Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1906, Page 12, Image 48

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    April a
A Magnificent
of Furnishings
Never before has Easter
week found us so fully pre
pared to meet your every wish. The
immense variety makes selection easy
the high quality makes satisfaction
certain, and the low, prices are pleas
ing to all.
Mn'i Necktie la every con
ceivable style and color, an
unrivalled assortment of the
most popular shapes for
spring from 60c yft
down to iDC
Men's Shirts, in the best known
and most reliable brands,
pongees, mohairs, fine ma
V drasses, Oxfords, etc.; any
thing and everything desir
able in the new spring styles,
ranging in price from Cfl
$3 down to 03
Men's Underwear, in fine silk
. lisles, white and fancy colors,
splendid values at 7 C
91.50, fl and JC
Men's Vnlon Salts, In fine lisle,
in white, flesh or blues, best
assortment in Omaha, at
v!f .1.00
I-wis Knit Underwear We
carry a complete line of these
garments prices CA
from $5 down to L JU
Fabric Gloves, in all lengths
'.. and all the new spring shades.
' ranging in price from
' $1.50 to ,
Ladles' Gloves A visit to this
department will convince you
of the superiority of our
stock in variety and quality,
Mousquetaires, Suedes and
Glace Gloves, in 12, 16 and'
18-button lengths. Just the
shade to match your Easter
gown, at 13. 6Q Cfl
down to Jf
A splendid assortment of Street
and Dress Gloves, in newest
colors and stltchlngs, Q
up from 0C
Dainty Under Muslins
The most complete stock ever
shown in Omaha. Your selec
tion is only limited by your
idea of beauty and the price
you wish to pay.
Handsomely Designed Skirts
Generously proportioned,
splendidly made, at $10
down to $1.98, $1.50 CIQ-.
and JOC
Ladies' Gowns In great assort
ment, made extra long and
full, worth up to $2.50, di
vided Into two lots for Mon
day great bargains Cft
at 98c, 76c and JUC
Superb Shovnng of Spring Garment Styles
rvi . ,i
C 'v 3pwhich to 8elect that now
gown ior easier, uur im
mense stock offers you unequaled op
portunity for selection and our prices
mean a cash saving that will be
greatly appreciated by you. This is
by all odds the grandest collection of
splendid values we have ever shown.
Hundreds of new suits, skirts and
waists for Easter will be shown for
the first time Monday. Don't fail to
see them before you buy.
New Tailor Snlta Elegant design and of the finest ma
terials a collection that will undoubtedly please the
-lover of style beauty these garments were made spe
cially for Hayden Bros., and are splendid
values at $75, $65, $50, $40. $35 and
$30 Tailor Suits at $24.00 As an Easter week special we
will offer a line of beautiful Tailor Suits, in plain voile,
Panamas and handsome fancy mixed fabrics, fine shadow
plaids and checks regular $30 values
d:d $30
New Spring Wraps In fine silks,
coverts, etc., In and lengths,
special values this week at $30,
$25. $20, $18.60, 9 rn
$15 and l.JU
$15 Covert Coats $8.95200 stylish
Covert Coats, in the nobbiest new
designs special 8 95
Exquisite Silk Suits A remarkably
handsome line Just received In
time for Monday's selling, all the
new shades, rose, Alice blues, re
sedas, etc.. In newest destgni
splendid values at $50,
$40, $30, $25, $20 and
. . . $13
special at, choice. .
New Skirts Perfect in hang and fin
ish, in' the very newest fabrics,
shadow plaids, checks and plain
colors, Including white prices,
$15 down to $12.60, $10, F C
$7.50 and pJ
Handsome New Waists In lingeries,
Japs, taffetas, messallnes, etc., at-
. .tractlvely priced at $20 down to
$7.60, $5, $3.98, $2.98
and 7...
From 8:30 till
Kimonos, special
values 24.90
Women's $5 Walking Skirts, special
for Monday 2 98
Women's $7.50 Silk Coats, Q(J
special for Monday at. . . . ntJj
$12.50 Cravenette Coat $7.05 As a
Monday special we will place on
sale 200 stylish Cravenette Coats,
in all colors and worth
$12.60, at, choice
From 8 till 0 a. m. Women's $1.50
Underskirts, choice
for t tVC
All our efforts for the
last three months
have, been directed to
ward the requirements of
this Grand Easter Display and
w.hat a ctlorious collection
we have assembled here. All the now
ideas from Paris find expression in
these charming creations. The high
est type of excellency has surely been
reached in millinery. Each and every
hat has its own exclusive $1 fV $
elegance and no two alike
prices range from
We invite you to come and inspect these
lovely pieces of arU Buy if you like,
but be sure and see th,n before you buy.
Trimmed Hats $4.98 They aro the smartest and most
becoming hats you will find anywhere; other stores
ask $7 for them. The rolling sailors and the turbans
in all their variations The caught-up
shapes Trimmings are new and natty, and
instead of $7 we sell them tomorrow for. . .
Less Expensive Hats The Palm Beach Sailors, trim
med with quills, rosettes, flowers, chiffon
and velvet, stunning shapes and hats to P
wear right, now for $3.50 down to
Misses and Children's Hats From the simple trim
med styles to the more elaborate, are shown fl 00
in a wide variety of shapes, from
$10.00 down to
White Goods j Dress Linen Dept. Easter Week iinens 5 White Goods Rug an( iace Curtain Sale Monday
In Main Wash Goods Dept.
The most complete department in the west.
Omaha like it.
No other in
India LinonB, 65c down to 19c,
16c, 12V4c, 10c, 7c and.'. . . .JC
Persian Lawns, 76c down lQc
French Lawns, $1.60 down
French Silk Moussellnes, $1
. down to 69c, 39c and
Banzai Wash Silk, 46 inches
English Ixjng Cloth, 25c, 18c,
15c, 12 He, 10c and
French Mercerized Mulls,
60c, 39o and
White Mercerized Fancies, $1 IC.
down to 39c, 26c and 1Jj
Embroidered White Fancies, $2.50
down to $1.60, $1, 75c Tft.
69c and JJ
White Silk Fancies
at ....
White Jacquards, 69c, 50c,
39c and
Scotch "Q" Shrunk
Shrunk Heavy
Auto Cloth
for ,
45-inch extra
Domestic Swisses
Domestic Swisses
for .,
12 c
Now is just the time her the place to buy your Easter
Linens. Every item a money saver.
72-inch Double Satin Bleached Table
Scotch Swisses, 50c, 39c, 26c
Genuine Hand Embroidered St. Oall
Swisses, yard, $2.50 down trt.
to JVC
Jaconets, Embroidered French Mulls,
Embroidered French Organdies and
Eyelethole Embroidered French Ba
tiste, at $2.50 down to $1, in.
76c, 69c, 60c and J JO
Printed Wash Chiffons. $2.50, QQ
$2.25 and V.JKJ
Plain WaBh Chiffons, $2.60,
$2.25, $1.98 and
Mon Reve, a French Silk
double fold, all evening
Dresden Silk Fancies, finest
in the world
Butcher's Linen, 69c. 49c.
39c and
Dress Linens, $1, 75c, 69c, Q
49c and
Walsting Linens, $1.25 down O?
to KOe. 39c and
Handkerchief Linens, $1.60, f
$1, 75c, 60c and
Embroidered Linens, $1.25, 7r
$1 and
Embroidered Anglalse Linen, f Aft
$2.50, $1.98, $1.60 and I.UU
Everything in Plain and Fancy Col
ored Dress Linens.
2-yard wide Linen, extra for street
suits, cuts to best advan- 1 ft ft
tage, at, yard, $ 1.2 5 and . . . . I.U U
Damask, extra heavy and
worth $1.75 yard, at, yard.
Napkins to match, 22x22,
at, dozen
72-Inch Scotch Table Damask, silver
bleached, extra heavy, sells regular
at $1.75 and $2 yard, at, J (J
10-4 Hemstitched Bleached Table
cloths, all pare linen and TO
worth $3.25, at Zt.J
A large assortment of Napkins, in
bleached and unbleached, all linen
and mercerized, 18x18 to 24x24, at,
dozen, $1.76, $1.49, $1.25
Unbleached Irish Loom Table Dam
ask, all pure linen, 60 Inches wide,
goods sell regular at, s TC
60c and 65c, at, yard JJC
62 and 64-Inch Bleached Irish Table
Linen, worth 79c, and 85c
at, yard
68-Inch Bleached Table Linen, all pure
linen and new designs,, worth $1
and $1.15 yard, at.
Napkins to match, 20x20 and 22x22
size, at, dozen, $2.25
Dotted White Dress Swiss, extra fine
thread, worth 12 Vic and 71rt
15c yard, at, yard ff 2C
White Walstings, in madras, linen
stripes, checks, etc., worth
16c to 20c yard, at, yard 1 2.Q
Black India Linon and Persian Lawns,
extra fine thread and quality goods,
sell regular at 12 Vic to 30c yard, la
three lots, at, yard, 12 Vic, 7 1
10c and . 2C
81x90 Seamless Bleached CC
Sheets, worth 75c, at DJC
Bleached Muslin, fine soft finish, free
from starch, worth 8 Vic rj
yard, at, yard 3C
The greatest bargain giving event of the entire season. Do
not neglect looking over our offerings before you buy. The entire
third floor front will be devoted to the display of the grandest
lot of bargains ever seen in Omaha. Come early.
$12 All Wool Art Squared, Q AO
ice 9x11, at O.JO
$11 All Wool Art Squares, 7 OQ
size 9x10 Vi, at. . . . t . . . I 0
$$0 Superior Axmlnstef
Rugs, Blze 9x12, at...
$30 Blgelow Electra Rugs,
size xl2, at
$30 Khorassan Axmlhiter
Rugs, else 9x12, at....
$25 Smith Axminster Rugs,
size 9x12, at
$25 Special Velvet Rugs,
size 9x11, at
Grand Dress Trimmings Sale
Monday we will place on sale a big special line of fancy and
plain Dress Trimmings, consisting of Fancy Gold and Silver
Novelty Braids, Pull Braids and Persian Bands and Edges,
divided into six big lots.
$30 Axminster Body Brus
sels Rugs, size 9x12, at. .
$18 High Swire Tapestry
Rug, size 9x12, at
$16 High Spire Tapestry
Rugs, size 8-3x10-6, at. .
$6.60 Bundah Wilton Rugs,
size 36x63. at
$22.50 Seamless Roxbury Tapestry
Brussels Rugs, 9x12. Jg qq
(20 Seamless Roxbury Tapestry
Brussels Rugs, 8-3x f nn
.10-6, at lO.UU
$46 Bagdad Wilton Rugs, "tr AA
. size 9X12, at J3.UU
.. 8.75
$40 Bagdad Wilton Rugs,
size 8-3x10-6, at
$35 Smith Wilton Rugs,
size 9x12, at
$25 Axminster Rugs, size
8-3x10-6 special ,
$12.60 High 8plr Tapestry
Rugs, size 6x9, at
$12 Scotch Brussels Rugs,
size 9x12, at
$8.50 Scotch Brussels Rugs,
size 6-9x9, at
$3.50 Axminster Rugs, size
27 Inches by 60 Inches, at
$4.60 Axminster Rugs, size
27x60, at
Sample Lace Curtains at Less Than Half
First lot, worth 5c per yard
Second lot, worth 10c per yard
Third lot, worth 15c per yard
The Leading Dress Goods House
Of the West
The largest stock, the greatest variety, the best goods made,
the lowest prices in this city
Fourth lot, worth 25c per yard
Fifth lot, worth 36c per yard,
only i ,
Sixth lot, worth 50c per yard
only . .
75c Corset Cover Embroideries 25c
This Is a brand new line, Just re
ceived, all new patterns and an ex
tra width, only a limited
quality in this lot
A manufacturer's sample line of Lace Curtains secured at a great bar
gain, h ui d piaeea on sale Monday at less than hair actual value.
75c Lace Curtains at
choice each
$1.00 Lace Curtains at
choice each
$1.25xLace Curtains at
f3 Allover Embroideries 08c Yard
' This is an exceptionally good bar
gain and in big demand for shirt
waists some pieces in this lot are
worth up to $3 per yard,
but all go at
choice each
We are sole Omaha (agents for the
Zlon City Lace Curtains and will make
special price reductions on these goods
$6.60 Zlon City Lace Cur- A CA
tains, special at pair. . . . T J U
$5 Zlon City Lace Cur- Z (f
tins, special at pair. .... J.)VJ
$3 Zion City Lace Cur- ) AA
tains, special at pair.... ..UU
China and Jap Mattings at,
yd., 80c, 25c, 18c and. . .
$2 Zlon City Lace Cur
tains, special at pair. ,
$1.50 Zlon City Lace Cur
tains, special at pair. .
Ingrain Stair Carpets at,
yd., 30c, 25c and
Good quality Oilcloth at
square yard
Easter Week Sale of Wash Goods i fl, Grade Wash Goods Dept.
25 pieces of 62-lnch Mohairs, in col
ors and black, fine luster, JA
$1 value C
35 pieces of checked, striped and
fancy Mohairs, goods valued IA.
at $1 and $1.25 tJC
100 pieces of Silk and Wool Eollennes,'
44 and 46 Inches wide, all plain
goods, sold at $1.25. $1.50 M Q
and $1.98 yard, Monday onlyj.C
Priestley's $1.25 black 60
lnch Panamas
Priestley's $1.50 and $1.93
Black Voiles
$1.50 new spring Rainproof s, 64 inches
wide, in all the new QO.
shades and designs, at JOC
Gray Worsteds, in all the' Bhades,
, grades and designs, at, yd, 1Crt
$1.98 down to. AjC
Mohairs, In cream, pink and ")P
blue, at $2.50 down to Z,DC
Serges, Henriettas, Batistes, Broad
cloths, Nuns' Veiling, Lansdownea,
Sublimes, etc., at, yard, 1 5 down to
$1, 75c, 69c, 89o 1C.
free to out-of-town, cus-
Bales every day la
Graydon Batiste, in all the new spring
shades, worth 12 Vic yard, 71,
at. yard
Cotton Dress Voiles, pretty patterns,
extra quality goods, selling regu
larly at 10c and 12 Vic yard, 71.
at. yard I
Quadrisse Organdies, in spring shades
and designs, worth up to tf
2 60 yard, at, yard 1UC
In the Great Domestic Room
Imperial Percale, in medium and light
shades, suitable for dresses or men's
shirts, worth 15c yard, at, JQg
Printed Batiste, fine quality, fast col
ors, spring shades, worth C
10c and 12 Vic yard, at, yd. . . . JC
Dress and Shirting Ginghams, extra
fine quality, worth 10c yard, C
at, yard DC
The average customer in Omaha has but little conception of the enormous
stock of high grade wash goods we carry, as it would take twenty times the
prcfceut fcpnee we occupy to properly display them. But we will be glad to
show them over the counter. Come In.
Special hourly
the week.
Groceries, Butter, Cheese,
Fresh Fruits and Fresh Vegetable Prices
At Omaha's Greatest Grocery Department
Grand Lace Sale Monday
"We have by far the largest and best selected stock of Laces
in the city, and our prices are always right. "We have secured the
sole agency for the Zion City Lace Works, the largest lace factory
in the world. Every yard warranted perfect or money refunded.
Fine Wide Oriental Laces, worth up
to $1.25 per yard, go at 39c. ni
25c. 15c, 12 Vic and iC
Pure linen hand made Real Torchons,
go at per yard 5o 11
and :C
French Vals and German Torchons,
go at per yard 60 11
and LiC
Zlon City Wash Laces, 25c,
10c, 7c and. r
$1.00 Sofa Pillow Ruffles 80c The
very latest novelty, a full 4Vi-yrd
strip, regular price $1, . T(
Monday only ;.. JJC
Grand Pearl Button sale Monday
per dozen c, 6c, 2 Vic
21 pounds Pure Cane Granulated
Sugar for $1.00
8 pounds best Rolled Oatmeal. . . .25c
7 pounds best Hand Picked Navy
Beans 25c
7 pounds Pearl Hominy, Farina or
Barley 25c
Jell-O or Bromangelon, pkg 7 He
1 lb. pkg. Mince Meat 5c
1-lb. cans Assorted Soups 5c
Oil Sardines, per can 8c
1-lb. can Fancy Alaska Salmon. . . .9c
Swedish Health Bread, lb 7 He
The best Soda or Oyster Crackers,
per pound 6c
Fancy California Prunes, lb 4c
Fancy 3-Crown Muscatel Raisins,
lb 7 He
Fancy-English Cleaned Currants,
lb 7Hc
Fancy Corsican Citron Peel, lb... 15c
Fancy Seeded Raisins, per pkg.. .7 He
Butter and Cheese Ibices.
Fancy Separator Creamery Butter,
equal to anything put up in park
ages for much higher prices, lb. .23c
Fancy New York White Cheese,
lb 15c
Fancy Wisconsin Cream Cheese. 12 He
Fancy Llmburger Cheese, lb. . . .12H
Fancy Wisconsin Brick Cheese,
lb 15c
Fancy Domestlo Swiss Cheese.. 17 He
Sap Sago Cheese, each 7 He
Roquefort Cheese, (Socrete brand),
lb SOo
Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Etc.
At Omaha's Greatest Fresh Fruit
Fancy Extra large Highland Navel
Oranges, worth 40c per dozen
this sale 25c
Large juicy Lemons, doz 12c
Large No. 1 English Walnuts, lb. 12 Ho
Two measures Fresh Roasted Pea
nuts 5c
Fresh Head Lettuce, each 5c
Fresh Cucumbers, each 5c
Fresh Spinach, per peck ..20c
Fresh California Asparagus, per
lb 20c
Two bunches fresh Radishes 5c
Fresh Beets, per bunch 5c
Fresh Carrots, per bunch 5c
Fresh Turnips, per bunch 5c
Fresh Shallot Onions, per bunch... 5c
Fresh Pieplant, per lb 6c
Fresh Parsley, per bunch 8c
Organdies Carreux, finest
from France
Organdies Lino, finest from
Poplin, all Bhades. as fine
as silk
Panamas, all plain
Silk Cords, most beautiful
Gros Grain Silk, 36 Inches
Banzla 811k, one hundred
Silk Moussellnes, yard, 60c
39c, 25c and
Wm. Anderson's Scotch Ging
hams, 26c. 19c and
Amoskeag Dress Ging
French Percales
Domestic Percales
Serpentine Crepe 12'C
.. lie
Galatea Cloth
Manchester Chambrays,
12 Vic, 10c and
Other goods at equally low prices for
Monday, and we will have several halt
hour sales during the week.
Samples to out-of-town customers
sent free.
Flannel Department
45c extra fine White Wool
Flannel at, yard
39c Fancy Scotch Shirting
Flannel at, yard
15c Drapery Sateens at,
18c Drapery Cretonne at,
Full size Bed Spreads, extra heavy.
Marseilles patterns, worth A
$1, each
Regular $1.60 extra large size and ex
tra heavy knotted frtpge, fine
Marseilles patterns, y f?
each l.ZiD
$2 Colored Bed Spreads, lnrge size and
extra heavy knotted fringe, beauti
ful patterns, at,
$2.50 genuine Marseilles Bed Spreads,
beautiful patterns, f fl
each I. Oil
Extra good and extra slzo A f
Crochet Bed Spreads, each. . .JC
1 1
osss' as? &sk. ffiSS? miff