Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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lias been brought to
character of the style and the very essential feature of value giving,
we anticipate the busiest period in the history of millinery selling in
Omaha during these last few days before Easter.
Exclusive French models and artistic conceptions from the foremost style sources of Amer
ica, also models from our own expert milliners, representing the highest types of Millinery ex-
Paris Hats, $20.00 to
Dainty Waists, about 500 Different Styles, in Lawn, Lingerie and
, China Silk, also Black Taffeta Silk.
Hardly a irw style comes out In New York but is represented here.
Kvery waist clean, new and crisp. Our prices are very low for fine goods:
$1.00. $1.60. $1.75. $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.70, $5.00, $6.00.
White Unn presses Mottt beautiful showing at the following extra law
prices: $7.60, $10.60, $12.60, $15.00, $18.50, $21.50, $25.00.
Stylish Skirts All our own exclusive styles.
Handsome Suits Every one made exclusively for Thompson, Belden
- r.n, : . . .. '.. . , : - ,- '
Silk Coats Covert Coats, White Coats aud Black Coats, all new.
Wash Petticoats, Silk Petticoats and Sateen petticoats.
$5.00 Silk Petticoats in Onr
Economy Basement.
Alire blus. pearl grays, navy blues, resrda
arren, blacks and in all the season's stylish
colors, at $5.
WASH PETTICOATS at 55c. 6!k! and c.
Xrat and pretty patterns In wash per
cales and gingham petticoats al 63c, tiUu
ami Mo each. ' ' " '
Men's Garters, 15c per Pair,
For Wednesday only we will sell' at
Mn's Department, the well known 'Sun
mid "Floxo" garters, retailed everywhere
at 2hv; special price Wednesday loo per pr.
Hc Collar Buttons, all shapes, Wednes
day 2 for Sc.
Negligee Shirts for Dress and
A beautiful line of Negligee Shirts in
all the new colorings and effects. A large
variety to choose from, II each.
Easter Waistcoats.
An elegant line of Waistcoats, In white,
Ijhirk and white and fancies, popular prices,
ll.OO, 11.60. I2.A0, 12.60 and $0.00.
Easter Neckwear.
We have just received a swell line of
plain colors In four-ln-hand and wide string
lies; tOc each.
Agents for the celebrated Ramie under
wear. Booklet and samples furnished for
the asking.
Sale Teneriffe Doylies.
50 dosen 10c Teneriffe Dollies, 3&e each.
IS dosen 16c Teneriffe Dollies, 6e each.
,!6 doien S3c Japanese center pieces, 19c
rDi)irc iv v
"First Apostle" Will Rht'Ltl Battle for
Keoonquest of Zion,
lollta Hrqaesls Members and
Friends of ( harch to Bend
More Mouey for I-aad
CHICAGO, 'April W.-Dr. John Alexander
Dowle will not advance on the "hosts of
.Ion" as suddenly as he expected. Tonight
after a long consultation with his legal
adviser. 'KmiJ E. Walton, Dowle gave out
the statement that It might be several days
before he saw fit to enter the city which
he had founded. "The First Apostle' ar
rived In the city of Chicago this morning
hortIy before 9 o'clock. An immense
crowd was at the station to greet the self
styled "Elijah II." He Whs in the best
of spirits aud health at the time and be
fore leaving the car cracked several Jokes
with a number of newspaper correspond
ents gathered about him. Escorted by a
number of loyal followers who had boarded
the train at Englewood, a suburb of Chi
cago, he made his way to the end -of the
train and stepped down upon the station
platform. The moment the crowd caught
u glimpse of this much-talked of old man
a cheer arose and he was greeted with au
assortment of welcomes, ranging from the
reverent "Peace be with you" of the Zion
lies to the more . Jocular "Oood boy,
Dowle," of the members of the curious
timing. The crowd was so great about the
"First Ax.ste'' that the police protection
irovljid was entirely too Inadequate and j
IMHITi- v .-- "...
.1,-1- ... Al.t .
,.m ...,. i.j-u . ....... ...... ...w.
awaking him at the curb.
Ilffrrr Thrown Over Ralllaat. ,jman responded to the call, but soon learned
Just before lie l-ft the station an iiicl-.the woman had not taken anything which
dent occurred which caused considerable I might soon separate her soul and body,
rkclte nient among the people who were ' As a precautionary measure, however, the
sg-ily endeavoring to catch a glimpse or surgeon admlnisteied a -aiauseant. which
the founder of the Christian Catholic had the deslrod effect on -the husband,
church A mail sprang past hi body j Mr. Uakcr was rr ported as intending to
guard. Waved a legal document In luiwle'a leave his wife Tuesday morning and begun
face, but before a further move could be carrying his threats Into effect by slsrl-
icade the Zion guards lifted the Intruder
from the nailon floor and threw htm bod
ily over a nesr-by railing. It was after
wards learned that the limn was a deputy
sheriff who aa endeavoring to serve
Dowle with r. summons in a civil suit In
which a niedlcil expert claimed that fees
In the extent of t'i had been due him
for several years. The lncldnt eemd to
disturb Dowie very little aud be was as
sisted Into a carriage mid driven to the
Auditorium Annex, where apartuienis had
been secured fcr him and his party.
After a short rt Dowle summuid l is
lecal a1vlois and then ensued a confer
ence which UstecJ the gieater part of the
evening. Just what the proceedings will
IT S TkuLi!
keej many halt (.Iclc.
10 Ui aud n iU Ilia chain;
Distinctive Caster Millinery Showing
' With the positive assurance that this Easter display
the highest standard of
$65.00. American Hats, $5.00,
Special Sale Bed Spreads in
Our Economy Basement.
1 case 11.25 Hemmed Bed Spreads, tt
1 case Hemmed Bed Spreads, tl each.
1 rase. $1.75 Fringed Bed Spreads, $1.39
(ach. ' .
Bath Towel Sale.
! 1 case 15c Bleached Hath Towels, L'oc each.
1 case 25c Bleached Bath Towels; 13c each.
Sale of Odd Half Dozen Nap
kins and Remnants of
Table Damask.
I.i our Economy Basement, 'Wednesday
Warner's Rust-Proof Corsets
An: uol tin- mom expensive corset, i noy
aro moderately priced for their splendid
value. They don t fall short, of the style
quality of the highest priced shapes made.
Keep this In mind too. They excell In the
quality of hose supporters, a necessary
style feature, and in the boning which Is
absolutely rust proo, a virtue (hat permits
tubbing the corset as easy, as llngerlu, If
one wishes. Regardless of the typo of
form, wo can fit you elegantly and com
fortably. Attached arc the "Security" rub
ber button hose supporters. Prices, $1.00
to $3.50.
Ladies' New Easter Gloves.
Gloves add tne finishing loiicli to the
Easter gown. All the varying fad of the
season, and all of the better make's to b
found here, the best place to match your
Raster gowns. Ask to 'see 'the new ar
rivals in our place sued and washable
mourquetalre gloves. ' '
Mousquetaire gloves in glace or suede,
Howard Corner Sixteenth Street.
be'to reinstate "the first 'a post le'1 In Zion
City wer; hot definitely stated trot tr.
Dowle did' state' moat emphatically- tliat
there would be no com promise with iVollva
and that Dr. John-Alexander Dowle must
be the leader of Zion or nothing at all.
Cutting; Off Dorrle'a' Funds.
This same determination of. spirit was
manifested at Zion City tonight when at
a conference of. the business committee of
twelve appointed by Vollva It was decided
to send all branches of the church through
out the world the following order:
Officers, members and frlendM nf iht
Catholic Apostolic church are directed pot j
. ocim any mure money ior Mexican iana
Regarding the order, W. H. Piper, one of
the overseers, said:
The step was taken because of a desire
to completely block Dowie's Mexican,
scheme aud at the same time remove all
chances oC his access to the funds. The
Mexican contributions are the last resort,
control of them 'In the handa of Deacons
John A. Lewis and Fielding 11, Wllhite.
Dowie's friends, who are officers of the
plantation association.
Dr. Dowle, when questioned ' regarding
the secret chamber which Was discovered
by Overseer Voliva in the basement of
his residence at Zion City yesterday, said:
Yes. I am aware that Such a room ex
ists in the basement of fShllotr house, but
I can readily explain to you why It was
put there. A former mayor of Zion City,
being aud extremely cautious . man, be
lieved that it was well to ink precau
tions against cycloims and mob vengence.
He built, this chamber with my full ap
proval, but I assure you that I have never
entered the room In my life. It was also
thought at the time that 4f, room might
prove an appropriate resting" place for
'.'the first apostle."
Colored Wife Whose ' Hasttaail
Credulous, Among Other Things,
Plays Uood . Hand.
Mrs. Mary Baker, colored." whose home
..,,!,.,. L-M nil...,- !.-.- V.
Webster streets, played an effective
,rup ( ) hfr ret.retint husban,i TuMJay noon
by feigning she had taken poison with
, suicidal intentions. Police Surgeon Mors-
ing to pack up his trunk. Then the woman
drank s inie vinegar and told the. man h.T
moments were numbered. 4
Baker has agreed to stay a while.
Woman Puatched front Death's Door
bjr President's Arlloa In sraa
Iss Husband to Her.
Word has berti received al the county
Jail that Mis. Hairy Welsh, whose hus
band was released from Jail by President
Rooseveit, to go to ber bedside In St.
Joseph, Is much better' with prospects for
her complete recovery. Thfty presence ot
her husband appeared to have had a bene
ficial effect ou her condition. Mr. Welsh
I bus not tetunied to Omaha and the officials
at the Jail do not know when he will re
turn. He il in charge of a deputy I'nlted
8:ates marshal.
Hor Ran Down j Wagon.
Raymond Weir. 1S Izard street, aged 15
years, was run down by a heavy agnn
belonging -to Waller Molse tt Co., at Flf
t.nih and Harney strttrls a few minutes
ufler f o'clock Tuesday evening. The boy
was croHMlug Fifteenth street and did not
noti.-e Ihe team and Wagon going north
uniil -tie waa struck. He received a four
inch cut in ihe talf o ihe leg and a eon
turn. al of the ricbt ham!. Fie waa taken
lo the police station and his wounds at
tended lu by Burnetii! Willis. A carriage
was eent to the siation by the Molne com
pany la take the lad home, but left before
the suigeon bad finished his work. Ht mas
Bn, Arrll 1.
in the
$6.00, $6.50, $,.50 and $10.00.
S-ln. and 16-in.' lengths, all shades at $1.50,
12.00. fn.on and $3.50 per pair.
Thoenlx Suede A three-clasp glove, per
fect in lit, style and durability, in brown,
tan, mode, gray and black, at-II 50 a pair.
One Pearl-clasp white Trrfouse gloves,
embroidered and trimmed with reseda.
Plum, tsn. lavender and black, very stylish
$2.00 a pair. " ';
Misses' kid gloves, two-clasp, . F. ; A. L.
quality. In tan, brown, red and white, at
$1.00, pair.
Many Beautiful New Dress
Goods and Silks for Wed
nesday Shoppers.
The stylish prettlness In dress goods and
silks that push aside the wintry colors as
April days brighten.
cream, reseda, old lose, gray, navy, tan,
mode and black, In the new soft chiffon
finish, special prlee, 66c a yard.
wiry, harsh weaves, hut soft and clinging,
beautiful luster, fine line of colors and
Muck. 60c, Tic, $1, $1.S5 a yard.
DRESS GOODS-New plain grays,' new In
visible cheek, here and there pretty specks
of bright color, new novelties, 30c to $2.S.
SPECIAL NOTICE All the remnants
that have accumulated of our fine imported
fabrics, both plain and figured, now being
gotten ready for a sweeping clearing sale
soon. Watch paper for ijate of sale.
A Visit to Our Wash Goods
Department ,
will do more to convince you of the cholce
nena of our wash materials than a full
pnge of advertising about them, K you
want the new choice fabrics see these:
Irish Dimities at .25c. a yard.
New printed Silk Chiffons, 26c yard. .
Beautiful French Linen de 8oie, 30c yard.
Imported Freneh Organdies. Sue yard.
. Nainsook checks, . printed.- 18o yard.
Egyptian Tissues, 23c yard.
Crystal T-awns. 10c. yard.
Banzai Silks, 50c yard.
Mercerized Bilk Cords,' 25c yaYd. :
Bilklzed Poplin, '40c yard.
Imperial Chambrays, 16c yard.
Scotch Zephyr Ginghams, 2ic yard.
Printed Madras, 15c, .lRc, Sue.. yard.
Silk Organdies, plain or printed, 25c yard.
Dainty wash Chiffons, 25c yard.
therefore taken , home. ,ln i-lhe emergency
buggy. .., -,- - ..',"..."...
Alleged Polj aauilat Member' of . Edu J
. rational Board Not Sustained
by the Mormons.
loi'ay says that Joseph M. . Tanner vut
not sustained by the semi-annual confer
ence of tlie Mormon' church on Sunday
I.fke Apostles Cowley und' Taylor, win
reigned from the overulng body of th
church, Tanner was wanted as a witness
In the Senator ' Smont Investigation at,
Washington and could not be found. He
was a member of the educational board
of the church, but his name was not pre
sented to the conference, for its approval.
Tanner Is said to have taken a plural wife
since the manifesto of 1890.
Sew Memlenn Railroad.
MEXICO CITY, April Ift.-A syndicate
which Includes B. F. Yoakum of the Rock
Island and 'Frisco systems is planning to
build a railway from Sallna Cruz, the 'Pa
cific terminus of the Tebuuijtepec railroad,
along the west coast northward to' Man
sanillo. It Is probable the new line will
be continued northward to the American
border, there to be connected with the
Rock Island system.. '
Trouble Over Corn Deal. -
John Dilscas, sheriff of Phelps couiity,
Nebraska,1 arrived at Omaha Tuesday even
ing Willi V. Bevelheimer In charge. He
left the prisoner at vthe citv Jail for safe
keeping over nltflit. . Bcvelh.iincr is ac
cused of having made a sale of coj-n to
one person. collecting the money, and
making delivery to another. There Is about
$i0 worth of property Involved in the ac
count, ... 1 .
I.. T. Wulle of Cambria, Wyo., Is In 'he
city, a gucHl at the Paxion. - .
I'uited States Marshal Warner has re
turned from a visit to his home at Dakota
Clerk Corey of the Millard hotel has gone
to Hastings for a few days to visit wliii
friends and relatives.
Otto S. Ron of Columbus; Mrs. J. P
Israel and daughter of Lincoln, and F. K
Heller of Dunlap are at the Millard.
A. W. Dunn of Kearney; C. H. Fulton of
Rapid City; H. H. Stuart of South Bend
aud 1. W. Whlttaktr of Vermilion, a. rj.,
are at ihe Paxton.
Special Examiner Charles W. Pcarsall
lias gone to Lincoln to take further testi
mony In the Burlington tax case. In the
matter of the taxes assessed against that
road for the year S"5.
Senator Millard was making a tour of the
federal building Tuesday morning witli a
view to looking over the recent improve,
ments and to see what more was needed
to keep the building up to Its high stan
dard. A i
TTt If
Mellin's Food is really an
assurance of healthy, happy child
hood, and robust manhood and wo.
manhood, for proper feeding- in infancy
lays foundation of good health upon .
which, later oa, strong mtm and woman are
developed; net only strong physically, but
strong mentally, tut the tr.uA U sepandem ea
the body. Therefore ess to tt that the tnuint'a
food is right. 4. use M.lllo rood. Send
w a free saaspls far your baby.
' Tha "WIT fafWata W4 receirlad
CU Medal, Highest Atari,
Parti, Or. 1905.
Confesses .to Beimr with Latter When He
- Shot Ed'wgri Flnry.
Baya. After the rental Moldan Beta
IIU Turned en HI
Jlolarsisii Patterson Also
" ' . Test Hies.1' ''
A. C. Je,nseni iA jtouth fifth, teamster.
Alex' Llddell. Hamilton,, tinsmith.
James- Jtarbtrg. -'ijri South Fourteenth,
sslooh heeler
J. L. LlVesey, esf' Capitol avenue, chief
clerk American Smelting and Refining Co.
J. I. Watt, 211 Willis ave.nue. contractor.
E. E. Merldith, lll North Twenty-ninth
street, railway mall clerk.
Wl' C. ChlSsell, 25S4 Haruey, advertising
man. . f ;. . ,. ' " - '
?f. B. Brown, 108 South Twenty-fifth, trav
eling man.; -
Thomasx' Downey, Ts'enty-flfth and I,
South Onrsha, clerk parking house.
A. E. Burks, Valley, farmer.
T. H, Long, South Omaha, medical stu
dent. Hans Tahl, Station B., R- F. D Omsha,
After exanflnltig most of the ninety-right
veniremen, the twelve men named were
selected yesterday morning to try the case
of Harrison Clark, charged with the murder
of Edward Flury, the street car conductor,
March 8, at the Albright end of the Thir
teenth street line.. ( The prevailing senti
ment against rapKSI punishment was the
obstacle In securing- the . Jury.
Oathrlatht Act-nsea Clark.
Clarence Gathrlgfit, one of the three
negtoea who attempted the holdup of Flury,
which resulted In the murder of the latter,
went on; the witness stand yesterday and
testified against Harrison Clark, who Is on
trial before Judge Button for the crime.
Oathrlght's testimony was along the same
lines as his previous confession made
shortly arter hts arrest. His story was the
Interesting feature of the day.
When the session began at 2 o'clock
County Attorney Slalmugh made the open
ing statement to. the Jury, detailing the
movements of the three defendants on the
night of the crime. He offered to show
Clark had borrowed a revolver the day
before the shooting and had returned It
shortly after It. Clark, he said, had a
3S-caliber revolver and the bullet taken
from the body of the murdered conductor
was a 38.
Hugh Myers, for the defendant made no
statement of what the defense would be.
Motorman Fred 6. Pattersom who was on
the front end of the ear, was the first
witness to take the- stand. He did not
see any of the men close enough to Iden
tify them.- He noticed two or three men
poming toward the- csr as It was stadlng
at the Albright switch. Then Flury got
off the car to turn the switch with his foot.
The next thing he heard was the fusillade of
shots, about fifteen being fired. In the
opinion of the witness. After the firing
ceased Fhrry gsve three bells, the signal
to back up. Pstterson barked the car to
the other arm of the Y and received -the
two-beir signsl fmm Flury-to-go ahead.
He started up and then looked Into the
car. Flury csme In from the rear door
with his gun In -his hand. '-He ehdwed.
Tatterson a wound. In his wrist.
a-rea Money,1 bat Loses 1,1 fe.
Well they got Trie"," lie said.
"Did they 'gVf' VcAir 'money?" Patterson
asked. ' , . , .
v'"No, you ''bet fc?' didn't." ' '
. Fhiry 'then i " a seat 'and-turned
deathly, "bal.,Vtf' t this 'time "neither lie
not' PattefsofV had-'Tetttlxed he was seri
ously wounded. ; Ptter6n ran the car to
the hospital and helped Flury In.
County- Engineer Heal Identified' a' large
plat of the scene of the murder. It showed
Flury w-as standing about fifteen feet from
the Sarpy county line when the shooting
took place. Dr. A, P. Condon, who treated
Flury, testified ka to the nature of the
wounds and that death waa due to the
bnllet which passed through the abdomen.
He also Identified the bullet taken out of
Flury's back as a 3S-caliber.
Gathright was the next witness on the
stand. He is a small, black negro with
shifting eyes and an indolent air about
him. While he was testifying lie reclined
in his chair to the right side and rested
his head on his right palm. He bonked his
left arm around the back of the chair and
stretched both legs out comfortably In
front of him. He laughed in a careless
sort of way several times during his tes
timony and did not seem to lake his sit
uation very" seriously. He said he was
nineteen years old.
Hiding; from Outaha Police.
The witness said' he had gone to Calvin
Wain's house the night of the murder for
the purpose of avoiding the Omaha officers
who were looking for him on a . burglary
charge. Wain and Clark came In later
and about 10:) o'clock went out. Gath
right followed and caught up with them.
They begau to talk about a . previous
holdup and when he found they were going
to hold up son)e saloons Gathright said he
objected to going any further with them.
He said, they told him he had gone part
way and would have to stay with them.
They held up two saloons, one on Thirty
second and K streets and another on Thlr
tiulh and V streets. Clark, he Said, had
given him a revolver which would not
work, a 32 calltx r gun.
"When we crossed the Rock Island
J tracks.1- he said, "Clark saw a atreet car
and said, "we II get that car. Then we
crossed the track about a block below the
Y and started toward the car. Wain said
we,would have to hurry or the oar would
get away. They told me to put on the
musk, but I wouldn't do It. "Wain went
up tu the conductor and told him to hold
up his hands. The conductor shot, and
Wulu shot. Clark waa trying to make me
put 011 the mask, tut he ran towards the
car and shot, too. Then he looked around
and took a shot at me and Wain also
shot at me. Then I started to run and
Clark ran after me."
- Clark Fired Last at Klar.
He said he thought between ten and
fVelve- shots were fired, Clark filing the
last one at Fluiy. He saw Clark after
ward, once at Mrs. I". wing's, Wain's mother.
There Clark wild. "Thtitwas a bad shoot
ing scrape we got . Into." Clark, he said,
had thrte guns on him then. Gathright
snld he had not tv-en promised anything
fur testifying and sld he did not expect
to get a life sentence instead of death for
going on the stands
James Roes, a colored man, from whom
('lark borrowed one of the guns he had with
lilm "at the time of the murder, testified
Clark got the gun Wednesday night and
returned It Thursday morning after the
shooting. Thursdsy evening he was at the
house and read a newspaper account of
the orlme and discussed it with them.
Mrs. Nette Jones- totd of Clark's coming
to her at 10 o'clock on the night of the
holdup and telltng her he would give her
some money later to keep for him. At
1:30 In the morning he returned Willi some
money wrapped In a cloth which she took.
She burled It and aterward gave it to the
officers. He also told her about the holdup
and said he . was afraid Wain was shot.
Ha advised her to keep her mouth shut
about the affair, but she told the police,
aa she nee afraid aba would be vunnscted
That Tired Feeling
Thai cornea to you every spring is a
sign that your blood is wanting in
vitality, Just as pimples and other erup
tions are signs that it is impure.
One of the great facta of experience
and observation is that Hood's Sarsa
parilla always rfmovea That Tired Feel
ing, gives new life and new courage.
Today buy and begin to take
Hood's Sarcaparil la
In liquid or tablet form. 100 Doses $1.
with the crime If she did not tell what she
The evidence probably will be completed
this afternoon. Four or five more wit
nesses remain for the state and tlie de
fense will have two or three, one of which
probably will be the defendant.
Clark takes a deep Interest In the pro-
ceedlngs and made copious notes of the
evidence. He Is credited with being un
usually shrewd.
At adjournment Judge Sutton announced
he would require the Jury to be locked up
until the close of the trial.
(Continued from First Fngc
signed, and Fred Griffith for postmaster at
Somerset, Lincoln county, vice incumbent,
Ht. Hinshaw has secured a pension of
$8 per month from February H. last for
Henry H. ftprsgue of Whitney, Dawes
county and a pension of JS per month for
Mrs. Julia McOrew, widow of Alnnworth,
Brown county, and 13 each per month for
three minors.
The postofflce at Hecla, Hooker county,
has been discontinued for want of a post
master to serve.
Dr. A. J. Doty has been appointed pen
sion examining surgeon at Flandreau. 8.
D., vice Dr. R. F. Robertson, resigned.
Rural carriers appointed: Nebraska,
Cedar Creek, route T, James H. Hessen
flow. carrier; Cornelius Bears, substitute.
Fairbury, route 4, Charles P. Wellon. car
rier; Harry C. Wellon. substitute. Helvey,
route 1, Ennnor tV. Olson, carrier; Alfred
H. Olson, substitute. McLean, route 1,
Virgil K. Rose, carrier; Harmon Rose,
substitute, South Dakota; Vermilion, route
S. Alvin Mentrer. carrier; Clara Mentaer,
substitute. Wesslnglon, routes 1 and 2.
John Cross, carrier; Howard Cross, substi
tute. Rural route No fi has been ordered es
tablished May 13 at Northwood, Worth
county, la., serving IJ4 peopli? and 5
Brave - Knlarht of the Riisd I sea
Revolver to Frighten His
A highway robber, who, even though
armed , with a fierce looking .revolver,
feared to choose other. than helpless women
as his victims, made a number of attacks
in the south part of the city Tuesday night,
but so far as Is known, failed to secure any
money for his trouble. The first attempt
reported to the police Was when three
women. Mesdames Sylvester Proctor, SI 21
South Twenty-third street, snd Carrie end
Grace Younkln. 2602 South Eleventh street,
were held up by the man at Twenty-third
and Vinton streets at 10 o'clock.' ' One of
the women called loudly for help and the
ruftiun inude his eseitiie. ' :" ' .
" BHoflirafter tins' a Ionian, who fulled
to report ' the matter to the pelloe- and
whose-name is not known, Tvas attacked
at Ninth and Bancroft streets. The man
grabbed her pocketbook, according to wit
nesses, and though he did not draw a re
volver, threatened to shoot. She resisted
his efforts, when he struck at her, then ran
away. The victim disappeared from the
vicinity and It Is- not known whether she
lost any valuables.
At about 11:30 Mrs. Anna Callier. 1202
Castellar street, and her young daughter,
were aocosted at Thirteenth and Castellar
streets by a man supposed to be the same
person who attackqed the other women.
Thinking it some friend who wished lo
speak to her, Mrs. Callier stopped, when
she was told to throw up her hands, the
barrel of a revolver being displayed to
carry weight. Mrs. Callier quickly threa
her pocketbook to the street and said she
had no money. The daughter set up such
a scream of "Help: Murder!" that the man
turned and ran in fright, when the girl
recovered the pocketbook and her niotTer
hastened to a telephone and notified the
police. . .
Officers were sent to the south side of the
city, but no trace of the robber was found
further than evidences of his making his
way north Into the city.
Pays Ffteea ThoaaanU Dollars for
fttraetarr Near Miteterntu and
Ilaraey streets.
J. K. Bauui has bought from Mis. J. H.
Evans, through the D. V. Slioles company,
the Evans Laundry barn property on Nino
teenth atreet between St. Mary's avenue
and Harney street. The price ' paid was
T. R. Kimball has bought, through the
same firm, from David Adler and Son
Clothing company of Milwaukee, a twu
story house, and lot 142xlrt0 feet, at Twenty-,
fourth street and St. Mary's avenue. The
property Is known as the Helmen residence.
Numerous transfers of residence property
were recorded Monday. Among the larger
were the following:
Roscoe C. Tuhhs and wife to Hans An- I
dreasen. west one-half hit 7, block
Rhlun'a addition. H.!i: Claud Cammir, i,l
jriimn . raiiHiii, mil ui one-nalr lot ,
block 4, Horbuch's Second udditiun, $'' ton
Harriet 10. H Cushing lo Claude Cmubin!
same, l.'.fO; Frederick L. Harris and wife
to Margaret A. Henry, pari lots 1 and a,
Union square, $4,200; Miranda R. t'raiulell
and husband to Maud (loss, lot 11, blix-k 4
Spring laike park. ;.Wi; Blanche Scliulliaii
and husband to Edward M. Wellinan. lots
1 and 2, block 5, Jetter's addition, 12.600;
Joseph W. Peiers to Alice J. Smith, lot 2l
block 13, Clifton Hill. ft.fiuO.
Paa-tfelleale Haaeael.
The monthly meeting and banquet of Ihe
Omaha Pan-Hellenic society was held at
O'Hiien'a cafe at ti o'clock Tuesday even.
Ing. When Ihe chaira were pushed bark
for. the oral part of the entertainment,
.iairy S. Btrne. who acted as toaaimaster.
poke' at some icngth regarding the pi-o-pord
bill In the Male of Alkansaa for the
abolition of college f ralernlties. For the
present, the speaker stated, the danger of
such a law Is past, the measure, although
through the lower house of the legislature,
having been shelved by Ihe senate. Robert
Mauley made himself a prominent figure
during the evening by remWing several
much appreciated "coon songs." and by his
example some old college songs were made
to ring out. John V. Haltin. Cornell, luid
nf lis recent vUlt to the east. Including
familiar school wenes. Nothing was dona
al tlie meeting in regard to a university I
ciuti or a spring outuoor event- There
were about fifty present, many of Ihe faces
being new ones at tiiese gatherings.
Sale of Dainty Pieces of
Painted China !
Wednesday, April II.
1042 North 10th Otreot.j
secured by 1st mortgages municipal se
curities and the securities of a "known
marketable value," furnish an investment
without worry or expense. . , 1
(Established 18H4.) t
Oldest and Strongest JSavings Bank "
in Nebraska. y
16th and Douglas. ,
"Kdrannil Bnrke" at the Boyd.
Chauncey Olcott and company in "Kdtnund
nurke." a play in four acts, by Theodore
Burt Sayre. under direction of Augustus
Pltou. The cast:
Edmund llurke Clmuncey Olcott
Oliver Goldsmith Daniel Jarrctt
r'redericK. i'rince'or Waiea jmacc itreenienf
liord Ntiaent Verner I'larges
Hlr Hugh Vivian
Captain Gullver
Maurice Dceneycr
Siogger Murphy
lxid Bertie
Lord Archie
Allckey Murphy
Lady Phjins
Aiary Nugent
Mrs. OUrady
Oahrlelle Iejeune...
Thomas David
Richard Mnlchien
Mcy Mm mm
George Ilrcnnan
Charles Ogle
Gladys MilllKiUinc
...... lxt t le Mlilbou rne
Edltn Sni'th
Edna Phillips
.Elisabeth Washburne
Eleanor Browning
Charlotte hnniii
In "Edmund Burke'' Mr. Olcott Intro
duces us to some names that are known to
history, a cftuple of flno gentlemen, several
dirty blackguards and several persons who
only count In the census. The women are
all fine, and the gossoons (heaven blepi
r.-.) are the finest of the -lot. In the
course of the play we are treated to com
edy of the frankest sort or. to melodrama
pure aud simple. Edmund Burke la a fine
Irish gentleman, more than a little down
on his luck, .but fired by un ambition to
enter Parliament. He succeeds In saving
the girl af his heart . from the polluting
touch, of the-prince of Wales, and then
saves the prince of Wales from Hie sac
rilegious clutches of a gang of ruffianly
kidnapers, and wins all at a single stroke.
Oliver Goldsmith is Introduced as a com
panion to Burke in his misfortune, down
cast and discouraged, but Burke cheers him
up by making copious prophecies of suc
cess that have -been amply realised by
time; although Oliver's one lugubrious
comment to- the effect that he wouldn't live
fo see It .has also. been equally, fulfilled.
. Mr. Olcott jtiakeg Edmund Burke a dash
ing and attractive .ypung. man. not unrea
sonably romantic, .nor -Immodestly heroic;
In fact, he Is quite a sensible fellow, after
all, and .doesn't do much that another
would not So It, placed In the same situa
tion. He also carries oft, hla victory as .It
it "were, the vault of gopd fortuqa;rather
than of " good ; planning. JUs pevetmaUty
and well-kiio ft met hods -make this gllutitf
more effective.' ln:.the course of the play
Mr. Olcott sings a" number of new. .songs,
as only lie can, and generously repeats at
least one verse of each in response to- the
encore. '
Mr. Jarrett's Oliver Goldsmith Is . a' de
light. The genial and unfortunate author
of the -"Vicar of Wakefield" aeems to have
shouldered at once all the misfortunes that
overtook that worthy gentleman and yet
In bis deepest depth of despair he cannot
escape the laugh that lurks In his kindly
humor. Samuel Johnson is referred to at
different times during the dialogue, but
doesn't appear on the stage. It is a pity
he doesn't, for a scene between Burke
Goldsmith and Johnson would be greatly
enjoyed. As It is. the scene between Burke
and Goldsmith Is the most charming of
the play ffom the point of pure comedy.
Miss Phillips as Mary Nugent Is a genu
ine tr.-Kt.. She Is the true-hearted, plucky
Irish girt, with, a laugh on her lips and a
twinkle In her eye. and the roguery fairly
exuding from her presence in the tighter
moments of the play, and most sincere In
her fright aud worry, n the one sellout
scene she has. The others In the company
are well iiuallflcd for. their parts und the
play proceeds from Its tranquil, opening to
Its happy ending, with steady smoothness.
Tlie audience at the Boyd theater last night
frequently expressed Its approval of th
events of .the piny sS they occurred and
apparently enjoyed It hugely. "Edmund
Burke" wll 1m repeated at a matinee this
afternoon and again this evening, closing
tha engagement.
Nebraska Trlhaao Will Re Edited by
Carl I agar of 4. I.oals. Vet-'
eraa Newspaper Man.
Carl Ungar of St. Louis has become editor
of the Nebraska Tribune, a local German
weekly paper, the oldest of Its kind In the
state.- Mr. L'ngar and .the proprietors of
the Tribune are endeavoring lo perfect
plana for the launching of a German dally
and are now Investigating tlie conditions
and seeking to gain assurance of Suppmt
to warrant the' enterprise. No dally puper
in the German or any other foreign
language has been published in Omaha for
Tt rf
T A CT'C wen i au
g "w "" A COAT
''Pr Tgllfs TMC tnv or TMC
Mads el silirud wkiM e
ckUt'IhI IsWaa. TU it
6 TTtrrr?
IB I I 17 IT 7 a- aSeMM sjgj Of SCI. H
I I SO and mora I
" 1 asett,reabodTC.
I I bralUus(W
L If -US., a-- y
j , .
as-asssaasss s- -
1517 Dpuiias St
several years. If the .present . plans aiV
carried out a new stock companf will b.
organised to finance find handle the under
taking. , ;
Mr. t'ngar is a lawyer- as .'well as a
newspaper man and was associate city
counsel for St. Louis for a number of
years. He has been doing newep.-iper woi k
since 1ST", having bad connections wlrti
the Westllche Post, the GIobe-Democrsi,
the Post-Dlspstcli and other St, Louts
pa pers.
Stealing; of aliiable Animals la Relim
Perpetrated wllh Regu
larity os,
' '
Thieves are making a systematic cam
paign in Omaha by sf allng valuable dogs.
The frequency with which cltltens are re
porting to the police the loas of their
canines leads the police to believe a gans
of specialists In this form of lsroeny l
now working in Omaha, The result-Is tlie
detectives are bending every effort to run
town the culprits. Inasmuoh as sortie of
the animals stolen are valued highly tha
offense will constitute grand larceny
should any of the eulprlts be apprehended.
Four of the most important reports re
ceived by the police during the last twenty
four hours were: Mrs. BV H. Jannsei-t
250) Pierce street, English bulldog H.
Asplnwall, core of C. H. Frey of Lincoln;
coach female dog. stolen from Uniorf tn-'
tlon: Peter Hcntges, 20!fl Bancroft afreet,
feotch collie dog; Arttur Daley; J7M Web
ster street, water spaniel dog. !
Sherlock Holmes;.;:
On Clothes
"I have often observed that the.
man who is careful of hie clothing
la careful of his business, careful
of his reputation, careful 1n every
thing. Clothes indicate character.
A man who can afford to dress
and doesn't is weak somewhere'
and falls to show a proper respect,, '
for himself, his family and hlq.
There's an individuality about,
clothing that is made tor you and'
you alone (hat adds an itupres--sive
dignity to your appearance,'
that you can never hope to achieve
as long as you wear ready-made .
clothing. ..-..'
There's a something of swagger-,
ness and an indefinable .superiority
.of cut and finish about MacCar-
thy-Wllson attire that Immedi
ately stamps the wearer, with, the.
mark oT a man of good clothing -judgment.
MacCarthy-Wtlson 1
clothing has that prosperous look..
Spring and Summer Suitsi .to '
measure, $25 4o $50. Top Coats -and
Spring Overcoats, $25 to $45.-
'Phone Douglas tSUS. . '. :
304-aoe s. lath st.1 V.
Next door to Wabush Ticket. Office.-
In His Latest Play . . ..
Comlna Sunday "The Little Gray Lad."
DIIDl'jnnn N'hta. Bun. Mats., 10-c.
DUailUULI Tucs., Thurs.. Sat.. 10-c.
MhIIii-is Thursday and Saturday.
Next week: ilOTIlS."
'Phone louslas 4M. v
Kvery night Mailnvea Thur.,- al., gun.'
Four VliH-olo Midguts. Mix KalvaKt'is. The
Avon Cumedy Four. Foster and Fosi,
Ksason anil June, Feiguson and raspmots-,
Kost and Kills, and ilia Kinodrume. j
rrless H e, Zic, 50i-. '
Pi ices, 15-i.-5(i-76c.
la "TIIK r'Uf Tlini .HtL.-
snGlven lo lh Imlil r TntllOUr
'U .1 LuiUv Number. lUillUol
Thur.--,'T'n Xigliis in a IJarrooinT"
(a . .
The Roekaway v Restaurant