of the city of Omaha we hereby request you aa our representative In congress to oppose any such measure and to insist upon the maintenance of the present Chinese ex clusion act and the stii.'t carrying out of the same by the government of the United Stales. Reepectf tillv submitted. C. F. MICHtl-KEN. SeCreUry, P. J. LEM1IAN. Presidant. Bay Vaar Kaater Gifts At Whltmore'e Art Galleries, 1517 Dodge street. Wednesday. Thursday and Friday of this week. 30 per cent of sales for the benefit of the Toung Women's Christian association. Mea lajared by Aatasaahlle. CHICAGO. April lo.-Two laborers. Fred erick 8 hueta and John Neuel were rua down today by an automobile while cross ing Michigan avenue at Peck court and susiaiued injuries that may yrot fatal. NDIAN LIQUOR CASES ON TAB everal Important Testa of the tw neeketed Before the Fed eral t'oart. The trial docket of the United States district court for the Msy term will In clude a large number Indian liquor cases. In which Indictments will be tried for in troducing liquor onto the Indian reserva tions, providing the United Ststes supreme court will deny the application tor a writ of habeas corpus lu the James Lincoln esse. In this esse the question of concurrent jurisdiction arises between the federal and atate courts. Lincoln wss indicted for tak ing liquor onto the Indian reservation, and It is held by the government that this is In violation of the guardianship and trus teeship laws of the government aa bearing upon the raae of the Indians. The attor neys for Lincoln hold the opposite view, and bsse their contention upon the Brewer decision, which gives to Indian allottees of lands the lights of any other cltlaon and the right to exercise the common functions of a cltisen, including the right to absorb as much liquor as he can hold, as welt as to absorb It at any point he may feel disposed, be It on sn Indian reserva tion or otherwise.' Lincoln was tried and convicted under the Indictment charging him with Intro ducing liquor onto the reservation, and .in appeal at once was taken to the United States surpreme court for a writ of habere corpus, and the hearing on this application will be held April 19. at Washington, the interests of the government being looked after by the Department of Justice, and those of the Indian by Thomss L. 81ns n. Upon the decision of the supreme court In this case will hinge the disposition of the several cases now pending In the United Ststes district court at Omaha, either for trial ot dismissal. WORK ON THAT MOTOR ROAD Constroetloa at This End Will Re. gin at Once. Says Peter E. Her. 'Work will be begun on the Omahs, Lin coln r Beatrice rs 11 toad at thl end at once end all the forces of the road will be utilised in building from this end," said P. E. Her at his office Tuesday morn ing. "Mr. Hurd Is now letting contracts for the grading and It Is planned to work from this end as fast as possible. We have ten and a half miles already built from the other end and will concentrate our forces at this end. so aa to be com pleted as far as Dream City, at least, by July L Mr. Robinson of Akron, O., one of the financial backers of the road, has been In the city for some time end hns asked the street railway company for terms for the use of the tracks of that company from some point to the center of the city. Mr, Robinson has ssid these terms were astls- factory, but Is not yet In a position to sign a contract. Thla company bought considerable land west of South Omaha for rlght-of-wny purposes, but the exact route of the road has never been announced. The company which In to build the amusement enterprise at Dream City on the site of Surpy Mills hss spent considerable lime and money In promoting that scheme, but little has, been heard of It of late. BOYS GO TO KEARNEY ALONE L.IMIO t-eiiowa I'reve tiood aa Their Word aad Berasteln's Plan Works Well. Probation Officer .Bernstein Tuesday afternoon started hia fifth charge to be placed In the Industrial school at Kear ney on his Journey to that Institution alone and unguarded.. The officer started the plan of sending the boys to the homo on their promise to go there, at the same time saving money to the county and pro ducing good effects upon the boy and his future companions at the home. The four who have gone to Kearney in this wiiy reached there In exactly the same manner as though they had been accompanied by officers. The fifth boy to be tried on his honor Is Wesley Collins, aged 9 years. THIRD TRIALJJF BEMIS CASE Again Ex-Mayor Seeks to Recover Thirty Thoosend Dollars from I My for Iajarlea. The third trial of tho ):).ijoo damage suit brought by former Mayor George P. Be mis against the city growing out of his Injury by a falling bill board waa begun yester day before Judge Estelle. At the Mrst trial the Jury waa unable lo agree after being out twenty-six hours. The second trial re sulted In a verdict of $8,k42 for the plaintiff, but a motion of the defendant for a new trial was allowed. N t'oasantptloa ta a Gersa Disease, How Caa It Start with a Coldf This Is a reasonable question and one that must arise to the mind ot almost every one when the els I in Is made that consump tion starts with a cold. The cold simply prepares the system for the reception ami development of germs of that disease, thai would not otherwise have found lodgement It Is the same with diphtheria, scarlet fever and measles. They are most likely to be contracted when the child has a cold. That la why a cold should never be neg lected. The longer It hsngs on the greater the danger. As a uulck cure for colds Chamberlain's Cough Remedy can always be relied upon. Its remarkable cures have won for It a world wide reputation and an Immense sale. It Is plessant and safe to take. Mortality Statistics. The following births snd deaths have been reported to the Board of Health dur ing the twenty-four hours ending at noon Tuesday: Births Alien M. Robinson, '.in South Thirty. sixth, boy; Harry Mentxer. 2n30 Spring, boy; Bam Ieer. H51S North Twentv mird. girl; Anton Gross, L'tiS South Seven teenth, boy; Lee Dertch, 1X27 South Twenty fifth avenue, boy. Leaths Augusta Lewis, tot North Nine teenth. i; Charles Fred Thailand, Ixa Angeles, Cal., Carl Wassmund. Four teenth and lAcust, I'; Thomas Molitor, Fortieth and Poppleton avenue. So. Ha a outer form a Make! sole lend caIly and outwear any ortLnary mike. TKe Touriat u aa comfortable aa the old-faskloned cloth .hoe, yet aa atyllalt aa tk klgh priced Paria model. Jt feela right; lookt right; weare right; costs hut $3.00 ( ' Soli y tks Vast sUalsrs svery-wksrs. NORTH STAR SHOE CO. Minneapolis $2.95 BUYS BOYS' SUITS WORTH $4.00. 15tk Street kt Farmm. COMPANY IN OLD LOCATION Opening of New Building. Qivu Omaha rinert Piano House in west, PUBLIC AUDITORIUM PROMINENT FEATURE Well Known Msssfsetsrer His Views on Saeeees Kchmoller A Marller Company. tilvee of After a lapse of nearly a year, during which their beautiful piano house has been in the course ot erection, the Schmoller & Mueller Piano company Is again at their old address, 1311-1.113 Farnam street. Nebraska, and especially Omaha, should be Justly proud of this firm for, although It Is one of the oldest, having been estab lished since 1S69, It Is the inhst progressive and hss done more for Omaha In a musical way and contributed more to the progress of the city then most other Arms. Their elegant new building being a long last ex ample of this latter statement. Aadltorlani a Featare. The building stands on a lot 44x102 snd is five stories in height, being constructed ot brown pressed brick snd the interior finished in the most pleasing style. All the tntrlor woodwork Is of hard wood, stained green and highly polished, giving a very elaborate effect. There are two elcvaiorj, one freight and one passenger. Two snow windows face Farnam street, esch lart enough ; to accommodate half a dosei, pianos. The general salesroom occupies the entire first floor while the second floor la devoted to an auditorium, wherein' music j tearhera may have an opportunity to give recitals. This feature Is a novelty In the piano business and a great advantage to pupils, no other piano house in the. west devoting this amount of space for the benefit of the public: The third floor Is divided' Into music parlors, elegantly' arranged, In which trio choicest makes of pianos, which this com pany represents are displayed. On the next floor parlors sro provided. In which the Aeollsn and Pianola are displayed and patrons may try their per forated music rolls here before making a purchase. The top floor will be the factory rooms, In which will be manufsctureel their own make of piano for sale at this Omaha store, and also their branches In South Omaha, Council Bluffs, Sioux City and Lincoln. The entire building Is so well lighted that stock msy be shown as well tn the evening aa during the day. Kamoaa Maaafaetarer Talks. Mr. J. V". Steger, the manufacturer ot the famous Steger piano, passed through Omaha Tuesdsy and stopped to see Mr. Schmoller and his building. In speaking of the latter he pronounced It the most complete and largest Institution of its kind In the entire west and was emphatic In his statement that Omaha people should be proud of this Institution. Mr. Steger said: "I knew Billy Schmoller when we were both boys In Southern Ger msny. I left Schmoller In Berlin when 1 was 17 yeara of age and came to America, eventually drifting to Chicago. Having a practical education in the piano line I en gaged in the piano business and today am one of the biggest manufacturers ot pianos and ship my product to all parts of the world and have In my employ 2,900 people. A number of yeara ago I founded Steger, 111., now a prosperous town ot several thousand inhabitants. What Mr. Schmoller has accomplished by honest methods and a good business head you 11 know, but It Isn't generally known that he came to this country a total stranger with but a few rente In his pockets." Short Loral Stories. The Burlington refrigerator department will hold a meeting at Linroln Wednesday. The Southwest Improvement club will hold a special meeting Wednesday night at the club room. Twenty-fourth and Leaven worth streets. gpleadld Reeord. Dr. King's New Life Fills have made a splendid reeord by curing hesdache. bilious ness constipation, etc. 26c. Try. For sale bb Sherman A McConnell Drug Co. BIRTH8TONK8 Kdholm, lth It Harney. The following marriage licenses have been Issued: Name and Address. Age Charles Wli ktrom, Oakland 31 Ida Martin, Omaha ' lit qtRISTSOoo layer between the inner ana eole, especially prepared to sort of cushion or the foot. Now Comes the Boys' Turn for New Clothes. Most Indulgent fathers and mothers Ml out the UHIe felloes In the fsmtly with new toss, "so fhey will be fresh snd clean, nest slid shapely n Easter Sunday. That's why our Imys' clothing floor Is thronged these closing dsys of Lent. $2.S 111 VS HOYS' SI ITS AYOIt Til f I. . This much tslll ft vour buy out with a hnndsomtt Norfolk or double breasted suit, with Knickerbocker or regulnr trousers, mndo of strict'' all wool blue serges, cheviots and cussltnrres sixes ffom 4 to 1. These suits are worth $4.00 tf OR They are spoclal-at i CONFIRMATION SUITS FOR BOYS. ' Thousands of hoys will be confirmed next Sttndiiy Parents who ae seeking for their children's garments. I hut nrp fur removed from ths commonplace, will be deeply Interested in n line of lilahly tailored conlli inn t Ion suits single snd double brcsstecl. with vest styles In sersr's, clny worsteds, unfinished wu steds thihets-something to plcrtse every !oy whoe tsste Is well developed and delight the parents, too. Knot Pants Hulls $2..KI to $I..M. Iiig Pants Suits $1 lo 914. in 11 , , F -assasss" Mystic Shrincrs' Excursion to LOS ANGELES One fare i'or tho round trip to Los Annies or San ' Francisco. $.")0.0() from Omalia. Tickets will bo ou salo April 25 to May 5, inclusive. Final limit July 31, l!0(i. Choice of routes stop-overs both Koing and return ing. Via Xew Mexico Southern Route, lowest alti tudes; via Colorado Scenic Route, Nature's wonders every mile. Slight additional cost via Portland iu one direction. Lay your plans for a California trip with the Shrlners. Our illuatratpd. "Goldon State" book and "Across the Continent" folder will be of Interest. F. P. RUTHEREORD, 1323 Farnam Street Special Homeseekers3 Excursions " TiiPcrl'ive W ,7,h Ma 1t and 15th I UGbUdyS June 5th and 19th, July 3rd and 17th. Via tha and One Fare Plus $2 for the Round Trip STOP-OVERS will be allowed within Transit Limit of 15 days going, after reaching first HomeReekers' point rnronte, and returning within Transit Limit of SI days. To those who are not satisfied with present condition and who are seeking new locations, this will afford an excellent opportunity for Investigating localltieg In the West and Boutliweat. For Farther Information, Maps, Folders, Etc., Address, T. F. GODFREY, Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha, Neb. or H. 0. T0WN3END, Gen. Pass, and T'k't Agt, St. Louis, Mo. CHICAGO GREAT the: right road St. Paul and Minneapolis "Great Waatorn Limited" leaving Omaha Union Station at 8:30 p. m., arriving St. Paul 7:20, Minneapolis 8:00 the next mornlnf, is equipped with Puliman Drawing Room Sleeping Car, Club Car and Free Heclining Chair Car. Electric lighted throughout, including reading lamps in berths. Polite service from all employes. Another train leaves Omaha at 7:45 a. m., arrives St. Paul 7:38 p. m., Minneapolis 8:10 p. m. CITY TICKET OFriCM. i6i farnam St ft. SIMM V D. A. Sampson, two ) ttalea Agsul. Oinaoa. asm CMICHIIlin Ikvl.'H Pennyroyal pills rilll'ttKsVEh's K. NiLI'a1 H. L. RAMACCI07TI, D. V. S. iH-puty fctate Veterinarian, I'ood In. spertor and City Veterinarian. Offlie and Infirmary ib and Mason Sta Ossaka, tea. Tel. ti. rgrc u mw.m r, ve mium . 4 ' n " 1 .k J..r. IrfkM a t sarM asiiaM mi Uu fjT tlta. i , , 0.asiM. f 1 4. Is . Jy PMf. r.Hirvi.rh m D M " BJU tmr LIUa.a law , r ' Imrm MU. I.i1m.miw 4 kf M III I Sfj. !... tmmrm. fMiLa, g 1 15th Street at Farmm. D. P. A. Omaha, Nebr. Iron Mountain Route to Certain Points in the WEST and SOUTHWEST AT id WESTERN Railway Work for Contractors Ths opportunity Is anow offered to sny contract' r with' ten or more teims ami grading outfit to make soma ni'niey on the nw line of the CHICAGO A NORTH WF.8TEKN RAILWAY between r I bit It 12 snd KAI'lD CITY, H. D. Tha work haa been going un continuously sines last November snd Ihe results prove thst I. lie Is a chance fur men of xperleuce to do a g:eutiT amount of work In a thnrt time tlii.ii is often presented. Settlers are locking into the coun try by the hundreds and it is well known thst If settlers nnd the situa tion attractive it is a g''d place for a railroad contractor. There Is work here for sll kinds of outfits In pieces to suit and at e.-itlractory prices. If ou l'Hk after It ahlle on the market. Write to WINSTON tROS. CO. Rapid City, . O.