TTTR (WATT A DAILY BEE: SUNDAY. APRIL 8, 1906. Hastings . Meyden Use Bee Wut Ads Contiguously. WHY? FOR SALE REAL ESTATE GEORGE & COMPANY WUl FARNAM BT. , . Thona Douglas ); , HOUSES FOR SALE. 17.500 for 1520 and N. lth St., I Urge hiii of 11 and 17 roomi renpectlvely. Lot 'X140 ft. Will sell separately If desired. W.Ouft tor l-room modern house, hot water hr-at, on R 26th Ave., near Dewey Ave. Lot has double frontage with room to build another house facing 27th St. 13.500 for well built 7-roum house, all modern except furnare, oak finish, sliding doors, oak mantel and grate, very attrac. Uve Inside. On Spalding St., near 24th St. $3,100 for 9-room 2-story modern house, nearly new, with full cemented basement, on 8. 2Hh St., rear Poppleton Ave. Lot 4O10 ft., paving paid In full. 12,700 for nice 7-room cottage, modern except beat, barn, beautiful shade trees, lot b0xl28 ft., corner 25th and Spalding. Very desirable. 11.650 for 8-room house, modern except heat. In (nod condition, on 25th near Chi cago St. Would rent (or 3u per month. Close In. $2,100 for 7-room house and barn, on Bristol St. near 27th St., lot 66x132 ft. Room to build another house on lot. $1,(00 for 422 Burdette St.. 7-room house, In good condition, city , water, sewer and gas. large cistern, well located, lot &oxl20 't. -$1,800 for good S-room house having city water, sewer and gas. In first class condi tion. Newly painted and shingled. On Corby St. near Hlh St. ll.ToO for 6-room cottage with city water, ewer and giis, cistern water In kitchen, In good condition, on 19th St. boulevard near Lake school. VACANT. $1,500 for 99-ft. double frontage on Park Ave. and SOth St., with well built 8-ronm modern house, which would rent for tin per month. Room for 5 more houses, be tween Jackson and Leavenworth gts. $8,000 for S. E. corner Dodge and 3Mh St.. 140x143 65 ft. Room to- build 4 houses, will divide and sell i lota separately fronting on paved street. Choice location. $1,000 for 22xU2 ft., south front on Howard St. nar 13th Bt. (wholesale district. $4,000 for N. E. corner 23d and Nicholas St.. 170x132 ft. $1,100 for 64 x64 ft., west front on 27th St., 1 block south of Dewey Ave. Klne loca tion for a double brick flat. All specials paid In full. $1,800 for 50x140 ft., west front on 32d St.. 15" ft. north nf Woolworth Ave. $1,000 each for 4 choice lots facing Central Boulevard, 48x136 ft. each., having double frontage, I blocjr north of Farnam car line. $1,850 for 60 x about 160 ft., south front on Lincoln Roulevard (Remls ParkV be tween J4th and 3th St. Have 243 feet front age to sell In this location. $1,000 for 50x150 ft.. est front on Georgia Ave.. 100 ft. north of flhlrrfv. VX for 45x127 ft., south front on Madison Ave.. 210 ft. east of 16th St., on paved street. $850 for xlS2 ft, south front on Bristol St.. 128 ft. west nf 24th St. Specials paid. $650 fnr 50x116 ft.', south front on Marcy St.. 0 ft. wet of S1st St., on grade. 600 for fin l Ml ft . north front on Burt St., 1R0 ft. west of JOth 8t. $300 for 50x130 ft., north front on Decatur St., 360 ft. east of 40th St. ACRES. $2,600 for t acres, highly Improved, near South Omaha, only t blocks east of Al bright car line, on Polk St.; large 7-room house, new barn, chicken houses, hog pen. fruit trees of all kinds, and high board fence all around premises. Oood place to raise chickens and feed hogs. One acre alfalfa, invest:.-.. ts. $20,000 for brick flats, within 6 blocks of business center, which pays 10 per cent net on Investment. $12,000 for 4 naw 0-room. detached, modern houses renting for $1,440 per year. Near 24th and Harney Sts. $10,000 for 514-16-18 S. 22d St., 3-story build ing having abnut 34 rooms, all modern, renting for $1,320 per year. $8,500 for S-story and basement brick tore building, 33x120 ft., on Harney neai 13th St. Subject to 90-year lease hold with no re-valuation. $4,260 for brick store building, 27x90 ft. In lie, with full basement. Used as bakery, grocery and meat mearket. Also new barn In rear. Lot 80x140 ft. Occupied by tenant with an old established business. On N. 19th St. $3.6o0 for 117-19 Osrk St., !-story frame building renting for $50 per month. April 8. 1000. RE C M. BACHMANN, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE 436 Paxton Block. 1 11 -room house, all modern; lot 65x128; east front; 22d and Poppleton Ave. Price $2,640. 4-room house; lot 60x150; barn, chicken coop; a fine place for some one wanting a home and to raise chick, ens; can use Ave acres more of ground. Price $ti00. C. M. BACHMANN, 436 Paxton Block. RE "Rastus" Benson or Jim Dahlmari For Mayor 1 that's the burning question. But Omaha will still be Omaha after it's ail over, and Real Estate will be Real Estate. A. P. Tukey & Son, MODERN HOUSES In Remls Park, just north of Lafayette Ave., on SSth St., we have three of the best S-ruoni, aiodern bouses thai we have offered for sale. These houses are fin ished In the best of shape; electrlo light fixtures all In; fine cellars and guod fur naces. These houses front west on the new boulevard and have never been oc cupied. Be them at once. A. P. TUKEY SON, 4V44-446 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone Douglas-2181. RE The question of "TO BE OR NOT TO BE" A PROPERTY OWNER Should interest all. OMAHA DIRT WILL NEVER BE CHEAPER. FOR SALE. $-story brick building, cor ner lot, on South 16th St.; lot 60x187; room to build 187 ft. fronting on 16th St. Price $10,000. -story S-apartment flat; lot 60x140 ft; North 18th St.; yearly rental $1,080. Price 7.0O0. l-story, double, 7 rooms With alcove; all modern; fur naoe: 46x140 ft., on Park Ave. Yearly rental $780. Price $7,000. t-story 8-apartment flats; 6-room cottage In rear; lot fAUeO; North 17th St.; good tenant; rental $984 a year; $7,008, S-room house, city water, bath, barn; south front; lot 60x150; close to Hanscom Park. Price $2,250. BUY NOW! A Cemetery Lot Won't Sup ' port the Family. ACREAGE WILL. Specialist in this line and getting honest industrious citizens homes on easy payments. Call and see my Big List of Acreages, Houses, Lots, Farms and Ranches.( FREE CARRIAGE SERVICE. S. ARION LEWIS, 90 NEW ' YORK LIFE. RE KOUNTZE PLACE BARGAIN! 1614 Locust Street Full two-story square front effect, south front, full JO-foot lot. Fine electric lights, also gas first-class furnace. Porcelain bath. Price $3,900 If Taken at Once. J. H. SHERWOOD, PHP SLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE x Fred kerr WILLIAM J. SHALLCROSS If you have a "Kerr" abstract, a $10,000.00 bond with the American Surety Co., of New .York, as surety, absolutely protects your interests. If you are looking for a home in the City or. Country, we can best serve you. Agents for South Dakota lands, especially The Rosebud country, with prices that are convincing. - THE " ess I 11 1 J see KERR-SHALLCROSS CO Successors to THE J. FRED KERR CO. 1008 N. Y. Life Bldg. Thone Douglas 2244 RE HANGING ' IS MY BUSINESS Painting and Papering. WALL PAPER MOULDINGS . WINDOW SHADES. Carl J. Bergquist 4M4 North 24th St. Tel. Doug. J832. SILAS ROBBINS, Fremer Block. All Offers Considered. 4-room cottuicc. In good repair, full lot, 2Ctli street, south of Ames (avenue, $sj0; easy payments. R-room cottage, SSth avenue and Pode, walking distance, city water, sag, cellar, new pavement, east front, $1,100, easy payments. 5-ronm cnttnge. 3Id and I.alk, paving paid for. good well, $.50; easy terms. "i-room new cottage, 40th and Decatur, $1,2i0, easy payinrnts. 6-room cottage, city water, gas, SSth and Tutes, tl.'iuQ; $4J cash, balance monthly. 6- room new house, modern except fur nace, 2;th street, near Cuming, $2,000, easjr payments. 7- room house, full lot, 29th and Ruggles, UCK. 7-room house, full lot, 46th and Decatur, $1,600; $-00 cash, balance monthly. 8-room house, modern except furnace, 22d and Clark, easy payments, $2,000. 8-room house, nearly modern, full lot, ce mented ceUnr and walks, nice place, 23d and Manderson, $2,500. . , Nice lots, 27th and Ruggles, $300 each. Two of the finest lots In Dundee, both for $1,800. 5 acres, near fort Omaha, high and sightly, $1,500. 30 acres, on paved street, 1H miles west of city, $110 per acre. SILAS ROBBINS, FRENZER BLOCK. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE In buying a home or property for inrestmnt the most Important thins to be considered Is a title. " We furnish the required 110,000 bond, with the American Surety Company of New York as aa surety. A bond, however, does not protect you agalnat loss. An abstract of title Is worthless unless made by experienced and reliable abstractors. ' Demand an abstract made and certified to by NEALE & NORTON Twenty years experience in compiling abstracts of title to real estate In Omaha. Ve have moved to 216 South Seventeenth street, ground floor, Iieo Building. RE MONEY TO LOAN On Improved City Property in Omaha and South Omaha. .. LOANS FOR BUILDING PURPOSES For Sale New Modern Eight room Cottage. ' First floor Oak finish. Desirable location . . $4,500 Also vacant lot on Farnam between 41st and v 42nd., Paved Street All special taxes paid, $1,050. ' W. H. THOMAS, FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING SUBURBAN. That beautiful 10 acres on west side of 30th Bt.. 600 ft. north of Fort Omaha; nothing finer about Omaha; on boulevard, with 5c fare to your door 41,200 per acre. 8. a. Curtis. 1808 Harney. HE-M872 Thone Doug. 388. 937 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE- BIG BARGAIN TWO 1-story store building and brick house, all on two lots; beat location on south side; will sell at a bargain, If laaeo at one. Address B. 17, bee. RE-7M Sx JTOK BALX A home wortn ),0" tor 11V fcJUi was aids. AAdrsaa U 11, . m mi Modern 10-Room Residence This fine home, with large lot and big shade trees, Is located at 504 S. 2&th St. This street is parked and gets the travel from Farnam to the Hanscom park district. The lot, 75 feet east front, will soon be worth all we ask for the property, and the house alone would coat 17,000 ' to build today. 17,500 buys the whole. ACREAGE 4 acres northwest Fort Omaha, f800. 3 acres southwest Hanscom park, 1500. 1 acre near Leavenworth street. ; 500. VACANT LOTS A big double corner at Franklin and Military Ave., 82,000. Choice big lot at about 3010 Web , ster St.. $800. Vacant lots from 4 to 6 blocks to : car at from tlOO to $150. Parties having bargains only are re quested to list them with roe. I will advertise them at my expense If the price Is right. David C. Patterson, S.M.SADLER & SON Abstracts of Title 1623 FARNAM ST., OMAHA Twenty Years in Omaha. Notary Public ROOM 7 PATTERSON BLK BARGAINS 800 6-room cottage, good condition 2520 Ohio St.: nenrly new. 1,750 8-room modern house, near 31 si Ohio St., rents for $20 per month. 2,250 11-room house and full lot, rented for $28 per month. 25tli and Pierce St. INVESTMENTS 18,000 A row of 5 modern frame flats, close in, rented for $2,100 per year. 7,250 Double brick, new flnt, four blocks from posooftlce, rents for $840 per year. 5,100 Large frame flat on S. 10th St, rents for $800 per year, good condition. 5.000 Large frame flat on Lake St., near the Boulevard, rents for $8U0 per year. VACANT 2.50041 feet on 22d St.. near Leaven worth. Small cottage ou now. Rents for 510 Per Month. 2,000 For 33 feet of ground near 18th and Clilongo. This Is a snap. 450 Full corner lot, near 31st and Miami Sts. Robinson & Wolf, 423 Paxton BlDtk. ' RE W. R. HOMAN 20 per cent income on $10,500 investment on down town busi ness building. See me about this. It is the best investment in the city. 154 feet on Dodge street at 25th Ave., with 4 houses renting or $1,680 a year. Eight lots in Brigg's Place, worth $500 each goes with this. To close an estate will sell all for $15,500. There is no better bargain in residence property in the city. Nine room modern house and 50 ft. lot at 25th and Douglas streets for $7,000. This is within walking distance, fine location and very cheap. 5 6-room cottages at 26th and Hamilton streets, renting for $94 a month, for $7,500. Where will you get a better little bar gain than this! ... 1015 So. 31st St., 7-room house and lot 50x160 ft., for $1,500. 1207 Cass St., 33x132 ft., and 8-room house, $2,500. . 11th and Harney Sts., 22x132 foot lot and two story brick warehouse building for $6,000. This is a good bargain in the best jobbing district. 1203 Douglas St., two story brick building renting for $1,080 a year. Price $8,500. W. R. HOMAN. 1517 Farnam Street. RE SACRIFICE SALE OF RESIDENCE PROPERTY Leaving tha city en account of change of business, I will sell a fine residence property for nearly half of lta actual value; la nicely located, Just eaat of Hanscom Park, terraced, back from paved street, with stone wall partition, length ot lot, concrete walks, ateps and floor; good modern 2 tory house, 8 rooms, t closets, t halls, bath, city water, gas, brick foundation, 2 basement rooms, hot water heating plant, all mod ern and complete; nice 2-story barn on stone basement. Price, I4.OU0; terms easy. Inquire of Owner at J 8 2Mb St., Omaha. 797 S 1623 Farnam. RE l WM. J. WEL8HAN8--07 Bryson Elk , 1 A' Angeles. Cat., sells and exchanges leal estate In any part of the country, liargains In orange, walnut and alfalfa ranches. If Interested to California, write i - - m iii him ia "Phone 1326, RE s-ROOM, well built house; bard pine flt Uh; furnace; sewer; gas; strictly modern; line lawn: shade and fruit lrees;l blocks Farnam; Dundee car: 6o-fout lot; souta tiwtit- CUitago at Bale or rent. . feJB-Wi la (Are You Looking for a Home! If so send for the Jouiral; It has nearly .M) farms, slocks of goods and city prop erty advertised In It. so that anyune look ing for a home or a location can find what he wants; It reaches over 16.0V) readers each issue; advertising rates 2c per word; send luc In sliver and we will send the Journal for two months on trial and will stop it at the end of two tuontha unless you renew; no tree copies. Farm and Real tsiaie Journal. Traer, la. BS-Itf la Four stories and trackage We have for rent, a four-story brick building, with cement basement 22 feet frontage on Farnam St., between 9th and 10th Sta. Trackage in the rear. Elevator and large burglar proof vault rOR TERMS APPLY TO a C. ROSEWATKR. SECRETARY, TELEPHONE US. ROOM 100. BEB BUILD1NO. Bunch of Bargains 4323 Seward St, a fine 6-room cottage, all modern except furnace, mantel, grate, cistern, barn, convenleat to car, acbool and church, and It won't lust long. Price, 11,800. , . .. ' ; i. Near 86th and Seward; 6-room resi dence, shade, fruit, cistern. Price, $1,500. Near 84th and Cass, 6-room houae, In fine condition, ground 75x136, fine well, harn, cistern, chicken bouse, convenient to car. The beet place In the city to raise chickens, everything; all ready and no expense for fences, etc Price), $1,000. On 27tli St., near Poppleton Aye, 5-room cottage and basement, sewer and gar full lot. Trice. $1,000. On Locust, near Sherman Are., 6. room cottage, In splendid condition, all modern except furnace, plumbing new. fine shade, close to car. Price, $1,800. 4235 Ilarney, 9-room residence, all modern, hot water beat. Good condition, lot 60x150. Price. $2,500. 17th and Hickory, 20-rootn flat and 6 room cottage. $7,000. 2R20 and 2028 'Burdette St.. a S-roori and a 4-rooru cottage, the two on on large lot. Only $1,100 for both. They'll rent for $14. A good Investment. FRANK & EFNER, Tel. Douglas 3i00. 321-322 Neville Blk. FOR SALE Lot 8. block S. Hanscom Paf3 add.; corner, south and east front; bar. rain. C. A. Whitmarsh, 607 Virginia St., Biouz City, Ia. RE 844 Sx PAINTERS! Contractors I The market price of Llnieod Oil Lead aad colors la our price. You can buy your material of us. conven ient to your work and save money. White Lead, all brands, $7.25 Cwt Linseed Oil, 42c. Gal. By the Barrel Standard Varnish, . Complete Line. Glass and Glazing Saratoga Drug Co. 24th and Ames Ave. TeL Doug. 116.