Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1906, Page 7, Image 7
TILE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, APRIL 9, 1906. 7 GOVERNMENT NOTICES - V SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements lr these foliama will b taWen until Vi mi. tor 4 lie rrralx rdllinii anil nalll M a. tn. tor the mnralaa aal S'andny edition. Rain 1 i-Ur a itoril nmf Intrrllnn. le a word lerflicr. NothlnaT lakrn for leas Ihaa IMMt (or the first laser tlaa. Thru dirtllarmriti mail be raa eenaecntlTly. he-red rkrck, pan bar nnnvrere ad dress la a nnsnhered letter In rare of Tfca H. Aaialri ao addressed mill b ftellT-sreal mm irrrilnlla ol cheek. MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE Der and night. New classes In bookkeep ing, telegraphy, shorthand, typewriting and English organised every day. Get a catalogue. Address 11. Ft. HOYLES. President, Boy In Bid?., Omaha. F.NORO88ING and fancy Boy lr Col Inge. penmanship, r-m.v,4 OMAHA Safe and Iron Works maka a spe cialty of lire escaisss, shutters, doors and fen. G. Andreen, Prop., lo2 S. P'Mi St. R-114 WE buy and cell typewriters; will sell ynnr machine on small commission. Omaha TvprwrKT Exchange, 328 Neville Hlk. Til. Doug. 4fl. K 11? HIGN PAINTING, 8. H. Cola, 1302 Douglna. R llfi BTEINWAY piano, Ferftcld Tlanu Co. upright, bis bargain. 1611 If amain tit. R IIS Ot'NBMITH. keys, Heflln. 217 8. 14th. trunk locks, repairing. Tel. Douglas 2'174. R 119 TRT Kellyi Towel Bnpply. Tel. Doug. KM). H-120 low Banltary Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam. r-i:i MARTIN order. MEYER, shirts. underwear to R M59S A21 J. II. BTANWOOD, ARCHITECT and Builder. K. 2427 Lake. Tel. Doug. 47:7. R-M529 AW 8URVEYING, Bllckenederfer. 312 Bee Bldg. R-122 1IAVR Wilson hang BfiDer: ml:k. elean ,MMr cleaning a specialty. Tel. Douglas Mi,.. . . R 544 A I B FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SODA FOUNTAINS, any sire, 1818 Farnam, y 123 6HERWIN-WILLJAM8 CO. BEST MIXED . PAINT. Btierman ft tcv.:onnou u v u., omaha. VI HALLS safes, new, 3d-band. 1818 Farnam. FOR BALE Two llfo scholarships oa Omaha business college. Address Dwlgbt ' Williams, Omaha, Omaha. Neb. Q&29 MILCH COWS, on easy terms. Canter. 43d and q sua FOR SALE At a discount, due bill from ona of- the most desirable life Insurance coniDanles. which may ba applied on a first year s premium; any one considering taking out a policy can save money, Addresa F 67, cars Bee. V-o7 PIANO FOR BALE Party wwo purchased plana onty a lew weae au wiu act it at a discount from tue cash price paid. Address P alt, car Ma. w SMITH-FREMIER 16th. vypwrlter, $25. 3u8 N. . q M843 llz kink 1375 National cash register, with turn-crank and ticket roll: cheap. 308 N. 16th -Bt. . Q-M43 9x CHAMBERLAIN'S Perfect Chick Feed; - ixt in the world for young chicks; try it, Stewart's Seed Store, 119 North 16th St., the only authorised selling agent In Omaha. - U-MnJs A25 vor BALE Furniture of 6-rooin cottage, cheap; account leaving city. Address B 32. . . q-rM890 lux TWO fine cows; 1 Jersey; 1 Holstein. 1417 Vinton, Omaha. q M910 9x VERY fine White Wyandotte and Brown Leghorns. Tel. uougias t-; zzis cass. q M911 9x KINDLING for aale; good wood, aawed and split, ready lor stove, naioacn as uage dorn Placing Mill. 'Phone Harney lte. , q-MTlia AS UABOLINB engines slightly uaed. 8H horse pewer ana 1, nurse power, ai Cooled Kelly. 'Phone Douglas Wagner Bro., IZIb Leavenworiu. q e FOR BALE Empty Ink barrels. Inquire of J. it, Campbell, ilea mail room. q-642 FOR SALE-G00.000 brlok at 15 per thousand, . , 1 1 LJ , . K TjlnU fl VIA B i; , . . , , worth Ave. Tel. Douglas CS. . q M562 X FOR BALE Old established and only meat market, In a good lowa town; owner wants to retire; plenty of Ice; fur further particulars aauiess B, Jtee oiuce. v ouncu Bluffs, Iowa. q-M6h6 10 FOR SALE Second-hand pool and billiard table, almost new, 140. Address B 1, care uf Bee.. ' - q MS87 10 ICE for sale In ' Council Bluffs, car la. lots. O. Gilbert, q Mt67 r RIBBING, fir timbers, 80 feet and under seasoned hardwood lumber. 16th & Isard q i2i WE buy everything In the furniture line, Chicago furniture to,, itiu uodge. ... q-128 6FECIAL PRICES FOR NEBRASKA. The famous Old Trusty Incubators, made by Juhnson, the incubator man. Bend fur 124-paga free catalogue; iau poultry lllus tratlons. tl. U. Johnson Co., Clay Cen ter, INeD. q 132 IX) R BALK An eight-room house. In good repair. Want it taken from the lot and will sell clienp. Inquire of J. K. Camp oeti, urn oouin siin au q at x CAUTION I Beware of raKe piano ads genuine new Bleinwuy pianos are sold ONLY by Schinoller A Mueller and they - are tne oiml,x autnorisea js. Dia.Ka rep. resentativea. Tel. Douglas ltii. 1407 Har ney St. q 129 1'Ianu nquare, iiu; to cents weekly. Per field J'Jano Co.. 1611 Farnam St. Q lJf PATENTS 11 A. 8T URGES, resistared attomar pat- an is, uaae maxaa, oopyrignu; no fee un- leas successful. M Si. X. Omaha : -479 F. i- LARSON CO patent lawyera Patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Net, . VM BHARPE MACHINE WORKS-Patents procured. Inventions developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machine work. V"-4i m. loth St. StQ PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Na . Uonal Divestment Co.. U Douglas Block. .. , , -el LOST LOST Nose glasses; !!);. reward. return to 2o Hur-Losl-M924 lox FOUND Package on North 24tu St. cur .about J o'clock Bat. afternoon; u:rty can have same by calling at Bee oftlce and Identifying It. Fuuud-KSx MT One light red, freckled-faced dehorned. Tel. Douglas-S17&. cow, Lost 928 10 LOST Sunday, a P. K. charm. Return to C. K. Donaldson, Drexei luttel. Liberal reward Loai-fJl pi UUSIC AND LANGUAGES ROSALIA A SAALFEI.D. PIANIST teacher. Koui 21. Arlington block. and " . . M-il ill OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute, 118 N. Y. U Tel. Doog 14, -9 WANTEDMALE HELP WANTED For U. P. aiin. .tole-lio.llod nidi Iwtween nKft of 21 and V; eltilns of United Sttp, of Riod character and Uinp Hl Imbitn. w ho mn epak. teail ant write Enfllleh. For Infoi iniuton ap ply to Recruiting Oftlce, l.tth and Doug las tits., OhihIm; Lincoln Slid Orand Inland, Neb., or 4ioux City, la. B-172 WE Want a general niecnt, one who ha had expeilcncM In soliciting with nil old line life Insurance company. W e arc inaturuiK pollilca above ei"tlmatcs when policies were eoid and our rates arc lower than eastern companies. We have a g'Md general agency lor nn energetic man. AdclreNM Old Line Hankers Life, Lincoln, Neb. H-M78 WANTED Men to learn barber trail-.-; aclmlarship Includes t-onipletc outnl of tonla, OiploniHS and positions; board and room provided; lew weeks complete by this method', special Inducements now. Call or write. Moler Barber Cull' g". Ill Farnam St. B M671 Vix DRt'O stores buught and sold; drug clciks wanted. F. V. Knlcst, 624 N. . L. B M MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing. bricklaying, plastering trades; p.i)S f." a day. Coyne Bros. Co., New York, t'hl chho. Cincinnati, fit. I.nuls. Free cata logue. B 13.- WANTED Three men of good personal ap pearance; outslUb position; steauy em ploy ment. C. F. Adams Co., 1U19 Howard St. B Mill WANTED A good, all-around plaining mill man; statu experience and wagcj wanted. O. O. Collier, Falrbury, Neb. B-961 I WANTED Teamsters. Forest City. Mo. B MM 16x J. C. Mulville. WANTED At once, two stone masons at Shoo Dewey Ave., between Wth and 4uth fcts. Charles P. Stromberg, contractor. . B 661 SEVERAL experienced stenographers; sal aries from fr0 to p. Apply at omce. Smith Premier Tyiewrlter Co., Cor. 17tn and Farnam Sts. B M876 10 WANTED Engineer and draughtsman. one familiar with structural iron una steel work. Address A 67, Bee. ' B-M867 9 BECOME ft chauffeur at home, positions guaranteed at 2o weekly. Write for par ticulars. AUTOMOBILE. Dept. 148, No. 742 Seventh Avenue, New York. B-MS27 I4x SALESMAN 112 per week, board and ex pense money advanced; visit small towns in vicinity, distribute, samples, take or ders and make collections; unusual op portunity for man of ability; position permanent and salary increased if satis lactnrv. Adaress Proprietor, Dept. N, Box 844. Philadelphia, Pa. B BRIGHT, neat little lud, aged about IK, for light employment. Call back room, second floor, 1709 ; Dodge. B M930Jx WANTED FEMALE. HELP APPRENTICE (Iris, Burgess Shirt Co. C N WANTED Experienced coat and skirt hands fur ladies alteration department; good salaries. S. Fredrick Berger c Co., 1517 Farnam St. . C 240 WANTED Oirl for general housework; reference required; three In family; good wages. 922 N. 22d St., South Omaha. C-963 WANTED Girl for general housework; lamny oi inree; no wasning. I'Mi a. 3-d. Ave. C M26J WANTED Housekeeper, 0 to 46; CathoMo preferred; by widower, 63; one child at Home, son 26. Address B 6, care Bee. C M6u3 llx YOUNG girl to help with housework. 3120 b. ltm. C M642 121 WANTED Good girl for general house work! small family. 126 is. 38th Ave. C i9 10 WANTED Experienced salesladies In mil linery department. Apply between s ana 10 a. m. to A. D. Brandels, Boston Store, C M64 9 WANTED Experienced millinery sales ladies. Apply to Mr. Conway, Millinery Dept. Haytlen Bros. c MS69 10 WANTED Second trimmer In large mil linery dept. Address B so, care Bee. . -. - ',. C M871 10 WANTED Experienced sewing women for alteration work. Apply Cloak Dept Hay den Bros. C Miu9 SMITH rKCMlKK toucn operator, ex perienced; salary,- 840 to 850. Call at office. The Smith Premier Typewriter Co.. cor. litn ana f arnam bis, C M876 10 WANTED A good cook at The Creche. 84. uo per week, room and board; no wash ing, c Msao lo WANTED Two dining room girls; will furnish tickets. Koebler Hotel, Grand Island, Neb. C MS92 9 GIRL wanted for general housework. Mrs, J. J. Parrott, 1328 Park Ave. C M8&8 9x WANTED Experienced cloak and suit salesladies In our Ladles Suit Dept., Hay den Bros. C S60. WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Experienced salesmen, who can lurnisn ineir own team ana wagon to sell and deliver Medicines and Household articles on commission. Expenses paid and a reasonable earning guaranteed. The . lialler Proprietary Company, Blair, Neb, L id 123 Ml RELIABLE salesman covering Nebraska aide line; sells to one bank in each town ten minutes to make Kale; more than pays hotel expense: samples In pocket give permanent address. Bankers' Ad vertlaing company. New Haven, Mo, Coin mumratluns confidential. L M 760 9x WANTED AGENTS AGENTS WANTED Either sex. for best selling article on the market; 200 per cent protll. Address Box 118, South Omaha. J-M8 9x BUSINESS CHANCES OLD established well pump and windmill buainess fur sale. J. E. liuuver, Lock Bux 46, Benedict, Neb. Y Midi A14x DO YOU want to sell your property? Do you want to buy a home? Do you want to rent a house? Ik you want to get In or out of business? Do you want to borrow money? If so, list your wants wllh us; we get renulta, TEMPLETON & M ANKER. S0 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas-2904, Y-130 WANT salesman with $7,00u cilIi to' buy $40.uu0 stock In company and will pay him alary of $150 per month and coinmlsaiun if he can demonstrate that be can sell the goods. Address B 12, Bee. Y-M660 12 FOR SALE Only photograph gallery in good western town of l.uoo. Fine sur rounding country and growing tuwn. A chance for a man with small capital. Ad dreaN Photographer, box, 2ti, lender, Wyo. Y Mtiiti 12 FOR SALE 2-chalr barber shop, doing good business; owner compelled to go west; price $160, half down, easy pay ments on rest. Address Lockbox No. 471, Rlverton. la. Y MS1S 14 LARGE van und storage company wants strong, hunect fellow, who could learn lo handle planus, to Join the buaioess. with $j. Mure information. People's Loan and Trust Co., Lincoln. Neb. t MS16 10 GREAT OPPORTUNITY Exclusive terrl lory, no money required, an active liust lr is sure of big Immediate results; an Investment proportion, the greatest the world baa ever seen; don't look over write or drop In and see Walmsley & Wcnioll. 014 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Y-MS44 14 ASSIGNEES AUCTION SALE. The undersigned, assignee of M. M. Bain fold of lenlon, Iowa, will offer for sale at public auction. In bulk, the entire stock of diy goods, not ions, millinery and llx lures of aaid M. M. Mamlord, al Ucnlwll. lowa. Apnl 12. li, at ten o clock a. in E. W PIERCE. Assianee. Y-M ..2S 9X HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE FOR BALE Small buggy. Address A horse, 2o. Bee. harness snd P-Mb7i DRAFT, driver and saddle horses, well broke, und gentle. Apply Joues Htatil. U14 Dvdks. P-2l LET A DEE WANT AD TAKE A LOAD OFF YOUR MIND. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. H I'M Doug. Gil O.M.E. Haul Trunk? E 187 NICELY furnished south front parlor, suit able for man and wife; home cooking; stesm heat; modern. The Car'.tol, IMili nr.d Capitol Ave. E-M52 A19 WELL furnished. modrn, steam heated rooms. U3i Farnam, Flat . Tel. Doug. 203 781 ROOMS for 326; nicely furnished, clean, modern. 2540 Capitol Ave. E & ilx NEWLY furnished rooms, 2S34 Davenport. NEW, modern rooms, housekeeping. 3220 N. 21th. E M293 Ml NEWLY furnished suite of front rooms. with privileges; modern. 14ol Jarkaon, third floor. E M640 12x FOR RENT Nice rooms to quiet transient peupie. i4i Jackson, third flour. E-MIES8 12x EXCELLENT modern furnished room for ona or two; meals close; phone In house. Dr, Prlbbenow, 2A74 Harney St. E 67 FURNISHED rooms for rent. Good loca Parkcr. E-M828 10 tiou. Board if desired. 2418 ELEGANT furnished rooms, all modern. Tel. Red 5413. 7u2 S. 17th' St. E Mm flx FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 O.M.E. Haul Trunks F-141 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. F 140 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT WE have steam heated suits of rooms. corner 15th and Harney Hi., on second, third and fourth floors, ranging from (12 to $17. SO. N. P. Dodge & Co., Bee Bldg. U M613 11 UNFURNISHED, modern rooms. 'Phone Harney-3370. 560 8. 2th Ave. G 623 4 modern rooms, parlor floor. 150 8. 28th Bt. U 143 TWO, large rooms. with alcove. 2411 Cass. G M144 Tel. Red-6276. FOR RENT HOUSES linillVS4 in all parta ol th city. R. w i;. raters Co., Bee Bids. i ma HOUSES in all parts of the City. The O. F. Davis Co., 2u8 bee Blag. D-ia HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blki D 148 THE Omaha Van & Storage Co., pack, move and store 11. 11. goods. (Storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th. Office. 16UVi Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1669. D 149 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van t Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. H9t. omce, mo vv co sier St. D-160 BEE us when shipping household goods to large cities west. we can n u money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO.. 214 N. Sixteenth St. Tel. Doug. 1196. D 161 FOR RENT Seven-room house, with bath and laundry; N. E. Cor. 26th Ave. and Leavenworth; house In perfect order; new plumbing; hot water heating; rent $40. W 5. Connell.,101 Bee Bldg. . P-M152 -ROOM, modern dwelling, good condition, lawn a nn anaae ire, sum wi.u u. Mary's Ave. J. B. Kelkenney, block. Karbact, D t-uax ' wiTBT HARNEY STREET. New brick houses, 9 rooms and reception hall, oak finish and floors, tiled vestibule bath room, separate toilet for servants, i,irv room in basement, bus mantel, .r .w.inism and all details the best; south front on Harney St. Just west of 33d 81. Ready May 1 MORTON. 912 N. V. Life. Tel. DoUBlas-314. D-628 car RKNT Of course you will need money to pay the rent on your ne' home. See us at once. We loan on fui niluie. Low rates; easy terms. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Rooms 307-308 Paxton Blk. N. E. Cor. 16th and Farnam Sis. D 29 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest rices. Tel. Douglas-1625. SchmoiTer & lueller Piano Co.. 1107 Harney. D M513 FOR RENT Eight rooms, all modern, oak finish, facing Hanscoin Park, $34. 'Phone Douglas 623. D M676 FOR RENT 4 rooms, city water, newly papered. 1623 N. 18th St., $12 per mo. C. M. Bachmann, 436 Paxton Blk. D-4J2S FOR RENT 10-room modern house, 2921 Mason St. Inquire at F. P. Klrkendall 4 Co" 1103 Harney St. D-M862 10 FOR RENT 7-room, all-niddern house, hot water neat, mm . South 32d. Tel. Harney 3498. I MS82 $32.50 8-room; strictly modern. Brick Tel. Harney 17hi. D MS94 9x house. 1303 . Join ci. ni-MT-Fium Amll 16. S-room cottage, R24 N. 22d St. Price, $22 a month. Apply 524 at 607 N. 19th. D M912 AMERICAN Transfer Co.. Drayage storage, fowardlnf. Phone Doug. 1052. 11"6 ram 17 .UOUV I FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room in Bee ofuce city hall building, til um nw., swum Omaha. Apply to manager. 1134 SUITABLE for wholesale or manufactur ing 44X100, Hirer nooi aiiu uaiumiL, elevator; will rent 22x100 separately. luoJ 6 Farnam St. Inquire 314 First National Bank Bldg. 1-1M CENTRAL drug store, laundry, with power. with fixtures; also Tisard, 22o North I M651 140 Large slure room for rent. Bt. N. P. Dudge & Co. 1818 Harney I M5H3 THE rooms lately occupied by Omaha Musical association at ISth and Harney ecuud flour. S. S. Curtis, agent. I-Mii WANTED TO RENT WANTED To buy, a nicely furujshed huuse or flat; state price and rent; must be a bargain; good, elean and nice. A 36, care of The Bee; K 1 TICKET BROKERS CUT-RATE railway tlcketa everywhere. P II. Pliilbin, 16u6 Farnam. 'Phone Doug. 781. US LARSON 1935. A JOHNSON. 1408 Farnam. Doug. -157 DRESSMAKINC M DOW ELL o schoul. 16 Jl Far., room 24.. -MaU 6CANLON, robes, dressmaking. 119 N. una. -M74I At FOR dressmaking done at 3718. home. Doug. M-278 STORAGE MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO Goods stored st loweat prices; Insured without rxtrs charge. Phones Donalas l'S) sua Douglas lt. rV4 Ait FOR SALE REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE A fine piece of trackage property, 147X284, on V. V. track, at fitn and Jones 8ia, 112,009 will take It for Immediate aale. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1. New York Lite BMg RK-M'51 W HOLESALE DISTRICT Southwest corner 12th and Harney Sis.. 44 feet on Harney by 132 feet on 12th St. Price $12,000. GEORGE & CO., laol Farnam. RE iu;j LIST your properties with Buyer, 22d and Cuming. RE 6x OMAHA'S NEW ATLAS NOW READY". SEE Rosewater A Craig, Room lice Bldg. RE 1'Mo 13x NEW, well built, all modern 7-rooni house, oak finish on first floor. By owner, 814 ti. 2btll St. ' KE-9U2X THE elegant 8-room residence. 13d S. IMHh St. ; east front, second house from Pnp pleton Ave.; full cement basement and large floored attic; modern, n'n plumbing and furnace; lot 6o feet fruntxge by lbo feet deep. Apply Conrad Young, 1518 Dodge St. Tel. Douglas-loTI. RE M795 10 $8,01)0.00 9-room modern residence, No. 610 Park Ave.; lot 75x140 ft. and has double front age and ample room for three more houses; Improvements alone cost over $8,mo; possession about May 1; parties desiring to look through house must Se cure letter or go with some one from our office. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam. RE-M667 15 THE Glover Cuban land Co . R. t, N. Y. U Bldg., Omaha, sell lands in Cuba. Round trip. Omana to Havana, $M.86. HE i4 cHAswmianxson Co.u- ,tBi0rd- RE-MI SUBURBAN. That beautiful lo acres on west side of 30th St., 600 ft. north of Fort Omaha; nothing finer about Omaha; on boulevard, with So fare to your door $1,209 per acre. B. 8. Curtis. 18U8 Harney. RE M872 FOR BALE A home worth $30,000 for $U, 000; west side. Addresa L 17, Bea RE M8SI WM. J. WELSH ANS 606-6O7 Bryson Blk.. I ,oa Angeles, Cat., sells end exchanges real estate in any part of the country. Bargains in orange, walnut and alfalfa ranches. If interested In California, write what you wan RE M 828 18 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS OMAHA TRUST CO., Fourth Floor ROOM 4ol. Fourth Floor. NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING. SALARY LOANS TO HO.NtST EM PLOYES UPON PERSONAL NOTES. NO MORTGAGE. NO PUBLICITY, NO 1NDORSER. QUICK. CONFIDENTIAL. QUIET. No one need ever know. Every dollay paid oft reduces the cost. REMEMBER 4lh Floor. Room 40L NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING. X-630 DR. PRIBENOW'S PRIVATE MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos, salary, nurses, etc, in any amount, at leas Uiaa half the rate; no red tape; perfect pri vacy; immediate attention; on any terms wuntedi payments suspended In case of sickness or out of . employment. Room Hi. Karbact) blk.. 209 S. lutU St. XU1 When in need of MONEY Call on ua. PHOENIX CREDIT CO. ' 642-1 Pax lea Blk. X-971 $ $ INDEPENDENCE $ $ Why be obliged te others? It's easy t gt money of me. imo red tape. Pay when you can. BOW EN, 7v3 N. Y. Life. Open evenings until 1. X 912 MONEY LOANED SALARIED FEOPLa) and others without security; easy pay ments. Omces In U principal Clues, iul- jakiiu 114, Mew xora ui iiiug. FURNITURE, Piano, Jewelry, Loans, 331 Neville Blk. THE WESTERN LOAN CO. X-59d FURNITURE. Live Stock, Salary Loans. Duff Green Loan Co., 8, Barkar Bloca. X 9.6 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry leans. Foley Loan Co., 16u4 Farnam St. X si EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing, all business confidential. 3Ul Dougiaa X u.s Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. Advanoes private money on chattels or salary. Easy to got no red tape. You get money same day asked for at email coat. Open evenings until 7. X M15I THE ONLY LOAN CO. IN OMAHA THAT HAS THE BEST RATES AND THE EA81E3T TERMS. If you need ready cash for moving or spring purposes you can g ;t it here on short notice. IMPORTANT. ' Don't let a desirable residence slip your (rasp on account of ready money. WE ARE PREPARED TO LOAN FROM $10 TO $400 ON 8ECUR1TY SUCH AS PIANOS. HORSES, WAG ONS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, SAL ARIES, ETC., LEAVING SAME UN DISTURBED in your posses sion. private reception room8. If you cannot call, write or 'phone. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Rooms 307-308 Paxton Bloc!:, Corner Farnam and Sixteenth Streets. X-M92S eluNLY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc C. F. Reed. 3l( B. 13th. - x-;j OUR LOANS Our eniplojts are well Inlunned uui courteous and we are alaaa pleased to explain our Manner of luans. U e tell you to Hie cent wlirl the com will be, and if you conclude ttat it win nut pay uu lo uoirow there is iio barm dune. We loan un furniture, planus, live stuck and other chattels, and to kalaried people upon ihelr own agreeiueut lo pay. We offer ou rates as low as yuu will find and oar facilities for quick and con fldeiuui service are unsurpassed. We are the oldest cuncern in our line In the city and wt ulity try tJ please our pairoiis, MORTGAGE LOAN CUM PAN Y. U9 Board of Trade LiUtf. tEkiabtlaiied, ua2 Pliuue D.OLg. ilsu tMi a luui ol V;ANTtD-"l0 BUY WANTED To buy horses, all classes. Coll IMS Harney St. Tel. Red-7aU N XI 241 WANTED To buy, a nice, small piece of property with house; terms reasonable Slid monthly payments. B K. Bee. CEMENT BLOCK MACHINERY Mil p ijowd eemenr oioca ma- 'ulLdj chlnery. Call or rile and let us show you our line. 'Plior .joiik "7s laj.p Cuiuli ucliua Co, M Neville Blk. Al PERSONAL THE healing household remedy, Satin skin cream should always be handy, 27k-. U LAUNDRY CITY STEAM Tel. lKnig. 254. 211 8. lUh St. U-183 PLEATING- ALL KINDS. uching. Buttons. bend lor price list and samples. THE GOLDMAN 200 Duuglas Block. PLEATING CO., Tel. Doug. 1938. U 14 M A(TKTTf!"'"ent Baths. Mine. U 8 ANY POOR GIRL in need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Sulvation Army homo for women at 324 N. !4th St.. Omaha, Neb. V Ml'JO OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ramgd Blk. U-15 PIANO CLUB Pianos delivered at once, $1 weekly. All v music lessons free. JOIN NOW. Perfleld Piano Co., 1611 Farnam St. U 186 PRIVATE home during confinement ; babies boa rued and adopted. Mrs. Gardell, 2V14 Charles. Tel. Doug. 5311. Ull THE Salvation Army solicits cast-oft cloth ing; In fact, anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell, nt 114 N. 11th St., lor cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 413a and wagon will call. U 611 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college, 14th find Dav enport Sis.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone "DougN 1107. Calls answered day or night. L 129 DR. ROBT. P. JENSEN, 390-S Brown Blk., 16th and Douglas. Prac tice limited to skin, genlto-urinary and venereal diseases. U 69 M6 KOCHER, carpet weaving. 1811 Izard. U M262 Al MARCE L-WAVE ZTg facial Lu tie Bryant, 316 Bee Bldg. U-M527 A19 'PHONE Doug. 701 and a man will call and tune your piano, J. perlivld Piano co 1611 Farnam. U 189 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no Injec tions, can or write for booklet, quick Cure Rupturo Col, 511 W. O. W. Bldg, Omaha. U 191 TRY KELLY'S Laundry. 'Phone Doug. S530. U 190 DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. It 3, 1505 Farnam. U-192 GOLD STICKPIN FREE to any person sending up the name of any person owning a square piano, organ or prospective piano buyer. PERF1ELD PIANO CO., Tel. 701. 1611 Farnam St. U-lfr3 flRricV rrPATYTXia Stamps with W"1 family wines and liquors, by Jug or bottle. Cackley Bros, opposite poaiomce. uii4 All f'U AlAP!fiM c"rPf Cleaning W'orks. Vnllri,-l Beautiful, unique rugs from old carpets; prices reasonable. 720 S. 14th St. Tel. Douglas 666. U 156 Jel2 MAGNETIC OSTEOLOGY Mrs. M. Rltten house, 412 N. 16th, room 2, second floor. U 61 A18 C. E. DAY, painting and paper hanging; high-class work at low prices. Doug. 849. U M193 Al l X ft C U C trellises, grapevines trimmed; I IM-l-J now is the time. John Cane, isiu ruining, nea tooo. u aiMfi AJ4 YOUR saving 40 per cent. Investigate, Pennell Millinery Co., Ill South 15th St. U-194 WALL PAPER cleaner. Tel. Harney $296. U 19u RpH' MATTRESSES renovated, uwu.. $1.50 till April 20. Dou.tfe! U M59J A22 PRIVATE adopted. Tel. 3669. confinement Mrs. Dr. King, home; 2018 N. babies 21st St, L-197 FURNITURE packing and repairing; holstering and mattress making. Smllh, 1918 Lake. Tel. Duuglas tk68. T U-M170 AW PRIVATE hospital during confinement. Ba bles adopted. Best and cheapest in tlie city; SU9 B. i3tn St., omana, Neo. U M661 A20 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies auuptea, tne uuuu ouiuaruan banllaiium, 728 First Ave., Council Bluff s, la. Tel. 774. U-3: WE RENT sowing machines. $1 week and 13 per mo. we repair all makes of ma chines; second-hand machines, fi to io. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. Doug. 1663. Cor. i,th and liarney. u 957 KOCHER, carpet weaving. 1UU Izard. U-M26J A16 INCUBATORS, brooders and chick food Burr Incubator Co.. 28 ill and Davenport, U M&4 A22 CARLSON ft CO., upholstering and repair ing. Tel. Douglas 2818. U Mlio3 A23 SEWING machines and supplies. P. . Fludinau ft Co., 1014 Capitol avenue. U-M221 Mayl BEND your carpets o Omaha Electrle Car pet Cleaning was., 3221 N. 20tll. Doug. -1603. U M39 Ml NICE healthy baby girl 2J19 8. 13th St for adoption at U 600 MEDICAL FOR women only. Dr. Raymond's Pills, women's tiiontluy tegulalur, lias brought happiness to thousands of anxious women, no pain, nn danger, no interfer ence with work; relief in 3 to 6 days. We have never knuw-n of a single 'allure. Price, $.' by mail. Raymonds Monthly Regulator in liquid, $3. Dr. R. G. Ray mond itemed) Co., Room 36, 84 Adums St., Chicago, 111. 209 LADIES. $1,000 REWARD! I positively guarantee my Never-Failing ERGO KOLO Remedy, bafely relieves longest, most obstinate cases uf delayed Monthly Periods In 3 to 5 duM without harm, pain or interference with work. Mail, 31 50. Double strength. t;.). "SPECIAL F Li ' ER FOR LADIES FREE. DR. B. II. SolTHlNUTON CO.. KANSAS CITV. MO iio BEST iierv e bracr for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pilla" $1 box. poKlpaid. bheriuan ft MeConrell Drua Co. nmilm. Jll FOR EXCHANGE ONLY HOTEL In town; trade lor land or fell; bua line and mull Hum tram; live-y hum. Pays from $l.doo to a year. Sell on account ut wile's health. Addieos W-il. Z-M1U Al IF YOU do not find what yuu want In this column, pui an ad In and you will -on gt it 7,,-9.s3 PLUMBiNG JOIIXKOX, THK REL1ABL1-:. PI.UMBINU AND HEATING CO. BEST SERVICE IAWEST PRICES. t. . Dol'GLAS 6990. U12 HARNEY. K-M226 A 15 RICH ft FALCONER, repairing a specialty; also contracting, i.6.7 N. 2'ih. M447 A 1. TREES AND SHRUB A COMPLETE line of fruit, shade and ornamental trees, vine, shrubs, rosea etc Addiess Omaha Nuiaery, Pspilllon. Net. alaiu A24a DEATH NOTICES M CARTHT-Cecilia E. V., beloved dugbter of Mr. and Mrs ratrlck C. McCarthy, at the family residence, Ohio St., Sunday at 6 a. tn. Funeral Tuesday at 8 a. m., from renl lne to Pacred Heart church. Interment St. Mary's cemetery, South Omaha. Friends Invited. FOR SALE FARMS HOLT CO.. MO.. FARMS. SJ0 seres Improved, want Income. ...$2l.fift 78 acres. Improved, rich, for mdse.. 4.$'0 1N4 acrrs. Improved, for mdse 8u acres, near ton, for mdse 1.4O0 acres, a snap tor cash Mill and light plant for land 10. un) 5i 14.01 H) 20.000 j. it. ADKliNB, craig, mo. H-M604 14x Farm and Ranch Lands. fCebrasku, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years tune. Land uepi., U. P. R R.. Omaha, Neb., Dept. "A." H-3t FOR BALE Five seres land, partly alfalfa and garden. Good buildings, well and cistern water. Good tor poultry farm. Near church and school near Invld City. Address P. O. Bux 181, David City. Neb. H-M675 9x OUT THEY GO THIS MONTH to North Dakota to select a 320 or a $10 acre farm out of our 100,0Go-acre tract for $1$ to $16 an acre; will yield over $13 a acre; free coal, living water, black soil; Send for maps and Brown a Farmer.- Wm H. Brown Co., 131 La Salle 81 . Chicago, or Rlchardton. N. D. H M5J3 Al FREE GOVERNMENT LANDS, slso deeded lands, both irrigated and upland, for alfalfa, sugar beets, grain, fruit and stockgrowlng. Maps, pictures, price lists free. Agents wanted. The Sterling In vestment Co., 201 Front St., Sterling. Colo. H M236 WRITE to Scandinavian-Canadian Land company, Chicago. They will tell you an about it. If M66V 23x MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loans antf warrants. W. Farnam smith at Co.. 120 Farnam Bt W 924 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. w BUILDING loaas on residence property; t per cent, w, ss. jueuue, itamge Liik. W-92 LOWEST RATES Be mis. Paxton Block, W-927 PRIVATE money. F. D. We d. 1529 Dougiaa W-82 6ARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam; city loans, i ana per eani uueresi, no aeiay. $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and real- aence pro perry in umuw; lowest rates; Lo delay, Thomas Brennait, R. 1, N. Y. Ife, w-iao ( ft VA PER CENT loans on city property. W. 11. Thomas, 1st National alank Bldg, W-K31 WANTED City Loans. R. C. Peters ft Co. W-933 FARM, CITY AND BUILDING LOAN 4 Reed Bros., lilO Farnam St, W-931 City ft farm loans. O. F. Carson Co., N.Y.L. W-69 DRAMATIC Chambers' School of Stage Arts. Lyric Theater, Nineteenth and Farnam. Thorough Course of Instruction in Stage Craft. Publio performances by pupils tn their Own theater, under personal directorship of Frederick "Jim" Fulton, formerly lead ins character with "Arizona," "Frederick Warded' "Frohman'e," nine years Wood Ward Stock, Kansas City, Omaha. Tele phone, Douglas 1871 1488. Wlllard E. Chambers, Manager. CLAIRVOYANTS MME. BUDDHA, LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 113 South 16th bt., upstair Resultful prediction absolutely given. S 907 REV. EDWARDS, spiritual life readings; also readings by mall.. Room 1, Patter son Blk., 17th and Farnam. 8 M534 7 REV. EDWARDS, Wonderful spiritual Hie reader; also reading by mull, Pnttrracn Blk., 17th and Farnam. 8 M929 14 BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES WHY pay trust prices? Solid oak billiard and pool tables. $loo. Also bar fixtures, No agency expenses. Catalogue mailed free. Chas. Passow ft Suns, Chicago. 131 Muy8x WE TRUST EVERYBODY, easy payments, and lead the world In cheap prices un 'billiard and pool tables and bar fixtures; catalogue free." The Brunswlrke-Balke-Collender Co.? 407 8. 10th St.. Omaha, Neb. 123 PRINTING I'VMr.Tin High grade 1906 Calendar LIlNUSIAUg E "Cor. 1(jlh t. and X JUKVfc Capitol Ave. EN ELL Printing Co., 310 S. 12th St M-235 FARMS FOR RENT FARM of 320 acres for rem; price $2.50 per acre; situated i miles nocm of Winner, Neb. Apply to J. E. Boa den, Wiener, ' Keb M815 llx FLORISTS L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. 12. Tel. Doug. -ft8 HESS ft SWOBODA. 1415 Faiuuui 958 LAW AND LullLC i tOUS MACFARLAND, 209 N. Y. L. Doug. 685a. J. M, Tel. GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OF CONSTRUCTING CJUAR termaster, Cheyenne, Wyoming. April 1, 1906. Sealed proposals. In litplicate, will be received al Ihl office until 2 u'ciock. niounlaln time. May 1, and then opened, for constructing, plumbing, aleam heating and electric wiring, one barrack for hotpiial corps, Plans No. 1-729 Spl. Bidders must state in their bid the tunc in which they will complete the work, proposals must be accompanied by two guarantees. Justifying jointly. In double the amount of 10 per Cenl of the liiil. Full liiturmation, blank forum, plans and Beclncii lions 1 ununited uu application to this ulllcc; alfo lo the oftic- of Depot Uuartei master. Chicago. St. Paul, Cnial a. Bt. liuia Denver. United Bliitcs reserves the right to accept ur reject any or all bids, or any part thereof. Envelopes con taining lids to lie endorsed "Proporals fur Public Buildings al Fort D. A. RuhscII. Wyo., and addresed lo Cap'.ain W. K. Scott, Constructing tJUJirierniiieier, 4'hey. tune, Wyoming. Apr2-9-16-:.; PROPOSALS FOR CAVALRY AND All lillery Hoi ses. Chief Cjuunerniusier's 01 flce, Omaha. Nuluufka, March 12. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will lie re ceived Bt Ihls oftlce. unlii II o'clock, a. in., central standard time, April pi, 1 1 . and then opened, In the presence of attending Wtidera. fur one hundred ami thluy IK,") cavalry, artillery and lidlng hordes, lor de livery ut Omaha. Nebraska, or oi her promi nent railroad point.-i, The animiilx to con form to specifications. United Slatt-s re serves light to accept or re.ieet any or -.1! propoeals or any part theiei.r. I'.n ticulurs and blHiiks for proposala will be furnished on application Envelopes containing pro posals lo be Indorsed "PrnpoMltt for , . KireS. Bllll UUI--.:--e,, ij njdjui .. uiiiv i""-" gu"ri;J.:,,4,:,i-, tlFFUE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER ' Omaha. Neb. March 12. 194. Sealed , proposals, in triplicate, subject to the usual I conditions, will be leeelved hero until ;o la. in. central standard time. A pi II II, r;. fir furnlslilng transpoitutlun, or.. yase, and for handling stores In liepaiiment of the j Missouri durint; year commeiuing July 1, j lv. I". -8. reserves l is hi to rtjeii or i,? cepl any or all prupusals. or any pari ll.ereuf. liiforniation furnished on appii : cation Envelopes coniui il.m pri.i.tls ! should be marked "I'ruposals for Traus tiuriatlou on Roue N'. ." aidless,., I to MAJOR M. GRAY KA11NKM. C. Q 61 , Mii-li.16 17 A9-10 PROPOSAL FOR INDIAN OITPLIES. Iepartment of the- Interior, Office of In dian A ff:i Irs, Washington. D. C March 24. 1 9". Healed proposals, plainly marked on the outside of the envelope: 'Tropoanl for runner goods, rioots anit snoes, etc as the rase may be. and addressed to the "Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Wsshlng- ton, D. C, will be received at the Indian office until 1 o'clock p. m of Thursday, April 26, 1SH4. anil then opened, for fur nishing the Indian service with rubber goods, boots and shoes, hardware and med ical supplies. Sealed proposals. plainly marked on the outside of the envelope: "Proposal for crockery, furniture." etc., .41 the case may be, and addressed to the "Commissioner of Indian Amilrs, Washing ton, D. C," will be received at the Indian office until 2 o'clock p. m. of Tuesday. May 1. 19", and then opened, for furnishing the Indian service with crockery, agrlcu'tural Implements, pnlnts, oils, glass, tinware, wagons, harness, leather, shoe findings, saddlery, etc.. schoul supplies and a long list of miscellaneous articles. Bids must be made out on government blanks. Schedules giving all necessary Information for bidders will be furnished on applica tion to the Indian office, Washington, P. ('.; Hie U. S. Indian Warehouses at Nsx York City: Chicago, 111.; St. louls. Mo., and Omaha. Neb. The department re- serves the right to reject any and all bids, or anv part of any bid. F. K. LEt'PP. A4to28 Commissioner. RAILWAY TIME CARD IRION tTATIOlk -TENTH AND MA BUTT, t'aioa Paclaa. Leave. Overland Limited a 9:40 am The China and Japan Fast Malt a 4:1$ pm Colo, ft Calif. Ex a 416 pm California A Ore. Ex. .a 4 fc pm Artiva ti :U ass ' f it r u s am m 1:19 pin aU0: po a $ w pm 1:44 am 4:M pis fclMpca Los Angeles Limited. .. .all 30 am Fast Mall , a 1--5S pm Colorado Special a t:o am North Platte Local.. Beatrice Local tl:io am 8.16 Dim Cklcase) Great Leava. . $ 30 pm ,.a 7:46 am ,.a 1:00 pm .a 6.1 am ArrlTsv alO;0 ana I.M pas St. Paul ft Minn.. St. Paul ft Minn.. Chicago Limited . Chicago Express . Minn, ft Be Paul Ex...b 1:00 sun b I J ess mn. & St. Paul Ltd.. .a 8:80 pm a 1:M mm ISlcaso, Hack lalaa4 A rsellt. KAMI. Chicago Limltea a $ 26 am a T:10 am Express a (.00 am 8:64 pm Chlcaau Expieos, Local. bll: 16 am a 4:90 pin Lies Moines n,xur....a .w um HUM aM Chicago Fast iuxpress.. fc.40 pm a pia Rocky Mountain Lla..a T:m mm a 1:16 am Colorado Express a M pm a 4:66 pm Oklahoma at Xexas n.x-a :u pm a-u;g pm Cnlcaaa rtsnvasr. bU Paul Dayngul tl;lim 19:00 pm CulLagu Dauoi a s.ou am Uusi pin Clucaau Liiiuled l:A pm 9.iS am Can oil Lucal a 4:4 lun 9.av am bt. Paul Irasl Mail t i;a iiu I . am bluux C. at bl. P. lAcat.u :ou (.m a : am Fast Mail i:u pm Chicago Express a s:au pm Imi am NuitulK at iuiieeteel....a i;40 am lo.a am Lluculn at l-oli riuc... i.waiu a u Caspei &. Wyuiiking e 2:so piu s:ia pin Dead wood at Uutoia.. 8:U pm Slia pu Haslings t Albain b 8.w pu 6.1s pm Cnicagu Local aU:U iu s:a pm Chicago Ltiuiied aU.W ptu t:j mtm Wabasit. Bu Louis ix press a :$0 pm a 8.-48 ana bt. Luuia iucal tuvm Council Biuus ..a 9:1 am alw:l0 psa Blanuiny Local trrom Council Blutti.........O 6:00 pm bllM mm liiiuuta CeatiraU. Chicago Express a 8:o au 3.6tpia CUtvaau Lauulett a S.IM pi mm mn,,,, .usaakii ft, IU Paal. Chicago at cuio. bpeo t..a M aut tiJi ass Caliluiiua at ore. tMX...a put a :m pia OveiutuU i.u.iiu a uii a turn mm Mal tuu at l-euau si. LU..0 sua uUrfal pia juHim" racis. bt. Louis cxpiea a 9:00 am a 8:90 pa J l. t el. i uuiess..a,-ui pm a S.vy ttm Mw . , . UlBUXe'l OR r A oll-10TH ft saAtOa cturllaatoa. Leava .a .io pm .a piu .a 4;io put .mXL.iu pm ,a am. ..a 9:io a'u Arrttra a pa a pa a 7 :to am a bs pa a V.av pm a J:o pa a 9:aa pm biv:a aa a 6.40 am a 7:ltl am a :ju am a 2.w pm a ? :3 am a i-uQ piu a i:4 aa alu.3 pm alliWam a ki4 am a 8.10 pa Denver ft California, black Huis ft... Xsuiuiweai Special ., Nuriuweat apiass . Neoraaaa Local nsuiaaaa liAtdtss .. Liucoln Lucal .iuooiii aot Mad b 3:1- pm Ft. Crook oi l lalisin h.0 2;u0 pia kietlttvuu ft'- 1'iaiuiii li...a i.uoput Denver Linuiud toeiievua s rue Juno.. a M am lieiievue ot Pc- Juua...a am Chicago bpeciai a-2:2sain Chluago luxpress a : pat Ciucaao ir a 3:ub piu lowa i-ocal a 8,i am bt. Louis Express... ...a 4,u pm, Lamias Cit-i. jos pia Kansas cny-St. jus n..a 9:ia am Kauaaa Ciiy-bU Josh..a 4, pm, WEBSTER DEPOT 15TH ft WEBSTBB Cbleaao gt. Paal, Mlaaeapolls ft it sua ha. Twin City Passenger Sioux City Passenger, Oakland Local Emcison Local ,b 6:30 am .a 2:ou pm .b 1:46 pm .a 8.46 am b 8:10 pa aU:30 am b 9:10 am 6. 09 pa - Arrlva bl3:80 pa Mlssoarl Paalfla. Nebraska Local, via Leave. Weeping Water b 1:60 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday, o Sunday ouly. , Dally except Monday. RAID ON OFFENSIVE BILLBOARD Proarrss of tbe War In Kansas CHr Law and Authorities Uat Busy. They don't Kansas City. do a thing to billboards In Simply wreck them. Whers- fore, everybody rejoices, excepting the bill boarders. The war on the offensive billboards atarted several months ago. By a mys teiiuuhly concerted Impulse a cyclone of home owiuis' wralh blew up on a given night and on the following morning there wasn't a billboard In the path of that cy clone. Not another thing was disturbed. Nobody appeared to know how It hap pened and no one seemed to grieve aver the happening. Th. mMniiilit rvolona aroused the Hty council. An ordinance was passed con tulning these salient features: "No billboard or other board, fence, sign or structure erected for advertising par- noses or upon which any advertising shown, painted or displayed tn any way. ahull be erected or maintained nesrer to and same the street line than twelve feet, ffiall not exceed In height ten feet from the lower to upper edse. and the lower edme iiiust not at any point be higher than Iwo feet above the surface of the ground. "All billboards shall tie so constructed as to leave a clem- space of nt least eighteen inches between the lower edge of said blll- i,,.,l or other board, and the surface of irfaoe of s, fence. flie ground. "All billboard, t.r oilier boards. slgnt, or structure erected for advertis ing purposes, or upon which sny advertise ment lu slioan. painted or displayed, ahull be erected on a straight line or tines. The ends of all such boards must be at least three feet distant from uny wall or fence or oilier ruction which would prevent a clear passage around said ends." Under the ordinance the superintendent of buildings Is empowered lo tear down the offensive boards and Hut violators sra subject lo fines of not leas- than $10 nor more than lon for each offerise. The law went Into effect March 21. Be fore and since the bllllioardei a have been defhtnt. Most o' theiv appealed to the courts and rbiaiued temnorary Injunctions. Meanwhile the superintendent of buildings and a hunch of hiiskv wle'deis of ales r husv leveling wbniviotis signs. A Ivol r;l kcn nt tbe Vnttle Is thus described In- the Times: Four men under 8. K Edwards, 'super b tend. nt of h"iMtns, l -mn to chon down the sorirw-rts ehorllv sfir I oi-lnrk yes-tr,im- fffroo ti and 'iefo-e 1 o'clock the bpn.oMrds broirrn and enllotered. tav st ths boitoi.i of thr ecavi ,ii around which they had been Conatructti. - - Is F t