TUB OMAIIA DAILY HKK: SUNDAY, AHUL 8. 10OH. sees en's - Exclusive Costumes, Suits and Goats for Easter The Elegance and Gracefulness of these New Easter Models will Appeal to the Most Fastidious Dressers Worn New Skirt Models Strictly Tailor Made In checks, white and black and grey, also plain colors In Tollea and Panamas models of style that are per fection In tailoring, every line correct, Swagger, full circular skirts, at $22.50 116.75, $14.76, $12.76 and 9.75 New Easter Suits Women's New Suits at $16.75 Made of fine quality Panama cloth in all the new shades also swell mixtures, new circular skirts cannot be dupli cated for less than $22.50. tl 0 H C Easter Sale price X.."U 0 Women's Stylish Eton SUitS in swell mixtures, Pana mas and broadcloths, new Eton and coat effects, . well made and lined, perfect hanging skirts reg ular $25.00 values. tC) H fc Easter Sale 0 9 Women's Swell Eton Suits, ail high class suits, new models in fine chiffon Panamas and mixtures, extremely well tailored and beautifully H)J "7 E trimmed, worth $3250. Easter Sale rVm 0 Women's New Silk Suits, in plain taffeta stripes and checks, also swell tailored Eton suits in chiffon taffetas all the new shades, short sleeves and new circular skirts, at $35. 00, $24.75, 7C $22.50, $16.75 and ;.lHr. 0 J Men's Furnishings Neckwear Beautiful new silks, light solid colors, fancv lively plaids and checks, neat daintv spots and woven effects, to gether with the staple modest medium and dark patterns, also plain white and black, in Four-in-Hands, French style, Reversible or silk lined, at Gloves Men's new stylish dress and 6treet kid gloves in black, grey and browns. We give you j A A f J ( perfect fit and guarantee satisfaction. ,.,IiUy"IjU Fancy Shirts Men's fancy percale and madras shirts, plain and fancy fronts, coat style or half. open. Beautiful light and dark colors. Better values tf fl CA, CA than ever before shown .pie is JU )U Visit Our New Muslin Underwear . and Corset Department Third Floor New Long-Hip, Deep-Front and High Bust Corset Good quality white or drab, sterling cloth, lace trimmed, side and. QP front supporters attached our price tC Splendid New Style in Nemo Self -Reducing Corset Guaranteed unbreakable, heavy hose supporters attached sizes All 20 to 3G-Our price I.fJ New Spring Style C. B. a la Spirite Corset Fine imported broche in prevailing styles, high bust, deep bust gore, fan front, nicely trimmed in lace aud ribbon our Clfl price ; fj3 "We carry a complete line of the celebrated La Grecque Corset models, for slender, medium and heavy figures, in prices ranging from $7.50 to p Three Specials in Our Muslin Underwear Dept. Corset Covers at 45c "We are showing a splendid line at this price in cambric and long cloth, full dip fronts trim med with lace ribbon or em broideryspecial price 45c Long Cloth Gowns at 95c High or V neck, handsomely trimmed with lace and em broidery, also pretty styles of "Slip Overs," extra long would be cheap at $1.50 special price. .ZrDC Handsome White Skirts at $1.4 5 Pretty hemstitched, double flounced, made of fine cambric, very full; also skirts with four rows of fine lace in sertion positively worth $2.50-special J P price : J MISSES' AND WOMEN'S COATS YOUNG LADIES' BOX COATS In coverts and mixtures, full loose back, with patch pockets that sells everywhere C for $7.50-Easter Sale . pD SWAGGER MISSES' COATS AT $7.90 In beautiful new mixtures also coverts (short, jaunty garments with top pockets), "just a little different from what .you find elsewhere" "J AA Easter sale U WOMEN'S NEW ENGLISH TOP COATS-Loose or half-fitted backs, in fine Dublin Twist Coverts and swell mixtures perfect in fit and workmanship regular $15.00 values- Easter Sale. Ladies' Furnishings "P. Cenicmeri Cos Kid Gloves We have the exclusive sale of these celebrated gloves for Omaha. They are the hand somest and most satisfactory high grade Kid Gloves sold today. Come in long or short lengths black, white $t J. and colors.. .'Kayser's" double finger tipped silk gloves, very pretty shades, also black and white, perfect fitting and very good taste for early spring wear, 50c 75c Ladies' Belts The latest gold and silver tinsel braid Belts, all widths, also silk and Suedes in black, white and all fancy colors. Beautiful styles, C vf O (1 at Zjc-'toe-q! OFFICIAL VOTE ON TUESDAY Count by Canvass Board Makes No Material v Change in Primary Eeenlts. BR0ATCH QUITS IN THIRD. PLACE Tw Socialist Coancllmaalo Candi dates Tied with EiormoH Bin tu ber of Forty-Sis Votes to Their Credit. While tha official canvass of the primary votea has been made and tha totals ex tended, sufficient clerical work remains to last over until Monday. City Clerk El bourn expects to have the canvassing board formally approve the reports Mon day afternoon. No results are changed by the canvass, but a predicament la forced In socialist circles. Junge and Vail, councllmanlc caadldatea, are tied with 46 votes each. Either may demand a count of the ballots If he chooses and the canvassing board will have to open the boxes and handle every vote caet. It Is possible that the affair may be settled In some simpler way, however. No application for a count has been made. The official count leaves Broatch In third place, where the original returns of The Hee placed him, so that barrel can now ho rolled out. The entire vote stands: I'or Mayor. Benson, R 1596 Hennings, R Hroatoh. R 2.21 Dahlman. T. t'ooley, R tlMlchelsen. 8. For City Clerk. Kibourn. It 3,230 Patten, P... Oreenleaf R I, S-7 Moraine, 8... Ktockham. R 1,270 Silver, 8 Butler. D 1,290 For Comptroller. 2.271 1,7a Fead. R Johnson, R. ... Westtierg, R.. Holmes, I.... .1.33 Lobeek. D 1.949 ..& Mehrens, 8 M .-..'.M Wretman, 8 It . 6W For City Attorney. Hten. R J. Rurnam. D LI01 Kawcett, R S.ivj Uiiler. 8 U Macfarland, R... 1,1.9 Randolph, 8 4 Far Balldlns Inspector. Hutler. R J.3 Tubbs. R Ol Isrter. R l.'3 Turner, R fcn) Mac.leod. R fc7 WlthnelL D Ltoo Murphy. R IM Bauer. 0 U For Conncllasen. FIRST WARD. HkCk, R X.&3J Hansen. D 1.(44 limn. R 7v Ljents, 8 it Willi. K Uinadahl, 8 i W'olmhiiitUy, R. iski 8ECUNU WARD. lilnghsm. R 1,117 Bridges, D MM Irf-e. R l,io Ron, D 45 Ntrklas, R tl brubaker, 8 71 Rithv. R T70 THIRD WARD. liurnirstrr, R ti6S Norton, R.... tley, K ollon. It Cummlrs, H.. Ford. R Hoffman. R... Mi-Mahon, R. Mois. it. Edghlll R m Hatcher, D... Uicaa, R 1,777 Bo wen. S SIXTH WARD. Bush, R 1.0U6 Martin, R... Evans, R 1,433 Muxen, R Hurst. R ,4,7 Sheldon. D... Loch. R 1.2S4 Qiilan, 8 , SEVENTH W ARD. Baler, R 6H7 Thomas. R... Dyball, R .VA Canan, D Oonden, R iH Jackson, D... Uriffen, R lN Harms, 8 Hayward. R 3,014 Wells, S Mulhall, R 1U EIGHTH WARD. Anderson R 3.863 Holmes, R... Barker, R T5 O'Hern. R.... Bruner. R. ........ 7.1) Quick. R t'owger, R i Hchroeder, R. Davis, R Sf7 Iavls. V Darrow, R 88 Whalen 8.... Emory, K 15 NINTH WARD. Crocker R H Fayne, R. Duncan, R 86 Pedersen, Eckerman. R.... lt Rice, R... FlBcher, R 63 Mctk)vern, Foster. R.. 781 Robertson, Huntington, R...1.1H1 Condlt, 8., Malm, R 3SX TENTH WARD Bhm, R " Roott, R... Hnrnell. R & Btuht. . .. Cott. R l V'an Neea, Farmer, R V8 Irak. It Hallett, R 71 Cermak, D Karbach, R 967 Elsaeser, D Kaspar. R 270 Sorensen, 8 Lng, R 23 Waskee. 8 ELEVENTH WARD. Beverly. R -l Oerke. R Bllfkensderfer, R 2i llatteroth, R.... Coburn, K l.D'.i Trosiler. R Crawford. R 3.9M Funkhouser, D. Donnelley, R 2A Morrow, B. TWELFTH WARD. Barlght. R 1,20 8mlth. R Chaae, R 2.449 Thompson, R.... Pone. II 45 Wilson. R Hlnlop. R 45 Bedford. D Houghton, R 6f7 llutia, 8 . 1 , 82 ,. V . &a .1,513 . 69 .. 9 50 .. 770 .. K68 .. 49 .. 40 to Plumb. R. . Ids Taj lor. R llu Williams. R. 16 Zlmnuui, R I 43 .2.1' 6-i 143 Norrls. D 73 Castlemaii. 8 .. , WChureh. 8 FOURTH WARD. lUfliniann, R ... tel Bvott. J. A . R liainlwra, R .4Jobuon, I).... ( unitrk. K l.uujunge. o ... K iiuar.i. R l.7ol Vail. 8 Miller. R WTlot, R FIFTH WARD. Abrahams, R.... 4 Redman. R Harnett. R 5 Suge, R 7'9 liodeman. R. lw fci uufcer. D M7 wwunmiuin, R.... " Duiley. V UT I.&71 . 11 .1 44 46 R... D.. D.. R. . 30 . 141 . 110 .1. .1,6)5 . 00 . 2a .3,420 .1,122 . 8X6 . 790 . 79 964 , 72 , 173 , 160 &53 1,133 , 67 , 27 .1.180 . 414 , 408 , 2 .1.4J7 , 419 , 437 .1,52 . 87 HOME TO WOMAN, CASH TO MAN Settlenteat of Omo of Koaseroos Divorce Cases Before the District Coort. A stipulation was filed Saturday in tli 8uadduck divorce case as the result cf an agreement between the part.es over the division of the property which In in con troversy. By the tlpulallon Mrs. Alice Bhadduck to pay her husband $1,7) and Is to receive a deed to the home property and all of the personal properly with the exception of his wearing apparel and eight violins. Judge Kennedy has issued an order allow ing her I'M atturuc.v fees and Jl'O flJit money and $10 a week temporary alimony, but It Is agreed In rase the stipulation is not carried out the order may be vacated and set aside. Minnie Yeager wants a divorce from Charles B. and urges In support of her re quest a number of allegation regarding his general conduct. Hlic xuys he Is an habitual uver of lltuor to excess and in other ways has acted Improperly. They were married at Oakland. Ia., November K, 1S9S. and have one child of which she wants the custody. Mary K. M' Mlllan li.ia filed a suprle Inentnl petition for divorce from John. After she filed her original suit they made up on his promise to reform. They lived together until February 11. when she siys he broke down the door of the room In which she had taken refuge. Then she se aured veriniHlon to renew her pull. 4 llalruiie. It's an outrage to let your skin suffer without help, when burned or wounded. I'se liuckleiw Arnica Salve. 26 cents. For ale by Sherman & McC'onnell Drug Co. ECHOES OF TllE PRIMARIES Dablman Headquarters Same as Benson anP Moores Once Occupied.. TOM LEE A DEAD ONE IN POLITICS City Prosecutor Shorm of Ills Boss Beard by Defeat of Broatch Jerry HeMshos Sees It AIL Now. Democratic campaign headquarters have been rented on the second floor of the Mer chants hotel In suite 2, the rooms oc cupied by the Benson managers three years ago land by the organisation in the Frank K. Moores campaign six years ago. The headquarters will be opened Monday with Chairman W. C. Billiard and Bccretary W. W. McCombs In charge. The democrats will open the campaign Monday night with meetings In the First and Eight wards. The former will be held at Tenth and Hickory streets and the latter In O'Nell'a hall at Sixteenth and Cuming streets. Dahlman and others will speak. The defeat of Broatch made a cipher out of the power In the Third ward, formerly held by City Prosecutor Tom Lee. Lee was a Broatch man out and out As soon as his mayoralty condidate was defeated. It was as plain as daylight to everybody In the city that by June 1, Tom Lee would step down and out and a new city prosecutor would be installed. Lee, bow ever, appeared In the police court Wednes day morning, fautlessly dressed as usual and with his ever debonair air and smiling face. "I'm a good loser," he told the reporters. "We're licked and I'm worth about 29 cents down here today. But I can take cure of myself pretty well and am not worrying. It reminds ine that this is the anniversary of the day when I lost about I7.50C on a sugar deal. It was the time when Jim Hill and Harriman were having their big lailway war. I had a fight on, loo. I was trying to smash Havemeyer, the sugar king Well, when my broker suc ceeded in getting the news to me I was 17. Co behind the game. It might have been more If ho hadn't found ine.' It took ine some time to pay out of that deal, but I'm here now and sugar Is Just as sweet to me as ever." It took Jerry McMahon, late councllmanlc candidate In the Third ward, severul days to ilguie out w hy he didn't get .more than 73 votes. "I thought I ought to get several hun dred at least, even though I used to be a democrat and brokd loose from the old that Foxy Tom L unison that did it. The Third a aiders had lined up were with me because I had parted polllk-al company with Tom. Well, primary morn liijt. I had a lot of them lined up to vote at o'clock. Thev judges were late and :lie crowd grow in size. I didn't know whether Tom had it fixed or not, but the election board was slow In getting off end In the meantime he drives up and says to me: " "(Jot everything you want, Jerry 7 "I acted like a in ut and mumbled some thing and then he asked me if I didn't want to get In aud ride around with him to another precinct Like a yap I did. My bunch saw It and concluded I had double-crossed them and made it up with Denrilson. Then they took their ham mers and rapped me. That's how It was. Oh that fox, Tom Dennlson." PAINTERS GO OUT ON STRIKE Forty-Five Men m.y They Mar Be Followed by Tbreo Hawdred. Forty-five painters and paper hangers employed by Rutherford & Jensen walked out on a strike Saturday morning, frte chief point In controversy being a demand for an Increase In wages from a minimum of 40 cents an hour to 421! cents an hour. No negotiations are on between the union and the firm and members of the latter say they propose to fight affairs to the finish. Besides the advance In wages questions In volving Saturday afternoons off and the closed shops are concerned in the scale the Union desires signed. The men who went out say the ttrlke Is but the pre cursor of a larger one that will Involve the 800 men of the trade in the city and the employers Intimate something of the kind. This Is the busiest season pf the year for the house papering and Interior decora tion firms and the strikers say they are confident concessions will be granted within two weeks. They assert also they worked this week with the understanding that Rutherford c Jensen would sign the new scale. "There Is a good deal to the trouble," aid a member of Rutherford Sc Jensen. "From our standpoint the meat of It Is that we have decided not to stand for the dictation of the unions any longer. We are now paying as high as 60 cents an hour to some men, although the minimum Is 40 cents. The increased demand Is hardly the real Issue. Other things In which we believe the union is asking more than It is entitled to are the real points in controversy." The employers association will have a meeting Monday night to take up the situation. LADIES' CONCERNS UNITED Old Millinery Firm nud l-adles' Forolshlaar Firm Toko Mlsteeolb street Store. It was announced Saturday lull Miss Riley, the milliner, and Wcinlander & Smith, the well known ladies' furnishings merchants, would each remove to 319 South Sixteenth street In J'he of the convenient stores In the Neville block. The store is to be remodeled and arranged In the jjiost cniA'enient manner for Hip fair sex to ex amine the beautiful array of feminine wear to lie offered in this new store. Miss Riley will attend lo the millinery end of the business and will carry a most up-to-date line of ladles' fine millinery, while Welnlander & Sirlth will put In a new stock of fancy goials and ladles' furnishings. MAY TERM IMPORTANT ONE Neit Session of Federal Court Will Try Some Biz Land Fencing Oases. GRAND JURY LIKELY TO BE KEPT BUSY Vast Amount of Evidence Is Collected by Secret Service and Some Remarkable Developments Are Promised. The May terra of the United States courts for the district of Nebraska will convene In Omaha May 7. The term gives every In dication of being one of the most Important held here for some years. In view of the significance attached to the land fencing and Illegal land entry cases the utmost care Is being taken in securing both the grand and petit Jury panels for the term. The grand jury particularly has much work laid out for It and with the mass of evidence collected by the secret service agents of the land department relative to the land filings there Is a prospect of several re markable Indictments being returned against prominent cattlemen for participa tion In procuring the alleged fraudulent en tries of lands In Sheridan, Cherry and Box Butte counties. The method for securing the names of parties suitable for Jurors is materially dif ferent from the plans adopted In the elate courts. Inquiry Is made from the office of the United States district clerk for the names of the best citizens in the different localities. These inquiries are generally made of the leading bankers, business men and postmasters of the localities, and these lists are sent in, several hundred In number, are placed in the Jury cylinder and after the cylinder la rspidly revolved to thor oughly mix the nnmes the list of Jurors Is withdrawn at random. The first twenty, four names taken from the cylinder consti tute the grand Jury, and then a requisite number of names Is taken from the cylin der to make up the petit Jury panel. The names are drawn from the cylinder by Dis trict Clerk Hoyt and Jury Commissioner Tilden. The drawing of Jurors for the May term will . take place about a week hence, or twenty days before the assembling of the May term of the federal courts. added to the Information by the county torney. CLARK GOES ON TRIAL MONDAY Ulaseuitus. A tenant whicn is quickly dlspossesed by Dr. King's Discovery, Is a Cough or Cold. W cents and SI .00. Fur aula by Sherman & McCor.nell Duig Co. Alleged Flory Morderrr Valaly Offers to Confess If ot Cilven Death Penally. County Attorney Slabaugh has made all the preparations for the trial of Harrison Clark, one of the negroes charged with the murder of Edward Flury. the street car conductor, who wis shot during an at tempted holdup. The trial will begin Mon day morning be for Judge Sutton. , Clark and Wain, one of his confederates, are now In the county Jail, though it has been supposed they' were both In LiucolA. The were brought back to Omaha quietly several days ago. Clark Is understood to have made a pioput-ition to tell the whole story if aured the penalty would nut be deaih, hut County Attorney Ulabuugli has refused to make any promises. The names of a dozen or mors witnesses have been CHARGES 0FJURY FIXING Matters Will Be Investigated by the Connty Grand Jury In Mny. The county grand Jury which will meet early In May will Investigate charges of Jury tampering, which have been made during the last year or two In different cases. County Attorney Slabaugh said Saturday the matter 'would be taken up by the grand Jury, but he declined to state Just what specific cases would be Investi gated. "The matter will be presented to tho grand Jury In a general way," he said. "I am unable to tell whether it will lead up to anything speclfl or not, but whatever' evidence we can find will be placed before the Jury and If It points to criminal actions on the part of anyone it will be followed up." After the trial of Pat Crowa on the charge of shooting Officer Jackson It was alleged one of the Jurors had been ap proached by a friend of the defendant. Certain other allegations were made after the second Crowe trial and the county at. torney haa Investigated both Instances. While he would not say so, It Is under. stood the results of the Investigation go before the grand Jury. will Holldln Penults. The city has issued permits to Warren Pwilxler for a tti.(ni frame dwelling at Twenty-sixth and St. Mary's avenue. Ii. R. Koylea, three S2,oiO frame dwellings at Twenty-fourth and Burt streets; C. A Wlnslow, $2,500 frame dwelling at 24J1 Manderson street, and a similar Btructurt at 2433 Manderson street. Your Thirty Feet of Bowels Is simply Weakness, or Laziness of the. Want of Exercise, Indoor Employment, weakens these Bowel-Muscles, Just as it weakens Arm and Leg Muscles. Castor Oil, or Glycerine, ill grease. tha passages for one load of Food at a time, " but these lubricants can't help the Cause of Delay. Physic" like Salts, Calomel, Jala Phosphate of Soda, Mineral Waters, sim ply flush-out the Bowels for the one occa sion only. They do not remove the Cause of Cos stlpatlon. 0 Moreover, they waste so much of tha precious Digestive fluids, In the flushing process, that It takes a big ger dosa every succeeding time to move the Bowel load. But It Is different with Cascarets. Cascarets act on the Muscles of tha Bowels and Intestines. They act Just as Cold Water, or Exercise act on a Lazy man. They act like exercise. A Cascaret produces the same sort of Natural result that a Six Mile walk In the country would produce. The Vest Pocket Box Is sold by all Druggists, at Ten Cents, Be very careful to get the genuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Co.. and never sold in bulk. Every tablet stamped "CCC tr TRCC TO OUR FRIENDS! W wint ta smS to ear friend s beio'lfal Frtnch-otiirncd, GOLD PLATED BUNB0N boX. hard-enasKicd in ceiurt. It is s btauly for ths dretunt Utile. Tes cent in tump is sk4 as a Mikur of food faiih aud Is cover tost ot Cttcait tt, with which tWilZiity trtaxt 1 loaded. T4 Send to-dsy, artnUcnicc this soyer. Address Stciuai AtiBedjr beusauy. CbihSg N Hug TBT. stlVrVTABT CAK4I.. i t 4 f jciuphaifua mV-pptt wMih .on) tl, fvod Irun lla UiroM lo ilt Mout.i.h; a. C4Mt 4 f ttumarlii J. Fylork nd of Mumacli; 4. Du.lM; i. fell bl4 Mi . 4.4. Small intestine; J. Cmmmi . Vara,, Iota tllail!- o. Aacandlng col"H: 10. 1 raiiavai, iloni ll; Liwa.liHg tola; la. Sigmoid JUaurai iv kec turn: 14. Anua. The duodenum la cuoUououa wits tho auiall Inw.ttaot. Tl.e amull tmcatloo emutiea latlo tiul Utg a liiifatitta off colt al tla (acuta. 1 ho axrova la duuta tM diroctioo) .hKK tti ooliati ol tha boetaal ittal t4ta Is po.aiftf turouf Ii bb anaaatary cam1, YOU have thirty feet e! Intestines! What makes food travel through them? A set of Muscles that line the walls of these Intestines or Bowels. When a piece of Food tubs the walls of the Intestines these Muscles tighten behind It, and thus It starts a Muscle-wave which drives It through the whole length of the Bowels. It should take about 12 hours to do this properly, so that nutritious parts of the food may have time to be digested and absorbed. But, if It takes twice or three times that period the food spoils In passing, and becomes as poisonous as if it had decayed before being eaten. Now, the cause of delay (Constipation)